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Rev 73 to OP-417, Containment Operating Procedure
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/16/1997
NUDOCS 9710220220
Download: ML20198J914 (90)


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Document Trans nittal #. 72238 Date: - 10/16/97 TC: NRC RE81NSPECTOR MAC: NA21 Destination:


Copy Copy Totals Document: Revision: Comment: # INFO CNTL MSTR OPO417 73 8 1 0 0 f Dl /


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NA1C I 'i Florida Powei Corporation J () *1 'l '

Dxument Control, NA1C l'jlll 4

Crystal Rrver Ermgy Complex ll11111 f" -llfl Nilj?l, ik Iiijlplllilsf 15760 W. Power Line St.

Crystal River, FL 34428-6708 Signature of Addressee: Date:

9710220220 971016 T PDR ADOCK 05000302; P PDR;,




/O[h Effective Date INFORMATION -

< ONLY >


,4 c DATE: '




INTERPRETATION CONTACT: Manager, Nuclear Plant Operations Support ,

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() ION E&GE ,

1.0 PUR PO S E . . . . . . : . . . , . . : . . ' . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . . - . 1


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2.1 INPLEMENTIhm REFERENCES . . . . .-. . . . . . . . . .- 2 2.2 DEVELOPNENTAL REFERENCES ............. 2 3.0 PERSONNEL INDOCTRINATION ................... 4 3.1 SETP0INIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3. 2. LINITS JUE) PRECAUTl0NS ............... 5 4.0 INSTRUCTIONS .......................... 10 4

4.1 CONTAINNENT ACCESS (CAT. 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 10


-(CAT. 3) ...................... 13 4.3 PENETRATION COOLING SYSTEN STARTUP (CAT. 1) ... . 15

() 4.4 4.5 REACTOR BLDG COOLING AND VENTILATION (CAT. 2) . ,. 17 l REACTOR BLDG PURGE (CAT. 1) . ............ 23 4.5.27 Securina Reactor Buildina Purae . . . . . . 32 4.5.28 Temporary Shut Down Of RB Purae . .... 32 4.6 REACTOR BLDG EDUALIZATION OR NINI PURGE SUPPLY WITH STATION AIR (CAT. 1) . ............. 36 4.7 RB PRESSURE E00ALIZATION/ MINI-PURGE UNDER. '


. (CAT. 1) .................. .., 47


-4.10 ' ALIGNNENT OF 'A HYDR 0 GEN ANALYZER TO STANDBY N0DE (CAT. 2) ..................... 58 4.11- ALIGNNENT 0F "B" HYDR 0 GEN ANALYZER TO STA!!DBY L MODE (CAT.- 2) . ................... 60.

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1 Chilled Tater System, Valve Check List I ........... 66 2 Leak Rate, Valve Check List II ................ 67 3 Containment Access Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 4 Reactor Building Hydrogen Concentration After LOCA ...... '72 5 Purge Rate Calculation .................... 73 6 Purge Rate Requirements After LOCA .............. 74

'7 Air Compressor Vendors .................... 75 8 Penetration Cooling, Valve Check List III . . . . . . . . . . . 76 9 RM-Al Channel Check Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 10 Reactor Building Temperature String Accuracy ......... 79 11 Reactor Buildina Entry P' ing Form ............. 80 12 Purge Restart . . . . . . .................. 83 O

v OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 11

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1.0 PURPOSE' ,

O 1.1 To provide instructions for operating various Containment' Systems.

1.2 -To provide' methads of purging or equalizing pressure in RB. .

.l.3 To provide a means to control the access of personnel into the

. Containment Building and to provide for a means of personnel accountability for those individuals inside the Containment -



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2.1 IMPLEMENTING REFERENCES 2.1.1 Technical Specifications 2.1.2 Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM)

'2.1.3 SP-430, Containment Air Locks Seal Leakage Test 2.1.4 SP-324, Contaiament Inspection 2.1.5 S5-207, Access Control 2.1.6 OP-417A, Industrial Cooling System 2.1.7 PT-335, RM-Al Interlock with LRV Valves 2.1.8 EM-308. Post Accident Monitoring of the Reactor Building Atmosphere U ing the Containment Hydrogen Monitoring System 2.1.9 OP 409, Plant Ventilation Systems 2.2 DEVELOPMENTAL REFEREELS L]

2.2.1 EM-308, Post Accident Monitoring of the Reactor Building Atmosphere Using the Containment Hydrogen Monitoring System 2.2.2 SP-701, Radiation Monitoring System Surveillanca Program 2.2.3 FD-302-722, Reactor Bldg. Leak Rate Testing System and Hydrogen Purge 2.2.4 FD-302-723, Post-Accident Venting 3ystem 2.2.5 FD-302-756, Chilled Water System 2.2.6 FD-302-601, Nuclear Services Closed Cycle Cooling System 2.2.7 FD-302-755, Reactor Building Penetration Cooling System 2.2.8 Al-1805, Permit Required Confined Space Program 2.2.9 FD-302-693, Containment Monitoring System

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2.2.10- FD 302-751,- Reactor Building, Fuel Handling Area and Auxiliary-Building Ventilation System 2.2.11 .FD-302-271, Instrument and House Service Air System

-2,2.12 NRC Generic Letter 88-17 2.2.13- EQ #90-2525 (100 #LFH90 0084, dated 4 October 1990) Post Accident Hydrogen Purge Connections 2.2.14 PR 92-0007 Low SW System Temperature

, 2.2.15 Engir eering Analysis M94-0029, Total Integrated Dose to LR-82-FI and LR-Bi-FI L2.2.16 REA 93-0926, Simultaneous Operation of AHF-1 Fans 4 2.2.17 N0E 96-0179, FSAR and ITS Bases revision (50.59)


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3. I'. ! RB High Pressure Alarm 2 PSIG 3[1.2 RB Automatic Isolation 4 PSIG' 3.1.3 RB Purge System Auto o .High Radiation on RM Al (Gas)

Isolation o combustibles or High Temps in Supply or Exhaust Ducts o High TuiP of 135'F in Exhaust Ducts 3.1.4 Intake Air Controller Outdoor air TEMP is < 50*T closes Outside Air Damper, O- ANQ opens Turbine. Room Air O Damper to Penetration Cooling Fans 3.1.5 RB Purge Supply Fan Recirculation Setpoints AH-551-DPT AHD-92 position Input Output (inches H20) (Control Air)

Closed 5" 3 PSIG

. 1/3 Open 12" 7.PSIG 2/3 Open 19" 11 PSIG Open 26" 15 PSIG 3.1.6 High temperature alarm for. 175'F RB fan bearings trended'by AH-1003-TIR 3.1. 7.. RB-Temperature High Alarm 122*F

.0P-417 Rev. 73 Page 4

-3.2 LIMITS AND PRECAUTIONS LIMIT BASIS-3.2.1 Removal of the RE Equipment.; Minit:ize the possibility of an -

Hatch shall have the unmonitored airborne radioactive concurrence of the Health- release. Commitment 02948 Physics Supervisor

3. 2.' 2 In Modes 5 &'6 the Minimize the possibility of an

-Equipment Hatch shall unmonitored airborne radioactive normally be maintained in release. Commitment 02948 an installed (but not fully-bolted) position except when required to be open for equipment movement to and from RB 3.2.3 Whenever purge exhaust from Minimize-the possibility of an the RB is terminated, the unmonitored airborne radioactive Equipment Hatch and at' release. Commitment 02948 (A least one Personnel Air Lock door (or a temporary door) shall be closed to restrict air flow out of RB..

3.2.4 The requirements of the Minimize the possibility of an

- Off-site Dose Calculation unmonitored airborne radioactive Manual shall be met prior release to opening both doors on the Personnel and Equipment Hatches 3.2.5 Health Physics Supervision -Commitment 02948 shall be notified any time -

purge ventilation flow is lost when the Equipment Hatch is not installed n

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. 3.2 LIMITS A M PRECAU110NS_(Cont'd)

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LIMIT ~ BASIS 3.2.6 The. Equipment Hatch shall_ Minimize the possibility of an 4

-be closed during any unmonitored airborne radioactive i activity which has the release. Commitment 02948 potential to cause a 4 significant airborne release,.as determined by the Health Physics- -i Supervisor 3.2.7 Theeqbipmenthatchshall Minimize the potential for an 1

i be installed within 2.5 unmonitored airborne radioactive hours of either: release. Commitment 95313 l a) Loss of decay heat I removal b) Reactor Vessel level '

<129'6" l Maintenance personnel should be available at all times to install the hatch O.

V whenever it is removed 3.2.8 All containment Minimize the potential for an penetrations-to outside unmonitored airborne radioactive atmosphere shall be capable release. Commitment 95313 of being closed within 2.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> upon a loss of decay _

heat removal i

3.2.9 The Containment Evacuation Minimize the potential for personnel Alarm shall be: sounded if injury or overexposure. Commitment the Reactor trips while 02948 personnel are in containment

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l 3.2 LIMITS AND PRECAllTIONS (Cont'd) g s

LIMIT BASIS 3.2.10 Maintain an RB temperature Precludes brittle fracture of of 2 70*F on the 95' pressurized core flood tanks clavation when the CFTs are pressurized above 140 PSIG 3.2.11 Maintain RB air temperature 1. FSAR/EDBD minimum design RB as follows: temperature

1. At or above 60'F 2. The Environmental and Seismic during plant shutdowns Qualification Program Manual (3.2.10 permitting) (ESQPM) uses 70*F as a design input in determining temperature
2. At or above 70'F effects applicable to during instrument instrumentation calibrations and calibration setpoint determinations. The 70*F requirement ensures design inputs utilized and specified by design calculations are

,, maintained in order to keep the plant within analyzed conditions (v) 3.2.12 When RB temperatures Optimum average RB temperature during permit, it is desirable to full power operation is approximately operate fans in slow speed ll5'F. This target temperature is to minimize wear of fan based on sufficient margin from the bearings high temperature alarm (122*F) and increased thermal efficiency by less thermal losses to ambient at ll5'F versus 110*F 3.2.13 AHV-1A or AHV-1B must not Maintain duct work structural be opened during integrity post-accident purging operations 3.2.14 AHV-1A through AHV-lD shall NRC Commitment (40429) not be opened in Modes 1 through 4 l


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l 3.2 L1MITS AND PRECAUT!)]Q (Cont'd)

LIMIT BASIS 3.2.15 Operation of the RB chiller Vendor manual flow limitation on the for " MECHANICAL" cooling chiller evaporator (CIHE-4A) maximum mode limits the number of flow rate-RB fan coolers in service to two of three. In " FREE" mode, with the RB chiller valved out, this limit is removed -

3.2.15 The non ES selected RB Main Post LOCA design basis of the SW Fan Assembly shall be OFF System assumes only 2 RB Fans are in with its associated cooling service water valves manually isolated 3.2.17- RB components should be o AHF Fan Bearings < 175'F maintained within normal 1. Jf any RB Fan Bearing reaches limits 175'F, L IliG notify NPTS for guidance

2. If any RB FAN Bearing reaches 210*F, Il.{@ shutdown the associated fan o Penetrations < 200*F o Reactor Nozzles and Seal Ring

< 200*F 3.2.18 JE breathing air is lost to Personnel safety the personnel hatch, It[G remove the bolts to the emergency air flange located to the right of the hatch door on the AB side

-3.2.19 Lower-H2 concentration . . Minimize the potential for fire or flammability limit is 4.1% explosion by volume with. maximum allowable H2 concentration p in the RB of 3.5% by volume v

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3.2.20 for work located-in- ALARA Radiation Controlled Areas, due consideration must be

. given to the ALARA program.

