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Requests Support in Conducting Joint Doe/Nrc Review of Compliance Plan
Person / Time
Site: Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, 07007001
Issue date: 02/28/1997
From: Ten Eyck E
To: Jazel Parks
NUDOCS 9703050405
Download: ML20135D669 (2)




Mr. Joe W. Parks February 28, 1997 Assistant Manag:r -

4 -

' for Enrichm:nt Facilities U.S. Department of Energy, EF20 P.O. Box 2001 Oak Ridge, TN 37831

Dear Mr. Parks:

In accordance with issue 41 of the Portsmouth (PORTS) Compliance Plan (DOE /ORO-2027/R3, " Plan for Achieving Compliance with NRC Regulations at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant") and issue 45 of the Paducah (PGDP) Compliance Plan (DOE /ORO-2027/R3, " Plan for Achieving Compliance with NRC Regulations at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant"), on January 31,1997, the United States Enrichment Corporation submitted to the NRC, listings of specific sections of codes, standards, and NRC regulatory guidance documents, to which the Portsmouth and Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plants are committed. It'is recognized that the Compliance Plans are part of USEC's certificate applications, and as such, the ultimate responsibility for closure of all Compliance Plan issues rests with the NRC. However, it is our understanding that the Department of Energy is committed to review and closure of those Compliance Plan items and issues whose completion dates occur before March 3,1997, which is the expected transition date of all USEC leased areas from the Department of Energy regulatory jurisdiction to NRC regulatory jurisdiction.

Closure of the above mentioned Compliance Plan issues is anticipated to involve a significant effort which would likely last well beyond March 3,1997. Therefore, we request your support in conducting a joint DOE /NRC review of the above mentioned submittal.

Please inform us of your decision on this matter by contacting Yawar Faraz at (301) 415-8113 or Merri Horn at (301) 415-8126.

Sincerely, Original Signed By Elizabeth O. Ten Eyck, Director Division of. Fuel Cycle Safety

'and Safeguards, NMSS Dockets 70-7001 and 70-7002 Certificates GDP-1 and GDP-2 NRC FRE CENTER COPY Distribution:

Dockets 70-7001, 70-7002 NRC FILE CENTER PUBLIC l ,

GShear,Rlli CCox, Rill WSchwink,FCOB KWinsberg,0GC p

KO'Brien, Rill SPB r/f FCSS e/f G:\CDS&STDS.PRK f()y j

'See previous concurrence i OFC 'SPB *SPB 'SPB SPB,, SPB , FCSf NAME YFaraz:ij MHorn DHoadley hhrtin RP on ETenkyck l DATE 2/27/97 2/27/97 2/27/97 S1f/97  %/lf/97 RM/97 C = COVER E = COVER & ENCLOSURE N = NO COPY 05(inon OFFICIAL RECORD COPY 9703050405 970228 PDR ADOCK 07007001 C PDR

, \Mr. Joe W. Parks

, ., ssistant Manag:r l r Enrichm:nt Faciliti:s i U. (Department of Energy, EF20 l P.O. Box 2001 Oak Ri e, TN 37831

Dear Mr. P' ks:

In accordance 'th issue 41 of the Portsmouth (PORTS) Complia e Plan (DOE /ORO-2027/R3, " Plan f Achieving Compliance with NRC Regulatio at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion ") and issue 45 of the Paducah (PG ) Compliance Plan i (DOE /ORO-2027/R3, an for Achieving Compliance w' NRC Regulations at the

, Portsmouth Gaseous Di sion Plant)," on January 3 ,1997, the United States Enrichment Corporation submitted to t e NRC, listings of spe ic sections of codes, standards, and NRC regulatory guidance do ments, to whic e Portsmouth and Paducah Gaseous .

Diffusion Plants are committe . It is reco zed that the Compliance Plans are part of l USEC's certificate applications, ad as ch, the ultimate responsibility for closure of all Compliance Plan issues rests with RC. However,it is our understanding that the Department of Energy is committ t review and close those Compliance Plan items and issues whose completion dates ccur b ore March 3,1997, which is the expected transition date of all USEC le ed areas fr the Department of Energy regulatory jurisdiction to NRC regulat y jurisdiction.

Closure of the abov entioned Compliance Plan ' sues is anticipated to involve a significant effort ich would likely last well beyon March 3,1997. Therefore, we request your pport in conducting a joint DOE /NRC r iew of the above mentioned L submittal.  !

Plea inform us of your decision on this matter by contacti Yawar Faraz at (3 1)415-8113 or Merri Horn at (301) 415-8126.

/ .

Sincerely, Elizabeth O. Ten Eyck, Director Division of Fuel Cycle Safety ,

and Safeguards, NMSS Dockets 70-7001 and 70-7002 Certificates GDP-1 and GDP-2 pistribution:

Dockets 70-7001, 70-7002 NRC FILE CENTER PUBLIC i GShear. Rill CCox, Rill WSchwink,FCOB KWinsberg,0GC KO'Brien,Rlll SPB r/f FCSS r/f G:\CDS&STDS.PRK OFC SPB _d SPB C SPB h SPB SPB FCSS NAME YFara (YhHorn

'v (k DMartin RPierson ETen Eyck 1

DATE gg97 Q /A/97 'Jf)k97 / /97 / /97 / /97 l C = COVER E = COVER & ENCLOSURE N = NO COPY l OFFICIAL RECORD COPY l

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