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Forwards Schedule of Corrective Actions Submitted by State of Wi for Deficiencies Noted in Final Rept for Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Conducted on 831101.Corrective Actions Adequate
Person / Time
Site: Kewaunee Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 05/14/1984
From: Krimm R
Federal Emergency Management Agency
To: Jordan E
NUDOCS 8405210249
Download: ML20084Q416 (11)


.. .

y<  % *i Federal Emergency Management Agency

  1. # Washington, D.C. 20472 4 F o o MAY l4Igas MCMORANDUM FOR: Edward L. Jordan Director, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission FROM:

Assistant Associate Director Office of Natural and Technological Hazards Programs


Wisconsin Schedule of Corrective Actions for Deficiencies Identified During the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Conducted on November 1, 1983 Attached is the schedule of corrective actions submitted by the State of Wisconsin for the deficiencies noted in the Final Report for the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise conducted on November 1, 1983. The exercise report was sent to you on January 30, 1984.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency Headquarters and Region V staff have reviewed the schedule of corrective actions submitted by the State and found it to be adequate. Based on the exercise and the corrective actions schedule, we cannot identify any impediments to protecting the health and safety of the public in the event of an incident. at the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Robert S. Wilkerson, Chief, Technological Hazards Division, at 287-0200.

Attachment As Stated 8405210249 840514 PDR ADOCK 05000305 PDR p'


/6 .3r ','



Federal Emergency Management Agency l

Region V 300 South Wacker,24th Floor, Chicago,IL 60606 (312) 353-1500 April 27, 1984 I

MEMORANDUM FOR: Richard J. Krimm Asst. Associate Director for Natural

& Technological Hazards Division l

Attn: ,r. Jtp rt gTu j r FROM:

af6 Wallace J. Weave ,

.aaa, hief Technological z rds Branch Natural & Technological Hazards Division FEMA Region V


Kewaunee, Wisconsin Scheo '. af Corrective Actions Enclosed is a copy of Wisconsin's schedule of corrective actions for deficiencies noted in the November 1, 1983 full participation Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Exercise.

Our review indicates that the response and schedule is acceptable.

Attachment tis 8

i kew:muce Nuclear Powcr Plant Novemlier 1, 1981 Wisconnin g .

Summary Listing of periciencies i e l (State) ,

Wisconsin H. Otlier Del'Iciencies DAu ck 9Tmu Red

  • cmc . Apcd Ql92L/


I HUREC Harrative Statement Corrective Action Scliedul *ed Actual of Deficiency Proposed pate Date Item 4

%e SRC does not provide A DHSS Section of Radiation 03/13/84 .


technical staffing at the Media Protection staff member -

Center. served in this mpacity at l

I the Prairie Island Exercise. A member of this i

staff or other qualified individual, as designated by the SRC will be provided

] at each " full participation" exercise and in the event of an actual energency.

It is not necessary to None l A.4. %e Public Service Cownission did not denonetrate a two shif t denonstrate this .

capability at the utility EOF. "two-shift" capability during an exercise. In an  ;

actual emergency,
sufficient staff fran the i

PSC would be provided for

{j this purpose.


D.3. %e SRC staff at the State EOC Provision will be made to 06/19/84 Madison did not maintain maintain current tp-to-date status boards early in information on the status the exercise, board lomted in the SRC-l assigned area adjacent to the State EOC at subsequent exercises.

E.6. Releases to the print media and This correction will be 06/19/84 TV did not contain the call made in subsequent letters and fregt.2ncy of the EBS exercises, radio station.

  • Ron For each NUREG iten, the stated corrective action will be (or was) taken as soon as possible, -

but no later Rcre Gce offered). . _ _

Winconnin kewaunce Nuclear ruwer (P0 ant ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ' 'TJivcsiittw - -

hercM ,

,(State) Sussiary Listing; af Deficiencies -(pato) , ,

Other I)cf'lej encics .e Wlaconsin H. -

f *

(Community) l l

l t HUMI'.C Harrative Statement Corrective Action Scheduled*

Actual i temi_ of Deficiency I'roposed lla tc Ikite .

