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Forwards Revised Operator Requalification & Recertification Program Plan for Jul 1991 - June 1993
Person / Time
Site: 05000083
Issue date: 05/31/1991
From: Vernetson W
NUDOCS 9106100252
Download: ML20081F433 (11)



NUCLE AR ENGINEERING SCIENCES DEPARTMENT Nucloor Reactor Facilliy University of Flor!do

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WCdAt H AC100 SADtN3 coes..wo mn gny 37* 1993 enna. me . i.wi sm U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Attnt Document Control Desk RE: University of Florida Training Reactor Facility License R-56; Docket No. 50-83 Gentlement The current operator roqualification and recertification program training c cle for the University of Florida Training Reactor as submitted with a letter dated May 30, 1989 is scheduled to end in June, 1991. Therefore, we propose to renew the current plan with no change except for the now dates. In effect, the revised plan will be essentially the same as that currently being used for the two-year training cycle. A copy of this revised plan is included as Enclosure 1 with this letter for reference purposes. This renewed plan as included here will cover the UFTR operator requalification and recertif ^ . tion program f rom July,1991 through June, 1993.

As usual, we propose to con e using this proposed program beyond the next two-year cycle; that is, we will automatically restart the same two-years requalification and recertifleation program training cycle overy two-year beginning in July, 1993.

If you need further information on this plan or the proposed usage of it for all future two-year training cycles, please let us know.

Sincerely, ,

h, th/dbl. C %s*

W.G. Vernetson Directur of Nuclear Facilities WGV/p Enclosure cc Reactor Safety Review Subcommittee R. Piciullo U.S.N.R.C. Region II

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,,j f L t i i Notary Public p  : i: a q' a m m O m ,, m ,


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O. OENERAL A training program for the periodic requalification of UFTR operators shall be conducted in accordance with the requiretsents established by this document. . The requalifiestion training for UFTR personnel meets or exceeds the requirements established by 10 CFR 55 Appendix A and draf t ANSI / ANS-15..'e s tandard dated September 15 1977 entitled. " Selection and Training of Personnel for Research Reactors."

Responsibility for the administration of the program shall rest with the Director of Nuclear Facilities of the Department of Nuclear Engineering ,

Sciences and his/her duly designated representative.

All licensed operators are required to participate in all phases of this program except where specifically exempted. Pe rsons in training for an operator's license also participate in the requalification program. An operator receiving a license during a requalifiestion period is required to completa only those portions occurring after the effective date of the 7 license received.

The requalification training program in force at the UFTR shall consist of eight (8) component areas described in the following sections and listed in Table 1. The requirements that must be met in order to complete the requalification program successfully are delineated in these sections.

Table 1 Operator Requalification and Racertification Program Raquirement Areas

1. Requalification Schedule
2. -Lectures Reviews and Examinations J. Operations and Checkouts
4. Emergency Drills
5. Absence from Authorized Activities
6. Evaluation of Operators f 7. Requalification Records
8. Requalification Document Review I


1. REQUALIFICATION SCllEDULE The UTTR requalification program shall be conducted over a period not to 6sceed two years and shall be followed by successive two-year programs. To assure that the program is effective, the various requirements shall be executed according to the time schedules outlined in this program guide.

The current two-year Requalification Training Schedule (July, 1989

  • June, 1991) is contained in Appendix A of this program plan.

II, 12CTURES, REVIEWS AND EXAMINATIONS A. Lectures The requalification program shall be divided into the group of topics listed below in Table 2, for snich preplanned training or preparation is scheduled. The schedule is set up so that the entire program covering the topics listed in Table 2 is completed over the two year period.

Table 2 Requalification Training Lecture Program Topics

1. Nuclear Theory and Principles of Operation
2. Desid n and Operating Characteristics
3. Instrumentation and Control Systems 4 Reactor Protection System
5. No rmal , Abno rmal and Emergency Procedures (one per year minimum, independent of emergency drills)
6. Radiation Control and Safety
7. Technical Specifications and Applicable Portions of Title 10 Code of Federal Pegulations.

B. Examinatione An examination shall be administered at the end of each lecture massion listed in Table 2, no later than four weeks af ter the lecture or review session. For designated cases, a final examination covering all topics i may be substinuted for individual examinations. Results of the certified individual's evaluation f rom the examinations and f rom the on-the-job training described under Section VI, Paragraph B, " Annual On-the-Job Training," are used to determine the operator's proficiency, weakness or deficiency.

Examination is encouraged but not required for training sessione given but not required by this program.


1 C. Fuel llandig Prior to any refueling operation and/or fuel handling operation, a special training session shall be held discussing / practicing the required operations and reviewing procedures to assure proficiency of all personnel involved, including emergency actions.

