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Palex 88,Palisades Nuclear Plant Emergency Exercise Scenario Conducted on 880217
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/17/1988
Shared Package
ML20147E672 List:
NUDOCS 8803070126
Download: ML20147E691 (799)


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i PAIIX 88  ;

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8803070126 871229 i PDR ADOCK 05000255 p PDR j mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 i


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1.1 SCOPE 1.1  !






mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12


1.1 SCOPE r

PALEX 88 is designed to meet exercise requirements specified in . _

j 10 CFR.50, Appendix E, Section IV.F. .It will postulate events which  !

vould require activacie n of najor portions of the site emergency plan and  !

response by Van Buren, Allegan and Berrien Counties and the_ State of'-

Michigan. The exercise will be unannounced in support of state and local  ;

exercise objectives. The Joint Public Information Center will be :j activated. _

l l


l The exercise will demonstrate each item listed under'th's following  !

categories l

1. Assessment and Classification
a. Recognition of emergency conditions
b. Timely classification of emergency conditions in accordance with emergency action levels 2 .- Consnunication
a. Initial notification within specified time constraints (state and local - 15 minutes, NRC - I hour)
b. Subsequent notification in accordance with procedure (state, local, NRC) ,
c. Notification and coordination with other organizations, as required (other utilities, contractors,. fire or medical services)
d. Provision of accurate and timely information to support news release activity
3. Radiological Assessment and Control
a. Calculation of dose projection based on sample results or monitor readings
b. Performance of in-plant and offsite field surveys
c. Collection and analysis of a post-accident primary coolant sample
d. Trending of radiological data
e. Formulation of appropriate protective action recommendations
f. Contamination and exposure control mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 1.1

O 4. Emergency Response Facilities

a. Activation, staffing and operation at appropriate classifications and within specified time constraints
b. Adequacy of emergency equipment and supplies
c. Adequacy of emergency communication systems l d. Access control l
5. Emergency Management j a. Conusand and control with transfer of responsibilities from l Control Room to Technical Support Center to Emergency Operaticus l Facility r

! b. Assembly and accountability within approximately 30 minutes

c. Coordination with State of Michigan emergency response organization
d. Mitigation of operational and radiological conditions
e. Mobilization of emergency teams
6. Reentry and Recovery
a. Assessment of damage and formulation of recovery plan
b. Identification of constraints, requirements and organization to implement the plan
7. Exercise Control
a. Provision for maximum free play j
b. Accurate assessment of player performance O

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 1.2

O v 2.0 EXERCISE CONDUCT 2.1 EXERCISE ORGANIZATION The exercise organization is comprised of Controllers, Evaluators, Players and Observers, all of whoe are issued arabands for identification.

Controllers are responsible for providing messages and data to Players.

They also ensure that exercise activity progresses as planned. Con-trollers are authorized to modify scenario data and provide clarification to Players as judged appropriate. They must not, however, prompt Players unless the exercise or plant operation is jeopardized by inappropriate Player response. If a Player must be prompted, it must be brought to the attention of the Lead Facility Controller or Exercise Coordinator and prior to doina so if possible. Controllers also serve as Evaluators in most cases.

Evaluators observe Player activity and judge effectiveness of response.

I consumers Power Company Evaluators are required to submit signed Evaluator Checklists to their Lead Facility Controller. NRC and other utilities' evaluators will be present for exercises.

Observers may be present at any location where exercise activity occurs.

O Observers are not allowed to speak to players during the course of the exercise.

Players include all personnel responding to simulated exercise conditions.


  • The Exercise Coordinator is in charge of overall exercise conduct.

Responsibilities include conducting preexercise Controller meetings, NRC entrance meeting, joint critiques, and NRC exit critique; approving major scenatio deviations; resolving exercise questions; and terminating the exercise.

A Lead Facility Controller is assigned to each Emergency Response Facility and is responsible for addressing Player inquiries, conducting a post-exercise facility critique, collecting and submitting completed Evaluator Checklists to the Exercise Coordinator.

Controllers and Evaluators will refer all Player inquiries to the Lead Facility Controller. If unable to resolve a question, the Lead Facility Controller will refer the query to the Exercise Coordinator.

O *A diagram of the Controller organization is provided in Figure 2.1.

nil 086-0006B-TPil-TP12 2.1

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! EOF 82556 I

OSC 0346 j MSC 0543 i

{! FIGURE 2.1 I

O 2.3 EXERCISE DATA AND MESSAGES Messages and data to drive Player response are contained in the following appendices:

Appendix A - Sequence of Events / Narrative Summary Appendix B - Message Sheets Appendix C - Meteorological Data Appendix D - Rad Monitor Data Appendix E - Onsite Rad Data Appendix F - Offsite Rad Data Appendix G - Post-Accident Sample Data Appendix H - Public Affairs Appendix I - CFM Data Sheets Information not to be distributed to players is marked "Controller Use Only."

It is ultimately each Controller's responsibility to ensure that only appro-priate information is distributed to Players.


l. Perform all actions to the extent possible in accordance with the emergency plan and procedures as if it were a real emergency. j Unless authorized by the Controller, you should not simulate your j actions. Verbal approval from a Controller / Evaluator is required i prior to simulating any action. If authorized to simulate an l action, tell the Controller /Evaluttor how it would be performed.


2. Periodically speak out loud, identifying your key actions and

, decisions to the Controller / Evaluators. This may seen artificial, but it will assist in the evaluation process. If you are in doubt, ask for clarification. The Controller / Evaluator will not prompt or coach you.

3. Know the overall Controller organization. Identify your Controller and NRC evaluators. Controllers also serve as Evaluators,



4. The Controller periodically will issue messages or instructions i designed to initiate response actions. Messages must be accepted immediately. They are essential to successful performance.

O 1 mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.2 I l

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LO l S. If the Controller intervenes, obey the Controller's directions.

'This is essential to the overall success of the exercise. If you

! disagree with your Controller. you can ask him to reconsider. You-i must, however, accept his/her word as final and proceed. Respond to i

Controller's questions.

6. You must play as if radiation levels actually are present, in .
accordance with the information you have received. This may require *
- that you wear dosimeters and anti-Cs, observe good radiation pro-- i

{ tection practices, and be aware of and minimize your radiation I 4

exposure. Identify the individuals in your.eeersency response i 3

organization responsible for informing you of these items.' Follow  !

t their instructions, i 7. If you are entering normal nuclear station radiation areas, observe

all rules and procedures. No one, including Controller / Evaluators, is exempt from normal station radiological practices and procedures.

1 8. Demonstrate knowledge of emergency operations and procedures.- ]

Utilize' status boards, logbooks, and message forms,.as much as j possible, to document and record your actions, instructions and .

reports to your coplayers.  !

^ I

9. Do not enter into conversations unrelated to the drill with other- l j Players. You may answer questions directed'to you by Federal j i

Evaluators. If the question is misdirected to you or you do not i

! know the answer, refer them to the team leader or the Controller. {,

1 t

'l 10. Keep a list of items for improvement. Provide this to your tens l l leader. Team leaders will ensure these are considered. If neces-i sary, they will identify them to the Controller during the critique l which follows the drill / exercise. Areas for improvement or lessons 4 learned, when identified, will improve overall emergency preparedness.  !

4 i

} 2.5 CRITIQUE i i  !

j Following termination of the exercise, facility critiques will be con-  !

j ducted by Lead Facility Controllers. l


l A joint critique will be conducted following facility critiques. Lead l Facility Controllers will present overall observations made at facility critiques. Players may attend if they wish.

I Following the joint critique, the NRC/CP Co critique will be conducted.

! Focus of CP Co comments will be on items judged to be of greater signifi-

cance. Items of lesser importance cited at facility and joint critiques j will be addressed but may not be discussed at the NRC/CP Co critique.

l Comments will be made by:

LO l

i mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.3

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1. Exercise Coordinator
2. NRC The Nuclear Emergency Planning Administrator is responsible for evalua-tion, assignment, completion and documentation of-all critique comments.

2.6 EVALUATOR CHECKLISTS The checklists provided in Section 2.6.1 through E.5.9 are to be used in judging Player and Controller ability to meet stated exercise objectives.

These facility specific checklists cross-reference all applicable exer-cise objectives and prior exercise weaknesses. In sun, they serve as the basis of exercise evaluation and documentation.

Each Evaluator shall submit to the Exercise Coordinator a completed,  !

, signed, and dated checklist at the conclusion of the exercise. Items marked "inadequate" shall be fully explained in the "comments" section.

Comments continuation sheets are provided in Section 2.6.9. l j Lead Facility Controllers will conduct critiques using these checklists as guides.

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l mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.4

I 2.6.1 Control Room Evaluator Checklist rs Date:

() Name:

Met, Not-Met, Not Met, I Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 1A Recognition of emergency conditions IB Timely classification of emergency conditions 2A Notification of state and local governments within 15 minutes and NRC within one hour 2B Subsequent notification in accordance with procedure (state, local, NRC) 2C Notification and coordination for offsite assistance (fire, medical) 3F Contamination and exposure control ___

4A Notification of OSC and TSC staff to activate at alert classification 4B Adequacy of equipment and supplies 4C Adequacy of communications equipment 4D Access control SA Command and control with clear trans-fer of responsibility from Control i Room to TSC i SD Mitigation of hypothetical  !

operational problems '

SE Mobilization of emergency teams 6A Assessment of damage 6B Identification of reentry / recovery restraints Comments:

1 Signature: l

  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA ,

(not applicable). '

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.5 l


2.6.2 Operational Support Center / Teams Evaluator Checklist Name: Date:

Met, Not Met, Not Het, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 3F Contamination and exposure control  :

4A Activated at alert classification and staffed in accordance with SEP (See Page 2.16 for augmentation work sheet.)

4B Adequacy of equipment and supplies 4C Adequacy of communications 4D Access control 5A Transfer of offsite RMT control to EOF SD Mitigation of hypothetical operational '

conditions SE Mobilization of teams at appropriate f times Comments:

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! Signature: ,


  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable). I mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.6

2.6.3 Onsite RMT Evaluator Checklist Name: Date:

Met, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Lou High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impacc*

3B Performance of in plant field surveys 3F Contamination and exposure control 4A Activation at alert classification (See Page 2.16 for augmentation work sheet.)

4B Adequacy of equipment and supplies 4C Adequacy of communications SE Mobilized at appropriate time Comments:

O Signature:


  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.7

P 2.6.4 Offsite RMT Evaluator Checklist Name: Date:

Met, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 3B Performance of offsite field surveys 3F Contamination and exposure control 4A Activation at site area emergency classification (See Page 2.16 for augmentation work sheet.)'

4B Adequacy of equipment and supplies 4C Adequac/ of communications SA Transfer of control from OSC to EOF _

SE Mobilized at appropriate time _


O Signature:


  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.8 m

2.6.5 Security Evaluator Checklist  !

Name: Date: _

Met, Not Met, Not Met, j Fully Problem Low High  ;

Objective _ Met Noted* Impact

  • _ Impact
  • 3F Contamination and exposure control  !

4B Adequacy of emergency equipment and '

supplies l 4C Adequacy of communications 4D Access control of site, Control Room,  ;

TSC, OSC, EOF and JPIC 5B Assembly and accountability within _ j approximately 30 minutes j SE Mobilization at appropriate time Comments:

O Signature:


  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

mil 086-00068-TP11-TP12 2.9

. i 2.6.6 Technical Support Center Evaluator Checklist i Name: Date:

Met, Not Met, Not Met, i Fully Problem Low High Objective Met. Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 1A Recognition of emergency conditions _

a IB Timely classification of emergency ,

conditions 2B Notification of State and NRC (and possibly locals) at 15-minute intervals or as mutually agreed  ;

2C Notification and coordination with other organizations as required (fire, medical)  !

2D Provision of accurate and timely information to support press release i activity  ;

3A Calculation of dose protections based l on sample results or monitor readings i I

\ 3D Trending of radiogical data j 3E Formulation of appropriate protective action recommendations 3F Contamination and exposure control.

1 4A Activation, staffing and operational

, within one-half hour of alert i j declaration (See Page 2.16 for augmentation work sheet.)

1 4B Adequacy of emergency equipment and '

i supplies i

4C Adequacy of cossaunications 4D Access control l J l

? 5A Command and control with clear transfer of responsibilities from Control Room and to EOF SB Assembly and accountability within approximately 30 minutes

  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA ,

(not applicable).

mil 086-00068-TP11-TP12 2.10

2.6.6 Technical Support Center Evaluator Checklist (Page 2)

C Met, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • SC Coordination with State of Michigan emergency organization 3D Mitigation of operational and radiological conditions SE Mobilization of emergency teams 6A Accessment of damage and formulation of recovery plan 6B Identification of contraints, require-sents and organization to implement the recovery plan Comments:

O Signature:


  • Explain items checked in detail under comuments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2,11

s 2.6.7 Emergency Operations Facility Evaluator Checklist I Name: Date:

Met, Not Met, Not Met, i Fully Problem Low High Objective _ Met Noted* ,


  • Impact
  • 1A Recognition of emergency conditions 1B Timely classification of emergency conditions 2B Notification of State and NRC at 15-minute intervals or as mutually agreed 20 Notification and coordination with other organizations as required (other utilities, contractors, fire, medical
2D Provision of accurate and timely

! information tion to support news release activity l 3A Calculation of dose projections based on sample results or monitor readings 3D Trending of radiological data 3E Formulation of appropriate protective


action recomunendations
3F Contamination and exposure control
4A Activated and staffed at site area 1 emergency and operational within about i an hour of declaration (See Page 2.16 for augmentation work sheet.)

4B Adequacy of emergency equipment and __

supplies l

4C Adequacy of conununications systems 4D Access control 5A Command and control with clear trans-fer of responsibilities from TSC und OSC O

  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.12

2.6.7 Emergency Operations Facility Evaluator Checklist (Contd)

Met, Not Met, Not Het, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact *-

SC Coordination with State of Michigan _.

emergency organization SD Mitigation of operational and radiological conditions 6A Assessment of damage and formulation of recovery plan 6B Identification of constraints, requirements and organization to implement the recovery plan Comments:

O Signature:


  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.13

i I

1.6.8 Controller / Evaluator Performance Checklist

() Name: Datet

! Het, Not det, Not Met,

Fully Probles Low High i i Objective Met Noted* Impact
  • Impact
  • t 7A Provision for maximum free play l:

7B Accurate assessment of player  !

performance l Comments: .l I i

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i Signature:  !

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  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. I I If not observed, mark NA (not applicable). l

, l 1 1 1 mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.14

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2.6.9 ' Evaluator Checklist Counsent Continuation Sheet l r

Area: Date: '

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l Signature:

  • Explain itema checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA

<{ (not applicable).

j mil 086-00065-TP11-TP12 2.15 l

AUGMENTATION WORK SHEET Technical Support Center  ;

Arrival Name Time Reactor Engineer (30 minutes)

Electrical Engineer (60 minutes)

Uchanical Engineer (60 minutes)

J Communicator (30 minutes)

Communicator (2 in 60 minutes)

Health Physics (30 minutes)

Operational / Maintenance Support Center Health Physics Technicians (6 in 30 minutes)

O  :

i Health Physics Technicians (6 in 60 minutes) t Chemistry Technician (60 minutes)

MSC I&C Maintenance (30 minutes)

MSC Mechanical Maintenance (60 minutes)  ;

MSC Electrical Maintenance (30 minutes)

Emeraency Operations Facility Emergency Officer (60 minutes) mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.16

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O RP1287-0044A-TP12

1 PALEX 88 Sequence of Events l Time  :

O Actual (Scenario) Event ,

j 0100 Initial conditions - Normal full power

(-0030) ,

Equipment out of service: Auxiliary Feed Pump P-8C, Low Pressure '

Safety Injection Pump _(LPSI) P-67A, and the Failed Fuel Monitor l Alares: None PCS leak rate as of 0700 yesterday: 0.05 spe unidentified,  !

0.1136 spa identified 0.1636 spa total Further historical data will be provided by the controller if requested.

0130 CAS/SAS receives alarm on the Bay Roof Door. CAS dispatches j (0000) officer to investigate.  :

0135 Security Officer arrives at alarming door and is taken hostage i (0005) outside the vital area. He is then taken to the A0 Pit (auxiliary  !

operators briefing / break room) located at the north end of the i turbine deck. His captor orders out any Aos there at'the time i and takes over the room. j Kidnapper calls the Control Room from the A0 Pit, describes the O 0140 (0010) situation and makes demands, j 0145 SS assumes SED duties and classifies an "Alert" based on f (0015) "adversaries consandeering a nonvital area." l 0210 Negotiator arrives.

(0040) 0215 Negotiator clears security and arrives at the scene. Discussion l (0045) ensues.  ;

0300 Electrohydraulic fluid line bursts, rouulting in the turbine (0130) generator control valves closing, j 0302 An automatic reactor trip occurs vaen the high pressurizer pres-(0132) sure set point is exceeded. Following the trip, one of the "A" steam generator safety valves sticks open.

0310 Kidnapper releases his hostage and surrenders. Kidnapper is (0140) removed from the site in the custody of local law enforcement officers.

0315 Another "Alert" is classified based on an unisolable main steam (0145) line break and notifications made. When operators attempt to increase auxiliary feedwater flow, they will find they have no O control of FIC-0727 from the Control Room.

RP1287-0044A-TP12 1

r PALEX 88 Sequence of Events Time Actual O- (Scenario) Event 0325 Operators isolate "A" steam generator (S/G), and shortly there-(0155) after, the faulty safety valve fails wide open. Auxiliary oper-ator is manually controlling auxiliary feed flow and is in com-

, munication with Control Room for directions on how to throttle it.

0340 "A" S/G is empty. Operators stop two primary coolant pumps, and (0210) start dropping Primary Coolant System (PCS) pressure.

NOTE: Wen operators first attempt to establish cooldown using CV-0511, they find it will not open.

0345 An approximate 260 spa steam generator tube rupture occurs in the (0215) "A" S/G as indicated by the "A" sain steam line radiation monitor HIGH alara energizing; this is followed by SIS actuation. P-673 Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump fails to start.

~0350 SED classifies a "General Emergency" based on a loss of "2 out of

(~0220) 3 fission product barriers." Commences making notifications.

0355 Operators have reestablished cooldown and are dropping PCS pres-(0225) sure to reduce the leak rate; they also block and reset safety injection.

NOTE: Wen SIAS initially occurred, they stopped the remaining-two primary coolant pumps. Now that SI has been reset, they restart "B" and "C" PCPs. They also stop both boric acid pumps and try to establish a 75' per hour cooldown rate.

-0415 "B" S/G main steam line radiation monitor alert alara energines.

(~0245) Operators isolate letdown.

-0633 P-67A Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump returned to service and

(~0503) tested 0750 Plant is on shutdown cooling - cooldown continues.

(0620) 0755 Time jumps 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> and 55 minutes to condition where the PCS (0625) has been cooled and depressurised to a point where the release has become negligible.

1050 Management enters the recovery mode.

4955 Esercise ends. Recovery adequately demonstrated.


O RP1287-0044A-TP12 2

PALEX 88 Narrative Summary 0 0100 (0030) INITIAL CONDITIONS A. The plant is at full power at the end of core life, 10.4 GWD.

B. The following equipment is in a degraded condition

1. Auxiliary Feedwater Pump P-8C is out of service (005):  !
a. It was declared "inoperable" at 1300 yesterday when it was "Red- [

Tagged" for replacement of one of its journal bearings. (Last  ;

time the pump ran, the bearing was' overheating and very noisy.) l i

b. Currently the old bearing has been removed sad the new one is i scheduled to be installed on "B" shift, but has not been retrieved froe stock yet. Further, the shaft was scored and needs machining l before the bearing can be mounted. l
c. When new bearing has been procured and the shaft machined, estimate eight hours for reassembly.  ;
2. Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump P-67A is 005:
s. It was declared "Inoperable" at 0830 yesterday, when upon com-  !

plation of Monthly Technical Specification Surveillance i O Test MO-23, pump vibration was found to be in the "required action i range." i l


b. An alignment check revealed the need to shia the pump. Hence, it was "Red Tagged," uncoupled and shimmed by 1600 yesterday.
c. Last shift ("C" shift) rechecked t1e alignment and found it l better but still not what they would like. It was decided there '

was still time to uncouple it and add the necessary piece of shim .

stock, recouple and test it before the LCO empires. j i

d. Currently it is again uncoupled. "A" shift maintenance is to add i the necessary shin and recouple it; then Operations is to retest ]


e. Estimate 2.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> for maintenance to complete their work once i they start.
3. Failed Fuel Monitor RE-0202 is 005:
a. RE-0202 was declared inoperable and removed free service on 27 January 1988 when it failed a calibration check by IK.
b. If,C has been unable to repair it, and it is not known when (if ,

ever) it will be available again.

j C. The following alare conditions exist: NONE RP1287-0044A TP12 3 J




~ Narrative Summary.

O D. The meteorological conditions are as follows:

1. It is clear and cold with light winds. .The' roads are clear though there are several inches of.old snow covering the countryside. Fore-cast calls for continued clear and-cold with little, change during the day. The MET tower indicates the-following at ( seters):
a. Wind speed:
b. Wind directions
c. Stability: ,
d. Ambient temperature: +21*T E. Primary and secondary chemistry are stable at the following conditions:
1. Primary systes chemistry
a. pH: 6.8
b. Boron: 97 ppe
c. Dissolved 02: <.02 ppe
d. N2: 23.7 cc/kg
e. Total beta samma activity: 1.54 microcuries/mL
f. Iodine dose equivalent: 2.5 E-2 microcuries/mL
g. Total PCS gas activity: 4.22 microcuries/mL
2. Secondary system chemistry
a. Primary to secondary leak rate .002 spa

' .. Off-gas Xe 133: 2.95 E-6 microcuries/aL

c. Condenser air inleakage: 6.5 cfm
d. A and B S/G gross samma activity: <5.6 E-6 microcuries/aL F. Primary Coolant Systes Leak Rate as of 0700 yesterday:
1. Identified: 0.1136 spe
2. Unidentified: 0.05 spe
3. Total: 0.1636 spe O

RP1287-0044A-TP12 4

'l PALEX 88 i l Narrative Susamary l

, i O 0130-0255 (0000-0125) i i

A. Exercise begins when security receives alares in both the Central Alaru Station (CAS) and Secondary Alarm Station (SAS) for the Bay Roof Door. ,


! 3. CAS dispatches an officer to investigate the alare. The responding officer j is disarmed and taken hostage. The kidnapper (a controller) forces the j guard over to the A0 Pit on the turbine deck and takes it over after i j ordering out any A0s present. l i

C. Shift Supervisor is informed of situation by:

l ,

l 1. Kidnapper calling and stating situation and demands

2. Any additional personnel who say have witnessed the situation  !


D. Expected Actions
1. 55 informs Security Shift Leader of situation and ascertains that the j Security Contingency Procedures are activated. SS requests copy of procedure he brought to the Control Room. '

j 2. SS assumea *,iti Emergency Director (SED) position and

a. Classifies an "Alert" per EI-1 based on "adversary connandeering a i

O nonvital area" j

b. Sounds the siren and notifies
1 k ,

(1) Michigan State Police '

! (2) TBI l

} (3) Duty and Call Superintendent t 1

J '

(4) Plant General Manager l (5) Vice President Nuclear Operations Department I l ,

3 (6) NRC j i r

] c. Accountability conducted  :

J l

d. Directs actions of security response via the Plant Property I j Protection Supervisor and security Shift Leader. l t
e. Directs operating personnel to  !

i (1) Place the plant in a stable condition and secure /stop any l high-risk activities in progress such as "Refueling."  !

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l RP1287-0044A-TP12 5  !

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PALEX 88 Narrative Summary A

b (2) SS/ SED shall consider actions to place plant in a condition to )

minimize the effects of any reasonable sabotage attempt the kidnapper might make, including consideration of plant shutdown. ,


f. SS shall direct announcements be made per EI-1 and/or SCP-7. l
3. Negotiator (also a controller) wil.1 arrive approximately at 0120  ;

(0040). After clearing security, he will proceed to the scene and commence dialogue with kidnapper.

0300-0330 (0130-0200)

A. An electrohydraulic fluid line bursts, resulting in the turbine generator control valves closing and, shortly thereafter, causing an automatic reactor trip when the high pressurizer pressure set point is exceeded.

Further, as a result of this transient, one of the "A" steam generator (S/G) safety valves sticks partially open.

B. Operators follow and perform actions of Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs).

1. Operators perform and verify actions of EOP-1.0, "Standard Post Trip Actions."


' NOTE: During this time - approximately 0310 (0140) the kidnapper releases his hostage and surrenders. The kidnapper is then removed from site in the custody of local law enforcement officers.

2. Approximately 0315 (0145) indications of the S/G safety being stuck open are sufficient for operators to have diagnosed an "Excess Steam Demand Event" using the diagnostic flow chart in E0P 1.0.

C. SED should classify another "ALERT" per EI-1 based on an "Unisolable Main Steam Line Leak."

1. Announcement should be made and alarm sounded.
2. Augmentation of shift personnel should be started if not done previously.

D. Operators should be following the actions directed by E0P 6.0, "Excess Steam Demand Event." This means they should initially:

1. Close the Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs).
2. Isolate "A" S/G feed and steam paths.
3. Borate to cold shutdown boron concentration.

E. Also at about 0315 (0145) operators should recognize the need to increase auxiliary feedwater flow to the S/Gs as levels are continuing to drop.

l RP1287-0044A-TP12 6 l

l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . , - . - ..

PALEX 88 Narrative Sununary

1. -When they attempt to increase AFW flow to the "B" S/G from its post trip set point of 150 gpm using FIC-0727 they find they cannot control the flow control valve CV-0727 from the Control Room.
a. Normally they could shift to the alternate / redundant auxiliary.

feedwater train using P-8C, but it is 00S for a bearing replace-ment. (See initial conditions.)

b. Their optOns would seem to be:

(1) Try shifting control of CV-0727 to the Remote Shutdown Panel C-33 or to the Alternate Hot Shutdown Panel C-150.

However, if they try this they will still not have control as the problem will be a malfunctioning current to pneumatic positioner.(I/P-0727) which is common to all the remote controllers.

(2) Upon realizing they have no remote control capability, it is expected they would send an A0 to manually throttle one of two in series motor-operated isolation valves (MOV) downstream of' CV-0727 while causing CV-0727 to fail open by isolating its air supply. This will require that the A0 at the MOV establish communication with the Control Room to control "B" S/G level and that the A0 must stay near the MOV.

c. The malfunctioning I/P-0727 obviously can be overcome by manual operator actions; however, it poses a significant operator distraction and ties up needed manpower at a crucial time. Hence, it is believed to be significant enough to warrant attention and should provide a means to exercise the TSC and MSC and I&C personnel in the diagnosis and repair.

(1) The fix could be to replace the I/P with the one from the alternate train.

F. At approximately 0325 (0155)

1. Operators have completed isolating "A" S/G.
2. Gained manual control of Auxiliary Feed Flow
3. Additional actions taken in the last ten minutes:
a. One Main Condensate Pump (MCP) and both Heater Drain Pumps are stopped as they are no longer needed.
b. Part length control rods are inserted.
c. "B" HSIV bypass valve is opened to enable air ejector operation and recovery of vacuum.

O RP1287-0044A-TP12 7

PAIIX 88 i Narrative Summary l l

(3 V

l l

4. Shortly after the "A" S/G was isolated, the faulty "A" S/G safety valve l faile full open as indicated by:
a. Increased noise from the steam release
b. Rapidly accelerating drops in "A" S/G pressure and level i
c. This results in the operators closing the "B" MSIV bypass valve to try and reduce / limit the PCS cooldown rate.

0340 (0210)

A. "A" S/G has blown itself dry / empty.

1. It is expected the operators will start dropping PCS pressure to stay within the cooldown curve limits and limit / reduce the effects of possible PTS (pressurized thermal shock) and minimize the D/P across the S/G tubes.
2. As pressure drops, they should stop two primary coolant pumps per E0P 6.0. Suspect they will stop "A" and "D" PCPs as pressurizer spray flow is provided by the "B" and "C" pumps.

B. Operators should realize they have injected ene, ugh boron into the PCS and request confirmation samples from chemistry. Results will be unavailable for 20 minutes.

0345-0410 (0215-0240)

A. A 260 gpm tube rupture occurs in the "A" S/G resulting almost immediately in:

1. An "A" main steam line radiation monitor HIGH alarm energizing
a. The quick dramatic response is due to the fact that unknown to the operators when the plant tripped something broke loose in the reactor vessel and has been banging around causing major fuel damage.

(1) It is not felt necessary to define exactly what happened to cause fuel damage, as in real life you would have to respond to your indications and figure what caused it later if you ever could.

(2) It was felt this approach would enable us to meet the objective of causing a release high enough to warrant consideration of evacuation of Allegan County,

b. Gaseous waste monitor and Plant Area Radiation Monitors also alarm.

O RP1287-0044A-TP12 8

PALEX 88 Narrative Summary N-

c. A safety injection actuation signal from pressurizer low pressure is generated.

(1) All available/ operable safeguards equipment actuates.

(2) The P-67B LPSI pump fails to start.

B. Expected Actions:

1. Believe operators will easily conclude the tube rupture has occurred and that a release is in progress.
2. With these additional problems, operators should enter E0P 9.0, "Functional Recovery Procedure."
a. SS should identify "In Use Success Paths" and have E0P 9.0 Safety Status Function Checks (SSFCs) carried out every 15 minutes.
b. Upon completion of first set of SSFCs, he should identify any jeopardized success paths.
c. Direct actions should be taken as stated in E0P 9.0 for those areas identified as jeopardized, starting with the most critical.

O (1) They will have turned off the remaining two PCPs when SIAS occurred and stop the remaining main condensate pump.

SIS isolated its cooling water source.)

(The (2) They will want to further drep PCS pressure to approximately 1000 psia to reduce the leak rate from the PCS into the "A" S/G. Subsequent to this, they will also want to continue cooldown so they will again open the "B" MSIV bypass valve to reestablish vacuum. Block and reset SIS as allowed by E0P 9.0 to regain the main condensate pump cooling and restart "B" and "C" PCPs to regain pressurizer spray enabling better control of PCS depressurization. Then they will attempt to open CV-0511 turbine bypass valve to the condenser to control cooldown. It will not open. (This has not been uncommon in the past and will require no further explanation.) It will provide another operator distraction by forcing them to use the atmospheric dump valves on the "B" S/G to continue cooldown. Again TSC, MSC personnel can be exercised in i attempting to diagnose the problem. I

d. SS and/or TSC Operations groups will be concerned that both LPSI pumps are 00S.

(1) SS should dispatch A0 to investigate failure of P-67B to start when SIS actuated.

) (2) TSC may dispatch electrician and/or mechanic to assist A0 in diagnosing P-67B failure.

RP1287-0044A-TP12 9


__. -, _ ___. ,___ _ __J

.. ._ . ~ . . - -

PALEX 88 Narrative 'Susunary -1 O (3) Investigation will. reveal pump has seized and will require ~

considerable time'to repair. j l

(4) Expect TSC will direct that a' priority be placed on regaining ,

P-67A so that it will be available for further TSC/MSC l exercising. j 0410-0630 (0240-0500)

A. Events and Actions

1. "B" S/G main steam line radiation monitor alert alara energizes.
a. SS requests "B" S/G activity sample.
2. Operators following actions of E0P 9.0 for Sections HR-3 and CI-2
a. Isolate letdown.
3. A Containment Isolation Signal (CIS) is received.
a. Operators verify containment isolation.
b. Operators open PCP controlled bleedoff relief valve to limit pressure increase.
4. Approximately 0440 (0310) operators establish about a 75*F/ hour cooldown rate and continue depressurization.
5. Operators stop P-7A and P-52C, as they are not needed, at around 0455 (0325).
6. At approximately 0550 (0420) operators recover E-bus and turn off cooling tower pumps.
7. Approximately 0608 (0438) operators arm the Low Temperature Over- l pressure Protection Circuitry (LTOP) and start all four "B" containment l cooling fans, and open the No 1 containment cooler accident valve.

Operators also isolate the Safety Injection Tanks (SITS).

1 0630-0755 (0500-0625)

, A. Approximately 0633 (0503)

1. Mechanics complete repairs to P-67A LPSI pump; operators complete successful test run of P-67A.
2. Per SOP-1 operators rack out the P-66B HPSI pump and P-55C charging pump breakers.

B. Approximately 0639 (0509) - Operators secure last running charging pump and

. go on HPSI pump for pressure control.

RP1287-0044A-TP12 10

_ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ ~ . - _ _ . . _ . _ -

PALEX 88 Narrative Summary Appr6ximately 0750 (0620)


1. Operators enable both channels of LTOP. l
2. PCS temperature is at 300*F by Core Exit Thermocouples (CETs).
3. Suspect SS will obtain permission to forgo equalizing boron between PCS and shutdown cooling and warmup of the S/D cooling system so as not to put high activity coolant in the Safety Injection Refueling Water Tank (SIRWT) which is vented to atmosphere.
4. Operators establish shutdown cooling operation.

D. 0755 (0625) - PCS has been cooled and depressurized to where the release has become negligible.

1. Operators secure steaming and feeding the "B" S/G.
2. Management will now enter the recovery mode.

0955 (0825)

Exercise ends. Recovery adequately demonstrated.


l 1

0 J RP1287-0044A-TP12 11

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l 4

RP1287-0044B-TP12 1

i Scenario No: PALEX Time 01:00 Message No: 1 Scenario Time -00:30 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT ~ - '


Message for: Operators i

Simulated Plant Conditions: See Initial Conditions and Data Sheets.

Message: Announce following over the plant's Public Address System when j directed by the controller: "Attention all personnel. The annual emergency 1

exercise will commence shortly. All announcements related to the exercise will be preceded by and followed by the statement, 'This is a drill.' Only 4 drill participants are required to respond to the dri11' announcements."

j For Controller Use Only 4 Controller Notes:

1. Discuss conduct and objectives of the drill with the players.
2. Act as off going SS and give turnover to players. '
3. Answer questions as appropriate.
4. Ensure players have all normally accessible procedures
and reference materials available.
5. Operators should familiarize themselves with the I

simulated conditions as indicated by the information and data provided.

i Action Expected:

t 2

i RP1287-0044B-TP12

,- , - --w,-mwe-- , , , , -,, -em ,, w-rw m -- , aug ,- ,m m,,,.-----,,,,m,,, , , - , .,----,,~,---,--n--, -- .--.-e--n, - , -g.-, ,e--n,---, +--w,,,, - ,

PALIIil Date11 February 1989 Xessageii fine thH Scenario flee dhH h Cdl wJ SW Pusps P1AQA P 1B h P 1C hh SW Critical Hdr Fren A H B H psig CCWPups F 52A Q2 P 52B QA P-52C h h TPCPasps P SIA h P SIB QU firePusps P !A QH P 9B QH P 41 QH Containment Cooler Rectre Fans VIAQa V2A02 V3AQ1 V4AQ1 Vl3QA V2B h V3B QA V4B h Cdl CCWCoolerOutletfesp A DF B 11f ContainmentSprayPtsps P 54A QH P 54B QH P 54C QH BPSIPceps P ill M P ElB QH LPSIPusps P 51A QH P 618 QU SafetyInjectionSectionSupply frainA frainB CV 3051 (SIRW) QIan CV 3029 ($ cap) Ugjff CV 3031 (SIRW) una CV 3030 (Step) Chill Cdl CYCS Letdown Charging Intermediate Fren Letdown fesp Hi F Tlev 11 gps Letdown Line fesp H[F Line fesp ( H T LetdownFlov 11 gps Pups P 55A QA P 55BQH P 55C QH Voline Control tank fespilf Freusre11 psi Level 11i PCP Control Bleadoff Pressure H psig ShitdownCoolingSystes SDCSfreePCS(1) hit SDCStoPCS(1) 11 F (s

t fesp in f Freinte ipsig Qunch fank Level H I PrisaryCoolantlystes PressuriserFreuire(R) liltpsia PCSfate(R) Loop 1 (TE Olll) HLl! Loop 2lTR0121)111d PressurigerLevel(R) LRC-0101A E1 LRC010LB Hi P t Ett Asps LCC15 1H LCC li lil PORY PRV 1942B Chiff PRV10433(h111 BlockValve X0V 10(21 U211! 50V Il43A Ugitj FCPs P50AQ1 P 508 h P 500 h P500Q1 '

ReactorPowerLevel 11011,0011 11021,HI l 11031,00!+2 Il 041diH1 11 05 11 11 06 11 31 01 11 11 01 H II 01 11 11 10 11 Cal ATISptes AFVPtsp P 1A QH P ll QH P lC QQ1 ATVPaspAsps PlaiF101 asps ATV Pasp P lB Steas Prestare [ psig ATV Disch Fren F-11 I P IB 1 F IC ( psig luondarysystes X$1VBypass 10V 0501 G2111 X0V 0510 Ch111 XSIV's CV 0501 hta CV 0510 hia Xf?SectionPressure Hipilg IfPDischargePresure A111 B[lipsi HolstireSeperatorCrainfanklevel Hl CondensorHotvelllevel Hi lid in Ig.

AtmosphericOcepValves (12111 CondensorVacate j HeaterCrainPispStatus P 10A h P 103 h GlandSealCondensorVacau 11inIg, ,

CondensatePeepStatus P 11 QA P 23 Q1 P!P (Desand Log + Coutant, Rod, or flitlfesp)

Gross XV Rtd let XV llid Core Itit theraxetple fesperature ind F Control Rod Position GP1 in GP21H GP31H GP41H GP5(P) 111 GPI(A)111 GP1(B) lu

( Stiet Rods 1211 1-

PALII il Date 17 February 1918 Ressagei1 flee thil Scenario fine dilli CT g l Q Condensate Storage Tank Level T 2 11 t 1

f81 Level 11i f 939 Level Hl 1 InstrumentAirPressure 1H psig i ContainmentBuildingPressere dpsig Dosefesperature 111F Hasidity li 1 '

SIGACompartment fesperature 111T Hasidity lld i S/GBCompartment fesperature 111T Hasidity lLi ! j SIRWfankLevel ilI i VRContainmentPressare(R) 11 psia ContainmentSuspLevel 11 ContainmentWaterLevel(R) i1 ,

$1fankLevel(t) A11 B11 CH DH '

SifankPressere(psig) A1{1 B Ul C Hi Dlli Panel I 13 SIAS Alars h CentainmentBighPressureAlars M Containment Ilgh Radiation Alars M kil ConcentratedBoricAcidfankLevels f53111i f538111%

leactorVesselDP HJipsid PORYDischargefesperature 111F ParSafetyValveDischargefesp(F) RV1939 ltl RV1040111 RV1941lil PCPCurrent(Asps) P 501 Hi F 50B Hi F 50C Hi P-500ill PCSflow HI LoopThot (f) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loopfeeld(F) Loop 1 i l l Loop 2 i l l s feeld Wide range Loop 1 ill Loop 2 i n g' Subcooling fesp 11 F Press in psi PCSPressure(R) WR lill NR ill psia Steas Generator A Steas Generator B Level (WR) Hl (IR) 1111 1H1 H l (IR) 11i Press illpsia dipsia flow Steas id PPB FeedidPPB Steas il PPE Feed Li PPI tote:SteasandfeedFlev I1000000 kl1 AfWflowtokS/G Fros P illB i from P lc 1 gpa ATW Flow to B S/G Frou P lAll i Fros P lc i gpu Condensor Va:sts (R) lid PCPSealLeakoffflow P 50A LH P 501 M P 500 bli P 500 W kil DieselGeneratorfrequency 11 Eli 12 Rdi 10 BUS Voltage lill Aspsill l lDBUS Yoltage 1111 Asps 111 l 1

0 11 lael c.111 i

ContainmentAreaMonitors(1/Br) RIA 1805 2.50! l RIA ll06 2dild l RIA1801 3,00! 1 RIAll01 ldthi  !

HighRangeContainmentMonitors(R/Br) RIA 2321 Id i gt 111 1322 l atu l ContainmentHydrogenConcentration(4) AI.140lt Al240lb Rain Steas Line Gassa (cts) 1112324 3,00!+1 RIA 2323 LilEl ,

StackRonitors RIA 2325 L11Eleps RIA 2326 1,50t+2 eps RIA 2322 Lithi ar/hr l l

2= l I

r PALEX 88 Initial Conditions O A. The plant is at full power at the end of core life.

B. The following equipment is in a degraded condition:

1. Auxiliary Feedwater Pump P-8C is out of service (00S):
a. It was declared "Inoperable" at 1300 yesterday when it was "Red Tagged" for replacement of one of its journal bearings. (Last time the pump ran the bearing was overheating and very noisy.)
b. Currently, the old bearing has been removed and the new one is scheduled to be installed on "B" shift, but has not been retrieved from stock yet. Further, the shaft was scored and needs machining before the bearing can be mounted.
c. Estimate eight hours for reassembly once the new bearing has been procured and the shaft is machined.
2. Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump P-67A is 00S:
a. It was declared "Inoperable" at 0830 yesterday when upon completion of monthly Technical Specification Surveillance Test MO-23, pump vibration was found to be in the "required action range."
b. An alignment check revealed the need to shim the pump. Hence, it was "Red Tagged," uncoupled, and shimmed by 1600 yesterday.
c. Last shift ("C" shift) rechecked the alignment and found it better but still not what they would like it to be. It was decided there was still time to uncouple it and add the necessary piece of shim stock, recouple and test it before the LCO expires,
d. Currently, it is again uncoupled. "A" shift maintenance is to add the necessary shim and recouple it; then Operations is to retest it.
e. Estimate 2.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> for maintenance to complete their work once they start.
3. Failed Fuel Monitor RE-0202 is 00S:
a. RE-0202 was declared inoperable and removed from service on 27 January 1988 when it failed a calibration check by I&C.
b. I&C has been unable to repair it and it is not known when it will be available again.

C. The following alarm conditions exist: NONE O

RP1287-0044B-TP12 1

e-PALEX 88 Initial Conditions eg D. The meteorological conditions are as follows:

1. It is clear and cold with light winds. The roads are clear though there are several inches of.old snow covering the countryside.

Forecast calls for continued clear and cold with little change during the day. The MET tower indicates the following at ( meters):

a. Wind speed:
b. Wind' direction:
c. Stability:
d. Ambient temperature: +21*F E. Primary and secondary chemistry are stable at the following conditions:
1. Primary system chemistry
a. pH: 6.8
b. Boron: 97 ppm
c. Dissolved 02: <.02 ppa
d. H2: 23.7 cc/kg
e. Total beta gamma activity: 1.58 microcuries/mL
f. Iodine dose equivalent: 2.5 E-2 micoeuries/mL
g. Total PCS gas activity: 4.22 microcuries/mL
2. Secondary system chemistry
a. Primary to secondary leak rate: .002 gpa
b. Off gas Xe 133: 2.95 E-6 microcuries/mL
c. Condenser air inleakage: 6.5 cfm
d. A and B S/G gross gamma activity: <5.6 E-6 microcuries/mL G. Primary Coolant System Leak Rate as of 0700 yesterday:
1. Identified: 0.1136 gpm
2. Unidentified: 0.05 gpm
3. Total: 0.1636 gpa O j i

RP1287-0044B-TP12 2

.I LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION MESSAGE: 1 TIME: 01:00 T = -00:30 SCENARIO: PALEX 88 Initiated Finished by Applicable COMPONENT DATE TIME DATE TIME TECH SPEC COMMENTS P-8C (Aux Feed Pump) 2/16/88 1300 2/19/88 1300 3.5.2.a 72-Hour LCO (TS)

P-67A (LPSI Pump) 2/16/88 0830 2/17/88 0830 3.3.2.b. 24-Hour LCO (TS)

RE-0202 (Failed 1/27/88 1941 Table 4.2.1 Daily Samples Fuel Monitor) Required O

O RP1287-0044B-TP12 3


PALEX 88 SHIFT SUPERVISOR- Proc No 4.01 Shift Turnover Checklist Attachment 3 Revision 4 Page 1 of 2 .,,

For Drill Only Date Feb 16,-1988 Tuesday JlJI4

1. Review the following prior to change of shifts:


a. SS Log, Daily Order Book and SE Shift T/0 Checklist J J J-
b. Equipment and LCO Status Boards 4 4 4 i
c. Switching, Tagging in Progress 4 4 4 .I Done!



d. Testing / Evolutions in Progress I4l4lJl Complete - Unsatisfactory I

i 1

e. Degraded Equipment l4l4lJl P-86: Bad Journal Bearing P-67A: Alignment Bad RE-0202: Failed Cal Check
f. Miscellaneous Turnover Items lJlJlJl PLS Leak Rate Done at 0700, 2/17 "C" Shift - CRDM Leak Rate and Spray Hdr Pressure l Check Donel l "A" Shift 2/17 Test Done P-910 Vacuum Pump O

PALEX 88 For Drill Only RP1287-0044B-TP12 4

._- - _- - -.. .- ~.~

PALEX 88 SHIFT SUPERVISOR Proc No 4.01 Shift Turnover Checklist Attachment 3 Revision 4 O Page 2 of 2 U For Drill Only Date Feb 16, 1988 Tuesday

2. Complete the following during the shift:
a. Inspect control consoles, a. J 4 4
b. Review alarm status (panels / data logger). b. 4 J J
c. Daily / weekly tech spec serveillance signed c. J J J
d. Review completed WR/WO for testing or review requirements, d. J J J
e. Review operation weekly schedule. e. J 4 4  !
f. Review switching, tagging and maintenance planned f. J 4 4
g. Shift briefing g. J 4 4  :
h. Review shift complement for following' shift. h. J 4 4
i. Check plant areas for safety hazards or deficiencies. i. J J J
j. Key signout sheet verified J. J J J
k. Log sheets signed k. J 4 4 ,

INITIALS l NOTE: Use reverse side for additional information as needed. l l l O


b PALEX 88 For Drill Only .

RP1287-0044B-TP12 5

E' PALEX 88 SHIFT SUPERVISOR Proc No 4.01 Shift Turnover Checklist Attachment 3 Revision 4

-~ Page 1 of 2 For Drill Only Date Feb 17, 1988 Wednesday Jl4l4

1. Review the following prior to change of shifts:

A -


a. SS Log, Daily Order Book and SE Shift T/0 Checklist
b. Equipment and LCO Status Boards
c. Switching, Tagging in Progress
d. Testing / Evolutions in Progress l l l l Q e. Degraded Equipment l l l l b
f. Miscellaneous Turnover Items l l l l 1

l O .

I a

PALEX 88 For Drill Only ,

1 RP1287-0044B-TP12 6 l

PALEX 88 SHIFT SUPERVISOR Proc No 4.01 Shift Turnover Checklist Attachment 3 Revision 4 Page 2 of 2 For Drill Only Date Feb 17, 1988 Wednesday

2. Complete the following during the shift:
a. Inspect control consoles, a.
b. Review alarm status (panels / data logger). b,
c. Daily / weekly tech spec surveillance signed c.
d. Review completed WR/WO for testing or review requirements, d.
e. Review operation weekly schedule. e.
f. Review switching, tagging and maintenance planned f.
g. Shift briefing g.
h. Review shift complement for following shift. h.
i. Check plant areas for safety hazards or deficiencies. i.

J. Xey signout sheet verified J. .

k. Log sheets signed k. l INITIALS NOTE: Use reverse side for additional information as needed. l l l i

l l

0 l 1

l i

l I

O PALEX 88 For Drill Only RP1287-0044B-TP12 7



SHIFT SUPERVISOR SUBJECT F ebruary 17 j9 88 : N!164 100 O l i

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Scensrio No: PALEX-88 . Time 01:30 Message.No: 2 Scenario Time 00:00' O



Simulated Plant Conditions: .

i Message: You have received alarms in CAS and SAS on the Bay Roof Door.

1 I ,

t b l

r 1 s I

4 .


. For Controller Use Only 1 1

i  :

j Controller Notes: Security Controller delivers this message. l

, i Players are to perform all notifications. Provide phone '

numbers for agencies to be simulated, i

4 Action Expected: CAS should dispatch Security Guard Player to investigate

{ the alars.

SAS notifies CAS and performs all required notifications.

e i


- _ _ _ . _ . , . , , _ , . . _ _ . . _ . _ , _ _ . , __ _. .__,___.,-_,___,,_._.,,._..._.___-..m -


Scenario No: PALEX-88 1 ; 01:35 Message No: 3 Scenario Time 00:05 4



i Message for: Responding officer upon arrival at Bay Roof Door.

i Simulated Plant Conditicas:

Message: You have been disarmed and taken hostage. Do not use your radio. (

a i

f i



i i

For Controller Use Only

, Controller Notes: Take hostage to the A0 Pit on the turbine deck. Instruct any A0s present to vacate the premises.

I l


Action Expected: See Narrative.

0130-0255 (0000-0125)

Sections: C and D s

i i

i 1

1 W RP1287-0044B-TP12




Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 01:40-02:15 Message No: 4, Scanario Time 00:10-00:45 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Shift Supervisor (telephonic notification)

Simulated Plant Conditions:

Message: Hostage taker informs SS of his intentions. See Controller Notes  ;



( For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: SS phone number is 0225.

Provide the following information to Control Room telephon-ically as deemed appropriate: (You may call intermittently.)

Precede and conclude all conversations with "This is a drill."

Initial call: -

Name: John Jones

  • Security officer taken hostage. He has officer's weapon and is in A0 pit.
  • Demand - No one to enter the turbine floor or someone may get shot.
  • Knows he is going to be fired because of problems with his boss. During the night, got into personnel office, saw file and knows what is going on.
  • Does not know what he wants yet, but leave him alone.

Subsequent calls:

  • Wants a million dollars
  • Plane waiting at airport

, /'

  • Wents it within one hour or will kill hostage and wreck the turbine Action Expected: SS will declare "Alert" based on "adversaries commandeering a nonvital area."


i O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 02:15-03:10 Message No: 4Ag Scenario Time 00:45-01:40- -

l PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Negotiator / Kidnapper (controllers only) i Simulated Plant Conditions:

P Message: Work through dialogue provided until a "settlement" is reached.  !

4 I

I For Controller Use Only i 1

Controller Notes: See negotiations outline below and discuss. Negotiator i

will provide results to appropriate players. Precede and ,

i conclude all conservations with "This is a drill."

  • Discuss situation with SS and Security Shift Leader. {
  • Discuss demands with hostage taker. <
  • "Negotiate." l 4  !

1 - Time frame for money and plane 'I

- Family coming to site I

- Review of job status i

- Release hostage.

j i - Food, drink l

  • Provide feedback toss.

! Action Expected: Information flow will be established from negotiator to players, i

RP1237-0044B-TP12 l 4

l z.._ _, - . -.- - m ,.-.

i i

l 4

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 01:55 Message No: 4](

Scenario Time 00:25 l



Simulated Plant Conditions:

I Message: Initiate activation of TSC and OSC.

'l For Controller Use Only r s

Controller Notes: If activation is being discussed, this message may be delayed. The TSC must be activated during the security sequence to test l security integration into the plant emergency organization.

y i



4 1

i 1

t 1

i 4

l l

3 4 i

l RP1287-0044B-TP12

j O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:02 Message No: 5 Scenario Time 01:32 f


Simulated Plant Conditions: See alarm sheet.  ;

Message: All of your turbine generator control and governor valves are shut.

1 l

For Controller Use Only i

Controller Notes:

i l

Action Expected: 1. Player C0s start carrying out actions of E0P 1.0 and inform SS/SE cf trip and turbine valve situation.

2. SS orders E0P 1.0 be carried out.
3. May page or call for A0s to look for EH leaks. ,

l 4

3 RP1287-0044B-TP12

-, - . . - - - , , _ . . . ~ , - . . - . ,..._.. , . - . _ , - .-.,_n. ,,,n . -, ,e.,. . -.

f Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:02 >

Message No: 5_ Scenario Time 01:32 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE ALARM SHEET Alarm Annune Panel Number Alarm Window Description K-09 72 Reactor Trip K-06 Rack-B 4 High-Pressure Pressurizer Channel Trip X-06 Rack-B 8 High-Pressure Pressurizer Channel Pre-Trip K-07 53 Pressurizer Pressure Off Normal Hi-Lo

K-07 54 Pressurizer Pressure Off Normal Hi-Lo

! K-01 1 Turbine Trip K-01 13 EH System Low - Low Level Trip K-01 14 EH Fluid High - Low Level Trip i I

4 4

l ',

1 6

f a

f j


!, RP1287-0044B-TP12 ,

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:02:30 Message No: SA Scenario Time 01:32:30 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Shift Supervisor i

4 l


-i Simulated Plant Conditions:

i l

Message: Hey, there's E H fluid spraying out of some tubing going to No 4 l governor valvel l l'

l I l l

For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: A0 controller gives nessage to A0 player to read to player

, SS.

l i

3 Action Expected: 1. Player C0s start carrying out actions of E0P 1.0 and inform SS/SE of trip and turbine valve situation.

2. SS orders EOP 1.0 be carried out, j 3. May page or call for A0s to look for EH leaks. .

l l

O l RP1287-0044B-TP12

f i  !

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:04 Message No: 6 Scenario Time 01:34 l



3 Message for: Control Room Players i

Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets. .

i r

Message: Use these data sheets for verifying actions of E0P 1.0.

4 1


4 l

! I i \


............................................................................. j

! l For Controller Use Only i l

Controller Notes
Provide clean copy of EOP 1.0 to players for them to fill

! out.

1 i

i Action Expected: Verify EGP 1.0 actions.

l l

4 i l

J l .

I l

I RP1287-00445-TP12  !


I l

1 FAL!!Il Cate 17 february l!!! Nessagtii flee [hti $cenariofleethli

$N Fiers F1AQ1 P il h F 70 uh $WCritleitIdrFress A H I H ps_i_g CCWFiers F 521 h F 528 h F 520 ilu FFCFists F 511 h F 518 M FireFieps F 1A M F ll M F 41 M ContainmentCoolerlectrefans VIA h V2AQ1 V3A h VIA h Vil h V28 h 135 h Vil b W

(CuCoolerOutletfesp A HF 3 11F ContainmentSprayFieps F 54A M F 548 M F 540 m IPSIFieps F ill M F ill M LFS!Fieps F 61A M F ill QU SafetyInjectionSietion$ttply trainA frainI CV 3652 ($111) hth C7 3625 (Step) Chtti CV 3011 ($118) kla CT 1930 (Sup) Chitj M

CYCS Letdova Charging latermediate Fren Letdown fesp IH F Flow lu gpa LetdownLinefesp 111 F Line fesp 11 F LetdownFlev i gpa Fists F 551 h F 558Ca F 550 h folies control fut fesp H T Funire 11 psi Len! H t FCF Control llH$off Prustre il psig ShitdownCoolinglystee SDCSfreeFCS(1) 1H T $DCStoFCS(t) 11 F Qunch tank i fesp111F Fressure LH psig Len! H I d PristryCoolantlystes PresserlierPresnre(t) HHpela FCSfate(R) Loop 1 I f t llll) llidi Loop 2 (ft ll!!) 1HJ Preintlier Level (t) LRCIllLA 11i LRClllll 11i PtrstrAsps LCC 15 i LCC li i FCtf F1719425 Chiti Ft718433 ChA11 Block Yalve R0T 18421 Chill 307 lH31 ChA11 FCPs F 50A h F50802 P 500 h F 500 h teatterFeverLevel 5101 Idihl 1102 Idihi 1103 Idihl 11041dild 11651 IIlii 11111 11181 Illli1110i M

Afflistes AFVFiep F la b F ll QH F it Q01 IFVFiepAsps Fll11PlCiasps Alv Piep F Il Stus Frustre i psig Alv Disch Fren F la i F il 1111 P lc 1 psig locondarylyette I$1TBypass 10T 8541 ChA11 107 0516 Chiti R$1?'s CV 6501 Qpaa CT 8510 kaa NFF$tettonPressare liljsig IFF01chargePressere Aill I ill psi Rolitire Seperator Drain ink Level ti l CondensornotvellLevel 11i AtmosphericDuepValves gia Condutor facus H in Eg.

Heater train Fiep Stati F lla h F lit u Gland Seal Condensor facus 11inIg, CondensateFiepStates F 21 QA F 28' Q1 Pl?

(Deend Log + Constant, Rod or Flialfeep)

Gross NW d let IV d Core Init thereoccuple fesperattre iltd F Contros tod Position CPI i GP2i GP3i GF4[ GF5(F) lh GFi(A) i GP2(l)i Stiel tod gilt I

FAL!!18 Date 17 februart M ll Itssageii fleeildi $cenario flee lhli O Cdl G ((1 Condensate storage fast Level T 2 11 1 f11 Level 11i T939 Level

!astrisentAirPressite 111psig ContaineentBuildingFressere J p51g Doetfesperature 1[1 F Essidity 11 1

$lGACospartment fesperattre 111F Italdity lLi i

$lGICoepartment fesperature 111 F Insidity H J l

$1RVfankLevel it i VIContaineentPresInte(1) 11 psia ContainmentStepLevel 1i ContainmentWaterLevel(1) {i

$1fantLevel(1) A11 ?11 CH D11

$1fankPresstre(psig) A111 8111 011[ D111 panel 1 11 slasAlars u ContainmentlighPresstre1!&rs h Contalanent Ilgh R4diation klare h CIl ConcentratedBorieAcidtankLevels f53111i f 5381H I ReactorVesselCF lLilpsid FORYDischargefesperaturt 111F FarSafetyValveDischargefesp(F) IV1931 111 RV1040111 RVll41111 FCFCarrent(Asps) 750A((i F5tlill F 56C Q1 F5tDill FCSFlow 11 i Loopthot (F) Loop 1 ilL H Loop 2 ilhi Loopfeeld(F) Loop 1 in Loop 2 Hi feeld vide range Loop 1 111 Loop 2 UI b)


$dcooling FCSFressere(t) fesp WR Hd F lill Fress IH psi It {i1 psia

$teteGentratorA $ tete Generator I level (VI) 11 % (ii) l{l 1111 11 % 'II) lii Press tilpsia tilpsma Flov Stean J FFI Feed i FFI Steas J FFE FeediFFI lotet$teasandfeedFlov 11996600 Cdl ATVFlovtoA$lG Free F lAll 111 Fros F lc 1 gia )

ATVFlovtoI$/G Fros F 1All 111 from F lc i gps CondensorVaetts(R) lid PCFSealLealo!!Flev F 50A idi F508ilt F 500 llt F 500 ldi Cdl Diesel Generator Frequency 1 1 il 1 2 [1 1 C BCS Voltage liit Aapsill 1 D IUS Voltage 1111 Aspslit c 11 taek c 111 ContaineentAreaMonitors(t/It) 1111105 Lilld  !!A llli Lithi i 111 1892 Lil E l  !!A illi Idihl  :

IlghlangeContainmentRonitors(1/tr) 111 2321 I d [h 1 1111322 Lliht ContainmentlydrogenConetstration(l) Al lillt i Al 240ll i '

Iain Steas Line Gassa (cre)  !!A 2324 L il1+1 IIA 2323 Idihl StackRonitors  !!A 2325 Litulere 1112326 L11hl cpe  !!A 1321 Lilld er/hr 2-

l 1

4 i

I i

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:05

Message No
1 Scenario Time 01:35 -

i 1



Simulated Plant Conditions:


Message: Your atmospheric unloaders are closed and you continue to hear the i sound of a steam release but it is not as loud as immediately '

following the trip.

i l'

i i

For Controller Use Only 4

Centro 11er Notes:

l l Action Expected: SS directs A0s to try and carefully locate the source of the steam release.

l l

l 1

l l

l i

l RP1287-00448-TP12 -

I l

i i

Scenario No: PALEX-88 -Time 03:07 ,

1 Message No: 7A Scenario Time 01:37 i .



Simulated Plant Conditions:

I a

I 1

i Message: It appears that one of the reliefs on "A" S/G is stuck open, but I

, can't get close enough to tell which one. i i

l l


4 I


! I j

1 3

For Controller Use Only i

{ Controller Notes: A0 controller has A0 player phone in message.

Action Expected: See Narrative.

Time: 0300-0330

! Page: 5 j Section: D l

l 1

i l

1 i

l l RP1287-0044B-TP12 i

1 1

i Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:10 Message No: 8_ Scenario Time 01:40 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players 4

Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets and alarm sheets.


For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: When operators try to increase AW flow, CV-0727 will not respond. (See Narrative.) ,

Time: 0300-0330 i Pages: 5 and 6 l Section: E i l

Action Expected: 1. Another "ALERT" should be classified shortly with '

announcement made, alarm sounded and notifications made.

2. Staff augmentation may start if not initiated

. previously.

3. Perform SSFCs and actions of E0P 6.0.

, 4. See Narrative.

, Time: 0300-0330 Pages: 5 and 6 i Section: E Additionally: 1. Turn off 1 MCP and both heater drain j Pumps.

2. Insert part length rods.

] 3. Open "B" MSIV bypass valve to regain AE operation. i

O 4

l RP1287-0044B-TP12

,,,,n,..,.-,,,,---,_r ,,.a - - - ,,

1 l

l i

i Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time ,03:10 ,

Message No: 8_ Scenario Time 01:40 ,


Alarm Annunc ,

f Alarm Window Description Panel Number j K-09 62 Steam Generator E-50A Lo Level -

K-09 64 Steam Generator E-50B Lo Level r

L e

i d

l i


i I

I 1 .

i i

j I

i  ;

i  :

a f

i i i 1 i 1 I i

i d i RP1287-0044B-TP12

FAL!!Il Cate 11 February 1918 Nessageii flee thH scenario flee ildt SWFisps F 1A h P il h F 1C Lth SW Critical Bdr Press A H B H ps_i_g CCVPtsps F 52A h F 525 h F 52C illy, FFC Ptops F 51A h F 515 m FireFieps F lA M F 15 M F 41 M ContainmentCoolerReeltefans VIA h Y!A h V3A h V4A h Vll u V2B h V3B h V4B h M

CCVCoolerOutletfesp A HF I HF ContainmentSprayPseps F 5tA M F 548 qH F 54C QH BFS!Fisps F l6A Q H F lil Q H LP31Pieps F 61A E F ill QH

!afetyInjection8tction$spply trainA frainB CV 3051 ($11W) un CV 182) (Step) thitj CT 1031 ($111) hu CV 3039 (5:sp) Chitj (dl CTC$

Letdown Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp Hi F Flow lH gpa LetdownLinefesp HiF Line fesp H F LetdownFlev 1gre Fieps F 55A h F 55 Bag F 550 h ,

foliesControlTAnt fesp G F Fruture 11 psi Len1 li n M F Control Bl u dolf Pru stre il psig thatdownCoolinglystes SOCSItcsFCS(R) 111 F SDCStoPCS(1) HF Quen:hfank O fesplilF PresuriserPressire(t)

Fressure L11 psig FrieeryCoolantlystes luipsia Level H I FCSfate(1) Loop 117R 0111) HLil Loop 2(ft0121)ilLi PresuriterLevel(R) LIC 610 A Ht LIC0101B Hl FirEttAsps LCC15 t LCCli i 701Y FRV 19428 Chitj FIT 10438 Chitj Block Valve ROY ll42A Chui E0Y 1443A Chitj FCPs F 50A h F 508 h F 500 h F50DQ1 ReactorFeverLevel s!illjlEl 11 02 1.0l!+0 II.03 9,011-( 11041dthi s!05i s!01i s!11i s!01i s!011s1101 Cdl Afflystes l AFVFiep F IA h F il M F lC QQ1 ATVFtepAsps FIA11PlC{ asps AFV Fiep F 13 Steas Pressere i psig AFV Disch Press F IA I F 1B ll R F lC i psig i letendarylystes R$1T lypus NOT 6501 Chiti 107 0511 Chui 151T's CT 4511 Chui CV 1510 thitj i RFPSectionPressere EHpsig IFFDischargePressire Aill Bllips! j Xolstire Seperator Crale ful Lent il 1 CondenorBotwellLen! H4 AteosphericCispTalves Chui CondensorYa:ste H in Ig.

EtatertrainFiepStatu F llA h F 108 h Glud Seal Condensor facits liinIg.

Condulate Ftep Statis F 21 h F 21 h F17 (tenand Log + Constut, tod, er Flit /fesp)

Gren RV d let NV d Cort Exit therectoiple fesperature lH d F Control lod Position GF1 [ GF2[ GP)1 GF4i GF5(F) lu GPI(A) i GF1(l)i stiet1o4: nat l

l l

FAttiil Date17Februarylill- Messagei1 flee 11dl Scenariofleeilld O tilLen! HI f139 Level Hl Condensate Storage tank tevel T 2 H l lastusent Air Freinte lilpsig ContainmentIsildingPressure dpsig Dese fescerature 111F Insidity 11 i S/GACospartment fesperature lit F Itsidity U d i S/GBCompartment fesperature 111F Issidity lid n

$ltWfankLeul 11i WRContaineentPressere(R) 11 psia Contalasent$tspLeTel 1i ContainmentlaterLevel(t) i1 51fankLevel(1) AH BH CH D11 51fankFreisste(psig) A111 B111 C11[ D111 lanal 1 13 SIAS Alars h Containment High Frentre Alars 12 Containment Ilgh Radiation Alars h bil ConcentratedBoricAcidfankLevels f53Aili f538litI teactorTesselDF lidt psid FORYDischargefesperatste 111F FtrSafetyTalveDischargefesp(F) 1Y1935 111 171640111 1Y1941111 FCFCurrent(Asps) F 50A Hi F 508 Hi F 500 ill F 500 ill FCSFlev 111 LoopThot (F) Loop 1 H i d i Loop 2 H l d Loopfeeld(F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 illd feeld vide range Loop 1 Hi Loop 1 ill O Sibcooling FCSPresure(R) fesp VI steas Generator A ill F 1111 Fress til ps!

It H 1 pela Steas Generator B

, level (11) 1l (II) i! QR 11 (II) 1I Fren illpsia 111 psia Flow Steas J FFI Feed i FFI Steas [ FFE FeediFFI lote Steas and Feed Flow I lilllll kll AFWFlovto&$/G Fros F 1All 1H Fros F lc 1 gpa AFWFlevtoB$/G FreeFlAll 111 Free F lC i gpa Condensorfacius(t) lid j FCFSealLeakoffFlev F 50A ldt F 568 Idl F $lt idi F500idi '

i DieselGeneratorFregiency 1 1 11 1 2 [1 l 1CBUS Voltage 1111 Aaps Hi  !

l D BUS Yeltage 1111 Aspslit I c 11 nach c.111 l

ContainmentAreaBonitors(t/It)  !!A 1865 L5t!-1 I!A llli Idihl l

!!A llll L ill 1

!!Alift Idihl

! Ilghlangecertainmentnonitorslt/It) 111 2321 1.99!+0  !!A 2322 laih l i ContaineentRydrogenConcentration(t) Al 24011 i Al lillL 1 i Iain Steas Line Gassa (ege)  !!A 2324 LilI+1  !!A2323 Idini O Staet tonitors 11& 2325 1.00!+3 eps 1112326 ldini ers 2-

!!A 2321 ldi h l ar/hr I

i t

i u

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:10 Message No: 8A Scenario Time 01:40 [

i t



Message for: Maintenance Controller (I&C)  !

i F

4 h

Simulated Plant Conditions:  !

i  !

t Message: [

1 l

i j

4 i For Controller Use Only

) Controller Notes: See Narrative.

Time: 0300-0330 Pages: 5 and 6

. Section: E j Action Expected: 1. Ensure they follow good diagnostic procedure.

l 2. Ensure they follow proper procedures.

1 3. Take actions and make recommendations that are

] appropriate.

] 4. Diagnosis and repair should take between two and four hours (you control). l

!([$) ,

e l RP1287-00448-TP12

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:25 l


Message No: 9 Scenario Time 01:55 l


l Message for: Control Room Players f

Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets. l I

r Message:

I i

I 1

For Controller Use Only  ;

Controller Notes: l Action Expected: 1. Perform E0P 6.015 minute S$FCs.

2. Continue EOP 6.0 actions.
3. A0 should have manual control of ATW flow by now.
4. "A" S/G should be isolated.

1 1


1 l

1 l

l l l

l Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03,G5 3 l j Message No: 9 Scenario Time 01:55  ;

i t


a i Alarm Annunc ,

Panel Number Alara Window Description K-01 11 Vacuum Low

K-01 63 Condensate Pump P2B Discharge Low Pressure i

i l

l I 3

1  !

4 l [

I i i

'l l 1 t i  ;

i i



r i

d I

I i I

l f

i RP1287-0044B-TP12 i i

! h I

- - - - - - -- - , - - , , , - - . , , - - - . . , - . . , . - - - - . , - - - - . - . .-..-...--,---n., ,-..,-.....--,.,..-..-,--,c,, . - - . . . . . , . , . . - . . , . - - , , , - . . , , , -

FA!!A 18 Cate 17 February 19ll Hessagei1 flee lhli $cenario flee thH Cdl

$WFieps F 7A h F 18 h F70131 $U Critical Idr Fren A 1[ l Il pig CCW Fiep P 52A M F 528 h F 52C uty FFCFieps F 51A h F 518 m FirePiep F 1A Q11 P il M F 41 Q11 ContainantCoolerReciteFans fl1 h  ?!A h flA h V4 A h fil b ill h Vll h Vil h CM CCVCoolerCitletfesp 1 11 F I 11F Containeent Spray Fiep F54AQ11 P 5(8 E F 540 M IPSI Fiep FilAQ11PlilQi[ .

LPl! Pup F111Q11 7 ill W 3afetyInje:tle Inctionlipply frainA frainI (71957 ($1tW) Qu CV 1929 (Step) Chitj CV3031(5118) hu CT lill (Step) Guti Cdl CTCl letdova Charging latermediate Press letdova fesp 111 F Flow 11gpa LetdownLinefesp illF Line fesp H i F LetdownFlev lit gp Fieps F 551 QA F 558Q1I F 55C Q11 Volinecontrolfank fesp[1? Fresure 11 pl Level B 4 FCF Control Iludolf Fressire il pig Instdown Coollag lystes

$DCSfreeFC$(t) 111F $DCSto703(t) il F Quenchtank fesp1HT Pressire Idi pig Lent 111 FristryCoolantlystes FreuiriterPressire(t) 1111Psla FCsfate(t) Loop 1(119111) Hill Loop 2 (ft il21) HLt ,

PressuriserLevel(t) L108101A ili LICillli il n  !

Par str Asp LCC15 lu LCCli lu F0t? PRV Ilsli (huj Fif llill und BlockTalte 10710(21 unti10Y 19431 Chuj FCis F 581 h F+501 h F 500 h 7 510 Q i ItactorloverLevel s101 Idini II il Id[El I! 0) ilthi 1104 idHl-it05t it li 1 al 61 1 IIili s!iliIIlli td1 AFIlistee AFVFiep F lA h P il Q11 P lC 001 IFVFiepAaps Fla11710ttops I ATW Ftep F il Steas Frenire i pig ATV Cisch Fren F.lA i F il 1111 F lO [ pig listes I letotdary$lt's

! R$1V lypu I0T illl Guti 10f 8510 u n R CT ill! Qluti CV illi C h Aid RFP Sittien Frentre 111 pig IFF Discharge Frentre Alit I H[ pi Roistire 5eprator train fank level 11 1 Conduser Botvell ten! El l AtmosphericCispYaltes (hul Conhnsor Ta:ne ilain, stater train Fiep Statu F lla M FlliQfi Gland Seal Condener facite L la ig. -

CondeutteFiepStatis F 21 h F 21 Q11 FIF (tesud Log + Constant, tod, or ?! alteep) 1 Gross IV d let IV d Core tilt therexosple fesperature illi F I Control tod Position Gili Gi2 1 GP) 1 GP( 1 Grill)i Gli(1)i Gil(l)i

Sticktods AnA i,

1 FAlltil Cate 17 february llll Messageii flH 11L11 $Centriofleel11H TilLevel il i f!!! Level Ql Condensate $torage fant Level T 2 il 4 lastrisentAirPressart 11 psig ContainmentBelldingPressere dpsig Doetfesterature 111F Italdity li i

$/GACoeparteent fesperature 111F Insidity lL i i S/GBCospartment fesperature 111F Iceldity lid i SittfankLevel 11 i vtContaineentPressars(R) 11 psia Containment $sepLevel ii containmentVaterLevel(I) ii SIfankLevel(1) A11 1H C11 0li '

$1fankPressure(psig) A111 B111 C111 0111 Fanal 1 13

$1ASAltre 12 Containment Hgh Frepare Altre 12 Containment Ilgh Radiation klare 12 Lll ConcentratedBoric1:idtankLevels f53111i f 53811 I teactorfesselCF lhilpsid F0tf Oischarge fesperature 111F

FarSafetyValveOls:hargefesp(F) 171131 111 RVIlli111 IVllll111 FCFCarrent(Asps) 7 5tA di F5llill Flicill F 500 Hi FCS Flow li i LoopThot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill loopfceld(F) Loep1 ilhi Loop 2 ili fceld Vide range Loop 1 Hi Loop 2 H1 O libeooling FC$Freistre(1)

$teasGeneratorA fesp VI (Li ?

1111 Fress illpel It gi pela Steae Generator a level (VI) di I (IR) {i llu it i ,11) 11 i Press illpsia 111ps.a Flev Steam i FFI FeediFFI $ tete i FFI Feed [FFI a

Iete Steas and Feed Flev I 1000000


AFV Flev to A 5/G Free F illi i Free F it i gpa i AFV Flev to B $/G Free F lAll ill Fros F lC 1 gpa <

CondensorTa::s(1) J FCFSealLeskolfFlev F 561 Lil F 5tl bli F500ldi F 100 idi 4

Lil DieselGeneratorfrequency 11 G l 2 11 '

1 C 5t$ foltage 1111 Aapsill l D ICS foltage lill Aspsill i c 11 ne k c liA  !

ContalnuitAreaBenitors(t/It) 1111865 Lilld 111 1896 lati d

,  !!A lll1 M il 1 RIA litt Lilld

Eigh tante Containeent Initors (t/It)  !!A 2321 1,0l!+1  !!A 2322 ld[E l ContaineentlydrogenConcentration(1) 11 14111 i Al lillt ! )

4 1111324 LilEl  !!A2323 Liihl l lain Stese Stack Initors Line Games

!!A- (cpe)2325!!A Lilid 2326epeLit h 1 eps  !!A 2321 Lind stlhr (

\ ,

i 2

, l l

j I t

i 1

1, .

I i i

l 4 i 1

i 4

i I

I ,

i l

i i i i

1 i

.i t 1

i l

i t

i i

'. i a


l f J 1 i

i r


- l l

1 i

4 1




i t

i i RP1287-0044B-TP12



. _ . - . , - - . . .~ . _-


i Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:32 l

Message No: 10A Scenario Time 02:02 d



Message for: Shift Supervisor



i Simulated Plant Conditions: '

i i

Message: It appears that the same relief valve has failed wide open. i s!  !


'I 3'


............................................................................. l d

For Controller Use Only

, Controller Notes: A0 controller has A0 player call in message to SS. I 1




Actiori Expected
Close MSIV bypass valve if not already done.

1 1

i i

1 i

1 I

i 4




t b

, i l Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:35 Message No: 11 Scenario Time 02:05 t


) EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM i i i i j Message for: Control Room Players-l

  • i-I Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.  !

1 4

q Message: i r

j P

k .

I i ,

l i

j For Controller Use Only 1 Controller Notes: They can't use CV-0511 yet because "B" MSIV bypass valve ,

] is still shut. i Action Expected: During the next 8 minutes the "A" S/G empties.

1 See Narrative, i

i Time: 0340 Pages: 6 and 7 i

A dI
1. They turn off pressurizer heaters.


2. Throttle open "B" MSIV bypass valve.


! i

i 1 l j RP1287-00448-TP12

-. . .__ _ .- - _ - ._ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ . - - _ _ .

FALIIil Date 17 Ferritte lill NestageI11 fineiltli Scenariofine[hti O @

V A H I H pig

$vFieps F 11 h F 78 h F 10 Rh $WCriticalIdrPress CCW Fiep F 52A h F 528 h F 520 hu FFC Fiep F 51A h F 511 W FireFiep F-)A QH Fil M F41 M ContainmentCoolerteelteFans vil b v2A h T3A h 141 h Vll h 128 h 135 h 148 h M

CCW Cooler Citht fesp A 11F 3 11F Contatteent Spy Fiep F541Q11 P541Q11 P 540 QH IFS! Fang F lin Q H F ill E L751 Piep F 11A QH F ill CH lifetyinjection5actionlipply trainA frainI CV 3457 (51tv) ten CV 1929 (Step) thtti CV 3031 ($lts) Can CV 3930 (Siep) Chail M


Letdeva Charging intermediate Press Letdown fesp lH F flev IH gpa LetdownLinefesp 111 F Line fesp 111 F LetdownFlev ligp Fiep F 55A Ca F 55th F 55C h feline Centrol fut fesp H F Fressire H pl Level H I PCP Control Iludolf Frentre il pig lhttierstoolinglyetes SDCSfreeFCS(R) lil F $DCStoFCS(I) 11 F Qunch fank

' O fesp 111 F Fressire hit pig PristryCoolantlystes level H l PresseriterPresure(1) lili pia FCS fan (1) Loop 1 I f t il11) 11LH Loop 2 (ft il21) illi '

FresntlierLevel(R) Lit lit A 11% Litllitt hi f ar Itr Asp LCC 15 31 LCCli lu F0lf Fti18421(hni FIV Il438 tht 1 IlockValve sof 18421 thitt ROV Illla Chuf FCFs F 5tn h F lit b F 500 h 758DQA i teactorloverLevel 1101 Lith 1 1102 Lithl 1103 IdHd 1114 Lind itili n!lii i!01[ i!ili itilis!li! l

@ l Art 8 vites ATVFisp F la b F il QH F it Qti 1FVFiepAsps F In 11 P lC [ asp ATV Fiep P il Steas Frelstre i pig Aff Disch Press F la & F il 1111 P 10 t pig

, ltcendary lptes R$1T lypts 1071511 Chui ROTillithtti I51T's CT ill! thui CT illi Chiti RTPSi:tionPressite 1H pig IFF Dis:harge Frentre A H1 1 H1 pi tointste Septator train tank Level ui CondensorBotvelllevel [ii Atmosperi: Disp Taltes Chui Condensorfacias LiinII.

Better Drain Fiep $tatu F 10A QH F lll M GludSealConduserVa:na 11InEg.

Confusate Fiep Statu F 11 CA F 21 til Plf (Dessnd Log + Constant,104, or Flialteep)

Gren 11 d let IV d Core Init thereocosple fespratue lill!

Control tod Position GF1 [ GP2i GF)i GF4[ GF5(F)[ GFl(A)i GF1(3){ f Sti:t leds ant

.i. ,

i l



r FAL!!Il Cate 11 febraur 1911- lessagei11 flulhli $CeHrio flee thil l Cdl V

YilLent il i f 131 Len! Hl Condensate storage tank Level T 2 114 Instrient Air Presure di psig ContalnuitlilldingFresure dpsig Doetfearerature 111F Insidity 11 1

$IG A Coeputunt festerature 31F Issidity lLii

$lGICoepartuit fespuntare 111 r Issidity IL1l situfankLevel 111 11 Containeent fresure (t) li psia Contaisunt $ tsp Lent ii ContaineentWaterLuel(1) [t

$1 fant tuel ll) 13 8il CH Dli

$1fankPressure(psig) A111 I 1H C 1H D111 knal 1 11 Containeent Ilgh Pressure Alus h contalnu it I!gh ladiation 11ars u

$1A311ars h idl ConcentratedBoric1:IdfailLevels f53A11i f538 n i leactorfesselCF lidt paid F0li tinharge festerature litf FarsafetyValveDischargefesp(f) 171931 31 1Y1040 lit 17 1841 H [

FCFCurrent(Asps) 750Ai F 5tl G1 P 500 ut F500i FCSFlev lii Loopthet (f) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loop fceld (f) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 ill festd Wide range Loop 1 3 1 Loop 1 111 O $ibeocling FCSPressire(t) fesp VI

$ttaa Generator &

iLi T 1111 Prus illpsi It ill psia Steas GeHrator I Level (11) :1111 (II) i 4 311 H l II) 11 i Press 111tsia 111ps,a Flev $ttas i FFI feed [ FFI $tets [ FFI Feed [ FFI Iote Steasandfeedflov 1liltill 1:11 arvFlevto1$IG free F Illl i fres F lc 1 gpa ArvflovtoI$lG Free F litt 111 Free F it i gpe CondeLorit:us(R) 1 FCF Seal Leakoff flev F5thlJi F 508 ldi F500idi F 500 idi Cdl closel Generator frequeuy 1 1 il 1 2 11 1CIES Toltage lill asps Q1 10103 Voltage lill Aepsill C 11 hei e 111 Contalssent Area Ionitors (1/Ir) IIA lill idild AIA !Ill L111d 1111181 1,501 1  !!!1818 lJild IlghlangeContaineentIonitors(t/It) 11A 2321 id in i 1112322 Liini containeentlydrogenConnstration(l) 1124111 1 11 240ll i

!!n232) Lilld O laiasteasLlieGaeet Stack unitor (cpe)2325

!!1- 1,ll!

111 232% l dt h i O c;e 111 2326 L1101 cpe 1112321 Litid er/hr


i l



(% l

\J Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:43 J r Message No: 12 Scenario Time 02:13 f




Message for
Control Room Players

,i ,

L 1-j- Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets. .l i

7 Message:

1 i s.

l t

i  !

I i

For Controller Use Only j

j Controller Notes: If and when they attempt to use CV-0511, it won't work.  ;

l NOTE: During the next four minutes "A" S/G develops j j a tube rupture and an SIA9 occurs. '

i l

i l

l Action Expected: 1. EOP 6.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed l 2. Request PCS boron samples shortly.

l J




l RP1287-00445-TP12

PAL!!11 Cate 17 Febriart Illi tensp i U flee thil $cuario flee th1]

IV Fieps F 7A b P fi b F7C1dI $W Critical Idr frus A 11 1 H g CCW Fisp F 52A Q1 F 528 QA P 52C MI FFCFieps F 511 h F 515 FireFiep F !A Qd F fi Q.d F 41 QH containeent Cooler luire Fans ,

f!! h f!A b f]A b VIAQ1  ?!l b T28 h T33 h filQ3 hil CCVCoolerOutletfesp A BF l 11F Centainment Spray Fiep F 541 ad F541Q11 F 540 QH 1751Fieps FlilQ11Plitall LFSI Fiep P 67A QR FillQ11 lafety!jetticsfictionlipply fralaA frainI CV 1951 ($ liv) Qua CV 1821 (Simp) G2111 CV 3031 ($lts) gg u Cf.)lli ($isp) U21t1 Gil CTC$

Letdova Charging latermediate Fren letdeva fesp ut F flev 11gpa LetdownLinefesp 111F Line fesp 111 F LetdownFlev 111gpa Piers F 55A Qg F 551211 F 550 Q H feltee Control fut fesp n F Frustre il pl Luel 11 % FCF Centrol Iludoff Frenire il pig

, $nitiernCoolinglystee

$DCSfreeFCS(1) lit F $DC$ to FCS (1) HT Quenhfisk i

O fesplilF Frenirlier Frentre (1)

Frunte LIl pig FrlseryCoolantlyette lillpia Len! H t FCSfive(R) 11Lil Loop 2 , f!.1121) 11Li frentriterLevel(1) Loep1(ftIlll)ili LICillla LtcIll1 il i Ptr Itr Asp LCC15 i LCCli i

F0tf FIV ll428 utall Pti 18435 unti llect falu RCT li4!A u nti 107 19411 u ntj FCFs F 50A QH F 511 h F 500 h F 500 QU leuterFeverLevel 11612,0l!+1 1192 LlHH 5193 Liltd 1114 Lith!
IIili IIlii 11011 11181 110!111161 kil


Als$7stes AFVFiep F IA h F ll QH F lc QQi ITV Fiep Asp F la 11 P lO 1 asp j Afv Fiep F Il Stus Pressire i pig Als alsch Fren F la i F il 1111 P 40 t pig leto164rylyltes l R$1f typs: 107 1561 u nti 807 0516 !1LL ts!T's CT llll unti CV Illi Untj RFPSittlesPressire ill g RFPtil:hargePressire Alit I 111 pl toistureseptatortralafankLevel CondenerRotvellLevel ili unt} 1laIq.

