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Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Sections 15.3.6, Containment Sys bases,15.3.12 CREFS Including bases,15.4.4 Containment Tests bases,15.4.11 CREFS Including Bases, 15.6.8 Plant Operating Procedures & 15.6.12
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/26/1998
Shared Package
ML20203K935 List:
NUDOCS 9803050290
Download: ML20203K957 (13)


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

ATTACllMENT 4 Edited Technical Specifications Pages I

15.3.6-9 15.3.12 1 l

15.3.12 2 15.3.12 3 15.3.12-4 15.4.4-6 15.4.4 7 15.4.11-1 15.4.11 2 15.4.113 15.6.8 3 15.6.12-1 I

b l


9800050290 900226 PDR ADOCK 05000266 PDR

Basis Specification 15.i5.A.1 The Reactar Coolant System conditions of cold shutdown assure that no steam will be formed and hence there would be no pressure buildup in the containment if the Reactor Coolant System ruptures.

Specification 15.3.6.A.I.a.

The safety design basis for the containment is that the containment must withstand the pressures and temperatures of the design basis LOCA without exceeding the design leakage rate. The

] design allowable leakage rate (L.) is 4:4Q% of containment air weight per day at 60 psig (P.).'"

Containment operability is maintained by limiting the overall containment leakage rate to within the design allowable leakage rate (L.). Prior to the first startup after perfenning a required Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program leakage test, however, the applicable leakage limits specified in TS 15.6.12.D.2 must be met. Compliance with Specificatbn 15.3.6.A.l.a. will ensure a containment conf'guration that is structurally sound and that will limit leakage to those leakage rates assumed in the safety analysis.

i If penetration or air lock leakage results in exceeding L., Specification 15.3.6.A.l.a. shall be entered simultaneously with the LCO applicable to the penetration or air lock with the excessive i

I leakage. Once the overall containment leakage rate is rc. ored to less than L,, Specification 15.3.6.A.l.a. may be exited and operation continued in accordance with the applicable LCO.

Specification 15.3.6.A.I.a.(1) in the event the containment is inoperable, containment must be restored to operabie status within one hour. The one hour completion time provides a period of time to correct the problem commensun.te with the importance of maintaining containment integrity during plant operation.

This time period also ensures that the probability of an accident (requiring containment integrity) occurring during periods when containment is inoperable is minimal.

Unit 1 - Amendment 15.3.6-9 Unit 2 - Amend.aent I


4 15.3.12 CONTROL ROOM EMEROENCY FILTRATION AND PRIMARY AUXILIARY 11UllDINO EXilAUST FILTRATION Apolicability Applies to the operability of the control room emergency filtration and the nrimarv auxillarv buildine exhnust filtration.

Objective To specify functional requirements of the control room emergency filtration when reactor coolant temperature is >200*F. during pc er cgrai.; nd refueling operation or during movement of itradiated fuel and to specify the functional reouireme

.m of the primary auxiliary building exhaust j}1tration when reactor coolant temperature is >200'F, Specifictition

44. Except as specified in belme, the control room emergency filtration system sh ill be operable at all times when reactor coolant temperature is >200'F ii:g pe=r oper:9:

and during. refueling operation of eithw unit and durine movement ofirradiated fuel.

31 a.

The results ofin place cold DOP and halogenated hydrocarbon tests, conducted in accordance with Specification 15.4.11, on HEPA filter and charcoal adsorber banks shall show a minimum of 9935W% DOP removal and 9193W% halogenated hydrocarbon

removal, b.

The results oflaboratory charcoal adsorbent tests, conducted in accordance with Specification 15.4.11, shall show a minimum of 91dW% removal of methyl lodide. If laboratory analysis results for in place charcoal indicate less than 913W% methyl iodide removal, this specification may be met by replacement with charcoal adsorbent which has been verified to achieve 91dW% minimum removal and which has been stored in scaled containers, and retesting the charcoal adsorber bank for halogenated hydrocarbon removal.




The results of fan tc ting, conducted in accordance with specification 15.4.11, shall show c.

emergency filter fan flow ep=&n within *10% of design flow.

Unit 1 Amendment 15.3.12 1 Unit 2 - Amendment o

LTwo emercency nlter fans. two rechrula1UtLfgrLt required ducts and reautred damners bli be onerable.


