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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20217C0525 October 1999Proposed Tech Specs 15.3.1.A,15.3.3.A & 15.3.3.C,eliminating Inconsistencies & Conflict Between TSs
ML20210M6174 August 1999Proposed Tech Specs 15.3.5,removing Word Plasma from Discussion of Type of Display Monitor for sub-cooling Info in CR & TS 15.3.7,removing Discussion That Allowed Delay in Declaring EDG Inoperable Due to OOS Fuel Oil Transfer Sys
ML20210B51215 July 1999Pbnp Simulator Four-Yr ReptBoric Acid
Overspeed trip
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML20209C1831 July 1999Proposed Tech Specs Page Re Amend to Licenses DPR-24 & DPR-27,removing Ifba Enrichment Curve Methodology from TSEarthquake
ML20205R67412 April 1999Proposed Tech Specs Updating References to Reflect Relocation of Referenced Info in UFSAR
ML20203A2262 February 1999Proposed Tech Specs Bases Page 15.4.4,correcting References to Pbnp FSAR Re Reactor Containment Design
ML20202F65229 January 1999Proposed Tech Specs 15.6 & 15.7,reflecting Administrative Control ChangesOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
ML20154G5607 October 1998Proposed Tech Specs Ensuring That 4 Kv Bus Undervoltage Input to Reactor Trip Is Controlled IAW Design & Licensing Basis for FacilityShutdown Margin
ML20154H4235 October 1998Proposed Tech Specs Section 15.4.1,removing Requirement to Check Environ Monitors on Monthly BasisBoric Acid
ML20154C05630 September 1998Rev 5 to Pbnp Units 1 & 2 IST Program Third 10-Yr IntervalSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Loop seal
Stroke time
Incorporated by reference
High Energy Line Break
Local Leak Rate Testing
Cold shutdown justification
Power Operated Valves
Manual Operator Action
ML20154C19428 September 1998Proposed Tech Specs Table 15.4.1-1 Re Min Frequencies for Checks,Calibrations & Tests of Instrument ChannelsBoric Acid
ML20153G73623 September 1998Proposed Tech Specs Removing Explicit Testing Requirements of TS Section 15.4.13, Shock Suppressors (Snubbers)
ML20206E27326 August 1998Rev 11 to Pbnps Odcm
ML20206E26826 August 1998Rev 12 to EM Environ Manual for WepcMet Tower
ML20236W78630 July 1998Proposed Tech Specs Change 206,revising to Incorporate Changes to TS to More Clearly Define Requirements for Service Water Sys Operability
ML20249C38122 June 1998Proposed Corrected Tech Specs Pages Re Radiological EffluentsOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
ML20248C66528 May 1998Proposed Tech Specs Providing Specific Numerical Setting for Rt,Rcp Trip & AFW Initiation on Loss of Power to 4 Kv Buses
ML20248G16727 May 1998Proposed Edited Tech Specs Pages Adding CR & Condenser Air Ejector Radiation Monitor SR & Correcting Errors in Notes of Table 15.4.1-1
ML20203K95726 February 1998Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Sections 15.3.6, Containment Sys bases,15.3.12 CREFS Including bases,15.4.4 Containment Tests bases,15.4.11 CREFS Including Bases, 15.6.8 Plant Operating Procedures & 15.6.12
ML20203K29815 December 1997Proposed Tech Specs Re Administrative ControlsOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
ML20203K3088 December 1997Rev 0 to Draft Radiological Effluent & Matls Control & Accountability ProgramOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
ML20203K3232 December 1997Rev 11 to Draft OdcmHigh Radiation Area
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
ML20203K3121 December 1997Rev 12 to Draft Environ Manual Wisconsin ElectricMet Tower
ML20203K32025 November 1997Rev 0 to Draft Radiological Effluent Control Manual Wisconsin ElectricBoric Acid
Grab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