Evacuation and sheltering County PIO's will be 10/30/85 E. 6.

instructions were not released instructed to include this coincidental with the declaration information in EBS .

l releases.

I of the General Bnergency and the sounding of the sirens.

E.6. Sheltering and evacuation Same as above. 10/30/85 l

Instructions were not directed to transients without appropriate shelter.

E.6. Information concerning the Same as above. 10/30/85 i

evacuation of school children was not included in releases.

It is not clear why this None F.1.a. Telephonic conmainications between the State Area BOC and the (nncern is expressed under counties a s difficult to NUREG iten F.1.a. which is naintain as the phone lines were directed at 24-hour generally busy. capability. Moreover, this is not seen as a problen, since the Area BOC is principally used as a radio relay point to provide redundant ocynmtinications.

The cost of providing a dedicated phone line is considered to be prohibitive.

F.1.d. Only a single consmon telephone 'Ihe State has negotiated 03/01/84 line was provided for the Public with WPS for the provision Service Ccnunission representative of separate telephone lines at the EOF and the Mobile at the EOF for the PSC Radiological aboratory located representative and for the adjacent to the EOP. mobile laboratory.

  • tOfE: For each MJREG iten, the stated corrective action will be (or was) taken as soon as possible, but no later than the date specified. In most cases this is the date of the next exercise which will offer (or offered)

"- ^ ~ " -. _ - . - _ _ __

Wlucunrain p g

.Kew:iunce Nuclear l'ower Plant November 1, 1981 . .

(State) Summary Listing cf incriciencies -(lla t e) ,,

Winconsin H. Other lief'iciencies '

(Commun1Ly) .

NUNEC Narrative Statement Corrective Action Scheduled Actual ILem_ of Deficiency Proposed Ib t e

  • lb te -

" 1.8. Discussions with personnel in the SOP's for the operation of Indeterminate -

field revealed that SOP's still the field mobile analyzer -

need to be developed for systen will be completed i

{ operation of the field mobile prior to the time the analyzer system. mobile lab is fully i operational.

i l 1.10. %e SIC and the utility do not The Section of Radiation 10/30/85

have mutually understood &ta Protection will work with J

necessary for the State to WPS to develop mutually independently verify off-site undetstood &ta allcwing for independent State projections.

verification of off-site l projections.

I -

l N.l.a. %c scomrio did not provide for State / local KI policies and 06/19/84 j all activities that are done by procedures were not the field monitoring teams, proposed for testing at


this exercise. %ey will

, be tested during the LACBWR

! exercise. %is question

, should have been raised by

FDR when they received the scenario prior to the exercise.

1 i

l I


  • lore:

For each NUREG iten, the stated corrective action will be (or was) taken as soon as possible, but no later

~~ - ~ ~

.crcrasicIn which wiu offer (or offered)._

Wie: conn in Kew:suisce Neoclear Power Plant Novemhcr 1, 1981- .

EmW (State) Sussiary tisting of Deficlencias -(pate) f Wisconsin H. Other Def'iciencien 2 (Community)

NUNEC Narrative Statement Corrective Action Sclieduled

  • Actual i teit of Deficiency Proposed I)a tc Ike t e F.1.d. 'lhe State Radiological This will be done in future 06/19/84 -

Coordinator's staff did not exercises. _ ,

establish early direct connunications with the utility IXF.

F.1.d. Data and information pertinent to SOP's will'be developed and 06/19/84 operations was not nede available additional operational to all parties. training will be provided to inprove the connunications flow among the radiologim1 assessnent operations.

G.3.a. " Hot Lines" are long distance The State will discuss the 10/30/85 toll calls fran the Kewaunee possibility of relocation area. of " hot line" public access to the JPIC rather than to the Corporate headquarters in Green Bay.

