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Rev 11 to Pbnps Odcm
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Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/26/1998
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ML20206E235 List:
PROC-980826-01, PROC-980826-1, NUDOCS 9905050068
Download: ML20206E273 (190)



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WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY August 26,1998 Revision i1 4 %) p$ft50$00I 05 g6 QC(osTJ R ~


NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR l Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCUI.ATION MANUAL August 26,1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS i Pace 1.0 OFFSITE DOSE CALCUL ATION M ANUAL ADMINISTRATION.... .............. .. ............. ... .......1 1.1 P u rpo se. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................I 1.2 General Responsibilities ....................... . . ..... ............ ... ........... ...............................................2 l 1.3 M a n ual R e vi s i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 l 1 1 2.0 RADI ATION MONITORING SYSTEM AND RELEASE ACCOUNTING ...... ..... .......... ....... .... 2  ! t

    .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  r 3.0 M ETHODOLOGY FOR DE'ERMINING AL ARM S ET POINTS ...... ....... ..... ............... ..... ....... 7 3.1 Introduction.... .... ......                              . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    ............................................................................7 3 . 2 O bj e c t i v e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............................................7 3.3 Alert Set Point G uidelines ... .... .. . . . ..... ..... . . . ..... ..                                                                      ................................................7 1         3.4 Alarm or Trip Set Poi nt G uidelines .... ...... . .. .. ...... .. . . ... .. ... ......... .. . .............. .............. .... 8 3.5 Monitor Calibraticn and Calibration Constant Determination..                                                                                            .........................................8 3.6 Determination of the Effective Maximum Effluent Concentration (EMEC) for Liquid Releases... 9 3.7 Detennination of Liquid Effbent Monitor Alarm Set Point ........... .... ....... .................... ....... ...11 3.8 Det:rmination of EMEC for Atmospheric Releases...... ... . ...                                                                                         ........................................16 3.9 Determination of Gaseous Effluent Monitor Alann Set points .. ... .. .. .... ... ....................... ......17 4.0 DEMONSTRATING COMPLI ANCE WITH 10 CFR 50. APPENDIX I ... . . .. ............................. 24 4 .1 I n t r o d u c t fo n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.2 Dose Limits... . ...... .. ..... ......... . ........................................................................24 1 4.3RelcaseLivis.....................................................................................................25 t s 4.4 E PA R e g u l at i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6 1

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM MAJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision 11 _ OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 5.0 CALCULATION AND COMPARISON OF EFFLUENT RELEASES TO RELEASE LIMITS _.... 26 5.1 Appendix i Dose Calculations .. ...... .. ... .. . ............................................................26 5.1.1 L iquid Release M ode . . . .. . . . . ........... ..... . .. ... . ... .. . . . .. . . . . . . ... .. .. . .... . .. . ..........................26 5.1.2 Atmospheric Release Mode: Radiciodine, Tritium, and Particulates..... ...... .. ... .... .......45 5.1.3 Atmospheric Release Modc: Noble Gase s ............. ......................... ....... ................. .. ... .. .. 64 6.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRUNMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM .. ... .... .... . . . ................ 66 7.0 R ADIOLOGICAL IMPACT EVALUATION OF SEWAGE TREATMENT SLUDGE DISPOSAL 66 7.1 Basis, Commitments, and Ac tions ..... .... . . ........ ..... ...... .... ............. .... ............................66 7.1. I B as i s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................................................................................66 7.1.2 Basis for N RC Commitment Modification .. .. .. . ...... . . .. ....... ...... ...................... ..... ..... . 66 7.1.3 Modification..... ... .. . ...............................................................................67 7.1.4 Exposure Evaluations.. . . ......................................................................................67 i 7.2 Procedure .......... . ...............................................................................................68


l 7.3 Ad mi ni st ra t i vc Req u i rem en ts . . .. ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . ... . . . . .. .. .. .. .... ... . . . . .. .. .. . .. .... . ... ... 69 j 7.3.1 Complete recoids of each contaminated disposal shall be kept as follows: ............................ 69 7.3.2 Modifications to the October 8, ! 987, NRC submittal .. ...... .......... ... ............................. .. 70 APPEND 1X A .... ...... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................................................................71 A.I.0 Derivation of Liquid Release Effective Maximum Effluent Concentration..... . .. .. . ............... 72 A .1 . I S o u r c e Te rm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2 l A. I .2 Effective Maximum Ef0 uent Coneentration... ......... .... ........... ......... ................ ..... .......... 72 l i A P PEN D1 X B ......... . ......... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................................................77 B.I.0 Derivation of Atmospheric Release Effective Maximum Effluent Concentration .............. ...... 78 B1.I Source Temi . ... . .............................................................................................78 91 B 1.2 Efreetive Maximum Efiluent Concentration .. . .... .... . .... .......... ..... ............... .............. ..... 78

L ODCM NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT afAJOR l l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision 11 ) O J OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 APPENDIXC.............................................................................................................................83 C.I.0 Calculation of Total Dose Factors Using Regulatory Guide 1.109 Methodology...................... 84 l 4 C. l .1 Liquid Release D ose Factors .. .... ..... .. .... ....... . .. .. ....... . ...... ..... ....... .. ....... . .. ... .......... . ........ C 1 .1.1 A quati c F o o d s . . . . . . . . . . . . '.'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 1.1.2 Irrigated Foods (Meat From Watered Cattle) .... . .................................... .......... ............. 86 C1.1.3 Irrigated Foods (Milk From Watered Cattle) .. .. . . .. .. ..... ........... . ... .................. .. ... 88 I J C 1.1. 4 P o t abl e Wat e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 1.1. 5 S ho rel i ne De po sits. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . C 1.2 Atmospheric Release Dose Factors: Non Gaseous .......... .................. ................................... 94 C 1.2.1 I nhalatio n o f Nuclides I n Air .. ...... ... ... . ... .. . .. . .. .............. ........ ... ..... .. ........ .

 /~N            Cl.2.2 Annual Organ Dose From External Irradiation From Nuclides Deposited On the Ground 95
 \v)            Cl .2.3 Annual Organ Dose From Atmospherically Released Nuclides In Milk........... ... ...... ... 97 l

Cl.2.4 Annual Organ Dose From Atmospherically Released Nuclides in Meat . ... .................100 Cl.2.5 Annual Organ Dose From Atmospherically Released Muclides In Produce........ ..........103 > I Cl.2.6 Annual Organ Dose From Atmospherically Released Nuclides in Leafy Vegetables....106 { C 1.3 Atmospheric Release Dose Factors: Noble Gases.............. ..... ........................ ....................109

                                                                                                                                      .....................109                .

C1.3.1 Annual Gamma and Beta Air Dose From All Noble Gas Releases.......... I C1.3.2 Annual Skin Dose From A11 Noble Gas Relcases............... ................................... I i C1.3.3 Annual Total Body Dose From All Noble Gas Releases..... ....... . .. ........ ....................112 j APPENDIXD..................................................................................................................]14

                                                                                                                         ..................................115 D1.0 Liauid Effluent Dilution Factor Calculations .. ... ... .. ....... ......... ......

D 1 .1 M e th od ol o g y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m ( DI .2 Dilution Factor Twelve Miles Downstream: Two Rivers Water intake ................... ......

                                                                                                                                                         .....I 18 j

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NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM , l l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision 11 i OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 -l 1 APPENDIX E NRC Submittal: RadiologicalImpact Evaluation of Sewage Treatment Sludge ...................................................................... E-1 , i APPENDIXF...........................................................................................................................................F-1 i I Modi fication # 1 to NRC S ubmit1a1............ ............................:................... ...... .................................... F-2 1 1 APPENDIXG.........................................................................................................................................G-1 M... cation #2...................................................................................................................................G-2 APPENDIXH.........................................................................................................................................H-1 Mod i ficati o n #3 to NRC S ubmittal . .. ....... .. ... ........ .. . . ... .. .. . .... ............ ....... . .. .. . ...... . . ... ... . .. ... ... ... ..... .. .. . H-2 C hange to Origi nal S ubmi ttal ........... .... . .. . .. ..... .. . . .. . .. . ... ... .. . .. ... .. .. . .. ... .. . ... .... ... . .. ..... . .. .. .. . . .... .. ......... H-2 B as i s/Expl an atio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O 9 1 m





OF LIQUID DILUTION AND EFFLUENT PATHWAY FLOW RATES..............................................................................................................13 TABLE 3.7-2 LIQUID PATHWAY MONITOR CALCULATED DEFAULT SET POINTS ..... 15 TABLE 3.9--!


OF GASEOUS EFFLUENT PATHWAY DISCHARGE FLOW RATES..................................................................................................................I7 TABLE 3.9-2 ATMOSPHERIC PATHWAY MONITOR DEFAULT RMS SET POINTS... ......18

   )    SECTION 5.0 TABLE 5.1-1     LIQ UI D E F F L U E NT D OS E FACTO R.................... .......... . ......................... ....... 2 8 TABLE 5.1-2     AIRB O RNE EFFL UENT DOS E FACTOR ........... ............. ..... .............. ..... ........ 47 TABLE 5.1-3     ACTIVITY TO DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS FOR NOBLE GASES ........... 65 APPENDIX.f_\

TABLE A-1 C U RI ES RE L E A S E D I N L IQUI DS.. ..... .................. ........ .................................... 74 TABLE A-2 FRACT!ON AL M EC IN LIQ L . D E FF LU ENT......... ...... ............................ ... .. 75 APPENDIX B TABLE B-1 CURI ES IN ATMOS PH E RIC EFFLU ENT..... .................. ..................... .............. 79

      ' TABLE B-2       FRACTIONAL MEC FOR ATMOSPilERIC EFFLUENT ........................... ...... . 81 APPENDlX D l

TABLE D-1 SURFACE DILUTION FACTORS LIQUID EFFLUENTS 1 N A L A R G E L A K E . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. FIGURE D-1 D1 LUTION FACTOR AT S U R FACE .......................... ......................................... I 17 l

f NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM MAJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CAI.CULATION MANUAL Revision i1 l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26.1998 D 1.0 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL ADMINISTRATION 1.1 Purpose. The PBNP Offsite Dose Calculation Manual cortams the current methodology and par.nmeters for the calculation of offsite doses due to radioactive gaseous and liquid efnuents. This manual describes a methodology for demonstrating compliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix I dose limits. Compliance with Appendix 1 is demonstrated by periodic calculation of offsite doses based on actual plant releases and comparison to Appendix I dose limits. The manual also details the methodology for the determination of gaseous and liquid efnuent monitor alarm set points. The PBNP Radiation Monitoring System (RMS) ef0uent monitor alann set points are established to ensure that controlled releases of liquid and gaseous radioactive ef0uents are maintained as low as is reasonably achievable. The setpoints also are established to ensure that concentrations of radioactive material released in efnuents to the atmosphere do not exceed th ! values of Table 2, Column 1, of Appendix B to 10 CFR 20.1001-20.2402 at or beyand the site boundary and to ensure that the concentrations of radioactive materials released in liquid ef0uents to the unrestrised area conform to (do not exceed) 10 times the concentration values i Column 2 of Appendix B to 10 CFR 20.1001-20.2402. The manual also details the methodology for evaluating the radiological impact of sewage treatment sludge disposal. This methodology addresses the commitments made to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission in our application dated October 8,1987 (NRC-87-104) and accepted by the USNRC in a letter dated January 13,1988. T his application was submitted in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 20.302(a). A copy of the submittal and subsequent modi 0 cations is contained in Appendices E and F. Dose limits are established in the application to ensure the health aad safety of the maximally exposed member of the rencral public and the inadvenent intruder. 10 CFR 50, Appendix I dose limits do not apply to sewage treatment sludge disposal. l l l e l l i Pa.ce 1 of 120


     . OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL                                         August 26,1998 L

l.2 General Resoonsibilities The primary responsibility for the implementation of the PBNP offsite dose calculation program and for any actions required by the program resides with the Radiological Engineering (RE). RE will provide the technical, regulatory, licensing, and 1 administrative support necessary to fulfill the requirements of this manual. The calculation of offsite doses and analysis of data are RE responsibilities. l . The Manager, PBNP is responsible for assuring that Radiation Monitoring System alarm

                       . set points are established and maintained in accordance with the methodologies outlined in this manual. The Manager, PBNP is also responsible for assuring the performance of periodic release summaries for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with PBNP.

effluent release limits. 1.3 Manual Revisions This manual describes the current scope of the PBNP offsite dose calculation program. The program and the manual are maintained by RE. Program items or procedures may be l periodically updated or changed, either to reflect new parameters or to improve program effectiveness. This manual may be revised at the discretion of RE with the concurrence l of the PBNP Manager's Supervisory Staff (MSS). 2.0 RADI ATION MONITORING SYSTEM AND RELEASE ACCOUI. flFG A computerized Radiation Monitoring System (RMS) is installed at Point Beach Nuclear Plant (PBNP). The RMS includes area, process, and ef0uent monitors.' A description of those monitors used for liquid and gaseous effluents is piesented in Tables 2-1 and 2-2. The liquid and gaseous waste processing flow paths, equipment, and monitoring systems are depicted in Figures 2-1 and 2-2. Calibr.' tion of the RMS detectors is accomplished in accordance with procedures contained in the PBNP Health Physics Calibration Manual. The set point . methodology is desenbed in Section 3 of this manual. l The RMS is designed to detect and measure liquid and gascous releases from the plant effluent y athways. The RMS will initiate isolation and control functions on certain effluent streams identified in Tables 2-1 and 2-2. Complete monitoring and accounting of nuclide.5 released in liquid and gasecus effluents is accomplished with the RMS together with the characterization of nuclide distributions by laboratory analysis of grab samples. Sampling frequencies and analysis l requirements are described in Tables 61 and 6-2 of the Radiological Effluem Control Manual.

                .The various aspects of grab sampling and release accountability are described in the PBNP Release Accountability Manual.

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NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM MAJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL i Revision i1 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 l 1 l METHODOLOGY FOR DETERMINING ALARM SET POINTS 3.0 3.1 Introduction The selection and maintenance of alert and alarm set points for each effluent monitor of the PBNP radiation monitoring system will be accomplished within the guidelines of this section. The computerized PBNP radiation monitoring system permits each efiluent radiation monitor to be programmed to alarm at two distinct set-points. The alert set point, typically twice the steady-state reading, is intended to delineate a changing plant ) condition which mcy wanant corrective action. The high alarm or trip set point either j will actuate a control function as applicable or will require corrective sction to be l initiated.  ! l 3.2 Obiective l The effluent monitor set points are established to ensure that controlled releases ofliquid and gaseous radioactive effluents are maintained as low as is reasonably achievable, to l ensure releases result in concentrations to unrestricted areas within specified limits and to ensure that the dose limits of 10 CFR 50, Appendix I are not exceeded. 3.3 Alert Set Point Guidelines O The alert set point of each effluent mc nitor generally will be set to alarm at two times the established steady-state reading. The alert set point is normally set at concentrations well below the alarm set point value and is never to be set in excess of the alarm set point. In the course of plant operations, certain situations may require a deviation from the two times steady-state gui~deline. The intent of the alert set point is to warn of changing plant conditions which may warrant an evaluation of the cause of the increased radiation. If the increased reading is actually due to an increased radiation inventory within the system being monitored, as opposed to an increased background radiation field in the vicinity of the detector, an evaluation should be made to determine the impact of the release. The alert set point may be adjusted with the approval of the Duty Shift Superintendent. Alert set point adjustments are to be made in accordance with the PBNP RMS Alamt Set Point l and Response Book. i l O Pace 7 of 120 v ,

r :- ODChl NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT NIAJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hlANUAL Revision iI i August 26,1998 fm OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL V  ; 3.4 Alarm or Trin Set Point Guidelines f ( in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 20.1001 - 20.2402 and TS stated in I Section 5 of the Radiological Effluent Control Manual, the alarm or trip set point for eftluent monitors shall be established to annunciate at radiation levels which ! w in an unrestricted area concentration equal to or less than the applicable maximum cffluent concentration (MEC) for a single radionuclide. However, for a mixture of , l radionuclides, the set point shall be established so that the summation of fractions, as defined in Appendix B of 10 CFR 20 (see Section 3.6),is less than or' equal to one (1). l The appropriate detailed response to an effluent alarm is described in the PBNP RMS Alarm Set Point and Response Book. i 3.5 Monitor Calibration and Calibration Constant Determination l l Calibration of the RMS cffluent detectors is accomplished in accordance with procedures contained in the PBNP llealth Physics Calibration Manual. Noble gas effluent monitors 1985-1991 apply the calibration constant to standardize all gaseous releases to the average isotopic noble gas distribution. The calibration constants are based on the calculated monitor response to the beta energy distribution in the 1985-1991 average isotopic noble gas distribution. Noble gas effluent monitor calibration constants are derived from the following formulac: 1


Cal. Constant . . , Sensitivity and Monitor Response Sens.. .itivity = E (microCi / cc.) where: Monitor response = the calculated counts per minute registered by monitor exposed to the 1985-1991 average noble gas isotopic distribution

                                                       =     total concentration ofisotopes in the 1985 1991 averap I(pCi/ce;)

noble gas isotopic distribution n l Page 8 of 120 m

ODCM NUCLEAR POWER BUSIFFSS UNIT MAJOR Revision 11 l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL l The liquid ef0uent monitors apply the lerived calibration constant to s{ liquid releases to the total 1985 concentration in the release path. The calibra 1991 average liquid isotopic distribution. j based on the monitor response to the Each liquid monitor channel displays the efRuent concentration in tem concentration. Liquid efnuent monitor calibration constants are derived from the fo 1


Cal. Constant .. Sens,itivity and Monitor Response ivity = I( Ci / cc;) where:

                                           =        the counts per minute registered by monitor exposed to Monitor Response calibration source E( Ci/ce;)
                                           =         total concentration on radionuclides in the 1985-1991 average liquid efRuent isotopic distribution The Q AD computer program may be utilized to predict or determin constants. Application of the QAD program may be appropriate for de response for accident source terms or other instances when the use is impracticable. The methodology for determination of calibration QAD program is maintained by the staff of the RE.

l 3.6 Determination of the Effective Maximum Ef0uent Concen Rcleases Pursuant to PBNP T5, the concentration of radioactive materials in liquid not exceed 10 times the values of Column 2, Table 2, of Appendix B to llowever, as a conservative measure, the following 10 CFR 20.1001 20.2402. determination of the EMEC and the subsequent setpoint deterraination (Section 3.7) do not employ the augmented concentration values. 1 O Page 9 of 120 t ----

l NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODChi ( l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h1ANUAL hlAJOR l Revision i1 ! OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 __ In order to fulfill the requirements of 10 CFR 20, the Rh1S set point must be a value which will alarm when a liquid effluent would contain enough radionuclides to cause the effluent ccncentration limit of 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 for a single radionuclide to be exceeded, or for a mixture of radionuclides, the summation of fractions (SOF), as defined in Appendix B, to exceed one (1). Dividing the average isotopic concentrations for the years 1985-1991 by the SOF scales the total ofindividual l concentrations up to the value where the SOF equals one. This total concentration is called the effective maximum effluent concentration (Eh1EC) and its calculation is described below. (For a complete discussion of the EMEC derivation, sec Appendix A.) The SOF is calculated using the formula found in the revised 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Note 4- ' l l SOF = I C /h1EC i i  ! where: C; = concentration of radionuclide "i" ( Ci/ml) in effluent (annual discharge / total volume of discharge) O V MECi


maximum effluent concentration for unrestricted areas from Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 of the revised 10 CFR 20. The SOF for radionuclides in liquid effluent for the years 1985 through 1991 were averaged and applied to the average of the isotopic concentrations for the same years. Na-24 and H-3 were not used in the calculations (see Appendix A for details). Next, the " effective h1EC" or EMEC is calculated using the formula: EMEC = IC; / I(C /MEC i i ) or Ici

  • 1/SOF where the variables are the same as defined above.

The average EMEC, based on 1985-1991 data is 4.29E-06 pCi/cc. This is the maximum non 11-3 radionuclide mixturc concentration that could be released in liquid effluent without the SOF cacceding one (1). l Flowever, the 10 CFR 20, Appendix B criterion is that the SOF for all radionuclides, [ including 11-3 which cannot be measured by the liquid effluent Nai RMS monitors, be - I

 'q              less than or equal to one (1). Therefore, the above equation modified by a factor of 0.70 q)              (see Appendix A) to account for 11-3 becomes Page 10 of 120


  • 0.70/SOF.

The ENIEC becomes Eh1EC . = 0.70

  • 4.29E-06 = 3.00E-06 Ci/cc.

Only three radionuclides identiDed in PBNP liquid eftluent have a lower h1EC (10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2). They are I-131 (1E-06), Cs-134 (9E-07), and Cs-137 (IE-05). Note that the use of the 0.7 modifying factor sets the SOF for non-tritium radionuclides to 0.7 and allows an SOF of 0.3 for H-3. A SOF of 0.3 limits the discharge concentration of H-3 to 0.3 NIEC or 3E-04 Ci/ce. The factor of 0.3 may be changed as needed for releases for which the isotopic mixture and concentrations are known as long as the total SOF 5;1. 3.7 Determination of f iauid Ef0uent N1onitor Alarm Set Point The alarm set point for each liquid monitor is based upon the 1985-1991 average radionuclide concentration in the efiluent discharged to the unrestricted area. The radionuclide concentration in the release is calculated assuming a minimum ci water flow rate of 206,000 gpm and the maximum Dow rate of the individual liquid efnuent waste stream. The isotopic distribution of the waste stream is obtained from the historical PBNP release data for the seven years mentioned above. Set points are determined such that the sum of all radionuclides in the mixture, when released into the circulating water system, will be maintained at or below'the unrestricted area ENIEC. Set points are calculated using the formula Cire water flow rate (gpm) l SP = Eh1EC

  • Waste Discharge Flow Rate (gpm) wheie SP = Rh1S alami set point in pCi/cc

EN1EC = cffective maximum ef0uent concentration Cire water flow rate = total now from Unit I + Unit 2 Waste discharge flow rate = Dow rate for effluent line on which the g monitor is located W Page11of120 L

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCN1 h1AJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION N1ANUAL Revision 1I OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h1ANUAL August 16,1998 v hlaximum waste discharge flow rates and monitors associated with each liquid eftluent pathway are described in Table 3.7-1. Default alarm set points normally are established based upon the maximum waste discharge flow rate and the minimum circulation watet flow rate. The liquid release


monitor default set points are listed in Table 3.7-2. Alarm set points may be adjusted for i batch releases, when actual flow rates are known. Alarm set point adjustments which are higher than default values, are to be made in accordance with the provisions and methodologies of this section and requires approval of the htSS. Lower alarm set point values maybe used without htSS approval if the default values lie outside the upper range of the monitor or if compliance with applicable limits will not be compromised. O O Page 12 of 12' L -



OF LIOUID DILUTION AND EFFLUENT PATIIWAY FLOW RATES LIQUID EFFLUENT DISCHARGE FLOW RATE PATHWAY MONITOR PATHWAY (GPM) RECIRCULATION WATER 1 pump, either unit 206.000 None 2 pumps, eitner unit 350,000 1 pumr, each unit 392,000 I pump, one unit & 530,000 2 pumps, other unit 2 pumps, each unit 680,000 SERVICE WATER RETURN 1 (2) RE-229 (normal cooldown per pump l 2 pumps @ 7500 gpm 15,000 l i 3 pumps @ 6300 gpm 18,900 l 4 pumps @ 5100 gpm 20,400 5 pumps @ 4300 gpm 21,500 6 pumps @ 3700 gpm 22,200 STEAM GENERATOR 1 (2) RE-219 & I (2) RE-222 l BLOWDOWN Max flov 200 e RETENTION POND RE-230 Max Flow Rate 360 l- (2 pumps) ) (sliding gate open) 1670 O Page 13 of 120




r _. ODCM NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT MAJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision i1 August 26,1998 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL _ l TABLE 3.7-2 LIQUID PATHWAY MONITOR l'ALCULATED DEFAULT SET POINTS MONITOR FLOWRATE (com) SET POINT (uCi/cc) 2.78E-05 1 (2) RE-229 6@3700' 200 3.09E-3 1 (2) RE-219 & 1 (2) RE-222 1670 3.70E-04 RE-230 700 8.83E-04 RE-220 100 6.I 8E-03 RE-218 & RE-223 g 4000 1.55E-04 1 (2) RE 216

       ' six service water pumps at normal cooldown flow rates O

Page 15 of 120


 /G                                                                                                          -

V Determination of EMEC for Atmospheric Releases 3.8 The maximum concentration of the mixture of radionuclides that is allowable at the site boundary is called the effective maximum effluent concentration (. :,iEC). The EMEC for an effluent mixture is defined by the equation EMEC = IC i / I(C i/ MEC)i where Ci

                                =  concentration of radionuclide "i"                                            j MECi
                                =  maximum effluent concentration for radionucl.a i from 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2 i

l E (Ci / MEC ) i = summoion of fractions (SOF), as discussed in Section 3.6, applied to ' atmospheric releases The EMEC is calculated from the reference radionuclide mixture. This mixture is obtained from the 1985 - 1991 average annual atmospheric releases and the corresponding concentrations determined from the highest annual average yfQ. (Details l of the EMEC calculation are found in Appendix B.)  ! The calculated EMEC, corrected for H-3, of 1.92E-08 Ci/cc was obtained to be used in the set point calculations. . i l l

  ~h (b

Pace 16 of 120 a

l NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM  ! MAJOR  ! l OFFSITE DCSE CALCULATION MANUAL ' Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 _ 3.9 Determination of Gaseous Effluent Monitor Alarm Set points The alarm set point for each monitor is based upon maintaining the concentration of the reference radionuclide mixture at or below the EMEC. The set point is calculated using the formula SP = 2.12E+03

  • EMEC / (y/Q
  • FR) where SP = set point in Ci/cc 3 3 2.12E + 03 = conversion factor for ft / min to m /sec EMEC = 1.92E-08 pCi/cc 3

yjQ = highest site boundary annual average 1.5E-06 sec/m 3 FR = the flow rate in ft / min of the efiluent pathway being monitored. Combining the above numerical values yields SP(pCi/cc) = 2.71E + 01/ FR O Gaseous effluent pathway discharge flow rates and monitors associated with each pathway are summarized in Table 3.9-1. TABLE 3.9-1 SUMM ARY OF GASEOUS EFFLUENT PATIIWAY DISCIIARGE FLOW RATES DISCilARGE FLOW RATE MONITOR (S) GASEOUS EFFLUENT PATilWAY CFM IN EFFLUENT PATHWAY

a. Auxiliary Building Vent 66.400 RE-214 & SPING 23
b. Combined Air Ejector 20 RE-225
c. Unit Air Ejector 10 1 (2) RE-215
d. Conta:, ment Purge Vent
1) I fan operating 12,500 1 (2) RE-212 &
2) 2 fans operating 25,000 SPINGS 21 & 22
c. Gas Stripper Building 13.000 RE-224
f. Drumming Area Vent 4.',100 RE-221 & SPING 24 Page 17 of 120

I NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODC.\! f OFFS 11E DOSE CALCULATION SIANUAL hlAJOR Re ision 1i OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION N!ANUAL August 26.1998 O Alarm set points are to be normally established based upon maximum waste discharce Dow rates and the highest annual average x,Q value at the site boundary. The t.larm set points may be adjusted for release

     - periods if actual now rates are reduced to less than maximum values or actual x,Q values are calculated.

Alarm set point adjustments to higher values are to be made in accordance with the provisions and methodologies of this section and require h!SS approval. Default set point values obtained using the Dow rate.; in Table 3.9-1 are presented in Table 3.9-2. An additional reduction factor of 1/4 has been applied to the four release point monitors so that the maximuai allowable site boundary can:entrations will not be exceeded in the event simultaneous releases from these points occur. Lower set point values may be used for any of the monitors without SISS apprmal if the ddaa!: value is outside the upper range of the monitor or if compliance with applicable release limits will not be compromised. The set point values for the SPINGs will be the same as the corresponding release point monitor: RE-214 (SPING 23).1(2)RE-212 (SPINGS 21 and 22) or RE-221 (SPING 24). TABLE 3.9-2 ATNIOSPHERIC PAT 1lWAY N!ONITOR DEFAl't.T RNIS SET POIN TS ( MONITOR FI.OW RATE SET POINT UM/mim (uCi'ce) RE-214 66.400 .l.02E 04 RE-225 20 1.36E -00 1 RE-215 10 2 71E+00 2RE-215 10 2.71 E-00 I RE-21 ' H 000' 2.73C 04 2 2RE 212 38.000 1.78E-04 RE-224 13.000 2.09E-03 RE-221 43.000 1.5SE-04  :

          .D .                         gh
  • y hl (

2 f.m , i 13.(H') clm trnm the c' .m.:n;'pa l>mun ,- O l'ageINof1:0

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 3.10 Determination of Maximum Release Rates Technical specifications restrict the rate of release (Ci/sec) of radionuclides to the atmosphere to that value, which if continued for one year, would result in the following annual dose rates at or beyond the site boundary: 500 mrem /yr to the whole body and 3000 mrem /yr to the skin from noble gases; and.1500 mrem /yr to any organ from I-131, 1-133, H-3, and particulates with a half life >8 days. 3.10.1 Noble gas release rate The release rate for noble gases are calculated using the Reg. Guide 1.109 dose factors and the annual average isotopic nobic gas release for the yem 1985 - 1991 as shown in Table B-1. The calculated annual skin dose from the average 1985 - 1991 isotopic mixture with a total of 4.51E+01 curies is 4.12E-03 mrem. Therefore the maximum release rate is calculated from the formula Ci/sec = total Ci

  • dose limit / (sec/yr
  • dose from total Ci).

Based on skin dose, the release rate formula Ci/sec = 4.51E+01 Ci

  • 3000 mrem /yr/ (4.12E-03 mrem
  • 3.15E+07 sec/yr) yields a release rate of 1.04E+00 Ci/sec.

Using the same total curies with the same isotopic mixture but with the whole body dose of 8.21E-03 mrem /yr and the whole body dose limit of 500 mrem /yr, the release rate becomes 8.72E-02 Ci/sec. Therefore the whole body dose rate is limiting and the maximum allowable PBNP noble gas release rate is 8.72E-02 Ci/sec. This rate is at higher than any PBNP noble gas release rate from 1985 - 1991 based on the highest reported hourly average release rates of approximately 4.3E-02 Ci/sec. e!! Page 19 of 120 l

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULA f!ON MANUAL MAJOR Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26.1998 U 3.10.2 Release rate for 1-131,1-133, H-3, and particulates released to the atmosphere with half-lives >8 days During the time period of 1985 - 1991 PBNP released an annual average of 116.30457 Ci to the atmosphere consisting ofI-131,1-133, H-3, and particulates whole half-life >8 days. Of this quantity,116.30 was H-3 and 4.57E-03 was I-131,1-133, and particulates whose half-life was >8 days. The doses from this mixture, calculated using ODCM methodology are shown in Table 3.10.1. Table 3.10-1 MREM from all radionuclides (1985 - 1991 average) MREM from all radionuclides (1985 - 1991 average) Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin ADULT l.66E-02 3.68E 02 5.74E 02 5.44 E-02 2.01 E-02 1.42E-02 1.23E-02 3.27E 02 TEEN 2.69E-02 5.25E-02 5.57E-02 4.64 E-02 2.56E-02 1.72E-02 1.29E-02 3.27E-02 CIIILD 6.3 l E-02 8.30E-02 5.48E-02 7.70E-02 3.73 E-02 2.31 E-02 1.60E-02 3.27E-02 INFANT 5.04E-02 6.77E-02 3.58E-02 1.04E-01 2.00E-02 9.39E-03 2.59E-03 3.27E-02 If the 1985 - 1991 average isotopic efiluent mixture released to the atmosphere is broken I down into the following grouping: H-3,1-131 and 1-133, and the remaining I v radionuclides, the groups contribution to the various organ doses are revealed (Tables 3.10 3.10-4). Table 3.10-2 MREM from I-131 and 1-133 (2.42E-03 Ci) MREM from I-131 AND I-133 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin ADULT 9.26E-05 1.32E 04 1.10E-04 4.31 E-02 2.29E 04 0.00E+00 3.66E-05 4.20E-05 TEEN 8.52E-05 1.20E-04 9.82E 05 3.44 E-02 2.06E-04 0.00E+00 2.50E-05 4.20E-05 CillLD 1.86E-04 1.88E 04 1.41 E-04 6.17E 02 3.09E-04 0.00E+00 1.79E-05 4.20E-05 INFANT 2.63 E-04 3.10E-04 1.71 E-04 1.01 E-01 3.62E-04 0.00E+00 1.17E-05 4.20E-05 l Table 3.10-3 MREM from H-3 (116.3 Ci) l MREM from 11-3 j Bonc Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin i ADULT 0.00E+00 1.13 E-02 1.13 E-02 1.13 E-02 1.13E-02 1.13 E-02 1.13E-02 0.00E+00 l I TEEN 0.00E+00 1.19E-02 1.19E-02 1.19E-02 1.19E 02 1.19E-02 1.19E-02 0.00E+00 ClllLD 0.00E+00 .l.53E 02 1.53E-02 1.53 E-02 1.53 E-02 1.53 E-02 1.53E-02 0.00EiOO INFANT 0.00E+00 2.35 E-03 2.35E-03 2.35 E-03 2.35 E-03 2.35E-03 2.35E 03 0.00E+00 A b Page 20 of 120 j

NUCLEAR POWER 131;SINESS UNIT ODCM l MAJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision 11 i OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 _ l l Table 3.10-4 MREM from all radionuclides except H-3 and radiciodines (2.15E-03 Ci) l l MREM from all radionuclides except 11-3 and radiciodines i Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin ADULT 1.65E 02 2.53E-02 4.59E-02 2.08E 09 8A9E-03 2.84E-03 9.41E-04 3.27E-02 TEEN 2.68E-02 4.04 E~-02 4.37E-02 2.64E-09 1.35E 02 5.25E-03 9.76E-04 3.27E 02 CillLD 6.29 E-02 6.75 E-02 3.94 E-02 4.94 E-09 2.16E-02 7.81E-03 6.72E-04 3.27E-02 INFANT 5.01 E-02 6.51 E-02 3.32 E-02 1.88E-09 1.73 E-02 7.04E-03 2.27E-04 3.27E-02 As evident from Tables 3.10-1 through 3.10-4, H-3 contributes a significant portion of the j thyroid dose for all age groups for the 1985 - 1991 mixture of radionuclides releasci to the atmosphere. Comparison ofTables 3.10-5 and 3.10-6 to Table 3.10-4 reveals that the major portion of the organ doses from radionuclides other than 11-3 and radiciodines results from cobalt and cesium. Cs-134 and C3-137 are the major dose contributors to the bone, liver, skin and kidneys whereas cobalt is the major contributor to the Gl LLI dose. Therefore, the dose results obtained from the 1985 - 1991 radionuclide mixture is consistent with the dose results from cuiret effluents. Table 3.10-5 MREM from Cs-134 and Cs-137 (1.84E-03 Ci) { } MREM from Cs-134 and Cs-137 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin ADULT 1.62E-02 2.53 E-02 4.21 E-02 0.00E+00 8.48E-03 2.82E-03 4.76E-04 2.84E-02 TEEN 2.64E 02 4.04E-02 3.98E 02 0.00E+00 1.35 E-02 5.22E-03 5.52E-04 2.84E-02 CillLD 6:22E-02 6.74 E-02 3.54E 02 0.00E+00 2.16E 02 7.7.8E-03 4.05E-04 2.84E-02 INFANT 5.0lE 02 6.50E-02 2.95 E-02 0.00E+00 1.73 E-02 7.02E-03 1.96E-04 2.84E-02 Table 3.10-6 MREM from Co-57, Co-58, and Co-60 (1.93E-04 Ci) MREM from cobaltr. Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI LLI Skin ADULT 0.00E+00 2.24 E-05 3.72E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.32E-05 4.26E-04 4.32E-03 TEEN 0.00E+00 2.97E-05 3.73 E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.40E-05 3.88E-04 4.32E 03 CillLD 0.00E+ 00 4.35 E.05 3.80E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.76E-05 2.43E-04 4.32E.03 INFAN7 0.00E+00. 1.75E-06 3.69E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.78E-05 1.86E-05 4.32E-03 I I Page 21 of 120 '

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODChi l l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL hlAJOR Revision 11 i OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hfANUAL August 26,1998 O V Based on these results, the release rates for various radionuclide mixture can be determined using the methodology in Section 3.10.1. For the total radionuclide mixture, the maximum release rate is Ci/sec =1.16E+02 Ci

  • 1500 mrem /yr/(1.04E-01 mrem
  • 3.15E+07 sec/yr) or 5.33E-02 Ci/sec, For radiciodines (I-131 and 1-133), the maximum release rate is Ci/sec =2.42E-03 Ci
  • 1500 mremlyr/ (1.01E-01 mrem
  • 3.15E+07 sec/yr) or 1.14E-06 Ci/sec, For H-3, the maximum release rate is Ci/sec =1.16E+02 Ci *1500 mrem /yr/ (1.53E-02 mrem
  • 3.15E+07 sec/yr)


 'g or 3.62E-01 Ci/sec, For all radionuclides (other than H-3 and radiciodines) with a half-life > 8 days, the maximum release rate is Ci/sec =2.1SE-03 Ci *1500 mrem /yr/ (6.75E-02 mrem
  • 3.15E+07 sec/yr) or 1.52E 06 Ci/sec, For cesium (Cs-134, -137), the maximum release rate is Ci/sec =1.84E-03 Ci
  • 1500 mremlyr/ (6.74E-02 mrem
  • 3.15E+07 sec/yr) or 1.30E-06 Ci/sec, For cobalt (Co-57, -58, -60), the maximum release rate is Ci/sec =1.93E-04 Ci
  • 1500 mrem /yr/ (4.26E-02 mrem
  • 3.15E+07 sec/yr) or 2.16E-05 Ci/sec, O

V Page 22 of 120 [ __ - _ _ _

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCNI l l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hlANUAL hlAJOR Revision Ii OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hlANUAL August 26.1998 _ Finally, for the total of all radionuclides in the mixture except H-3. tae maximum release rate is Ci/sec =4.57E-03 Ci *1500 mrem /yr/ (1.01E-01 mrem

  • 3.15E+07 sec/yr) or 2.15E-06 Ci/sec.

