MONTHYEARML20080G1431995-01-24024 January 1995 Inquires About Reason for Puzzling Delay Concerning Patient Discharge Rule ML20080G1591995-01-10010 January 1995 Ack Receipt of ,Which Answered 941130 & 1212 Ltrs to Chairman.Informs That Ltr Entirely Unsatisfactory ML20057E2811993-09-17017 September 1993 Provides Correction to Second Paragraph of Page 1 of Final Rept of Confirmatory Survey of Boelter Reactor Facility for UCLA in Los Angeles,Ca ML20057C1001993-09-0909 September 1993 Forwards Final Rept of Confirmatory Survey of Boelter Reactor Facility,Univ of California,Los Angeles,Ca IR 05000142/19930011993-09-0303 September 1993 Forwards Orise Rept Also Being Identified as NRC Insp Rept 50-142/93-01.Areas Surveyed Appear to Meet Criteria of Reg Guide 1.86, Termination of OLs for Operating Reactors ML20057C5081993-08-24024 August 1993 Forwards Advance Copy of Final Rept of Confirmatory Survey of Boelter Reactor Facility,Univ of Ca. Bound Final Copies Will Be Mailed in Approx Two Wks ML20116L5461993-02-22022 February 1993 Forwards Response to Comments from NRC & Oak Ridge Inst Re Review of UCLA Rept, Final Decommissioning for Boelter Reactor Facility ML20128G2081993-01-28028 January 1993 Forwards Final Release Survey Rept for Boelter Reactor Facility Dismantlement & Final Decommissioning Project ML20127K2731993-01-0404 January 1993 Forwards Final Decommissioning Rept for Boelter Reactor Facility Dismantlement & Final Decommissioning Project ML20116E2951992-10-12012 October 1992 Provides Clarification of Two Items Noted in Insp Rept 50-142/92-01 & Informs of Personnel Change at UCLA ML20086J2451991-12-0404 December 1991 Discusses Changes in Organizational Structure at School of Engineering & Applied Sciences & Radiation Safety Ofc Since Issuance of NRC 890728 Order Authorizing Phase II Decommissioning.Revised Organization Chart Encl ML20073B9901991-06-18018 June 1991 Forwards Rept Summarizing Findings of Orau Review of 59 Docket Files for Terminated Research & Test Reactors ML20055J3881990-07-26026 July 1990 Advises That Author Retiring from Position of Radiation Safety Officer,Effective 900731 ML20042F0441990-04-26026 April 1990 Responds to 890620 Inquiry Re Licensee Decommissioning of Plant.Instruments Used by UCLA for Releasing Matls for Unrestricted Use Appropriate ML20248A3441989-09-20020 September 1989 Advises That Batch of Approx 5,000 Lb of Neutron Activated Lead Transferred on 890818 to Another Licensee for Possible Recycle Into Shielding for Waste Disposal.No Radioactive Matl Remaining at Univ & Licensee Complied W/Agreement ML20246F6201989-08-24024 August 1989 Forwards Commission Safety Evaluation & Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact for Phase II Decommissioning of UCLA Research Reactor,Per 890810 Request.W/O Encl ML20247Q6951989-07-28028 July 1989 Forwards Order Authorizing Phase II of Facility Dismantling & Disposition of Component Parts,Per 880610,21,1207 & 890331 Requests.Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact & Safety Evaluation Also Encl ML20245B4531989-06-0808 June 1989 Forwards Encl Listed Info on Decommissioned & Shutdown Reactors Requested During Discussions at Saxton on 890511 ML20245C5411989-04-12012 April 1989 Submits Followup to & Response to Ltrs from C Woodhead & D Hirsh Re EPA Regulatory Problems Concerning Transfer of Neutron Activated Lead Remaining at Reactor Facility to Univ License for Future Use as Shield Matl ML20248F7901989-03-31031 March 1989 Forwards Plan for Improvement of Procedures & Documentation for Final Reactor Facility Decommissioning,In Response to Insp Rept 50-142/89-10 ML20236C9381989-03-14014 March 1989 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Decommissioning Phase II Plan Submitted on 880610 & Suppls on 880621 & 1207.Response Requested within 15 Days of Ltr Date ML20235V8791989-03-0303 March 1989 Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App J Documents.App J Documents Also Available in Pdr.App K Documents Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 4) ML20235Z1401989-03-0303 March 1989 Responds to Appeal of Denial of FOIA Request for Documents 36-61 on App C.Releases Documents C-38 - C-58,C-60 & C-61. Other App C Documents Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5) ML20236A1481989-02-27027 February 1989 Forwards Insp Rept 50-142/89-01 on 890131-0201.No Noncompliance Noted ML20235V1671989-02-14014 February 1989 Informs That Proposal Re Transfer of 4,000 Lb of Radioactive Lead Shot & 1,000 Lb Lead Brick Does Not Conform to Settlement Agreement.Related Correspondence ML20195D6371988-10-27027 October 1988 Responds to Re Decomissioning Review of Reactor Facility ML20207M1931988-10-12012 October 1988 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re 