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Proposed Tech Specs Section 15.3.3. Re Eccs,Acs,Air Recirculation Fan Coolers & Containment Spray
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/13/1997
Shared Package
ML20138M498 List:
NUDOCS 9702250414
Download: ML20138M509 (2)



rernoval load on one unit either following a loss-of-coolant accident, or during normal plant shutdown. If during the post-accident phase the component cooling water supply is lost, core and containment cooling could be maintained until repairs were effected?

A total of six service water pumps are installed, only two-three of which are quired to operate during the injection and recirculation phases of a postulated loss-of-coolant accident,* in one unit together with a hot shutdown or normal operation condition in the other unit. For either reactor to be critical, few4 service water pumps must be operable. 50 cf *he pump: mu:: 5: per:::d frc 'h:"! d, =d the cd:: m me:: be pcw:::d frc- *he 'B' traiar-Soecifications 15.3 3.D.2.c requires four and 15.3.3.D.2.d reauires five service water pumps to be coerable tQ provide sufficient flow fotageident mitigation when these specifications are in effect.

The service water ring header continuous flowpath LCO requirement (TS 15.3.3 applies anytime contirmity of the flowpath in the service water ring header is interrupted. This includes isolation of any header or headers in the system. This LCO recognizes that one aspect of redundancy in the service water system is the ability to isolate a break in the system and still maintain ability to orovide reauired flow to supported equipment.Jhis capability is impaired anytime the continuous flowcath of the ring header is blacked. The 7 day allowed outace time is based on the fact that a pioing failure must occur to cause a suksequent problem with system operability. Piping failurging not considered as the single failure for system functionality during an accident.

TS 15.3.3.D.2.b reauires that service water system flow is evaluated within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of entry into this LCO ifless then four servicemater pumos are operable. This is necessary to ensure that all reauired eauioment will receive sufficient flow in this condition. Ifit is determined that any equioment will noutreive sufficient flow. the apolicable LCOs for the affected eauiprnent shall be entered. These LCOs can be exited if system reatienment is completed to achieve the required flow rates for the affected cauinment.

Entry into the applicable LCOs for the affected equiement is also required when any eart of the service water ring header is removrifrom service. For examole. if the north header is removed from service. all Technical Specification required equipment required for operation should be or have already been switched to the south hgadgI, The containment accident fan cooler inoperability requires entry into the applicable LCO for Unit 2 (TS 15.3.3.B.2.a which is 72 hcurs) when the header is removed from service. If Unit 2 is already in a shutdown condition where containment accident fan conigLoperability is not required. no LCO would apply. Unit I would be igbject to the 7 day allowed outage time for the loss of the servicg3ater ri.1g header continuous flowpath. The 7 day allowed outage time is based on appinyimate repair time for system piping and the possibility that a mechanical failure in another part of the system could result in a loss of service water system function.

The containment fan cooler service water outlet motor operated valves consist of two fully redundant valves that are automatically opened inigsponse to a safety iniection signal. Either valve is capable of passing the full flow tequited for all four fan cooler units in accident mode. At various times. these valves are opened to allow tgiting of the containment fan coolers otadjustment of the system flow rates. If one or both of these motor operated valves are open in a unit. thgre may be insufficient service water flow if an accident occurs in the other unit and sinele fagurg occurs. Therefnre. in this case. the other unit is in a limitinpondition for operation because relaxation of ppgle failure is necessarv. That unit would be considered the "affected unit" and hence the valves must be closed within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or the affected unit must be shut down. If the valves open in both units. they would both be cQDsidered "affggted" until such time that the motor operated valves y ere closed for a unit. al_which time the affected unit would be the unit with the closed valves. The 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> allowed time is consistent with the relaxation of single failure and allowed outage time associated with a loss of redundancy for the service water system. For the case of single unit operation. the valves for the operating unit may be open without limitation if the valves for the shutdown unit are in the shut position or thelowcath is isolated. The flowpath is considered isolated if total flow would not exgged the expected flowrate in the non-accident unit during accident conditions..

References m

FSAR Section 3.2.1 FSAR Section 6.3.2 FSAR Section 9.3.2 FSAR Section 6.2 FSAR Section 6.3 FSAR Section 9.6.2 9702250414 970213 PDR ADOCK 05000266 P

PDR Unit 1 - Amendment NoA49 15.3.3-10 0:::mber 2 !, ""

Unit 2 - Amendment NoAM

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Disk numbers I and 2 contain meteorological for the years 1991 through 1996. This data has been l

provided by Kewaunce Nuclear Plant. The data is separated into 6 data files, one for each year. The data for each year is in a space delimited ASCII file, set up in the format given in NUREG/CR-6331, section l

l 4.4.2. Please note that the 1995 data is missing past the 127th day of the year.

i Disk number 3 contains meteorological data from Point Beach Nuclear Plant for the year 19%. The data l

in the :omma delimited text file is in the following format: day, hour, wind speed (mph), status, wind l

direction (deg), status, stability class, status, lapse rate (deg F), status. The day is the day of the year l-19%. The hour is the hour of each day. There are 35 missing hours in the 19% data. The status follows i

L cach wind speed, wind direction, siability class, and lapse rate data point, if status = 0, the data point is good, if status = 1, the data point is bad.

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