Because the limiting release rate is that of the radioiodines a mixture of radionuclides whose half-lives is >8 days should be restricted to 1.14E.06 Ci/sec. However, if there is no I-131 and 1-133. the cesium doses become limiting and the release rate limit may be raised to 1.30E-06 Ci/sec. l l O l l l 1 O Page 23 of 120 j j



4.0 DEMONSTRATING COMPLIANCE WITH 10 CFR 50. APPENDIX I 4.1 Introduction Maintaining ef0uents within the dose objectives of Appendix I is dem' onstrated at PBNP by periodic calculations. Compliance with Appendix I limits is demonstrated by periodically calculating doses to the maximum exposed individual using the methodology . set forth in Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev.1, October 1977 and in other recognized sources such as ICRP publications. In order to aid in the dose calculations, the formulae in Reg Guide 1.109 were rearranged to calculate the dose per curie released (mrem /Ci) to the environment. For each pathway given in Reg Guide 1.109, a radionuclide's mrem /Ci values for the whole body and the organs were calculated for each of the two release modes, liquid and atmospheric. All of the pathway doses for a radionuclide via i the release mode under consideration were summed to obtain the radionuclide's total mrem /Ci released. These values, called total dose factors (TDFs), are listed in Tables 5.1.1 and 5.1.2. The application of TDFs are given in Section 5; the calculations used to obtain them, in Appendix C. 4.2 Dose Limits n

    )                   To define the limits and conditions for the controlled release of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous effluents to the environment, to ensure that these releases are as low as is reasonably achievable in conformance with 10 CFR Parts 50.34a and 50.36a, to ensure that these releases result in concentrations of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous effluents released to unre.ctricted areas that are within the limits specified in 10 CFR 20, and to ensure that the releases of rr.iioactive material above background to unrestricted areas are as low as is reasonably achievable, the following design release limits as defined in Appendix I to 10 CFR 50 apply:

l A. The calculated annual total quantity of all radioactive material above background that may be released from each light-water-cooled nuclear power reactor to unrcstricted areas should not result in an annual dose or dose commitment from liquid effluents for any individual in an unrestricted area from all pathways of exposure in excess of 3 millirems to the total body or 10 millirems to any organ. l B. The calculated annual total quantity of all radioactive material above background that may be released from each light-water-cooled nuclear power reactor to the atmosphere shou!d not result in an annual air dose from gaseous effluents at any location near ground level which could be occupied by individuals in unrestricted areas in excess of 10 millirads for gamma radiation or 20 millirads for beta radiation, or that this quantity should not result in an ainual external dose from gaseous effluents to any individual in unrestricted areas in excess of 5 millirems to the total body or 15 millirems to the skin. Page 24 of 120


     . OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hlANUAL C.           The calculated annual total quantity of all radioactive iodine and radioactive O

l material in particulate form above background that may be released from each light-water-cooled nuclear power reactor in eftluents to the atmosphere should not result in an annual c'ose or dose commitment from such radioactise iodine and radioactive material in particulate form for any individual in an unrestricted area from all pathways of exposure in excess of 15 millirems to any organ. D. Pursuant to NRC interpretation as stated in PBNP TS 15.7.8, the dose guideline of Section 4.2.C, above, applies only to 1-131,1-133,11-3, and all particulate material released to the atmosphere which has a half-life >8 days. Particulates with shorter half-lives are not considered because of their negligible dose contribution. 4.3 Release 1.imits Based on the Appendix I dose limits. Point Beach, being a two (2) unit nuclear plant, may release into the environment the quantities of radionuclides above background that fulfill the criteria listed below. A. Pursuant to Section 4.2.A. the c'oses from radionuclides in the unrestricted area in liquids shall not exceed

1. Six (6) millirem to the whole body, or
2. Twenty (20) millirem to any organ.

B. Pursuant to Section 4.2.B. the doses from gaseous radionuclides in the unrestricted area shall not exceed

1. Twenty (20) millirads to the air from gamma radiation.
2. Forty (40) millirads to the air from beta radiation,
3. Ten (10) millirem to the whole body, or
4. Thirty (30) millirem to the skin.

C. Pur.suant to Section 4.2.C. the dose from radiciodine and radioactive material in particulate form released to the atmosphere in the unrestricted area shall not exceed thirty (30) millirem to any organ. l D. Quarterly release limits are defmed as H the annual limits. O Page 25 of 120


   '% )

4.4 EPA Reculations Compliance with the provisions of Appendix I to 10 CFR 50 is adequate demonstration of confommnce to the standards set forth in 40 CFR 190 regarding the dose commitment to individuals from the uranium fuel cycle. For 40 CFR 190 compliance, quarterly dose calculations shall include exposures from efuuent pathways and direct radiation contributions from the reactor units and from any outside storage' tanks. The above calculations do not include contributions from the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP) which is some four miles north of PBNP. Under normal operations using the PBNP annual average yfQ and assuming that the KNPP source term is identical to either PBNP unit, the greatest KNPP dose contribution occurs at the north sector PBNP boundary. Ilowever, the total KNPP-PBNP dose at that point is less than the dose in the j highest sector (south boundary) from PBNP alone. The KNPP contribution in this sector i adds only 1 percent to 8 percent to the total dose depending upon the release mode. Even ! in the highly unlikely event that PBNP and KNPP operated for an entire year at twice the i Appendix I levels, the small percentage contribution from KNPP would be insufficient to yield doses exceeding 40 CFR 190 limits. ) 1 O

   %J 5.0  CALCULATION AND COMPARISON OF EFFLUENT RELSASES TO RELEASE LIMITS Technical Specification requires that an effluent release summary and dose calculations be performed periodically. This section describes the methodology for the calculation of doses for comparison to the corresponding dose limits. For Appendix I compliance, the organ and whole body doses shall be calculated for the maximumly exposed individual in each age group using the appropriate total dose factors in mrem /Ci released which were obtained using Regulatory Guide 1.109 and other documented methodologies.

5.1 Annendix I Dose Calculations 5.L1 Liquid Release Mode The dose calculations for demonstration of compliance with the 10 CFR 50,  ! Appendix I dose limits will be accomplished by the Radiological Engineering j j Group of RE. These calculations will be done monthly, within fifteen (15) ) days of receipt of the final effluent curie values from the PBNP Chemistry l Section. The doses from each radionuclide will be calculated for each age group and for each organ, including the whole body, and summed over all the i identified radionuclides released. The total dose is compared to the corresponding liquid release mode Appendix I dose limit for the organ m () V question. Noble gases released in liquids are added to the atmospherically released noble gases for Appendix I dose compliance calculuions. Paee 26 of 120

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS 1, NIT ODChi , MAJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision i1 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26.1998 -) The doses are calculated using the following formula: API = I Doscaomi = I(TDFaomi x Ci ) s K m c mrem where API = the Appendix 1 dose for compliance evaluation in mrem Dosesomi

                                 =       the dose to the specific age group (a) and organ (o) via release mode (m) from radionuclide (i)


                                   =     total dose factor for the specine age group (a) and organ (o) via release mode (m) from radionuclide (i) from Table 5.1-1 in mrem /Ci

C; curies of radionuclide (i) released K om = the Appendix I dose limit for organ (o) and release mode (m) for which the calculation is being made. The methodology and the values used to obtain the TDFaomi values are given in Appendix C. It is recognized that some of the release quantities may not be available at the end of the month because the samples from these release paths are sent to a vendor for analysis. Usually, the only radionuclides affected by these delays are Sr-89 and Sr-90. Because the quantities of these two radionuclides are but a small fraction of the total release, the absence of their dose contributions from the initial monthly dose calculation will not significantly affect the total dose obtained from the remaining radionuclides. The dose for the month will be updated upon the receipt of the vendor isotopic results and upon the receipt of any corrections to previous release quantities. Instead of using the precalculated total dose factors, the Appendix I dose l calculation may be modined to reflect the actual liquid discharge volume ) during the release period using the methodology in Appendix C. O' Page 27 of 120


NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODChi l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h1ANUAL h1AJOR Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h1ANUAL August 26.1998 e %) TABLE 5.1-1 l l l LIQUID EFFLUENT DOSE FACTOR i Summation of dose per curie released factor calculations over the pathways: potable water, aquatic food, shoreline deposit, irrigated foods (milk), and irrigated foods (meat). l Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem;Ci released) 11-3 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 0.00E+00 4.57E-06 4.57E-06 4.57 E-06 4.57E-06 4.57E-06 4.57E-06 Teen 0.00E+00 4.1iE-06 4.11E-06 4.11E-06 4.11 E-06 4.1iE-06 4.11E-06 l Child 0.00E+00 6.76E-06 6.76E-06 6.76E-06 6.76E-05 6.76E-06 6.76E-06 , ] Infant 0.00 E+00 7.80E-06 7.80E-06 7.80E-06 7.SOE-06 7.80E-06 7.80E-06 Dose factor liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released)  : r.18 i Bone Liver T. Hody Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 1.15E-07 9.12 E-89 1.28E 08 0.00E+00 3.14 E-89 0.00E+00 3.40E-09 l Teen 1.21 E-07 7.59E-89 1.35 E-03 0.00 E+00 4.35E-89 0.00E+00 1.09E-08 l ( (]j Child infant 1.51 E-07 2.05 E-12 1.08E 88 0.00E+00 1.50E-08 1.75E 13 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 5.74 E-89 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 4.08E-0S 4.83E 13 ) Dose factor - liquid release pcthway (mrem,Ci released) Na-. j Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 4.7 I E-03 4.7 I E-03 4.82E 03 4.7 I E-03 4.7 I E-03 4.7 I E-03 4.7 I E-03 Teen 5.48 E-03 5.48E-03 6.07E-03 5.48 E-03 5.48 E-03 5.48E-03 5.48E-03 l Child 8.32E-03 8.32 E-03 8.45E 03 8.32E-03 8.32E-03 8.32E-03 8.32 E-03 infant 7.2 I E-03 7.21E 03 7.21 E-03 7.21 E-03 7.21 E-03 7.21 E-03 7.2 i E-03 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) l Na 24 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 1.85E 04 1.85E 04 1.85E 04 1.85E 04 1.85 E-04 1.85E-04 1.85 E-04 Teen 1.98 E-04 1.98 E-04 1.98 E-04 1.98E-04 1.98 E-04 1.98 E-04 1.98 E-04 Child 2.40E 04 2.40E-04 2.40E-04 2.40E-04 2.40E 04 2.40E-04 2.40E-04 Infant 8.06E 05 8.06E-05 8.06E 05 8.06E-05 8.06E-05 8.06E-05 8.06E-05 l  ; Dose f actor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) l Sc-16 GILLI p) \._ Adult Bone 1.70E 07 Liver 3.3 l E-07 T. Body 8.92E-06 Thyrcid 0.00 E+ 00 Kidney 3.09E-07 Lungs 0.00E+ 00 1.6 t E 03 Teen 1.52E-07 2.97 E-07 4.94 E-05 0.00E400 2.84 E-07 0.00E+ 00 1.0lE 03 Child 3.54 E-07 4.85 E-07 1.05E 05 0.00E+ 00 4.29E 07 0.00 E+ 00 7.09E 04 Infant 3.4? E-07 4.94E 07 1.54E 07 0.00E+00 3.25 E-07 0.00E+ 00 3.22E 04 _ Page 28 of 120


        ~ Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem.'Ci released)

Mn-54 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 0.00E+00 3.28E-03 6.34E-04 0.00E+00 9.75E-04 0.00E+00 1.00E-02 i Teen 0 00E+00 3.22 E-03 6.86E-04 0.00E+00 9.59E-04 0.00E+00 6.60E-03 Child 0.00E+00 2.60E-03 7.04 E-04 0.00E+00 7.30 E-04 0.00E+ 00 2.19E-03 Infant 0.00E+00 1.92E-04 4.34E-05 0.00E+00 4.25 E-05 0.00E+ 00 7.04 E-05 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem.'Ci released) Cr-51 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.01 E-06 5.84E-07 2.15E-07 1.30E-06 2.46E-04 Teen 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 1.17E-06 5.60E-07 2.21 E-07 1.44 E-06 1.70 E-04 Child 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 1.19E-06 6.44 E-07 1.76E-07 1.18 E-06 6.15 E-05 Infant 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 1.72E-07 1.12E-07 2.45 E-08 2.18E-07 5.0lE-06 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem,Ci released) I Mn-56 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 0.00E+00 3.lSE-06 5.65E 07 0.00 E+00 4.04 E-06 0.00E+00 1.02 E-04 Teen 0.00E+ 00 3.33 E-06 5.94 E-07 0.00E+00 4.22 E-06 0.00E+00 2.19E-04 Child 0.00E+ 00 3.04 E-06 6.86E 07 0.00E+00 3.67E-06 0.00E+00 4.40E-04 Infant 0.00E+ 00 1.97E Il 3.39E 12 0.00E+ 00 1.69E Il 0.00E+00 1.79E 09 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem.Ci released) l Fe-55 l Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI l

         , Adult         5.98 E-04        4.13E-04     9.63 E-05     0.00E+00   0.00E+00   2.3 l E-04  2.37 E-04  l l   Teen        6.1IE-04         4.33 E-04    1.01 E-04     0.00E+ 00  0.00E+00   2.75 E-04   1.88 E-04  l Child       9.35 E-04        4.96E-04     1.54 E-04     0.00E+00   0.00E+00   2.80E-04    9.19E-05   l Infant      1.55E-04          1.00E-04    2.68E-05      0.00E +00  0.00 E+ 00 4.91 E-05   1.28E-05   l Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released)

Fe-59 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 9.12E 04 2.14 E-03 8.23E 04 0.00E+ 00 0.00E + 00 5.99E 04 7.14 E-03 Teen 9.22 E-04 2.15 E-03 8.40E-04 0.00E t 00 0.00 E+ 00 6.79E 04 5.09E-03 I I Child 1.29E-03 2.09E-03 1.04 E-03 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 6.07E-04 2.18 E-03 Infant 3.34 E-04 5.84 E-04 2.30E 04 0.00E4 00 0.00 E+ 00 1 73 E-04 2.79E 04 Page 29 of 120 L

1 NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM MAJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hlANUAL Revision 1I OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 l (n._) Table 5.1-1 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Co-57 Bone Liver T. Body n yroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 0.00E+00 2.02 E-05 3.57E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E +00 5.13 E-04 Teen 0.00E+00 2.06E-05 4.62E-05 0.00E + 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.83E-04 Child 0.00E+00 2.31 E-05 4.93 E-05 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.89E-04 i 0.00E+00 1.24E-05 2.02E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E'00 0.00E+00 4.24 E-05 i nfant Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem!Ci releastd) Co-58 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 0.00E+ 00 8.49E 05 1.93E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.72 E-03 Teen 0.00E+00 8.30E-05 2.04 E-04 0.00 E+00 0.00E4 00 0.00E+00 1.14E 03 Child 0.00E+00 8.32E 05 2.57 E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.85 E-04 Infant 0.00E+00 3.84 E-05 9.58E-05 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 9.57E-05 p Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released)

 \              Co-60 Bone            Liver      T. Body        Thyroid       Kidney       Lungs      GILLI Adult      0.00E+00         2.48E 04     6.82E-04       0.00E+00    0.00E+00     0.00E+00    4.66E 03 Teen       0.00E+00         2.44 E-04    1.30E-03       0.00E+00    0.00E4 00    0.00 E+00   3.17E 03 Child      0.00E+00         2.49E-04     8.92E     0.00E+00     0.00E+00    0.00E+00    1.38 E-03 0.00E+00         1.17E-04     2.77 E-04      0.00E+ 00    0.00E+ 00   0.00E+00    2.79E-04 Infant Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released)

Ni-63 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 3.03 E-02 2.10E-03 1.02E 03 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.38 E-04 2.21 E-03 1.06E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 3.52 E-04 Teen 3.13 E-02 2.67 E-03 1.70E-03 0.00E+ 00 0.00E400 0.00E+00 1.80E-04 Child 5.00E-02 7.85 E-04 4.41 E-04 0.00E400 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 3.9 ] E-05 Infant 1.27 E-02 Dose factor liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) l Ni 65 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI 2.0lE-07 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 1.12E-05 p Adult 3.39E 06 4.40E 07 0.00E+ 00 2.54E-05 Q Teen Child 3.66E-06 4.68E-06 4.68E 07 4.41E 07 2.13E 07 2.57E 07 0.00E+ 00 0.00E + 00 0.00E4 00 0.00E400 0.00E+00 5.40E-05 1.74E 10 1.97E-l l 8.95E 12 0.00E400 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 1.50E-09 Infant

Page 30 of 120 u

l NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM j MAJOR  ! l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 _ Table 5.1-  ! Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Cu-64 j Bone Liver T. Body Th>Toid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI j Adult 0.00E+00 4.02E-06 1.89E-06 0.00E+00 1.0lE-05 0.00 E+00 3.43 E-04 ' Teen 0.00E+00 4.31 E-06 2.04 E-06 0.00E+00 1.09E-05 0.00E+00 3.34 E-04 Child 0.00E+00 4.30E-06 2.60E-06 0.00E+00 1.04 E_-05 0.00Et00 2.02 E-04 l i Infant 0.00E+00 1.41 E-06 6.52E-07 0.00E400 .!.3 5 E-06 0.00 E+00 2.89E-05 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Zn 65 Bone Liver T. Body Th)Toid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 1.73 E-02 5.50E-02 2.49 E-02 0.00E+00 3.68E-02 0.00E+00 3.46 E-02  ; Teen 1.58E-02 5.50E-02 2.57E-02 0.00E+00 3.52E-02 0.00E+ 00 2.33 E-02 Child 1.68E-02 4.47E-02 2.78 E-02 0.00E+00 2.82E-02 0.00E+ 00 7.85 E-03 Infant 1.32E-03 4.51E 03 2.08E 03 0.00 E+ 00 2.19E-03 0.00 E+00 3.81 E-03 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Zn-69 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 1.97 E-05 3.76E-05 2.62 E-06 0.00E+00 2.44E 05 0.00E+00 5.65E-06 Teen 2.14E 05 4.08 E-05 2.86E-06 0.00 E+00 2.67E-05 0.00E+ 00 7.52 E-05 Child 2.77E-05 4.00E-05 3.70E-06 0.00 E+ 00 2.43 E-05 0.00E+00 2.52E 03 l Infant 5.98 E-07 1.08E 06 8.0lE-08 0.00 E '00 4.47E 07 0.00 E+00 8.78 E-05 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrent'Ci released) Zn-69m Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kic1ey Lungs GILLI l Adult 3.25 E-04 7.79 E-04 7.12 E-05 0.00E+00 4.72 E-04 0.00E+ 00 4.76E-02 Teen 3.50E-04 8.25 E-04 7.57 E-05 0.00E+00 5.01 E-04 0.00E+ 00 4.53 E-02 Child 4.49 E-04 7.65E-04 9.04 E-05 0.00E +00 4.44 E-04 0.00E+00 2.49E-02 l infant 9.61 E-06 1.96E 05 1.79 E-06 0.00 E+ 00 7.94 E-06 0.00 E+ 00 2.72 E-04 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Br-82 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 1.39 E-03 0.00E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 1.59E-03 Teen 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 , I A7E-03 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 Child 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 1.7 l E-03 0.00E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E400 , Infant 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 4.43 E-04 0.00 E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E400 0.00E+ 00 Page 31 of 120

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODChi l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION N1ANUAL h1AJOR Revision 11 ,, OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h1ANUAL August 26,1998 Table 5.1-1 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mmm/Ci released) Br-83 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-I LI Adult 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9.06E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.30E-06 Teen 0.00E+00 0.90E+00 9.85 E-07 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Child 0.00E+00 0.00Et00 1.27E-06 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 Infant 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l 2.93 E-I l 0.00E+00 0.00lf+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Dose factor - !iquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Br-84 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs i GILLI Adult 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.12E-05 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 2.44E 10 Teen 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.43 E-05 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 Child 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.33 E-05 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Infant 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 1.20E-05 l 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E400 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) \ Br-85 Bone Liver T, Body Thyroid Kidney Limgs GILLI Adult 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.24E F2 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00

        ' Teen        0.00E+00        0.00E+00      4.60E.82       0.00E+00   0.00 E+ 00  0.00E+00      0.00E+00 Child      0.00E+ 00       0.00E+00      5.94E 82       0.00E+00   0.00E+00    0.00 E+ 00    0.00E+00 Inf:nt     0.00E+00        0.00E+00      9.35E 309      0.00E+00   0.00 E+ 00  0.00 E+ 00    0.00E+00 Dose factor liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released)                                                   l Kb 86                                                                                                    l Bone           Liver       T. Body        Thyroid     Kidney      Lungs    l    GILLI    l Adult      0.00E+ 00       7.36E-02      3.43 E-02      0.00E+00   0.00E+ 00   0.00E+00      1.45 E-02   l Teen       0.00E+ 00       7.98 E-02     3.75E-02       0.00 E+00  0.00E+00    0.00E+00      1.18E 02    l Child      0.00E+00        7.93 E-02     4.88E-02       0.00E+ 00  0.00 E+ 00  0.00E+00      5.10E-03    l Infant     0.00E+00        9.07E 03      4 46t:     0.00E+00   0.00 E+00   0.00 E+00     2.32E 04    l Dose factor liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released)

Rb-88 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 0.00E+ 00 1.4 l E 16 7.46E 17 0.00 E+ 00 0.00 E + 00 0.00E+00 1.94 E-27 y _ Teen Child 0.00E+ 00 1.51E 16 8.04 E- 17 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E4 00 0.00E+ 00 1.29E 23 7.12E 18 0.00E+ 00 1.45E 16 1.0lE-16 0.00E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 infant 0.00E+00 5.68E 54 3.12E 54 0.00E4 00 0.00 E+ 00 0.00 E + 00 5.54E 54 Page 32 of 120

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODChi l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h!ANUAL N1AJOR Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hiANUAL August 26,1998 - Table 5.1 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) l l Rb-89 j l Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI l Adult 0.00E+00 1.28 E-18 8.99E-19 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.42 E-32 l { Teen 0.00E+ 00 1.34 E-18 9.45 E-19 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.05 E-27 l } Child 0.00E+00 1.23 E-18 1.09E-18 0.00E+00 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+00 1.07E-20 l infant 0.00E+00 1.15E 61 7.93 E-62 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 - 3.92E-62 l I Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mr:m/Ci released) Sr-89 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 2.26E-02 0.00 E+00 6.48 E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.62 E-03 Teen 2.43 E-02 0.00E+00 6.95 E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 2.89E-03 Child 4.27E-02 0.00E+00 1.22E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.65E-03 Infant 2.58E-02 0.00E+00 7.40E-04 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.30E-04 Dose factor liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Sr-90 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 5.63E 01 0.00 E+00 1.38 E-01 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.63 E-02 Teen 4.64 E-01 0.00 E+00 1.15 E-01 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E t00 1.30E-02 Child 5.59E-01 0.00E+00 1.42 E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.53 E-03 Infant 1.95E.01 0.00 E+00 4.97 E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.44 E-03 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) l Sr-91  ; l Bone Liver T. Booy Thyrof Kidney Lungs GI-LI.I l Adult 1.27E 04 0.00E+M 5.14 E-06 0.00E+0d 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.0$ E-04 ) Teen 1.38 E-04 0.00E+ 0 5.51 E-06 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.24 E-04 l Child 1.83 E-04 0.00E JO 6.91 E-06 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.04 E-04 l


Infant 1.59E-05 5.76E-07 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.88E-05 _ 0.00} r00 l Dose dctor liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Sr92 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI l Adult 5.2 t E 06 0.00E+ 00 2.26E 07 0.00E+00 0.00E4 00  : 0.00E+00 1.03 E-04 Teen 5.64 E-06 0.00E+ 00 2.42E 07 0.00E+ 00 0.00 E+00 ~ 01 E+00 1.44 E-04 Child 7.20E 06 0.00 E+ 00 2.b9E 07 0.00 E+ 00 0.00 E + 00 0.00E+00 1.36E-04 Infant 9.41E 10 0.00E+00 3.50E Il 0.00E+00 0.00E100 1.01E 08 0.00E+ 00 _ l Page 33 of CO

r-NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision 11 p OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26.1998 V Table 5.1-1 l Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) lY-90 l Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs- GI-LLI l Adult 4.85E-07 0.00E+00 1.30E-08 0.00Et00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.15E 03 l Teen 5.16E-07 0.00E+00 1.40E-08 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00E+ 00 4.26E-03 l l Child 8.67E-07 0.00 E+00 2.32E-08 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.47E-03 4.80E-07 ) l Infant 0.00E+00 1.29E-08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.63 E-04  ! Dose factor - liquid release pa hway (mrem /Ci released) Y _-91 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 9.20E-06 0.00E+00 2.53 E-07 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 5.06E-03 Teen 9.68E-06 0.00E+00 2.97E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Child 1.74E 05 0 00E+00 4.74 E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.97E 03 2.32 E-03 i ) l { infant 1.03 E-05 0.00 E+ 00 2.73E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.35 E-04 l [] D l Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mr:m/Ci released) 3 l Y-91m


Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid l Kidney Lungs GILLI j Adult 1.71 E-13 0.00E+ 00 5.10E 14 0.00E+00 0 00E+00 0.00E+00 5.02E 13 l l Teen 1.85E 13 0.00E+00 2.55E 13 0.00 E+ 00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 8.72E-12 j l Child 2.36E 13 0.00 E+ 00 6.04E 14 0.00E400 0.00E+0- 0.00E+00 4.62E 10 { l Infant 2.62E 26 0.00 E+ 00 8.92E 28 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 8.72 E-23 l l Dose factor liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Y-92 l Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 3.5 l E 09 0.00E*00 2.88E 10 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.15E-05 Teen 3.83 E-09 0.00 E+ 00 1.15 E-09 0 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.05E-04 g Child 4.92 E-09 0.00E+00 3.57E 10 0.00E+ 00 0.00 E+00 0.00E+ 00 1.42 E-04 Qnfant 5.88E 12 0.00 E + 00 1.65 E- 13 0.00E+00 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 1.12 E-07 Dose f actor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) l Y-93 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adu:: 5.32E-08 0.00E+ 00 2.33E 09 0.00E t00 0.00E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 1.69E-03 V Teen 5.77E-08 0.00E+ 00 6.38 E-09 0.00E+ 00 0.00E v 00 0.00E + 00 1.76E 03  ! Child 7.75E 08 0.00 E+ 00 3.13 E.09 0.00 E + 00 0.00E* 00 0.00 E+ 00 1.16E-03 Infant 8.33 E-09 0.00E + 00 2.27E 10 0.00E + 00 0.00 E + 00 0.00 E+ 00 6.58E 05 Pace 34 of 120

i t NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR I Revision i1  ! OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 - Table 5.1-1 _ l Dose factor - liquid release pathway (inrem/Ci released) l Zr-95 l Bone l Liver T. Body T hyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI l Adult 1.23 E-06 3.94 E-07 1.79E-06 0.00E+00 6.19E-07 0.03E+00 1.25 E-03 l Teen 1.llE-06 3.52E-07 8.74 E-06 0.00E+00 5.17 E-07 0.00E+00 8.llE-04 l Child 2.48 E-06 5.45 E-07 2.26E-06 0.00E+00 7.80E-07 0.00E+00 5.69E-04 l 1.87E-06 4.56E-07 3.23 E-07 0.00E+00 4.91 E-07 0.00E+00 2.27E-04 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Zr-97 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 1.07E-08 2.16E-09 1.23 E-08 0.00E+ 00 3.27E-09 0.00E+00 6.70E 04 Teen I.IIE-08 2.19E-09 6.42 E-08 0.00E+ 00 3.33E 09 0.00E+00 5.94E 04 Child 2.2 i E-08 3.19E-09 1.51 E-08 0.00E+00 4.58 E-09 0.00E+00 4.83 E-04 Infant 1.92 E-08 3.29E-09 1.50E 09 0.00E+00 3.32 E-09 0.00E+00 2.10E 04 Dose factor liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released)


Nb-95 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 3.23 E-04 1.79 E-04 9.73 E-05 0.00 E+00 1.77E-04 0.00E+00 1.09E+00 Teen 3.25 E-04 1.80E-04 1.04E 04 0.00E*00 1.75 E-04 0.00E+00 7.70E-01 Child 3.84 E-04 1.49E-04 1.08E-04 0.00 E+00 1.40E-04 0.00E+00 2.75E-01 Infant 5.36E-07 2.21 E-07 1.28E-07 0.00E400 1.58 E-07 0.00E+ 00 , 1.86 E-04 Dose factor liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Nb-97 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 2.69E-09 6.81 E- 10 2.51 E-10 0.00 E+ 00 7.95 E- 10 0.00E +00 2.51 E-06 Teen 2.90E-09 7.20 E- 10 2.73E 10 0.00 E+ 00 8.41E 10 0.00 E+00 1.72E-05 Child 3.6SE-09 6.65 E-10 3.12E 10 0.00 E+ 00 7.38 E- 10 0.00E+00 2.05 E-04 Infant _ 5.8lE 21 1.24 E-10 4.47E 22 0.00 E+ 00 9.68E 22 0.00E+ 00 3.91E 16 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Mo 99 Bone l Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 0.00E+ 00 1.49 E-04 2.84E 05 0.00E* 00 3.38 E-04 0.00 E + 00 3.46E-04  ! Teen 0.00 E+ 00 1.76E-04 3.36E 05 0.00E+ 00 4.03E 04 0.00 E+ 00 3.15E-04 I Child 0.00E+ 00 2.79E 04 6.9lE 05 0.00E

  • 00 5.96 E-04 0.00E+ 00 2.31 E-04 Infant 0.00E+ 00 4.38 E-04 8.54E 05 0.00E+ 00 6.54 E-04 0.00E400 1.44 E-04 Page 35 of 120

F NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM , I MAJOR f l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision 11 l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULo ilON MANUAL August 26,1998 l D' N Fable 5.1-1 l Dose factor liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) ! Tc-99m Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI [ Adult 1.68E 09 4.74E-09 6.07E-08 0.00E+00 7.20E-08 2.32 E-09 2.81 E-06 l Teen 1.74E-09 4.86E-09 6.46E-08 0.00E+00 7.24 E-08 2.70E-09 3.19E-06 l Child 2.19E-09 4.29E-09 7.15 E-08 0.00 E+00 6.24 E-08 2.18E-09 2.44E-06 Infant 3.78E 10 7.79E-10 1.00E-08 0.00E+00 8.38E-09 4.07E-10 2.26E-07 Yo>c factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Tc 101 Lone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI LLI 3.60E-24 5.19E 24 5.10E-23 0.00E+00 9.34 E-23 2.65E 24 1.56E-35 Adult 3.89E 24 5.53E-24 5.49E 23 0.00E+00 1.00E 22 3.37E 24 9.45E 31 Teen 5 22E-24 6.63 E-23 0.00E+00 8.90E-23 2.76E 24 1.66E 23 Child 4.98 E-24 Infant 9.73 E-69 1.23 E-68 1.2 i E-67 0.00E+00 1.46 E-67 6.69E-69 2.08E-66 l Dose factor - liquid rel(ase pathway (mrem /Ci released) Ru-103 Bone . Liver T. Body B yroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 3.47E-05 0.00E+00 1.56E-05 0.00 E+00 1.32 E-04 0.00E+00 4.05E 03 Teen 2.96E-05 0.00E400 1.64 E-05 0.00E+00 1.04 E-04 0.00E+00 2.47 E-03 Child 5.53 E-05 0.00 E+ 00 2.20E-05 0.00 E+ 00 1.39E-04 0.00E+00 1.43 E-03 Infant 1.33E 05 4.43 E-06 0.00E+00 2.76E-05 0.00E+00 1.6 t E 04 l 0.00E+00 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Ru 105 Bone Liver T. Body n yroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI 1.75 E-08 0.00E+00 5.34 E-07 0.00E+ 00 2.53E-05 Adult 4.13 E-08 0.00 E+ 00 4.45E-08 0.00E+ 00 2.42E-08 0.00E+00 5.62E-07 0.00E+00 3.59E 05 Teen 2.22E 08 0.00 E+ 00 5.02E-07 0.00 E+00 3.73E-05 Child 5.7]E 08 0.00 E+ 00 6.98E 10 0.00E+00 2.35E 10 0.00E+00 5.13 E-09 0 00E+ 00 2.78E 07 Infant Dose factor liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) l Ru 106 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI l 0.00E+ 00 8.76E-05 0.00 E+ 00 1.30E-03 0.00E+00 4.34E 02 Adult 6.71 E-04

    \                                          0.00E + 00    8.85E 05      0.00E + 00   1.13E 03   0.00E+ 00     2.81 E-02 i

Teen 5.86E-04 1.44 E-04 0.00E+00 1.53E 33 0.00E400 1.76E-02 Child 1.13 E-03 0.00 E+ 00 Infant 2.23E 04 0.00 E+ 00 2.78E 05 0.00 E+ 00 2.63E 04 0.00E+ 00 l 1.69E 03 Page 36 of 120

f NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODChi l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hlANUAL NIAJOR Revision 1I OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION N!ANUAL August 26.1998 - Table 5.1 i l 1 l Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem Ci released) Rh 105 83one Liser T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 3.35 E-06 2.45 E-06 1.62E-06 0.00E+00 1.04 E-05 0.00E+00 3.90E 04 Teen 4.10E-06 2.96E-06 1.97 E-06 0.00 E+00 1.26E-05 0.00E+00 3.77E-04 Child 8.43 E-06 4.52E-06 3.88E-06 0.00E-00 1.SOE-05 0.00 E+ 00 2.80E-04 Infant 1.08E-05 7.05 E-06 4.74 E-06 0.00E+00 1.96E-05 0.00 E+ 00 1.75E 04 Dose factor - liquid release pathu ay (mrem,Ci released) Ag 110m Bone Liser T. Body l Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 3.06E-05 2 83E 05 3.83E-05 0.00E+00 5.56 E-05 0.00 E+00 1.15 E-02 Teen 3.74E-05 3.54 E-05 1.41 E-04 0.00E+ 00 6.75 E-05 0.00E+ 00 9.94E 03 Child 6.78E-05 4.5SE-05 6.1/E-05 0.00 E+ 00 8.53 E-05 0.00E+00 5.45 E-03 Infant 8.87E-05 6.47 E-05 4.28 E.05 0.00E+ 00 9.26E-05 l 0.00E+00 3.36E 03 l Sn 113 - liquid release pathway (mrem'Ci released) l Bone Liver W. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI i Adult 6.40E 03 2.17 E-04 6.78E-04 1.26 E-04 0.00E+00 0.00 E+ 00 1.32 E-01 Teen 6.96E-03 2.23 E-04 7.33 E-04 1.2SE-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.08 E-01 Child 9.03 E-03 2.28 E-04 9.44E 04 1.66E-04 0.00 E+00 0.00E+ 00 4.61E 02 Infant 1.42 E-04 4.43 E-06 1.47E-05 3.07 E-06 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 3.50E-04 l I 1 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem'Ci released) ) l Sb-124 ) l Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI ) Adult 5.42E 04 1.02 E-05 2.21 E-04 1.32E 06 0.00 E+ 00 4.22E 04 1.54 E-02 l Teen 5.66E-04 1.04 E-05 2.53E 04 1.28 E-06 0.00Ev 00 4.94 E-04 1.14E 02 Child 7.89E-04 1.02E 05 2.83E 04 1.74 E-06 0.00 E+ 00 4.3SC-04 4.94 E-03 l Infant 1.95 E-0 4 2.86E 06 6.03 E-05 5.17 E-07 0.00E+00 1.22 E-04 6.00E-04 l l I)ose fror liquid releaw pathaa,s (mrem Ci released) Sb 125 Ucae liser T. IloJy Thyroid Kidney Lungs GlLLI Adult 3.49E 04 3.90E 06 1.07 E-04 3.551. 07 0.00 E + 00 2.69 E.04 3.85E 03 Teen 3.65E-04 3.94E 06 2.; 4 04 3.49E 07 0.00 E + 00 3.2 i E 04 2.84 E-03 Child 5.14 E-04 3.96E 06 l.35E 04 4.76E-07 0.00E 4 00 2.86E 04 1.23fi03 Infant 1.14E 04 1.111 06 _ 2.351: 05 1.4 3 E-07 1 0.00h4 00 7.17E 05 1.521: 04 Page 37 of 120 , .. 1



Dose factor liquid release pathway (mrent Ci released) Te-125m Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult ' .30E-04

                     ,                1.20E 04     4.43 E-05      9.93 E-05   1.34E 03    0.00E+00      1.32E-03 Teen        3.36E-04          1.2 i E-04   4.53 E-05     9.39E-05    0.00E+00     0.00E+00      9.92 E-04 Child       5.74E-04          1.56E-04     7.67E-05       1.61 E-04  0.00E+00     0.00 E+00     5.54 E-04 Infant     2.47 E-04        8.27E-05      3.35 E-05     8.33 E-05   0.00E+00     0.00E+00      1.18 E-04    i Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) i l



Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 3.15E-05 1.13 E-05 6.83E 06 2.34 E-05 1.28E-04 0.00E+00 2.49E-03 Teen 3.45E 05 { 1.22 E-05 7.43E 06 2.38 E-05 1.40E 04 0.00E+00 2.67E-03  ! Child 4.45E-05 1.20E-05 9.54 E-06 3.08 E-05 1.27E-04 0.00E+00 1.74 E-03 j infant 3.10E-07 1.04 E-07 6.67E 08 2.52E 07 7.56E-07 0.00E+00 6.5lE-06 p Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrent'Ci released) . V Te 127m Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 8.63 E-04 3.08 E-04 1.05 E-04 2.2 l E-04 3.51 E-03 0.00E+00 2.89E 03 Teen 8.74E 04 3.10E-04 1.04 E-04 2.08 E-04 3.54E-03 0.00 E+ 00 2.18E-03 Child 1.50E-03 4.05 E-04 1.79E-04 3.60E-04 4.29E-03 0.00E+00 1.22 E-03 Infant 6.28 E-04 2.08 E-04 . 7.6 l E-05 1.82 E-04 1.55 E-03 0.00 E +00 2.54 E-04 l Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Tc-129 B'.,ne Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLl-Adult 1.6dE-08 6.32E-09 4.10E-09 1.29E-08 7.07C.08 0.00E+00 1.27E-08 Teen 1.83 E-08 6.82 E->9 4.45E 09 1.31 E-08 7.68E-08 0.00E+00 1.00E-07 I Child l 2.36E 08 6.58E-09 5.60E 09 1.6SE-08 6.90E-08 0.00E+ 00 1.47E-06 l Infant l 1.08E 18 l 3.73E 19 2.53E 19 9.07E 19 2.69E-18 0.00E+00 8.65 E-17 I Dose factor liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Tc129m Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI p Adult 1.35 E-03 5.04 E-04 2.14 E-O l 4.64 E-04 5.63E-03 0.00E+ 00 6.80E 03 Teen 1.37E-03 5.10E-04 2.18E 0- 4.43E 04 5.75E 03 0.00E+00 5.16E-03 Child 2.34E-03 6.54 E-04 3.64E-04 7.55E 04 6.88E 03 0.00E400 2.86E-03 Infant 1.04E 03 3.58E 04 1.61E 04 4.01 E-04 2.6 l E-03 0.00E+ 00 6.23E 04 Page 38 of 120 y

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODChi l l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION N1ANUAL h1AJOR Revision 1I OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h1ANUAL August 26,1998 _  ! i Table 5.1-1 _ l i [ Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released)

    ' Te-131m 3one          Liver        T. Body        Thyroid     KiIney      Lungs       GI-LLI Adult      1.04 E-04        5.08E-05     4.24 E-05       8.05E-05   5.15 E-04   0.00E+00    5.05 E-03 Teen       1.IIE-04         5.34 E-05    4.49E-05        8.03 E-05  5.56E-04    0.00E+00    4.28E-03 Child      1.63 E-04        5.63 E-05    6.00E 05        1.16E-04   5.45 E-04   0.00E+00    2.28 E-03 Infant     5.46E-05         2.20E-05      1.81E-05      4.45 E-05   1.51E 04    0.00E+00    3.70E-04 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem!Ci released)