This may result in a determination that special-precautions and/or preparations are necessary 3.2.21- The following AHF 1A and Motor stator and rotor winding AHF-1B motor start insulation damage may result from guidelines should be repeated starts due to heat buildup observed under normal from full starting inrush current operating conditions:

9 No more than two consecutive starts from ambient (cold) conditions.

The motor must have time to come to a corglete stop (1

'% MINUTE) before second start attempt With the motor at operating temperature: I consecutive start. If the motor trips on the restart, the 45 minute wait specified below applies. The motor must be running for 15 minutes in order to reach operating temperature With motor standing--between starts!' 45 minutes. apart Starts should not average more than 6 per day throughout tie life of the motor i

v OP-417 , Rev. 73 Page 9 u* Y W 7 -r "- 4- r -

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NOTE: Consideration should be given to' limiting use of PA system '

while entry is in progress.

4.1.1 for containment entries o Refer to Enclosure 11 performed in Modes 1 through 4, pre-planning meeting (s)-should be held utilizing the RB Entry Planning Forms 1 Initial /Date 4.1, ? If in Mode-1 through 4, NSM or DNPO Approval IHEN verify the requirements cf Caclosure 3 are satisfied

.(~ QB obtain approval from the NSM or DNPO for any


requirements not met initial /Date 4.1.3 Obtain the SS00s authorization to perform the RB Entry

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Shift Supervisor on Duty /Date/ Time i



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O ACTIONS ~ DETAILS 4.1.4 IE-in Modes 1 - 4 - o People have' entered the RB E Notify the Control o People have exited the RB Room prior to the first initial . entry A M when all-people have exited the Containment /

building Initial /Date 4.1.5 .lf in Mode 1, 2, 3, or 4, o Refer to SP-430-

&@ multiple RB entries are required, M -Perform Air Lock Test at least every 72 Hrs


Initial /Date 4.1.6 M all personnel have o Rx Aux Bus 3A, Breaker 3D

/' exited the RB, E ensuie RB lighting is-secured by opening the feeder breaker for ACDP-16 /

Initial /Date 4.1.7 M all personnel have Perform, or verify performance, of exited the RB, the applicable sections of SP-324 E ensure SP-324, Containment Instection, as determined Containment Inspection, has by the SSOD been properly performed


Initial /Date 4.1.8 m all personnel have Perform applicable sections of SP-exited the RB, 430, Containment Air Locks Seal M perform Personnel Air Leakage Test, as determined by the Lock tests, as required SS00


Initial /Date

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-. Q ACTIONS DETAILS-4.1.9 If the portable ~ 15. Ton air conditioner was rurining for the RB entry, Ef3 secure the unit /

-Initial /Date 4.1.10 1E LOT-4A/4B were pumped o Turb Aux Bus 3A,' Breaker 58 down,

~ ' Ef3 ensure that the transfer pump power has

- been secured by opening the feeder for ACDP-3,. . /

otherwise N/A Initial /Date 9


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. 0P-417- Rev. 73 Page 12

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. -4.2 M985eLJHLEMERGENCY ACCESS AIR LOCK OPERATION (CAT. 3) b'" ACTIONS DETAILS 4.2.1 Ensure entry is authorized NOTE: Outer and Inner Doors are mechanically interlocked to prevent ,

both from being opened at same time.

NOTE: IE pressure differential exist, the handwheel will be hard to turn. Wait until air rush ceases, IHEN handwheel operation uninterrupted. DO NOT FORCE MAN 0 WHEEL.

4.2.2 Ensure Inner Door is closed o Rotate Lower Handwheel and latched, (from outside = 5-1/2 turns, clockwise ReactorBldg) -

4. 2.3 - Open Outer Door from o Rotate Upper Handwheel O outside Reactor Bldg = 5-1/2 turns, V counterclockwise 4.2.4 Close and lock Outer Door o Rotate Left Handwheel = 5-1/2 from inside Air Lock turns, clockwise
4. 2. 5. Open Inner Door from inside o Rotate Right Handwheel Air Lock = 5-1/2 turns, clockwise 4.2.6 Close Inner Door from o Rotate Upper Handwheel inside Reactor Bldg = 5-1/2 turns, counterclockwise 4;2.7 EHEH desired to Exit Reactor Bldg, -

IHEN GO TO Step 4.2.8 y


l OP-417 -Rev. 73 Page 13

l 3. *-

4.2- NORMAL AND ENERGENCY ACCESS AIR LOCK OPERATION (CAT._11 (Cont'd) l ' ,q V' ACTIONS' DETAILS 4.2.8 Ensure Outer Door is closed o .,_ Rotate Lower Handwheel and latched, = 5-1/2 turns,-

ReactorBldg)(frominside counterclockwise b

4.2.9 Open inner Door from inside o Rotate Upper Handwheel Reactor Bldg = 5-1/2 turns, clockwise -

4.2.10 Close and lock inner Door o Rotate Right Handwhev from inside Air Lock = 5-1/2 turns, counterclockwise 4.2.11- Open Outer Door from inside o Rotate Left Handwheel = 5-1/2 Air Lock turns, co9nterclockwise 4.2.12 Close Outer Door from o Rotate Upper Handwheel outside Reactor Bldg = 5-1/2 turns, clockwise O

OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 14


ACTIONS DETAILS NOTES Air-flow must be maintained to the penetration cooling coils to prevent. concrete temperature exceeding 200*F.

4 4.3.l. Ensure 'all required systems o Chilled Water from Control 1 are available for operation- _ Complex Chillers.

of Penetration Cooling o Instrument Air from Turbine System Bldg loop 119' elev is available o Power for Ventilation MCC 3A and 38, Intermediate Bldg.,_

119' elev


Initial /Date 4.3.2- Align Chilled Water valves o Perform Enclosure 1 to Penetration Cooling o ._, Pen orm Enclosure 8

- Coils and align penetration cooling valves- _ _ _ /

Initial /Date 4.3.3 Start a Penetration Cooling o ' START AHF-9A Fan gg START AHF-9B


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ACTIONS DETAILS 4.3.4 Verify cooling air to 1. Check:the-fcilowing penetrations:

required penetrations o MSL Penetration #105 o MSL Penetration #106 o MSL Penetration #107. '

o MSL Penetration #201 o- MFW Penetration #108 o MFW Penetration #423 o PZR Sample Line Penetration

  1. 439 o OTSG Sample'Line Penetration
  1. 440 o OTSG Sample Line Penetration '
  1. 441 o DH Outlet Penetration #344 if required during DHR mode o DH Return Penetration "A"
  1. 343 '

o DH Return Penetration "B"

  1. 342


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ACTIONS DETAILS NOTE: Operation of the RB chiller for 'NECHANICAL" cooling mode limits the number of R8 fan coolers in service to two of three. In " FREE" mode, with the chiller valved out, this limit is removed.

4.4.1 Ensure Industrial Cooling o Refer to OP-417A, Industrial System is aligned and Cooling System operating


Initial /Date NOTE: This step ensures that SW design flow analysis assumptions are maintained.

4.4.2 The RB Nain fans may only o AHF-1A and AHF-1B ES selected with be run in the following AHF-lC shutdown and its cooling n alignment: water manually isolated U /

Initial /Date NOTE: AHF-lc may not be aligned as an ES selected fan.

4.4.3 Ensure two RB Main Fan o Place the "RB FAN ES A SELECT" Assemblies for ES start switch in ES ACT RELAY Cabinet 4D and the "RB FAN ES B SELECT" switch in ES ACT RELAY Cabinet SD in the following configuration:

Cab #4D Cab #5D AHF-1A AND AHF-18


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O . ACTIONS DETAILS-4.4.4- Open the SW-inlet-and IE starting AHF-1A Open:

outlet valvas on fans to be o SWV-35 inlet to AHF-1A started o- SWV-41 outlet to AHF 1A If starting AHF-1B Open:

o SWV-37 inlet to AHF-18 o SWV-43 outlet to AHF-1B

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Initial /Date

'f 4.4.5 Start Reactor Building Main o Controls located on MCB-ES Panel Fan Assemblies as required o Start RB Main Fan Assemblies as required in SLOW / FAST to maintain-Reactor Building temperature per Limits & Precautions 3.2.12:

START AHF-1A START AHF-1B bv Initial /Date 4.4.6 Monitor RB Fan Bearing o Bearing temperatures are-trended Temperatures as required on AH-1003-TIR o High alarm is at 175'F o IE any RB Fan Bearing reaches 175'F, E notify NPTS for guidance o IE any RB Fan Bearing reaches 210'F, E shutdown the associated fan


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O ACTIONS DETAILS 4.4.7 Ensure the SW outlet valve o- SWV-4! outlet to AHF-1A on idle tans are closed: o SWV-43 outlet to AHF-1B o SWV 45-outlet to AHF-lC


Initial /Date 4.4.8 Start one of two Reactor 1. Ensure cooling water is available Cavity Cooling Fans, as for selected Reactor Cavity required Cooling fan:

For AHF-2A OPEN CIV-34 OPEN CIV-35 Start CIP-3A For AHF-2B OPEN CIV-40 -

OPEN CIV-41 Start CIP-3B o Start 1 of 2 fans:


'd START AHF-28 Select Idle Fan Control switch to NORMAL-AFTER-STOP position


Ir.itial/Date 4.4.9 Start one of two Reactor o Controls located on MCB-HVAC Panel Bldg Steam Generator o Start 1 of 2-fans:

Cooling Fans, as required START AHF-4A-START AHF-4B o Select Idle Fan Control switch to NORMAL-AFTER-STOP position


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'p-v OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 19


O ACTIONS DETAILS 4.4.10  : Start two of two Reactor o Controls located on MCB-HVAC- Panel Bldg Air-Supply Fans o Start 2 of 2 fans:

START AHF-3A START AHF-3B o Ensure RMA-6 valve lineup is t correct:

JE AHF-3B is running, It!B --



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Initial /Date

. 4.4.11- If additional Reactor 1. PERFORM fan start be] inning with Building cooling is Step 4.4..


O' Ili@ start the standby RB RETURN T0 this step
2. Ensure the following RB Main Fan Main Fan Assembly Assemblies are running:



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\d ACTIONS- DETAILS NOTE: During Modes 5 or 6 with RCP SW flow isolated, operation of SWP-1C is normally sufficient to provide flow for the R8 Main Fans. If operation of RB Main 1. If additional SW flow will be Fans on SW cooling is required, desired, IHEN ensure an emergency SW pump IBEN transfer RB Main Fans is running to SW cooling SWP-1A QB SWP-1B

2. Perform the following valve alignment:

Close the following:

o Close SUV-152 o Close SWV-355 o Close SWV-151 Open the following:

l' .


o Open SWV-353 o Open SWV-354-


Initial /Date 4.4.12 IE additional Reactor 1. Ensure CI system is in operation Building cooling is No per OP-417A, Industrial Cooling longer required, System IBEN transfer RB Main Fans 2,. Perform the following valve to CI cooling alignment:

Close the following:

o SWV-353 o .SWV-354 Open the following:

o SWV-152 o SWV-355 o SWV-151

3. Restore SWP's per SS00


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'4.4.13- If- additional RB component - o Refer to 0P-409, Section 4.12 temperature trends are desired, 1818 request I&C to connect

-temperature elements-to AH 1003-TIR; otherwise N/A /

Initial /Date s

4.4.14. If desired to shutdown 1, Stop the desired AHF AHF-1A or AHF-1B; AHF-1A IBIN stop desired AHF AHF-1B AND ensure its associated- 2. Ensure associated cooling water SW cooling water outlet outlet _ valve goes closed - one valve goes closed minute after shutdown SWV-41 outlet to AHF-1A SWV-43 outlet to AHF-1B


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C' ACTIONS DETAILS CAUTION: AHV-1A thru ID shall not be pen

                                                                              • o in Modes I thru 4.
                                                        • n NOTE: AHD-92, RB Purge Supply Fan Recirculation Damper will automatically open in the event AHV-lC and/or AHV-ID closes.