880610 & 21 Phase II Decommissioning Plan.Response Requested within 60 Days of Ltr Date ML20154M8311988-09-20020 September 1988 Responds to Request for Info Re Phase I Nuclear Reactor Decommissioning.Concerns Raised Re Time Element for Review of Phase I Rept While Awaiting Approval Order for Removing Remaining Reactor Structures & Decommissioning Facility ML20207D1741988-07-18018 July 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App G Documents Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 4) ML20195E5741988-06-24024 June 1988 Ack Receipt of 780616 Response to 750529 Notice of Violation.Understands That Necessary Training of Police Officers Will Be Completed in Jul 1975 ML20195G6351988-06-21021 June 1988 Forwards Revised Pages for Phase II Plan for Former Reactor Facility.Some Editorial Corrections Made on Pages 6,12,15 & 16 ML20195G5041988-06-21021 June 1988 Forwards Pages 6,12,15 & 16 for Placement in Phase II Plan for Former Reactor Facility Sent on 880610.Editorial Changes Made to Pages ML20195E5531988-06-13013 June 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App F Documents Encl & Available in PDR ML20155C6211988-06-10010 June 1988 Forwards Rept of UCLA Reactor Decommissioning,Guide for Phase Ii,Final Phase. Rept Covers Removal of Remaining Structures.Expeditious Review to Enable Distribution of Request for Proposal to Prospective Contractors Requested ML20155H4331988-06-0303 June 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App E Documents.App D & E Documents Available in PDR ML20154E5341988-05-13013 May 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request.App C Documents Encl & Available in PDR ML20151S6331988-04-19019 April 1988 Forwards Amended Page of Attachment I to Je Mclaughlin to a Adams Correcting Typos ML20151G2601988-04-12012 April 1988 Forwards Responses to Questions 9-15 & Phase I of Summary Rept Dismantlement of Reactor,Per NRC .Phase II Plan Under Development ML20150D9721988-03-18018 March 1988 Informs of NRC Relocation to Stated Address.Mailing Address Unchanged.A Adams Project Manager & TS Michaels back-up Project Manager ML20149M0501988-02-18018 February 1988 Ack Receipt of 880112 Answers to Remaining Questions Re Phase I of Decommissioning Effort & Request for Quotation Concerning Phase Ii.Plan to Dismantle Facility & Dispose of Component Parts Requested Per 10CFR50.82 ML20237H6751987-09-0101 September 1987 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re UCLA Security Plan.Documents in App a Already Available in Pdr. Forwards App B Documents.App B Documents Also Available in PDR ML20215C0501987-06-11011 June 1987 Informs of Recent Reorganization in Nrr.Organization Now Called Standardization & Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate.Project Manager for Facility Is a Adams ML20203M8871986-08-30030 August 1986 Informs of Change of Address ML20211Q2831986-07-14014 July 1986 Forwards Order Authorizing Phase I of Facility Dismantling & Disposition of Component Parts,Per 851029 Application. Finding of No Significant Environ Impact,Safety Evaluation & Environ Assessment Encl ML20210H9231986-03-27027 March 1986 Lists Change in Telephone Number for H Bernard,Facility Project Manager,Due to NRR Reorganization.D Tondi New Nonpower Reactors & Safeguards Licensing Section Leader. Correspondence Should Be Sent to Listed Address ML20140D0901986-03-21021 March 1986 Forwards Answers to NRC Questions 1-8 Re Reactor Facility Dismantling Plan.Questions 9-15 Will Be Answered as Part of Rept Submitted at Conclusion of Phase I of Dismantling Operations ML20141P1521986-03-12012 March 1986 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re 851029 Reactor Decommissioning Plan.Response Requested by 860321 ML20136C5061985-12-16016 December 1985 Repts Organizational & Other Changes Made in Response to App 2 of ASLB Order ML20137Y8731985-12-0404 December 1985 Responds to 850925 Request for Amend to License R-71 Tech Specs.No Action Can Be Taken on Request.Aslb 851108 Order Terminated & Superseded License R-71 ML20210A4121985-11-13013 November 1985 Forwards Correction to ASLB Proposed Order Prepared in Response to 851030 Memorandum & Order on Behalf of Parties 1995-01-24
