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Proposed Tech Specs Re Licensed Power Level for Plant
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/22/1996
Shared Package
ML20117D261 List:
NUDOCS 9608280227
Download: ML20117D265 (1)



15184 MWt and 80 percent load factor.(2) This maximum fluence is the exposure expected at the inner reactor vessel wall. However, the neutron fluence used to predict the ARTuor hift is the one-s quarter shell thickness neutron exposure. The relationship between fluence at the vessel ID wall and the fluence at the one-quarter and three-quarter shell thickness locations is as presented in Regulatory Guide 1.99 Revision 2, " Radiation Damage to Reactor Vessel Materials." (Reference 6)

Once the fluence is determined, the adjusted reference temperature used in revising the heatup and cooldown curves is obtained by utilizing the method in Section 1.1 of Regulatory Guide 1.99 Revision 2 (Reference 6) for the limiting weld material of both Unit I and Unit 2.

The heatup and cooldown curves presented in Figure 15.3.1-1 and 15.3.1-2 were calculated based on the above inf armation and the methods of ASME Code Section III (1974 Edition), Appendix G,

" Protection Against Nonductile Failure", and are applicable up to the operational exposure indicated on the figures, j

The regulations governing the pressure-temperature limits (10 CFR 50 - Appendix G and ASME Code Section 111 - Appendix G) do not require additional margins for instrumentation uncertainties be added to the heatup and cooldown curves. This is because the inclusion ofinstrumentation uncertainties, in addition to other conservatisms in the methods for calculating the pressure temperature limits, is not necessary to protect the vessel from damage.

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l Unit 1 - Amendment No.-M8 15.3.1-7 March 20,1996 Unit 2 - Amendment No.172 9608280227 960822 PDR ADOCK 05000256 l

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