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Provides Addl Changes to SAR Update Certificate Amend Request,Containing Changes That Resulted from re-evaluation of Autoclave head-to-shell O-ring Leakage Analysis Provided by DOE SAR Repts
Person / Time
Site: Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Issue date: 10/15/1999
From: Toelle S
To: Kane W
Shared Package
ML20217M390 List:
GDP-99-0174, NUDOCS 9910270211
Download: ML20217M386 (4)



s u

f USEC A Global Energy Company October 15,1999 GDP 99-0174 Mr. William F. Kane Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Attention: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001


Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP) '

Docket No. 70-7001 Certificate Amendment Request - Update the Application Safety Analysis Report - Proposed Changes

Dear Mr. Kane:

By letter dated October 31,1997 (Reference 1), USEC submitted a certificate amendment request (CAR) containing the Safety Analysis Report Update (SARUP) required by Issue 2 of DOE /ORO-2026," Plan for Achieving Compliance with NRC Regulations at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant," (the Complicuice Plan) for NRC review and approval. By letters dated March 31,1998 (Reference 2), October 19,1998 (Reference 3), November 6,1998 (Reference 4),

joly 1,1999 (Reference 5), July 16,1999 (Reference 6), August 17,1999 (Reference 7), and August 31,1999 (Reference 8), USEC submitted proposed changes to the SARUP certificate amendment request. This letter provides additional changes to the SARUP certificate amendment request.

' Specifically, this submittal contains SARUP changes that resulted from the re-evaluation of the autoclave head-to-shell 0-ring leakage analysis provided by DOE SARUP reports. The original commitment to perform this review is contained in Table 1, Item 8 of Reference 1. A notification of a change in the original commitment due date is contained in Reference 9. This re-evaluation f,4 found that the SARUP autoclave models used to assess autoclave conditions during a proposed accident were overly conservative with respect to predicting temperatures and pressures. ~New release rates were calculated based on two different hole location cases. While the new release rates are slightly higher than those presented previously in the SARUP, they are insignificant with respect to the release rates calculated for the respective bounding accident.

l The re-evaluation determined that the basic conclusions ibr the applicable accident analysis scenario do not change in that (1) the release is still bounded; and (2) the release from the closed autoclave would be maintained below Evaluation Guidelines for this type of accident. Additional infomiation is provided in Enclosure 2.

9910270211 991015

'PDR ADOCK 07007001 x


t,ethesda, MD 20817-1818 Telephone 301-564-3200 Fax 301-564-3201 j

Offices in Livermore, CA Paducah, KY Portsmouth, OH Washington, DC L



Mr. William F. Kane LOctober 15,1999 GDP 99-0174, Page 2 Enclos' re 2 to tHs letter provides a detailed description of the proposed changes. Revised SARUP u

pages are provided in Enclosure 3. Revisions are noted by a revision bar in the left-hand margin for the SARUP sections.

Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to Mark Smith at (301) 564-3244. There are no new commitments contained in this submittal.

I Sincerely, i

S. A.

ll l

Steven A.Toelle"


Nuclear Regulatory Assurance and Policy Manager


1. Letter from James H. Miller (USEC) to Dr. Carl J. Paperiello (NRC), Certificate


.. Amendment Request - Update the Application Safety Analysis Report, USEC Letter GDP 97-0188, October 31,1997.

2. Letter from George P. Rifakes-(USEC) to Dr. Carl J. Paperiello (NRC),

Certificate Amendment Request - Update the Application Safety Analysis Report

- Proposed Changes, USEC Letter GDP 98-0064, March 31,1998.

3.. Letter from Steven A. Toelle (USEC) to Dr. Carl J. Paperiello (NRC), Certificate Amendment Request - Update the Application Safety Analysis Report - Proposed Changes, USEC Letter GDP 98-0219, October 19,1998.

4, Letter from Steven A. Toelle (USEC) to Dr. Carl J. Paperiello (NRC), Certificate Amendment Request - Update the Application Safety Analysis Report - Proposed.

i Changes, USEC Letter GDP 98-0235, November 6,1998.

5. Letter from Steven A. Toelle (USEC) to Dr. Carl J. Paperiello (NRC), Certificate Amendment Request - Update the Application Safety Analysis Report - Proposed Changes Associated with the Cascade and Balance of Plant Facilities, USEC Letter GDP_99-0102, July 1,1999.
6. Letter from Steven A. Toelle (USEC) to Dr. Carl J. Paperiello (NRC), Certificate

- Amendment Request - Update the Application Safety Analysis Report - Proposed Changes Associated with the Feed, Toll Transfer, and Sampling Facilities. USEC Letter GDP 99-0117, July 16,1999, i

r; p


Mr. William F. Kane October 15,1999 GDP 99-0174, Page 3 i

7. ~ Letter from Steven A. Toelle (USEC) to Dr. Carl J. Paperiello (NRC), Certificate Amendment Request - Update the Application Safety Analysis Report - Proposed Changes, USEC Letter GDP 99-0126, August 17,1999.
8. Letter from Steven A. Toelle (USEC) to Dr. Carl J. Paperiello (NRC), Certificate Amendment Request - Update the Application Safety Analysis Report - Proposed Changes, USEC Letter GDP 99-0155, August 31,1999.
9. Letter from Steven A. Toelle (USEC) to Dr. Carl J. Paperiello (NRC), Certificate Amendment Request - Notification of Change in Regulatory Commitments, USEC Letter GDP 99-0098, June 17,1999.


1. Oath and Affirmation
2. United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC), Proposed Changes, Certificate Amendment Request, Update the Application Safety Analysis Report, Detailed Description of Change

. 3. Proposed Change _s, Certificate Amendment Request, Safety Analysis Report Update, Insertion / Removal Instructions, October 8,1999 cc: Robert C. Pierson, NRC Special Projects Branch

' Patrick L. Hiland, NRC Region III

. David llartland, NRC Resident inspector - PORTS Kenneth O' Brien, NRC Resident inspector - PGDP Randall M. DeVault, DOE Regulatory Oversight Manager j


3 OATH AND AFFIRMATION I, Steven A. Toelle, swear and affirm that I am the Nuclear Regulatory Assurance and Policy i

Manager of the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC), that I am authorized by USEC to sign and file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission these proposed changes to the Safety Analysis Report Update for the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, as described in GDP 99-0174, that I am familiar with the contents thereof, and that the statements made and matters set forth therein are true and correct to the besi of my knowledge, information, and belief.


s. A l,J/

Steven A.Toelle On this 15th day of October 1999, the individual signing above personally appeared before me, is known by me to be the person whose name is subscribed to within the instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

In witness hereofI hereunto set my hand and official seal.

l1 Y

[ State of Maryland, Montgomery County

' net hf Boothe, Notary Dublic My commission expires June 23,2003 I

l l