Extended operation of the RB Purge Supply Fans in the recirculation mode is not recomended.

4.5.1 Notify Chemistry to o Ensure Chemistry submits GRWRP to generate GRWRP for Reactor Operations when sampling and Bldg Purge analysis are completed


Initial /Date 4.5.2 Ensure Shift Supervisor I,) performs review and

'- approval of GRWRP, 6@ records signature in Section II of GRWRP /

_ Initial /Date 4.5.3 Ensure Particulate, Iodine, o Jf energization of RM-Al is and Gaseous Channels of required, Reactor Bldg Purge Duct l RifS Perform Enclosuro 8 of Monitor are operating prior SP-335C to and during purge o Ensure the following MCB operation annunci-ter links are closed:

1712 - RM-Al RB purge duct Rad.

level HIGH; 1713 - RM-Al RB purge duct Rad.

level LOW / FAIL; 1714 - RMP-Al RB purge Rad.

monitor flow HIGH/ LOW


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l 4.5 REACTOR BLDG PURGE (CAT. 1) (Cont'd) .


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'4.5.4- Prepare RM Al-for o .-Ensure pump is running with-operability test- . flow path to and from pump o -Notify Chemistry to verify Particulate and Charcoal Filters are installed o Notify Chemistry to verify Detector is properly .

Installed and sealed in RM Al '

gas housing o Name of Chemist


Initial /Date 4.5.5- Verify RB Flow Recorder is o AH-32-FIR, located behind MCB in service and operating above HVAC panel L

Initial /Date 4.5.6 Establish instrument air to o Unlock & Open IAV-348. IA to AHV-1A and AHV-ID, AHV-1A A E establish power to o Unlock & Open IAV-349, IA to AHV-IC and AHV-18 AHV-1D o Close BKRS for AHV-lC and AHV-1B AHV-lC, ES-MCC-3A1, Unit BA AHV-1B, ES-MCC-3Al, Unit 6A


Initial /Date

- Ensure RB exhaust fans are o Permissive bypass switch in aligned to normal' operation " Normal" and (ey removed AHF-7A vent MCC-3A,' Unit 100 AHF-.7B vent MCC-3B, Unit 9C


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4.5 REAC10R BLDG PURGE (CAT. 1) (Cont'd)

O ACTIONS DETAILS Ensure RB exhaust dampers o 3 way valve on door of air are aligned to normal handling panel 13 pointing to left operation Normal operation of AHD 95, AHD 96, and AHD 94 Normal operation of AHD 97, AHD 96, and AHD 94 >


Initit1/Date 4.5.7 Verify " POWER" lights are o RM Al lit on Radiation Monitoring /

Panel Initial /Date 4.5.8 Test and Adjust RM Al (G) 1. De)ress and release " HORN

" WARNING" setpoint per 51 ENCE" pushbutton GRWRP 2 . __, Verify " HORN SILENCE" -

pushbutton is backlit

3. Obtain and Record Check source count rate cpm
4. Select & Hold " ALARM SETTING" switch to " WARNING" E adjust ' WARNING" position potentiometer, as required below Check source count rate on panel meter
5. Release " ALARM SETTING" switch 6 . __ Seleu Check source and Verify alarm at Control Room Rate Meter and Radiation Monitoring Panel annuncistor
7. Select & Hold " ALARM SETTING" switch to " WARNING" position E adjust " WARNING' potentiometer'tv " WARNING" setpoint per GRWRP
3. _, Release " ALARM SETTING" switch
9. Record " WARNING" Setpoint cpm


p Initial /Date V

OP 417 Rev. 73 Page 25

l 4.5 MACTORBLDGPURGE(CAT.1)(Cont'd)  :

l ACTIONS DETAILS l 4.5.9 Test and Adjust RM Al (G) 1. Select and Hold " ALARM "HIGH" setpoint per GRWRP ~ SETTING" switch to "HlGH"  !

pasition, j AND adjust "HIGH"  :

potentiometer, as required. l below check source count rate i on panel meter  ;

2. Release " ALARM SETTING" -

e switch  ;

3. ,___, Select Check source and '

Yerify alarm at Control Room .

Rate Meter and Radiation Monitoring Panel annunciator  !

4 . ,__. Select and Hold " ALARM .

SETTING" switch to "HIGH" position, atiQ adjust "HIGH" potentiometer to "HIGH" setpoint per GRWRP

5. Release " ALARM SETTING" switch O

d 6. ,___ Record "HIGH" Setpoint cpm

7. Reset all alarms


Initial /Date r

r h

n'  :

V OP 417- Rev.'73

.Page 26

-. . - - , _ , . - . . . . - . . . . - - . .a-..-.-.... .. .. - . . . - - . - - . - - . - - . - . - -

1 l


, 4.5 REACTORBLDGPURGE(CAT.1)(Cont'd) 4 ,


ACTIONS DETAILS 4.5.10 Perform a Check Source on 1. If, RM Al Wand Check is RM Al (G) preferred, JJ18 GO TO Step 4.5.11

2. Select and Hold " Operate"  !

switch to CHECK SO'JRCE, for one min.

3 . __ Verify RM Al meter indication increased

4. . Release " Operate" switch and Ensure reading goes back down to Initial Count Rate 5.._ Reset all Alarms
6. Depress and Release " Horn Silence" pushbutton
7. 1E RM Al responds as expected.

JJ1G GO TO Step 4.5.12


Initial /Date p

L) 4.5.11 Notify Chemistry to perform o lE Wand Test is satisfactory, SP-701 dig GO TO Step 4.5.12 o 11 Wand Test is unsatisfactory, 111G notify 5500


Initial /Date 4.5.12 Notify ANSS to verify Radiation Monitor setpoints per *4WRP ANSS n

OP 417 Rev. 73 Page 27

7 4.5 REACTOR si.Da ruRGE (CAT. 1) (Cont'd)

{ \

ACTIONS DETAILS 4.5.13 E this is a PURGE RESTART er SP-3350.

perform ENCLOSURE 12


Initial /DaG l 4.5.14 Start Reactor Bldg Purge o START AHF-7A Exhaust fans o RT AHF 78


Initial /Date l 4.6.15 Open Reactor Bldg Purge o OPEN AHV-1A Exhaust Valves OPEN AHV-18


nitial/Date c 4.5.16 Record all required o Record GRWRP # and time on RM-Al


(,)/ information on GRWRP, Recorder At(Q RM Al(G) Recorder o Record Start Time and Date on Section 11 of GRWRP Batch Type


Initial /Date l 4.5.17 E purge is being restarted after temporary shut down to remove the equi) ment hatch and the hatc1 is still off /

l JH Q GO Tb Step 4.5.16 Initial /Date i

NOTE: Flow Control Pot on back of MCB HVAC sectioni controls only AHD-91, a setting of 10 is full losed and 0 s full open.

l 4.5.18 Adjust Reactor Bldg Purge 1. Adjust flow Control Pot Supply for FULL CB HV to 10 recirculation ANQ start 2. TART HF-6A Reactor Bldg Purge Supply fan ART AHF 6B


,, /

Initial /Date v

I OP 417 Rev. 73 Page 28

, + t 4.5 REACTORBLDGPbRGE(CAT.1)(Cont'd)


NOTE: Low Flow thru AHD 91 will result in closure sf AHV lD.

l 4.5.19 Adjust Purge Supply 1. Select and HOLD AHV-lD Recirculation Control for control switch to OPEN desired purge flow setting position

2. Adjust Reactor Bld Pur e flow Control Pot ( B liv setting from 10.0 to required i flow to prevent AHV-ID from trip closed signal = 2.5
3. Release AHV-10 control switch


Initial /Date l 4.5.20 Start second Reactor Bldg o START AHF 6A Purge Supply Fan, as 03 required o START AHF-6B O /

Initial /Date NOTE: R8 air temperature must be maintained at or above 60'F during plant shutdowns.

l 1[ outside temperature o Energize Purge Heaters requires the use of purge Heating Aux Bus, su) ply heaters, AHHE-16 FDR "A", Unit 3A IHij energize purge heaters Heating Aux Bus, AHHE-16 FDR "B", Unit 4A


Initial /Date r

'A b

OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 29


4.5 REACTOR BLDG PURGE (CAT. 1) (Cont'd)


ACTIONS DETAILS 5 l E RM Al functional test is required, ey - a IH W perform applicable section of SP 335C __ /

Initial /Date NOTE: N/A this step if procedure utilized to re-establish purge.

l 4.5.21 Verify > 50 cpm on RM Al(G) /

Initial /Date l 4.5.22 Provide Hourly Flow o flow Recorder, AH 32-FIR Recorder reading to Chemistry during Batch Release /

Initial /Date l 4.5.23 IE Purge is to continue from Batch to Continuous Release, l JhEE GO TO Step 4.5.24, 08 E Purge is Terminated by Trip or Terminated by Chemistry / Operations, /

l JEEE GO TO Step 4.5.27 Initial /Date l 4,5.24 Ensure Chemistry issues new o Ensure new GRWRP is approved by GRWRP Continuous Type prior ANSS to starting continuous venting /

Initial /Date O

OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 30

R i

4.5 K ACTOR BLDG PURGE (CAT. 1) (Cont'd)


l 4.5.25 Adjust RM Al(G) setpoints, 1. Depress and Release " Horn AlfD continue Reactor Bldg Silence" pushbutton  !

Purge as a continuous 2. Depress and Hold " Bypass '

release RM Al" pushbutton

3. Select & Hold " ALARM SETTING" switch to " Warning" AfiD adjust " WARNING" position, potentiometer to " Warning" setpoint per GRWRP
4. Release " ALARM SETTING" switch
5. Record " Warning" Setpoint cpm
6. __ Select and Hold " ALARM SETTING" switch to "HIGH" position, 1 6fiQ adjust "HIGH" '

potentiometer to "HIGH" setpoint per GRWRP ,

7. Release " ALARM SETTING" switch
8. Record "HIGH" Setpoint cpm
9. ANSS/NSS verify WARNING and HIGH alarm setpoints


10. - Reset all alarms
11. Release " Bypass RM-Al" pushbutton
12. Depress and Release " Horn Silence" pushbutton


Initial /Date i


OP-417! Rev. 73 Page 31

I 4.5 E ACTOR BLDG PURGE (CAT. 1) (Cont'd)

O ACTIONS DETAILS l 4.5.26 WiiG batch type is o Finish Date and Time on t com)leted Section 11 IHQ recor,d required data o Complete Section 11 and Sign on uRWRP o Ensure Shift Supervisor signs to terminate GkWRP-Batch Type

o. Return Original copy to Chemistry


Initial /Date.

l 4.5.27 Securino Reactor Buildina Purae NOTE: Anytime the purge is shutdown then the equipment hatch is required to be closed.

l Determine if purge is o Temporary shut down use Step completed or is to be shut l 4.5.28 down temporarily o Purge complete use Step l 4.5.29 O

l 4.5.28 Temocrary_ Shut Down Of RB Purae l Shut down RB purge l' . Close AHV-lc

2. Close AHV-ID
3. Ensure Purge Heaters are de-energized Heating AHHE-16 FDR Aux "A", Bus, Unit 3A Heating Aux Bus, AHHE-16 FDR "B" Unit 4A 4.EnsureRBPurgeSupplyfansare secured

_ Stop AHF-6A Stop AHF-6B

5. Close AHV-1A Close AHV-1B 6.
7. Tniure RB Purge Exhaust Fans are secured Stop AHF-7A Stop AHF 78
8. Notify Chemistry that the purge is temporarily shutdown


O Initial /Date

'0P-417 Rev. 73 Page 32

. . - . . . . . - , _ --~..-.-- --_.- -_. _ - . . .. - . - . - -

r 4.5 REACTOR BLDG PURGE (CAT. 1) (Cont'd) I O ACTIONS DETAILS l E purge was temporarily slut down to move equipment hatch, JE N notify mechanics and HeaTth Physics to move-hatch /

Initial /Date l The equipment hatch is o Ensure the equipment-hatch is required to be closed closed '

whenever the purge is 08 '

shutdown Continue on to the next step and restart the purge


Initial /Date l Restart of R8 purge after 1. Ensure GRWRP is still active temporary shut down per Chemistry -

Chemist contacted:

Name of Chemist

2. Ensure warning and high .

setpoints are set in accordance with the GRWRP

3. E maintenance has been performed on RM Al, '

JE N GO TO Step 4.5.4 OR

. F NOT.