G.3.a. Media Center staff did not The JPIC staff will be 06/19/84 nonitor TV and radio broadcasts directed to monitor radio to check adequacy of media and TV broadcasts to check releases, adequacy of news releases.

H.10. Instruments were r.ot tagged to Instruments will be tagged 09/11/84 indicate the calibration status with the latest mlibration of the equipnent. dites.

H.10. '1he field teane did not have a A radioactive source will 09/11/84 radioactive source to use in be distributed with perfonning operational checks of appropriate procedures for the equipnent. checking the operational status of the equipnent.

  • N0fE: For each NUREG iten, the stated corrective action will be (or was) taken as soon as possible, but no later than the date gTgsziified. In most cases this is the date of the next exercise which will offer (or offered)

Wisconain Fxsrcles Kewinnea Nuclear Pow 3r Plant November 1.195l'1 ~

(State) Summary Listing of Ocficiencies -(Data) . /,

Otleer Deficiencies s Kewaunce County H.

(ComminiI Ly)

HUREC Harrative Statement Cntrective Action Sclieduled Actual Item of Deficiency , Proposed Date* _

Date .

IM1_ocation Center personnel did A.4. Relomtion center did Ibne .

not denonstrate a capability for denonstrate a cmplete continuous operations. shift change.

D.3. Maps were not posted with Maps will be posted with 09/11/84 appropriate exercise &ta. appropriate data and .


D.3. Briefings and conversations Training on terminology 09/11/84 l within the EOC included use of used within EOC pertaining i sme incorrect terminology, i.e., to nuclear plant incidents

" Site Alert." will be held with all BOC personnel.

! F.1.b. The telephone systen experienced 'Ihe telephone conpany maile When new EOC

frequent breakdowns. necessary checks and is empleted l corrections. With the new
EOC a new i teleconmunications systen

] will be used.

l F.1.b. There is a problem with the The telephone ccupany made When new EOC i

interconnection between the necessary corrections in is conpleted microomputer and the telephone equipnent. When new EOC is l systen.

. cm pleted, this facility will be separate and j depenchble. ,

G.4.b. Prescripted messages were not Additional training in 09/11/84 transnitted to the EBS station. implementing public alerting procedures in the County Plan will be provided prior to the next exercise.

  • tore: For each MJREG iten, the stated corrective action will be (or was) taken as soon as possible, but no later than1he_&% milid Rm mrR rNULcdRaLRcRh_ _

(StaLc) Summary tjetlng of Deficicucles *(Data)'

  • Kewaunce County 11 . Utlier Deficiencies .

, f j (Community)

Corrective Action Scheduled Actual NulEC Harrative Statement

  • of Deficiency Proposed Date _Dato Item Utility provided maps had reverse New maps are being 03/01/84 1

J.10.a. furnished by the utility. -

and inverted orientation.

Information on the lomtion of This inventory is being 07/01/84 J.10.d. empiled through the Health mobility inpaired individuals /special needs and Social Services individuals was not available in Department of Kewaunee the EOC. County.

The County has not accepted the Kewaunee County has 09/27/83 J 10.e. accepted the State program State program for use of KI.

on KI.

The State Procedures are in place for 06/19/84 J.12. decontamination / disposal.

i monitoring / decontamination teams did not dononstrate If is not felt that f

decontamination procedures these procedures need to be l including the disposal of frequently tested. These l

contaminated materials, procedures will be tested l at the IACBWR exercise.

1 l

No permanent record of Indeterminate K.3.a. Permanent record radiological l

exposure control devices are not radiological devices have available for emergency workers, been made available to local emergency workers in any of Wisconsin's " risk" l counties. Acquisition of i

'ILD's or sone other type of -

permanent record device for use by State and local energency workers is currently under consideration by the State of Wisconsin.