AtmosphericCispfalte C ndensor facite ItaterCrainPsepStatis FllAQ11 P lli QH Gland Seal Condener Tutta L la Ig.

Condulate Fiep $tatis F2A Q1F!I QU Flf (DesandLog+ Constant, led,erFlit/fesp) l CrossIV d Itt EV d Ceretalttherse:0Fle fesprstire 11L1 F Centrol led Felltlen Gil i GP2i GP)i Glii GF5(F)i Gil(A)i GF1(l)1 Sticktods Ant 1-



PAlt1il Cate 17 februre 1911 Rusage l H flu thil $cenario flM 11111 fl.1 Level Hl fl)) Level Ql Condensate Storage fank Luel f 1 il i i instrtMitAirfressure lil[sig  ;

ContaiteentIt!!dingFresstre Jpsig Coatfesteratste 111 F Iseldity 11 l i 5/G A Cooprteent feepnature diF Iceldity 1Lii  :

$/GlCeepartunt festerature (([t Iseldity IL1i  !

5118fantLevel 11i

' VR Containent Pressere (1) 11 pia ContainmitStepLeul ii Containent utter Leel (I) ii 31 fait tent (1) A3 IH CH 0il

$1 fut Freisire (pig) A Hi I111 C111 0111 hul 1 13

$!A5Altre la containeemtIlghPressereAltre la Containment Ilgh Radiation Alare 12 l Lll ConentratedBoricAeldfankLevels f53Aili f 535 il l i

teactorTesselDP Lil psid P0tfCischargefesterattre 1H f Par fatety Talve Olscharp fesp (f) ITilli lit 1T 1940 31 171941111 FCP Curnt ( Asp) P51A1 F568[11 P lit ut F500i 703flev Hl Loop that (f) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loopfeeld(F) Loop 1 ill Loep 2 ill

feeld Ilde rule Loop 1 111 Loop 2 L1 I i

Sitcoollig fesp 11.1 F trus 1M pel .

I FCSFressite(1) VI lill It 18 pla  !

SteseCentratorA $tus GeHrator I


Level (II) :lli i (II) [ t all 11 l (II) 11 1 ,

1 Fress 11 pia lit pla '

a flev State i fit feedifit Stone i Pft feediFPI ,

lotet $ tete and feed flos ! lilliti l Lll I Arv Flev to A 3/G free F 1All i Free F lc i gre ArvflovtoISIG Fros 7 lill 111 Free P lc [ gpa l 1

CondensorTieste(1) i l FC7SealLeakoffflov t 51A L11 7 518 IJi F 50C L11 P 300 L11 L!!

! Cleul Generator Frepeney 11 Q 12 H j 1 C 103 foltale 1111 Asp ut l

l D ICS Toltap 1111 Asp lit f 11 teh ?,13 l

4 ContainetitAreaRalters(t/It) 1141845 Liitd  !!A liff Lilh1 114 1111 1.1ti !  !!A llli Lill,1 i ge Cettelnatit Ronitors (t/It)

Ill lu 1111321 1J1111  !!A 1312 M Centaineemt lydrotta Cenetitratin (1)  !! !(111 1  !!lillt h 1112)!! LlH11 l

I41 Stese Stackletiters Line Cases

!!!- (ep)1325 L1Hil 114 2326 ereLlRL1 eps !!A2)!) 3 IIA 1)l1 L1Ri1 er/br J

2 4

~I l

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:43 Message No: 12A Scenario Time 02:13 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Maintenance Controller (Electrical, Mechanical and I&C)

Simulated Plant Conditions: CV-0511 turbine bypass valve won't open no matter what operators try.


O For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: See Narrative.

Time: 0345-0410 Page: 8 Section: B Part: c Step: (2)

Action Expected: After operators exhaust all possibilities, ie, manual .

remote from Control Room, or Auto and the TSC/MSC dispatch  !

maintenance personnel to troubleshoot, ensure:

1. They follow good diagnostic practices. l
2. They follow proper procedures, including radiological practices.
3. Take actions and make recommendations that are ,

appropriate. l

4. No matter what YOU, the controller, has decided the i problem is: CV-0511 shall not be repairable before O 1100. This is simply to exercise the MSC.


l \

O Scenario No: PALEX-88. Time 03:43 Message No: 12B Scenario Time 02:13 l


Message for: Chemistry Controller Simulated Plant Conditions:


i For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: 20 minutes after either the SS or TSC requests PCS boron samples, you may call back and report:

PCS boron is at 793 ppa boron concentration.

NOTE: 10.4 GWD cold shutdown boron concentration is 723 ppm boron.

Action Expected:


l l

d Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:47 Message No: 3 1_3 Scenario Time 02:17 1

PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT i EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets and alarm sheets.


O For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: See Narrative.

Time: 0345-0410 Pages: 7 and 8 Sections: A and B (all parts)

Action Expected: See Narrative. '

Time: 0345-0410 Pages: 7 and 8 Sections: A and B (all parts)


1. Expect that operators will stop boric acid pumps sometime within the next 15 minutes.
2. General Emergency should be declared shortly.




Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:47 Message No: 13 Scenario Time 02:17 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE ALARM SHEET Alarm Annunc Panel Number Alarm Window Description K-13 42 Safety Injection Initiated K-13 40 Safety Injection Initiation Signal "A" K-13 41 Safety Injection Initiation Signal "A" K-13 64 Gaseous Waste Monitoring Hi Radiation K-13 66 Plant Area Monitoring Hi Radiation K-02 6 Main Steam E-50A RIA-2323 HIGH ,

K-02 6 Main Steam E-50A RIA-2323 ALERT K-07 49 Pressurizer Low Pressure Setpoint "A" Off Normal K-07 50 Pressurizer Low Pressure Setpoint "B" Off Normal K-07 51 Pressurizer Low Pressure Setpoint "C" Off Normal ,

K-07 52 Pressurizer Low Pressure Setpoint "D" Off Normal K-07 55 Pressurizer Safety Injection Signal "A" Lo - Lo Pressure J

K-07 56 Pressurizer Safety Injection Signal "B" Lo - Lo Pressure K-07 57 Pressurizer Safety Injection Signal "C" Lo - Lo Pressure K-07 58 Pressurizer Safety Injection Signal "D" Lo - Lo Pressure j l

O RP1287-0044B-TP12

, _ . _. _ _ _ . ~ ,_ _ _ - -

PALIIil Date 17 ret'ruary 1988 Ressage i H flee thH Scenario flee thH g

b SWCriticalEdrPress SWPasps P1AQa P-1BQA P-7CQ1 A 11 B 11 psig CCWPcaps P 52A Qa P 528 QA P 52C Q1 FPC Pusp P51AQaP51BQR FirePumps P-9A Q H P 9B Q H P 41 QH Cantainment Cooler Recire fans VIAQA V2AQA V3AQa V4AQ2 VlB QH V2BQH V3BQH V4B QH CA1 CCWCoolerOutletfesp A ((T B 11 T ContainmentSprayPasps P 54A QH P 54B QH P 54C QH RPSIPasps P liA QA P 66B Q2 LPS!Pasps P67A001 P673[AHij

!afetyinje:tionSactionSupply TrainA frain B CV 3057 (SliW) Qgta CV 3029 (Scap) Chitj CV 3031 (SIRW) QSla CV 3030 (Scap) Child Ca1 CVCS Letdevn Charging Intermediate h es Letdown fesp l H F flow IH gpa Letdown Line fesp HiF Line fesp 111 F Letdown Flev 11 gps Pcaps P 55A QA P 55BQA P 550 Q2 VoltseControlfank fesp H F Pressureilpsi Level 111 PCP Control Bleedoff Presiste 11 psig Shutdova Cooling Systen SDCSfresPCS(R) 1H T SDCStoPCS(R) 11F s Quenchfank fesp111r Pressure I dl psig Level H l N

PristryCoolant5fstes PressurlierPressure(R) luipsia PCSfare(R) Loop 1 (fR Olll) Hidi Loop 2Lft0121)illd PressurlierLevel(R) LRC 0101A uI LRC 010 B ui P:t Htt Asps LCC 15 i LCC16 t PCAV PRV 1042B Chigi PRV 1043B Child Block Valve X0V 1942A Chigi107-1043A Chitj FCP: P50AQH P50BQ1 P50C01 P500QH ReactorPowerLevel Il 01 2,00!+1 1102 2,00!+1 X103 Lill1 I104 3,0011 II051 11061 I1071 11081 1109111101 CA1 Afflysten AfWPtsp P lA Q2 P 8B Q H P 80 QQ1 ATVPuspAsps P lA 11 P 8C t asps AfW Ptsp P lB Steas Pressure i psig ATV Disch Press P IA & P 8B 1111 P lC 1 psig Secondarylystes XSIV Bypass X0V 0501 Chill NOV 0510 DI2L. X$1V's CV 0510 Chigi CV 0501 Ch111 XfPSuctionPressure ilijsig IFPDischargePressure A in B111 pal XolstureSeperatorDrainfankLevel n1 CondensorHotwellLevel il1 AtmosphericDunpValves Chigi Condensor Va:nce 1inEn.

HeaterDrainPuspStatus P10AQH P 108 QH GlandSealCondensorVacuts l,inEg.

CondensatePtspStatus P 2A Q1 P-2B Q H PIP (Desand Log + Constant, Rod, or TinI/fesp)

Gross XV d Net XV d Core !!!t Thersocouple fesperature 1Hd f Control Rod Position GPl i GP2i GP3i GP4i GP5(P)i GPi(A)i GP7(B)i Stuck Rods a2ig O



Date17 february 1988 Nessagei11 fise thR Scenario flee RLH O fllLevel 11 ) f?)! Level Ql


Condensate Storage tank Level T 2 11 l InstrumentAirPressure 11psig Ccatainment Building Pressure dpsig Dceefespercture 191F Hasidity 11 i SIGACompartment fesperature diF Husidity Ed i S/GBCompartment fehperature HgF Hesidity lld i 31RWfankLevel 11i WR Containsent Pressure (R) 11 psia ContainmentSuspLevel 1i ContainsentWaterLevel(R) 1i SifankLevel(1) A11 B11 C11 DH SifankPressere(psig) A Hi B Hi C Hi D111 Panel I 13 SIASA14rs 111 ContainsentHighPressureAlars b Containment High Radiation Alars b Cdl Concentrated Boric Acid fank Levels f53A11i f 53B 111 ReactorYesselDP M psid PORYDischargefesperature 111 F PsrSafetyValveDischargefesp(F) RT1039 111 RY1040 lit RT1941 lit PCPCurrent(Asps) P5011 P50BHi F 50C Hi P500i PCSFlow 11 \

LoopThot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 1H Loopfceld(F) Loop 1 in Loop 2 H1 Loop 1 in Loop 2 ul

( fceld Wide range Subcooling PCSPresente(R) fesp VR H

lill F Press Q1 psi IR 81 pela Steas Generator A Steas Generator B Level (WR) dll I (IR) {l H H 11 1 IR) 11 1 Press 111 psia 111psma flow Steas 1 PPB FeediPPB Steas iFPR Feed [ PPB IctetSteasandFeedFlov I 1000000 Cdl AFVFlowtoAS/G Fros P lAll i Fros P 80 t gpa  ;

AFVFlowtoB$/G Fros F lAll 111 Fros P 80 1 gpa l

CondensorVictus(R) J j FCPSealLeakoffFlev P 50A lli P508lli P 50C Idi F 500 M '

Cdl DieselGeneratorFrequency 11 8 1-2 ((

1 C BUS Voltage llH Aspsill 1 0 BUS Yoltage Hit Asps 111 0 11 lack c 11A l

ContainmentAreaMonitors(R/Hr) R111805 ldild RIA Illi idHd '

RIA ll07 idHd RIA Il01 idild HighRangeContainmentMonitors(R/Br) RIA 2321 ljl E l RIA 2322 id1El ,

ContaineentHydrogenConcentration(1) A! 240lt i Al 240lt i O Main Steas Line Gassa (eps) RIA 2324 4,00!+5 RIA 2323 Zdlul RIA 2321 2,50l+1 arlhr Q1 Stack Nonitors RIA 2325 1,00!+3 ere RIA 1326 IJ1 El epe 2


. (h V

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:47 Message No: 13A Scenario Time 02:17 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Maintenance Controller (Electrical and/or Mechanical) l Simulated Plant Conditions: P-67A 00S (see Initial Conditions) and P-67B fails to start upon receipt of SIAS (Safety i Injection Actuation Signal).  !

l l


1 For Controller Use Only l Controller Notes: See Narrative.

Time: 0345-0410 Page: 8 Section: B Part: d (all steps)

Action Expected: When TSC/MSC sends out electricians and/or mechanics to troubleshoot P-67B failure ensure:

1. They follow good diagnostic practices.
2. They follow proper procedures, including radiological i practices. I
3. Take actions and make recommendations that are l appropriate. l
4. Discover and report that P-67B has seized and that l repairs will require much time.  !
5. Control repair and reassembly of P-67A so that it becomes available at no later than 0625 and not before 0615.

1 RP1287-0044B-TP12

O V ' Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:52 Message No: 13B- Scenario Time 02:22 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See alarm sheet.


Message: PCS pressure is at 1325 psia and lowering.

O  :

.__..........___......___ _____..__...._______...._____. __....___.....__..__ i For Controller Use Only Controller Notes:

Action Expected: Operators should stop the two (2) remaining PCPs.

I RP1287-0044B-TP12  !  !

. -y y .,,,_,,c.- .,-- -.y__-g- ___.------.,,,y-,,-v., -

, _ . . . _ _ _ _ . - - _ _ _ . _ ., _..-,,,-,--..,_,-.w-,mm -

i  !

l Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:52 Message No: 13B Scenario Time 02:22 I


Alarm Annune Panel Number Alarm Window Description K-01 56 Condensate Pump P2A High Temperature or Overload l

i O .

6 i

l l

l i

O RP1287-0044B-TP12 l

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 04:05 Message No: 14 Scenario Time 02:35 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets and alarm sheet.

l 1

Message: In addition to the pressurizer level shown on the data sheets, be i aware that pressurizer level is rising. l For Controller Use only l Controller Notes: In three minutes "B" S/G main steam line monitor alert alarm will energize. A CIAS will be received at 0430.

Action Expected: See Narrative.

Time: 0410-0630 Pages: 8 and 9 Section: A ,

Parts: 1, 2 and 3 )

l Additionally:

1. Expect they will start to try and establish cooldown rate of 75'F/hr (once they realize CV-0511 will be unavailable) using "B" S/G atmospheric unloaders.
2. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs be performed-
3. Letdown has been/should be isolated to prevent activity spread throughout the Auxiliary Building. (Due to fuel failure noted by "A" S/G Main Steam Line Monitor O indicated levels.


l l

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 04:05 1 I

Message No: 14 Scenario Time 02:35 i


Alarm Annunc  !

Panel Number Alarm Window Description- I K-01 57 Condensate Pump P-2A Discharge Low Pressure l l

I i

l O i I

l O l l

RP1287-0044B-TP12 l

PALII88, Date 11 February 1988 Nessagei11 flee thH Scenario flee thH l

SWPceps P 1A h P 1B b P 10 h SW Critical Edr Press A H B H psig CCWPcape P-52A h P 52B h P 520 h FPCPumps P 51A h P 51B E d Fire Pceps P !A RH P 9B QH P 41 QH l Containment Cooler Recire Fans VlhQa V2AQa V3A h V4A h VlB E V2B M V3BQH V4BQH C*U CCWCoolerOutletfesp A HF B HF ContainmentsprayPisps P 54A M P 54B QH P 54C M HPSIPusps P 66A b P 66B Q1 LPSIPumps P62AQQi P 51B [tHti SafetyInje:tionStetionSupply frainA frainB CV 3051 (SIRW) kta CV 302) (Scap) Chigi CV-3031 (S!RW) hti CV 3030 (Susp) Ch1PJ Call CVCS Letdown Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp l H T Flow Ulgps LetdownLinefesp ld F Line fesp 111 F LetdownFlov i gpa Peeps P-55A QA P 55B h P 550 Q2 VoltseControlfant fesp H F Pressure H psi Level 1H i PCP Control Bleedoff Prentre il psig ShutdernCoolingsystes SDCSfresPCS(R) 111F SDCStoPCS(R) 11F

]j fesp 1H F Ctenchfank Pressure L it psig Level H t PristryCoolantlystes PressirlierPressure(R) 1111 psia PCSfate(R) Loop 1(TROlll)5111 Loop 2 TR 0121) illd PressuriserLevel(R) LRC0101A 11i LRC010.9 11 i Psr Htt Asps LCC15 i LCCli i PORY PRV 1942B Chigi PRV 1043B Chtgi BlockValve MOV 10421 Chiti X0V 1043A Chiti PCPs P 50A M P 50B QH P 500 M P 500 QH ,

ReactorPowerLevel XI 012,00!+1 Il 02 2,00!+1 1103 3,00! l 1104 L.iR 1 1 51051 1106i 11011 11011 II0![11101 Cdl APISystes AFVPcep P lA QA P 8B qu P lO QQi ATVPtspAsps PIA 11PlC1 asps AFW Pcep P il Steas Pressere i psig AFV Disch Press P la i P il Mi F lC 1 psig Se:02darylyttes MSIVBypass X0V 0501 Chiti 10V 0510 th2L X$IV's CV 0501 Chigi CV 0510 Chtti )

NFPSectionPressure it lg KTPDischargePressure A [1 B [1 si l MoistureSeperatorDrainfantlevel i CondensorHotvelllevel i i AtmosphericD:spValves thrott, CondensorVactus 11in Eg, I HeaterDrainPaspStatus P 10A M P 10B QH GlandSealCondensorVacute 11inEg.

CondensatePtspStatus P 21 M P 28 Qu PIP (DesandLog+ Constant, Rod,orFlux/fesp)

Gross NW d let XV d Core IIit thersocosple fesperatcre ill d F Control Rod Position GP! 1 GP2 i GP)1 GP4i GP5(P)i GP6(A){ GP1(B)1

(] Stuck Rods allt V


PALIIil Date 17 February 1998 Mesugei11 fine Qhti Scenario fine lhli (3 Cd3 i /

fllLevel 11 i f939 Level Ql Condensate Storage tank Level f 2 il i InstrumentAirPressure 111 psig ContainmentBuildingPresure d psig Dosefesperatore 111F Huidity lii S/GACospartment fesperature 111 F Ecsidity lLi i S/GBCompartment fesperature 111 F Busidity lLii SIRWfankLevel ilI WR Containment Pressure (R) 11 psia ContainmentSuspLevel 1! ContainmentWaterLevel(R) {i SifankLevel(4) AH B11 C11 011 SIfankPressure(psig) A Hi B U1 C111 0 Hi Panel I 11 SIASAlara ErJLtd ContainmentHighPressireAlars h Contalasent sigh Radiation Alars h Cdl ConcentratedBoricAcidfankLevels f 531 H I f53Blii ReactorVesselDP 1psid PORVDischargefesperature 111 F ParSafetyValveDischargefesp(F) RY1039 111 RY1040111- RY1041 lit

?CPCurrent(Asps) P-50A1 P-508{ P50C1 P50Di PCS flov ii LoopThot (f) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loop fcold (f) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 111 1 feeld Wide range Loop 1 ill Loop 2 111

.'i Subcooling fesp 11 F Press H1 pil PCSPressure(R) WR 1111 IR 111 psia SteasGeneratorA Steas Generator B ,

Level (WR) dli1 (IR) {i 1111 11 1 (11) 11 1 1 Press 11 psia 111 psia flov Steas i PPH FeediPPB Stein i PPI feediPPB Iote: SteamandTeedFlev I1000000 l idl ATVFlowtoAS/G Fros P illB 1 Free P lc 1 gpa Arv Flow to B SIG FrosPilia Hi Fros F 10 1 gpa CondensorVaccus(R) 11 PCPSealLeakoffFlow P 50A & P 50B & P 56C & P 500 &

idl DieselGeneratorfrequency 11 11J1 12 udi 1 0 BUS Yoltage 1111 Asps (([

1 D BUS Voltage 1111 Aspslil 0 11 lack c 11A ContainmentAreaMonitors(R/Br) RIA Ill5 1,90!+0 RIA lloi L111d RIAll67 1,40!+0 111 1101 L11El RighRangeContainmentMonitors(R/Br) RIA 2321 lJi h i R!A 2322 ldf u l ContainmentHydrogenConcentration(t) AI24011 AI240lL Nain Steas Line G usa (eps) RIA 2314 (,00!*5 1112323 idinl O StackMonitors 1112325 L11El eps RIA H26 2.10!+1 cps RIA 2327 idini nr/br 2



.l Message for: Control Room Players l

l Simulated Plant Conditions: See alarm sheet.

I l


l l


l For Controller Use Only Controller Notes:

Action Expected: SS should/may request "B" S/G activity samples, i

I l

l RP1287-0044B-TP12 i

O Scenario No: PAIIX-88 Time 04:08 Message No: 5 1_5 Scenario Time 02:38

'l PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE ALARM SHEET Alarm Annunc Panel Number Alarm Window Description K-02 17 Main Steam E-50B RIA-2323 ALERT I

i k

4 V

1 i

i a

t B

I b

4 t

RP1287-0044B-TP12 l


Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 04:30 Message No: 16 Scenario Time 03:00 PALISADES NUCLEAR PIANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See alarm and data sheets.


O For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: At approximately 0440, operators get cooldown rate of 76*F/hr established and continue depressurization.

Action Expected: See Narrative.

i Time: 0410-0630

8 and 9 Section: A Parts: 2, 3 and 4 Additionally: 1. May reference 1400 CL and start it.
2. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed
3. If subcooling margin parameters look
funny, explain to players it locked up.

l RP1287-0044B-TP12 L

i Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 04:30 '

-Message No: 16 . Scenario Time 03:00 i PALISAD2S NUCLEAR PLANT [


Alarm Annunc Panel Number Alara Window Description K-11 26 CIS Initiated K-13 63 Containment Hi Radiation i

i I

1 1

4 4

4 1

i l l

l i


. RP1287-00448-TP12

PALII 18 Date 17 February 1989 Messagei11 flee ihli Scenario flee thH (h Cd!

SWPisps P 7A h F 78 h P 70 h SWCriticalEdrPress A H B !! g CCWPcaps P 52A h P-52B h P 52C h TPC Peeps P 51A h P 51B Tire Pasp P !A Q11 P !B M P il Q11 ContainmentCoolerRecircfans VIA h V2A h V3A h V4A h VlB M V2B M V3B M V4B M Cdl CCWCoolerOutletfesp A 11 F B 11 1 Containment Spray Pisp P 5(A M P5(BQ11 P54C011 HPSIPisps P ill b P ill Q11 LPSIPasp P67AQ.01 P675Idid SafetyinjectionSietlenSupply train A frainB CV 3051 (Sily) hu CV 3029 (Sisp) Ciud CV 3031 ($11r) hu CV 3030 (Simp) Chad Cdl CYCS Letdeva Charging Intersediate Press Letdown fesp iM P flow H gps LetdownLinefesp 111F Line fesp H P LetdovaFlov igps Pieps P 551 h F 55BQ11 P 55C Q11 YelineCentrolfank fesp[1F Pressere 11 pl Levellitt PCP Centrol Bleedoff Pressire ni pilg ShitdoraCoolingSystes SCCSfresPCS(R) 111F SDCStoFCS(1) 11f Quenchfank O fesp111F Fressite ldi pig Level 11%

b PristryCooltatSyltes PresseriterPressure(R) lli pia PCSfive(t) Loop 1. TR illl) ilidi Loop 2 ft 0121) il li PressuriterLevel(R) LRC010.A 11i LICOll.B 11i Par Btr Asp LCC15 i LCC 16 i P0tV FR719425 Chad FRV 1043B Ciud llectYalve MOV 1042A Cinti E071043A Chad PCP: F50AQ11 P 508 h F 500 h F500011 ReactorFeverlevel 51012,00f+1 1102 Lillil 1103 Lithi 1114 3,0018 11051 1106i I1011 11081 11111Il10i Cdl AffSystes ATVPiep P IA h F Il Q1{ F 10 QQ1 ATVfispAsps FilliFlc! asps  ;

ATV Piep P 13 Steas Pressure i pig ATV Disch Press F IA i F IB lill ? lO 1 pig lecendarylygtes  ;

ESIV Bypss 10V 6501 Chad 107 0516 nnL ISIV's CV 6501 Clutt CV 0510 und 1 XPPSuetionPressure 111 p ig XFPDischargePressure A111 B111pi Moisture Seprator Crain fani Level 11i Condensor Hotvell Level ili AtsesphericDispValves unt.L CondensorVa:nns lidinEg, ItatertrainPispStatis F10AQ11 P108Gli GlandStalCondensorVacune 11inIg.

Condensate Pisp Status P 2A h P 2B Q11 717 (DesaniLog+ Constant, Rod,orflin/fesp) l Gros XV d let !v d Core Init thereoccuple fesprature illd P Control Rod Position G71 1 GP2 i GP3i GP(i GP5(P)i Gli(A)i GP2(B)i Stici101: nu 1

J PALII18 l Date 17 Februart Illi Messageili flee thlt ScenariofleetitH N

fllLevel il i f13! Level Ql Condensate Storage fank Level f 2 ili  ;

InstrumentAirPressure 111 psig I ContainmentBuildingPressure d psig Donefesperature 111f Ecoldity 11l l S/GACospartment fesperature 111F Hasidity 11 i S/GBCompartment fesperature 1R T Husidity 11 i SIRWTankLevel ~11i WRContaineentPressure(R) 11 psia Containment $r.epLevel 1i ContainmentVaterLevel(R) {i

$1fankLevel(1) A11 B11 C11 D11

$1fankPressure(psig) A Hi B Hi C Hi 0 H1 h nal I 13

$1A$Alars llatiti ContainmentHighPressereAlars la Containment High Radiation Alars 111 l w

I ConcentratedBoricAcidfankLevels f53A H i f 538111 ReactorVesselDP Llipsid P0t?Dischargefengerature 111F hr Safety Talve Dis:harge fesp (F) RY1031 1Q1 RY1040 lit RY1941111 j

PCPCurrent(Asps) 75011 P 508 Hi F59C111 P500i PCSFlow 11i LoopThot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Lotpfeeld(F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 111 teold vide range Loop 1 ill Loop 2 i n i fsi Subcooling fesp 11L. F Press 1111 psi V PCSPressere(R) V1 lit 11 i n psia

$ tete Generator A SteasGeneratorB ,

Level (VR) dll n (IR) { i 311 il n (II) 11i f

?Its: 11 psia 111 pila i Flov Steas i PPI TeediPPE Steam i PPI feediPPE )

Iote Steas and feed flev 1 1000000 (dl ATVflowtoAS/G free P illB i fros P 1C t gps ATVFlevtoB$/G Fros F lail Ul Fros P 80 t gpa Condensorfacuts(R) lLi PCP Seal LeakolI flow P 50A di F 50B di F 500 di F 50D di M

DieselGeneratorfrepeney 11 HJi 12 HJi 1 C BUS Voltage 1111 Aspsill .

1DBUS Voltage 1111 Asps 111 l f 11 lack c 11A f l

ContainmentAreaMonitors(R/8r) 11A 1105 I J1111 111 1806 IJ 1111

!!A ll01 Lilh! R1A 1808 L illil High Range Containment b aitors (1/It) IIA 2321 5,10!+0 11A 2322 ilth i Containment Rydrogen Concentration (1) Al24011 Al240lL Nala $ teas Line Cassa (eps) 11A 2324 4,0l!+5 111 2323 1d1111 O Stack u nitors RIA 2325 L11El cps RIA 2326 IJ H il eps 2-

!!A 2321 LBlil ar/hr

~ - - w -

1 O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 04:50 Message No: 17 Scenario Time 03:20 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room 01ayers Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.




For Controller Use Only Controller Notes:

J Action Expected: 1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed

2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue
3. Operators stop P-7A and P-52C as they are not needed.

1 RP1287-0044B-TP12

PALII 11 CateILuhnary1998 Messagei11 fine 11111 Scenario flee th11 SWPasps P 7A h P 1B h P 70 h SWCriticalEdrPress A 11 8 (( psig CCWPumps P 52A h P 528 h P 520 h FPCPusps P 51A h P 518 M TirePusps P !A M P 9B M P 41 M ContainsentCoolerRecireFans VIA h Y2A h V3A h Vin h VlB M V2B M V3B M V4B M Cdl CCWCoolerOutletfesp A 11T B HT ContainsentSprayPasps P 54A J;' i P 54B M P 54C M BPSIPtsps P-66A h P 16B Q11 LPSIPumps P671QQi P67B!.111t1 SafetyIsjectionSn: tion $npply frainA frain B CV 3057 (SIRV) un CV 3029 (Scap) Chigi CV 3031 (SIRW) Qgn CV 3030 (Susp) Chitj Cdl CTCS Lethva Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp 111 F Flow H gps LetdownLinefesp hit Line fesp H T LetdownFlev 1gpa Pasps P 55A h P 55BQIl P 55C Q11 Yeltse Control fut fesp H f Pressure 11 psi level 111i PCP Control Bleedoff Pressere 111 psig SintdernCoolingSystes

$005freePCS(R) lil F SDCStoPCS(R) 11 F O

D fesp lil f Pressure Lil psig Quenchfank Level 111 PristryCoolantlystes PressuriserPressere(R) Hi psia PCSfare(R) Loop 1 (f t Olll) illdi Loop 2ITR0121)ilLi PressariserLevel(R) LRC 0101A ili LRC010LB 11 1 Psr8trAsps LCC 15 1 LCCli i PORY PRV 1942B Chitj PRV 1043B Ch111 BlockValve X071042A Cluti10V 1943A Chitj PCP: P-50A M P 508 h P 500 h P 500 011 ReactorPowerLevel 11 01 L tl E l 11 02 Lil E l 11 03 Litt 1 31 04 1.001 1 11051 11 06 1 11 07 1 11 01 1 1101111101 Cdl AffSystes ATWPsep P lA h P ll Q11 P lO QQ1 ATVPumpAsps PIA 11P801 asps ATW Ptsp P ll Steas Pressure i psig ATV Olsch Press F 1A 6 P il lill P lC 1 psig leccadery Systes MSIVBypass X0Y0501Chigi X07 0510 !h2L XSIV's CV 0501 Chiti CV 0510 Chitj XfP Section Pressere illpsig MPPCischargePressure A Hi B Hi psi MoistureSeperatorDrainfankLevel il i CondessorBotvelllevel il i AteosphericDeepValves th21.L CondensorYattia lLilinEg.

Heater Crain Pusp Status P101Q11 P10BQ11 GlandSealCondensorVacate lilaEg.

CondensatePsspStatus P21 hP2B Q11 P!P (Desand Log + Constant, Red, or flex /fesp)

GrossXV d let rv d Core trit theraxoeple fesperature illd f Control Rod Position GPl i GP2[ GP3i GP4i GP5(P)1 GPI(A)[ GP7(B){

n Statt Rods But 1

l PALt118 Date 17 February 1988 Message i H flee thil Scenario flee Q1L11 O Cd3 Q

f81 Level *L t f139 Level Qt Condensate Storage fank Level T 2 H t Instrueent Air Pressore H psig ContainmentBuildingPressure Jpsig Comefesperature Hir heldity 111

$/G A Compartment fesperature 111F Hesidity 11 i SIGBCospartment fesperature 111F Husidity 11 i SIRWfankLevel 11 i W1ContainmentPresiste(1) 11 psia Containstat Step Level i) ContainmentWaterLevel(R) {i 51fankLevel(t) AH B11 C11 0H

$1fankPressure(psig) A Hi B111 C111 0111 Panel I 13

$1AS Altra Blocked ContainmentHighPressureAlars h Contalasent High Radiatles Alars 1t1 Cll Concentrattd Borie Acid tank Levels f53A H l f53B11i ReactorVesselCP Llipsid FORYDischargefesperature 111F PsrSafetyTalveOlschargefesp(F) IV103) 1H 171040 lit 1T1641111 PCPCurrent(Asps) P-50Ai F50B111 P500111 P50D1 1 FCSTlov 11 1 Loopthot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 Hi Loopfceld(F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 Hi q feeld Vide range Loop 1 111 lihl P Loop 2 1H Press 1111 psi i

g Subcooling PCSPressure(R) fesp VR IH It (H psia i

i Steas Generator A Steas Generator B Level (VI) dll1 H psia (II) it du il n litpela (11) Ht Press Flev Steas i PPB feediPPI Steas i PPE FeediPPB 1 Iote Steam and feed Flov I 1000000 j 1

idl ATWflovtoAS/G fres P lAll i froa P lO i gps ATVTlevtoBS/G Tres F lAll Hi Free F 10 i gra l CondenerVacine(R) lLi PCPSealLeakoffFlow P 501 di P 508 di P 500 di F 500 di idi Olesel Generator Frepency 11HJi 12 udi 1CBUS Toltage 1111 Aspsill 1 D 805 Voltage llH Asps 111 c.11 lack c 111 ContainmentAreaKonitors(R/Br) IIA ll65 L1thi 111 1806 IJih i RIA Il01 L11111 All litt 1 l6111 HighRangeContainmentMonitors{R/It)  !!A 1321 1,20!+1 RIA 1322 L 11111 Containment lydrogen Concentration (1) AI.14011 Al240ll Mala Steas Line Gassa (eps) 11A 1324 4,00!+5 O

11A 1323 I J1111 StackMonitors 11A 1315 Llullers 111 1326 2d ilil eps  !!A1311 Lillil ar/hr 1-

l i

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 05:10 l Message No: g Scenario Time 03:40 l l


l i

Message for: Control Room Players 1

l Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.




J 1

1 I

For Controller Use Only

! Controller Notes:

Action Expected: 1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed 1 2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue I

1 1

1 1

T l

l RP1287-0044B-TP12

T Pall!il Date 11 February 1998 Messagei11 flee tidi Scenariofleeiltil O


\.) A H B H psig SWPusps P 1A Q H P 1B Qa P 1C Qa SW Critical Rdr Press CCWPumps P 52A Q2 P 52B Qa P 520 ith FPCPumps P 51A h P 51B QH FirePusps P 11 M P 9B QH P 41 qu ContainsentCoolerRecireFans VIAQ1 V2AQa V3AQa V4A01 VlB QH V2B m V3B QH V4BQH Cdl CCWCoolerOutletfesp A HF B HF ContainmentSprayPtsps P 54A QH P 5(B QH P 5(C QH HPSIPasps P ilk h P lib QH LPSIPusps P671001 PillIAllti SafetyInjectionSietionSupply frainA frain B CV 3051 (31RW) Qua CV-3029 (Simp) Qhttj CV 3031 (SIRW) Qua CV 3030 (Step) U21tj Cdl CVCS Letdevn Charging latersediate Press Letdown fesp lH F flow U gps LetdownLinefesp HiF Line fesp 11 F LetdownFlev igps Pisps P-55A h P 55BQ H P 55C M ioliin Control fant fesp B F Pressure}0, psi level 111% PCP Control Bleedoff Pressere 111 psig

$httdownCoolinglystes 50CSfresPCS(R) lil F SDCStoPCS(1) 11F Quenchfank

,O) fesp111F Pressure i psig Level H i V  !!!stryCooltatlystes PresseriterPressure(R) 111 psia PCSfate(R) Loop 1 (f t 0111) 11Lil Loop 1!!R0121)11L1 PresseriterLevel(R) LRC0101A Ht LRC010.B 111 Ptr8trAsps LCC 15 i LCC16 i PORY PRV 1942B ChLtj PRV 10433 (h111 BlockValve HOV 10(2A Chiti10Y 1043A Ch111 PCPs F 50A QH F50B02 P500Q2 P 500 QH ReactorPowerLevel 1101 LilEl 1102 L11El 1103 3,0011 1104 3.0011 1105i 11061 11011 11 01 i 1109i11101 Cdl AffSystes ATWPtsp P la h P lB Q H P 10 QQi ATWPumpAsps P1111PlCiasps ATV Ptsp P lB Steas Pressere i psig AFW Disch Press P lA & F 1B lili P lC [ psig lecendarySystes 10V 0510 ht2L. NSIV's CV 0501 ChLti CV 0510 Chnj X51VBypass X0V 0501 Chiti NTPStetionPressere 111psig NTPDischargePressure A 1H B 111 psi Noisture Seperator Crain fank Level Ht CondensorHotwellLevel 111 11in Hg, AtsosphericCsspValves D121 Condenser Vacate HeaterCrainPuspStatus P 10A E P108QH GlandSealCondensorYacnts 11inHg.

CondensatePtspStatis P 2 A h P 28 QH Pl!

(Desand Log Gross XV d + Constant,letRod, XV or Flit /fesp) Core d trit thersoccuple fesperatere 11Li F Control lod Position GPl i GP2i GP3i GP4i GP5(P)i GPI(A)i GP1(B)i O 1

PALII il  :

flee thli Date 17 Februrf 1988 Messagei11 Scenario fine thit g i f11 Level 11 1 T939 Level Ql Condensate Storage Tank Level f-2 H l InstrumentAirPressere 1[1psig ContainmentBuildingPressure dpsig Dosefesperatore HiF Busidity 11 i SIGACospartment fesperature diF Husidity H l S/GBCespartment fesperature 111F Btsidity 11 1 SIRWfankLevel 11 i WRContainmentPressure(R) 11 pila ContainmentSuspLevel 1i ContainmentWaterLevel(R) {i

$1fankLevel(1) Ait B11 C11 011 SIfankPressare(psig) A Hi B Hi C111 D Hi Panel I 11

$1ASAlars lidtf ContaineentHighPresstreAltre 12 Containment High Radiation Altre ill M

l ConcentratedBoricAcidTankLevels f53A H 1 f 538 la i ReactorVesselDP [di psid j PCRVDischargefesperature 111F  !

PsrSafetyValveDischargefesp(F) RV103) 111 RY 1040 lli IV-10ll111 1 FCPCorrent(Asps) P50A1 P 50B El F50Cill P500i PCSFlow lii i Loop flot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 111 l Loc fceld (F) Loop 1 in -Loop 2 111 )

feo d Wide range Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill i T Subcooling fesp 11hl F Press 1111 psi  !

d PCSPressure(R) WR ilt 11 111 psia SteasGeneratorA Steas Generator B Level (WR) dli I (IR) i 1 1111 il 1 (IR) (( l Press ilpsia 111 psia Flow Steas [ PPB Feed 1 PPB Steam i PPB FeediPPR foteiSteasandfeedFlov I1000000 M

ATVFlowtoASIG Fros P lAll i Fros 7 80 t gps AFWFlevtoBS/G Fros F lAll 10 Fros F lO 1 gpa CondensorYactie(R) lid PCP Seal Leakel! Flow P 50A di P 50B di P 500 di F 500 di O .

1 DieselGeneratorfrequency 11 udi 12 BJi l l C BUS Voltage lill Aspsill 1 D BUS Voltage lill Asps 111 c 11 le k 11A i l

ContainmentAreaMonitors(R/Br) RIA lll5 Lill!1 AIA illi i dilil 11A 1807 L11111 RIA lllt Idilil RighRangeContainmentMonitors(1/It) IIA 2321 1,43!+1 RIA 2322 L il!!1 ContainmentHydrogenConcentration't) AI240l! Al 2(llL Xala Steas Line Gassa (c[s) RIA 2324 idllil All 2323 Idilil O

g Stack Monitors RIA 2325 l dilil cps RIA 2326 l d i n i eps 2

RIA2327 1 d1111 arlhr

nv Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 05:30 Message No: 19, Scenario Time 04:00 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players i

Simulated Plant Conditio's: a See data sheets.  !

i Message:

t l

For Controller Use Only l Controller Notes: l l

l Action Expected: 1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed 4

2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue i

1 4


] RP1287-00448-TP12 1


,.,--...--.--n., m- .--- --..-,..em,--w..-,,-um, ------,-w -nv--- - - - - - . , , ,-,,.r ,w,, .-v,-,,--~~-e '-v-- *~' rn'""" *** - " "s

l FALEIll Date 17 february fill Messagei11 fine lhli Scenario flee 11111 j SVFisps F 7A M F 18 h F 10 h SWCriticalEdrPress A U B U psig CCWPcaps F 52A h F 52B h F 520 n h FFCFusps F 51A h F 518 QH i FirePusps F!A MF!B MF41 M ContainsentCoolerReciteFans Vln h V2A h V3A h VIA h VlB M V2B M V3B Q11 V4BQ11 Cal CCW Cooler Outlet fesp A HT I HT ContainmentSprayFisps F 5(A QH F-5(BQ11 P 5(C QH E751Fusps F ill u F ilB M LPSIFusps F67A001 F67Bf.Allti SafetyInje:tionincticalipply trainA frainB CV 3051 (SIRW) un CV 3029 (Simp) Chnj CV 3031 (SIRW) ku CV 3030 (Step) Clutj Cdl CVCS Letdown Charging Intersediate Press Letdevn fesp lil F Flow H gps LetdownLinefesp 111F Line fesp H F letieveFlev  ! gps Fusps F 55A h F 553Q H F 55C Q11 VolteeControlfant fesp H F Frentre H psi levelliti FCF Control Bleedoff Frentre 1H psig thstdon Cooling Systes SOCS fres FCS (R) lliF SDCStoFCS(R) 11 F Quenchfank s'

fesp lh F Fressure i psig Level H t PristryCoolantfyltes PressuriserPressure(t) 1H pia FCSfate(t)

Loop Hidi 1 (f1 0111) B i Loop 2 f1 6121) 111 d PressstlierLevel(R) LICOlliA LIC Oll,B Ht ParItrAsps LCC15 i LCCli i FCRV FIV 10(2B Chitj FIV 10(3B Chill Block Valve 10V 18421 C1331507194)A ChAlj FCPs F 50A M F 508 h F 500 h F 50D M ReactorFeverLevel II l! LiiM 1102 LillH 11031d11.l 1164 ldh 1 -

11051 11061 11111 Illii 1105[11101 Cd1 AFIlystes AFWFisp F la b F lB M F lc 001 ATV Fisp Asps Fla11Plc1 asps ATV Fisp F ll Steas Pressere i pilg AFV Disch Fren F la i F lB 11H F lC 1 pilg lecondary lystes MS!Y Bypus 107 0501 Chui IOV 0510 DnL 1517' CV 9501 Chitj CV 0510 ChA11 NFFSictionFressite illglig IFF015bargePressure Aill 3 ill psi HolstireSeperatorDrainfantlevel 11 i CondenerBotvellLevel ((l AtsospherieCispValves thrott. Co.denerVI:na RdinEg, Heater Crain h sp $tatis F 10A M F 103 Cli GlandSealCondelsorVa:sta 11 is 31 CondensatFispSta.. F1A h F1B QH FIF (Cesand Log + Constut, Rod, or Flur/tesp)

Gros XV d let KV d Core Init thersocouple fesperatsu illd F Costrol lod Position GF1 1 GP2 i GF) 1 GF4 i GP5(P)1 Gil(A)i GP7(B)1 Stick 101: un 1

l PALIIil Date 17 Februarv 1988 MessageI11 fleetitli Scenario flee 11L11  !

fllLevel Hl f131 Level Hl Condensate Storage tank Level T 2 H l  !

111psig l Instrument Air Pressere ContalnuntBuildingPressure d psig Does fesperature 111F Insidity 11 l l SIG A Cospartment fesperature 111F Insidity 11 1 SIGBCompartunt fesperature 111r Iceldity 11 i SIRWTankLevel HI VRContainmentPressere(1) 11 psia Contalasent Scap Level 1i ContainmentWaterLevel(1) {l 51fankLevel(t) A11 Iil C11 011 51fankPressere(psig) A Hi B Hi C Hi 0 Hi Pasal 1 13 ,

$1ASAlars Blocked ContainmentHighPressureAlars la Contalasent Ilgh Radiation liars h1 C:ll Concentrated Boric Acid fank Levels f53A11i f53811i leactorTesselDP Lil psid FORYDischargefesperature 111T ParSafetyValveDlschargefesp(F) AY1011 13 1Y1040111 171941111 PCPCurrent(Asps) P501i P 508 Hi F50C111 P500t PCS Flev 11i Loopthot (f) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loopfceld(F) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 111 fceld Wide range Loop 1 i n Loop 2 ill Subcooling fesp llL1 1 Press lillpsi Os PCSPressure(R) WR 111 Il 111 psis Steas Generator A Steas Generator B Level (VR) :lliI (II) { l 1H1 11 %

111 pila (II) 11 1 ,

Press 11 psia Flev Steas 1 PPI Feed [PPI Steam i PPI FeediPPI Icte Steas and feed Flev 11000000 C:ll ArWFlevtoAS/G free P lAll i Tres F 10 t gps ATWflovtoBS/G FrosPilli 111 Tres F 10 t gpa Condensorfactie(1) lll PCPSealLealoffFlov P 501 d i F 505 di F 50C di F 500 di Cdl DieselGeneratorfrequency 11 udi 12 ildi 1 C BCS Toltage 1111 Asps 111 1 0 BUS Voltage lill Asps 111 2 11 lati f 111 ContainmentAreaX3nitors(R/It) IIA lll5 1.50!*1 1111806 idill!

RIA1102 1.30t+1 111 1808 L111+.1 HighRangeContainstatMonitors(1/It) 11A2321 1,60!+1  !!A 2322 Llil!1 ContainmentlydrogenConcentration(l) Al240lt Al H ill 11A 2324 L 50!+5 I:12323 Lill!1 O lain Steas Line Gassa Sta:kMonitors llA2 (eps) 325 ldRil cps R1A 2326 2,10!+1!!A 2

2322 1,QlD 1 er/hr cps l l

', b Q Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 05:50 Message No: 20 Scenario Time 04:20 PALISADES NUCIIAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players i

Simulated Plant Conditions: See data and alarm sheets.


i 1

For Controller Use Only Controller Notes:  ;

. i 4

l Action Expected: See Narrative.  :

Time: 0410-0630 l Page: 9 l Section: A J- Parts: 6 and 7 q q

1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed i j 2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue j

i i

4 RP1287-0044B-TP12 l

i t

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 05:50 Message No: 20 Scenario Time 04:20  :

i PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE ALARM SHEET Alarm Annunc Panel Number Alarm Window Description X-01 11 Vacuum Low t

X-35 22 Cooling Tower Pump P-39A Trip X-35 23 Cooling Tower Pump P-39B Trip

l i

l i t I

i i

4 l

l I

i j

i 3

1 s



PALIIil Date 11 February 1981 Messagei11 flee thH Scenarioflee[iH1 SWPisps P 1A QH P 1B h P 1C h SVCriticalRdrPress A H B H psig CCW Ptsps P 52A u P 528 h P 52C S h FPCPtsps P 51A h P 518 W firePieps F la QR P !B QH P il QH -

ContainmentCoolerRectrefans VIA h V2A h V3A h V4A h Vll Q H Vll M V3B M fil W tdl CCV Cooler Outlet fesp A HT 3 HT Containment Spray Ptsp P 541 QR P 54B QH P 540 QH HPSIPisps P ill b P lil Q H LPSIPasps P11A001 P lil lidti Safetylaje:tionfiction$ipply train A frainB CV 3051 ($1RV) C m CV 3029 (Scap) (12111 CV 3031 (Silv) Om CV 3030 (Step) Chlif Cdl CYC8 Letdova Charging latermediate Press Letdows fesp IH T Flev Hgpa LetdownLinefesp H[t Line fesp H T LetdevnFlov 1gre Ptsps P 55A h P 55BQ H P 550 Q H YeltaeControlfank fesp B F Pressure H psi levelliti PCP Control Bleedoff Pressure 1H psig thttdownCoolinglystes SCCSfresPCS(t) in r SDCStoPCS(R) 11F Quen:hfank O fesplH f Pressere i psig PristryCoolantlystes JHpsia Level H I PressuriserPressure(t)

PCSfare(1) Loop 1 (f t 0111) Hidi Loop 2 ift 0121) H 1 d PressuriserLevel(R) LRC0101A 11i LIC010LB 11 i PtrstrAsps LCC15 i LCCli i PORY PlV 1042B ChA11 PRV 1643B ChA11 Block Valve 10Y 1041A Chiti X0V 1043A Chlii PCP: P 501 QH P508C1 P 500 h P 500 GH leactorPowerLevel 1101Id!Lu 1102 Lillu 1103 LiHd 1104 L11L1 11051 11 06 1 11 01 1 11061 110)i1110i Cdl Irv sptes ATVPtsp P la h P ll QH P lC QQi ATVPtspAsps Fll1[PlC[ asps ATV Ptsp P il Steas Pre m te i pilg ATV Olsch Press P IA 6 P il u lt P IC [ psig 86condarylyttes RS!YBypass ROV 1501 Chiti H0V 0510 D L L M51V's CV 0501 Chati CV 6510 Chili RTPSietionPressere H1psig IFFDischargePressire & lit I in p:1 XoistureSeperatorOrainfankLevel il1 CondensorHotwellLevel di AtmosphericOcepValves DIlm CondensorYa:iis iinIg, ResterCrainPtspStatis F llA $ P 108 QR GlandSe61CondensorVa::s 1[ in Eg, CondensatePtspStatus F la h P 28 W P!P (DesandLog+Constantitod,orFlsIfesp)

Gross IV d let IV d Core Init therso ciple fesperature Hid F Control Rod Position Gil i GP2i GI'3 i GP4i GP5(P)[ GPI(A)1 GP1(1)i Stickleds 131 1

l l

PALII18  ;

Date ILLtituary 1918 1essage i M flee RLH Scenario flee th11 ,


O fIlLevel Hl f139 Level u4 Condensate Storage Tank Level T 2 11 %

lastrumentAirPressure Hpsig ContainmentInlldingPressure dpsig Desefesperatore utF Bisidity H l SIGACompartment fesperature 11L F Bisidity u i SIGBCompartment festerature ill F 5:eldity 11 1

$1RWfaniLevel 11 i 11 psia  :


ContainmentStepLevel ii Containstat Water Level (R) [t i SifankLevel(1) AH 3H CH D11 l

$1 fank Pressure (pig) A Hi 3 Hi C11[ D Hi Pasal 1 11

$115 Alara H22.It1 ContainmentlighPressereAltra 12 Containment Ilgh Radiation Alars 111 l N

l ConcentratedBoricAeldfan1 Levels f531 H i f 53B li t leactorVesselDP 13 pid j PORVDischargefesperatere 111F j ParSafetyValveDlichargefesp(f) 171011 111 RV 10401H 171041111  !

PCP Carrent (Asp) P501[ F508111 P 500111 P 500 i PCS flow 11 i Loop that (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loopfeeld(f) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 H i s feeld Vide range Loop 1 111 Loop 2 lu 1 i Sitecollag fesp lild F Press 1111pel PCSPressure(1) W1 lH Il 1H pia Steas Generator A Steas Generator B Level (11) :1111 (II) { l H 1 il n litpela (II) 11 i Press 11 psia flow Steae i PPI FeediPPB Steas i PPI FeediPPI lote Steas and Feed Flow I 1000000 l

O l ATVFlowtoA$/G TresPilli i Free P lc 1 gpa ATVFlevtoBS/G froa P lAll lil Fros P IC 1 gpa .

i Condensorfacets(1) { '

PCPSealLeakoffflev P 50A di F 508 & P 500 di F 500 &

M DieselGeneratorFrequency 11 udi 12 udi l lCBUS Voltage 1111 Asp 111 10IUS Voltage lill Asp 111 c 11 lack f 11A ContainmentAreaMonitors(Rltr) R1A 1105 id1111  !!A lloi Linil 11A1101 1,il!+1 RIA 1101 1J 1111 RighRangeContainmentRonitors(t/Er)  !!A 2311 1 2 111  !!A 2322 Idilil ContaineentlydrogenConcentration(1) Al 24011 AllillL RIA 2324 idilil  !!A 2323 Idilil O Rain Steas Line Gassa (cre) stacknonitors  !!A 2325 L i[Lil eps !!A 2326 llRil eps  !!! 2321 Lill!1 er/hr 2

'i 1

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 06:15 Message No: 2,1, Scenario Time 04:45

PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.

l Message:

O For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: Approximately 0625 SS/ SED should get word that P-67A has been reassembled and is ready for operational test.

Action Expected: See Narrative.

Time: 0630-0755  :

Page: 9 l Section: A i l

Parts: All

1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed
2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue O

l RP1287-0044B-TP12 1

FAlt!18 Date 17 February 1981 Ressage i H flee &H Scenario flee HLil SW Pieps P 7A QU F 78 h P 7C h SWCriticalIdrPress A H B 11 psig CCVPsars P 52A h P 528 h P 520 Eh FPCPtsps F 51A h P 518 QU fireFesps F !A QH F il QH F 41 QH ContainmentCoolerRe:ArcFans VIA h V2A h V3A h V4A h Yll u V25 h V38 h V4B h M

CCWCoolerOutletfesp A 11F B HF ContainmentSpray7:sps F 54A QH P 548 QH F 54C QH BPSIPasps F ill u F lil QH LPSIPasps FifiQQ1 P i?B IAHti Safetyinje:tionSu:tionSupply frainA frainB CV 3057 (SIRW) h u CV 30!! (5 sp) C12111 CV 3031 (S!!v) h ia CV 3030 (Simp) Clatti Call CVCS istdown Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp lil F Flow H gpa LetdownLinefesp HiF Line fesp 11 F LetdownFlev igpa Fisps 7 55A h F 55B M F 550 QU YeltseControltank fesp H T Pressure 11 psi Levelliti PCP Control Bleedoff Pressere 111 pilg Shitd:enCoollagSystes 5005freePCS(R) 1H T SDCStoFCS(1) 11F Cienchfank O fesp111F Fressere ipsig Level 111 C PristryCoolantfyltes H1 psia PressuriterPressere(I)

PCSfare(R) Loop 1 (ft llll) illdi Loop 2 fl.0121) 111d PressuriserLevel(R) LRC0101A ili LRC010B Rl Psr str Asps LCC15 i LCCli i PORY 78V 10428 Chui PRV 19438 Chitj BlockValve N0Y 1042A h ta 10V 1043A h is FCP P Sil QH F 50B h P 500 h F500QU ReactorPowerlevel 1101 Idiul II 02 Idlul II.031dth! II.04 ldh 1 11 05 i 31061 11011 Il041 110)15110i C:ll AFISystes ATVPtap P IA h F 18 QH F lO Qu AFVPtspAsps FlA11P101 asps ATV Fisp P la Steas Pressure i psig AFV Disch Press F IA 6 F il 11[1 P lC 1 peig le:endarySystes RSifBypass ROV 0501 Chui 50V 0510 Chiti IS!Y's CV 0501 Chiti CV 0510 Chiti RTF Section Pressere illpsig IPPDischargeFreestre Aill B lit pel MoistereSeperatorCrainfankLevel ni CondensorHotvellLevel Ht AtmosphericOcepValves Dnm CondensorYacits iinEg, BetterDralsFispStats: P llA QH F 108 QH GlandSealCondensorYaessa 11inag, CondensatePtspStates F 21 h 7 28 QH FIF (Desand Log + Constant, tod, or Flts/fesp)

Gross RW d let XV d Core Isit thersocouple fesperature Hld F Control tod Position Gil i GP2i GP)i GP4i GP5(P)i GFi(A)i GP7(B)i StickRods nni 1

Fall!18 ,

Date 17 February lill dessage l B flee (lj.S Scenario flH [hd TilLevel HI f13) Level Ql Condensate Storage fank Level T 2 H I InstrisentAirPressere ilpsig ContainmentInildingFressure dpsig coatfesperature H1f Bialdity 11 1

$/G A Comprteent fesperature 111F tisidity 11 %

$/GBCompartment fesperature 111F Bieldity H l

$11W Tank Lent 11i VRContainsentPressure 11 psia Containment Step level (1) 1i ContainmentVater!stel(R) {i

$1fankLevel(l) AH 8H CH D11 SifankPressure(psig) Alli B Hi C Hi D111 Fanel I 13

$!ASAltre ll2l1t2 ContainmentHighPressireAlara la Containment Ilgh Radiation Alars 1t1 L*ll ConcentratedBorieAeldtankLevels f53A H l f538111 lea:torYesselCF Idl psid FORYCischargefesperature 111F FarSafetyValveOls:hargefesp(f) IV1035 in IV1040111 RVIllt111 FCFCurrent(Asps) 7504i F50B[11 F500111 P500i FCSTlov Hl Loopthat (T) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 in Loopfeeld(F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 Hi feeld vide range Loop 1 111 Loop 2 111

,i Subcooling fesp Press lill psi lild i FCSPressure(R) WR lit it lit psia

$ttasGenerator& Steae Generator B Level (WR) dlii (IR) {i UM il n (II) ili e 1

Fress 11 pia litpsia Flev Stese i FFI feediFPI Steaa i FFI feetiFFE lotelSteasandTeodflev 11000001 Lll ATVTlovtoAS/G fres F lAll i from F lc i gpa ATVFlevtoB$/G Free F litt 111 fres F lO 1 gpa CondensorVatina(I) i FCFSealLeakoffflev F 51A di F 505 & F 500 di F 500 E M -

CleselGeneratorFrequency 11Rdl 12 udi -

1CBUS Voltage 1111 Asps in  !

l 0 BCS Yoltage liit Aaps1[1 c 11 nach c 111 ContainmentAreaM:nitors(1/It)  !!A lll5 ldRd R111816 Idiul

!!A 1802 2.21t+1 111 1108 Idlul RighRangeContainmentMonitors(t/Ir)  !!A 2321 ldful RIA 2322 Idihl ,

CottainmentlydrogenContentration(t) AI240lt A!1(llL i Rali Steas Liu Gassa (eps) 1112324 i&E1  !!A 2323 i&id O

  • Sts:t genitors  !!A 2325 H iiu l cpe 1112326 Il u d eps 114 2322 1,51161 atlhr 2-i

Scenario No: FALEX-88 Time 06:15 '

Message No: 21A Scenario Time 04:45 l l


Simulated Plant Conditions: I i

l Message:

l l

l 1

For Controller Use only Controller Notes: Ensure maintenance players are at point to Report P-67A reassembled and ready for testing by 0635. ,

Action Expected:

i i

1 i


5 4

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 06:35 Message No: .22 Scenario Time 05:05



1 Message for: Control Room Players 4

I .

a-Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets, t


.i Message:



l 1

l u


................................................-o. . .......................

For Controller Use Only i

j Controller Notes: i l Action Expected: 1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed I l 2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue l J 3. At approximately 0639 operators should secure last running charging pump and so on HPSI pump for pressure i control (at discretion of SS).

1 a

I l

i l


! RP1287-00448-TP12 .

Pall!ll Cate 17 February 1911 fessage i H fleeihli $cenario flee ildi O CH U SVFieps P iA QU F 13 h F 10 h SVCriticalEdrPress A H I H psig CCWFieps F 52A 22 F 528 h F 520 uty FFCFiers F 51A h F 515 W FireFieps F.!A M F fl M F 41 M ContainmentCoolerRetreFans fin b Y2A h V31 h V4 A h fil u V2B h T11 h V4B b W

(CVCoolerOutletfesp A HF 3 HF ContainmentsprayFisps F 541 M P 541 M P54CQ11 IPSIFisps F ilA h P lil heked Out LPS!Fieps F i1A M F ill huid Safetyinjection8tetionIspfy l trainA frainI CY 3057 (SIRV) h il CV 3021 (siep) thiti CV 1931 (Silv) 311 CV 1930 (Simp) Chiti M

CYC8 letdova Charging Intereediate Press Letdown fesp lil F flov H gre LetdownLinefesp 1H T Line fesp n P LetdownFlev 1 gps Fieps P 55A Q17 556M F 55C heked out felteeControlfast fesp B F Pressere H psi Levelliti PCF Control lleedoff Fressure 111 psig

$hstdownCoollaglystes SDC5freeFCS(R) litF SDC$ to PCS (1) 1[ F Qten:hflak O fesp lil F PressuriserPressere(R)

Freestre i psig FristryCoolantlystes 111pela Level H 1 PC5 fate (t) Loop 1 lit llllj H1mi t Loop 2Iftell!)111d PressuriserLevel(R) LICilll! [it LICOlll [1i FirstrAsps LCC15 i LCC16 i FORT PRV Il425 Chiti PRYll433Ch111 BlockValve 30f ll42A 311 50Y 1843A h il FCFs F561011 F 511 h P 500 h F 500 m ReactorPeverlevel 3101 LQ111 1102 Lillil 11 0) Lith! 1114 IdlL1 51051 Iltii 11011 11011 110)i11101 U

AFIIfstes AFVFisp F lA Qg F ll Q11 F lC 0Q1 IFVFiepAsps F1A117IC1 asps AFV Fiep F il Steae Pressire i psig AFV Disch Press F IA I F Il 1111 P lC 1 psig 16condarysystes X51Vlypass R07 0501 Chill 10Y 1510 Chiti R31T's CV 1501 Ch iti CV 1518 Chitj IFFSectionPressure 1H psig IFF Discharge Frentre Aill I ill pel RolstireSeperatortrainTanklevel ili CondensorBottellLevel {ii AteospherteCtepTalver unL CondenforVa:ite iinIg.

BetterCrainFiepstatus F llA W F103011 GlandSealCondensorYaesis 1{in19 CondensateFtepStatus P21 h F21 QU FIF (Desand tog + Constant, Rod, er Flialteep)

Gross RW d let XV d Core Init there xciple fesperature llL1 F Control tod Fesition Gil i GP2i GP3i GF4i GF5(F)i GFl(A)1 GP7(l)i Stick Rods ani 1

'l l

I PAL!!18 Date 17 February 1981 Message l H flee thii ScenarielleeQitil T il Level ili f93) Level 11 i Condensate Storage fant Level f 2 U l Instrument Air Pressure 111plig ContainHat tillding Pressere dpsig Deeefesperatore 111T Essidity 11 i SIG A CosprtHnt fesperature 111F Italdity H I SIG B Compartment fesperature 111F Insidity H I

$ltWfankLevel 11i W1ContaineentPressure 11 psia ContainHat $ttp Leiel (1) ii C0ntaineentUtterleTel(1) kn

$1fankLevel(t) A11 B11 C11 DM

$1fankPresiste(psig) A Hi B Hi C Hi 0 U1 Pasal I 11

$l13Altre 112:ltj ContainmentRighPressereAltra la Containeent High Radiation Alars hl hil ConcentratedBoricAeldtankLevels f53111i f53811I teactorYesselDP Llipsid P0tVDischargefesperatste 111T PsrSafetyYalteDischargefesp(T) RT103) 111 RV1040111 1Y1041111 PCPCurrent(Asps) P50Ai P50B111 P500111 P500i FCSFlev Ui Loopthot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 il!

!,00,feeld(T) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill feellviderange Loop 1 111 Loop 2 hl

$sbetoling fesp lild F Press illipel O PCSPressure(1) WR lit It H 1 psia

$tean Generator A Steas Generator I Level (VI) .1111 (II) ii 11 8 il 1 (II) 11 i Press lipela 111pilt flev Steas 1 PFI feed i PPI Steam i PPI FeediPPI lote $ttaa and Feed flov !1001860 C:ll ATWflowtoA$/G FreePilli i Fros P it i gps ATVflovtoB$/G Fr s P lAll 111 Free P it i gpa CondenserVaette(1) i FCPSealLeako!Iflev P 50A di P 518 di P 500 di F 500 di Cdl Diesel Generater Frepeney 11 ildi 12 ildi 1C105 Voltage 1111 Aepsill 1DB0$ Yoltage lill Asp lit t 11 hek c 111 CeatainmentArtstonitors(t/tr) IIA 1805 L11El IIA Illi id1El 1111801 Li!El  !!A 1101 L11El RighlangeContainientRonitors(t/Ir)  !!A 2321 idilu  !!A 2322 LitEl ContainstatlydrogenConcentration(1)  !!24011 A1240lL pain Steas Line Gassa (cpe) R112321 Liiul  !!A 2323 Idihl

!!! 2325 Lilhi ep t!A 2326 I dtn i eps IIA 2327 Lithi nrlbr Ot StackXenitor 2-

i I

.i l


Message for: Control Room Players Jh Simulated Plant Conditions: See data and alarm sheets.

1 Message: .

1 l 4


............................................................................. l For Controller Use Only Controller Notes:

Action Expected: 1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed

2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue i

1  !

l ,

3 I

I l

i' I

RP1287-0044B-TP12 t

_ _ _ . _ , _ . _ _ _ _ , _ _. ,_ , ,_. . ..,,_.._,.m_ _ , _ _ _ . , , _ _ _ _ . . . . _ , _ - . . _ . _ . . _ - . . .

l Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 06:55

.o Message No: 23 Scenario Time 05:25 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT 1 i I


i Alarm Annunc ,,

, Panel Number Alarm Window Description j K-07 35 Charging Lo Flow ,

) K-07 40 Charging Pumps Discharge Lo Pressure  ;

i l

8 l

f 1

i  !

i i,

t .



k I

, l t

i i

j RP1287-0044B-TP12

FAttiil Date 17 February lill Hessage i H flee tiln Scenario flee thH Cdt b' i A H I H plig SWFisps F 7A QH F 78 Q1 F 10 h SVCriticalIdrPress CCWFisps F 52A QA P 525 Q3 P 52C g h FFCFisps F 51A b F 518 QH FireFisps F!A qdF!B QHF41 QR ContainmentCoolerReelteFans VIAQA V2AQ1 V3AQ1 V4A h VllQ2 V2) h V33Q1 V43Q3 C:H CCWCoolerOutletfesp A HF I HF Contalssent Spray Ftsps F 54A QH F 545 QH F 540 QH LFSIFisps F 67A M Fill [AHij IPSIFisps F ill h F ill tacked Out Safety Injection Section lipply frainA frais8 .

CV 3157 ($ltV) hta CV 3621 (Simp) Ch111 CV 3031 ($1RV) un CV 3030 ($sep) Ch111 C:0 CYC8 Letdown Charging lateru diate Press Letdevn fesp 1H F flow tgps LetdownLinefesp 111F Line fesp H F LetdownFlev igpa Fisps F 55A Q H F 5510 H F 550 tacked Ott VolineControlfank fesp n F Fressure11til Levelliti FCF Control lleedoff Pressue H1 psig ShitdownCoolingSystes SDCSfresFCS(1) litF SDCStoFCS(1) 11F Quenchfank fesp111F Fressire i psig Level H t y PrimaryCoolantlystes PressirlierPressure(t) Hipsia FCSfare(t) Loop 1 (f t llll) 11 Lit Loop 2(ftil21)illi PresseriterLevel(1) LRC0101A [1i LRCOllil B1 PatEttAsps LCC15 i LCCli i P0t? FAV ll423 Chiti F1Y 19438 Child 110CkValve 10V Il42A 111 50V 19411 h il FCFs F 50A QH F5tlQ2 P50002 F 500 QH ItactorFeverLevel 51 11 LlH11 11 02 Lillil 1103Id!1d 11041dHd ul15i s!ofi s!01i alel1 ititis!101 Cal AFIlystes ATVFisp F la 01 PllQH FIC001 ATVFispAsps F la H F lO 1 asps ATV Ftsp F Il Steas Pressere i psig ATV Disch Press F 11 i F Il lui F lC [ psig locondarylystes AstVlypass it0V 0501 Chiti 10Y 9511 thigi R$1Y's CV Olli Chiti CV 1510 Chiti IFFSectionPressire 1Hpsig IFFDischargePressure A 1B Ilitps!

RolstireSeperatorDralsfanklevel il 1 Condensortotvelllevel H1 Atmospheriecispialtes unL Condensorfactie 1inIg.

BetterDrainFispStatus F 10A M F 101 M GlandSealCondensorVaccia 11inIg.

CondestateFispStatis F 2A h F 18 QH FIF (Desand GrossIV tog d + Constant, let Rod, IV or Flulfesp) dCore Init thersocouple fesperature HL1 T Control lod Pesition Gil 1 GF2 i GF)[ GF4i GF5(F)i Gri(A) 1 GF1(1) i StickRods gnt 1

PALL 1Il Cate 17 February 1911 Xtslage i H - fl H tiL11 $ctnario flH 111U O tilLevel il t f131 Level 11t condensate Storage tank Level f 2 11 t l InstrisentAirFressire 111psig Containment stilding Pressere dplig Cesefestorattre 111f h eldity 11 %

$/GACospartment fesperatste 111F holdity 1.L1 1

$/G8CospartMat fesperature 111F Italdity lhi t

$ltvfankLevel 11 1 VIContainsentPresstre(R) 11(sla Containment $sepLevel it ContainHatWaterLevel(R) {t 51fankLevel(l) A11 8il C11 011

$1fankPressure(psig) A111 8 2H C111 D111 paal 1 13

$1A5Alara llgitj ContainmentIlghPressure11ars la Containment Ilgh Radiation Altre 111 O

concentrated Borie Acid tank Levels f53A11i f538111 ItactorTesselCP 1jsid FORY Discharge festerature in F PtSafetyYalte01chargefesp(F) 17193) 111 171040111 1Y1941111 PCPCarrent(Asps) F50A1 P 508 Hi F500111 P5001 FC3 Flow Ht Loopthot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loopfeeld(F) Loop ! ill Loop 2 ill feeld Wide range Loop 1 111 Loop 2 Hi O Subcooling FCSFressire(1) fesp VI Steas Generator A lild F Hi Press 1111 pal 11 111 psia StH e Generator I Level (VI) :111t (II) { l Illi H t (II) 11 1 Press 11psla lit psia Flev Steas i PPI FeediPPI Steam i PPI FeediPPI Icte: 5ttaaandFeedFlev 11000000 L*ll 1 ATVFlevtoA$/G Fros P illi i Free P lC 1 gpa ATVFlevtoI$/G Free P lAll 111 Free P lc i gpa Condensorfactie(1) i PCPSealLeakoffFlev P 501 di F 508 di F 500 di F 500 di Lll closelGeneratorFregioney 11 udi 11 udi 1CBUS Voltage lill Asp 111 10IES Toltage 1111 Asps 111 I c 11 lu k c 111

, Contal".tntAreaBonitors(ll!r) 11 Allo 5 ldini  !!A llll Idlh i 1111807 L11h1 1111808 ldlul Ilgh lange Containstat Rositors (t/tt) R11 2321 1,H!+1  !!A 2322 ldl hi ContainetntlydrogtsConcentration(t) 1114111 Al 240ll i Hala State Line Gassa (cpe)  !!A 1324 {dth i  !!A 2323 ilthi StackRositors RIA 2325 lll u i epe 1112326 ldful eps 1111321 ilthi ar/hr 2


i .

, - i i  :

i l

I l i 1 Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 07:15 4

l Message No: 24 Scenario Time 05:45 .

8 i

l I'



1  !

! l l Message for: Control. Room Players 2

I -I Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets. I


' l t

Message:  !

j  !

l l

! i

. i 4  :

I I  :

i I

l For Controller Use Only {

1 .

' Controller Notes: l I

I Action Expected: 1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed

2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue l '

1 1

4 1

i a

1 RP1287-0044B-1 QJ 4

- ~ _ . , , , , . .r . , , _ . , , .,m. , . . . , _ , , , , , , _ . , y , , , ,,m.,_ , , , . , ,,,,,,,,,,.wym7,,-,pn,

FALIIil Cate 17 Fetriart 1918 Itssagel11 fine thu $cenario flee lhil b

v U

$W Fiers F 7A (H F 78 h F 7C h $WCriticalIdrPress A H I H pilg CCWFiers F 521 h F 528 h F 52C Eth FFCFiers F 51A h F 518 W Firefiers F 1A M F li M F 41 M ContainmentCoolerReciteFans fl1 h T2A h 13A h V4A h Vll u Yli h T3B h Y48 h M

CCWCoolerOutletfesp A 11F I UF ContainmentSprayFisps F 54A M P 5ta qu F 5(C E E751Fieps F fik h F lil nacho ont LPSIFieps 7 671 M F if 8 [Auti InfetyInjectionInctlenIspfly TrainA trainI CV 3051 ($ltv) hu CV 3029 ($isp) Witj CV 3631 (situ) het CV 3436 (Step) Chill Cdl CYC3 Letdown Charging Intereediate Press Letdown fesp lil F Flev igps LetdownLinefesp 111F Line fesp 11 F LetdownFlev igre Fieps F 55A Q11 P 558 $ F 55C tu kad out Tolsee Control fait fesp (( F Fressereilpsi Levelliti FCF Control lleedolf Frentre M1 pilg thatdown Cooling lystes

$005freeFCS(R) 111F 3DC5toFC5(t) HF Catachfank O fesp 111 F Presseriter Frentre (1)

Fressure i psig PristryC0014atifstes 111 psia level H 1 FCSfate(t) Loop 1(ftllll)111J1 Loop 2Iftil!!)illd FressarlierLetel(1) LICOlll! [1i LIC illLI ili farstrAeps LCC 15 i LCCli i FCtf FIV ll428 Chuj Fli ll431 Chad BlockTalte 13718421 ht! IOV ll(31 Cga FCP: F ill M F 568 h F 560 h F 500 W teactorFeverLevel 1101 Idllil 1102 Id[hl 1113 Lill1 1104 ldild i 11151 11 06 1 11 01 1 11181 1111111101 Ca1 als intes ATVFiep F IA C1 P il CH F lC QC1 IFWFiepAsps F 11 H F lC i asps AFW Fiep F ll Steae Pressire i psig AFV Olsch Press F 1A 6 P l! lill F it i psig leottittylyttes R$1Vlypas 10Y 15tl Chid 10V 1510 Chill R3IT's CV Ill! Wad CT illt Chill RFF Sietion Pressere 111 pig IFF Cis:harge fressire A111 1111p:1 Isisture3eperatortraintankLevel un CondensorBotvellLevel H1 Atmospherictiepfaites uniL Condensor Ta:ite iinit. ,

ItaterCrainFiepStatis F llA $ F lli M GlandSealCondensoristina 11 in Ig. '

CondensateFiepStatis F 11 h F 2l CH (Desand Log

  • Constant,101, or Flis/fesp) i GrossIV d let XV d Core Ilit thereocciple feettrature H Li F l Centrol tod Position CPI i GP2i GF3i CH [ GF5(F)i GFi(A)1 GF1(!)1 StietRods un


3-l l


- _ .)


Date 17 Fehreart 1911 , Messagelli fire ildi $cenarlofleeilLU O flllevel Hl T l)) Leul ili


Condensate $torage ful Let:1f! ni InstrisentAirPressere H1pilg ContatteenttilldingPressure Jpsig Denefesperature 111F Insidity li d l i

$/GACoepartunt fesperattre 111 F 4:eldity 11 l SIGICosparteest fesperature 111F Insidity 11 1

$ltvfankLevel 11%

ttContainmentPressure(t) 11 psia Containment $isplevel 1i ContainmentVaterLeul(R) ii

$1fankLevel(t) Ail IH C11 Dli

$1fankPressure(psig) A H1 i111 C111 D111 Pnal I 11

$1ASAlars llgiff ContainmentIlghPresssteAltre la Containment Ilgh Radiation Alars h1 C:ll ConcentratedBoricAeldfanklevels 153A H I f53811i ReactorfesselCF (211psid FCtfDischargefesterature 1H F PtrSafetyfalteDischargefesp(F) 171939 111 171940111 ITlilllil FCFCurrent(Asps) 750Ai F518111 P50C111 F500i '

FC$Flev Hl LoopThot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loopfeeld(F) Loop 1 Hi Loep 2 111 feeld Vide range Loop 1 1[1 Loop 2 111 O

$ibeeoling fesp IHJ F Fres: lilips!

FCSPressire(t) It lit 11 111 psia

$ tete Generator & Stese Generator I Level (II) :1111 (II) {l 1R1 ilI (II) ili Press 11 psia 11[sla Flow Steas [ FFI Fted[FFI $ team t FFI Feed [FFI lotel$tensandFeedFlov 11960600 (a1E l

) AFVFlowtoA$lG Fros F lAll i Fros F 10 t gps 1

AFVPlovtoISIG Fros F lAll di Fros F lC i gre Condensorfacita(1) i l l

FCFSealLettelfFlev F 50A di F 561 J1 P 50C di F 500 di Cdl Diesel Generator Frepeney 11 [ldi 12 RJi l lC10$ foltage 1111 Aaps111 lDBUS foltage lill Asps Hi


l f 11 le i 2 11A i

CentainmentAreatenitors(t/tr) IIA llll i d E !1 IIA llll liliu l .

111 1107 3.flI+1  !!A llll Idl ul i J IlghlangeContaineentMonitors(Ilir) 1111321 iditl 1111322 idgil ContalteentlydrogenConcentration(1) Al24tli Al 2(llL

!!A 2!!! 4,14165  !!A2123 idtEl i

sain Steas stack soniters line Gassa 1112 (cpe) 325 ldful cre !!A 2326 IltEl e;s1112327 idini arIhr


2- l

_ _ _ _ _ _ _l

i e

1 j  !

l Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 07:35 Message No: 25 Scenario Time 06:05 i



I  !

1 Message for: Control Room Players

i j

Staulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.  ;

l  !

4 i i Message:  !



) i 1

! I

! t i

i j For Controller Use Only i

, Controller Notes: PCS will reach shutdown cooling entry conditions shortly, a .

i t

] Action Erpected: See Narrative.

J Time: 0630-0755

) Page: 9 j Section: C f Parts: All l 1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed j 2, PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue k

, RP1287-00448-TP12

, _ , . . . _ c , . . - . y -

y.-_ . _y.- -, - - - _ . _ , . . - _ _ . , . , _ - , _ , _ . _ , _ _ , . _ , - , ,. r , ,,- _ , --...w..-e..

FALIIil Date 17 february 1911 Ressagei11 fleethli Scenario flee thli

$W Psep F 1A W F 18 h F 10 h SVCriticalIdrFress A D I U pilg CCW Ptep F 52A 02 P 528 Q1 P 52C Elh FFC Fisp F51AhF518Q11 FireFlap F !A Q11 F 18 31 P 41 W CostainsentCoolerReeltefans VIAQ1 12Ah V3AQ1 V4A h VllQ2 V23 h V3B h Vil b Cal CCWCoolerOstletfesp A 11 F 3 UF ContaineentSprayitsps F 54A gn F548Q11 P 54C E tr$1 hops F lil Q11 P ill M1 LFSI Fusp F61A011 F lil lidtd

$4fetyinjection$tetion$1pply trainA fralaI CV 3951 (S!!v) uga CV 3025 (Step) (12111 CV 3931 ($lts) hu CV 3036 (Step) Cluti Cdl CYC5 Letdern Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp 111 F flev 11gpa LetdownLinefesp 111 F Line fesp 11 F LetdownFlev 1gre Psep F 55A Qa F 55B2a 7 550 Q H YelteeControlfeat fesp B F Fressere 11 pl Level 1((t FCF Control lleedoff Pressite 111 psig thitdownCooling$ysten SDCSfresFCS(t) lit F 3DCStoFCS(1) 11F Quenchfank O fesp 11 F PressirlierPressure(1)

Fressere { psig FristryCoelantsystes 111 pia Level 11i FCSfate(1) Loop 1(f!1111)111J1 Loop 2iftllll)illd FresseriterLevel(t) LICllill 11i LICill.,3 11 i Ptr Ett Asp LCC15 11 LCCli il FCRV F1T19428Clu11 73V19431C12111 BlockYalte IOT lit!A g n 107 19431 Qt1 FCFs F561011 P 5tl b F500Q1 F500til teactorFeverLevel I111 ldthi 1192 ljnil 1103 Idihl 1104 L111d 11051 11061 11011 11011 IIil151101 i

(111 IFI Sptes i AFVFisp F la (A F il (d F lO QQ1 AFV Fasp Asp F la D F lO 1 asp Arv Fesp F Il Steas Pressire l,p:19 AFV Disch Press F la i F il lill F lC 1 psig

$6condarySystes R$1T Iyps: 107 6581 Chiti IDV l5ll Chiti R$1T's CT illi Q1citi CT illi (htti l XTF$setionPressite ill pig NFFDis:hargePressure Aill I 111 pl

. toisture !eprator train tank Level ili CondensorBotvellLevel HI i AtespherieCuspTaltes unL Condensorft:sta 1inIg.

Retter train hop Stats: F 101 QH F ill QH GlandSealCondenserfacits 11inIg.

CondensatePtspStatis F 2A Q1 7 28 Q11 P!?

(DesandLog+ Constant, Rod,orFltt/fesp) i Gross RW d let MV d Core 1:1t Thttsoccuple fesperature lil d F i

Control led Fotition GF1 i GP2i GP3i GT4i GF5lt)1 Gli(1)i GF1(l)!

$tt:kRods 131



l fat!!Il Cate 17 february 1918 Xtssage i H flH Udi $Cenarlo flH thil i

TilLevel ill f131 Level ill Condensate Storage fani Level T 2 til InstrisentAirPressire di pig ContainmentlilldingPressere d pig Desefesperature 111F Insidity H l SIG A Cosprtsett fesprature ilF Insidity 11 i

$lG I Cosprtunt fesperature 11F Insidity 11 %

$ltVfiniLevel 11i VIContaineentPressire(R) 11 psia ContainstitstepLevel 1i containmentWaterLevel(I) in 31fankLevel(1) A11 Iil C11 D11

$1 fant Pressire (pig) A111 1111 C U1 0111 Inal 1 11 SIA$Alare light containmentlighFrsssireAlars la Containa n t Ilgh Radiation Altre 1g1 Cdl Concentrated Borie Acid tant Levels  !$3A H I 1538 11 %

teactorVesselCF 1psid F01fCischargefesperature litF FarsafetyvalvoDischargefesp(F) 171031 111 RY1940 lit ti1941 lit PCF Currett (Asp) 7591i F598111 P50C111 F500i FCSFlev HI LoopThot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 111 Loopfeeld(F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 111 feeld Vide range Loop 1 lit Loop 2 111 i Sibeooling fesp gld F Fress glipl O- FCSFressite(R) 11 111 11 111 pela

$teasGeneratorI steasGeneratorA level (VI) dll 1 (II) { l 3D 111 (II) 11 1 Fress i pia 11[sta Flov Steas i FFI FeediFFI Steam i FFI Feed [FFI ,

lote:SteasandFeedFlov 11000000 l l Cdl AFVFlovtoA$/G Free F lAll i Free F lO i gps l ATVFlevtoP$/G Fros F lAll 111 Fros F lC i gps i CondensorTc. ins (t)  ! l 4 FCFSealItdoffFlev F 50A di F 50) di F 500 di F 500 dl  !

Cdl DieselGeneratorFrequency 1 1 i lli 12 ildi 1CICS Toltage lill Asp ill I l D ICS Toltage 1111 Asp lit  !

c 11 hek c 111 ContainmentAreaMonitors(1/It) IIA ll65 Lilhi 1111106 Lillil i  !!A 1102 bil ul 1111808 Lithi

) IlghlangeContainmentIonitors(t/It)  !!A 2321 Lit u l 11A2322 idtul CentaissentlydrogenConcentration(t) Al.140lt Al.14tlL Eal Steas Llie Gasu (e p ) t!A 2324 L111+1 1112323 idlEl 5 tack nonitors 111 2325 1 d 1111 e p 1112326 Lllu l eps  !!A 2321 1,111+2 er/br



O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 07:50 Message No: 6 2_6 Scenario Time 06:20 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.