X GO TO Step 4.5.13


Initial /Date LO ,

L OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 33 .

L L '

  • -
  • l l

i 4.5 REACTOR BLDG PURGE (CAT. 1) (Cont'd)  !


t l 4.5.29 ][ti] purge is completed,

1. Ensure Purge Heaters are J' h.tt3 stop de energized andReactor ExhaustBldg upply Fans, Heating Aux Bus, AHHE 16A, respectively Unit 3A Heating Aux Bus, AHHE-169, ,

Unit 4A '

2. _ CLOSE AHV-lC  !

3 . ,_ CLOSE AHV-10

4. STOP AHF-6A $


6. CLOSE AHV-1B  ;
7. STOP.AHF 7A -



8. CLOSE and LOCK i IAV-348


9. OPEN and LOCK Breakers for AHV 1B l and AHV lc on ES-MCC-3Al l AHV 18, Unit 6A

'O AHV lC, Unit 8A ,


initial /Date r

1 O  ;

OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 34

4.5 KACTOR_jkDL 5 AGE (CAT. 1) (Cont'd)

ACTIONS DCTAILS l 4.5.30 Notify Chemistry that o Inform Chemistry reason for -

Reactor Bldg Purge is termination terminated initial /Date >

r l 4.5.31 Ensure GRWRP-Batch Type QB o Ensure Section 11 is completed on '

Continuous Type is batch type release permit completed o Ensure GRWRP is signed by $500

/ ,

Initial /Date l 4.5.32 1E RB purge is to remain o Refer to TS 3.3.15 and 00CH, terminated for > 48 Hrs., Section 2.2

BIN consider stopping RM- o Stop RM Al and RMP-Al Al and RMP Al o Notify Chemistry that RM Al and RMP Al are sto ped o

g the follo ing MCB annunciator i 1712 - RM Al RB purge duct Rad, level HIGH; 1713 - RM Al RB purge duct Rad, level LOW / FAIL

  • 1714 RMP Al RB purge RAD.

monitor flow HIGH/ LOW


Initial /Date 3

(Q OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 35


ICA". 11 '

ACTIONS DETAILS NOTE: TS 3.6.3 should be referred to during performance of this section.

4.6.1 Notify Shift Supervisor prior to continuing this /

section Initial /Date 4.6.2 Notify N0 to monitor o BS 93 PIL Reactor Bldg pressure o E Computer Pt, P-254


Initial /Date 4

4.6.3 Verify SAV 61 and SAV 122 are Closed /

Initial /Date O

4.6.4 Enter RD per Section 4.1 o Unlock and open SAV-51 and align station air to RB M atmosphere o- OPEN SAV-21 E

o Open at least 2 hose bibs in Reactor Bldg listed be?ow SAV-420, 119' elev, by AHF-1A

___ by Mezzanine SAV-416, 119' elev. between AHF-1A and Equipment Hatch SAV-410, 95' elev. behind AHF-18 SAV 411, 95' elev. behind AHF-lC SAV 413, 95' elev, b SAV-414. 119' elev. y byRBCFT-13 Sum) behind locked gate SAV 415, 119' elev. by CFT-1B outside locked gate


Initial /Date r


- 0P 417 ~ Rev. 73 Page 36

_ _ - . . - __ -.. - - - - -. _ . _ . - - . - . _ _ _ . _ . . _ - _ - - . - _ _ . ~ _ -


ACTIONS DETAILS NOTE: Dedicated Valve Operator shall remain stationed at SAV-23 until SAV-23 and 5AV-24 are closed and locked.

NOTE: LR 60-F11/F12 will not indicate untti R8 pressure > 0 PSIG.

4.6.5. Establish station air flow 1. CLOSE lAV 16 to RB 2. ___. OPEN SAV 128

3. Unlock and open SAV-23
4. Unlock SAV 24
5. Monitor RB pressure via com) uter point P 254 or BS ')3 PIR
6. Throttle Open SAV 24 to obtain<2PSIGReactorBldg pressure or to establish flow for mini purge


Initial /Date When desired pressure is 1. CloSE and lock SAV-23 reached or mini purge is to 2. CLOSE and lock SAV 24 be terminated, secure 3. CLOSE SAV-128 station air 4. OPEN IAV-16 Performed by: /

Initial /Date Verified by: /

Initial /Date OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 37


/ [CA". 1) (Cont'c)


4.6.6 Enter RB per Section 4.1 1. Close and lock SAV-51 (if and isolate station air o)en)  !

from RB Q1  !

2. Close SAV-21 (if open)
3. se hose bibs opened in Step 4.6.4 '

/  !

Initial /Date ,

4.6.7 Notify Shift Supervisor of -

completion . /

Initial /Date O

l l-n OP-417' Rev. 73 Page 38 '


O  ;

ACTIONS DETAILS 4.7.1 Test Valve Position 1. Depress and hold RM Al bypass Indication of LRV 70, and button  !

LRV 71, 2.,_. OPEN and CLOSE to verify M LRV 72 and LRV-73 on position indication, one at a liain Control Board time: i

_,. LRV-70 and -


._, LRV-72 and LRV-73

3. RiTease RM Al bypass button


initial /Date 4.7.2 Ensure a GRWRP has been o Chemistry will generate and submit generated for RB Vent or GRWRP to Operations Mini-Purge, o Shift Supervisor approval and AlfD ensure proper approval signature on Section II of GRWRP prior to continuing this (batchtype)

O procedure


Initial /Date 4.7.3 Prepare RM Al for o Ensure pump is running with flow operability test path to and from pump o Notify Chemistry to verify Particulate and Charcoal Filters are installed o Notify Chemistry to verify Detector is properly installed and sealed in RM Al gas housing o Chemist's Name


Initial /Date OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 39


ACTIONS DETAILS 4.7.4 Ensure RB exhaust fans are o Permissive by) ass switch in ,

aligned to normal operation " Normal" and (ey removed

.,_ AHF 7A vent MCC-3A, Unit IOC

,_,_ AhF-78 vent MCC-3B, Unit 9C


Initial /Date 4.7.5 Ensure RB exhaust dampers o 3 way valve on do'or of air are aligned to normal handling panel 13 pointing to left operation Normal operation of AHD 95, AHD-96, and AHD 94 Normal operation of AHD 97, AHD 98, and AHD 94


Initial /Dato r s

4.7.6 Ensure Particulate lodine, o Perform all sections of PT-335 andGaseousChannelsof o Ensure the following MCB Reactor B!dg. Purge Duct annunciator links are closed:

Monitor are ope-ating prior 1712 RM Al RB purge duct Rad.

to and during purge level HIGH operation 1713 RM Al RB level LOW / FAIL; purge duct Rad.

1714 - RMP-Al RB urge RAD.

monitor flow HIGH LOW


Initial /Date 4.7.7 Verify RB flow Recorder in o AH 32 FIR service and operating


Initial /Date O

OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 40 F

, - - m , w4 c is - .,.s r- - - - - - - - ,e , w ey---ze,,yr---m r-, e- n ew.-,,w, -- ww-

4.7 gy IZATION/ MINI. PURGE UNDER_NON-ACCIDENT CONDJJ10H1 ACTIONS DETAILS 4.7.8 11 LR 83 f! or LR 82-f! o Instruments are obtained from L will be used for RB purge the warehouse. LR 82-Fi &

3t[N contact 11C shop for LR 83 Fi MMIS #52604995 and

'nstallation on the 143' LR 82 FE & LR 83 FE MMIS elev. AB ventilation rm. 852604994 o LR 82 FE installed '

o LR 83 FE installed .

o LR 82 FI installed o .___ LR 83-f! installed o ,__, N/A Initial /Date 4.7.9 Verify " POWER" lights are o RM Al lit on Radiation Monitoring /

Panel Initial /Date 4.7.10 Test and Adjust RM Al 1. De)ress and release " HORN

" WARNING" setpoint per St.ENCE" pushbutton

,r CRWRP 2 . .__. Verify " HORN SILENCE" pushbutton is backlit

3. Obtain and Record Check source count rate cpm
4. Select & Hold " ALARM SETTING" switch to " WARNING" AND ad ust " WARNING" position

)otent ometer, as required,

>elow Check source count rate on panel meter

5. ___ Release " ALARM SETTING" switch
6. Select Check source to ON and Verify alarm at Control Room Rate Meter and Radiation Monitoring Panel annunciator
7. Select & Hold " ALARM SETTING" switch to " WARNING" AND ad ust " WARNING" position potent ometer to " WARNING" setpoint per GRWRP
8. Release " ALARM SETTING" switch
9. Record " WARNING" setpoint epm initial /Date OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 41



4.7.11 Test and Adjust RM Al 1. Select and Hold " ALARM  !

"HIGH" setpoint per GRWRP SETTING" switch to "HIGH"  !

position, AND adjust "HIGH" sotentiometer, as required,

)elow Check source count rate on panel meter

2. Release " ALARM SETTING" switch
3. Select Check source to ON and Verify alarm at Control Room Rate Meter and Radiation Monitoring Panel annunciator
4. Select and Hold " ALARM >

SETTING" switch to "HIGH" position.  !

AND adjust "HIGH" potentiometer to "HIGH" "

setpoint per GRWRP

5. Release " ALARM SETTING" switch O 6. Record "HIGH" setpoint cpm r
7. Roset all alarms


Initial /Date L

O OP 417 Rev. 73 Page 42

-_ =

4.7 RB PRE $50RE EQUAUZATION/ MINI-PURGE _UNDER..NON-ACCIDENT. CONDITIONS (CAT. 1) (Ccnt'd) i ACTIONS DETAll.S 4.7.12 Perform a Check Source on 1. _ , E RM.Al Wand Check is  :

RM Al preferred, ,

IliG GO 10 Step 4.7.13 2 . .__ Depress and Hold " Bypass RM Al" pushbutton

3. Select and Hold " Operate" switch to CCCCK SOURCE, for one min.
4. __ Verify RM Al meter indication  !


5. Release " Operate" switch and Ensure reading goes back down to Initial Count Rate
6. __._ Reset all alarms
7. Release " Bypass RM Al" pushbutton
8. _. Depress and Release " Horn Silence" pushbutton '
9. E RM Al responds as expected.

IB M GO TO Step 4.7.14 O,

j Initial /Date 4.7.13 Notify Chemistry to perform o E Wand Test is satisfactory, SP-701 1118 GO TO Step 4.7.14 o E Wand Test is unsatisfactory, ,

111G Notify 5500


Initial /Date 4,7.14 Notify ANSS to verify Radiation Monitor setpoints per GRWRP ANSS O

OP-417 Rev 73 Page 43




4.7J5 Record and initial GRWRP, t e S6ction II, for RN AlG >

setpoints (batch type /

release)- Initial /Date NOTE: The " Reactor Bldg Purge Air Flow Low" alarm is expected to --

come in when AHF-7A or AHF-78 is started. As long-as step  :


4.7.16 St3rt Reactor Bldg Purge 1. .__., Notify Chemit try prior to Exha' a t Fan start of purge

2. START AHF-7A 0B l


3. __ Notify HP that R8 purge has started J l Initial /Date  !

