IR 05000213/1988014

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Insp Rept 50-213/88-14 on 880719-22.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Concrete Work & Records,Structural Steel Work & Records for New Switchgear Bldg
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 08/16/1988
From: Chaudhary S, Strosnider J
Shared Package
ML20151Z304 List:
50-213-88-14, NUDOCS 8808290281
Download: ML20151Z307 (6)


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Report N /88-14 Docket No.-50-213 License N OPR-61 -

Licensee: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company f P. O. Box 270 Hartford, Connecticut 06141 Facility Name: Haddam Neck Plant i Inspection At: East Haddam Neck, CT Inspection Conducted: . July 19-22,1988 Inspector: - 8/M/I

. K. Chaudhary, Senior Reactor date


Engineer, MPS, EB ,




Approved by: ',


8/4/*# !

R. St'rosnider, Chief, MPS, EB, DRS date !

Inspection Summary: Inspection on July 19-22, 1988 (Report No. 50-213/88-14) :

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection by a region-based inspector l of: (1) concrete work and records; and (2) structural steel work and records ,

for riew switchgear buildin ,

Results: Based on the items inspected, the inspector concluded that work was ,

, being performed in accordance with acceptable procedures and to an acceptable



level of qualit No items of violation or deviations were identifie ,

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l8jB2902s1 88C4318  :


l Q ADOCK 05000213 Phn1 l



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t Persons Contacted ,


i Connecticut Yankee Atomic Company l

  • J. H. Ashburner, NUSCO - Construction- 6
  • G. T. Bohn, NUSCO - Construction pepresentative '
  • Caccone, Senior Engineer  ;
  • J. M. Clark, Prir,:1 pal Engineer i


  • G. A. Flannery, NUSCO l 1 *S. Kamm, Engineer, CY .


  • D. B. Miller, Jr., Station Superintendent



! *J. B. Overbaugh, Project Manager, NUSCO

  • F. C. Rothen, Superintendent, Generation Construction .

N. Rutherford, Civil Engineer, NUSCO Bechtel Construction, In j


L. Anderson, Civil QC Engineer W. Brittle, Scpervisor, Civil Engineering i A. Early, Project Superintendent i


J. Nelson, Project QC Engineer  !

G. Nutwell, Project Manager  !

B. Weakland, Project Field Engineer  !

. i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission


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  • T. Shediosky, Senior Rssident Inspector  !
  • A. Asarb, Resident Inspector l General Walk-through Inspection of New Switchgear Building f The inspector performed a walk-through inspection of the new switchgear building to determine the adequacy of: construction work in progress; general housekeeping; construction quality; general conformance to project  ;

procedures and specifications; availability of controlled documents at the '

work site; and disposition of identified construction deficiencie ,  !


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! Structural Concrete t

The purpose of the inspection was to determine by direct observation and '

independent evaluations: (1) whether work related to structural cnnerete was accomplished in an acceptable manner; (2) If sufficient licensee QA/QC  !

inspections were performed and documented to verify quality of work; (3) i if the system for preparing, reviewing, and: maintaining records was func- i tioning properly; and, (4) if management controls were effective. The }

inspector reviewed documentation and held discussions with cognizant '

licensee personnel to assess the adequacy of the above mentioned attribute Records reviewed during this inspection are listed in Attachment Based on the above review, discussions, and independent evaluation, the I inspector determined that:

  • records confirm that concrete production and placement and }

installation of components conformed to project procedures and  !


  • adequate QA/QC inspections were performed using appropriate  ;

acceptance criteria, i


  • results of compression test quantitatively confirms acceptability ,

of concrete and curing conditions; and, ,

  • construction deficiencies were properly documented and dispositione There was one specific question regarding substitution of No. 8 rebars j with No. 9 rebars. The acceptability of this substitution was ne. clearly -

documented. The licensee has dispositioned a Supplier Deviation Disposi-tion Report (SDDR No. 1) accepting the supplier's recommendation for this (

substitution. There was, however, no documented calculation to justify the acceptability of this change. At the inspector's request, calcula-  !

tions were performed and provided to the inspector to clearly document and >

justify the substitution. Also, the stability of the Emergency Diesel  !'

