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Responds to to President Reagan Re Facility. Should Full Licensing Option Be Chosen,Public Hearing Will Be Held in Early 1983
Person / Time
Site: Clinch River
Issue date: 05/07/1981
From: Tedesco R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Hicinbothem E
NUDOCS 8105180331
Download: ML20126K551 (3)



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' El W D 71981 Mntra1 Fi1,s>3 JHeltemes swo nog. JRMiller NRC PDR JGibson L PDR LTremper w/ incoming DEisenhut SCavanaugh, NRR-81-218 .

Ms. Emily Hicinbothem RPurple EHughes 446 First Avenue RTedesco LBerry Pelham, New York 10803 Congressional Affairs Glainas  ;

TNovak Andy Pressessky.0cf- l

Dear Ms. Hicinbothem:

J01shinski ECase HDenton Your February 26, 1981 letter to President Reagan has been referred PPAS ,

to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Comission (NRC). Followin9 SHanauer President Carter's energy policy message of April 22, 1977, the Energy TMurley Research and Development Administration requested an indefinite suspension RVollmer of the schedule associated with the licensing of the Clinch River Breeder Bhyder '

Reactor Project (CRBRP). As a result, the NRC staff did not continue PFine  !

its safety review in regard to the construction permit applica*. ion for RMattson '

the CRBRP. The staff did redirect its review activities to bring the ,

safety review to a point where the effort to date would be adequately documented and any nearly co@lete efforts would be completed. The NRC staff estimates that its technical review was about 60% complete ,

when the review was suspended.

The Senate Subcomittee on Energy and Water Development Appropriations, chaired by Senator Hatfield, has discussed CRBRP licensing activities.

Senator Hatfield advised that during testimony the Department of Energy ,

stated that they were going to proceed with the CRBRP. In view of the ,

administration's support for the CRBRP, the NRC staff has been developing a program to insure that our regulatory efforts are integrated into the overall schedule for the licensing of CRBRP. We have progressed to the point of establishing review schedules, identifying resource requirements and furnishing information to various Congressional Committees. Should full licensing of CRBR be the option chosen, our staff's schedules are all aimed at being prepared to go to public hearing in early 1983.

t We have sent a copy of your letter and our response to the Department of l Energy for their information. i Sincerely, g ' D U c: t a n e -

U Robert L. Tedesco, Assistant Director +

3 ",N O S 19g7 for Licensing e% % <11 Division of Licensing Q tQ %kb r THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS 81105180% g m -


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" WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555

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% . , , . *# MM 0 7 Y Ms. Emily Hicinbothem 446 First Avenue Pelham, New York 10803 c

Dear Ms. Hicinbothem:

Your February 26, 1981 letter to President Reagan has been referred to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Comission (NRC). Following President Carter's energy policy message cf April 22, 1977, the Energy Research and Development Administration requested an indefinite suspension of the schedule' associated with the licensing of the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project (CRBRP). As a result, the NRC staff did not continue' its safety review in regard to the constructi.on permit application for the CRBRP. The staff did redirect its review activities to bring the safety review to a point where the effort to date would be adequately documented and any nearly coglete efforts would be completed. The NRC staff estimates that its technical review was about 60". co@lete when the review was suspended. _

The Senate Subcomittee on Energy and Water Development Appropriations, i chaired by Senator Hatfield, has discussed CRBRP licensing activities..

Senator Hatfield advised that during testimony the Department of. Energy.

stated that they were going to proceed with the CRBRP. In view of the administration's support for the CRBRP, the NRC staff has been developing a program to insure that our regulatory efforts are integrated into the overall schedule for the licensing of CRBRP. We have progressed to the point of establishing review schedules, identifying resource requirements and furnishing information to various Congressional Comittees. Should full licensing of CRBR be the option chosen, our staff's schedules are all aimed at being prepared to go to public hearing in early 1983.

We have sent a copy of your letter and our response to the Department of .

Energy for their information.

Sincerely, ,

NW Robert L. Tedesco, Assistant Director for Licensing

. Division of Licensing I