O 4.7.17 Verify total purge flow o > 20 KSCFM Cl ..mel 0 on AH-32-FIR is above the minimum required /

for fan operation Initial /Date NOTE: LR 60-Fil/FI2 will not indicate until R8 pressure >0 PSIG.

4.7. 3 .lf monitoring RB vent flow with LR 60 Fil/FI2, M multiply reading by 1.2273 QR if monitoring R8 vent

- flow with LR-82 FI or LR-83 FI M multiply reading by 1.122 to' correct for Non


Post-Accident-Conditions Initial /Date ,

O OP-417_ Rev. 73- Page 44 y pf. m- y - a te -y wwi-g9- *wy-.m -

w- , y M -w3,ma e mw-+ ewe g e -

-nga = -e,+p- M-z- -~' F



4.7.19 in modes 1 4, perform RM Al o Record Channel Check on  !

gas Channel Checks every 8 Enclosure 9 l hours. N/A if not required I

initial /Date 4.7.20 Perform RD Vent mini purge, 1. Open LRV-70 and LRV 71 and/or Equalization QB i Open LRV-72 and LRV 73

2. E LRV-70 and LRV-71 are open M throttle open LRV-121 to maintain LR 60 Fil or LR 60-F12 or LR-82-FI on scale 08 E LRV 72 and LRV 73 are open M throttle open LRV-123 to maintain LR 60-Fil or LR 60-FI2 or LR-83 Fi on scale
3. Notify Chemistry when flow is O, established, so they can obtain the required sam)les  ;
4. If, RB Mini-Purge is to 3e established, E concurrently perform Section 4.6 of this procedure to supply air to RB, otherwise N/A
5. M RB pressure is equalized, venting or mini purge is completed, M

Ensure Closed;

_ LRV-70 LRV-71 LRV-72 LRV-73 LRV-121 LRV-123


Initial /Date O

OP 417 Rev. 73 Page 45

~_ _ _ _ . _ _ , . . _ , _ , _ _ _ _ , _ .


(CAT. 1) (Cont'd)  !

ACTIONS DETAILS l 4.7.21- Stop Reactor Bldg Purge o STOP AHF 7A Exhaust fans AtiQ o STOP AHF-7B


Initial /Date 4.7.22 Complete GRWRP 1. Complete Section II (for batch release)

2. Ensure Shift Supervisor signs GRWTP to Terminate GRWRP
3. Attach a copy of the permit tr. this procedure and return the original to Chemistry Dept.


initial /Date 4.7.23 Consider stopping RM-Al and o Notify Chemistry that RH-Al s RMP Al and RMP Al are to be secured o Refer to TS 3.3.15 and ODCM, Section 2.2 o Stop RM-Al and RMP-Al o Open the following MCB annunciator links:

1712 RM Al RB purge duct Rad.

level HIGH 1713 - RM.Al RB purge duct Rad.

level LOW / FAIL 1714 - RMP-Al RB purge RAD.

monitor flow HIGH/ LOW


Initial /Date 4.7.24 Contact I&C shop and o LR-82-FE removed request removal of LR o LR 83-FE removed FI, LR 83-FI, LR 82-FE, or o LR-82-FI removed LR 83-FE, if required, and- o LR-83 FI removed return to the warehouse, o N/A otherwise N/A /

n Initial /Date OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 46 .

,_,,-m... _ .- ---------w--s-e-,rrw w , :.,--, e w .mm-- - - - - , . ,w

4.8 PREALIGNNENT FOR POST-ACCIDENT RB PURGE (CAT. 11 ACTIONS DETAILS 4.8.1 Align Leak Rate Test System o Perform Enclosure 2 valves to the RB Purge Exhaust System per Valve Check 1tst II /

Initial /Date 4.8.2 Contact the I&C shop and o Instruments are obtained from request installation of LR- the warehouse. LR-82-FI &

82-FE/FI and Lb83-FE/FI on LR-83-FI MMIS #52604995 and the 143'elev. Aux Bldg LR 82-FE & LR-83 FE HMIS ventilation room #52604994 o ._ LR 82-FE installed o LR 83-FE installed o LR-82-FI installed o LR-83-FI installed


Initial /Date O 4.8.3 Contact Health Physics and o Install shielding per Engineering request installation of Analysis M94-0029 to reduce the temporary (i.e., rolling) total integrated dose to LR 82 Fi lead shielding equivalent and LR-83-Fi to 1/2 inch thickness o Do not install lead shielding on between LR-82-FE/FI and LR- existing piping or equipment 83 FE/FI and the RB purge filter AHFL-1 GO TO Step 4.9 /

Initial /Date 1


, OP 417- Rev. 73 Paje 47



V ACTIONS DETAILS 4.9.1 Align Containment o Refer to EM.'iO8 Atmosphere Sampling System for Hydrogen Analysis and /

plot on Enclosure 4 Initial /Date 4.9.2 Ensure Prealignment for o Refer to Section 4.8 Post Accident RB Purge is complete /

Initial /Date 4.9.3 Obtain three or more o Refer to Enclosure 7 for sources Portable Air Compressors o Obtain Air compressors within 200 from Off-site sources hours after accident occurred o Recommended capacity - 225 cfm minimum ear.h for intermittent purge, or 25 scfm minimum each for continuous purge (rated exhaust g flow)


initial /Date 4.9.4 Connect Air Compressors to o LRV-IlthruLRV-20(Pen.#121)as leak Rate Test Connections required QB 08 To Hydrogen Recombiner o LRV 88 (Pen. 122 Connections (adapters in o LRV-90 (Pen. 121 Stores - HMIS #01260356) o LRV-92 (Pen. 125 o LRV-94 (Pen 125 as required


Initial /Date m

V OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 48



< l O)

ACTIONS DETAILS 4.9.5 IE Hydrogen buildup is o Plot Hydrogen Buildup on  ;

projected to reach 3.5% by Enclosure 4 volume within the next 312 o INTERMITTENT Purge, Step 4.9.6 Hrs, o CONTINUOUS Purge, Step 4.9.13 IBL!f GO TO Step 4.9.6 and commence INTERMITTENT Purging, OH IE Hydrogen concentration has increased to 3.5% by volume. -

JH W GO TO Step 4.9.13 and /

commence CONTINUOUS Purging Initial /Date 4.9.6 Request Waste Gas Release o GRWRP No.

Permit (GRWRP) for intermittent kJrge /

Initial /Date 4.9.7 Calculate minimum Reactor o Refer to Enclosure 5 for minimum Bldg Purge Rate and record flow rate maximum Reactor Bldg flow scfm minimum rate o Refer to purge permit for maximum scfm maximum


Initial /Date NOTE: The following step defeats all starting interlocks on AHF-7A and 78.

4.9.8 Ensure RB exhaust fans are o Permissive bypass switch in aligned to emergency " Emergency" position operation AHF-7A vent MCC-3A, Unit 10C AHF-78 vent MCC-38, Unit 9C


Initial /Date


OP-417 Rev 73- Page 49 a

  • ~*

j 9

, 4.9 P017-ACCIDENT MACTOR BLDG PUAGE (CAT. 1) (Cont'd) i O ACTIONS DETAILS NOTE: The following step bypasses solenoid valves and forces  ;

dampers open. Ensure R8 exhaust dampers o 3 way valve on door of air are aligned to emergency handling panel 13 pointing to the operation- right Emergency operation - i AHD 95, AHD 96, and AHD 94 Emergency operation AHD-97, AHD-98, and AHD 94


initial /Date ,

O i



OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 50 l

,. . _ . . - _ . _--a,_.. - c -. . , . . . _ . . . _ . . _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ . ._ . . _ .


ACTIONS DETAILS NOTE: Off-shore winds are considered to be winds from the NNE to

$$ESector(022.5'to157.5'). All other wind directions are considered on-shore winds. (The most common time is midn19ht) Perform a 120 minute 1. Notify Erergency Loordinator Reactor Bldg. Purge for approv:41 prior to starting release

2. START AHF 7A and/or AHF-78, RB Exhaust fans
3. OPEN the following valves:

LRV-70 and LRV-71 QB LRV-72 and LRV-73

4. If LRV-70 and LRV 71 are open JBEN thrcttle open LRV-121 and establish the flowrate determined in step 4.9.7 as indicated on LR-82 FI QB O JE LRV-72 and LRV-73 are open IllEB throttle open LRV-123 and establish the flowrate determined in step 4.9.7 as indicated on LR-83-FI
5. Record readings from the flow indicators as applicable-LR-60-FII/FI2 scfm LR 82 FI scfm LR-83-FI scfm


Initial /Date O

L OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 51 l



ACTIONS DETAILS 4.9.9 Perform required Valve 1. Start portable compressors Alignment for RB Purge, as 2. OPEN Compressor Discharge Valves required on compressors that are connected:

LRV-II, Por.t Comp Isol Shutoff Viv LRV 12. Port Comp Isol Shutoff Viv LRV-13, Port Comp Isol Shutoff Viv LRV-14, Port Comp Isol Shutoff Viv LRV-15, Port Comp Isol Shutoff Viv LRV-16, Port Comp Isol Shutoff Viv LRV-17, Port Comp 15o1 Shutoff Viv LRV-18 Port Comp Isol Shutoff Viv LRV-19 Port Comp Isol Shutoff V1v O' LRV 20 Port Comp Isol Shutoff Viv

3. OPEN LRV-36, Air Supply to PEN 121
4. OPEN LRV-50, PEN 121 Isol


Jnitial/Date QE

1. Start portable compressor (s)
2. .___ Open compressor discharge 1

valves on compressors that.

are connected:

_ ,LRV-87, LRV-88 (Pen. 122 LRV-89, LRV-90 (Pen. 121 LRV-91,LRV92(Pen.125 LRV-93, LRV 94 (Pen. 125


Initial /Date OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 52

,,--n., .

, , . _ , - .n - e n-. .. .,a . . - -n. -.n.. .%-. , , -


ACTIONS DETAILS NOTE: The following step will vary flow on LR-60-FII/FI2.

4.9.10 Establish and maintain o Throttle LRV-26 Reactor Bldg pressure of o Adjust LRV-121 or LRV-123 as

= 1 PSIG required pcr Step 4.9.7

/_ _.

Initial /Date

-4.9.11 M 120 minute purge is 1. CLOSE the following valves:

-complete, LRV-73 LRV-121 M STOP purge of Reactor LRV-70 ._. LRV-123 Bldg LRV-71 LRV-72

2. _. STOP AHF-7A and/or AHF-78
3. CLOSE the following valves:

LRV-50 g LRV-36 i

LRV-26 QB LRV-87/88 LRV-89/90 LRV-91/92 LRV-93/94

4. STOP Portable Compressors


Initial /Date 4.9.12 Continue to Monitor o Refer to EM-308 Hydrogen contant.and plot on Enclosure 4 /

Initial /Date s


. lE hydrogen concentration increases to 3.5% by vc.l ume, M GO TO Step 4.9.13 and /

. commence continuous purging Initial /Date OP-417_ Rev. 73 Page 53


4. 9.13 '- Connect Air Compressors'to o LRV-Il thru LRV 20 required Leak Rate Test Cnnnections


Initial /Date 4.9.14- Request Waste Gas Release o GRWRP No.

Permit-(GRWRP for continuouspur)ge _ /

Initial /Date 4.9.15' Calculate minimum Reactor o Refer to Enclosure 6 for minimum Bldg Purge Rate and record scfm minimum maximum Reactor Bldg. Purge o Refer to purge permit for maximum Rate scfm maximum initial /Date V

NOTE: The following step defeats all starting interlocks on AHF-7A and 78.

