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Notifies NRC of Change in Regulatory Commitments Associated with Submittal Date for Update of Application SAR Chapter 3.Specifics of Commitment Changes of Listed
Person / Time
Site: Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Issue date: 09/24/1999
From: Toelle S
To: Kane W
GDP-99-0172, NUDOCS 9909300215
Download: ML20212H125 (4)


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USEC A Global Energy Company September 24,1999 GDP 99-0172 Mr. William F. Kane Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Attention: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conimission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP)

Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS)

Docket Nos. 70-7001 & 70-7002

- Notification of Change in Regulatory Commitment - Change to the Chapter 3 Update Submittal Date

Dear Mr. Kane:

The purpose of this letter is to notify the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) of a change in regulatory commitments associated with the submittal date for the update of the Application SAR Chapter 3 (Chapter 3 Update). These commitments were made in USEC letters GDP 97-0147 and GDP 97-0148 which submitted Certificate Amendment Requests (CAR's) containing the Updates to the Application Safety Analysis Reports (SARUPs) for PGDP and PORTS. The specifics of these commitment changes are provided below.


in USEC letters GDP 97-0147 and GDP 97-0148, USEC committed to review, update, and confirm information in the Application SAR Chapter 3 no later than October 31,1999. On March 30,1998, USEC submitted a Certificate Amendment Request (Reference 1) which proposed to add this commitment as a condition to the Certificates of Compliance (GDP-1 and GDP-2) for each plant.

The proposed condition for PGDP stated that "The United States Enrichment Corporation shall review, update, and confirm the information in Chapter 3, " Facility and Process Description," of the

- Application Safety Analysis Report (SAR), as described in letter GDP 97-0147 dated August 18,

.I 1997, and shall submit changes to this chapter to the NRC by October 31,1999. By October 31, I

i 2000, USEC shall submit to the NRC necessary and related changes to the SAR Update originally


submitted by letter dated October 31,1997 (GDP 97-0188)."

7 990930G215 990924 PDR ADOCK 0700 1,

6403 Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD 20817 1818 0i Telephor.c 301-564-3200 Fax 301-564-3201 herp:// l'

. Offices in i.ivumore, CA Paducah, KY Portsmouth, OH Washington. DC


r; Mr. William F. Kane -

September 24,1999 '

GDP 99-0172, Page 2 i

_A similar condition was also proposed for PORTS which referenced the appropriate PORTS letter numbers transmitting the August 18,1997 (GDP 97-0148) and October 31,1997 (GDP 97-0189)

Updates to the Application Safety Analysis Report.

Description of the Revised Commitment

. The revised commitment for PGDP is as follows:

"The United States Enrichment Corporation shall review, update, and confirm the information in Chapter 3, " Facility and Process Description," of the Application Safety Analysis Report (SAR), as described in letter GDP 97-0147 dated August 18,1997, and shall submit changes to this chapter to the NRC by April 28,2000. By December 31,2000, USEC shall submit to the NRC necessary and related changes to the SAR Update originally I

submitted by letter dated October 31,1997 (GDP 97-0188)."

The revised commitment for PORTS is as follows:

"The United States Enrichment Corporation shall review, update, and confirm the information in Chapter 3, " Facility and Process Description," of the Application Safety I

Analysis Report (SAR), as described in letter GDP 97-0148 dated August 18,1997, and shall submit changes to this chapter to the NRC by April 28,2000. By December 31,2000, USEC shall submit to the NRC necessary and related changes to the SAR Update originally submitted by letter dated Octc,ber 31,1997 (GDP 97-0189)."

Jusij(ication for Revised Commitment A:tivities asmciated with preparation of the Chapter 3 Update sections in accordance with the project guidelines has required more time than originally anticipated. Satisfying these project guidelines is necessary to ensure that the information contained within the Chapter 3 Update sections meets USEC's expectations. In addition, the original commitment date for submittal of necessary and related changes to SARUP which result from the Chapter 3 Update activities has also been revised.-_ However, the original duration for performing and submitting these SARUP changes has been reduced since the Chapter 3 Update activities performed to date have not identified a significant number of changes which are required to be incorporated into the SARUP submittal.

During the Chapter 3 Update activities, discrepancies between the facility and process descriptions

contained in Application SAR Chapter 3 and the as-found conditions in the plant have been i

identified. Discrepancies between the Application SAR and as-found conditions in the plant are processed in accordance with plant procedures to ensure continued safe operation until the J

U i

. Mr. William F. Kane September 24,1999.

GDP 99-0172, Page 3 discrepancy is ultimately resolved. Discrepancies found in the Application SAR Chapter 3 will continue to be processed in accordance with plant procedures until the Chapter 3 Update activities


are completed. As a result, the requested extension to complete the Chapter 3 Update and submit this update to NRC has no safety significance.

To support this commitment change, USEC intends to submit a Certificate Amendment Request which will revise the proposed date for submittal of the Chapter 3 Update previously submitted in the referenced letter. This Certificate Amendment Request will replace the previous Certificate Amendment Request and will be submitted to NRC by October 8,1999.

Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mark Smith at (301) 564-3244.

. Commi ments contained in this submittal are identified in Enclosure 1.


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5. A.

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Steven A.Toelle o

Nuclear Regulatory Assurance and Policy Manager


Letter from James H. Miller (USEC) to Dr. Carl J. Paperiello (NRC), " Certificate Amendment Request-1lew Condition to the Certificates of Compliance," Letter No.

GDP 98-0059, March 30,1998.


Commitments Contained in this Submittal cc:

Robert Pierson, NRC liq Patrick liiland, NRC Region III Office.

Kenneth O'Brien, NRC Resident inspector - PGDP David Hartland, NRC Resident inspector - PORTS Randall M. DeVault (DOE) i



GDP 99-0172 Page1of1

~ COM~MITMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS SUBMITTAL USEC will submit c Certificate Amendment Request to revise the proposed date for submittal of the Chapter 3 Update. This Certificate Amendment Request will be submitted to NRC by October 8,1999.