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Forwards Copy of from Constituents Re Status of Core Shroud at Plant.Requests That Analysis & Response to Issue Be Forwarded at Earliest Convenience
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 10/03/1994
From: Kerry J
To: Selin I, The Chairman
Shared Package
ML19352E492 List:
CCS, NUDOCS 9411040302
Download: ML20149G772 (1)


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Unitcd States Scnatt w As-:NGToe. oc 205 N [

One Bowdoin Square Tenth Floor

.. Boston, MA 02114 l (617) 565-8519 )

October 3, 1994 ,

Ivan Selin, Chairman U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Chairman Selin,

Enclosed please find a copy of a letter from Ms. O*t and Mr. f Muirhead to you regarding the stat s of the core shroud at the ,

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant.

Their letter to you dated 9/16/94, raises a question as to need to conduct an inspection on the core shroud during the period of the current Pilgrim. shutdown. I feel that this is a very legitimate question, and I hope that you will give it serious consideration. I would appreciate you analysis and response to this issue at your earliest convenience.

Thank you in advance for your prompt response to this matter.  :

S' erely, John F. Kerry United States Senator JK/sw ,


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Citizens Urging Responsible Energy J September 16, 1994 Ivan Selin, Chairman US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Via Fax: (301) 504-1672 Lear Chairman Selin As you are avare, the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station automatically shutdown on August 29, 1990. This is the fourth unp .r. 3 shutdown thir year. While various malfunctions associate. With she shutdown remain under investigation, it is now apparent ~that the plant's main generator was seriously damaged. Boston Edison originally said there was "no damage to any of the equipment."

However, at a press conference last Monday, the company confirmed that Pilgrim will remain off line for up to four months to complete up to $6 million in repairs.

Our purpose in vriting is to inform you that two anonymous sources have stated that Boston Edison is avare Have you been that the core shroud at Pilgrim is cracked.

noticed of such findings, or has past NRC inspection activity identified any core shroud crack indications at Pilgrim?

Clearly the NRC views the subject of core shroud cracking with great concern since you have issued Generic Letter 94-03, "Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSSC) of Core Shrouds in Boiling Water Reactors," on July 25, 1994 vith no notice of opportunity for public comment "because of

~he urgent nature of the actions requested." In fact, l t

Federal Register, Volume 59, No. 155/ Friday, August 12, l 1994 says, "The NRC determined that the need foritlicensees necessary l

j to implement the reguested actions quickly to issue this gener.c letter immediately."

made l In view of Pilgrim's unexpected lengthy outage and the emergent nature of this issue, we feel it vould be prudent for the NRC to move up the schedule for Pilgrim's core shroud inspection. Have you considered this action?

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M H44$n + -

I Duxbury, Massachusetts 02331 .

(617) 934-0493 l Post Office Box 2621 .

Finally, the NRC's " WEEKLY INFORMATIO?! REPORT" to you for week ending July 15, 1994 notices an August 4, 1994 meeting with Boston Edison "To discuss the reactor vessel inspection scheduled for the April 1995 refueling outage and (an) IGSCC inspection relief request." Please provide us with a copy of the company's request and the current status of this issue. We vould also like to know what criteria, standards or regulations the NRC will u'se in deciding whether to grant


the requested relief.

We look forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

.ary C. Ott Dona.'~ M. Mutrheaf Jr, M.D.

Co-Chairmen CCl Senator Edvard Kennedy J Senator John Kerry Congressman Gerry StuddsHarshbarger Attorney General Scott Ronald Eaton Robert Pollard

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