4.9.16 Ensure RB exha'st u fans are o Permissive bypass switch in aligned to emergency " Emergency" position operation. AHF-7A vent MCC-3A, Unit IOC AHF-78 vent MCC-38 Unit 9C


Initial /Date 1


U OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 54-7,-- n p

. l l

  • 1 4.9 POST-ACCIDENT REACTOR BLDG PQUE (CAT.11 (Cont'd) v O i ACTIONS DETAILS NOTE: The following step bypasses solenoid valves and forces r dampors open.

4.9.17 Ensure RB exhaust dampers o 3 way valve on door of air are aligned to emergency handling panel 13 pninting to the operation if not previously- right performed. Emergency operation of AHD-95, AHD-96, and AHD-94 Emergency operation of AHD-97, AHD-98, and AHD-94


Initial /Date 4.9.18 Perform a continuous 1. Notify Emergency Coordinator Reactor Bldg Purge for approval prior to starting releass

2. START AHF-7A and/or AHF-78,

\ RB Exhaust fans

3. OPEN the following valves:

LRV-70 and LRV-71 LRV-72 and LRV-73

4. If LRV-70 and LRV-71 are open IllEB throttle open LRV-121 and establish the flowrate determined in step 4.9.15 as indicated on LR-82-FI E

1E LRV-72 and LRV-73 are open IllEN throttle open LRV-123 and establish the flowrate determined in step 4.9.15 as indicated on LR-83-FI

5. Record readings from the flow indicators as applicable LR-60-FII/FI2 scfm LR-82-FI scfm LR 83-FI scfm


i Initial /Date n

A l

OP-417- Rev. 73 Page 55 I



-4.9.19 Perform required Valve 1. Start portable compressors Alignment for RB Purge, as 2. OPEN Compressor Discharge Valves required on compressors that are connected:

LRV-ll, Port Comp Isol Shutoff Viv LRV-12. Port Comp Isol Shutoff Viv LRV-13, Port Comp Isol -

Shutoff Viv

,_. LRV-14, Port Comp Isol Shutoff Viv LRV-15 Port Comp Isol Shutoff Viv-LRV-16, Port Comp Isol Shutoff V1v LRV-17, Port Comp Isol Shutoff Viv LRV-18 Port Comp Isol Shutoff Viv LRV 19, Port Comp Isol n)

(d Shutoff Viv LRV-20, Port Comp Isol Shutoff Viv

3. OPEN LRV-36, Air Supply to PEN 121
4. OPEN LRV-50, PEN 121 Isol


Initial /Date 08

1. Start portable compressor (s)
2. OPEN compressor discharge valves on compressors that are connected:

LRV 87, LRV-88 (Pen. 122)

LRV-89, LRV-90 (Pen. 121)

LRV-91, LRV-92 Pen. 125)

LRV-93, LRV-94 Pen. 125)


Initial /Date OP-417 Rev.-73 Page 56

. -. ? ,,


ACTIONS DETAILS NOTE:- The following step will vary flow on LR-60-FII/f!2.

4.9.20 Establish and maintain o Throttle LRV-26 Reactor Bldg pressure of o Adjust LRV-121 or LRV-123 as

= 1 PSIG required per Step 4.9.15


Initial /Date NOTE: Purging to maintain 3.5% concentration of Hydronen in containment, minimizes Dose Rates outside conta'nment while allowing sufficient flow to maintain less than explosive limit of Hydrogen in containment.

4.9.21 julG continuous purge is 1. CLOSE the following valves:

complete, LRV-73 LRV-121 IRM STOP purge of Reactor LRV-70 LRV-123

( Bldg LRV-71 LRV-72

2. STOP AHF-7A a;.d/or AHF-78
3. CLOSE the following valves:

LRV-50 LRV-36 LRV-26 E

LRV-87/88 LRV-89/90 LRV-91/92 4


4. STOP Portable Compressors


Initial /Date 4.9.22 Continue to Monitor _ o Refer to EM-308

-Hydrogen content _and plot on Enclosure 4 /

Initial /Date



OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 57


ACTIONS DETAILS 4.10.1 Notify Shift Supervisor that "A" Hydrogen Monitoring System is being /

energized Initial /Date 4.10.2 Verify " System Power" and o Located in EFIC Room Relay Rack 4A

" Standby" ON/0FF switches are OFF /

Initial /Date 4.10.3 Select to ON switch for "A" o Located in "A" Inverter Room, Hydrogen Monitoring System VBDP-12, SW #2


Initial /Date G 4.10.4 1E VBXS-1A is not en its Normal Power Supply, i.e.,

Yellow " Inverter Supplying Load" Light is not lit, JJiEN 00 NOT P1 ace "A" Hydrogen Analyzer in STANDBY Mode, as 15 KVA regulating transformer may not handle instantaneouc /

current Initial /Date 4.10.5 Select " Standby /Off" switch o Verify Standby Lamp is illuminated to STANDBY


Initial /Date e

OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 58


-,_T L)

ACTIONS DETAILS 4.10.6 Verify closed WSV-48 o Located at 119' elev Aux Bldg penetration area


Initial /Date 4.10.7 Perform "A" Hydrogen o Ensure OPEN WSV-664 Analyzer Valve Alignment, o Ensure CLOSE WSV-44 143' elev


Initial /Date 4.10.8 Ensure Nitrogen Span Gas o Ensure bottle isolation valve Bottle is valved into "A" is open Hydrogen Analyzer o Ensure regulator has been set to 50 PSIG (45 to 55) 0

\s' /

Initial /Date 4.10.9 Ensure 2 Hydrogen Span Gas o 2 LOWEST Hydrogen Concentrated Bottles are valved into "A" bottles Hydrogen Analyzer o Ensure bottle isolation valves are open o Ensure regulators have been set to 50 PSIG (45 to 55)


Initial /Date L} r OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 59



4.11.1 Notify Shift Supervisor that "B" Hydrogen Monitoring System is being /

energized Initial /Date F

4.11.2' Verify " System Power" and o Located in EFIC Room Relay Rack 4B

" Standby" ON/0FF switches are OFF /

Initial /Date 4.11.3 ' Select to ON switch for "B" o Located in "B" Inverter Room, Hydrogen Monitoring System VBDP-14, SW #2


Initial /Date t


\- / 4.11.4 L IE VBXS-1B is not on its Normal Power Supply, i.e.,

Yellow " Inverter Supplying Load" Light is not lit, IBEH DO NOT Place "B" Hydrogen Analyzer in STANDBY Mode, as 15 KVA regulating transformer may i

' not handle instantaneous /

current Initial /Date

, 4.11.5 Select " Standby /0ff" switch o Verify Standby Lamp is illuminated to STANDBY


Initial /Date 1

tI l'

\~,) '

OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 60

..? . l


-ACTIONS DETAILS 4.11.6 Verify closed WSV-47 o Located at 119' elev Aux Bldg  !

penetration area l


Initial /Date

_4.11.7 Perform "B" Hydrogen o Ensure OPEN WSV-663 Analyzer Valve Alignment o Ensure CLOSE WSV-45

/ ,

Initial /Date

'4.11.8 Ensure Nitrogen Span Gas o Ensure bottle isolation valve  !

Bottle is valved into "B" is open Hydrogen Analyzer c. Ensure regulator has been set ]

1 to 50 PSIG (45 to 55)

O /

Initial /Date


1 4.11.9 Ensure 2 Hydrogen Span Gas o 2 LOWEST Hydrogen Concentrated Bottles are valved into "B" bottles Hydrogen Analyzer o Ensure bottle isolation valves are open o Ensure regulators have been set to 50 PSIG (45 to 55)


Initial /Date


0P-417 Rev. 73 Page 61
  • 4

. f3 C/ '

ACTIONS DETAILS 4.12.1 E in Mode 1, 2, 3, or 4, MQ a loss of- Containment -

Integrity exist,.

E refer to TS 3.6.1 4.12.2 E in Mode 1, 2, 3, or 4 -

MD any air lock is inoperable, M refer to TS 3.6.2

^4.12.3 E in Mode 1, 2, 3, or 4 MQ notified of Containment leakage > TS limits, M refer to TS 3.6.1 4.12.4 E notified that RB I.


Structural integrity does NOT exist.

- M refer to TS 3.6.1 4.12.5 2 in Mode 1, 2, 3, or 4, 380 any Containment Isolation valve is inoperable, M refer to TS 3.6.3 4.12.6 E CAV-2 must be de-energized, E select Power Supply-Key switch, in CRD Room, to CLOSED

-(h x, /

OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 62 I




4.13.1 Obtain Portable Air o Recommended capacity - 225 cfm Compressors and fuel minimum each for intermittent supplies as needed purge, or 25 scfm minimum each for continuous purge (rated exhaust flow)


initial /Date 4.13.2 Connect Air Compressors to o LRV Il thru LRV 20 (Pen. #121) as Leak Rate Test Connections required


Initial /Date 4.13.3 Ensure cooling water is o Verify CIV-102 throttled -2 hj established to the Leak turns open V Rate Air Cooler by o CIV 70 open performing the following valve line up /

Initial /Date 4.13.4 Perform required Valve 1. Start portable compressors Alignment for RB Purge, as 2. 0)en Portable Compressor Isolation desired Slutoff Valves on compressors that are connected:

o LRV-Il o LRV-12 o LRV-13 o LRV-14 o LRV-15 o __. LRV-16 o LRV-17 o LRV-18 o LRV-19 o LRV-20


G Initial /Date O

OP 417 Rev. 73 Page 63



ACTIONS DETAILS NOTE: Dedicated Valve Operator shall remain stationed at LRV-50 until LRV-50 is closed and locked.

NOTE: LR-60-FII/F12 will not indicate if RB pressure < 0 PSIG.

4.13.5 Establish air flow to RB 1. _ Verify LRV-25 is closed

2. Unlock and'open LRV-50
3. Open LRV-36
4. Monitor RB pressure via computer point P-254 or BS-93-PIR
5. Throttle Open, LRV-26 to cbtain < 2 PSIG Reactor Building pressure or to est:blish flow for mini-purge


Initial /Date 4.13.6 When desired pressure is 1. Close and lock LRV-50 reached or mini-purge is to 2. Close LRV-36 be terminated, secure air 3. Close LRV-26 supply 4. Stop Portable Compressors Performed by: /

Initial /Date Verified by: /

Initial /Date



OP-417 Rev. 73. Page 64

.; , e ,.


