IR 05000440/1985072

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Safety Insp Rept 50-440/85-72 on 851022-24 & 1119-22.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Licensee Actions on Previous Insp Findings,Const Deficiency Repts,Ie Bulletins & Instrument & Calibr Installation
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/06/1985
From: Neisler J, Williams C
Shared Package
ML20138D042 List:
50-440-85-72, IEB-80-15, NUDOCS 8512130146
Download: ML20138D066 (5)


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Report No. 50-440/85072



Docket No. 50-440 License No. CPPR-148 ,

! Licensee: Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company l Post Office Box 5000 Cleveland, OH 44101 '

i Facility Name: Perry Nuclear Power Plant,. Unit 1

Inspection At: Perry Site, Perry, OH Inspection Conducted: October 22-24 and November 19-22, 1985  !

Inspector: . Ne i I :

4 Date i


ww Approved By: Cordell C. Williams, Chief Plant Systems Section 11 & 8'-

Date ;



. Inspection Summary Inspection on October 22-24 and November 19-22 1985 (Report No. 50-440/85072 Areas Inspected: Routine safety inspection of licensee action on previous i inspection findings; Construction Deficiency Reports, IE Bulletins, instrument l


and cable installation and records. During this inspection, Inspection Procedures 52054, 52056, 52064, 52066 were covered. The inspection involved a j total of 34 inspector-hours by one NRC inspector.

j Results: No violations or deviations were identified.





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i 8512130146 051206 i PDH ADOCK 05000440 0 PDR (


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DETAILS 1. Persons Contacted Principal Licen_see_Emp_loyees

  • C, M. Shuster, Manager Quality Assurance
  • E. Riley, General Supervisor, CQS
  • V. Higaki, Unit Supervisor, 0QS
  • K. Cimorelli, Lead Quality Engineer, CQS
  • T. Heatherly, Compliance Engineer, PPTD
  • S. Tulk, Unit Supervisor, CQS R. Matthys, Lead Quality Engineer, CQS
  • E. Parker, Unit Supervisor, CQS
  • B. Ferrell, Licensing Engineer, NED
  • B. Liddell, Operation Engineer, PPTD A. Migas. Senior Engineer, NED K. Kaplan, Senior Engineering Technician
  • Denotes those persons attending exit intervie . Action on Previous Inspe_ction Findings (Closed) Open item (440/85038-04): Main steam isolation valve reset circuit deleted from drawings and field. The inspector reviewed General Electric (GE) Engineering Change Notice (ECN) NJ18703 dated September 25, 1981. This ECN removed the reset relays from GE drawings and GE FDI WNIR and kNIS removed the wiring from relays in the field. GE FDDR KL1-3031 replaced the relays on drawing 828E445CA on July 20, 1984 ECN 26930-86-1427 was issued April 7, 1985, to update site drawings to show, the replacement of the relays. The reset relays are installed and the related drawings have been update (Closed)Openitem(440/85033-06): Location of Class IE boundary for RPS motor generator power supply is located at the Electric Protection Assembly (EPA) and provides separation of Class IE and non IE division The inspector. reviewed GE submittal establishing Class 1E boundaries and separation and discussed the GE submittal with the cognizant reviewe This item is closed for Perry based on the current installation being consistent with other recently licensed BWR-6 plant (Closed)Openitem(440/85044-01): Difficulty with verifying the qualification of stainless steel jacketed mineral insulated cabl The inspector reviewed Nonconformance Report No. 1667, Revision 3, documenting that cable assemblies R2A and RSA were returned to the vendor and that the replacement assemblies were received on site on September 16, 1985. The cable assemblies in question have been replaced with the new acceptable assemblie (Closed)Openiten(440/84028-04): Examination of hardware deficiencies / engineering analysis of lifted lead and jumper stop-work and the control of temporary alterations. The inspector reviewed



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documentation indicating that a 100 percent walkdcwn inspection of lifted lead jumpers and temporary alterations had been performed by each of the following organizations: Operations Quality Section (0QS), Nuclear Test Section and the Operations Department. In addition, a 100 percent review of the tagging and alterations logs has been performed by 0Q Some problems were identified during the review process by the licensee, these were, however, corrected during the review proces (Closed) Unresolved item (440/85050-01): Floor penetration seal silicone foam shrinkage. The inspector verified that shrinkage crack tolerances have been established and that shrink cracks have been repaired in the flocr penetration (Closed) Unresolved item (440/85062-01): Two fuses in cabinet IC61-P001 identified in the cabinet as being 10 ampere rated fuses are identified on drawings as 5 ampere rated fuses. General Electric FDDR KL1-6273 changed drawing 865E787 to specify 5 ampere rated fuses. The installed fuses were determined to be 5 ampere rated, the correct fuse (Closed) Unresolved item (440/85038-01): FSAR change to clarify RCIC function. The inspector reviewed FSAR Amendtrent 21 that changed FSAR Chapter to delete RCIC as an engineered safety feature and Chapter to add the description and function of the rod pattern control syste . Construction Defic,i,en_cy Rep _ orts (Closed)10CFR50.55(e) Report (440/85017-EE): Improper use of seismic support spacing criteria for B0P tubing by the installation contracto The architect / engineer has performed a design review and reviewed 100 percent of the installation and fabrication packages. ECN 13239 was issued to provide guidelines and to clarify support spacing criteri Specific reviewers were trained and assignei responsibilities for performing design reviews of installation / fabrication packages. The inspector verified that reviews had been completed and corrective actions accomplishe (Closed) 10 CFR 50.55(e) Report (440/85014-EE) 10 CFR 21 Report from Pacific Scientific: Tube clamps made by Basic Engineering do not provide sufficient restraint to satisfy specifications. The inspector reviewed the corrective action which was to replace clamp bolts in Models BE419N-1 and BE419N-2 clamps. The inspe'ctor verified that the original bolts had been replaced with grade 67 bolts en installed clamps and NCRs initiated on spare clamps in the warehous (Closed)10CFR50.55(e) Report (440/85022-EE): Discontinuities found in flued head containment penetrations manufactured by Tube Turns. The inspector reviewed the evaluations by fatigue analysis and fracture mechanics of the worst case flued head discontinuities. The evaluations determined the installed flued heads to be acceptable and that the discontinuities do not affect the integrity of the penetrations. The discontinuities will be evaluated for growth propagation in the ISI program. The inspector concurs with the licensee's withdrawal of this iten.