D. Procedure / Technical Specifications Changes Any changes in procedures , technical specifications, regulations, as well as any change with saf ety significance to the facility shall be reviewed by every licensed operator. Furthe rrno re , a written monthly report summarizing the activities in the reactor, including modification, maintenance, results of calibrations and tests, as well as any procedural changes will be distributed to all licensed reactor operators and discussed, as needed.

E. Required Reading List Documenta, letters and memos pertinent to operational saf ety shall be maintained in the Required Reading List prior to pe rmanent filing.

Each operator is responsible for reviewing the list periodically and in a timely manner to remain current with the information contained in the Required Reading List. This reading list will be indexed with a master listing with spaces provided for initials of all required readers.

This list should bu reviewed at intervals not to exceed one month; when an item has been reviewed, the proper initials should be affixed to acknowledge evapletion of review.

F. Yearly Review A yeerly review of facility operatious, maintenanen, modifications, etc. is conducted with the operating staff by the Director of Nuclear Facilities or the Reactor Manager using the UFTR Annual Report as a basis for the review.

III. REQUALIFICATION OPERATIONS AND CHECKOUTS A. _ Reactivity Control Manipulations Over the two year requalification period, each certified individual shall pe rf o rm at least ten reactivity control manipulations in any combination of reactor startups, shutdowns, or significant reactivity changes.

B. Schedule of Operations and Chsekouts To insure operator proficiency over a range of ordinary operations, the following schedule of operations and checkouts shall be maintained by all license operators when the reactor is operable.




1. Each licensed operator shall perform at least one reactor startup i quarterly at intervals not to exceed four months.
2. Each licensed operator shall perforw at least one daily checkout quarterly at intervals not to exceed four months.
3. Each licensed operator shall perf orm at least one weekly checkout semi-annually at int -vals not to exceed eight months. To maintain certifiestion each licensed reactor operator shall exercise his/her operator's license for a minimum of four (4) hours of licensed activities during each calendar quarter.

C. Credit for Reactivity Control Manipulations For the purpose of meeting requalification requirements, each licensed operator and senior operator may take credit only for reactivity control manipulations which they perform themselves.

D. Records it is the responsibility of each operator to insure that these requirements are met and logged in the operator's Requalification folder. Each operator shall also be responsible to ensure that monthly operating hours are logged in the same folder.

IV. EMERGENCY DRILLS Emergency drills shall be held quarterly. At least once per year these drills shall involve the participation of the University Police Departmen;;,

the Gainesdlle Fire Department and other emergency assistance teams as appropriate for the drill in question. Each operator is required to participate in two emergency drills per year at intervals not to exceed i eight mo nths . - A review of the drill and applicable emergency procedures shall be performed with all certified individuals within seven days af ter completion of the drill.


l An operator who has not been actively perf orming certified functions for a l period in excess of four months shall be required to demonstrate to the Reactor Manager or duly authorized representative that his/her knowledge and understanding of the operation and administration of the facility are satisfactory before returning to certified duties. This shall be l

accomplished through an interview and evaluation or a yritten, oral or operational examination or a suitable combinat'on thereof. Any deficiencies uncovered must be corrected before the individual resumes authorized functions.

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VI. EVALUATION OF OPERATORS A. Biennial Evaluations An in-depth evaluation of the operating perf ormance of each licensed operator shall be performed and documented biennially and/or prior to their re-certification anniversary to insure that they have the knowledge, competence and dexterity to operate the reactor safely and to take appropriate actions in response to abnormal situations that may arise.

The evaluation shall include results from the examinations, the annual on-the-job evaluation of operational proficiency (as delineated under Paragraph B of this Section), and any other available indications of the operator's capability to discharge his/her duties in a safe and competent manner.

B. Annus1 On-the-Job Training Each licensed Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator shall demonstrate satisfactory understanding of the operation of the facility systems, operating procedures and f acility procedure license changes during an annual walk-through examitiation administered by a designated 4

Senior Reactor Operator. Each Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator is also required to take an annual operations test to demon-strate proficiency in startup, changing powers and shutting down the reractor.

C. Grade Requirements All operators are required to complete each examination satisf actorily according to the following requirements:

1. A grade higher than 80% requires no additional training.
2. A grade in the range of 65%-79% reqv.t re s additional training in those areas or topics where weaknesses or deficiencies are !

indicated. This training shall be completed within 60 days from i the date the examination was administered.

l l 3. With a grade of less than 65%, the individual shall be placed in an l

accelerated retraining program in those areas where weaknesses or deficiencies are indicated.

I Additional appropriate training requirements in the form of formal lectures, tutoring, self-study or on-the-job training shall be based on the results of examinations conducted.