Te-131 Bone Liser T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 2.97E 15 1.24E 15 9.40E 16 2.44E 15 1.30E- 14 0.00E+00 4.21E 16 Teen 3.21E 15 1.32E 15 1.0lE 15 2.47 E- 15 1.40E 14 0.00E+00 2.63E 16 Child 4.12E 15 1.25E 15 1.23E 15 3.15 E-15 1.24 E- 14 0.00E+00 2.16E 14 Infant 4.22E-41 1.56E-41 1.18 E-41 3.77E-41 1.08 E-40 0.00 E+00 1.71E 39 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Te-132 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 1.96E 04 1.26 E-04 1.19 E-04 1.40E-04 1.22 E-03 0.00 E+00 5.98E-03 Teen 2.05 E-04 1.30E-04 1.22 E-04 1.37E-04 1.24 E-03 0.00E+00 4.llE-03 Child 3.15E 04 1.39E-04 1.69E-04 2.03 E-04 1.29E 03 0.00E+00 1.40E-03 Infant 1.4 8 E-04 7.32 E-05 6.83E 05 1.08E-04 4.58E-04 0.00E+00 2.71 E-04 l Dose factor liquid release pathway (mre:n/Ci released) - l l 13 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 2.09E 04 2.99E 04 1.71E 04 9.78 E-02 5.12E-04 0.00E+00 7.88E 05 Teen 2..tlE 04 3.37E-04 1.81E 04 9.83 E-02 5.80E-04 0.00 E+00 6.66E 05 Child 4.90E 04 4.93 E-04 2.80E 04 1.63 E-01 8.09E-04 0.00E400 4.39E 05 Infant 5.71E 04 6.73 E-04 2.96E-04 2.2 ] E-01 7.86E-04 0.00E+03 2.40E-05 Dose factor liquid release pathway (mrem Ci released) 1132 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult  !.43E 07 3.81E 07 1.34 E-07 1.33E 05 6.07E 07 0.00E+00 7.16E-08 Teen 1.49E-07 3.90E 07 1.41E 07 1.32E 05 6.15E-07 0.00E + 00 1.70E 07 Child 1.85E 07 3.39E-07 1.56E 07 1.57E-05 5.19E 07 0.00E4 00 3.99E 07 Infant 1.64 E I l 3.32E Il 1.18E Il 1.56E-09 3.71 E I l 0.00E+00 2.69E-I l Page 39 of 120

l NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 (3 V Table 5.1-1 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) 1 133 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 3.33 E-05 5.80E-05 1.77E-05 8.52E-03 1.0lE-04 0.00E+00 5.21 E-05 Teen 3.74 E-05 6.34 E-05 1.94 E-05 8.85 E-03 'l.11E-04 0.00E+00 4.80E-05 Child 6.27E-05 7.75 E-05 2.94 E-05 1.44E-02 1.29E-04 0.00E+00 3.13 E-05 Infant 4.7.7E-05 6.95 E-05 2.04 E-05 1.26E 02 8.17E-05 0.00E+ 00 1.18E.05 Dose factor liquid release pathway (mrern/Ci released) 1134 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Aduit 2.09E 10 5.69E-10 2.04 E-10 9.85E-09 9.04 E-10 0.00E+00 4.96E-13 Teen 2.20E 10 5.82E-10 2.10E-10 9.70E 09 9.18 E-10 0.00 E+00 7.67E-12 Child 2.72E 10 5.05 E- 10 2.33 E-10 1.16E-08 7.72 E-10 0.00E+ 00 3.35E 10 Infant 5.37E 22 1.10E 21 3.91 E-22 2.56E 20 1.23E 21 0.00E+00 1.14E 21 l Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Q l l 135 l Bcne Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI l Adult 3.37E-06 8.83E 06 3.26E-06 5.82E-04 1.42 E-05 0.00E+00 9.97E-06

            ' Teen             3.55 E-06        9.14E 06    3.41 E-06       5.88 E-04      1.44E 05  0.00E+00      1.0lE-05 Child           4.54E-06          8.17E 06    3.87E-06        7.24 E-04      1.25E 05  0.00E+ 00    6.23 E-06 Infant          4.48E 07          8.92E-07    3.25E-07        7.99E-05     9.94 E-07   0.00E+00     3.23 E-07 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released)

Cs 134 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI LLI Adult 2.19E 01 5.21 E-01 4.26E-01 0.00E+00 1.69E-01 5.60E-02 9.12E-03 Teen 2.25 E-01 5.30E-01 2.46E-01 0.00E+00 1.68 E-01 6.43 E-02 6.59E-03 Child  ?.76E-01 4.52 E-01 9.55 E-02 0.00E+ 00 1.40E-01 5.03 E-02 2.44E-03 , infant i.07E 02 2.00E-02 2.02 E-03 0.00 E+ 00 5.16E-03 2.llE-03 5.44E-05 i Cose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /C'i released) Cs 134m Done Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI

 ~          ~ Adult          4.21E 06           8.85E 06    4.52E-06       0.00E4 00     4.80E-06    7.56E-07     3.12 E-06 Teen           4.42E 0:3          9.16E 06    4.7 l E-06     0.00E+ 00     5.10E-06    8.95E 07    6.0E 06

! Child 5.48E 06 8.llE-06 5.29E-06 0.00E4 00 4.28E-06 7.07E-07 1.03E-05 _ Infant 5.19E Il 8.64 E I l 4.37E Il 0.00E+00 3.33E Il 7.67E 12 6.84 E-I l Page -i0 of 120

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision 1I OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 - Table 5.1 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Cs136 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI LLI Adult 2.23E-02 8.81 E-02 6.34E-02 0.00E+00 4.90E-02 6.72 E-03 1 1E-02 Teen 2.25 E-02 8.85 E-02 5.95E-02 ' O.00E+00 4.82 E-02 7.59E 03 7.12E-03 I Child 2.69E-02 7.40 E-02 4.79E-02 0.00E+00 3.9 4 E-02 5.87E-03 2.60E-03 l Infant 1.18E-03 3.47E-03 1.29E-03 0.00E+00 1.38 E-03 2.83 E-04 5.27E 05 l Dose factor liquid release pathway (mrem!Ci released) Cs-137 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs Gl.LLI j Adult 2.8 l E-01 3.84E 01 2.52E-01 0.00E+00 1.30E-01 4.33 E-02 7.43 E-03 l Teen 3.02E-01 4.0lE 01 1.40E-01 0.00E+00 1.36E-01 5.30E-02 5.71 E-03 i Child 3.85 E-01 3.69 E-01 5.45 E-02 0.00 E+ 00 1.20 E-01 4.33 E-02 2.31 E-03 Infant I .49E-02 1.74 E-02 1.24 E-03 0.00E+ 00 4.68 E-03 1.89E-03 5.45E-05 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem!Ci released) Cs-138 l ( Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI l Adult 3.57C 11 7.04E Il 3.49E Il 0.00E+00 5.18E-I l 5.I I E 12 3.00E 16 l Teen 3.82E Il 7.34E Il 3.67 E-I l 0.00E+00 5.42E Il 6.30E-12 3.33 E-14 l Child 4.84E 1I 6.73E 1i 4.27 E. l l 0.00E+00 4.73 E- 1 I . 5.10E 12 3.10E 1I Infant 1.63E-32 2.65 E-32 1.28E 32 0.00E+ 00 1.32E-32 2.06E 33 4.23E 32 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Ba-139 Bone Liver T. Body Th> Told Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 1.67E 09 1.19E 12 4.93 E I l 0.00E+00 1.12 E- 12 6.77E 13 2.97 E-09 Teen 1.83E 09 1.29E-12 5.50E Il 0.00E+00 1.2 i E 12 8.87E 13 1.63 E-08 Child 2.35 E-09 1.25E 12 6.84E l1 0.00E+00 1.09E-12 7.37E 13 1.36 E-07 Infant 3.30E 16 2.19E 19 9.55 E- 18 0.00E+00 1.3 l E 19 1.33 E-19 2.09E 14 1 l Dose factor li juid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Ba140 l Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI l

     ~ Adult     5.34E 04         6.7 I E-07   3.5 l E-05    0.00E+00     2.28E 07      3.84 E-07           1.10E 03 Teen       5.41E 04         6.63E 07     3.56E-05      0.00 E+ 00   2.25 E-07     4.46E-07            8.35E-04                       !

Child 1.32E-03 1.16E 06 7.72E 05 0.00E+ 00 3.76E-07 6 39E-07 6.69 E-04 Infant 1.52E 03 1.52E 06 7.84 E-05 0.00E+00 3.6 l E-07 9. '4 E 07 3.74 E-04 Page 41 of 120 i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________j


   /m (j                                                                                                                             Table 5.1-1 Dose factor liquid release pathway (mrem Ci released)

Ba-141 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 4.57E 19 3.45E 22 1.63E 20 0.00E400 3.21 E-22 1.96E 22 2.15 E-28 Teen 4.96E-19 3.70E 22 2.14E 20 0.00E+00 3.44E 22 2.53E 22 1.06E-24 Child 6.37E 19 3.57E-22 2.18 E-20 0.00 E+ 00 3.09E-22 2.10E-21 3.63 E-19 infant 1.58 E-53 1.08E-56 4.49E 55 0.00E+00 6.52 E-57 6.60E 57 1.93 E-52 Dose factor - liquid release pathw ay (mrem /Ci released) La-140 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Aduft 3.66E-08 1.84 E-08 1.03 E-07 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 1.35 E-03 Teen 3.68E-08 1.81 E-08 5.51 F-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.04 E-03 Child 8.21 E-08 2.87 E-08 1.24E 07 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 8.00 E-04 Infant 8.56E-08 3.38 E-08 8.69E 09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 3.97E-04 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) La 142 v/ Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 2.92 E-I l 1.33E Il 4.94E Il 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9.71 E-08 Teen 3.12E Il I .38 E-I l 2.61E 10 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.21 E-07 Child 3.93 E-I l 1.25 E-I l 5.77E Il 0.00E+00 '3.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.48E-06 Infant 7.74E 18 2.84E 18 6.81E 19 0.00E+00 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 4.83E 13 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem Ci released) Cc 14 i Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 2.05E-07 1.39E-07 2.42E 07 0.00 E+ 00 6.45 E-08 0.00E+ 00 5.31 E-04 Teen 2.06E-07 1.37E-07 4.88E 07 0.00E+00 6.47E 08 0.00E+00 3.93 E-04 Child 5.80E-07 2.89E-07 1.42E 07 0.00E+ 00 1.27E-07 0.00E+00 3.61 E-04 Infant 7.llE-07 4.34 E-07 5.IIE-08 0.00E4 00 1.34 E-07 0.00 E+ 00 2.24E 04 Dose factor liquid release pathway (mrem Ci released) Cc 143 Donc liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 1.47E 08 1.09E-05 l.78E 08 0.00 E+ 00 4.78E 09 0.00E+ 00 4.06E 04 r Teen 1.49 E-08 1.08E 05 9.10E 08 0.00E + 00 4.86E 09 0.00 E+ 00 3.26E-04 l V Child 4.0lE 08 2.17E-05 2.25E 08 0.00 E + 00 9.12E 09 0.00E4 00 3.18E 04 Infant 5.10E-08 3.38E 05 3.86E 09 0.00E 4 00 9.85E 09 0.00E4 00 1.97E-04 _ Page 42 of 120


l NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM i MAJOR ) l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision 11 l I OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 Table 5.1-1 1 Dose factor liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) l Cc 144 l Bone Liver T. Body B yroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI l Adult 1.12 E-05 4.67E-06 1.04 E-06 0.00E+00 2.77E-06 0.00E+00 3.78E-03 l Teen 1.12E-05 4.65 E-06 3.03 E-06 0.00Et00 2.78E 06 0.00E+00 2.82E-03 l Child 3.17E-05 9.92E-06 2.20E-06 0.00E+00 5.50E-06 0.00E+00 2.59E-03 l Infant 2.80E-05 1.15 E-05 1.57E-06 0.00E+00 4.63 E-06 0.00E+00 1.61 E-03 l Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Pr 143 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 5.69E-07 2.28 E-07 2.82 E-08 0.00E+00 1.32E-07 0.00E+00 2.49E-03 Teen 6.00E 07 2.40E-07 2.99E-08 0.00E+00 1.39 E-07 0.00E+00 1.97E 03 Child 1.07E-06 3.21 E-07 5.31 E-08 0.00E+00 1.74 E-07 0.00E+00 1.15E-03 l Infant 6.81 E-07 2.55 E-07 3.38 E-08 0.00E+00 9.47E-08 0.00E+00 3.60 E-04 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Pr-144 Bone Liver T. Body R)Toid Kid. icy Lungs GI-LLI Adult 3.76 E.22 1.56E 22 2.24 E-23 0.00 E+00 8.80E-23 0.00E+00 5.41E 29 Teen 4.09 E-22 1.67 E-22 3.91 E-23 0.00E+00 9.6 l E 23 0.00 E+00 4.51E 25 l Child 5.29E 22 1.64E 22 3.0$ E-23 0.00E+00 3.66E-23 0.00E+00 3.52 E.19 Infant 1.72E 59 6.66E-60 8.67E-61 0.00 E+ 00 2.4 ] E-60 0.00 E_+00 3.10E-55 _ Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Nd 147 l Bone Liver T. Borty Thyroid Lungs GILLI Adult 3.82E 07 4.42E 07 1.13 E-07 0.00E + 00 2.58 E-07 0.00E+ 00 2.12E-03 Teen 4.23E 07 4.60E-07 5.09E 07 0.00 E+ 00 2.70E 07 0.00 E+ 00 1.66E-03 l Child 7.45 E-07 6.03 E-07 1.47 E-07 0.00E+00 3.31 E-07 0.00 E+00 9.55E-04 l Infant 4.53E 07 4.65 E-07 2.85 E-05 0.00E+00 1.79E-07 0.00E+00 2.95 E-04 I i Dose factor . liquid release pathway (mrem /Ci released) l Eu-152 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 1.3 l E-05 2.99E 04 1.63E 04 0.00E400 1.85E-05 0.00E+ 00 1.72 E-03 Teen 1.21E 05 2.92E-06 9 00E 04 0.00 E+ 00 1.35E-05 0.00E+00 1.07E 03 Child 1.84E 05 3.34E 06 1.91 E-04 0.00E+00 1.41 E-05 0.00 E+ 00 5.49E 04 f infant 6.27E 06 1.67E-06 1.40E-06 0.00L400 4.67E 06 0.00E400 1.48E 04  ; Page 43 of 120 o J

r NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODChi l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h!ANUAL h!AJOR Revision 11 ( OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION N1ANUAL August 26.1998 ( Table 51-1 l Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem Ci released; W 187 l Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Adult 1.52 E-04 1.27 E-04 4.15 E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.17E-02 Teen 1.65 E-04 1.34 E-04 4.71 E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.63 E-02 Child 2.09E-04 1.24 E-04 5.57E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 1.74 E-02 Infant 2.25 E-06 l 1.57E-06 5.41 E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9.21 E-05 D,se factor - liquid release pathw ay (mrem /Ci released) Np-239 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult 3.15 E-08 3.09E-09 2.30E-08 0.00E+00 9.65E-09 0.00E+00 6.34E 04 Teen 3.42 E-08 3.22E-09 1.21 E-07 0.00E+00 1.01 E-08 0.00E+00 5.19E-04 Child 6.77E 08 4.86E-09 2.83 E-08 0.00E+00 1.41 E-08 0.00E+00 3.60E-04 Infant 5.72E-08 5.12E 09 2.89E-09 0.00E+ 00 1.02E-08 0.00E+00 1.48 E-04 Dose factor - liquid release pathway (mrem Ci released) O U-235 O Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Adult { 3.0$E 02 0.00E+ 00 1.89E 03 0.00E+00 7.13 E-03 0.00E+00 2.98 E-03 Teen 3.17E-02 0.00 E+ 00 2.13 E-03 0.00E+ 00 7.43 E-03 J.00 E+ 00 2.30E-03 Child 6.92 E-02 0.00E+00 4.23E 03 0.00E+00 1.14 E-02 0.00E+00 1.63E 05~ Infa:it 4.42 E-02 0.00E+00 3.37E-03 0.00E+00 9.40E-03 0.00E+00 7.67E-04 Dose factor liquid release pathwsy (mrem /Ci released)  ! U 238 . I Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI  ! Adult 2.92 E-02 0.00 E+ 00 1.73E 03 0.00E+ 00 6.67E-03 0.00E+ 00 2.10E-03 i Teen 3.03 E-02 0.00Et00 1.81 E-03 0.00E+00 6.96E-03 0.00E+ 00 1.62E-03 Child 6.62E 02 0.00 E+00 3.93 E-03 0.00E+ 00 1.06E-02 0.00E+00 1.15 E-03 Infant 4.23 E-02 0.00E +00 3.15E-03 0.00E+00 8.78 E-03 0.00E+00 5.41 E-04 l Dose factor - hquid release pathaay (mrem Ci released) ' Am 241

                           -Bor.e                 Liver      T. Body       Thyroid     Kidney       Lungs       GILLI Adult       5.25E 02          1.85E 02    3.47E 03      0.00 E+ 00  2.6 l E 02  0.00E+00    4.75 E-03
   /~3          Teen        4.10E-02          1.56E 02    2.77 E-03     0.00E+ 00   2.0$E 02    0.00E+00    3.74E 03
       )        Child       4.10E-02          1.83 E-02   2.93 E-03     0.00 E+ 00  1.79E-02    0.00 E+ 00  2.19E 03          !

Infant 1.42 E-02 6 68E-03 1.01 E-03 0.00E4 00 6.10E 03 0.00E4 00 7.17E 04


i Page 44 of 120  !

r NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision i1 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26.1998 ! 5.1.2 Atmospheric Release Mode: Radiciodine, Tritium, and Particulates O The dose calculations for demonstration of compliance with the 10 CFR 50, Appendix 1 dose limits for radioiodines, tritium, and particulate radionuclides released to the atmosphere will be done in the manner similar to the liquid release dose calculations described in Section 5.1.1. The total dose is compared to the corresponding atmospheric release mode Appendix 1 dose limit for the organ in question. The doses are calculated using the following formula: API = I Dose aomi = I (TDFaomi X C;) 5; K om mren.

              \\here API = the Appendix I dose for compliance evaluations in mrem Dose aomi     =

the dose to the specific age group (a) and organ (o) via release mode (m) from radionuclide (i) l ' I TDF aami = total dose factor for the specific age group (a) and organ (o) via release mode (m) from radionuclide (i) from Table 5.1-2 in mrem /Ci C=i curics of radionuclide (i) released K om = the Appendix 1 dose limit for organ (o) and release mode (m) for which the calculation is being made. The methodology and the values used to obtain the TDFaomi values are given in Appendix C. l l i i  ! Page 45 af 120 l

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL' August 26.1998 m\ (O l It is recognized that some of the release quantities may not be available at l the end of the month because the samples from these release paths are sent to a vendor for analysis. Usually 'he only radionuclides affected by these delays are Sr-89 and Sr 90. Because the quantities of these two radionuclides are but a small fraction of the total release, the absence of ( their dose contributions from the initial monthly dose calculation will not ( significantly affect the total dose obtained from the remaining l radionuclides. The dose for the month will be updated upon the receipt of  ! the vendor isotopic results and upon the receipt of any corrections to previous release quantities. Instead of using the precalculated total dose factors, the Appendix I dose calculation may be modi 0ed to reDect the actual x/Q during the release period using the methodology of Appendix C. , l l l lO 1 u Page 46 of 120 [

r UDCM NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT MAJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision 11 August 26.1998 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUA L TABLE 5.1-2 AIRiiORNE EFFLUENT DOSE FACTOR Summations of dose per curie released were ;aade for calculations over the pathways: ingestion of l produce, leafy vegetables, milk, meat; inhalation of aiiborne radionuclides, and direct exposure to l deposited radioactivity. Dose factor airbc.rne release pathway (mrent'Ci released) Y3 Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Iungs GILLI Skin Bone 9.78E-05 9.78E-05 9.78E-05 0.00 E+00 0.00E+0J 9.78E-05 9.78E-05 9.78 E-05 Adult 1.03E 04 0.00E +00

                                                ' 03E-04         1.03 E-04     1.03 E-04   103 E-04 Teer.       0.00E+00      1.03E-04        .

1.3 E-04 1.32 E-04 1.32E 04 1.32E-04 0.00E+00 Child 0.00E+00 1.32 E-04 1..~ 2E 04 2.03 E-05 2.03 E-05 2.03E 05 2.03 E-05 0.00 E+ 00_ Infant 0.00E+00 2.03E-05 2.03E 05 Dose factor - airborne refease pathway (mrem,Ci released) F-18 Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Bone Liver T. Body Th.s roid 0.00 E+00 0 00E+00 0.00E+00 2.19 E-05 2.23E 03 Adult 1.12E-04 0.00E +00 9.61 E 04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E-r 00 9.23 E-06 2.23E 03 Teen 1.55 E-04 0.00E+ 00 9.6S E-04 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 3.70E-05 2.23 E-03 Child 2.06E-01 0.00 E+00 9.69E 04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 2.53 E-05 2.23 E-03 i Infant 1.63E 04 0.00E+ 00 9.62 E-04 0.00 E+ 00 Dose factor airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released). Na 22 Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Bo ic Liver T. Body l Thyroid 183E+00 4.83 E+ 00 4.83E+00 3.79E+01 4.83 E+ 00 2.89E+0! 4.83Ey_00 Adult 4.83 E +00 7.4 i E+00 3.79E+0 i 7.4 i E+ 00 3.15 E401 ' 41 E+',0 7.4 I E+00 7.41 E+00 Teen 7.41 E+ 00 . 1.50E401 1.50E+0i 1.50E+0i 3.79E+01 Child 1.50E+0! 1.50E+0i 3.90 E+ 01 1.50b+01 1.81E+01 181E+0! 1.8tE+01 3.79E+0 ! I.8tE+0i 1.81E+0i 4.2 t E+ 01 1.81E+01

          , Infant Dose factor airErne release pathway (mrem Ci released)

Na-24 Thyroid Kidney Lur.35 GI-LLI Skin Bone Liver T. Body 9.48E-04 9.48 E-04 9 48E-04 7.64 E-02 Adult 9.4 8 E-04 9.48E 04 1.77E 02 9.48E 04 1.36E.03  !.36E 03 1.36E 03 7.64E 02 Teen 1.36E 03 1.36E 03 1.b l E 0~. 1.36E 03 2.37E 03 2.37E 03 2.37E 03 7.64 E-02 Child 2.37E 03 2.37E 03 l.91E 02 2.37E 03 3.14E 03 3.14E 03 3.14E 03 7.64E 02 Infant 3.14E 03 3.14E.03 _l .99 E-02 3.14E 03 O Page 47 of 120 w

n NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODChi l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h1ANUAL - h!AJOR Revision i1 - OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h1ANUAL August 26,1998 Table 5.1-2 i Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) l Sc 46 l Bone l Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidn:y Lungs GILLI Skin - .. j Adult 1.33E 02 2.59E-02 2.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.42E-02 0.00E400 2.40E+00 2.69E+00 l Teen 1.75E 02 3.41 E-02 2.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.26E 02 0.00E+00 2.09E+00 2.69E+00 l Child 2.23 E-02 3.05E 02 2.00E+00 0.00 E* 0 2.70E 02 0.00E+00 1.32 E+00. 2.69E+00 l Infant 1.56E 02 [2.25 E-02 2.00E+00 0.00E+00 IASE-02 0.00E+00 1.35 E-03 2.69E+00 I J l l l Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Mn-54 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin l Adult 0.00E+00 2.32 E-01 1.99E+00 0.00 E +00 6.89E 02 4.15E-02 7.08E-01 2.28E+00 Teen 0.00E+00 3.34 E-01 2.0l E+00 0.00E+00 9.95E 02 5.89E-02 6.83E-01 2.28E+00 Child 0.00E+00 4.86E 01 2.07E+00 0.00E+ 00 1.36E-01 4.68E 02 4.08E-01 2.28E+00 ! Infant 0.00E+00 2.03E 02 1.95E+00 0.00E+00 4.47E 03 2.97E-02 7.38E-03 2.28 E+ 00 Dose factor - airbome release pathway (mrem /Ci released) O 1s, Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.59E 03 2.68 E-05 9.86E-06 4.8.;E-04 1.07E-02 7.73 E-03 Teen 0.00E+00 0.'0E+00 6.60E 03 3.39E-05 1.34E 05 7.03 E-04 9.66E 03 7.73E 03  ! Child 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.66E 03 6.30E 05 1.72E-05 6.14 E-04 5.81 E-03 7.73 E-03 l Infant 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 6.58 E.-03 2.42 E-05 5.31E 06 4.25 E-04 1.02E-03 7.73E 03 I Dose factor airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Mn 56 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin l Adult 0.00E+ 00 4.81 E-03 1.27E 03 0.00E+ 00 5.3 l E-08 .80E-04 6.01E 04 1.50E-03 Teen 0.00E+ 00 6.05 E-08 1.27E 03 0.00 E +00 6.6lE 08 4.51 E-04 1.70E-03 1.50E-03 Child 0.00E400 6.26E 08 1.27E-03 0.00E+00 6.58 E-08 3 90E-04 3.66E-03 1.50E-03 l Infant 0.00EIO0 4.57E-08 1.27E 03 0.00 E+ 00 3.27E-08 3.72 E-04 2.13E 03 1.50E-03 < l Dose factor airbcrne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Fe 55 BonI Liver T. Body Thy:Oid Kidney Lungs GILLI skin Adult 3.20E-01 2.2 i E-01 5.15E 02 0.00Ei OO 0.00E+00 1.25E 01 1.27E-01 0.00E400 O Teen Child Infant 3.80E 01 8.65E 01 7.36E-02 2.70E-01 4.59E-01 4.75E 02 6.29E-02 1.42E-01 1.27E-02 0.00E400 0.00 E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 1.74 E-01 2.62E 01 2.56E 02 1.17E-01 8.49E 02 6.02E-03 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 l Page 48 of 120 L


    " Dos.: factor r:rborne release pathway (mrent'Ci released)

Fe 59 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 2.0lE-01 4.73 E-01 5.65 E 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 1.62E-01 1.58E+00 4.50E-01 Teen 2.25 E-01 5.24E-01 5.86E-01 0.00 E+00 0.00E+ 00 2.10E-01 1.24 E+00 4.50E-01 Child 4.62E 01 7.48 E-01 7.56E-01 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 2.546 7.80E-01 4.50E-01 Infant 6.14 E-02 1.07 E-01 4.26E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.16E-02 5.16E-02 4.50E-01 Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /C released) Co-57 , Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skm Adult 0.00E+00 1.17 E-02 4.93E 01 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 1.10E-02 2.97E-01 6.13E 01 Teen 0.00E+ 00 1.59E-02 5.00E-01 0.00 E+00 0.00E+ 00 1.74 E-02 2.97E-01 6.13 E-01 Child 0.00E+00 2.57E-02 5.26E 01 0.00 E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 1.50E-02 2.llE-01 6.13 E-01 Infant 0.00 E+00 4.38 E-03 4.8tE-01 0.00E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 1.13 E-02 1.50E-02 6.13 E-01 Dose f actor - airborne release pathway (mrem!Ci released) ) Co 58 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-1,Lt Skin J Adult 0.00E+00 3.14E 02 6.02E 01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.75 E-02 6.38E-01 6.23E 01 Teen 0.00E+00 4.00E 02 6.24E 01 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+00 3.99E-02 5.53 E-01 6.23E 01 Child 0.00 E+00 5.73E 02 7.07 E-O i 0.00 E+00 0.00E+ 00 3.28 E-02 3.35 E-01 6.23 E-01 Infant 0.00E+00 9.90E-03 5.57E-01 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+00 2.31E 02 2.49 E-02 l 6.23E-01  ; l I

       ' Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released)                                                                    l Co-60 Bone            Liver    i T. Body         Thyroid       Kidney       Lungs        GI-LLI        Skin        I Adult        0.00E+00         1.68E 01      3.06E+0 i     0.00E+00     0.00E+00      1.77E-O i   3.16E+00     3.56E+0!

Teen 0.00E+ 00 2.23 E-01 3.07E+01 ' O.00E+00 0.00 E+ 00 2.59E-01 2.90E+00 3.56E+01 Child 0.00 E+ 00 3.28E-01 3.12 E t 01 0.00E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 2.10E-01 1.82 E+ 00 3.56 E+0 i Infant 0.00E+00 5.86E-02 3.04 E+01 0.00F+ 0 0.00 E+00 1.34 E-01 1.40E-01 3.56E+01 Dose factor airborne release pathway (mrent'Ci released) Ni-63 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin Adult 2.39E+01 1.65E+00 8.00E 01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.29E 03 3.45E-01 0.00E+00 Teen 2.93 E+ 0 i 2.07 E + 00 9.92 E-01 0.00 E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 9.llE 03 3.29E-01 0.00E+00 Child 6.73E+ 0 i 3.60E+00 2.29E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 8.16E 03 2.43 E-01 0.00 E+00 Infant 2. l l E+ 01 1.30E+00 7.32E-01 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 6.19E 03 6.49 E-02 0.00E+ 00 Page 49 of 120

r { NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UWIT ODCM MAJOR , l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision 11 i August 26,1998 O OFFSITE DOSE CALCUL ATION MANUAL ' V Tabie 5.1-2 l Dose factor - airbome release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Ni-65 GI-LLI Skin l Liver T. Body Th>Toid Kidney Lungs Bone ' l 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.66E-04 3.66E-04 4.85 E-04 Adult 6.95E-08 1.14E-08 4.17 E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.78E-04 1.09E-03 4.85 E-04 Teen 1.06E-07 1.39E-08 4.17E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.43 E-04 2.49E-03 4.85 E-04 Child 1.64E-07 1.58E-08 4.17 E-04 0.00 E+00 0.00EA00 2.41 E-04 1.49E-03 4.85 E-04 Infant 7.17E-08 8.51E 09 4.17 E-04 Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mremd.i released) Cu 64 Bone Livar T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin 0.00E+00 2.82E-05 2.0lE-04 2.40E-03 9.65E-04 Adult 0.00 E+00 1.12E-05 8.57 E-04 0.00E+00 3.54E-05 3.30E-04 2.90E-03 9.65 E-04 Teen 0.00E+00 1.40E-05 8.58E-04 2.19E-05 8.65E 04 0.00E+00 5.28E-05 2.84E-04 2.llE-03 9.65E-04 l Child 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.79E-05 2.76E-04 1.15 E-03 9.65E 04 Infant 0.00E+00 3.42E-05 8.68 E-04 l t Dose factor - cirbome release pathway (mrem /Ci released) (%


Zn 65 Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Bone Liver T. Body 0.00E+00 2.57E 600 2.56E-02 2.42 E+00 1.21E+00 Adult I.21E+00 3.85E+00 2.79E+00 0.00E+00 3.63E+00 3.68E-02 2.40E+00 1.21E+00 Teen 1.63E+00 5.67 E+00 3.69 E+00 0.00 E+00 5.24 E+00 2.95 E-02 1.46E+00 1.21 E+00 Child 3.12 E+ 00 8.31E+00 6.22E+00 0.00E+00 4.91 E+00 1.92E-02 8.54 E+00 1.2iE+00 Infant 2.95 E+00 1.0l E+01 5.71E+00 Dose factor - airbome release pathway (mremeCi released)

           ~T69 Z

Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI LLI Skin Bone Liver T. Body 3.74E-06 2.73 E-05 1.35 E-06 0.00E+00 Adult 3.015 06 5.76E-06 4.01E 07 0.00E+00 5.77 E-06 4.70E-05 2.47E-05 0.00E+00 Teen 4.64E 06 8.83 E-06 6.18E-07 0.00E+00 9.49E-06 4.22E-05 1.29E-03 0.00E+00 Child 1.03E-05 1.56E-05 1.45 E-06 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 1.45 E-05 4.36E-05 3.23 E-03 0.00E+00 Infant 1.93 E-05 3.48E-05 2.59E-06 Dose factor . airborne release pathway (mrem Ci released) Zn 69m Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin Bone 0.00E+00 7.26E-05 5.65E 04 1.13E 02 5.74E 03 Adult 4.99E 05 1.20E-04 3.07E-03 1.09E-04 9.30E 04 1.49 E-02 5.74 E-03 Teen 7.60E-05 1.79E 04 3.07E-03 0.00E+ 00 l 0.00E+00 1.74E 04 8.08E 04 1.27E 02 5.74E 03 Child 1.76E-04 3.00E 04 3.09E 03 2.57 E-04 7.93 E-04 1.00E-02 5.74E-03 Infant 3.llE 04 6.35E 04 3.12E-03 0.00E+ 00 Page 50 of 120

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision 11 l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 _ Table 5.1-2 _ Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci releasco Br 82 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.44 E-02 0.00E+00 010E+00 0.00 E+00 8.47E-03 6.41 E-02 Teen 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.89E-02 0.00E+00 0. )0E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.41 E-02 I Child 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 7.04 E-02 0.00E+00 0 00E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 6.41 E-02 l Infant 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 8.32E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 6.4 ] E-02 Dose factor airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Br 83 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.65 E-05 0.00h+00 0.00E+00 0.00 E+ 00 6.89E-06 2.84 E-03 ITeen 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 1.96 E-05 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.84 E-03 Child 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.34 E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E400 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.84 E-03 Infant 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.07E-05 ,l 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00 E+00 0.00E ! 00 2.84 E-03 l Dose factor airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Br 84 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+00 2.59E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 1.I I E 09 2.49E 01 Teen 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+00 2.60E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 2.49E-01 Child 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 2.63 E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.49 E-01 Infant 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 2.66E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+00 2.49E-01 Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Br 85 Bone Liver T, Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 0.00E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 4.95 E-06 0.00 E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 0.00 E+00 2.63E 04 Teen 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.06E-06 0.00E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 2.63E-04 Child 0.00 E+ 00 0.00 E+00 2.02 E-05 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 2.63E-04 In f:..:' O.00E400 0.00E+00 4.2 l E-05 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.63 E-04 Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem >Ci released) Rb 86 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidr:y Lungs GILLI Skin _ Adult 0.00E4 00 8.2 i E-01 3.95 E-01 0.00E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E4 00 1.6 t E 01 1.44E 02 Teen 0.00 E+ 00 1.23 E+ 00 5.92E-01 0.00E,00 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 1.82E 01 1.44E 02 Child 0.00E+ 00 2.18 E+ 00 1.35 E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 0.00E + 00 0.00E400 1.40E-01 1.44 E-02 Infant 0.00E+ 00 4.17 E+ 00 2.07E + 00 0.00 E+ 00 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E400 1.07 E-01 1.44 E-02 Page 51 of 120 i


 ? i V                                                                                                                     Table 5.1-2 Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) l Rb-88 Bene          Liver        T. Body      Thyroid     Kidney       Lungs       GILLI           Skin Adult      0.00E+00       1.15 E-05    5.22E-05      0.00E+00    0.00E+00    0.00E+00     9.92 E- 17   5.3 t E-05       !

gTeen 0.00E+ 00 1.62E-05 5.45 E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 8.66E-13 5.3 t E-05 l Child 0.00E+00 1.67E-05 5.73E 05 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.12E-07 5.3 t E-05 l Infant 0.00E + 00 1.65 E-05 5.50E-05 0.00E+00 0.90E+ 00 0.00E+00 1.0 l E 05 5.31 E-05 Dose factor - airborne release ptthway (mrem /Ci released) Rb 89 1 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 0.00E400 7.60E-06 1.78 E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.75E 19 2.07E-04 Teen 0.00E+ 00 1.04 E-05 1.80E-04 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 1.00E- 14 2.07E-04 Child 0.00E+ 00 1.02E 05 1.81 E-04 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.6 t E-08 2.07E-04 Infant 0.00E+ 00 1.79E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 J.51E 06 0.00E+00 2.02 E-06 2.07E-04 I l Dose factor - airborne release pa;hway (mrem /Ci released) l Sr-89 l Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin l Adult 7.63 E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 2.19E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 4.15E-02 1.23E+00 3.53 E-0,5 Teen 1.16E+01 0.00E^00 3.34E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.17E-02 1.40E+00 3.53E-05 Child 2.77E+01 0.00 E+ 00 7.90E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E400 6.40E-02 1.08E+00 3.53 E-05 Infant 3.66E+00 0.00E+00 1.05 E-01 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+00 6.02 E-02 7.69E-02 3.53 E-05 Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Sr90 l I Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 5.10E+02 0.00 E+ 00 1.25E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 2.85E 01 I.47E+01 0.00E+00 Teen 6.33 E402 0 00E+00 1.56E+02 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 4 89E-01 1.77E+ 01 0.00E+00 Child 1.0$E+03 0.00E+ 00 2.65 E+02 0.00Et00 0.00E+ 00 4.38 E-01 1.41 E+ 0 i 0.00E+00 Infant [ 7.33 E + 01 0.00E+00 1.84 E+ 0 i 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 3.34 E-01 9.04 E-01 0.00 E+00 l l Dose factor airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) I

         ~5r 91 Bone           Liver      T. Body       Thyroid     Kidney       Lungs       GI-LLI         Skin Adult      2.29E 04       0.00E400     3.03 E-03     0.00E+ 00   0.00E+ 00   1.08E-03    6.76E-03 O         Teen       2.20E 04       0.00E+ 00    3.03 E-03     0.00E+E     0.00Et00 3.53 E-03 h         Child      4.09E 04       0.00 E+ 00   3.03 E-03     0.00E+ 00   0.00 E + 00 1.80E-03 1.58E 03 8.68E 03 6.06E 03 3.53 E-03 3.53 E-03 Infant     5.29E-05       0.00 E+ 00   3.02E-03      0.00E4 00   0.00ti+ 00  1.56E-03    2.24E-03      3.53E 03 Page 52 of 120 y


JUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision iI OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 - Table 5.1 Dose factor - airborne release nthway (mrem /Ci released) ' Sr-92 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI i Sidn I Adult 5.04 E-07 0.00E+00 1.65 E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.89E-04 1.28 R-03 3.15E-03 Teen 5.66E-07 0.00 E+00 1.65E-03 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 8.14 E-04 3.54 E-03 3.15E-03 l Child 9.08E-07 0.00 E+00 1.65 E-03 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 7.12 E-04 7.20E-03 3.15E-03 [ Infant 3.12 E-07 0.00E+00 1.65E-03 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 7.06E-04 4.15E-03 3.15E-03

        " Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released)

Y 90 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 7.17E 0.00E+00 8.23 E-06 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 5.03 E-03 1.19 E-O l 7.45 E-06 Teen 9.77E-05 0.00 E+00 8.93 E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 8.69E-03 9.20E-02 7.45 E-06 Child 1.39E-04 0.00E+00 1.00E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.76E-03 5.63Ef2 7.45 E-06 Infant 9.77E 05 0.00 E+ 00 8.93 E-06 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+ 00 7.98 E-03 3.26E-03 7.45 E-06 Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Y-91 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 1.78 E-02 0.00E4 00 1.98 E-03 0.00 E +00 0.00E+00 5.06E-02 2.26E+00 1.70E 03 Teen 2.55 E-02 0.00 E+00 2.19E-03 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 8.71 E-02 2.4J E+ 0n 1.70E-03 l Child 4.10E-02 0.00L +00 2.60E 03 0.00E400 0.00E+00 7.79E-02 1.86E+00 1.70E-03 Infant 1.75E-02 0.00E+00 1.97E-03 0.00E+00 0 00E400 7.27E-02 3.72 E-03 1.70E-03  ; Dose factor - airborne rekase pathway (mrem /Ci released) Y-91m


Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 3.58 E-06 0.00E+ 00 2.3 t E 04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.70E-05 1.05 E-05 4.33 E-04 Teen 6.15 E-06 0.00E+ 00 2.3 t E-04 0.00E+00 0.00 E+ 00 9.49E-05 2.91 E-04 4.33 E-04 Child 1.50E-05 0.00E+00 2.31 E-04 0.00E+ 00 0.00E'00 8.34E-05 2.94 E-02 4.33 E-04 Infant 1.2 i E-08 0.00E+ 00 2.3 t E-04 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+00 8.27E-05 6.98 E-05 4.33 E-04 Dose factor airbome release pathway (mrem'Ci released) Y-92 Bone Liver T. Body , Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin Adult 3.35E 05 0.00 E + 00 4.38E 04 0.00Ed OO 0.00E+00 4.65E 04 5.83 E-01 2.90E-02 Teea 5.80E 05 0.00 E+ 00 4.39E 04 0.00E4 00 0.00 E+ 00 7.95 E-04 1.58 E+ 00 2.90E 02 Child 1.42E-04 0.00E+ 00 4.4 l E-0 4 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 7.09c-01 4.09E400 2.90E 02 Infant 4.86E-07 0.00 E+ 00 4.37E 04 0.00 E + 00 0.00E+ 00 7.27 E-04 3.76E-03 2.90E-02 Page 53 of 120 i 1