From the date that the control room emergency filtration is made or found to be inoperable, reactor operation. reactor coolant temnerature >200'F or refueling operation of either unit,and movement ofirradiated fuel may be continued only during the succeeding seven days, unless the system is sooner made operable. System operability can be restored by niacing all inoperable ducts and dampers in a condition such that the system will function automst!cally as I,cquirril 43, if the conditions of 15.3.12 GA.2 cannot be met, the epdng reactor (s) shall be brought to cold shutdown conditions within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. movement ofirradiated fqd and refueling operations shall be terminated as soon as practicable.


Except as speelned in 15.3.12 B 2 below. the required controlmom emergency nitration actuntion instrumentation shnll be operable at all times when reactor c alant temperaturg_is

>200'F and during refuding operation of either unit and during movement ofirradiated fuel.


The required control room emergency Gltration actuation instrumsrMalion consists of the followine Manual initiation of emergency Gltration mode, a.

AND b.

One radiation monitor:

(1) ControiJonadadiaim area monitor RE-101 trip setpoint <2 mR/hr (2) Control Room Noble Gas monitor RE 235 trip setpoint <5E Suci/cc tM One input from containment isolation (only required for when reactor coolant c.

system temnerature is >200 F):

(1) Containment isolation A (2) Containment isolation B 2.

From the date that the required control room emergency filtration actuation instrumentation is made or found inoperable. reactor operation. reactor coolant Unit 1 - Amendment 15.3.12-2 Unit 2 - Amendment

tcmperatute >200'F oncfueling openttion of either unit and movement ofirradiatedluel maLbc.continuedanlLduring_1ht.succerding.snradays, unleitthe system is sovnet I_nadtt.opriable_crplaced.htsmergene" filtration me.dr.

3, _ if.the conditions _of_li3.12.B.2 ciu,,._Lh:. met. the reactor (s) shall be broughlin.ccid shutdown conditions within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />.morrmentrDrradiated fuel and refueling operationshall.br_tenninated as soon as practicable.


EXcVDlaS.3pfCified.ia.lill2E21e10EJhtDrimarDLUXillary building exhaustfdtration sptem shall be_operablthhen reactot_conlant.temneraturciL>200 F foreither_ unit.



Ihr_tesulti_eOlalogenated hydrorarbon tests. conducted _in_acccidancearith Specification lill1.en_ charcoal adsorber banks shalj <how a minimum of_99%



.lhe.results oflaboratorv charcoal adsorbent tests. conducted in accordance_with Specif1 ration 15.4.1juhallahow a minirnom of 95% removal of_mc1hyl iodidc.

t If.laboratorutnalysis char. coal indicattless_than 05% methyl iodide removal. this specifttation may be met by replacement with chatcoal adselbrntwhithlasleen verified.teachitte_95% minimunuemoval and which hasleen stored in scaled con.tainersamdictesting the charcoal adsorber b@r halogenated hydrocarbon removal.

Theresults of fan testing. condt:cted in acenidance with Specification 15.4.11.


Shall shot that filter How is <110% of design flow, d.

All.tequired priniary auxiliary building exhaust fans. required. ducts and required dampers shall be operable, L_.__From thtdate_that.1;ttprimary auxiliaryluilding exhaust filtration is made or found inoperable. reactor operation _cucactor coolant temperature >200eF f tilher_ unit may be continued.pnly_dpring the succeeding seven days,_unless the system is sooner made operable. System operability can be restored by niacing all inoperable ducts and dampers in asnuditieasuch_that the system will function as required, 3.

If the_ conditions _of 15.3.12.C 2 cannot be met. the reacterfs) shall be brought to cold shutdown conditions _within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />.

Unit 1 - Amendment 15.3.12 3 Unit 2 - Amendment

9 Ilasis The control room emergency filtration is designed to filtei control room atmosphere and makeup air during control room isolation conditions. liigh efficiency particulate (liEPA) filters are installed before the charcoal adsorbers to prevent clogging and to remove essentially all particulate material.

Charcoal adsorbers are installed to reduce the potential intake of radioactive iodine to the control room during accident conditions. If the system is fotmd to be inoperable, there is no immediate threat to the control room and operation may continue for a limited period of time.

Ibe three control functions that can serve to actuate control room emergency filtration.n.