O For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: Plant now on shutdown cooling Action Expected: 1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed

2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue i

O RP1287-0044B-TP12

FALIIil Cate 11 februry 1911 Resugeili fleelhil Scenario flee th11 Oi (di V A ilI Q pig

$v Fisp P 1A (d F 18 h F 1C h SW Critical Idr Fren CCW Peep P 52A h F 528 h F 520 ith FPC Fiep F 51A h F 511 W fireFiep F !A QH F !B M F 41 M Containment Cooler tectre fans VIA h T!AC1 V3A h V4A h fil b fli h 133 h Vil h (dl CCWCoolerOutletfesp A Hf a 11 i ContInsentsprayPiers F54AQil F 548 M F 540 W IFsttisp t Ill (g F ill teho Nt LFSI Fiep P 61A h F ill huti Safety!aje: tion $tetionlipply fralaA frainI CV 3951 ($1tv) kn CV 1929 (Simp) thni CV 3031 ($1RI) hu CV 3036 (5:sp) Chits (dl CYC3 Letdown Charging Intereediate Fren Letd0wn fesp lU f flow igpa LetdownLinefesp lit F Line fesp 11 F LetdownPlov 1gpa Fisp F 55A la F 35321 P 55C W ToltesControlfait fesp 11 i Presnre il pl Leni Rt t FCF Control lleedoff Pre m re El p ig thatdown Cooling Sptoe

$DCSfresFC$(I) 111f 5t3toFCS(1) 111F Quen:hfant O fesp U f Fressure Lll pig PristryCoolantlystes 111 sit Level H t FreisititerFrenire(t)

FCSfate(1) Loop 1'!!1111) Loop 2 (ft il21) illd PresserlierLevel(t) LRC Oll A Bi LICIllli 11 i Ptr Itr Asp LCC15 11 LCC 16 it i FCRV Fif 'tt2; unti F1719438(hni llock Valve 1071842A hu 50V 1943A Q11 kn F 50A M F 501 h F50Cta F 500 Qd leatterPowerLevel 51011dtid El 82 IdtEl 1103 Lilld 1104 lj&[

11151 Illii 11011 11111 5119111101 1


Artsntes Arvriep F lA en F il(d t sc M 1rv Fisp Asp F la i F lC 1 aan AFV reep F Il Steas Frentre i pig Arv Disch Press F 11 i F il i F 10 i pig letendarySystee R$1T Bypes 10V 0501 thui 10V1516Clati R$1T's CV 0501 Ch iti CV Illi Chul IFF Sittien Frenire 111psig IFF Discharge Presure Alit I ill pl
Reisture leprator Crain fant level u4 ConfessorlotvellLevel Hl Atmospherie Cusp Taltu thrott, Condener14:::s iinIg.

Itater train Fisp statu P lik QH F lin ad GlandSealCondensorTa:ite li in Ig.

Condensate insp Itatu F 2A (a P 11 tu (Desand Log + Coutut, tod, or Flialfenp)

Gross 18 d let IV d Cere 1 lt thersocouple fesFerature 11L1 F Control led Position Gil i GP2i GP3i GF4i Gil(F)i GFi(A)i GF1(l)1 stietleds nnt 1


FAl!!Il >

Cate 11 February 1911- Messageili fine 11LH Scenario flu ti.L11 fllLevel 11 i f13! Level 11i Condensate Storage Tank level T 2 il i lastrement Air Pressire lit psig ContalisentlilldingFressere dpsig 00sefesperature di f Italdity 11 i SIGACompartment fesptrature ilF holdity 11 %

i SIG l Compartment fesperaturv 11F Issidity 11 1 SituTankLevel 11 1 vtContalasentPressure(t) 11 psia Contalasent Simp Level ii ContainmentWaterLevel(t) {i

$1fanklevel(t) A11 8il Cll 011

$1fankPressure(psig) A Hi Illi C111 01H fasal I 11 ContainantHighPressereAlars Containment Ilgh Radiation 11ars hl SIASAlars ilshi 12 hil ConcentratedBoricA:IdtankLevels f53A H l f538 H I ReactorTesselDF 1psid 70tfOlschargefesperatste lit f FirSafetyTalveOls:hargefesp(F) 1T1939 lit IT llll 31 1T1911111 FCFCuttent(Asps) 7501i F508111 P 5lt Hi F 500 i FCSflow 11 i Loopthot (f) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 111 Loopfeeld(F) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 ill f:old vide range Loop i lil Loep 2 111 1 cl subcooling fesp aid F Fress lillpil (d FCSFreestre(R) VI lit It lit pilt

$ttas Generator A Steas Generator i Level (VI) dliI (II) ii Lill il 1 (II) 11 %

, Press ipsia 11 pela llov Steas i FFI FeediFFI Steas i FFI feediFFt Iote: SteasandFeedFlev 11960000 1

ATVflevtoASIG fres F lAll i fres F it i gps ArtflevtoISIG Free F lAll i Free F IC i gps Condensorfa:us(t) i FC? fos! !?nkff the  ? 5612 e m Ji 7 W 31 7 llD &

hil OleselGeneratorFrquency 11 ildi 12 [L.11 1Clt$ foltage 1111 Aspsill 1 0 105 Voltage 1111 Asps 111 l

f 11 lu k f 111 ContainmentAreaBonitors(1/tt)  !!A ll65 l lilil  !!A Illi 1d1111 l

!!A 1111 L11111 111 1891 3.111+1 Ilgh lanp containment nonitors (Ilit)  !!A 2321 Idilil  !!A 2322 l atlil Containment lydrogen Contentration (1)  !!24111 Al 24til .

h in Steas Line Cassa (epe) 1111321 idilti  !!A 2323 l atiti l O StackXenitors  !!A2325 1,00l+1 cps !!A 2326 ld 1111 eis 2-

!!A2321 Lillil ar/hr l l


O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 07:55 Message No: 27 Scenario Time 06:25-09:20 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: SS, SED, and EOF Director Simulated Plant Conditions: Control Roon players see data sheets.

Message: Conditions have moved ahead in time 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> and 55 minutes, although clock time will remain the same. New data is being provided in the Control Room. The primary coolant system has O cooled and depressurized. The release has been terminated.

Offsite sampling has determined that no radioactive deposition has occurred. Refer to new data provided and to appropriate procedures to determine if recovery is warranted at this time.

I For Controller Use Only l l

Controller Notest The SYD end EOF Director vill dettrzine who at the plant i and EOF will continue to participate in the exercise once a decision has been made to enter recovery.

M oon Expected: The JPIC controller will terminate participation at the JPIC based on a judgement whether further participation is warranted.

O  !

1 RP1287-0044B-TP12

FALIIil Cate11 February 1911 Ressage i U flee 07:55 $cenario fin E tB

$v Pieps F 1A CH F fi h F 1C h $vCriticalIdrPress A HIB p g CCWFists F 52A h F 528 h F 520 ith FFCFists F 51A h F- IE firePiers F lA M F ll M F 41 2H Centalasent Cooler Rectre Fans VIA h Vll h V3A h flAQ1 Til h Yll h T38 h Til h tdl CCVCoolerOutletfesp A HT I HF CentainmentsprayPeeps F 54A CH F 548 ad F 54C E It$1Fieps F ila tachi Out F fil teksi Out LF31 Piers F 611 h F ifl [.gutj lifetyInje:tlenfiction8spfly CV3451($ liv)Qig CV 1921 ($isp) Chigi CV 3931 ($118) hta CV 3tli ($isp) Chngd C:D CTC$

Letdeva Charging latermediate Press Letdown fese lu F flev igpa

, LetdersLinefesp lill Line fesp 11 F LetdevnFlev igre Piers F 55A Q H F ill;U F 55C E '

felteeCentrolfank fesp E F Fressire11 psi Levelliti FCP Centrol lleede!! Fressire i pilg ShitdevnCoolingsyntes

$DCIfreePCS(t) 111 F $DCStoFCI(1) 111F

'O fesp 11 F Fressere L11 psig Quen:hfank FristryCocltatfyltas Level H t -

PressuriserPressere(R) lipsia FCSfate(t) Loop 1 : f t llll) ilLil Loop 2.ft1111)111d PressursserLevel(t) Lit lll .1 111i Lit ill..I 111t .

FtrstrAsps LCC15 i LCCli  !

, FCIT F1719428 Ch111 71f 19438 Chigi llock falte 307 1942A g ag I0T ll41A Q ta l FCFs F 50A qu F 561 QH F 500 QH F 500 GH leacterFeverLevel 1111 Idllil 1102 L11111 1103 L[Hd 1144 L((ld II851 1106[ 11011 1101( s!il1II161  ;

t Edl

! ATIlystee

< AFVFiep F 11 Q11 P ll M F it Q01 AFIPiepAsps FIA[FlC[ asps AFW Fisp F il Stese Fressure i pilg AFV Cisch Press F la i F ll [ F IC [ psig le:endarySystes n!.TIypas B0f 1511 Chitt ROT illt Chiti R$11's CV lll! Ch iti CV 1518 thAtt F/F$i:tienFressire ipsig IFFtischargefressire Ai i ! psi histire Seperater Crain fant Level ili Condenseristvilllevel Ht AteespherieCispfaltes (RAll Condenser Tiene iinIg, ReitertrainFiep$tatis F lla CH F.161 (H GlandsealCondenserfients tinIg.

CondensateFingstatis Fla tu Fli tu (tesand tog + Constant, led, er Flin/fesp)

Greis RW d let Rv d Cere Init threeceiple fesperature llLi F O

Centrol led Felitten GF1 1 Gil i Gili GF4i CF5(F)i Gri(A)[ GF1(l)1 StickRods Int 1-1

FAl!!ll Cate il February illi lessagei11 flu 07:55 $cenario flee iM O M V

fllLevel ill f1)! Level il l Condensate $torage fant Level T 2 il l InstrisentAirPressert 111 pig -

Containent lillding Freinte dpst; teetfesterature Rti Bieldity 11 1

$lG A Comprteent festerature Hf lieldity H l ,

$lG I Ceeprteent festerature 11F Issidity H I ,

$ltufantLevel 11i W1ContainmentFrenire(1) 11 psia Containent Step Level in Containment Vater Len! (t) in

$1fankLuel(l) AH I11 C11 D11

$1fankPressere(psig) A Hi I Hi C H! D111 Fanal I 11

$11%Alare lhdgl ContainmentIlghPressurealare h Containment Ilgh tidiation altre 111 M

Concentratedlorie1:1dfankLevels f 5ll U l f 531 It i teactorTesselCF 1,,[sid P0tfDis:hargefesperature in F farSafetyfalte01:hargefesp(f) ITlill 111 1T1946111 171981 lit PCP Current ( Asp) 75811 Fliti F50Ci F500i tC$flos Hl

. Loepthot (r) Loep 1 111 Loop 2 ill Loopfeeld(f) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 111 feeld vide r u ge Loop 1 HI Loop 2 1H O $ibcooling itsfressere(t) fesp WR SteaeGeneratorA lild F 11 Fress lillpsi 11 11 pia

$tus Generator I Level (11) il (II) ! l itu 11 % (pt) 11 1 Fress i pia 11 pia flov Stus ( FFI feediFPI $tene t PPI feediFFI Iote $tus and fud flov I 1600000 M

ArvflevtoASIG free F llll i free F lC 1 gpa ArvflewtoI$lG Fres ! lAll i Free F lC i gpa CondentorTa:ite(t) i PCPlealLeakoffflev F5811 Pilli F 50C 1 P 500 t '

Ciesel Generator frepen:y 11 (idi 12 ildi '

lCICS Toltap 1111 Asp 111 10BC$ foltage 1111 Asp 111 c 11 heh c 111 ContatteentAreaR: liters (Ilir) 111 1185 1J1111  !!A llli Mid 1111187 L111+1 111 1101 Lil h 1 ,

Ilgh Ruge Containeent Rositors (t/It) 11A 1321 1dlui 1111321 Mul  ;

ConteineentlydrogenCon:ntration(t) Allillt Al 2461L i i lain stene Line Gassa (cpe) t!A 2324 M  !!A2323 Lite 1 l

, ( Stacklenitors  !!A 1125 Lithl eps t!! 2321 m epe  !!A 2321 L11111 er/Ar 2  ;

r i

i l

Scenario Not- PALEX-88 Time 07:55+ l 1  !

Message No 28 Scenario Time 09:10+ 4 .

s e


  • i Message for: Actual Control Room Operators
t ,

i l

1 i

! Simulated Plant Conditions:

I 4

i  !

i  !

Message: Announce over the plant public address system: "Attention 911 I personne'. The annual emergency exercise has been terminated.  ;

All drill participants may return to normal duties unless l

instructed otherwise." '
i i

l-i i

! 1 f

1 1 ... ..... .......... .... ... ......... ... .. . ... ........  :

1 ,


  • l Tor Controller Use Only  !

I '


Controller Notes
Lead onsite controller will deliver this message when
deemed appropriate.  ;

! f i

Action Expected: l i

l l

J l

j RP1287-00445-TP12 4



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O RP1287-0044B-TP12

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l RP1287-0044B-TP12 I

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O RP1287-0044B-TP12

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. _ _ . . - . - - - _ , , = , - .-. . . - _ . - . .


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l O




EMERCENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE INFORMATION PASH Data for PALEX '88 1.0 pH 1.1 pH is a function of ppm boron if there is no LiOH in the sample, LiOH and boron concentration will depend on what water is added to the PCS during the accident. (SIRW, SI Bottles, BAST, etc.)

1.2 If accident progress to the point where LPSI pumps are drawing suction from containment sump and containment spray has been activated pH of PCS will be approximately 8.00 due to hydrazine and NaOH in containment spray.

1.3 pH should be determined by the Chemistry Controller based on accident condition and operator action. Table 1.1 and 1.2 maybe used as aid to determining pH.

2.0 Boron 2.1 Boron should be determined by the control room Controller based on operator action. PASM boron analysis is to be used as verification of those actions.

2.2 Chemistry Controller should converse with control room Controller to determine boron ppm value for reporting during exercise.

3.0 Chlorides 3.1 Chloride analysis is to be done within four days of the accident. Data will not be available during the course of the drill.

3.2 OSC Supervisor shall request Trail Street Lab to bring their Ion Chro-matograph to the Plant within four days to do chloride analysis.



4.0 Dissolved oxygen 4.1 Dissolved oxygen is not required until 30 days after accident if Jis-solved hydrogen and chloride data are available.

4.2 Oxygen is not mandatory unless chloride exceeds 0.15 ppm. A measurement of dissolved hydrogen residual of greater than 10 cc/kg is acceptable verification for up to 30 days.

4.3 Therefore dissolved oxygen data will not be available during the course of the drill.

5.0 Dissolved Hydrogen 5.1 Dissolved hydrogen in PCS during the accident will be 18 cc/kg a reduc-tion from normal due to H2 escaping from 1,000 gpm leak.

5.2 Percent oxygen and hydrogen in containment air will be normal.

6.0 Radionuclide Concentration for Cross Activity and Cansna Spectrum 6.1 Containment atmosphere activity levels are normal.

6.2 See Table for Sump Liquid Activity 6.3 See Table for Primary Coolant Liquid 6.4 See Table for A & B S/G Liquid Activity 7.0 Dose Rate and Radiation Levels 7.1 Dose rate and radiation levels around the PASM Panel, NSSS Panel, Hot Lab, and hallways are listed in the inplant radiation data section.

7.2 Areas monitors readings are listed in the area monitors section.

O MIO586-0134A-OP02



' (_,

Table 1.1 Variation of pH with Lithium and Boron Concentrations B, ppm \Li, ppm 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 0 7.0 9.46 9.76 9.94 10.06 10.16 10.24 10.30 10.36 10.41 10.46 10.50 10.54 50 5.78 7.03 7.34 7.51 7.64 7.74 7.82 7.89 7.95 8.01 8.06 8.10 8.14 100 5.63 6.73 7.03 7.20 7.33 7.43 7.51 7.58 7.64 7.69 7.74 7.78 7.82 150 5.54 6.54 6.84 7.02 7.14 7.24 7.32 7.39 7.45 7.50 7.55 7.59 7.63 200 5.47 6.41 6.70 6.88 7.00 7.10 7.18 7.25 7.31 7.36 7.41 7.45 7.49 250 5.41 6.30 6.59 6.77 6.89 6.99 7.07 7.14 7.20 7.25 7.30 7.34 7.38 300 5.37 6.20 6.50 6.67 6.80 6.90 6.97 7.04 7.10 7.15 7.20 7.24 7.28 350 5.32 6.12 6.41 6.59 6.71 6.81 6.89 6.96 7.02 7.07 7.11 7.16 7.19 400 5.28 6.04 6.33 6.51 6.63 6.73 6.80 6.88 6.94 6.99 7.04 7.08 7.12 450 5.25 5.97 6.26 6.44 6.56 6.66 6.74 6.81 6.86 6.92 6.96 7.0 '7.04 5.21 5.91 6.20 6.37 6.49 6.59 6.67 6.74 6.80 6.85 6.89 6.94 6.97 6.43 6.64 6.73 6.78 6.83 6.87 6.91

(' .500 s-400

'?O 5.18 5.15 5.85 5.79 6.13 6.07 6.31 6.24 6.37 6.53 6.46 6.54 6.67 6.61 6.67 6.72 6.77 6.81 6.85 650 5.12 5.73 6.01 6.18 6.31 6.41 6.49 6.55 6.61 6.66 6.71 6.75 6.79 700 5.09 5.68 5.96 6.13 6.25 6.35 6.43 6.50 6.55 6.61 6.65 6.69 6.73 750 5.07 5.63 5.90 6.07 6.20 6.29 6.37 6.44 6.50 6.55 6.60 6.64 6.68 800 5.04 5.58 5.85 6.02 6.14 6.24 6.32 6.39 6.45 6.50 6.54 6.59 6.62 850 5.01 5.53 5.80 5.97 6.09 6.19 6.27 6.34 6.39 6.45 6.49 6.53 6.57 900 4.99 5.48 5.75 5.92 6.04 6.14 6.22 6.29 6.34 6.40 6.44 6.48 6.52 950 4.96 5.44 5.70 5.87 5.99 6.09 6.17 6.24 6.30 6.35 6.39 6.43 6.47 1000 4.94 5.40 5.66 5.83 5.95 6.04 6.12 6.19 6.25 6.30 6.35 6.39 6.43 NOTE: 1. Numbers contained in above table are approximation for exercise purposes only.

2. If boron concentration are above 1,000 ppm use Table 1.2.

O MIO586-0134A-OP02


l l

.1 l



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Table 1.2 i

Variation of pH with Boron Concentration i

ppm Boron pH LiOH ppm 1000 5.0 <.02 i 1100 5.0 <.02 4

1200 4.9 <.02 1300 4.9 <.02 1400 4.8 <.02 1500 4.8' <.02 1600 4.7 <.02 1700 4.7 <.02 1800 4.6 <.02 l y 1900 4.6 <.02 ,

2000 4.5 <.02 '

.i l

NOTE: 1. Numbers contained in above Table are approximation for exercise  !

purposes only. l 4

E 4

I M10586-0134A-OP02 ,

1 i I i 'l

_ . _ . _ _ . . ~ _ . . . _ . . . - . , . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ , . . _ _ _ - _ , _ _ . . _ _ _ , , . , , , . , . _ _ , , . _ - - . , _ , , . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ , _ .. ,,-- ,. _ . _ .


'b Xe133 6.38E+01 9.64E+00 9.01E-02 XE133M 3.74E+00 8.42E-01 8.63E-02 Xe135 9.99E+00 9.94E-01 9.99E-02 Kr85 3.65E-01 7.43E-02 2.00E-03 Kr88 6.95E+00 8.77E-01 9.64E-03 1131 2.95E+00 5.80E-01 2.37E-05 1133 4.33E-01 9.00E-01 3.78E-05 CS134 3.10E+00 4.50E-01 CS137 7.50E+00 5.10E+00 TE132 7.60E-08 5.70E Ba140/La140 3.80E-08 4.70E-08 Rul03/Rh103 7.90E-08 4.40E-08 Total Camma (All) 9. 65 E+ 01 5.30E+00 2.24E-01

  • ** RE S U LT S * **

% Clad Failure = 56% Based upon Noble Gas Values Only

% Fuel Overheat Xe133 Less Than 50% If Any Value is >50% Then Assume >50% Fuel Overheat Xe133M Less Than 50%

D) Xe135 Kr85 Less Than 50%

Less Than 50%

Kr88 Less Than 50%

Percent Fuel Melt = 0% Based on Te132 and Ba140 Only 1

INTERPRETATION DATA SHEET Code Inv Cap Melt Ai Release Agap Ai/ Core Release Amelt Isotope (Curies) (Curies) Factor (Curies) Ai/Agap Inventory Fact (Curies) Ai/Amelt Xe133 2.20E+04 1.31E-08 0.03 3.93E+06 5.61E-03 1.68E-04 0.873 1.14E+08 1.93E-04 Xe133M 6.17E+03 5.10E+06 0.03 1.53E+05 4.03E-02 1.21E-03 0.873 4.45E+06 1.39E-03 Xe135 1.14E+04 4.49E+07 0.03 1.35E+06 8.46E-03 2.54E-04 0.873 3.92E+07 2.91E-04 Kr85 2.07E+02 2.52E+03 0.03 7.57E+01 2.73E+00 8.19E-02 0.873 2.20E+03 '9.39E-02 Kr88 7.64E+03 4.46E+07 0.03 1.34E+06 5.71E-03 1.71E-04 0.873 3.89E+07 1.96E-04 l 1131 7.72E+02 5.90E+07 0.017 1.00E+06 7.70E-04 1.31E-05 0.885 5.22E+07 1.48E-05 l I133 1.34E+02 1.27E+08 0.017 2.16E+06 6.23E-05 1.06E-06 0.885 1.12E+08 1.20E-06 Cs134 7.96E+02 7.30E+04 0.05 3.65E+03 2.18E-01 1.09E-02 0.760 5.55E+04 1.43E-02 Cs137 1.93E+03 1.03E+04 0.05 5.17E+02 3.73E+00 1.86E-01 0.760 7.86E+03 2.45E-01 Te132 2.04E-05 1.06E+08 1E-04 1.06E+04 1.93E-09 1.93E-13 0.150 1.59E+07 1.29E-12 Ba140 9.90E-06 7.48E+07 1E-06 7.48E+01 1.32E-07 1.32E-13 0.100 7.48E+06 1.32E-12

2. 04 E-05 2.76E+07 NA 7.37E-13 0.030 8.29E+05 2.46E-11 U<^ul03 MIO586-0134A-OP02

' m, .

Operating Parameters (Table I)

Core Damage Initial Final

  • Net . Capacity Kliters Tank Level % Level % Change % Kliters To Sump SIRW 100.0 25.0 75.0 1100 825.0 A BAST 100.0 50.0 50.0 25 12.5 B BAST 100.0 60.0 40.0 25 10.0 R BAT 100.0 70.0 30.0 25 7.5

, A SI $0.0 0.0 50.0 56.8 28.4 B SI 50.0 0.0 50.0 56.8 28.4 C SI 50.0 10.0- 40.0 56.8 22.7 '

D SI 50.0 20.0 30.0 56.8 17.0 T90 100.0 90.0 10.0 757 75.7 TOTAL = 1027.3 Date: 11/11/87 Times 1300

  • Final Levels Should Be Measured At Or Near PCS Sample Time l

T d

O a

MIO586-0134A-OP02 j l

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i Core History (Table II). ,

. i Current Shutdown Date =-11/11/87 Time = 08:00 Start Start Stop Stop t(j) t(jo)

% Rx Pwr Date Time Date Time hrs hrs 100 11/01/87 01:00 11/11/87 08:00 247 0 80 10/29/87- 15:00 11/01/87 01:00 58 247 ,

70 10/22/87 08:00 10/29/87 15:00 175 305 i I 0 770216 l

O 770216 0' 770216 0 770216 0 770216 0 770216 0 -770216 0 -770216 0 770216 -l 0 770216  ;

Sample Data PCS (ai) LPSI (aj) Cntent (ak)

Sample Date 11/11/87 11/11/87 11/11/87 Sample Time 13:00 12:30 12:00 2

Sample Temp (F) ---- ----

100 560 Sample Press (psia) ---- ----

15 4 Cntant Temp F - - - ----

192 652 Cntant Press (psia) ---- ----

21.3 PCS Temp (F) 450 ---- ----

PCS Density 0.830 ---- ----

Tijk Sample-SD Time 5 4.5 4


l l

i l

Nonequilibrium Core Inventory ,

Isotope Origen Decay Correction NECI (Curies) (hr-1) Factor II (Curies)

Xe133 1.49E+08 5.47E-03 8.79E-01 1.31E+08 Xe133M 5.16E+06 1.28E-02 9.88E-01 5.10E+06 Xe135 4.49 E+ 07 7.58E-02 1.00E+00 4.49E+07 Kr85 7.92E+05 7.67E-06 3.18E-03 2.52E+03 Kr88 4.46E+07 2.48E-01 1.00E+00 4.46E+07 I131 7.76E+07 3.60E-03 7.60E-01 5.90E+07 I133 1.27E+08 3.30E-02 1.00E+00 1.27E+08 Cs134 5.14E+06 3.44E-05 1.42E-02 7.30E+04 Cs137 9.43E+06 2.64E-06 1.10E-03 1.03E+04 Te132 1.10E+08 9.00E-03 9.63E-01 1.06E+08 Ba140 1.25E+08 2.26E-03 5.99E-01 7.48E+07  ;

Rul03 1.07E+08 7.25E-04 2.58E-01 2.76E+07 i

O i

'I O


Correction Values (11) for Isotopes Xe133 Xe133H Xe135 Kr85 Kr88 1131 1133 Csl34 Cs137 Te132 Ba140 Rul03 7.41E-01 9.58E-01 1.00E+00 1.89E-03 1.00E+00 5.89E-01 1.00E+00 8.46E-03 6.52E-04 8.92E-01 4.28E-01 1.64E-01 5.63E-02 1.78E-01 5.84E-09 3.55E-04 2.00E-27 6.20E-02 1.97E-04 1.58E-03 1.22E-04 3.52E-02 5.62E-02 2.75E-02 8.13E-02 1.26E-02 6.38E-11 9.37E-04 9.89E-34 1.09E-01 2.97E-05 4.15E-03 3.23E-04 3.57E-02 1.15E-01 6.69E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9.88E-01 1.00E+00 3.18E-03 1.00E+00 7.60E-01 1.00E+00 1.43E-02 1.0E-03 9.63E-01 5.99E-01 2.58E-01 679E-01 mess Than 50%

Greater Than 50%

fs I 1 HIOS86-0134A-OP02 j

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t RP1287-0044B-TP12 l

I i

O A significant aspect of emergency response is to provide the public and news media with prompt, accurate information about the emergency. Public perception and reaction are influenced by the information relayed to them. To ensure that Consumers Power Company is prepared to deal with the media and public.during an accident at the Palisades Plant, the exercise provides certain elements to' test Public Information and Rumor Control activities. During the course of this exercise, the Consumers Power Company Region Customer Information Telephone Center (RCITC) and the Big Rock Point Plant Joint Public Information Center (JPIC) will be activated and exercised.

Special Exercise Controllers have been selected to test the RCITC and the JPIC staffs in responding to telephoned inquiries from the news media and public. ,

Controllers will act as concerned citizens, employees, government officials, members of the financial community, interested members of the nuclear utility industry and news reporters posing questions to the staffs. When acting as members of the media, controllers shall make up a name and a media outlet (print or electronic).

The following pages denote questions that these controllers can use. Questions may be utilized repeatedly. The lead JPIC Controller shall coordinate when to conclude questioning of JPIC participants during media briefings. Controllers shall document their cosusents using the Joint Public Information Center Evalu-ation Checklist. Controllers need not use the questions herein; indeed, free play is encouraged.

O' When calling in questions, controllers will always precede questions with "This is a drill." At the JPIC, free play questions will be based on the information given at briefings. Additionally, ask questions about Consumers Power Company, the state or counties, background information about the Palisades Plant, radiation, state / county, utility interface, protective actions, etc.

Relevant telephone numbers will be distributed at the pre-exercise controllers' '.


O PA1287-0217A-TP21-TP03


This is from Radio Station WSMR. We've heard you have an l emergency at the Pali: ades Plant. What's happening? Is it serious? Has any )

radiation been released? How did it happen?

This is from Radio Station WSMR. We understand that there is an emergency at your Palisades Nuclear Plant.

What's the current status? Any injuries?

Has the NRC been notified? What are they doing?

Have State and local officials been notified? What are they doing?

How high are the radiation levels? Are they dangerous?

Has anyone been overexposed to radiation?

How are you going to fix the problem?

How much will this cost the ratepayers?

Are you evacuating the plant workers from the site?

Is the reactor shut down? Isn't it dangerous?

Why did you declare an emergency?

What is the significance of an Alert? (Site Area Emergency, General Emergency?)

Why don't you just shut a valve or turn on the emergency cooling system or something?

This is from Radio Station WSMR. I would like an update on the actions Van Buren, Berrien and Allegan Counties are taking in response to the emergency at Palisades.  ;

I've heard you've declared a Site Area Emergency. What's that?

What happened?

Why don't you evacuate Van Buren County?

Where is the electricity supply coming from?

Will there be enough electricity?

l 1


2 O

V How many people have been killed? l How many injured?

This is from Crisis Management Consultants. We'd like to <

offer our professional Crisis Management Services to help you manage the emergency at Palisades. Can you put me in touch with the appropriate Company officer to discuss this?

I work at the Karn/Weadock Plant. What's going on at Palisades?

Is radiation coming from the containment building?

When will the NRC be taking over the plant?

Wat's the plant doing now?

Where are students from South Haven High School being sent?

How much radiation is being released? i Which way is the wind blowing?

Have State and local officials been notified? l p How serious is the accident?

V Have workers at Palisades been sent home?

Wat is Consumers Power doing about the accident at Palisades?

My husband travelled to Palisades yesterday from Jackson. Is he safe?


Wat effect will this have on Consumers Power's stock?  !

I've heard that you are going to use Company pension funds to pay for the Palisades accident. Is that true?

What was Consumers Power's stock selling for this morning?

What is your stock selling for now?

In layman's terms, what caused this disaster?

Isn't this the same type of situation as the Chernobyl accident?

I Where is the power to my house going to come from?

I have heard you declared a General Emergency. Is this true?

What is a General Emergency?

What does it mean?

Has anyone been killed?

Has the State of Michigan been informed?

How are you going to fix the reactor?

O l PA1287-0217A-TP21-TP03 a


. . - - . - _ , - . , . - - - - - _ - . . . . . . _ _ _ - . . - . . , , ~ . - - _ _ _ _ _ . _ . .- - . _ . , - - - . _ _ - - _ ~ , . - - - , - - - - . -

3 O

v Can't you just shut a valve?

Is this similar to the accident at Three Mile Island?

When will the NRC take over the plant?

What are electric rates going to do as a result of the accident? ,

Where are you going to get power if Palisades is out of service?

Why didn't all the backup safety equipment work?

Is human error to blame for the accident at Palisades? -

Should I sell my Consumers Power stock?

What is the weather forecast in the Palisades area?

How much radiation is being released?

How is the radiation being released? ,

Is the radiation filtered?

When will the next press briefing be held?  ;

Are there any news reporters being allowed at the plant?

Do you have any insurance on the Palisades plant?

How long will the plant be shut down?

What protective actions have been ordered?

What are you doing to bring the plant under control?

What is the Governor doing?

This is from INPO. Can you tell me about the accident at Palisades?

This is from Western Union. We can help you communicate with the public during the Palisades emergency through Mailgrams. Who should I speak with regarding your possible use of Mailgrams?

I've heard the reactor at Palisades has cracked like a piece of glass. Is that true?

I've got 50 milk cows that won't give milk because of the sirens. Who's going to pay for my lost income?

Who should I call for further information about Consumers Power?

What telephone numbers?

1 PA1287-0217A-TP21-TP03 i

4  ;

i l

l O Is the reactor shut down?

How did it happen?

What is the reactor building doing now?

Is there a hole in it?

Who is going to pay for this mess? Not out of my electric bill!

How much radiation was released off site?

What protective actions are in effect for Charlevoix County?

What protective actions are in effect for the 30-mile radius?

How many people live in Van Buren County? Allegan County? Berrien County?

My homeowner's insurance policy states that I am not covered for nuclear plant accidents. Who's going to pay for my damaged property? l What are you going to do to fix the situation? l When is the next press briefing?

How many reporters are at the JPIC?

Which way is the wind blowing?

Who is in charge of the emergency?

O '

O 12/21/87 PA1287-0217A-TP21-TP03

. - + 4 , _ J~sa. 4m-*a 4 O


O RP1287-00448-TP12

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mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12

1 1


I 1.1 SCOPE 1.1 ,

1.2 OBJECTIVES 1.1 l l






O mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 i

(v~M 1.0 SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES 1.1 SCOPE PALEX 88 is designed to meet exercise requirements specified in 10 CFR 50, Appendix E, Section IV.F. It will postulate events which would require activation of major portions of the site emergency plan and response by Van Buren, Allegan and Berrien Counties and the State of Michigan. The exercise will be unannounced in support of state and local exercise objectives. The Joint Public Information Center will be activated.

1.2 OBJECTIVES The exercise will demonstrate each item listed under the following categories:

1. Assessment and Classification *
a. Recognition of emergency conditions l
b. Timely classification of emergency conditions in accordance with emergency action levels
2. Communication
a. Initial notification within specified time constraints (state and ,

local - 15 minutes, NRC - I hoor)  !

b. Subsequent notification in accordance with proce' dure (state, I local, NRC)

., c. Notification and coordination with other organizations, as required (other utilities, contractors, fire or medical services)

I d. Provision of accurate and timely information to support news release activity

3. Radiological Assessment and Control i
a. Calculation of dose projection based on sample results or monitor readings
b. Performance of in-plant and offsite field surveys
c. Collection and analysis of a post-accident primary coolant sample  ;
d. Trending of radiological data
e. Formulation of appropriate protective action recommendations


f. Contamination and exposure control l l

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 1.1 l

O 4. Emergency Response Facilities

a. Activation, staffing and operation at appropriate classifications and within specified time constraints
b. Adequacy of emergency equipment and supplies
c. Adequacy of emergency communication systems
d. Ac- is control
5. Emergency Management ,
a. Command and control with transfer of responsibilities from Control Room to Technical Support Center to Emergency Operations Facility
b. Assembly and accountability within approximately 30 minutes ,
c. Coordination with State of Michigan emergency response organization
d. Mitigation of operational and radiological conditions
e. Mobilization of emergency teams
6. Reentry and Recovery .


a. Assessment of damage and formulation of recovery plan
b. Identification of constraints, requirements and organization to '

implement the plan

7. Exercise Control i
a. Provision for maximum free play i
b. Accurate assessment of player performance l l

l l

l mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 1.2

m _

2.0 EXERCISE CONDUCT 2.1 EXERCISE ORGANIZATION The exercise organization is comprised of Controllers, Evaluators, Players and Observers, all of whom are issued armbands for identification.

Controllers are responsible for providing messages and data to Players.

They also ensure that exercise activity progresses as planned. Con-trollers are authorized to modify scenario data and provide clarification to Players as judged appropriate. They must not, however, prompt Players unless the exercise or plant operation is jeopardized by inappropriate Player response. If a Player must be prompted, it must be brought to the attention of the Lead Facility Controller or Exercise Coordinator and prior to doina so if possible. . Controllers also serve as Evaluators in most cases. ,

Evaluators observe Player activity and judge effectiveness of response.

Consumers Power Company Evaluators are required to submit signed Evaluator Checklists to their Lead Facility Controller. NRC and other utilities' evaluators will be present for exercises.

Observers may be present at any location where exercise activity occurs.

O Observers are not allowed to speak to players during the course of the exercise.

Players include all personnel responding to simulated exercise conditions.


  • The Exercise Coordinator is in charge of overall exercise conduct.

Responsibilities include conducting preexercise Controller meetings, NRC entrance meeting, joint critiques, and NRC exit critique; approving major scenario deviations; resolving exercise questions; and terminating the exercise.

A Lead Facility Controller is assigned to each Emergency Response Facility and is responsible for addressing Player ' inquiries, conducting a post-exercise facility critique, collecting and submitting completed Evaluator Checklists to the Exercise Coordinator.

Controllers and Evaluators will refer all Player inquiries to the Lead Facility Controller. If unable to resolve a question, the Lead Facility Controller will refer the query to the Exercise Coordinator.

O *A diagram of tt.e Centro 11er organization is provided in Figure 2.1.

mil 086-00068-TP11-TP12 2.1

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4 i



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TSC 0473

! EOF 82556

) OSC 0346 l MSC 0543 I

j FIGURE 2.1 l

O 2.3 EXERCISE DATA AND MESSAGES Messages and data to drive Player response are contained in the following l appendices. .

Appendix A - Sequence of Events / Narrative S a ary q l

Appendix B - Message Sheets .j i

Appendix C - Meteorological Data l 1

Appendix D - Rad Monitor Data l j

Appendix E - Onsite Rad Data ,

i Appendix F - Offsite Rad Data j Appendix G - Post-Accident Sample Data i i

Appendix H - Public Affairs l Appendix I - CFM Data Sheets .l O Information not to be distributed to players is marked "Controller Use Only."

It is ultimately each Controller's responsibility to ensure that only appro-l priate information is distributed to Players.



1. Perform all actions to the extent possible in accordance with the j emergency plan and procedures as if it were a real emergency.  ;

Unless authorized by the Controller, you should not simulate your i actions. Verbal approval from a Controller / Evaluator is required l prior to simulating any action. If authorized to simulate an '

action, tell the Controller / Evaluator how it would be performed. j l

2. Periodically speak out loud, identifying your key actions and j decisions to the Controller / Evaluators. This may sees artificial, i but it will assist in the evaluation process. If you are in doubt, ask for clarification. The Controller / Evaluator will not prompt or.

coach you.

3. Know the overall Controller organization. Identify your Controller and NRC evaluators. Controllers also serve as Evaluators.
4. The Controller periodically will issue messages or instructions designed to initiate response actions. Messages must be accepted p immediately. They are essential to successful performance.

V M11086-00068-TP11-TP12 2.2



'O S. If the Controller intervenes, obey.the Controller's directions, l

j This is essential to the overall success of.the exercise. If you j disagree with your Controller, you can ask him to reconsider. You >

must, however, accept his/her word as final and proceed. Respond to i Controller's. questions.  !


6. You must play as if radiation levels actually are present,.in f accordance with the information you have received. This may require that you wear dosimeters and anti-Cs, observe good radiation pro-l tection practices, and be aware of and minimize your radiation exposure. Identify the individuals in your emergency response organization responsible for informing you of these items. Follow j their instructions, j i
7. If you are entering normal nuclear station radiation areas, observe j all rules and procedures. No one, including Controller / Evaluators, j is exempt from normal station radiological practices and procedures. l
8. Demonstrate knowledge of emergency operations and procedures.

Utilize status boards, logbooks, and message, as much as 1 possible, to document and record your actions, instructions and  ;

a reports to your coplayers.  ;


9. Do not enter into conversations unrelated to the drill with other i
Players. You may answer questions directed to you by Federal. l Evaluators.

If the question is misdirected to you or you do not l know the answer, refer them to the team leader or the Controllar. l t

I 10. Keep a list of items for improvement. Provide this to your teaa  !

leader. Team leaders will ensure these are considered. If neces- i sary, they will identify them to the Controller during the critique .!

i l

which followc the drill / exercise. Areas for improvement or lessons i learned, when identified, will improve overall emergency preparedness.


j Following termination of the exercise, facility critiques will be con- j

] ducted by Lead Facility Controllers. l I

A joint critique will be conducted following facility critiques. Lead l Facility Controllers will present overall observations made at facility I

} critiques. Players may attend if they wish. l i'

Following the joint critique, the NRC/CP Co critique will be conducted.

Focus of CP Co comments will be on items judged to be of greater signifi-

cance. Items of lesser importance cited at facility and joint critiques
will be addressed but may not be discussed at the NRC/CP Co critique. I j Comments will be made by

lO l l mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.3

, i


1. Exercise Coordinator
2. NRC i The Nuclear Emergency Planning Administrator is responsible for evalua-tion, assignment, completion and documentation of all critique comments.

2.6 EVALUATOR CHECKLISTS The checklists provided in Section 2.6.1 through 2.6.9 are to be used in judging Player and Controller ability to meet stated exercise objectives.

These facility specific checklists cross-reference all applicable exer-cise objectives and prior exercise weaknesses. In sua, they serve as the basis of exercise evaluation and documentation.

Each Evaluator shall submit to the Exercise Coordinator a completed, signed, and dated checklist at the conclusion of the exercise. Items marked "inadequate" shall be fully explained in the "comments" section.

Comments continuation sheets are provided in Section 2.6.9.

Lead Facility Controllers will conduct critiques using these checklists as guides.

O F f

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! l mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.4  ;


2.6.1 Control Room Evaluator Checklist ,

/~' l Q) Name: Date:

Met, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • i 1A Recognition of emergency conditions 1B Timely classification of emergency conditions 2A Notification of state and local governments within 15 minutes and NRC within one hour 2B Subsequent notification in accordance with procedure (state, local, NRC) 2C Notification and coordination for offsite assistance (fire, medical) 3F Contamination and exposure control 4A Notifiestion of OSC and TSC staff to activate at alert classification A


s 4B Adequacy of equipment and supplies 4C Adequacy of communications equipment 4D Access control SA Command and control with clear trans-fer of responsibility from Control Room to TSC SD Mitigation of hypothetical operational problems SE Mobilization of emergency teams 6A Assesssent of damage 1

6B Identification of reentry / recovery ,

restraints l Comments:

l Signature: '


  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA  !

(not applicable).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.5 1

1 I

l 2.6.2 Operational Support Center / Teams Evaluator Checklist

() Name: Date:

Met, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 3F Contamination and exposure control 4A Activated at alert classification and staffed in accordance with SEP (See Page 2.16 for augmentation work sheet.)

4B Adequacy of equipment and ' supplies 4C Adequacy of communications 4D Access control t SA Transfer of offsite RMT control to EOF SD Mitigation of hypothetical operational conditions SE Mobilization of teams at appropriate times Comments i

i i

i J

i i

i l

t 4

l j Signature:

  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA l l (not applicable). ,

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.6 i

l 2.6.3 Onsite RMT Evaluator Checklist Name: Date:

Met, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 3B Performance of in-plant field surveys i 3F Contamination and exposure control 4A Activation at alert classification (See Page 2.16 for augmentation work sheet.)

4B Adequacy of equipment and supplies l

4C Adequacy of communications SE Mobilized at appropriate time 4 Comments: )

l l

4 i l

i  !

l l

l l

l Signature: l O *L.xplain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA l

(not applicable).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.7 1 i

2.6.4 Offsite RMT Evaluator Checklist s, Name: Date l

Met, Not Met, Not Met, l Fully Problem Low High ,

Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • I 3B Performance of offsite field surveys 3F Contamination and exposure control 4A Activation at site area emergency classification (See Page 2.16 for augmentation work sheet.)

4B Adequacy of equipment and supplies  ;

4C Adequacy of communications 5A Transfer of control from OSC to EOF SE Mobilized at appropriate time Comments:

1 s





i 4 ,




  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable). ,

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.8

2.6.5 Security Evaluator Checklist I Name: Date:

Met, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 3F Contamination and exposure control [

4B Adequacy of emergency equipment and supplies 4C Adequacy of communications _ _ _

4D Access control of site, Control Room, TSC, OSC, EOF and JPIC r SB Assembly and accountability within approximately 30 minutes SE Mobilization at appropriate time Comments:


a l

I i



  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.9 I f


2.6.6 Technical Support Center Evaluator Checklist Name: Date:

Met, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 1A Recognition of emergency conditions IB Timely classification of emergency conditions 2B Notification of State and NRC (and possibly locals) at 15-minute intervals or as mutually agreed 2C Notification and coordination with other organizations as required (fire, medical) 2D Provision of accurate and timely information to support press release activity 3A Calculation of dose protections based on sample results or monitor readings 3D Trending of radiosical data i

3E Formulation of appropriate protective action recommendations l 3F Contamination and exposure control i 4A Activation, staffing and operational within one-half hour of alert I declaration (See Page 2.16 for augmentation work sheet.)

4B Adequacy of emergency equipment and supplies 4C Adequacy of communications 4D Access control SA Command and control with clear transfer of responsibilities from Control Room and to EOF 5B Assembly and accountability within j approximately 30 minutes j

  • Explain items checked in detail under cosunents. If not observed, mark NA  !

(not applicable).

, mil 086-0006L-TP11-TP12 2.10 )


i i

2.6.6 Technical Support Center Evaluator Checklist (Page 2) .

() Fully Problem Het, Not Met, Not Met, Low High


Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact *  !

SC Coordination with State of Michigan i emergency organization 5D Mitigation of operational and radiological conditions  :

9 SE Mobilization of emergency teams  !

6A Accessment of damage and formulation l of recovery plan '

6B Identification of contraints, require-ments and organization to implement the recovery plan Comments:

, i i

r I

i i

3 a

l 1



l 1

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  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA I (not applicable),


! mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.11 i


, - _ . , _ _ _ _ , _ , _ . . . , ,__ _- _,,y , _ , _ . . , _ , _ . . . . , _ _ _ _ _ . , ,.._s..,, _, . . -m..., ..y..

2.6.7 Emergency Operations Facility Evaluator Checklist Name: Date:

Met, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 1A Recognition of emergency conditions IB Timely classification of emergency _

conditions 2B Notification of State and NRC at 15-minute intervals or as mutually agreed 2C Notification and coordination with other organizations as required (other utilities, contractors, fire, medical sources) 2D Provision of accurate and timely information tion to support news release activity 3A Calculation of dose projections based on sample results or monitor readings 3D Trending of radiological data 3E Formulation of appropriate protective l' action recommendations 3F Contamination and exposure control 4A Activated and staffed at site area emergency and operational within about an hour of declaration (See Page 2.16 for augmentation work sheet.)

4B Adequacy of emergency equipment and supplies 4C Adequacy of communications systems 4D Access control SA Command and control with clest trans-fer of responsibilities from TSC and OSC O

  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.12

2.6.7 Emergency Operations Facility Evaluator Checklist (Contd)

() Fully Problem Met, Not Met, Not Met, Low High i

Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • i SC Coordination with State of Michigan emergency organization SD Mitigation of operational and radiological conditions 6A Assessment of damage and formulation of recovery plan 6B Identification of constraints, requirements and organization to implement the recovery plan Comments: ,

i a

I i

! l a i b

1 1

I 1

l Signature:

! O

  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.13

1 i

2.6.8 Controller / Evaluator Performance Checklist

() Name: Date:

Met, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 7A Provision for maximum free play r

7B Accurate assessment of player performance Comments:

i I


l l

Signature *

  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA '

(not applicable).

mil 086-00068-TP11-TP12 2.14 i I


b 1

l ': - 2.6.9 Evaluator Checklist Comment Continuation Sheet I Area: Date:

Name: ,

i 4


, f 1  :



j' .,

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3 I 1

i I i  :

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i  !

! I 1  !

! l i

i i

t i

i Signature:


  • Explain items checked in detail under cotsments. If not observed, mark NA J (not applicable),


! mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.15 i

l _.-___-_._ _ _ __ _ _-

J l

AUGMENTATION WORK SHEET j Technical Support Center Arrival Name Time Reactor Engineer (30 minutes)  ;

Electrical Engineer (60 minutes)

Mechanical Engineer (60 minutes)

Communicator (30 minutes)

Communicator (2 in_60 minutes)

Health Physics (30 minutes)

Operational / Maintenance Support Center Health Physics Technicians (6 in 30 minutes)

O .

Health Physics Technicians (6 in 60 minutes)

Chemistry Technician (60 minutes)

MSC I&C Maintenance (30 minutes)

MSC Mechanical Maintenance (60 minutes) _

MSC Electrical Maintenance (30 minutes)

Emersency Operations Facility Emergency Officer (60 minutes) mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.16



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RP1287-0044A-TP12  ;

._ _ - . . . . . _ , , , , . . _ . , , ,,__.n-.,- . _ ,,_-,- - ,m. ,n-, . , , _ ,

h PALEX 88 Sequence of Events Time V Actual Event (Scenario) 0100 Initial conditions - Normal full power

(-0030)  ;

Equipment out of service
Auxiliary Feed Pump P-8C, Low Pressure d

Safety Injection Pump (LPSI) P-67A, and the Failed Fuel Monitor Alarms: None PCS leak rate as of 0700 yesterday: 0.05 spa unidentified.

0.1136 gpa identified, 0.1636 spa total Further historical data will be provided by the controller if requested, i 0130 CAS/SAS receives alarm on the Bay Roof Door. CAS dispatches '

(0000) officer to investigate.

0135 Security Officer arrives at alarming door and is taken hostage (0005) outside the vital area. He is then taken to the A0 Pit (auxiliary operators briefing / break room) located at the north'end of the ,

turbine deck. His captor orders out any A0s there at the time .

and takes over the room.

O 0140 (0010)

Kidnapper calls the Control Room from the A0 Pit, describes the situation and makes demands.

0145 SS assumes SED duties and classifies an "Alert" based on (0015) "adversaries commandeering a nonvital area."

0210 Negotiator arrives.

(0040) 0215 Negotiator clears security and arrives at the scene. Discussion (0045) ensues.

] '

0300 Electrohydraulic fluid line bursts, resulting in the turbine (0130) generator control valves closing.

0302 An autoratic reactor trip occurs when the high pressurizer pres-sure set point is exceeded. Following the trip, one of the "A" (0132) steam generator safety valves sticks open.


. 0310 Kidnapper releases his hostage and surrenders. Kidnapper is (0140) removed from the site in the custody of local law enforcement officers.

! 0315 Another "Alert" is classified based on an unisolable main steam j (0145) line break and notifications made. When operators attempt to l increase auxiliary feedwater flow, they will find they have no control of FIC-0727 from the Control Room.


RP1287-0044A-TP12 1

.- -- - -- . -. . .. . . . . . . . .- . . = _ .

! l PALEX 88 .l

Sequence of Events l
Time  ;

Actual (

(Scenario) Event .l l

l' 0325 Operators isolate "A" steam generator.(S/G), and shortly there- 1 (0155) after, the faulty safety valve fails wide open. Auxiliary oper-  !

j ator is manually controlling auxiliary feed flow and is in com-  !

munication with Control Room for directions on how to throttle  !

it, t

) 0340 "A" S/G is empty. Operators stop two primary coolant pumps, and I (0210) start dropping Primary Coolant System (PCS) pressure.=

NOTE: When operators first attempt to establish cooldown using  ;

CV-0511, they find it will not open.

0345 An approximate.260 spe steam generator tube rupture occurs in the  !

(0215) "A" S/G as indicated by the "A" sain steam line radiation monitor  !

HIGH alara energizing; this is followed by SIS actuation. P-67B ,

j Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump fails to start. -j

-0350 SED classifies a "General Emergency" based on a loss of "2 out of  !

l (~0220) 3 fission product barriers." Commences making notifications. l d

0355 Operators have reestablished cooldown and are dropping PCS pres-  !

(0225) sure to reduce the leak rate; they also block and reset safety injection.

NOTE: When SIAS initially occurred, they stopped the remaining ,

! two primary coolant pumps. Now that SI has been reset, they i

! restart "B" and "C" PCPs. They also stop both boric acid pumps [

and try to establish a 75' per hour cooldown rate. j l ~0415 "B" S/G main steam line radiation monitor alert alara energizes.  !

< (~0245) Operators isolate letdown. I j ~0633 P-67A Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump returned to service and  ;

q (~0503) tested j t i 0750 Plant is on shutdown cooling - cooldown continues. j (0620) l 1

! 0755 Time jumps 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> and 55 minutes to condition where the PCS '

(0625) has been cooled and depressurized to a point where the release

, has become negligible.  ;

y ,

  • 1050 Management enters the recovery mode. j 1

! i j ~0955 Exercise ends. Recovery adequately demonstrated. l 1 (~0825) ,

9 l l

O '

1 i

j RP1287-0044A-TP12 2 l l )

l PALEX 88 Narrative Sunusary l O 0100 (0030) INITIAL CONDITIONS l


A. The plant is at full power at the end of core life,10.4 GWD.

B. The following equipment is in a degraded condition:

1. Auxiliary Feedwater Pump P 8C is out of service (00S): I
a. It was declared "inoperable" at 1300 yesterday when it was "Red Tagged" for replacement of one of its journal bearings. (Last time the pump ran, the bearing was overheating and very noisy.) l l
b. Currently the old bearing has been removed and the new one is scheduled to be installed on "B" shift, but has not been retrieved ,

from stock yet. Further, the shaft was scored and needs machining before the bearing-can be mounted. ,

c. When new bearing has been procured and the shaft machined, estimate eight hours for reassembly.
2. Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump P-67A is 00S:
a. It was declared "Inoperable" at 0830 yesterday, when upon com-pletion of Monthly Technical Specification Surveillance >

O Test MO-23, pump vibration was found to be in the "required action range."

An alignment check revealed the need to shin the pump. Hence, it b.

was "Red Tagged," uncoupled and shinned by 1600 yesterday. -

c. Last shift ("C" shift) rechecked the alignment and found it '

better but still not what they would like. It was decided there I was still time to uncouple it and add the necessary piece of shin stock, recouple and test it before the LCO expires.


d. Currently it is again uncouplwd. "A" shift maintenance is to add the necessary shin and recouple it; then Operations is to retest it,
e. Estimate 2.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> for maintenance to complete their work once they start.
3. Failed Fuel Monitor RE-0202 is 00S:
a. RE-0202 was declared inoperable and removed from service on 27 January 1988 when it failed a calibration check by I&c.
b. I&C has been unable to repair it, and it is not known when (if ever) it will be available again.

C. The following alaris conditions exist: NONE RP1287-0044A-TP12 3

l i

i PALEX 88 l Narrative Summary =  !

lO i -D. The meteorological conditions are as follows:  !

I 1. It is clear and cold with light winds. The roads are clear though there are several inches of old snow covering the countryside. Fore- t cast calls for continued clear and cold with little change during the day. The MET tower indicates the following at ( seters):  ;

, a. Wind speed:

Wind direction:

b. '
c. Stability:

j .

1 d. Ambient temperature: +21'T j s

q E. Primary and secondary chemistry are stable at the following conditions:

1. Primary system chemistry i l
a. pH: 6.8
b. Boron: 97 ppe l


c. Dissolved 02: <.02 ppe l 1
d. H2: 23.7 cc/kg l t
e. Total beta samma activity
1.58 microcuries/nL
f. Iodine dose equivalent: 2.5 E-2 microcuries/aL l 3 Total PCS gas activity: 4.22 microcuries/aL  !
2. Secondary system chemistry l 1

l a. Primary to secondary leak rate: .002 spe I b. Off gas Xe 133: 2.95 E-6 microcuries/aL  !

c. Condenser air inleakage: 6.5 cfm
d. A and B S/G gross samma activity: <5.6 E-6 microcuries/mL 3 F. Primary Coolant Systen Leak Rate as of 0700 yesterday:

l l 1. Identified: 0.1136 spe 4

] 2. Unidentified: 0.05 spa

3. Total: 0.1636 spe e

i i

! RP1287-0044A-TP12 4

PALEX 88 Narrative Susanary I

w 1 l

0130-0255 (0000-0125) I A. Exercise begins when security receives alarms in both the Central Alarm 1 Station (CAS) and Secondary Alarm Station (SAS) for the Bay Roof Door.

B. CAS dispatches an officer to investigate the alare. The responding officer is disarmed and taken hostage. The kidnapper (a controller) forces the  !

guard over to the A0 Pit on the turbine deck and takes it over after ordering out any A0s present.

C. Shift Supervisor is informed of situation by:

1. Kidnapper calling and stating situation and demands
2. Any additional personnel who may have witnessed the situation  ;

D. Expected Actions:  !

! 1. SS informs Security Shift Leader of situation and ascertains that the  :

Security Contingency Procedures are activated. SS requests copy of procedure be brought to the Control Room.

2. SS assumes Site Emergency Director (SED) position and: '


O a. Classifies an "Alert" per EI-1 based on "adversary commandeering a nonvital area"
b. Sounds the siren and notifies:
(1) Michigan State Police (2) FBI

. (3) Duty and Call Superintendent (4) Plant General Manager (5) Vice President Nuclear Operations Department (6) NRC

c. Accountability conducted l l  !

! d. Directs actions of security response via the Plant Property l Protection Supervisor and Security Shift Leader. i I

e. Directs operating personnel tot i (1) Place the plant in a stable condition and secure /stop any high-risk activities in progress such as "Refueling."

4 O

RP1287-0044A-IP12 5 l

, m ---

g -Y ,


f PALEX 88 Narrative Summary O (2) SS/ SED shall consider actions to place plant in a condition to minimize the effects of any reasonable sabotage attempt the kidnapper might make, including consideration of plant shutdown.

f. SS shall direct announcements be made per EI-1 and/or SCP-7. f
3. Negotiator (also a controller) will arrive approximately at 0120 l (0040). After clearing security, he will proceed to the scene and l commence dialogue with kidnapper. ,

t 0300-0330 (0130-0200) }


A. An electrohydraulic fluid line bursts, resulting in the turbine generator control valves closing and, shortly thereafter, causing an automatic ,

reactor trip when the high pressurizer pressure set point is exceeded.  !'

Further, as a result of this transient, one of the "A" steam generator (S/G) safety valves sticks partially open. l B. Operators follow and perform actions of Emergency Operating Erocedures l (EOPs). j

1. Operators perform and verify actions of E0P-1.0, "Standard Post Trip Actions." i O NOTE: During this time - approximately 0310 (0140) the kidnapper releases his hostage and surrenders. The kidnapper is then removed from site in the custody of local law enforcement officers.
2. Approximately 0315 (0145) indications of the S/G safety being stuck l open are sufficient for operators to have diagnosed an "Excess Steam l Demand Event" using the diagnostic flow chart in E0P 1.0.  !

C. SED should classify another "ALERT" per EI-1 based on an "Unisolable Main Steam Line Leak." i

1. Announcement should be made and alarm sounded.
2. Augmentation of shift personnel should be started if not done l previously. ,

D. Operators should be following the actions directed by E0P 6.0, "Excess Steam Demand Event." This means they should initially:  ;

2. Close the Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs), j
2. Isolate "A" S/G feed and steam paths.
3. Borate to cold shutdown boron concentration.

E. Also at about 0315 (0145) operators should recognize the need to increase auxiliary feedwater flow to the S/Gs as levels are continuing to drop.

RP1287-0044A-TP12 6 i

PALEX 88 Narrative Suassary O 1. When they attempt to increase AFV flow to the "B" S/G from its post trip set point of 150 spe using FIC-0727 they find they cannot control the flow control valve CV-0727 from the Control Room,

s. Normally they could shift to the alternate / redundant auxiliary feedwater train using P-8C, but it is 005 for a bearing replace--

ment. (See initial conditions.)

b. Their options would seem to be:

(1) Try shifting control of CV-0727 to the Remote Shutdown Panel C-33 or to the Alternate Not Shutdown Panel C-150.

However, if they try this they will still not have control as the problem will be a malfunctioning current to pneumatic positioner (I/P-0727) which is connon to all the remote controllers.

(2) Upon realizing they have no remote control capability, it is expected they would send an A0 to manually throttle one of two in series motor-operated isolation valves (MOV) downstream of CV-0727 while causing CV-0727 to fail open by isolating its air supply. This will require that the A0 at the MOV establish communication with the Control Room to control "B" S/G 1evel and that the A0 must stay naar the MOV.

c. The malfunctioning I/P-0727 obviously can be overcome by manual operator actions; however, it poses a significant operator distraction and ties up needed manpower at a crucial time. Hence, it is believed to be significant enough to warrant attention and should provide a means to exercise the TSC and MSC and I&C personnel in the diagnosis and repair.

(1) The fix could be to replace the I/P with the one from the alternate train.

F. At approximately 0325 (0155)

1. Operators have completed isolating "A" S/G.
2. Gained manual control of Auxiliary Feed Flow
3. Additional actions taken in the last ten minutes:
a. One Main Condensate Pump (MCP) and both Heater Drain Pumps are stopped as they are no longer needed.
b. Part length control rods are inserted.
c. "B" MSIV bypass valve is opened to enable air ejector operation and recovery of vacuum.

RP1287-0044A-TP12 7

1 PAI.EX 88 Narrative Summary O


4. Shortly after the "A" S/G was isolated, the faulty "A" S/G safety valve fails full open as indicated by:
a. Increased noise from the steam release
b. Rapidly accelerating drops in "A" S/G pressure and level
c. This results in the operators closing the "B" MSIV bypass valve to try and reduce / limit the PCS cooldova rate.

0340 (0210)

A. "A" S/G has blown itself dry /espty.

1. It is expected the operators will start dropping PCS pressure to stay within the cooldown curve limits and limit / reduce the effects of possible PTS (pressurized thermal shock) and minimize the D/P across the S/G tubes.
2. As pressure drops, they should stop two primary coolant pumps per E0P ,

6.0. Suspect they will stop "A" and "D" PCPs as pressurizer spray flow '

1 is provided by the "B" and "C" pumps. ,

B. Operators should realize they have injected enough boron into the PCS and t request confirmation samples from chemistry. Results will be unavailable for 20 minutes.

0345-0410 (0215-0240)

A. A 260 spa tube rupture occurs in the "A" S/G resulting almost immediately in:
1. An "A" sain steam line radiation monitor HIGH alara energizing
a. The quick dramatic response is due to the fact that unknown to the

] operators when the plant tripped something broke loose in the

reactor vessel and has been banging around causing major fuel )

7 damage.

(1) It is not felt necessary to define exactly what happened to

! cause fuel damage, as in real life you would have to respond i i to your indications and figure what caused it later if you  ;

. ever could.  ;

l 5 (2) It was felt this approach would enable us to meet the objective of causing a release high enough to warrant ,

I consideration of evacuation of Allegan County.

J b. Gaseous waste monitor and Plant Area Radiation Monitors also alarm.

j RP1287-0044A-TP12 8

. . . - - .- - -- -- -.- . ~ - - . - - , . . - -

l 1

l l PALEX 38- -l

. Narrative Suenary 1 l c. A safety injection actuation signal from pressuriser low pressure  !

is generated. 'l I  !

(1) All available/ operable safeguards equipment actuates.  ;

} i i

[ (2) The P-678 LPSI pump fails to start. )

L B. Expected Actions: l i f i 1. Believe operators will easily conclude the tube rupture has occurred j j and that a release is in progress. j s

i 2. With these additional problems, operators should enter EOP 9.0, i i "Functional Recovery Procedure." '

l i a. SS should identify "In Use Success Paths" and have EOP 9.0 Safety l Status Function Checks (SSFCs) carried out every 15 minutes.  ;

i i b. Upon complation of first set of SSFCs, he should identify any l l jeopardized success paths. j

c. Direct actions should be taken as stated in E0P 9.0 for those areas  !

identified as jeopardized, starting with the most critical.

l l (1) They will have turned off the remaining two PCPs when SIA5 {

occurred and stop the remaining main condensate pump. (The

SIS isolated its cooling water source.)  !

j l i (2) They will want to further drop PCS pressure to approximately i j 2000 psia to reduce the leak rate from the PCS into the "A"  !

4 S/G. Subsequent to this, they will also want to continue  :

a cooldown so they will again open the "B" MSIV bypass valve to l i reestablish vacuum. Block and reset SIS as allowed by E0P 9.0 l i to regain the main condensate pump cooling and restart "B" and

! "C" PCPs to regain pressuriser spray enabling better control l of PCS depressurization. Then they will attempt to open  :

CV-0511 turbine bypass valve to the condenser to control '

i cooldown. It will not open. (This has not been uncommon in l the past and will require no further explanation.) It will I l

provide another operator distraction by forcing them to use

! the atmospheric dump valves on the "B" S/G to continue I cooldown. Again TSC, MSC personnel can be exercised in l

, attempting to diagnose the problem. i

. l

d. SS and/or TSC Operations groups will be concerned that both LPSI '

) pumps are OOS.

i (1) SS should dispatch A0 to investigate failure of P-673 to start l

2 when SIS actuated.

(2) TSC may dispatch electrician and/or mechanic to assist A0 in diagnosing P-673 failure.

x l RP1237-0044A-TP12 9 1

. .- . - - _ , . -= -. .. . -

p PALEX 88 Narrative Summary  ;

(3) Investigation will reveal pump has seized and will require considerable time to repair. i (4) Expect TSC will direct that a priority be placed on regaining  !

P 67A so that it will be available for further TSC/MSC  !

exercising, j j

0410-0630 (0240-0500) i l

i f j A. Events and Actions

1. "B" S/G main steam line radiation monitor alert alarm energizes. l



a. SS requests "B" S/G activity sample. i 7 6 j 2. Operators following actions of E0P 9.0 for Sections HR-3 and CI-2 j I


a. Isolate letdown.  ;

i l

3. A Containment Isolation Signal (CIS) is received. i
a. Operators verify containment isolation.  !

! b. Operators open PCP controlled bleedoff relief valve to limit l j pressure increase.

! 4. Approximately 0440 (0310) operators establish about a 75'F/ hour  !

! cooldown rate and continue depressurization.


5. Operators stop P-7A and P-52C, as they are not needed, at around 0455 (0325).
6. At approximately 0550 (0420) operators recover E-bus and turn off l cooling tower pumps. j l 7. Approximately 0608 (0438) operators arm the Low Temperature Over-i pressure Protection Circuitry (LTOP) and start all four "B" containment j cooling fans, and open the No 1 containment cooler accident valve, j Operators also isolate the Safety Injection Tanks (SITS).

1 0630-0755 (0500-0625)


A. Approximately 0633 (0503)

1. Mechanics complete repairs to P-67A LPSI pump; operators complete
successful test run of P-67A.


) 2. Per SOP-1 operators rack out the P-66B NPSI pump and P-55C charging

pump breakers.

B. Approximately 0639 (0509) - Operators secure last running charging pump and go on HPSI pump for pressure control.

! RP1287-0044A-TP12 10 i

v 3

PALEX 88 Narrative Summary O C. Approximately 0750 (0620)

1. Operators enable both channels of LTOP.
2. PCS temperature is at 300'T by Core Exit Thermocouples (CETs).
3. Suspect SS will obtain permission to forgo equalizing boron between PCS and shutdown cooling and warsup of the S/D cooling systen so as not to put high activity coolant in the Safety Injection Refueling Water Tank (SIRWI) which is vented to atmosphere.
4. Operators establish shutdown cooling operation.

D. 0755 (0625) - PCS has been cooled and depressurized to where the release has become negligible.

1. Operators secure steasing and feeding the "B" S/G.
2. Management will now enter the recovery mode.

0955 (0825)

Exercise ends. Recovery adequately demonstrated.


RP1287-0044A-TP12 11 J

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I RP1287-0044B-TP12

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 01:00 Message No: 1 Scenario Time -00:30 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Operators Simulated Plant Conditions: See Initial Conditions and Data Sheets.

Message: Announce following over the plant's Public Address System when directed by the controller: "Attention all personnel. The annual emergency O exercise will commence shortly. All announcements related to the exercise will be preceded by and followed by the statement, 'This is a drill.' Only drill participants are required to respond to the drill announcements."

For Controller Use Only Controller Notes:

1. Discuss conduct and objectives of the drill with the players.
2. Act as off-going SS and give turnover to players.
3. Answer questions as appropriate.
4. Ensure players have all normally accessible procedures and reference materials available.
5. Operators should familiarize themselves with the simulated conditions as indicated by the information and data provided.

Action Expected:

O RP1287-0044B-TP12

PALEIil Date 17 February 1988 Messagei1 flee 11111 Scenario flee ditll V SW Critical Bdr Press A H B H psig SWPasps P7AQA P 1B h P 7C ith CCWPumps P 52A QA P 52B QA P-520 Eth FPC Pumps P51AQAP51BQH Fire Pumps P !A ad P !B QH P 41 Q11 ContainsentCoolerRecirefans VIAQ1 V2A Qa V3AQA V4 A QA VlBQA Y2BQA V3BQA V4BQa Cal CCWCoolerOutletfesp A DF B HF ContainmentSprayPusps P 54A ad P-549 ad P 54C QH HPSIPtsps P ilk QH P ifa QH LPSIPusps P51AQR P61BQH SafetyInjectionSuctionSupply frainA frainB CV 3057 (SIRW) h u CV 3029 (Scap) Ci nts CV 3031 ($1RW) hu CV 3030 (Scep) Chiti Cd1 CYCS Letdown Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp 111 T Flow H gpa LetdownLinefesp 111 F Line fesp ill F Letdownflov 11 gps Pumps P 55A QA P 55BQH P 550 au VolumeControlfant fesp B F Pressure 11 psi Level 11i PCP Control Bleedoff Pressure il psig ShutdownCoolingSystes SDCSfresPCs(R) 111f SDCStoPCS(R) il T p Quenchfank fesp111F Pressure i psig Level H %

PristryCoolantSystes PressuriserPressere(R) 1111 psia PCSfate(R) Loop 1(1R0111)litli Loop 2(fR0121)111J PressuriserLevel(R) LRC0101A ili LRC0101B Hl PsrRtrAsps LCC 15 lil LCC16 1H PORV Ply 10428 Chitj PRV 1043B Cints BlockValve N0V 1041A ChA11 NOV 1043A Cints PCPs P50AQA P50BQ1 P500QA P50DDa ReactorPowerLevel NI 01 I d R .1 11 02 1,001 1 11 03 1,10l+1 Il 04 b l uil 11 05 H 11 06 11 11-01 H Il 08 11 II 0! 11 11 10 11 Ca1 APISysten ATWPasp PlAQR PilQH P8C0Q1 ATVPaspAsps PiliPlC1 asps ATW Ptsp P 8B Steas Pressure { plig ATV Disch Press P in i P 8B i F lO i psig SecondarySystes NSIVBypass X0V 0501 Chili X0V 0510 Chili NSIV's CV 0501 kn CV 0510 hta NPPSnctionPressure 111psig XTPDischargePressure A111 B 111 psi j RolstireSeperatorOrainfankLevel Ri CondensorRotvellLevel ili lhiinEg, AtsosphericOcepValves Chiti CondensorVaenis Heater Drain Pup Status P10AQ1P10BQA GlandSealCondensorVactus 11inRg. ,

CondensatePtapStates P2A QAP2B Qa j


(Desandtog+ Constant, Rod,orFlut/ Teep)

GrossXV lifd let MW lild Core Exit thersoccuple fesperature ((L1 F Control Rod Position GPl 1 H GP2 111 GP) In GP4 1H GP5(P) lh GPI(A)lli GP1(B)lu Stock Rods Dan 1


PAlt1il Date 17 February 1988 Messagei1 fine 11L11 Scena.o flee d1Lll




'O TilLevel Ri f939 Level RI Condensate Storage Tank L vel T 2 11 % l InstrumentAirPressere 111psig i ContaineentBolldingPressure d psig Dose fesperature 111F Husidity li 1 l S/GACospartment fesperature ill? Ucaldity 1 M i ,

S/GBCompartment fesperature 1H P Husidity 1 M i '

SIRWfankLevel it i WRContainmentPressure(R) H psia ContainmentStepLeal 1i ContainmentWaterLevel(R) {i i SIfankLevel(9 A11 B11 C11 011 S1fankPresete(psig) A111 B H[ C111 C Hi Panel I 13 l SIAS Alars h Containment High Pressere Alars M Containment High Radiation Alara D Cll ConcentratedBoricAcidfankLevels f53111i f53B111i ReactorfesselDP 1M1psid FORYDischargefesperature lilF PsrSafetyValveOlschargefesp(F) RV1939 111 RV1040111 RV1041((1 PCFCurrent(Asps) P 50A Rt P 508 Hi P 500 Rt P 50D Hi PCSFlov 11i LoopThot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loopfcold(F) Loop 1 illd Loop 2 illd g fcold Widr. range Loop 1 M 1 Loop 2 ill Subcooling fesp ild F Press Q1 psi PCSPressure(R) WR lifL IR (H psia Stean Generator A Steas Generator B Level (WR) HI (IR) [LJ l 181 R I (IR) ild i Press ((1 psia H1 psia Flow Steam id PPH Feed i l PPH Steas il PPB Feed id PPB Iote Steas and feed Flow I1000000 Cdl AFWFlowtoAS/G Fros P lAIB 1 from P 40 t gpa AFWFlowtoBS/G Fros P lALB i Free P 8C 1 gpa CondensorVaccia(R) lid PCPSealLeakoffFlow P50Aidt P 50B Idi F 500 M 1 P500id!

Edi OleselGeneratorFrequency 11iMi 12 (Mi 1 0 BCS Voltage lill Asps 3R l D BUS Voltage lill Asps Hi C 11 lack c 111 ,

1 ContainmentAreaMonitors(R/Br) All ll65 2,50! 1 R11 1806 2.00!-1 l RIA 1102 3,00f l R11 1808 3,001-1 1 ElihRangeContainmentMonitors(R/Br) RIA 2321 1,00!+0 RIA 2322 l dq u i CoAtainmentHydrogenConcentration(1) Al140lR AI.2(OIL p Main Steas Line Gassa RIA 2324 3,00!+1 (cts) 325 M i u l cpe RIA 2326 1,50!+1 111 1323 M il!1 RIA 2322eps 2,001 1 er/hr Q StackNotitors RIA2 2-l

PALEX 88 Initial Conditions O

v A. The plant is at full power at the end of core life.

B. The following equipment is in a degraded condition:

1. Auxiliary Feedwater Pump P-8C is out of service (00S):
a. It was declared "Inoperable" at 1300 yesterday when it was "Red Tagged" for replacement of one of its journal bearings. (Last time the pump ran the bearing was overheating and very noisy.)
b. Currently, the old bearing has been removed and the new one is scheduled to be installed on "B" shift, but has not been retrieved from stock yet. Further, the shaft was scored end needs machining before the bearing can be mounted.
c. Estimate eight hours for reassembly once the new bearing has been procured and the shaft is machined.
2. Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump P-67A is 00S:
a. It was declared "Inoperable" at 0830 yesterday when upon completion of monthly Technical Specification Surveillance Test HO-23, pump vibration was found to be in the "required action range."

O- b. An alignment check revealed the need to shim the pump. Hence, it was "Red Tagged," uncoupled, and shinuned by 1600 yesterday.

c. Last shift ("C" shift) rechecked the alignment and found it better but still not what they would like it to be. It was decided there was still time to uncouple it and add the necessary piece of shim stock, recouple and test it before the LCO expires,
d. Currently, it is again uncoupled. "A" shift maintenance is to add the necessary shim and recouple it; then Operations is to retest it.
e. Estimate 2.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> for maintenance to complete their work once they start.
3. Failed Fuel Monitor RE-0202 is 00S:
a. RE-0202 was declared inoperable and removed from service on 27 January 1988 when it failed a calibration check by I&C.
b. I&C has been unable to repair it and it is not known when it will be available again.

C. The following alarm conditions exist: NONE O

V RP1287-0044B-TP12 1

PALEX 88 Initial Conditions O D. The meteorological conditions are as follows.


1. ' It is clear and cold with light winds. The roads are clear though there are several inches of old snow covering the countryside. l Forecast calls for continued clear and cold with.little change during the day. The MET tower indicates the following at ( meters):


a. Wind speed:
b. Wind' direction:
c. Stability:
d. Ambient temperature: +21*F E. Primary and secondary chemistry are stable at the following conditions:
1. Primary system chemistry
a. pH: 6.8
b. Doron: 97 ppm
c. Dissolved 02: <.02 ppm
d. H2: 23.7 cc/kg
e. Total beta gamma activity: 1.58 microcuries/mL
f. Iodine dose equivalent: 2.5 E-2 micoeuries/mL
g. Total PCS 3as activity: 4.22 microcuries/mL
2. Secondary system chemistry
a. Primary to secondary leak rate: .002 gpm
b. Cff gas Xc 133: 2.95 E-6 microcuries/mL
c. Condenser air inleakage: 6.5 cfm
d. A and B S/G gross gamma activity: '5.6 E-6 microcuries/mL G. Primary Coolant System Leak Rate as of 0700 yesterday:
1. Identified: 0.1136 gpm
2. Unidentified: 0.05 gpm
3. Total: 0.1636 gpm l

l RP1287-0044B-TP12 2

O LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION MESSAGE: 1 TIME: 01:00 T = -00:30 -SCENARIO: PALEX 88 Initiated Finished by Applicable COMPONENT DATE TIME DATE TIME TECH SPEC COMMENTS P-8C (Aux Feed Pump) 2/16/88 1300 2/19/88 1300 3.5.2.a 72-Hour LCO (TS)

P-67A (LPSI Pump) 2/16/88 0830 2/17/88 0830 3.3.2.b 24-Hour LCO (TS)

RE-0202 (Failed 1/27/88 1941 Table 4.2.1 Daily Samples Fuel Monitor) Required O

l O

RP1287-0044B-TP12 3

. _ . . . _ _ - _ _ _ - _ , ~ . _ . _ . . . __ ____ .__ _ _ . _ _ _ . . . - _ _ _ __, __ ,. - _ _ .

PALEX 88 SHIFT SUPERVISOR Proc No 4.01 Shift Turnover Checklist Attachment 3 Revision 4 O,, Page 1 of 2 For Drill Only Date Feb 16, 1988 Tuesday Jl4IJ 1.


Review the following prior to change of shifts:

A- B C

a. SS Log, Daily Order Book and SE Shift T/0 Checklist' 4 J V
b. Equipment and LCO Status Boards J -4 4
c. Switching, Tagging in Progress J J J Donel Donel
d. Testing / Evolutions in Progress l4l4lJl Complete - Dasatisfactory
e. Degraded Equipment l4lJlJl P-86: Bad Jcurnal Bearing P-67A: Alignment Bad RE-0202: Failed Cal Check
f. Miscellaneous Turnover Items l 4 l 4 l J-l PLS Leak Rate Done at 0700, 2/17 "C" Shift - CRDM Leak Rate and Spray Hdr Pressure Check Donel "A" Shift 2/17 Test Done P-910 Vacuum Pump PALEX 88 For Drill Only RP1287-0044B-TP12 4 l

PALEX 88 SHIFT SUPERVISOR Proc No 4.01 Shift Turnover Checklist Attachment 3 Revision 4 Page 2 of 2 For Drill Only Date Feb 16, 1988 Tuesday

2. Complete the following during the shift:
a. Inspect control consoles, a. J J J
b. Review alarm status (panels / data logger), b. J 4 4
c. Daily / weekly tech spec surveillance signed c. J J J
d. Review completed WR/WO for testing or review requirements. d. J J J
e. Review operation weekly schedule. e. J J J
f. Review switching, tagging and maintenance planned f. 4 J J
g. Shift briefing g. J J J
h. Review shift complement for following shift. h. J 4 4
1. Check plant areas for safety hazards or deficiencies. i. J J J
j. Key signout sheet verified J. J 4 4
k. Log sheets signed k. J J J INITIALS NOTE: Use reverse side for additional information as needed. l l l l

1 l

l O

PALEX 88 For Drill Only l

RP1287-0044B-TP12 5 '

PALEX 88 SHIFT SUPERVISOR Proc No 4.01 Shift Turnover Checklist Attachment 3 Revision 4 Page 1 of 2-For Drill Only Date Feb 17, 1988 Wednesday Jl4lJ

1. Review the following prior to change of shifts:


a. SS Log, Daily Order Book and SE Shift T/0 Checklist
b. Equipment and LCO Status Paards
c. Switching, Tagging in Prsgress
d. Testing / Evolutions in Progr.ess l l l l
e. Degraded Equipment

[O. l l l l

f. Miscellaneous Turnover Items l l l l O '

PALEX 68 For Drill only l RP1287-0044B-TP12 6 l

PALEX 88 SHIFT SUPERVISOR Proc No 4.01 Shift Turnover Checklist Attachment 3 Revision 4 tN Page 2 of 2 t

For Drill Only Date Feb 17, 1988 Wednesday

2. Complete the following during the shift:
a. Inspect control consoles. a.
b. Review alarm status (panels / data logger). b.
c. Daily / weekly tech spec surveillance signed c.
d. Review completed WR/WO for testing or review requirements. d.
e. Review operation weekly schedule, e.
f. Review switching, tagging and maintenance planned f.
g. Shift briefing g.
h. Review shift complement fo-e following shift. h.
i. Check plant areas for safety hazards or deficiencies. i.
j. Key signout sheet verified J. ,
k. Log sheets signed k.

INITIALS NOTE: Use reverse side for additional information as needed. l l l l

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O PALEX 88 For Drill Only RP1287-0044B-TP12 7



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Scenario No: PALEX-88 Tine 01:30 Message No: 2 Scenario Time 00:00 0


Simulated Plant Conditions:

Message: You have received alarms in CAS and SAS on the Bay Roof Door.


For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: Security Controller delivers this message.

Players are to perform all notifications. Provide phone

, numbers for agencies to be simulated.

1 Action Expected: CAS should dispatch Security Guard Player to investigate the alarm.

SAS notifies CAS and performs all required notifications.


1 l

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 01:35 l Message No: 3 Scenario Time 00:05 l

l PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Responding officer upon arrival at Bay Roof Door.  !

l 1

Simulated Plant Conditions:

i l

l 1

Message: You have been disarmed and taken hostage. Do not use your radio.

O l l

I l

For Controller Use Only j Controller Notes: Take hostage to the A0 Pit on the turbine deck. Instruct any Aos present to vacate the premiser.

Action Erpected: See Narrative.

Time: 0130-0255 (0000-0125)

Sections: C and D RP1287-0044B-TP12

(D V

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 01:40-02:15 Message No: 4, Scenario Time 00:10-00:45 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Shift Supervisor (telephonic notification)

Simulated Plant Conditions:

Message: Hostage taker informs SS of his intentions. See Controller Notes below.

() For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: ES phone number is 0225.

Provide the following information to Control Room telephon-itally as deemed t.ppropriate: (You may. call intermittently.)

Precede end conclude all conversations with "This is a d


Initial call:

Name: John Jones

  • Security officer taken hostage. He has officer's weapon and is in A0 pit.

Demand - No one to enter the turbine floor or someone may get shot.

  • Knows he is going to be fired because of problems with his boss. During the night, got into personnel office, saw file and knows what is going on.
  • Does not know what he wants yet, but leave him alone.

Subsequent calls:

Wants a million dollars

  • Plane waiting at airport

+ Wants it within one hour or will kill hostage and wreck O the turbine Action Expected: SS will declare "Alert" based on "adversaries commandeering a nonvital area."


Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 02:15-03:10 Message No: 4f Scenario Time 00:45-01:40 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Negotiator / Kidnapper (controllers only)

Simulated Plant Conditions:

Message: Work through dialogue provided until a "settlement" is reached.

For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: See negotiations outline below and discuss. -Negotiator will provide results to appropriate players. Precede and conclude all conservations with "This is a drill."

a Discuss situation with SS and Security Shift Leader.

  • Discuss demands with hostage taker.
  • "Negotiate."

- Time frame for money and plane

- Family coming to site

- Review of job status

- Release hostage.

- Food, drink Provide f eedback toss.

Action Expected: Information flow will be established from negotiator to players.



b Time 01:55 '

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Message No: 4X, Scenario Time 00:25 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Shift Supervisor Simulated Plant Conditions: l Message: Initiate activation of TSC and OSC.