  • NDPS:

For each NUREG iten, the stated corrective action will be (or was) taken as soon as possible, but no later than the date specified. In most casos this is the rhte of the next exercise which will offer (or offered)

- ' - - - - - - - thecnKm:n Om ccTkEte the corrective action taken.

Noventier 1.19tt'l ,.

Wisconsin Exerclem Kewannes Nuclear l'over l'ignt *

  • (8k8 E8) .

Summenry 1.loting cf Deficiencleo ,


Kuvaunce County H. Ollier lieficiencies ,


Scleedul,cd Actuni Harrative Statement Cotrcctive Action D3te  !)3 E e NUld'.C I'rollONed gm_ of Deficiency Cards for maintenance of None .

K.3.b. Cards for maintenance of dose records were not prepared nor dose records are prepared were they available in the RADEF and available to the RDO Officer or Health Officer and the Public Health energency supplies. Officer.

K.3.b. Instructions for reading Instructions for reading 04/01/84

&simeters should be included in dosimeters will be included the energency workers dosimetry in dosimeter kits.


Although decontamination is a

  • Additional information 08/84 K.S.b.

State function, County relative to decontamination authorities were not aware of the procedures will be included time, anr1 location, when these in the County Plan or the procedures would be m rried out. State Plan will be referenced.

For each NUREG iten, the stated corrective action will be (cr was) taken as soon as possible, but no later

  • TOPE:

- dse which will offer (cr offered)

Wlseonsin b w since Niscleat Power Plant


Novenlist 1, 1983 ~

(State) Summary I.leting of iie71cloncisa -(pate) . *;,

Hanitowoc County 11 . Utlier McIlcicncles (Community)

Huld'f. Narrative Statement Corrective Action Sclicelul *cal Actual Item of I)cffelency Proposed Ilate _Ila t e Roads fran the reception center Ibads fran the reception 09/11/84 J.10.a. .

to the congregate care center (s) center to the congregate are not posted and maps were not care facility will be available for use by transient posted and maps will be population or others not familiar made available for transients, with the area.

Only one resident facility, Indeterminate J.10.d. Lists of nobility inpaired a nursing hann falls within persons and those without transportation are not available the Point Beach plant EPZ in the EOC. (at the outer limit).

Medical staff have decided not to evacuate this j facility in an energency situation. The County has i contacted 6-8 social

' service agencies to assist in developing lists of mobility inparied and received rn response.

Residents of the EPZ will be requested to emplete and mail tack a survey form i

to be included with the l

utilities informational i brochure to be mailed out in August, 1984. A minimal repsonse is expected.

  • tore: For each IUREG iten, the stated corrective action will be (cr was) taken as soon as possible, but no later than the date specified. In most cases this is the date of the next exercise which will offer (or offerul)

._an opportunity for federal observers to evaluate the corrective action taken.

WIaconsin Fnercin3 Etwsun:s Nuclcar Power,Plent November i t 1951 -

.- ' i.

,,(State) Summary 1.1 sting of lieficiencias -


Manitowoe County 11 . Utlier I)cIlciencies (Commun1Ly)

NtlREC Harrative Statement Cnrrective Action Sclicelui, cal Actual item of inefielency Proposed I) ate _Ita t e Pocket dosimeters for energency Connty energency workers None J K.3.a. .

workers do not include a unit will be required to leave that exceeds the EPA Guideline of contaminated areas if or 25 R. when their dosimeters read the maxinun 20 R reading, and will not be allowed to return, K.3.a. Emergency workers were not As indicated in the Indeterminate provided with permanent record response to the same devices. deficiency raised for Kewaunee County, the State ,

is currently considering acquisition of permanent, record devices for use by state and county energency workers.

  • t0PE: For each NUREG iten, the stated correctis? action will be (or was) taken as soon as possible, but no later fitH2 cJmrds digo M @Ms qs gffeed)