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Forwards Technical Evaluation Rept Concerning Proposed Renewal of OL for Univ of Utah Triga Reactor
Person / Time
Site: University of Utah
Issue date: 03/21/1985
From: Linder C
To: Poslusny C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20100B584 List:
NUDOCS 8503280455
Download: ML20100B580 (1)



QQkgggg DATE:

March 21, 1985 IN REPLY REFER TO.

Q-6-85-263 (R649) u n stoe K557 Los Alamos NationaiLaboratory (505) 667-9206 LosAlamosNewMexico87545 rEtrwNo FTS 843-9206 Safety Assessment Mr. C. Poslusny, Project Manager Technical Assistance Contracts Branch Division of Licensing Mail Stop 545-Phil US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555

Dear Mr. Poslusny:

Enclosed are four copies of the Los Alamos Technical Evaluation Report (TER) concerning the proposed operating license for the University of Utah TRIGA Reactor (UUTR). As stipulated in the Schedule 189, this report contains technical evaluations of the various safety-related sections of the UUTR Safety Analysis Report (SAR) and supporting documentation.

If you have any questions about this document, please call me at the above number or, in my absence, call A. E. Sanchez-Pope on FTS 843-9746.


  1. f//A C. A. Linder p

CAL /og Enc. as cited Cy:

H. N. Berkow, NRC R. Carter, NRC M. G. Stevenson/W. L. Kirk, Q-00, MS E561 L. H. Sullivan/J. R. Ireland, Q-D0/RS, MS K552 K. K. S. Pillay, Q-4, MS E541 R. A. Haarman/W. S. Gregory, Q-6, MS-K557 J. E. Hyder, Q-6, MS K557 A. E. Sanchez-Pope, 0-6, MS K557 CRM-4 (2), MS A150 Q-6 File O

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An Equal Opportunny Employer / Operated by the UrWyereoty o' Califomes

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