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Proposed Tech Specs Revising Section 15.3.15, Overpressure Mitigating Sys & Section 15.3.1, Rcs
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/19/1996
Shared Package
ML20129C070 List:
NUDOCS 9609240087
Download: ML20129C077 (5)




's l

TABLE OF CONT ENTS Section Iills Egge 15 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND BASES 15.1 Def'mitions 15.2.1-1 15.2.0 Safety Limits and Limiting Safety System Settings 15.2.1-1 15.2.1 Safety Limit, Reactor Core 15.2.1-1 15.2.2 Safety Limit, Reactor Coolant System Pressure 15.2.2-1 15.2.3 Limiting Safety System Settings, Protective Instrumentation 15.2.3 1 15.3 Limiting Conditions for Operation 15.3.0 15.3.0 General Consideration 15.3.0-1 15.3.1 Reactor Coolant System 15.3.1-1 15.3.;

Chemical and Volume Control System 15.3.2-1 15.3.3 Emergency Core Cooling System, Auxiliary Cooling Systems, Air Recirculation Fan Coolers, and Containment Spray 15.3.3-1 15.3.4 Steam and Power conversion System 15.3.4-1 15.3.5 Instrumentation System 15.3.5-1 15.3.6 Containment System 15.3.6-1 15.3.7 Auxiliary Electrical System 15.3.7-1 15.3.8 Refueling 15.3.8-1 15.3.9 Efiluent Releases 15.3.9 1 15.3.10 Control Rod and Power Distribution Limits 15.3.10-1 15.3.11 Movable In-Core Instrumentation 15.3.11-1 15.3.12 Control Room Emergency Filtration 15.3.12-1 15.3.13 Shock Suppressor(Snubbers) 15.3.13-1 15.3.14 Fire Protection System 15.3.14-1 15.3.15 Low Temperaturs_ Overpressure Protection 5"::!ge.:!r.; System 15.3.15-1 15.3.16 Resctor Coolant System Pressure Isolation Valve 15.3.16-1 15.4 Surveillance Requirement 15.4.1 15.4.1 Operaticaal Safety Review 15.4.1-1 15.4.2 In-Service ir spection of Safety Class Components 15.4.2-1 15.4.3 Primary System Testing Following Opening 15.4.3-1 l

15.4.4 Containment Tests 15.4.4-1 15.4.5 Emergency Core Cooling System and Containment Cooling system Tests 15.4.5-1 l

15.4.6 Emergency Power System Periodic Tests 15.4.6-1 l

15.4.7 Main Steam Stop Valves 15.4.7-1 15.4.8 Auxiliary Feedwater System 15.4.8-1 15.4.9 Reactivity Anomalies 15.4.9-1 l

15.4.10 Operational Environmental Monitoring 15.4.10-1 15.4.11 Control Room Emergency Filtration 15.4.11-1 15.4.12 Miscellaneous Radioactive Materials Sources 15.4.12-1 15.4.13 Shock Suppressors(Snubbers) 15.4.13-1 15.4.14 Surveillance of Auxiliary Building Crane Lifting Devices 15.4.14-1 15.4.15 Fire Protection System 15.4.15-1 15.4.16 Reactor Coolant System Pressure isolation Valves Leakage Tests 15.4.16-1 Unit 1 - Amendment No.-M 15-i Sep w h 6 085 Unit 2 - Amendment NoA40 9609240007 960919 PDR ADOCK 05000266



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Pressurizer Power-Operated Relief Valves (PORV) and PORY Block Valves If a unit is placed in the HOT SHUTDOWN condition in accordance with the requirements of Specificatinns a(1) through a(5) below, then the reactor coolant system temperature should be i

maintained greater than S " r p: :r?--'S- '---. _= fr S in:=!= p.-_ _::= 'm=

6f :f i-9;;= 15.3.' ' 355'F. If cooldown to less than this temperature is required in order to take action to restore the inoperable component (s) to service, then the requirements of Specification -

l 15.3.15 apply.


