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Forwards Rev 9 to Univ of Fl Training Reactor Emergency Plan. Changes Considered Relatively Minor in Nature,Result of Reviews of Plan & Response to Simulated Emergencies Following Emergency Drills
Person / Time
Site: 05000083
Issue date: 01/20/1995
From: Vernestson W
Shared Package
ML20080F740 List:
NUDOCS 9501300221
Download: ML20080F739 (4)





Nuclear Reactor Facility 202 Nuclear Sciences Center Department of Nuclear Engineering Sciences P.O. Box 118300 Gainesville, Florida 32611-8300 Tel: (904) 392-1429 Fax:(904) 392-3380 January 20,1995 UFTR Emergency Plan Revision 9 Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555

Dear Sir / Madam:

l Re: University of Florida Training Reactor (UFTR)

Facility License: R-56; Docket No. 50-83 The enclosed package contains Revision 9 to the approved UFTR Emergency Plan. Revision 9 has been reviewed by UFTR management and the Reactor Safety Review Subcommittee (RSRS) to assure Revision 9 does not decrease the effectiveness of the UFTR Emergency Plan. All the changes are considered relatively minor in nature; they are the result of reviews of the Plan and our response to simulated i emergencies following emergency drills.

Revision 9 consists of a set of updates and revisions to thineen (13) pages: lii, iv,1-12, 5-1, 5-2, 7-5, 7-6, 7-7, 8-2, 8-3,10-2,104 and 11-1, as well as Appendix I - Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics, Inc. Plan for Emergency Handling of Radiation Accident Cases. In addition, Appendix II - Agreement Letters and Appendix III - Emergency Implementing Procedures are removed from the Plan. Page changes are marked with the usual vertical lines for easy location.

First, page 1-12 is updated to clarify one of the conservatisms involved in accident dose calculations for the UFTR. Specifically, the second assumption is changed to refer to shutdowns in power operations versus all operations, since operations below 1 kW will not significantly impact the potential dose involved in an accident.

Second, page 5-1 is updated to correct a typographical error where, on line 7, " Engineering Action Levels" is corrected to read properly as " Emergency Action Levch "

'Ihird, in Table 5.1 on page 5-2, the action levels related to airborne contamination levels for Class I (fourth entry) and Class II (third entry) emergency classes are updated to refer to the " maximum allowable concentration" versus "MPC" in agreement with terminology appropriate to the new 10 CFR 20.

9501300221 PDR 950120 0 ADOCK 050000s3 fu 1 PDR Equi opportunky/Amtmadw Acdon Ins 6tudon

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! r, USNRC January 20,1995 Fourth, page 7-5, Section 7.3.2 Assessment Actiomt is updated to clarify the two types of occurrences allowing categorization of an emergency as Class I or higher. Part (a) is changed to reflect Class I -

requires 2 of 3 area radiation monitors to be continuously in excess of 100 mR/hr in agreement with Table 5.1 versus the previously stated 50 mR/hr. His change was missed in the Revision 8 submittal.  ;

Part (b) is chacged to reflect air particulate detector validly alarming on either of two allowable systems l versus only one. In addition, the beginning of Section 7.3.4 Protective Actions is now moved to  ;

page 7-6. I i

Fifth, page 7-6, Section 7.3.4 Protective Actions is changed. In paragraph 3, the reference to "high range teletector" is changed to "high range teletector or equivalent" since two such meters are now available. In paragraph 5, the reference to " area film badges or TLDs" is changed to "TLDs" since film l badges have been removed due to environmental effects giving spurious readings over the years. Finally, several typographical and reference errors are corrected on this page including references to the "decon -

room" or " decontamination room" changed to " Emergency Support Center" as the proper reference in paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 of Section 7.3.4 Protective Actions and in paragraph 1 of Section 7.4.1 Activation of the Emergency Organization; changing "are the situation has been evaluated" in paragraph 2 of Section  ;

7.3.4 to read "until the situation has been evaluated"; and changing several radiation levels from mrad /h and rad /h to mrad /hr and rad /hr in paragraph 3 of Section 7.3.4. In addition, the beginning of Section 7.4.2 Assessment Actions is now moved to page 7-7. 1 Sixth, page 7-7, Section 7.4.2 Assessment Actions is changed to reflect the changes in Table 5.1.

Specifically, item (a) is changed to indicate a 10 mR/hr reading "outside the Emergency Support Center  !

(Room 108 NSC) or outside the operations boundary" will define a Class II emergency, notjust outside l Room 108 NSC. In addition, in item (c) the reference to "MPC" is changed to " maximum allowable  !

concentration" to reflect the terminology in the new 10 CFR Part 20. Moreover, in Section 7.4.3 j Corrective Actions the reference to " Class I Emergency Unusual Event" is changed properly to read

" Class I Emergency (Notification of Unusual Event)."

Seventh, Table 8.1 on page 8-2 listing equipment typically available from the University of Florida  !

Radiation Control Office for emergency dose and radiation level assessment and Table 8.2 on page 8-3 listing the equipment typically available in the UFTR facility for dose and radiation level assessment i (depending on accessibility du-ing an emergency event) are both updated as has been done for Revisions 7 and 8. These updated tables reflect better actual equipment available to address emergency events to include the removal of failed or unreliable instruments and the addition of new instruments acquired over ,

the past two years such as the RM-14 and E-120G GM survey meters in Table 8.1 and the Bicron Microanalyst Scintillation Detector survey meter as well as the Xetex Telescan GM Detector in Table 8.2.  !

