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Proposed Tech Specs 15.3.5,removing Word Plasma from Discussion of Type of Display Monitor for sub-cooling Info in CR & TS 15.3.7,removing Discussion That Allowed Delay in Declaring EDG Inoperable Due to OOS Fuel Oil Transfer Sys
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/04/1999
Shared Package
ML20210M606 List:
NUDOCS 9908100129
Download: ML20210M617 (2)


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in the reactor coolant system and the calculated saturation temperature. As a backup,' the Plant Process Computer System (PPCS) displays subcooling margin by j

both addressable point and on the Safety Assessment System (SAS).

A second backup display of subcooling information. is available on seismically qualified phm-displays which receive input sig'nals from seismically qualified multi-plexing equipment.

Control board indications and a saturation curve can be used if failure of all direct subcooling indications occurs.

The 4.16KV degraded voltage setting limit is provided as greater-than-or-equal-to l


a value with no upper limit. The 4.16KV degraded voltage protection feature is designed to actuate when at least two of the three associated relays operate for the duration of the time delay. The 4.16KV degraded voltage relays are normally set as close as possible to the Technical Specifications setting limit to minimize, to the extent practicable, the possibility of unnecessary actuation of this protection feature.

A degraded voltage condition coincident with a safety injection signal causes the 4.16KV degraded voltage protection. function to actuate with a shorter time delay.

This prevents starting of engineered safety features, that have safeguards i

sequence time delays greater than this short time delay, under degraded voltage conditions. The safety injection signal from each unit is provided as an input ko'the degraded voltage protection for each 4.16KV safeguards bus. The operability requirements for the safety injection protection function are provided in this Technical Specifications section. The safety injection input from a unit to the degraded voltage protection function is only required to be operable when safety injection is required to be operable for that unit.

If the safety injection input is found to be inoperable during periods when the safety injection protection function is required to be operable, the applicable actions for inoperability of the 4.16KV degraded voltage protection function must be entered.

9908100129 990004 Reference PDR ADOCK 05000266 P



FSAR - Section 7.5


FSAR - Section 14.3

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FSAR - Section 14.2.5 mend:cnt Mc. 157 15.3.5-6

-Decemuer 27, 1995 UMt I a

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SE 4 % o52.

' tank provides sufficient fuel to operate one EDG at design load for more than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />.],2) the EDG day tank for that EDG is operable and for G-01 and G-02 the associated motor-operated fill

- valve is operable,3) for 0-01 and G-02, at least one of the two base-mounted sump tank fuel oil transfer pumps is operabic and 4) the fuel oil' transfer system associated with the EDG is operable. H:: ;=,i: t :1 !! t==f= :y:::= i :1!:::d te b::: -ef arvi= for f = hous fe; 001 =d 0-02 du :::== hind f = i:= =pply Of S:! 11 i:i: di =1is: =d by t&

wikh & n! aqu!= : 5:1 ci!:==f= p =p f= f!:/ t 6:== !:t:f EDO. S: 5:1 til r=f= :yr = i::!!:=:d to 5::: cf =r/ie: f= t=0 h =: f= 0 03 =d 0 01 d= :: %

he= : pply Of S:1 eilin i: hy t:-. He t=fr rytter m y be : Of = r/ie: f= 10:5r pri:6 if = ppsp-ir: r.!r=r:===l f S:1 b =ch :=ihbk :: i; db=1 g==r=:.

1 The EDG ventilation system is considered operable when diesel room temperature can be maintained s120*F with the diesel engine operating at full load. Temperature will be maintained

, 5120'F if 1) all gravity-operated louvers are operable, and 2) both diesel room exhaust fans are

. ' operable M for G-01 and G-02; one diesel room exhaust fan is operable and outside air temperature is $80'F; E for G-03 and G-04, only the large capacity fan (W-183C for G-03,

.W-184B for G-04) is operable and outside air temperature is <84*F or if the small capacity fan

'(W-183B for G-03, W-184C for G'04) is operable and outside air temperature is $36*F.

Normal DC control power must energize all DC circuits for the associated EDG to be operable.

si The original AEC Safety Evaluation for PBNP states, "Onsite fuel storage capacity is sufficient

' for a minimum of seven days' operation of the required safety feature loads which is acceptable."

Therefore, to satisfy this requirement, at least 34,500 gallons of fuel oil will be maintained available for the emergency diesel generators at Point Beach at all times when EDG operability is required.

If only one 345 KV transmission line is in service to the plant switchyard, a temporary loss of this line would result in a reactor trip (s) if the reactor (s) power level were greater than 50%.

Therefore,in order to maintain ScR 9*)- o6 C R U iJt 1 - A m.a d n w at N o. 1 5 1 15.3.7-8 Lch 5,1905

' U.Jt 2 - Aswada.:nt No.155