Dose factor - ai.boine release pathway (mrem /Ci released) [ Y-93 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skia Adult 1.08 E-04 0.00E+00 4.43 E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.44E-03 3.35 E+00 6.58E 02 Teen 1.86E-04 0.00E+00 4.45 E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.47E-03 5.59E+00 6.58 E-02 Child 4.33 E-04 0.00E+0c 4.52E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.21 E-03 6.69 E+ 00 6.*8E-02 (1:.fant, 4.45E-06 ,l 0.00E+00 4.40E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.27E-03 4.95 E-03 6.58E-02 ' _ i Dose factor - airborne tc! ease pathway (mrer 'Ci released) Zr-95 Bone Livo - T.Bedy 'Ihyroid Kidney Lungs G!-LLI Skir. Adult 4.79E-03 1.54E 03 1.45 E-01 0.0 )E+00 2.42 E-03 5.25 E-02 1.64 E+ 00 3.98E 01 Teen 6.16E-03 1.94 E-03 3.4.~ c-01 0.00E+00 2.85 E-03 7.98 E-02 1.35E+00 3.98E-01 Child 9.47E-03 2.08E-03 3.45E-01 0.I0E'O 2.9'F-03 6.62E-02 8.d l E-01 3.98E-01 Infant , 3.43 E 03 8.27E-04 3.44E-01 0 00E+00 9.23 E-04 , 5.19 E-02 9.12E 04 _ 3.pE-01 Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Zr 97 l Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lur gs Gl.LLI Skin l Adult 3.12 E .06 6.3 ] E-07 4.16E-03 0.00E+00 9.56E-07 2.34 E-03 3.09E-02 4.84 E-03 l Teen 4.31 E-06 8.52E-07 4.16E-03 0.00E+00 1.29E-06 3.85 E-03 3.09E-02 4.8)E-03 l Child 5.98E-06 8.66E-07 4.16E 03 0.00 E+00 1.24 E-06 3.36E-03 1.95 E-02 4.8 'E-03 l Infant 4.4$E 06 7.60 E.07 4.16E-03 0.00 E+ 00 7.69E 07 3.27E-03 4.16E-03 4.84LE03 , Dose factor - airbome release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Nb-95 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 1.39 E-03 7.75E-04 1.92 E-01 0.00E+ 00 7.67E-04 1.50E-02 3.30E+00 2.26E-01 Teen 1.39E-03 7.72 E-04 1.92E-01 0.00 E + 00 7.48 E-04 2.23 E-02 1.99E+00 2.26E-01 Child 2.22E-03 8.65 E-04 1.93 E-01 0.00E+ 00 8.13 E-04 1.82E-02 1.10E+00 2.26E-01 Infant 6.08 E-04 2.49E 04 1.92E-01 0.00E+ 00 1.82E-04 1.42 E-02 4.99E-02 2.26E-01


Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /C'i released) i Nb-97 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin ~ Adu;. 2.05 E-06 5.17E-07 4.17E-04 0.00E+ 00 6.03E 07 7.12E-05 1.9 l E-03 3.20E-03 h Teen Child 3.50E-06 8.49E 06 8.68E 07 1.53E 06 4.17E-04 4.17E-04 0.00E+ 00 0.00E + 00 1.02E 06 1.70E-06 1.17E-04 1.0lE-04 2.07E-02 4.73 E-01 3.20E 03 3.20E-03 Infant 1.0 l E-08 2.16E-09 4.17E 04 0.00E+ 00 1.69E 09 9.84 E-05 7.98 E-04 3.20E 03 Page 54 of 120 1

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision 1 I OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 _ Table 5.1-2 _ Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem'Ci released)


Mo-99 Bone Liver T3ody Thyroid Kidney l Lungs GI LLI Skin - Adult 0.00 E+00 9.10E-03 7.34 E-03 0.00E+00 2.06t.-02 2.71 E-03 2.85 E-02 6.50E 03 Teen 0 00E+00 1.24 E-02 7.97E-03 0 00E+00 2.34E-02 4.56E 03 3.02 E-02 6.50E-03 Child 0.00E+00 2.06E-02 1.07E 02 0.00E+0] 4 41E-02 4.02E-03 2.08E-02 6.50E-03 , infant 0.00E+00 3.82E-32 1.31E 02 0.00E+00 5.70E-02 4.00E-03 1.40E-02 6.50E-03 Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Tc 99m Bone Liver T. Body Thyro;d Kidney Lungs GILLI Skia Adult 2.92 E-09 8.24 E-09 2.59E-04 0 00E+00  !.25r.o, 2.27E-05 1.28 E-04 2.96E-04 Teen 3.llE-09 8.6E E-09 2.59E-04 0.00Ev00 1.29 -07 3.42 E-05 1.87 E-04 2.96E-04 Child 5.95E-09 1.17 E-05 2.59E-04 0.00E+ 00 159E-37 2.82E-05 1.49E-04 2.96E-04 l Infant 5.14 E-09 1.06E-08 2.59E-04 0.00E + 00 e 13E-07 2.41 E-05 6.33E-05 ; 2.96E-04 l Dose factor - airbeme release pathway (mrem /Ci released) 1 Tc l'l


Bon Liver T. Body j Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Idult 1.16.1 05 167 E-05 2.08E-04 0.00E400 3.01 E-04 2.04 E-05 5.06E 17 5.80E-04 l Teen 1.49E-05 2.83E-05 3.23 E-04 0.00E+00 5.12E-04 3.7 l E 05 ' "7E- 12 5.80E-04 Child 4.89E 05 5.12 E-05 6.93 E-04 0.00E+00 8.72E-C4 4.44 E-05 1.63 E-04 5.80E-04 Infant 1.93 C- 12 2.44 Elf 4.44 E-05 0.00E+60 2.90b ll 1 D E-05 2.50E-05 5.80E 04 Dosc facor - cirborne release pathway (mrenVCi released)

       'ifu-103 Pane          Liver      T. Body      Thyroid     Kidney      Lungs        GI-LLI        Skin Adult     4.36E-02       0.00E4 00   1.71 E-01    0.00E+00    1.66E-01   1.50E 02     5.08E+00     1.77E-01 Teen      3.76E-02       0.00 E+ 00  1.68E-01     0.00E+00    1.33 E-01  2.32 E-02    3.14 E+ 00   1.77E-01 Child     7.01 E-02      0.00E+00    1.79E-01     0.00E+00    1.77E-O i  1.97 E-02    1.81E+00     1.77E-01 Infant    6.20E-05       0.00E+ 00   1.52 E-01    0.00E+00    1.30E-04   1.64 E-02    5.05E-04     1 77E-01 Dose factor airborne release pathway (mrerr/Ci released)

Ru 105 Bonc I Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin Adult 6.19E 04 0.00 E+ 00 2.07E-03 0.00 E+ 00 7.99E-03 3.25E 04 3.80E-01 1.02 E-02 Teen 1.06E-03 0.00E

  • 00 2.23 E-03 0.00E+ 00 1.34E 02 5.3f E-04 8.59E 01 1.02E 02 Child 2.59E-03 0.00E400 2.76E-03 0.00E+ 00 2.28E-02 4.72E-04 1.69E+00 1.02 E-02 infant 3.63 E-08 0.00E4 00 1.82E-03 0.00E+ 00 2.67E-03 4.65E-04 1.44 E-03 1.02E 02 Page 55 of 120  ;



    ' [ Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released)

Ru 106 Bone Liver .T. Body Thyrcid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin Adult 1.65E+00 0.00E+00 8.0lE-01 0.00E+00 3.18E+00 2.78E-01 1.06E+02 7.llE-01 Teen 1.49E+00 0.00E+00 7.8 l E-01 0.00E400 2.88Et00 4.77E-01 7.16E+01 7.llE-01 Child 2.93E+00 0.00E+00 9.58E 01 0.03E+00 3.96E+00 4.25 E-01 4.55E+0 i 7.llE-01 2.67E-03 0.00E+00 5.93E-01 0.00E+00 3.28E-03 3.43 E-01 5.60E-03 7.llE 01 l Infant Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem!Ci released) Rh 105 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin 4.81E 02 3.52E 02 2.47E 02 0.00E+00 1.50E-01 5.72E-04 5.61E+00 7.74E-03 Adult 8.33E 02 6.02E 02 4.10E 02 0.00E+00 2.56E-01 9.71 E-04 7.66E+00 7.74E-03 Teen 2.04 E-01 1.10E-01 9.53 E-02 0.00E+00 4.37E 01 8.59E-04 6.80E+00 7.74E-03 Child - Infant 7.15E 04 4.68E 04 1.83 E-03 0.00E+ 00 1.30E-03 , 8.64 E-04  !.220-02 7.74E-03 Dose factor - airberne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Ag l10m Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI LLI- Skin 4.10E-02 3.80E-02 4.85E+00 0.00E+00 7.47 E-02 1.37 E-01 1.54E+01 5.63E+00 Adult 6.28E-02 5.94E-02 4.86E+00 0.00E+00 1.13 E-01 2.00E-01 1.66E+01 5.63E+00 Teen Child 4.90E+ 00 0.00E+00 1.68E 01 1.62E 01 1.07E+0! 5.63E+00 -] 1.34 E-01 _9.04E 02 Infant 1.93E 01 1.41E-01 4.92 E+00 0.00E+ 00 2.02 E-01 1.09E-01 7.31 E+00 5.63 E4 00 l i Dose factor - airborne release pathway (miem/Ci released) Sb-124 q Bone Liver T. Body 'lhyroid Kidney Lungs GI LLI Skin < Adult 1.44E-01 2.73E-03 1.36E+00 3.50E-04 0.00E+00 1.85E-01 4.09E+00 4.02 E+ 00 1.39E+00 5.03 E-04 0.00E+00 3.07E-01 4.46E+00 4.02 E+00 Teen 2.22E-01 4.09E 1.13E 03 0.00E+00 3.79E 01 3.19E+00 4.02E+00 Child 5.llE-01 6.63E 03 1.48 E+00  ; 9.90E 04 1.32E+00 1.78 E-04, 0.00E+00 1.20E-01 2 06E 01 4.02E+00 infant 6.72E 02 Dose factor airborne release pathway (mrem'Ci released) Sb 125 Bone Liver .T.Dody Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin 1.09E 04 0.00E400 1.33 E-01 1.17E+00 9. l l E+00 Adult 1.07E-01 1.20E-03 5.38 E+ 00 5.39E+00 1.54 E-04 0.00E+ 00 2.2 i E-01 1.24E+00 9. I I E+00 Teen 1.61E 01 1.76E 03 3.42E 04 0.00E+ 00 2.73E-01 8.75 E-01 9. l l E+ 00 Child 3.69E 01 2.84E 03 5.43 E400 1.0.l E-04 0.00E+ 00 9.99E-02 1.09E-01 9. l l E+ 00 Infant 8.33E 02 8.05 E-04 l 5.37E+00 Page 56 of 120 i


                                                                                                                         .\lAJOP l OFI: SITE DOSE CALCULATION S!ASUAL                                                                                  Revision iI


                                                                                                                                                  Yole 5.1 -:

l Dose Iacio7 airborne release pathwa,s (mrem Ci released) __- l Te 125m Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney l Lungs GILLI Skin 1.40E 01  : 6.67E-02 1.16E-01 1.57 E-00 9.30E-03 1.55 E4 00 3.96E 02 l

           ~ Adult            3.87 E-01 1.84 E-01 i S.32E-02              1.4 3 E-01      0.00E+00       1.5cE-02         1.51E-00        3.96E 02        l leen              5 ilE-01 3.16E 01 l 1.70E 01              3.27 E-0 !       0.00E+00       1.42 E-02        1.13 E400       3.96E-02        i
           . Child            1.17E400 1.33 E-02       2.46 E-02        3.96E-02        j
                            , 5.10E-02       1.?iE-02 l 2.18E-02               1.72E-02 [0.00E-00
         .i. Intant     _

FDose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem Ci released) q j ,

l. l e 127 Bone Liser T. Body Thyroid l Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin l

1.611i-06 5.15E 06 3.3 l E 06 1.82E-J5 1.93 E-04 2.0$E-03 4.00E-06 IAdub 47E-06 4.34L-00 1.5 5 E-06 5.12 E-06 3 00E-06 1.76tG05 3.32 E-04 2.73 E-03 I60E-06 l Teen 5.63E-06 2.3 l E-05 2.9S E-04 1.98 E-03 4.60E-06 I Child 8.13E 06 2 20E-06 l 5.93E-06 l .02 E-06 3.03E-06  ; 3.07E-04 7.4SE 04 4 60E-06 , l Infant 1.25E 06 4.25 E-07 l 4.45E.06 _ i Dose tactor - ahorne release pathw ay (mrem Ci releaseJ) p fe 127m Bone ti"cr T. Body rhyroid Kidney Lungs GI3.LI Skin l 119E400 4.26 ti-01 1.54 E-01 3.05E 01 4.84 E + 00 2.85 E-02 4.00E+ 00 6.16E-02 i AJult 1.85E-01 3.52 E-O i 6 0l L+00 4.9 t E-02 3.70 E+ 00 6.16E 02 Ireen 1.4 Sii- 00 5.26E 01 S.94 E-01 i 4.03E 01 7.94 E-01 9.4 7 E-00 4.39E-02 2.69E+00 6.16E-02 Child 3.32E4 %

               ' infant         1.96E 01       6.50E-02 l 3.26E 02               5.66E-02       4.82E-01 i 3.S9E-02             7.96E-0 :       6.16E-02 1 Dose tactor - anborne releasc pathw ay (mrem Ci released)

Nne I Lh r T. Body i hyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin l Adult 1.4SE 09 7.10E 10 3 6SE 05 1.16E 09 5.56E 09 5.74 E-05 4.65E-06 4 36E-05

                   'leen        2.llE-09        1.00E-04         3 ASE 05         1.54 E-09      7.Sh h-09     9.78IO5          4.79E-05        4.36E 05 Chdd          290E 09        1.04 ti-09       3.6hE-05        2.12 E-09       7.62 E-09      8.7 l E-05       7.56E-04       4.36E-05 2.34L 09       1.03 E-09        3.63E 05         2.00E-09       5.19E-Ou       8.89E-05         7.81E 04       4.36E-05

{ Infant l l Dost f actor - mrborne release pathw a;. urtem C. released) . i le 129m lione 1.n er ~l . lledy

                                                                                    'i hyroid       Kidney          Lungs          GILLI               Skin Adult         1.39E.00      5.191.-01         2.Mli ol         1.78h 01      5 80h
  • 00 3.4.lE 02 7. ole 00 0.07E 01 1N41. 00 7.20 E. 01 Ti 22 E.01 6.261:-01 S.12h 00 5.S6E-02 7.30li4 00 " 07E 01 Jeen 9.07 E-01 Child 4.53l:.00 1.26 E- 00 7.18E UI 1.46ti + 00 1.33h 01 5.23 E-02 5.53E400 Intant 1.391.-01 1.77E 02 3.60E 02 5 34ti 02 4.9s E-02 lh461:-02 9.07E-01

( - . = - 3.4HE - Page 57 of 120

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 g iv! Table 5.1-2 Dose factor airborne release pathway (mrem Ci released) Te-131 [ Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin l Adult 1.47E-03 6.14 E-04 5.56E-04 1.21 E-03 6.43 E-03 4.13E-05 2.09E-04 1.63E-03

          ) Teen         2.52 E-03       1.04 E-03  8.80E-04      1.94 E-03   1.10E-02    6.93E-05     2.07E-04     1.63 E-03
          ) Child        6.19E-03       1.89E-03     1.93 E-03   4.73 E-03    1.37E-02    6.09E-05     3.25E-02     1.63 E-03

[ Infant 5.15 E-10 2.44E 10 9.27E-05 4.69E 10 1.18E-09 6.llE-05 2.44 E-04 1.63 E-03 f Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) l Te 13 tm Bone Liver T. Body R yroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin l l Adult 1.30E-01 6.34 E-02 7.45 E-02 1.00E-01 6.43 E-01 4.32 E-03 6.32 E+ 00 3.77E-02 l Teen 2.21 E-01 1.06E-01 1.10E-01 1.60E dl I.llE+00 7.05 E-03 8.53 E+00 3.77E-02

          ] Child        5.38 E-01      1.86E 01    2.20E-01     3.83 E-01    1.80E+00   6.10E-03      7.56 E+00   3.77E-02 l Infant       6.34 E-04      2.56E 04    2.18E-02     5.18E 04    1.76E-03    5.90E-03      7.8 t E-03  3.77E-02
,          ' Dose factor - airbome release pathway (mrem. Ci released)

( ) Te-132


Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid kidney Lungs GILLI Skin Adult 1.92E-01 1.24 E-01 1.27E-01 1.37 E-01 1.20E+00 8.55E-03 5.89E+00 1.32E-02 Teen 3.19E-01 2.02E 01 2.00E 01 2.13 E-01 1.94E400 1.33 E-02 6.42 E+00 1.32 E-02 Child 7.6 l E-01 3.37E 01 4.17E-01 4.91 E-01 3.13E+00 1.12E-02 3.39E+00 1.32E-02 Infant 3.94 E-03 1.95 E-03 1.17E 02 2.88 E-03 1.22E-02 1.01 E-02 8.50E 03 1.32 E-02 Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem.Ci released) 1 131 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 7.16E 02 1.02E-01 8.29E-02 3.36 E+ 01 1.76E-01 0.00Et00 2.69E-02 2.93E 02 - Teen 6.57E-02 9.19E 02 7.35E 02 2.68 E + 01 1.5SE 01 0.00E+00 1.8 ] E-02 2.93 E-02 Child 1.44 E-01 1.45E 01 1.07E-01 4.80E+01 2.38 E-01 0.00E+ 00 1.29E-02 2.93E 02 Infant 2.04 E-01 2.40E-01 1.30E-01 7.89E+01 2.80E-01 0.00E+00 8.56E-03 2.93 E-02 Dose factor airborne release pathway (mrem'Ci released) l132 Bone Liver T.13ody Thyroid Kidncy Lungs GILLI Skin Aduh 3.44 E-05 9.67E 05 1.78E 03 3.40E 03 1.54E 04 0.00E + 00 1.2 t E-05 2.06E-03 [V  ; Teen 4.73E 05 1.30E-04 1.80E 03 4.49E 03 2.0fE 04 0.00E+ 00 3.78E 05 2.06E-03 Child 6.28E 05 1.21 E-04 1.80E 03 5.74E 03 1.86E 04 0.00 E+ 00 9.'.0E-05 2.06E-03 Infant 5.03 E-05 1.05 E-04 1.79E 03 5.03 E-03 1.17E-04 0.00 E + 00 5.65E 05 2.06E-03 Page 58 of 120

I- l ODChi  : ! NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT N1AJOR  ! l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION NIANUAL Revision 11 l August 26.1998 l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION N1ANUAL Table 5.12 l Dese factor - airbome release pathway (mrem /Ci released) ll133 Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin


Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid 3.71 E-01 4.41E 03 0.00E+ 00 2.14E-03 4.19E 03 Adult 1.46E-03 2.53 E-03 4.21 E-03 1.75E-03 4.19E-03 Teen 1.49E-03 2.52E 03 4.21E-03 3.53 E-01 1.42E-03 _'f.00E+00 6.51 E-01 5.91 E-03 0.00:1+ 00 1.35E-03 4.19E-03 Child 2.87E-03 3.55E-03 4.78E 03 8.37E-01 5.40E-03 0.00 E+ 00 7.45 E-04 4.19E-03 Infant 4.59E-03 . 4.79E-03 l 3.16E-03 l Dose factor airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) l 4 l f l 134 ' Lungs GI-LLI Skin Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid l Kidney 8.85 E-04 8.17E-05 0.00E+00 2.99E 08 7.45 E-04 Adult 1.91 E-05 5.13E-05 6.45E 04 1.17E 03 1.09 E-04 0.00 E+ 00 6.05E-07 7.45 E-04 Teen 2.63E-05 6.88 E-05 6.52E-04 1.50E 03 9.79 E-05 0.00 E* 00 2.83 E-05 7.45E 04 l Child 3.48E-05 6.41 E-05 6.57E-04 1.32E-03 6.19E-05 0.00E+63 3.83 E-05 7.45E 04 i Infant 2.73E-05 5.57 E-05 6.47E-04 l l Dose factor - airborne release pathw ay (mrem /Ci released) f ll-135 GILLI Skin Liser T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs Bone 1.56E-02 3.87E-04 0.00 E

  • 00 1.96E 04 4.14 E-03 Adult 4.31 E-05 2.43 E-04 3.64E-03 2.05 E-02 4.92E 04 0.00E+00 2.41E 04 4.14E-03 Teen 1.22E 04 3.12E 04 3.66E-03 2.72E-02 4.61 E-04 0.00 E + 00 1.63 E-04 4.14 E-03 Child 1.69E-04 3.00E 04 3.69E-03 2 22E-02 2.70E-04 0 00E+00 6.06E 05 4.14E 03 Infant , l.23E-04 2.-13E 04 3.64 E-03 Dose factor airborne release pathw:.y (mrenvCi released)

Cs-134 Bone Liver T.Bady Thyroid Kidney Lt:ngs GILLI Skin 5.15 E+ 00 1.7tE+00 2.78E 01 1.12 E+ 01 Adult 6.68 E + 00 1.59E+01 2.26E+01 0.00E+ 00 2.12E+01 0.00E+ 00 7.90 E+ 00 3.02E+00 3.09E 01 1.12E+01 _ Teen 1.06E+ 0 i 2.40E+ 0 ! 1.22E+01 4.37 E+ 00 2.12E 01 1.12 E+0 i Child 2.39E+ 0 i 3.93E r01 1.79E+01 0.00E+00 9.42 E+00 3.86E+00 9.94 E-02 1.12 E+ 0 i infant 1.96E+ 01 3.66E401 1.33E40 0.00E+00 Dose factor airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Cs 134m Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Bone Liver T. Body 0.00E+ 00 9.54E 04 1.50E 04 6.19E-04 6.90E 05 Adult 8.36E 04 1.76E 03 9.41E 04 0.00E+ 00 1.61 E-03 2.83 E-01 1.92 E-03 6.909 05 Tecn 1.40E 03 2.89E-03 1.53E 03 0.00E400 2.58E-03 4.27 E-04 6.18 E-03 6.90E-05 Child 3.30E-03 4 89E 03 3.24E-03 0.00E+ 00 3.53E-06 8.3 t E-07 4.82E 06 6.90E 05 infant 5.48 E-06 8.72E-06 4.70E 05 Page 59 of 120 C_

(. NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCh! l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION N1ANUAL N1AJOR Revision iI OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION NIANUAL August 26.1998 . A !V Table 5.1-2 Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Cs 136 l Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin Adult 3.31 E-01 1.31E+00 1.28 E+00 0.00E+00 7.27E-01 9.97E 02 1.4SE-01 4.73E-01 Teen 5.12E-01 2.02E+00 - 1.70E+00 0.00E+00 1.10E+00 1.73 E-01 1.62E-01 4.73 E-01 Child 1.14 E+00 3.14 E+00 2.38E+00 0.00E+00 1.67E+00 2.49E 01 1.10E 01 4.73 E-01 i infant 3.54 E-01 1.04 E+ 00 7.33 E-U I 0.00E+00 4.15 E-01 8.4SE-02 1.58 E-02 4.73 E-01 Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem'Ci released) l Cs 137 l Done Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILL! Skin Adult 9.52E+00 1.30E+01 2.30E+01 0.00E+00 4.42 E+00 1.47E+00 2.52E-01 1.69E+01  ; Teen 1.57E+01 2.09E+01 2.18E+01 0.00E+00 7.12E+00 2.77E+00 2.97E 01 1.69E+01 Child 3.73 E+01 3.57E*01 1.97E+ 01 0.00 E+00 1.16E+01 4.18E+00 2.23E 01 1.69E+01 Infant 2.99E+01 3.49 E+0 i 1.70E+01 0.00 E+00 9.3E E r00 3.80E+00 1.09E 01 1.69E t0! - 1 l l 3 Dose factor airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) ( ) Cs-138 Done Liver T. Dody Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin Adult 2.17E-03 4.28E-03 2.70E 03 0.00E+00 3.14E-03 3.10E-04 1.82E-08 4.39E-03 ~ Tcen 3.69E 03 7.08 E-03 4.13 E-03 0.00E+00 5.23 E-03 6.08 E-04 3.21 E-06 4.39E-03 Child 8.93E 03 1.24 E-02 8.46E-03 0.00 E+00 8.73 E-03 9.40E-04 5.71 E-03 4.39E-03 Infant 1.50E 05 2.32E 05 5.97 E-04 0.00E+00 1.22E-05 1.94E 06 2.60E-05 4.39E-03 Dose factor - airborne release path" ay (mrem /Ci released) Da139 Done Liver T.Dody Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 3.78E 03 2.69E 06 1.3SE-04 0.00 E+00 2.52E 06 4.62 E-05 6.71 E-03 6.76 E-03 Teen 6.56E 03 4.6lE 06 2.18E ,04 , 0.00E+00 4.35 E-06 8.00E 05 5.86E 02 6.76E-03 Child 1.61 E-02 8.60E 06 4.95E l,4 l 0.00E+00 7.51 F-06 7.37E-05 9.31E 01 6.76E-03 Infant 1.76E 08 1.17E-I l 2.75E 05 0.00E+00 7.04E 12 7.07E-05 6.06E-04 3 6.76E-03 l


l Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci rcleased) I 11a 140 Done Liver T.Dody Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin Adult 1.09E 01 1.37E 04 3.60E 02 0.00E+ 00 4.67E 05 3.78 E-02 2.2?E 01 3.29E 02 ( Teen 1.19E 01 1.16E 04 3.65E 02 0.00 E+ 00 4.94E 05 6.04E-02 1.88E-01 3.29E-02

  \           Child       2.39E 01      2.10E-04     4.28E 02         0.00E+ 00   6.83 E-05   5.18 E-02     1.23 E-01   3.29E 02           ,

! infant 4.46E 02 4.46 E-05 3. l l E 02 0.00E+ 00 1.06 E-05 4.74 E-02 1.17E-02 3.29E tn I i l Page 60 of 120 j

r NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision i I OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 _ Table 5.1-2 _ Dose factor airborne release pathway (mrent'Ci released) Ba 14i Bene Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin Acult 1.83E 03 1.39E-06 2.01 E-04 0.00E+00 1.29E-06 2.38E-05 8.66E 13 1.55E-03 Teen 3.16E-03 2.36E-06 2.45E 04 0.00E+00 2.19E-06 4.07E-05 6.75E-09 1.55 E-03 Child 7.~19E-03 4.36E-06 3.92E 04 0.00E+00 3.77E-06 6.03 E-05 4.44E-03 1.55 E-03 Infant 1.86E-09 1.28 E-12 1.39E 04 0.00E+00 7.72E- 13 3.53E-05 5.64 E-05 1.55E-03 f Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem!Li released) l La-140 l Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin l Adult 1.17E-05 5.91 E-06 2.10E-02 0.00 E+00 0.00E+00 4.04 E-03 6.96E-02 3.06E-02 l Teen 1.57E-05 7.7 t E-06 2.70E-02 0.00 E+ 00 0.00E+00 6.36E-03 5.5lE-02 3.06E-02 l Child 2.18 E-05 7.60E-06 , 2.70E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.42 E-03 3.26E-02 3.06E-02 l Infant 1.56E 05 6.17E-06 l 2.70E 02 0.00E+ 00 0.00E+00 4.98E 03 5.27E 03 3.06E-02


Dose factor - r.irbome release pathway (mrem /Ci released) La 142 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin Adult


4.98E-06 2.27E-06 1.97E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.52 E-05 1.65 E-02 9.71 E-03 Tee'n 8.44E-06 3.75E-06 1.97E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.21 E-04 1.14E 01 9.7 t E-03 Child 2.04 E-05 6.50E-06 1.97 E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.03 E-04 1.29E+00 9.71E 03 gfant 1.22 E-98 4.48 E-09 1.97E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9.77 E-05 7.07E-04 9.7 l E-03 Dose facter airborne release pathway (urem.Ci released) Ce-141 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 7.38 E-04 5.01 E-04 1.93 E-02 0.00 E+ 00 2.32E-04 107E-02 3,84 E-01 2.16E-02 Teen 1.05 E-03 7.02 E-04 1.93 E-02 0.00E+00 3.29E-04 1.82 E-02 4.02E-01 2.16 E-02 Child 1.65E-03 8.20E-04 1.93 E-02 0.00E+ 00 3.59E-04 1.61 E-02 3.02E-01 2.16E-02 Infant 8.32 E-04 5.00E-04 1.92b-02 0.00 E+ 00 1.58 E-04 1.53 E-02 3.79E-03 2. ! 6E-02 Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem Ci released) Cc 143 Bone Liver T. Body l Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI LLI ' Skin Adu:t 6.71E 05 4.80E-02 4.80E 03 0.00 E+ 00 2.18E-05 9.48 E-04 1.80E+00 6.60E-02 l Teen 1.15E-04 S.10E 02 .l.81 E-03 0.00E+ 00 3.74 E-05 1.55E 03 2.44E400 6.60E-02 ' Child 2.77E.04 1.48E 01 4.82E 03 0.00 E+ 00 6.3lE 05 1.37E-03 2.17E+00 6.60E-02 infant 3.55T 5.06E 05 4.80E-03 0.00E+ 00 6.85E 07 1.38E 03 8.73 E-04 6.60E-02 Page 61 of 120

c: NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODChl l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION N1ANUAL N1AJOR Revision iI OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h1ANUAL August 26.1998 (- Table 5.1-2 Dose factor - airbome re eas: patnway (mrem'Ci released) Ce 144 Bone- Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 1.26E-01 5.24 E-02 1.04E 01 0.00 E+ 00 3.10E-02 2.3 l E-01 51.05 E+00 1.13E-01 Teen 1.83 E-01 7.56E-02 1.07E-01 0.00E+00 4.51E 02 3.96E-01 9.46 E+00 1.13E-01 Child 2.91 E-01 9.10E-02 1.13 E-U I 0.00E+00 5.04E-02 3.55E 01 7.37E+00 1.13 E-01 Ir.fant 9.58E-02 3.64E-02 1.03 E-01 0.00E+00 1.61 E-02 2.92E-01 6.97E-02 1.13 E-01


Dose factor - airbome release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Pr-143 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 5.IIE-04 2.05E-04 2.53 E-05 0.00E+00 1.18E-04 3.34E 03 1.75E+00 3.77E-01 Teen 8.14E 04 3.25E-04 4.05 E-05 0.00E+00 1.89E 04 5.74E 03 2.16E+00 3.77E-01 Child 1.82E-03 5.46E-04 9.02E-05 0.00E+ 00 2.96E-04 5.15E-03 1.73 E+00 3.77E-01 Infant 1.67E-04 6.23 E-05 8.32E 06 0.00E+00 2.35 E-05 5.14 E-03 5.83 E-04 3.77E-01 Dose factor - airbome release pabway (mrem;Ci released) e Pr 144 Q Bone Liver I T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin Adult 8.9'E 10 3.70E-10 2.58E 06 0.00E+00 2.09E 10 3.0lE 05 6.39E 16 2.96E-06 j Teen 1.27E 09 5.22E 10 2.5 S E-06 0.00E+00 2.99E-10 5.20E-05 6.98 E-12 2.96E-06 Child 1.77E-09 5.48E 10 2.58E 06 0.00E+ 00 2.90E-10 4.64 E-05 5.84 E-06 2.96E-06 Infant 1.42 E-09 5.48E 10 2.58 E-06 0.00E+ 00 1.99E 10 4.78 E-05 1.27E-04 2.96E-06 Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Nd-147 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 8.95 E-05 1.03 E-04 2.00E-02 0.00E+ 00 6.04 E-05 2.62 E-03 1.5 l E-01 2.00E-01 Teen 1.22E-04 1.33 E-04 2.00E-02 0.00E+00 7.80E-05 4.42E-03 1. I S E-01 2.00E-01 Child 1.85 E-04 1.49E-04 2.00E-02 0.00E+ 00 8.22E-05 3.90E-03 7.33 E-02 2.00E-01 Infant 9.45 E-05 9.69E-05 2.00E-02 0.00E+00 3.75E 05 3.83E 03 4.73E-04 2.00E-01 Dose factor . airborne release pathway (mrem,Ci released) Eu 152 ' Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin i Adult 3.32E-02 2.45E 01 3.62 E

  • 01 0.00E+ 00 4.67E 02 3.26E-02 1.38E+00 6.86E+ 01

[ Teen 4.20E 02 1.02E 02 3.62 E+ 0 i 0.00E+00 4.73 E-02 4.76E-02 1.23E+00 6.86E+ 01

  \        Child     6.02E 02        1.10E 02   3.62E t 0 i   0.00E+ 00   4.64E 02    3.96E-02     8.25 E-01    6.86E+ 0 !

infant 1.30E-02 2.95 E-03 3.62E + 01 0.00E+ 00 9.90E 03 2.46E 02 5.31E 04 6.86E+ 0 ! Page 62 of 120 l> l

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNil ODCh1 l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hlANUAL NIAJOR Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hlANUAL August 26,1998 _ Table 5.1-2 Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem Ci released) W 187 Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin Adult 4.08 E-03 3.41 E-03 7.22 E-03 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 3.45 E-04 1.12E+00 2.79E-02 Teen 6.98 E-W 5.69E-03 8.03 E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 00 5.63E-04 1.54 E+00 2.79E-02 Child 1.69E-02 1.00E-02 1.05 E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.88 E-04 1.41 E+00 - 2.79E-02 Infant 1.13E 05 7.8 S E-06 6.04 E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.7 ] E-04 8.79E-04 2.79E-02 Dese factor airbome release pathway (mrem /Ci released) U-235 Bc1e Liver T. Eody Thyroid Kidney Lungs GILLI Skin Adult 4.06Et0i 0.00E+00 1.04 E+ 01 0.00E+00 9.47 E+00 4.66E+00 3.87E+00 1.06 E+01 Teen 6.45E+01 0.00E+00 1.19E+01 0.00E+ 00 1.51 E+01 8.03 E+00 4.59E+00 1.06E+01 Child 1.54 E+02 0.00E+00 1.73 E + 0 i 0.00E+00 2.53 E+0! 7.17E+ 00 3.58E+00 1.06E+01 Infant 1.17 E+0 i 0.00E+00 8.84 E+ 00 0.00E+ 00 2.49E+00 5.46 E+00 1.90 E-01 1.06E+01 Dose factor - airbome release pathway (mrem /Ci released) l U-238 l Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin l Adult 3.88E+0! 0.00E+00 2.33 E +00 0.00E+00 8.86E+00 4.36E+00 2.72E+00 2.47 E-01 l Teen 6.17E+01 0.00E+ 00 3.70E+00 0.00 E+00 1.41 E+01 7.50E+00 3.23 E+00 2.47 E-01 Child 1.48 E,02 0.00 E + 00 8.79E+00 0.00E+00 2.37 E+0 i 6.73 E+ 00 2.53 E+00 2.47E-01 Infant 1.12E+0i 0.00E+00 8.63 E-01 0.00E+ 00 2.33 E+00 5.09E+00 1.34 E-01 2.47 E-01 l Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Np-239 Done Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 5.00E-05 4.92E-06 5.54E 03 0.00E+00 1.53 E-05 4.47E-04 9.55 E-01 9.52E-03 Teen 8.79E-05 8.29E-06 5.55 E-03 0.00E+00 2.60E-05 7.71 E-04 1.27E+00 9.52 E-03 Child 2 I I E-04 1.52E-05 5.55 E-03 0.00 E+ 00 4.39E-05 6.91 E-04 1.10E+00 9.52 E-03 Infarit 4.42E 06 3.95 E-07 5.54 E-03 0.00E+00 7.88 E-07 7.07E-04 3.14E-04 9.52E-03 ~ l l I 1 Dose factor - airborne release pathway (mrem /Ci released) Am-24 i Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lungs GI-LLI Skin Adult 1.34 E+ 02 4.76E+ 01 1.03 E+ 01 0.00E+00 6.70 E+ 01 5.76E+00 3.48 E+ 00 2.94 E+ 00 Teen 1.46 E+ 02 5.59E+ 01 1. l l E+ 0 ) 0.00E4 00 7.3 l E + 01 9.99E+ 00 4.12 E+ 00 2.94 E+00 { } Child 1.37E+02 6.14 E + 01 1.llE+01 0.00E+ 00 5.98E+01 8.88E+00 3.22 E+ 00 2.94 E+ 00 infant 3.07 E+ 01 1.41 E+ 0 i 3.56 E+ 00 0 00E+ 00 1.32 E+ 0 ! 6.76E+00 1 2.58 E-03 2.94 E(00_ l l Page 63 of 120

ODCM NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT MAJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision iI , August 26,1998 l p OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL l U t Atmospheric Release Mode: Noble Gases l 5.13 l The dose calculations for demonstration of compliance with the 10 CFR 50, J I Appendix 1 dose limits for noble gases released to the atmosphere will be done in the manner similar to the liquid release dose calculations described in Section 5.1.1. The total doses to the air, skin, and whole body resulting from the release of ncble gases is compared to the corresponding Appendix limits. I

                         ' Noble gases released in liquids are to be added to the atmospherically released noble gases for Appendix 1 dose compliance calculations.

The doses are calculated using the following formula: i API = I Dosci = E(TDFri x C i) s K mrem t where API = the Appendix 1 dose for compliance evaluation in mrem Dosei i = the dose to the applicable target (t) from radionuclide (i) O) TDF;i = total dose factor from Table 5.1-3 in mremici for the specific target (t) from radionuclide (i) based on the maximum annual average x/Q at the site boundary Ci = curies of radionuclide (i) released Ki = the noble gas Appendix 1 dose limit for target (t) The methodology used to obtain the TDF values are given in Appendix C. Instead of using the precalculated total dose factors, the Appendix I dose calculation may be modified to reflect actual yjQ values during the release using the methodology of Appendix C.


