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Final Deficiency Rept,Item 117 Re Commercial Grade Replacement Parts in QA-I Applications.Initially Reported on 840215.Installed Matls Properly Dedicated for safety-related Applications
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/1984
From: Jens W
To: James Keppler
117, EF2-69711, NUDOCS 8410090057
Download: ML20098G918 (3)


.. bin 0 Cayne H. Jens Ec*iEr*7p. Elm.

Deholt Edison !E!EF5- Septemser 18, 1984 EF2-69711 Mr. James G. Keppler Regional Administrator Region III U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137

Dear Mr. Keppler:

References (1) Fermi 2 NRC Docket No. 50-341 (2) Letter, H. Tauber to B. J. Youngblood, July 19, 1983, EF2-63957 (3) Letter, W. H. Jens to B. J. Youngblood, March 14, 1984, EF2-67709 (4) Letter, W. H. Jens to J. G. Keppler, March 27, 1984, EF2-65730 (5) Letter, W. H. Jens to J. G. Keppler, May 25, 1984, EF2-68548


Final Report of 10CFR50.55(e) Item 117

" Commercial Grade Replacement Parts in QA-I Applications" This is Detroit Edison's final report concerning Item 117,

" Commercial Grade Replacement Parts in QA-I Applications."

Item 117 was originally reported as a potential deficiency on February 15, 1984 and was subsequently documented in ,

references (4) and (5) which provided a description of the deficiency, an analysis of the safety implications, a com-mitted corrective action with established methodologies to resolve the issue, the progress to date and the completion schedule. All information provided in references (4) and (5) is still valid.

We have completed our review of all CQ electrical and mechan-ical parts that have been installed in harsh environment, representative samples of CQ electrical and mechanical parts installed in mild environment and all CQ installed struc-tural materials.

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Mr.-JEmes G. Kcpplcr 'f f - ~. e .Septemberfl8, 1984 ' -

"- LEF2-69711 Page)2-The' electrical part that have been installed in harsh xenvironment-include relays, breakers, overload heaters, transmitters, transducers,. switches, valve motor operators, terminal blocks and connectors. :These parts are associated .

with the harsh environment systems identified in our

. Electrical-Equipment Qualifications:(EEQ)-submittal, reference (2). Parts.were evaluated'for their required operability'and Jheir environmental and seinmic requirements.-

This evaluation' :is completed and as a result a total- of approximately one-hundred and_ fifty (150) CQ file packages were developedsto~ document our. evaluation and-justification

-for!tha use_-of'these parts'in' safety-related applications.


No deficiencies were identified; therefore, no further cor-rective action is required.

Four shetems that ^contain' electrical parts in mild environ-ment were selected for review on a sample basis. These systems-represent a large' number of equipment types located.

in~several locations from the RHR Complex to the Control Center. This evaluation has been completed. A total of. ,

more than fifty-(50) CQ file packages were developed to doc-ument our-evaluation and justification for the use of these parts in safety-related applications. No deficiencies were identified; therefore; no further corrective action is required.

For the mechanical parts, all installed' items located in


harsh environment, that were identified in our Mechanical Equipment Qualification (MEQ) submittal, Reference (3), and representative samples of the installed' items in mild i environment ~have been evaluated. Mechanical parts mainly include gaskets, packing,iseals, 0-rings, grease, oil and

! lubricants. ' A total of approximately fifty (50) CQ file packages were developed to document our evaluation and-I' justification for the use of these parts in safety-related applications. No deficiencies were identified; therefore, no-further' corrective action is. required.

Structural materials represent a large number of the total item' population. Structural materials include nuts, bolts, anchors, and support materials. They are divided into three (3)-categories: The alpha group addresses mainly mild steel such as A397 bolts and A36 structural steel, the beta group addresses high strength carbon steel such as A490 bolts and A514: structural steel and the gamma group addresses stain-less steel materials and other potentially sensitive items  ;

from a life utilization standpoint. All three groups have l'

been evaluated and found acceptable. A tctal~of fifteen -


(15) generic position papers were issued to document our ,

s evaluations and to justify the.use of these materials in safety-related applications.

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7 Mr. Jcmes G. Ktppler.

Szptc2ber 18, 1984 EF2-69711 Page 3 During-the period from July ll'through- 27,.1984, an NRC

' inspection was conducted in which several CQ' file packages of installed electrical, mechanical and structural--items as-well as new CQ purchases were. reviewed. At the exit meet-

.ing, it appeared that the Edison?CQ program and its imple-mentation were acceptable..

On the basis that all reviews of-the harsh environment CQ materials, which is the worst case, as well as a cross sec-tion of mild environment CQ materials have been completed and no deficiencies were identified, Detroit Edison con-cludes that all past-purchase installed materials have been properly dedicated for safety-related applications.- There-fore, no further work in this area is required. Detroit Edison will continue with our CQ program for new purchases.

to support plant testing and operation.

'This is Detroit Edison's final report on this item. If you.

have questions concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Lewis P. Bregni at-(313) 586-5083.

Sincerely, cc: P. M. Byron N '

R. C. DeYoung R. C. Knop


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