ACTIONS- DETAILS 4.13.7 Perform required Valve 1. Ensure closed all Portable Alignment for RB Purge, as . Compressor Isolation Shutoff desired Valves:

o LRV-Il o LRV-12 o LRV-13 o LRV-14 o LRV-15 o LRV-16 o LRV-17 o- LRV-18 o LRV-19 o LRV-20


Initial /Date O 4.13.8 Notify Shift Su)ervisor of completion of t11s Section /

Initial /Date O


OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 65



System: Chilled Water System Flow Diagram No. FD-302 756 initials i Valve No. Description Position Perform / Verify l CIN-6 Chilled Water isol to AHHE 13A Open / l CilV-48 'AHHE-13A Outlet Open /

CHV 72 Outlet Drain Closed /

CHV-60 Outlet Control Operable /

CHV5 Outlet isol Open /

CHV-8 Chilled Water isol to AHHi 13B Open /

CHV 49 AHHE 13B Outlet Open /

CHV 73 Outlet Drain Closed /

CHV-61 Outlet Control Operable /

CHV7 Outlet isol Open /

O I _

OP-417 Rev, 73 Page 66

. . . _ . . .-. ~ _ . - . -- . ._ . . = .-

a VALVE CHLCK LIST jl [NCLOSURF 2 l O (Page 1 of 4) 1 System: Leak Rate Flow Diagram No. FD 302 722 Initials Valve No. Description- Position Perform / Verify LRV 11 Port. Comp. Iso. Valve Closed /

l LRV 12 Port. Comr Iso. Valve Closed / )

LRV 13 Port. Cr mp. Iso. Valve Closed /

LRV 14 Port. Comp. Iso. Valve Closed /

LRV 15 Port. Comp. Iso. Valve Closed /

LRV 16 - Port. Comp. Iso. Valve Closed /

LRV 1/ Port. Comp. Iso. Valve Closed /

LRV 18 Port. Comp. Iso. Valve Closed /

LRV 19 Port. Comp. Iso. Valve Closed /

LRV 20 Port. Comp. Iso. Valve Closed '


LRV 32 LR Test Air Cooler Drain Trap Inlet Open /

LRV 33 LR Test Air Cooler Drain Closed / i LRV-60 LR Test Air Dryer inlet Line Drain Closed /

LRV 30 LR 11-Pl iso. (Air Dryer inlet) Open /

LRV 31 Air Dryer Timed Drain inlet Open /

LRV 68 LR Air Dryer Timed Drain Bypass Closed /

LRV 29 LR Air Dryer Outlet Line Vent Closed /

LRV-28 LR 10-Pl Iso. (Air Dryer Outlet) Open /

LRV 27 LR 9-PC iso. (Sensing to LRV-24) Open /

LRV-25 RB Supply PCV (LRV 24) Inlet Closed /

LRV 26 RB Supply PCV (LRV 24) Bypass Closed /

LRV 23 RB Supply PCV (LRV-24) Outlet Open /

LRV 59 RB Supply PCV (LRV 24) Outlet Drain Closed /

LRV-36 Air Supply Iso to Pen. #121 Closed /

LRV 37. Pen. #121 Vent Valve to Atmos. Closed /

Locked LRV-50 Pen. # 121 Iso. Valve Closed /

LRV-38 Pen. #122 Iso, to Atmos. Closed /

OP-417 Rev 73 Page 67

l VALVE CHECK LIST 11., ENCtOSURE2 (Pcgi 2 of 4)


- System teak Rata Flow Diagram No. FD 302 722

-( -

Initials Valve No. Description Position Perform / Verify t RV-49 Pen. *122150. Valve - ,

Closec' /

LRV 52 teak Rate Vent to RB Purge Closed / .

IRV 53 3* Throttle Valve to RB Purge Closed /

L RV-54 2* Throttle Valve to RB Purge Closed /

LRV 55 1' Throttle Valve to RR Purge Closed /

LRV48 1' 15o. Valve to RB Purge Closed / ,

tRV 47 LR Vent to RB Purge Closed /

1RV 51 Pen. #122 Isol. Valve Closed /

t RV-57 Drain on line from Pen. #122 Closed /

(RV 35 Pen. #122 Isol. to Atmos. Closed /

Closed t RV-116 Pen. #116, LlRT Test Valve Capped /

L RV 117 Pen. #116, LlRT Test Valve Closed /

Closed LRV 118 Pen. #116, LLRT Test Valve Capped /

Locked p 1 RV-45 Pen. #116 lso. Valve Closed /

LRV-46 Pen. #116 to LR Test Panel Iso. Closed /

Closed (RV 115 Pen. #202, LtRT Test Valve Capped /

Locked t RV-44 Pen. #202 Isol. Valve Closed /

LRV-42 Test Isol. In LR Test Panel Closed /

LRV 43 Test Isol. in LR Test Panel Closed /

t RV 39 Press Test isol. in I R Test Panel Closed /

L RV-40 Press Test isol. In LR Test Panel Closed /

t RV-41 Press Test is,8 in LR Test Panel Closed /

L RV-69 I!-4 & F15 Inlet Iso. Closed /

LRV-64 Fl 5 Inlet Control Vahe Closed /

L RV-65 F1-4 Inlet Control Valve Closed /

LRV 66 FI 4 Outlet Valve Closed /

LRV-67 F1-5 Outlet Valve Closed /

LRV-63 Fl 4 and F15 Inlet Valve Closed t /

l LRV-113 Suction Vent Closed I


A l LRV 58 RB Purge Exhaust Line Drain Closed /

[h OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 68


System: leak Rate (Post Accd. Venting System) Flow Diagram No. ID-302 723

/m l ) Initials

'd' Valve No. Description Position Perform / Verify L RV-,1 Post Acc H2 Purge filter isol Closed /

Purge filter Isol LRV-71 Post Acc H2 Closed /

LRV 72 Post Acc H2Purge filter 1501 Closed /

LRV 73 Post Acc H2 Purge filter Isol Closed /

LRV 106 H2 Recombiner Discharge Drain Closed /

LRV 107 H2 Recombiner Discharge Drain Closed /

LRV 108 H2Recombiner Discharge Vent Closed /

LRV 109 H2 Recombiner Discharge Vent Closed /

LRV 110 H2 Recombiner Suction Drain Closed /

L RV 111 H2 Recombiner Suction Drain Closed /

LRV 112 H2Recombiner Suction Vent Closed /

Locked LRV-87 H2Recombiner Suction Iso. Vlv. Closed /

LRV 88 H2 Recombiner Suction Iso. Viv. Closed /

LRV 98 H2 Recombiner Suction Drain Viv. Closed

} /

v Locked LRV 89 H2 Recombiner Suction 1s0. Vlv. Closed /

LRV-90 H2 Recombiner Suction iso. Viv. Closed /

LRV 100 H2Recombiner Suction Drain Viv. Closed /

Locked LRV 93 Hy Recombiner Discharge Iso. Viv. Closed /

LRV 94 H2 Recombiner Discharge Iso. Viv. Closed /

LRV 104 H2 Recombiner Discharge Drain Viv. Closed /

Locked LRV-91 H2 Recombiner Discharge Iso. Viv. Closed /

LRV 92 H2 Recombiner Discharge Iso. Viv. Closed /

LRV 102 H2 Recombiner Discharge Drain Viv. Closed /

LRV 99 Hy Recombiner Suction Vent Closed /

LRV-101 H2 Recombiner Suction Vent Closed /

LRV 105 H2 Recombiner Discharge Vent Closed /

- LRV-103 H2 Recombiner Discharge Vent (s\ Closed /

V OP 417 Rev. 73 Page 69


. O' (Page 4 of 4)

V bystem: Leak Rate (Post Arcd. Venting System) Flow Diagram No. FD 302 723 initials Va!ve No. Description Position Perform / Verify LRV 119 Purge Cross Connect isolation Valve Closed /

LRV 120 Purge Cross Connect isolation Valve Closed /

LRV 121 Hydrogen Purge Control Valve Closed /

LRV 122 ILRT De-pressurization Control Valve Closed /

LRV-123 Hydrogen Purge Control Valve Closed /

Closed LRV 124 LLRT Test Valve Capped /

Closed LRV 125 LLRT Test Valve -Capped /

Closed LRV 126 Leak Rate Test Valve Capped /

Closed LRV 127 Leak Rate Test Valve Capped /

O' LRV-128 Leak Rate Test Valve Closed

. Capped /

Closed LRV 129 Leak Rate Test Valve Capped /

J OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 70.

( CONTAINMENT ACCESS RE0VIREMENTS Mode Mode Mode Mode 1 2 3 4 Minimize Access to the containment X Teams must consist of a minimum of 2 people X X X EMT stationed at the Hatch X X X EMT available on site X Reconn Team at the hatch X X Reconn Team Dressed out with body harnesses X -

Communications (Each Team have a radio) X X X X Notify Control Room of initial entry X X X X Notify Control Room when last person exits X X X X No Entry into the D-Rings Note 1 X X No Entry.on the Operating deck Note 1 X X Sound the RB Evacuation Alarm the Reactor Trips X X Note 1: May be waived with the Radiation Protection Manager's approval.

u(3 OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 71

, r~



g ._

Y D i 0 ---


. O 3%


C O ._.


D D 1 T 2% f?

Q A i '

T , ,

X ) ,;

i l D I j, t

O ,

1 1% I C I O j, f___(4-


0 t -

r ---

I i

  • O I,

a . ,

t .

R. B. Hydrogen Concentration og ~1 (Vol. %) vs Time Arter LO '

i n v i s i v i i i i n i i n i s s i s s i s i i _, CA in 0 at4 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 264 288 3n2 336 HOURS AFTER LOCA OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 72

'B e.- .8 t


ENCLOSURE 5 PURGE RATE CALCULATION NOTE: Pro.iected Buildun Rate is derived-from Enclosure 4 Day I

-Purge Rate = Proiected Builduo Rate / Day v 2 x 106 scf x 48 Per Minute 120 minutes i.

O i

. d. :

- 0P-417 Rev. 73 Page 73 4

c-- -g e n ,e.- w-r.,v - ,


, Continuous Purge Rates Required to Maintain Constant -;

Hydroaen Concentration Time After Reauired Purue Rates. scfm '

Accident. hrit LOCA MHA*

400 18.2 21.2 500- 16.3 19.3 600 14.8 17.6 700 13.5 16.2 800 12.4 14.9 900~ 11.0 13.7

.1000 10.6 12.7 1100 9.9 11.8 1200 9.3 11.1 1300 8.7 10.4 -

1400 8.2 9.8 1500 7.7 9.2 1600 7.3 8.6 l( ) - 1700 6.9 8.0 1800 6.6- 7.5 1900 6.4 7.1 2000 6.1 6.7 2250 5.4 6.0 2500 4.8 5.4 2750 4.5 5.0 3000 4.1 4.7

  • MHA - Maximum Hypothetical Accident O
0P-417 Rev. 73 Page'74

, . . . . - ,. .

  • j _

..j , .


. lc 1 Compressed Air Systems Phone: (800): 626-0177 (Tampa)-

(813) 626-8177 (Tampa)


2. ' Air Components:& Equipment,'Inc. . Phone: - (813) 621-3087 (Tampa)-

1 1

J l

I l

d -

s 4

1 l

l O a t -


J f

d r.


'0Pf417. - Rev. 73- / age 75

" M e s--sD gw-^-$.-t+m'E M e -f E-9"- i89-'T *i w+'- 'e' NWE' '7'- 6 86 *-Y um==?*-M f nam- "e Wae- ~7M iT=' 4- -s- e' wnmP---T-^--r-r-T m*m^--+ 9---e&T--WN-rM?e--ww9--T-et-T-+WFrW--s--gC -Y7

,e ,


System: Penetration Cooling Flow Diagram No. FD 302 755 e~. .

