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Proposed Tech Specs 15.4.1, Operational Safety Review, Changing Ref Note 20 from TS 15.3.10.B to TS 15.3.10.E to Match TS Section Previously Containing Hot Channel Factor Limit
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/06/1997
Shared Package
ML20133E452 List:
RTR-NUREG-1431 NUDOCS 9701130067
Download: ML20133E553 (1)



NOTES USED IN TABl.E 15.4.1-1 (gontinued)

(10) When used for the Overpressure Mitigating System, each PORV shall be demonstrated operable by:

a. Performance of a channel functional test on the PORV actuation channel, but excluding valve operation, within 31 days prior to entering a which the PORV is required operable and at least once per 31 days thereafter when the PORV is required operable. -

(i1) Performance of a channel functional test is required, excluding valve operation. ,

(12) Shiftly check is required when the reactor coolant system is not open to the atmosphere and the reactor coolant system temperature is less than the minimum temperature for the in-service pressure test as specified in TS Figure 15.3.1-1.

(13) An AFW How path to each steam generator shall be demonstrated operable, following each cold shutdown of greater than 30 days, prior to entering power operation by verifying AFW How to each steam generator.

(14) Calibration is to be a verincation of response to a source.

(15) Sample gas for calibration at 2% and 6%.

(16) A check of one pressure channel per steam generator is required whenever the steam generator could be pressurized.

(17) Includes test oflogic for reactor trip on low-low level, automatic actuation logic for auxiliary feedwater pumps, and test oflogic for feedwater isolation on high steam generator level.

(18) Rod positions must be logged at least once per hour, after a load change >10% or after >30 inches of control rod motion if the on-line computer is inoperable.

(19) The daily heat balance is a gain adjustment performed to match Nuclear Instrumentation System indicated power level with reactor thermal output.

(20) To conGrm that hot channel factor limits are being satisGed, the requirements of TS 15.3.10.E must be met.

(21) Check required only when the overpressure mitigation system is in operation.

(22) Not required during period of cold and refueling shutdowns, but must be performed prior to reactor criticality ifit has not been performed during the previous surveillance period.

(23) Each train tested at least every 62 days on a staggered basis.

(24) Neutron detectors excluded from calibration.

9701130067 970106 PDR ADOCK 05000266 P PDR Unit 1 - Amendment No. Page 6 of 6 Unit 2 - Amendment No.

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