() Page 64 of 120

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCNi l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hlANUAL hlAJOR Revision 11 4 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION N1ANUAL August 26.1998 - TABLE 5.1-3 ACTIVITY TO DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS FOR NOBLE GASES I (Highest Annual Average yjQ) Nuclide Beta Air Gamma Air Skin Whole Body - (mrad /Ci) (mrad /Ci) (mrem /Ci) (mrbm/Ci) AR-41 1.56E-04 4.42E-04 2.94E-04 4.72E-04 KR-83h1 1.37E-05 9.18E-07 2.52E-09 7.13E-07 KR-85N1 9.37F-05 5.85E-05 3.89E-05 1.15E-04 KR-85 9.27E-05 S.18E-07 5.36E-07 6.44E-05 K R-87 4.90E-04 2.93 E-04 1.97E-04 6.91 E-04 KR-88 1.39E-04 7.23E-04 4.89E-04 6.74E-04 KR-89 5.04E-04 8.23 E-04 5.53E-04 1.12E-03 KR-90 3.72E-04 7.75E-04 5.19E-04 9.49E-04 XE-13 t hi 5.28 E-05 7.42E-06 3.05E-06 2.84E-05 XE 133hl XE-133 7.04E-05 4.99E-05 1.55E-05 1.68E-05 8.35E-06 9.79E-06 5.93E-05 2.76E-05 g XE-135N1 3.51E 05 1.60E-04 1.04E-04 1.58E-04 XE-135 1.17E-04 9.13E-05 6.02E-05 1.59E-04 XE-137 6.04 E-04 7.18E-05 4.73E-05 6.36E-04 XE-138 2.26E 04 4.38E-04 2.94 E-04 5.37E-04 O Page 65 of 120 l



NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR i Revision 11 i OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 1 6.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM ' Requirements for the PBNP environmental monitoring program are detailed in Technical l Specification A complete description of the PBNP radiological environmental monitoring program, including procedures and responsibilities, is contained in the PBNP Environmental Manual. The latter is hereby incorporated into the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) by reference. 7.0 RADIOLOGICAL IMPACT EVALUATION OF SEWAGE TREATMENT SLUDGE DISPOSAI, The methodology for determining the radiological impact of contaminated sewage treatment sludge is presented in this section.1he evaluation must be made prior to every land application l ofsewage treatment plant (STP) sludge that contains licensed material. Sludge and other STP material which does not contain licensed materials may be disposed of by any legal me.thod without prior radiological analysis. 7.1 Basis. Commitments. and Actions p 7.1.1 Basis With the discovery that the PBNP STP sludge contained licensed material, Wisconsin Electric cpplied for NRC approval to dispose of the sludge by land application on land within the PBNP site boundary pursuant to 10 CFR 20.30Aa). Wisconsin Electric committed to gamma isotopic analysis (GIA) of the sludge to measure the concentrations of ficensed material in the STP sludge and to compare the results to concentration limits prior to each disposal [ letter dated October 8,1987 (VPNPD-87-430, NRC-87-104)]. .In addition, the dose to the maximally exposed individual of the general public and to the ir. advertent intruder would be evaluated for the appropriate exposure pathways. i 7.1.2 Basis for NRC Commitment Modification Pursuant to NRC guidance, the sludge is clean if no licensed materials are found when analyzed under conditions necessary to achieve the environmental l LLDs (NRC IIPPOS 221). Clean sludge is not under NRC jurisdiction and i may be disposed of by any legal method without prior radioanalyses. Therefore. if the sludge is clean and there is no pathway to the STP from the RCA, or pathways are administratively controlled to prevent the transfer of - licensed materials to the STP, there is no need to analyze the sludge prior to any disposal. I (73j Page 66 of 1.!0 J

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCN1 l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION NlANUAL h!AJOR Revision iI OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hlANUAL August 26,1998 - Since the 1987 commitment, engineering modifications and administrative controls have eliminated the pathways from the RCA to the STP. Three subsequent sludge GIAs (a total of eight STP samples) utilizing the analytical parameters required to achieve environmental lower limit of detection (LLD) found only naturally occurring radionuclides. In each analysis, the licensed materials were below the minimum detectable activity for the particular measurement and below the required LLDs. These results verify the efficiency of the modifications and administrative controls in climinating pathways from the RCA to the STP. Therefore, because there is no lor.ger any reason to believe that the PBNP STP sewage contains licensed material and there are no pathways from the RCA to the STP, the sewage may be disposed of by any legal method without GIA prior to each disposal. 7.1.3 hiodification Periodic gamma isotopic analyses (GIA) of the STP sludge shall occur at a frequency set forth in the Environmental Standing Orders (ESO). This may include analyses prior to disposal depending on the results from the periodic analyses. The GIA of the STP sludge shall meet the LLD criteria of normal liquid effluents. The detection of any licensed material in the sludge during the periodic GI A shall necessitate retuming to the GIA prior to disposal in order to evaluate the radiological consequences of the disposal. The GIA prior to each disposal shall continue until such time that the sludge can be shown. using environmental LLD criteria, not to contain licensed material, j Also, re-initiation of the 1987 commitment to analyze the STP sludge prior to each disposal shall be required if plant conditions change in a manner which would lead one to believe that the STP sludge may be contaminated. An example of such a condition is the opening of s alve STP-009 which is controlled by a danger tag. Again, reversion to an ESO controlled frequency can occur only upon verification that no licensed material is in the sludge pursuant to the environmental LLD criteria.

7. l A Exposure Evaluations if the sludge contains licensed material, the 1987 commitment requires that the appropriate exposure pathways be evaluated prior to each application of sludge to insure that the dose to the maximally exposed member of the general public is maintained at less than i mrem / year and thrt to the inadvertent intruder, at less than 5 mrem / year. Also, the measured concentration shall be l compared to the liquid maximum efiluent concentrations of Appendix B to 10 CFR 20.

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NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DO5E CALCULATION hlANUAL MAJOR Revision !I ,- OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 The exposure pathways evaluated for the maximally exposed individual are the following:

1. Extemal whole body exposure due to a ground plane source of radionuclides.
2. Milk ingestion pathway from cows fed alfalfa grown on plot.
3. Meat ingestion pathway from cows fed alfalfa grown on plot.  !

J. Vegetable ingestion pathway from vegetables grown on plot. l

5. Inhalation of radioactivity resuspended in air above plot.


6. Pathways associated with a release to Lake Michigan. These pathways are ingestion of potable water at the Two Rivers, Wisconsin municipal water supply, )

ingestion of fish from edge ofinitial mixing zone of radionuclide release, { ingestion of fresh and stoied vegetables irrigated with water from Lake Michigan, I ingestion of milk and meat from cows utilizing Lake Michigan as drinking water source, swimming and boating activities at the edge of the initial mixing zone, and p shoreline deposits. V The exposure pathways evaluated for the inadvertent intruder are the'same as items 1,4,

5. and 6 identified above for the maximally exposed individual.

i 7.2 Procedure ' The following steps are to be performed by the res,nonsible Radiological Engineer for l each contaminated sewage treatment sludge disposah 7.2.1 Obtain from PBNP-Chemistry the radionuclide concentrations in eac> representative sewage treatment stucge sample. The minimum number of representative samples requiied is three from each sludge storage tank. The avt age of all statistically valid concentration detemiinations will be utilized in determining the sludge storage tank concentration values. 7.2.2 Verify that the concentration of each radionuclide meets the concentration and activity limit criteria. The methodology for determining compliance with the concentration and activity limit criteria are contained in Appendix E. 77 b Page 68 of 120

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODChi l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULAUON $1ANUAL NIAJOR Revision 11 , OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 I 7.2.3 Verify that the proposed disposal of the sewage treatment sludge will maintain O doses within the applicable limits. This calculation will include radionuclides disposed cfin presious sludge applications. The activity from these prior disposals will be corrected for radiological decay prior to performing dose calculations for the meat, milk, and vegetable ingestion pathways, the inhalation of resuspended radionuclides, and all pathways associated with a potential release to Lake Michigan. The residual radioactivity will be corrected. if applicable, for the mixing of1adionuclides in the soil prior to performing external exposure calculations. Wiscensin Electric utilizes QAD, a nationally recognized computer code, to perform shielding and dose rate analyses. QAD will be used to calculate the dose rate due to standing on a plot ofland utilized for sludge disposai in which the radionuclides from prior disposals have been incorporated into the plot by plowing. This calculated dose rate will be used to assess the radiological consequences from prior disposals with the consequences of proposed future disposals. The total radiological dose consequence of the past and the proposed disposal will be compared to the applicable limits to insure the dose is maintained at or below the limits. The methodology for calculating the radiological impact of the sewage treatment sludge disposal is contained in Appendix E. 7.2.4 Inform PBNP - Chemistry that the sewage treatment sludge disposal may proceed after verifying that the sewage treatment sludge meets the concentration, activity, and dose limits. 7.2.5 Forward all calculations to PBNP - Chemistry to be included with the sewage treatment sludge disposal record. - i 7.3 Administrative Requirements l 1 7.3.1 Complete records of each contaminated disposal shall be kept as follows:

a. Radionuclide concentration of the sludge.
b. Total volume of sludge disposed.
c. The identity of the plot used for the disposal.
d. Dose calculation results.


e. Results of annual chemical composition determination. I
 ;                                              Page 69 of 120 -

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision i1 n OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 7.3.2 Modifications to the October 8,1987, NRC submittal i

a. Modification 1 - Appendix F Section 3.2 of Attachment 11 of the submittal states that physical and chemical properties of the sludge would be determined prior the each land application. Pursuant to a change in the PBNP WPDES Pennit, non-rad.ological properties are now determined annually instead of per application. The frequency for radiological characterization did not change.


b. Modification 2 - Appendix G In Section 3.3 of Attachment 11 of the submittal letter, the annual disposal rate was "... limited to 4,000 gallons / acre, provided WDNR chemical composition, NRC dose guidelines and activity limits are maintained...."

{ Modification 2 removes the 4,000 gallon limit and makes the application l unlimited provided the WDNR and NRC constraints are met, p c. Modification 3 - Appendix H L.) In Section 3.2 of Attachment II of NRC submittal letter dated October 8,1987, Wisconsin Electric committed to gamma isotopic analysis (GI A) to determine the concentration oflicensed material in sewage treatment plant (STP) sludge prior to each disposal. Pursuant to NRC HPPOS-221 guidance, the sludg: has been shown to be clean on three different occasions after pathways frcm the RCA to the STP were eliminated by plant modifications and administrative controls. Pursuant to HPPOS, the sludge analyses were done under the conditions necessary to i achieve the environmental LLDs. Only naturally occurring radionuclides l were found anrilicensed material was below the minimum detectable i concentration. This indicates that the former pathways from the RCA to I the STP had been eliminatec. Therefore, there is not need to continue the analyses because there is no RCA u. .. TP pathway and there is no reason to believe that the sewage contains licensed material. Hence, the commitment to analyze STP sludge prior to every disposal is modified and replaced with periodic ana.jses at a frequency set by ESO-104. !Iowever, if plant conditions change in a manner which places the STP sewage outside the guidance parameters unich allowed for the discontinuance of analyses, the sewage must be analyzed prior to each disposal until it again g] is shown not to contain licensed material. V l 1 Page 70 of 120 j


r ODCM NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT NIAJOR l l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hlANUAL Revision 11 ' August 26.1998 q OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL b A.I.0 Derivation of Liauid Release Effective Maximum Ef0uent Concentration A. I .1 - Source Term The effective maximum cf0uent concentration is calculated from the annual releases via liquids for the years 1985-1991 (Table A 1).. Although Na-24 was discharged in 1985, it was excluded from tl.e isotopic mixture because it is not a radionuclide which would be normally found in PBNP ef0uent. Na-24 appears in the efnuent because it was used for tests run on the steam system. Tritium also was omitted from the initial calcuiation because its production is largely independent from the appearance of the fission products in the ef0uent. A.l.2 Effective Niaximum Ef0uent Cencentratiqu The effective maximum effluent concentraiion (EMEC) was calculated using the formula given in Section 3.6

  /7                            EMEC         =     IC ii I(C /MEC i     )i or IC;
  • 1/SOF G

where: SOF = I C /MEC i is i the summation of fractions for the annual ef0uent isotopic release

                                              =    concentration of radionuclidc "i" (pCi/ml) in efnuent Ci (annual discharge / total volunie c f("scharge)

MEC; = maximum ef0uent concentration for unrestri ed areas from Appendix B. Table 2. Column 2 of the revised 10 CFR 20. The SOF for radionuclides in liquid fnuent for the years 1985 through 1991 were calculated with and without H-3 and used to calculate the EMEC for the same years (Tab.e B-2). The average EMEC without 11-3 is 4.29E-06 Ci/cc. This is th; maximum concentration of non 11-3 radionuclides in a mixture that could be released in liquid cruuent without the SOF exceeding one (1). 1 (3 U Page 72 of 120

I ODCM NUCl_ EAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT MAJOR l l l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision 11 '  ! August 26.1998 [ OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL _ I I However, the 10 CFR 20 Appendix B criterion is that the SOF for all . radionuclides, including H 3 which can not be measured by the liquid effluen i Nal RMS monitors, be less than or equal to one (1). Therefore, the above equation, modified by a factor of 0.70 to account for H-3, becomes

                              =      0.70 ICi / I(C;/MEC;) or IC *i 0.70/SOF.

EMEC The EMEC becomes  ! EMEC = 0.70

  • 4.29E-06 = 3.00E-06 Ci/cc.

Only three radionuclides identified in PBNP liquid effluent have a lowe (10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2). They are I-131 (1E 06), Cs-!34 (9 and Cs-137 (1E-06). their calculated EMEC, By restricting the non-tritium radionuclides to 7( X MEC or the H-3 concentration can be discharged at 30% of. 3.00E-04 pCi/cc without exceeding the SOF criterion of 10 CFR 20, i Appendix B for the total liquid effluent sotopic mixture. O O Page 73 of 120


       'N   OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION N!ANUAL                                                                                   August 26,1998 Nv]

TABLE A l CURIES RELEASED IN U OL' IDS l LIQUID RELSASLI NOCLIDE hlLC 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 uCi/cc 11 3 100E-03 8 0$h+02 EllL+02 7 09E+02 3 37t+02 3.39E +02 8. 72 E +02 7.87E+02 1 131 1.00L-06 102E Al 3 74E 02 1.04 E-02 140E-03 f . 7 7L-03 1.53E-04 1.83 L-03 1 132 100E-04 613 L-02 7 2$L-02 3 82L-02 103 L-03 $ 13E-04 4 43E-03 9.4 tE 03 1 133 7 00E 06 1.2 7E-01 149L-01 104E-Ol 1.2 l L-02 8 I I E-03 ' 1.01 E-03 1.01 E-02 II)4 4 000 04 318E-02 4.39L-02 3 97E 02 2.290-04 6.83E-04 1 435 3 00E 0$ l .04 L-01 1.34L 01 1.23L 01 1.48E44 8.2 t E-04 AJ il0NI 6 00E-06 2.$ $ E-0$ 2 81L-04 3 09L 03 9 83L-N 4.700-04 1.7sE-04 4.06E-04 IIA 133 2 00E 05 liA 139 2 00L 04 8 63E Oo 2.4 7E-04 114 140 8 00E 06 6 90E-06 4 4SL-0$ 613E-0$ ( D 109 6 00L-06 6.33 L-03 1.31L C4 Li 139 7 00E-05 L L-141 3.00E-0$ l .31 L-03 7.50L44 CL 144 3 00L 06 1.37L 03 2 08L43 4.76E N 1.39E-04 9 47L 06 9.64 E-06 CO-36 6 00E-06 00 $7 6 00E O', 2.$2 E-03 1.33E 04 3.21 L o4 5.07E-0$ 6 90E-07 G8 E-06 CO 58 2 00E-0$ 4 05 E-01 9 U2L-03 3.36E 02 6 8iL 03 3.12E-03 3.23E 04 2.93L 03 0 0-60 3 00L 06 2. ibl Ol 2 83L 02 6 34E 02 2 04E 02 1.$4 E-02 1.4 t E-03 $ $3E 03 L R 31 $ 00L-04 2.71 L-02 3 16 L-04 1.$8f 02 S.3 t E-0$ 4 44L-04 CN C%l34 9 00L-07 4 76E-02 6 92E 03 1.18E-03 4 96E44

8. 71 E-0$
       )           CS 134%I    2 00li 03                                                        3.$9E-04         3.9 7 E-06 1.49 E-03 4.67E-04 CS 136      6 00E46 C5137         100L-06      9 60L 02           2.11L 02          7.$J EO3      8 63E-03         2.80E-03        1.94 E-03            8 93E-03 0 % I38      4 00L 04       1. I I L-03       $ 4ht 03          3 2.iE-03 1 l8         7 00L 04                        1 001-02          8.67E 02      7 foL 04         1.66E 03        2.26LE03             4.06E 04 Ii $9         100L-0$                                           2.* 6L 44 LA 140       9 00L 06 NIN 34       3 00L 0$      7 6L 03            1.1k1. 03         4 58L 03      134L-04         2 63E 04         3.10E 05             196E-04 Nto.99       2 00L-0$                                                        3.70L 03 hil >$       3 00L 05     6 2s t-03          6 6?L 04           3 21E-03      131E4M          2.331-06        468E-0$'

hil 97 3 00E-04 f.33L 03 $ 22E-04 6.16E-0$ l.06E 05 3.90E-06 8.80E 06 $.30E-06 RH 88 4 001: 04 8 46E 03 1 1iE-02 .L33 L-03 Ril 59 9 00F-04 7.uhl. 04 2.34 L44 HU 103 3 001. 0$ 3.59L-03 1 681. 06 f 4IL-04 3.46E-05 RU 106 3.00E 06 8 07E 04 2 Ahl. 03 T33E 03 julE 04 hil 124 7 0ul.-06 3 66E J2 2 961.-04 1.42E-04 2.3 4 E-N Sil 123 3 00E-0$ l.12E 02 1201 03 1.95E-03 W L-v3 2.12 E-02 4.28E-03 1.08E 02 hN 113 3 00L-05 1.07L 03 4 201.-05 $.13 E-04 3 21L 04 3 071.06 hR 89 A 00E-06 2.27E 04 3 46L 0$ 3 89E-03 2 63E 03 8 69E-06 S R-90 $00L-07 1.29L-03 2 ?hl -04 2 80E-G4 3.$0L44 2..$$E-04 i C#8N1 1 001 03 1.751 -o$ 3 ??l. 06 ~ 3 30L 03 1C 101 2 006. 03 1.101-05

11. 131 8 001. 05 7 98L-0$~

11 132 9 001 06

                 % 187
                                           $ 83L 07           6 vil 03          2.741.-05     ~~
7. l E l.74E N 3 001 05 3 4 th-03 Y 91N1 2 00L 03 f% /.N -6 $ $ 001. 06 5 151-05

('- /R 95 2 00L 05 7.931.-03 2 6ll. 04 2431 03 l $M us

                /.R 97        9 00L-06     1491.06            3 091 06                        1 741 05       ,
                '!Ol'AL CI                 306L+02            81;L+02           7.10L .02     3.$;l. 02        $$91.+u2        8 721 +02            7 87t *02 IOl'AL WJO Il 3           1371*00            $ 391 -01         3121 01       3 wl.-02         5 651. 02       9 $71. 03            $. 821 -02 Page 74 of 120
t. ,. _ _ _ _ _ _

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM MAJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL ' Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 TABLE A 2 FRACTIONAL hlEC IN LIQUID EFFLUENT NUCLlDE 6lEC 19'85 1986 1087 1988 1989 1990 1991 uCi/cc 11 3 1.00E 03 1.27 E-03 12SE 03 104 E-03 5.17E-04 8.36E-04 126E On 1.22 E-03 1 13l 1.00E 06 1.6l E44 175E 05 1.52 E-05 2 03E 06 2.65 E-06 2.21 E-07 2 84E-06 l 132 1.00E44 9.70E-07 1.12E 06 8.53E 07 1.49E-08 1.22 E-08 6.43E 10 1.46E-07 1 133 7.00E 06 2 d6E 05 3 27E 05 2.18 E-05 2.5lE 06 1.73E 06 6 2 t E-07 2.24E-06 l 134 4 00E44 1.2SE 07 1.69L 07 1.46E 07 8.30E 10 2.63ti-09 l 135 3 00E 05 5.4 7 E-06 6 8 7E-06 6 01E 06 2.16E 08 4.24 E-08 AG-il0NI 6 00E 06 6.70E-09 7.28E 08 7.55E-07 2.38E 07 1.17E-07 412E-08 1.0$ E-07 IAA-lE 2.00E 05 2 00E44 6.33E Il 1.79E 09 i llA 139 LIA 140 8 0uE-06 1.36E 09 0 00E+00 8.16E-09 1.llE 08

  • C D-lO9 6 00E 06 1.62E 08 3.16E 08 CE 139 7.00E-05 CEl41 3.00E 05 6 89E-08 3.67E 08 CE 144 3 #)E-06 7 03 E-07 1.02E 06 2.30E-07 7.92 E-08 4.56E 09 4.98E-09 CO-56 6 00E 06 CO 57 6.00E 05 6 62E-03 3 4 t E 09 7.b4 E-09 1.22E-09 1.72E Il 9.83E ll CO 58 2.00E 05 3.19E-05 6 94 E-07 2.46E 06 4.93E 07 2.33 E-07 2.35 E-08 2.27 E-07 CO 60 3 00E 06 1.5lE-04 1.46E-05 3.10E 05 9.86E-06 7.67E-06 6.79E 07 2.86E-06 CR 51 3.00E-04 8.55 E-03 9.72E 10 4 63L-08 1.54E 10 1.3)E-09 2.52E 10 CS 134 9.00E 07 8.3 4 E-05 1.18ti 05 1.92E-06 7.99E-07 2.57E-06 CS134M 2 00E 03 2 A0E 10 4.46ti 82 3.62E 10 CS 136 6 00E 06 CS 137 1.00E 06 1.5 t E44 3 25E-05 l.llE 05 1.25E 05 4.19E-06 2.80E-06 1.38E 05 ,

Ch 838 4.00E46 4.38E-09 2. l l E-08 1.19E-08 l 18 7.00E44 2.20E-08 3.50E-08 1.57E 09 3.54E 09 4.67E-09 8.99E-10 It!.59 1.00E 05 4 0$E-08 LA140 9 00E-06 MN54 3 001; 05 3.92 E-07 6 05E 05 2.29E-07 7.4JE 09 1.34E 08 1.49E-09 1.01 E-08 MO-99 2.00E-05 2 68E 09 NO 95 3 00E 05 3.30E-07 3.4 t E-Oh I 57E-07 7.78E 09 1.16E-10 4.18 E-09 3 00E 04 7.10E-09 2 68E 09 3 0lE-10 5.12E 11 f.94E Il 4.24E Il 2.74E Il jbb97 Ril 88 4 00E 04 3 34ti 10 4.27E 08 8.22E-08 Kll 89 9 00E 04 1.36E 09 3 8 t E 10 KU103 3 00E-05 l.89E 07 8 62E.ll 4 IIE-08 2.831.-09 RU 106 3.00E-06 4 24E 07 l.48E 06 3.58E-06 5 02E 08

              $15124    7.00E 06   8.70E-06      6 5tE 08      2.97 E-08  4.84E 08 his 125   3.00E 05   5.89E 07      6.15 E-05     9.53E-08   4.83 E-08   1.06E-06   6.17E 10     5.58E-07 SN il)   3 00E-05   5 63E-05      2.15E-09      2.5lE 08    1.55ti 08                          1.59E 10 hR 89    8 00Li 06  4.48E 08      6 65ti-09     7.131.-07  4 86E 07    1.62E 09 SR 40    5 00E 07   4.01E-06      70 1.07       8 21E 07    1.0!!. 06  7.62Li 07 IC 99M    l.00li03  2.76E Il      5.77E 12                 4.76E Il
               ~lC.101  2.00E-03                               5 06E 12 41 131   8.00E-05                                           1.45E 09 IE 132   9.00L46     102li10       1.19E 08     4 40E 09    1.161-09                           3.00E 08 W 187    3.00li 05                                          1.651.4 9 Y 91M    2 001A3
               /N 65     5 Outi46                               1 511.-08
               /R 95    2 00E 05   6.27ti 09     2 011 08       8 801.-07                         1 14 E-09                   4 I
           , /H 97      9 00E Oo   2 61E 10      5 28E 10                  2 80E 09 Page 75 of 120                                                   1


   ,n        OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL                                                            August 26.1998 i     )
    %d TABLE A 2,icont.)

FRACTIONAL SIEC IN LIQUID EFFLUENT 1985 1986 1987 1988 1969 1990 1991 l ANNUAL VOL(CCs) 6 34E+14 6.50E + 14 6 62E+ 14 6 90L + 14 6.69 E+ 14 6 92 E+ 14 6.4 5 E+ 14 IOl FRACTION 190E-03 l .4 t E-03 1.14E-03 5.4 8 E-G4 8.54 E-04 1.26E-03 1.25 E-03 F R,\CT W/O ll 3 6.29E 04 1.610 04 9.83 E-05 3 04E 05 1.85E 05 4 4 t E-06 2.55 E-05 10TALCl 8 06E+02 8121 +02 7.10E+02 3 57E+02 5.59E+02 8.72E+02 7.8 7 E+02 10l AL W/O ll 3 1.37E+00 5.39E-O L 5. 8 2 E-01 5.99E-02 5.63 E-02 9.57F 03 5.42E-02 101 CONCluCvCC) I l .2 70-06 1.25E-06 1.04E-4 5.17E-07 8.36E-07 1.26E-06 1.22 E-06 I ICONW Oll3 2.160-09 N.30E 10 7.5 l E 10 8 69E Il 8 44 E-I l I.38E Il 8 40E ll l ESlEC 6 70E 04 K F6E-04 9.14E 04 9.45 E-04 9. 78 E-04 9.97 E-04 9.80E-04 l l Esti.C W/Oll 3 3.43E on $ 14E-06 7 64 E 06 2.85E 06 4.56 E-06 314E-06 3.30E-06 I l i l (~ V) i 1 l ) 1 i i i i Os

t. J
     ...                                                                                                                         j 1

i l Page 76 of 120 l


p NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision 11 OFFS!TE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26.1998 G V B.I.0 Derivation of Atmomheric Release Effective Maximum Effluent Concentration B l .1 Source Term The effective maximum effluent concentration (EMEC) for atmospheric effluents is calculated from the annual releases for the years 1^985-1991 (Table B-1). Unlike liquid releases, tritium was not omitted from the EMEC Instead, the EMEC was calculated with H-3 and then modified by the fraction of non tritium radionuclides in the effluent. B l .2 Effective Maximum Effluent Concentration The maximum concentration of a radionuclide mixture that is allowable at the site boundary is called the effective maximum effluent concentration (EMEC). The EMEC lbr an efiluent mixture is defined by the equation EMEC = IC i / I(C; / MEC;) n 6 i where V


Ci concentration of radionuclide "i" MEC i = maximum eftluent concentration for radionuclide "i" from 10 CFR 20. Appendix 11. Table 2. Column i I(C; / MEC)i = summaion of fractions (SOF). as discussed in Section 3.6. l applied to atmospheric releases The EMEC is calculated from the reference radionuclide mixture which is the radionuclides released during the years 1985 - 1991. The average annual site boundary concentration Ibr each year was calculated using the highest annual average yjQ of 1.56E-06 sec/m~' Then the total EMEC was calculated for each year (Table C-2). The average total EMEC is 8.04E-08 1.31E-08 Ci/cc with a range of 5.S4E 08 to 9.50E.08 pCi/cc. Next the annual EMEC was l modified Ibr the presence of!!-3. which is not detected by the atmospheric I RMS. by multiplying each EMEC by the ratio of the non 11-3 concentration to l the total concentration. The annual 11-3 corrected EMECs were averaged to obtain a value of 1.92E-OS: 1.23E-08 pCi'ec with a range of 5.02E-09 to

 .m                            3.70E-OS pCi/cc.

lkb i Page 7h of 120 l L

3 1 1 NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM j l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR 1 1 Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26.1998 _ TAUI.E D l CURIES IN AT.%10 Spill'RIC EITLUENT NUCLlDE N1LC 3 1985 19b 1937 1983 1939 1990 1991 uCL'ml , 11 3 i 00E 07 6.71 L+0 ! 1.20L+02 1.88L+02 1.26E+02 1.42E+02 1.28E+02 1.13E+02 l I l l AR-ll I 000-03 1.27E*00 e Bit O! l 2.l?L400 l .96 L +00 1.37t+00 1.1 I L +00 1.07Et00 l lAR85S1 1.00li 07 1.84 L* 01 o 771.-01 18L+00 7.31li 01 2 24E-01 1.83E-01 103 E-01 l i j AR 85 7 00L-07 167L+0! !32L+00 7.1 I L O l 9 8 8E-01 3.S S E-0 4 1.78 E-01 2.74 E-01 l l l KR 87 2 00L-U3 4.7 b E + 00 101L+00 2 37- +00 1.48L+00 4.94 E-O n 4 0$E-01 2.31 L-01 l KR 88 9 00L-09 3.73 L + 00 1.3 0 L + 0') 2 72L+b') I69t+00 3.64E-01 4.49L-01 2 $6L 01 lAL 131%1 2.00l. 06 8 $40-02 XE 133%1 6 001. 07 330001 1.381.01 2. 6 2E 01 3.3S E-01 4 94E-03 2.06E-02 3.47E-02 AL 133 3.00L-07 3.45L+0! 1.33E+ul 2.06L+01 6 04E+0! 7$4E+00 1.96E+00 1.60L+0 i A E-l ' $ %1 4.00L 08 $ 76L+00 1.27L400 3 68L+00 2.$4 L + 00 7.3 7 E-01 6.49E-01 3. 44 L-01

          \L 133      7.00L 08       1.19 L+ 01   3 21L+00         $ 64L+00      3.33 E +00     1.08E+00       1.09E +00       6.03 E-0 4
       ,Al 13d        2 00E-UX       165L+0i      2 91L+00         8N7L+00       7.19E+ 00     2.45 E+00       1.99E+00        1.06E+00 AU-i l0%1    1.00L 10                                                   2.Jil 07 U A 133     9 00E 10 DA 139      4 001. 03                                                                                                1.17E-07 ISA 140     2 00E4N                                      3 41L-07 Libl09      2.001. 10      8.92L-06      126L 06         2.2 h t-04 itL-139        9 00L 10 l C 1: 141     5 00lmo        5 4 h t-09 CL 144      2 00E 81                    2 04L-Oo                                     3.92L 0?                       j.94 E-09 t o-57      9 uvL 10       2 Ivt-07                      2.32 L-i l    4.13 L-08                     1.23 E-06      4.80li-07

( U-58 1 00L 09 l.370 04 1.331. 0$ 1 Olt-04 3.54L-0$ l .64 E-04 2.74L 05 3 851i-06 0 0-60 $00l411 7.9 4 L-05 1 IIL 04 1.1x0-0$ 3 64L-N i 63E 04 , 3.56E-06 1.06E-04 (R $1 3 001 -UX 3.28 E-04 7.58E-Ou (N 134 2 00L 10 i tht 03 9 491. 04 $ h6L-05 7 27L-0$ l.10E 03 l th 13u 9 001. 10 lLN137 2 00L 10 4 021.03 2 w41;-04 3 0ht 04 6 74E-04 2.10L-03 s .91 L-04 . l.90E-03 lCS135 k 001. M 9 64 L =07 1.92L 06 8.831 -03 1.26L 07 3 44E 06 1.92E-02 blM i 006. 07 108L 0$ 2.32L 04 3 87L-05 3.31 E-04 1. 6 0E-05 6 00E-04 61 $9 l 7.00L 10 4 87E 09 i

          %1N 34       1 00L 09      I 991.4'b     i 701. 06                    4 86L 0$

AluMe 2 001.-99 7.271.-09 2 71L-03 NA 24 7 001.-09 1.391.04 4.32l.-04 4 29L-04 - Nil-93 l 2 00L 09 2 $2L-06 7 701 07 5.97t. 07 6 2$1 -03 9.361 10 i Nil-97 1.00L 07 160L-08 1.6SE 09 l Ril48 9 001.-05 4 63L-0$ 3 461:-0$ 4 031.-02 4 00L-06 1.81E-05 1.62E-01 i Kil X9 2 00L 07 4.30E-09 RU 10.4 9 001.-10 1 91 L-05 1.h91 0$

          $1512$       7 001.-10     1.2$li 07                     3 6ht. 06    9.39L 03 NN ll)      x 001.10       216L 05                                    4 80L-10 SR X9        2 001 10       4 N71. UM    i$44 Oh          7 701. 07    3 711: 06 SR 90       6 001 12                                     1 051. 10    4 30L-06 SR 9i       $ vol. 09 iC 99%1    3 00) u /                                    6 436. OM    2 201-07      9 241. 07 IC Int     3 001-07 11.132     9 001-10                                                  3 u71 06      7.330 0x                       2.34 ti-06 Y.x x      3 001 10                                     l 281. 10
          /N 63       4 001.-10                                                 4 271 Oh
          /R 93       4 00t;-10      1 311. 06                                  3 $6 TAN                      7 431; 10                         1
          /R 97       2 00) tn       2 978. 10
                                 = u .< w w Page 79 of 120

ll i, NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCh1 !l l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h!ANUAL htAJOR I Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h!ANUAL August 26,1998 l TaaEE u i.< coni) CURIES IN ATh10 SPHERIC EFFLUENT NUCLIDE MEC 1985 1986 1987 1983 l 1989 1990 1991 uCi/mi 1 131 2 00E 10 3 44E-03 f.llE 03 3.08E 03 5 43E 04 316E48 7.S$E 05 3.4 6 E-04 l 132 2.00E-08 3.75 E-03 1.79E E 2.42E c) 4. 7& E-04 4 20E-05 1.09E 05 2.95E-05 l 1 133 1.00E-09 1.3 7 E-03 6 80E 04 3 04E-03 1.53 E-03 1.19E-03 1.13E44 1.13 E-04 I l 134 6 00E 08 1.33 E-05 9.32 E44 l-135 6.00E49 5.79E-04 1.09E-04 2.19E 03 9.18E-05 1.26E-05 3.15E 08 s .58 E. 05 l l l l l l sJ- /% U Page 80 of 120

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 _ TABLE D 2 Ira;tional MEC for Ainospheric Efflucr:t l NUCLIDE 1985 1986 1987 1918 1989 1990 1494 l 113 3.20E-05 571605 5 62E-05 6 09E 05 6 76L 05 6.10E-05 5.3 S E-05 ~ l lAR41 6 0$E-06 3 241. 06 1.03 E-05 933E-06 7.4 S E-v6 5.29E-06 ' 110E-06 l kR 85M 8.76E-Oc 3 22L 07 5 62E 07 3.48 E-07 1.07 E-07 8 81E 08 4.90E-08 l AR 85 1.14 E -06 8 98L 08 4 84E-08 6 69E-08 2 44E-08 1.21E 08 l.S6E 08 l KR 87 1.14 L-05 140L486 5 64E-06 3.52E 06 1.18E 06 9 64E 07 5.50E-07 l RR 88 3 03E-05 6 8sb66 1.44605 8 94E-06 2.96E-06 2.35E 06 1.35 E-06 l XE 131M 2.03 E-09 2.62E-08 1.10L-08 1.68E-08 2 66E-08 3.92L 10 1.63 E-09 3.15 L-09 {XL 133M l XL 133 3.29E 06 1.46E 06 I 96b06 5. 75 E-06 7.18E 07 1.87E 07 1.52 E-06 l XE 135M 6.86E-Oo 1.5lE 06 4.3bE 06 3.02 E-06 8. 7 7 E-07 7.73E 07 4.10E-07 lXE135 8.10E-06 2. l k L-06 3 84E 06 2.40E 06 7.35E 07 7.41607 4.10E-07 l XE 138 3.93 L-05 6 93bo6 2. l l L-05 1.71 E-05 5.83 L-06 4.74E-06 2.52 E-06 l l AG 110M l.10E 10 lUA139 1.39E 13 lDA140 812E 12 l CD 109 2.12E4N 3 001. 10 $ 4 3E-08 l CE 141 5 0$L 13 ' C L-144 4 Hel. 09 9.33 L-10 9.38E 12 l l C O-57 1. l i bl i 1.33E 15 5.98 L-13 6.5lE Il 2.54E Il l C0-58 ' 7.4 8 t+) 633L lO 4 M1609 1.71 E-09 8.0$ E-09 1.30E 09 183L 10 l C0-60 7.56L 08 IOff 07 1.12 E-08 3.47E 07 1.55 E-07 3.39609 1.0lE 07 QR-Si 8.38E 10 1.20Dl4 CS 134 2 81E 07 2.201. 07 140L-08 1.73 L-08 2.62 E-07 Ch 13t Ch 137 9 57L 07 7 OUL OH 7.33L-08 1.60E-07 5 00E 07 4.5 5 L-08 4.52E 07 I Ch 138 5.74E 13 1.14L 12 1.10E 09 7.50L 14 2.0$E 12 1.14E 08 1 18 S l4E 12 1.20E 10 184E Il 1.58E 10 5.24E 12 3.14E 10 f it 59 3.3 l E 13 I MN54 9.4hE li M 10blI .1.31 bo9 MO 99 1.73E l) 6 4$E 13

          ~NA 24    9 46blo                      2.94 bo9        2 92b09 Sit 93   6 00E Il     1 IOL il         1.42 bl i      1.49E 12                 2.28D14 Nil 47                                                7A2bl5                               7501516 Ril 88   2.45L 1I     i 83bt i        5 4f E-09       212L12      9.58L 12                 8 57E-08         l RD-89                                                             102E 15 RU 103   1.0lE 12     1.0DL 09
           $15125   8.50E 12                     2.50L 10        6 39bl2 SN il3   1.29E 12                                     2.86L 14 SR 89    l .16L-l 1   3 671 10         183 blo        M M3L lO S R-99                                1.33L 12        3 allA4 SR.91 I O99M                               l.021. 14       3 49bl4     4 47bl3 10101 11; 132                                              f.621 10    3 k8b!'2                 1.24E 10 Y 8x                                  2 031. 14
           /.N 65                                                1.101.09
          /.R 95    i.5bE 10                                    4 24L 13                  M M5bl4
          /.R 97    7 07E 15 Page 81 of 126

p NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM MAJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision i1 i OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 r3 (_) TAHLE D 2.(cont) FRACTIONA;. MEC FOR ATMOSPIIERIC l FFLUENT 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 NUCLlDE 1985 8.19E-07 2 64L 07 7.33E 07 1.29E-07 7.5?E 08 1.87E4 8 8.24E-08 1 131 8 93E-09 4 26E 09 5.76E-09 1.14E 09 1.00E 10 2 60E II. 7.02E. I l l 132 1133 6.52 E45 3.24E 08 1.45 E-07 7.29E-08 5.67E 08 5.38E-09 5.38 E-09 l 134 1.06E 11 7 40E 10 8 651. 10 1.74E-08 7.29E 10 1.00E 10 2.50E 13 1.2SE 10 1 135 l 4.60E 0^ 1.49E-04 8 29E 05 1.20E 04 8.llE-04 8 F.3E 05 7.62E-05 6.67E-05 IOTALFRAC 5.13E-05 2.07 E-05 1.52 E-05 1.29E-05 70TALlO 1.17E-04 2.57E 05 6.34 E-05 EF F MEC 5.84E 08 8 49E 0M 6 62E-08 8 65L 08 8.46E-08 8.50E 08 9.50E-08 160L Ox l.92E 08 3 46E-08 8.10E-09 5.02E-09 1.44 E-08 W.O ll 3 3.70E 08 i w/ )

 -(n) v Page 82 of 120 L




v) C.I.0 Calculation of Total Dose Factors Usine Recuir.torv Guide !.109 Methodolouv i C.l.1 Liauid Release Dose Factors The equations and values used to calculate the total dose to the maximum exposed individual for each of the liquid relea:,e mede pathways evaluated. according to Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev.1,1977 methodology is shown ) below. The total dose factor in mrem /Ci released is the sum of all pathway { doses in mrem /Ci for the following pathways: milk, meat, fish, potable water.  ! and shoreline deposits. The results for an organ is summed for each pathway  ! and the total presented by age group and target organ in a matrix format for each radionuclide in Section 5. Table 5.1.1. The derivation of dilution factors used in the calculations is presented in Appendix D. The highest dose in each matrix is used as th tuse tracking factor to be used for the monthly tracking { of release doses. These values are found in Section 5, Table 5.2. { s i Cl.l.1 Aauatic Foods ' The dose from the eating of fresh fish caught at the edge of the initial i mixing zone was calculated using the equation: 1 Dose,,,,; = 1100 hl"U ( QiBipDaip;e-b b l where: 1


Dose,p; i the dose to the organ j of an individual of age group a from all of the nuclides i in pathway p. in mrem / year;

                                                     =                                             3 1100                a factor to convert from Cice/yr-ft to pCi/lher; hi p        =

the mixing ratio (reciprocal of the dilution factor) at the point of harvest of aquatic food, dimensionless: j U.,p = a usage factor that specifies the intake rate for an individual of age group a associated with pathway p. in kg/ year; n 3 F =- the flow rate of the liquid effluent,in ft /see; (

                                                   'l' age 84 of 120

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision i1 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26.1998 Q; = the release rate of nuclide i. in Ci/ year; B;p = the equilibrium bioaccumulation factor for nuclide i in pathway p, expressed as the ratio of the concentration in biota (in pCi/kg) to the radionuclide concentration in water (in pCill), in liters /kg; ' Dg;p = the dose factor, specific to a given age group a, nuclide i, pathway p, and organ j, which is used to calcult.te the radiation dose from an intake of a nuclide, in mrem /pCi;

                         ).;       =       the radioactive decay constant of nuclide i, in day ^;

tp = the average transit time required for nuclides to reach the point of exposure. For internal dose, pt is the total time elapsed between release of the nuclides and the ingestion of the water, in days. To calculate the dose per curie released, the equation above was rearranged and the calculation performed for each nuclide. The rearranged equation is shown below: Dose"i =- 1100 '" B,, Dyj e'* Q, F The values used in the equation above are: Mp = 0.1136 (Point of harvest of the fresh fish is taken at a l j point 1000 m downstream. The plume centerline dilution factor at this location is 8.8 using RG 1.111 methodology. The dilution factor calculations are  ; attached. The factor of 2 allowed for current reversals ) was not used.); U ap = Infant - 0, Child - 6.9, Teen - 16, and Adult - 21 kg/ year; j 3 F = 1507 ft /sec. (677000 gpm); l Page 85 of 120 i l

t NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCN1 l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h1ANUAL h1AJOR Revision 1I August 26,1908 ) (} U OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hlANUAL-B;p = Values used are taken from Tame A-1 of RG 1.109; D3ip;

                                      =     Values used are taken from Tables E-11 through E-14 of RG 1.109; tp      =     0.5 days.

