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Interim Deficiency Rept 83-08 Re Pullman Sheet Metal Duct Fittings W/O Approved Design Documents.Initially Reported on 830630.Sampling of Fittings Will Be Completed by 850601
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/18/1985
From: Danni Smith
To: James Keppler
83-08, 83-8, 9968N, NUDOCS 8505030390
Download: ML20116K801 (3)



') Commonwealth Edison One First National Plaza. Chicago. Illinois

' Address Reply to: Post Othee Box 7"7 Chicago, Illinois 60690 April 18, 1985 Mr. James G. Keppler Regional Administrator U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137


Braidwood Station Units 1 and 2 10 CFR 50.55(e) No. 83-08 Interim Report Duct Fitting Fabrication NRC Docket Nos. 50-456/457 References (a): E. D. Swartz letter to J. G. Keppler dated July 29, 1983 (b): E. D. Swartz letter to J. G. Keppler dated October 20, 1983 (c): E. D. Swartz letter to J. G. Keppler dated August 30, l984 (d): D. H. Smith letter to J. G. Keppler dated November 28, 1984

Dear Mr. Keppler:

References (a) thru (d) provided information concerning a deficiency reportable pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55(e) regarding fabrication of Pullman Sheet Metal duct fittings without approved design documents at our Braidwood Station. The purpose of this letter is to provide an updated status of the corrective actions taken to resolve this issue. This letter is considered to be an Interim Report.

Status of Corrective Action On June 30, 1983 Commonwealth Edison issued NCR 540 and filed a 50.55(e) Report 456/83-08 to a document that Pullman Sheet Metal (PSM) had fabricated duct fittings without Sargent & Lundy (S&L) approved drawings. PSM had fabricated fittings based on their interpretation of the design specification and the use of standard industrial practices. This was acceptable for many of the fittings attributes such as sheet gauge, companion and stiffener angle size, companion angle joint details and sheet to stiffener and companion angle welding. However, the spacing and joint details of stiffeners was not clearly defined due to wide variations of fitting shapes.

These attributes would require field verification.

8505030390 850422 App 2 51385 PDR ADOCK 05000456 S PDR 1Ea f ]I .

A stop work was issued to PSM to halt installation and fabrication of duct fitting not covered by S&L approved design drawings. PSM was directed to submit design drawings as a part of their Duct Brochure for S&L's review and approval.

Based on S&L's approval of the revised Duct Brochure, PSM was then asked to review all fittings fabricated prior to the stop work for acceptability. All fittings not covered by the approved Duct Brochure were to be identified for rework or submitted to S&L on a FCR for approval. This review activity was performed using PSM Engineering Personnel.

Pullman Field Engineering completed its review of all duct fittings for compliance with the PSM Duct Brochure or S&L Design Drawings on February 21, 1985. This review covered a total of 2823 fittings. Out of this total, 619 fittings required "as-builts" to be submitted to S&L for further evaluation. S&L has reviewed 552 of these with 67 requiring some modifications. These modifications will be completed and 100% inspected by December 15, 1985 for Unit 1 and June 15, 1986 for Unit 2. S&L's evaluation of the remaining 67 will be completed by June 1,1985.

Of those not requiring as builts (2204 fittings), 331 fittings require some modification to meet design requirements. These modifications and 100% inspections by Pullman Q.C. are currently being made as dictated by the " system turn-over" schedule. All fittings required for Unit 1 and Unit 2 will be completed by 12/15/85 and 6/15/86 respectively.

A random sampling review program will be conducted on the remaining 1873 fittings which already meet the requirement of S&L approved cesign documents. This sample program will be conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-105D. S&L will select the sampits from this population and Pullman Q.C. will perform the actual inspection. The schedule start date for this activity is April 22, 1985. Completion is expected by June 1, 1985.

Results of Review Total Fitting Population 2823 Production Review Fittings which comply with design documents 1873 Fitting which require modification to comply with design document 331 As builts requiring S&L Evaluation 619 S&L As Built Evaluation As builts submitted to S&L 619 As builts reviewed 552 As builts accepted as is 485 As builts requiring rework 67 As builts not reviewed 67 L



'Please address any questions that you or your staff may have concerning this. matter to this office.

Very truly yours, David H. Smith il Nuclear Licensing Administrator i

/klj cc: NRC Resident Inspector - Braidwood Director of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 9968N l