For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: If activation is being discussed, this message may be ,

delayed. The TSC must be activated during the security sequence to test security integration into the plant emergency organization. l s

I 1

1 4

RP1287-0044B-TP12 >

. . _ - ~ , _ . - _ _ __ _ . . _ _ _ , _ . . , _ . . ._ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _.____i

4 Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:02 Message No: 5, Scenario Time 01:32 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Operator Players i

r i

Simulated Plant Conditions: See alarm sheet.

i l

i Message: All of your turbine generator control and governor valves are shut.

l t

a i For Controller Use Ocly i

Controller Notes:

i M

Action Expected: 1. Player C0s start carrying out actions of E0P 1.0 and inform SS/SE of trip and turbine valve situation.'

2. SS orders E0P 1.0 be carried out.
3. May page or call for A0s to look for EH leaks.

1 RP1287-0044B-TP12 i

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:02 Message No: 5 Scenario Time 01:32 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT ,

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE ALARM SHEET Alarm Annunc Panel Number Alarm Window Description i K-09 72 Reactor Trip K-06 Rack-B 4 High-Pressure Pressurizer Channel Trip K-06 Rack-B 8 High-Pressure Pressurizer Channel Pre-Trip K-07 53 Pressurizer Pressure Off Normal Hi-Lo i K-07 54 Pressurizer Pressure Off Normal Hi-Lo K-01 1 Turbine Trip K-01 13 EH System Low - Low Level Trip K-01 14 EH Fluid High - Low Level Trip 1

l r

l I

1 l O


RP1287-00448-TP12 ,




Message for: Shift Supervisor Simulated Plant Conditions: t i

Message: Hey, there's E H fluid spraying out of some tubing going to No 4 governor valvet i

I For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: A0 controller gives message to A0 player to read .o player SS. '

1 l

l Action Expected: 1. Player C0s start cartyias out actions of E0P 1.0 and inform SS/SE of trip and turbine valve situation.

2. SS orders EOP 1.0 be :arried out.
3. May page or call for A0s to look for EH leaks.

4 d


. RP1287-0044B-TP12 I

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:04

  • Message No: 6, Scenario Time 01:34 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT r

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.

I s

Message: Use these data sheets for verifying actions of E0P 1.0.


] For Controller Use Only 1

i Controller Notes: Provide clean copy of EOP 1.0 to players for them to fill out.

I Action Expected: Verify E0P 1.0 actions.




FALIIil Date 17 February 1998 Ressageii fine thil Scenario flee thil r~g ,

O O SVFisps F 7A h F-78 h F 7C hh SVCriticalBirPress A H B H psig CCWinsps F 521 h F 52B h F 52C B u FFCFisps F 51A h F 51B QH FireFisps F !A Q H F !B Q H F-(1 Q H ContainsentCoolerReciteFans VIAQ1 V2A h V3A h VIA h V1B h V2B h V3B h V4B h C:11 CCW Cooler Outle: feip A HT B HT Containsent Spray & ps F 54A QH F 5(B M F 5(C QH RFS!Fisps F tiA QH F ilB QH LFS!Fisps F-67AQH F lil QH Safetyinjection$setionSipply trainA frainB CV 3057 ($1RW) h n CV 392) ($sep) W ni CV 3031 (Sill) hu CV 3030 (Step) W111 Cdl CYCS Letdova Charging intersediate fress Letdas "sp 24 F Flow lH gps


, 2H r Line fesp 11 F LetdownFlov igps Ptsps F 55A h F-55821 P 550 h YoliseControltank fesp H F Fresserelipsi Level H l FCF Control Bleedoff Pressere il psig Shitdown Cooling $ptes SDCSfresFCS(R) 111 F SDCStoFCS(R) 11 F Quenchfant v fesp111F Fressure hit psig Level H I PristryCooltatlystes PresserlierPressure(t) lHipsia  :

FCSfare(1) Loop 1(ft0111)111dl Loop 2 jft 0121) 11LJ '

PresseriterLeve!(1) LIC0101A 11 t LIC01018 11 l F r str Asps LCC15 i LCC li i ,

FORY PRY 19428 Wul FIV 19438 Wni BlockValve 10V1042A(hniKOV19431(hlij FCis F 50A h F 508 h F500QA F500Q1 i Reacter Nr Level 51011.dlui 11021,50140 11031,0lf 1 3104 Liihl  :

l 1105i Al06i 11011 11061 110!1Il101 Cd1 AFISystes

ATVinst F lA h F il QH F lC Qu ATVFispAsps Fla11P10[esps  ;

AFs Fisp F la Steas Pressere i psig ATV Disch Press F IA B F ll 1H i F 10 1 plig i 16condarylystes I 1317 Bypass IOV 0501 W ild 107 0510 W a i R$1V's CV 0501 h:1 CV 0510 hu l RTPStetionPressire 111psig AFPDischargePressure Aill 3111 psi RolltureSeperatorDrainfanklevel lil CondessorBotvellLevel li1 AtmospherieDispValves hu CondensorViciis H in Ig.

BeaterDrainFispStatus F104Q17108Q1 GlandSealCoadessorYactis 11inIg.

CondensateinspStats: F 2A h F 28' h FIF (Cesend Gross IV Log d + Constant,Ict tod, NW or Flillfesp) d Core !xit thersoccuple fesperature illd F Control lod Position GF1 i GP2i GP3i GF4i GF5(F) 1H GFi(A) i GFi(B)i

! tick Rws un 1

PAlli ll Cate 17 february ltll Messageii flu illi[ Scenarioflee11111 O =

fllLevel 11 i f139 Level Hl Condensate Storage tank level T 2 U l lastrumentAirPressere 111psig ContainmentBalldingPressere dpsig Dosefesperature 111F Busidity li i S/GACospartment fesperature illF Rimidity U d i SIGBCospartment fesperature lit T Xtsidity lid 1 ,

SlivfankLevel 11 1 11ContainmentPressere(t) 11 psia ContainmentSuspLevel it coat, wat Watet beel (1) {i SifankLevel(t) A1[ B11 Ca D11

$1fankPressere(psig) A111 B111 C111 0 H1 Panal I 11

$1ASAltra R ContainsentHighPressereAlars k Containment Ilgh hadiation Alars D C'U l ConcentratedBoricAcidtankLevels f53A11i f5341114 ReactorfesselCP lidipsid FORYDischargefesperatste 111F t 17 1939 111 RY1040111 RY10(1111  :

ParSafetyValveOlschargefesp(F)50Aill PCPCarrent(Asps) P- P 508 Hi F500ill P500ill PCSPlow 11i LoopThot (F) Loop 1 111dl Loop 2 illd Loop feald (f) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 111 fg feeld vide range Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Q Subcooling PCSPressure(R) fesp VI 11d T lill Press 111pel It ill psia SteasGeneratorA Steas Generator B Level (WR) 111 (IR) lii IB i 11 l (IR) li i Press 111 psia 111 psia Flow Steas J PPH feed i PPI Steas J PPI feed [PPI Iote: Steasandfeedflow I1000000 C:ll ATVFlovtoA$/G Fros F lAll lil Fras P lC 1 gps ATVflevtoBS/G fres F lAll 111 from P lC 1 gpa CondensorVaenis(R) lid PCPSealLeakofIflow P50Aidt F 50B Idt P 500 ldt F 500 Lil Cdl Diesel Generator fregtency 11 it 1 2 il 1 C BUS Voltage hil Asps Hi 1 D BUS Yoltage lill Asps 111 C 11 lael C 111 ContainmentAreanonitors(t/Br)  !!A ll05 2,501 1 RIA llli Lill1 11A1101 Idlhl RIA 1101 Idthl Eloh Range Cuttinsent Noahors (R/It) RIA 2321 i,00!+0 111 2322 1d1111 ContainmentHydrogenContentration(t) Al 240lt i Al *40lL i sainSteasLineGassa (eps) RIA 2324 3,00t+1 11A 2323 1d1111 Stack Monitors 1112325 Lilliley !!A 2326 1 dti!1 eps RIA 2321 Idil d ar/hr 2



1 1

j Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:05 Message No: 7 Scenario Time 01:35 I




4 i

i Simulated Plant Conditions: ,

A 1

J Message: Your atmospheric unloaders are closed and you continue to hear the .

sound of a steam release but it is not as loud as immediately t i following the trip.

4 4 ,

, Fcr Controller Use Only  ;

j Controller Notes:

i l

l j i  :

i Action Expect.ed: SS directs A0s to try and carefully locate the source of the steam release.

1 i

d RP1287-0044B-TP12 l


i l

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:07 Message No: 7A Scenario Time 01:37 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPA!1EDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Shif t Supervisor Simulated Plant Conditions:

, Message: It appears that one of the reliefs on "A" S/G is stuck open, but I can't get close enough to tell which one, i ,

r 1

-l For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: A0 controller has A0 player phone in message.

1 I

Action Expected: See Narrative.

] Time: 0300-0330 i

Page: 5 Section: D i


.I RP1287-0044B-TP12 3

~r- - , - - , . , , e- - , - - , - - , - .,,,,--,-n. -

-,--.v,,-- -,a--w w- -ve,e-- r,- - - - e,,e -,+-~~ee'

l Scenario Nc- PALEX-88 Time 03:10 j Message No: 8 Sceaario Time 01:40 l l


EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets and alarm sheets.

A Message:

For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: When operators try to increase AFW flow, CV-0727 will not respond. (See Narrative.)

Time: 0300-0330 Pages: 5 and 6 Section: E Action Expected: 1. Another "ALERT" should be classified shortly with announcement made, alarm sounded and notifications

, made.

2. Staff augmentation may start if not initiated previously.
3. Perform SSFCs and actions of E0P 6.0.
4. See Narrative.

Time: 0300-0330 Pages: 5 and 6 Section: E l l

Additionally: 1. Turn off 1 MCP and both heater drain l pumps.

2. Insert part length rods.

] 3. Open "B" MSIV bypass valve to regain AE operation.

.RP1287-0044B-TP12 l


1 l

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:10  ;

i Message No: 8_ Scenario Time 01:40 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT ]

l EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE ALARM SHEET Alarm Annunc Panel Number Alarm Window Description K-09 62 Steam Generator E-50A Lo Level K-09 64 Steam Generator E-50B Lo Level l 4

e i

l i

l 6 l

i l

4 i

RP1287-0044B-TP12 4

- - , - - , . . , , , .-m, . - . - . , ,. - - - - - - - , , , ~ , . , - . , _ _ . . , ..,,.n e--- ,-- - - - - --n-,=~-y.

PALIIil Cate17Februarylill Messageii flee lhli Scenario flee iMi SW Pasps P 7A h P78Q1 P 70 hh SWCriticalBdrPress A H B H psig CCWPieps P 52A h P 52B h P 52C R h FPCPsps P 51A h P 518 M FirePieps P !A QH P lB Q11 P 41 M Containment Cooler Recite Fans VIA h V2AQa V3A h VIA h Vil b V2BQ1 V3B h V4B h W

CCWCoolerOutletfesp A HF B Hi ContainmentSprayPasps P 54A QH P 548 QH P 540 QH HPSIPasps P lia QH P 6(B QH LPSIPasps P 47A Q11 P118QH 3afetyinjection$tetionlipply trainA frainI CV 3051 (!!RV) hu CV 3029 (Scop) Guti CV 3031 ($1RW) hu CV 3030 (5 sp) Chui Cdl CVCS Letdeva Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp 111 F flev IM gps LetdovaLinefesp 111F Line fesp 11 F LetdownFlev igps Pieps P 551 QA P 55BQ1 P-550 QA VoltH Control fank fesp H F Pressure 11pel Level H % PCP Control Bleedoff Pressure (( psig ShitdownCoolingsystu SDCSfresPCS(R) 111 F SDCStoPCS(R) 11 F Quenchfank fespillF Pressure l dt psig Level H 1 PristryCoolantSystes PressuriserPressure(R) 1H1 psia PCSfate(R) Loop 1 ITR Olll) Hidi Loop 2 (fR il21) ind PressariterLevel(R) LRC 010 1 Ht LRC01018 Ht Ptr str Asps LCC15 [ LCCli i PORY PRV 1942B Chiti PRV 1043B Ch111 BlockValve H0V lit!A Chad 50V 1843A Chud PCP: P 50A QA P508Q2 P500QA P50DCa ReactorPowerLevel 11 01 1,00!+0 51 02 idilli 5103 idild 1104 9.001-(

s!051 11661 II611 n!01i st65is!le[

tdl IFISystes ATVPasp P lA Q1 P il CH P lC QQ1 AFVPispAsps FlailF10iasps AFV Pcep P il Steas Pressire i psig AFW Disch Press F la i P lB 1111 P lC 1 psig lecendarylysten NSl? Bypass ROV 0501 Chiti NOV 0510 Chiti ISIV's CV 0501 Chad CV 0510 Chiti NFPSectionPressure litpsig XFPDischargePressere Aill Iillpsi HolstereSeperatorCrainfantLevel il1 CondensorRotvellLevel HI AtmosphericDispValves Guti CondensorVatics 11inEg.

EtaterCrainPiepStati P lla h P 10B RA Gland Seal Conhnsor factis 11inIg.

CondensatePumpStates P 2A Q1 P 2B QA Pl!

{tenandLog+ Constant, Rod,orFlatlfesp)

Gross RW d let IV d Core Isit Thersocciple fesperature 1H d F Control Rod Positten GPl i GP2[ GP3[ GP4i GP5(P) 1H Gli[A)i GF1(B)1 Stack Rods gut 1-

FAlf!il Date 11 Febrcarv 1991 Message 1[ fleellL11 Scenarlo flee thit

,O C:ll TilLevel Hl f139 Level (( t Condensate Storage fank Level f 2 111 InstresentAirPressere 111 psig Contalnunt Building Pressure d psig Dose fesperature 111F Hasidity li i SIG A Cespartment fesperature 111F Italdity U d i SlGBCespartment fesperature illF Insidity U d n

$1RWfankLtrel 11 %

WRContainmentPressure(R) 11psla ContainmentSuspLevel  !! ContainmentVaterLevel(R) {l

$1fankLevel(t) Ail B11 C11 D11 SifankPressure(psig) A111 B111 C111 D111 Pasal I 11

$1ASAlars h ContainmentHighPressureAlars h Contalasent High Radiation Alars k C:11 ConcentratedBoricA:ldfankLevels f531111 1538111i ReactorVesselDF lidipsid P0liDischargefesterattre 111 F 7:rSafetyValveDlichargefesp(F) RY1039 111 IV1040111 RV-lO41111 PCPCarrent(Asps) P50Aill F508ill F50C111 P500111 PCSFlev 11 1 Loopthet (F) Loop 1 ill d t Loop 2 illd Loopfeeld(F) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 kH J feeld Wide range Loop 1 ill Loop 2 Hi O Subcooling FCSPressere(R)

Steas Generator A fesp WR tid F Hil Press 1H p:1 11 ill pela Steas Generator I Level (WR) :11 (IR) {l 1H1 1 % II) 11 Press 111 psla 111pe(la flow Steas d PPB Feed i FFB Steas 1 PFI FeediPFI lote Steas and Feed Flov 11000000 L:11 AFVFlevtoA$/G Free F 11LB 111 fros F lO 1 gps AFWFlevto8S/G Fros F lAll 111 Free F lC 1 gpa CondensorVactus(R) lid PCPSealLeakoffFlev P 51A Idi F518ldt F 50C Idi F500idt C:ll Diesel Generator Freguncy 1 1 il 1 2 it 1CIUS Yoltage lill Asps [11  ;

lDBUS Voltage lill Asps 111 E 11 nach c 11A l

Containment Area Ralters (t/It) Ill lill Idll:1 1111806 1d111

!!A ll01 ldll1 RIA llli Idtid IlghlangeContainmentKonitors(t/II) 111 2321 1,00t+0 1112322 idini containment lydrogen Concentration (1) 11 14611 1 Al 240ll Q Hala Steas Line Gassa (c p )  !!A2324 Litt+1 111 1323 Idl E l O StackNonitors IIA 2325 id!El eps !!A 2326 lllul eps RIA 2321 1 J 11:1 arlhr 2-I I


\ ,

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:10  :


< Message for: Maintenance Controller (I&C)

Simulated Plant Conditions:

, Message:

For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: See Narrative.

Time: 0300-0330 Pages: 5 and 6 Section: E f

Action Expected: 1. Ensure they follow good diagnostic procedure. i

2. Ensure they follow proper procedurer. '

a 3. Take actions and make recommendations that are i


4 4. Diagnosis and repair should take between two and tour hours (you control).

O d I RP1287-0044B-TP12

i I


i 1

. I l

Scenario No
PALEX-88 Time 03:25 4 l

Message No: 9 Scenario Time 01:55 l l


EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.


1 i

For Controller Use Only j Controller Notes:

1 Action Expected: 1. Perform E0P 6.0 15 minute SSFCs.

J 2. Continue EOP 6.0 actions.

3. A0 should have manual control of AFW flow by now.

i 4. "A" S/G should be isolated.

l i

, \

i i

a RP1287-0044B-TP12

. .. _ - . . - - . . _ . . ~ . .. . -. . . . -. . _

i l

4 I

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:25 P i

, Message No: 9 Scenario Time 01:55  !


i Alarm Annunc l Panel ~ Number Alara Window Description  !

l i X-01 11 Vacuum Low ,

K-01 63 Condensate Pump P2B Discharge Low Pressure l


! j I

t t l l

l i )

1 i


i 1

4 1

i f


l i

RP1287-0044B-TP12 i'

l l

I FAlt!Il l Cate 17 February illi Hessagefi fleelhli $cenario flee @H SWFieps F1AQ1 P 78 h F 7011h SWCrith!IdrPress A 118 Il pig CCV Fusp F 52A QA F 528 Q1 F 52C 11 h FFCFieps F511QAF51BQH FireFsps F!A QH Fll M F41 QH ContainmentCoolerRecireFans VIAQ1 V2AQ1 V3AQa V4AQ1 VIIQA V2BQA V3BQA V43QA Cdl CCWCoolerOutletfesp 1 QF 8 11F Containment Spray Fiep F 5(A QH F 548 QH F 54C QH IPSI Fesp F ill Q H F ill M LFSIFusps F 671 QH F lil QH

!afetyinjection$setionlipply trainA frain I CV 3051 (51RV) hta CV 3029 (Step) Ch111 CV 3031 ($1RW) Qgta CV 3030 (Snap) Chilj Cdl CVC8 Letdown Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp 111 F Flow H gpa LetdownLinefesp Hi F Line fesp i n ?

LetdownFlow 111 gp Psep F 55A Q1 F 5580H F 550 m VolteeControlfank fesp Q F Fressurelipsi Level [ii FCF Control lleedoff Pressere H pig

$hitdovaCoolingSystee SDCSfreeFCS(R) 1H T SDCStoFCS(t) 11 F O

v fesp 111 F Fressure ldt pig Quen:hfant FrinaryCoolantlystes Level H l PressuriterPressere(R) litipia FCSfare(R) Loop 1 (TR Olll) indi Loop 2ITR0121)illd PressuriserLevel(R) LRC0101A il i LRC010L3 01 PtrstrAsps LCC15 111 LCCli 1H FORY PRV 19423 Chlij FRV 10438 Chill Block Valve 10V 1642A Chigi 80V 10431 Chilj FCFs F50AQ1 P50BQ1 F50CQ1 P500Qa ReactorFeverLevel 11011d1111 1102 LlHil 1103 Li&1 1104 idil-1 11051 11 06 1 11 07 1 31081 1101111101 Cdl AFI$1stes AFVPtep F IA QA P il QH F lO QQ,1 IFVFcapAsps Fla11PlC1 asps AFV Fesp F ll Steae Presiste i pig AFM Disch Press F la i F 18 111[ F lO 1 pig locondarysystes NSIV Byps: 10V 1501 Chiti 10V1510Qgta RSIV's CV 0501 Chsal CV 1510 Q h iti NFFSectionFressure ill pig IFFDischargePressure A Hi 11H psi Holstere 5eprator Crain tank Level Hl CondensorBotvellLevel ili AtmosphericOtepValves QB111 Condensor Vacate iinIfl, stater Crain Fisp Status F llA QH F 103 QH GlandSealCondensorVaesse 1LinIg, CondensateFiepStates F 2A QA F 23 QU FIF (DesandLog+ Constant, Rod,orFlatlfesp)

GrossXW d let NW d Core init thersocouple fenprature 111 F Control Rod Fosition GF1 1 GF2 [ GF3i GF4i GF5(F)i GFi(A)i GF7(B)1 0 """'


PALII il Cate 17 February lill Messageii flee thH Scenario flee thH fllLevel il i f131 Level Ql Condensate Sterage Tank Level f ! 11 %

InstrcsentAirPressure ilpsig ContainmentBuildingPressere d pilg Dosefesperature 111F Besidity H l S/GACospartunt fesperature 1H F Husidity H J l S/GBCompartment fesperature lilF Essidity U d i SIRVfankLml 11i WRContainmentPressure(R) 11 psia ContainmentScapLevel 1i ContainmentWaterIm1(R) i1 51fankLetel(l) A11 B11 C11 D11

$1fankPressere(psig) A U1 B Hi C U1 D211 Pnst I 13

$1&SAlers h ContainsentHighPressureAlars R Containment High Radiation Alars b C.:ll ConcentratedBoricAeldfankLevels f53111i f 53B 111 ReactorYtiselDP lidt psid FORYDischargefesperature 111f PtrSafetyValveOlschargefesp(F) RV1939 111 RY1640111 RV1041111 PCPCurrent(Asps) P501[11 P 508 Hi F 50C Rt F 500 in PCS Flow 11i LoopThot (f) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 ill Loopfeeld(F) Loop 1 112d Loop 2 ill fceld Wide range Loop i in Loop 2 in O Subcooling PCSPressere(R)

SteasGeneratorA fesp VR ud T 1111 Press illist Il 111 psia Steas GeLerator B Level (VR) J11 (IR) {i QB 111 IR) 11 l l Press litpsia tilpsa l Flev Steas 1 PPH FeediPPB Steam t PPI Teed [ PPI l Iote: Steas and feed Flev I1000000  :

1:11 ATVFlevtoA$/G frca P lAll i Free F 10 1 gpa AfWFlevtoBS/G Fros P lAll fit free P lO [ gpa CondensorVaccia(R) d PCPSealLeakoffflev P 50A idi F 50B lJi F500idi F500idi EIl OleselGeneratorFregien:y 1 1 it 1 2 it I l C BUS Voltage lill Aaps[11 l 0 BUS Yoltage liit Aaps in C 11 le k c 111 ContainetatAreaHonitors(t/Br) RIA ll05 ldthi RIA llll 2dil1 RIAll01 3.001 1 R111808 ldthi l EighRangeContaineentMonitors(1/Rr) 111 23:1 1,00!+0 RIA 2322 idigt ContainmentHydrogenConcentration(1) A1 24011 1 A! 240lt 1 (7 Rain Steas Line Gassa (cre) 11A 1324 3,00!+1 R112323 IdlEl i V StackRonitor RIA 2325 ldild cpe RIA 2326 Idihl epe RIA2327 ldthl st/hr 2

k i

l j I i

I 1

1 l

l l

! )


. I a ,


) l l

l l

i l

i e

1 i

4 l

l 1

i I

l l

!4 4


1 f

i RP1287-0044B-TP12 i l i i i



4 i

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:30 Message No: 10 Scenario Time 02:00 t



i  :

2 Message for: Control Room Players i  !

Simulated Plant Conditions:  !

i 1 ,

4 Message: You hear that the sound of the steam release has grown louder.

t i

1 i

............................................................................. i l For Controller Use Only ,

1 .

I-Controller Notes:  :


8 i

! i i  !

i Action Expected: 1. SS may ask A0s to investigate.

2. Close "B" MSIV bypass valve to try and reduce / limit-PCS cooldown rate. j i  !

i i

t 5

r J

I 1

i RP1287-0044B-TP12 l l


' s

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:32 Message No: 10A Scenario Time 02:02 l,


.i Message for: Shif t Supervisor Simulated Plant Conditions:

l Message: It appears that the same relief valve has failed wide open.


2 For Controller Use Only l Controller Notes: A0 controller has A0 player call in message to SS.

1  !

i i 1

i Action Expected: Close MSIV bypass valve if not already done, j

i j

i i

E <

! i r

i l l

1 1 i RP1287-0044B-TP12 i

$ ---,-,-.,r

. - , - -. . _ - - . . , - ,w--w, . . - . - , - - , , - - . , . - . . . . - , , ,


l i

.l Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:35 Message No: 11 Scenario Time 02:05 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT ,


Message for
Control Room Players J Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.


i For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: They can't use CV-0511 yet because "B" MSIV bypass valve is still shut. ,

! I f

] Action Erpected: During the next 8 minutes the "A" S/G empties, j l

See Narrative.

j Time: 0340 Pages: 6 and 7 Section: A

! Additionally:

i l 1. They turn off pressurizer heaters.

2. Throttle open "B" MSIV bypass valve.


FALIIil Date 17 February lHI Ressage l H fine thH ScenariofleethH O SWPieps P 7A b P 18 h P 7C Bh SW Critical udt Fren A U B H pig CCW Ftsp P 52A h P 528 h P 52C B u FPCPseps F51AhP51BQH firePumps P 1A QH P 1B QH P 41 QH ContainmentCoolerte:Irefans vin Q3 V2AQa V3A h V4 A h Vll h Y2BQA V3B h Vil b M

CCWCoolerOstletfesp A Hf B HF ContainmentSprayPcep F 54A Q.H P 548 QH F 54C QH RPs! ring FliAQHFillQH LPSIPimps F 67A QH F ill QU 3alityinjectionluctionSipply TrainA frainB CV 3051 ($ltv) Osin CV 3029 (Simp) Qhiti CV 3031 ($ liv) Qata CV 3030 (Simp) Qhl.lj M

CVCS Letdova Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp IH r Flow lH gpa LetdownLinefesp in F Line fesp lit f letdownFlov 11 gps Pasps P 551 QA P 5580a P 550 QA VolteeControltalk fesp H F Presure11 psi level 111 FCP Control lleedo!! Fressire Q pig thttdown Cooling lysten SDCSfreePCS(1) litf SDC5toPCS(R) 11F A Quenchtank Q Temp 111F Pressire LQ pig PrisaryCoolantlystes Level H t PresseriterPressure(1) lui pia PCSfate(R) Loop 1 Lf t Olll) HLli Loop 2Ift0121)ilLi Pressiriterlevel(1) LRC010;A 11i LRC010LB 11i Far Ett Asp LCC15 lu LCCli lu 70lV PRV 1042B Chill FRV18438(hiti Block Valve MOV 10(21 (higi s0V 10(31 Qhitj PCFs F50AQ1 P 508 h P500QA F500QA ReactorPowerLevel s! 01 Lillil 1102 Lillil 1103 Lithi 1104 ldthi 11051 n!06i II01i s!01i s!01i1110i M

AFIlystes ATVPeep P lA QA F ll QH F lO QQ1 Art Fisp Asp F la H F lC i asps AfW Fusp P Il Steam fressire i pig AFW Disch Press F IA i F la H11 P 801 pig letendary lystes NSIVsyps: s0V 0501 Qhtti ROV 0510 Qhiti usiv's CV 0501 Qh iti CV 0510 Qh itj IFF$tettonPressere ilijsig ITFDischargePressure A hl I lit pil Rolstere Seprator Crain tank Level 111 CondensorsotvellLevel 111 AtsosphericCtspValves Chiti Condessor Vacus Li in ig, seatertrainPaspStatus F 10A QH F 108 QH GlandSealCondensorVacate 11inig.

CondensatePtspStatt ?2A h 7 21 QH I (tesandLog+ Constant, Rod,orflarlfesp)

CrossnW d let NV d Core 111t Thersoccuple fesperatare iltd T Control Rod Position GF1 i GP2 1 GP3 i GP4i GP5(P)i GFi(A)i GP7(B)1 Stick tods 1:11 1-i

pal!1il Date 17 February 1918. Nessagei11 flee ihli Scenariofine11Lil O

v cas Condensate storage tank Level f 2 ill TilLevel ill TillLevel ill lastrumentAirPressure di psig ContalasentBuildingPressere dpsig Dosefesperatare 111f Elsidity 11 1

$/GACospartunt fesperatore dkI Ilsidity 11d I S/GBCospartunt festeratste 31 1 Italdity IL 1 i

$11VfankLevel 11i VRContainstatPressure(R) 11psla Contalnunt$nspLevel ii Contalnutt Vater Level (R) ii

$1faniLevel(1) A11 B11 C11 D((

$1fankPressure(psig) A111 Blli CM D111 Pnal 1 13 ContainmentHighPressereAltre Containsent Ilgh Radiation Alars b i

SIASAlars h 12 1:11 ContentratedBoricAcidfankLevels f53A111 1538ill ReactorVesselDP lhitpild 70tVDischargefesperature 111F Psr Safety Valve Discharge fesp (F) RY 1039 lit IV1040 lit IV10(!111 PCPCorrent(Asps) P50Ai F 508 @ P 500 m P 500 i PCSFlow lii Loopthat (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 111 Loopfcold(f) 1,00p 1 111 Loop 2 ill N feeld Wide range Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill j Sikooling fesp ill F Press illps!

PCSPressere(1) VR lill It 111 psia

$ teas Generator A Steas Generator I Level (VI) 111 1 (II) [ l 311 11 l M pl.a IR) 11 1 Press illpsia llev Steas 1 PFI feediPPI Steas i PPE reediPPI pote:Steasandfeedflev 11000000 C:ll ATVflowtoA$!G free P lAll i fres P lt i gps ATVflevtoISIG fres F lAll ill fres F lO 1 gps Condensor Vacuts (R) 1 PCPSealLeakoffflev P lia IJi F505idi F 500 ldi F 500 idi C:11 DieselGeneratorfrequency 11il 1 2 11 l

lCIUS Voltage lill Asp [11 1DICS Voltage 1111 Aspsill c Il het c 11A j ContainmentAreaRonitors(t/Br) 111 1105 l d il d 111 1106 Lill:1 1111101 1.50! l 111 1108 IJ11:1 ,

RighlangeContainmentRonitors(1/Er) RIA 1321 1,00!+0 11A 2322 Id ilit i 11 240lt i l i ContainmentRydrogenConcentration(1) AI 24011 1 Rain $ tete Line Gassa (eps)  !!A 2324 ldilil 2111323 Idilil l 4

$tackRonitors 1112325 L11111 ers RIA 2316 Lit!!1 eps 1111321 2.1011 er/hr l

2 e

_m . _ . _ . . . _. .._ _ _ . _

lO Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:43  !


4 Message for: Control Room Players

! Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.

i Message:

1 J

J s

j For Controller Use Only

  • i l Controller Notes: If and when they attempt to use CV-0511, it won't work. l l NOTE: During the next four minutes "A" S/G develops a tube rupture and an SIAS occurs.

1 Action Erpected: 1. E0P 6.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed ,

1 2. Request PCS boron samples shortly. *


J  ;



! i j RP1287-0044B-TP12 l 1

l l

FAl!!it  !

Cate17Februaryllll Messagei11 flee lhil Scenario flee [hD j M

StFieps F 1A h P 78 h P-70 Rh SucriticalIdrPress A 11 B H pig '

CCW Fiep F 52A h F 528 h F 52C R h TFCFisps F 511 h F 518 Q H FireFcep F la QH F 13 M F 41 M Containment Cooler teelte Fans VIA h Y2A h V3A h V4A h fil h V2BQA V3B h V4Bh (dl CCWCoolerOutletfesp A ((F B 11F ContainmentSprayPteps F 54A QH F 548 E F 540 QH IPS!Fisps F ilA Q H F ill Q11 LFS! Fisp F 67A QH F ill QH 3afetyinjection8tettonlipply fralaA frainB CV 3057 ($111) hta CV 30!! (Step) Chuj CV 3031 (Sitv) Os n CV 3030 (Step) C hA11 Cdl CYC3 Letdown Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp H i P Flow H gpa LetdownLinefesp HiF Line fesp ill F LetdownFlev 111 gp Fisp F 55A Qa P 5580H F 550 QH Yeltu Control fant fesp11F Pressere il pl Level 11i FCP Control BlHdolf Pressere il pig

$httdown Cooling 8ptes SDCSfreeFCS(R) 111P SDCStoPCS(R) 11 F O

Quenchfank fesp 111 F Fressure hit pig Level H t Fristrycoolantlystes PresserlierPressere(t) lui pia FCSfate(t) Loop 1 !!10111) Hidi Loop 2ift0121)ilLJ PressarlierLevel(t) LIC010,,A Bt LRC fil.,B Bt Par Itr Asp LCC15 i LCC li i F0t? FIV 10428 ChAtj FRY 10438 Chuf Block Valve 10Y 1042A Cluti10V 1043A Chitj FCPs P 50A QH F50802 P50CQ1 P 500 QU j teactorFeverLevel I! 01 Lilld 1102 LilH1 1103 Idlld 1104 ldild 1105i 11061 11071 11011 1101111101 Edl AFIlistes AFVPsep F lA Q1 P ll Q1[ F IC QQi ITV Fisp Asp FIA11P.IC1 asps AFV 7 sp F lB Stese Pressere i pig ATV Elsch Press F la i F il 1H1 P lc 1 pig locondarylyttes NSIV Byps: 10f0501Cluti 107 0510 unL R$1T's CV 0501 Cluti CT 0510 Clu11 IFFStetionPressere D1isig RPFDischargePressure A111 I lit pl Rolstire Soprater train fant Level il i CondensorBotvelllevel [11 AtmospherietiepTalves ChA11 CondensorYacite 1inIq.

Itater Crain Psep States F 10A $ F 103 CH GlandSealCondensorVaente L in Ig.

CondensatePtepStatis F 2A h F 28 Q11 FIF (DesandLog+ Constant, Red,orFlas/fesp) 1 GrossXV d let IV d Core Init thereoccuple fenprature 111d F Control lod Petition Gil i GP2i GP3i GF4i GP5(F)i GFi[1]1 GP7(5)i StickRods 131 4 1

pal!!18 ,

Date 17 february 1981 Bestage i H flee thH Scenario flu H1H O flllevel Hi 713! Level Hl


Condensate Storage fank Lent f 1 ili l'

InstrisentAltPressere 1Hpsig 1 ContalnuntBuildingPressire dpsig Donefesperature 111 F Iinidity li i SIG A CompartMat fesperatere 111F Insidity lld I

$/GBCoepartunt fesperature lH T Insidity E d n

$ltv fant Len! Hi VIContainmentPressere(t) 11 psia ContainHatSitpleTel iI ContalnMat Water Lefel (R) il

$1fanklevel(t) A11 BH C11 011 SifantPressere(psig) A Hi B Hi C111 0111 Panel I il l

$!ASAlars h Containment Ilgh Presnre Alars h Containu nt Ilgh Radiation Alata D M

Concentrated Boric Acid tank Levels f53A11i f 538 H I leactor Tesul DF Llipsid .

FORYDischargefesterature 111 F PsrSafetyTalveDischargefesp(F) RYll3) 111 IVlitt111 AY1941111 FCFCurrent(Asps) F50A1 P598lii F50Cill F500i FCSFlev Hi Loopthot (F) Loop 1 Hi Loop 2 in Loopfeeld(F) Loop 1 Hi Loop 2 Hi feeld Vide range Loop 1 Hi Loop 2 in Subcooling fesp 11 F Press illps!

FCSPressere(t) WR 1B1 It (11 (sla

$ teas Generator A Stus Generator I level (VI) M i I (II) ii lH1 B l (II) 11 l Press 11 psia lit psia Flev Steam i PFI FeediFFI Steas i FFI FudiFFI lotet $ teas and Feed Flov 1 liittil ,

1 L:ll i ATVFlevtoA$/G Fros F lAll i Fros F 8C i gpa l 1 ATVFlevtoa$/G FrosFllll IB Fros F 10 t gpa l Condensorfactis(t) { i 707SealLettoffFlev F50AIdi F 5tl LH F500ldi F 500 idi C:ll 1 DieselGeneratorFrequency 1 1 {1 1 2 11 ,

1CBCS foltage 1111 Asps (11 I lD10$ foltage 1111 laps 111 i 1 i c 11 nack c ill ContainmatAreaBonitors(t/Ir) 11A 1845 LiR:1  !!A lill 1.dit:1 1 IIA llll idil:1 RIA llli idil:1 1 1

IlghlangeContainmentBonitors(t/It) IIA 2321 1,50!+1 11A 2322 l d nil l 4 CentaineentlydrogenConcentration(t) 11 24011 1 A! 2461L i l Iain Steas Line Canna (epe)  !!A 2324 L11111  !!A 2323 Idi1H i i Stacklenitors  !!A 2325 Lill u ere !!b1326 1d1111 eps 111 2321 Idll!1 arlhr 2-l

J Scenario No: PALEX-88 Titue 03:43 l

Message No: y Scenario Time 02:13 l 1


1 Message for: Maintenance Controller (Electrical, Mechanical and I&C)

Simulated Plant Conditions: CV-0511 turbine bypass valve won't open no matter what operators try.


O For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: See Narrative. ,

Time: 0345-0410 i Page: 8 '

Section: B Part: c Step: (2)

Action Expected: After operators exhaust all possibilities, ie, manual ,

remote from Control Room, or Auto and the TSC/MSC dispatch  !

maintenance personnel to troubleshoot, ensure: l 1

1. They follow good diagnostic practices. l
2. They follow proper procedures, including radiological practices.
3. Take actions and make recommendations that are  !

appropriate. l

4. No matter what YOU, O the controller, has decided the problem is: CV-0511 shall not be repairable before O 1100. This is simply to exercise the MSC.

RP1287-0044B-TP12 1

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03 43  !

Message No: 128 Scenario Time 02:13  :



i Simulated Plant Conditions:

j Message:

l J

i i

i 1 4

l For Controller Use Only l t

Controller Notes: 20 minutes after either the SS or TSC requests PCS boron  ;

i samples, you may call back and report. 1 i

{ PCS boron is at 793 ppa boron concentration. l l ,


NOTE: 10.4 GWD cold shutdown boron concentration is j j 723 ppe boron.

Action Expected:  !

l J l l

I d

i l RP1287-0044B TP12 ,

i l 1

2 J

I i

a Scenario No: PALEX-88 ~

Time 03:47  ;

1 Message No: 13 Scenario Time 02:17 4


j Message for: Control Room Players 4

I  !

l Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets and alarm sheets.


! Message:



i 1

i i


', For Controller Use Only 1

l Controller Notes: See Narrative,  !

l Time: 0345-0410  !

4 Pages: 7 and 8  :

i Sections: A and B (all parts)

I Action Expected: See Narrative.

i Time: 0345-0410  :

Pages: 7 and 8  :

1 Sections: A and B (all parts) '

i l

Additionally: [

l 1. Expect that operators will stop boric acid pumps l sometime within the next 15 minutes. '

i 2. General Emergency should be declared shortly. l i '


! I i

i RP1287-00445-TP12 t

i Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:47 Message No: 1] Scenario Time 02:17 i 1





Alarm Annune Panel, Number Alarm Window Description K-13 42 Safety Injection Initiated K-13 40 Safety Injection Initiation Signal "A"

! K-13 41 Safety Injection Initiation 31gnal "A"  ;

I l K-13 64 Gaseous Waste Monitoring Hi Radiation '

t K-13 66 Plant Area Monitoring Hi Radiation j j K-02 6 Main Steam E-50A RIA-2323 HIGH  !

K-02 6 Main Steam E-50A RIA-2323 ALERT K-07 49 Pressurizer Low Pressure Setpoint "A" Off Normal


K-07 50 Pressurizer Low Pressure Setpoint "B" Off Normal l l ,

K-07 51 Pressurizer Low Pressure Setpoint "C" Off Normal K-07 52 Pressurizer Low Pressure Setpoint "D" Off Normal .

l K-07 55 Pressurizer Safety Injection Signal "A" Lo - Lo Pressure K-07 56 Pressurizer Safety Injection Signal "B" Lo - Lo Pressure l

K-07 57 Pressurizer Safety Injection Signal "C" Lo - Lo Pressure 1 K-07 58 Pressurizer Safety Injection Signal "D" Lo - Lo Pressure O

l RP1287-00448-TP12

FAlltil Cate 17 Febreur !!Il Ressage i U fleetidl $cenario flee thil  :

$U fieps F 71 h F 11 h F 10 h $WCriticalIdrPress Alil11 sig I CCWFiers F 521 h F 528 h F 52C D FFCPtsps F511Q1F518g[n  ;

FireF$eps F IA M F ll M F 41 M ContaineentCoolerfeeltefans fl1 h V2A h V3A h T4A h Til M Y2B M T38 M fil W '

W CCWCoolerOutletfesp A (( T I 11F ContainmentsprayFists F 54A E F 541 m F 54C M i

IF$1Fieps F ill b F ill b LPSIFieps F17AQQi F i7t hiltd safetyinjectionli:tionlipply traina frainB

, CT 3057 (5118) hta CV 3129 (Step) U2111 CV 3031 (3118) Qsu CV 3030 (Siep) Chill Cdl CTC$

Letdown Charging Intermediate Prus Letdown fesp 111 F flow IU gre i LetdownLinefesp Hil Line fesp 111 F j Letdevallev 11 gps Fisps F 55A h F 55l h F 55C Qa l foliseControlfank fesp H F Frustre il p:1 Len! 11 i FCF Control Iludolf Frnure 11 psig 4 '

shitdernCoolingSystes 3003fresPCs(R) lit F 3DCItoFCI(I) 11F Qunch fank d

fesp 1H T Frustre ldt psig Level H 1  !

Prtsary Coelut lystes Presuriter Frentre (R) lillpsia FCS fan (t) Loop 1 ! f t 9111) ilL11 Loop 2 ift ell!) Hid Frenirlier Luel (1) LRCillA un LRCIll:,8 un farstrAsps LCC15 i LCCli i FCIV Fif lit!l Chiti Flf Iltll Ch111 llockTalte ROT llllA Unit ( IOT 18431 Chill FCFs F 50A QH F501tg F 50C h 7 500 QU teactorFeverLevel 1101 ktL I! 02 Idlul 1113 Lill l 1114 ld[1d ,

1105 f 51tii 11 d1 1 11 01 1 110913110i  :

Cdl AFIlistes ArtFisp F IA h F il $ F lc QQ1 litFispAspe F1111PICiasps

! ATV Fiep F il Steas Frentre 1 psig ArvOlschPuisFIAi 7 88 1111 P lc 1 psig ,

l letosdary lyttes 1 1517lypass 10785l1Cl:111 80V 9514 n L L R$1T's CT ill! Chand CV 0511 Chiti RTF$ictionPressire ilijsig IFF Cis: barge Pressue Alil Iiltpsi l RolstereSeperatortraintankLevel Hl Condensorletve!! Level til AteosphericCtapfalves hattj Condensorfactis 1in14 j ReiterCralainspStatis F 10A W F 118 W GlandSealCondensorfante E in Ig, CondeutteFcap5tatis F 1A C3 P 11 til I

!!! i (Desud Log + Constant, tod, or Flillfesp) l i

GrossIV J Iet IV d Core !!it thersecuple fetterature ilhi ?

4 Control 1:d resitten fil i GF2i GP3i CF4i GF5(F) 1 GFl[n] 1 GF7(l) 1 Stick Rods 1221 I*

f ,

l l

FALIRll Cate 17 februrt Illi ItssagelH fleelitil $cenarioflee1121 O f.llLevel 11i f.9)! Level Ql CendensateStoragefantLevelf.) 11 %

InstrisentAirPressere Hpsig Containeentlilldingfressare dpsig Cesefq'rature 94F Italdity H l

$/GACospartment fesperatti, 111 F Italdity Ud i

$/GICompartment fesperature 111F Iseldity 11d i

$llyfantLevel ili vtContainmentPressere H psis Contalleent Step level (I) ii ContaineestVaterLevel(1) {l

$1farlLevel(1) A3 1il C(( 0i[

$1fankPressere(psig) A111 Ilit C 1H 0111

) haal 1 11

$!13Alars h1 ContainmentHighPressiteAltre 12 Containment Ilgh Radiation Altre 12 M

Concentrated Borie Acid fant tents f51Aili f531iti ItactorTesselCF L H psid F0lfDischargefesperature diF Ftr Safety Valu Dlscharge fesp (F) IVlill di 1Y.1940 lit IV.104131 FCFCarrent(Asps) 750A1 F.50 sill F.500 Hi F510t FCSFlow 11% ,

Loopthot (F) Loop i H1 Loop 1 1H i Loopfeeld(F) Loop 1 ill Loop 1 ill 1 feeld VHe range Loop 1 in Loop 1 ilj

$thcooling fesp 11 F Fress [H pel FC3Fressere(1) 11 Uli It ut psia

$tene Generator A $teasGeneratorI Level (WR) :.111% [41) {i du 11 % .

It) lll ,

Press litpsia 111psa t i Flev Steas i FFI FeediFFI Stese i FFI FeediFFI

lote Stene and feed Flev 1 litillt U ,

5 AFWFlevtoA$/G Free F lAll i FreeF.lf igpa 4

AFVFlevto1$/G Free F lAll lit Free F.80 t gpa  ;

Condensor facus (R) d 1 FCFSealLealoffFlev F.501 LH F 511 Lil F.500 bli F 500 ldi


! M Clesel Generator Frequency 11 Q l.2 H 1-080$ Teltagt till Aspsill

, 10103 Voltage hit Asps 111 l E.11 lu k E.111 i

ContainmentAreaIonitors(t/Ir llA.!!is I,lH 1 IIA.llli i lt hi

!!A llll Lilhi  !!A.llli LLul Ilgh hnge Containeent Ints- et/It)  !!A.1121 LillH  !!A.lll] Li[El Contatteent lydrogen Ce'xts' 10s(t)  !!.14411 1 A!.1441% t

% Isla $ tete line Gassa (ege I!A.llli idihi  !!A.231) idtid

$tackleniters  !!) ;J25 Lind eps 111132( [dini eps 111 1321 1,iiE l er/hr


a a

3 J

t i

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:47 r Message No: 13A Scenario Time 02:17 r



Message for: Maintenance Controller (Electrical and/or Mechanical)

- Simulated Plant Conditions: P-67A 00S (see Initial Conditions) and P-67B '

fails to start upon receipt of SIAS (Safety Injection Actuation Signal).


l ,

J 4  !

For Controller Use Only l i

Controller Notes: See Narrative.  !

Time: 0345-0410 i

] Page: 8 l

B l

Part: d (all steps)

I j Action Expected: When TSC/MSC sends out electricians and/or mechanics to  !

J troubleshoot P-67B failure ensure: I l

2 1. They follow good diagnostic practices, j 2. They follow proper procedures, including radiological practices.

3. Take actions and make recommendations that are appropriate.

< 4. Discover and report that P-67B has seized and that i

repairs will require much time.

1 5. Control repair and reassembly of P-67A so that it

becomes available at no later than 0625 and not before 0615.


4 i RP1287-0044B-TP12 i


. - . . . _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - . - -- .-. a

l Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:52 i

Message No: 13B Scenario Time 02:22 PALISADES NUCIIAR PLANT


l l'

Simulated Plant Conditions: See alarm sheet..

Message: PCS pressure is at 1325 psia and lowering.

l l

l For Co! troller Use Only Controller Notes:

Action Expected: Operators should stop the two (2) remaining PCPs.

O RP1287-0044B-TP12  !

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:52 Message No: 13B Scenario Time 02:22 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE ALARM SHEET Alarm Annunc Panel Number Alarm Window Description K-01 56 Condensate Pump P2A High Temperature or Overload O

l l

l l

O l RP1287-0044B-TP12

-l l

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 04:05 Message No: 4 J_4 Scenario Time 02:35 PALISADES NUCLEAR P' ANT .

r EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets and alarm sheet.

Message: In addition to the pressurizer level shown on the data sheets, be aware that pressurizer level is rising.

For Controller Use Only Coni. roller Notes: In three minutes "B" S/G main steam line monitor alert alarm will energize. A CIAS will be received at 0430.

Action Expected: See Narrative.

Time: 0410-0630 Pages: 8 and 9 Section: A Parts: 1, 2 and 3 Additionally:  ;

1. Expect they will start to tr, . a establish cooldown rate of 75'F/hr (once they _11ze CV-0511 will be unavailable) using "B" S/G .tmospheric unloaders.
2. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs be performed
3. Letdown has been/should be isolated to prevent activity spread throughout the Auxiliary Building. (Due to

RP1287-0044B-TP12 -

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 04:05 Message No: M Scenario Time 02:35.


EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE ALARM SHEET Alarm Annunc Panel Number Alarm Window Description

'l K-01 57 Condensate Pump P-2A Discharge Low Pressure O

O RP1287-0044B-TP12

PALEI98 Date 17 February 1988 Nessagei11 fine BH Scenario fine thH h


211 SWPuses P 7A h P 73 Qa P 7C h SWCriticalHdrPress A 11 B [1 psig CCW Pcaps P 52A QA P 528 h P-52C h FPC Pumps P 51A h P SIB Q H FirePumps P 9A QR P 9B QH P il QH Containment Cooler Recire fans VIA h V2AQ1 V3A h VIAQA VlB QH V2BQH V3B M V4B QH adi CCWCoolerOutletfesp A UT B HF ContainmentterayPumps P54AQH P54BQR P 5(C QH BPSIPcaps P 66A Q2 P-66B Q2 LPSIPusps P67A001 P673[111t1 SafetyInjectionIn:tionSupply frainA frain B CV3057(SIRW)Qsta CV 3029 (Susp) W ill CV 3031 (SIRW) hta CV 3030 (Susp) Q1u11 adl CYCS Letdova Ch&Iging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp 111 F Tlov 1H gps Letdown Line fesp 1H F Line fesp 1H T Letdownflov igps Ptsps P 55A QA P 55BQA P 550 02 VoltseControlfast fesp11F Pressureilpsi Level 1H l PCP Control Bleedoff Pressare il psig ShutdoraCoolingSystes SDCSfrosPCS(R) lit f SDCStoPCS(R) 11F A Quenchfank Q fesplitT Pressure ldt psig left Hl Pristry Coolant lyltes PressuriserPressure(R) 1111 psia l FCSfare(R) Looy 1 LfR Olll) 1111 Loop 2LfR0121)11Li l

PressarlierLevel(R) LRC-ti! A 11i LRC010.B 114 i P t Ett Anps LCC 15 i LCC 16 1 i PORY PRV 1042B W iti PRV-10418 Q ui Block Valve N071042A Witi N071043A Cluti l FCPs P50AQH P 508 ad P50CQR P 500 QH l ReactorPowerLevel 11012,00!+1 1102 2,00!+1 3103 3,00! l 1104 3,0011 l n!051 s!06i s!07i s!08i s!ofis!-10t U l AFISystes AfW Ptsp P SA Q1 P 1B Q H P lO QQi ATV Pusp Asps P lA 11 P 4C 1 asps AfW Pusp P 8B Steas Pressure 1 pilg ArW Disch Press F 1A E P il 1111 P lO 1 psig 80:endarylystes NSIVBypass NOV 050! Q1nti NOV 0510 DLL X$1V's CV 0501 Witi CV 0510 Q1utj Nf?SectionPressare B psig XfPDischargePressure A R B @ ps,i NoistureSeperatorDrainTankLevel il I CondensorBotvelllevel 11i AtsosphericOuspValves h021 CondensorVacnts 11inEg.

HeaterOrainPuspStatus P10AQH P 10B QH GlandSealCondensorVaccus 11inEg.

CondensatePuspStatus P 2A QR P 1B QH PIP (CesandLog+ Constant, Rod,orfler/fesp)

Gross NW d let XV d Core trit Thersocosple fesperature 11Li F Control Rod Position GPl [ GP21 GP) 1 GP4 1 GP5(P) i GP6(A){ GP7(B)[

,Q Stuck Rods ont O

1 L

I i

FALII88 Date 17 February 1989 Nessage i H fleeQhli Scenario fin thli O Y-81 Level 11i f939 Level Qt


Condensate Storage Tank Level T 2 H t InstrumentAirPressure 1.0 psig ContainmentBuildingPressure dpsig Comefesperature 111F Hasidity li i S/GACompartment fesperature 111F Busidity lL ii S/GBCospartment fesperature 111F Husidity lL ii SIRWfankLevel 11 i WR Containment Pressure (R) 11 psia ContainmentSuspLevel 1i ContainmentWaterLevel(R) {i 51fankLevel(1) A11 B11 C11 D11

$1fankPressure(psig) A Hi B Hi C ut D Hi Panel I 13 SIASAlara Blocked ContainmentHighPressereAlars & Containment High Radiation Alars h C11 ConcentratedBoricAcidfankLevels f53A H l 153B 111 ReactorVesselDP 1psid FORYDischargefesperature lil F ParSafetyValveDischargefesp(F) RV1939 111 RV1040111 RV1041111 PCPCurrent(Asps) P50A{ P50Bi P500i F500i PCSFlov 1i Loopthot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loopfceld(F) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 111 feeld Wide range Loop 1 in Loop 2 ill Subcooling fesp H T Press H1 psi PCSPressere(R) WR lill IR Rt psia Steas Generator A Steas Generator B Level (WR) :.1111 (IR) i t 1]!H il n (IR) Hl Press 11 psia 111 psia Flev Steam i PPH Feed i PPH Steas 1 FP5 feediPPH Iote Steas and Feed Flev I 1000000 Cdl AFVFlowtoAS/G Fros F lAll 1 Fros P lC 1 gps AFV Flow to B S/G From P lALB 111 Free P lC i gpa CondensorVacute(R) 11 PCP Seal Leakoff Flow P 50A JL P 50B di F 500 di P 500 di Cdl DieselGenerttorFrequency 11 ilji 12 udi ,

1 C BUS Voltage HH Asps ut j 1 D BUS Voltage lill Asp Et j C 11 lack c 111 ContainmentAreaMonitors(R/Er) RIA ll05 1.90!+0 R!A lloi ?.00! 1 1 RIAllO7 1,40!+0 RIA l!!! 1.40!+0 i HighRangeContalheentMonitors(1/Br) RIA2321 3,30!+0 RIA2322 3,30!+0 ContainmentHydrogenConcentration(t) Al240lR Al 240lL p Nala Steas Line Gassa (eps) RIA 23*4 4,00!+5 RIA 2323 1diEl Q StackMonitors RIA 2325 l d !E l eps RIA 232s 2,10!+2 eps RIA 2322 idihl ar/hr 2-1

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 04:08 Message No: 15 Scenario Time 02:38 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See alarm sheet.

t Message:

i For Controller Use Only Centroller Notes:

H Action Expected: SS should/may request "B" S/G activity samples.  !

l RP1287-0044B-TP12

I O Scenario No: PALEX-88! Time 04:08 Message No: 15 Scenario Time 02:38 l

l PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE ALARM SHEET Alarm Annunc Panel Number Alarm Window Description K-02 17 Main Steam E-50B RIA-2323 ALERT O ,



I i

O RP1287-0044B-TP12 I . _. . _ - - . _ _ , ~ . _ . - _ _ . ~ _ _ - , - _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _._ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 04:30 Message No: 16, Scenario Time 03:00 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See alarm and data sheets.


O For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: At approximately 0440, operators get cooldown rate of 76*F/hr established and continue depressurization.

Action Expected: See Narrative.

Time: 0410-0630 Pages: 8 and 9 Section: A Parts: 2, 3 and 4 Additionally: 1. May reference 1400 CL and start it.

2. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed
3. If subcooling margin parameters look funny, explain to players it locked up.

O RP1287-0044B-TP12 i

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 04:30 Message No: 16 Scenario Time 03:00 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE ALARM SHEET-t Alarm Annunc  !

Panel Number Alarm Window Description K-11 26 CIS Initiated K-13 63 Containment Hi Radiation i O

i 9

1 i

O RP1287-0044B-TP12 i

- - , , , . _ , - . , . . . . _ ~ , , _ _ _ , , . . , _ , . . _ , _ , , _ , , _ . _ , . . . . . . , , _ _ _ , , , , , . _ _ _ , . , . , , , _ , _ _ _ , _ , _ , , ,

l PALE 1 18 Date 11 retruary 1988 Messagei11 flee Q11H Scenario fine tht!

O N.v/

M SWPumps P 7A h P-7B h P 7C h SWCriticalHdrPress A 11 B 11 psig CCWPeeps P 52A 02 P 528 Q3 P 520 h TPCPumps P 51A h P 51B W firePceps P !A QH P lB M P 41 QH ContainmentCoolerRecirefans VIA h V2A h V3A h V4AQa YlB M V2B Q H V3B Q H V4B M M

CCW Cooler Outlet fesp A Hf B UT ContainmentSprayPasps P54AQH P 54B QH P540QH HPSIPusps P ilA 01 P ilB QH LPSI Pcaps P67A021 P47BIniti SafetyInjectionSuctionSupply frainA frain B CV 3057 ($1RW) QIta CV 3029 (Susp) Qhltj CV 3031 ($1RW) Qgia CV 3030 (Simp) Qh111 CiCS Letdern Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp IH f Flow H gpa LetdownLinefesp H1f Line fesp il P LetdownFlov i gpa Peeps P 55A Q2 P 55BQH P 55C QH VoltseControlfank fesp fl T Pressure H psi Levelliti PCP Control Bleedoff Pressure H1 psig ShutdownCoolingSystes SDCSfresPCS(R) lil F SDCS to PCS (R) 11F p Quenchfank Q fesp lil F Pressure Lil psig PristryCooltatSystte Letel H 1 PressarlierPressure(R) (Hpsia PCSfate(R) Loop 1(TROlll)ilL11 Loop 21fR0121)ilLi PresserlierLevel(1) LRC0101A 11i LRC 010 B 111 Pt8trAsps LCC15 i LCC16 i PCRV PRV 1942B ChLgj PRV 1043B Chill BlockValve MOV 1042A Qhitj X0V ll43A Chigj PCPs P50AQH P508Qa P500Q1 P500QH  !

ReactorPowerLevel 11 01 2,00!+1 11 02 2.00!+1 11 03 3,001 1 11 04 3,001-1 1

, 11051 Il 061 11011 II041 5103111191 M

APIlystes l ATWPtsp P lA QA P la QH P 8C 0Q1 ATVPaspAaps PlA11PlCiasps A/V Pusp P lB Steas Pressure i psig ATW Disch Press P 11 i P 8B 1H 1 P lC 1 psig St:01derylyltes MSl? Bypass H0V 0501 QhA11 10Y 0510 BI & IS!Y's CV 0501 Qht:1 CV-0510 Qhigj i XfPStetionPressere 111psig XTPDischargePressure Aill Billpsi j MoistureSeperatorCrainfankLevel 11 1 Condensor Hotvell Level ((l AtmospherieDcepValves thrott, CondensorVaccus jhi in Hg.

HeaterDrainPaspStatus P 10A M P 103 QH GlandSealCondenterVacuta liinEg.

CondensatePuspStatus P 2A QA P 2B QH PIP (DesandLog+ Constant, Rod,orTint/fesp)

Gross XW d Xet !v d Core Ixit thersoccuple fesperature ilL i F Control Red Position GPl i GP2i GP3i GP4i GP5(P)i GPI(A)i GP7(3)i StickRods nni 1 1-l l

l PALERll Date 17 February till Messageili fine tidi Scenario flee th11 (3 g V

TilLevel Hl f13! Level il1 Condensate Storage Tank Level f 2 11 1 InstrcsentAirPressure lil psig ContainmentBuildingPressure J psig Desefesperature 111 T Hasidity 11 l S/GACompartment fesperature lilt Husidity 11 i S/GBCospartment fesperature M1T Ecsidity 11 1 SIRWfankLevel 11 i WRContainmentPressure(R) 11 psia Containment Sus Level ii ContainmentWaterLevel(R) ii 51fankLevel() Ait B11 Cit 011 SiTankPressure(psig) A IU B 1H C111 0111 Pasal I 13 SIASAlars ils.dtj ContainsentHighPressureAlars h Containsent High Radiation Altra Lil Cdl Concentrated Boric Acid Tank Levels f53A11i f 53B li i ReactorVesselDP ft2 psid PORY Discharge fesperature litf ParSafetyValve01chargefesp(F) 17-1039 Hi RY 1040 Rt RV1041111 PCPCurrent(Asps) P5011 P50 Bill P50C((1 P500i PCS Tlow lii LoopThot (F) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 in Loopfceld(F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill fceld vide range Loop 1 ill Loop 2 i n

' Subcooling fesp lill F Press lili psi PCSPressure(R) WR 111 It ilt psia ~

Steas Generator A Steas Generator B Level (WR) dl11 (IR) ii HH il n (IR) ili Press 11 psia lit psia Flow Steas i PPH feediPPH Steas i PPI feed 1PPI Note: Steas and feed Flov 1 1000000 Cdl ArvFlowtoAS/G fresPIALB i Fros P lC i gpa ATVflowtoBS/G fresPlAIB 111 from P 4C 1 gpa CondensorYacuts(R) Ud PCPSealLeakoffflev P 50A di P 50B di F 500 W. P 500 di (di OleselGeneratorFrequency 1 1 (Lli 12 ihli  !

l C BUS Voltage 1111 Aspsill 10305 Voltage lili Aspslit c 11 l ui c lil ContainmentAreaMonitors(R/Br) RIA ll05 3.20!+0 RIA Illi idiht RIA ll01 6,00!+0 RIA Illi [J1El HighRangeContainmentMonitors(R/Hr) IIA 2321 5,80!+0 1112322 idihi ContainsentHydrogenConcentration(1) Al240lR Al240lt

( Mala Steas Line Gassa StackMonitors RIA2 IIA 2324 4,00!+5 (eps) 325 llini cpe RIA 2326 l dl E lRIA RIA 2323 l d! H1 eps2321 IdlEl erlhr i


O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 04:50 Message No: 17_ Scenario Time 03:20-PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players

'" tated Plant Conditions:

-- See data sheets.


O For Controller Use Only Controller Notes:

Action Expected: 1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed

2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue
3. Operators stop P-7A and P-52C as they are not needed.

O RP1287-0044B-TP12

PALII il Date 17 February 1989 Message i H fine flin ScenariofineQ1Lil

!Q M V SWCriticalEdrPress A H B (( psig SW Pusps P7AQ1 P 79 h P-70 h CCWPumps P-52A h P 528 h P 52C h TPC Pcaps P 51A h P 51B M firePumps P SA QR P !B QR P 41 W Containment Cooler Recite fans VIA h V2A h V3A h V4AQ1 V1B QH V2B QH V3B QH V4B an W

CCWCoolerOutletfesp A HT B HT ContainmentSprayPasps P-54AQH P 548 ad P54CQH HPS! Peeps P liA h P lib QH LPSIPasps P67AQQi F67B[11111 SafetyInjectionStetionSupply frain A frainB CV 3051 (SIRW) h u CV 3029 (Samp) W 111 CV-3031 (SIRW) hu CV-3030 (Susp) Witj W

CVCS Letdevn Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp 111 F Flev H gpa LetdownLinefesp hit Line fesp H T LetdownFlev 1 gps Pusps P 55A Q2 P 55Ba d P 550 QH VolineControlfant fesp H F Pressure H pel Level 1111 PCP Control Bleedoff Pressure H 1 psig ShutdownCoolingSystes SDCSfresPCS(R) lit F SDCStoPCS(R) HT c Quenchfant fesp111T Pressure Idi psig level H I (V) PristryCoolantSysten PressuriserPressure(R) H1 psia PCSfate(1) Loop 1 (fR 0111) HL11 Loop 2.fR0121)illd PresistiterLevel(R) LRC 0101A il1 LRC010,8 11i Ptr8trAsps LCC 15 t LCC li i PORY PRV-1942B W H j PRV 19433 W ill BlockValve X0V 1042A W iti X0V 19431 W itj FCPs P50AQH P50BQA P500QA P500QH ReactorPowerLevel 51012,00!+1 1102 2,00!+1 51-03 3,0111 1104 3,0011 11051 1106i 31011 11011 110111110i M

AFISysten ATVPtsp P lA QA P lB QH P 10 Qh ATWPtspAsps P lA H P lC i asps ATW Ptsp P 8B Steas Pressere [ psig AfW Disch Press P il i P lB lill P 8C [ psig Secondary Systen MSIY Bypass 10V 0501 C12nd 10V 0510 DnL XSIV's CV 0501 W iti CV 0510 Cintj MTP Section Pressure ilt psig XTPDischargePressure Aill B 1H psi MoistureSeperatorDrainfankLevel il1 CondessorHotwelllevel Ql AtmosphericDeepValtes thrott, CondensorVa:sts UdtinEg.

HeaterDrainPuspStatus P10AQH P10BQH GlandSealCondensorVaccus 11inEg, CondensatePcapStatus P 2A h P 23 QH P!P (DesandLog+ Constant, Rod,orFlus/fesp)

Gross MW d let XV d Core 111t thersocouple fesperature illd F Control Rod Position GPl i GP2{ GP) 1 GP4 1 GP5(P)1 GP6(A)1 GP7(B)!

Stuck Rods ani 1

PALEIll Date 17 February 1998 Messagei11 fleelini Scenario flee thH T il Level Ht f939 Level Ht Condensate Storage tank Level f 2 H t InstrumentAirPressure ilpsig ContainmentBuildingPressure dpsig Dosefesperature HiF Husidity 11 1 S/GACompartment fesperature 111F Hasidity 11 1 S/GBCompartment fesperature 111 F Rcaldity 11 1 SIRWfantLevel il i WR Containsent Pressa:e (R) 11 psia Containment $sspLevel ii ContainmentVaterLevel(R) {i SIfankLevel(t) A11 B11 C1[ DH SIfankPressure(psig) A Hi B H1 C Hi D H1 Panel I 13

$1ASAlara Blocked ContainmentBighPressureAlars 12 Containment Righ Radiation Alars 111 C:ll Concentrated Boric Acid fani Levels f53A H t f53B H t ReactorVesselDP L.D psid PORYDischargefesperature 111F PsrSafetyValveDischargefesp(F) RY1939 31 RY10401(( RY1941111 PCPCurrent(Asps) P-50A1 P 503 H i F 500 {H F500i PCSFlov 11 i Loopthot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loopfeeld(F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 H1 rs fceld Wide range Loop 1 111 Loop 2 ill t Subcooling fesp lild F Press H1{ psi PCSPressure(R) WR {H IR R1 psia Steas Generator A Steas Generator B Level (WR) dll1 (IR) {t QH 11 % (IR) Ht Press 11 psia 111 psia Flow Steas [ PPB Feed [PPH Steam i PPI FeediPPI lote Steas and Feed Flov 11000000 C:11 AFVFlowtoAS/G Fros F lAll i Fros P lO i gpa AFVFlevtoBS/G FrosPlAIB lli Fros P lC 1 gpa CondensorVactus(R) Hd PCPSealLeakoffFlev P 50A di F 503 di F 50C di P 500 di Cdl Diesel Generator Frepency 11 udi 12 udi 1 C B05 Voltage liit Asps Hi 1 0 BUS Voltage lill Asps 111 C 11 lati C 11A ContainmentAreaMonitors(R/Br) RIA ll65 Ll0!+0 R11 1806 L10l+0 RIA ll07 Lithi RIA llll 6,90!+0 HighRangeContainmentMonitors(R/Hr) RIA 2321 Id iu l RIA2322 1,20!+1 ContainmentHydrogenConcentration(t) A124011 Al 240lL 1 RIA 2324 4,00!+5 RIA 2323 7,00!+2 i O Main Steas Line Gassa StackXenitors RIA- (eps)2315 1,00!+3 RIA 2326eps Z din i eps RIA1321 I,0Q1+1 arltr 2



Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 05:10 Message No: 18 Scenario Time 03:40 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGF ICRM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets. <


t 8

i For Controller Use Only Controller Notes:

Action Expected: 1. ECP 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed

2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue l

l RP1287-0044B-TP12

PALE 1il Date 17 february 1999 Messagei11 fineQ1td Scenario fine thil

( ') Cil V

SWCriticalBdrPress A H B U psig SW Pumps P 7A M P-79 h P-70 h CCW Ptsps P-52A h P 52B h P 52C ith TPCPueps P 51A h P 51B W FirePusps P 9A ad P 9B M P 41 M ContainmentCoolerRecitefans VIA h V2A h V3A h V4A h VlBQ11 V2B M V3B Q11 V4B M Cdl CCWCoolerOutletfesp A 11F B HF ContalasentSprayPeeps P5(AQ11 P54BQ1{ P54CQif LPSIPumps P 67A hi P678[11111 HPSIPeeps P ill h P 6(B QH SafetyInjectionSuctie:Ispply frainA frain B CV 1057 (SIRV) Ria CV 3029 (Susp) Chigi CV 3031 (SIRW) R11 CV 3030 (Scap) Cl2111 Cdl CVC5 Letd:vn Charging Intersediate Press Letdown fesp lil F Flow H gps LetdownLinefesp Ulf Line fesp il F LetdownFlev igps Ptaps P 55A h P 55Ba d P 55C QII feltseCostrolfask fesp B F Pressureilpsi level 111i PCP Control Bleedoff Pressure 11[ psig ShitdownCooling8ystes 111F SDCStoPCS(R) 11 F SDCSfresPCS(R)

A Quenchfank fesp lH T Pressure i psig level H I

{) PristryCooltatfyltes PressuriserPressure(1) }l1 psia PCSfive(1) Loop 1 ifR Olll) illdi Loop 2:TR0121)111d Press riter Level (R) LRC010LA Bi LRC010,B 11i PtrHttAsps LCC15 [ LCCli [

PORV PRV 1942B Chigi PRV-1043BClgitj Block Valve 10V 1042A Cl2111IOV 1043A Ch111 PCPs P50AQ11 P50BQ2 P 500 h P50DQII ReactorPowerlevel 11 01 2,00!+1 11 02 2,00!+1 11 03 3.001 1 11 04 3,001 1 11051 1106[ 11071 11011 1109i1110t Qdl AfVSystes ATWPasp P lA QA P 8B Q R P 8C QQ1 ATVPtspAsps Fla11PlC[ asps ATV Pisp P lB Steas Pressure i psig ATV Disch Press P il & P il 1111 P lC ipsig Itt:1derySysten MSIVBypass MOV 0501 Chiti NOV 8510 But. R$1V's CV 0501 Chill CV 0510 Child KTPSuetionPressure iltpsig XTPDischargePressure A Hi B in psi MoistureSeperatorOrainfantlevel ul CondensorHotvelllevel Bt AtmosphericOtspValves Thrott, CondensorVactus 11inEg.

HeaterCrainPuspStatus F 10A QR P 108 M GlandSealCondensorVaetus 11inRg.

CondensatePtapStatus P 2A QA P la 011 P!P (01 sand Log Gross XV d + Constant,letRod, NW or Flur/fesp)Core d Izit thersocouple fesperature ili d F ,

Control Rod Position GPl i GP2i GP)i G74 1 GP5(P) i Gli(A)i GP1(B)i StuckRods agit v i 1

PAL!!Il Date 17 February 1988 Messagei11 flee [hl{ Scenario flee lhli O f ll Level Hl T131 Level Ql Condensate Storage Tank Level f 2 11 1 InstrumentAirPressure 111 psig ContainsentBaildingPressure d psig Dosefesperature 111F Husidity 11 i S/GACospartment fesperature 111F Husidity 11 i S/GBCompartment fesperature 111 F Etsidity 11 i SIRVfanklevel ili VRContainmentPressure(R) 11 psia ContainmentSuspLevel 1i ContainmentWaterLevel(1) {l 51fankLevel(1) A11 B11 C11 D11 SifankPressure(psig) A111 B211 C111 0111 Pasal I 13 51ASAlars ll2shi ContainmentHighPressureAlars [2 Containment High Radiation Alars h1 M

ConcentratedBoricAcidfankLevels '53A11i f53B11i ReactorVesselDP Llipsid PORYDischargefesperature 111 F PsrSafetyValveDischargefesp(F) RV-103) in RV1040lli RV 19411H PCPCurrent(Asps) P50A1 P 508111 P50Cill P5001 PCSFlow 11i LoopThot (F) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 ill Loopfcold(F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 111 fceld Wide range Loop 1 111 Loop 2 ill

( Subcooling fesp 11L1 F Fress lillpsi PCSPressure(R) VR lit It ill psia SteasGeneratorA Stean Generator B Level (VR) dll 1 (IR) { l IJ.E il 1 (IR) 11 i Press 11 pia 1H pia Flow Steas 1 PFH FeediPPH Steam i PPI FeediPPH Iote: Steas and Feed Flev I1000000 M '

AFVFlowtoAS/G Fros P lAll i Fros P IC 1 gps AFVFlevtoB$/G Fros P lAll lit Fros P-SC i gps CondessorYacita(R) lid PCPSealLeakoffFlow P 50A di P 50B di F 500 di F 50D di M

DieselGeneratorFregtency 11 Rdi 12 udi 1 C BUS Yoltage 1111 Aspsill )

1 0 BCS Voltage lill Asps 111 l

c Il 11ek c 111 ContainmentAreaXonitors(R/Hr) RIA ll05 1.00!+1 RIA llll L11El 11A1907 1,60!+0 11A 1808 Lil ut HighlangeContainmentMonitors(R/Br) RIA 2321 1,43!+1 RIA 2322 idlEl ContainsentHydrogenConcentration(i) Al2401R Allillt Main Steas Line Gassa (eps) RIA 2324 idlu l RIA 2323 Ligil

'O StactMonitors 11A 2325 LitEl eps RIA 2326 Z d t E l c p RIA 2321 1,QlI+1 ar/br 2-

O V Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 05:30 Message No: p Scenario Time 04:00 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.


O For Controller Use Only Controller Notes:

Action Expected: 1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed

2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue O


PALII 88 Date 17 February 1998 Message i H flee thlt Scenario flee [hli h) v M

SWPosts P 7A M P 78 h P 7C h SWCriticalEdrPress A H B U psig CCWPceps P 52A h P 52B h P 52C Bh FPC Peeps P 51A h P 518 QH FirePumps P !A QH P 9B QH P 41 M ContainmentCoolerRecirefans VIA h V2A h V3AQa V4A h V1BQH V2B QH V3B QH V4B M M

CCWCoolerOutletfesp A 11F B HF ContainmentSprayPumps P-54A QH P 54B M P-54C QH RPSIPasps P 66A h P ill Q H LPSIPups P67AQ01 PillIA11d SafetyInjectionStetionItpply Traina frainB CV 3057 ($1RW) Qgn CV 302) (Step) Clati CV 3031 ($1RW) Qgn CV 3030 (Scap) Clutj M

CYCS letdova Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp 1 H F flow H gpa LetdownLinefesp Hi F Line fesp il f LetdownFlov a gps Pasps P 55A h P 55B M P-550 QU YolineControlfant fesp B F Pressure H psi levelliti PCP Control Bleedoff Pressere M 1 psig ShutdownCoolingSystes SDCSfreePCS(R) 111F SDCStoPCS(R) il F p Quenchfank i fesp111F Pressure i psig level H l PristryCoelantlystes PressuriserPressure(R) ill psia PCSfare(R) Loop 1 (fR 0111) 11Lil Loop 2LfR0121)illd PressoriserLevel(R) LRC0101A Ht LRC010LB 111 PsrStrAsps LCC 15 [ LCC 16 i PORV PAY 1842B Cind PAY 10433 Chtd BlockValve N071042ACluti10719431Cluti PCP: P 50A QH P 508 h P 50C h P500QU ReactorPowerLevel 51012,00!+1 11 02 2,00t+1 11 03 3,0 H l 11 04 3,001 1 il.05g ulcii s!011 n! 081 11011ul10t M

AFISystes AFWPisp P lA h P 1B Q H P lC 0Q1 AFVPuspAsps FlA11PlO1 asps AFV Ptep P il Steas Pressure [ psig ATV Olsch Press P il 6 P 8B 1111 P lc 1 psig leccadary 81stes RSivBypass 107 0501 Cind N0Y 0510 u n L R$1V's CV 0501 Cluti CV 0510 Cluts XFPSectionPressure H1psig XFPDischargePressure A in B111 psi MolettreSeperatorCrainfankLevel il 1 CondessorHotvelllevel (( l AtsosphericCispValves fhrott, Condensor Vacun lid in Eg. i 1

HeaterCralaPuspStatus P 101 M P 103 GH GlandSealCondensorYacica 11 in 81, CondensatePiepStatus P 2A h P 2B QH

?!P (CesandLog+ Constant, Rod,orfinIfesp)

Gross NW d let XV d Core Isit thersocouple fesperature ilhi P Control Rod Position GPl 1 GP2 1 GP3 [ Gl4[ GP5(P){ GPI(A)i GP1(B)i Stuck Rods gut l

1- )



l PALII ll j Date 17 February 1988 Message i H finetitli Scenario flee [hti  ;

1 (9 Cdl G' Condensate Storage tank Level T-2 H 1 f81 Level Hl f-939 Level Bi i

InstresentAirPressure 111 psig containmentBuildingPressure d psig Desefesperature H1F Hasidity 11 l

$!GACespartment fesperature illf Ecsidity 11 i SIGBCcapartment fesperature 1]l1 F Husidity 11 i SIRV fank Level 11 1 WRContainmentPressure(R) 11 psia Containment Susp Level 1i ContainmentWaterLevel(R) {l

$1fantLevel(1) A11 B11 C11 D11

$1faniPressere(psig) A Hi B Hi C Hi D111 Pasal I 13 SIASAlare gladii ContainmentHighPressnreAlars [2 Containsent High Radiation Alars h3 Cll ConcentratedBoricAcidtankLevels f53A U i f 53B 11 i ReactorVesselDP ldtpsid PORYDischargefesperature 111f PsrSafetyValveDischargefesp(T) 17103) 111 RV10(O111 RY-1941111 PCPCurrent(Asps) P5011 P 50B Hi P 50C 111 P 500 t i PCS flow Hl Loopthot (f) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loopfcold(F) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 111 1 s feeld vide range Loop 1 i n Loop 2 111  !

Subcooling fesp lHJ F Press lui psi i PCSPressure(1) VR 111 IR 111 psia Steas Generator A Steas Generator B Level (VR) dHI (IR) {l ll u 11 % (IR) 11 1 Press 11 psia U1 psia flow Steam i PPB Teed i PPB Steam i PPE TeediPPE lote: Steas and Feed Plov I 1000000 Cdl ATVFlowtoA$/G Fros P lill i fres P 10 1 gpa ArvFlowtoBS/G fresFlAEB Hi Fros P 8C t gps CondensorVaccus(1) lid PCPSealLeakoffFlow P 501 di F 50B di F 500 di F-500 di O I Diesel Generator Frequency 11 ildi 12 Bdi 1 C BUS Voltage 1111 Aspsill l lDBUS Voltagt lill Asps 111 C11lackc.111 ContainmentAreaMonitors(1/Br) RIA ll05 1.50!+1 R11 1906 L it E l RIA ll07 1,30!+1 RIA llll Idl E l HighRangeContainmentMonitors(R/It) RIA 2321 idiEl RIA 2322 idl u l ContainmentHydrogenConcentration(1) Al240lt Al!(OlL Xalo Steas Line Gassa [ cps) RIA 2324 4,50l+5 RIA 2323 Lil E l O Stack Xonitors RIA 2325 lliul cps RIA 2326 2,10!*2 cps 2

RIA2327 1,0l!+1 ar/hr

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 05:50 Message No: 20 Scenario Time 04:20 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data and alarm sheets.


For Controller Use Only Controller Notes:

i Action Expected: See Narrative.

Time: 0410-0630 Page: 9 Section: A Parts: 6 and 7

1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed
2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue I

l RP1287-0044B-TP12 l

3  !

l O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 05:50 Message No: 2_0 Scenario Time 04:20 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT t EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE ALARM SHEET Alarm Annunc .

Panel Number Alarm Window Description X-01 11 Vacuum Low K-35 22 Cooling Tower Pump P-39A Trip K-35 23 Cooling Tower Pump P-39B Trip l

O ,

l l


'I 4

4 RP1287-0044B-TP12

- . . . - . _ . _ ,-. - . - .. _. .i

PALII18 Date 17 February 1918 Msagei11 flee {iLH Scenario flee Q1111 n

SWPtsps P 7A M P-78 h F 'C h SWCriticalHdrPress A U B H psig CCWPtsps P 52A h P 523 h P-5:. Eth FPCPasps P 51A h F 518 M FirePtsps F !A QH P lB QH P-41 QH ContainsentCoolerRe:irefan VIAQ1 V2A h V3A h VIAQa V11 QH V2BQH V3B QH V4B M C:D CCWCoolerOutletfesp A BF B UT ContainmentSprayPtaps P54AQF P-548QH F 54C QH BPSIPtsps P ill h F ilB QH LPSI Pthys Fill 001 P 67B Iditi SafetyInje:tionScotionSappli frainA frainB CV 3051 (SIRW) un CV 3021 (Susp) Ch111 (V-3031 (SIRW) hit tv-3030 (Step) Ol utj Cdl CM Letdova Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp 111 F Flow 11gpa letdownLinefesp lit, F tine fesp 11 F LetdownFlev 1gis Pasps P 55A QA P 55BQH P 550 QH YeltseCont201fank fesp11F Prentre il psi Level 1111 PCP Control Bleedoff Pressare lil psig ShitdownCoollagSystes SDCSfreePCS(R) 111 F SDCStoFCS(R) 11F Quenchfank s fesp111F Fressure { psig Level H t FristryCoolantlystes PressuriserPressure(R) 111 psia PCSfare(R) Loop 1 (f10111) 11LH Loop 2 (TR 0121) 11Li PresserlierLevel(R) LRC 0101A 11 i LRC01018 ili PsrEttAsps LCC 15 i LCC16 i PORY FRV 10428 Chitj PRV 19438 Chitj BlockValve 10Y 1942A Chiti X0V 1943A Chitj FCPs F 50A QH F 508 h P 500 h P 500 QH ReactorFeverLevel 11012,00!*1 1102 L1Ut1 3103 IdiL1 3104 ldll1 ,

11051 #1 06 1 11 01 1 51011 1105111101 j CU  !

l ATVSystes I AFWFisp P 8A h P il Q H F lO QQi AFV Fisp Asps Fla11Plciasps ATW Pasp F il Steas Pressure i psig AFV Disch Press F la E P 1B 1111 P lC [ pilg 86:endarylystes NSIVBypass 10V 0501 Chiti ROV 0510 u n L nS!f's CV 0501 Chigi CV 0510 Chigi XFPSt:tiesPressure ilipig IFFDischargeFressure Aill 3inpsi 1 KolstereSeperatorCraisfaniLevel il i CondensorHotvellLevel ((l i AtsosphericCcspValves thrott. CondensorVa:sto 1inBg. l I

HeaterCrainPtspStatus P 10A QH F 10B QH GlandSealCondensorVattis 1[ in Hg.

CondensatePaspStatis P 2A h F 28 QH P17 (CesandLog+ Constant, Rod,orFlit/fesp)

Gross XV d let NW d Core Init thersoccuple fesperature 1 .F Control Rod Position GPl 1 GP2 i GP31 GP4i GP5(P)i GPI(A)i GP7(B)i Stiet Reds 131


FALEI il Date 17 february 1998 HessageI11 flee 11Lil Scenario fine th11


V C:li T 81 Level ni f 939 Level RI Condansate Storage Tank Level f 2 li i lastrument Air Pressure [ipsig ContainsentBuildingPressure dpsig Desefesperature utF Busidity 11 1

$/GACospartsent fesperature lh f Ecsidity 11 i S/GBCcapartment fesperature 111F Ecsidity 11 i SIRWfankLevel 11 %

WR Containment Pressure (1) 11 psia ContainmentsuspLevel i! Containment Water utel (R) {l SitankLevel(l) A11 B11 C11 Dli 51fankPressure(psig) A Hi B Rt C111 D111 Panel I il SIAS Alars Blocked ContainmentHighPressureAlars la Containsent High Radiation Altra Itt Cril ConcentratedBoricAcidfankLevels f53111i f 533 H l teactorYesselCF Lilpsid FORYDischargefesperature lli T FarSafetyValveDlschargefesp(F) RV1039 111 RY1040111 IV1941111 FCPCurrent(Asps) 751Ai F50B[11 F50C111 i500i FCS Flow 11l loopthot (F) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 ill Loopfeeld(T) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill fceld Wide range Loop 1 111 Loop 2 lll O Subcooling PCSPressure(R) fesp VR Steas Gen'.ator A lild F

,Ti Fress lilipsi 11 J11 psit Steas Generator C Level (VI) Illi ) (II) i i lH 1 il n (I'.; it '.

