ML20133N632 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Point Beach |
Issue date: | 01/16/1997 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20133N616 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 9701230357 | |
Download: ML20133N632 (13) | |
Edited Technical Specifications Pages 15.1-6 15.2.2-1 15.3.1-9 15.3.1-10 Figure 15.3.1-5 15.3.4-2 15.3.4-3 Table 15.4.1-2 page 1 of 4 Table 15.4.12 page 2 of 4 15.5.3-3 15.6.9-3 9701230357 970116 PDR ADOCK 05000266 P
I f;
i 1.
Dose Eauivalent I-131 Dose Equivalent I-131 shall be that concentration ofI-131 (microcurie / gram) which alone would produce the same thyroid dose as the quantity and isotopic mixture ofI-131,1-132, 1-133,1-134, and 1-135 actually present. The thyroid dose conversion factors used for this calculation shall be those listed in Table !!! cf T!D l'P 1, "Calculathnwf Distaaee Fac4ers for Power-and Test Reacter Sites "_ Table 2.1 of Federal Guidance Report No. IL
" Limiting Values of Radionuclide Intake and Air Concentration and Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation. Submersion. and Ingestion." September 1988.
ii-Average Disintegration Energy il shall be the average (weighted in proportion to the concentration of each radionuclide in the reactor coolant at the time of sampling) of the sum of the average beta and gamma energies per disintegrction (in MeV) for isotopes, other than iodines, with halflives greater than 15 minutes, making up at least 95% of the total non-iodine activity in the coolant.
Unit 1 - Amendment No.-1-9 15.1-6 Unit 2 - Amendment No.-M1 December M.1944
15.2.2 SAFETY LIMIT, REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM PRESSURE Annlicability Applies to the maximum limit on Reactor Coolant System Pressure.
Obiectire To maintain the integrity of the Reactor Coolant System.
Snecification The Reactor Coolant System pre.:3ure shall not exceed 2735 psig with fuel assemblies installed in the reactor vessel.
i Basis m
The Reactor Coolant System serves as a barrier preventing radionuclides contained in the reactor coolant from reaching the atmosphere. In the event of a fuel cladding failure the Reactor Coolant System is the primary barrier against the release of fission products. By establishing a system pressure limit, the continued integrity of the Reactor Coolant System is assured. The maximum transient pressure allowable in the Reactor Coolant System pressure vessel under the ASME Code, Section ill is 110% ofdesign pressure. The maximum transient pressure allowable in the Reactor Coolant System piping, valves and fittings under USAS Section B31.1 is 120% of desi Thus, the safety limit of 2735 psig (110% of design pressure) has been established.* gn press l
j The nominal settings of the power-operated relief valves (2335 psig), the reactor high-pressure trip (MM-psg)-and the safety valves (2485 psig) have been established to assure never reaching the Reactor Coolant System pressure safety limit. The initial hydrostatic test was conducted at 3110 psig to assure the integrity of the Reactor Coolant System.
Reference (1)
FSAR, Section 4 (2)
FSAR, Section 4.3 i
1 Unit 1 - Amendment No.
15.2.2-1 Unit 2 - Amendment No.
4 The specific activity of the reactor coolant shall be lintited to:
Less than or equal to 4-4-01 microcurie per gram Dose Equivalent 1-131.
l If the specific activity of the reactor coolant is greater than 44Dl.microcuries per gram a.
Dose Equivalent 1-131 but within the allowable limit (below and to the left of the line) shown on Figure 15.3.1-5, operation may continue for up to 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />. Reactor coolant sampling shall be in accordance with Table 15.4.1-2.
If the specific activity of the reactor coolant is greater than 4-0-Ol.microcuries per gram Dose Equivalent 1-131 for more than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> during one continuous time interval or exceeds the allowable limit (above and to the right of the line) shown on Figure 15.3.1-5, the reactor will be shut down and the average reactor coolant temperature will be less than 500"F within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.
Less than or equal to 100/i5 microcuries per gram.
If the specific activity of the reactor coolant is greater than 100/iimicrocuries per gram, a.
the reactor will be shut down and the average reactor coolant temperature will be less than 500"F within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. Reactor coolant sampling shall be in accordance with Table 15.4.1-2.
1 The liraitations on the specific activity of the reactor coolant ensure that the resulting 2-hour doses at the site boundary will not exceed an appropriately small fraction of Part 100 limits following a steam generator tube rupture accident in conjunction with an assumed steady state primary-to-secondary steam generator leakage rate of 500 gpd in either steam generator. The values for the limits on specific activity represent limits based upon a parametric evaluation by the NRC of typical site locations. These values are conservative for Point Beach Nuclear Plant.
Unit 1 - Amendment No.420 15.3.1-9 May ",1984 1
Unit 2 - Amendment No.4M Newmber 1,1989 1
l 1
Continued power operation for limited time periods with the reactor coolant's specific activity greater than MDJ_ microcurie / gram Dose Equivalcut 1-131, but within the allowable limit shown on Figure 15.3.1-5, accommodates possible iodine spiking phenomenon which may occur following changes in thermal power. Operation with specific activity levels exceeding MDl_ microcurie / gram Dose Equivalent 1-131 but within the limits shown on Figure 15.3.1-5 increase the 2-hour thyroid dose at the site boundary by a factor of up to 20 following a postulated steam generator tube rupture.
