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Proposed Tech Specs,Changing Title of Corporate Officer Responsible for Nuclear Operations from Vice President- Nuclear Power, to Chief Nuclear Officer Per TS Section
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/14/1997
Shared Package
ML20140D721 List:
NUDOCS 9704240067
Download: ML20140D725 (4)



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The " ice Pre ! dent Muclear Pc" : Chief Nuclear Omcer shall l

be an officer of the Comnany and shall have corporate responsibility for overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staffin operating, maintaining, and providing technical support to the l

plant to ensure nuclear safety, i


The individuals who carry out health physics and quality l

assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence from operating pressures.


l Facility staffing shall be subject to the following requirements:

Each on-duty shift shall normally be composed of at least the a.

minimum shift crew composition (for all modes except with a 1

l unit defueled) as follows:**


Shift Superintendent (SRO)* - one per shift j


Duty Technical Advisor - one per shift 3.

Operating Supervisor (SRO)* - one per shift 4.

Operator (RO)* -

two per shift for one unit operation i

j three per shift for two unit operation l


Operator -

two per shift for one unit operation three per shift for two unit operation 6.

The Duty Technical Advisor is located on-site on ten minute call to the control room.

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Unit 1 - Amendment No.428 15.6.2-2 1

Unit 2 - Amendment No.-142 Sep:e nber 1, ")91 i

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15.6.6 REPORTABLE EVENT ACTION Specification The following action shall be taken for Reportable Events:


The Commission shall be notified and/or a report submitted pursuant to the requirements of Section 50.73 to 10 CFR Part 50, and B.

Each Reportable Event shall be reviewed by the Manager's Supervisory Staff (MSS) and submitted to the Off-Site Review Committee (OSRC) and the " ice President d'uclear PewerChief Nuclear Officer.

l Unit 1 - Amendment No.45 Unit 2 - Amendment No.49 15.6.6-1 October ' !,1" '

15.6.7 ACTION TO BE TAKEN IF A SAFETY LIMIT IS EXCEEDED Snecification If a safety limit is exceeded, the affected reactor shall be shut down and reactor operation A.

shall not be resumed until approval is received from the NRC.


An immediate report shall be made to the "! e Presider

  • Nucle = Chief Nucleat Officer and the Chairman of the Off-Site Review Committee, i


The Vice President Nuclear Power Chief Nuclear Officer shall report the circumstances to the NRC.


A Safety Limit Violation Report including a complete analysis of the circumstances leading to and resulting from the occurrence, effects upon facility components, systems or structures, together with recommendations to prevent a recurrence, shall be prepared. This report shall be submitted to the "!ee Preskien: Nuclear Pewer Chief Nuclear Officer and the Chairman of the Off-Site Review Committee. A Safety Limit Violation Report shall be submitted to the NRC by the Vice Presiden: Nuclear Power Chief Nuclear Officer within 10 days of the occurrence.

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Unit 1 - Amendment No.41-15.6.7-1 AprM8HMr5 I

Unit 2 - Amendment No.-05 l


15'.7 8 '

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Duties of the Manager's Sunervisory Staff The duties of the Manager's Supervisory Staff with respect to these radiological effluent technical specifications are listed in Specificadon at Items j.

and k.

&idits A.

An audit of the activities encompassed by the Gtfsite Dose Calculation Manual and the Process Control Program and its implementing procedures shall be performed utilizing either offsite licensee personnel or a consulting firm.


An audit of the radiological environmental monitoring program and the results thereof shall be performed utilizing either offsite licensee personnel or a qualified consulting firm.


The results of the audits in A and B above shall be transmitted to the Vice President Nuclec Power Chief Nuclear Officer and the Chairman of the Offsite Review Committee. Plant Oneratine Procedures The ODCM and the PCP shall be established and maintained in accordance with the provisions of specification 15.6.8. Effluent and environmental monitoring shall be addressed in the Quality Assurance Program. RETS Reporting Reauirements The following written reports shall be submitted to the Administrator, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region III with a copy to the Director, Office ofInspection and Enforcement, USNRC, Washington, D.C. 20555 within the time periods specified.


Annual Monitorine Renort A report covering the operation of PBNP for the previous twelve (12) month period or fraction thereof, ending December 31, shall be submitted by May 1 of each year containing:


Information relative to the quantities ofliquid, gaseous and solid radioactive effluents released from the facility, and effluent volumes used in maintaining the releases Unit 1 Amendment No.-M2 15.7.8-1 k!y 5 !"95 Unit 2 Amentment No.466