Initials Valve No. Description Position Pedorm/ Verify PCV-1 Isol for Pen #105 (A-2 MS Line) 2-Bolted /

PCV 2 1501 for Pe . #105 (A 2 MS line) 11/2 Bolted /

PCV 3 Isol for Pen #105 (A 2 MS Line) 1 1/2-Bolted /

PCV 4 Isol fo

  • Pen #105 (A 2 MS Line) 1 1/2-Bolted /

PCV 5 Isol fo' Pen #106 (A 1 MS Line) 1 1/2-Bolted /

PCV-6 Isol for Pen #106 (A 1 MS Line)

  • 1/2-Bolted /

PCV 7 - Isol for Pen #106 (A-1 MS Line) 2-Bolted /

PCV-8 lsol for Pen #106 (A 1 MS Line) 2 Bolted / _

PCV 9 lsol for Pen #107 (B-2 MS Line) 11/2 Bolted /

PCV 10 Isol for Pen #107 (B-2 MS Line) 1 1/2-Bolted /

PCV 11 lsol for Pen #107 (B 2 MS Line) 2 Bolted /

PCV 12 lsol for Pen #107 (B 2 MS Line) 11/2 Bolted /

PCV 13 Isol for Pen #108 (B MBY Line) 1 1/2-Bolted /

PCV 14 lsol fw Pen #108 (B MRY tine) 1 1/2-Bolted /

PCV 15 Isol for Pen #108 (B MRY Line) 1 1/2-Bolted /


PCV 16 PCV-17 Isol for Pen #108 (B MRV Line) isol for Per' #201 (81 MS Line) 1 1/2-Bolted 11/2 Bolted



PCV 18 Isol for Pen #201 (B 1 MS Line) 1 1/2-Bolted /

PCV 19 Isol for Pen #201 (B-1 MS Line) 2-Bolted /

PCV 20 Isol for Pen #201 (B 1 MS Line) 11/2 Bolted /

PCV 21 Isol for Pen #342 (B DH to vessel) 1-Bolted /

PCV-22 Isol for Pen #342 (B DH to vessell 1 1/2-Bolted /

PCV 23 Isol for Pen #343 (A DH to vessel) 1 1/2-Bolted /

PCV 24 isol for Pen #343 (A DH to vessel) 1 1/2-Bolted /

PCV 25 Isol for Pen #344 (DH from RCS) 1 1/2-Bolted /

PCV-26 Isol for Pen #344 (DH from RCS) 1 1/2-Bolted /

PCV 27 Isol for Pen #423 (A MRY Line) 1 1/2-Bolted /

PCV 28 Isol for Pen #423 (A MRV Line) 1 1/2-Bolted /

PCV 29 isol for Pen #423 (A MRV Line) 1 1/2-Bolted , /

PCV 30 Isol for Pen #423 (A MRV Line) 2 Bolted /


vCV 1 through PCV 33 valve positions are starting from CLOSED: the first notch is Position 1, and positions in between notches represent 1/2 positions.


OP-417 Rev, 73 Page 76



,/ ) l (Page 2 of ?)  !


System: Penetration Cooling Flow Diagram No. FD 302 755 initials  !

Valve No. Description Poshion Perform / Verify .

PCV 31 Isol for Pen #439 (Pzr Sample) 2 Bolted /

PCV 32 Isol for Pen #440 (A OTSG Sample) 2-Bolted /

PCV-33 Isol for Pen #441 (8 OTSG Sample) 2-Bolted /

PCV-42 AHF-9A Discharge Auto /

PCV 43 AHF-9B Discharge Auto /

! / g.

l N,$'


PCV 1 throt4 hPCV 33 valve position are starting from CLOSED: the first notch is Position 1, and positions in .

between notches represent 1/2 positions-3.x OP-417: Rev 73 Page 77

r 1

< - -p , * ; _ ,; +



1. .

$,"c"llf C nnel_.- Channel.

- Time /Date _ Sat-M~ Time /Date- - Sat M " -- Time /Date  :- S a )  ;

r L

r-4 4

4 s _

f W


O i OP-417- -

Rev.,73 Page 78-3. -y 9 -.--y- ,ww- ,-m.. 4 ,, ,--r- , + , , . -.,4 m.< w A . , - - - - -. . - - = _ _ _

.~.' .-


V REACTOR BUILDING TEMPERATURE STRING ACCURACY This information is supplied from Engineering Calculation 189-0013R5.

OUTPUT ERROR % SPAN ERROR 'F- REMARKS Computer i .89 i 3.6 Note 1 Recall i 1.13 i 4.5 Note 1, 2 Recorder i 1.12 i 4.5 Note 1 Alarm i 1.73 1 6.9 Note 1 Note 1: This error is applicable to " normal" and " accident" plant conditions.

Note 2: This does not include Recall processor error.

Remote reading of thermocouples in RCITS cabinets prior to first conditioning .

module using an Altex Multiple TC Calibrator Model 322-1 (TI #2070, accuracy of i .09%) increases accuracy of manual calculations to i 2.1 *F.


OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 79

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S-ENCLOSURE 11 (Page 1 of 3)

RB ENTRY PLANNING FORM Date/ Time of Planned Entry / -RWP Number INITIAL MEETING-(May be held up to 72 Hrs prior to Entry)

This-meeting must, at a minimum, include all personnel who are expected to enter the RB, representatives from Operations, Health Physics, and a NSM or designee.

Topics that must be discussed: .

-o ALARA precautions o Section 3.2, Limits and Precautions o Enclosure 3, Containment Access Requirements o Communications, including minimizing PA usage o Escape Routes o AI-1802, Personal Protective Equipment, Policy o AI-1805, Permit Required Confined Space Program o AI-1811, Safety at Heights Program ,

o AI-1801, Heat Stress Management o SP-324, Containment Inspection, requirements o Determine if-RB Cooling should be maximized o Ensure Chemistry has been notified-to sample the RB atmosphere o Review each Shops required ar.tions f]n- o Specific activities to be performed:

Activity Reaponsible Shop Number of Personnel location Meeting Conducted By: _

f emi ) -

( .

'0P-417! Rev.- 73 Page 80

i .F ,


(' age 2 of D)



i rtNAL Pat.Jes Mttrita i as1d concurrent w' t1 In(Should be held within 6 Hrs of Actual Entry but may be itial Meeting) ),

This meeting must, at 'a minimum, include all personnel who will enter the RB, i representatives from Operations, Health Physics, an EMT and a NSM or designee.  ;

-o -Angtations Resnonsibilitiest


is energized.

o _,_,;-Ifcontainment o lighting-(Rx entry-involves pumping LOT 4A/48,Aux Bus ACDP-33A, Bkr 30)(Turb Aux- Bus 3A, Bkr is energized.  ;

o_ Dow Corning 111 (or equivalent) and rags available for hatch seal inspection..

o 'The Personnel Hatch area is being cooled by the portable 15-Ton air.

conditioner, if required.

o_ __ Discuss any significant changes to plant configuration since previous _ [

meeting.  ;

o __ Discuss on going operations and surveillances that may be in progress .!

during the entry.

o if entry requires Control Room support, a designated operator nas been selected as a centact point. i


o RB Cooling has been maximized, if required. ,

o __ Site Support Rescue Services have been notified of RB entry and are l

. placed on standby.
  • o ,_., Equipment Hatch personnel hatch is unlocked, is not obstructed and is  ;

available for emergency exit, if required.

o Health Physics Responsibilities: I o _,_ Discuss expected radic, logical canditions at job site (s) and air  ;


o __ Discuss expected temperatures and stay t1N s at job site (s).

4 O

i l0P417f lRev.73' Page 81

--. _... ._ _ - . , - . . . _ _ . _ .. _____._.._.,.._m_.m_._____ .

. . - - . .. - - - _ . = - - _ _ _ . _ - . . . . . .

ENCLOSURE 11 (Page3of3) i RB ENTRY PLANNING SHEll j o gaintenance/RadWasit Responsibilitiest o Individuals have been assigned to perform Enclosure 1. Limited Job Entry Inspection, of SP 324, Containment inspection, as required for each activity.  !

o_ Required parts and materials have been staged.

o ENT's Responsibilitiest o Ensure an ENT will be stationed at the personnel hatch during modes 1 through 3 And on site for all other modes.

o Neetina Chairnerson Resnonsibilities o Ensure All the required topics on page 1 of this Enclosure are discussed o Ensure Enclosure 3 requirements are discussed and met.

o Ensure a rescue team is posted at the personnel hatch, as required.

o Designate an individual to ensure that tools are available at the g hatch to remove the emergency air flange.

V Designee:

o Designate an individual to ensure 4. hat the control room is notified of initial entry and when all personnel have exited the RB.


o _ Ensure that the SS00 is provided a point of contact prior to RB Entry.

Meeting Chaired By: f emil I

O OP 417- Rev. 73 Page 82-

~ .- . ._ .. _ _ - - -_.--- . - . _ - . . . - . . - . .- .

, ,o:

  • I l [NCLOSURE 12 i j () age 1 of 4)

PURGE RESTART I 1 Start Reactor Bldg Purge o S1 ART AHF-7A l; Exhaust fans MD o START AHF 78 ,

initial /Date L

2 Open Reactor Bldg Purge o OPEN AHV 1A Exhaust Valves OPEN AHV 1B >


Initial /Date 3 Record all required o Record GRWRP # and time on RM Al information on GRWRP, Recorder ,!

MQ RM Al(G) Recorder o Record Start Time and Date on Section !! of GRWRP-Batch Type O '

Initial /Date NOTE: Flow Control Pot on back of MC8 (HVAC section ) controls only AHD 91, a setting of 10 is full closed and 0 is full open.

4 Ad ust Reactor Bldg Purge 1. Adjust flow Control Pot Su ply for FULL CB HV to 10 recirculation MQ start 2. TART HF-6A Reactor Bldg Purge Supply DB fan START AHf 6B ,

3. OPEN AHV lc


4 Initial /Date

'k.  !



34 0P 417- Rev. 73 Page 83

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CLOSURE 12 I89'28I4)


NOTE: Low Flow thru AHD 91 will result in closure of AHV ID.

5 Adjust Purge Supply 1. Select and HOLD AHV-ID l Recirculation Control for control switch to OPEN desired purge flow setting position '

2. Adjust Reactor Bldg Purge Flow Control Pot (CB HV) i setting from 10.0 to required flow to prevent AHV 10 from trip closed signal, = 2.5
3. Release AHV 10 control switch


Initial /Date 6 Start second Reactor Bldg o START AHF-6A Purge Supply Fan, as 08 required o START AHF-6B Initial /Date NOTE: R8 air temperature must be maintained at or above 60'F during plant shutdowns 7 11 outsido teinperature o Energize Purge Heaters requires the use of purgo Heating Aux Bus, su nly hoaters, AHHE-16 FDR "A", Unit 3A ltlii energize purge heaters Heating Aux Bus, AHHE-16 FDR "B", Unit 4A


Initial /Date n


OP 417 Rev. 73 Page 84

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ - . _ _ _ - ~ _ _ . . . _ . _ - - _

.,o ,


NCLOSURE 12 O- (Page 3 of 4) ,

V '

PURGE RESTART II (Cont'd) 1 Start Reactor Bldg Purge o START AriF 7A Exhaust Fans g o START AHF 78


Initial /Date 2 Open Reactor Bldg Purge o OPEN AHV-1A Exhaust Valves OPEN AHV-1B l'

Initial /Date 3 Record all required o Record GRWRP # and time on RM Al information on GRWRP Recorder E RM Al(G) Recorder. o Record Start Time and Date on .

Section 11 of GRWRP-Batch Type 1


Initial /Date 1 NOTE: riow Control Pot on back of MC8 U AHD 91, a setting of 10 is full c(HVAC losed section and 0 is) controls full open.only 4 Adjust Reactor Bldg Purge 1. ,_. Adjust Flow Control Pot Supply for FULL (CB HV) to 10 recirculation E start 2. START AHF 6A Reactor Bldg Purge Supply QB Fan START AHF 6B 3 . ___ OPEN AHV-lc


Initial /Date P

f3 V

'0P_-417 Rev 73- .Page B5

, o ", =



NOTE: Low Flow thru AHD 91 will-result in closure of ANV-ID.

5 Adjust Purae Supply 1. - Select and HOLD AHV-ID Recirculation Coatrol for control switch to OPEN desired purge flow setting position

2. Adjust Reactor Bldg Purge Flow Control Pot (CB-HV) setting from 10.0 to required flow to prevent AHV ID from trip closed sional = 2.5 -
3. ReTease AHV 10 control switch


Initial /Date 6 Start second: Reactor Bldg Purge Supply Fan, as o_ START AHF 6A QB .

required o START AHF 6B


Initial /Date t NOTE: RB air tem erature must be maintained at or above 60"F during plant shutdowns 7 IE outside temperature o Energize Pur e Heaters requires the use of purge Heatin Aux Bus, su nly-heaters AHHE-1 FDR "A" IliJ energize p, urge heaters Heating Aux Bus,, Unit 3A AHHE-16 FDR "B", Unit 4A


Initial /Date OP-417 Rev. 73 Page 86 (LAST PAGE)