Dese tables do not have vertical lines in the margin due to the number of changes, including correction -

of minor typographical errors. I


Eighth, % page 10-2, the first paragraph of Section 10.2 is updated with two changes. He first change  !

allows the required biennial review of the Emergency Plan to be performed by either the Emergency Coordinator or the Emergency Director versus only the Emergency Coordinator. Though understood to be the case previously, this dual responsibility is now specifically delineated for Revision 9. He sec(md change is to delete the reference to the implementing procedures being in Appendix III of the Emergency Plan. As part of Revision 9 the procedures are being removed and only the list of such procedures is included in Section 11.0 of the Plan as referenced in Section 10.2. Dese procedures will continue to be available at the Emergency Support Center and to have their changes carefully controlled in agreement with the Emergency Plan.

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USNRC January 20,1995 l l

Ninth, Table 10.3 on page 104 is updated to delete the respirators with spare filters that have been removed from Room 108 NSC since they are no longer allowed to be used as part of the UFTR Respiratory Protection Program implemented in compliance with the revised 10 CFR Part 20. In addition, a wide roll of absorbent paper and a pair of scismrs are added to Table 10.3 and indicated to ,

be available in Room 108 NSC.

Tenth, Section 11.1 on page Il-1 is updated to indicate the B-series emergency procedures are maintained in the facility procedure manual separate from this Plan and not in Appendix III as had been previously I done. In addition, in Section 11.2 the review and update is referred to be for the emergency procedures,' .i nct all procedures. Nevertheless, all UFTR procedures will continue to be reviewed on a biennial senedule in accordance with our B-4 surveillance. j Eleventh, Appendix I is completely updated with the latest "Shands Hospital Emergency Department Plan for Emergency Handling of Radiological Accident Cases" which provides instructions and procedures for personnel to prepare for the admission of a patient involved in a radiological accident. Dough the name  ;

of this document is slightly changed, using the word " radiological" in place of " radiation" and referring <

l to the Shands Hospital Emergency Department instead of Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics, Inc. due to hospital reorganization, this is essentially the equivalent Plan to that previously included in Appendix I.

It is also now a stand-alone document, not part of a larger disaster preparedness manual.

Twelfth, Appendix II Agreement Letters and Appendix III Emergency Implementing Proaedures are removed from the Emergency Plan itself. The agreement letters are kept on file at the UFTR facility and  !

the Emergency Implementing Procedures are kept in the facility procedure manual, a controlled copy of l which is available at the UFTR control console, with additional controlled copies at the Emergency l Support Center and at various other locations throughout the UFTR facility. Because two emergency  !

procedures have been extensively revised as a result of this review and update, they are included as an attachment to this letter to facilitate review if considered necessary. These procedures have been carefully reviewed and are being implemented as changed. The changes are summarized in the following two paragraphs since the procedures are now being removed from the Emergency Plan.

Revision 5 to SOP-B.1 (Radiological Emergency) updates the procedure to include updating and l incorporating terms used in the Emergency Plan. Revision 5 also better designates how emergencies are l to be addressed and provides more guidance on how the response may proceed. Much of what is now l done is inserted with the word "should" to recommend the course of action as a means of providing better

guidance. De procedure now srxifically addresses ALARA and following the Emergency Plan, has duties for the Emergency Direcer and clarifies the duties of others, greatly expands "should" items on how to respond to events, ar
3 allows opecors to proceed directly to the Emergency Support Center by the best available route versus evacuating the building by prescribed routes to avoid a case where no one evacuates to the Emergency Support Center. Revision 5 :: Iso updates Appendix I (Instructions for Radiological Emergencies) and the Emergency Procedure Qualification Form now specifically addresses i both lecture and practical training requirements. l l

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USNRC January 20,1995 Revision 9 to SOP-B.2 (Emergency Procedure - Fire) updates the procedure to address the existence of four (4) fire alarm zones (1, 2, 3, 4) in the UFTR building and their relative likelihood of radioactivity involvement in a fire. Revision 9 also addresses notification of fires beyond the University Police Department and the University of Florida Environmental Health and 3afety Department to include the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as well as the American Nuclear Insurers, as well as possible reactor l trip documentation. It also expands actions and other follow-up checks for fires as well as updating Form SOP-B.2A (Emergency Action Fire Evaluation). Finally, Revision 9 also clarifies the allowed use of water for fires in the reactor cell as the primary objective must be controlling a fire.

Finally, the Table of Contents (pages ill and iv) is updated to reflect page changes that occurred when pages 7-5 and 7-6 were corrected and retyped since several sections now begin on di.'ferent pages and to reflect the deletion of Appendix II and Appendix III from the Plan. Appendix I on page iv is also renamed as is the cover page for Appendix I at the end of the body of the Emergency Plan.

P As indicated, all these changes have been reviewed by UFTR management and by the Reactor Safety Review Subcommittee to .ssure they do not decrease the effectiveness of the UFTR Emergency Plan.

In general, these changer nake the Plan better suited to assuring a proper response to emergencies at the University of Florida T aing Reactor.

If there are any questic i, please let us know. 'Ihank you for your consideration.

Sincerely, 5 A lf .J -

William G. Vernetson Director of Nuclear Facilities WGV/dms Enclosures ,

Copies: NRC Region II (2 copies)

Reactor Safety Review Subcommittee D. Simpkins 4 i

Tsu Sworn and subscribed this b day of January,1995.

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.f g MY COMMIS$0N # CC302416 EXPtRES w/. - r August 27,1997

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