Press 11p,la liipsia Flev Steas 1 FFB TeeditF)s Steas i FFI feetiFFI lote Steas and feed flev I 1000000 C.ll ATVFlovto&$/G fres F IALB i Tres F SC i gpa ATVTlowtoIS/G fres F lllB 111 Fres F 1C 1 gpa Condensor iactus (1) i FCFSealLeakoffFlev F 501 di F 508 di F 50C di F 500 di Cdi DieselGeneratorfrequency 11 udi 11 udi 1CBUS Voltage lill Asps 111 1 D 505 Voltage 1111 Asps 111 ,

1 C.11 lack E.111 ContainmentAreaMonitors(RIHr) 11A llP5 1.13!'l  !!A l!06 idini 11A 1801 LEL1 111 1801 1,111+1 HighRangetontainmentRonitors(1/Br) RIA 2321 1 d1111  !!A 2322 ldllil ContainstatRydrogenConcentration(1) Al2461! Al240ll s! A IT.s hillil Id-2;;; Ldid i

I Main Steas StackMonitors Line Gassa llA2 (cts) M 5 h (1111 epe lilA 2326 1,d1111 1112321 epsidilil ar/hr 1


i Scenaric No: PALEX-88 Time 06:15 l Message No: 21 Scenario Time 04:45  !

.1 i


i Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.

1 Message:

1 O l For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: Approximately 0625 SS/S'dD should get word that P-67A has been reassembled and is ready for operational test.

Action Expected: See Narrative.

Time: 0630-0755 Page: 9 Section: A Parts: All

1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed
2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue 4

O i


PALE 141 Date 17 Februarf Illi Message i H fia ' tidi Scenario flee lhil O M V

SWPseps P 7A QH P 73 h P-7C h SVCrit.:alEdrPress A H B H psig CCWPeeps P 52A h P 52B h P 52C E h PPCPtsps P 51A h P 518 QU FirePasps P !A M P !B QH P 41 QH ContainmentCoolerRe:IrcPass VIA h V2A h V3A h V4A h VIBQA V2BQ1 V3B h V4B h M

CCVCoolerOutletfesp A HF B Hf ContainmentSprayPtsps P 54A QH P 54B QH P 54C QH HPSIPasps P ill b P ill QH LPSIPusps F17AQQ1 P 67B f.dhi SafetyInjection5:etionSupply frainA frainB CV 3057 (S!!v) hu CV 3025 (Simp) thief CV 3031 ($11W) hu CV 3030 (Step) Chiti M

CYCS Letdova Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp lil F flow H gpa LetdownLinefesp 111f Line fesp 21 F Letdownflow igpa Pusps P 55A QA P 5530H P 550 QH VoltseControltank fesp Q F Pressure 11 psi Levelliti PCP Control Bleedoff Pressere 111 psig 5hatdownCooling8ystes SDCSfromPCS(R) 111 F SDCS to PCS (R) 11P Quen:htank fesp111F Pressure i psig Level H l PristryCoolantlystes PresseriterPressure(R) 111 psia PCSfate(1) Loop 1(TRilll)1113 Loop 2 (ft 0121) illd PressariterLevel(1) LAC Ollla Qt LIC91018 Ql Ptr Ett Asps LCC 15 i LCC li i PCRV PAV ll41B Chitj PRV 1943B Chitj BlockValve 1071042A Qgn NOV 1043A Qu PCP: P 50A QH P 59B h P 500 h P 5tD QH ReactorPowerLevel 11 01 L ith l 11 02 2,00!+1 51 03 3,001 1 11 04 3,001 1 1105i IItii 11071 11011 111111110i M

iPVstates AfWPtsp P IA QA P la QH P 80 QQi ITVPtspAsps P il H P lC i asps ATV Psep P la Steas Pressire i psig ATV Disch Press P la 6 P 8B H H P lc i psig letonkrylysten NSIV Bypass 10V 0501 Chiti 50V 0510 Chiti HS!Y's CV 0501 Chill CV 1510 Chitj NTP Section Pressure 111csig IFF Dis:harge Pressure A iQ B lit psi MeistereSeperatorCrainfankLevel il1 QnfessorHotvellLevel (( l AtsosphericOcepValves fhrott, CondensorVacuts iinIg.

Heater Drain Ptsp Status P ll! QH P lla QH GlandSealCondensorVa:nts liin13 CondensatePtspStatts P2A h P2B QH


(Desand101+ Constant, Rod,orPlat/fesp) l GrossXV d let IV d Core Isit thersoccuple fesperature llL,1 P ,

Control Rod Position GP1 i GP2i GP)1 GP4 i GP5(P) 1 GPI(A) i GP7(B)i l

$tsekfois gnt 1

1 PALII 80 i Cate 17 February 1988 Message 121 fine ildi Scenario flee tidi j (D


M f11 Level 11 i f139 level Ql Condensate Storage tank Level f-2 11 l InstrumentAirPressure 11psig ContainmenttilldingPressure a psig Comefesperature Ul F Besidity 11 4 S/GACespartsent fesperature 111F Ecsidity 11 i S/GBCospartment fesperature 111F Eneidity 11 i SIRWTankLevel 11i W1ContainmentPressate 11 psia Containsent Susp Level (R) 1l ContainsentWaterLevel(1) ii 51fankLevel(t) A}l *11 C11 Dli SIfankPressure(psig) A Hi B Hi C Hi 0 Ul Pasal I 11 SIASAlars lladit ContainmentHighPressureAlars 12 Containment ligh Radiation Alars 1R1 M

ConcentratedBoricAeldfankLevels f53A11i f53B11%

leactorVesselDP Lil psid P0lfDischargefesperature 111F ParSafetyValveDischargefesp(F) RV1039 111 RV1040111 RY1941111 PCPCurrent(Asps) 750A1 P508111 P500lli F500i FCSFlov 11 i LoopThot (F) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 ill loopfeeld(F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill fcold Wide range Loop 1 111 Loop 2 111 Subcooling fesp 1HJ F Press 1111 psi b PCSPressure(1) V1 lit IR 111 psia SteasGeneratorA Steas Generator 8 Level (VR) 1111 (IR) il i n i il n (II) 111 Press 11pala litpsia Flow Steas i PPE Feed i PPB Steam iPPI FeediPPI lote Steas and Feed Flev I1000000 M

AFWFlowtoA$/G Tres F lAll i Fros F lO i gpa ATVFlevtoBSIG Fros F illB lil Fros P lC i gpa  !

CondensorVactus(R) i PCPSealLeakoffFlow P 50A & F 50B di F 500 di F 50D &

M ,

I OletelGeneratorFrequency 11 udi 1 2 il l 1CBUS Voluge lill Aspsill 1 D BUS Voltage 1111 Asps 111 c.11 luk c 111 ContainmentAreaMonitors(1/Br)  !!A 1105 1.70!+1 RIA 1807 2,211+1

!!A llii l d ilil i i

11114ll 2d1111 BighlangeContalasentMonitors(1/It)  !!A 2321 1M111 RIA 2322 1d1111 ContainsentHydrogenConcentration(1) Al240lt Al1481L l

RIA 2324 (,50!+5 O Nais Steas Lite Gassa (cre)

Stack Nonitors RIA 2325 @ l cps R!A232( l lilil eps RIA 2323 { d lil 111 2322 1 3 111 ar/hr i

l 2-

t i


( l Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 06:15 .!


l Message for: Maintenance Controller (Mechanical) -

J r

i i

Simulated Plant Conditions: l l

1 l

1 Message:

l i

l 1

i Fnr Controller Use Only Controller Notes: Ensure maintenance players are at point to Report P-67A reassembled and ready for testing by 0625.

.l Action Expected:

1 1

I l

' l RP1287-00448-TP12  ;


s '

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 06:35 Message No: 22 Scenario Time 05:05-PALISALES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: S data uheets.


I For Controller Use Only Controller Notes:

1 1

Action Expected: 1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs yerformed

2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue
3. At approximately 0639 operators should secure last running charging pump and go on HPSI pump for pressure l

control (at discretion of SS).



i l

i RP1287-0044B-TP12 1

PALIIil Date 17 Tdriart 1988 Nessage i H fine thH ScenariofleeillH SWPasps F 1A QH P 75 h P 7: M !WCrit!calIdrPress A 11 B H plig CCWPasps F 52A h P 528 h P 520 Ell FPL Pasps P 511 h P 518 QH TirePasps P !A QH P 1B QH P 41 QH ContainmentCoolerRecitefans Vik h V2A h V3A h V4A h VlB h V2B h V3BQ3 V4B h M

CCWCoolerOutletfesp A HF B HF ContainmentSprayPieps P 541 QH P 548 QH P 54C QH EPSIPasps P ilA QA P 168 lacked Out LPSIPasps P 67A QH 7 67B hiltj SafetyInje:tlen8sction8spply frainA frainB CV !057 (S!!W) h u CV 30!! ($isp) U21tj CV 3031 ($ltW) Qua CV 3030 (Sisp) Gold Qdl CTC$

letdeva Charging latersediate Press Letdown fesp lH F flow H gps letdownLinefesp 1H F Line fesp 11 P LetdownFlov igpa Pasps P 55A QA P 55BQ H P 550 taeled out VoltseControlfank fesp11T Pressure 11 psi levelliti PCP Control Bleedoff Pressure H 1 psig 5hitd:vnCoolingSystes SDCSfreePCS(1) lH F SDC$ to PCS (I) 11F f- Quenchfank i fesp IU T Pressure i pilg Level 111 PristryCoolantsystes PressuriserPressure(t) llipsia PCSfate(t) Loop 1(ft0111)11Lil Loop 2 ! TI 0121) 11Li PressuriserLevel(R) LRC01011 [11  ?.10 010,8 11i PtrStrAsps LCC15 i LCC16 i PORY PRV 1642B Usitj PRV 10439 U21tl BlockValve N0Y 1842A hia 10V 19431 Qui l PfPs P 501 QH !508Qa P500Q1 P500QH i tedctorPowerLevel 11012,00l+1 I102 Ligil 1103 LitL1 II 04 ldthi l 11051 11 06 1 11 07 1 11 01 1 1109111101 l O

AFI$rstes j ATVPasp PIAQA PilQH PlcQM ITVPaspAsps F 1111 P IC 1 asps i ATV Pasp P ll Steas Pressure i psig ATV Disch Press F lA 6 P ll U H P IC 1 psig locondary lystes RSIVBypass N07-050i Uniti R0V 0510 QhA11 R$1T's CV 0501 G21 1 CV 0510 U2Ad l NTPSectionPressure illpsig XFPDischargePressure Alit B 111 psi l MoistureSeperatorDrainfankLevel Hl CondensorBotvellLevel Hl ,

AtmosphericDtspValts hth CondensorVactie iinIg. I HeaterDrainPaspStates P 101 QH P 108 QH GlandSealCondensorVacias 11in19 CondensatePaspStatus P 21 h P 28 Qlf PIP (Desand Log + Constant, Rod, or !! s/fesp)

GrossEW J Iet tv d Core trit thersocouple festerature lik i F Control %d Position CPI i GP2i GP3i GP4i GP5(P)i GPi(A)i GP7(B)1 4 Stick Rods 1231 1

i l

FALII18 1 Date 11 February illi Message i H fleeiltli Scenariofleetitli j M

(v fllLevel 11 i f939Lettl Mi Condensate Storage tank Level f 2 111 j

InstrisentAirPressere lilpsig ContainmentBuildingPressure d psig Desefesperature 111T Husidity 11 %

o/GACespartsent fesperature lilt Husidity 11 1 S/GBCospartment fesperature 1H r scaldity 11 i SitWTankLevel 11%

vtContainsentPressite(1) 11 pila ContainmentStepLevel 1i ContainmentWaterLevel(1) {l 51fanklevel(t) AH B11 CH D((

$1fankPressere(psig) A Hi B Hi C111 0 Hi P nal I 13 SIASAlara Blocked ContainmentHighPressereAlars lit Containsent ligh Radiation Alars IAA ConcentratedBoricAcidfantlevels f53A H I 1538 11 %

teactorVesselDF Lilpsid FORYDischargefesterstare 111F FarSafetyTalveOls:hargefesp(f) 171939 111 IV1040111 1V1941111 FCFCurrent(Asps) F50Ai F508{11 P500111 P500i FCSFlow Hi Loopthat (f) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loopfceld(f) Loep 1 ill Loop 2 ill feeld vide range Loop 1 11.1 Loop 2 Hi O Scbcooling FCSFressure(t) fesp VI Steas Generator A lild F lil Fress lilipsi It lH psia Steas Generator B Level (WR) :,lH I (II) 14 3H il n (II) 11 i Press la psia 111 psia Flev Step i FFE TeediFFI Steam i FFI Faed 1 FFI lote: Steas and feed flev i 1000000 till ArvflowtoAS/G Free F lAll i Free F lC 1 gps AFWFlevtoBS/G Tree F lAll 111 from F lC 1 gpa Conde3sorVI:sta(1) i FCFSealLealoffFlev F 50A di F 508 di F 500 di F 500 di l 1:11 DieselGenerator(retiency 11 ildi 12 ildi 1 C BCS foltage hil Asps 111 1 0 BUS Voltage lill Asps H1 c.11 lek c 111 ContainmentAreaMonitors(t/It) 11A 1805 1.70!+1 11A1806 1.311+1

!!A ll01 3,03!+1  !!A 1808 3.03I+1 81ghlangeContainmentMonitors(1/It)  !!A 2321 idini 111 2322 IJ1E l

,ontainmentHydrogenConcentration(1) A124011 Al240ll Nain Steas Line Gassa (eps) 1112324 4,50l+5  !!A 2323 Lilbl O StackMonitors  !!A 2315 lainl:ps  !!A 2326 2,70!+2 eps  !!A 2321 L ilE l er/hr 2


1 i

Scenario No: PALEX-8b Time 06:55 Message No: 23 Scenario Time 05:25 l l

1 1


Message for: Control Room Players P

t 1

Simulated Plant Conditions: See data and alarm sheets.  !

I l


  • l For Controller Use Only

] Controller Notes:

il i


.; Action Expected: 1. E0P 9.0, 15-minate SSFCs performed

! 2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue i


.l  !

I ,

w 4

j RP1287-0044B-TP12 I r

-. . - - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ ~ . _ . . . _ . _ . _ . _ - . . _ . ~ , - . _ . . . . , . , , - . , , - ,

l 1

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 06:55 1

Message No: 23 Scenario Time 05:25 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE ALARM SHEET Alarm Annune Panel Number Alara Window Description K-07 35 Charging Lo Flow K-07 40 Charging Pumps Discharge Lo Pressure i i

O  :

1 i t

i 4

4 l i

i 1

S i

! RP1287-0044B-TP12 i 1

l PALIIil Date 17 fet'riary lill Message i H fleethH Scenario flee thu l SW Pumps P 7A QH P 1B QA P 10 h SWCriticalEdrPress A H B H psig  ;

CCWPtsps P 52A Q1 P 528 Q2 P 520 E h FPCPasps F 51A u F 518 QH FirePtsps P !A QH P !B QH P 41 QH ContainmentCoolerRecitefans VIAQa V2AQ2 73AQA V4AQ1 VlBQA V2BQA T3BQA V4BQ2 CD CCWCoolerOutletfesp A HF B HF ContainmentSprayPusps P 54A QH P 548 QH P 540 QH HPSIPumps P lil Q2 P-((B tacked Out LPSIPieps F 67A QH F 678 lanti SafetyInjectionStetionSipply frainA frainB -

CV 3051 ($1RW) gia CV 302) (Step) Chigj CV 3031 ($ltv) Qgia CV 3030 (Siep) th111 CTC$

Letdeva Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp R1 F Flov 1 gps LetdownLinefesp di f Line fesp H T LetdownFlev i g;s Fusps P 55A QH F 55BQH F-55C Raeled est VolteeControlfank fesp B f Pressire11 psi Level 31 i PCF Control Bleedoff Pressure H1 psig ShttdownCoolingSystes SOCSfresFCS(R) diT SOCStoPCS(t) 11F Quenchfank fesp H i T P:essite i psig Level H t

")1 PristryCoolantlystes PressuriterPressure(R) Hipsia PCSfate(1) Loop Hidi 1 1710111)11 i Loop 2 (ft 0121) H 1J PressuriterLevel(A) L10fl0LA LIC010ll 111 PtrEttAsps  :,4 15 i LCCli i PORY PRV104280'J111 PRV 10:3h ,'hief Blockfalve IQ7 164?A hta 10Y 1043A Q g g PCPs F50AQH P508Q1 P500Q1 P500QU ReactorPowerLevel 11 91 Ll!j.R 51 02 L111 H B1 03 3,00! l 11 04 3,001 1 ri051 1106i s107i s! ol i s!0111110t tal l AFIsystes l I

ATVPcep P IA QA P Il QH F l. QQ1 ATVPtspAsps F 1A H F lc 1 asps ATV Ptsp F IB Steas Pressure i p'ag ATV Disch Press P lA I P lB Hil P lC [ plig locondarylystes l XSIV Bypes 107-0501 ruiti ROV 0510 Chiti NSIY's CT 0501 Ch111 CV 0510 Qhiti RFPfcetionPressere in pilg ITFDischargePresstre A(({ B in psi l XoistureSeperatorOrainfantLevel ni CondensorBotvellLevel Hl AtmospherictispYalves thrott, CondensorYacets tinIg.

HeaterDrainPtspStates P 10 A QH P 10B QH GlandSealCondensorfacuta (( in Bg, CondensatePtspStatus P2A QAF2l ad FIP (Desand Leg + Constant, Rod, or flatlfesp)

Gross NW d let XW d Core Irlt Thersoccuple fesperattre Hid F Control lod Position GPl i GP2i GP3i Glii GP5(P)1 GPi(A)i GP1(l)1 Steel Rods gut 1-

i l

1 PAL!! II Cate 17 February 1989 Mi ;;ge l H flee (1Lil Scenarioflee[11H u TilLevel 11 i T33) Level 11 1 Condensate Storage tank Level T 2 111 InstrumentAirPressere Mipsig ContainmentBuildingPressure d pig Desefesperature 111F Husidity li i S/G A Cosprteent fesperature diT Btsidity U d i SIG B Cosprteent fesperature 31 F Hasidity lLi l )

$1RVfankLevel 11 i VIContainmentPressure(R) 11 psia ContainmentScapLevel 11 ContainmentWaterLevel(1) ii SitankLevel(t) A(( BH C11 D11

$1fankPressure(psig) A Hi B111 C H1 0 H1 h aal 1 13

$1ASAltra Blocked ContainsentHighPressureAlars la Contalasent High Radiation Alars h1 Cril ConcentratedBoricAIdfankLevels f53A H l f53S11i Rea:torVesselCP 1psid PORYDischargefesperature 111F ParSafetyValveDischargefesp(F) 1V1939 111 RV1040111 RV10(!111 PCP Current ( Asp) 75011 P508111 P 500 Hi F500i FCS Flow 11 % ,

Loop 1 111 Loop 2 ill LoopThot (F)

Loopfceld(F) Loop i ill Loop 2 Hi fceld Wide range Loop 1 lil Loop 2 Hi Subcooling fesp lihl F Press 1111 pl O.

PCSPressure(1) VR Hi IR Hi pia SteasGeneratorA Steas Generator B Level (VI) -111 1 (II) in QB 111 (II) il i Press 11 pia 1Q1 psia Flev Steas 1 PPI FeediPPB Steas i PPR FeediPPI lote:SteasandFeedFlov I1000000 C:ll AFFFlowtoAS/G Fros F lAll i Fros P IC i gps AFVFlevtoBSIG Fros P lAll 111 Fros P 80 t gpa CondensorVa::s(R) 1 PCPSealLeskoffFlev P 50A di F 50B di F 500 di F 50D di C:ll DieselGeneratorFrequency 11 HJi 12 [lji 1 C BOS Voltage liit Aspsill l 1DBCS Voltage lill Asp 111 )

' I f 11 Ici 2 11A l l

ContainmentAreaMonitors(1/Br) 111 1805 1.70!+1 RIA llli ldlhi l IIAIlli huul R11 1801 IJ1 E l j tighRangeContainmentMonitors(1/Er) IIA 2321 id[E l RIA 2322 ld[El i ContainmentHydrogenConce3tration(4) Al140lt Al.140lL l Main Steas Line Gassa (eps) 11A 2324 4,50!+5  !!A 2323 idiul

, StackMonitors RIA 2325 L11El eps !!A 2326 LHul eps IIA 2321 1<f11+1 er/hr 2-I

i l

l l

l 2

i Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 07:15 Message No: 24 Scenario Time 05:45 l


Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.

f j

) Message: ,

l i

1 .

l t i

2 i

i For Controller Use Only l Controller Notes:



.1 4

. Action Expected: 1. E0P 9.0,15-minute SSFCs performed

2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue j
i J.

4 i

l ,

1 l l

! RP1287-0044B-TP12

_ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ ___ a

PALIIil Cate 17 February 1918 Nessage i H flee thH Scenariofinetitu SWPumps P 1A qd F 7B h P 1C h SWCriticalEdrPress A H B H psig CCvPisps P 52A h P 528 21 P 52C 1.t.h FPCFests P51AQ1P513QH FirePusps P!A ad PlB QH P U Q.d Containment Cooler Recite Fus VIA h V2A h V3A h V4A h Vl3 h Vll02 V3B b V4B02 W

CCV Cooler Outlet fesp A li T B HT ContainmentSprayPtsps P 5(A QH F 5(B QH P 54C ad EPSIFisps F fik h P ill Racked Out LPS!Fusps F 61A ad P ill Iluti SafetyInjection$nctionlipply frainA frainB CV 3051 (SIRW) hu CV 3029 (Simp) thisi CV 3031 ($1RI) Qsn CV 3030 (Susp) Chill M

CVCS letdeva Charging I 'ersediate Press Letdevn fesp lu F flow i gps LetdownLinefesp in F Line fesp 11 F LetdovaFlov 1 gps Fceps P 55A Q R P 55B1H P 55C tacked Out VolteeControlfank fesp H T Pressure 11pil Level 111i PCP Control Bleedoff Pressure lil psig Sht:d:rnCoolingSystes SDCSfreePCS(R) 1H P SDCStoFCS(R) 11P Qten:hfank fesplitF Fressere i psig Level H l

[v-) FristryCooltatlystes PressuriserPressure(R) 111 psia PCSfare(R) Loop 1 (fl.0111) Loop 2 fR 0121) ill d PressuriserLevel(R) LRC 0101A ili LRC 010,3 di PsrBtrAsps LCC 15 i LCC16 i PORY PRV 10423 Cluti PRV 10438 Chigi BlockValve MOV 1642A C; n 107 1643A b ia PCPs F 50A tu P 505 h F50CQ1 P 500 QH ReactorPowerLevel n! 01 ldthl 11 02 ldthi n! 03 1dth[ n! 04 L.[thi s!05t it05i s!07i n! 081 st il1:1101 Cal ATIlystes ATVPtsp P ll Q2 P ll QH F 10 001 ATVPtspAsps F IA H P lC 1 asps ATV Ptsp P 88 Steas Pressere [ psig ATV Disch Frts: P la i F il lill F it i psig lecendarylystes XSlyBypass ROV 0501Cluti 10V 0510 (Inti R$1V's CV 0501 Chiti CV lltt thatj NFPSectionPressere illpsig If7 Discharge Presnre A111 B111 psi NoistereSqtratorDrainTankLevel ili CondensorIotvtlllevel (ii AtmosphericCtspValves thrott, CondensorVacate 1inIg.

HeaterCrainPtspStatis F 10A qu F 108 ad GlandSealCondensorVacita 11inEg.

CondensatePtspStates P2A h P2B QU (Desand log + Constant, Rod, or flirlfesp)

Gross NW d let XV d Core Exit thersocosple fesperature lli d F Control Rod Position GPl [ GP2i GP3i G!4i GP5(P)i Gli(A) 1 GP1(B) 1

, p Sts:tRods 12n



FALIIil Date 11 february lill,, Message i H flee ilL11 Scenarioflee11Lil O Cdl V

f81 Level ili f339 Level il I Condensate Storage fani Level T 2 li %

InstrcsentAirPressure litpsig Containment Building Pressere d pig Dosefesperature 111F Hasidity Udli SIG A Comprtsent fesperature 111F Etsidity 11 i SIG B Cosprteent fenpratore 111F Ensidity 11 %

SIRVfanklevel 11 %

VRContainmentPressere(R) 11 pia ContainmentSuspLevel ii ContainmentWaterLevel(R) {i

$1fankLevel(1) A11 5il C11 011 -

$1 fani Pressere (pig) A Hi 8 Hi C Hi D H1 fanal I 13

$1ASAltre 11g1R1 ContainsentHighPressureAlars h Containment High Radiation klars 1R1 C:11 ConcentratedBorieAeldfaniLevels f531 H t f 53811 i ReactorVesselDF Lil pid FORYDischargefesperature 111F PsrSafetyValveDlschargefesp(F) RT1939 111 RY1040111 R71941lil FCF Carrent pap) 759Ai F508[11 P50Clli F500i FCSFlev 11i LoopThot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 111 ,

Loopfeeld(F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill feeld Vide range Loop 1 111 Loop 2 111 O Sibeooling FCSPressure(R)

SteasGeneratorA fesp VR 11L.1 F Hi Fress 1111 psi IR 211 psia Steas Generator 8 Level (VR) -1111 (IR) ii un 111 (IR) 111 Fress 11 pia 11 psia Flev Steas i FFB Teed i FFI Steas l FFI FeediFFI lote Steas and Feed Flev 11906000 Cdl ATVFlovtoA$/G Fros F lill i from F lO i gpa AllFlevtoBS/G Free F lAll lli Fros F lC 1 gpa l CondensorVactus(R) i l FCFSealLeakoffFlov F531 di F503 Ji F 500 di F 500 di j l

Cdl DieselGeneratorFreguesey 11 11J1 12 ildi 10 BCS Yoltage lill Asp ill 10BCS Voltage lill Aspslli c.11 lei c 111 RIA 1105 1.70!*1 RIAllli 1.44t+1 l Containment Area Ronitors (Ritr)

RIA ll01 Idini RIA llli Idlu l I IlghRangeContainstatMonitors(R/Br) IIA 2321 1.liul RIA!!22 ld1El ContainmentsydrogenConcentration(t) A12401R Al240lt Rain Steas line Gassa 'ep) 1111324 4,50l+5 RIA 2323 i di n i O Stael Monitors RIA 2325 Lithl en 11A 2316 2,10l+2 eps RIA2321 1,00!+1 arlhr 2


e Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 07:35 Message No: 25 Scenario Time 06:05 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT ,


Message for: Control Room Players I

Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets. I J ,




. l t

I 1 For Controller Use Only J

Controller Notes: PCS will reach shutdown cooling entry conditions shortly.  ;

I i

. Action Expected: See Narrative. l Time: 0630-0755 l ll Page: 9 Section: C Parts: All

1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed l
2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue j i i l

i t

I 1 i j' RP1287-0044B-TP12 ,


FALIIll Date 17 Februart Illi Message i H flee thH Scenarioflee(1111 O $WFieps F 7A Mi F 1B h F 10 h SWCriticalIdrfress A H B U pilg CCWPceps F 52A u F 528 h F 52011h FPCPeeps F 51A u F 518 W FireFieps F !A Q11 P !B Q11 F 41 Q11 ContainmentCoolerReciteFans VIA h V2A h V3A h V4A h VII h Y2B h V3B h V4B h CM CCWCoolerOutletfesp A HF B HF Containment Spray Fusps F541Q11 F 54B Q11 P 540 QH HFS! Fisps F ilA Q11 P lil Q11 LFS!Pieps F111Q11 F 118 udti SafetyInjectionStetionSupply TrainA frainI CV 3651 ($11W) hu CV 302) (Step) Guti CV 3031 ($1RV) Osn CV 3030 (Siep) Chui C:H CYC5 Letdown Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp lu F flow H gpa LetdownLinefesp lit F Line fesp 11 F LetdownFlev igpa Fasps F 551 h F 55Bh F 55C 011 VolteeControlfant fespilF Fressure11 psi Levelliti FCF Control Bleedoff Pressere H 1 psig ShutdovaCoellsgsystes SDCSfreeFCS(R) 1H F SOCStoFCS(1) 11F Quenchfalk fesp 1[ F Fressure i psig Level H l C PrimaryCoolantlystes PressuriserPressure(R)

FCSfate(1) Loep 1 111{sia 11Ld Loop 21!!8121)illd PressariserLevel(R) LRC Oll,ATR Oll!)11 t LICOllel li i farstrAsps LCC15 11 LCCli 11 FCRV FRV1042BClutj FIV19438Chud Block Valve ROV lll!A un 10V 16431 hu FCFs F50AQ1l F 508 h F 500 h F500011 teactorFeverLevel 11812,00!+1 1102 Lith 1 1103 L111d 1104 Lilld 11051 11061 11011 11041 11491Il 10 t Qdl IFfIFetes AFVFesp F 11 h F il Qil F lO Qh IFVFiepAsps F 11 H F lc 1 asps AFV Faep F ll Steas Pressare i psig AFV Disch Press F la i F ll ((ll F lC [ psig locondarylyttet R$1VBypass 10V 0501 Cluti 10V 9510 Cluti RSIV's CV 0501 unti CV 0510 G uti !

XFF5:tionPressure ilt pilg RFPtischargePressere Aill B 111 psi l RolstereSeperatortraintankLevel 11 1 Co:densorHotvellLevel ili AtmospherieCtepValves un1L CondensorVa:iss [ la Ig.

IeatertraleFispStats: F 16A QH F 105 QH GlandSealCondensorVatste 11inIg.

CondensateFeepStatt F2A h F!B QH FIF (DesandLog+ Constant, Red,orflet/fesp)

Gross NW d let IV d Core 111t Thersocosple feeptrattre lik i F  !

Control lod Position GF1 1 GP2 1 GF3i GF4i GF5(F)i GFi(A)i GF1(B)1 j Stuck Rods am O

l 1

l I

i PAlltil Date 17 February 1981 Messagei11 flee [1111 Scenarioflatlitil O W V

TilLevel gi f939 Level 11 1 Condensate Storage tank Level T 2 11 1 InstrasentAirPressure 111psig ContainmentBuildingFressure Jpilg Dae fesperature lliT Insidity 11 1

$/G A Cospartment fesperature HT holdity 11 %

$/GBCospartment fesperature ilF Insidity 11 i SitVfankLevel HI VRContainsentPressire(1) 11 psia Contaissent$tspLevel ii ContainmentWaterLevel(R) ii SifankLevel(t) A 11 8il C11 011

$1fankPressure(psig) A Hi Blli C111 D111 Panal I il SIASAltra Hatitj ContainmentHighPressureAlars [g Containment ligh 14diation Alars 111 M

ConcentratedBoricAcidfankLevels f53A111 153811%

teactorYesselDP 11sid P0tfDis:hargefesperature lit ?

ParSafetyValveDlschargefesp(r) 1110)! Hi ti1040111 ti1941lil PCPCurrent(Asps) P501i P501111 P500lli F500i PCSflow 11i Loopthot (T) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 in i Loopfceld(f) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill feeld Vide range Loop 1 111 Loop 2 111 O Subcooling PCSPressure(1) fesp VI SteasGeneratorA lild F 111 Fress 11 lilipsi 111 psia SteasGent: steri  !

Level (VI) :111% (II) il (El il I (II) 11 %

Fress ipsia 11 psia

'i flev Steas i PPI feed i PPI Steas ,l FFI FeediFFI lote: Steas and feed flev 1 1000000 M

ArvFlowto1S/G fres F lAll i Fros F 1C 1 gra ATVTlowtoIS/G Tres F lAll 111 Fres F lC 1 gpa Condensorfacias(R) i FCPSealLeakoffFlow P 50A di F 518 di F 50C di F 5tD di M

Diesel Generator Frepency 11HJi 11 HJi 1CBCS Toltage 1111 Asps 111 1 D BCS Toltage 1111 Aspslli c 11 taek c 111 i containmentAreaBonitors(t/Er) 111 1865 1.70!+1 R111806 Lillil 11A ll01 1,911+1 111 1101 L 11111 HighRangeCentainmentRonitors(t/It)  !!A 1321 1 d1111  !!A 1322 L11111 ContaineentBydrogenConcentration(4) 1124011 Al140lt Xain Steas Line Gassa (eps) 1111324 idilii RIA232) Lill!1 I 111 1325 L ill!1 cps !!A 1126 2,701+2 eps

, Stacknonitors 1111321 L ill!1 arlhr 2-1

---a-- _. -

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 07:50 Message No: 26 Scenario Time 06:20 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.


O For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: Plt.nt now on shutdown cooling Action Expected: 1. EOP 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed

2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue O


FAL!!18 Cate 11 February lill Hessagei1[ fine Edi Scenario fine & lt


O $WPiers F 1A M F 18 h F 7C h $WCriticalIdrPress A il I [1 psig CCWFusps F 52A h F 521 h F 52C S h FFCFisps F 51A h F 518 QH FireFisps F li 0.R P !B Q11 F il M ContainsentCoolerRecircfans VIA h V2A Q V3A h V4 A h Vil b V2) h V38 h V48 h M

CCVCoolerOutletfesp A HF i liF Containment $prayPiers F 5(A M F541Q11 P 54C QH IPS!Ptaps FilkQ11Plittaeledout LPSIPtsps F 17A h F lil [1 H11 safetyinje: tion 3:tionlipply TrainA frainI CV 3057 ($1RW) uta CV 3020 (Scap) U u11 CV 3031 ($1RW) Qtst CV 3030 (Step) U21t1 M

CVC5 Letdown Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp H1 F Flow igpa Letdown Line fesp 111F Line fesp 11F LetdownFlev igpa Fasps F 55A h F 55)Q1 P 55C Q11 VoltneCentrolfast fesp B F Fressureilpst Levelliti FCF Control lleedo!! Fressere 111 psig

!hstdevaCoolinglystea SDCSfresFCS(I) 111F SDCStoPCS(t) 111F Qten:hfank g Pressere Lil psig Level 11i fesp H F fristryCooltatlystes PressiriterPressire(t) 111 psia FCSfate(t) Loop 1 (f10111) 111J1 Loop 1 ! ft il21) illi PresseriterLevel(R) 110 8101A ((t LIC 010 8 11i FtrItrAsps LCC15 11 LCC 16 11 FORY FIV ll428 ChL11 Fiv 19438 Unil BlockValte 10V 19421 h ig IOV ll(31 Q213 FCP: F51AQ1[ P501Q1 F 500 h P 500 QH ReactorFeverLetel 11 01 2,Q0!+1 11 02 Lilul II.03 Litt i 3104 Lilhi 11 05 1 Il li i 11011 11011 IIlli1110t Qdl AftSystes AFWFiep P lA M F ll Q11 P lC QQi ArtFispAaps F li [ F 10 [ amps AFV Fce; F ll Steae Pressire i pilg AFV Disch Press F IA i F il i F lc [ psig ,

leccadarylyttes R$1Vlypass 10V 0501 u nii IOV 1510 Cluti ISIV's CV 0501 Cluti CV 0510 Gull l RFPSt:tionPressere ill[sig IFF01schargePressure A H1 1illpsi l RolstereSeperatorCrainfatiLevel 1.11 CondenserBotvellLevel {ii Atsospheric Otsp Valves thgh CondensorVa:sta [inIg, ItaterCrainFia;Statis F101Q11 PlliQ11 GlandSealCondensorVacuts 1{inIg,

< CondensatePtepStatis F 2A h P il Q11 P!F (OtsandLog+ Constant,101,orFltilfesp)

Gross RW d let !W d Cort flit there xotple festerature H L 1 F Control led Position GF1 [ GP2i GP3i Glii GP5lP)i Gli(A)[ GP1(l)i stiet 10d: nnt 1-l l l i

PALIIil Date 11 Fettnart lill- Nessageili flee thH Scenarioflee11111 TilLevel HI t139 Level Hl Condensate $torage fant level T 2 11 % l Instrisent Air Pressure litpig ContainmenttilldingPressire d pig Dese fesprature dir Issidit 11i Sl0 A Cosprteent fesperature 11F Italdit 11 1

$lG B Cesprteent fesperature 11 f . Insidit 114

$1RWfankLevel (( t WRContainmentPressire(1) 11 pia Containment $ tsp Level 11 ContainmentWaterlevel(1) {i

$1fankLevel(t) A11 1il C11 0 11

$1fankPressire(psig) A Hi B111 C Hi 0111 hsel113 ContaineertElgiPressereAlars la containment ligh Radiation Altre 111 SIASAltre Hrdif Cdl Concentrated loric 1:Idfastlevels 1531 H l f531111 ReactorVesselDP 1psid P0lVDischargefesperature lil F ParSafetyValveOlschargefesp(f) 1V1939 lit IV1040111 171941 lit PCP Current ( Asp) 750A1 P505111 P500111 P500i PCSflow 111 Loopthot (F) Loop 1 Hi Loop 2 ill Loopfeeld(f) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 Hi fceld Vide range Loop i H1 Loop 2 111 O

g Subcooling PCSPressite(t) fesp WR steas Generator A lild T 111 Press lui psi It lit psia Steas Generator I 1 Level (II) dll n (II) ii du il n (11) 11 l  ;

Press i pia 11 pela Flov Steas [ PPI Feed i PPI $tets 1 PPI feed [PPI lote: Steas and feed flev I 1000000 Cdl ATVFlovtoA$lG fres P illi i Fros F lc i gps i AFWflevtoB$/G free P lAll [ free P lC [ gp CondenserVicius(R) i PCPlealLea10!!Flev P 501 di F 508 di F 500 di P 5tD di Cal DieselGeneratorFrequen:y 11 ildi 12 [ldi 1 C BUS Voltage 1111 As p ill 1 D BC$ Voltage liit Asp 11[

c 11 le h c 111 ContainmentAreatonitors(1/tr)  !!A 1105 1.161+1 111 1806 ldihl IIA ll01 lll u l 1111801 Li[El l 1 tighlangeCentainmentMonitors(t/tr) 111 2321 1,10!+1 IIA 2322 lJj u l ,

ContainmentlydrogenConcentration(l) A124011 Al2401L 111 1323 ldjE l O Bain steas Line Gassa (ep) hfA 2324 Li[El ,

y StackMonitors 1112325 Litulcp  !!A 2326 l atu l eps  !!A2311 L itu l er/hr 2

l 1


O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 07:55 Message No: 27 Scenario Time 06:25-09:20 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: SS, SED, and EOF Director Simulated Plant Conditions: Control Room players see data sheets. ,

i Message: Conditions have moved ahead in time 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> and 55 minutes, i although clock time will remain the same. New data is being (


\- >

provided in the Control Room. The primary coolant system has cooled and depressurized. The release has been terminated. ,

Offsite sampling has determined that no radioactive deposition has occurred. Refer to new data provided and to appropriate procedures to determine if recovery is warranted at this time.

For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: The SED and EOF Director will determine who at the plant '

and EOF will continue to participate in the exercise once a decision has been made to enter recovery.

Action Expected: The JPIC controller will terminate participation at the JPIC based on a judgement whether further participation is l warranted.

RP1287-0044B-TP12 C

FAL11Il Date 11 Februart lill Message l H flee 07:55 Scenarioflee(i.tli O

b Cdl '

$vFlops F In (H F il b F 10 h SWCriticalIdtPress A B B 11 plig CCWFiers F 521 h F 528 h F 520 itkI FFCFusps F 51A h F 518 W FireFusps F !A Q11 P 15 Q11P 41 hl ContainmentCoolerReelteFans VIA h V2A h V3A h V4A b Vll u V2B h V3B h V4B h Cal CCVCoolerOutletfesp A 11 F I HF ContainmentSprayitsps F54AQ11 P 548 m P540Q11 IFS!Fusps F ill lacked out FfiltackedOut LF31 fceps F 61A h F ill [111d SafetyinjectionItettonlipply CV 3957 (s!!W) CIta CV 3tli ($cep) (hnal CV 3031 ($ liv) hta CV 3130 (Step) Chill Cdl CVC5 Letdown Charging Intereediate Press Letdown fesp 111 F Flev igpe LetdownLinefesp lit F Line f6sp 11 F LetdownFlev igre Pteps F 55A 011 F 558Q11 P 55C Q11 VolteeControlfank fesp u F Frentre 11 psi Level 1111 FCF Control litedoff Frentre i psig thttdownCoelletlystes ,

$DCSft:sPCS(t) 111F $0C$toFC3(R) 111F O

fesp 11 F Fressere L11 psig Odschfank FristryCoolantlystes Leul 11 i PresstriterPressure(:) 11pela FCSfare(t) Loop 1Ifi1111)illit Loop 2.ftil21)illi PresstriterLevel(R) LRC11LA lit i LRCIll,8 lit i FtrstrAsps LCC15 i LCCli i 70lf FRTll423Ch111 FAV Il438 th111 BlockValve 50V.!Q41AQgia80V19431(33 FCFs FilAQ11 F 508 (H F500011 P50DQ11 teactorFeverlevel 1111 Llilil 1182 Lillt.1 II il 3,1111 1114 L1111 11051 11161 11071 11111 11011Il101 Rdl l AFIlystes j AFVFiep F IA Q11 P il Q11 P 8C Q21 AFWFuspAaps FiniFlc1seps J AFV Fisp F ll Steas Pressire i psig AFV C h ch Press F 11 i F il i F lC 1 psig locondarylyette R$li lypus ROV 1501 Chill ROV l5ll Ch111 R$1T's CV 1501 Chill CV 0511 Chilj 1 NFFStettonFressure 1; g RFFCischargeFreistre Ai 11 pil NelsttreSeperatorCrainfankLevel i CondessorBoivelllevel HI AtmospherictropValves Chitj CondenerVacuts ilaIg.

Heater train Fiep Statu FllAQ1L F lil (H Gland!ealCondensorVictie i la Ig.

Conden ate Fiep Status F 1A Qil F 15 Q11 FIF (Desandtog+ Constant,101,orlitt/ fen;) l GrossNW d let RW d Core Init Therexouple fesperattre llLi F Control Rod Fesitle GF1i GP2i GP3i GF4i GF5(F)i GFI(A)i GF7(l)!

O Its:ktods Lnt 1- ,

l FAL!!18 ,

Cate 11 Fehriary 1988 Nessage i H flu 07:55 Scenariofleetilli U

fllLevel Ht f.939 Level 11 1 Condensate Storage fani Level T 2 11 1 InstrcaentAirFressure di psig ContainmentIsildingPressere Jpsig Desefesperature 111 F Insidit Ht

$/GACospartment fesperature HF Eteldit Ht

$/GICospartMat fesperiture 11F BCtidlt ui

$11WfankLevel 111

'd Catainment Pressite (1) 11 psia ContainMatSuspLevel ii ContalneentWaterlevel(t) {t

$1faniLevel(t) A11 Iil C11 D11

$1fankPressert(psig) A U1 B Hi C Hi D Hi Fanel 1 11 SIASAlara lhd&l ContainmentHighfressereAltre la Contalasent Ilgh Radiaties Alars h1 C:ll ConcentratedBorieAcidfanklevels f53A H t f539111 leactorVesselCF tjsid F017Dischargefesperature III T PtrSafetyYalveOlschargefesp(F) 171939 31 RYlift111 L7ll(1lil FCFCurrent(Asps) 750Ai F5081 P5001 P500i FCSFlev Ht LoopThot (F) Loep 1 in Loop 2 ill Loopfeeld(F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill feeld vide range Loop 1 1H Loop 2 lu O $dcooling FCSFreisire(1) fesp V1

$ tete Generator A H1d F H

Fress lili ps!

11 11 psia SteasGeneratorI Level (VI) it (II) i t lin 111 (II 11 pela ) 11 i Press ipsia Flev Stena i FFI Feed 1FFI Steas i FFI FeediFFI lote $ teas and Feed Flev I 1110000 C:ll AFNFlevto&$/G Free F lAll i Free F 1C 1 gpa AFVFlevtoI$/G Fros F Illl i Free F lC 1 gpa Condensorfactie(1) i ,

FCFSealtenetiFlev F51A1 P508i F50Ci F500i C:ll OleselGeneratorFrequency 11HJi 12 ildi 1C10$ foltage hit Aapsill 10BCS Voltage lill Asps 111 1 c.11 leh c 111 j ContaltuntAreaRositors(t/It) 11A 1805 LilEl 1141806 Liihl ,

11A lll1 IdlEl 1111808 ldlhi  !

IlghRangeContainstatMonitors(1/It)  !!A 2321 l dfu l 111 1322 Idl E l l ContaineentlydrogenConcentratles(t) A!24011 Al240ll i 111 2324 4,50!+5  !!A2323 LilEl I y Rela Steas Line Gassa Stacklonitors 111- (cre)2325 h it hi epe !!A 2326 Hiin l epsi dtE l er/hr

!!A 2321 l l

2 l


i k

Scenario No: PALEX 88 Time 07:55+  !

Message No: 2J[ Scenario Time 09:20+


Simulated Plant Conditions: ,

i 1

4 Message: Announce over the plant public address system: "Attention all personnel. The annual emergincy exercise has been terminated.

All drill participants may return to normal duties unless instructed otherwise." l l I s t i

) _____________________________________________________________________________

For Controller Use Only i j Controller Notes: Lead onsite controller will deliver this message when i deemed appropriate.

Action Expected:

i l

l l

4 i

l RP128/-CO'43-TP12 l

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] RP1287-0044B-TP12 >

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k RP1287-0044B-TP12 l


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{ RP1287-0044B-TP12 I 1


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] PASM Data for PALEX '88 1.0 pH, 1.1 pH is a function of ppe boron if there is no LiOH in the sample, LiOH and f boron concentration will depend on what water is added to the PCS during  ;

the accident. (SIRW, SI Sottles, BAST, etc.)

1.2 If accident progress to the point where LPSI pumps are drawing suction from containment sump and containment spray has been activated pH of PCS will be approximately 8.00 due to hydrazine and NaOH in containment spray.

1.3 pH should be determined by the Chemistry Controller based on accident  ;

conditioti and operator action. Table 1.1 and 1.2 maybe used as aid to '

determining pH. i l

2.0 Boron 2.1 Boron should be determined by the control room Controller based on ,

operator action. PASM boron analysis is to be  ?

used as verification of those actions. ,

2.2 Chemistry Controller should converse with control room Controller to '

determine boron ppm value for reporting during exercise.

3.0 Chlorides  !

3.1 Chloride analysis is to be done within four days of the accident. Data  !

will not be available during the course of the drill. l 3.2 OSC Supervisor shall request Trail Street Lab to bring their Ion Chro- l matograph to the Plant within four days to do chloride analysis. l nm l'




4.0 Dissolved oxyaen j 4.1 Dissolved oxygen is not required until 30 days after accident if dis- I

solved hydrogen and chloride data are available.

I 4.2 Oxygen is not mandatory unless chloride exceeds 0.15 ppe. A measurement 3

of dissolved hydrogen residual of greater than 10 cc/kg is acceptable i i

verification for up to 30 days.

4.3 Therefore dissolved oxygen data will not be available during the course of the drill.

1 J 5.0 Dissolved Hydromen 5.1 Dissolved hydrogen in PCS during the accident will be 18 cc/kg a reduc-tion from normal due to H2 escaping from_1,000 gpm leak. '

5.2 Percent oxygen and hydrogen in containment air will be normal.

l 6.0 Radionuclide Concen;ratien for Cross Activity and Canuna Spectrum  !


. 6.1 Containment atmosphere activity levels are normal.

j .2 See Table for Sump Liquid Activity [

l 6.3 See Table for Primary coolant Liquid ,

l j 6.4 See Table for A & B S/C Liquid Activity 1

l I 7.0 Dose Rate and Radiation Levels i 7.1 Dose rate and radiation levels around the PASM Panel, NSSS Panel, Hot l

1.ab, and hallways are listed in the inplant radiation data section.

7.2 Areas monitors readings are listed in the area monitors section.  !

1 .

-  ?

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.I 1

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i MIO586-0134A-OP02



-l Table 1.1 Variation of pH with Lithium and Boron Concentrations B, ppm \Li, ppm 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6- 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 0 7.0 9.46 9.76 9.94 10.06 10.16 10.24 10.30 10.36 10.41 10.46 10.50 10.54 50 5.78 7.03 7.34 7.51 7.64 7.74 7.82 7.89 7.95 8.01 8.06 8.10 8.14 100 5.63 6.73 7.03 7.20 7.33 7.43 7.51 7.58 7.64 7.69 7.74 7.78 7.82 150 5.54 6.54 6.84 7.02 7.14 7.2A 7.32 7.39 7.45 7.50 7.55 7.59 7.63 200 5.47 6.41 6.70 6.88 7.00 7.10 7.18 7.25 7.31 7.36 7.41 7.45 7.49 250 5.41 6.30 6.59 6.77 6.89 6.99 7.07 7.14 7.20 7.25 7.30 7.34 7.38 300 5.37 6.20 6.50 6.67 6.80 6.90 6.97 7.04 7.10 7 't 7.20 7.24 7.28 350 5.32 6.12 6.41 6.59 6.71 6.81 6.89 6.96 7.02 7.11 '/.16 7.19 400 5.28 6.04 6.33 6.51 6.63 6.73 6.80 6.88 6.94 .99 7.04 7.08 7.12 450 5.25 5.97 6.26 6.44 6.56 6.66 6.74 6.81 6.86 6.92 6.96 7.0 7.04 500 5.21 5.91 6.20 6.37 6.49 6.59 6.67 6.74 6.80 6.85 6.89 6.94 6.97 150 5.18 5.85 6.13 6.31 6.43 6.53 6.64 6.67 6.?3 6.78 6.83 6.87 6.91


'-- 5.15 5.79 6.07 6.24 6.37 6.46 6.54 6.61 6.67 6.72 6.77 6.81 6.85 650 5.12 5.73 6.01 6.18 6.31 6.41 6.49 6.55 6.61 6.66 6.71 6.75 .6.79

, 700 5.09 5.68 5.96 6.13 6.25 6.35 6.43 6.50 6.55 6.61 6.65 6.69 6.73 750 5.07 5.63 5.90 6.07 6.20 6.29 6.37 6.44 6.50 6.55 6.60 6.64 6.68 800 5.04 5.58 5.85 6.02 6.14 6.24 6.32 5.39 6.45 6.50 6.54 6.59 6.62 850 5.01 5.53 5.80 5.97 6.09 6.19 6.27 6.34 6.39 6.43 6.49 6.53 6.57 900 4.99 5.48 5.75 5.92 6.04 6.14 6.22 6.29 6.34 6.40 6.44 6.48 6.52 950 4.96 5.44 5.70 5.87 5.99 6.09 6.17 6.24 6.30 6.35 6.39 6.43 6.47 1000 4.94 5.40 5.66 5.83 5.95 6.04 6.12 6.19 6.25 6.30 6.35 6.39 6.43 NOTE: 1. Numbers contained in above table are approximation for exercise purposes only.

2. If boron concentration are above 1,000 ppm use Table 1.2.

l I

MIO586-0134A-OP02 i

. _ . . . . . ~ . . . . .. . . . . - - .


Vartation of pH with Boron Concentration

.m Boron pH LiOH ppm-1000 5.0 <.02  ;

1100 5.0 <.02 1200 4,9 <.02 1300 4.9 <.02 1400- 4.8 <.02 1500 4.8 <.02 1600 4.7 <.02 1700 4.7 <.0?

1800 4.6 <.Ok  ;

1900 4.6 <.02 l 2000 4.5 <.02 O NOTE: 1. Numbers contained in above Table are approximation for exercise purposes only.

I l

l I

1 i

l MIO586-0134A-OP02

m Xe133 6.38E+0) 9.64E+00 9.01E-02 XE133M 3. 74 E+00 - 8.42E-01 8.63E-02 Xe135 9.99E+00 9.94E-01 9.99E-02 Kr85 3.65E-01 7.43E-02 2.00E-03 KrS8 6.95E+00 8.77E-01 9.64E-03 1131 2.95E+00 5.o0E-01 2.37E-05 1133 4.33E-01 9.00E-01 3.78E-05 CS134 3.10E+00 4.50E-01 l CS137 7.50E+00 5.10 E+ 00 -

TE132 7.60E-08 5.70E-08 l Ba140/La140 3.80E-08 4.70E-08  :

Rul03/Rh103 7.90E-08 4.40E-08 l Total Camma (All) 9.65E+01 5.30E+00 2.24E-01 '

      • RESULTS***

% Clad Failure = 56% Based upon Noble Gas Values Only

% Fuel Overheat Xe133 Less Than 50% If Any Value is >50% Then Assume >50% Fuel Overheat l Xe133M Less Than 50% 1 i

(~s - #

Xe135 Kr85 Less Than 50%

Less Than 50%

Kr88 Less Than 50%

Percent Fuel Helt = 0% Based on Te132 and Ba140 Only INTERPRETATION DATA SHEET Code Inv Cap Melt Ai Release Agap Ai/ Core Release Amelt isotope (Curies) (Curies) Factor (Curies) Ai/Agap Inventory Fact (Curies) Ai/Amelt Xe133 2.20E+04 1.31E-08 0.03 3.93E+06 5.61E-03 1.68E-04 0.873 1.14E+08 1.93E-04 Xs133M 6.17E+03 5.10E+06 0.03 1.53E+05 4.03E-02 1.21E-03 0.873 4.45E+06 1.39E-03 Xe135 1.14E+04 4.49E+07 0.03 1.35E+06 8.46E-03 2.54E-04 0.873 3.92E+07 2.91E-04 Kr85 2.07E+02 2.52E+03 0.03 7.57E+01 2.73E+00 8.19E-02 0.873 2.20E+03 '9.39E-02 Kr88 7.64E+03 4.46E+07 0.03 1.34E+06 5.71E-03 2.71E-04 0.873 3.89E+07 1.96E-04 I131 7.72E+02 5.90E+07 0.017 1.00E+06 7.70E-04 1.31E-05 0.885 5.22E+07 1.48E-05 I133 1.34E+02 1.27E+08 0.017 2.16E+06 6.238-05 1.06E-06 0.885 1.12E+08- 1.20E-06 Cs134 7.96E+02 7.30E+04 0.05 3.65E+03 2,1SE-01 1.09E-02 0.760 5. 55 E+ 04 1.43E-02 Cs137 1.93E+03 1.03E+04 0.05 5.17E+02 3.73E+00 1.S6E-01 0.760 7.86E+03 2.45E-01 Te132 2.04E-05 1.062+08 1E-04 1.06E+04 1.93E-09 1.93E-13 0.150- 1.59E+07 1.29E-12 Bc140 9.90E-06 7.48E+07 1E-06 7.48E+01 1.32E-07 1.32E-13 0.100 7.48E+06 1.32E-12

' 103 2.04E-05 2.76E+07 NA 7.37E-13 0.030 8.29E+05 2.46E-11


MIO 586-0134 A-OP02

5 O

Operating Parcieters (Table I)

' ore Damage Initial Final

  • Net Capacity Kliters Tank Level % Level %- Change % Kliters To Sump SIRW 100.0 25.0 75.0 1100 825.0 A BAST 100.0 50.0 50.0 25 12.5 B BAST 100.0 60.0 40.0 25 10.0 R BAT 100.0 70.0 30.0 25 7.5 A SI 50.0 0.0 50.0 56.8 28.4 B SI 50.0 0.0 50.0 56.8 28.4 C SI 50.0 10.0 40.0 56.8 22.7 D SI 50.0 20.0 30.0 56.8 17.0 T90 100.0 90.0 10.0 757 75.7 TOTAL = 1027.3  ;

Date: 11/11/87 Time: 1300 O

  • Final Levels Should Be Measured At Or Near PCS Sample Time j

i A

O HIO586-0134A-OP02

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u Core History (Table II)

Current Shutdown Date = 11/11/87 -l Time = 08:00 l Start Start Stop Stop t(j) t(jo) ,

% Rx Pwr Date Time Date Time hrs hrs i 100 11/01/87 01:00 11/11/87 08:00 247 0 80 10/29/87 15:00 11/01/87 01:00 58 247 70 10/22/87 08:00 10/29/87 15:00 175 305 0 770216 0 770216 0 770216 0 770216 0 770216 0 770216 l 0- 770216 ,

0 770216 '

O 770216 0 770216 Sample Data PCS (ai) LPSI (aj) Cntent (ak)

Sample Date 11/11/87 11/11/87 11/11/87 Sample Time 13:00 12:30 12:00 Sample Temp (F) ---- ----

100 560 Sample Press (psia) ---- - - -

15 Cntmnt Temp F ---- ----

192 652 Cntmnt Press (psia) ---- ----

21.3 PCS Temp (F) 450 ---- ----

PCS Density 0.830 ---- ---

l Tijk Sample-SD Time 5 4.5 4 l

I l

1 0

MIO 586-0134 A-OP02

_ . _ . . . , . _ _ . - _ _ _ . . _ _...___._2._..,_...-.._.

O Nonequilibrium Core Inventory Isotope Origen Decay Correction NECI (Curies) (hr-1) Factor Ii (Curies)

Xe133 1.49E+08 5.47E-03 8.79E-01 1.31E+08 Xe133M 5.16E+06 1.28E-02 9.88E-01 5.10E+06 Xe135 4.49E+07 7.58E-02 1.00E+00 4.49E+07 Kr85 7.92E+05 7.67E-06 3.18E-03 2.52E+03 Kr88 4.46E+07 2.48E-01 1.00E+00 4.46E+07 I131 7.76E+07 3.60E-03 7.60E-01 5.90E+07 1133 1.27E+08 3.30E-02 1.00E+00 1.27E+08 Cs134 5.14E+06 3.44E-05 1.42E-02 7.30E+04, Cs137 9.43E+06 2.64E-06 1.10E-03 1.03E+04 Te132 1.10E+08 9.00E-03 9.63E-01 1.06E+08 Ba140 1.25E+08 2.26E-03 5.99E-01 7.48E+07 Rul03 1.07E+08 7.25E-04 2.58E-01 2.76E+07 O

1 MIO586-0134A-OP02 i




Ag Correction Values (11) for Isotopes Xe133 Xe133M Xe135 Kr85 Kr88 1131 1133 Cs134 Cs137 Te132 Bal4o Rul03' 7.41E-01 9.58E-01 1.00E+00 1.89E-03 1.00E+00 5.89E-01 1.00E+00 8.46E-03 6.52E-04 8.92E-01 '4.28E-01 1.64E-01 5.63E-02 1.78E-01 5.84E-09 3.55E-04 2.00E-27 6.20E-02 1.97E-04 1.58E-03 1.22E 04 3.52E-02 5.62E-02 2.75E-02 8.13E-02 1.26E-02 6.38E-11 9.37E-04 9.89E-34 1.09E-01 2.97E-05 .4.15E-03 3.23E-04 3.57E-02 1.15E-01. 6.69E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 'O.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00-0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00. 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 .0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00- 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 'O.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00.

0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9.63E-01 5.99E-01 2.58E-01 (A.79E-01 9.88E-01 1.00E+00 3.18E-03 1.00E+00 7.60E-01' 1.00E+00 1.43E-02 1.0E-03 (LessThan501 Greater Than 50%

l O 1 MIO586-0134A-0P02 l t 1

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1 RP1287-0044B-TP12

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{v) A significant aspect of emergency response is to provide the public and news media with prompt, accurate information about the emergency. Public perception and reaction are influenced by the information relayed to them. To ensure that Consumers Power Company is prepared to deal with the media and public during an accident at the Palisades Plant, the exercise provides certain elements to test l Public Information and Rumor Control activities. During the course of this exercise, the Consumers Power Company Region Customer Information Telephone Center (RCITC) and the Big Rock Point Plant Joint Public Information Center (JPIC) will be activated and exercised.

Special Exercise Controllers have been selected to test the RCITC and the JPIC staffs in responding to telephoned inquiries from the news media and public.

Controllers will act as concerned citizens, employees, government of ficials, members of the financial community, interested members of the nuclear utility industry and news reporters posing questions to the staffs. When acting as members of the media, controllers shall make up a name and a media outlet (print or electronic).

The following pages denote questions that these controllers can use. Questions may be utilized repeatedly. The lead JPIC Controller shall coordinate when to conclude questioning of JPIC participants during media briefings. Controllers shall document their comments using the Joint Public Information Center Evalu-ation Checklist. Controllers need not use the questions herein; indeed, free play is encouraged.

\ When calling in questions, controllers will always precede questions with "This is a drill." At the JPIC, free play questions will be based on the information given at briefings. Additionally, ask questions about Consumers Power Company, the state or counties, background information about the Palisades Plant, radiation, state / county, utility interface, protective actions, etc.

Relevant telephone numbers will be distributed at the pre-exercise controllers' briefing.

l l


I 1

l O, RUMOR CONTROL /JPIC QUESTIONS QUESTION This is from Radio Station WSMR. We've heard you have an emergency at the Palisades Plant. What's happening? Is it serious? Has any radiation been released? How did it happen?  ;

l l

This is from Radio Station WSMR. We understand that there is an emergency at your Palisades Nuclear Plant. l What's the current status? Any injuries?

Has the NRC been notified? What are they doing?

Have State and local officials been notified? What are they doing?

How high are the radiation levels? Are they dangerous?

Has anyone been overexposed to radiation? l


How are you going to fix the problem? I How much will this cost the ratepayers?

Are you evacuating the plant workers from the site? l Is the reactor shut down? Isn't it dangerous?

Why did you declare an emergency? I What is the significance of an Alert? (Site Area Emergency, General Emergency?)

Why don't you just shut a valve or turn on the emergency cooling system or something?

This is from Radio Station WSMR. I would like an update on the actions Van Buren, Berrien and Allegan Counties are taking in response to the emergency at Palisades.

I've heard you've declared a Site Area Emergency. What's that?

What happened?

i Why don't you evacuate Van Buren County? '

Where is the electricity supply coming from?

Will there be enough electricity?

l PA1287-0217A-TP21-TP03



2 h How many people have been killed?

How many injured?

This is from Crisis Management Consultants. We'd like to offer our professional Crisis Management Services to help you manage the emergency at Palisades. Can you put me in touch with the appropriate Company l

officer to discuss this?

I work at the Karn/Weadock Plant. What's going on at Palisades?

Is radiation coming from the containment building?

When will the NRC be taking over the plant? l What's the plant doing now?

Where are students from South Haven High School being sent?

How much radiation is being released?

Which way is the wind blowing?

Have State and local officials been notified?

How serious is the accident?

Have workers at Palisades been sent home?

What is Consumers Power doing about the accident at Palisades?

My husband travelled to Palisades yesterday from Jackson. Is he safe?

What effect will this have on Consumers Power's stock?

I've heard that you are going to use Company pension funds to pay for the Palisades accident. Is that true?

What was Consumers Power's stock selling for this morning?

What is your stock selling for now?

In layman's terms, what caused this disaster?

Isn't this the same type of situation as the Chernobyl accident?

Where is the power to my house going to come from?

I have heard you declared a General Emergency. Is this true?

What is a General Emergency?

g What does it mean?

Has anyone been killed?

Has the State of Michigan been inforrad?  !

How are you going to fix the reactor?  !


l 3

O (G Can't you just shut a valve?

Is this similar to the accident at Three Mile Island?

When will the NRC take over the plant?

What are electric rates going to do as a result of the accident?

Where are you going to get power if Palisades is out of service?

Why didn't all the backup safety equipment work?

Is human error to blame for the accident at Palisades?

Should I sell my Consumers Power stock?

What is the weather forecast in the Palisades area?

How much radiation is being released?

How is the radiation being released?

Is the radiation filtered?

When will the next press briefing be held?

Are there any news reporters being allowed at the plant?

Do you have any insurance on the Palisades plant?

How long will the plant be shut down?

What protective actions have been ordered?

What are you doing to bring the plant under control?

What is the Governor doing?

l This is from INPO. Can you tell me about the accident at Palisades?

This is from Western Union. We can help you communicate with the public during the Palisades emergency through Mailgrams. Who should I speak with regarding your possible use of Mailgrams?

I've heard the rer.ctor at Palisades has cracked like a piece of glass. Is that true?

l I've got 50 milk cows that won't give milk because of the sirens. Who's going to pay for my lost income?

Who should I call for further information about Consumers Power?

What telephone numbers?


I 4

O Is the reactor shut dawn?

How did it happen?

What is the reactor building doing now? -l I

Is there a hole in it?

l Who is going to pay for this mess? Not out of my electric bill! I I

How much radiation was released off site?

What protective actions are in effect for Charlevoix County? l What protective actions are in effect for the 30-mile radius? I How many people live in Van Buren County? Allegan County? Berrien County? l My homeowner's insurance policy states that I am not covered for nuclear plant accidents. Who's going to pay for my damaged property?

What are you going to do to fix the situation?

l When is the next press briefing?

How many reporters are at the JPIC?

Which way is the wind blowing?

Who is in charge of the emergency?

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O 12/21/87 PA1287-0217A-TP21-TP03 1

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PALEX 88 l


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mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12  !






mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12


PALEX 88 is designed to meet exercise requirements specified in 10 CFR 50, Appendix E, Section IV.F. It will postulate events which would require activation of major portions of.the site emergency plan and response by Van Buren, Allegan and Berrien Counties and the State of Michigan. The exercise will be unannounced in support of state and local-exercise objectives. The Joint Public Information Center will be activated.

1.2 OBJECTIVES The exercise will demonstrate each item listed under the following categories:

1. Assessment and Classification
a. Recognition of emergency conditions
b. Timely classification of emergency conditions in accordance with emergency action levels
2. Communication
a. Initial notification within specified time constraints (state and local - 15 minutes, NRC - 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />)
b. Subsequent notification in accordance with procedure (state, local, NRC)
c. Notification and coordination with other organizations, as required (other utilities, contractors, fire or medical services)
d. Provision of accurate and timely information to support news release activity
3. Radiological Assessment and Control
a. Calculation of dose projection based on sample results or monitor readings
b. Performance of in-plant and offsite field surveys
c. Collection and analysis of a post-accident primary coolant sample
d. Trending of radiological data
e. Formulation of appropriate protective action recommendations
f. Contamination and exposure contro.

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 1.1 i

l i


4. Emergency Response Facilities
a. Activation, staffing and operation at appropriate classifications and within specified time constraints
b. Adequacy of emergency equipment and supplies 1
c. Adequacy of emergency communication systems l
d. Access control
5. Emergency Management
a. Command and control with transfer of responsibilities from i Control Room to Technical Support Center to Emergency Operations i Facility I
b. Assembly and accountability within approximately 30 minutes
c. Coordination with State of Michigan emergency response l organization  ;
d. Mitigation of operational and radiological conditions 1

Mobilization of emergency teams




6. Reentry and Recovery 1
a. Assessment of damage and formulation of recovery plan I 1
b. Identification of constraints, requirements and organization to l implement the plan
7. Exercise Control
a. Provision for maximum free play
b. Accurate assessment of player performance

. l O

I mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 1.2

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I 1

2.0 EXERCISE CONDUCT 2.1 EXERCISE ORGANIZATION The exercise organization is comprised of Controllers, Evaluators, Players and Observers, all of whom are issued armbands for identification. I 1

Controllers are responsible for providing messages and data to Players. ,

They also ensure that exercise activity progresses as planned. Con- 1 trollers are authorized to modify scenario data and provide clarification  ;

to Players as judged appropriate. They must not, however, prompt Players unless the exercise or plant operation is jeopardized by inappropriate Player response. If a Player must be prompted, it must be brought to the attention of the Lead Facility Controller or Exercise Coordinator and prior to doing so if possible. Controllers also serve as Evaluators in most cases.

Evaluators observe Player activity and judge effectiveness of response.

Consumers Power Company Evaluators are required to submit signed Evaluator Checklists to their Lead Facility Controller. NRC and other utilities' evaluators will be present for exercises.

Observers may be present at any location where exercise activity occurs. i O Observers are not allowed to speak to players during the course of the exercise.

Players include all personnel responding to simulated exercise conditions.


  • The Exercise Coordinator is in charge of overall exercise conduct.

Responsibilities include conducting preexercise Controller meetings, NRC entrance meeting, joint critiques, and NRC exit critique; approving major scenario deviations; resolving exercise questions; and terminating the exercise.

l A Lead Facility Controller is assigned to each Emergency Response i Facility and is responsible for addressing Player inquiries, conducting a i post-exercise facility critique, collecting and submitting completed Evaluator Checklists to the Exercise Coordinator.

Controllers and Evaluators will refer all Player inquiries to the Lead Facility Controller. If unable to resolve a question, the Lead Facility Controller will refer the query to the Exercise Coordinator.

O *A diagram of the Controller organization is provided in Figure 2.1.

mil 086-0006B-TPll-TP12 2.1

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I&C i



SECURITY CONTROL ROOM 0221 j TSC 0473 EOF 82556 OSC 0346 l!

MSC 0543 l FIGURE 2.1 i

2.3 EXERCISE DATA AND MESSAGES Messages and data to drive Player response are contained in the following appendices:

Appendix A - Sequence of Events / Narrative Summary Appendix B - Message Sheets Appendix C - Meteorological Data Appendix D - Rad Monitor Data Appendix E - Onsite Rad Data Appendix F - Offsite Rad Data Appendix G - Post-Accident Sample Data Appendix H - Public Affairs Appendix I - CFM Data Sheets O

\s / Information not to be distributed to players is marked "Controller Use Only."

It is ultimately each Controller's responsibility to ensure that only appro-priate information is distributed to Players.


1. Perform all actions to the extent possible in accordance with the emergency plan and procedures as if it were a real emergency.

Unless authorized by the Controller, you should not simulate your actions. Verbal approval from a Controller /?.21uator is required prior to simulating any action. If authorized to simulate an ,

action, tell the Controller / Evaluator how it would be performed. '

2. Periodically speak out loud, identifying your key actions and decisions to the Controller / Evaluators. This may seem artificial, but it will assist in the evaluation process. If you are in doubt, ask for clarification. The Controller / Evaluator will not prompt or coach you.
3. Know the overall Controller organization. Identify your Controller and NRC evaluators. Controllers also serve as Evaluators.
4. The Controller periodically will issue messages or instructions designed to initiate response actions. Messages must be accepted i immediately. They are essential to successful performance.

O mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.2

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5. If the Controller intervenes, obey the Controller's directions.  !

This is essential to the overall success of the exercise. If you disagree with your Controller, you can ask him to reconsider. You must, however, accept his/her word as final and proceed. Respond to Controller's questions.

6. You must play as if radiation levels actually are present, in accordance with the information you have received. This may require that you wear dosimeters and anti-Cs, observe good radiation pro-tection practices, and be aware of and minimize your radiation exposure. Identify the individuals in your emergency response organizction responsible for informing you of these items. Follow their instructions.
7. If you are entering normal nuclear station radiation areas, observe all rules and procedures. No one, including Controller / Evaluators, is exempt from normal station radiological practices and procedures.
8. Demonstrate knowledge of emergency operations and procedures.

Utilize statur boards, logbooks, and message forms, as much as possible, to document and record your actions, instructions and reports to your coplayers.

9. Do not enter into conversations unrelated to the drill with other Players. You mey uswer questions directed to you by Federal O~ Evaluators. If tha question is misdirected to you or you do not know the answer, refer them to the team leader or the Controller.
10. Keep a list of items for improvement. Provide this to your team

'eader. Team leaders will ensure these are considered. If neces-ary, they will identify them to the Controller during the critique which follows the drill / exercise. Areas for improvement or lessons learned, when identified, will improve.overall emergency preparedness.

2.5 CRITIQUE Following termination of the exercise, facility critiques will be con-ducted by Lead Facility Controllers.

A joint critique will be conducted following facility critiques. Lead Facility Controllers will present overall observations made at facility i critiques. Players may attend if they wish. l l

Following the joint critique, the NRC/CP Co critique will be conducted.

Focus of CP Co comments will be on items judged to be of greater signifi-cance. Items of lesser importance cited at facility and joint critiques will be addressed but may not be discussed at the NRC/CP Co critique.

Comments will be made by:

O HIl086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.3 l


O 1. Exercise Coordinator l

2. NRC The Nuclear Emergency Planning Administrator is responsible for evalua-tion, assignment, completion and documentation of all critique comments.

2.6 EVALUATOR CHECKLISTS The checklists provided in Section 2.6.1 through 2.6.9 are to be used in judging Player and Controller ability to meet stated exercise objectives.

These facility specific checklists cross-reference all applicable exer-cise objectives and prior exercise weaknesses. In sum, they serve as the basis of exercise evaluation and documentation.

Each Evaluator shall submit to the Exercise Coordinator a completed, signed, and dated checklist at the conclusion of the exercise. ' Items marked "inadequate" shall be fully explained in the "comments" section.

Comments continuation sheets are provided in Section 2.6.9.

Lead Facility Controllers will conduct critiques using these checklists as guides.

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mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.4

2.6.1 Control Room Evaluator Checklist Name: Date:

Met, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 1A Recognition of emergency conditions IB Timely classification of emergency conditions 2A Notification of state and local governments within 15 minutes and NRC within one hour 2B Subsequent notification in accordance with procedure (state, local, NRC) 2C Notification and coordination for offsite assistance (fire, medical) 3F Contamination and exposure control 4A Notification of OSC and T5C staff to activate at alert classification ,

4B Adequacy of equipment and supplies 4C Adequacy of communications equipment 4D Access control '

SA Command and control with clear trans-fer of responsibility from Control Room to TSC SD Mitigation of hypothetical operational problems SE Mobilization of emergency teams  !

6A Assessment of damage 6B Identification of reentry / recovery restraints C:mments:



  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA l (not applicable). l mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.5 I

2.6.2 Operational Support Center / Teams Evaluator Checklist

() Name: Date:

Met, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 3F Contamination and exposure control 4A Activated at alert classification and staffed in accordance with SEP-(See Page 2.16 for augmentation work sheet.)

4B Adequacy of equipment and supplies 4C Adequacy of communications 4D Access control SA Transfer of offsite RMT control to E0F SD Mitigation of hypothetical operational conditions SE Mobilization of teams at appropriate

( times Comments:

i i



  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.6

1 I

l 2,6.3 Onsite RMT Evaluator Checklist I

' Name: Date:

Met, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 3B Performance of in-plant field surveys 3F Contamination and exposure control __

4A Activation at alert classification (See Page 2.16 for augmentation work sheet.)

4B Adequacy of equipment and supplies i 4C Adequacy of communications SE Mobilized at appropriate time Comments:

O i

l Signature:-


  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA l (not applicable).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.7

2.6.4 Offsite RMT Evaluator Checklist Name: Date:

Met, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 3B Performance of offsite field surveys 3F Contamination and exposure control 4A Activation at site area emergency classification (See Page 2.16 for augmentation work sheet.)

4B Adequacy of equipment and supplies 4C Adequacy of communications 5A Transfer of control from OSC to EOF SE Mobilized at appropriate time Comments:

O Signature:


  • Explain items checked in detail under coassents. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.8

2.6.5 Security Evaluator Checklist G

Name: Date:  !

Het, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 3F Contamination and exposure control 4B Adequacy of emergency equipment and I supplies 4C Adequacy of communications _

4D Access control of site, Control Room, 1 TSC, OSC, EOF and JPIC l SB Assembly and accountability within approximately 30 minutes SE Mobilization at appropriate time Comments: j l

O l l

l l



  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.9

i 1

2.6.6 Technical Support Center Evaluator Checklist Name: Date:

Mot, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 1A Recognition of emergency conditions _

IB Timely classification of emergency conditions 2B Notification of State and NRC (and possibly locals) at 15-minute intervals or as mutually agreed 2C Notification and coordination with other organizations as required (fire, medical) 2D Provision of accurate and timely information to support press release activity 3A Calculation of dose protections based __

on sample results or monitor readings 3D Trending of radiogical data 3E Formulation of appropriate protective action recommendations i 3F Contamination and exposure control 4A Activation, staffing and operational within one-half hour of alert declaration (See Page 2.16 for augmentation work sheet.)

4B Adequacy of emergency equissent and supplies 4C Adequacy of communications _

4D Access control __

SA Command and control with clear transfer of responsibilities from Control Room and to EOF SB Assembly and accountability within approximately 30 minutes O *Explaia items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.10

2.6.6 Technical Support Center Evaluator Checklist (Page 2)

() Fully Problem Met, Not Met, Not Met, Low High Objective Met N,o,t e d* Impact

  • Impact
  • SC Coordination with Otate of Mi.s.:gan emergency organizstion SD Mitigation of operational and radiological conditin'.s 5E Mobilization of emergency teams 6A Accessment of damage and formulation of recovery plan 6B Identification of contraints, require-ments and organization to implement the recovery plao Comments:

1 I

i h

a f

! Signature:

i j

  • Explain items hecked in detail undet comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicat ,s).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.11

- -- - - - - - - ,. e ,w-,, r,- -,s e ,e ar- r--, ., -n- , --,~-,v>-.-


.2.6.7 Emergency Operations Facility Evaluator Checklist Name: Date:

Met, Not Het, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • IA Recognition of emergency conditions ,

1B Timely classification of emergency _,

conditions 2B Notification of State end NRC at 15-minute intervals or as mutually agreed 2C Notification and coordination with other organizations as required (other utilities, contractors, fire, medical sources) 2D Provision of accurate and timely _, __

information tion to support news release activity 3A Calculation of dose projections based on sample results or monitor readings 3D Trending of radiological data 3E Formulation of appropriate protective action recommendations 3F Contamination and exposure control 4A Activated and staffed at site area -

emergency and operational within about an hour of declaration (See Page 2.16 for augmentation work sheet.) '

4B Adequacy of emergency equipment and supplies 4C Adequacy of communications systems ,

4D Access control l SA Command and control with clear trans- _


fer of responsibilities frem TSC and OSC B


  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

I mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.12

_. . _ . - ~_.-

l 2.6.7 Emergency Operations Facility Evaluator Checklist (Contd)

Met, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low , High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • SC Coordination with State of Michigan emergency organization i

SD Mitigation of operational and radiclogical conditions 6A Assessment of damage and formulation of recovery plan 6B Identification of constraints, requirements and organization to impleeent the recovery plan '

Comments: ,



. O i

i i

i Signature:


  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable),

i mil 086-0006B-TP11-IP12 2.13

l l

l 2.6.8 Controller / Evaluator ?erformance Checklist Name: Date:.

Met, Not Met, Not Met, ,

Fully Problem Low High ,

Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • i 7A Provision for maximum free play j 4

7B Accurate assessment of player >

performance Comments:

1 4

- Signature:


  • Explain items checked in detail under comments . If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.14 i

.n ..- - - . , , .,.n..,,..,,------,.----- ,,-.-,--- -.--,- . ,.-.-,,- - -.,,- ,...--



' l 2.6.9 Evaluator Checklist Comment Continuation Sheet Area: Date:

l Name: l i


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J i

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] 1 1

4 l

i l Signaturt:


  • Explain items checked in detail under coksents. If not observed, mark NA l (not applicable).

'4 MI1086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.15 i

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i l



Technical Support Center


Arrival Name Time Reactor Engineer (30 minutes)

Electrical Engineer (60 minutes)

Mechanical Engineer (60 minutes)

Communicator (30 minutes)

Communicator (2 in 60 minutes)

Health Physics (30 minutes)

Operational / Maintenance Support Center Health Physics Technicians (6 in 30 minutes) >

O ,

l Health Physics Technicians (6 in 60 minutes) l I

Chemistry Technician (60 minutes) l MSC I&C Maintenance (30 minutes)

MSC Mechanical Maintenance (60 minutes) l MSC Electrical Maintenance (30 minutes) l l

Emeraency Operations Facility Emergency Officer (60 minutes) mil 086-00068-TP11-i212 2.A0 l

-4 aa-s 2 -> h aa- - _ _m._. .- = _mm.,, _ m- .- - -- u- m. a _ ,,a m -- ._ -,--

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f 4

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RP1287-0044A-TP12 s

4 1

= * - --- e .,s-- wwe-e. --s9-wy. . -.,r--waca.,-e9 -gy*,,yy,_y9-p-g,m g a r. g, p m y, ,, y pp-p v p* ev W pet =g m *,ege.

PALEX 88 Sequence of Events O

v Time Actual (Scenario) Event 0100 Initial conditions - Normal full power


Equipment out of service: Auxiliary Feed Pump P-8C, Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump (LPSI) P-67A, and the Failed Fuel Monitor Alarms: None PCS leak rate as of 0700 yesterday: 0.05 gpa unidentified, 0.1136 gpm identified, 0.1636 gpm total Further historical data will be provided by the controller if requested.

0130 CAS/SAS receives alarm on the Bay Roof Door. CAS dispatches (0000) officer to investigate.

0135 Security Officer arrives at alarming door and is taken hostage (0005) outside the vital area. He is then taken to the A0 Pit (auxiliary operators briefing / break room) located at the north end of the turbine deck. His captor orders out any A0s there at the time and takes over the room.

0140 Kidnapper calls the Control Room from the A0 Pit, describes the (0010) situation and makes demands.

e 0145 SS assumes SED duties and classifies an "Aurt" based on (0015) "adversaries commandeering a nonvital area."

0210 Negotiator arrives.

(0040) 0215 Negotiator clears security and arrives at the scene. Discussion (0045) ensues.

0300 Electrohydraulic fluid line bursts, resulting in the turbine (0130) generator control valves closing.

0302 An automatic reactor trip occurs when the high pressurizer pres-(0132) sure set point is exceeded. Following the trip, one of the "A" steam generator safety valves sticks open. -

0310 Kidnapper releases his hostage and surrenders. Kidnapper is (0140) removed from the site in the custody of local law enforcement officers.

0315 Another "Alert" is classified based on an unisolable main steam (0145) line break and notifications made. When operators attempt to increase auxiliary feedwater flow, they will find they have no


\s control of FIC-0727 from tho Control Room.

RP1287-0044A-TP12 1 i

PALEX 88 Sequence of Events Time v Actual (Scenario) Event 0325 Operators isolate "A" steam generator (S/G), and shortly there-(0155) after, the faulty safety valve fails wide open. Auxiliary oper-ator is manually controlling auxiliary feed flow and is in com- i munication with Control Room for directions on how to throttle it.

0340 "A" S/G is empty. Operators stop two primary coolant pumps, and (0210) start dropping Primary Coolant System (PCS) pressure.

NOTE: When operators first attempt to establish cooldown using CV-0511, they find it will not open.

0345 An approximate 260 gpm steam generator tube rupture occurs in the .

(0215) "A" S/G av indicated by the "A" sain steam line radiation monitor HIGH alarm energizing; this is followed by SIS actuation. P-67B Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump fails to start.

~0350 SED classifies a "General Emergency" based on a loss of "2 out of

(~0220) 3 fission product barriers." Commences making notifications.

! 0355 Operators have reestablished cooldown and are dropping PCS pres-(0225) sure to reduce the leak rate; they also block and reset safety injection.