C 1.1.2 Irricated Foods (Nieat From Watered Cattle) , il The dose from the ingestion of meat from catt.. which have been given contaminated wnter was calculated using the equation: 1 Mg g Q'1 Dosey, = 1100 Q, Fa Degj e* where: Doseap; = the dose to the organj of an individual of age group a n) f y from all of the nuclides i in pathway p, in mrem / year; 3 1100 = factor to convert from G-sec/yr-ft to pCi/ liter; U,p = a usage factor that specifies the intake rate for an individual of age group a associated with pathway p, in  ! kg/ year; hi p = the mixing ratio (reciprocal of the dilution factor) at the point of exposure, dimensionless; Q3, = consumption rate of contaminated water by an animal, in liters / day; 3 F = the flow rate of the liquid effluent,in ft /sec; f Q, = the release rate of nuclide i, in Ci/ year; Fai

                                         =  the stable element transfer coefficient that relates the (d~}

daily intake rate by an animal to the concentration in an edible portion of animal product, in pCi/ liter of meat per pCi/ day; Pace 86 of 120 -


                                        =    the dose factor, specilic to a given age group a, D a,p; nuclide i, pathway p, and organ j, which is used to calculate the radiation dose from an intake of a nuclide, in mrem /pCi;
                            ).;         =    the radioactive decay constant of nuclide i, in day";

1 3 the average time from slaughter to consumption, in days. To calculate the dose per curie released, the equation above was rearranged and the calculation performed for each nuclide. The rea. ranged equation is shown below: Dose ,n,

                                          =       1100 ' " Uo Q^" Fa D.,r, ed' Q,                           F The values used in the equat i on above are:

hi p = 0.1111 (Point at which water is taken from the lake is taken as plume centerline 1 mile downstream. The plume centerline dilution factor at this location is 9 using RG 1.111 methodology.); U ap = Infant - 0, Child - 41, Teen - 65, and Adult - 110 kg/ year; i Q,gw = 60 liters / day; 3 F = 1507 ft /sec. (677000 gpm); F i,1 = Values used are taken from Table E-1 of RG 1.109:

                                      =      Values used are taken from Tables E-11 through E-14 D a;p; i

of RG 1.109: l ts = 20 days. 4+ Page 87 of 120

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM-MAJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL , August 26.1998 a C l . l .3 Irricated Foods (Milk From Watered Cattle) The dose from the ingestion of milk from cows which have been given cdataminated water was calculated using the equation: M, , Q'" Doscw

                                             =    1100                    Q, Fa Depie*"

where: Dose3 g = the dose to the organj of an individual of age group a  ! from all of the nuclides i in pathway p, in mrem / year; 3 1100 = factor to convert from Ci-sec/yr-ft to pCi/ liter; , Mp = the mixing ratio (reciprocal of the dilution factor) at j the point of exposure, dimensionless; l U ap = a usage factor that specifies the intake rate for an individual of age group a associated with pathway p,in liters / year; Q,gw = consumption rate of contaminated water by an animal, in liters / day; 3 F = the flow rate of the liquid effluent,in ft /sec; Qi

                                               =   the release rate of nuclide i, in Ci/ year; F i,s       =   the stable element transfer coefficient that relates the daily intake rate by an animal to the concentration in an edible portion of animal product, in pCi/ liter of milk per pCi/ day; D aig      =    the dose factor, specific to a given age group a, nuclide i, pathway p, and organ j, which is used to calculate the radiation dose from an intake of a nuclide, in mrem /pCi; d
                                                =   the radioactive decay constant or nuclide i,in day ;

V = the average transport time of the activity from the feed tr into the milk and to the receptor, in days. Page 88 of 120

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL , August 26,1998 W To calculate the dose per curie released, the equation above was rearranged and the calculation performed for each nuclide. The rearranged equation is shown below: Dose,+j

                                    =    1100   M,, U.i, Q^" Fix D.;;,3 e*"

Q, F The values used in the equation above are: Mp = 0.1111 (Point at which water is taken from the lake is taken as plume centerline 1 mile downstream. The plume centerline dilution factor at this location is 9 using RG 1.111 methodology. the dilution factor calculations are attached. The factor of 2 allowed for current reversals was not used. This is a conservative assumption.); Uap = Infant - 330, Child - 330, Teen - 400, and Adult - 310 liters / year; h

                                  =      60 liters / day; Q3w 3

F = 1507 ft /sec. (677000 gpm);

                                  =      Values used are taken from Table E-1 of RG 1.109; Fai D aipj   =

Values used are taken from Tables E-11 through E-14 of RG 1.109; I

                                  =      2 days.

tr 4> 1 Page 89 of 120


 ,s OFFSITE f {;     CULATION MANUAL                                         August 26,1998 C 1.1.4   Potable Water l

The dose from ingestion of water was calculated using the equation: Dose.gj = 1100 'I" '" 7 Q, D,ipie4 p where:  !


Dosc3p; the dose to the organ j of an individual of age group a from all of the nuclides i in pathway p, in mrem / year; 3 i100 = a factor to convat from Ci-sec/yr-ft to pCi/ liter; Mp = the mixini, ratio (reciprocal of the dilution factor) at the point of withdrawal of drinking water, dimensionless;


U,p a usage factor that specifies the intake rate for an individual of age group a associated with pathway p, in 1/y:ar; F = 3 the flow rate of the liquid effluent, in ft /sec;


Qi the release rate of nuclide i, in Ci/ year; i


D,;p; the dose factor, specific to a given age group a, nuclide i, pathway p, and organ j, which is used to calculate the radiation dose from an intake of a nuclide, in mrem /pCi: i

                                 ).;         =

the radioactive decay constant of nuclide i, in day; tp = the average transit time required for nuclides to reach the point of exposure. For internal dose, pt is the total time clapsed between release of the nuclides 6 and the ingestion of the water,in days. O O o Page 90 of 120 . J

                     .c ODCM NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT                                         MAJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL                                     Revision 11 August 26,1998 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL O

To calculate the dose per curie released, the equation above was rearranged and the calculation performed for each nuclide. The rearranged equation is shown below: Dose *"' = 1100 M' "" D.;pj e* I F ) Q The values used in the equation above are: Mp = 0.0384 (Withdrawal point is taken as the Two Rivers municipal water intake located a distance of 12 miles downstream. The plume centerline dilution factor at this location is 26 using RG 1.111 methodology and the factor of 2 allowed for current reversals. The dilution factor calculations are attached.);

                                       =   Infant - 330, Child - 510, Teen - 510, and Adult - 730 U,p liters / year; 3

F = 1507 ft /sec.(677000 gpm);

                                       =   Values used are taken from Tables E-11 through E-14 D,;p; of RG 1.109 tp         =   2 days (This was calculated using a current speed of 12.2 cm/s plus 12 hours to reflect the transport of the water through the water purification plant and distribution system.)

1 O Pace 91 of 120

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 C1.1.5 Shoreline Deoosits The dose from exposure to radioactive materials deposited on the shoreline of the lake was calculated using the equation: M, U, W Dose,i = 110000 p Q TiDw,je'%(1 e") where: Dose g = the dose to the organj of an individual of age group a from all of the nuclides i in pathway p, in mrem / year; 110000 = a factor to convert from Ci-sec/yr-ft' to pCi/ liter and to account for the proportionality constant used in the sediment radioactivity model; Mp = the mixing ratio (reciprocal of the dilution factor) at the point of exposure

  • uensionless; U,p = a usage factor that specifies the exposure time for an individual of .ge group a associated with pathway p, in hours / year; W = shoreline width factor, dimensionless; 3

F = the flow rate of the liquid effluent, in ft /sec; Qi

                                          =    the release rate of nuclide i, in Ci/ year; Ti
                                          =    the radioactive halflife of nuclide i, in days;          L D,;g       =    the dose fbetor, specific to a given age group a, nuclide i, pathway p, and organj, which is used to calculate the radiation dose from an intake of a          j nuclide,in mrem /pCi,                                     i 1

A; = the radioactive decay constant of nuclide i, in day; 13 C/ Page 92 of 120

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODChi N1AJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION N1ANU AL Revision i1 OFFSITE D' SE CALCULATION N1ANUAL ~ August 26,1998 tp = the average transit time required for nuclides to reach G) j the point of exposure. For internal dose, tp is the total time clapsed between release of the nuclides and the ingestion of the water,in days; tb

                                        =    the period of time for which the sediment or soil is exposed to the contaminated water, in days.

To calculate the dose per curie released, the equation above was rearranged and the calculation performed for each nuclide. The rearranged equation is :hown below: Dosca." =

  • 110000 Beg Ti Dyj e4d'(1 e4d')

Q, F , { The values used in the equation above are: hi p = 0.01821 (Point of exposure is taken as the Point Beach State Park beach which is located 8000 meters j downstream. The plume shoreline dilution factor at j this location is 54.9 using RG 1.111 methodology. The dilutian factor calculations are attached. The factor of 2 allowed for current reversals was not used.); U np = Infant - 0, Child ~- 14. Teen - 67, and Adult - 12 hours / year; W = 0.3; B;p

                                        =    Values used are taken from Table A-1 of RG 1.109; 3

F = 1507 ft /sec. (677000 gpm); Dg;p = Values used are taken from Table E.6 of RG 1.109; tg = 0.5 day; l tb

                                        =     5458 days.

O Page 93 of 120


                                                                                    -                        4 G             C 1.2   Atmospheric Release Dose Factors: Non-Gaseous The equations and values used to calculate the total dose to the maximum exposed individual factors for non. gaseous radionuclides released to the atmosphere using Regulatory Guide 1.109. Rev.1,1977 is shown below. The total dose factor in mrem /Ci released is the sum of all airborne ef0uent doses in mrent /Ci for the following pathways: milk. meat, leafy vegetables, potable water, and shoreline deposits. A summary of totals is presented by age group and target or nn in matrix format for each radionuclide in Section 5, Table 5-1. The highest dose in each matrix is used as the dose tracking factor to be used for the monthly tracking of release doses. These values are found in Section 5. Table 5-2.

C l .2.1 inhalation of Nuclides in Air The dose from the inhalation of nuclides in the air was calculated using the equation: Doseg = ') Q, DFlo 3.17 E+ 04 R. (Q where: i


Dose)3 the annual dose to organ j of an individual of age group j a due to inhalation. in mrem / year: 3.17E+04 = the number of pCi/Ci divided by the number of 0 sec/ year: Ra = the annual air intake for individuals in the age group a. 3 in m / year:


ziQ the annual average atmosphere dispersion factor,in sec/m' (The location at uhich the dose was calculated was the site boundary in the south sector - a distance of 1270 meters.): . l Q = the release rate of nuclide i. in Ci/ year:


DFI;;a the inhalation dose factor for radionuclide i, organ j, }) l and age group a. mrem /pCi. i

F l NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODChi l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION N1ANUAL hlAJOR l Revision 1I OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hlANUAL August 26,1998 _ To calculate the dose per curie released, the equation above was rearranged and the calculation perfonned for each nuclide. The rearranged equation is shown below:  ! Dose"' = 3.17 E+ 04 R. DFle. Q, sQs The values used in the equation above are: R3 = Infant 1400, Child - 3700, Teen - 8000, and 3 Adult - 8000 m / year; y./Q = 9.36E-07 seconds /m3 (This value taken from Table 1.4-2 of the FSAR, release mode 1B, annual average, site boundary.); DFlija = Values used are taken from Tables E-7 through E-10 of RG 1.109. i I I C l .2.2 6_nnual Orean Dose From External Irradiation From Nuclides Denosited On the Ground The organ dose from external irradiation from nuclides depos:ted on the ground was calculated using the equation: Dosej = 1E+12 (8760) Si Sr Q'(1 - e*) DFGy Ai where: Dosej = the annual dose to the organ j, in mrem / year; 1E+12 = the number of pCi per Ci; 8760 = the number of hours in a year; 5; = the annual average relative deposition of nuclide i, con,sidering depletion of the plume during transport, in m ,(The location at which the dose is calculated is the { } l site boundary in the south sector - a distance of 1300 meters.); Page 95 of 120 E

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision 11 1 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 [.. '!\ Sp = the attenuation factor that accounts for the dose reduction due to shielding provided by residential structures, dimensionless; L


Qi the release rate of nuclide i, in Ci/ year;

                                        =                                                     d A;             the radioactive decay constant of nuclide i, in day ;


                                        =   the time period over which the accumulation is evaluated, in days;                                       )

DFG;; the o,9en field ground plane dose conversion factor for 2 organj from nuclide i,in mrem m /pCi-hour. i To calculate the dose per curie released, the equation above was l rearranged and the calculation performed for each nuclide. The rearranged equation is shown below: O Dose 4 = 1 E+ 12 (8760) S, Sr(1 - c"") DFG V Q, 8 Ai The values used in the equation above are: 6; = 31E-09 m 2 (This value taken from Table I.4-2 of the , FSAR, release mode IB, annual average, site l Foundary.); Sp = 1 (No structural shielding is assumed.); tb

                                     =    5479 days (15 years);

D F G;; = Values used are taken from Table E-6 of RG 1.109. Page 96 of 120

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 _ C l .2.3 Annual Orean Dose From Atmosoberically Released Nuclides In Milk The organ dose from atmospherically released nuclides in milk was calculated using the equation: Dosey = 2.7 E+ 09 U,Q,8, Q. Fim DFI,3 c'*'" {fp f. + e**'(1 - f, f,)} jr(1 - e*^) a,(1 - e A^) YvAt, P A, where: Dosej, = the annual dose to the organ j of an individual in age group a from a dietary intake of atmospherically released nuclides, in mrem / year; 2.7E+09' = the number of pCi per Ci divided by the number of days per year; Ua = the ingestion rate of milk fer individuals in age group a, in liters / year; QF

                              =     the amount of feed consumed by a cow per, in kg/ day; Si
                              =     the annual average relative deposition of nuclide i, considering depletion of the plume during transport,in m# (The locatica at which the dose is calculated is the nearest animal location in the south-southeast sector - a distance of 1300 meters.);


                              =     the release rate of nuclide i, in Ci/ year; A;        =     the radioactive decay constant of nuclide i, in day";


                              =     the time period over which the accumulation is evaluated, in days; DFl ija   =     the dose conversion factor for the ingestion of nuclide i, organ j, and age group a, in mrem /pCi; g

Page 97 of 120 l

1 NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR l l Revision i1 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 F im = the average fraction of the animal's daily intake of nuclide i l which appears in each liter of milk, in days / liter; i


tr the average transport time of the activity from the feed into the milk and to the receptor, in days; i fp = the fraction of the year that the animals graze on pasture, dimensionless; f, = the fraction of the daily feed that is pasture grass when the ani nal grazes on pasture, dimensionless; r = the fraction of the deposited activity retained on crops, dimensionless; L A Ei = the effective removal rate constant for nuclide i from crops, in days ^, where Ag; = A; + (, and Awis the removal rate constant for physical loss by weathering; Aw = 0.0504 day 1 ; l t, = the time period that crops are exposed to contamination during j the growing season,in days; j

                             =                                                            2 Yv           the agricultural productivity, in kg (wet weight)/m ;

B;y = the concentration factor for the uptake of nuclide i in pathway p, expressed as the ratio of the concentration in biota { (in pCi/kg) to the nuclide concentration in water (in pCi/ liter), in liters /kg; i

                             =                                                               2 P            the effective surface density for soil, in kg (dry soil)/m ,

For iodines, this factor is changed to 1.4E+09. i l l l . IO l Page 98 of 120

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODChl l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hlANUAL MAJOR Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26.1998 _ To calculate the dose per curie released, the equation above was rearranged and the calculati3n performed for each nuclide. The rearranged equation is shown below:

                               =   2.7 E+ 9 U.Q,Si        En DFlij, e'A>"  f fp f + e%1 - f,f N o 

r(1 e ^u-) B;,(1 e~^) YvAo - P ).; The values used in the equation above are: Ua = Infant - 330. Child - 330, Teen - 400, and Adult - 3 i0 liters / year; Qp = 50 kg/ day; 6; = 18.8E-09 m-2 (This value taken from Table I.4-2 of the FSAR, release mode 1B, grazing season, site boundary.); F ini = Values used are taken from Table E-1 of RG 1.109; DFlija = Values used are taken from Tables E-11 through E-14 of RG 1.109; tr = 2 days; fp = 0.5; f 3

                            =    0.5; r        =    0.25,1.0 for iodines, and 0.20 for noble gases, tritium, and carbon-14;                                                                     i t,       =    30 days; 2

Yv = 0.7 kg/m ; B;y = Values used are taken from Table E-1 of RG 1.109; 2 P = 240 kg/m : I I


tb 5458 days (15 years). Page 99 of 120

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision 11 7s OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 l-U C l .2.4 Annual Orean Dose From Atmospherically Released Nuclides in Meat i The organ dose from utmospherically releared nuclides in meat was calculated using the equation: 4 Dosej. = 2.7 E+ 9 U.Qr64 QiFir DFlij.e '" f f,f. + e91 - f,f,y


4 x<

                                                        'r(1  e ) + B,(1      .

e4d') ' YvAr; P A; J where:

                                         =     the annual dose to the organ j of an individual in age group a Doseja from a dietary intake of atmospherically released nuclides, in mrem / year;
                                      .                                                                         t

'g 2.7E+9 = the number of pCi per Ci divided by the number of days per Q year: U3 = the ingestion rate of meat for individuals in age group a, in - liters / year; Qp = the amount of feed consumed by a cow per, in kg/ day; ) l 6; = the annual average relative deposition of nuclide i, considering depletion of the plume during transport, in m.,, l (The location at which the dose is calculated is the nearest l animal location in the south-southeast sector - a distance of 1300 meters.); Qi = the release rate of nuclide i, in Ci/ year; e A; = the radioactive decay constant of nuclide i, in day ^; tb

                                         =    the time perioJ over which the occumulation is evaluated,in

days;  ;

   /3 t   i U                         DFI;ja      =     the dose conversion factor for the ingestion of nuclide i,

( organ j, and age group a, in mrem /pCi; Pace 100 of 120


v L_ f



Fri the average fraction of the animal's daily intake of nuclide i l which appears in each kilogram of flesh, in days /kg; i


1 3 the average time from slaughter to consumption,in days; fp = the fraction of the year that the animals graze on pasture, dimensionless;


f3 the fraction of the daily feed that is pasture grass when the animal grazer on pasture, dimensionless; r = the fraction of the deposited activity retained on crops, dimensionless;

                     ).g;    =

the effective removal rate constant for nuclide i from crops, in days ^, where Ag; = A; + b, and ( is the removal rate constant for physical loss by weathering; t, = the time period that crops are exposed to contamination during the growing season, in days;

                            =                                                            2 Yv           the agricultural productivity, in kg (wet weight)/m ;

i B;y = the concentration factor for the uptake of nuclide i in pathway p, expressed as the ratio c s the concentration in biota (in pCi/kg) to the nuclide concentration in water (in pCi/ liter), in liters /kg;

                            =                                                               2 P            the effective surface density for soil, in kg (dry soil)/m ,

For iodines, this factor is changed to 1.4E+09. I I 7 \ i E Page 101 of 120


l. OFFSITE DOSE C ALCUL ATION MANUAL Revision 1I August 26,1998 l o OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL b To calculate the dose per curie released, the equation above was rearranged and the calculation performed for each nuclide. The rearranged equation is shown bely.v:


                                     =   2.7 E+ 9 U.Qr S,       Fir DFle2e ^^ {f,f. + eMI - f,fM x

r(1 e'A-) + B ,(1 - e ^^)', Yv) s P ),i The ve. lues used in the equation .ibove are: U, = Infant - 0, Child - 41, Teen - 65, and Adult - 110 kg/ year; Qp = 50 kg/ day; S; = 18.8E 09 m'2 (This value taken from Table 1.4-2 of the FSAR, release mode 1B, grazing season, site boundary.);

                                   =   Values used are taken from Table E-1 of RG 1.109; Fri DFlja    =    Values used are taken from Tables E-Il through E-14 of i

RG 1.109; t, = 20 days; fp = 0.5; f, = 1.0; r = 0.25,1.0 for iodines, and 0.20 for noble gases, tritium, and carbon 14; t, = 30 days; B iy = Values used are taken from Table E-1 of RG 1.109; l Yv = 0.7 kg/m ; 2 P = 240 kg/m ;

                            ).w      =  0.0504 day;


                                     =   5458 days (15 years).

Page 102 of 120

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM MAJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision iI August 26,1998 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL _ C l .2.5 Annual Orcan Dose From Atmospherically Released Nuclides in Produce The organ dose from atmospherically released nuclides in produce was calculated using the equation: r(1 - e *6'*) + B,,(1 e'*){ Dose;. = 2.7 E+ 9 U. f,Si Q, DH9. e'* YvAc; P1; where: Dosej, = the annual dose to the organj of an individual in age group a from a dietary intake of atmospherically released nuclides,in mrem / year; 2.7E+9 = the number of pCi per Ci divided by the number of days per year; U, = the ingestion rate of produce for individuals in age group a,in O kg/ year; fg = fraction of produce ingested grown in garden ofinterest, dimensionless; e 1 Si = the annual average relative deposition of nuclide i, considering depletion of the plume during transport,in m 2 (The location at which the dose is calculated is the nearest garden location in the south-southwest sector a distance of 1460 meters.); Q; = the release rate of nuclide i, in Ci/ year; A; = the radioactive decay constant of nuclide i,in day'I ; I tb

                                   =    the time period oser which the accumulation is evaluated,in days:


                                   =     the dose conversion factor for the ingestion of nuclide i, organ j, and age group a, in mrem /pCi; Page 103 of 120



th the holdup time that represents the time interval between harvest and consumption of the food, in days;

i r =

the fractior. of the deposited activity retained on crops, dimensionless;


Agi = the effective removal rate constant for nuclide i from crops, in days ^, where Agi = l i+ Ay, and Ay is the removal rate constant for physical loss by weathering; t, = the time period that crops are exposed to contamination during the growing season,in days;

                                   =                                                           2 Yv            the agricultural productivity, in kg (wet weight)/m ;               j B iy    =

the concentration factor for the uptake of nuclide i in pathway p, expressed as the ratio of the concentntion in biota (in pCi/kg) to the nuclide concentration in water (in pCi/ liter), (N)

  \.J in liters /kg;                                                     h P       =                                                               2 the effective surface density for soil, in kg (dry soil)/m ,       [

For iodines, this factor is cha iged to 1.4E+09. k i l'\ G' Page 104 <>f 120 j

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCN1 l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h1ANUAL hlAJOR Revision i1 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h1ANUAL August 26,1998 , To calculate the dose per curie released, the equation above was rearranged and tbc. calculation performed for each nuclide. The rearranged equation is j shown below: Dose,,, e *d')'

                              = 2.7 E+ 9 U2 f,Si        DFig e ' f r(1e ^o'-) + B,,(1            -

Q, YvAr; PAi , The values used in the equation above are: U, = Infant - 0, Child - 520, Teen - 630, and Adult - 520 kg/ year; fg = 0.76; Si = 18.8E-09 m' (This value taken from Table 1.4-2 of the FSAR, release mode 1B, growing season, site boundary.); DFI;ja = Values used are taken from Tables E-Il through E-14 of RG 1.109; th

                            =    60 days; r        =

0.25,1.0 for iodines, and 0.20 for noble gases, tritium, and carbon-14; A = 0.0504 day ^; t, = 60 days; Y = 0.7 kg/m ; B iy = Values used are taken from Table E-1 of RG 1.109; 2 P = 240 kg/m ;

                            =    5458 days (15 years).

lb I I Page 105 of 120 l

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision i I OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 O O C l .2.6 Annual Orean Dose From Atmospherically Released Nucliles In Leafv Vecetables The organ dose from atmospherically released nuclides in leafy vegetables was calculated using the equation: Dose 3

                                 =   2.7 E+ 9 U. fi6,      Q, DFly e'*  <

r(1. e toe ) + B,,(1 e'*)' Yv Ari P A; where: l


Doseja the annual dose to the organj of an individual in age group a - from a dietary intake of atmospherically released nuclides, in > : mrem / year; 2 7E+9 = the number of pCi per Ci divided by the number of days per year; Ua = the ingestion rate of produce for individuals in age group a,in kg/ year; fi = fraction ofleafy vegetables ingested grown in garden of interest, dimensionless;


S; the annual average relative deposition of nuclide i, considering depletion of the plume during transport, in nA,(The location at which the dose is calculated is the nearest garden location in the south southwest sector - a distance of 1460 meters.);


Qi the release rate of nuclide i, in Ci/ year; A; = the radioactive decay constant of nuclide i, in day ^; tb =. the time period over which the accumulation is evaluated, in days;


( DFI;;3 = the dosa conversion factor for the ingestion of nuclide i, l '% organ j, and age group a, in mrem /pCi; O I Page 106 of 120


                           =      the holdup time that represents the time interval between th hanest and consumption of the food,in days; r     =

the fraction of the depositcd activity retained on crops, dimensionless;


A Ei the effective removal rate constant for nuclide i from crops, in days", where Agi = A; + Aw, and Awis the removal rate constant for physical loss by weathering; t, = the time period that crops are exposed to contamination during the growing season, in days;

                           =                                                                                                  2 Yv           the agricultural productivity, in kg (wet weight)/m ;

B;y = the concentration factor for the uptake of nuclide i in pathway p, expressed as the ratio of the concentration in biota (in pCi/kg) to the nuclide concentration in water (in pCi/ liter), in liters /kg; P = the efTsetive surface density for soil,in kg (dry soil)/m , 2 ) For iodines, this factor is changed to 1.4E+09. l

                                                                                                                                      \  l l

l l l G I l Page 107 of 120


                          'lo calculate the dose per curie released, the equation above was rearranged and the calculation performed for each nuclide. The rearranged equation is shown below:

1 se.;" ~ ~

                                       =                                                   +

2.7 E+ 9 U. fi S, [ DFlij e'A^ < Q 4

                                                                                 'YvAu             P Ai ,

The values used in the equation above are: Ua = Infant - 0, Child - 26, Teen - 42, and Adult - 64 kg/ year; fi = 1;


Si 18.8E-09 m-2 (This value taken from Table I.4-2 of the FSAR, l release mode 1D, growing season, site boundary.); DFl ija = Values used are taken from Tables E-11 through E-14 of RG 1.109; 1 t,3 = l day; l 1 r = 0.25,1.0 for iodines, and 0.20 for noble gases, tritium, and carbon-14; Aw = 0.0504 day; t, = 60 days; Yv = 0.7 kg/m ; B iy = Values used are taken from Table E-1 of RG 1.109; - I 2 P = 240 kg/m ;


tb 5458 days (15 years).

  / \

l Page 108 of 120 L.



Cl.3 Atmospheric Release Dose Factors: Noble Gases The equations and values used to calculate the total dose factors for noble gases released to the atmosphere using Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev.1,1977 is shown below. The dose factor in mrer.JCi and mrad /Ci released for each radionuclide is presented in Sectien 5, Table 5-1. l C 1.3.1 Annual Gamma and Beta Air Dose 1 rc All Noble Gas Releases l The dose from the submersion ofindividuals in air containing noble gases was calculated using the equation: 5 Dose' or Dosed = 3.17 E+ 04 (1 sQs [, Q,i[DFT Or DFfI where: Dose7 or 0 Dose = the annual gamma and beta air dose, in inrad/ year;


i 1 1 3.17E+04 = the number of pCi/Ci divided by the number of ' l sec/ year: l yjQ = the annual average atmosphere dispersion factor, 3 in sec/m (The location at which the dose was calculated was the site boundary in the south sector-a distance of 1270 meters.);


Qi the release rate of nuclide i, in Ci/ year; DF;YorDFD i

                                            =       the gamma and beta air dose factors for a uniform semi-infinite cloud of radionuclide i, in 3

mrad-m /pCi-year. k I i { Page 109 of I20 t

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODChi  ! l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h!ANUAL MAJOR ( Revision 11 OFFSlTE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26.1998 l o calculate the dose pu curie released, the equation above was rearranged and the calculatien perfonned for each nuclide. The 4 rearranged equation is shown below: Dose l or Dose' 9 f yf r 4

                                                       =    3.17 E+ 04      -

I DF;Y or DF;D I Qi (Q>t 2 The values used in the equation above are: yJQ = 9.36E-07 seconds /m3 (This value taken from Table I.4-2 of the FSAR, release mode IB, intemiittent, annual average, site boundary.);


DE[ or DF"i Values used are taken from Table B-1 of RG 1.109. C l .3.2 Annual Skin Dose From All Noble Gas Releases The skin dose from the submcrsion ofindividuals in air containing noble gases was calculated using the equation:

                                                          <   ,e                                             ,

Dose = 3.17 E+ 04 1 1.1 I S, Q, DFl + Q, DFS,

                                                          <                                               >



Dose = the annual skin dose due to immersion in a semi infinite cloud, in mrem / year; t 3.17E+04 = the number of pCi/Ci divided by the number of sec/ year; i-1.11 = the average ratio of tissue to air energy absorption coeflicients; Sp = the attenuation factor that accounts for the dose reduction g due to shielding provided by residential structures, j V dimensionicss;  ; Page 110 of 120 s

l NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM MAJOR j OFJSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision !! OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Augiut 26,1993 _ y/Q = the annual average atmosphere dispersion factor, in 3 sec/m (The location at which the dose was calculated was the site boundary in the south sector - a distance of 1270 meters.); Q'; = the release rate of nuclide i, in Ci/ year; DF73

                                 =   the annual gamma air dose factor for a uniform 3

semi-infinite cloud of nuclide i,in mrad m /pCi-year: DFS; = the beta skin dose factor for a semi-infinite cloud of 2 nuclide i, which includes the attenuation by 7 mg/cm gp 3 skin,in mrem m /pCi-year. To calculate the dose per curie released, the equation above was rearranged and the calculation performed for each nuclide. The rearranged equation is shown below: Dos ' = 3.17 E+ 04 Q, sQs(1.11 Sr DFl + DFSi) The values used in the equation above are: Se

                                   =    1 (No structural shielding is assumed.);

yfQ = 9.36E-07 seconds /m3 (This value taken from Table 1.4 2 of the FSAR, release mode IB, annual average, site boundary.); DF;Y = Values used are taken from Table B-1 of RG 1.109; DFS; = Values used are taken from Table B-1 of RG 1.109. O Page 111 of 120

                                                                                               -   J

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 f O Cl.3.3 Annual Total Bodv Dose From All Noble Gas Releases The total body dose from the submersion ofindividuals in air containing noble gases was calculated using the equation: e 8 Dose = - 3.17 E+ 04 S, 1 Q, DFB,


where: 4 Dose = the annual total body dose due to immersion in a semi-infinite cloud, in mrem / year; ' 3.17E+04 = the number of pCi/Ci divided by the number of sec/ year; Sp = the attenuation factor that accounts for the dose reduction due to shielding provided by residential structures, dimensionless; O yjQ = the annual average atmosphere dispersion factor, in 3 sec/m (The location at which the dose was calculated was the site boundary in the south sector - a distance of 1270 meters.);


Qi the release rate of nuclide i, in Ci/ year; DFB; = the total body dose factor for a unifonn semi infinite cloud of nuclide i, which includes the attenuation of 2 3 5 g/cm of tissue,in mrem m /pCi-year.

 ,e D

Page 112 of 120

1 l NUCl. EAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODChi l h!AJOR l l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h!ANUAL Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION NfANUAL August 26,1998 To calculate the dose per curie released, the equation above was O.j j rearranged and the calculation performed for each nuclide. The rearranged equation is shown below: Dose' = DFB, 3.17 E+ 04 Sr Q, sQs The values used in the equation above are: Sp = 1 (No structural shielding is assumed.); yjQ = 9.36E-07 seconds /rn3 (This value taken from Table 1.4-2 of the FSAR, release mode 1 B, annual average, site boundary.); DFB, = Values used are taken from Table B-1 of RG 1.109. I I l l i I i i l I Page i13 of 120 ___________________j


                                 "" "'^' "' " ' " " ' ' ' '

CD l f l l Page i 14 of 120

ODChi f NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT hlAJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hlANUAL Revision 11 August 26,1998 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION NIANUAL Dl .0 Liould Effluent Dilution Factor Calculations l Methodotou Dl.1 l The dilution factors used for calculating the doses from liquid effluent , released to Lake hiichigan were calculated using the r.. ~thodology of Regulatory Guide 1.113. " Estimating Aquatic Disper., ion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the Pur, ase of fmplementing Appendix 1." The parameters used in the calculation and the results of th calculation are given in Table D-1. The results are presented graphically in Figure D-1. The centerline and shorelhie values were calculated using Reg Guide 1.113 formulae 17 and 18 which apply to discharges to the Great Lakes. (The foimulae are not presented here. See Section 5 of the PBNP FSAR for the formulae and origin of values used.) These results are applied as calculated for fish caught near PBNP. But for other pathways, an extra factor of two (2)

h occur in Lake Michigan as is applied to account for current reversals "

described in the Appendix I, Section 5. of the PBNP FSAR. ( O Page 115 of 120




40 8.81 50 8.81 60 8.81 70 8.81 80 8 81 90 8.81 100 8 81 200 8.81 300 8.81 400 8.81 500 8 81 600 8 81 700 2 81 800 8 81 900 8.8 l 8 81 122000 1000 8.86 1758 2000 9.01 401 i 3000 4000 125 186 ) pm 9.53 116  ! I 5000 j' 9.85 83.8 6000 7000 10 2 65.9 10.5 54.9 8000 10.8 47.4 , 9000 11.1 42.I l IC300 14 0 24 1 20000 16.1 20.1 l 30000 40000 17.7 l8.7 l 18 8 I8.3 I 50000 ' 19 6 I8.2 60000 20.3 18.3 70000 80000 20.9 I86 21.4 I8.9 90000 100000 21.9 I92 25.9 23.2 200000 29.2 26.9 300000 32.3 30.3 J00000 35.2 33.3 500000 37.8 36.0 600000 40.2 38 6 700000 42 6 41.0 800000 44 8 43.3 900000 46 9 4$.5 1000000 NOTEt These values were calculated usIng the equation describedin Section 12 ofthe PB! P FS4R and thefollowirig values:

  • 90ll cm' hec :n
                                                                                        =        0 nwice.

ey d = 10 nwt, n Gs = 2 cars'her h = 10 n:.ters u = 11.2 cnVsec b = 30$ meters l') a h

  • 152.5 nwters and a discharge rate of 42 2 m' lice.

