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Responds to Re Adequacy of Us Ecology Trench Capping Proposal.Request for Info Necessary for Full Evaluation of Proposal Encl
Person / Time
Site: 02700039
Issue date: 05/28/1981
From: Mcgurren H
To: Conner T
NUDOCS 8106020441
Download: ML20126L365 (4)



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Troy B. Conner, 'Jr., Esq.

g Conner, Noore a Corcer 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue.


  • g,' < 01 1981 g~

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Suita 1050 k')s ilashington, DC 2000:i Q'N

-Q9 xe7Y# IqN in tne datter of J.S. Ecology, Inc.

(Sheffield, Illinois Low-Level Radioactive ',laste Disposal Site) docket ilo. 27-39 a

i dear Mr. Conner:

This responds to your letter of April 21, 1961', to Eduars F. Jawkins of:the low-level Wasto licensino branch in 'unicn you assert that his Marca 27 letter provides no tecnnical basis for tne conclusion tht J.S.

Ecology's trench capping proposal is deficient.

If U.S. Ecology would

_ provide tne technical data usea in its covelopnont of,the tranch capping proposal, the Staff will conduct a full evaluation of the proposal.

The type of information tnat is needed for the.61C Staff to evaluate this proposal on its technical nerits is set forta in Attachnent A.

In your lettar jou also suggest tne possibility of.a neeting to discuss t

~tne license conditions. As the Staff noted in its darch 27 letter, we agreed to review tne site closure conditions to deternine whether any revisions way be warranted due to tne existence of technical data unich was not available snen tne conditions were originally developed.

,e are presently involvea in tais review. Upon coupletion of this review in the near future, we plan to rceet witn U.S. Ecology anc tne State of Illinois to discuss these site closure conditions.


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' Finally, in the Stia'ff's-March 27, letter we requestea that you direct any questions you nay'have to Staff' counsel..As an URC Staff attorney, I aa requesting that all future questions-be directed to Staff counsel.

Sincerely, n

j' ;

Henry J. McGurren counsel for ilRC Staff 3





.' Andrew C. Goodhope, Esq.

Jerry -R. Aline Dr. Forrest J.- Renick-Scott !l adson, Esq.

D.J. iicRae, Esq.

Cornelius'J. dollerich, Esq.

Kennetn G.' Anspach, Esq.

. John M. Cannon, Esq.

Robert Russell, Esq.

Mark J. tietterhahn, Esq.

, Acciral.' Vincent P. de Poix Mr. Charles F. Eason

' Atonic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board uccketing and. Service Section Dist NRC Central i.


.Shapar/Engelhardt Christenbu ry/Scinto l

Reis McGurren Chron(2)


-Lessy Dewey DSaith i

K0ragonette GTu ri -


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'McGurred/dmr Reis 1,6 5/^/J81 L 5/;, /81-

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I Attachment A e

List oof technical information required to evaluate U.S. Ecology.

proposal for closure Condition 8 (submitted February 10,1981)

Soil. testing' procedures used[to ensure proper compaction of 1.

1 subgrade.

~ 2.

Procedures-for dewatering " soft soil pockets."


-Definition of " clayey soil" using a standard engineering


' classification system.

- 4.

- Thickness in inches or com. of the thin soil layers-alluded to in

' the proposal.

1 5.

Method and = level of compactive effort for. clay soil ~ strata.


Method of places.ient, compaction and grading of-the " additional

j three feet of soil" alluded to in the proposal.


Final grading and drainage plan for trenches to receive this treatment.


Procedures-to be Lenployed for preparing surface for seeding, 1

seeding, nolding seed in place.


Erosion protection techniques during time required for germination and establishment of root zone.

10. Metnods to be employed to make surface resistant to dessication cracks and frost action, i
11. Permeability tests for soils to be used in compacted clay zone and in cover soil zone.

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, 12. Analyses which demonstrate that the implementation of the process described by U.3. Ecology will yield less surface water infiltration than is presently experienced in the vicnity of trenches.

13. Analyses that demonstrate that implementation of the process described by U.S. Ecology will render trenches less susceptible to subsidence than they are presently.

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