NOTZ: When SIAS initially occurred, they stopped the remaining two primary coolant pumps. Now that SI has been reset, they restart "B" and "C" PCPs. They also stop both boric acid pumps and try to establish a 75' per hour cooldown rate. ,

~0415 "B" S/G main steam line radiation monitor alert alara energizes. 1

(~0245) Operators isolate letdown.

~0633 P-67A Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump returned to service and l (~050?) tested 1 0750 Plant is on shutdown cooling - cooldown continues.

1 (0620) i 0755 Time jumps 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> and 55 minutes to condition where the PCS (0625) has been cooled and depressurized to a point where the release has become ne211gible.

1050 Management enters the recovery mode.

~0955 Exercise ends. Recovery adequately demonstrated. ,

(~0825) I l

RP1267-0044A-TP12 2

PALEX 88 '

Narrative Summary O

G 0100 (0030) INITIAL CONDITIONS A. The plant is at full power at the end of core life, 10.4 GWD.

B. The following equipment is in a degraded condition:

1. Auxiliary Feedwater Pump P-8C is out of service (005):
a. It was declared "inoperable" at 1300 yesterday when it was "Red Tagged" for replacement of one of its journal bear'ags. (Last l

time the pump ran, the bearing was overheating and "ery noisy.)

b. Currently the old bearing has been removed and the new one is scheduled to be installed on "B" shift,'but has not been retrieved from stock yet. Further, the shaft was scored and needs machining before the bearing can be mounted.
c. When new bearing has been procured and the shaft machined, estimate eight hours for reassembly.
2. Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump P-67A is 00S:
a. It was declared "Inoperable" at 0830 yesterday, when upon com-pletion of Monthly Technical Specification Surveillance O Test MO-23, pump vibration was found to be in the "required action range."
b. An alignment check revealed the need to shia the pump. Hence, it was "Red Tagged," uncoupled and shimmed by 1600 yesterday,
c. Last shift ("C" shift) rechecked the alignment and found it better but still not what they would like. It was decided there was still time to uncouple it and add the necessary piece of shim ,

stock, recouple and test it before the LCO expires. '

9 Currently it is again uncoupled. "A" shift maintenance is to add the necessary shin and recouple it; then Operations is to retest it.


e. Estimate 2.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> for maintenance to complete their work once l they start. l l
3. Failed Fuel Monitor RE-0202 is 00S: l
a. RE-0202 was declared inoperable and removed from service on 27 January 1988 when it failed a calibration check by I&C.

l J


b. I&C has been unable to repair it, and it is not known when (if ever) it will be available again.

C. The fol' towing alarm conditions exist: NONE RP1287-0044A-TP12 3

PALEX 88 Narrative Summary O D. -The meteorological conditions are as follows:

1. It is clear and cold with light winds. The roads are clear though there are several inches of old snow covering the countryside. Fore-cast calls for continued clear and cold with little change during the day. The MET tower indicates the following 4t ( neters):
a. Wind speed:
b. Wind direction:
c. Stability:
d. Ambient temperature: +21*F E. Primary and secondary chemistry are stable at the following conditions:
1. Primary system chemistry
a. pH: 6.8
b. Boron: 97 ppe i


c. Dissolved 02: <.02 ppa


d. H2: 23.7 cc/kg *
e. Total beta gamma activity- 1.58 microcuries/mL
f. iodine dose equivalent: 2.5 E-2 microcuries/mL
g. Total PCS gas activity: 4.22 microcuries/mL
2. Secondary system chemistry
a. Primary to secondary leak rate: .002 spa
b. Off-gas Xe 133: 2.95 E-6 microcuries/mL
c. Condenser air inleakage: 6.5 cfm L
d. A and B S/G gross samma activity: <5.6 E-6 microcuries/mL ,

F. Primary Coolant System Lt.;ak Rate as of 0700 yesterday:

1. Identified: 0.1136 gpa 1

1 2. Unidentified: 0.05 spa

3. Total: 0.1636 gpa O  !

RP1287-0044A-TP12 4

l l


?ALEX 88 I Narr.tive Suaseary 0130-0255 (0000-0125)

A. Exercise begins when security receives alarms in both the Central Alarm Station (CAS) and Secondary Alarm Station (SAS) for the Bay Roof Door.

B. CAS dispatches an officer to investigate the alarm. The responding officer is disarmed and taken hostage. The kidnapper (a controller) forces the guard over to the A0 Pit on the turbine deck and takes it over after ordering out any A0s present.

C. Shift Supervisor is informed of situation by:

1. Kidnapper calling and stating situation and demands
2. Any additional personnel who may have witnessed the situation D. Expected Actions:
1. SS informa Security Shift Leader of rituation and ascertains that the Security Contingency Procedures are activated. SS requests copy of procedure be brought to the Control Room.
2. SS assumes Site Emergency Director (SED) position and:

O a. Classifies an "Alert" per EI-1 based on "adversary commandeering a nonvital area"

b. Sounds the siren and notifies:

(1) Michigan State Police (2) FBI (3) Duty and Call Superintendent (4) Plant General Manager (5) Vice President Nuclear Operations Department (6) NRC

c. Accountability conducted
d. Directs actions of security response via the Plant Property Protection Supervisor and Security Shift Leader.
e. Directs operating personnel to (1) Place the plant in a stable condition and secure /stop any high-risk activities in progress such as "Refueling."

RP1287-0044A-TP12 5

PALEX 88  !

Narrative Suassary ,

. O (2) SS/ SED shall consider actions to place. plant in a condition to minimize the effects of any reasonable. sabotage attempt the l

kidnapper might make, including consideration of plant  :

j shutdown.


f. SS shall direct announcements be made per EI-1 and/or SCP-7.
3. - Negotiator (also a controller)- will arrive approximately at 0120 (0040). After clearing security, he will proceed to the scene and
  • commence dialogue with kidnapper.


' i 0300-0330 (0130-0200)

, e A. An electrohydraulic fluid line bursts, resulting in the turbine generator control valves closing and, shortly thereafter,-causing an automatic i reactor trip when the high pressuriser pressure set point is exceeded.  !

Further, as a result of this transient, one of the "A" steam generator '

(S/G) safety valves sticks partially open.

B. Operators follow and perform actions of Emergency Operating Procedures

] (EOPs). l 4  !

! 1. Operators perform and verify actions of E0P-1.0, "Standard Post Trip ,

Actions."  ;

O NOTE: During this time - approximately 0310 (0140) the kidnapper releases his hostage and surrenders. The kidnapper is then removed frca; site in the l

custody of local law enforcement officers.-

! 2. Approximately 0315 (0145) indications of the S/G safety being stuck l open are sufficient for operators to have diagnosed an "Excess Stean Demand Event" using the diagnostic flow chart in E0P 1.0.


4 C. SED should classify another "ALERT" per EI-l based on an "Unisolable Main l Steam Line Leak." 'l

1. Announcement should be made and alare sounded.
2. Augmentation of shift personnel should be started if not done previously.

l D. Operators should be following the actions directed by E0P 6.0, "Excess l' Steam Demand Event." This means they should initially: I l

1. Close the Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs). l
2. Isolate "A" S/G feed and steam paths, i

j 3. Borate to cold shutdown boron concentration.

E. Also at about 0315 (0145) operators should recognise the need to increase

auxiliary feedwater flow to the S/Gs as levels are continuing to drop. l 4

l RP1237-0044A-TP12 6  ;


- _- - - . _ . - .- - - .- - .-.. a

PAIIX 88 Narrative Sununary O 1. When they attempt to increase AFW flow to the "B" S/G from its post trip set point of 150 spo using FIC-0727 they find they cannot control the flow control valve CV-0727 from the Control Room.

a. Normally they could shift to the alternate / redundant auxiliary feedwater train using P-80, but it is 00S for a bearing replace-ment. (See initial conditions.)
b. Their options would seem to be:

(1) Try shifting control of CV-0727 to the Remote Shutdown Panel C-33 or to the Alternate Hot Shutdown Panel C-150.

However, if they try this they will still not have control as the problem will be a malfunctioning current to pneumatic positioner (I/P-0727) which is common to all the remote "


(2) Upon realizing they have no remote control capability, it is expected they would send an A0 to manually throttle one of two in series motor-operated isolation valves (MOV) downstream of CV-0727 while causing CV-0727 to fail open by isolating its  ;

air supply. This will require that the A0 at the MOV establish communication wit.h the Control Room to control "B" i S/G level and that the A0 must stay near the MOV.

c. The malfunctioning I/P-0727 obviously can be overcome by manual operator actions; however, it poses a significant operator ,

distraction and ties up needed manpower st a crucial time. Hence, it is believed to be significant enough to warrant attention and should provide a means to exercise the TSC and MSC and I&C personnel in the diagnosis and repair.

(1) The fix could be to replace the I/P with the one from the alternate train.

F. At approximately 0325 (0155)

1. Operators hava completed isolating "A" S/G.
2. Gained manual control of Auxiliary Feed Flow i
3. Additional actions taken in the last ten minutes:
a. One Main Condensate Pump (MCP) and both Heater Drain Pumps are stopped as they are no longer needed.
b. Part length control rods are inserted.  ;


c. "B" MSIV bypass valve is opened to enable air ejector operation and recovery of vacuum.

1 RP1287-0044A-TP12 7 l

PALEX 88 Narrative Summary O 4. Shortly after the "A" S/G was isolated, the faulty "A" S/G safety valve fails full open as indicated by:

a. Increased noise from the steam release
b. Rapidly accelerating drops in "A" S/G pressure and level
c. This results in the operators closing the "B" MSIV bypass valve to try and reduce / limit the PCS cooldown rate.

0340 (0210)

A. "A" S/G has blown itself dry / empty. ,

1. It is expected the operators will start dropping PCS pressure to stay within the cooldown curve limits and limit / reduce the effects of 3

possible PTS (pressurized thermal shock) and minimize the D/P scross the S/G tubes.


2. As pressure drops, they should stop two primary coolant pumps per E0P 6.0. Suspect they will stop "A" and "D" PCPs as pressuriser spray flow is provided by the "B" and "C" pumps. .

B. Operators should realize they have injected enough boron into the PCS and request confirmation samples from chemistry. Results will be unavailable O for 20 minutes.

0345-0410 (0215-0240)

A. A 260 gpm tube rupture occurs in the "A" S/G resulting almost immediately in: ,

1. An "A" sain steam line radiation monitor HIGH alarm energizing  :
a. The quick dramatic response is due to the fact that unknown to the operators when the plant tripped something broke loose in the ,

reactor vessel and has been banging around causing major fuel damage. f (1) It is not felt necessary to define exactly what happened to i cause fuel damage, as in real life you would have to respond  ;

to your indications and figure what caused it later if you ever could.

r (2) It was felt this approach would enable us to meet the objective of causing a release high enough to warrant i consideration of evacuation of Allegen County.

b. Gaseous waste monitor and Plant Area Radiation Monitors also alarm.

1 RP1287-0044A-TP12 8

PALEX 88 i Narrative Summary O c. A safety injection actuation signal from pressurizer low pressure is generated. >

(1) All available/ operable safeguards equipment actuates.

(2) The P-67B LPSI pump fails to start.-

B. Expected Actions:

1. Believe operators will easily conclude the tube rupture has occurred and that a release is in progress. ,
2. With these additional problems, operators should enter E0P 9.0, "Functional Recovery Procedure." ,

1 a. SS should identify "In Use Success Paths" and have E0P 9.0 Safety '

Status Function Checks (SSFCs) carried out every 15 minutes.

b. Upon completion of first set of SSFCs, he should identify any >

{ jeopardized success paths.

c. Direct actions should be taken as stated in E0P 9.0 for those areas identified as jeopardized, starting with the most critical.

O (1) They will have turned off the remaining two PCPs when SIAS occurred and stop the remaining main condensate pump.

SIS isolated its cooling water source.)

(The (2) They will want to further drop PCS pressure to approximately i 1000 psia to reduce the leak rate from the PCS into the "A" {'

S/G. Subsequent to this, they will also want to continue cooldown so they will again open the "B" MSIV bypass valve to  ;

reestablish vacuum. Block and reset SIS as allowed by E0P 9.0 i to regain the main condensate pump cooling and restart "B" and "C" PCPs to regain pressuriser spray enabling better; control of PCS depressurf.zation. Then they will attempt to open CV-0511 turbine bypass valve to the condenser to control i cooldown. It will not open. (This has not been uncommon in the past and will require no further explanation.) It will provide another operator distraction by forcing them to use  ;

the atmospheric dump valves on the "B" S/G to continue ,

cooldown. Again TSC, MSC personnel can be exercised in attemptin3 to diagnose the problem.

d. SS and/or TSC Operations groups will be concerned that both LPSI pumps are OOS. l (1) SS should dispatch A0 to investigate failure of P-67B to start i when SIS actuated.  !

(2) TSC may dispatch electrician and/or mechanic to assist A0 in diagnosing P-678 failure.

i I

RP1287-0044A-TP12 9

l l

PALEX 88 Narrative Summary i

(3) Investigation will reveal pump has seized and will require considerable time to repair.

(4) Expect TSC will direct that a priority be placed on regaining P-67A so that it will be available for further TSC/MSC ,


l 0410-0630 (0240-0500)

A. Events and Actions

1. "B" S/G main steam line radiation monitor alert alara energizes,
a. SS requests "B" S/G activity sample.
2. Operators following actions of E0P 9.0 for Sections NR-3 and CI-2
a. Isolate letdown.
3. A Containment Isolation Signal (CIS) is received,
a. Operators verify containment isolation.
b. Operators open PCP controlled bleedoff relief valve to limit pressure increase.

l 4. Approximately 0440 (0310) operators establish about a 75'F/ hour i cooldown rate and continue depressurization.

5. Operators stop P-7A and P-520, as they are not needed, at around 0455 (0325).
6. At approximately 0550 (0420) operators recover E-bus and turn off cor. ling tower pumps.
7. /pproximately 0608 (0438) operators are the Low Temperature Over-pressure Protection Circuitry (LTOP) and start all four "B" containment cooling fans, and open the No 1 containment cooler accident valve.

Operators also isolate the Safety Injection Tanks (SITS).

0630-0755 (0500-0625)

A. Approxis tely 0633 (0503)

1. Mechanics complete repairs to P-67A LPSI pump; operators complete successful test run of P-67A.
2. Per SOP-1 operators rack out the P-668 HPSI pump and P-55C charging pump breakers.

B. Approximately 0639 (0509) - Operators secure last running charging pump and so on HPSI pump for pressure control.

RP1287-0044A-TP12 10

i PALEX 88 ,

Narrative Summary

!O C. Approximately 0750 (0620) i 1. Operators enable both channels of LTOP.

2. PCS temperature is at 300*F by Core Exit Thermocouples (CETs).
3. Suspect SS will obtain permission to forgo equalizing boron between PCS 1 and shutdown cooling and warsup of the S/D cooling system so as not to -

put high activity coolant in the Safety Injection Refueling Water Tank (SIRWT) which is vented to atmosphere.

4. Operators establish shutdown cooling operation. ,

D. 0755 (0625) - PCS has been cooled and depressurized to where the release has become negligible.

1. Operators secure steaming and feeding the "B" S/G.
2. Management will now enter the recovery mode. l 0955 (0825) ,

Exercise ends. Recovery adequately demonstrated. ,

O 1

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l RP1287-0044A-TP12 11

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RP1287-0044B-TP12 i

i .. _ _ _ . . . _ _ . _ . - _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ , . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . _ . . . _ , , . . . - . _

~ _ _

L 1


Message for: Operators Simulated Plant Conditions: See Initial Conditions and Data Sheets. >

L Message: Announce following over the plant's Public Address System when directed by the controller: "Attention all personnel. The annual emergency exercise will commence shortly. All announcements related to the exercise O. will be preceded by rnd followed by the statement, 'This is a drill.' Only drill participants are required to respond to the drill announcements."

4 4 .............................................................................

i For Controller Use Only Controller Notes:

1. Discuss conduct and objectives of the drill with
the players.  ;
2. Act as off-going SS and give turnover to players.
3. Acewer questions as appropriate.  !
4. Ensure players have all normally accessible procedures ,

and reference materials available. l i

5. Operators should familiarize themselves with the i simulated conditions as indicated by the information ,

and data provided. '

, i 1  :

Action Expected-l i


FALII18 Cate11Februarvlill Messagei1 fine thi! $cesario fine l1t3 O $V Fnps F 1A h F 11 h F 10 Rh SVCriticalIdrPress A H I H psig CCW Fisp F52Ah F528h F52Cun FFCFisps F 51A h F 518 W FireFisp F 11 Q11 P !! M F 41 0.11 ContainmentCoolerRecitefans VIA h T2h h T3A h V4A h Vll h Yll h f 3i h T43 h W

CCWCoolerOutletfesp A DF I HF Containment Spay Fisp F 54A E F 548 M F 54C E BFSIFisps F lia Q11 P lil Q1[ LFSI Psep F111011 F lin M lafety Inje: tion stetion $1pply Train & frainI CV 3051 ($11V) h u CV 3121 ($isp) G 21:1 CV 3031 ($ltv) hia CV lill (Simp) U21tj M


Letdova Charging Intersediate Press Letdown fesp Hi F flow ilgpa LetdownLinefesp 111 F Line fesp ill F LetdownFlov 11 gp Fisp F 551 Q1 P 553M F 55C M faltaeControltank fesp H F Fressure11 psi Level 1[t FCP Control lleedoff Pressire H pig shttdownCoolingsyntes SCCSfresFCS(1) lilF $DCStoFCS(t) 11 F s Quenchfank fespLilF Fressere i psig ievel H t Frisar!Coolantlystes PressuriserPressure(R) 2.11[ psia FC$ fate (R) Loop 1 ift lll!) liL.11 Loop 2 ift il21) H 1 d PressiriserLevel(1) LRCIllLa H1 LICOll,8 ili Ptr Rtr Asp LCC 15 1H LCCli lu FClY  !!118428 Unis Flf ll438 Unti llock falte R0f ll41A Unti 50719431 Unti FCFs F 501 h F 503 h F 500 h F580Q1 EtactorFeverLevel 1101 ldihl 1102 Lill-1 1103 LiiEl 1114 L.ilul 1115 H 1106 H 1111 H II il H Il il 11I11011 W

AFISfstee AFVFisp F li Q11 F il Q1{ F it QQ1 IFV Fisp Asp FIAiFlc1 asp AFV !sep F ll Steas Pressire i p ig AFV Disch Press F la & F il i F lc i psig IHon64ry lyttes R$1V lyps: 10f 15tl unti 10V 0510 unti R$1T's CT 0501 k u CV 4514 k an IFF Sittion Frentre 111 pig RFPDischargePressere A111 1111 pi Distare Septator Crala tank Level (( t CondensorlotvellLevel 11%

ttsosphericCispfalves h2111 Condensorfactis IL1inIg.

ItatertrainFispStatis F lli h F lll u GlandSealCondensorfacits 11inIg.

CodtisateFispStatis F 21 h F 28 Q1 FIF (Cesand Leg + Constant, tod, or flatlfesp)

GrossIW [Ill set RW llid Core 1111 fhtrascouple fekptrature illl F Control lod Position Gil 111 GP2111 GF3111 GF4111 GF5(F)111 GP((A) ul GF1(1)111

$tickleds Int

i FAlltil Dats 17 February 11ll Messagei1 flu thil Scenario flH dh11 TilLevel 11i T!!! Level il l Condensate $torage tank level T 2 11 %

lastrisentAirFressere 1Hplig ContaltuntIlldingPressere Jpilg coesfesperature 111F Italdity 11 1

$/G A Cospartunt tegetatare 111F Italdity U d I

$lG d Cospartment festerature 111f Italdity U d i

$livfankLevel 11 1 VRContainmentPressere(1) H psia Containment $nspLevel 11 ContainmentVaterLevel(1) in

$1fankLevel(1) AH Iil C11 D11  ;

$1fankPressire(psig) A111 3 lit C 1U, D111 panel 1 11

$11$Alara la ContainstatIlghPressereAltre la Containment ligh Radiation Altre 12 hll Concentrated Boric Acid tank Levels 1531 it I tilllilI teactorVesselCF ILilpsid r FORTDischargefesterature 111T FtrSafetyfalteDischargef=sp(f) RVll)) 111 171000111 RYlill111 FCFCurrent(Asps) F50Aill F 5tl Bi F50C111 P 500 Hi FCS flow 11i LoopThot (f) Loop 1 111 Loop 1 ill Loop 1 ind Loop 2 ilL i Loop'feeld(f) 'fesp ' '2' 'Press

' ' ' Q1

' " psi C'D Sibcooling 1hi ? i i

'FC$ Fressire (t) SteasGenerator&

vt 1111 It H1 psia Steas Generator i Level (VI) HI (II) iidii lul H l (II) [L 1 %

Fress dipsia illpela Flev Steam i l FFI Teod i l FFI steas il FFI Feed id FFI  ;

Iste Steas and feed flov I 1996600 kil ATVFlowto&$/G Free F lAll i Fros F lC 1 gpe ifVPlovtoI$/G Fros F lAll i Free F lC 1 gpa Condtasorit:sts(R) lLi FCFSealLeakoffFlev F 501141 P 598 Lit F500idi F 500 idt kil Diesel Generator frejsency 11 Rdi 12 ildi 1.Clt$ Toltage lill Aspsill 1 D SU$ Toltage 1111 Asps 111 E 11 taek t 111 ContainmentAreaBonitors(RItt) 111 1115 Lil h i IIA llll 1411 1 .

!!Allll Lilbl  !!! 1808 Lill:1 IlghlangeContainetntIonitors(t/Irj  !!A 2321 Lift i  !!A 23!! Lith!

Containment lydrogts Concentration (1) AlIlllt  !!lillL l Iain $tene Line Gassa (cpe) 111 1320 LilE l  !!All!) Lilhi i Os StackBonitors 1111325 Li!El eps !!A 2326 Litul eps  !!A 2321 Lilld erlbr j 2- l I

PALEX 88  !

Initial-Conditions j O A. The plant is at full power at the end of core life.

l B. -The following equipment is in a degraded condition: ,

1. Auxiliary Feedwater Pump P-8C is out of service (OOS): i


a. It was declared "Inoperable" at 1300 yesterday when it was "Red I Tagged" for replacement of one of its journal bearings.. (Last time the-pump ran the bearing was overheating and very noisy.)  ;


b. Currently, the old bearing has been removed and the new one is -

scheduled to be installed on "B" shift, but has not been retrieved '

from stock yet. Further, the shaft was scored and needs machining I before the bearing can be mounted.

l c. Estimate eight hours for reassembly once the new bearing has been  !

j procured and the shaft is machined. l

2. Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump P-67A is 005: l

, a. It was declared "Inoperable" at 0830 yesterday when upon l

. completion of monthly Technical Specification Surveillance  !

Test M0-23, pump vibration was found to be in the "required action range."  !


! b. An alignment check revealed the need to shin the pump. Hence, it  !

was "Red Tagged," uncoupled, and shimmed by 1600 yesterday. l,

! c. Last shift ("C" shift) rechecked the alignment and found it better j i but still not what they would like it to be. It was decided there i i was still time to uncouple it and add the necessary piece of shia l l stock, recouple and test it before the LC0 expires.  !

1 l d. Currently, it is again uncoupled. "A" shift maintenance is to add

the necessary shin and recouple it; then Operations is to retest l it.

4 i

i e. Estimate 2.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> for maintenance to complete their work once ,

they start.  ;

3. Failed Fuel Monitor RE-0202 is 005:


a. RE-0202 was declared inoperable and removed from service on 27 January 1988 when it failed a calibration check by I&c.

i b. I&C has been unable to repair it and it is not known when it will

! be available again, i

l C. The following alarm conditions exist: NONE

O RP1287-00445-TP12 1 I


PALEX 88 Initial Conditions -l t

O D. .The meteorological conditions are as follows:

1. It is clear and cold with light winds. The roads are clear though there are several inches.of old snow covering the countryside.

Forecast calls for continued clear and cold with-little change during

, the day. The MET tower indicates the following at ( seters): l

a. Wind speed:
b. Wins direction:
c. Stability:
d. Ambient temperature: +21*F E. Primary and secondary chemistry are stable at the following conditions:
1. Primary system chemistry
a. pH: 6.8 f
b. Boron: 97 ppm

, c. Dissolved 02: <.02 ppe

d. H2: 23.7 cc/kg I
e. Total beta gamma activity: 1.58 microcuries/aL
f. Iodine dose equivalent: 2.5 E-2 micoeuries/aL
g. Total PCS gas activity: 4.22 microcuries/mL j
2. Secondary system chemistry I i I Primary to secondary leak rate:
a. .002 spa j
b. Off-gas Xe 133: 2.95 E-6 microcuries/aL
c. Condenser air inleakage: 6.5 cfm j

] d. A and B S/G gross gamma activity: <5.6 E-6 microcuries/mL l

G. Primary Coolant System Leak Rate as of 0700 yesterday:

1. Identified: 0.113 5 spa 4  ;


2. Unidentified: 0.05 spa l 1

j 3. Total: 0.1636 spa j l (/

i l 1  ;

RP1287-C044B-TF12 2 4


i i


Initiated finished by Applicable

COMPONENT DATE TIME DATE TIME TECH SPEC COMMILNTS P-8C (Aux Feed Pump) 2/16/86 1300 2/19/88 1300 3.5.2.a 72-Hour LCO (TS)

P-67A (LPSI Pump) 2/16/88 0830 2/17/88 0830 3.3.2.b 24-Hour  ;


RE-0202 (Failed 1/27/88 1941 Table 4.2.1 Daily Samples Fuel Monitor) Required 1

3 I

f i

iO l

4 RP1287-0044B-TP12 3 j

PALEX 88 SHIFT SUPERVISOR Proc No 4.01 Shift Turnover Checklist Attachment 3 Revision 4 Page 1 of 2 For Drill Only Date Feb 16, 1988 Tuesday JlJl4

1. Review the following prior to change of shifts:


a. SS Log, Daily Order Book and SE Shift T/0 Checklist J J J
b. Equipment and LCO Status Boards J J J
c. Switching, Tagging in Progress J J J Donel Done!
d. Testing / Evolutions in Progress lJlJl4l Complete - Unsatisfactory
e. Degraded Equipment l4lJl4l P-86: Bad Journal Bearing P-67A: Alignment Bad RE-0202: Failed Cal Check
f. Miscellaneous Turnover Items lJlJlJl PLS Leak Rate Done at' 0700, 2/17 "C" Shift - CRDM Leak Rate and Spray Hdr Pressure Check Donel "A" Shif t 2/17 Test Done P-910 Vacuuna Pump I l

O PALEX 88 For Drill Only RP1287-0044B-TP12 4

PALEX 88 SHIFT SUPERVISOR Proc No 4.01 Shift Turnover Checklist Attachment 3 Revision 4 Page 2 of 2 For Drill Only Date Feb 16, 1988 Tuesday

2. Complete the following during the shift:
a. Inspect control consoles, a. J 4 4
b. Review alarm status (panels / data logger). b. J 4 J
c. Daily / weekly tech spec surveillance signed c. 4 J V
d. Review completed WR/WO for testing or review requirements, d. J J J
e. Review operation weekly schedule. e. J 4 J
f. Review switching, tagging and maintenance planned f. J 4 4
g. Shift briefing- g. 4 J J
h. Review shift complement for following shift. h. J 4 4
1. Check plant r.reas for safety hazards or deficiencies, i. J J J J. Key signout sheet verified J. J J J
k. Log sheets signed k. J J J INITIALS NOTE: Use reverse side for additional information as needed, l l l l


O PALEX 88 For Drill Only RP1287-0044B-TP12 5 l


-Shift Turnover Checklist Attachment 3 A

Revision 4 Page 1 of 2 For Drill Only Date Feb 17, 1988 Wednesday 4l4l4

1. Review the following prior to change of shifts:


a. SS Log, Daily Order Book and SE Shift T/0 Checklist
b. Equipment and LCO Status Boards
c. Switching, Tagging in Progress
d. Testing / Evolutions in Progress l l l_ l l
e. Degraded Equipment l l l l
f. Miscellaneous Turnover Items l l l l 1

O PALEX 88 For Drill Only RP1287-0044B-TP12 6

PALEX 88 SHIFT SUPERVISOR Proc No 4.01 Shift Turnover Checklist Attachment 3 Revision 4 Page 2 of 2 For Drill Only Date Feb 17, 1988 Wednesday

2. Complete the following during the shift:
a. Inspect control consoles. a.
b. Review alare status (panels / data logtrer), b.
c. Daily / weekly tech spec surveillance signed c.
d. Review completed WR/WO for testing or review requirements. d.
e. Review operation weekly schedule. e.
f. Review switching, tagging and maintenance planned f.
g. Shift briefing g.
h. Review shift complement for following shift. h.
i. Check plant areas for safety hazards or deficiencies. i.

J. Key signout sheet verified J.

k. Log sheets signed k.

INITIALS NOTE: Use reverse side for additional informatio_ as needed. l l l O

l 1

O PALEX 88 For Drill only RP1287-0044B-TP12 7


l ReviwM By She't 5 " i-

  • 4 ' *
  • Ra'v'wH % Ehtft Enaineers '

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.x. .. , 1 SHIFT SUPERVISOR N'164 103

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SHIFT SUPERVISOR . SU6. LECT 1, N'164 105  ;

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SHIFT SUPERVISOR SUBJECT 19 _.._ N'164 107 (v']

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, 5 8 t m

l l


(x )I 4

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Tiom 01:30

~ Message No: 2 Scenario Time 00:00 ,


V .


i W

Simulated Plant Conditions:  ;

Message: You have received alarms in CAS and SAS on the Bay Roof Door.

l l  !

, i 1

h i ,

............................................................................. j For Controller Use Only i

Controller Notes: Security Controller delivers this message.

1 3

Playera are to perform all notifications. Provide phone  !

numbers for agencies to be simulated.

i i i

l Action Expected: CAS should dispatch Security Guard Player to investigate the alarm, i

SAS notifies CAS and performs all required notifications.

i l

i ,

4  !

RP1287-0044B-TP12 )


_ . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ ,, i

l O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 01:35 Message No: 3 Scenario Time 00:05 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT ,


Message for: Responding officer upon arrival at Bay Roof Door. -

i Simulated Plant Conditions: ,

Message: You have been disarmed and taken hostage. Do not use your radio.

4 t

4 For Controller Use Only


Controller Notes: Take hostage to the A0 Pit on the turbine deck. Instruct

any A0s present to vacate the premises.

1 1

i Action Expected: See Narrative.

j Time: 0130-0255 (0000-0125) d Sections: C and D I

i l

I i i

4 2 1 j RP1287-0044B-TP12 1

~ -- w -w - n , w - , - - , - , - - , , . - - _ , . , . , , . . , . , . . , , , _. , n. ._ , .,_ . _ , . ,,,., .,_,

a l

i l

Scenario Not PALEX-88 Time 01:40-02:15 -

Message No: 4 Scenario Time 00:10-00:45 {


j  !





! Message for: Shift Supervisor (telephonic notification) ,.

a r i  :

Simulated Plant Conditions

4 l Message: Hostage taker informs SS of his intentions. See Controller Notes l l below. l i

l Por Controller Use Only '


} Controllar Notes: SS phone number is 0225.  !

j Provide the following information to Control Room telephon- _

ically as deemed appropriate: (You may call intermittently.)


Precede and conclude all conversations with "7uis is a  :

j drill."  !

4 Initial call:

I Name: John Jones i i


  • Security of ficer taken hostage. He has officer's weapon l l and is in A0 pit, j i
  • Demand - No one to enter the turbine floor or someone  ;

j may get shot. ,


  • Knows he is going to be fired because of problems with j

{ his boss. During the night, got into personnel office. )

{ saw file and knows what is going on. l j

  • Does not know what he wants yet, but leave him alone. j i

j Subsequent calls:

! l l

  • Wants a million dollars i
  • Plane waiting at airport j
  • Wants it within one hour or will kill hostage and wreck j y the turbine Action Expected: SS will declare "Alert" based on "adversaries commandeering RP1287-00445-TP12

- - . . .- ,- --- . . - , , , , , . , . , , . . , - , . , , , . . , , ..._...-a, ._- ,-..,- - - -,_,.n,,---.,w.,.. ,--a,-, -

,nm_,.,,, w.y. ,.


.. . .- , . - - _ . _ _ ~ . . . ~ .

= .-

c  ;

I l

4  !


i L 'l l Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 02:15-03:10  ;

4-i:; Message No: 4A Scenario Time ,0,0:45-01:40 j

, -4 o  !




f. Message for Negotiator / Kidnapper (controllers only). ,

,. i j-  !

i i

t 3 Simulated Plant Conditions:

4 i l-i I j Message: Work through dialogue provided until a "settlement"'is reached. ,

!O 1

j i


i i

1-g _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .


For Controller Use Only i t

I Controller Notes: See negotiations outline below and discuss. Negotiator j

} will provide results to appropriate players. Precede and l

} conclude all conservations with "This is a drill."


  • Discuss situation with SS and Security Shift Leader. I
  • Discuss demands with hostage taker.  !
* "Negotiate."


- Time frame for money and plane  !

- Tamily coming to site  !

- Review of job status 1 - Release hostage.

! - Food drink 1


  • Provide feedback toss.

! Action Expected: Information flow will be established from negotiator to  !

4 players. ,

i  ;

j RP1287-00445-TF12 1

@- j t

i 4

f 4-

Scenario No
PALEX-88 Time 01:55 ,
- i l Message No 4X Scenario Time 00


Message fort Shift Supervisor j t

h i

.I l Simulated Plant Conditions: ,

i i

Message: Initiate activation of TSC and OSC. ,

l\ _____________________________________________________________________________

i For Controller Use only j l Controller Notes: If activation'is being discussed, this message may be  !

l delayed. The TSC aust be activated during the security sequence to test l l security integration into the plant emergency organization. j l

t I

f l

t k  !

I l i

i l'

RP1287-0044B-TP12 4

O Scenario No: PALEX-84 Time 03:02 Message No: 5 . Scenario Time 01:32 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EdERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Operator Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See alarm sheet.

Message: All of your turbine generator control and governor valves are shut. '

O For Controller Use Only Controller Notes:

Action Expected: 1. Player Cos start carrying out actions of E0P 1.0 and inform SS/SE of trip and turbine valve situation.

2. SS orders E0P 1.0 be carried out.
3. May page or call for A0s to look for EH leaks.

O RP1287-00448-TP12

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:02 Message No: 5 Scenario Time 01:32 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT ,

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE ALARM SHEET Alarm Annunc l Panel Number Alarm Window Description K-09 72 Reactor Trip ,

K-06 Rack-B 4 High-Pressure Pressurizer Channel Trip


K-06 Rack-B 8 High-Pressure Pressurizer Channel Pre-Trip K-07 53 Pressurizer Pressure Off Normal Hi-Lo K-07 54 Pressurizer Pressure Off Normal Mi-Lo


d K-01 1 Turbine Trip l

K-01 13 EH System Low - Low Level Trip t j K-01 14 EH Fluid High - Low Level Trip ,

I i

l 1

d a

1 i

l 1

3 f

I 1

t 1

i i

RP1287-0044B-TP12 .

i  !

l l J

.. . -- . . - . - - - , . - . .~ , ..n - .--

1 Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:02:30 i Message No: 5A Scenario Time 01:32:30 l i


Message for: Shift Supervisor 1
Simulated Plant Conditions


$ I t

i Message: Hey, there's E H fluid spraying out of some tubing going to No 4  !

governor valvel  !

i '



l l*

For Controller Use Only l Controller Notes: A0 controller gives message to AO player to read to player SS.

I i

Action Erpected: 1. Player COs start carrying out actions of E0P 1.0 and

) inform SS/SE of trip and turbine valve situation.

2. SS orders EOP 1.0 be carried out.
3. May page or call for Aos to look for EH leaks.

!O 1

l RP1287-00448-TP12 1

l i


("'T N/

s Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:04 i i

i Message No: 6 Scenario Time 01A14 i



Message fort Control Room Players I

Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.

i i

i j Message Use these data sheets for verifying actions of E0P 1.0.

,i i i 1 l

! i l

,1  !,

. i For Controller Use Only


Controller Notes: Provide clean copy of EOP 1.0 to players for them to fill l

. out. l J


! I i I 4 Action Expected: Verify E0P 1.0 actions.


.I l

1 1

l I

i i

1 l

1 1

l RP1287-0044B-TP12 I


cate 11 retru rv 1911 Insage 1 [ fleethil Senario flee ildi


O $W Fiep F la h P 18 h F 10 uh SVCriticalIdrFrus A H I H pig CCW tcap t 52A h F 528 h P 52C u h TFC Fisp t 51A u F 518 M TirePiep F !A M F fi M P 41 M CostalasentCoolerReeltefans fin h T2A h T3A h T4A h Vil b T28 h T33 h fil h Cal CCW Cooln Ottlet fesp A HF I Hf Contaissent Spray Fisp P lin M F lin M P 5(C E 1751 Piers F li! M F ill M LillFiep F ilA M F ill M lafetylaje:tionlietionlipply trainA fraini C1 1651 (5111) ht C1 3121 (Simp) ( M CT 3931 (5118) hu CV 3tli ($ asp) Chigi Cd1 CTCs Letdeva Charging Intermediate Fress Letdown fesp 111 i Flow lH gre LetdownLinefesp lit T Line fesp it T LetdownFlev igpa fiep F 551 h F 5582a t 55C h felteeControlfnk 4 fesp H F frentre 11 pl Level H I FCF Control llHdo!! frentr4 11psig thttdon Cooling lyttes 5005freeFCI(t) Hi! 5005toPCS(t) il F '

Cienchfath O fesp111F frentre lJi pig Frisery Coelut lystes lillpsia Level H l frenariter Pressire (t)

FCI f an (t) ilill Loop 2 (ft il21) 11L1  !

freintiser Luel (1) Loop LICIllLA 1 lit llll)11 i LICIlllt itI  ;

f Ptr str Asp LCC15 i LCCli i i FCRT fifll425th111  !!T 19438 ChA31 Block falte ICT li4!A ChAgi 10719431 Chitj FCP 7 50A h Fillta f 50C h 7 5tD h r teactoricverLevel 11 l11dth! II 62 Lith! 3113 IJ11d 1114 L111d II 95 t 8116 i 11011 11611 1161111101 4

Cdl 1

Aff$fstes I AfVFiep F 11 h P ll QH I lO Q[1 iftFiepAsps F in 11 P it i asp l Arv tier F Il Stue trunte i pig Arv clich run F la i F ll 1111 f lc 1 pig i locondary lyette R$1T lypts 1018501Cluti 107 0511 Cluti 351T's CT ill! hia CT 6511 hta i

RTP 3:etien Freinte Hi 11 p)ig EfPtischargefresnre &ill I H1 plsolitue !eprator Crala fnk Level Condener lotvell Level 111 Atenpnerle Cisp falten hti condensorfieste H in Ig.

statertrainFiepStatu F lil b t llt b Gland Sul Condensor focus 11isIg, CondenuteitspStatt F 21 h f 21' C1 l  !!!

(Desand Log + Constant, tod, or flillfesp)

Gross It d let XV d Core Itit therexciple festerature Uld i I

Control lod losition Gil [ GP2[ Gil{ GF4i Gl5(F)111 Gli(A) 1 Gif(l) !

5ttektods tut 1

l i

FAl!118 Cate 17 Februrt lill R:ssageii flH[M $celarlo fl H l1 d{

M t il tent nI t 131 Len! Ei Condusate Stotap fut lent f ! H i listneut alt Pressire 31 pig 4

ContainmentlilldingPressere J pig Doetfesterature 111F Isoldity li i

$lG 1 Ceeprteent fesprature 1H F Insidity 1Lii SIG l CooprtHit fesperature 111F Issidity 12 J l

$1tV fank Len! 11 %

W1ContalasentPressire(1) 11 p ia Containment $tep Level it ContainmentVaterLevel(R) {l 31faillevel(4) A11 311 C11 011

$1fankfressere(psig) A111 8111 C Ut 0111 lanal I 11

$1ASAltre u ContainsentlighPressireAltre h Contaissent Ilgh tidiation Altre h (dl

, ConcentratedBoricleidfantLevels f53111I till 1H i leactorVesselDP lhlt pid i F0tfOlschargefesterature 111f

, Pir$aletyfalteOlschargefesp(F) 1710)! 1H 1719411H 171941 lit FCP Current (Asp) 7 561 [H F568ill F 50C ul 7500111 ,

FCCFlev li I Loopthot (f) Loop 1 ilLil Loop 2 illd loopfeeld(f) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 111 p feeld Ilde range Loop 1 }11 Loop 2 ill j

Q 5bcooling FC$Fressure(1) fesp WI lld F 1111 Fress 111 pl It in pla

$teteCentratorA State Generator 8  !

Level (11) 11l (II) lin 3 11 11 l 111 palII) 11l l

s Press 111tila a i flev Stess J fit feeditil $tus d PPI fndiFFI

! lete:SteasandfeedFltv Itilllll 1


ATVflowto1$lG Free F 1181 lit Free P lC i gpa ArtflevtoI$lG fres F lill lit fr
e t IC i gpa CendensorTatius(1) lid FCfSealLealo!!Tlov t 5th idt Fillidi 7 500 idi F 590 ldt

[dl i OleselGeneratorfrepen:y 1 1 il 1 2 11 1CICS Toltage lill ke p [Il 10It3 Voltap 1111 1sp 111 c 11 te k c lil l Centalteent Area Initors (tift) 1111105 Lilld 1111106 Liud J R111811 Lind  !!! litt Idild i ligh lanp Centaineent Ionitors (t/Ir) t!11321 Ligil 1112322 L11111 Centainent lydrogen Con:estraties (1) 11 24111 [ 11 1(llL i

< Iain $ tete Line Cassa (ep)  !!12324 Lillil 1111323 Idtlil l

$tarklealters 1112325 L11111 ep !!n !!!i Lillil cp 1114"1 L111d er/hr 1

i  !

i 4 Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:05


l Message No: 1 Scenario Time 01:33



4 Message for: Control Room Players i

1 4

Simulated Plant Conditions: i l


Message: Your atmospheric unloaders are closed and you continue to hear the j

! .1ound of a steam release but it is not as loud as immediately  !

i following the trip.  ;

1 3 l 1  !

d i

i i

j ............................................................................. i I;

For Controller Use Only '

d j Controller Notes:


{ Action Expected: SS directs A0s to try and carefully locate the source of 1 the steam release.


! RP1287-00448-TP12 '

4 9

- - - , - , . . ,r--- -

,r--- - , - - - . - - - . - , , - , - - - - - - - , - - - - , - - - . - - . . , , . , , - ,,-,-,n- ----,,,--,--.~e-., -vr <

I i


? l f

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:07  ;

l Message No: 7A Scenario Time 01:37 i


i i


{ Message for Shift Supervisor l 1  !

Simulated Plant Conditions  !

t i I i  !

I i

j Message: It appears that one of the reliefs on "A" S/G is stuck open, but I  !

can't get close enough to tell which one.  !

i h

i  !

?  ;


l For Controller Use Only l

Controller Notes: A0 controller has A0 player phone in message. l i i I

1 J  !

! l I Action Expected: See Narrative. l j Time: 0300-0330  !


Page: 5 1 Section: D j  ;

i 1

J i .

l i

J i

i RP1287-00445-TP12 l'

1 i

l- _

1 Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:10 l

4 Message No: 8 Scenario Time 01:40



l Message for: Control Room Players  ;


! Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets -and alare sheets. l 4 ,


< Message: j J  !

l 5 For Controller Use Only i i Controller Notes: When operators try to increase AFW flow, CV-0727 will not 1

) respond. (See Narrative.) l I

Time: 0300-0330 i Pages: 5 and 6 Section: E I

Action Erpected: 1. Another "ALERT" should be classified shortly with announcement made, alara sounded and notifications 1 made.


2. Staff augmentation may start if not initiated l previously.

! 3. Perform SSFCs and actions of 20P 6.0.

4 See Narrative.

. Time: 0300-0330

) Pages: 5 and 6 Section: E I Additionally: 1. Turn off 1 MCP and both heater drain

] pumps.

l 2. Insert part length rods.

j 3. Open "B" NSIV bypass valve to regain AE operation.

i i

1 l


I l

1  ;

)  :

i t

j l,

i Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:10 j j Hessage No: 8_

Scenario Time 01:40 l l .,


! i 1 l f "I 4m Annunc  !

j ,

> < 1, Number Alarm Window Descripilon  :

) ,

1. 62 Steam Generator E-50A Lo Level .!

l K-v9 64 Steam Genewas E-303 Lo Level

'I i

i I  !

a i  !

t l

l f

, i l  !

i l

1 e

I i

P l

1 i

1 4

4 j RP1287-00443-TP12 4

.,-,,,,- , - - - ,,,-.,. , ,,- - - - ,.-- - c , .-,,-,,---,-,---,,,,,---_,nn.,,-n -

PALIIil Date 17 February 1918 Nessageli flee lhll Scenario flH lh{l

/ g.g C] ,

SWCriticalEdrPress A H B H psig SWPasps P1AQA P 78 Q1 P 7C ith CCWPasps P 52A QA P 52B QA P 520 i m FPCPcaps P 51A QA P 51B M FirePasps P 9A Q11 P 9B Q11 P 41 M Containment Cooler Recire fans VIAQa V2AQa V3AQA V4AQ1 Vl3Qa V2BQ1 V3BQa V4B h y *a-l)

CCWCoolerOutletfesp A DF B HT l ContainmentSprayPtsps P54AQ11 P54BQ11 P 5(C M

( HPSIPumps P ilA M P ill Q11 LPSIPasps P67AQ11 P51BQU SafetyinjectionStetion8spply frainA frainB CV-3051 (SIRW) Qata CV-3029 (Samp) Charj CV 3031 (SIRW) Qata CV 3030 (Simp) Ch11d Cd1 CVCS Letdown Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp Hi F Flow 111 gps LetdownLinefesp Hir Line fesp 11 F LetdownFlev igpa Pasps P 55A QA P 55BQa '/ 550 QA Yolsu Control fank l fesp H T Pressure 11 psi Level 11i PCP Control Bleedoff Pressure il psig l ShutdownCoolingSystes l SDCSfreePCS(R) 11[ F SDCS to PCS (R) 11F l Quenchfank cI i fesp lH F Pressure l dt psig Level H t

(% d PristryCoolantlystes PressuriserPressure(R) 1H1 psia l FCS fare (R) Loop 1 i1R 0111) 12h1[ Loop 2 :TR 0121) Uld l LRC010;,1 HI LRC010.,B Rt PressirlierLevel(R)  !

PsrHttAsps LCC15 i LCC16 i PORY PRV 1042B Ch111 PRV 10438 Chiaj BlockValfe E0V 1042A (19111 X0V 1943A Chati PCPs P50AQ1 P50BQA P500QA P50DQA ReactorPowerLevel 11011,00!+0 I1021,00!+0 11031,0014 1104 9,0011 51-051 11 06 1 11 07 1 11 08 1 11 09 i 11 10 i CA1 AffSystes AFVPtsp P 8A Q1 P IB Q11 P lC QQ,S ATVPuspAsps PlA11PlO1 asps ATV Ptsp P lB Steas Pressure i plig ATV Disch Press F IA E P 1B 111[ P lc 1 psig locondarylyttes MSIVBypass X0V 6501 Ch111 H0V 0510 chili XSIV's CV 0501 ChAni CV 0510 Chitj NFP Section Pressure illpsig Ef?DischargePressure Aill Billpsi NoistureSeperatorDrainiankLevel lii CondensorHotvellLevel lii Atmospheric Disp Valves Chlii CondensorVacate 11inEg, HeaterDrainPaspStates P 10A Qa P 108 Q1 GlandSealCondensorVacute 11inEg.

CondensatePaspStatu P 2A QA P 28 QA P!P (Desand Log + Constant, Rod, or Florlfesp)

Gross XV d ht MV d Core Init Thersocouple fesperatste ill d F Control Rod Position GPl i GP2i GP)1 GP4i GP5(P)lh GP6(A)i GP7(B)i p Stick Rods 2211 Q


PALII18 Date 17 February 1988 Nessageii flee ilLH Scenarioflee11Lil O

C Condensate Storage Tank Level f 2 H 1 TilLevel Hi T 939 Level ili Instrnent Air Pressure lilpsig

-ContainmentBuildingPressure d psig Desefesperature 111F Husidity li i S/GACompartment fesperature lg F Husidity lid i S/GBCospartment fesperature 111F Husidity lid i SIRW fank Level HI WRContainmentPressure(R) 11 psia Containment Scap Level 1i ContainmentWaterLevel(R) {l SifankLevel(1) A11 B11 Cit D((

$1fankPressure(psig) A111 B lH C111 D111 Pasal I il SIASAlars n Containment High Pressure Alars h Containment High Radiation Alars b C:ll Concentrated Boric acid fank Levels f53A R I f5381111 ReactorVesselDP lidl psid PORYDischargefesperature 111 F PsrSafetyValveDischargefesp(F) RY1939 lit RV1040 lit RVilli111 PCPCurrent(Asps) P 50A di P50B{l1 P500ill P500til PCS Flow li i LoopThot (F) Loop 1 illdi Loop 2 illd Loopfceld(F) Loop 1 in Loop 2 111d s feeld Wide range 100p 1 ill Loop 2 111 Subcooling fesp Ed F Press tilpsi PCSPrenure(R) VR 1111 IR H1 psia SteasGeneratorA Steas Generator B Level (VR) -11 (IR) [l lH1 11 (IR) 1 1 Press 111 psia tilpsia flow Steas J PPB Feed 1 PPB Steas i PPB Fetd1PPI Iote Steas and feed flow I 1000006 C:ll AFWFlevtoAS/G FrosPillB 111 Fros P lC 1 gpa AFWFlowtoBSIG Fros P lALB 111 from P lC 1 gpa Condensor Vaccus (R) lid PCPSealLeakoffFlow P50Aidl P 50B ldt P 500 ldt F 500 idt C:li Diesel Generator Frequency 1 1 [1 12 H 1CB05 Voltage 1111 Asps [11 1 0 BUS Voltage liit Asps 1H C 11 lack C 11A ContainmentAreaRonitors(RlBr) RIA ll05 2.501 1 R1A 1806 Lilld RIA1801 3,00! l RIA llit Idil 1 HighRangeContainmentMonitors(R/Br) RIA 2321 1,00!+0 RIA 2322 1d 111[

ContainmentHydrogenConcentration(1) Al 24011 1 Al 140ll !

RIA 2324 3,00!+1 R112323 Lillil

[7 Main Steas Line Gassa (eps)

RIA2327 2.001 1 ar/br

() StackMonitors RIA 2325 1J 1111 cps RIA 2326 1d 1111 cps 2

l I O Scenario No: PALEX Time 03:10 McJsage No: 8A Scenario Time 01:40 PALISADES NUCLEAR-PLANT  ;


Message for: Maintenance Controller (I&C)

Simulated Plant Conditions:


O For Controller Use Only  !

Controller Notes: See Narrative.

Time: 0300-0330 i Pages: 5 and 6 Section: E  !

Action Expected: 1. Ensure they follow good diagnostic procedure.

2. Ensure they follow proper procedures.
3. Take actions and make recommendations that are appropriate. .
4. Diagnosis and repair should take between two and l four hours (you control).  :

l RP1287-0044B-TP12  !

- - - . . ~

. . - - , , , , , . - , - - - . - . , _ . - , . _ _ , . , . --. . - ~ - - - . - - . - - . . - . - . . - ,

O V Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:25 Message No: 9 Scenario Time 01:55

-PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.


0 t

For Controller Use Only Controller Notes:

Action Expected: 1. Perform E0P 6.0 15 minute SSFCs.

2. Continue E0P 6.0 actions.
3. A0 should have manual control of AW flow by now.
4. "A" S/G should be isolated.


l l

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 . Time 03:25 Message No: 9_ Scenario Time 01:55 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE ALARM SHEET Alarm Annunc Panel Number Alarm Window Description K-01 11 Vacuum Low K-01 63 Condensate Pump P2B Discharge Low Pressure O

i 5

O i RP1287-0044B-TP12 l

PALIIil Date 17 February 1989 Nessageli flatthU Scenario. flee thH I i g.g L)

SW Pumps P-7A Qa - P 78 h P7CBh SWCriticalEdrPress A 11 B 11 plig CCW Ptsps P-52A QA P 528 QA P 520 B h TPCPumps P 51A h P 518 QH FirePumps P !A QH P lB QH P 41 qu Containsent Cooler Recite fans VIAQA V2AQ1 V3AQa V4A01 VIBQA V2BQA V3BQa V4BQ2 C:H CCWCoolerOutletfesp A 11F B 11f ContainmentSprayPceps P 54A QH P5(BQ11 P 540 QH HPSIPasps P liA M P ill QH LPSIPasps F 67A QH P 67B QU Safetyinje:tionSectionSupply frainA frainB CV 3057 (SIRW) hia CV-3029 (Stap) Chad CV 3031 (SIRW) gRa CV 3030 (Scep) Chad CH CYCS Letdova Charging Intermediate Press letdown fesp Hi F Flow H gpa LetdownLinefesp Hi f Line fesp H i F Letdown Flow H1 gps Pseps P 55A Q2 P 55BQH P 55C M Yoline Control tank fesp H F Pressure 11 psi Level H I PCP Control Bleedoff Pressere il prig ShutdownCoolingSystes SDCSfromPCS(R) lli F SDCStoPCS(R) 11F m Quenchflak fesp111F Pressure L 11 psig Level H I PristryCooltatfyltes PressuriserPressure(R) 1111 psia PCSfate(R) Loop 1 (TR Olll) 11L11 Loop 2lTR0121)ilLi PressuriserLevel(R) LRC0101A HI LRC Oll B HI PsrstrAsps LCC15 H1 LCC16 1H PORY PRV 1042B Chid PRV 19438 Chid BlockValve 1071042A Chad 30V 1043A Chad PCPs P-50A h P508Q1 P500QA P500Qa ReactorPowerLevel II.013,00l+1 1102 Id[1!1 II 03 idil 1 11041&lr1 II.051 II-061 II071 1101[ 1109111101 Qdi AffSystes ATVPasp P la QA P lB Qi1 P 8C QQi ATVFuspAsps PlA11P4C1 asps ATV Pcep P il Steas Pressure { psig AFW Disch Press P lA i F lB H H P lC i psig le:endarylyltes NSIVBypass 107 0501 Chtd 107 0510 h ia NSIV's CV 0501 Chid CV 0510 Chad Mf?SectionPressure illpsig HTPDischargePressuse A111 B Hi pil NoistureSeperatorDrainfankLevel H1 CondensorHotvellLevel Hl Ats;nphericDunpValves Chad CondessorYacnts 1inEq.

HeaterDrainPaspStates P-10A QH P 10B M GlandSealCondensorVacuta E in Bg.

CondensatePumpStatus P 2A QA P 28 QH PIP (DesandLog+ Constant, Rod,orTint/fesp)

Gross NW d let NW d Core Illt fhersoccuple fesperatste ilLi F i

Control Rod Position GPl i GP2i GP3i GP4[ GP5(P)[ GP((A) 1 GP2(B) 1 Stick Rods 1211


PALII il Date 17 Februari 1998 Messageii fleelith Scenario fine RtB O TilLevel HI f939 Level Ql


Condensate Storage fank Level f 2 H l InstrumentAirPressure H psig ContainmentBuildingPressure d psig 00sefesperature 111T Busidity li i S/GACompartment fesperatore 111 F Residity lid i S/GBCompartment fesperature 1H T Husidity lid i S!RVfankLevel il I WRContainmentPressure(R) 11 psia ContainsentScapLevel 1i ContainmentVaterLevel(R) {i SifankLevel(t) A11 BH C11 DH SIfankPressere(psig) A lli B Hi C111 0111 Pasal I 11 SIASAlars h ContainmentHighPressureAlars k Containsent High Radiation Alars k Cell Concentrat6dBoricAcidfankLevels f53A11i f538 h i ReactorVesselCP lhitpsid FORVOlschargefesperature 111 F PsrSafetyValveDischargefesp(f) 17 1031 111 RY1040111 RY1041111 PCPCurrent(Asps) P50A[lt F 50B ill P50C111 P500[11 PCSFlev li i LoopThot (F) Loop i ill Loop 2 ill Loopfceld(P) Loop 1 il h i Loop 2 ill Teold Wide range Loop i Hi Loop 2 H i Sibeooling fesp ild F Press H1 psi k PCSPressure(R) WR lill IR Hi pela l SteasGeneratorA Steas Generator B j Level (VR) di I (IR) i i lj!M 11 1 II) 11 l l Press (H psia 111 FLa l Flev Steas i PPB FeediPPB Steas ! PPI FeediPPI j lote: Steas and feed Flov I 1000000 kil ATVflowtoASIG fres P illB 1 Fros P lC 1 gpa ATVflowtoBS/G fres P illB ill Fros P 4C t gpa Condensorfactis(R) d PCPSealLeakoffFlow P 501 ldi F508ldi P500ldi P500idi Cdl OleselGeneratorfrequency 1 1 il 12 H 1-C BUS Yoltage 11 3 Aspsill 1 0 BUS Voltage 11 3 Aspsill c.11 lack c 111 Containment Area Monitors (R/Br) IIA ll05 2.50! 1 RIA ll0f 2dthi RIAll07 3,002-1 RIA 1108 l dt h i HighRangeContainmentMonitors(R/Br) RIA 2321 1,00!+0 RIA 2322 idtEl ContainmentHydrogenConcentration(l) AI 240lR [ Al 240lL i Nala steas Line Gassa (eps) 11A 1324 3,00!+1 Ril 2323 Idle l O StackXonitors RIA 2325 1,00!+3 eps IIA 2316 hil1+1 eps 11A 2317 ldih l ar/hr



I 4

l 1




l RP1287-0044B-TP12

- , ,n,-, .-

-- , - - ,, - - -n-,-- - - - , - - - - - - - -------,,,,.n--,- -

,---- w,----,--r--- -- - - - - - - - --,,- -,-.- - ,~--- - --

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:30 Message No: 10 Scenario Time 02:00 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players i

i Simulated Plant Conditions:

9 Message: You hear that the sound of the steam release has grown louder.

f For Controller Use Only  !

Controller Notes:

i 1

Action Expected: 1. SS may ask A0s to investigate.

2. Close "B" MSIV bypass valve to try and reduce / limit-PCS cooldown rate.

N 4



. , .1,

k Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:32 Message No: 10A Scenario Time _02:02 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Shift Supervisor Simulated Plant Conditions:

f Message: It appears that the same relief valve has failed wide open.

i a

1 For Controller Use Only ,

Controller Notes: A0 controller has A0 player call in sessage to SS.

2 Action Expected: Close MSIV bypass valve if not already done.

i l

l 1 l l

4 O



O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:35 Message No: 11 Scenario Time 02:05 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant'Ccaditions: See data sheets.  ;

i 1


For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: They can't use CV-0511 yet because "B" MSIV bypass valve is still shut.

i Action Expected: During the next 8 minutes the "A" S/G empties.  !

l See Narrative.

Time: 0340 Pages: 6 and 7 1 Section: A Additionally-1

1. They turn off pressurizer heaters.
2. Throttle open "B" MSIV bypass valve.




PALII18 Date 11 February 1988 Message i H flee thg Scenariofinethli

( M V

SWPusps P 1A h P 1B Q2 P 1C Eth SWCriticalEdrPress A H B H psig CCWPisps P 52A QA P 52B QA P 520 R h FPCPusps P51AQAP518QH Fire Pumps P !A QH P 9B QH F 41 QH Containment Cooler Recite Fans VIA01 V2AQ1 V3A01 V4A h VlBQA V2BQA V3BQn V4BQ1 M

CCWCoolerOutletfesp A HT B 11F ContainmentSprayPisps P54AQH P 54B QR RPSIPasps P 66A QH P ill QH LPSI Pisps P 51A QH  ? 618 QH SafetyInjection5: tion 5pply frainA frainB CV3051(SIRW)0111 CV-3029 (Sisp) Ch1H CV 3031 ($1RW) 0211 CV 3030 (Susp) Qh111 M

CVCS Letdevn Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp H i F Plow IH gps LetdownLinefesp HiF Line fesp 111 F LetdownFlev 11gpa Pusps P 55A QA P 55BQa P 55C Q1 Volinecontrolfant fesp H F Pressure 1[ psi level H 1 PCP Control Bleedoff Pressere il psig ShitdovaCoolingSysten SDCSfresPCS(R) 111 F SDCStoPCS(R) 11F Quen:hfank O fesp lit T Pressure Idl psig PristryCoolantlystes 1111pela Level H I PresseriterPressere(R)

PCSfate(R) Loop 1 L ft 0111) 11L 11 Loop 2ifR0121)illd PresseriterLevel(R) LRC 010.A 11i LRC010LB 11 1 Pir utr Asps LCC15 111 LCC16 111 PORY PRT 1H2B Qh111 PRV1043BChid BlockValve 10Y 1641A Qh1111071043A Child PCP: P501QA P508QA P500Q1 P500QA i Reactor!overLevel 11 01 Lillil 11 02 IJ ilil 11 03 3,011 1 11 04 L ill-J l 11051 11 06 1 11 01 1 11011 1109111-101 )

M APISystes AFVPssp P la Q1 P lB Q H P 8C QQ1 ATV Pasp Asps PllilPlO[ asps i ATW Pasp P ll Steas Pressure [ pilg APW Disch Press P lA i P lB 1111 P 401 psig  !

locondarySystes XSIVBypas 107 0501 Chill M07 0510 Chigi X51V's CV 0501 Chiti CV 0510 Chitj Xff Sietion Pressure illpilg KPPDischargePressure A111 B111 psi MoistureSeperatorCraintanklevel ilI CondensorHotvelllevel [ii AtmosphericcuspValves Qluti CondensorVaenis L1in81 BetterCrainPiepStatis P LOA QH P 10B QH Gland Seal Condensor facun 11 in Rg.

CondensatePispStatus P2A Q1P1B QH PIP (CesandLog+ Constant, Rod,orFlut/fesp)

Gross XV d let KW d Core !!!t thersocouple fesperature ill d F Control Rod Position GP1 [ GP2i GP3i GP4i GP5lP)1 GP((A) 1 GP1(B) i Stick Rods ant l

1 l

PALIIil Date 17 February 1988_ Message i H finelhli Scenario fine thii

  1. bil C

T 11 Level 11 i f139 Level il1 Condensate Storage Tank Level f 2 11 %

Instrument Air Pressure 111psig ContainmentBuildingPressure d psig Desefesperature 111F Husidity li i S/GACospartment fesperature lit f Ecsidity IL 1 i SICBCospartment fesperature lit F Etsidity 1 hi 1 51RWfankLevel 11 %

WRContainmentPressure(R) 11 psia ContainmentSuspLevel 1i ContainmentWaterLevel(1) {i SifankLevel(t) Ail B11 C11 D11 SifankPressure(psig) A Ri B111 C111 0111 Panel 1 13 ContainmentHighPresnreAlars la Containment Ilgh Radiation Alars 12 SIASAlars u CIl Concentrated Boric Acid fani Levels f53 Ail 1 f53B111 ReactorVesselCP lidi psid PORYDischargefesperature litf PsrSafetyValveDischargefesp(f) RV103) 111 RV1040111 RV1041111 PCPCurrent(Asps) P50A1 P-50 Bill P-500 W P500i PCSflow li i LoopThot (f) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 ill Loopfceld(f) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill fceld Wide range Loop 1 111 Loop 2 ill fesp iLi f Press H1 psi Os Subcooling PCSPressure(R) WR 1111 IR ill psia Steas Generator A Steas Generator B Level (WR) :111% (IR) i i $1 11 % .IR) 11 1 Press illpsia 111ps,a flov Steas i PPB Feed i PPB Steas i PPI feed i PPI tote: Steas and feed flov I 1000000 1:11 ATVflowtoASIG fres P 1All i Fros P lC 1 gps ,

ATVflowtoBS/G fres F lAll ill fres P 10 t gpa l l

CondensorVacuts(R) 1 FCP Seal testoff flow P501idi F 503 Lil P50Cidi F-500idi bil Diesel Generator frepency 1 1 il 1 2 il 1 C BUS Voltage 1111 Aspsill 1DBUS Voltage 1111 Aspslit c 11 lael C 111 ContainsentAreaMonitors(R/Br)

RIA ll65 1,00! 1 RIA llli 1dil:1 11A1801 1,50! 1 RIA Il08 Idihl HighRangeContainmentMonitors(R/Br) RIA2321 1,00!+0 RIA 2322 Iditt ContainmentHydrogenConcentration(t) AI 240lt i Al 240lL i RIA 2324 3,00!+1 RIA 2323 Lillil O

Main Steas Line Gassa (eps)

RIA 2325 1,00!+1 cps RIA 2326 1,5GI+2 cpe RIA 2321 2,001 1 ar/hr Stact Monitors 2

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:43 Message No: 12 Scenario Time 02:13 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.


O For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: If and when they attempt to use CV-0511, it won't work.

NOTE: During the next four minutes "A" S/G develops a tube rupture and an SIAS occurs.

Action Expected: 1. E0P 6.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed

2. Request PCS boron samples shortly.

i l

i O '

1 RP1287-0044B-TP12

PALIIil Date 17 February 1988 Nessage i H fine thQ Scenario fine ghl]

I SW Pumps F1AQa P 7B Qa P 7011h SWCriticalEdrPress A H B H psig CCWPceps P 52A QA P 528 Qa P 52C 8 8 FPCPasps P 51A h P 51B Q H FirePusps P 9A Q H P 93 Q H P-41 QH ContainmentCoolerReciteFans VIAQA V2AQa V3AQ1 V4AQ1 VlBQ1 V2BQ1 V3BQ1 V4BQ1 Qil CCWCoolerOutletfesp A BF B HT ContainmentSprayPumps P 54A QH P 54B QH P 540 QH HPSIPtsps P 66A QR P ilB QH LPSI Pasps P 67A QH P 678 QH SafetyInjectionSuction$spply frainA frainB CV3057(SIRW)0;11 CV 302) (Scep) QhA11 CV-3031 (SIRV) Qata CV 3030 (Simp) Qhitj Q.:H CYCS Letdova Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp 111 F Flow 11 LetdownLinefesp illF Line fesp 1((gpa T Letdownflow Higpa Pcaps P 55A Q1 P 5530H P 550 Q11 feltneControlfank fesp H T Pressureilpsi Level 11i PCP Control Bleedoff Pressure il pig ShutdernCoolingSystes 1

SDCSfroaPCS(R) 111 F SOCStoPCS(R) 11F O

V fesp111F Pressere ldt pig Quenchfank Level H I Pristry Coolant Syltu PressuriserPressure(R) lillpsia PCS fare (1) Loop 1(ftllll)illdi Loop 2'fR0121)illd PressuriserLevel(R) LRC 0101A ili LRC010B 111 ParStrAsps LCC15 i LCC16 Q PORY PRV 1042B ChA11 PRV 1043B QhA11 BlockValve X071042A Qhiti X0V 1943A Child PCP: P50AQH F503Q1 P500QA P 50D QH ReactorPowerLevel 31012,00t+1 II 02 2,00l+1 1103 2,fil 1 1104 L.tll1 II 051 31061 31071 s!01i s!03is!-10t i Q.11 AffSystes 1 ATVPtsp blA Q2 P la QH P 80 QQ1 AFVPuspAsps P IA H P IC 1 asp ATV Pcep P4i Steas Frennte i pig ATV Disch Press F lA & P ll lill F IC [ pig IHondarySystes XSIV Byps: 10V0501Qhiti 10V 0510 that. MSIV's CV 0501 Chiti CV 0510 Qhitj XFPSectionPressure 11[ pig XFPOlschargePressure A111 B 111 pil l Noisture Seprator Crain fank Level 11l CondensorHotvelllevel Ht Atsospheric0:spValves Ch111 CondensorVat:ts iinEg, Heater Crain Pasp Status P 10A QH P 103 QH GlandSealCondensorVacuts itin89 CondensatePtspStatus P 21 Q1 P 1B QU PIP (tesandLog+ Constant, Rod,orFinaltesp)

Gross XV d let XV d Core !!it thersoccuple fesperature illd T Control 101 Position GPl i GP2i GP3i GP4i GP5(P)1 GP6(A)i GP7(B)i Stick Rods gaat O i 1-I l

PALII18 Cate 17 February 1999 Message l H flee thH Scenario flee thH

/^'\ M LJ f81 Level ili f139 Level ili Condensate Storage fank Level T 2 il i InstrumentAirPressure 111psig ContainmentBuildingPressire d psig 00sefesperature 111F Hasidity l{ l S/GACospartment fesperature 111 F Hasidity H J l S/GBCompartment fesperature 111F Hasidity H d 1 SIRWfankLevel i[ I WRContainmentPressure(R) 11 pela ContainmentScapLevel 1i ContainmentWaterLevel(R) {i SifankLevel(t) A11 3il C11 011 51fankPressare(psig) A Hi B Hi C Ul D Hi Pasal 1 13 SIASAlars k ContainmentHighPressureAlars b Containment High Radiation Alars D C:ll ConcentratedBoricAcidtankLevels f53A11i f53B H I ReactorYesselDP M psid FORYDischargefesperature 111F PtrSafetyValveOlschargefesp(F) IV1039 lit RV1940lli RY1941111 PCPCarrent(Asps) P50A1 P 563 Hi P 500 R[ P500i PCS Flow HI LoopThot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loopfceld(F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 111 fceld Vide range Loop 1 ill Loop 2 }H O Subcooling PCSPressure(R)

Steas Generator A fesp VR ild F 1[R Press in psi IR Rt psia Steas Generator B Level (WR) :HiI (II) {i LXE 111 (IR) 11 i Press 11 psia litpsis flow Steas a PPH Teed i PPE Steas i PPI Feed [PFI lote Steas and Feed Flov I1000000 C:ll ATVFlovtoA$/G Fros P lAll i Fros F lc i gps ATVFlevtoBS/G Fros P lAll lit Free P 80 t gpa ,

CondtasorVaenis(R) {

PCPSealLeakoffflow P 50A Idi F508ldi F 500 idi F 500 L H j Cdl  !

OleselGeneratorFrequency 11 [1 1 2 ((

1 C BUS Voltage lill Asps [11 10 BUS Yoltage liit Asps 18 c 11 lael C 111 ContainsentAreallonitors(R/Br) RIA ll05 L1R:1 RIA llli Lithi )

RIA ll01 1.00! l RIA 1101 L1QEl l HighRangeContainmentMonitors(R/Br) RIA 2321 1,50!+0 RIA 2322 idQ E t l ContainsentBydrogenConcentration(1) 11 2401R [ Al 240lL { j 111 2324 3,QQI+1 O Xala Steas Line Gassa (eps) RIA 2323 L it hi  !

StackMonitors RIA 2325 ldih l cps RIA 2326 L itE l cis RIA 2321 Liju l ar/hr I


L enario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:43 Message No: 12A Scenario Time 02:13 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Maintenance Controller (Electrical, Mechanical and I&C)

Simulated P14at Conditions: CV-0511 turbine bypass valve won't open no  !

matter what operators try.


O For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: See Narrative. l Time: C345-0410  !

Page: 8 Section: B Part: c Step: (2) l' Action Expected: After operators exhaust all possibilities, ie, manual remote from Control Room, or Auto and the TSC/MSC dispatch maintenance personnel to troubleshoot, ensure:

1 They tollow good diagnostic practices.


2. They follow proper procedures, including radiological practices.
3. Take actions and make recommendations that are appropriate. 1
4. No matter what YOU, the controller, has decided the  !

problem is: CV-0521 shall not be repairable before 1100. This is simply to exercise the MSC. l RP1287-0044B-TP12 i


Scenario No: PAIIX-88 Time 03:43 Message No: 12B Scenario Time 02:13 PALISADES-NUCLEAR PLANT ,


i Simulated Plant Conditions: ,


i I

For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: 20 minutes after either the SS or TSC requests PCS boron i

, samples, you may call back and report: l PCS boron is at 793 ppa boron concentration.

NOTE: 10.4 GWD cold shutdown boron concentration is 723 ppm boron.

Action Expected:

l 1



l l

RP1287-0044B-TP12 j


O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:47 Message No: 13 Scenario Time 02:17 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets and alarm sheets.


t For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: See Narrative.

Time: 0345-0410 Pages: 7 and 8 Sections: A and B (all parts) i.

Action Expected: See Narrative.

Time: 0345-0410 Pages: 7 and 8 Sections: A and B (all parts)


1. Expect that operators will stop boric acid pumps sometime within the next 15 minutes.
2. General Emergency should be declared shortly.

RP1287-0044B-TP12 -

1 Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:47 Message No: 13 Scenario Time 02:17 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE ALARM SHEET Alarm Annunc Panel Number Alarm Window Description K-13 42 Safety Injection Initiated K-13 40 Safety Injection Initiation Signal "A" K-13 41 Safety Injection Initiation Signal "A" K-13 64 Gaseous Waste Monitoring Hi Radiation K-13 66 Plant Area Monitoring Hi Radiation K-02 6 Main Steam E-50A RIA-2323 HIGH K-02 6 Main Steam E-50A RIA-2323 ALERT -

K-07 49 Pressurizer Low Pressure Setpoint "A" Off Normal K-07 50 Pressurizer Low Pressure Setpoint "B" Off Normal .

i K-07 51 Pressurizer Low Pressure Setpoint "C" Off Normal '

r K-07 52 Pressurizer Low Pressure Setpoint "D" Off Normal K-07 55 Pressurizer Safety Injection Signal "A" Lo.- Lo Pressure K-07 56 Pressurizer Safety Injection Signal "B" Lo - Lo Pressure K-07 57 Pressurizer Safety Injection Signal "C" Lo - Lo Pressure K-07 58 Pressurizer Safety Injection Signal "D" Lo - Lo Pressure O

RP1287-0044B-TP12 l

PALII$8 Date 17 February 1981 Xessage i H flee thH Scenario flee thH V

SWPasps P7AQ2 P 7B h P 7C h SWCriticalBdrPress A H B H psig CCWPusps P 52A B P 52B Qn P 520 Q1 TPCPusps P 51A Q2 P 518 QH FirePisps P 1A QH P 93 M P 41 QH ContainmentCoolerRecireFans VIA02 V2AQ2 V3AQ1 V4AQ2 VlB QH V2B E V3B M V4B QH C:.ll CCWCoolerOutletfesp A [1F 3 HF ContainmentSprayPumps P 54A QH P 548 QH P-54CQH RPSIPieps P ilA h P ill h LPSIPumps P67AQQi P678E111t1 SafetyinjecticaSietionSupply  :

frainA frainB CV 3057 (SIRW) hia CV 302) (Susp) Chiti CV-3031 (SIRW) Cgta CV 3030 (Susp) Child Cd1 CVCS Letdown Charging intermediate Press Letdown fesp 1H f flow U1 gps LetdownLinefesp utF Line fesp h[ F Letdownflov 11 gps Pusps P 55A 02 P 558Q1 P 550 h VolineControl!ank fesp H T Pressure H psi Level 11i PCP Control Bleedoff Pressure it psig Shitdown Cooling lystes 5005fresPCS(R) Rt F SDCStoPCS(R) (( P O

V fesp111f Quen:hfank Pressure L Lt psig Level H t 3 PristryCo?ltatlystes PresseriterPressere(R) HHpsia PCSfare(R) Loop 1ifR0111)illdi Loop 2ifR0121)ind PressuriserLevel(t) LRC 010LA H1 LRC 010,8 Ht Pat Ett Asps LCC15 i LCC16 [

PORY PRV 19428 Chitj PRV 10438 (h111 BlockValve 10V 1042A Chiti ROV 1943A Chnj FCPs P 50A QH F508Qa 7 500 h P500QH ReactorPowerLevel 51012,00l+1 Il 02 Li[IH 1103 LiRd I104 3,0011 11051 Illii II011 11081 1101111101 +

Cdl APIlystes AfWPusp P 1A h P il Q H P 10 QQ,1 ATVPumpAsps P lA H P 10 t asps ATV Fisp P il Steas Pressure i psig ATV 01 ch Press P IA i F 13 liit F lC [ psig le:endarylystes XSIVBypas 107 0501 Chuf NOV 0510 Dub XS!V's CV 0501 Chiti CV 0510 C.lutj i AfPSictionPressure illpsig XfPDis:hargePressire Aill I 11[ psi '

XolstireSeperatorCrainfankLevel ili ConhnsorBotvelltml Qt AtsosphericCispValves Chiti CondensorVa: sus 1in54 HeaterCrainPispStatus F 10A QH P 103 CH Gland Seal Conhnsor Va:iin [,inHg.

ConientatePiepStatus P 2A Q1 P 28 QH Plf (DesandLog+ Constant,101,orPlar/fesp)

Gros XV d let IV d Core Itit thersoccuple fesperature lud F Control Rod Position GT! 1 GP2i GP)i Glii GP5(P)i GPI(A)i GP7(l)1 Stiet Rods ant O

1 i

FALIIil Date 11 February 1988 Xessage i H flee lhil Scenario flee thH O W V

fllLevel ili f13) Level Ql Condensate Storage fank Level T 2 111 Instrisent Air Pressere 11psig ContainmentBuildingPressere Jpsig cosefesperature lill Hasidity li t S/GACompartment. fesperature 111F Eneidity IL i i S/GBCompartment f6sperature lil F Basidity lL i i SIRVfankLevel 1[ t VIContainsentPressure 11 psia Containment $ ssp Level (1) 1i Containment Water Level (1) [t SifantLevel(1) A11 B11 C1[ D11

$1fankPressure(psig) A Hi B Hi C H[ Dlli Fanel I 13

$1ASAlars lll ContainsentHighPressureAlars [2 Containment Ilgh Radiation Alars 12 M

Concentrated Boric Acid fant Levels f531111 till11i ReactorVesselCF idipsid F0lfDischargefesperature 111F FtrSafetyValveOlschargefesp(F) RY1939 111 RT1940111 1710(1lli FCFCarrent(Asps) 750A1 P50 Bill F500ill F56Di FCSFlow 11i Loopthot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loopfcold(F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Sitcooling

'fesp' ' ' H" 'Fress

' " "ilt' psi CD 'CS Fressure (R)lill F VR F

It ilt psia Stens Generator A Steas Generator B Level (VI) .01 1 (11) 11 Oh 11 i Lit) 1[t Press 111 psia lit ps ,a Flow Steas [ FFI Feed [ FFI Steas [ FFI Feed [FFB Iote: Steas and Feed Flow I1960000 M

ATVFlevtoAS/G Fros F lAll [ Free F 10 i gpa ATVFlevtoBS/G Fros F 1181 lii Fros F lC i gpa CondensorViciis(R) J FCFSealLeakoffFlov F 50A lli Filllli F500idi F 560 idi M

Oletel Generator Fregnancy 1 1 il 1 2 it 1 C BOS Voltage liit Aspsill 10 BUS Yoltage lill Aspslit C 11 lack c.111 ContalasentAreaMonitors(R/Br)  !!A1105 W 11A Illi idit 1 R1A1801 idlh1  !!A 1808 Lith 1 RighlangeContainmentMonitors(1/It)  !!A 1321 ljj h 1 11A 2322 ldthi ContainmentlydrogtsConcentration(1) Al 24011 1 Al llllt i 111 1324 @ 1112323 ldihl O Niin Steas Line Gassa StackXenitors RIA- (cts)2325 Lilulepe  !!A 2321 m eps 1112321 L li h l er/br 2-

l l

l Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:47 Message No: 13A Scenario Time 02:17 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Maintenance Controller (Electrical and/or Mechanical)

Simulated Plant Conditions: P-67A 00S (see Initial Conditions) and P-67B ,

fails to start upon receipt of SIAS (Safety Injection Actuation Signal).


O For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: See Narrative.

Time: 0345-0410 Page: 8 Section: B Part: d (all steps)

Action Expected: When TSC/MSC sends out electricians and/or mechanics to l troubleshoot P-67B failure ensure:

1. They follow good diagnostic practices. i
2. They follow proper procedures, including radiological practices.
3. Take actions and make recomunendations that are appropriate.
4. Discover and report that P-67B has seized and that repairs will require much time.
5. Control repair and reassembly of P-67A so that it becomes available at no later than 0625 and not before 0615.

O RP1287-0044B-TP12

q Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:52 1 Message No: 13B Scenario Time 02:22 1

l I


Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See alarm sheet.



Message: PCS pressure is at 1325 psia and lowering.

1 l

l I

l For Controller Use Only Controller Notes:

Action Expected: Operators should stop the two (2) remaining PCPs.

t l

l 1

i 4

j a

RP1287-0044B-TP12  !


- Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:52 Message No: 13B -Scenario Time 02:22 i


Alarm Annune Panel Number Alarm Window Description K-01 56 Condensate Pump P2A High Temperature or Overload l t

l e


-f I

A .

r 4 t 2

1 i t

i i


't i

i i

l RP1287-0044B-TP12 i'

l r-r- s,- wm- - - - . - , ,--,v

w-,rw e -, --e,w. ,,,-.,,,s. ,---,w. ,w,w,,,wemr-,-yww ,e,wywy-=-v---r--w,-w-y,e,

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 04:05 Message No: 14 Scenario Time 02:35 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets and alarm sheet.

Message: In addition to the pressurizer level shown on the data sheets, be aware that pressurizer level is rising.

For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: In three minutes "B" S/G main steam line monitor alert l alarm will energize. A CIAS will be received at 0430. '

i Action Expected: See Narrative.

Time: 0410-0630 Pages: 8 and 9 Section: A Parts: 1, 2 and 3 I Additionally:


1. Expect they will start to try and establish cooldown rate of 75'F/hr (once they realize CV-0511 will be unavailable) using "B" S/G atmospheric unloaders.
2. E0P 9.0,15-minute SSFCs be performed
3. Letdown has been/should be isolated to prevent activity spread throughout the Auxiliary Building. (Due to 1 fuel failure noted by "A" S/G Main Steam Line Monitor indicated levels.

RP1287-0044B-TP12 1

- - - - ---n.-,-,-, -- - , - - ,


,,------,,-,.n---- --e -, , ..- --~ -+~,

l r

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 04:05 i

Message No: 14 Scenario Time 02:35 4



i i

, Alarm Annune J

Panel Number Alarm Window Description K-01 ~57 Condensate Pump P-2A Discharge Low Pressure I

i I


! i i h j  ;

I i

i a

A t

J l


i I

i a

i s

i i

RP1287-00448-TP12 1


. ~ _ , . . _ _ . , _ _ _ . . . _ . _ - . , _ . _ _ ~ _ _ . . _ . . . - . , . , . . _ . . _ , _ _ _ . . _ . . _ . . . _ _ . , , _ . _ _ _ _ . - , _ . . . . . . _ - - - . - - - . _ ,

i 4

PALIIil Date 17 February 1988 Xessage i H fine iLLH Scenario fine thH l

SWPasps P 7A h P 7B h P 7C h SVCriticalEdrPress A 11 8 11 pig l CCW Pceps P 52A QA P 528 h P 520 h FPC Pusp P 51A h P 51B M firePasps P !A QH P !B M P-(1 QH ContainmentCoolerRecireTans VIA h V2A h V3A h VIAQ1 VlB QH V2BQH V3BQH V4BQH C11 CCWCoolerOutletfesp A UT B 11f ContainmentSpayPasps P 5(A QH P 54B QH P 540 QH HPSIPtsps P ill u P 66B Q1 LPS! Pasp P67A001 lafetyinjection8t: tion 8tpply trainA frainB CV 3057 (SIRW) h ia CV 302) (Susp) Chitj CV 3031 ($ltW) kn CV 3030 (Susp) Chill Cdl CVCS Letdeva Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp l h T Plow IH gps LetdownLinefesp 111P Line fesp lit T LetdownFlov igpa Pump P 55A QA P 55BQA P 550 Q2 VoltseControlfast fesp11F Pressere 11 pl levelliti PCP Control Bleedoff Fren sre [1 psig 5httdcynCoolinglysten SDCSfreePCS(R) 111 F $DCStoPCS(R) 11F s Quenchfank g' fesp111T Presure Lil pig level H l Pristry Coolant Iptes PresseriterPressure(t) 1111 psia PCSfare(R) Loop 1 ft 0111) 111dl Loop 2(ft0121)11Li PressuriurLevel(1) LRC010A 11i L1C01018 11i P t Htr Asp LCC15 i LCCli i PORY PAV 10428 Chitj PIV 1043B Chill Block Valve IOV 1942A Chiti10V 1943A Chitj PCPs P 501 QH P 50B QH P 500 QH P 500 E ReactorPowerLevel 1101 L1Hil 1102 Lillil 1103 Lilh1 5104 Lill1 11151 51 06 1 11 07 i 11011 1101[II101 IFIlystes ATWPtsp P lA h P lB QH P lc QQ1 ATVPtspAsps P IA 11 P lc 1 asp AfW Psep P ll Steas Presure [ pig Arv Disch Prus P la i P iB 111[ P IC 1 pig 16:endarySystes MSIV Bypn X0V 0501 Chiti IOV 0510 u n L XSIV's CV 0501 Chill CV 0510 Ch n j XPP 5 ction Frentre (( pig 117 Olscharge Frentre A [1 B [1 pl Moisture $eprator Crain fuk Level il i CondenserBotvellLevel 111 AtmosphericCispValves DniL CondensorYacus li in Ig.