Page i16 of 120 u-

                " bMagq                                                          o8E ani!OMknE&sZ5zC>"

em$!e n vEO ' x$5 n o em $ie* koE h 6Z 5ZC>" yCP 9

                                                                                 > $ fo [ $

6 _ 0

                                                                                            +             -
                                                                                      "    E
                                                                                       '   0 e     e 1

ck ' faa 5 L 0)

                                                                                            +           -

r " E sr u eg ' 0 e 1 t e Sr a . . a m t L i t a 4 n 0+ (i aa r a a s "

                                                                                      '    E e             -
                                                                                      '    0    c r     n                                                               -

1 n a O oi s ' t i s t 3D ct n  : 0


Em Fu ae l t R e a o ' 0 a 1 e1 r 0 t n. e t h f f e s


3 s ' s g ni e nE a e " m e n 2 wh o 2 i l

                                        .                                                  0 e         '

e 1 4 lr e + od n R

                                                                                     " ED t
                                       ,e id ti
                                 " 2c
  • C n

e 0 a t aen m te m u u q i U n l e et 8 n.2 6 m meg r a l e m u 1 5 0 l ' 2 1 O a 6 t P i i r i, 2 =

  • 0 s 3

e g3 DL h

                                'i1)           )          c                                        h      ~


  • e
                                  ' ,*l e (s  : + s i 1       t
  • euYZlbD 0 d F +

i D 2E : ;3- - gI - , ; . _ j [- ;E w E 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 c r

                         +            +            +         +        +       +          +

E E E E E E u E o 0 0 G. 0 0 0 0 s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a e r A O m{ ~ 2tJ e

_ - m NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODChi l OFFSiTE DOSE CALCULATION SIANUAL hlAJOR Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hlANUAL Aucust 26. I';"S - D l .2 Dilution Factor Twelve Niiles Downstream: Two Rivers Water Intake The dilution factor used at the Two Rivers water intake twelve miles downstream from PBNP included the factor of two d.: scribed in Section DI.l. However, instead of using the straight centerline dilution factor shown in Table 1. the weighted average dilution factor calculated over the width of the pitm e was used. , This approach was used for the following reasons. First, the path that the current takes to reach the Two Rivers water intake is not straight. In order to reach Two Rivers, the water must flow southeast around Point Beach State Park, which iuts into Lake blichigan, and then curves back 90 degrees towards Two Rivers. As a result of this deviation from straight line flow, any part of the plume or possibly none of the plume would impinge upon the intake structure. Second. there is a difference in the distance offshore of the PBNP discharge and the Two Rivers water intake. The Two Rivers water intake is located 5080 feet offshore. By contrast, PBNP dischart s close to the shoreline through two 11umes, one directed north and one directed south, and is modeled as a source that extends 1000 feet out into the lake from the shoreline. Based on these two conside;ations. it was concluded that the weighted average dilution across the width of the plume as it diverges while flowing south would constitute a better estimate of the dilution factor instead of the calculated for the centerline of an area source as is assumed for the FSAR calculation. The calculation and the values used are shown below. The average dilution factor at 12 miles downstream was calculated in the following manner:

1. The standard deviation of the radionuclide concentration in the y direction at 12 miles downstream on the surface of the lake was calculated. This calculation used the following formula:

I as = f2x c) xx n) u where 2 ey = lateral turbulent Jiffusion coefficient in em /sec ( I x = the downuream oistance in cm u = current in em/sec Page i18 of 120 h

NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT ODChi l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h1ANUAL h1AJOR Revision iI OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h1ANUAL August 26,1998 2 Substituting the values for e y, x. and u of 900 cm /see,19308 m, and 12.2 cm/sec, respectively, into the equation yields 2 .x 900 '"' x 19308 m x 100 '* seC m 12.2 '"' sec oy = = 168.8 meters 100 '* m

2. At distances o1'0.1c,0.2o, etc., off the plume centerline, the dilution factor wa; calculated using the equation shown in Section 5.2 of the PBNP FCAR. The distances off the plume centerline, the ce'.culated  ;

dilution factor, and the fraction of the area under the nonnat distribution curve is listed below. Distance Off Plume Centerline

 ,e)           Fraction of               Equivalent                Fraction of Total C/             Standard                  Distance                  Area Under the Deviation                    (m)                  Curve for Interval          . Dilution Factor   ,

1 0.Io 16.9 0.080 13.8 0.2c 33.8 0.080 14.0 0.3o 50.6 0.078 14.3 0.4o 67.5 0.075 14.7 0.5o 84.4 0.072 15.2  ; 0.6a 101.3 0.068 15.8  ! 0.7a 118.1 0.065 16.6 l 0.8o 135.0 0.060 17.6 0.9a 151.9 0.056 18.8  ! 1.0a 168.8 0.051 20.2 l.1a 185.6 0.046 21.9 1.2a 202.5 0.042 23.9 1.3o 219.4 0.037 26.3 1.4a 236.3 0.032 29.2 1.5a 253.2 0.028 32.6 1.75o 295.4 0.053 44.7 l 2.0a 337.6 0.035 64.7 2.25o 379.8 0.021 98.4 2.5a 421.9 0.012 158.4 l

                            ' .0c                    506.3                        0.010                    482 l
   'N         Totals                                                              1.00 3


     )                                                                                                            ,

i Page 119 of 120  ;


  • lt is assumed that the standard deviauon of the nadionuclide concentrations across the plume can be represented by a nonnat distribution curve. The fraction I

of the total area under the curve is that fraction of the area under the curve that I lies between, for example, the inters al and 0.2a which also includes the ' area of the curve in the interval and -0.2o. i i The average dilution factor over the width of the plume was calculated by multiplying the dilution factor at each of the loca* ions cff of the plume centerline I by the fraction of the total area of the curve occupied by that interval and then summing over all the intervals. An average dilution actor of 29 was calculated. i l t i. 4 O I I O Pace 120 of 120


n NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS IrNIT ODCM l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL MAJOR Revision 11 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 APPENDIX E 1 Wisconsin Electric submittal to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, dated , l October 8,1987 (VPNPD-87-4"40, NRC-87-104) L


The submittal consists of the letter and two Attachments. Attachment II contains Appendices A-G, !O l l I i l


l 1 l' Page E-1

g Wisconsin Electnc mcome  ; 231 W MICHIG AN.P o Bor 2046. MILWAUKEE.Wl53201 Hid) 277 2345 l VPNPD-87-430 NRC 104 October 8, 1987 U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555

  -Gentlemen:                                                                l

DOCKET NOS. 50-266 AND 50-301 ' RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATICN ~ l FOR 10 CFR 20.302 APPLICATION POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT on July 14, 1987, Wisconsin Electric Power Company submitted an application, under the provisions of 10 CFR 20.302, for approval  : of.a proposed procedure to dispose of sewage treatment sludge containing minute quantities of radioactive materials. Sub-sequent to the application, Mr. Ted Quay of the NRC staff requested additional information regarding the environmental I characteristics of the area surroundibg the Point Beach Nuclear Plant. The responses to this request were furnished in our submittal dated August 6, 1987. By letter dated September 9,1987, the NRC has requested Wisconsin Electric supply additional information in order to complete the review of our application. Thic Request for Additional Information (RAI) contains ten specific items which . I require responses or commitments from Wisconsin Electric. In i addition, the NRC requests the previously submitted infortnation and the information supplied in response to the RAI be compiled into "one complete, extensive, and self-contained package". To facilitate your review, Attachment I is included to provide ] direct responses to the ten items contained in the RAI. Attachment II is provided as the complete application, including the information from our letters dated July 14, 1987, and August 6, 1987, and information supplied in response to the NRC RAI. We request that you complete your review of this complete, self-contained package and issue an approval of our application E-2

I l



 ,/     NRC Document Control Desk                                       {
 \        October 8, 1987                                                 )

Page 2 l l as socn as possible. In arder to facilitate your review and ( to er.pedite processing, we would be pleased to discuss these mattert or' provide additional information by telephone. Please l feel frie to contact us. Very truly yours,  ! hI."!kt i C. W. Fay Vice President Nuclear Power bjm l Attachments l i Copies to NRC Resident Inspector NRC Regional Administrater, Region III Blind copies to Britt/Gorske/Finke urstein, Charnoff, O Fay, Krieser, e, Newton, Zach 1 4 9 O t E-3 L