Manual initiation nldiation monitorLand CoplainmCnt isolation. The radiation monitor actuation function and containmentJsolation are_the_only automatic actuatienicatures assumed in analyses performego show that control room dose will remain within the limits of 10 CFR 50. Appendix A. GDC 19.. One of the two rpecified. radiation monitors must be operable to fulfill the operability reuultement for radiation 1nonito.r_ actuation becaustenly one radiation monitor must function to oroperly actuate the system. The manual initiation capability is in-htded to recognize the validity of this method of acjuation by an operator in an anticipatory manner for angxpected actuation of the system or polentially in a compensatory mannetfor a failure of the automatic function.

TheEimrry auxiliary building exhaust system is designed to filter the mr released from the crimary Rusiliary building and maintain a negative pressurch the primary auxiliary building in relation to the outside atmosphere and th turbine bui! ding during the recirculation phase of a loss of coolant t

ntcident. Cnarcoal adsorbers are installed to reducq_theno.tential intake of radioactive iodine to the control room _during_the recirculation chase _of.ajoss of coolant accident.

Unit 1 - Amendment 15.3.12-4 Unit 2 - Amendment l

l (2)

Try to locate areas having strain concentrations by visual examination paying particular attention to the condition of tbc liner surface. Itecord the location of any areas having strain concentrations.


Shortly after the initial pressure test and at about or.e year after initial start-up, reexamine the areas located in section (A). Measure and record inward deformations. Record observations pertaining to strain contentrations.


If the difference in the measured inward deformations exceeds 0.25 inch (for a particular location) and'or changes in strain concentration exist, then an investigation will be made. The investigation will determine the cause and any necessary corrective action.


The surveillance program will only be continued beyond the one year after initial start up inspection if some corrective action was needed. If required, the frequency ofinspection for a continued surveillance program will be determined shortly aller the "one year after initial start up inspection".


In addition to the preceding requirements, temperature readings will be obtained at the locations where inward deformations were measurci Tempe ature measurements will also be obtained on the outside of the containment building wall.

13a_is The containment is designed for an accident pressure of 60 psig (" While the reactor is operating, the internal environment of the containr.1ent will be air at approximately atmospheric pressure and a temperature of about 105'F. With these initial conditions, the temperature of the steam air m!xture at the peak accident pressure of 60 psig is 286*F.

Prior to initial cperation, the containment was strength tested at 69 sig and then leak-tested.

P The design objective of this preoperational leakage rate test was established as 0.4% by weight per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> at 60 psig. This leakage rate is consistent with the construction of the containment,* which is equipped with independent leak testable penetrations and contains channels over all containment liner welds, which v,ere independently leak tested during construction. Ilased on 60 psig containtnenlicak testinpctformed in 1997. an pretationa! leak rate limit of 0.2% by weight per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> at 60 psig isjustifiet Unit 1 - Amendment No.

15.4.4 6 Unit 2 - Amendment No.

l Safety analyses have been performed on the basis of a leakage rate of 0.g40% by wdght per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> at 60 psig. With this leakage rate and with minimum containment engineered safety systems tbr iodine removal in operation, i.e. one spray pump with sodium hydroxide addition, the public exposum would be well below 10 CFR 100 values in the event of the design basis accident?and control room rersonnel exnosure wculd be within the limits of 10 CFR 50 AnpendN A GDC 19.

% : = f::y :::!; =.: 2nd!=:: 'h:: 'h: rat!:r: 'r+ ;;; =:= :::!d k r'!;;h !y !n :== cf 95% p= d:/ kf=:: :m 'e= t'; !d dc= :# 3S* : !d W==!ved at th fe hund=y.

The performance of periodic integrated leakage rate tests during plant life provide a current assessment of potential leakage from the containment in case of an accident that would pressurize the interior of the containment. These tests are performed in accordance with the Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program.

Periodic visual and physical inspection of the containment tendons is the method to be used to determme loss ofload-carrying capability because of wire breakage or deterioration. The tendon surveillance pregram specified in 15.4,4.11 is based on the recommendation of Regulatory Guide l

l.35 Rev. 3. Conta nment tendon structural integrity was demonstrated for both units at the end of one, three and eight years following the initial containment structural integrity test.

The pre stress lift-off test provides a direct measure of the load carryi,7 capability of the tendon.