ML20247P26823 September 1997Proposed Tech Specs Implementing Boron Concentration Changes Re Planned Conversion of Unit 2 to 18-month Fuel CyclesBoric Acid
Shutdown Margin
ML20210M51514 August 1997Proposed Tech Specs,Removing Requirement in Plant TS to Perform Pbnp Unit 2 Containment Integrated Leak Rate 60-months from Previous Test
ML20210J0337 August 1997Proposed Tech Specs,Replacing Wording & Double Underlining of Revised WordingBoric Acid
Shutdown Margin
ML20140C9113 June 1997Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying TS Section 15.3.3, Eccs,Acs, Air Recirculation Fan Coolers & Containment Spray, to Incorporate AOT Similar to Ones Contained in NUREG-1431,Rev 1Integrated leak rate test
Potassium iodide
ML20141C5939 May 1997Proposed Tech Specs Section 15.3.3, Eccs,Acs,Air Recirculation Fan Coolers & Containment Spray to Incorporate Allowed Outage Times Similar to Those Contained in NUREG-1431,Rev 1
ML20140H0321 May 1997Rev 5 to Training Programs Trpr 33.0, Licensed Operator Requalification Training ProgramSafe Shutdown
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Temporary Modification
Job Performance Measure
Operability Determination
License Renewal
Power change
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML20140H0171 May 1997Rev 12 to Training Courses Trcr 86.0, AdministrativeSafe Shutdown
Fitness for Duty
Shutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Fire Barrier
Temporary Modification
ML20140G98129 April 1997Assessment of Corrective Action Program PbnpCondition Adverse to Quality
ML20140D72514 April 1997Proposed Tech Specs,Changing Title of Corporate Officer Responsible for Nuclear Operations from Vice President- Nuclear Power, to Chief Nuclear Officer Per TS Section Control Program
ML20140D70914 April 1997Proposed Tech Specs,Eliminating Provisions for Operation of Units at Below 3.5% Rated Power W/Only One RCP
ML20140G92411 April 1997Rev 6 to ISTs IT 536, Containment Sump B Suction Line Leak Test (Refueling Shutdown)Stroke time
Foreign Material Exclusion
ML20140G9077 April 1997Rev 8 to ISTs IT 525B, Leakage Reduction & Preventive Maint Program Test of 2SI-896A&B,SI Pump Suction Valves (Refueling)
ML20140G8747 April 1997Rev 35 to ISTs IT 04, Low Head Safety Injection Pumps & Valves (Quarterly)Boric Acid
Stroke time
ML20217P2853 April 1997Rev 10 to Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 OdcmGrab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
ML20137N6452 April 1997Proposed Tech Specs 14.2.4, Steam Generator Tube RuptureFuel cladding
Potassium iodide
ML20140G90321 March 1997Rev 8 to ISTs IT 325, CVCS Valves (Cold Shutdown)
ML20140G97421 March 1997Rev 0 to Operations Refueling Tests Ort 10A, Recovery from Integrated Lrt W/Core Off-Loaded
ML20137C83320 March 1997Proposed Tech Specs 15.2.2, Safety Limit,Reactor Coolant Sys PressureFuel cladding
ML20140G96219 March 1997Rev 0 to Operations Refueling Tests Ort 9A, Preparation for Integrated Lrt W/Core Off-LoadedIntegrated leak rate test
ML20140G91317 March 1997Rev 4 to ISTs IT 535B, Leakage Reduction & Preventive Maint Program Test of Train B HHSI & RHR Sys (Refueling)
ML20140G95217 March 1997Rev 16 to Operations Refueling Tests Ort 6, Containment Spray Sequence Test
ML20140G8824 March 1997Rev 9 to ISTs IT 115, Instrument Air Valves (Quarterly)Stroke time
ML20140H34028 February 1997WO Work Plan WO 9612073, Removal/Replacement of Breakers 1Y-06-11
ML20140H30128 February 1997WO Work Plan WO 9612056, Removal/Replacement of Breakers 1Y-06-05Fire Barrier
ML20140H33328 February 1997WO Work Plan WO 9612072, Removal/Replacement of Breakers 1Y-06-01
ML20140H32427 February 1997WO Work Plan WO 9612057, Removal/Replacement of Breakers 1Y-06-03