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(Closed) 10 CFR 21 Report (440/83001-PP): This item was also reported pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55(e) (440/83014-ee) and was previously closed in Inspection Report 440/8506 (Closed) Construction Deficiency Report (440/85012-EE) (DAR 239):

Flooding due to potential circulating water system expansion joint failure in the turbine building. The inspector reviewed design changes and completed work authorizations that upgraded penetration seals between the turbine building and the off gas, radwaste and intermediate buildings. Silicone foam seals have been removed and replaced with elastomer seals. Check valves have been installed in drain lines to prevent flood water back flow into buildings with safety related equipment. Core drilled holes between the turbine building and the heater bay have been provided to provide access to the heater bay from the turbine buildi .g to permit storage of flood water in the heater ba (Closed) Construction Deficiency Report (440/85019-EE) (DAR 245):

Drywell vacuum relief isolation valves design allows the valves to open after drywell pressure falls low enough to clear a LOCA signal. A pressure differential greater than analyzed may develop between the drywell and the containment before the LOCA clears or before isolation is manually overridden. The inspector reviewed ECN 29017-86-2573 that modified the valves to open automatically when drywell pressure falls below containment pressure following the past blowdown period after a LOCA. The original pressure switches were replaced with qualified safety .

related transmitters and actuation device (Closed) Construction Deficiency Report (440/85018-EE) (DAR 244):

Standby Liquid Control tank level transmitter accuracy exceeds the tolerance of the alarm setpoint. The tank level transmitter used to activate nigh/ low level alarms accuracy was t 8 inche The specified tolerance of the alarm setpoint was i 1 inc The NSSS analysis determined that an instrument with an accuracy of i 2.064 inches would be acceptabl The inspector examined setpoint methodology used by General Electric to determine the required setpoint and documentation attesting to the replacement of the unacceptable level transmitter with a level transmitter with the required accurac . Inspection and Enforcement Bulletins (Closed) IE Bulletin 80-15 (440/80015-BB): Possible loss of emergency notification system (ENS) with loss of offsite power. The inspector verified that the ENS power supply is onsite. The ENS is powered by the uninterruptable power supply (UPS) in the Technical Support Center. The power source was tested under the Technical Support Center UPS (R15)

acceptance test and maintinance/ surveillance per procedure PAP-020 . Instrumentation and Cable Installation and Records The inspector examined completed work relative to the installation of safety related instruments and control systems in the reactor building, control building, and intermediate building. In addition, to the work observation, the inspector reviewed installation records, inspection 4 .





records, test records, training records and equipment qualification records pertaining to safety related instruments and cable Instruments included in this inspection were pressure transmitters, level transmitters, i flow transmitters and their respective sensing elements, i

The inspector reviewed documentation attesting to the qualification of these instruments to IEEE 323-1974, IEEE 323-1983 and 1EEE 344-197 l Qualification reports for temperature sensing devices; thermocouples, i

RDT/RTDT's and the thermowells in which they were installed was available

.) for the inspector's review. The reports indicated that the temperature

elements were qualified to 1EEE 323 and 1EEE 34 The inspector reviewed qualification reports for the containment high j range radiation monitor. The reports indicated that the Kamen Model j KDI-1000 monitor's qualification was acceptable for LOCA/HELB conditions.

i The inspector examined instrument and control cable documentation including qualification reports' installation, test, inspection, and


termination documents; travelers; tool calibration; and raceway inspection reports. The following Cables were examined:

1019R4A ID19RSA i 1019R118 1D19R7A 1019R148 ID19R128

1019RIA 1019R15B i


1019R2A 1019R178 1019R19B 1E21R2598

1821R2608 1821R2618 i IC11R621B IC11R10488 j 1E12R428 1E12R45B

! 1E12R1388 IE22A212C 1R22C200C 1R61A694C 1E220210C 1C41R68 1C41R7A IC41R8A

1C22R27A 1C22R28A 1R61A1008A 1R61A1009A 1R61A1011A 1R61A1015A 1R61A1017A 1R47C88

1R46C5B 1R43C34B i No violations or deviations were identified, t

6. Exit,Intervj; The inspector met with licensee representatives denoted in paragraph 1 at j the conclusion of the inspection and summarized the scope and findings of the inspection activities. The licensee acknowledged the inspector's comments. The inspector also discussed the likely informational content i of the inspection report with regard to documents or processes reviewed

by the inspector during the inspection. The licensee did not identify


any such documents / processes as proprietary.