Two PORVs and their associated block valves shall be operable.


If one or both PORVs are INOPERABLE due to seat leakage in excess of that allowed in Specifications 15.3.1.D, within one hour either restore the PORVs to an operable status or close the associated block valves (s). If these conditions cannot be met, place the unit in a HOT SHUTDOWN condition within the next six hours.


If one PORV is INOPERABLE due to causes other than excessive seat leakage, within

' I 1

one hour either restore the PORV to OPERABLE status or close its associated block l

L valve and remove power from the block valve. If the PORV cannot be restored to l

l' operable status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, place the unit in a HOT SHUTDOWN condition i

within the next six hours.


If both PORVs are TNOPERABLE due to causes other than excessive seat leakage, within one hour restore at least one PORV to OPERABLE status. If this e udition i


1 cannot be met, close the associated block valves, remove power from the block valves i

and place the unit in a HOT SHUTDOWN condition within the next six hours.


If one block valve is inoperable, within one hour either restore the block valve to OPERABLE status or place the associated PORV in manual control. Restore the block valve to OPERABLE status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. If these conditions cannot be met, place the unit in a HOT SHUTDOWN condition within the next six hours.

l l

1 i

j 1-5 Unit I - Amendment 45 15.3.1-3 Septembw 20, !""

Unit 2 - Amendment 459 4

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Apolicability Applies to operability of the low temperature overpressure protection (LTOP) r !g::!ng system when the reactor t

coolant system temperature i: !:= i= 6: r tmer ::mp= ::= f= 6: in=r!= p==== :=: < 355'F.

Objective i

To specify functional requirements and limiting conditions for operation on the use of the pressurizer power


operated relief valves when used as part of the ;=p== = r::!g:i:g LTOP system and to specify further limiting conditions for operation when the reactor coolant system is operated : "h::: : p== = :b=Png /c!:m: i- *he p===!= at low temperatures.

Specification A.

System Operability l


Except as specified in 15.3.15.A.2 below, the := p===!=:! n -4: gating LTOP system shall be operable whenever the reactor coolant system is not open to the atmosphere and the temperature is

!:= in: 1: r "=== p===!=:!: ::=pr:::= f= 6: in=re!= p==== :=:, = :p=!'ied in i

Fign= !5.3.' ' < 355'F Operability requirements are:

l Both pressurizer power operated relief valves operable at a setpoint of $425 psig.



Both power operated relief valve block valves are open.


The requirements of 15.3.15.A.1 may be modified as specified below; a.

With one PORV inoperable while reactor coolant system temperature is >200*F but !:= i=

$: r:"m n p===!=t!= ::mpr:::= f= i: in=r!= p==== :=:_<;355*E, either restore the inoperable PORV to operable status within 7 days, or depressurize and vent reactor coolant system within the next 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

I b.

With one PORV inoperable while reactor coolant system temperature is 5200'F, either i

restore the inoperable PORV to operable status within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, or depressurize and vent the reactor coolant system within a total of 32 hours3.703704e-4 days <br />0.00889 hours <br />5.291005e-5 weeks <br />1.2176e-5 months <br />.



With both power operated relief valves inoperable while the reactor coolant system l

temperature i: !:= i= h: r:"m = p===!=:!= *:mpe=::= f= 'h: i.=ri= presswe lest < 355'F. the reactor coolant system must be depressurized and vented within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.


If the reactor coolant system is vented per Specification 15.3.15.A.2.a b, or c, the pathway must be verified at least once every 31 days when it is provided by a non-isolable pathway or by a valve (s) that is locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in the open positica; otherwise, verify the pathway every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

4 i

l Unit 1 - Amendment No.4M 15.3.15-1 F:p::m b 30,199:

4 Unit 2 - Amendment No.4M i



Ad'ditional Limitations 1.