Reducing T,y to less than 500 F normally prevents the release of activity should a steam generator tube rupture since the saturation pressure of the reactor coolant is below the lift pressure of the atmospheric steam relief vahes. The surveillance requirements provide adequate assurance that l
excessive specific activity levels in the primary coolant will be detected in sufficient time to take corrective action. A reduction in frequency ofisotopic analyses following power changes may be permissible ifjustified by the data obtained.
Unit 1 - Amendment NoA42 15.3.1-10
!al) 17.19M6 Unit 2 - Amendment NoAM
Ac6 FIGURE 15.3.1-5 g/; i k Ne.W F: arc-Q.
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PERCENT OF RATED THERMAL POWER SE EOulVALENT l-131 Primary Coolant Specific Activity Limit Versus Percent of RATED THERMAL POWER with the Primary Coolant Specific Activity > 1.0pCi/ gram Dose Equivalent 1131 i
I Unit 1 Amendment 71 Unit 2 Amendment 76 April 4, 1983
e 4
e FIGURE 15.3.1-5 j
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l 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
DOSE EQUIVALENT l-131 Primary Coolant Specific Activity Limit Versus Percent of RATED THERMAL POWER with the Primary Coolant Specific Activity > 0.8 pCi/gm Dose Equivalent 1-131
A minimum of 13,000 gallons of water per operating unit in the condensate storage tanks and an unlimited water supply from the lake via either leg of the plant Service Water System.
System piping and valves required to function during accident conditions directly associated with the above components operable.
Both atmospheric steam dump lines shall be operable. If either of the atmospheric steam dump lines is determined to be inoperable, restore the inoperable line to an operable status.vithin 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. If operability cannot be restored, be in hot shutdown within six hours and cold shutdown within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
The dose eauivalent iedmel-131 activity on the secondary side of the steam generator shall not exceed 1.2 LD_ Ci/cag.
During power operation the requirements of 15.3.4.A.2.a and b may be modified to allow the j
following components to be inoperable for a specified time. If the system is not restored to meet the requirements of 15.3.4.A.2.a and b within the time period specified, the specified action must be taken. If the requirements of 15.3.4.A.2.a and b are not satisfied within an additional 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />, the appropriate reactor (s) shall be cooled down to less than 350"F.
Two Unit Operation - One of the four operable auxiliary feedwater pumps may be out-of-service for the below specified times. A turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump i
may be out of service for up to 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. If the turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump cannot be restored to service within the 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> time period the associated reactor shall be in hot shutdown within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. A motor driven auxiliary feedwater pump may be out of service for up to 7 days. If the inoperable motor driven auxiliary feedwater pump cannot be restored to service within the 7 day time period both of the reactors shall be in hot shutdown within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
Unit 1 - Amendment No.447 Unit 2 - Amendment No.44 15.3.4-2 April 20, !"" !
For the purposes of determining a maximum allowable secondary coolant activity, the steam break accident is based on a postulated release of the contents of one steam generator to the atmosphere using a site boundary dose limit. The limiting dose for this accident results from iodine in the secondary coolant.1-131 is the dominant isotope because ofits low Mpc in air derived air concentration and because the other iodine isotopes have shorter half-lives and therelbre cannot buildup to significant concentrations in the secondary coolant, given the limitations on primary system leak rate and activity. It is assumed that the accident occurs at zero load, which is when the maximum amount of water is contained in one steam generator. One tenth of the contained iodine is assumed to reach the site boundary, making allowance for plate-out and retention in water droplets.
It is conservative to measure gross beta-gamma activity except when the gross activity exceeds or equals 1.2 LO_pCi/eeg. At this time the iodine-131 activity must be measured.
The maximum inhalation dose at the site boundary is then as follows:
Dose (rem) = Cx V x B(t)x x x DCF 10 Q
= secondary coolant activity (1.2 LQ_pCi/eeg = G0.001 Ci/m*jg;)
= water velu:ne mass in one steam generator 3
--(2424 F,0 n?)(2877 fi = 62.250 kg) 3 B(t)
= breathing rate (3.47 x 10" m /sec) x/Q
= MiD_x 10" sec/m
- 3 6
DCF = 4-4& 1.07 x 10 rem /Ci 1-131 inhaled The resultant dose is r!!ghtly le= than annroximately 44-L2_ rem.
FSAR Section 10 FSAR Section 14 Unit 1 - Amendment No.
15.3.4-3 Unit 2 - Amendnunt No.
Reactor Coolant Samples Gross Beta-gamma 5/ week
activity (excluding tritium)
Tritium activity Monthly Radiochemicali!