EtaterDrainPispStatis P llA M P 10B QH Gland Seal Condensor Vacus 11inIg.

CondenutePuspStatu P2A QH P1B QH PlP (tesind Log + Constant, Rod, or Fltilfesp) l Gross NW d let XV d Core !Ilt thersocosple fesperatste ilL[ f Control Rod Position GPl 1 GP2 i GP) 1 GP4 i GP5(P)i GPI(A)! GP1(B)( )

Stick leds gut l

FALII18 Date 17 February lill Menage i 11 flee (HH Scenario fine lhli O M

%.2 TilLevel Hl f139 Level Ql Condensate Storage Tank Level f 2 H l InstrumentAirPressure 10 psig ContainmentBuildingFressure Jpsig Doetfesperatore lh F Insidity li i SIGACoepartment festerature 111F Rceidity lid i Sl08Coepartment fesperature lit F Hasidity lid i SIRWfankLevel R1 ,

W1ContainstatFressure(R) 11 psia ContalanentStepLevel 1! ContainmentV:terLevel(1) {i SIfanklevel(1) 111 BH C11 D11 SifankPressure(psig) A Hi Blit Clit 0 Hi Panel I il SIASAltra Blocked ContainmentIlghPressureAltre h Containment High Radiation Altre h

-M ConcentratedBoricAcidfankLevels f 531 H l 1538 11 l l ReactorVesselDF tjsid F0lfDischargefesperature 111F )

FtSafetyValveDischargefesp(F) IV1939 lit RY1040111 !V164110.1 FCFCarrent(Asps) F50Ai F508i F500i F500i FCSFlev ii loopThot (F) Loop 1 H 1 Loop 2 ill Loopfeeld(F) Loop i ill Loop 2 ill feeld Ilde range Lo:p 1 ill Loop 2 ill O Subcooling FCSPressure(R)

SteasGeneratorA fesp VR u

lill F Fress uttil It ut pela Steae Generator B Level (WR) dliI (II) in QH it I (II) it i Press 11 psia Hipela llev Steam i FFB Feed i 775 Steam i FFI FeediFFI

, lote: State and Feed Flov I 1000000 CIl AFVFlovtoAS/G Free F lill i Free F 10 i gpa AFW Flow to B S/G Fros F lAll Hi Free F lC i gpa Condensorfacets(R) li FCFSealLeskoffFlev F 501 di F 50B di F 560 & F 500 di Cdl Diesel Generator Frepency 11 udi 12 HJi 1 C BUS Voltage 1111 Asps ut 1DB05 Voltage 1111 Asps Hi c 11 hek c 111 ContainmentAreaMonitors(R/It)  !!A 1805 ldRil 1tA.1166 Idild 11A ll01 1d1111 R141101 1dilii sighRangeContainmentRonitors(RIIt)  !!A 2321 ld E 11  !!A 2322 H 11111 ContainmentlydrogenConcentration(4) A12401R Al14111 Nain Steae Line Gassa (cpe) 1112324 id[111 RIA 1323 (dilil

} StackMonitors t!A 2325 1d1111 cpe 111232i 2,60!+1 cpe  !!A 2327 1d1111 er/hr 1


l 1

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 04:08 .

1 i

Message No: 15_ Scenario Time 02:38 l l


Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See alarm sheet. ,

Message: -

i i

i 1

For Controller Use Only e i

Controller Notes:  :

Action Expected: SS should/may request "B" S/G activity samples.

i i

l i

i [

l l  ;

I r

i RP1281-00442-TF12 i I

, . . . . - , , , , ,, , - . . , . , , , , , , _ _ _ _ . . - , - _,n., , , , - , - , ,

l i

i l

v Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 04:08 Message No: 15, Scenario Time 02:38 I


j i

Alarm Annunc Panel Number Alare Window Description ,

Main Steam E-50B RIA-2323 ALERT K-02 17  ;

l '

i i

J i

4 6



I i

i i

I l

I 4

i j RP1287-0044B-TP12 t


Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 04:30 Message No: 16 Scenario Time 03:00 PALISADES NUCLEAR PIANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See alarm and data sheets.



For Controller Use Only  ;

Controller Notes: At approximately 0440, operators get cooldown rate of 76*F/hr established and continue depressurization.

Action Expected: See Narrative.

Time: 0410-0630 4

Pages: 8 and 9 Section: A Parts: 2, 3 and 4 i

Additionally: 1. May reference 1400 CL and start it.

l 2. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed

3. If subcooling margin parameters look funny, explain to players it locked up.

i l

O l


.-= - .- ._. ...

l i

l Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 04':30' Message No: - _16 Scenario Time 03:00 l i


Alarm Annunc Panel Number Alarm Window Description K-11 26 CIS Initiated i K-13 63 Containment Hi Radiation i

i s

i r

4 i  !

i i

l l l l

l 1

1 l l

1 1 l


. I 1  !

FALII il Cate 17 Februari 1988 Bessagef(( fleelhlt Scenario flee lhlj StFisps F 1A h F 18 h F 10 h SWCriticalIdrPress A li l 11 psig CCWFisps F 521 h F 523 h P 52C h FFCPcaps F 51A h F 518 W FireFisps F !A QH F fi QH F 41 M ContainmentCoolerle:lrefan VIA h V2A h V3A h V4A h Vll QH ?!I Q H V3B M V4B M M

CCWCoolerOutletfesp A HT I HT ContainmentSprayFisps F 54A QH F 548 QH F lic QH IPSIFisps FilAh FillQH LFSIPints F611001 P ill lidtl

$4fetyinje: tion $1:tionlipply trainA frainI CV 3051 ($1RV) hu CV 3621 ($isp) Chuj CV 3031 (SitW) Osn CV 3030 (Simp) Chits (111 CVC3 Letdova Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp 1H T Flev H gpa LetdownLinefesp 111F Line fesp 11 F LetdovaFlev i gps Fisps F 55A h F 5532H F 55C W VolineControlfank fesp R F Fressure11 psi Levelliti FCF Control lleedoff Pressire 111 psig IhitdownCoolinglystes SDCSfreePC$(R) 111F SDCStoFCS(1) ilF Quenchfank

( fesp111F Fressure L.ll psig level 114

% PristryCoolantlyttes PressirlierPressere(R) 111 psia PC3 fate (t) Loop 1(fROlll)11Lil Loop 2(ft0121)illi PressirlierLevel(R) LRC0101A 11i LRC Ollli 11i PerItrAsps LCC15 i LCCli i PORY fiv 10423 Chuf PRV10433ChA11 BlockValve N0V 1042A Chs.t110V 19431 Chitj PCFs F 50A QH F 508 h F 500 h F 500 GH ReactorFeverLevel 1101 IdH11 5102 Llilil Il 03 3,0011 1104 LHhl 11051 11061 II.011 11011 1105111101 Call AFI81stes ATVFisp F IA h P il Q H F lc QQi ATVFispAsps F1111FlC1esps ATV Fisp F ll Stus Freisire i psig ATV Olsch Press F la i F il lill F lC i plig Ite:ndary lystes XSiftypass N0Y 0501 Chail ICV 0510 u n L 15tv's CV 0561 Chui CV 6510 Chul IFFSietionPressure illpig RFF Discharge Pressure Aill I H1 pel NoistureSeperatorDrainfankLevel 11 1 Condensor lotwell Level [1l AtsspherieDispValves untL Condensor Va:iin ILiin13 ItatertrainPusp$tatis PillQH F 108 M Glud Seal Condelsor Vicais 11inIg. l CondensateFispStatis F21 h F13 CH  ;

FIF (tesand ',og + Constant, Rod, er Flin/fesp)

Gross $V d let NW d Core Illt Thersoccuple festtrature illi F Control 101 Position GF1 [ GP2[ GP3i GP4i GP5(F)i GFi(A)i GF1(l)1 StickRods nnt 1-

FAlltil Cate 17 Februry 19ll Helligeili flH [ilu ICinario flH UlO O fllLevel }1l Tl)) Level Ql Condensate $torage fank Li.el : i ') l instrumentAirPressure 31 pig ContainmentlilldingPressere d pig Desefesperature 111F Insidity 11 1

$/G A Cosprtsent fesperature 31 F heldity 11l

$/G B CesprtHit fespirittre llli Italdity 11 i SilWTantlevel 11 1 WRContainmentPressire(R) 11 pla Containment $sep Level 1i ContainstatWaterLevel(R) !l 31fankLevel(t) 111 511 Cit 011

$1 fant Pressire (pig) A H1 i Hi C Ut D111 ,

paal 1 13

$11$Alars flgttj ContainmentIlghfressertAlars h Containment Ilgh Radiation Altre 111 C:ll ConcentratedBoricAcidfankLevels f531 U i f 538111 <

ItactorVessel0F L11 pid 701VOlschargefesterature lit i Psr Safety Valu Olscharge fesp (f) 1V1639 111 !V1940 lit IV 194131 PCF Current (Asp) P50A1 P5tltil P500ill F500i FCSflow liI Loopthot (f) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loopfeeld(f) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill fceld Vide range Loop 1 ill Loop 1 ((1 h

d Subcoollag FCS?ressire(t) fesp VR did i 111 Press lilipl It [H pela

$ttas Generator A Steas Generator I Level (VI) dli n .(IR) ii 1 R 1 il n (II) il i Press ilpia 111 pla llev $ teas [ 771 feediPFI $ttes i FPI feediFPI hte: $ttas and feed flov 11966600 C.11 AfWflovtoA$/G FrosFilli i Free P lc 1 gps ATVflevtoB$/G fres F llin lit from F lc 1 gps 1 Condenserfacus(R) Ud FCPSealLetieffflow P 561 di F 508 di F 500 di F 500 di Cdl ,

DieselGeneratorfregtney 11 udi 11 illi 1 C 10$ Voltage 1111 Asp 111

, 1 0 IUS Yoltage 111[ Asp 111 f 11 heh t 111 ContalasentAreaMonitors(t/tr) 111 1865 IJ H11 IIA llli Lillil R11 1801 fill!*O 11A llll Lt1111 IlghRangeContainetatRonitors(1/Ir)  !!A 2321 5,19!*O 1111321 Lilli1 ContainsentlydrogenConcentration(1) Allill! AllillL Isla Steas Line Cassa (eps)  !!A1324 idilil 111 1323 Lill!1 A)

( Stack Monitors  !!A 2325 1d1111 eps 1111326 L11111 era 1111327 ldilil erlbr 2

t l

1 '

i Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 04:50 i 1 Message No: 1J7, Scenario Time 03:20  :


,i ,


Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets, i

i i-Message:

l i

I i

i i I r For Controller Use Only l i,

Controller Notes

1 i

I Action Expected: 1. EOP 9.0,15-minute SSFCs performed l 2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue

3. Operators stop P-7A and P-52C as they are not needed.

l 1


i I

f i RP1287-0044B-TP12

- - . - - - - - - - , - . < - , ---r-,-, - - . - - - - _ - - - - - - ,

er---s - - ,-.. .. , --7-., . --v ,---,--+~r,-- m -w= * - - --. - -r -

FALIIil Cate 17 Fehrnary 1981 Ressagei11 flee ihH Scenariofleeibli O Cdl V

SV Fiep F 1A h P 78 h F 7C h SVCriticalIdrPress & 11811 pig CCWFists F 52A u F 528 h F 520 h FFC Fusp F 511 h F ill M FirePasp F !A M F li M F 41 W Containment Cooler lectre Fans VIA h v2A h V3A h v4A h Vil M V2B M V33 M Vil M tdl CCV Cooler Outlet fesp A 11 F 3 11F Contalisent Spray Ptep F 54A M F 548 M F 540 W IPSI Fiep F ill u F ill CH LF31 Fiep F 11A CH FillIA1111 lifetyinje:tionfactlenlipply TrainA frainI CV 3051 (SIIV) Ott.a CV 1921, step) Chiti CV 3031 (SIRV) hta CV 1930 (Step) t h tti Cdl CYC5 Letdova Charging Intersediate Press Letdown fesp in F flev U gps LetdownLinefesp Hi? Line fesp H F LetdownFlov igpa Fieps F 551 QA F 556 M F 55C QU feltseControltank fesp((F Fressure11pel levelliti FCF Control lletdoff Pressere 111 pig 5hitdovaCoolinglystes SDCSfreeFCS(R) 111 F 3DCStoFCS(1)  !! F g Quenchfank Pressure L11 pig fesp111F Level 11i Frisarycoolantlystes PressarlierPressere(t) lu sla FC$ fare (t) Loop 1 I f t llll) 111 {1 Loep 2 !ft il21) H Li LIC Oll.,3 PressuriserLevel(R) LIC Oll A ili ili Ptr str Asp LCC15 i LCC16 i FCtf PRV ll428 ChLtd Flf ll438 Chiti llockValve 10V 18421 Chtti ROV Il43A thatj FCFs F 591 W F 5tl u F 500 h F 500 W ReactorfeverLevel 11 01 1d1111 11 02 Llilil 1103 LH11 1104 Lilld II l! 1 1106 [ 11011 Illli IIili1110i Cdl Alflystes ATVFisp F lA h F Il QH F 10 Qti ATV Fiep Asp F 1A H F lc 1 asp ATV Fiep F il Steae Pressure i pilg ATV Disch Press F 11 i F ll lill F 1C [ pig locondarylystes R31V lyps: MOV 8501 Chiti IOV 0519 D u b 1317's CV Oll! Chiti CV illi Chitj NFF Scction Pressire Mi pig IFFDischargeFressure A Hi I Ul pi HolsttreSeperatorCrainTankLevel Hl CondensorlotvellLevel Ql AtsosphericCtepValits unL CondensorVactis lidi is Ig.

HeatertrainFiepStati F 101 M F lli M GlandSealCondensorVacate 11inIg.

CondensateFcepStatis F 21 h P 25 W FIF (CesandLog+ Constant,tod,orFlitlfesp)

Gross XV d let IV d Core Itit thersocosplt fesprattre ind F Control lod Position GF. & Gs2i GF1 1 GF4 i GF5lP)i GFi(A)i CP1(l)1 Stick Rods uit 1-

FAL!!Il Cate17Februarylill Renage i H fleelitil ScenariofleeilLH C

flltevel Hl f211tegel Ql Conden nte Storage tank Le u l f 2 11 %

l Instrisent Air Funire Hpsig 4 ContalnuntleildingPressure J psig Doetfesperatore 111F Iisidity H l S/G A Cosprtment fesperstire diF Iceldity H I SIGBCoepartunt fesperature 111F Essidity n n

$ltv fant ten! 11i V: ContaineentPressere(1) H pia Contaltunt$tspLevel 1i Containment later ten! (R) i1

$1fankLevel(l) A11 8il C11 011

$1 fank Frentre (pig) A Hi a Hi C Hi 0 Hi Fuel I il ,

$1A3Alars flgitj ContainHat Ilgh Freestre Alart l2 ContilneentIlghRadiationAlart IRA C:ll ConcentratedBoricA:ldfankLevels f53A H I 1538 11 i leactorYesselCF {E pid ,

FCRTDischargefesperature HiF FarSafetyfalteOlschargefesp(F) RYllll 111 .IV1040111 171641111 FCF Current (Asp) F51A1 P501[11 P 500 Hi F500i FCSFlev 11 i LoopThot (F) Loop 1 in Loop 2 ill Loopfeeld(F) Loep 1 Hi Loop 2 111 fceld Wide r u ge Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill O Sibcoollag FCSPressure(1) fesp VR Stus Genenter A lild i ill Fren lilipsi 11 di psia Steas Ge n rator I Leul (VI) .311 (II) ii i n i il 1 (11) 11 1 Fren ilpla illpela llev Steas i FFI FeediFFI Steas i FFI FeediFFI q Iots: Steas and feed Flev I 1000600 1 g

AFVFlevtoA$/G Free F lAll i Free F 10 i gpa AFVFlevtoISIG Free F lAll Hi Free F lC i gpa CondenerVacats(R) lid FCFSealLeakoffFlev F 50A di F 505 & F 54C di F 500 &

, hil OleselGeneratorFrepency 11 udi 12 [ldi 1 C BUS foltagt lill Asp ill 10Its foltage lill Asp 111 f 11 lei 2 111 ContaltuntAttaRulters(R/It)  !!A lll5 f.10!+6  !!A llli id!hi IIAlli) 6.191+0  !!A Illi LilEl IlghlangeCenttinstatlenitors(t/Ir) I!A 2321 1d11+1 ill 2322 1diEl Contalnuit lydrogen Concentration (t) AI1(llt Al14tlL l lainStateLlneGassa (cpe) 11A 2324 i d idi 111132) Littl l s sta:tmoniters  !!A 2325 I J u l cpe 11A 2326 Lll u l eps  !!A 2327 idini er/hr

, 2-

-t L

r f

t i  !

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 05:10  ;

Message No: 18 Scenario Time 03:40 l i




1 Message for: Control Room Players t i

1 i 2

Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets. i l  !

I Message: l i



I i 1  !

i For Controller Use Only i i Controller Notes:

d i

Action Expected: 1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed

2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue j

4 i

i l1 l

RP1287-00448-TP12 i

pal!1il Cate11februaryilll_ Xtssagei11 flee 11Lil scenario flee lhil O Cdl 1

V $WCriticalIdrPress A D 1 H psig SVFieps F 1A QH F fl b F 10 h F 52A u P 528 h F 52C Lth FFCFtsps F 51A B F 518 W CCWFists FireFisps F !A M F ll M F 41 QH ContalasentCoolertectrefan VIA h VIA b V3A h T4A b Vll QH V28 M V3B QH V4l M kil CCWCoolerCitletfesp A 11 F 3 11F ContainmentSprayPteps F54AQ1[ F 548 gu P 54C E HFS! Flaps F lik b F lil M LFSI Fusps FilaQQ1 PIlllAllti

$4fetyinje:tionInction$5pply frainA frainI CV 3651 ($1RW) Csn CV 3021 ($ tsp) Ung] CV 1931 ($111) Qua CV 3930 (Step) Unti kil CYCs Letdown Charging latermediate Press Letdown fesp jll F flow H gpa LetdownLinefesp UlF Line fen LetdownFlov 1gpa FispsF55AgilFa 7 555011 P 55C Q U VolumeControlfant fesp g F Fressureilpsi Level ((g i FCF Control lleedoff Pressere di psig shtdown Cooling listes SOCS f t:s FC$ (1) 1H F $DCStoFCS(R) 11P Quenchtank fesp 1Q F Fressure i psig Level 111 FristryCoolantlystes PressuriserPressure(1) 111pela FCsfate(t) Loop 1 lft llll) Elli Lo0p 2 (ft il21) 11Li PressuriserLevel(t) L108101A H1 LIC410ll 11i FarBtrAsps LCC15 i LCCli i FCRY Fly 14428 Unti F1719433 Chigi llock Valve 10Y il421 unti 80V ll43A Cluti FCFs F 56A QH F 5tl b F 50C h F 5tD El ReactorFeverLevel I! il Lillil 1102 Llil!1 1103 llihl 1104 3,0011 105t itil1 11011 11111 110111110i Gil lid $Jette AFVFeep F lA h F il Qi[ F lc QQ1 AFV Fanp Asp F IA 11 P 10 t asp AFW Fisp F ll stets Pressure i plig AFV Olsch Press F la & F il lill F lC 1 pig locondary lystes R$1V FI pis 107 0501 unti 10V 1514 unL R$1Y's CV 6501 unti CV l5ll Chuf IFFSectionPressire Hipig RPF01chargePressite A H1 i Di pl RoittireSeperatorCrainfasiLevel ilt CondensorlotvillLevel Ht AtmosphericOtspValves untL Condensorfacits 111a Ig.

BesterCrainFuspstatis F 10A QH .billQL{ GlandSealCondensorVaessa 11inIg.

CendensatePtspStatt F la h F 18 Q11 FIF (CesandLog+ Constant,tod,orFist/fesp)

GrossNW d let XV d Core talt thereocotple fesperature ilid F Control Rod Position GF1 i GP2i GP3i GF4i GF5(F)i GFi(A)i GP2(l)1 Stick leds gut t.

FAlt!18 Cate 11 February 1911 Messagei11 fineilLH $ctnariofleeiltil i

T81 Level Ht f13! Level Qt Condensate Storage fant level f 2 11 %

InstrumentAirPressure 111psig (

ContainmentIsildingfressere Jpsig Doetfesperature 111? Italdity 11 1

$/GACompartunt fesperature 111F Iseldity 11 1

$/GBCompartment fesperature 111F Italdity 11 i SitWfaniLevel 11i WtContainstatPressere(t) 11 psia  !

Containment $tepLevel ii ContainmentVaterLevel(t) in 31fantlevel(t) A11 8H CH D11

$1fankPressere(psig) A111 I Hi C H[ D111  ;

fasal 1 11

$lA$Altre llgdtj ContainmentlighPressureAltre 12 Containment Righ lediation Altre ill C:U ConcentratedBoricA:!dfeallevels f 51A U l f53811i ReactorVesselDF 1 2 psid FORYDischargefesperature 111F FarSafetyValveDischargefesp(F) RV1039 111 RV1040111 tYlill111 FCFCarrent(Asps) 7504i F5tlill F 500 (H F500i FCSFlev lit Loopthot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill loopfcold(F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill feeld vide range Loop 1 ili Loop 2 (H ,

O $thcooling FCSPressere(t)

SteasGeneratorA fesp W1 lild F ilt Fress 1111 psi 11 111 pela Steas Generator I Level (VI) .11[t (II) i t ini il 1 (II) 11 i Press 11 psia litpsia llov Steam i FF8 feed [ FFI Steae i FFI Feed [FFI note:SteasandFeedFlov I 1800000 till AFVFlevtoA$/G Free F lAll i Fros F lC i gpe I AFVFlevtoI$/G Free F lAll til Free F it i gpa

' CondensorVacite(t) lid FCF Seal Lealoff Flev F 5tn di F 508 di F 500 di F 500 &  ;


DieselGeneratorFrequency 11 udi 12 ildi  !

l C IUS Voltage 1111 Asps 111 l 4 1 0 It$ Voltage 11 3 Asps 111 j

! coli nach c.111 i

ContainmentAreaRonitors(t/Ir)  !!A llli 1.00!*1  !!A llli idilit 111 1861 1,10!+0  !!A 1801 i dtill

, lighlangeContainsentBonitors(tlur) 111 1321 1 4 111  !!A 2322 1 2 111 ContainmentlydrogenConcentration(t) 1114011 Al240lt Main Steas Line Gassa (cpe)  !!A 2324 i M 111  !!A 2323 Lillil j StackMonitort  !!A 2325 lai h l cpe !!1 1326 1 3 111 epe  !!A 1321 1d1111 er/hr  ;

i 2- l l


i I



l l Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 05:30 t

Message No: 19 Scenario Time 04:00  !

i i  :


1 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM-f Message for: Control Room Players l Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.  ;



l Message: ,


.i J

i i


.............................................................................. i 4

i For Controller Use Only  ;



.1 Controller Notes:

i  ;

i  !

4 l  ;

1 Action Expected: 1. E0P 9.0,15-minute SSFCs performed l j 2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue j u

I f

. I l

l RP1287-00448-TP12 i i I I 1

FALtlIl Cate 17 February 1911 Message l H flee ildt $cenario flee 11111 SWFiers F 1A Q11 P la b P IC h SWCriticalIdrPress A H I H pilg CCWfceps F 52A h P 528 h F 52C Etz FFCFieps F 511 h F 518 W FirePieps F !A M F ll M F 41 M ContaineentCoolerleeltefans VIA h Y2A h V3A h V4A h Vll M T2) M V33 @ fil M CS CCWCoolerOutletfesp A 11F 3 HT ContainmentSprayPiers F 54A M F 548 M F 54C E BPS!Fieps F liA h F ill M LPS!Pieps F 11A E F ill und

$4fety injection Stetton 8tpply trainA frainI CV 3151 (Silv) Cs u CV ll!! (Step) t h tti CV !l31 (5!!v) Csn CV 3136 (Step) Ciud Cdl CVC5 Letdown Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp 111 F flov U gpa LetdownLinefesp HiF Line fesp R F LetdovaFlev 1gpe Fieps F 55A h F 553M F 55C W folumecontroltank fesp B F Fressue 11 pel Lentliti PCP Control BlHdell Frentre 111 pilg thttdownCooling3rstee

$003freeFCS(1) 111 F $D05toFCS(1) 11 F Qttachfank fesp111F Fressure ipig Level H l r FrisaryCoolantlystes Frentriter Presure (1) 01 sia FCSfate(1) Loop 1(ft6111) Loop 2ifiill!)illi frenirlierLevel(1) LICIllla 111 LitlllLB 11i FarttrAsps LCC15 i LCC li i P0li F1V 19428 (lnd F1T 19433 (iud BlockValve 071942A Cluti10Y ll43A Chitj FCFs F50AQ11 F lil h F 500 h F500011 leactorPowerLevel 1101 Lithi 1102 Lithi 1103 ldll1 Il 14 L11L1 II951 IIlii 11011 11081 110911116i Cil Afflystes ATWFeep F la b F ll tu e IC $ AffPtepAeps Fla11PlC{ asps AFV Ftsp F Il Steae Pressure { plig Art Disch Press F IA i F il 11H F 10 i plig Itcondarylyette RSIV sypn 011561 (1sti 071516 nnL R$1T's CT 6501 Clu ti CT illi Clud IFFSi:tlenPresure }H pig IFFDis:hargeFreistre Aill I ill psi MeistireSeperatortrainfankLevel Ul CondensorlotvellLevel il1 l AtmospherictsepValtes unth Condenser facus IL1inIg.

ItatertralaFiepStatis 7 lia qu F lli (H GlandSealCondensorfacite li in Ig.

CondenettePtepStatts F 21 h F 23 Qi[

FIF (Desand Log + Constant, Rod, or Fltt/fetp) l Groll IV d let RW d Core Ilit thersocosple festerattre itL 1 F

Control lod Position Gil i GP21 GP3 [ GF4i GP5(F)[ Gli(A)i GF1(l)i 1 stiet 10d
ant I


7AL!!Il Cate11februarylill lessage i H flee th]1 $cenario flee QM TilLevel HI t1)) Level il i Condensate $torage fasi Level T 2 11 i lastrisentAirPressere niplig CentaineenttilldingPresure apsig cosefesperature nif Insidity 11 i

$lGACoepartment fesperature dif Issidity 11 1

$IGBCoepartunt festerature dif Iceldity H l 3 $115fantLevel Hl VRContaissentfressere(I) 11 psia Containment $isp Level ti ContainmentVaterLevel(t) {l 31fnkLevel(l) 1E IE CH 011 31fantPressire(psig) A111 I Hi C111 0 H1 fasal 1 11

$11$Altre lighi ContatteentIlghfressure!!are [2 Containment Ilgh Radiation Alars h1 Cdl ConcentratedBoricAcidfastLevels f 531 H l 153311%

leactorYesselCP idiplid F0liOlschargefeeptraturt dif i RY1931 111 171040111 171941111 l Fir $sfetyfalteCischargefesp[F)501i FCFCurrent(Asps) 7- F545ill 7500111 P500t j FC3Flev 11l j Loopthet (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loopfcold(f) Loep 1 ill Loop 2 111 feeld Ilde range Loop 1 ill Loop 2 111



(- Subcooling PCSPressire(R) fesp Vi 11L1 F til frels It lillpsi ill pela

$ teas Generator A $tese Generator 8 l Ltttl (VI) dli n (IP) {l 3 11 11 % (II) 11 1

Press 11 psia 111 psia 4

Flev State i 771 feediPPI Stone i FFI Fud[PPI lote: Steas and r u d Flov I 1000000 Cdl ATVFlevto&$/G Fros F lAll i Free P lC 1 gpa ATVflowto8$lG free F lAll Hi Free F lc 1 gpa Condensor factu (t) lid FCfSealLeakoffflov I501 di F518 di F 50C & F 5lD E Cdl d

Ciesel Generator frequency 11 ildi 12 ildi l 4 1C103 Voltagt lill Aeps 13 10at$ Voltage lill kaps111 2 11 lack t 111 ContainmentAreaIonitors(Altrl 1111105 lduil  !!A llli idilit 11& 1861 IJII+1 111 1111 ldt hi IlghlangeContainetstIonitors(t/It) 111 1321 1,111+1 11A 2322 1d 1111 ContaineentlydrogenCon:entration(t) A!24111 Al!(llt

' IIA 2314 4,511+5 111132) (dilil Iain Steas Line Gassa (cre)

$ tack lenitor  !!1 2315 ldilil cpe !!A 2326 IJ1 E l eps  !!A 2321 1 d1111 er/hr 2-

-- _= - . .-. .

1 a

i 4


Message for: Control Room Players b

Simulated Plant Conditions: See data and alarm sheets.

1 Message:


I t

I i


i i

For Controller Use Only I

a Controller Notes:

I Action Expected: See Narrative.


Time: 0410-0630  ;

1 Page: 9 ,

Section: A Parts: 6 and 7 l

1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed i 2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue



b l

r i

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 05:50 i Message No: 20 Scenario Time 04:20 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE ALARM SHEET Alara Annunc  !

Panel Number Alara Window Description ,

K-01 11 Vacuum Low l K-35 22 Cooling Tower Pump P-39A Trip K-35 23 Cooling Tower Pump P-398 Trip i

I l

l RP1287-0044B-TP12 l

l t

FAl!1Il Date 17 Februart Illi Message i H flee u di scenario flee tidi O =

SV Fiscs F 1A M F 13 h F 70 h SVCriticalIdrPress A H 8 H psig CCWFists F 52A h F 528 h F 52C ith FFCFests F 511 h F 518 011 FireFisps F lA Q11 P ll Q11 P 41 M ContainstatCoolerte:irefans VIA h Y2A h T3A h VIA h fil 011 T2B 011 V31 M V4B W Cal CCWCoolerOstletfesp A 11F 3 HF Containment $ pray Fisp F54Agli F543Q11 P5(CQi{

IP$IFisps F ilA u F lil Q11 LFSIFists F 12A Ci Filllidtf lafetyinje:tlesinctionlipply trainA frainI CV 3851 ($ltv) gu CT 1925 (Simp) Chalf CV 3031 (SilV) hu CT 3630 ($isp) Chitj M

CTC5 Letdeva Charging latermediate Press Letdern fesp 111 F flow 11gpa LetdernLinefesp HgF Line fesp H F Letdownllev 1gpa inops F 55A u F 558211 F 55C Q11 felineControltank fesp g F Fressere11 psi Level 111i FCF Control lleedoff Pressire 111 psig thatdownCoolinglystes SDCSfresFCS(1) til F 5005toFCS(I) 11F Quenchfank O fesp in F Fressure i psig FristryCoolantlystes lilpsis Level 11i PressirlierPressire(t)

FCSfate(t) Loop 1'ftil11)111J1 Loop 2.ftil21)illi PressariterLevel(R) Lt? illa ili LICOll.3 ili farstrAsps LCC15 i LCCli i FCAT Ptv ll428 Chill 71716431 Chilj llock Valve 10f 18421 Chits 107 Il43A thitj FCFs F50AQ11 F 568 h F 5ic h F51DQ11 teacterfeverLevel 1101 L11111 1102 Lithi 1113 Idild 1104 Llild 11051 IIli1 11011 11881 1109111101 Cdl AFIsystes AFVFisp P IA QA F il Q11 P lO QQ1 ATV Fisp Asps Fla11PlC1 asps AFV Fisp F ll Steas Pressere i pilg AFV Disch Press F 1A L F ll llll F l: 1pilg letendarylyttes RSiftypass R011501 Chiti R016514 nuL B51T's CT 6501 Chati CT illi Ch111 RTPSectionPressire ill pig RFFtischargePressire Aill I ill psi HolstireSeperatortrainTankLevel il1 CondensorRotvellLe'el ni AtmosphericcuspTaltes natt Condensorfa:iis iinit.

ReaterDrainFispStatis F lla Qd FlllC11 Gland Seal Condensor Yactis li in Ig.

CondensateFispstatis F 2 A h F ll QH FIF (Desand Log + Constant,101, or Flin/ Temp)

CrossMV d let XV d Core talt thersocciple festerature llL1 F Control tod Petition GF1 1 GP2i GF)i GF4i GF5(F)i GFi(A)1 GF7(l)i sticktods tut 1

FAlltil Cate 11 februarf 1911_ Itssagei11 flH {1L11 $CinarlofleeilLli


O TilLevel Ht f131 Level Ht Condensatt Storage fank Level T 2 il i InstrisentAirPressere ilpilg ContaltuntIsildingPressert J psig Desefesperature 111f Insidity 11 t

$/GACeepartment fesperature 111 F Insidity 11 %

$/G I Ceepartment fesperature lg i Italdity 11 1

$ltvfankLevel Et V1Containsentfressure(1) 11 pila ContainHat $ttp Letel it COntalatentIstirleftl(I) k4

$1 fank f erel (t) A11 3il C11 011

$1fankFrissure(psig) A111 I111 Clli 0 lit Inal 1 11 ContainmentIlghfressirlAltre 12 Contalasent Ilgh ladiatica Alars 111

$IASAltra ll22h1 C..ll ConcentrattdloricAeldfaniLevels fila 11i f 53111 t les:torVesselCP Lilpsid P01YDischargefesteratste 111F P:t$afetyfalvetis:hargefesp(f) 1V1939 111 1V1649111 171941111 PCPCurrent(As;s) P50A1 P5tlill P50C111 F500i PCS flev 11 i Loopthot (f) Loep 1 ill Loop 1 ill Loopfeeld(f) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill feeld vide ranp toop 1 In Loep2 H1 O Sibeocling PC$Fresure(t)

$ttasGeneratorA fesp VI itL1 F lit tross Il lui pst ln pela Steas Generator I Level (ut) dli I (II) ii lyn 11 %

111 psia (II) 11 1 Press 11 psia Flev Steas i FFI feediFPI Steas i FPI feediPPI IstetSteasandfeedflev 11000000 Cdl ATVflowto1$/C Free t lAll i Free F lC i gpa AffFlevtoIS/G Free F lAll lit fres F lc i gpa CondensorVa:iis(1) i FCFStilLentoff?!cv F5tn di F5tl di t 500 di F 500 di Edl I

Diesel Generator frtptney 11 udi 12 (Lil lCICS Yoltagt 1111 Aspsill 1DBCS Yoltage 1111 Asp 111 l

c li hek c 111 l ContaltuntAreaBonitors(t/Ir) 11A 1865 1.(11+1 IIA llll Lithi R111981 1,(l!+1  !!A llll Lithi sigh lanp Containment Ionitors (Illt)  !!A 2321 L11EL  !!A 2322 Idihl CostalteentlydrogenConcentration(t) 1114911 Allillt


Iain $tu s Line Gassa (e p ) IIA 2324 Lithi 1111323 L11hl

$ tact Ioniters 1112325 L11hl cp 1111326 Zditl era  !!A2321 Lithi arlhr 2-l

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 06:15 Message No: 21 Scenario Time 04:45 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Roon Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.


O For Controller Use Only i i

Controller Notes: Approximately 0625 SS/ SED should get word that P-67A has been reassembled and is ready for operational test.

Action Expected: See Narrative.

Time: 0630-0755 Page: 9 Section: A Parts: All

1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed
2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue l

O ,

i RP1287-0044B-TP12

Pall!Il Cate 17 February 1911 Ressage l H flee tidi $cesario flee tidl O $vFisps F 1A W F 15 h F IC h $vCriticalIdrPress A H I 11 psig CCWFieps F 52A u F 521 h 7 52C ut! FFCFiers F 511 h F 518 W FireFists F !A M F fl M F 41 W ContainmentCoolerle:Ircfans VIA h V!A h V3A h V4A h fil u V2B h V38 h Vil b W

CCWCoolerOstletfesp A 11F I HF CentainmentsprayPiers F 541 M F 545 m F 54C E IPSIFiers F ill h F lil M LF3! Fisp F 61A E F 618 lidti laftty!aje:tlenStetleslipply trainA frainI CV 3851 ($11W) h u CV 302! (Simp) G itj CV 3031 (5118) kaa CV 3936 (Siep) G Ati M


Letd:va Charging Interu diate Press Letdown fesp 10 F flev H gpa Ludovi Line fesp HiF Line fesp 11 F 4 Letdon Flev igpa Fisps 7 55A h F 55MH F 55C W TolteeControlfalk fesp n F Fresnre11tsi Level at i FCF Control Iludolf Fressire 1H pilg ShitdernCoolingsystes 500$freeFCs(R) 111F $00stoFCI(t) 11F Cun:htank O fesp 111 F PresstriterFreestre(1)

Fres ure i psig FriearyCoolantlystes H[ sit Letel H t FCSfate(1) Loop 2 ft il21) 11Li PressiriterLevel(R) Loop LitlltA 1lftil11)iti Lit ill .1 111 FtrstrAeps LCC15 i LCC16 1 4

FCif FIV Il428 1 A11 Fif lH 38 W itj llockValve 107 Il42A hta 1071Q43) Can FCF F 511 m F 588 h F 50C h F 500 W Reitter Fever Len! Il il Lilld 1102 L11El 1103 L[ lid s! 64 LHid 11151 Illii 11111 I!ili Ill!11110t O

Afflistes F IA h F ll M F 10 $

AFVFiep IFWFiepAsps F 1A H F lC i asps AFV Fiep F ll Stene Pres ure i psig AFV Disch Press F 11 i F Il 1111 7 10 t psig lotondarylystes R$1V lypan ROY l5ll Cin11 10Y 1516 W iti n31V's CT lig! W itt CT elli W itj RFPSittionPresure H1 pig EFF Dis:harge frustre Aill n ill pl

! Isistere Soprator Crain fank len! Ut Condensor Rotvell tent [1i AteaspherieOtepfalves untL CondensorYattie iinIg.

Itater Crain Fis; Statu F llA W F lil W Gland Sul Condensor factie HlaIg.

Condensate Fiep Statis F la h F 28 W FIF

]. (DesandLog+ Constant, Red,orFlit/fesp)

J GrossXV d let NW d Cen Init thereocciple fesperature HL1 F Centrol led F:sition Gil i GP2i GP3i GF4i GF5lt)i Gli(1)i Gilti)1

, stickleds lui e I .j. i l

FAltiil Date 11 february 1918 Itssage i u fl H illli $0enario flu $1LU Cll l f11 Level 11 i f))) Level Ql Condensate $torage fank level f 2 11 l InstrisentAirPresnre upsig Containant Isilding Frustre d pig test fenprature ut i Issidity 11 i SIG A Cesprtunt fesprature di F Insidity H l

$/C I Cesprtsent fesprature 111F Issidity H l ,

$1tWfankLevel 11i WRContainsentFressure(t) 11 pia ContainsentStepLevel 1i ContainsentWaterLevel(t) i1 51fankLevel(t) A11 IH C11 D11  ;

$1 fank Frentre (pig) A211 I111 C111 0111 Panel I 11

$!ASAltre 11311 Containunt Ilgk Frentre Alars 12 Containan t Ilgh Radiation Alars h l C:ll ConcentratedlorieA:IdfantLevels f51A H l f53811i

! Reactor Yesul CF Idi pid 7C1TDischargetegerature 111F Far Safety fal n Ols:harge fesp (F) IVlill 111 1T1940111 ti1941111 FCF Cirrent (Asp) 750A1 P598ill F500111 P500i FC3Flov Hl Loopthot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 in Loopfeeld(F) I.oep 1 in Loep 2 in feeld vide range Loop 1 lit Loep 2 111 O $ibcoollag FC3 Frustre (t)

SteasGeneratorA fesp WI Hld F Hi Frus lili pl 11 1H pia Stus Gentator I

! Level (vt) .U1 l

.H pia pt) ii GE il I (II) Hl 3

Fress lit pia Flev Steas i FFI FeediFFI Stu s i FFI FudiFFI lettiSteasandFudflov I1000000 4

C:ll AFVFlevtoASIG Free F llit i Free F lC 1 gps  !

AFWFlevtoi5/G Free F lAll 111 Fros F IC i gps condensor fa:ns (t) i FCF5ealLe10!!Flev F 50A di F 5ll di F 5lt di F 500 di I -

, cletel Generator Frepency 11 udi 12 ildi lC303 Voltage 1111 Asp in i 1 0 BC$ foltage 1111 Asp 111 1

f 11 nach c.111 4

ContainsentAttaIonitors(t/It) 1111865 1dlul 1141106 Idild j

!!A 1101 b 211+1  !!A ll01 IJ1 E l l Ilgh Rugt Containsent Bonitors [t/II)  !!!2321 1J121  !!A2322 ldiEl l (cataltunt lydrogel Concettration (1) Al!(llt Alllllt i Iain $ teas Line Cassa (c[e)  !!A 2324 [J1E l  !!!232) idild ,

StatiIonitors  !!A 2325 ljud eps !!A 2326 ldlul eps  !!! 2321 jdlld er/hr I

3 2- l




\  !

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 06:15 !

Message No: 21A Scenario Time 04:45




Message for: Maintenance Controller (dechanical) ,

i Simulated Plant Conditions:  :

t i


i i



t i

4 l l 4 .

l For Controller Use only j g Controller Notes: Ensure maintenance players are at point to Report P-67A  !

reassembled and ready for testing by 0625.  ;

1 h 1 i i

j Action Expected:

I 1

I l l  !

I i i

! i i l 1

1 i

1 1

, RP1287-00445-TP12 l


i I

i l

1 Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 06:35 Message No: 22 Scenario Time 05:05 i



Message for
Control Room Players 4

1 1 -

4 Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.

i 1

1 I

Message: i 4 .

l l

1  :

4 i

j ,

For Controller Use only Controller Notes: l 1

Action Expected: 1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed

2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue j 3. At approximately 0639 operators should secure last j running chstging pump and go on HPSI pump for pressure

.I control (at discretion of SS).

1 t

O i

l RP1287-0044B-TP12

FAlltil Cate17Februarylill Xelingei11 fleetilli $cenariofleeild

$vPieps F 71 M F 11 b F 7C b $VCriticalIdrFress A H I H pig CCW Fiep F 52A u N15 Q F 52C Sh FFC Fiep F 511 u F 518 W FirePiers F 1A M F ll M F 41 M ContaineentCoolerleelteFans flA h f1 A h f3A b V41 b fil u T!I h 131 h fil b Cdl CCWCoolerOutletfesp A HF I HF Coattineent Spray Finn F 54A g F 548 M F 540 W B751 Piers F ill h P ill heked ett LF31 Piers 7 671 M F ift hilti lafety1je:tionfictionlipply trainA frainI CV 1951 ($111) hta CV 342) (5:sp) d uti CV 3031 (511t) hat CT 1930 (sier) Chiti Cd1 CTC$

Letdova Cnarging latermediate Press letdeva fesp 1H F Flev H gpe LetdevnLinefesp lilF Line fesp 11 F LetdevaFlev igre Piers F 55A h 7 556M F 55C heind eat felteeControlfank fesp11F Fressure H pil Levelliti PCP Control lleedoff Fressire 111 pilg thatdownCoolinglyttee SDCSfresFCI(t) 111F $DC3 to PC3 (1) 11F henchfank

[ fesp 1H F Fressire i pig level H 1 PriearyCoolantlysten PressuriserFreistre(t) lliTsia FCSfate(t) Loop 1 i f t llll) indi Loop 2 ' ft llll) 11Li PressirlierLevel(1) LtCIll1 [i i Ltc Ill,I ut ist str Asp LCC15 i LCCli i FCif F1710(18 unti F1718431 Ch111 Block falte 10f19421hta10711431ht3 FCFs I 511 M F 501 b F 50C h F 500 W 4

teacterreverLevel 1111 Lithi s1021dthl n! 03 Lilld 1114 ldthi j st65i i!lii s!.01i it il i itil1i!lli i tdl AFIlistes i AFVFiep FlA h Fil M F10QM 1rvPiepAaps F la 11 P 1C t asp '

Arv Piep P ll Steas Freisire i pig AFV Disch Press F 11 e P il 1111 P 10 i pig locondary lyette n!!V lyps: R076511Cluti 1011510Ch111 RSIT's CT 15tl Cl uti CT illi dati IFF5:etienPressere IFFClichargePressire A 1H I H1 pl

toistate !eprator Crals fank Level 111[i1g n CondenserletvellLevel ili

, AtmospherieCtepTalves una tendensor fa m e iinIg.

netterCrainliepStatis F 101 M F Ill W GlandSealCondenserfame 11inIg.

CondensateFiepStati F 21 b F !I W

FIF l (Desand Log + Constant, tod, or Flis/fesp)

Gross RV d let tv d Core talt thersecouple fesprature liL1 F ControlRed70:1t10s GF1 i GP2i GP3i GF4i Gil(F)i GFi(A)i GF1(l)i stiettoda ant i I l

i FALII18 Cate 17 Februarv illi Message i R flH Uld $Cenar10 flH th U ,

fllLevel HI f9)) Level (( l Cosdtasate Storage fant level T 2 11 1 InstrtuntAirPressite in psig ContaineentlilidingPresure d psig Cosefesperature lilF Issidity H l

$lGACoepartMat fesperatste lilF Italdity 11 %

$/GICoepartMat Tetterattre 111f IIBlditJ 11 %

$ltv fut Lent it i ,

VI Containment Presnre (1) Hpela Contalnust $isp Level ii ContalnuitWaterLevel(1) [t

$1fnkLevel(t) AB lil CH D11

$1 fut Frentre (psig) Alli I Hi C111 0111 h sal t il

$115 alue 11rdt1 ContalssentlighPressereliars R Containeent ligh Radiation alars h1

[ 11 ConcentratedBoricA:14fankLents f531111  !$1811l Ita:torissulCF [d1 psid 7017Cis:hargefesteratste 111i PtrSafetyTalveClichargtfesp(F) ITill! 111 tiIl40111 171141111 FCFCarrent(Asps) 7561i F lll U1 Plet111 P500i FC$ flow 11i LoopThot (f) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 ill >

Loopfeeld(f) Loop 1 in Loop 2 111 feeld Wide range Loep 1 111 Loop 1 111 O Sibcooling FCSPressere(1)

Temp VI

$ tete Generator &

lild F 111 Fress lilip1 It 1H psia Stus Generator I ,

Level (VI) :.llt I (II) 1 % duilI (11) 11 l Press 11 psia lit psia llev Steas [ FFI feed [FFI $teaa i FFI feed [FFI t lote Steas and feed flov I litilli

[d1 ATVflovto1$/G fres F illt [ from F lc i gpa ATVflevtoI$lG fresFlill lit fres F It i gpa ,

Condenserft:ste(t) 1 j FCFsealLeakoffflev F511 di F563 di F 500 di F 500 di Edi '

l 12 ildi DieselGeneratorfregnency 11 udi lC10$ foltage lill Aars in 10 BC$ Voltage lill &aps11[

e 11 ta 4 c 111 Containmentare: Initors (tlir) 111 1805 ldi h l  !!! Illi Idihl

!!1 Illi 3,93I+1  !!!lltt IJ119 Ilgn lange Containent Ioniters (t/It) 1112321 llt1H  !!12322 Idini  ;

ContaineenttydrogenCon:entration(t) 112401t 1114til l'

!!1 1324 0 5l1+5  !!!1321 1dth!

O Ste:k lenitersIain $teset11- Line Gassa (e p )1325 ldi hl ele !!1!!&1321 2

2122l Lith d [11der/hr epa i

O Scenario No: PALEX-84 Time 06:55 Nessage No: 23 Scenario Time 05:25 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Nessage for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data and alarm sheets.


O For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: .

i l

Action Expected: 1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed j

2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue j O


O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 06:55 Message No: 23 Scenario Time 05:25 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE ALARM SHEET Alarm Annunc Panel Number Alarm Window Description K-07 35 Charging Lo Flow K-07 40 Charging Pumps Discharge Lo Pressure O

O RP1287-0044B-TP12

PALII18 Date 17 February 1998 Message i U fine (i.LH Scenario flee thH j Cdl


  • SWPumps P7AQH P78h P 10 h SWCriticalEdrPress A H B H plig CCWPasps P 52A B P 52B QA P 520 ith FPCPumps P 51A h P 518 Q H rirePusps PSA QH P!B qu PIl QH ContainmentCoolerRecitefan VIA h V2AQA V3A h V4A h VlB h V2BQ1 V3BQa V4B h Cdl CCWCoolerOutletTeap A UT B HF ContainmentSprayPasps P 5(A QR P 5(B QH P 5(C QH HPSIPtsps P ilA h P ilB Racked Out LPSIPasps P 61A QH P 518 f.dhi SafetylajectionSnctionSupply frainA frainB -

CV 3051 ($1RW) Om CV 3029 (Scap) Chad CV 3031 (SIRV) Om CV 3030 (Susp) Chitj C:.U CVCS letdown Charging Intermediate Press Letdown fesp 111 T Flov igpa LetdownLinefesp H1l Line fesp 11 F LetdownFlov igpa Pumps P 55A QH P 55 Bad P 55C Raeled Ont VolcaeControlfank fesp((T Pressure H psi Levelliti PCP Control Bleedoff Pressure H1 psig ShutdownCoolingSysten SDCSfresPCS(R) HiF SDCS to PCS (R) HF w Quenchfank

(-} fesp 3 1 F Pressure i psig PrisaryCooltatfyltes Level H I PressuriserPressure(R) Hipsia PCSfate(R) Loop 2 (ft 0121) illd PressuriserLevel(1)

Loop LRC0101A 1 (f! 0111)[11.L.H ii LRC0101B 111 PsrBtrAsps LCC 15 i LCCli i PORY PRV 1942B Chid PRV 1043B Chid BlockValve MOV 1041A Q m N07 1043A Q m PCPs P50AQH P508QA P500QA P 500 QH ReactorPowerLevel II 012.00!+1 1102 2,00!+1 1103 h00! l Il 04 L.11hl I!-051 11-061 51071 31081 II01[1110i Cdl AFISystes AfWPusp P lA h P 83 Qd P 8C QQ1 ATVPaspAsps P lh H P lC i asps ATV Pcep P il Steas Pressure i psig ATV Disch Press P IA 6 P ll Uli P lO 1 psig ItColdtrylyttes i' X$1VBypass XOV 0501 C1.ud X0V 0510 Chid XSIV's CV 0501 Chid CV 0510 Chad XfPSnctionPressure ill psig XfPDischargePressnre A111 B111 psi MoistureSeperatorDrainfankLevel il i CondensorHottellLevel di AtsospherieDispValves unt.L Condensor Vaccia [inEg, HeaterDrainPtspStates P 10A QH P 10B QH GlandSealCondensorYaccus 11inBg, CondensatePtspStatus P 2A Qa P 28 QH PIP (DesandLog+ Constant, Rod,orFlut/fesp)

Gross XV d let XV d Core Isit thersoccuple fesperature Hid F Control Rod Position GPl i GP2i GP)i GP4i GP5(P)1 GPI(A)i GP7(B)1 StuckRods D.nt 1


PALIIil Date 17 February 1988 Message l H flee thil Scenario flee ihn O f-llLevel Ht f939 Level ili Condensate Storage Tank Level f 2 11 1 InstrisentAirPressure 111psig ContainmentBuildingPressure dpsig 00sefesperature 111 F Hasidity li l S/GACompartment fesperature 111F Husidity lb.i i S/GBCospartment fesperature 111F Hesidity 1 M i SIRW fank Level (( l <

WRContainmentPressure(R) 11 psla ContainmentScepLevel 1i ContainmentVaterLevel(R) {i

$1fankLevel(t) A11 B11 C11 011 SifankPressure(psig) A111 B Rt C111 0 Hi Panel I 13 SIASAlars flgid Containment High Pressure Alars [2 Containment High Radiation Alars h1 C:ll ConcentratedBoricAcidfankLevels f53A H l f53B11i ReactorVesselDP 1psid PORYDischargefesperature 191F PsrSafetyValveOlschargefesp(F) RY1039 1Q1 RV1040lli RV1041111 PCPCurrent(Asps) P50A1 P 50B Hi P500111 P50Di PCSFlow Hl LoopThat (F) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 ill Loopfeald(F) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 ill fceld vide range Loop 1 in Loop 2 Hi

[s Subcoollrg fesp llLl F Press 1111 pal V) PCSPressure(R) WR 111 It lli psia Steas Generator A Steas Generator B Level (WR) 111% (IR) {t Du 111 (II) 11 1 Press itpsia litpsia Flev Steas 1 PPB Feed 1PPH Steas 1 PPB fudiPPB -

Note:SteasandFeedFlev I 1000t;0 Cd1 AFVFlevtoASIG Fros P lAll i Fros P 8C 1 gpa AFVFlowtoBS/G Fros P lAEB lli Fros P IC 1 gps CondensorVaccus(R) {

PCPSealLeakoffFlow P-50A di P 508 & P 50C & P 500 &

C:ll DieselGeneratorFrequency 11 iMi 12 udi 1 C BUS Voltage 1111 Aspsill i 1 0 BUS Yoltage 1111 Asps 111 0 11 lack c 11A  ;

Containment Area Monitors (R/Br) RIA !l65 1 J1111 RIA ll06 ld1111 RIA ll07 1 d1111 RIA ll08 Llllil HighRangeContainmentMonitors(R/Br) RIA 2321 1 d[111 RIA 2322 ldilil ContainmentHydrogenConcentration(t) Al240lR Al140lL RIA 2324 4,50!+5 p Main Steas Life Gassa (cps) RIA232) idilil g StackMonitors RIA 2325 1dilil eps RIA 2326 1d1111 cps RIA 2327 1 & lil ar/hr 2


Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 07:15-Message No: 24_ Scenario Time 05:45 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.

I Message:

O For Controller Use Only Controller Notes:

1 Action Expected: 1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed

2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue O


PALII18 Date 17 february 1991 Message i H fine Qhli Scenario flee ihn i 1

V SWPumps P 7A a d P 1B Qa P-7C h SWCriticalBdrPress A R B H psig CCWPusps P 52A QA P-52B h P 52C Lt h FPCP:sps P 51A h P 51B QH firePumps P !A ad P !B QH P 41 QH ContainmentCoolerRecireFans 1 VIAQg V2A01 V3A h V4A02 VlB02 V2BQa V3B h V4BQa l 1

M CCWCoolerOutletfesp A 11F B HT ContainmentSprayPusps P 5(A QH P-54B QH P 54C QH BPSIPumps P lil QA P 668 Raelei Out LPS!Pasps P67AQH P 47B [1Hil SafetyInje:tionInctionlipply frainA frainB CV 3057 (SIRW) Os n CV 302) (Step) G alli CV 3031 (SIRW) hu CV 3030 (Step) Chats C:Il CVCS Letdown Charging latermediate Press Letdown fesp lH F flov igps LetdownLinefesp 191r Line fesp 11 F LetdownFlev igpa Pasp. P 55A QH P 55BQH P-55C Raeled out VolineControlfant fesp H F Pressure H psi Level 111i PCP Control Bleedoff Pressere 1H psig

$httdovtCoolingSystes SDCSfrosPCS(R) lit f SDCS to PCS (R) 11 F Quenchfank h

v fesp111F Pressure i psig PristryCoolant8ystes Level H i PresseriterPressure(R) lilpsia PCSfare(R) Loop 1 TR Ollt) HLii Loop 21TR0121)iltd PressuriserLevel(R) LRC 010:,A Bt LRC010LB HI PerHtrAsps LCC 15 i LCC li i PCRV PRV 19428 Chiti PRV 1943B Chui BlockValve 50V 1942 A hag N0Y 10431 Qgia PCPs P50AQH P50BQA P500QA P 500 QU ReactorPowerLevel 31012,00l+1 1102 2,00t+1 II 03 !Jiid 1104 ldthi 5105i 11061 11071 11011 110111110i CK APISystes ATV Ptsp P IA QA P il QH P 8C QQi ATV Ptsp Asps P lA H P 10 1 asps ATV Pusp P ll Steas Pressure i psig ATV Disch Press P 1A E P lB M 11 P 10 1 psig locondarylystes MSIVBypass 107 0501 Chigi M07 0510 Chtti MSIV's CV 0501 u n ti CV 0510 unti MfPSuctionPressure Mi [:Ig XFPDischargePressure A R1 B111 psi NoistureSeperatorDrainfaniLevel u1 CondensorHotvellLevel ((t Atsor,phericCuspValves Bn1L. CondessorVaccus iinEg. ,

Heater Drain Pusp Status P10AQH P 10B qu GlandSealCondensorVacics 11laEg, CondensatePcapStatus P 2A Q1 P 2B QH PIP (DesandLog+ Constant, Rod,orfing/fesp)

Gross XV d let MV d Core trit thersoccuple fesperature H i d T Control Rod Position GPl i GP2i GP)i GP4i GP5(P)i GPi(A)[ GP7(B)i StuckRods gut 1

1 i

PALIIil Date17 February 1988 Messageili flee ildi Scenario flee ihn W

fllLevel il i f931 Level Hl Condensate Stcrage fank Level T-2 li i instrumentAirPressere lH psig Contalau nt Building Pressure d psig Dese fesperatcre lii T Husidity H di i SIGACospartment fesperttere 1H T Hasidity 11 i SIGBCompartment fesprature M1F Husidity H 1 SIRWfankLevel 11 i WRContainmentPressure(R) 11 psia Contalnunt Susp Level 11 Containment Vater Level (R) ii SifankLevel(1) AR B11 C11 D11 SIfankPressure(psig) A Hi B R1 C111 D111 Panel I 13 SIASAlars 11gid Containment High Pressure Alara R Containment High Radiation Alars Lti C. il Concentrated Boric Acid fank Levels f 531 H 1 f53B111 ReactorVesselDP idtpsid PORYDischargefesperatste 111f PsrSafetyValveDischargefesp(F) RV-1039 191 RV1040111 RV1941111 PCPCstrent(Asps) P50A1 P50B[11 P 50C 111 P 500 i PCSFlev Hl LoopThot (f) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 in Loopfeeld(T) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 ill s fceld vide range Loop 1 lil Loop 2 lit Subcooling fesp lild f Press 1911 psi s~

PCSPressure(R) WR Hi It 111 psia Steas Generator A Steas Generator B Level (VR) dll1 (II) { l llu il I (IR) HI Press 11 psia 11 psia Flow Steam i PPB TeediPPH Steas t PPE feediPPI lote Steas and Feed flow I 1000000 C:11 ATWflowtoAS/G Fros P IllB 1 fros F 10 i gpa ATVFlowtoBS/G Tres F IA6B 111 Tres P lC 1 gps CondensorVacuse(R) 1 PCPSealLeako!fFlev P 501 d i F 50B d i P 500 di P 500 di Cdl DieselGeneratorfrequency 11 [1di 11 Rd1 1 C BUS Voltage 1111 Asps 111 ,

1 D BCS Yoltage lill Aspslit l C 11 lack c 111 l

R11 1805 1,70!+1 RIA 1806 ldlul l Containment Area Monitors (R/Hr)

RIA ll02 3,981+1 RIA ll08 Idl ul  !

HighRangeContainmentMonitors(R/Br) RIA2321 1,70!+1 RIA 2322 ld[U1 Containment Hydrogen Concentration (1) Al 240lt Al2401L XainSteasLineGassa (eps) RIA 1314 4,50!+5 111 2323 Id [El

(~ StackXenitors RIA 2325 1,00!+3 eps RIA 2326 2,70!+2 eps RIA2327 1,00!+2 stlhr 2-l

l b

v Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 07:35 Measage No: 25 Scenario Time 06:05 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players t

Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets.


For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: PCS will reach shutdown cooling entry conditions shortly.

Action Expected: See Narrative.

Time: 0630-0755 Page: 9 i


Section: C Parts: All

1. E0P 9.0,15-minute SSFCs performed
2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue RP1287-0044B-TP12 l

_ _ _ . . . _ , _ _ _ _ ,_l

PALE!ll Date 17 February 1998 Message i H fine thH Scenario flee (fuli O SWPumps P 7A M P 78 h P 70 h SWCriticalRdrPress A 11 B U psig CCWPtsps P 52A h P 528 h P 52C 13 I TPCPumps P 51A h P 51B M firePumps P !A M P !B M P 41 QR ContainmentCoolerRecirefans flAQa V2AQA V3AQ1 V4AQa VlB h V2BQA V3B h V4B h M

CCWCoolerOutletfesp A 11 F B 11F ContaineentsprayPtsps P54Aall P 54B M P 54C M HPSIPumps PilAQ11PilBQd LPSIPusps P67AQ11 P61By.Allti SafetyinjectionIsettonSupply CV-3057 ($1RW) hti CV 3029 (Susp) Chit.1 CV 3031 ($1RW) hia CV 3030 (Susp) Chiti Cdl CVC5 Letdova Charging latersediate Press Letdevn fesp 1.11 T Flov 11 gps LetdownLinefesp litT Line fesp 11 F Letdownflov igra Fusps P 55A pa P 55BQA P 550 Q U VoltseControlfant fesp B F Pressureilpsi Level lH I PCP Control Bleedoff Pressure lit psig shutdovaCoolingSystes SDCS hos PCS (R) in F SDCS to PCS (R) 11F Quinchfank O fesp11F Pressure i psig Level 11i O PristryCoolantlystes PressuriserPressure(R) 111 psia l PCSfate(R) Loop 1 TR Olll) illdi Loop 2(ftOl!!)ilLi i PressuriserLevel(R) LRC010,A 11 i LRC0101B 11 % i PsrBtrAsps LCC15 H LCCli 11  :

PORY PRV1042B(htgj PRV 10433 Chitj BlockValve 10V 1942A gia 10V 1043A hta l PCPs P50AQ.R P50BQ1 P500QA P500Q11 ReactorPowerLevel 11 01 I d i M 11 02 2,00!+1 11 03 3,001 1 I! 04 3,001 1 11051 1106i II071 11011 Il01i1110i Cdl Afflystes I ATVPeep P la h P IB M P 8C QQi AFWPaspAsps P la U P 8C t asps ATW Ptsp P 18 Steas Pressure i psig AfW Disch Press P IA i F il lill P lC 1 psig 36Coadtrylystes RSIVBypass X0V 0501 Chigi 107 0510 Chigi ISIV's CV 0501 Chtti CV 0510 Chitj XPPSectionPressuta 111psig IFPDischargePressure Alit B 111 psi Moistare Seperator Crain fank level il1 CondensorHotwellLeTel HI AtmospherieOtspValves Dn.t.t ,. Condensor Vacons 1inEg.

HeaterCrainPuspStatus P10AQH P 10B M Gland Seal Condennt Vacute 11inHg.

CondensatePtspStatus P 2A QA P 1B W PIP (DesandLog+ Constant, Rod,orFlor/fesp)

Gross NW d let NW d Core Izit thersocouple fesperature laid F Control Rod Position GPL 1 GP2 i GP3i GP4i GP5(P)i GPi(A)i GP1(B)i f-m StuckRods Ant

PALII 18 Date 17 February 1998_ Xessagei11 flee lhli Scenario fine 1hil

/ \ M V

TilLevel 11i f13) Level il I Condensate Storage Tank Level T 2 11 1 InstrasentAirPressure 111plig ContainmentBuildingPressure d psig Desefesperature 111F Hasidity 11 1 SIG A Compartment fesperature 11F Busidity 21 i SIGBCospartment fesperature ilF Ecsidity 11 i SIRW fank level 11 %

v1ContainmentPressure(R) 11 psia ContainmentSuspLevel 11 Containment Water Level (R) [t

$1fankLevel(t) AH B11 C11 D((

$1 fank Prennte (pilg) A111 B Hi C111 0111 Panel I 13 SIASAlara Blocked ContainmentHighPressureAlars [1 Containment High Radiation Altre 111 C:11 ConcentratedBorieA:IdfankLevels f53A H l f 53B 11 i ReactorYesselDP 1psid PORYDischargefesperature 111F PrrSafetyValveOlschargefesp(F) RV 103! 111 RV1040111 RY1941111 FCPCurrent(Asps) P50A1 P508lil P50Clit F500i PCS Flow 11 i Loop Thot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loop fecid (F) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 111 feeld vide range Loop 1 lit Loop 2 111 l

/eT Subcooling fesp lild F Press lili psi '

O 'PCSPressere(R) WR lit IR 111 psia Steas Generator A SteasGeneratorB ,

level (WR) :lliI (IR) ii lui il1 (FR) 11 % l Press ipsia 111sla Flev Steas [ PPH TeediPPH Stean l PPE FeediPPI lote: Steas and Feed Flev I 1000000 C:ll ATWFlowtoAS/G Fros P illB 1 Free P lC 1 gia AFWFlevtoBSIG Tres P illB 111 Fros F lO 1 gpa CondensorVacuts(R) i PCPSealLeakoffFlow P 50A di F 50B di F 500 di F 500 di SSI i

DieselGeneratorFrequency 11 [ldi 12 Edi l 1 C BUS Voltage 1111 Aspsi l D BCS Yoltage lill Aspslil C 11 lael C 111 ContainmentAreaMonitors(R/Br) RIA 1805 l d i!!1 RIA ll06 1.44!+1 RIA ll07 3,98!+1 11A 1808 3,911+1 HighRangeContainsentMonitors(R/Br) 1111321 idiff] RIA 2322 i d[hl ContainmentRydrogenConcentration(t) Al2401R Al240lt Main Steas Line Gassa (eps) R!A 2324 4,50!+5 RIA 2323 1,00!+1 O StackMonitors RIA 1325 1.00!+3 eps RIA 2326 l d nil eps All2321 1,00!+2 arlhr 2-

i O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 07:50 Message No: 26 Scenario Time 06:20 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDhT.SS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players i

,    Simulated Plant Conditions:   See data sheets.                                  l Message:

O For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: Plant now on shutdown cooling l Action Expected: 1. E0P 9.0, 15-minute SSFCs performed '

2. PCS cooldown and depressurization to continue O

RP1287-0044B-TP12 l 1 l 1


PALt1 88 I Date 11 Februari 1998 Hessagei11 fine thH Scenario flee H1H O w v SWPimps P 1A M P 1B QA P10Qa SWCriticalBdrPress A H B [1 psig CCWPcaps P 52A QA P 52B B P 52C Sh ficPusps P 51A B P 518 QH FirePumps F1A QH P1B QH Pil QH Containment Cooler Recire fans VIA h V2AQ1 V3AQ1 V4AQa VlBQ1 V2B h V3B h V4BQ1 Cal CCVCoolerOutletfesp A HT B Hf ContainsentSprayPtsps P 54A M P 54B M P 540 QH HPSIPasps PIIAQ1PillRackedout LPSIPtaps P 67A h P ifB lintf Safetyinje:tionSuctionSupply friinA frainB CV 3051 (SIRW) hta CV 3029 (Step) Chitj CV 3031 (SIRE) hta CV 3030 (Simp) ChBli Cdl CVCS Letdza Charging Interp ilate 8:cis Letdown fesp 1H f flow igpa Letdown Line fesp 1H F Line fesp H f LetdownPlov i gpa Pumps F 55A QA P-55BQA P 55C Q H YelsetCo?trolflth fesp H r Pressire11 psi Levellit4 PCPControlBleedoffPressure litpsig 5hatd:vnCoolingSystes SDCSfresPCS(R) lil F $0CStoPCS(R) 1H f T Quen:hfank fesp H F Pressere ld i psig Level H t ( ") PristryCooltat8ystes PressuriserPressire(R) 111 psia PCSfare(R) Loop 1 fR 0111) HLH Loop 2 ',fR 0121) Hi Hid PressuriserLevel(R) LRC 010,A Ht LIC 010 9 Psr 8tr Asps LCC15 H LCC 16 H , PORY PRV 1042B Chitj PRV 10433 Chttf Block Valve X0V 1042A Qgta 10Y-1643A hta 1 PCPs P 50A QH P50BQ1 P500Q1 P500QH j ReactorPowerLevel II 012,00!+1 1102 2,00!+1 1103 3,00! l 1104 3,00! l 11051 11061 11011 11081 110111110[ ] Cdl 1 APIlisten i ATVPeep P lA Q H P lB QH P lO QQi IFRPeepAsps F 1A 1 P lO 1 asps ATW Pasp P il Steas Pressure i psig AFW Disch Press F la i F 8B i P 10 [ psig le:endarySysten RSlYBypass NOV 0501 Chitt 10Y 0510 Chili NSIV's CV 0501 Chill CV 0510 Chitj RTPStetionPressure ill psig If?DischargePressure A H[ B(( ipsi XolsteroSeperatorOraintanklevel {li Condensor Rotvell Level [11 , AtmosphericOcapValves thrnt t Condensor Vacus [inRg. l HeaterCraininspStatus P10AQH P 103 QH GlandSealCondensorVacats 11laIg. CondensatePtspStatus P 2A h P 23 QH Pl? (CesandLog+ Constant, Rod,orFlus/fesp) l Gross NW d let MV d Core Isit thersocouple fesperature 11[d P  ; l Control Rod Position GPl 1 GP21 GP) i GP4 1 GP5(P) 1 GPi(A)i GP7(3)1 Q b Stick Rods ani 1

PALEI il Date 17 February 1999 Nessageili flee 11111 Scenariofine1113 l M Condensate Storage tank Level T 2 11 % TilLevel H1 f939 Level 11 1 lastrument Air Pressure litpsig ContainmentBuildingPressure d psig Desefesperature 111F Ensidity 11 %

  $/GACompartment                                           fesperature       11 f       Husidity H l                   i S/GBCospartment                                           fesperature       ilF        Busidity H l                   i SIRW fank Level                                11 %                                                                   l WRContainmentPressure(R)                       11 psia ContainmentSuspLevel                           ii              ContainmentWaterLevel(R)          i1 51fankLevel(t)                               A11          B11         C11        D11
  $1fankPressure(psig)                         A Hi         B Hi              C Hi           D Hi Panel I 13
   $1ASAlars 112dtj             ContainmentHighPressureAlars            in         Containment High Radiation Alars h1 M

Concentrated Boric Acid Tank Levels f53A H 1 f 53B 111 ReactorVesselDP 1psid PORYDischargefesperature litf PsrSafetyValveDischargefesp(F) IV103) 111 RV10401(( RV1041 lit iCPCarrent(Asps) P-5011 P508111 P50Clli F500i PCSFlev HI Loopthot (f) Loop 1 Hi Loop 2 ill Loopfeeld(f) Loop 1 ill

     '  '  "                  ' ' ' "'lild 1         '

Loop"2 "'in Press lillpil CJ Subcooling

   'PCS Pressure (R) fesp VR       lit           IR       lit psia Steas Generator 1                                 Steas Generator B Level          (WR) :lliI       (IR) iI                         (111 11 1       (11) lii Press                 ipsia                                          11[sia flow          Steam i PPR Teed i PFI                           Steas g PPI feediPPI lote Steam and feed flow I1000000 M

AfWflowtoAS/G fres P lAll i fres P lO i gpa ATVTlowtoBSIG free P lAll i Free P 80 1 gps CondensorVacuts(R) 1 PCPSealLeakoffflow P 50A di P 50B di F 500 di F 500 di M DieselGeneratorfrequency 11HJi 12 HJi 1-0 BUS Yoltage 1111 Aspsill i 1 0 SUS Voltage 1111 Asps 111 c Il lack c Ill ContainmentAreaMonitors(1/Hr) RIA ll05 ld1111 RIA lloi 1d11+1 i RIA ll01 3,98!+1 RIA Il08 ldh 11 ' BighRangeContainmentMonitors(R/Br) RIA 2321 1,10!+1 RIA 2322 1dilil ContainmentHydrogenConcentration(1) Al 240lR Al2(0!L IIA 2323 I dilil h V Main Steas Line Gassa StackRonitors (eps) RIA2 325 l dilil eps RIA 2324 4,50t+5 RIA 2326 2,10!+2 eps RIA 2327 1,00!+2 ar/hr 2- l 1

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 07:55 Message No: 27 Scenario Time 06:25-09:20 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: SS, SED, and EOF Director Simulated Plant Conditions: Control Room players see data sheets. Message: Conditions have moved ahead in time 2 hours and 55 minutes, although clock time will remain the same. New data is being provided in the Control Room. The primary coolant system has s_/ cooled and depressurized. The release has been terminated. Offsite sampling has determined that no radioactive deposition has occurred. Refer to new data provided and to appropriate procedures to determine if recovery is warranted at this time. l For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: The SED and EOF Director will determine who at the plant 1 and EOF will continue to participate in the exercise once a decision has been made to enter recovery. Action Expected: The JPIC controller will terminate participation at the JPIC based on a judgement whether further participation is warranted. O RP1287-0044B-TP12 l

l i l PALIIil Date 17 February 1998 Message i H flee 07:55 Scourio flee thH M SWPumps P 7A M P 78 h P 10 h SW Critical Edr Fren A (( B il psig CCWPumps P 52A Qa P 52B Q2 P 52C lih TPCPumps F-51A h P-518 E FirePusps P 9A QR P 93 Qd P il M ContainmentCoolerReciteFans VIA h V2AQA V3AQ1 NAQA VlBQA V2BQA V3BQ1 V4BQA M CCVCoolerOutletfesp A HT B HF Contalasent Spray Pasps P-5(AQH P 54B M P 54C QH HPSIPasps PilARackedOut P-ilBRackedout LPSIPasps P67AQ1 P67B[1Hij Safety lajection Stetton $ttply CV3057(SIRW)Q1ta CV 3029 (Simp) Chiti CV 3031 ($1RW) 311 CV 3030 (Scap) Chitj M CYC8 Letdown Charging Intersediate Press Letdown fesp 111 F Flev i gpa LetdownLinefesp Hi? Line fesp 3 F LetdownFlov i gpa Ptsps F 55A QR P 55BQH P 550 M Yolta9Controlfank fesp11F Prentre 11 psi Levelliti PCP Control Bleedoff Pres nre i psig shtdown Coeling Systes SDCSfresPCS(R) H1 f SDCStoPCS(1) 111F pi Quench fank (d fesp11F Pressure l dt psig LevelIli PristryCoolantlyltes Frenariser Frenure (R) ljpsia PCSfate(R) Loop 1(f10111)illit Loop 2 fR 0121) ilhi PressuriserLevel(1) LIC0101A lit i LRC010,8 lit i PsrBtrAsps LCC15 i LCCli i PORY PRV 10429 Chiti PRV 10(3B Chiti BlockValve H07 1042A Qgia 107 1043A hia PCP P50AQH P 503 QU P500QR P 500 QH ReactorPowerLevel 11012,00!+1 1102 laihl 1103 3,0011 1104 3,0011 11051 31061 I1011 11081 110915110i M AFISyites AFVPusp P lA Q R P 8B Q H P SC QQ1 ATVPtspAsps Fla1PICiasps ATV Pcep P lB Steas Pressure i psig AfW Disch Press P il i F lB 1 F 10 i psig lecendarySystes NSIYBypan 50V 0501 Chiti H0V 0510 Chill MS!?'s CV 0501 Qhiti CV 0510 Chlif i XfPSectionPressure ipsig NTP Dischtge Pressere Ai Bipsi l MoistureSeperatorCraintankLevel 11 1 CondessorHotvellLeTel il 1 l AtmosphericOtepValves Ch111 Condener Vacus 1inEg. HeaterCrainPupStatus P 10A QH P 10B QH Gland Seal Condener Vacus iinEg, Condenate Peep Statu P 2A QH P 2B M Pl? (Desud tog + Constant, tod, er flis/fesp) , Gren NW d let XV J Core Init thersocouple fesperature HL1 F l

  ' tick Rods CJ S               131 1-l l

l l I

PALIIil Date 17 February 1998 Nessage i R flee 07:55 Scenariofleelhli ! t M V TilLevel ui T-139 Level 11 1 Condensate Storage Tank Level T 2 11 1 InstrcsentAirPressere 111psig ContainmentBuildingPressure dpsig Desefesperature 111F Busidity 11 l S/GACospartment fesperature 11 F Husidity H t S/GBCospartaent fesperature 11 F Busidity H l SIRWfanilevel 11i WRContainmentPressure(R) 11 psia ContainsentSuspLevel 1i ContalnuntWaterLevel(R) ii 51fankLevel(t) A11 B11 C11 Dli SIfankPressure(pilg) A IU B Hi Clli D H1 unalI13 SIASAltre llEIRf ContainmentHighPressureAlars la Containment Big Radiation Alars liA C:11 ConcentratedBoricAeldfantLevels f53. H l f 53B 11 i ReactorVesselDP ipsid PORYDischargefesperatere 111F PsrSafetyValveDischargefesp(F) RV1939 111 RY1040lli RY1041111 PCPCurrent(Asps) P50Ai F50Bi P50C1 P50D1 PCSFlow 11 1 LoopThot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Loopfeeld(F) Loop 1 111 Loop 2 Hi fcoid Vide range Loop 1 1H Loop 2 1H Subcooling fesp 11L1 F Press lui psi k FCSPressere(R) WR 11 IR 11 psia SteasGeneratorA Steas Generator B Level (VR) ii (11) ii 11H H l (IR) Ht Press ipsia 11 :sla Flow Steas 1 PPB FeediPPB Steam l PPI FeediPFB Iotei Steas and Feed Flow I 1000000 C:ll AFWFlovtoAS/G Fros P lAll i Fros P 80 1 gps ATVFlowtoBS/G From P lAll i Fros P lO i gps CondessorYactis(1) 1 PCPSealLeakoffFlow P 501 Q, P508i F500i F500i C:ll I DieselGeneratorFrequency 11 HJi 12 ilji 1 C BUS Yoltage 1111 Aspslit 10 BUS Voltage 1111 Aspslit C 11 lati C 111 ContainmentAreaMonitors(1/Br) RIA 1105 1.70!+1 RIAll0i Liihl R111807 3,98!+1 RIA-ll01 Lit hi HighRangeContainmentMonitors(R/Br) RIA 2321 bl! E l RIA 2322 Idin i ContainsentBydrogenConcentration(t) A!240ll Al240ll Q Nain Steas Line Gassa (cps) RIA 2324 (,50!+5 RIA 2323 lJllhl Q StackMonitors RIA 1325 1.00!+3 eps RIA 2326 L ith l cps RIA 2321 bilEl ar/hr i 2-

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 07:55+ Message No: 2][ Scenario Time 09:20+ PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM , Message for: Actual Control Room Operators Simulated Plant Conditions: Message: Announce over the plant public address system: "Attention all personnel. The annual emergency exercise has been terminated.  ! All drill participants may return to normal duties unless instructed otherwise." For Controller Use Only ' , Controller Notes: Lead onsite controller will deliver this message when deemed appropriate. Action Expected: RP1287-0044B-TP12

i O i l l l l



   - - - - - - - - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ , , ,          _ ,       'N- " 'Mwrr r n, _ __ -- - - -- - - - -- --..- - -, . _, ___ ,, ,

d / APPENDIX D - RAD MONITOR DATA I L I L i I 6 l r t 5 RP1287-0044B-TP12

I I i l i l i l l i l i l i l l l l APPENDIX E - ONSITE RAD DATA I


l l


1 RP1287-0044B-TP12 J

l l I I I l l l l APPENDIX F - 0FFSITE RAD DATA l l i i 1 l 1 l 1 l l i i 'l l 4 RP1287-0044B-TP12

  - -    - . - , , - - , , , ,-            , _ . - . . - - - , _ _ _ , .     ,,,,.-,n,,  - - - , . . , _ , - . _ - . , , . ., , . , _ . , . , - , _ - , _ - - - - - , . . . ,         , , . . , .

l 1 l l J J APPENDIX G - POST-ACCIDENT SAMPLE DATA i , I i f RP1287-0044B-TP12 4 i

PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE INFORMATION PASM Data for PALEX '88 1.0 pH, 1.1 pH is a function of ppm boron if there is no LiOH in the sample, LiOH and boron concentration will depend on what water is added to the PCS during the accident. (SIRW, SI Bottles, BAST, etc.) 1.2 If accident progress to the point where LPSI pumps are drawing suction from containment sump and containment spray has been activated pH of PCS will be approximately 8.00 due to hydrar.ine and NaOH in containment spray. 1.3 pH should be determined by the Chemistry Controller based on accident condition and operator action. Table 1.1 and 1.2 maybe used as aid to determining pH. 2.0 Boron D 2.1 Boron should be determined by the control room Controller based on operator action. PASM boron analysis is to be used as verification of those actions. 2.2 Chemistry Controller should converse with control room Controller to determine boron ppm value for reporting during exercise. 3.0 Chlorides 3.1 Chloride analysis is to be done within four days of the accident. Data will not be available during the course of the drill. 3.2 OSC Supervisor shall request Trail Street Lab to bring their Ion Chro-matograph to the Plant within four days to'do chloride analysis, 1 MIO586-0134A-OP02



{a' 4.0 Dissolved oxygen 4.1 Dissolved oxygen is not required until 30 days after accident if dis-solved hydrogen and chloride data are available. 4.2 Oxygen is not mandatory unless chloride exceeds 0.15 ppe. A measurement of dissolved hydrogen residual of greater than 10 cc/kg is acceptable verification for up to 30 days. 4.3 Therefore dissolved oxygen data will not be available during the course of the drill. 5.0 Dissolved Hydrogen 5.1 Dissolved hydrogen in PCS during the accident will be 18 cc/kg a reduc-tion f rom normal due to H2 escaping from 1,000 gpm leak. 5.2 Percent oxygen and hydrogen in containment air will be normal. frss 6.0 Radionuclide Concentration for Cross Activity and Camma Spectrum o t V 6.1 Containment atmosphere activity levels are normal. 6.2 See Table for Sump Liquid Activity 6.3 See Table for Primary Coolant Liquid a 6.4 See Table for A & B S/C Liquid Activity 7.0 Dose Rate and Radiation Levels ' 7.1 Dose rate and radiation levels around the PASM Panel, NSSS Panel, Hot Lab, and hallways are listed in the inplant radiation data section. 7.2 Areas monitors readings are listed in the area monitors section. l i MIO586-0134A-OP02 l

l l i I

                                              'PALIS ADES NUCLEAR PLANT s                               EMERCENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE INFORMATION

Table 1.1 Variation of pH with Lithium and Boron Concentrations B, ppm \Li, ppm 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 0 7.0 9.46 9.76 9.94 10.06 10.16 10.24 10.30 10.36 10.41 10.46 10.50 10.54 50 5.78 7.03 7.34 7.51 7.64 7.74 7.82 7.89 7.95 8.01 8.06 8.10 8.14 100 5.63 6.73 7.03 7.20 7.33 7.43 7.51 7.58 7.64 7.69 7.74 7.78 7.82 150 5.54 6.54 6.84 7.02 7.14 7.24 7.32 7.39 7.45 7.50 7.55 7.59 7.63 200 5.47 6.41 6.70 6.88 7.On 7.10 7.18 7.25 7.31 7.36 7.41 7.45 7.49 250 5.41 6.30 6.59 6.77 6.89 6.99 7.07 7.14 7.20 7.25 7.30 7.34 7.38 300 5.37 6.20 6.50 6.67 6.80 6.90 6.97 7.04 7.10 7.15 7.20 7.24 7.28 350 5.32 6.12 6.41 6.59 6.71 6.81 6.89 6.96 7.02 7.07 7.11 7.16 7.19 ' 400 5.28 6.04 6.33 6.51 6.63 e.73 6.80 6.88 6.94 6.99 7.04 7.08 7.12 450 5.25 5.97 6.26 6.44 6.56 6.66 6.74 6.81 6.86 6.92 6.96 7.0 7.04 00 5.21 5.91 6.20 6.37 6.49 6.59 6.67 6.74 6.80 6.85 6.89 6.94 6.97 30 5.18 5.85 6.13 6.31 6.43 6.53 6.64 6.67 6.73 6.78 6.83 6.87 6.91 00 5.15 5.79 6.07 6.24 6.37 6.46 6.54 6.61 6.67 6.72 6.77 6.81 6.85 650 5.12 5.73 6.01 6.18 6.31 6.41 6.49 6.55 6.61 6.66 6.71 6.75 6.79 700 6.25 6.35 6.43 6.50 6.55 6.65 6.73 5.09 5.68 5.96 6.13 6.61 6.69 750 5.07 5.63 5.90 6.07 6.20 6.29 6.37 6.44 6.50 6.55 6.60 6.64 6.68 800 5.04 5.58 5.85 6.02 6.14 6.24 6.32 6.39 6.45 6.50 6.54 6.59 6.62 850 5.01 5.53 5.80 5.97 6.09 6.19 6.27 6.34 6.39 6.45 6.49 6.53 6.57 900 4.99 5.48 5.75 5.92 6.04 6.14 6.22 6.29 6.34 6.40 6.44 6.48 6.52 450 4.96 5.44 5.70 5.87 5.99 6.09 6.17 6.24 6.30 6.35 6.39 -6.43 6.47 1000 4.94 5.40 5.66 5.83 5.95 6.04 6.12 6.19 6.25 6.30 6.35 6.39 6.43 NOTE: 1. Numbers contained in above table are approximation for exercise purposes only.