D. Accelerated Training Accelerated training programa shall be completed within four months following the grading of the examinations. Furthermore, within one month a l '. e r the grading of the examination, there shall be an evaluation by the Reactor Manager or a d e #,igna ted representative to d e t e rmine if the deficiencies uncovered warrant withdrawal of the individual's certification pending completion of the accelerated training program. The evaluation shall consider the individual's past perf ormance record, the supervisor's evaluation and past tent scores as well as current deficiencies. An oral exam may also be given to aid in the evaluation. Rega rdle s s of the score, if the individual's test indicates a deficiency in a critical area that affects safety, a training program shall be administered to correct the deficiency promptly.

E. Additional Training Requirements Additional training shall be provided whenever needed to correct weak-nesses or deficiencies uncovered. Such additional training shall be completed prior to the conclusion of the specific requalification program or appiteation for renewal of operatnr's license, whichever occurs first.

T. Additional Evaluation An evaluation shall be made of an operator at any time his/her physical or mental condition appears impaired in a manner that his/her pe r f o rmance of duties as an operator appears to be affected. Any oxemplary performances or additional duties pe rf o rmed by an operator shall be noted in his/her Requalification Folder to aid later etaluations.

VII REQUALIF1 CATION RECORDS A. Operator Requalification Records Operator requalification records shall be kept to assure that all the requirements of the "UFTR Operatar Paqualification and Racertification Program Plan" are met.

Each operator shall have an individual folder or notebook containing signature blocks for lectures attended, prepared or assigned self-study sessions, resetivity manipulations performed, weekly s.nd daily checkouts performed, and quarterly drills participated in by the operator. The folder shall also contain copies of written examinationo aaministered, the answers given by the operator, results of any evaluations and documentation of any additional training administered in areas in which an operator has exhibited deficiencies. The p e r f o rmance of, or participation in, special activities such as fuel handling by the individual operator, shall also be logged in the applicable Requalification Folder.


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8. Requalification_ Training Manual A Master Requalification Training Manual vill be used to organize training requirements; this manual shall aontain a schedule of all requi:ed lectures , reviews, emergency drills, and other exercises. The date the item is performed shall be indicated in this manual. A section of this manual shall be designated to contain completed training items, attendance sheets, master copies of testa given and ,

lecture outlinen if available.

A separate section of this manual shall also indicate operator license amendment commitments and the dates for each including relicense dates for all licensed operators.

  • C. Facility Records Required documents and recorde pertaining to the Requalification Prograin shall be maintained at the UTTR as part of the f acility rrc rds for a period of five years.

VIII. REQUALIFICATION DOCUMENT REVIEW AND AUDIT The individual Requalification Folders or Notebooks shall be reviewed i on a semi-annual basis by a designated Senior Reactor Operator and shall be notsd by the inclusion of the SR0s dated signature. Any deficiencies noted during the revtow shall be brought to the attention of the Director of Nuclear Facilities or the Raactor Manager who will then insure that appropriate action is taken.

An audit of requalification program records shall be conducted by the Re actor Safety Raview Subcommittee (RSRS) biennially at int ervals not to exceed thirty (30) months.

Rmferences 10 CFR 55 American National Standard ANSI /ANS-15.4 - 1977 (N380)



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(P) Emergency (L) Nuclear Theory & *EMERGENCI  ;

Operating Equipment Principles of DRILL Characteristiet, Training ~ Operation EME81GENCY Ti.) Security Plan l

_~ DRILL (P) Special (S) Annual Report i Equipment Review ANNUAL Training OPERATIONS TEST  !

(Rabbit System, Overhead Crane) i c



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l (L) Normal,' Abnormal EMERGENCY (1) Reactor (I) Operator Walk- EMERGENCY  ;

! and Emergency DRILL Protection throughs DRILL

( Procedures System  ;

(P) Fuel 11andling _

(P) Emergency i Training Equipment Training i



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NOVEMBER DECEMBER AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER JULY (L) Emergency (L) Instrumen- (L) Radiation EllERGENCY (L) Technical Plan tation & Control and DRILL SpectfIcations (S) Annual Report Control Safety _

Review Systems (P) Emergency

  • EMERGENCY Equipment DRILL Training ANNUAL (P) Special OPERATIONS Equipment Training TESTS (Rabbit System, Overhead Crane)

MAY JUNE FEBRUARY llARCII APRIL JANUARY (L) Normal, Abnormal EMERGENCY (1) Operator Walk- EllERGENCY Emergency DRILL throughs DRILL Procedures (P) Emergency BIENNIAL COMPREHENSIVE Equipment Traicing EXAMINATION