Semiannually '*"'
Determination isotopic Analysis for Every two weeks"'
Dose Equivalent 1-131 Concentration isotopic Analysis for a.) Once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> lodine including 1-131, w henever the specific l-133, and 1-135 activity exceeds 44p_jlpCi' gram Dose Equivalent 1-131 or 100'E pCi/ gram.W b.) One sample between 2 and 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> following a thermal power change exceeding 15% of rated power in a one-hour period.
Chloride Concentration 5/ week
- Diss. Oxygen Con'c.
5/ week
- Fluoride Conc.
Weekly 2.
Reactor Coolant Boron Boron Concentration Twice/ week 3.
Refueling Water Storage Baron Concentration Weekly
- Tank Water Sample 4.
Boric Acid Tanks Boron Concentration Twice/ week and after each BAST concentration change when they are being relied upon as a source of borated water.
Spray Additive Tank NaOli Concentration Monthly 6.
Accumulator Boron Concentration Monthly Unit 1 - Amendment No.-148 Unit 2 - Amendment No.-M2 Page1of4 Demntw42A444
TABLE 15.4.1-2 (Continued)
IISI Frequency 7.
Spent Fuel Pit a)11oron Concentration Monthly b) Water Level Veri 6 cation Weekly 8.
Secondary Coolant Gross lleta-gamma Weekly)
Activity or gamma isotopic analysis lodine concentration Weekly when gross Beta-gamma activity equals or exceeds 44-QpCihg
Control Rods a) Rod drop times of all Each refueling or O'
full length rods after maintenance that could affect proper functioning "'
b) Rodworth measurement Following each refueling shutdown prior to commencing power operation 10.
Control Rod Partial movement of Every 2 weeks ""
all rods I1.
Pressurizer Safety Valves Set point Every Ove years ""
Main Steam Safety Valves Set Point Every Ove years ""
Containment Isolation Trip Functioning Each refueling shutdown 14.
Refueling System Interlocks Functioning Each refueling shutdown 15.
Service Water System Functioning Each refueling shutdown 16.
Primary System Leakage Evaluate Monthly ""
Diesel Fuel Supply Fuelinventory
- Daily l
Turbine Stop and Governor Functioning Annually (
Valves 19 Low Pressure Turbine Visual and magnetic Every five years Rotor inspection ")
particle or liquid penetrant 20.
Boric Acid System Storage Tank and Daily"'"
piping temperatures 2 temperature required by Table 15.3.2-1 i
Unit 1 - Amendment No.448 Unit 2 - Amendment NoA62 Page 2 of 4 Deeember 12, !""'
.1 s
l i
The design seismic ground acceleration,0.06g, acting in the horizontal and a.
0.04g acting in the vertical planes simultaneously, with stresses maintained within code allowable working stresses.
The maximum potential seismic ground acceleration,0.12g, acting in the horizontal and 0.08g acting in the vertical planes simultaneously with no loss of function.
l 3.
The aondmM md+olume of the Reactor Coc' ant Spiem, at4ated-operatmg 1
comlitiens, :s 6010 cubic feet The nominal Reactor Coolant System volume (both liauid and steam) at rated l
l encratine conditions and zero nereent steam cenerator tube nluccine is:
Unit 1 - 6500 fta Unit 2 - 6643 fta i
i References (1) FSAR Section 3.2.3 (2) FSAR Sectien 3.2.1 (3) FS AR Seetion4-24 (4) FSAR Section 3.2.3 l
(5) FSAR Section-3.2.1 & 3.24 (6) FSAR Table 4.1-9 l
l l
l l
Unit 1 - Amendment #
May 22, WM Unit 2 - Amendment 40 15.5.3-3 Oetober-6-4144
4 i
Reactor coolant activity The results of specific activity analysis in which the primary coolant exceeded the limits of Specification 15.3.1.C. The a
following information shall be included:
Reactor power history starting 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> prior to the first sample in which the activity limit was exceeded; 2.
Results of the last isotopic analysis for radiciodine analysis prior to exceeding the limit, results of analysis while limit was exceeded and results of one analysis after the radiciodine activity was reduced to less then the limit.
Each result should include the date and time of sampling and the radiciodine concentrations; i
Clean-up flow history starting 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> prior to the first sample in which the activity limit was exceeded, 4.
Graph of the I-131 concentration and one other radiciodine isotope concentration in microcuries per gram as a function of time for the duration of the specific activity above the i
steady state level; and 5.
The time,luration when the specific activity of the primary coolant exceeded 44{L8_microcuries per gram DOSE EQUIVALENT l-131.
Monthly Operating Reports 1.
Routine reports of operating statistics and shutdown experience shall be submitted on a monthly basis under the titles " Operating Data Report",
" Average Daily Power Levels" and " Unit Shutdowns" and " Power Reduction". In addition, the report shall contain a narrative summary of operating experience that describes the operation of the facility, including major safety-related maintenance for the monthly report period.
Completed reports shall be sent by the tenth of each month following the calendar month covered by the report.
i 51 FR 193031hiit 1 - Amendment No.
15.6.9-3 Jam.ary 5,1987 Unit 2 - Amendment No.