A deterioration of the corrosion preventive properties of the sheathing filler will be indicated by a chmge in the physical appearance of the filler, if the surveillance program indicates, by extensive wire breakage, tendon stress strain relations, or other abnormal conditions, that the pre-stressing tendons are not behaving as expected, the abnormal conditions will be subjected to an engineering analysis and evaluation la accordance with Specification 15.4.4.ll.D to dsermine whether the condition could result in a significant adverse impact on the containment structural integrity. The specified acceptance criteria are such as to alert attention to the situation well.

before the tendon load carrying capability would deteriorate to a point that failure during a design basis accident might be possible. Thus, the :ause of the incipient deterioration could be evaluated and corrective action studied without need to shut down the reactor. If the engineering evaluation determines that the abnormal condition could result in a significant adverse impact on the containment structural integrity, an abnormal degradation situation will be declared and a report submitted to the NRC in accordance with the specifications.

References (1)_

FSAR Section


FSAR Section 5.1.2 (3)

FSAR Section 14.3.5 (4)

FSAR Section 14.3.4 (5)

Deleted (6)

FSAR pages 5.186 and 5.1-87 Unit 1 Amendment No.

15.4.4-7 Unit 2 - Amendment No, m


111tlLDING EXilAUST FILTRATION Annlicability Applies to periodic testing requirements of the control room emergency filtration equipment.mid Wimarymdlary building exhnust filtration eaulpment'.

Objective To verify the operability of the control room emergency filtn. tion and the primarv auxiliary building l

exhaust filtration and i4+1hc. ability of these features to remove radioactive contaminants when required.

Snecification i

^ : !:.: en;; p:: yea: the p. _.= &cp =e-th: ::-&fn:2 ".EP.*. Ph::: =:d :ha::aal a&.a:kr b:i :h !! k den c:r:::::J te be !:re :han f inch:: ef

d::!gn Petv : %.


The control room emergency filtration automatic initiation shall be demonstrated once per year. Radiation monitors. RE 101 and RE 235. shall be calibrated once ner year.

I 3;

The control room emergency filtration shall be operated at least 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> every month.


Components of the control room emergency filtration shall be tested as follows:

HEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers shall be tested and analyzed at least once per a.

year, or after 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> of operation since the previous test, and following significant painting, fire or chemical release in the control room during filtration operation, b.

Cold DOP testing of the llEPA filter bank shall be performed after each complete or partial replacement ofIIEPA filters, or after any structural maintenance on the filter housing. DOP testing shall be at design velocity

  • 20%.

Unit 1 - Amendment No.

15.4.11-1 Unit 2 - Amendment No.

llalogenated hydrocarbon testing cf the charcoal adsorber bank shall be performed c.

aner each complete or partial replacement of charcoal adsorbers or af ter any structural maintenance of the adsorber nousing. Halogenated hydrocarbon testing shall be at design velocity i 20%.


Laboratory sample analysis ofin place charcoal adsorbent shall be performed at least once per year for standby service or aner every 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> of e.w.iemcharcoal adsothentoperation and, as a minimum, shall be conducted at velocities within 20%

of design,1.75 mg/m' inlet lodide cancentration,95% relative humidity and 30'c i


J Fans shall be Dortested at least once per year. -or-aAeM20 her:.. cf ept:sthe+in*


the preQr :::,tc andfollowingfaewnaintenance : : :epain-The fan How test.shall include verincation_that.rach set of recirculation and Glter fans (W 13Ill and W144, W-131Lland W 141H can maintain a positive pItsiure of 2 0.125 inchesjof watet gauge. relative to all adjacent areasshen the n!!gned in emergency Sltration modt i primary auxiliary building exhaust nitrationshall be tested as follows:

Charcoal adsorbers shall be tested and. analyzed at least once per year. or aftetl2,Q a.

bours of operation since the previous test. and following signiGennt painting,f re or chemicallelease in the primary auxiliary building during filtration operation, b.

llalogesated hydrocarbon testine of the charcoal adicIber_ bank shall be performed ARer_cach_comolete or partial replacement of cigg:oal adsorbers or after any Etructural maintenance of the adsorber housing.11alogenated hydrocarbon testing shall beat. design velocity + 20%.