2. If boron concentration are above 1,000 ppm use Table 1.2.

t l l O M10586-0134A-OP02 i l

PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE INFORMATION l Table 1.2  : Variation of pH with Boron Concentration-i ppm Boron pH LiOH ppm i 1000 5.0 <.02 1100 5.0 <.02 l 1200 4.9 <.02 l 1300 4.9 <.02 1400 4.8 <.02 1500 4.8 <.02 1600 4.7 <.02 l' 2 1700 4.7 <.02 j 1800 4.6 <.02 l i 1900 4.6 <.02  ! l 2000 4.5 <.02  ! i i NOTE: 1. Numbers contained in above Table are approximation.for exercise  ; purposes only.  ! 1 i 1 i I i 4 , l  ! l 1' s i 1 i t i 4 9 i i l M10586-0134A-OP02 s

    . . . _ _ _ , _ , , . . . .            _-_-..,,._._,,_.,_._..._,__..-,.___..__,,._.,_,_.._,__,,___...__,_..I

O V i Xe133 6.38E+01 9.64E+00 9.01E-02 XE133M 3.74E+00 8.42E-01 8.63E-02 Xe135 9.99E+00 9.94E-01 9.99E-02 Kr85 3.65E-01 7.43E-02 2.00E 93 Kr88 6.95E+00 8.77E-01 9.64E .. I131 2.95E+00 5.80E-01 2.37E-05 1133 4.33E-01 9.00E-01 3.78E-05 CS134 3.10E+00 4.50E-01 CS137 7.50E+00 5.10E+00 TE132 7.60E-08 5.70E-08 Ba140/La140 3.80E-08 4.70E-08 Rul03/Rh103 7.90E-08 4.40E-08 Total Camma (All) 9.65E+01 5.30E+00 2.24E-01

            * ** RE S U LT S* **
            % Clad Failure = 56% Based upon Noble Cas Values Only
            % Fuel Overheat                                                                                          '

Xe133 Less Than 50% If Any Value is >50% Then Assume >50% Fuel Overheat Xe133M Less Than 50% j Xe135 Less Than 50% Kr85 Less Than 50% Kr88 Less Than 50% Percent Fuel Helt = 0% Based on Te132 and Ba140 Only INTERPRETATION DATA SHEET Code Inv Cap Melt Ai Release Agap Ai/ Core Release Amelt l Isotope (Curies) (Curies) Factor (Curies) Ai/Agap Inventory Fact (Curies) Ai/Amelt , Xe133 2.20E+04 1.31E-08 0.03 3.93E+06 5.61E-03 1.68E-04 0.873 1.14E+08 1.93E-04 Xe133M 6.17E+03 5.10E+06 0.03 1.53E+05 4.03E-02 1.21E-03 0.873 4.45E+06 1.39E-03 Xe135 1.14E+04 4.49E+07 0.03 1.35E+06 8.46E-03 2.54E-04 0.873 3.92E+07 2.91E-04 Kr85 2.07E+02 2.52E+03 0.03 7.57Ev01 2.73E+00 8.19E-02 0.873 2.20E+03 '9.39E-02 j Kr88 7. 64 E+ 03 4.46E+07 0.03 1.34E+06 5.71E-03 1.71E-04 0.873 3.89E+07 1.96E-04 1131 7.72E+02 5.90E+07 0.017 1.00E+06 7.70E-04 1.31E-05 0.885 5. 2.? E+ 0 7 1.48E-05 1133 1. 34 E+ 02 1.27E+08 0.017 2.16E+06 6.23E-05 1.06E-06 0.885 1.12f*08 1.20E-06 Cs134 7.96E+02 7.30E+04 0.05 3.65E+03 2.18E-01 1.09E-02 0.760 5.55E .'4 1.43E-02  : Cs137 1.93E+03 1.03E+04 0.05 5.17E+02 3.73E+00 1.86E-01 0.760 7.86E+03 1.45E-01 To132 2.04E-05 1.06 E+ 08 1E-04 1.06E+04 1.93E-09 1.93E-13 0.150 1.59E+07 1.29E-12 Bs140 9.90E-06 7.48E+07 1E-06 7.48E+01 1.32E-07 1.32E-13 0.100 7.48E+06 1.32E-12 i N103 2.04E-05 2.76E+07 NA 7.37E-13 0.030 8.29E+05 2.46E-11 I i MIO506-0134A-OP02 l

O Operating Parameters (Table I) Core Damage . 1 Initial Final

  • Net Capacity K11ters Tank Level % Level 1 Change % Kliters To Sump SIRW 100.0 25.0 75.0 1100 825.0 l A BAST 100.0 50.0 50.0 25 12.5 l B BAST 100.0 60.0 40.0 25 10.0 I R BAT 100.0 70.0 30.0 25 7.5 A SI 50.0 0.0 50.0 56.8 28.4 B SI 50.0 0.0 50.0 56.8 28.4 i C SI 50.0 10.0 40.0 56.8 22.7 D SI 50.0 20.0 30.0 56.8 17.0 T90 100.0 90.0 10.0 757 75.7 TOTAL = 1027.3 1 Dates 11/11/87 Times 1300 O


  • Final Levels Should Be Measured At Or Near PCS Sample Time  !

i 1 MIO586-0134A-OP02 l 2

O 1 Core History (Table II) Current Shutdown Date = 11/11/87 Time = 08:00 Start Start Stop Stop t(j) t(jo) ,

                  % Rx Pwr              Date                               Time                  Date                        Time                                hrs                                hrs                              l, 100               11/01/87                              01:00                 11/11/87 08:00                                                  247                                       0 80                 10/29/87                              15:00                 11/01/87 01:00                                                      58                             247                              ,

70 10/22/87 08:00 10/29/87 15:00 175 305 4 0 770216 0 770216 0 770216 , 0 770216 0 770216 l 0 770216 i O 770216 0 770216 . 0 770216 . 0 770216 lO Sample Data l PCS (ai) LPSI (aj) Cntant (ak) Sample Date 11/11/87 11/11/87 11/11/87 l j Sample Time 13:00 12:30 12:00

Sample Temp (F) ---- ----

100 560 i Sample Press (psia) ---- ---- 15 i Cntent Temp F ---- ---- 192 652  ; Cntent Press (psia) ---- - - - 21.3 ' PCS Temp (F) 450 ---- ---- i-PCS Density 0.830 ---- -- j Tijk Sample-SD Time 5 4.5 4  : I a  ! i i i J l l 1  ! , t i l MIO586-0134A-OP02 i i  : l

                                 .~. -        .      _     -          ._

O , i Nonequilibrium Core Inventory , I sotope Origen Decay Correction NECI (Curies) (hr-1) Factor Ii (Curies) Xe133 1.49E+08 5.47E-03 8.79E-01 1.31E+08 Xe133M 5.16E+06 1.23E-02 9.88E-01 5.10E+06 Xe135 4.49E+07 7.58E-02 1.00E+00 4.49E+07 , Kr85 7.92E+05 7.67E-06 3.18E-03 2.52E+03 Kr88 .4.46E+07 2.48E-01 1.00E+00 4.46E+07 I131 7.76E+07 3.60E-03 7.60E-01 5.90E+07 I133 1.27E+08 3.30E-02 1.00E+00 1.27E+08 . j Cs134 5.14 E+ 06 3.44E-05 1.42E-02 7.30E+04 Cs137 9.43E+06 2.64E-06 1.10E-03 1.03E+04 Te132 1.10E+08 9.00E-03 9.63E-01 1.06E+08 *

 ,   Ba140           1.25E+08       2.26E-03    5.99E-01     7.48E+07 Rul03           1.07E+08       7.25E-04    2.58E-01     2.76E+07    l t

d l I r i i I l i I i t i - MIO586-0134A-OP02  ! i }


Correction Values (11) for Isotopes Xe133 Xe133M Xe135 Kr85 Kr88 1131 1133 Cs134 Cs137 Te132 Ba140 Rul03 7.41E-01 9.58E-01 1.00E+00 1.89E-03 1.00E+00 5.89E-01 1.00E+00 8.46E 03 6.52E-04 8.92E-01 4.28E-01 1.64E-01 5.63E-02 1.78E-01 5.84E-09 3.55E-04 2.00E-27 6.20E-02 1.97E-04 1.58E-03 1.22E-04 3.52E-02 5.62E-02 2.75E-02 8.13E-02 1.26E-02 6.38E-11 9.37E 04 9.89E-34 1.09E-01 2.97E-05 4.15E-03 3.23E-04 3.57E-02 1.15E-01 6.69E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00f+00 9E-01 9.88E-01 1.00E+00 3.18E-03 1.00E+00 7.60E-01 1.00E+00 1.43E-02 1.0E-03 9.63E-01 5.99E-01 2.58E-01 6ess Than 50% Greater Than 50% l


( / MIO586-0134A-OP02

             - rm &-,.,A  A-   m    a                A       4                m n -AA m                        m4                  , .w _ s e      _                       ,, - - , - - - , -

t ( l ) i I I I 1 i 4 l APPENDIX H - PUBLIC AFFAIRS .' i s l I I t I I i i I l


I l 1 i e t 1 ! RP1287-0044B-TP12 4

   - - , , -                 , -- ---- -, - - - , - , ,- , . ., ..-,-- ,_.-.,              , , , - -., , - - -    ,, __-.- , , , ,            n,m,   n,,,,, , - , ,-.--,-w     n ,-,-eny      ,-,w m --

!O A significant aspect of emergency response is to provide the public and news media with prompt, accurate information about the emergency. Public perception and reaction are influenced by the information relayed to them. To ensure that Consumers Power Company is prepared to deal with the media and public during an i accident at the Palisades Plant, the exercise provides certain elements to test Public Information and Rumor Control activities.. During the course of this exercise, the Consumers Power Company Region Customer Information Telephone Center (RCITC) and the Big Rock Point Plant Joint Public Information Center (JPIC) will be activated and exercised. Special Exercise Controllers have been selected to test the RCITC and the JPIC staffs in responding to telephoned inquiries from the news media and public. Controllers will act as concerned citizens, employees, government officials, members of the financial community, interested members of the nuclear utility industry and news reporters posing questions to the staffs. When acting as members of the media, controllers shall make up a name and a media outlet (print or electronic). The following pages denote questions that these controllers can use. Questions , may be utilized repeatedly. The lead JPIC Controller shall coordinate when to , conclude questioning of JPIC participants during media briefings. Controllers

!    shall document their comments using the Joint Public Information Center Evalu-ation Checklist. Controllers need not use the questions herein; indeed, free play is encouraged.

When calling in questions, controllers will always precede questions with "This , is a drill." At the JPIC, free play questions will be based on the information i given at briefings. Additionally, ask questions about Consumers Power Company, the state or counties, background information about the Palisades Plant,  ! radiation, state / county, utility interface, protective actions, etc. Relevant telephone numbers will be distributed at the pre-exercise controllers' briefing. l I 1 i PA1287-0217A-TP21-TP03

                    -  L 1

E O V RUMOR CONTROL /JPIC QUESTIONS l QUESTION This is from Radio Station WSMR. We've heard you have an emergency at the Palisades Plant. What's happening? Is it serioust Has any radiation been released? How did it happen? This is from Radio Station WSMR. We understand that there is an emergency at your Palisades Nuclear Plant. What's the current status? Any injuries? Has the NRC been notified? What are they doing? Have State and local officials been notified? What are they doing? How high are the radiation levels? Are they dangerous? Has anyone been overexposed to radiation? l How are you going to fix the problem? How much will this cost the ratepayers? Are you evacuating the plant workers from the site? Is the reactor shut down? Isn't it dangerous? Why did you declare an emergency? What is the significance of an Alert? (Site Area Emergency, General Emergency?) Why don't you just shut a valve or turn on the emergency cooling system or l l something? This is from Radio Station WSMR. I would like an update on the actions Van Buren, Berrien and Allegan Counties are taking in response to the emergency at Palisades. I've heard you've declared a Site Area Emergency. What's that? What happened? Why don't you evacuate Van Buren County? Where is the electricity supply coming from? Will there be enough electricity? PA1287-0217A-TP21-TP03

                                               --                                 a 2       !

O How many people have been killed? l How many injured? l This is from Crisis Management Consultants. We'd like to offer our professional Crisis Management Services to help you manage the emergency at Palisades. Can you put me in touch with the appropriate Company officer to discuss this? I work at the Karn/Weadock Plant. What's going on at Palisades? Is radiation coming from the containment building? When will the NRC be taking over the plant? What's the plant doing now? Where are students from South Haven High School being sent? I!ow much radiation is being released? Which way is the wind blowing? Have State and local officials been notified? How serious is the accident? O Have workers at Palisades been sent home? What is Consumers Power doing about the accident at Palisades? My husband travelled to Palisades yesterday from Jackson. Is he safe? What effect will this have on Consumers Power's stock? I've heard that you are going to use Company pension funds to pay for the Palisades accident. Is that true? What was Consumers Power's stock selling for this morning? What is your stock selling for now? ' In layman's terms, what caused this disaster? Isn't this the same type of situation as the Chernobyl accident? Where is the power to my house going to come from? I have heard you declared a General Emergency. Is this true? What is a General Emergency? khat does it mean? Has anyone been killed? Has the State of Michigan been informed? How are you going to fix the reactor? l PA1287-0217A-TP21-TP03

3 A b Can't you just shut a valve? Is this similar to the accident at Three Mile Island? When will the NRC take over the plant?

       'What are electric rates going to do as a result of the accident?

Where are you going to get power if Palisades is out of service? Why didn't all the backup safety equipment work? f Is human error to blame for the accident at Palisades? Should I sell my Consumers Power stock? What is the weather forecast in the Palisades area? How much radiation is being released? How is the radiation being released? , Is the radiation filtered? When will the next press briefing be held? , Are there any news reporters being allowed at the plant? , i Do you have any insurance on the Palisades plant? How long will the plant be shut down?  ; (} What protective actions have been ordered? t What are you doing to bring the plant under control? I What is the Governor doing?

 .i This is                from INPO. Can you tell me about the accident at Palisades?

This is from Western Union. We can help you consunicate with the i public during the Palisades emergency through Mailgrams. Who should I speak I with regarding your possible use of Hailgrams? I've heard the reactor at Palisades has cracked like a piece of glass. Is that true? I I've got 50 milk cows that won't give milk because of the sirens. Who's going to pay for my lost income? Who should I call for further information about Consumers Power? What telephone numbers? PA1287-0217A-TP21-TP03 a J

4 fh J I Is the reactor shut down? j How did it happen? What is the reactor building doing now?' Is there a hole in it? Who is going to pay for this mess? Not out of my electric bill! How much radiation was released off site? What protective actions are in effect for Charlevoix County? What protective actions are in effect for the 30-mile radius? How many people live in Van Buren County? Allegan County? Berrien County? My homeowner's insurance policy states that I am not covered for nuclear plant accidents. Who's going to pay for my damaged property? What are you going to do to fix the situation? When is the next press briefing? How many reporters are at the JPIC7 Which way is the wind blowing? Who is in charge of the emergency? O I l l O 12/21/87 PA1287-0217A-TP21-TP03

                        - . -                -.-. - -- . - , , ,   - . - - . - ,   , . , _ . . . . - - , -   a - - - ,

s_mJ -k.- - -m----,en-. +- -met.----or -.a. s. e.A- - --m-2 4. a .- -ae -maA - ~, s m n m-A6a-- aAsaew,Ae -a,,s--m .nms--42Am.1-e a aA-uA--,.%1-- l i i 4 i T J l 1 1

 .i t

d 1 l l T PALEX 88 s a


I J l  ! l l 4 s i . i < 1 i l 4 1 l l 4 1 n l 1 f I 1 1 1 i i mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 1 i

    .              _ _ -     _                        ._.        -          .    . _~ .                               --      ..      -.               .







{ l.1 SCOPE PALEX 88 is designed to meet exercise requirements specified in 10 CFR 50, Appendix E. Section IV.F. It will postulate events which  ! would require activation of major portions of the site emergency plan and [ response by Van Buren Allegan and Berrien Counties and the State of Michigan. The exercise will be unannounced in support of state and local 1 exercise objectives. The Joint Public Information Center will be , 1 activated.


! The exercise will demonstrate each item listed under the following F categoriest  ; t , j 1. Assessment and Classification 'i

a. Recognition of emergency conditions  !


b. Timely classification of emergency conditions in ucerdance with  !

. emergency action levels

2. Communication
a. Initial notification within specified time constraints (state and local - 15 minutes, NRC - I hour) 'I
b. Subsequent notification in accordance with procedure (state, local, NRC) '

I c. Notification and coordination with other organizations, as l required (other utilities, contractors, fire or medical services) , i d. Provision of accurate and timely information to support news i release activity - h 3. Radiological Assessment and Control

a. Calculation of dose projection based on sample results or monitor 7 readings L
b. Performance of in-plant and offsite field surveys j c. Collection and analysis of a post-accident primary coolant sample 1

j d. Trending of radiological data

e. Formulation of appropriate protective action recommendations f
f. Contamination and exposure control I'

mil 086-0006B-TPll-TP12 1.1 m._, , , , _ _ ,

                             . - , - _ , , - _ - _ , _ . _ . . , _ . ,           .4 ,_ _-___ 1._   . _ ,,,_ _ _ .     . _ ,   . . . . _ , . _ , _ , - _ . -

l l i F

4. Emergency Response Facilities
a. Activation, staffing and operation at appropriate classifications and within specified time constraints
b. Adequacy of emergency equipment and supplies j
c. Adequacy.of emergency communication systems
d. Access control
5. Emeraency Manaaement
a. Command and control with transfer of responsibilities from Control Room to Technical Support Center to Emergency Operations Facility
b. Assembly and accountability within approximately 30 minutes
c. Coordination with State of Michigan emergency response organization  ;
d. Mitigation of operational and radiological conditions
e. Mobilization of emergency teams
6. Reentry and Recovery
a. Assessment of damage and formulation of recovery. plan
b. Identification of constraints, requirements and organization to t implement the plan ,
7. Exercise Control
a. Provision for maximum free play
b. Accurate assessment of player performance  !

J E l l l 1 n I i l mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 1.2

i 2.0 EXERCISE CONDUCT 2.1 EXERCISE ORGANIZATION , The exercise organization is comprised of Controllers, Evaluators, Players and Observers, all of whom are issued armbands for identification. Controllers are responsible for providing messages and data to Players.  ! They also ensure that exercise activity progresses as planned. Con- . trollers are authorized to modify scenario data and provide clarification to Players as judged appropriate. They must not, however, prompt Players unless the exercise or plant operation is jeopardized by inappropriate Player response. If a Player must be prompted, it must be brought to the attention of the Lead Facility Controller or Exercise Coordinator and prior to doina so if possible. Controllers also serve as Evaluators in most cases. Evaluators observe Player activity and judge effectiveness of response. Consumers Power Company Evaluators are required to submit signed i Evaluator Checklists to their Lead Facility Controller. NRC and other utilities' evaluators will be present for exercises. Observers may be present at any location where exercise activity occurs. Observers are not allowed to speak to players during the course of the exercise. Players include all personnel responding to simulated exercise conditions. 2.2 CONTROLLER ORGANIZATION

  • The Exercise Coordinator is in charge of overall exercise conduct. ,

Responsibilities include conducting preezercise Controller meetings, NRC i entrance meeting, joint critiques, and NRC exit critique; approving major j scenario deviations; resolving exercise questions; and terminating the . i exercise. A Lead Facility Controller is assigned to each Emergency Response i Facility and is responsible for addressing Player inquiries, conducting a i

!        post-exercise facility critique, collecting and submitting completed                                                                   I l       Evaluator Checklists to the Exercise Coordinator.

Controllers and Evaluators will refer all Player inquiries to the Lead Facility Controller. If unable to resolve a question, the Lead Facility Controller will refer the query to the Exercise Coordinator. 1 iO { *A diagram of the Controller organization is provided in Figure 2.1. 1 1 e ) mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.1 4 , ) l'

                                           -       , , - - , _ , _ - - . - , ~ _ _ - . - . . _ _ _ _ - - - - - . ,                 . , - - , ,
;                          O PALEX 88 O                                                  O CONTROLLER ORGANIZATION i





I 2.3 EXERCISE DATA AND MESSAGES Messages and data to drive Player response are contained in the following appendices: , i Appendix A - Sequence of Events / Narrative Summary 6 Appendix B - Message Sheets Appendix C - Meteorological Data [ Appendix D - Rad Monitor Data i Appendix E - Onsite Rad Data Appendix F - Offsite Rad Data l Appendix G - Post-Accident Sample Data i j Appendix H - Public Affairs Appendix I - CFM Data Sheets Information not to be distributed to players is marked "Controller Use Only."  ! It is ultimately each Controller's responsibility to ensure that only appro-priate information is distributed to Players. ,

 !   2.4 EXERCISE GROUND RULES                                                                :

4 j 1. Perform all actions to the extent possible in accordance with the  ; i emergency plan and procedures as if it were a real emergency. i Unless authorized by the Controller, you should not simulate your l actions. Verbal approval from a Controller / Evaluator is required i prior to simulating any action. If authorized to simulate an l l action, tell the Controller / Evaluator how it would be performed. j 2. Periodically speak out loud, identifying your key actions and i decisions to the Controller / Evaluators. This may seen artificial, j but it will assist in the evaluation process. If you are in doubt, ask for clarification. The Controller / Evaluator will not prompt or coach you.

3. Know the overall Controller organization. Identify your Controller and NRC evaluators. Controllers also serve as Evaluators.
4. The Controller periodically will issue messages or instructions designed to initiate response actions. Messages must be accepted i immediately. They are essential to successful performance. l l

l O ) mil 086-00068-TP11-TP12 2.2 4 l 1

            .           _   _      __      _._        . _.  ~     . . _ _ . _ . _ - . .

i i i ! 5. .If the Controller intervenes, obey the Controller's directions.  : This is essential to the overall success of the exercise. If you j j disagree with your Controller, you can ask him to reconsider. You  : sust, however, accept his/her word as final and proceed. Respond to j j Controller's questions. a i i } 6. You must play as if radiation levels actually are present, in  ! accordance with the information you have received. This may require  ;

that you wear dosimeters and anti-Cs, observe good radiation pro-l tection practices, and be aware of and minimize your radiation  !

j_ exposure. Identify the individuals in your emergency response 'i

organization responsible for-informing you of these items. Follow ,
their instructions. ,


7. If you are entering normal nuclear station radiation areas, observe

! all rules and procedures. No one, including Controller / Evaluators, , ! is exempt from normal station radiological practices and procedures.- l' 1 - ] 8. Demonstrate knowledge of emergency operations and procedures.. t j Utilize status boards, logbooks, and message forms, as much as l L possibic, to document and record your actions, instructions and  ; ) reports to your coplayers. .l - 2 ! -9. Do not enter into conversations unrelated to the drill with other j Players. You may answer questions directed to. you by Federal  : Evaluators. If the question is misdirected to you or you do not

                                                                                                                                       .l 4                                know the answer, refer them to the team leader or the Controller.                                         !

4 l 10. Keep a list of items for improvement. Provide this to your teaa j leader. Team leaders will ensure these are considered. If neces- ' ] sary, they will identify them to the Controller during the critique ,

;                               which follows the drill / exercise. Areas for improvement or lessons                                    "

learned, when identified, will improve overall emergency preparedness. l l 2.5 CRITIQUE I Following termination of the exercise, facility critiques will be con-ducted by Lead Facility Controllers. j A joint critique will be conducted following facility critiques. Lead i Facility Controllers will present overall observations made at facility 1 critiques. Players may attend if they wish. } Following the joint critique, the NRC/CP Co critique will be conducted. f Focus of CP Co consents will be on items judged to be of greater signifi-cance. Items of lesser importance cited at facility and joint critiques ! will be addressed but may not be discussed at the NRC/CP Co critique. Comments will be made by: Io mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 .2.3 ,


1. Exercise Coordinator
2. NRC l
The Nuclear Emergency Planning Administrator is responsible for evalua- '
tion, assignment, completion and documentation of all critique comments. l 3

t 4 2.6 EVALUATOR CHECKLISTS The. checklists provided in Section 2.6.1 through 2.6.9 are to be used in l l judging Player and Controller ability to meet stated exercise objectives. , These facility specific checklists cross-reference all applicable exer-  : cise objectives and prior exercise weaknesses. In sum, they serve as the i l' basis of exercise evaluation and documentation. , ! Each Evaluator shall submit to the Exercise Coordinator a completed,  : signed, and dated checklist at the conclusion of the exercise. Items marked "inadequate" shall be fully explained in the "comments" section. Comments continuation sheets are provided in Section 2.6.9.

Lead Facility Ccstrollers will conduct critiques using these checklists as guides, j -

iO 'ti I i  ; 4 i p j i I 3 , t

                                                                                                                     .I i                                                                                                                    i i

l I f I ( i mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.4 l 4 I

l 2.6.1 Control Room Evaluator Checklist  : Name: Date: Met, Not Met, Not Met, ' Fully Problem Low High <

Objective Met Noted* Impact
  • Impact
  • 1A Recognition of emergency conditions
IB Timely classification of emergency conditions i 2A Notification of state and local governments within 15 minutes and NRC within one hour 2B Subsequent notification in accordance with procedure (state, local, NRC) 2C Notification and coordination for offsite assistance (fire, medical) 3F Contamination and exposure control -l 1

4A Notification of OSC and TSC staff to

activate at alert classification 1 d 4B Adequacy of equipment and supplies 4C Adequacy of communications equipse.nt ,
4D Access control SA Command and control with clear trans-fer of responsibility from Control Roco to TSC SD Mitigation of hypothetical operational problems l SE Mobilization of emergency teams i

6A Assessment of damage

6B Identification of reentry / recovery j restraints Comments:

Signature: lO ]

  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

l j mil 086-00068-TP11-TP12 2.5

              '2.6.2 Operational Support Center / Teams Evaluator Checklist                         ,

Name: Date:  : i a- Met, Not Met, Not Met, 1 Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact *

~ 3F Contamination and exposure control 4A Activated at alert classification and staffed in accordance with SEP (See Page 2.16 for augeentation work sheet.) 4B Adequacy of equipment and supplies  : 4C Adequacy of communications , 4D Access control  ; SA Transfer of offsite RMT control to EOF

  ,            SD Mitigation of hypothetical operational t

conditions SE Mobilization of teams at appropriate 4 O


times Comments: l 4 T 4 1 a 1 . Signature:

l O
  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

l mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.6 1

t 1 s 2.6.3 Onsite RMT Evaluator Checklist  ; ' (T ( ,/ Name: Date: i i Met, Not Met, Not Met, 4 ~ Fully Problem Low High  ; Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact *  :

3B Performance of in-plant field surveys f l 3F Contamination and exposure control l 4 i ! 4A Activation at alert classification 2 (See Page 2.16 for augmentation i work sheet.) , 4B Adequacy of equipment and supplies 4C Adequacy of communications ' 3 SE Mobilized at appropriate time

,        Comments:                                                                                                                                                                                              i r                                                                                                                                                                                                                 i l

l l i 1 I l i i l i 4 i 1


1 1 i


l I l j Signature: l I l

  • Explain items checked in detail under commente. If not observed, mark NA ,

j (not applicable). mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP13 2.7 4

i 2.6.4 Offsite RMT Evaluator Checklist Name: Date: ) Met, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High j OtJective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 1 t 3B Performance of offsite field surveys 3F Contamination and exposure control 4A Activation at site area emergency classification (See Page 2.16 for augmentation work sheet.)

1 4B Adequacy of equipment and supplies 4C Adequacy of communications SA Transfer of control from OSC to EOF SE Hobilized at appropriate time Comments: il l


l 4 i l l i Signature: O

  • Explain items checked in detail, under comments.

(not applicable). If not observed, mark NA mil 086-00068-TP11-TP12 2.8


2.6.5 Security Evaluator Checklist Name: Date: Het, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High 4 Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact * ,

3F Contamination and exposure control l 4B Adequacy of emergency equipment and supplies 4C Adequacy of communications 4D Access control of site, Control Room, TSC, OSC, EOF and JPIC , 5B Assembly and accountability within ' approximately 30 minutes  ; a SE Mobilization at appropriate time , l; Comunents: , I 1 j O f 1 e i  ; ) i i i 1 l i 4 1 I l Signature: O

  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA '

(not applicable). l mil 086-00065-TP11-TP12 2.9 I l

                           -                      =.

2.6.6 Technical Support Center Evaluator Checklist Name: Date: i Met, Not Met, Not Met, 4 Fully Problem Lcw High J Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 1A Recognition of emergency conditions 1B Timely classification of emergency conditions

! 2B Notification of State and NRC (and

possibly locals) at 15-minute intervals or as mutually agreed PC Notification and coordination with l other organizations as required (fire, medical) 4 2D Provision of accurate and timely ,

information to support press release l activity , 1 3A Calculation of dose protections based . on sample results or monitor readings  ! 2 O 3D Trending of radiogical data 3E Formulation of appropriate protective action recommendations i 4 3F Contamination and a posure control _ t l 4A Activation, staffing and operational within one-half hour of alert declaration (See Page 2.16 for augmentation work sheet.)  ; 1 , 4B Adequacy of esurgency equipment and l supplies  ! l l 4C Adequacy of communications 1 4D Access control i I 5A Command and control with clear l 1 transfer of responsibilities from , 4 Control Room and to EOF l ' 5B Assembly and accountability within 1 approximately 30 minutes  ; a  :

  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA  !


(not applicable).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.10  !

2.6.6 Technical Support Center Evaluator Checklist (Page 2)  ! Met, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • SC Coordination with State of Michigan emergency organization SD Mitigation of operational and radiological conditions SE Mobilization of emergency teams 6A Accessment of damage and formulation of recovery plan 6B Identification of contraints, require-ments and organization to implement the recovery plan Comments:

O Signature O

  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.11

2.6.7 Emergency Operations Facility Evaluator Checklist A () Name: Met, Date: Not Met, Not Met, Fully Problem Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 1A Recognition of emergency conditions IB Timely classification of emergency conditions 2B Notification of State and NRC at 15-minute intervals or as mutually agreed 2C Notification and coordination with other organizations as required (other utilities, contractors, fire, medical sources) 2D Provision of accurate and timely information tion to support news release activity 3A Calculation of dose projections based on sample results or monitor readings 3D Trending of radiological data 3E Formulation of appropriate protective action recommendations 3F Contamination and exposure control 4A Activated and staffed at site area emergency and operational within about an hour of declaration (See Page 2.16 for augmentation work sheet.)

4B Adequacy of emerarney equipment and supplies 4C Adequacy -! communications systems 4D A'. cess control 5 '. Command and control with clear trans- _ fer of responsibilities from TSC and OSC O

  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

mil 086-00065-TP11-TP12 2.12

2.6.7 Emergency Operations Facility Evaluator Checklist (Contd) Met, Not Met, Not Met, Fully Probles Low High Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • 5C Coordination with State of Michigan emergency organization 5D Mitigation of cperational and radiological conditions 6A Assessment of damage and formulation of recovery plan 6B Identification of constraints, requirements and organization to implement the recovery plan Comments:

0 t l i i i 6 i I Signature l O

  • Explain ';tems checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA i

(not applicable), i l mil 036-00068-TP11-TP12 2.13 l


J i 2.6.8 Controller / Evaluator Performance Checklist i 1 ,

 !         Name:                                                                                                                       Date:                                                                   ,

i Met, Not Met, Not Met, l Fully Problem Low High l j Objective Met Noted* Impact

  • Impact
  • l, 7A Provision for maximum free play l 7B Accurate assessment of player  ;

performance j a Comments: i 9 i u j f I i  ! l f i 4 'I J i i l J  : i I  ! i , I t i i Signature: ! I i  ! '

  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA j i (not applicable).

1 I mil 086-00068-TP11-TP12 2.14  : ( l l

                              .. _.~      , . . . _ , . - . . - .                      . _ _ , _ , . . .        ,__,...._.,__,,__.--7,           _ . , - - . . , _ . .      _ . - , . - , . . . . . . . , . .'

1 i

I i  !

1 2.6.9 Evaluator Checklist Comment Continuation Sheet i I f i Areat Date: i l Name: i i i l i i Comments

  • i l 1 '

< l ! l t i' a 1 i 1 1 !< f t 1  ! J 't k l i ! l 4 A


.t f I i l i l l I i i l 1 I I Signature:

  • Explain items checked in detail under comments. If not observed, mark NA (not applicable).

mil 086-00055-TF11-TP12 2.15

AUGMENTATION WORK SHEET n Technical Support Center Arrival Name Time Reactor Engineer (30 minutes) . Electrical Engineer (60 minutes) Mechanical Engineer (60 minutes) Communicator (30 minutes) Communicator (2 in 60 minutes) Health Physics (30 minutes) Operational / Maintenance Support Center Health Physics Technicians (6 in 30 minutes) D (U Health Physics Technicians (6 in 60 minutes) Chemistry Technician (60 minutes) MSC I&C Maintenance (30 minutes) MSC Mechanical Maintenance (60 minutes) MSC Electrical Maintenance (30 minutes) l Emergency Operations Facility Emergency Officer (60 minutes) l mil 086-0006B-TP11-TP12 2.16


PALEX 88 Sequence of Events Time

       )       Actual (Scenario)                                        Event 0100     Initial conditions - Normal full power

(-0030) Equipment out of service: Auxiliary Feed Pump P-8C, Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump (LPSI) P-67A, and the Failed Fuel Monitor Alarms: None PCS leak rate as of 0700 yesterday: 0.05 gpm unidentified, 0.1136 gpm identified, 0.1636 gpm total Further historical data will be provided by the controller if requested. 0130 CAS/SAS receives alarm on the Bay Roof Door. CAS dispatches (0000) officer to investigate. 0135 Security Officer arrives at alarming door and is taken hostage (0005) outside the vital area. He is then taken to the A0 Pit (auxiliary operators briefing / break room) located at the north end of the turbine deck. His captor orders out any A0s there at the time and takes over the room. O V 0140 Kidnapper calls the Control Room from the A0 Pit, describes the situation and makes demands. (0010) 0145 SS assumes SED duties and classifies an "Alert" based on (0015) "adversaries commandeering a nonvital area," 0210 Negotiator arrives. (0040) 0215 Negotiator clears security and arrives at the scene. Discussion (0045) ensues. 0300 Electrohydraulic fluid line bursts, resulting in the turbine (0130) generator control valves closing. 0302 An automatic reactor trip occurs when the high pressurizer pres-(0132) sure set point is exceeded. Following the trip, one of the "A" steam generator safety valves sticks open. 0310 Kidnapper releases his hostage and surrenders. Kidnapper is (0140) removed from the site in the custody of local law enforcement officers.  ; 0315 Another "Alert" is classified based on an unisolable main steam (0145) line break and notifications made. When operators attempt to p increase auxiliary feedwater flow, they will find they have no j Q control of FIC-0727 from the Control Room.  ! RP1281-0044A-TP12 1

PALEX 88 Sequence of Events p Time y) Actual Event (Scenario) 0325 . Operators isolate "A" steam generator (S/G), and shortly there-(0155) after, the faulty safety valve fails wide open. Auxiliary oper-ator is manually controlling auxiliary feed flow and is in com-munication with Control Room for directions on how to throttle it. 0340 "A" S/G is empty. Operators stop two primary coolant pumps, and (0210) start dropping Primary Coolant System (PCS) pressure. NOTE: When operators first attempt to establish cooldown using CV-0511, they find it will not open. 0345 An approximate 260 gpa steam generator tube rupture occurs in the (0215) "A" S/G as indicated by the "A" sain steam line radiation monitor HIGH alarm energizing; this is followed by SIS actuation. P-67B Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump fails to start.

    ~0350       SED classifies a "General Emergency" based on a loss of "2 out of

(~0220) 3 fission product barriers." Commences making notifications. 0355 Operators have reestablished cooldown and are dropping PCS pres- l (0225) sure to reduce the leak rate; they also block and reset safety 1 injection. l NOTE: When SIAS initially occurred, they stopped the remaining I two primary coolant pumps. Now that SI has been reset, they j restart "B" and "C" PCPs. They also stop both boric acid pumps and try to establish a 75' per hour cooldown rate. 1

    ~0415       "B" S/G main steam line radiation monitor alert alarm energizes.

(~0245) Operators isolate letdown.

    ~0633       P-67A Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump returned to service and

(~0503) tested 0750 Plant is on shutdown cooling - cooldown continues. l (0620) 0755 Time jumps 2 hours and.55 minutes to condition where the PCS , (0625) has been cooled and depressurized to a point where the release ' has become negligible. 1050 Management enters the recovery mode.

    ~0955       Exercise ends. Recovery adequately demonstrated.

(~0825) O RP1287-0044A-TP12 2

PALEX 88 Narrative Summary (d 0100 (0030) INITIAL CONDITIONS A. The plant is at full power at the end of core life, 10.4 GWD. B. The following equipment is in a degradeo condition:

1. Auxiliary Feedwater Pump P-8C is out of service (00S):
a. It was declared "inoperable" at 1300 yesterday when it was "Red Tagged" for replacement of one of its journal bearings. (Last time the pump ran, the bearing was overheating and very noisy.)
b. Currently the old bearing has been removed and the new one is scheduled to be installed on "B" shift, but has not been retrieved from stock yet. Further, the shaft was scored and needs machining before the bearing can be mounted,
c. When new bearing has been procured and the shaft machined, estimate eight hours for reassembly.
2. Low Pressure Safety Injection Punnp P-67A is 00S:
a. It was declared "Inoperable" at 0830 yesterday, when upon com-m pletion of Monthly Technical Specification Surveillance Test MO-23, pump vibration was found to be in the "required action range."
b. An alignment check revealed the need to shim the pump. Hence, it was "Red Tagged," uncoupled and shimmed by 1600 yesterday,
c. Last shift ("C" shift) rechecked the alignment and found it better but still not what they would like. It was decided there was still time to uncouple it and add the necessary piece of shim stock, recouple and test it before the LCO expires.  ;
d. Currently it is again uncoupled. "A" shift maintenance is to add the necessary shim and recouple it; then Operations is to retest it.
e. Estimate 2.5 hours for maintenance to complete their work once they start.
3. Failed Fuel Monitor RE-0202 is 00S:
a. RE-0202 was declared inoperable and removed from service on 27 January 1988 when it failed a calibration check by I&C.
b. I&C has been unable to repair it, and it is not known when (if )

ever) it will be available again.  ; C. The following alarm conditions exist: NONE RP1287-0044A-TP12 3

l PALEX 88 Narrative Summary O

d. D. The meteorological conditions are as follows:
1. It is clear and cold w!.th light winds. The roads are clear though there are several inches of old snow covering the countryside. Fore-cast calls-for continued clear and cold with little change during the day. The MET tower indicates the following at ( meters):
a. Wind speed:
b. Wind direction:
c. Stability:
d. Ambient temperature: +21'F E. Primary and secondary chemistry are stable at the following conditions:
1. Primary system chemistry
a. pH: 6.8
b. Boron: 97 ppm
c. Dissolved 02: <.02 ppa
d. H2: 23.7 cc/kg
e. Total beta gamma activity: 1.58 microcuries/mL
f. Iodine dose equivalent: 2.5 E-2 microcuries/mL
g. Total PCS gas activity: 4.22 microcuries/mL
2. Secondary system chemistry
a. Primary to secondary leak rate: .002 gpa
b. Off-gss Xe 133: 2.95 E-6 microcuries/mL
c. Condenser air inleakage: 6.5 cfm
d. A and B S/G gross gamma activity: <5.6 E-6 microcuries/mL F. Primary Coolant System Leak Rate as of 0700 yesterday:
1. Identified: 0.1136 gpa
2. Unidentified: 0.05 gpm
3. Total: 0.1636 gpa RP1287-0044A-TP12 4

PALEX 88 Narrative Sununary 0130-0255 (0000-0125) A. Exercise begins when security receives alarms in both the Central Alarm Station (CAS) and Secondary Alarm Station (SAS) for the Bay Roof Door. B. CAS dispatches an officer to investigate the alarm. The responding officer is disarmed and taken hostage. The kidnapper (a controller) forces the guard over to the A0 Pit on the turbine deck and takes it over after ordering out any A0s present. C. Shif t Supervisor is informed of situation by:

1. Kidnapper calling and stating situation and demands
2. Any additional personnel who may have witnessed the situation D. Expected Actions:
1. SS informs Security Shift Leader of situation and ascertains that the Security Contingency Procedures are activated. SS requests copy of procedure be brought to the Control Room.
2. SS assumes Site Emergency Director (SED) position and:
a. Classifies an "Alert" per EI-1 based on "adversary commandeering a O nonvital area"
b. Sounds the siren and notifies:

(1) Michigan State Police (2) FBI  ; (3) Duty and Call Superintendent (4) Plant General Manager (5) Vice President Nuclear Operations Department (6) NRC

c. Accountability conducted
d. Directs actions of security response via the Plant Property Protection Supervisor and Security Shift Leader.
e. Directs operating personnel to:

(1) Place the plant in a stable condition and secure /stop any high-risk activities in progress such as "Refueling." O RP1287-0044A-TP12 5 l 1

i l PALEX 88 j Narrative Summary J O d (2) SS/ SED shall consider actions to place plant in a condition to minimize the effects of any reasonable sabotage attempt the kidnapper might make, including consideration of plant i shutdown.

f. SS shall direct announcements be made per EI-1 and/or SCP-7.
3. Negotiator (also a controller) will arrive approximately at 0120 (0040). After clearing security, he will proceed to the scene and commence dialogue with kidnapper.

0300-0330 (0130-0200) A. An electrohydraulic fluid line bursts, resulting in the turbine generator control valves closing and, shortly thereafter, causing an automatic reactor trip when the high pressurizer pressure set point is exceeded. Further, as a result of this transient, one of the "A" steam generator (S/G) safety valves sticks partially open. B. Operators follow and perform actions of Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs).

1. Operators perform and verify actions of E0P-1.0, "Standard Post Trip Actions."

NOTE: During this time - approximately 0310 (0140) the kidnapper releases his hostage and surrenders. The kidnapper is then removed from site in the custody of local law enforcement officers.

2. Approximately 0315 (0145) indications of the S/G safety being stuck open are sufficient for operators to have diagnosed an "Excess Steam Demand Event" using the diagnostic flow chart in E0P 1.0.

C. SED should classify another "ALERT" per EI-l based on an "Unisolable Main Steam Line Leak."

1. Announcement should be made and alarm sounded.
2. Augmentation of shift personnel should be started if not done previously.

D. Operators should be following the actions directed by E0P 6.0, "Excess i Steam Demand Event." This means they should initially:

1. Close the Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs).
2. Isolate "A" S/G feed and steam paths.
3. Borate to cold shutdown boron concentration.

() E. Also at about 0315 (0145) operators should recognize the need to increase auxiliary feedwater flow to the S/Gs as levels are continuing to drop. RP1287-0044A-TP12 6 I t

PALEX 88 Narrative Summary (q

1. When they attempt to increase AFW flow to the "B" S/G from its post trip set point of 150 gpm using FIC-0727 they find they cannot control the flow control valve CV-0727 from the Control Room.
a. Normally they could shift to the alternate / redundant auxiliary feedwater train using P-8C, but it is 00S for a bearing replace-ment. (See initial conditions.)
b. Their options would seem to be:

(1) Try shifting control of CV-0727 to the Remote Shutdown Panel C-33 or to the Alternate Hot Shutdown Panel C-150. However, if they try this they will still not have control as the problem will be a malfunctioning current to pneumatic positioner (I/P-0727) which is common to all the remote controllers. (2) Upon realizing they have no remote control capability, it is expected they would send an A0 to manually throttle one of two in series motor-operated isolation valves (MOV) downstream of CV-0727 while causing CV-0727 to fail open by isolating its air supply. This will require that the A0 at the MOV establish conusunication with the Control Room to control "B" S/G level and that the A0 must stay near the MOV.

c. The malfunctioning I/P-0727 obviously can be overcome by manual operator actions; however, it poses a significant operator distraction and ties up needed manpower at a crucial time. Hence, it is believed to be significant enough to warrant attention and should provide a means to exercise the TSC and MSC and I&C personnel in the diagnosis and repair.

(1) The fix could be to replace the I/P with the one from the alternate train. F. At approximately 0325 (0155)

1. Operators have completed isolating "A" S/G. l l
2. Gained manual control of Auxiliary Feed Flow '
3. Additional actions taken in the last ten minutes: I
a. One Main Condensate Pump (MCP) and both Heater Drain Pumps are stopped as they are no longer needed.
b. Part length control rods are inserted.
c. "B" MSIV bypass valve is opened to enable air ejector operation and recovery of vacuum.

V , l RP1287-0044A-TP12 7 l l

PAIIX 88 Narrative Summary

4. Shortly after the "A" S/G was isolated, the faulty "!." S/G safety valve
            . fails full open as indicated by:
a. Increased noise from the steam release
b. Rapidly accelerating drops in "A" S/G pressure and level
c. This results in the operators closing the "B" MSIV bypass valve to try and reduce / limit the PCS cooldown rate.

0340 (0210) A. "A" S/G has blown itself dry / empty.

1. It is expected the operators will start dropping PCS pressure to stay within the cooldown curve limits and limit / reduce the effects of possible PTS (pressurized thermal shock) and minimize the D/P across the S/G tubes.
2. As pressure drops, they should stop two primary coolant pumps per EOP 6.0. Suspect they will stop "A" and "D" PCPs as pressurizer spray flow is provided by the "B" and "C" pumps.

B. Operators should realize they have injected enough boron into the PCS and O request confirmation samples from chemistry. Results will be unavailabic for 20 minutes. 0345-0410 (0215-0240) A. A 260 gpm tube rupture occurs in the "A" S/G resulting almost immediately in:

1. An "A" sain steam line radiation monitor HIGH alarm energizing
a. The quick dramatic response is due to the fact that unknown to the  ;

operators when the plant tripped something broke loose in the reactor vessel and has been banging around causing major fuel , damage. l (1) It is not felt necessary to define exactly what happened to cause fuel damage, as in real life you would have to respond to your indications and figure what caused it later if you ever could. (2) It was felt this approach would enable us to meet the objective of causing a release high enough to warrant consideration of evacu. tion of Allegan County.

b. Gaseous waste monitor and Plant Area Radiation Monitors also alarm.

O RP1287-0044A-TP12 8 i l

PALEX 88 Narrative Summary o c. A safety injection actuation signal from pressurizer low pressure is generated. j (1) All available/ operable safeguards equipment actuates. (2) The P-67B LPSI pump fails to start.  ! I B. Expected Actions.

1. Believe operators will easily conclude the tube rupture has occurred and that a release is in progress.
2. With these additional problems, operators should enter EOP 9.0, "Functional Recovery Procedure."  ;
a. SS should identify "In Use Success Paths" and have E0P 9.0 Safety-Status Function Checks (SSFCs) carried out every 15 minutes.
b. Upon completion of first set of SSFCs, he should identify any jeopardized success paths.
c. Direct actions should be taken as stated in E0P 9.0 for those areas identified as jeopardized, starting with the most critical.

O (1) They will have turned off the remaining two PCPs when SIAS occurred and stop the remaining main condensate pump. SIS isolated its cooling water source.) (The (2) They will want to further drop PCS pressure to approximately 1000 psia to reduce the leak rate from the PCS into the "A" S/G. Subsequent to this, they will also want to continue cooldown so they will again open the "B" MSIV bypass valve to reestablish vacuum. Block ar.d reset SIS as allowed by E0P 9.0 , a to regain the main condensate pump cooling and restart "B" and I "C" PCPs to regain pressurizer spray enabling better control of PCS depressurization. Then they will attempt to open CV-0511 turbine bypass valve to the condenser to control l , cooldown. It will not open. (This has not been uncommon in i the past and will require no further explanation.) It will provide another operator distraction by forcing them to use the atmospheric dump valves on the "B" S/G to continue cooldown. Again TSC, MSC personnel can be exercised in attempting to diagnose the problem.

d. SS and/or TSC Operations groups will be concerned that both LPSI l pumps are 00S.

(1) SS should dispatch A0 to investigate failu 7 of P-67B to start when SIS actuated.

(2) TSC may dispatch electrician and/or mechanic to assist A0 in diagnosing P-67B failure.

RP1287-0044A-TP12 9 l

        - . .          . --       .      - - - - .    -            - _ _ - _ ,_ - ,. _-_- . _ _ ,   .  ._ - - . - )

PALEX 88 Narrative Summary (3) Investigation will reveal pump has seized and will require considerable time to repair. (4) Expect TSC will direct that a priority be placed on regaining P-67A so that it will be available for further TSC/MSC exercising. 0410-0630 (0240-0500) A. Events and Actions

1. "B" S/G main steam line radiation monitor alert alarm energizes.
a. SS requests "B" S/G activity sample.
2. Operators following actions of E0P 9.0 for Sections HR-3 and CI-2
a. Isolate letdown.
3. A Containment Isolation Signal (CIS) is received.
a. Operators verify containment isolation.
b. Operators open PCP controlled bleedoff relief valve to limit pressure increase.
4. Approximately 0440 (0310) operators establish about a 75'F/ hour cooldown rate and continue depressurization.
5. Operators stop P-7A and P-52C, as they are not needed, at around 0455 (0325).
6. At approximately 0550 (0420) operators recover E-bus and turn off cooling tower pumps.  !
7. Appre.xima tely 0608 (0438) operators arm the Low Temperature Over-pressure Protection Circuitry (LTOP) and start all four "B" containment cooling fans, and open the No 1 containment cooler accident valve.

Operators also isolate the Safety Injection Tanks (SITS). 0630-0755 (0500-0625) 1 A. Approximately 0633 (0503) I

1. Mechanics complete repairs to P-67A LPSI pump; operators complete successful test run of P-67A.
2. Per SOP-1 operators rack out the P-66B HPSI pump and P-55C charging pump breakers.

B. Approximately 0639 (0509) - Operators secure last running charging pump and i go on HPSI pump for pressure control. l RP1287-0044A-TP12 10 i

PALEX 88 Narrative Summary l C. Approximately 0750 (0620)

1. Operators enable both channels of LTOP.
2. PCS temperature is at 300'F by Core Exit Thermocouples (CETs).
3. Suspect SS will obtain permission to forgo equalizing boron between PCS and shutdown cooling and warmup of the S/D cooling system so as not to put high activity coolant in the Safety Injection Refueling Water Tank (SIRWT) which is vented to atmosphere.
4. Operators establish shutdown cooling operation.

D. 0755 (0625) - PCS has been cooled and depressurized to where the release has become negligible.

1. Operators secure steaming and feeding the "B" S/G.
2. Management will now enter the recovery mode.

0955 (0825) Exercise ends. Recovery adequately demonstrated. O . i l l O RP1287-0044A-TP12 11

l l 1 l l 1 i l j l 1 i i APPENDIX B - MESSAGE SHEETS I l RP1287-0044B-TP12

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 01:00 Message No: 1 Scenario Time -00:30 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Operators Simulated Plant Conditions: See Initial Conditions and Data Sheets. Message: Announce following over the plant's Public Address System when directed by the controller: "Attention all personnel. The annual emergency O exercise will cosamence shortly. All announcements related to the exercise h will be preceded by and followed by the statement, 'This is a drill.' Only drill participants are required to respond to the drill announcements." For Controller Use Only Controller Notes:

1. Discuss conduct and objectives of the drill with the players.
2. Act as off-going SS and give turnover to players.
3. Answer questions as appropriate.
4. Ensure players have all normally accessible procedures and reference materials available.
5. Operators should familiarize themselves with the simulated conditions as indicated by the information and data provided.

Action Expected: O RP1287-0044B-TP12

I PALIIil Date 17 february 1999 Messageii flee thH Scenario flee dith A SWPasps P-7A h P-7B h P 7C 13I SWCriticalEdrPress A H B H psig l CCWPumps P 52A h P 528 h P-52C 13 I TPCPumps P 51A h P 51B W firePasps P 1A M P lB M P 41 QH  ! ContainmentCoolerRectrefan VIAQa V2A h V3A h V4A h VlB h V2B h V3B h V4B h M CCVCoolerOutletfesp A Bf B BF ContainsentSprayPasps P 54A M P 54B M P 54C M . HPSIPtsps P i(A M P ilB M LPSIPtsps P-61A M P 67B QU l SafetyInjectionInctionSupply I frainA Train B , i CV-3057 ($1RV) hia CV 3021 (Scap) Unti CV 3031 (SIRW) hia CV 3030 (Susp) Unis 0.dl CVCS Letdown Charging latersediate Press Letdown fesp Hi T Flow ilgpa  : LetdownLinefesp lH T Line fesp in F LetdownFlow 11gpa Pusps P 55A Q1 P 55BQH P 55C W VoltneControltank fesp Q F Pressure H psi levelli4 PCP Control Bleedoff Pressure H psig  ; ShutdownCoolingSystes ] SDCSfresPCS(R) lit F SDCStoPCS(R) HF A Pressure i psig Quenchfank Level H I fesp di F Q' PristryCoolantSPetes FrenurlierPressure(R) li d psia PCSfare(R) Loop 1(f10111)111111 Loop 2(fR0121)H1J j PressuriserLevel(R) LRC 01011 il i LRC-0101B HI , PtrRtrAsps LCC 15 1H LCC 16 111 PORY PRV lO42B Quti PRV-1043B Unti BlockValve MOV 1042A Quti10V-1943A Unti PCP P50AQA P50801 P 500 QA P500Q1 ReactorPowerLevel 11011,0011 11021,00! l II 031,00l+2 11041.00!+2 31-05 E 11 06 11 31 07 H 11 01 H 11 01 H 11 10 11 Cdl AFISystes . ATVPtap P il QH P lB M P lC QQi ATVPumpAsps F111P8Ciasps l ATV Peep P 8B Steas Pres ure i psig ATV Disch Fren F IA 6 P lB 1 F lC i psig l Secondary lystes l XSl? Bypass 10V 0501 unti 10V 0510 G uti IS!?'s CV 0501 %Ra CV 0510 h u KTPStetionPressure Hipsig XffDischargePressire A[11 B111 psi HolstireSeperatorDraintankLevel [11 CondensorBotvellLevel Mi . lid in Ig. AtmosphericOcepValves Qlati CondensorYacica HeaterDrainPtspStatus P 10A 02 P 10B u GlandSealCondenerVactin 11inEg, Condensate Pasp Statu P 2 A Q1 P 1B Q1 P!P (DesandLog+ Constant, Rod,orfits/fesp) Gross NW [ lid let IV ll1J Core Init thersocouple fesperature ((121 f Control Rod Position GPl 111 GP2 U1 GP3 U1 GP4 m GP5(P) 111 GP6(A)1H GP7(B)lu O Stick Rods gnt 1

l l PAtt!Il Date 17 February 1988 Messagei1 flee ildi Scenario flu dull


( M T il Level HI f939 Level B1 Condensate Storage Tank Level f 2 il i InstrumentAirPressure IHpsig ContainmentBuildingPressure d pilg Donefesperature 111F Besidity li i S/GACospartment fesperature 1H T Hasidity lld i SIGBCospartment fesperature 111 F Ecsidity thii SIRVfaniLevel 11i VRContainmentPressure(R) 11 psia ContainmentSuspLevel it Containment Water Level (R) {l 51faniLevel(t) A11 B11 C11 011 SIfankPressure(psig) A111 B Rt Clli 0lli Panel I 13 5115 Alars R Containment High Pressure Alars k Containment ligh Radiation Alars b M Concentrated Boric Acid fank Levels f53A11i f538liti ReactorYesselCP lidipsid PORY Discharge fesperatue 1H F ParSafetyValveDischargefesp(F) RY10!! 1H RYlett111 RY1941111 PCPCurrent(Asps) P50A{11 P 508 B1 P 50C Hi F 50D Hi PCS Flow 11 i LoopThot (F) Loop 1 ill Loop 2 1H Loopfceld(F) Loop 1 illd Loop 2 } H J p feeld Vide range Loop 1 ill Loop 2 ill Subcooling fesp ild F Press lu psi (- fit psia PCSPressure(R) VR llH IR SteasGeneratorA Steas Generator B Level (VR) il 1 (IR) udii HH il n (11) Q d i Press dipsia ill psia Flov Steas id PPI Feed i l PPI Steas il PPI Feed i d PPI 30tet Steam and Feed Flev I 1000000 M AFVFlowtoAS/G Fros F 1All i Fros P lO i gpa ' AFVFlowtoBS/G From P lAll i Fros F lO i gpa CondensorYacite(R) ljd PCP Seal Leakoff Flow P50Aidi F 50B Idi F 500 idi F500idi M DieselGeneratorFregiency 11 fidi 12 ildi 1 C BUS Yoltage IRt Aspsill 1 0 BCS Voltage 1111 Asps 1H M ,lui C 111 ContainmentAreaMonitors(1/It) 11A 1105 ldHd RIA llli Idtid R!! llll idild R11 1801 l d H d HighRangeContainmentMonitors(R/Br) RIA 2321 1,Q0!+0 RIA 2322 idini Containment Hydrogen Concentration (t) Al24011 A!.240ll Xain Steas Line Gassa (cps) RIA 2324 ldlH1 RIA 2323 I d gil O StackRonitors R112325 ldilil cps 11A 2326 1d 1111 eps RIA 2321 1dHd ar/hr 2

PALEX 88 l Initial Conditions 1 [$ A. The plant is at full power at the end of core life. B. The following equipment is in a degraded condition:

1. Auxiliary Feedwater Pump P-8C is out of service (00S):
a. It was declared "Inoperable" at 1300 yesterday when it was "Red Tagged" for replacement of one of its journal bearings. (Last time the pump ran the bearing was overheating and very noisy.)
b. Currently, the old bearing has been removed and the new one is scheduled to be installed on "B" shift, but has not been retrieved from stock yet. Further, the shaft was scored and needs machining before the bearing can be mounted,
c. Estimate eight hours for reassembly once the new bearing has been procured and the shaft is machined.
2. Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump P-67A is 00S:
a. It was declared "Inoperable" at 0830 yesterday when upon completion of monthly Technical Specification Surveillance Test MO-23, pump vibration was found to be in the "required action range."
b. An alignment check revealed the need to shim the pump. Hence, it was "Red Tagged," uncoupled, and shimmed by 1600 yesterday.
c. Last shift ("C" shift) rechecked the alignment and found it better but still not what they would like it to be. It was decided there was still time to uncouple it and add the necessary piece of shim stock, recouple and test it before the LCO expires.
d. Currently, it is again uncoupled. "A" shift maintenance is to add the necessary shim and recouple it; then Operations is to retest it.
e. Estimate 2.5 hours for maintenance to complete their work once they start.
3. Failed Fuel Monitor RE-0202 is 00S:
a. RE-0202 was declared inoperable and removed from service on 27 January 1988 when it failed a calibration check by I&C.
b. I&C has been unable to repair it and it is not known when it will be available again.

C. The following alarm conditions exist: NONE O V RP1287-0044B-TP12 1 l l

I PALEX 88 l Initial Conditions D. The meteorological conditions are as follows:

1. It is clear and cold with light winds. The roads ~are clear though l there are several inches of old snow covering the countryside.

Forecast calls for continued clear and cold with little change during the day. The MET tower indicates the following at ( meters):

a. Wind speed:
b. Wind' direction:


c. Stability:
d. Ambient temperature: +21*F l

E. Primary and secondary chemistry are stable at the following conditions:  ;

1. Primary system chemistry l
a. pH: 6.8
b. Boron: 97 ppm
c. Dissolved 02: <.02 ppa
d. H2: 23.7 cc/kg
e. Total beta gamma activity: 1.58 microcuries/mL
f. Iodine dose equivalent: 2.5 E-2 micoeuries/mL
g. Total PCS gas activity: 4.22 microcuries/mL
2. Secondary system chemistry
a. Primary to secondary leak rate: .002 gpa
b. Off gas Xe 133: 2.95 E-6 microcuries/mL
c. Condenser air inleakage: 6.5 cfm
d. A and B S/G gross gamma activity: <5.6 E-6 microcuries/mL G. Primary Coolant System Leak Rate as of 0700 yesterday:
1. Identified: 0.1136 gpm
2. Unidentified: 0.05 gpa

, 3. Total: 0.1636 gpm RP1287-0044B-TP12 2

LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION MESSAGE: 1 TIME: 01:00 T = -00:30 SCENARIO: PALEX 88 Initiated finished by Applicable COMPONENT DATE TIME DATE TIME TECH SPEC COMMENTS P-8C (Aux Feed Pump) 2/16/88 1300 2/19/88 1300 3.5.2.a 72-Hour LCO (TS) P-67A (LPSI Pump) 2/16/88 0830 2/17/88 0830 3.3.2.b 24-Hour LCO (TS) RE-0202 (Failed 1/27/88 1941 Table 4.2.1 Daily Samples Fuel Monitor) Required 4 O . I i I O RP1287-0044B-TP12 3

PALEX 88 SHIFT SUPERVISOR Proc No 4.01 Shift Turnover Checklist Attachment 3 Revision 4 Page 1 of 2 For Drill Only Date Feb 16, 1988 Tuesday Jl4IJ

1. Review the following prior to change of shifts:


a. SS Log, Daily Order Book and SE Shift T/0 Checklist J 4 4
b. Equipment and LCO Status Boards J J J
c. Switching, Tagging in Progress J J J ,

Done! Done!

d. Testing / Evolutions in Progress lJl4lJl Complete - Unsatisfactory
e. Degraded Equipment l4l4lJl  ;

P-86: Bad Journal Bearins . P-67A: Alignment Bad RE-0202: Failed Cal Check

f. Miscellaneous Turnover Items lJl4lJl PLS Leak Rate Done at 0700, 2/17 3 "C" Shift - CRDM Leak Rate and Spray Hde Pressure Check Done!
                  "A" Shift 2/17 Test Done P-910 Vacuum Pump O

PALEX 88 For Drill Only RP1287-0044B-TP12 4

                                           ~ev --

PAIIX 88 SHIFT SUPERVISOR Proc No 4.01 Shift Turnover Checklist Attachment 3 Revision 4 Page 2 of 2 For Drill Only Date'Feb 16, 1988 Tuesday

2. Complete the following during the shift:
a. Inspect control consoles, a. J J J
b. Review alarm status (panels / data logger). b. 4 4 4
c. Daily / weekly tech spec surveillance signed c. J 4 4
d. Review completed WR/WO for testing or review requirements, d. J J V,
e. Review operation weekly schedule. e. J 4 4
f. Review switching, tagging and maintenance planned f. J J J
g. Shift briefing g. J 4 4
h. Review shift complement for following shift. h. 4 4 4
i. Check plant areas for safety hazards or deficiencies. i. J J J J. Key signout sheet verified J. J J J
k. Log sheets signed k. J J J INITIALS NOTE: Use reverse side for additional information as needed. l l l O

O PALEX 88 For Drill Only RP1287-0044B-TP12 5

PALEX 88 SHIFT SUPERVISOR Proc No 4.01 Shift Turnover Checklist Attachment 3-Revision 4 Page 1 of 2 For Drill Only Date Feb 17, 1988 Wednesday 4l4l4l

1. Review the following prior to change of shifts: l A B C
a. SS Log, Daily Order Book and SE Shift T/0 Checklist
b. Equipment and LCO Status Boards
c. Switching, Tagging in Progress
d. Testing / Evolutions in Progress l l l l
e. Degraded Equipment l l l l l
f. Miscellaneous Turnover Items l l l l O

PALEX 88 For Drill Only RP1287-0044B-TP12 6

PALEX 88 SHIFT SUPERVISOR Proc No 4.01 Shift Turnover Checklist Attachment 3 Revision 4 Page 2 of 2 For Drill only Date Feb 17, 1988 Wednesday

2. Complete the following during the shift:
a. Inspect control consoles, a. l
b. Review alarm status (panels / data logger). b.
c. Daily / weekly tech spec surveillance signed c.
d. Review completed WR/WO for testing or review requirements, d.
e. Review operation weekly schedule. e.
f. Review switching, tagging and maintenance planned f.
g. Shift briefing g.
h. Review shift complement for following shift. h.
1. Check plant areas for safety hazards or deficiencies. i.

J. Key signout sheet verified J.

k. Log sheets signed k.

INITIALS NOTE: Use reverse side for additional information as needed. l l l O l i ^ l l l O PALEX 88 For Drill Only


RP1287-0044B-TP12 7 i

PALEX 88 PALISADE 5 NUCLEAR PLANT COVE RT. MICHIG AN soon p j act _ SHIFT SUPERVISOR sus;EcTF ebruary 17 j9 88 , N!164i100 l 1 Revi=M By Shi't, "5,-- v 4 * '; R. vmM Mv Ehtft Ensincers ' r w.i i laie s toi,a.i f i. i.1 i Vf'i  ! l Vill II IX II IX Ii __ v ser v iV ' l XI IV XI


i V { yll V ,Xu l u.

                                                       ..           imu i     vu            l xiv               vli           I xiv l

s a Z a a Qll 2


                                                     .xx    i ,.u .
      - SHIFT SUPERVISOR                           ! N!164 l 101 O                                SU8)ECT         1, l

l I l I I z O: e 1 8 1 8 m I t. I

                 !                                                  i l

i I (") u

PALEX 88 Pall 5ADES NUCLEAR PLANT COVE RT, MICHIG AN coom caos . 7,, - SHIFT SUPERVISOR SUBJECT-- 1, N'164 102 V 1 l I __ 5 i r, V, od

   %Q 8           i l

l 1 l l l e


                                                  ~       *'

SHIFT SUPERVISOR N'? 164 103 !o ,) SUBJECT 19 i

                                                            <m O

7-bd a C 8 m l 1 l I v l


s. j a

8 i, l


                                                   .x.   . .c i .

,o SHIFT SUPERVISOR SUBJECT 1, N'164 105 (J i I . i i l E O (J j E 8 1 l l l l , l O


                                                  .=-   . .c n
 -    SHIFT SUPERVISOR         SUBJECT         1, N!164 los 7) v I

i h I s O\ O ' .J d E i 8

   '          I, b

l 6 G %- l O h


                                                      .x.   ..u .

3 SHIFT SUPERVISOR SUBJECi 1, N9164 107 (G i l l ms Y s O :e E 8 I i l 1 l e-


l l l 1 Scanario No: PALEX-88 Time 01:30  ; { Message No: 2 Scenario Time 00:00 i i PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Security Player (SAS) Simulated Plant Conditions: Message: You have received alarms in CAS and SAS on the Bay Roof Door. [ s i l 4 For Controller Use Only  ; Controller Notes: Security Controller delivers this message. ' i , Players are to perform all notifications, Provide phone  ;

;                                 numbers for agencies to be simulated.                                          '

l  : 4  ; s Action Expected: CAS should dispatch Security Guard Player to investigate the alarm. l ) SAS notifies CAS and performs all required notifications. l 5 I f I i k RP1287-0044B-TP12 I

  --     , - . , - - -              , , - - - - - ~ - . .                                     ,    .,    , , ,,.

1 i q Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 01:35 i Message No: 3 Scenario Time 00:05 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM t Message for: Responding officer upon arrival at Bay Roof Door. i l Simulated Plant Conditions: i Message: You have been disarmed and taken hostage. Do not use your radio. i l' I i t J  ! I

        .............................................................................                                            1 For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: Take hostage to the A0 Pit on the turbine deck.                                     Instruct any A0s present to vacate the premises.

1 I 1

Action Erpected: See Narrative.

Time: 0130-0255 (0000-0125) Sections: C and D i a i i j s. s i RP1287-0044B-TP12

O Scenario No
PALEX-88 Time 01:40-02:15 t

Message No 4, Scenario Time 00:10-00:45 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERCENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM i Message for: Shift Supervisor (telephonic notification) b Simulated Plant Conditions: Message: Hostage taker informs SS of his intentions. See Controller Notes below. I < i

            /'"T  For Controller Use Only

( j Controller Notes: SS phone number is 0225. ' j Provide the following information to Control Room telephon- , ] ically as deemed appropriate: (You may call intermittently.) j i Precede and conclude all conversations with "This is a '


1  : Initial call: Name: John Jones ,

                                                                + Security officer taken hostage. He has officer's weapon and is in A0 pit.
  • Demand - No one to enter the turbine floor or someone may get shot. -


  • Knows he is going to be fired because of problems with ,

i his boss. During the night, got into personnel office, l

;                                                                     saw file and knows what is going on, j                                                                + Does not know what he wants yet, but leave him alone.

f Subsequent calls: i

                                                                + Wants a million dollars J
                                                                + Plane waiting at airport
                                                                + Wants it within one hour or will kill hostage and wreck                              '
the turbine

! Action Expected: SS will declare "Alert" based on "adversaries commandearing

a nonvital area."

1 RP1287-0044B-TP12

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 02:15-03:10 Message No: 4J Scenario Time 00:45-01:40 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Negotiator / Kidnapper (controllers only) Simulated Plant Conditionst Message: Work through dialogue provided until a "settlement" is reached. O For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: See negotiations outline below and discuss. Negotiator will provide results to appropriate players. Precede and conclude all conservations with "This is a drill."

  • Discuss situation with SS and Security Shift Leader.
  • Discuss demands with hostage taker.
                        . "Negotiate."
                           - Time frame for money and plane
                           - Family coming to site
                           - Review of job status
                           - Release hostage.
                           - Food, drink
  • Provide feedback toss.
 . Action Expected:     Information flow will be established from negotiator to players.


r 4 l i-l Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 01:55

t 8


                   - Message No               g                                                                                     Scenario Time 00:25 l-                                                                                                                                                                       :

i l PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT ,  ? !- DfERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE PORM i i i i i t Message for: Shift Supervisor . i i' .I ! -i Simulated Plant Conditions:  ! l l Message: Initiate activation of TSC and OSC. l l For Controller Use Only l i l ' Controller Notes: If activation is being discussed, this message may be  ! delayed. The TSC aust be activated during the security sequsace to test  ; 1 security integration into the plant emergency organisation. I m I

i i

1 5 a l k i 1 I RP1287-00445-TP12 4 u ~ _ .. . _ _ . _ . _ . _ - . . . . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . ,_ _ _ _._ _ ___ _ _, _._ .. _ _ ,__,_,___,_ _ __ _ __... ,__ _ ___ _


     'T Scenario No: PALEX-88                                                                   Time 03:02 Message No:          5                                                Scenario Time 01:32 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT

! EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM i , Message for: Control Operator Players  ; Simulated Plant Conditions: See alarm sheet. i Message: All of your turbine generator control and governor valves are shut.  ! i l i For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: ) Action Expected: 1. Player C0s start carrying out actions of E0P 1.0 and  ; l inform SS/SE of trip and turbine valve situation."

2. SS orefers E0P 1.0 be carried out.

1 3. May page or call for A0s to look for EH leaks. l l 1 l 1 1 4 i l l RP1237-00448-TP12 t I

        ,-           _   .              -_         .,  .  -   -     -_        . ,- __ __ _.-._ -..            .-.-.._-.-..-l

i O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:02 Message No: 5 Scenario Time 01:32 1 5 j PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE ALARM SHEET , l Alarm Annunc Panel Number Alarm Window Description i X-09 72 Reactor Trip X-06 Rack-B 4 High-Pressure Pressurizer Channel Trip (

!            X-06 Rack-B                       8                  High-Pressure Pressurizer Channel Pre-Trip                    ,

l l X-07 53 Pressurizer Pressure Off Normal Hi-Lo l l X-07 54 Pressurizer Pressure Off Normal Hi-Lo l I X-01 1 Turbine Trip X-01 13 EH System Low - Low Level Trip i^ X-01 14 EH Fluid High - Low Level Trip 4 I I i i j i l l RP1287-0044B-TP12 . .  ! i

l I Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:02:30 i Message No: 5A Scenario Time 01:32:30 PALISADES NUCIE.AR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM i

l Message for: Shif t Supervisor t

Simulated Plant Conditions: 4 l . l J Message: Hey, there's E N fluid spraying out of some tubing going to No 4 i governor valvel 1 I J i P For Controller Use Only l Controller Notes: A0 controller gives message to A0 player to read to player  ! ] SS. i Action Ekpected: 1. Player C0s start carrying out actions of EOP 1.0 and  ! inform SS/SE of trip and turbine valve situation.

2. l
!                                     SS orders EOP 1.0 be carried out.                                           l
3. May page or call for A0s to look for EH leaks. '

] 4 i d l s RP1287-00448-TP12

Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:04 i Message No: 6 Scenario Time 01:34 l PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM.  ; i Message for: Control Room Players  ! t t i

Simulated Plant Conditions
See data sheets.

f t 1 j Message: Use these data sheets for verifying actions of EOP 1.0. i 6 i a i I l l 1 For Controller Use Only 1 l 6 ) Controller Notes: Provide clean copy of EOF 1.0 to players for them to fill j out. i

i i  !
Action Expected
Verify E0P 1.0 actt. ens. l 1 .

1 i 1 i l l l 1

!           RP1287-0044B-TP12                                                                                                                                                                         .

i i

i I PAlt1il I Cate 17 February lill Messagei{ fleethil Scenario flee lhli Qdl SWFieps F7AQ1 P78QA F 7011h SWCriticalIdrPress A 11 8 11 psig CCWFieps F 52A Q1 P 525 Q1 F 52C Lth FFCPteps F 51A Q2 P 518 m FirePasps F !A 011 P ll QH F 41 QH ContainmentCoolerReetrefans fla b Y2A h V3A h f(& b VilQ1 V2BQ2 V38Q2 filQ1 Qil CCW Cooler Outlet fesp & 11 F 1 11F ContaineentsprayFieps F54AQ11 P548Q11 P54C011 BFSIFieps FilkQ11PlilQ11 LFS! Fisps F67AQ11 PiftQ11 lafetyinjection$tetionlipply frainA frainI CV 3057 (SIRW) uta CV lill (Simp) Chui CV 3031 ($1RV) hu CV 3039 (Simp) Unt] Qdl CYCS Letdeva Charging Flow lH gpa IntermediatePressLetdownfesp{111F LetdownLinefesp ((F Line fesp 11 F LetdownFlev igpa Fisps F 55A QA F 558QA F 550 QA feltseControlfisk fesp H F Frenire11pel Level 111 FCF Control lleedoff Frentre il psig

                                                     $httdownCoolingfyltes SDCSfresFCS(t)       111F                                             SDCStoFCS(t)          11 F Ctenchfalk O

b fesp111F Fressere ldi psig FristryCooltatfyltes Level 11l Presuriter Pressere (1) lill sit FCSfate(1) Loop 2 i ft 0121) ilL1 Fresurlur Level (R) Loop 1;119111)11i LRCOll..A Lit ill,B 111 PtrItrAsps LCC15 i LCC16 i F0l? Fli llill Chat] Plf lllll untf BlockValve X0V 10i21 Qlutj ROV Il431 Chatj FCis F561QA F568Q1 P500QA F500Ca ReactorFeverLevel 1101 Idlhi 1102 Id1El 11031dl1.l 1114121111 11051 IIlii 11071 11081 110111110i Cdl l 1FIlystes , AFIFiep F IA Q1 P il Q11 P 10 QQ1 AFVFanpAsps FlailFItiasps  ! AFV Fisp F il Steas Pressere i psig ATV Ditch Press F In i F il 1111 P lc 1 psig i.naarririti R$li's CV l5ll Qgn CT illt hta ASIV Bypus 10V 0501 Chud 10V 6510 Chati RTPSectionPressire 111,[sig IFFDischargePressire &ill Iillpsi MoistareSeperatortrainfankLevel n1 CondensorRotvellLevel 11 1 Ateospheric0:spTaltes hia Condener iteine 11inIg. Itater Crain Fiep States FllAQ1PIllQ1 Gland Seal Condensor facias 11inIg. CondenutePtspStatis F 21 QA F 28 ' Q3 FIF (Desand Log + Constut, tod, or Flulfesp) Gross NW d let IV d Core !!!t theraxeiple fesperattre illi F i Control lod 70sition Gil i GP2i CF3i GP4i GP5(F)111 Gli(A) 1 GF7(1) 1 l p Stick tods Int b l 1- j 1

l Fall! Il Date 11 february lill. NessageIi flH (hli $cenarioflee1H11 n v TllLevel Hl f939 Level E1 a Condensate Storage fank Level T 2 H l lastrisentAirPressure di p 19 ContalnuittilldingPressure dpsig 00se fesperature 111F Insidity 11 % sirAcespartment fesperature 111f Bisidity H J l SIGBCospartment fesperature diF Bisidity H J l

       $111fankLevel                                ili VIContainmentPressure(R)                     11 tila Containment $tspLevel                        1i               containmentWaterLevel(1)           ii
       $1fankLevel(t)                             AH            Iil        CH         011
       $1fankPressure(psig)                       A H1          I H1             C Hi            0 lit h aal I 11
       $1ASAlars h             ContainmentHighPressereAlars          u           Containment ligh Radiation Alars D kil concentratedBoricAeldfankLevels              f53A11I         .T5lllitI teactorYesselDP                                   Ud1 psid FORYDisenargefesperature                          31 f FarsafetyYalveOlschargefesp(f) RYll31             lit         iflltilit            171941111 FCPCarrent(Asps)                  7 501 Hi        F 508 Hi         F500ill     F500ill PCSflev                                           111 LoopThot     (f)                  Loop i H i d i        Loop 2 111d loopfeeld(f)                      Loop 1 in             Loop 2 in feeld vide range                  Loop 1 i n            Loop 2 in g' j  Subcoollag                        fesp    lld f          Press Hipsi FCSPressure(t)                    11      lill           It      {ti pela Steas Generator A                                 Steas Generator a Level        (11) 111          (11) 111                       HD 111            It) li l Press               tilpsia                                             111tsa llev         Steas d FFI feediFPI                                   $ teas d PPI feed [PPE lote Steas and feed flev I litilli bil ATVflowtoASIG                  free P ilin lit                fres P lC i gpa ATVflevtoISIG                  fres F lill 111                fres F lC i gpa Condensorfacius(F.)                          lid PCPSealLeskoffflev          F 51A L11        P 568 Idi        F500ldi          F 500 idt kli DieselGenratorfrepeney                      11 H              1 1 ((

1CBCS Toltage 1111 Asps H[ 1 0 SES Voltage 11H Asps 111 c 11 te h c ill ContainmentArealonitors(1/Er) 111 lll5 I di h l 1111106 ldjhl

                                                           !!A lll1 laihl              111 1801 Idihl Ilgh u nge Containment Ronitors (1/It)            t!A 2321 LitEl              !!A 2322 iditt ContainmentlydrogenConcentration(1)               Al.14611 1                  Al 2411L i Main Steas Line Cassa (eps)                       !!A 2324 3,00Z+1            111 2323 Idi n i Os     StackMonitors           t!A 2325 Litul eps IIA 2326 1.501+2 eps                    1112327 Lithl er/hr 2-

1 I 1 -l. Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:05 ' j Message No: 1 Scenario Time 01:35 l r PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT ] EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM j 4 l  : Message for: Control Room Players  ! i i Simulated Plant Conditions: i i

!                                                                                                       [

Message: Your atmospheric unloaders are closed and you continue to hear the f sound of a steam release but it is not as loud as immediately ,. following the trip.  ; i J t I 3 ............................................................................. i For Controller Use Only [' 1 Controller Notes:  ! l t 4 l i

Action Expected
SS directs A0s to try and carefully locate the source of  !

l the steam release. 1  ! i P i i 1 i i l s i f RP1287-00445-TP12 i' i

i i I j Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:07 l Message No: 7A Scenario Time 01:37 l PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM  : Message for: Shift Supervisor f Simulated Plant Conditions: I 4 4 Message: It appears that one of the reliefs on "A" S/G is stuck open, but I can't get close enough to tell which one. (} a i For Controller Use only l 1 l Controller Notes: A0 controller has A0 player phone in message, j f i 1 l l 1  ! j ' Action Expected: See Narrative.  : Time: 0300-0330 i Page: 5 i Section: D l 1 1 RP1287-0044B-TP12 1

 ;                                                                                                                          1 1                                                                                                                            1
                       -=.      - - -                    ._.

O Scenario No: PALEX-88 Time 03:10 Message No: 8, Scenario Time 01:40 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE MESSAGE FORM Message for: Control Room Players Simulated Plant Conditions: See data sheets and alarm sheets. Message: For Controller Use Only Controller Notes: When operators try to increase AFW flow, CV-0727 will not respond. (See Narrative.) Time: 0300-0330 Pages: 5 and 6 Section: E Action Expected: 1. Another "ALERT" should be classified shortly with announcement made, alarm sounded and notifications made.

2. Staff augmentation may start if not initiated previously.
3. Perform SSFCs and actions of E0P 6.0,
4. See Narrative.

Time: 0300-0330 i Pages: 5 and 6 Section: E Additionally: 1. Turn off 1 MCP and both heater drain Pumps.

2. Insert part length rods.
3. Open "B" MSIV bypass valve to regain AE operation.

O 1 l RP1287-0044B-TP12 l

           .   .        . =        - _ . -                              - --      .             . .- .     .         .                                .               .

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