O! I



 ~~~ ~ ~ ~ -~ =                                                       j

The numberiag system used in these responses corresponds directly to numberina O d used in the NRC RAI, dated September 9,1987.

1. a. This request is for multiple applications, approximately 2 to 4 per year.

Tnis request is for multiple years, . expiration to coincide with b. conclusion of decomissioning activities associated with retirement of FBHP Units 1 & 2.

c. Please refer to the response to question number 10.
2. The pathways used to deterinine doses to both the maximally exposed '

individual and the. inadvertent intruder are documented in Attachment II, Appendices D and E. Due to the extremely low concentrations of radionuclides in the sewage sludge and the associate low doses, Wisconsin Electric will control a: cess to the disposal sites by conditions of use defined in lease Use cf the land is not controlled beyond . agreements with the lease.the conditions of the lease, thereby not restraining a frem the disposal site. However continuous occupancy would be readily ob:erved, and remedial action would be taken. l

3. Infonnation contained in previous sub:nittals has been included in Attachment II with modifications to provide specific comitments to the NRC.
4. .Please refer to the response to question number 10.
5. Site maps have been updated and are included in Attach. ment II, Appendix C.
6. The direct grazing of cattle en the proposed dispcsal sites is controlled by restrictions contained in the lease agrirement.

There will be no restrictions placed on fishermen on Lake Michigan. Calculations of doses due to all pathways associated with a release to Lake Michigan (Attachment II, Appendix E) do aot ir:ditate a need to apply restrictions to fishermen.

7. Please refer to revised site maps inr:1uded in Attachment II, Appendix C. Site number 5 is located on company owned land beyond the PBNP site boundary. All other sites are within the PBNP site boundary area.
8. a. Please refer to Attachment II, Section 3.2, Disposal Procedure.
b. Please refer to Attachment II, Section 3.2, Disposal Procedure.
c. Please refer to Attachment II, Section 3.2, Disposal Procedure.
d. Please refer to Attachment II, Appendix A.
9. Please refer to Attachment II, including Appendix 0 and Appendix E for additional pathways analyzed for this submittal. These identified pathways will be analyzed prior to all subsequent dispnsals to insure doses are maintained within prescribed limits, i.e., I arem/ year to the p maximally exposed individual and 5 arem/ year to the inadvertent V intruder.
10. A limiting concentration level for the sludge contained in the storage tank is discussed, in Attachment II, Appendix F. Since this application is for multiple applit ;tions over multiple years, Attachment II, Appendix F also eddresses an activity limit.




i I l l l i E-6 i

1 1 (~h 1.0 Purpose By this submittal Wisconsin Electric Power Company requests approval of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission for a proposed procedure to dispose of sewage treatment sludge containing trace quantities of radionuclides generated at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant. This request is submitted in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 20.302(a). 2.0 Waste Description The waste involved in this disposal process consists of the residual solids remaining in solution upon completion of the aerobic digestion sewage treat-ment process utilized at PBNP. The PBNP sewage treatment plant is used to process waste water from the plant sanitary and potable water systems. These systems produce non-radioactive waste streams with the possible exception of wash basins locatc in the radiologically controlled area of the plant. These wash basins are believed to be the primary source of the extremely small quantities of radionuclides in the sludge. The sewage sludge generated at PBNP is allowed to accumulate in the sewage plant digestor and aeration basin. Two to four times annually, depending on work activities and corresponding work force at PBNP, the volume of

  • the sludge in the digestor and aeration basin needs to be reduced to allow continued efficient operatic,n of the treatment facility. The total volume IO V of sludge removed during each disposal operation is typically on the order of 15,000 gallons. The maximum capacity for the entire PBNP treatment facility and hence the maximum disposal volume is about 30,000 gallons.

In the case of a maximum capacity disposal, doses would not necessarily increase in proportion to the volume, since more than one disposal site may be used. Trace amounts of radionuclides have been identified in PBNP sludge currently being stored awaiting disposal. The radionuclides identified and their concentrations in the sludge are summarized below: Nuclide Concentration (pCi/cc) Co-60 2.33E-07 Cs-137 1.50E-07 The total activity of the radionuclides in the stored sludge, based on the identified concentrations and a total volume of 15,000 gallons of sewage sludge, are as follows: Nuclide Activity (pCi) Co-60 13.2 Cs-137 8.5 These concentrations and activities are consistent with expected values O~ based on prior analyses of sewage sludge. The radioauclide concentration in the sewage sludge has remained relatively constant during sampling conducted since December 30, 1983. A detailed summary of the results of this sampling progr.un are contained in Appendix A for your review. E-7

In addition to monitoring for the radionuclide content of the sludge, the WONR requires several other physical and chemical properties of the sludge to be determined. These properties are the percent total solids, percent total nitrogen, percent ammonium nitrogen, pH, percent total phosphorus, percent total potassium, cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, mercury, zinc, and boron. An exar.ple of a typical sludge sample analysis is included in Appendix B. 3.0 Disposal Method , In the context of this 7.pplication, Wisconsin Electric comits to the following methodology. No distinction is made or intended between "shall" or "will", as used in the descriptions contained in this section. 3.1 Transport of Sludge The method used to dispose of the sludge shall utilize a technique approved by the WDNR. The process of transporting the sewage sludge for disposal involves pumping the sludge from the PBNP sewage treatment plant storage tanks into a truck mounted tank. The truck mounted tank shall be required to be maintained tightly closed to prevent spillage while in transit to the disposal site. The sludge shall be transported to one or more of the six sites approved by the WDNR for land application of the sewage sludge from PBNP. 3.2 Dispusal procedure The radionuclide concentrations in the sludge shall be determined prior to each disposal by obtaining three representative samples from each of.the 51udge storage tanks. The sludge contained in the sludge tanks is prevented froni going septic by a process known as complete mix and continuous aeration. This process completely mixes the sludge allowing for representative samples to be cbtained. The samples shall be counted utilizing a GeLi detector and multi-channel analyzer with appropriate geometry. The detection system is routinely calibrated and checked to ensure the lower limits of detection are within values specified in the Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications (RETS).


To insure the samples are representative of the overall concentration in the storage tanks, the radionuclide concentration determination for each of the three samples shall be analyzed to insure each sample is within two standard deviations of the average value of the three samples. If this criteris is not met, additional samples will be cbtained and analyzed to insure a truly representative radionuclide concentration is utilized for dose calculations and concentration limit determinations. The average of all statistically valid concentration determinations will be utilized in determining the storage tank concentration values. E-8

Prior to disposal the waste stream will be monitored to determine the

      , physical ano chemical properties of the sludge,           6s will The results   discussed   in the last be compared paragraph of Section 2.0, Waste State of Wisc hazard to people or to the environment.

The radionuclides identified in the sludge, along with their respective concentrations, will be compared to concentration limits prior to disposal. The methodology discussed in Appendix F will be usedThe in determining compliance with the proposed concentration limit. total activity of the proposed disposal will be the prur.osed activity limit as described in Appendix F. If the concentration and activity liinit criteria are . met, .the appropriate i exposure pathways (as described in Appendix D) will be avaluated prior to  ! each application of sludge. These exposures will be evaluated to insure i the dose to the maximally exposed individual will be maintained less than 1 arem/ year and the dose to the inadvertent intruder is maintained less than 5 stem / year. The exposures will be calculated utilizing the meth- i odology used in Appendix E, including the currentThe activity to be landspread remaining radio- j along with the activity from all prior disposal.  ! activity from prior disposals will be corrected for radiological decay j prior to performing dose calculaticns for the meat, milk, and veg'etable ingestion pathways, the inhalation of resuspended radionuclides, The residualand all radio-pathways associated with a release to Lake Michigen. i activity will be corrected for radiological decay and, if appropriate, the f O mixing of the radionuclides in the soil by plowing prior to performing external exposure calculations. 1 The sewage sludge is applied on the designated area of land utilizing the WDNR approved technique and adhering to the following requirements of WPDES Permit Number WI-0000957-3.

  • Discharge to the land disposal system shall be limited so that during surface spreading all of the sludge and any precipitation falling onto or flowing onto the disposal field shall not overflow the peri-meter of the system. ,
  • Sludge shall not be land spread on land with a slope greater than 12%.

During the period from December 15 through March 31 sludge shall not be land spread on land with a slope greater than 6% unless the wastes are injected immediately into the soil.

  • Sludge shall not be surface spread closer than 500 feet from the nearest inhabited dwelling except that this distance say be reduced with the dwelling owner's written consent.
  • Sludge shall not be spread closer than 1,000 feet from a public water supply well or 250 feet from a private water supply well.
  • Sludge.shall not be land spread within 200 feet of any surface water unless a vegetative buffer strip is maintained between the surface O watercourse and the land spreading system, in which case a sinimum separation distance of at least 100 feet is required between the system and the surface watercourse.

E-9 e

Deptn to groundwater and bedrock shall be greater than 3 feet from the 1,nd surface elevation during use of any site. g

  • Sludge shall not be land spread in a floodway.
  • Sludge shall not be land spread within 50 feet of a property line road er ditch unless the sludge is incorporated with the soil, in which ca'se a minimum separation distance of at least 25 feet is required.
  • The pH of the sludge-soil mixture shall be mairitained at 6.5 or higher.
  • usw areas of the approved fields, subject to seasonally high ground-winter levels, are excluded from the sludge application.
  • Crops for human consumption shall not be grown on the land for up to  !

(sne year followir.g the application of the sludge. ]

  • The sludge shall be plowed, disked, injected or otherwise incorporated into tha surface soil layer at appropriate intervals.

The flexibility implied in the latter provision for soil incorporation is intended to allow for crops which require more than a one year cycle. For the Point Beach disposal sites, z1falfa is a common crop which is harvested for several years after a single planting. Sludge disposal on i an alfalfa plot constitutes good fertilization, but the plot cannot be plowed without destroying the crop. The alf alfa in this case aids in binding the layer of sludge on the surface of the plot. At a minimum, however, plowing (or disking or other method of injection and mixing to a nominal depth of 6 inches) shall be done prior to planting any new crop, regardless of the crop. 3.3 Administrative Procedures Complete records of each disposal will be maintained. These records will include the concentration of radionuclides in the sludge, the total volume of sludge disposed, t$t total activity, the plot on which the sludge was applied, the results of the chemical composition determinstions, and all dose ca'..ulations. The annual disposal rate for each of the approved land spread sites I will be limited to 4,000 gallons / acre, provided WDNR chemical compos 1- i tion, NRC dose guidelines, and uencontration and activity limits are  ! maintained within the appropriate values. I The farmer leasing the site used for the disposal will be notified of the applicable restrictions placed on the site due to the land sproading of sewage sludge. 4.0 Evaluation of Environmentti Imoact 4.1 Site Characteristics 4.1.1 Site Topography The disposal sites are located in the Town of Two Creeks in the northeast corner of Manitowoc County, Wiscensin, on the E-10 __- - _ _ __ - __-_________-______ - -__-________~

O west shore of Lake Michigan about 30 miles southeast of the center of the city of Green Bay, and 90 miles NNE of Milwaukee. This site is located at longitude 87* 32.5'W and latitude 44* 17.0'N. The six sites are on property owned and controlled by Wisconsin Elect .c and are within or directly adjacent to the Point Beach site boundary. The sites are described below and are outlined on the map contained in Appendix C as Figure 3. Site No. PB The approximately 15 acres located in the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 23. T. 21N - R. 24E. Site Nr. PB The approximately 20 acres located in the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 14, T. 21N - R. 24E. Site No. PB The approximately 5 acras located in the NW 1/4 of Section 24, T. 21N - R. 24E. Site No. PB The approximately 5 acres located in the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 24, T. 21N - R. 24E. Site No. PB The approximately 5 acres located in the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 25. T. 21N - R. 24E. Site No. PB The approximately 5 acres located in the NE

1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 14. T. 21N - R. 24E.

The overall ground surface at the site of the Point Beach Nuclear 71 ant is gently rolling to flat with elevations varying from 5 to 60 feet above the level of Lake Michigan. Subdued knobThe and kettle topography is visible from aerial photographs. land surface' slopes gradually toward the lake from the higher Higher ground adjacent glacial moraine areas west of the site. to the lake, however, diverts the drainage to the north and south. The major surface drainage features are two small creeks which One creek discharges into the drain to the north and south. lake about 1500 feet above the northern corner During of the ponds the spring, site and the other near the center of the site. of water may occupy the shallow depressions. As mentioned in Section 3.2, Disposal Procedure, these low areas are excluded from the sludge application. A site topographic map covering details out to a 5 mile radius may be found in the FSAR at Figure 2.2-3 and is included in Appendix C as Figure 2. ' The disposal of sewage sludge at these six sites will have no impact <. the topography of this area. 4.1.2 Site Geology Prior to construction of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, an evaluation of the geological characteristics of the area in and surrounding the site was made. The geologic structure of the I

                . region is essentially simple. Gently dipping sedimentary rock E-11 l

strata of Paleozoic age outcrop in a horseshoe pattern arou shield of Precambrian crystalline rock which occupies theThe western part of the region. flank of the Michigan Basin, which is a broad The downwarp ri j i nd by discontinuous outcrops of s, ore resistant The rock- form a l I sandstones with subordinate shale layers. succession of extensive layers that are relatively uniform i The bedrock strat . dip very gently towards Lake thickness. Michigan at rates from 15 to 35 feet per mile. The uppermost bedrock under the site is Niagara Dolomite. Bedrock does not outcrop on theexpansive The soils contain site butclayis covered by glacia till and lake deposits. minerals and have moderately high base exch In the area of the site, the overburden Although soils the character are approximate of the 70 to 100 feet in thickness. glacial deposits may vary greatlyllowing within relativ adjacent to Lake Michigan at the site consists of the fo sequence:

1. An upper layer of brown clay silt topsoil
2. A layer of 20 feet of reddish-brown silty clay with some sand and gravel and occasional lenses of silt;
3. A layer of 25 feet of reddish-brown silty clay with layers of silty sand and lenses of silt;
4. A layer of 50 feet of reddish-brown silty clay with some sand and gravel, the lower portion of which contains ~

gravels, cobbles, and boulders resting on a glacial eroded surface of Niagara dolomite bedrock. Site drainage is poor due to the high clay content of the soilAd l combined with the pock-marked surface.on site geology The use of these sites for disposal of sewage sludge will not impact the geology of the area. 4.2 Area Characteristics 4.2.1 Meteorology d The climate of the site region is influenced by States and by those which move northeastward from the south-This conti-western part of the country to the Great Lakes. During nental type of climate is modified by Lake Mich l markedly from the air easterly directions produ i E-12 I

4 temperatures in spring and sumer. In autumn the relatively warm water to the lake prevents night-time temperatures from falling me low as they do a few miles inland from the shoreline. Sumer t.s,e temperatures exceed 90'F for six days on the average. Freezing temperatures occur 147 days and below zero

                      .on 14 days of the winter on the average. Rainfall averages about 28 inches per year with 55 percent falling in the months of May through September. Snowfall averages about 45 inches per year. Sludge spreading shall be managed such that the surf ace spreading together with any precipitation . falling on the field shall not overflow the perimeter of the field.

Additional information on site meteorology may be found in Section 2.6 of the FSAR. There will be no impact on the meteorology of the area due to the disposal of the sewage sludge. 4.2.2 Hydrology The dominant hydrological feature of this site is Lake Michigan, one of the largest of the Great Lakes. The normal water level in Lake Michigan is approximately 580 feet above mean sea level. In the general vicinity of the site, the 30 foot depth contour is between 1 and 1-1/2 miles offshore and the 60 foot contour is 3 to 3-1/2 miles off shore. The disposal sites are twenty O or more feet above the normal lake level. There is no record that the sites have been flooded by the lake during modern times. There are no rivers or large streams which could create l a flood hazard at or near the sites.  ! The subsurface water table at the Point Beach site has a definite slope eastward toward the lake. The gradient indi- ' cated by test drilling on the site is approximately 30. feet per mile. It is therefore extremely unlikely that any release of radioactivity on the site could Spread inland. Furthermore, the rate of subsurface flow is small due to the relative l impervious nature of the scil and will not promote the spread  ! of releases. Further information on site hydrology is detailed in the PBHP FSAR Section 2.5. l There will be no adverse impact on hydrolsey of the area due  : to disposal of sewage sludge by land spreading.  ! 4.3 Water Usage

4. 3.1 Surface Water ,

I Lake Michigan is used as the source of potable wi.ter supplies in the vicinity of the site for the cities of Two Rivers (12 , miles south), Manitowoc (16 miles sourth), Sheboygan (40 miles I south), and Green Bay (intake at Rostok I mile north of Kewaunee, I I C) 13 miles north). No other potable water uses are recorded within 50 miles of the site along the lake shore. All public I water supplies drawn from Lake Micnigan are treated in puri-  ! fication plants. The nearest surface water used for drinking other than Lake Michigan are the Fox River 30 miles NW and E-13 L

Lake Winnebago 40 miles W of the site. f Lake Michigan is also utilized by various recreational activities, including fishing, swimming and boating. There will be no impact on surface water usage due to the disposal of sewage sludge. 4.3.2 Ground Water Ground water provides the remaining population with potable supplies. Public ground water supplies within a 20 mile radius of the site are listed in Table 2.5-3 of the FSAR. Additional wells for private use are in existence throughout'the region. The location of private wells within a two mile radius of PBNP are indicated on Figure 3, Aopendix C. The potable water for use a. (.he Point Beach Nuclear Plant is drawn from a 257 feet deep well located at the southwest corner of the plant yard. Water from this well is routinely sampled as part of the environmental monitoring program. l There will be no adverse impact on ground water usage due to ) the disposal of sewage sludge. 4.4 Land Usage Manitowoc County, in which the site is located, and the adjacent counties of Kewaunee, Brown, Calumet, and Sheboygan are predominantly rural. Agricultural pursuits account for approximately 90% of the total county acreage. With the exception of the Kewaunee Nuclear Plant located 4.5 miles north, the region within a radius of five miles of the site is presently devoted exclusively to agriculture. Dairy products and livestock account for 85% of the counties' farm production, with field crops and vegetables accounting for most of the remainder. The principal crops are grain corn, silage corn, oats, barley, hay, potatoes, green peas, lima beans, snap ' beans, beets, cabbage, sweet corn, cucumbers, and cranberries. Within the township of Two Creeks surrounding the site (15 sq. miles), there are about 800 producing cows on about 40 dairy farms. Some beef cattle are raised 2.5 miles north of the site. Cows are on pasture from the first of June to late September or early October. During the winter, cows are fed on locally produced hay and silage. Of the milk produced in this area, about 25 percent is consumed as fluid milk and 50 percent is converted to cheese, with the remainder being used in -butter. making and other by products. It has been the policy of Wisconsin Electric to perinit the controlled use of crop land and pasture land on company owned property. No direct grazing of dairy or beef cattle or other animals is permitted on these company owned properties. Crops intended for human consump-tion shall not be grown on the disposal sites for at least one year following the application of the sludge.

         'The proposed land application of sewage sludge will not have any direct effect on the adjacent facilities. Additional land use E- u                                      ,
    .                                                                                          l 1

infonmation may be found in Section 2.4 of the FSAR. 4.5 Radiological Impact The rate of sewage sludge application on each of the six proposed sites will be monitored to insure doses are maintained within applic-able limits. These limits are based on NRC Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) staff proposed guidance (described in AIF/NESP-037 August,

               .1986). These limits require doses to the maximally exposed member of the general public to be maintained less than 1 arem/ year due to the disposal material. In addition, NRR guidance requires doses of less than 5 mrem / year to an inadvertent intruder.

To assess the doses received by the maximally exposed individual and the inadvertent intruder, six credible pathways have been identified for the maximally exposed individual and four credible pathways for the inadvertent intruder. The identified credible pathways are described in Appendix D. Calculations detailed in Appendix E demonstrate the disposal of the currently stored PSNP sewage sludge would remain below these limits. The total annual exposure to the maximally exposed individual based on the identified exposure pathways is equal to 0.072 arem. The dose to a hypothetical intruder assuming an overly conservative occupancy factor of 100% is calculated to oe 0.115 arem/ year. By definition, the inadvertent intruder would not be exposed to the O processed food pathways (meat and milk). The calculational methodology used in determining doses for the proposed disposal of sindge stored at PBNP shall be utilized prior to each additional land application to insure doses are maintained less than those proposed by NRR. This calculation will include radio-nuclides disposed of in previous sludge applications. The activity from these prior disposals will be corrected for radiological decay prior to performing dose calculations for the meat, milk, and vegetable ingestion pathways, the inhalation of resuspended radio-nuclides, and all pathways associated with a potential release to Lake Michigan. The residual radioactivity will be corrected for radio-logical decay and, if applicable, the mixing of radionuclides in the soil prior to performing external exposure calculations. In addition, the dose to a farmer potentially leasing more than one application site will be addressed by summing the doses received from the external exposure from a ground plane source and resuspension inhalation pathways for each leased site. In addi+. ion, the maximum site specific dose due to the other pathways identif ad in Appendix D, will be utilized in the total exposure estimation. 5.0 Radiation Protectior} The disposal operation will follow the applicable PBNP procedures to maintain doses as low as reasonably achievable. Technical review and O guidance will be provided by the PBNP Superintendent - Health Physics. E-15 e




O 1 Tank Radionuclide Concentration Sample Tank Volume (Gallons) (uci/ce) Date 8400 .Co-58 5.58E-C7 12-30-83 Digester 1.87E-06 Co-60 Cr-51 4.88E-07 Cs-134 1.59E-07 Cs-137 3. 57E-07 Digester 7560 Co-60 7.89E-07 4-06-84 1.87E-07 Aeration 6667 Co-60 Digester 7560 Co-58 1.75E-07 12-05-84 Co-60 8.29E-07 Aeration 6667 Digester 7560 Co-60 8.29E-07 6-03-85' Cs-137 2.46E-07 Aeration 6700 Co-60 3.27E-07 Cs-137 1.33E-07 Digester 7560 Co-60 6.79E-07 O 4-10-86 Cs-137 Mn-54 1.72E-07 4.91E-06 Co-60 1.65E-07 Digester 7560 Co-58 8.04E-08 l 11-04-86

                . Aeration &

Clarifier 25100 Co-58 1.37E-07 Co-60 2.18E-07 Cs-137 1.64E-07 9 O 4 E-17


                             .                                               l t



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. cua nturwr or ** ATunas, masounczs Wisconsin Ststuu 147 A2(1) and Wisconsin Administratin Code NR 110.77(6) remu woods 4o wage Treatment Plant Sludge

   . seere nomskte this form aful send 19 the Departmefit of Nettral Resources appropriate District /Arne Cffko. K
  • your records.

For additional forms,passa normaet vour approprate District / Area office. '

                                                   .                                                                                          I erPDES PERM 4T NumeER M AMITT E.E                                                                                            W100 Q- JL L .L .J.,

Wisconsin Electric Power Cor.cany Coup 6T v ETREETOAAOLffE Nilwaukee 231 W. Michican Street TELErreQNE NuMeEm geNauGE AREA g, cog 3 DT Y,5T ATE. Xip CODE 53203 :U-277-2151 "ilwaul:se. Y! 3 @ ?'] [ N ? N Plew report laboratory testing res.. . tiw following parameters: 1. Resutt *Perameter Abbreviation Result

                   *Paremeter            Abbreviation I'

Total Solids, % - I0 Diromium, ppm Cr I0 Cu 2200 Total Nitrogen, % TOT N Copper. ,,m 9 Amrnonium Nitrogen,% NHj-N OM Lead, ppm PD . Totst Phosphorous,% P 4 0.01 "'f*"Y p m H8 0.25 Ni 12 Total Patanium,% . K Nickel ,,m 2 5 'E h 1.O Zinc,,pm Zn ~ Arsenir, , I2-7*0 Cd pH - Cadmium, p

              *LM arefysis procedures for the abow paremeters een be found in NM 219, onelytical saets and procedures, W     -
  • Admirst stlw code. A5 paremeters other then persent solids and pH shaf t be repormd on e dry weight hesis.
2. What le the nome of the laborotory that sNd the analysis and whers wes it pefformed?

o,,, ,,ng ,, a April 12, 1933

               % u,me               Wisconsin Electric Power Co.

Laboratory Services Division tre . ::1the helding tanh mrior to heulin: Whern et the m pnarrt wea the ssm aken7

the e.mpse ukeny Avril 12,1933
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  • gh t? ster ou::lity Engineer -~~.






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1. External whole body exposure due to a ground plane source of radionuclides. ,
2. Milk ingestion pathway from cows fed alfalfa grown on plot.
3. Heat ingestion pathway from cows fed alfalfa grown on plot.
4. Vegethble ingestion pathway from vegetables grown on plot.
5. Inhalation of radioactivity resuspanded in air above application site.
6. Pathways associated with a releasz to Lake Michigan. Ingestion of potable water at Two Rivers. Wisconsin municipal water supply, ingestion of fish from edge of initial alxing zone of radionuclide release, ingestion of fresh and stored vegetables irrigated with water source as Lake Michigan, ingestion of silk and meat from cows utilizing Lake Michigan as drinking water source, swimming and boating activities at edge of initial mixing zone, and shoreline deposits. .


1. External whole body exposure due to a ground plane source of rad,ionuclides. I
2. Vegetable inges' tion pathway from vegetables grown on plot.
3. Inhalation of radioactivity resuspended in air above application site.
4. Pathways associated with a release to Lake Michigan. Ingestion of potable water at Two Rivers, Wisconsin municipal water supply, ingestion of fish from edge of initial mixing zone of radionuclide release, ingestion of fresh and stored vegetables irrigated with watsr source as Lake Michigan, ingestion of milk and meat from cows utilizing Lake Michigan as drinking water source, swimming and boating activities at edge of initial mixing zone, and shoreline deposits. .

The milk and meat pathways are not included in calculating the dose to the inadvertent intruder. The doses due to these pathways are calculated based on feeding the cows alfalfa grown on the sludge applied land. Since direct grazing on these lands is prohibited, the alfalf a sust be cropped prior to being usad as feed. This effectively removes the availability of these pathways to the inadvertent intruder, who by definition occupies \ the sludge applied land continuously. E-25 m .

                                                                              - . r   'P M

282. CROUND WATER PATHVAY The two The ingestion of groundwater is not a credible exposure pathway. f actors contributing to this detsruination are as follows: hl

1. The site sap in Appendix C, Figure 3 details the spatial relation-ship between the proposed dtsposal sites and the local ground water wells. The . flow gradient of ground water was determined for the Reviewing the sites and PBHP FSAR to be towards Lake Michigan.

local wells shows no private well located in the path of radionuclide migration towards Lake Michigan. The PBNP site well is lot:sted on the plant site, potentially in a path of radionuclide migration. The P8NP well is routinely sampled as a requirement of the PBNP environmental monitoring program.

2. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soils at each site has been determined.

Site Cation Exchance Cacacity (ME0/100g) 1 16 2 11 3 11 4 10 S 8 6 9 The cation excht.1e capacity of soil is dependent on the valance of the radionuciloes and is determined by the relation: MEQ = ATOMIC VALANCE VEIGHT

  • 1.0E-33 Radionuclide Valance CEC (MEQ/100g)

Co-60 +2 3.00E-02 Co-58 +2 2. 90E-02 Cs-137 +1 1.37E-01 Mn-54 +2 2.70E-02

                                              +3            1.70E-02                                      l Cr-51                                                                          '

Cs-134 +1 1. 34 E-01 Using the values for Cs-137 and site 5 which has the lowest CEC, the tot 1 exchange capacity of the soil is 1.10 crans of Cs-137 100 grams of soil l Cc1culating the specific activity of Cs-137, 3.578E+05 , 3.578E+05 Specific Activity = 30 137 T1/2(yrs.) . ATOMIC MASS

                                      = 87.1 Cf/ gram E-26 FM-fv,pwisessaa                                    egggsponp4t.myrxrrM l'"" " '"" i

r l l The cation exchange capacity of the soil ofexpressed soil is in the number of Curies of radionuclide per 100 gram: 95.8 Ci Cs-137 l 100 grams of soil Since the proposed disposal of sewage sludge cont has the capacity to effectively eliminate the migration of the radionuclide to ground water. 1 9 6 l l l l O. e O 9 E-27

 ,, . ........ . .. .      ..... . - ,,s,.. .. , ,      , _ _ , - - _ ,, ,, ,


 .i _ -

___- 3 . ., ......... --.- - s e 6


1. Sewage sludge is' uniformly applied over plot acreage.
2. Sewage sludge is applied to one of the 5 acre plots, site Pv 03, PB-04, PB-05, or PB-06. (Assuming the smallest site size is conservative for the calculation methodology herein.)
3. Based on the sewage sludge currently stored at PSNP, the following data is used in the calculations.

Ground Plane Studge Volume Activity Concentration Concentration Radionuclide_ (Gallons) (cm3) (pC1) (pC1/cm2) (uCi/cm2) 15,000 5.68E+07 11.2 2.33E-07 6:53E-08 Co-60 15,000 5.68E+07 E.5 1.50E-07 4.21E-08 Cs-137 I. CALCULATION OF EXTERNAL EXPOSURES A. Soecific Assumptions O V

1. Conservatively assume radioactivity remains on surface of land plot'.

Calculation ignores any plowing or mixing of radioactivity within soil. Calculations for the proposed disposal will therefore ignore self abso.ption or shielding from sell. The external exposure at the application site due to prior disposals will be calculated utilizing the methodology in Appendix G and added to that calculated for the proposed disposal.

2. The plots are owned by tilsconsin Electric and have been approveo by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNA) as disposal sites. The land is leased and potentially farmed. Occupancy o' the land can be realistically expected only during plowing, planting and harvesting. Occupancy has been astinated to be 64 hours per year.

B. Summary of Calculational Methodology

          . 1. Calculate ground plane radionuclide concentrations in pCi/cm2,
2. The dose from a plane of uniformly deposited radionuclides is calculated using Regulatory Guide f.109, Revision 1, Appendi.- C, Formula C-2. ,
3. Oose rates were calculated assuming continuous occupancy then

/N adjusted for realistic occupancy factors. O E-29 '-, .....,. .., _ ,, . - - _ , m _ _ _ ,

C. External Exposure Rate Calculations h The dose f.os a plane of uniformly deposited radionuclides is :alculated using Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revision 1, Appendix C, formula C-2 Dj(r,8)=8760Sp{Cf(r,8)DFGgj where j Dj(r,8)'=yearlydose 8760 = hours per year Sp

                                      = 1.0, since no dose reduction due to residential shielding is applicable.


                          '0FG(i,j) : external dose factor for standing on contaminated ground as given in Table E-6 of Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revision 1.

Ground Plane y Dose Ground Plane Rate Concentration Concentration . y Dose Factor 2 (pCi/m2) (arem/yr) (ares /hr per pCi/m_1 (pCi/cm2L _ Radionuelide_ 6.53E+02 9.72E-02 1.70E-08 6. 53E-08 ' Co-60 4.21E+02 1.55E-02 4.20E-09 4.21E-08 Cs-137 , TOTAL: 1.13E-01 ares / year In reality, these These calculatet' dose rates assume continuous occupancy. sites will be occupied only during plowing, planting, and harvesting. Assuming an occupancy of 2 hours per day, 1 day p:r week, and 32 weeks (8 month growing season) per year, the occupancy factor becomes l I 2 hr/ day

  • 1 day / week
  • 32 weeks /yr
  • 1/8760 hours /yr = 7.3E-03.

l EXTERMAL EXPOSURE DOSE RATE (area / year) Continuous Occupancy Realistic Occupancy Radionuclide 9.72E-02 7.10E-04 Co-60 1.13E-04 Cs-137 1.55E-02 1.13E-01 8.23E-04 TOTA!.: O E-30 u . . . . . . , . ,

1. All fer.d consumed by cow is grown on sludge applied acreage.
2. All meat and milk consused by human is from cattle exclusively fed l feed from sludge applied land.
3. Stable elenent transfer coefficients (B 4 are utilized from RegulatoryGuide1.109toestimatetheffa)ctionofradioactivity which is transferred from the soil to the feed.

O Radionuclide iv Co-60 9.4E-03 Cs-137 1. 0E-02

4. Alfalfa has typically been grown on the plots. Soil tests have indi-cated a minimum alfalfa yield of 4.1 tons per acre can be expected.

B. Summary of Calculational Methodology

1. The concentration of radionuclides in feed grown on the disposal plot- is estimated. Transfer coefficients (B. from Table E-1 of RegulatoryGuide1.109wereusedtoestimatetU)fractionofradio-O nuclide which may be expected to transfer to the feed from the soil.
2. Concentrations of radionuclides in milk and meat were estimated psing Formula A-11 f:om Regulatory Guide 1.109.
3. Ingestion dose rates were estimated using formula A-12 from Regulatory Guide 1.109.

C. Milk and Meat Ingestion Pathway Dose Rate Calculation

1. Concentration in feed.

Activity in Feed = Bgy

  • Activity in Soil Concentration in Feed = Activity in Feed /(kg of Feed
  • 5 Acres)

Radionuclide Activity in Activity in Concentration in Radionuclide Soil (pC1) Feed (pCi) Feed (pCi/kg) Co-60 13.2 1.24E-01 6.67E+00 Cs-137 8.5 8.50E-02 4.57E+00

2. Concentration in Milk and Meat Calculate concentrations of radionuclides in milk and meat using 9


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                                                     . 'I . : . ~ . i. G.
                                                                         .'- ~ ; L , . [ '4 7
                                                                                                      .- .;.. , '. . .,i,-

1 Formula A-11 in Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revision I which is l cia =Fgg*Cgp%g where C gg == radionuclide concentration of i in component Astable elem F gg Table E-1 of the Regulatory Guide C radionuclide concentration in feed Qp gg == consumption rate of feed = 50 kg/d (wet weight) from Regulatory Guide 1.109 Use the following Regulatory Guide ?.109 values for FiA Element ITA*m (d/1) for milk F,3=Ff (d/kg) for meat Co 1.0E-03 1.3E-02 Cs 1.2E-02 4.0E-03 Concentration in Concentration in Radionuclide Milk (pCi/1) Heat (pCi/kg) Co-60 3.34E-01 4.34E+00 Cs-137 2.74E+00 9.14E-01

3. Calculated Dose rates The fomula for total dose from eating animal products fed vegeta-tion (alfalfa) grown on PBNP sludge applied land is given by Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revision 1, Formula A 12, page 1.109-16.

But, as noted following equation A-13, it is necessary to compute separately the milk and seat portions of the dose. DOSE = I(U,p*0 9 ,pg*exp(-A g3t )) where U = conc of radionuclide i inrate animalofproduct A product C $ == consumption dose factor . animal Dt 'E9 = average time between silking or slaughtering and consumption U,,by Age Group Infant Child Teensoer Adult Milk (1/yr) 330 330 400 310 Heat (kg/yr) - 41 65 110 C gg = concentration calculated above 09,pg = OF whole body dose f actors, Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revision 1. E-32 f~. . . . .. .. .'....' .- - I? .J' .f.' .c .



I O Whole Body Dose Factors (arem/pti Incested) Child Teenager Adult Infant Incestion Incestion Incestion Incestion Nuc11de 6.33E-06 4.72E-06 2.55E-05 1.56E-05 7.14E-05 Co-60 4.62E-05 5.19E-05 Cs-137 4. 33E-05 T

                = 0 for slik (assume consumption on fars) s = 20 days for seat (Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revision:1', Table E-15)

MILX INGESTION DOSE RATE (crem/ year) Child Teenacer Adult Radionuclioe Infant 1.72E-03 8.46E-04 4.89E-04 Co-60 2.81E 03 6.06E-02 3.92E-02 4.18E-02 5.69E-02 Cs-137 4.35E-02 5.77E-02 6.11E-02 TOTALS: 4.20E-02 MEAT INGESTION DOSE RATE (arem/ year) . Child _ Teenacer Adult Radionuclide Infant.

                                     -          2.76E-03     1.77E-03      2.24E-03 Co-60                                       3.08E-03     7.18E-03 Cs-137
                                      -         1.73E-03
                                      -         4.49E-03      4.85E-03     9.42E-03 TOTALS:

MEAT AND MILX INGESTION PATHWAY DOSE RATES (mrem / year) Infant - 4.22E-02 Child - 4.'80E-02 Teenager - 6.:'GE-02 Adult - 7.05E-02 III. CALCULATION OF VEGETABLE INGESTION PATHVAY EXPOSURE i A. Soe,cjfic e Assumptions

1. The WPOES permit issued to PBNP for the disposal of sewage sludge prohibits the growing of crops for human consumption for one year following the application of the sewage sludge.

Therefore, prior to planting vegetables Plowingon is the application assumed to uni-site, the soil would be plowed. formly six the top 6 inches of soil. O E-33

1 2. The soil density is assumed,to be 1.3 grams /cc3 h

3. All vegetables consumed by the individual of interest are Crown on the sludge applied acreage.

from Regulatory

4. Stable element transfer coefficients (8 4 Guide 1.109 are used to estimate the fral) ion of ra activity transfered from the soil to the vegetables.

t I Radionuclide iv Co-60 9.4E-03 Cs-137 1. 0E-02

5. The consu[nption factors of food medium (Ua ) and the mass basis i distributions from Regulatory Guide 1.109,pTable E-5 are used l

to determine annual censumption of vegetables. U,,by Age Group' Child Teen Adult Infant

                       -         283 kg/yr       340 kg/yr             280 kg/yr
                   " Based on 54% vegetable consumption by mass of fruit, vegetable, and grain.


6. The Ingestion Dese Factors by age group are from Regulatory Guide 1.109, Tables E-11, E-12. E-13, and E-14.

Whole Body Ingestion Po_se Factors (mrem /pci incested) Infant _ Child Teen Adult _ j Radionuclide 1.56E-05 6.'3E-06 3 4.72E-06 Co-60 2.55E-05 4.33E 05 4.62E-05 5.19E-05 7.14E-05 Cs-137

7. Radiological decay of the radionuclides applied to the plot is not taken into account in these calculations.

B. 5_uenary of Calculational Methodolg

1. The radionuclide concentration in the soil is calculated in units of pC1/kg based on uniform application over 5 acre plot, 2 plowing to a depth of 6 inches, and a soil density of 1.3 g/cm .
2. The B,y values are applied to the soil concentration values to obtai6 the radionuclide concentration in the vegetables.

3. for each age group are then used - The consumption factors (Uto o determine the annual ra8T)nuclide intake by ag to eating these vegetables. E-34


a .,

                                                                                             . ~,
4. Finally, the age dependent ingestion dose factors are used to obtain annual doses by age group.

C. Vecetable Pathway Incestion Oose Rate Calculations

1. Concentration in soil Concentration Activity Soil Volume Soil Mass In Soil Radionuclide Applied (uci) (cm3) Qg) (pCi/ko) ,

Co-60 13.2 3.08E+09 4.00E+06 3.30E+00 Cs-137 8.5 3.08E+09 4.00E+06 2.13E+00

2. Concentration in vegetables Concentration Concentration In In Vegetables 8

Radionuclig Soil (pCi/ko) iv (DCi/ko) Co-60 3.30E+00 9.4E-03 3.10E-02 Cs-137 2.13E+00 1.0E-02 2.13E-02

3. Calculated Dose Rates The dose rate for direct ingestion of vegetables grown on the sludge applied land is given by the equation.


  • 4D ,p) " EXP (-A$ t)
  • C9 where
                                 = consumption ate of food medius U'P O


                                 = radiological decay constant                         .

t = time between harvest and consumption Cg = concentration of radionuclide, i, in food medium. t, the time between harvest and ingestion, is assumed to be zero for this calculation. VEGETABLE INGESTION DOSE RATE (mrem / year) Radionuclide Infant Child Teen Adult 1.35E-04 6.G7E-05 4.10E-05 O Co-60 - Cs-137 - 2.76E-04 3.76C-04 4.26E-0^ TOTAL - 4.11E-04 4.43E-04 4.67E-04 E-35 M  :

                                        , . ' ^.                                                          .'
      ^    '
                                                                                ;        ; -      ,. 7,      .. . . , , .


1. The model used to determine the radionuclide concentration in air above the sludge applied land is taken from WASH-1400, 4 USNRC, Reactor Safety Study - An Assessment of Accident Risks in Cornercial Nuclear Pcrar Plants, Appendix VI.
2. The radionuclide concentration in air remains constant for year of interest, i.e., radiological decay and decrease in resuspension factor are not taken into account for this calculation.
3. The maximally exposed pesber of the general public is assumed to be the farmer using the plot of land with an occupancy of 64 hours per year.
4. The inadvertent intruder is assumed to occupy the plot of land for the entire year.
5. The Inhalation Dose Factors by age group are from Regulatory Guide 1.109. Tables E-7, E-8, E-9, and E-10.

VHOLE BODY INHALATION DOSE FACTORS (arem/pci inhaled) Radinnuclide Infant Child Teen Adult

  • Ca-60 8.41E-06 6.12E-06 2.48E-06 1.85E-06 Cs-137 3.25E-05 3.47E-05 3.89E-05 5'.35E-05 LUNG INHALATION DOSE FACTORS (aree/pCi inhaled)

I 1 Radionuclide Infant Child Teen Adult Co-60 3.22E-03 1.91E-03 1. 09E-03 7.46E-04 Cs-137 5.09E-05 2.81E-05 1. 51E-05 9.40E-06

6. The age dependent inhalation rates are obtained from Regulatory Guide 1.109, Table E-5.

Inhalation Rates (m3/yr) Infant Child Teen Adult 1400 3/00 3000 8000 E-36

                                                                              .. W e5 M4WgNR W F

E. Sumary of Calculational Methodoloqy

1. The ground plane radionuclide concentrations in pCi/m2
2. Calculate the resuspension factor utilizing equation given in WASH-1400. I
3. Obtain the radionuclide concentration in air (pC1/m2) above plot utilizing methodology in WASH-1400.
4. Using parameters contained in Regulatory Guide 1.109, calculate annual dose for continuous occupancy and for realistic. occupancy.

C. Inhalation of Resuspended Radionuclides in Air Pathway 00se Rate Calculations - Resuspension of Radionuclide in Air

1. Ground plane radionuclide concentration Ground Plane Ground Plane .

F.adionuclide Concentration (pci/ce2) Concentration (oCi/m2) Co-60 6.53E-08 6.53E+02 Cs-137 4.21E-08 4.21E+02 .

2. Calculation of resuspension factor, K (m )

Fr a WASH-1400, l K(t) = 1.0E-09 + 1.0E-05

  • EXP [-0.6763
  • t] ]

wh'ere t = time since radionuclides were deposited on ground surface. I t is assumed to be 0 for these calculations, thereby maximizing , the resuspension factor. l Therefore, K = 1.0E-05 a 1

3. Calculate radionuclide concentration (pCi/m3) in air.

From WASH-1400 K(a 1) = air concentration (pC1/m2) surf ace deposit (pCi/m2) or _1 Air Concentration (pCi/m3) = surf ace deposit (pCi/m2) " K(m ) AIR CONCENTRATIONS l Radionuclide Air Concentrations (pti/m2) i O Co-60 6.53E-03 4.21E-03 Cs-137 E-37

                                          . . .. ? .
  • LJ ]
                                    ~            -   .             . _ _ _ _ _ -
4. Dose Rate Calculations l

Dose Rate (ares /yr) = Inhalation Rate (m3/yr)

  • Air Conc. (pCi/m3)
  • l Dose Conversion Factor (ares /pci) j WOLE BODY INHALATION DOSE RATE (arem/ year)-

Infant Child Teen Adult. Radionuclide 7.69E-05 1.48E-04 1. 30E-04 9.66E-05 Co-60 1.80E-03 1.92E-04 5.41E-04 1.31E-03 Cs-137 6.89E-04 1.44E-03 1.90E-03 TOTAL 2.69E-04 LUNG INHALATION DOSE RATE (area /yearl Radionuclide Infant Child Teen A u 2.94E-02 4.61E-02 5.69E-02 3.L0E-02 Co-60 3.17E-04 3.00E-04 4.3SE-04 5.09E-04 Cs-137 ' 2.97E-02 4.65E-02 5.74E-02 3.93E-02 TOTAL INHALATION OF RESUSPENDED RADIONUCLIDES IN All DOSE RATES WOLE BODY 005E RATE (ares / year) Chi)d _ Teen Adult Occupancy _ Infant _

                                                                                                                       -                   l 6.89E-04                1.48-03                 1.90E-03 Continuous          2.69E-04 5.03E-06                1.05E-05 '              1.39E-05 Realistic           1.96E-06 LUNG DOSE RATE (area / year)

Infant Child Teen Adult Occupancy 2.97E-02 4.65E-02 5.74E-02 3.93E-02 Continuous 2.87E-04 2.17E-04 3.39E-04 4.19E-04 Realistic I V. cal.CULATION OF WOLE BODY EXF050RES OUE TO RELEASE TO LAKE HICNIGAN A. Specific Assumptions I 1. The methodology contained in the PBNP Offsite Oose Calculation Manual (00CH) is usad to perfore this calculation. E-38

l O 2. The entire activity contained in the sludge is released into Lake Michigan. f I 3. The exposure pathways addressed by the ODCM methodology are ingestion of potable water from Two Rivers, WI water supply, ingestion of fish at edge of initial mixing zone, ingestion of  ; fresh and stored vegetables, irrigated with Lake M ' Lake Michigan as drinking water source, swinning B. Summary of Calculational Methodology 1. The activity released in the sludge is converted into - Co-60 dose equivalent Curies. 2. The annual design release limit from the ODCM is 94.7 Co-60 equivalent curies. 3. The annual design release limit is based on a limiting dosa The annual dose due to sewage of 6 mres adult whole body. sludge is calculated by a ratio of calculated release compared to release limit. . C. Whale Body Excesure Calculations

1. Co-60 equivalent Curies  ;

Co-60 eq. Activity Activity (pCi) 0Fi /0F Co-60 Radionuclide (pCl) l 1.00E+00 13.2 Co 60 13.2 128.4 8.5 1.51E+01 Cs-137 TOTAL 141.6pci Co-60 equivalent 2. Ratio of dose limit to annual design release limit 6 aree 94.7 Co-60 equivalent curies

3. Whole Body Dose Calculation Dose = 6 mrem T41.6pci 94.7x10*pCI Dose = 8.97E-06 stem O VHOLE BODY DOSE RME (mrem / year)


  . ...~.,..._ - ,.


l Dose SUrNAkY , Maximally Exposed Individual The identified credible exposure pathways for the maximally exposed individual Ol are: 1.) External exposure from ground plane source (realistic occupancy) 2.) Milk ingestion pathway 3.) Meat ingestion pathway 4.) Vegetable ingestion pathway 5.) Resuspension inhalation pathway (realistic occupancy) 6.) Pathwa.vs identified due to release to Lake Michigan. AGE GROUP Pathway , Infant Child Teen Adult

8. 23E-04 8.23E-04 8.23E-04 8. 23E-04 External 6.11E-02 Milk 4.20E-02 4.35E-02 5.77E-02 Heat - 4.49E-03 4.85E-03 9.42E-03 Vegetable - 4.11E-04 4.43E-04 4.67E-04 Inhalation 1.96E-06 5.03E-06 1.05E-05 1.39E-05 Water 8.97E-06 8.97E-06 8.97E-06 8.97E-05 TOTAL: 0.043 0.049 0.064 0.072 (area / year) . ,

inadvertent Intreder f The identified credible exposure pathways for the inadvertent intruder are: 1.) sixternal exposure frois ground plane source (continuous occupancy) 2.) Vegetable ingestion pathway 3.) Resuspension inhalation pathway (continuous occupancy) 4.) Pathways identified due to release to Lake Michigan. _ AGE GROUP Pathway Infant Child __ Teen Adult External 1.13E-01 1.13E-01 1.13E-01 1.13E-01 Vegetable - 4.11E-04 4. 43E-04 4.67E-04 l Inhalation 2.96E-04 6.89E-04 1.44E-03 1.90E-03 i Water 8.97E-06 8.97E-06 B.97E-06 8. 97 E-06 TOTAL: 0.113 0.114 0.115 0.115 (area / year) Reviewing these tables, the calculated limiting doses for both the maximally exposed ir.dividual and the inadvertent intruder occur for the adult age group. These doses are: Maximally Exposed Individual: 0.072 mrem / year Inadvertent Intruder: 0.115 mres/ year E-40 "


l identified six different Analyses of previously disposed sewage sludge haveAll six radionuclid radionuclides in the sludge.Therefore, it is difficult determine a disposal. limit for regulating the disposal of the sludged from the storage based on d To provide a basis to regulate the disposal of the H C 4 1 9f0 y .1 ^ MF{ I where . N = number of different radionuclides identified in the sewage sludge. C = concentration of the ith radionuclide in the 9 sewage sludge. MPC 9 =sewage the sludge, MPCasvalue listed in of thePart 10 CFR ith20radionuclide in the Appendix B, Table II, Coluen 2. d If this criteria is oe't, the sewage sludge may be idisposed t of by l ing provided the dose calculations (as identified in Appendix E) dose rates within the prescribed limits. ie The attachment to this Appendix detafis The calcul. onsperformed calculations are to CFR Part 20,


doses from four radionuclides identified in the sludge. Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 valves. in Appendix E along with the exposure pathways identified la A These calculations indicatei tethe use of this 1 faits. determine the dose rates. methodology will maintain radiation ltddoses within t The maximum allowable activity disposed of per year II, Column per 2, acre is ca


utilizing 10% of the MFC value, 10 CFR Part 20, Appen for Co-58. Then, 3.785.43 cc/ gallon 1.0E-05 pCi/cc

  • 4,000 gallons / acre / year x
                           = 151.4 pCl/ acre / year 1                                                                                                   01 J

l _ l O Cs -134 I Concentration in Sludge: 9.0E-07 sti/ml l I Concentration Activity Ground Plane Sludge Volume . Concentration (uCi/cm2) (cm3) (pCi/cm3) (uti) (Gallons) 9.00E-07 5.11E+01 2.53E-07 15000 5.68E+07' External Exposure y Dose Factor Ground Plane Concertration Y Dose Rate (oCi/m2) (arem/ year) (mrem /hr. per DCi/m2)

1. 20E-08 2.53E+03 2.66E-01 f Continuous Occupancy: 2.66E-01 stes/ year Realistic Occupancy: 1.94E-03 ares / year Heat & Milk Pathway ,

Activity in Activity in Concentration in Concentration in Concentration Meat (pCi/ko) in soil (pci) Feed (uti) Feed (pCl/Kg) Milk (DCi/1) 2.75E+01 1.65E+01 5.50E+00 l 5.22E+01 5.11E-01 Milk Dose Rates (arem/ year) Child Teenager Adult

                 .             Inf ant __

3.87E-01 4.41E-01 6.03E-01 6.19E-01 Meat Oose Rate (aree/ year) Infant Child _ Teenacer Adult

                                    -             1.83E-02        3. 27 E-02     7.32E-02 Vegetable Pathway Soil Hass        Concentration             Concentration Activity        Soil Volume                         in Soil (pci/Ko)       in Vecttables (pCi/Kg)

(pCi) (Cm2) (Kg) 4.00E+06 1.28E+01 1.28E-01 5.11E+01 3.08E+09 0 4 E-43

1 Vegetable Pathway Oose Rates ('arem/ year) Child __ Teenacer Adult O Infant

                              -         2.90E-03          3.98E-03          4.34E-03 Inhalation Pathway Ground Plane                      K          Air Concentration (m 3)             (pC1/m3)

Concentration (pCi/,2) 2.53E-02 f 2.53E+03 1.0E-05 l Inhalation Pathway Dose Rates (area / year) Infant Child _ Teenacer Aoult 1.88E-03 5.68E-03 1.39E-02 3.84E-02 Continuous occupancy 1. 35E-04 Realistic Occupancy 1.38E-05 4.15E-05 1.01E-04 , I Release to Lake Michican , Activity DF9fDF Co-60 eq. activity Co-60 (uci) (uti) 5.11E+01 2.56E+01 1.31E+03 6 stem , 1.31E+03 1 Ci 1 = 8.29E-05 arem 94.7 C1 1.0E+06 pC1 Maximally Exposed Individual Infant Child Teenacer Adult 1.94E-03 1.94E-03 1.94E-03 1.94E-03

                  ' External                                                           6.19E-01 Milk               3.87E-01          4.41E-01        6.03E-01
                                            -           1.83E-02        3.27E-02       7.32E-02 Meat                                                                4.34E-03 Vegetable               -           2.90E-03        3.98E-03 1.38E-05          4.15E-05        1.01E-04       1.35E-04 Inhalation                                          82 29E-05      8.29E-05 Water             8.29E-05          8.29E-05 4.64E-01         6.42E-01       6.99E-01 Totals:    3.89E-01 Inadvertent Intruder Infant _          2hild _        Teenacer        Adult 2.66E-01          2.66E-01        2 66E-01       2.66E-01 External                                                          4.34E-03 Vegetable              ,-          2.90E-03        3.98E-03 1.88E-03          5.68E-03        1.39E-02       1.84E-02 Inhalation                                         8.29E-05       8.29E-05 Water            8. 29 E-05        8.29E-05 Totals:    2.68E-01          2.75E-01        2.04E-01       2.89E-01 E-44 7 . - --

O V Cs-137 Concentration in Sludge: 2.0E-06 pC1/s1 Sludge Volume Concentration Activity Ground Plane (pci/cm2) (pC1) Concentration (pCi/cm2) (Gallons) (cm3) _ 5.68E+07 2.00E-06 1.14E+02 5.62E-07 15000 Exterr.) Exposure y Dose Factor Ground Plane Concentration y Dose Rate (mrem /hr. per pCi/m2) (pC1/a2) (ares / year) 4.20E-09 5.62E+03 2.07E-01 Continuous occupancy: 2.07E-01 ares / year Realistic Occupancy: 1.51E-03 aren/ year Heat & Milk Pat @,

    ^'    Activity in Activity in Concentration in Concentration in Concentration                   Heat (pCi/ko) in Soil (pCi)          Feed (pCil         Feed (pCi/Xo)                Hilk (pC1/2) 1.14E+02             1.14E+00              6l13E+01                   3.68E+01               1.23E+01 Milk Dose Rates (ares / year)

Infant Dild Teenacer Adult 5.26E-00 5'. 61E-01 ' 7.64E-01 8.15E-01 Heat Oose Rate (area / year) Infant Child Teenacer Adult 2.33E-02 4.15E-02 9.56E-02 Vegetable Pathway Activity Soil Volume Soil Mass Concentration Concentration (pCi) (Cm3) (Ko) in Soil (pCi/Xo) in Vegetables (pCi/Ko) 1.14E+02 3.08E+09 4.00E+06 2.85E+01 2.85E-01 E-45

                                                        . ~ . . ; ,L  . L.  ..    :* .. .:.. _.    ;      .. _-      .

C __

Vegetable Pathay Dose Rates (crem/ year) Child Teenacer Adult Infant 5.03E-03 5.70E-03 3.69E-03 O Inhalation Pathway K - Air Concentration  ! Ground Plane > Concentration (pCi/m2) (m~3 ) (pCi/m3) - 5.62E+03 1.0E-05 5. 62E-02 l l ~ Inhalation Pathway Dose Rates (ares / year) Infant Child .Teenagar Adult f 1 Continuous occupancy 2. 56E-03 7.22E-03 1.75E-02 2.41E-02 ( Realistic Occupancy 1.87E-05 5.27E-05 1.28E-04 1.76E 04 l Release to take Michigan Activity DFg /0F Co-60 Co-60 eq. activity (pCi) (uci) . 1.14E+02 1.51E+01 1.72E+03 6 mrem, . 1.72E+03 , 1 Ci = 1.09E-04 mrem 94.7 C1 1.0E+06 pC1 Maximally Exposed Individual Infant Child Teenager Adult External 1.51E-03 1.51E-03 1.51E-03 1.51E-03 Milk 5.26E-01 5.61E-01 7.64E-01 8.15E-01 Heat - 2.33E-02 e.15E-02 5.70E-03 Vegetable - 3.69E-03 5.03E-03 5.70E-03 Inhalation 1.87E-05 5.27E-05 1.28E-04 1.76E-04 Water 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Totals: 5.28E-01 5.90E-01 8.12E-01 9.19E-01 Inadvertent Intruder Infant _ Child Teenager Adult External 2.07E-01 2. 07 E-01 2.07E-01 2.07E-01 I Vegetable - 3.69E-03 5.03E-03 5.70E-03 Inhalation 2.56E-03 7.22E-03 1.75E-02 2.41E-02 Water 1.09E-04' 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Totals: 2.10E-01 2.18E-01 2.30E-01 2.37E-01 l E-46

                                                      .1      .


                                                                                                                   'l l

O Co -58 1.00E-05 9Ci/m1 Concentration in Sludge: Activity Ground Plane Sludge Volume Concentration (pCl) Concentration (pCi/cm2) (pCi/ cal)_ (Gallons) (em3 ) _ 2.81E-06 1.00E-05 5.68E+02 15000 5.68E+07 External Exposuit y Dose Rate y Dose Factor Ground Plane Concentration (prem/ year) (pCi/m2) (arem/hr. Der pCi/m2) 1.72E+00 2.81E+04 7.00E-09

                                                        ' 1.72E+00 ares / year Continuous occupancy:

1.26E-02 ares / year Realistic Occupancy: Meat & Milk Pathway , Activity in Activity in Feed Concentration (pCi/Kg) _ in Concentration Milk (pCi/1) in Concentration in Meat (pCi/ko) Soil (pCi)__ Feed (pcil__ 1.44E+01 1.87E*02 5.34E*00 2.87E+02 5.68E+02 Milk Oose Rates (ares / year)_ Child _ Teenager Adult _ Infant _ 1.29E-02 7.45E-03 4.27E-02 2.62E-02 Meat Dose Rate (aree/ year) Teenacer Adult Infant Child _ _ 2.72E-02 3.44E-02

                                  -             4. 22E-02 Vegetable Pathway Concentration                Concentration Activity    Soil Volume          Soil Mass      in Soil (pci/Ko)         in Vegetables (pCi/Kg)

(Cm*) (Xq) _ (pCl) _ 1.42E-04 1.33E+00 3.08E+09 4.0rE+06 5.68E+02 O E-47


Yegetable Pathway Dose Rates (crem/ year) - Infant Child Teenager Adult 2.05E-03 1.01E-03 6. 22E-04 Inhalation Pathway Ground Plane K Air Concentration Concentration (oCi/m2) (m'2 ) (DCi/m3) 2.81E+04 1. 0E-05 2.81E-01 , Inhalation Pathway Dose Rates (aree/yeat-) Infant _ Child Teenager Adult' Continuous Occupancy 5.11E-04 S.89E-04 7. 80E-04 5.82E-04 Realistic Occupancy 3.74E-06 6.49E-06 5.70E-06 4.25E-06 Release __to. Lake Michigan Activity 0Fj /0F Co-60 Co-60 eq. activity (uti) (pci) 5.68E+02 3.54E-01 2.01E+02 6 stem 2.01E+02 pCi

  • 1 Ci 94.7 Ci 1.0E+06 pCi = 1.27E-05 arem Maximally Exposed Individual Infant Child Tee,$ager Adult External 1.26E-02 1.26E-02 1.26E-02 1.26E-02 Milk 4.27E-02 2.62E-02 1.29E-02 7.45E-03 Meat -

4.22E-02 2.72E-02 3.44E-02 Vegetable - 2.05E-03 1.01E-03 6.22E-04 Inhalation 3.74E-06 6.49E-06 5.70E-06 4.25E-06 Water 1.27E-05 1.27E-05 1.27E-05 1.27E-05 Totals: 5.53E-02 8.31E-02 5.37E-02 5.51E-02 Inadvertent Intruder Infant Child Teenager Adult External 1.72E+00 1.72E+00 1.72E+00 1.72E+00 Vegetable 2.05E-03 & 1.01E-03 6.22E-04 Inhalation Water 5.11E-04 1.27E-05 8.89E-04 1.27E 05 7.80E-04 5.82E-04 W 1.27E-05 1.27E-05 Totals: 1.72E+00 1.72E+00 1.72E+0D 1.72E+00 i E-48 {

= ==  :---- - ~~ ]

g Co-60 Concentration in Sludge: 5.0E-06 pCi/m1 Sludge Volume Concentration Activity Ground Plane (en2) (pCi/cm2) (pCi) Concentration (uti/cm2) (Gallons) 1.41E-06


15000 5.68E+07 5.00E-06 '2.84E+02 l l External Exposure y Dose Factor Ground Plane Concentration y Dose Rate (mrem /hr. per pCi/m2) (oci/m2) (ares / year) 1.70E-08 1.41E+04 2.09E+00 Continuous occupancy: 2.09E+00 area / year Realistic Occupancy: 1.53E-02 ares / year Heat & Milk Pathway Activity in Activity in Concentration in Concentration in Concentration Meat (pCi/ko) in Soil (pCi) Feed (pC1) Feed (pCi/Kg) Milk (DCi/1) 2.67E+00 1.44E+02 7.18E+00 9.33E+01 2.84E+02 Milk Dose Rates (aren/ year) Infant Child Teenager Adult 6.04E-02 3.70E-02 1.82E-02 1.05E-02 Meat Oose Rate (area / year) Infant Ct.ild Teenager Adult 5.97E-02 3.84E-02 4.84E-02 Vegetable Pathway Activity Soil Volume Soil Mass Concentration Concentration in Soil (pCi/Ka) in Vegetables (pCi/V1) (uti) (Cm3) (Ko) 2.B4E+02 3.08E+09 4.00E+06 7.10E+01 6.67E-01 O E-49

l Vegetable Pathway Duse Rates (arem/ year) l Child Teenager Adult infant 3

                                        -          2.91E-03          1.44E-03         8.82E-04 Inhalation Fathway Ground Plane                       X           Air Concentration concentration (pci/m2)                      (m'i)              (pci/m2) 1.41E+04                    1.0E-05             1.41E-01 Inhalation Pathway Dose Rates (ares / year)

Infant Child Teenacer Adult 1.66E-03 3.19E-03 2.80E-03 2.09E-03 Continuous Occupancy 1.53E-05 Ret.listic Occupancy 1. 21E-05 2.33E-05 2.05E-05 Release to Love,Michloan Activity 0F4/DF Co-60 Cr eq. activity (pci) g i) ,


6 mrem 2.84E+02pCi . 1 Ci = 1.80E-05 aren 94.7 C1 1.0E+06 pCi Maximally Exposed Individual Infant Child _ Teenager Adult

1. 53E-02 1.53E-02 1.53E-02 1.53E-0?

External 1.82E-02 1. 05E-02 Milk 6.04E-02 3.70E-02

                                                      -            5.97E-02       3.84E-02       4.84E-02 Heat                                                                 8.82E-04 Vegetable                 -            2.91E-03       1.44E-03 1.21E-05           2.33E-05        2.05E-05      1.53E-05 Inhalation                                            1. 80E-05     3.80E-05 Water               1.80E-05          1.80E-05 Totals:     7. 57E-02         1.15E-01        7.34E-02      7.51E-02 Inadvertent Intruder Infant            Child         Teenager        Adult 2.09E+00          2.09E+00       2.09E+00       2.09E+00 External                                                            8.82E-04 Vegstable                 -

2.91E-03 1.44E-03 3.19E-03 2.80E-03 2.09E-03 Inhalation 1.66E-03 1.80E-03 Water 1.80E-05 1,80E-05 1.80E-03 Totals: 2.09E+00 2.10E+00 2.10E+00 2.09E+00 E-50 . . . . . . , . . . . _ 4


     - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _                                                  -~ ----    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l Wisconsin Electric utilizes QAD, a nationallyThe recognized computer code, to QAD computer code utilizes a perform shielding and cose rate analyses. point kernel methodology to calculate the dose rate at a specified point due to a given source of' radiation. QAD will be used to calculate the dose rate due to standing on a plot of land utilized for sludge disposal after the radionuclides have been incorporated l l into the plot by plowing. The following parameters will be used in the calculation:

  • The total Activity from all previous disposals will be corrected for radiological decay and used as the radio- )

nuclide source term.

  • Appropriate values will be used to represent the surface area of the plot.
  • The radionuclides uill be assumed to be incorporated uniformly into the top six inches of soil. .
  • The dose rate will be calculated at a height of I seter above the ground plane at a depth of 5 centimeters in tissue. (Regulatory Guide 1.109 values).
  • The density of the soil will be assumed to be 1.3 grams /

cubic centimeter. This calculated dose rate will be used to assess the radiological consequences of past disposals in conjunction with the consequences of proposed future disposals. The total radiological dose consequence of the past and the pro-posed disposal will be compared to the applicable limits to insure the dose is maintained at or below the Ifmits. 91 E-52

 ' " '- ----                                  --a w,. . , y m,_                                                ,

gr ODChl NUCLEAR POWER BUdi ..SS UNIT SIAJOR l O/FSITE DOSE CALCULATION N1ANUAL Revision 11 August 26.1998 i . OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION hlANUAL I r l v j APPENIO.? l i hiodifications ta the Wisconsin Electric submittal to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission dated October 8.1987 (VPNPD-87-430. NRC-87-104). Disposal by Land Application of Sewage Sludge Containing hiinute Quantities of Radioactive hiaterial. l l l ~k i I t l l l Page F-1

ODCM NbCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT MAJOR l OF/ SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision 11 August 26.1998 i OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Modificathn #1 to NRC Submittal CHANGE TO ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL l Section 3.2, Disposal Procedure (page 3) Section 3.3, Administrative Procedure (page 4) The. requirements .for sludge characterization (the determination of the chemical and physical properties of the sludge) contained in the secticns referenced a;ove are modified to allow characterization of the sludge on an annual basis. BASIS / EXPLANATION The October 8,1987 submittal to the USNRC for permission to dispose of sewage treatment sludge containing minute quantities of radioactive material requires that, " prior to disposal the waste stream will be monitored to determine the physical and chemical properties of the sludge. ...

                                                                "   Subsequent to the sub-mitral and the approval by the NRC, a new Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permit was issued to the Point Beach Nuclear Plant by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources on November 50, 1988. Both the new WPDES permit and the Point Beach Nuclear Plant Sludge Management Plan specify an annual required frequency for the evaluation of the sludge characteristics.

The original requirerent to perform the characterization of the chemical and physical properties of the sewage sludge prior to each disposal has proven time consuming r.nd costly for Wisconsin Electric Lab Services. Preparation of special analytical standards are required ta :omplete the characterization study. The preparation of these standards, sample preparation, and the actual  ! analyses are all manpower intensive and difficult to perform on a timely ) basis. This has led to requirir.g overtime for Lab Services personnel and l support from outside companies. In order to better utilize the resources of j Lab Service.s while mainteining the requireisents of the WPDES permit, the  ; frequency of sludge characterization in the October 8,1987 subtr.ittal to the { NRC should be changed to an annual requirement. - q This change in the required frequency for determination of the sludge characteristics does not change the requirement to analyze the sewage sludge for radienuclida content or perform dose ev31uations ' prior to each disposal. i 1 3 i 1 i l' age F-2  !


l ODCM -l NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT MAJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Revision 1I OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 CF APPENDlX G 1 1 Modifications to the Wisconsin Electric submittal to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission dated October 8.1987 (VPNPD-87-430, NRC-87-104). Disposal by Land , Application of Sewage Sludge Containing Minute Quantities of Radioactive Material. ) l l O O Page G-1

L_ 1 ODCM NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT MAJOR Revision 11 l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL August 26,1998 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Modification #2 CH ANGE TO ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL l Section 3.3, Administrative Procedures (Page E-10) The limitation on the annual volume of sludge disposal i per fthisacre cont referenced above is modified to allow unlimited disposal provided the ot submittal are met. BASIS / EXPLANATION The October 8,1987, submittal to the USNRC for permission l disposal rateto dispos sludge containing minute quantities of radioactive li i chemical composition, NRC dose guidelines, and concentration and activity m maintained within the appropriate values. The original requirement to limit ewage sludge disposal i to 4,000 assumption that the sewage sludge is contaminated withdisposal Co-58 at a percent of the 10 CFR Part 20 Appendix BdTable experience has shown that the sludge may or may not ifit is, at 2 Column 2 va be contaminated disposal. g'a j concentrations far below ten percent of the perfo h of spent fuel, this requirement is limiting our ability to dispose of the remaining approved land spread sites. This removal of the annual volume of sewage sludge thatldmayf be dispose approved land spread sites does not change the requirement to an radionuclide conter.t or perfonn dose evaluations prior to each'. 4posal. This change was evaluated under SER 95-057, " Removal oflice With Sewage Sludge Disposal," 4/20/95. l l I e Page G 2


  • Depth to grounhater and bedrock shall be greater than 3 feet frem the land surface elevation during use of any site.
  • Sludge shall not be land spread in a floodway.
  • Sludge shall not be land spred within 50 feet of a property line road i or ditch unless the sludge is incorporated with the soil, in which l case a minimum separation distance of at least 25 feet is required.
  • The' pH of the sludge-soil mixture shall be maintained at 6.5 or higher.
  • Low areas of the approved fields, subject to seasonally high ground-water levels, are excluded from the sludge application. L;
  • Crops for human consumption sna11 not be grown on the land for up to ,

one year following the application of the sludge.

  • The sludge shall bt plowed, disked, injected or otherwise incorporated into the surface soil layer at appropriate intervals. i l

The flexibility implied in the latter provision for soil incorporation is intended to allow for crops which require more than a one year cycle. For the Point Beach disposal sites, alfalfa is a coernon crop which is Q Q harvested for several years af ter a single planting. Sludge disposal on an alfalfa plot ccnstitutes good fertilization, but the plot cannot be , plowed without destroying the crep. The alfalfa in this case aids in 1 binding the layer of sludge on the surface of the plot. At a minimum, 1 however, plowing (or disking or other method of injection and mixing to a nominal depth of 6 inches) shall be done prict to planting any new crop, regardless of the crop. 3.3 Administrative Procedures Complete ree"Js of each disposal will be maintained. These records will include the concentration of radionuclices in the sludge, the l total volume of sludge disposed, the total activity, the plot on which the sludge was applied, the results of the chemical composition detereinations, and all dose calculations. Steh . The anngal disposal rate for each of the approved land spread sites i w i l l be ' Hetted * ' ^^^ - ' - - '- --- provided WDNR chemical composi- l tion, NRC dose pidelines, and concentration and activity limits are maintained withh. the appropriate values. The farmer leasing the site wed for the disposal will be notified of the applicable restrictions placed on the site due to the land spreading of sewage sludge. 4.0 Evaluation of Environmental Impact 4.1 Site Characteristics 4.1.1 Site Topocraphy p The disposal sites are located in the Town of Two Creeks in i V j the northeast corner of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, on the E-10 I l' age G 3 .! J L -

o ODCN1 ) l NUCLEAR POWER BUSINESS UNIT NIAJOR l OFFSITE DOSE CALCULAflON S1ANUAL Revision iI August 26,1998 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION h1ANUAL 9 APPENDlX 11 h!odificatio is to the Wisconsin Electric submittal to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission dated October S.1987 (VPNPD-87-430, NRC-87-104) Disposal by Land Application of Sewage Sludge Containing Niinute Quantities of Radioactive Material. l 9 ) f e Page Il.!

                                                    -             -----_____-_--____D




      -   OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL                                                                        ,_

v\ Modification #3 to NRC Submittal Chance to Oricinal Submittal Section 3.2 of Attachment 11 of the October 8,1987 letter to the NRC contains the commitment to perform a gamma isotopic analysis of sewage sludge samples prior to every sludge disposal on land surrounding PBNP. The analytical results are to be used to evaluate the dose consequences of the radionuclides entering the environment via this disposal pathway. As described in ODCM Section 7, the requirement for a radioisotopic analysis of the sewage sludge prior to every disposal on land surrounding PBNP is modified if the sludge has been shown to be clean and there is no reason to believe that the sludge is contaminated. Basis /Exclanation Small pCi quantities of PBNP licensed materials (Co-58/60, Cs-134/137, Cr-51, and Mn-54) were found in PBNP sewage treatment plant (STP) sludge. Pursuant to of 10 CFR 20.302(a). Wisconsin Electric applied to the NRC for permission to dispose of the iicensed material by applying the sludge to Wisconsin Electric land surrounding PBNP. In the Octaber 8,1987 application letter, Wisconsin (V] Electric commi ted to gamma isotopic analysis of the sludge prior to every disposal in order to evaluate the dose consequences of this disposal and to compare radionalide concentrations to the 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, maximum eftluent concentrations. However, such analyses are not required if the sludge does not contain licensed material. If there is ao reason to believe that the sludge is contaminated and if tnere is no pathway from the RCA to the ST P. then there is no reason to analyze the sludge for radionuclides once it has been shown to be clean. Administrative controls and engineering modifications to PBNP have removed the pathway from the RCA to the STP as verified by subsequent analyses of the sludge under conditions required to ebtain the environmental LLDs. These analyses have not revealed radionuclides attributable to PBNP. Pursuant to NRC HPPOS-221, a substance is clean if analyses under analytical y arameters necessary to achieve the environmental LLDs does not reveal any licensed material. These LLDs define how hard you have to look. Below this detection level,

                . . .the probability of undetected radioactivity is negligible and can be disregarded when considering the practicality of detecting such potential radioactivity from natural background. . ." (Docket No. 50-206, letter to J. E. Dyer from L. J. Cunningham dated September 6,1991). Therefore the NRC criteria are met and there is no longer any reason to believe that the STP sludge is contaminated. However if plant l

l conditions should change in a manner compromising the NRC criteria, radiological analysis must be made prior to each STP sludge land enlication until such time that the clean criteria are satisfied pursuant to subsequent NRC guidance. i-O lV Page 11-2 L _ _ ________ o _}}