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Proposed Tech Specs Modifying 15.2.3 & 15.5.3 of Change Request 188 & 15.2.1,15.2.3 & 15.3.1.G of Change Request 189 Supporting SEs
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/05/1996
Shared Package
ML19311C175 List:
NUDOCS 9608080133
Download: ML20116G489 (5)


l (3) Low pressurizer pressure 21865 psig for operation at 2250 psis primary system pressure 21790 psig for operation at 2000 psia primary syst:m pressure (4) Overtemperature J AT(1+ z s S) 1 1+11 S A T (K1- K2(T(1 + Sx s3)- T')(1 + s 25) + Ks(P - P where (values are applicable to operation at both 2000 psia and 2250 psia unless otherwie indicated)


ATo indicated AT at rated power, F T = average temperature, UF T' 5 5732.9 F;-(Unit 4) f 570.0% ("n:t 2)

P =

pressurizer pressure, psig P' =

2235 psig (2250 osia operation only)


_ P' 1985 osic (2000 osia coeration ontvP Ki 5  !.301.19 (2250 psia operation only)

Kg (__, 1.14 (2000 psia operation onlyP K2 -

0.0200 0.025 (2250 nsia operation only)

K, =

0.022 (2000 psia operation onlyP K3 -

0.00070! DA0J 3 (2250 osia operation only)

Ky =

0.001 (2000 psia ooeration ontvP ti -

25 sec I


x2 3 see


13 2 sec for Rosemont or equivalent RTD


0 sec for Sostman or equivalent RTD


t, 2 sec for Rosemont or equivalent RTD


0 see for Sostman or equivalent RTD and f{AI) is an even function of the indicated difference between top and bottom detectors of the power-range nuclear ion chambers; with gains to be selected based on measured instrument response during plant startup tests, where q, and q are the percent power in the top and bottom halves of the core respectively, and q, + qb is total core power in percent of rated power, such that:

(a) for q,- q within -17, +5 percent, f(AI) = 0.

(b) for each percent that the magnitude of q,- q. exceeds +5 percent, the AT trip setpoint shall be automatically reduced by an equivalent of 2.0 percent of rated power for Un:' !, er by n


eq= !:- cf 3.! percent cf rated pcwer for Un t: 2.

These311ges aoply to Unit 2 following U2R22 and to Unit I following UlR24. Prior to UlR24. the values for Unit I are: T < 573.9'F. P' = 2235 psig. K y< 1.30. K, = 0.0200. and K y= 0.000791.

9608080133 960805 PDR ADOCK 05000266 p PDR Unit 1 - Amendment No. 4% 15.2.3-2 0:tr-ber 28, !991 Unit 2 - Amendment No. 40

Other reactor trips:

(1) High pressurizer water level - s95% of span (2) Low-low steam generator water level >20% of narrow range instrument span 25% of narrow range instrument span (Unit IP (3) Steam-Feedwater Flow Mismatch Trip - sl.0 x 10'Ib/hr (4) Turbine Trip (Not a protection circuit)

(5) Safety Injection Signal (6) Manual Trip o

This setting limit anplies to 1Init i until the narrow range lower tan is changed to the lower position with Unit 2, 15.2.3-3a U9 ' 'L'd: 2 May !"?3/ March 'n?3 i

. ..._ _ . _ _ . . . - . . . . _ _ - _ _ . - - . - . . - - _ _ - . - . . . . _ _ _ _ . - - . . . . - - - . _ _ . . _ . - . _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . ~ . _ _ - - _

TABLE 15.3.5-1 (PAGE I OF 2)


b. Steam Line Isolation of Both Lines s 20 psig -

3 Pressurizer Low Pressure Safety injection * .21715 psig 4 Low Steam Line Pressure Safety injection

  • 2 500 psig

' Lead Time Constant 212 seconds Lag Time Constant s 2 seconds 5 High Steam Flow in a Steam Line Steam Line Isolation of s d/p corresponding to Coincident with Safety Injection and Aficcted Line 0.66 x 10'lb/hr at Low T4vo 1005 psig 2 540 F 6 High-high Steam Flow in a Steam Line Isolation s d/p corresponding to Steam Line Coincident with of Affected Line 4 x 10'lb/te at Safety injection 806 psig 7 Low-low Steam Generator Water Auxiliary Feedwater 220% of narrow range instrument

, Level Initiation 2 5% of narrow range instrument (Unit 1)"

8 Undervoltage on 4 KV Busses Auxiliary Feedwater 2 75% ofnormal Initiation voltage

  • Initiates also containment isolation, feedwater line isolation and starting of all containment fans.
  • nis setting limit annlies to Unit I until the narrow range lower tan is changed to the lower oosition consistent with Unit 2.

d/p means differential pressure Unit I - Amendment No.-144 4 Unit 2 - Amendment NoA47 Page I of 2 Ap n !S, '983 i

l 4

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4 1

i 1


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1 4

I 5

1 i



i 4


! i l


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t 7

l VECTRA l July 30,1996 0087-00033.303-106 Wisconsin Electric Power Company 3 Nuclear Power Department l 231 W. Michigan Street j P.O. Box 2046 Milwaukee, WI 53201 i ATTENTION: Mr. Gene Gross j Instrumentation and Control Engineer


Point Beach Nuclear Plant Setpoint Verification Program '

Contract Number 232007 l Low and High Pressurizer Pressure Reactor Trip l Instrument Uncertainty /Setpoint Calculation j PBNP-IC-12, Revision 1

Dear Mr. Gross:

Per your request, VECTRA Technologies, Inc. has revised the subject calculation to include I

setpoint evaluations of the proposed Technical Specification values and plant setpoints for the Low and High Pressurizer Pressure Reactor Trips. The purpose of this calculation is to support the Unit 2 Steam Generator Replacement in October,1996 and the associated Technical Specification changes. By copy of this letter, VECTRA calculation PBNP-IC-12, Revision 1 is being transmitted to you in accordance with Wisconsin Electric Procedure NP l 7.2.4, Revision 1," Calculation Preparation, Review, and Approval." Please note this I calculation will be updated at a later date to incorporate the remaining portions of the loop.

Should you require additionalinformation, please feel free to call Karen De Podesta at (708) 778-4445 or me at (708) 778-4442.

Very tmly yours,

{ ~ri g ll T,s./ d 2 Y 5'zh l'

  • Joseph R. Basak l

Project Manager l 0 WPWEPCOTLETTER003-106 dos Enclosure cc: Rick Kohrt (w/o) Dave Andreoni(w/o) Paul Katers (w/o) File

.IllL 311996  ;