"S= 6: =:: :: = !=! y:!= !: :: p= ::i: :!==ph:= =d i:!:=p:=t = cf =: c: be*

==!= :: !=! y ::= =!d !:g: = C275"F When LTOP is reauired to be enabled by Soecification 15.3.15.A.1, no more than one high pressure safety injection pump shall be operable. He second high pressure safety injection pump shall be &==: =t:d endered inoperable whenever the temperature of one or both reactor coolant system cold legs is s27&*F- < 355'F by verifying that the motor circuit breakers have been removed from their electrical power supply circuits or by verifying


that the discharge valves from the high pressure safety injection pumps to the reactor coolant system are shut and that power is removed from their operators.


A reactor coolant pump shall not be started when the reactor coolant system temperature is bs-than 6: r: ' r ::=p:=t = for 'h: !=:re!= p==== !=

< 355'f_unless:

There is a pressure absorbing volume in the pressurizer or in the steam generator tubes or a.


The secondary water temperature of each steam generator is less than 50 F above the temperature of the reactor coolant system.


Only one reactor coolant numn shall be onerated when the reactor coolant system temnerature is

< 125'F.

Basis The Ov: p==rir!!

:!!;;*ieg law Temnerature Overnressure Protection System consists of a dwerse i

redundant means of relieving pressure during periods of water solid operation and when the Isattor coolant system l

temperature i: 5:! n i: =!= p:--5:d te p -fem i: p:: rj ;y:!:r '=!: !=t < 355'F. His method of water relief utilizes the pressurizer power operated relief valves (PORV's). He PORV's are made operational for low j

pressure relief by utilizing a dual setpoint where the low pressure circuit is energized and de-energized by the operator with a keylock switch depending on plant conditions. The logic required for the low pre.csure setpoint is in l

addition to the existing PORV actuation logic and will not interfere with existing automatic or manual actuation of -

l l

the PORV's. The OPERABILITY of the PORVs is determined on the basis of their being capable of automatically mitigating an overpressure event during low temperature operation. The LTOP setnoint of 425 nsig is valid through an inside surface neutron fluence of the limiting reactor vessel material ofless than or caual to 2.05 x 10%1Im3 (E > 1.0 Mevl l

During plant cooldown prior to reducing reactor coolant system temperature b:! n 6: r: : tm !:=p:=tu=


!! n' 5!: f= 'h: ! =r/i= p==== !=t to 355'F. the operator under administrative procedures shall place the 1

keylock switch in the " Low Pressure" position. This action enables the Low Temnerature Overpressure Protection

:!!;:!! g System. The redundant PORV channels shall remain enabled and operable while the O= p====

t':!!g !!= LIQP_ system is required to be in operation.

j 1

l Unit 1 - Amendment No.465 15J.15-2 c:p'=-b:: 30, ! 904 Unit 2 - Amendment No.469 l


l The reactor coolaat system is defined as vented if there is an opening in the reactor coolant system pressure boundary to atmosphere or the pressurizer relief tank that has an equivalent system pressure relieving capability as a l

PORV, Some examples of such openings include an open or removed PORV, open steam generator or pressurizer manways, a removed pressurizer safety valve, and the top of the reactor vessel when the reactor vessel head has been unbolted or removed.

The mass input transient used to determine the PORV setpoint assumedg a worse case transient of a single high 1

pressure safety injection pump discharging to the reactor coolant system while the system is solid. Therefore, when S: ::::ter :::!::: g:!r !: !:= S:: 275*F LTOP is reauired to be enabled. only one high pressure safety injection pump shall be operable at any time except when the reactor coolant system is open to the atmosphere.

The heat input transient used to determine the PORV setpoint assumes a temperature difference between the reactor coolant system and the steam generator of 50 F. Therefore, before starting a reactor coolant pump when the reactor coolant system is solid, the operator shallisnsure that the secondary temperature of each steam generator is less than 50 F above the temperature of the reactor coolant system unless a pressure absorbing volume has been verified to i

exist in the pressurizer or steam generator tubes.

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l d

Unit 1 - Amendment No.445 15.3.15-3 Eg:=h 30,104 3

Unit 2 - Amendment No.459