I aboratorylamole analysis ofin olace charcoai adsorbent shall be performed at least c.

once per yent_for standby service or after everv 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> of system operation and. as a minimum. shall be conducted at velocities within 20% of design,1.75 mg/ n.inici 3

i iodide concentration. 95% relative humidity and 30 'C (86 'FL Unit 1 - Amendment ISA.ll-2 Unit 2 - Amendment I


priInatLattXilinty buildhp cNh tB11ans_shalLbcDow testedatleastoneerer ycar.


3 Ihtfanflow tests shall include _irliDention thatlhtprimary auxiliary building is at DegaliYtpfesittff.CoIDpaICdla_cithetthe Unit I or Unit 2 facadtani.the turbine huildiDg.whenahtsystem is aligned for exhaust filtration.

4 13 asis The control room emergency filtration system is designed to filter the control room atmosphere and makeup air to the control room < luring control room isolation conditions. The control room emergency filtration is nomiall," isolated and not in operation and testing more frequently than that specified is not required to insure operability or performance. If the efficiencies ofilEPA and charcoal adsorbers are a:, specified, the resulting control room doses during accident conditions will be less than allowable levels in Criterion 19 of Appendix A to 10 CFR 50. The charcoal adsorbent laboratory sample analysis is performed in accordance with ASThi D3803 89, " Standard Test hiethod for Nuclear Grade Activated Carbon."

Ihtprimarnauxiliary building exh9ttst system is deSjgned to filter the air released from the nrimary auxiliary building and niaintaituLnegative pressure in the pIitnary auxiliary batilding in relation tp the_cuisidta;mosphere and thelurbine building during the recirculationshase of a loss of enolant accident. Charcoal adsorbers are installed to trduce the potential intake cf radioactive iodine to the control room during the recirculation nhase o.f a loss of coolant accident. If the efn ierev of the e

charecaLadserher is as specin d. the resulting conttel room doses during a loss of coolant accident e less than allowable levels in Criterion 14 of Appt ndix A to 10 CFR 50. The charcoal adselbent laboratory samole analysis is performed in accordance with ASThi m803 80. " Standard lesthlethod for Nucleat-Grade Activated Carbon."

Unit 1 - Amendment 15.4.11-3 Unit 2 - Amendment

15.6.8 PLANT OPERATINC PROCEDURES (Continued) The following programs shall be e stablished, implemented, and maintained.


Pog-fpident Sampling

  • A program" which will ensure the capability to obtain and anaige reactor coolant, containment atmosphere, and in plant gaseous effluent samples urder accident conditions. The program shall 'nclude the following:


Training of personnel; and (ii) Pre ;edures of sampling and analysis.

(iii) Provisions for maintenance of sampling and analysis equipment.

4 Nmary CoolantSemees Outside Containment

/Lprogram" which providcLcontreltto minimize ledage from those portions of systems outside enntainment that could contain highly radioactire_ fluid 1during a serioustransient or accidentto les els as lows as. practicable. The systems incivdefentainment Spray. Safety Injection (Iligh Head) and Safety injection (Low ljend) systems. The program shall include the following:


Preventive maintenangsyd oeriodic visual inspection requirements: and

@_latrarated leak test reouirements for each system at refueling evele intervals or less.

Post Accident Coolant Sampling and Post-Accident Containment Atmospheric Sampling Systems.

" It is acceptable if the licensee maintains details of the.orogram in plant operation manuals.

Unit 1 - Amendment No.

15.6.8-3 Unit 2 - Amendment No.


A program shall be established to implement the leakage rate testing of the containment as required by 10 CFR 50.54(o) and 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, Option B, as modified by approved exemptions. This program shall be in accordance with the guidelines contained in Regulatc y Guide 1.163,

" Performance Based Containment Leak Test Program," dated September, 1995.


The peak design containment internal accident pressure, P, is 60 psig.


The maximum allowable primary containment leakage rate, L, at P, shall l

l be04DJ'o of containment air weight per day.


Leakage rate acceptance criteria are:


The containment leakage rate acceptance criterion is s1.0 L,.


During the first unit startup following testing in accordance with this program, the leakage rate acceptance criteria 50.6 L, for the combined Type B and Type C tests and 50.75 L, for Type A tests.


The provisions of Specificatian do not apply to the test frequencies specified in the Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program.


The provisions of Specification 15A 0.3 are applicable to the Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program.

Unit 1 - Amendment No.

15.6.12 1 Unit 2 - Amendment No.