Generator building due to tunnelling was reviewed. The inspector determined that adequate evaluation had been performed, and protection provided to  :

preclude any unanticipated problems in this are '

No violation or deviation was identifie . Structural Steel


The inspector reviewed documentation, held discussions with cognizant licensee engineers, and visually examined completed work to ascertain the l adequacy of construction and erection proct:res for structural steel '

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. 4 framings and supports, conformance of materials to specifications and codes, and the adequacy of inspection of bolted connectionc. The inspector also compared the "as-built" configuration of framing with the design drawings, and Bechtel's Work Plan and Inspection Record (WPIR).

Based on the above examinations, discussions, and inspection records, the inspector determined that:

+ the materials and erection process for structural steel conformed to the applicable codes and specifications;

  • adequate licensee QA/QC inspections were performed to verify the conformity of work with defined acceptance criteria;
  • Certified Material Test Reports (CMTR), with quantitative results, wert available to verify the quality of material, and qualified welding and NDE procedures were available for use; and,
  • nonconformances were properly dispositioned and the nonconformance reports clesrly identified the status of nonconforming item No violations or deviations were identifie .0 Exit Interview At the conclusion of the inspection, the inspector met with the licensee representatives (identified by * in paragraph 1), where the inspector summarized the purpose, scope, and findings of this inspection. T.b e inspector did not provide any written material to the licensee dO ing this inspectio The licensee did not indi; ate that any proprietary material was included within the scope of this inspectio __-_-___-_-___ _ _ __


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  • Bechtel Specification 18691-A-001, "Design Criteria Oocuments" Rev. O, i 2/6/87-  ;
  • Bechtel Specification 18691-A-080 (Q); "3 psi Pressure Resistant Doors",  !

Rev. 2, 2/22/88 i

  • Bechtel Specification 18691-C-001, "Design Criteria Documents", Rev. O, 1/12/87-
  • Bechtel Specification 18691-C-234(Q), "Earthquake Construction" Rev. 4,  ;

1/11/88 l


  • Bechtel Specification 18691-C-337(Q), Purchase of Ready-mixed Concrete", i Rev. 2; 12/9/87 j
  • Bechtel Specification 18691-C-339(Q), "Forming, Placing, Finishing and i Curing of Concrete", Rev. 4, 5/12/88 i
  • "

Bechtel Specification 18691-C-441(Q), "Material Testing Service", Rev. 2, 12/9/S7

  • Bechtel Specification 18691-C-352(Q) "Placing Reinforcing Steel", Rev. 1 I 5/5/8 :
  • Supplier Deviation Disposition Report #1 for C-351-1; 9/9/87 l
  • Letter: Overbaugh to Nutwell; CYMB-88-027, 7/7/88
  • PDCR-917; New Switchgear Bldg. Fire Protection, Rey, 0 _
  • PDCR-902; New Switchgear Bldg. Appendix R Equipment, Rev. O

'  !

  • WP&IR 865-12945-001, Roof Slab and Penthouse (El 58'-6")  ;
  • Work Plan and Inspection Records for 00CRs-865 l
  • Bechtel Gaithersburg Nuclear QA Manual copy # N-42
  • QA Procedure QG-3.5, "Design Change Control," Rev. 1
  • Bechtel QC Instruction Manual Copy #1 i
  • U.S. Testing Test Report # GRT-13, C39-60; C39-61 j
  • U.S. Testing Field Inspection Report for WP&IR SG5-12945-001 t
  • Bechtel Dwg. 83117-51116-St. 1, Rev.F "Switchgear Bldg. Steel Framing" l Elev. 27' 6", 41'-6"









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  • Bechtel Dwg. Bldg. Sheet 2, Elv, 58' 6"-
  • Material Receiving Report (MRR) #GPD-095, dated 6/13/88 i-Material Receiving Report (MRR) (GPD-040,~ dated 1/29/88 I Material. Receiving Report (MRR) #GPD-036, dated 1/4/88 ;

Material Receiving Report (MRR) #GPO-030, dated 12/14/88 l

  • Nonconformance Report Nos. 035, 036, 039, 042, 061-
  • Noncoriformance Report Log (NCRs 001 through 090)



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