MONTHYEARIR 05000142/19930011993-09-0303 September 1993 Forwards Orise Rept Also Being Identified as NRC Insp Rept 50-142/93-01.Areas Surveyed Appear to Meet Criteria of Reg Guide 1.86, Termination of OLs for Operating Reactors ML20042F0441990-04-26026 April 1990 Responds to 890620 Inquiry Re Licensee Decommissioning of Plant.Instruments Used by UCLA for Releasing Matls for Unrestricted Use Appropriate ML20246F6201989-08-24024 August 1989 Forwards Commission Safety Evaluation & Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact for Phase II Decommissioning of UCLA Research Reactor,Per 890810 Request.W/O Encl ML20247Q6951989-07-28028 July 1989 Forwards Order Authorizing Phase II of Facility Dismantling & Disposition of Component Parts,Per 880610,21,1207 & 890331 Requests.Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact & Safety Evaluation Also Encl ML20245B4531989-06-0808 June 1989 Forwards Encl Listed Info on Decommissioned & Shutdown Reactors Requested During Discussions at Saxton on 890511 ML20236C9381989-03-14014 March 1989 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Decommissioning Phase II Plan Submitted on 880610 & Suppls on 880621 & 1207.Response Requested within 15 Days of Ltr Date ML20235Z1401989-03-0303 March 1989 Responds to Appeal of Denial of FOIA Request for Documents 36-61 on App C.Releases Documents C-38 - C-58,C-60 & C-61. Other App C Documents Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5) ML20235V8791989-03-0303 March 1989 Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App J Documents.App J Documents Also Available in Pdr.App K Documents Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 4) ML20236A1481989-02-27027 February 1989 Forwards Insp Rept 50-142/89-01 on 890131-0201.No Noncompliance Noted ML20235V1671989-02-14014 February 1989 Informs That Proposal Re Transfer of 4,000 Lb of Radioactive Lead Shot & 1,000 Lb Lead Brick Does Not Conform to Settlement Agreement.Related Correspondence ML20195D6371988-10-27027 October 1988 Responds to Re Decomissioning Review of Reactor Facility ML20207M1931988-10-12012 October 1988 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re 880610 & 21 Phase II Decommissioning Plan.Response Requested within 60 Days of Ltr Date ML20207D1741988-07-18018 July 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App G Documents Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 4) ML20195E5741988-06-24024 June 1988 Ack Receipt of 780616 Response to 750529 Notice of Violation.Understands That Necessary Training of Police Officers Will Be Completed in Jul 1975 ML20195E5531988-06-13013 June 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App F Documents Encl & Available in PDR ML20155H4331988-06-0303 June 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App E Documents.App D & E Documents Available in PDR ML20154E5341988-05-13013 May 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request.App C Documents Encl & Available in PDR ML20150D9721988-03-18018 March 1988 Informs of NRC Relocation to Stated Address.Mailing Address Unchanged.A Adams Project Manager & TS Michaels back-up Project Manager ML20149M0501988-02-18018 February 1988 Ack Receipt of 880112 Answers to Remaining Questions Re Phase I of Decommissioning Effort & Request for Quotation Concerning Phase Ii.Plan to Dismantle Facility & Dispose of Component Parts Requested Per 10CFR50.82 ML20237H6751987-09-0101 September 1987 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re UCLA Security Plan.Documents in App a Already Available in Pdr. Forwards App B Documents.App B Documents Also Available in PDR ML20215C0501987-06-11011 June 1987 Informs of Recent Reorganization in Nrr.Organization Now Called Standardization & Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate.Project Manager for Facility Is a Adams ML20211Q2831986-07-14014 July 1986 Forwards Order Authorizing Phase I of Facility Dismantling & Disposition of Component Parts,Per 851029 Application. Finding of No Significant Environ Impact,Safety Evaluation & Environ Assessment Encl ML20210H9231986-03-27027 March 1986 Lists Change in Telephone Number for H Bernard,Facility Project Manager,Due to NRR Reorganization.D Tondi New Nonpower Reactors & Safeguards Licensing Section Leader. Correspondence Should Be Sent to Listed Address ML20141P1521986-03-12012 March 1986 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re 851029 Reactor Decommissioning Plan.Response Requested by 860321 ML20137Y8731985-12-0404 December 1985 Responds to 850925 Request for Amend to License R-71 Tech Specs.No Action Can Be Taken on Request.Aslb 851108 Order Terminated & Superseded License R-71 ML20138L4091985-10-25025 October 1985 Forwards Draft Response to Board 851016 Order for Review,Per Request.Notification of Receipt Requested Prior to 851030. W/O Encl.Related Correspondence ML20135E1071985-09-12012 September 1985 Forwards Proposed Amend 9 to License R-71,prohibiting Operation & Requiring Dismantlement by 890930.Conference Call Scheduled for 850918 to Discuss Proposal ML20134N3871985-08-30030 August 1985 Comments on 850623 Proposed Settlement Agreement Between Univ of California,Committee to Bridge the Gap & NRC Re Renewal of Ol.Sections 2.3,2.4 & 2.5 Would Impose Requirements & Time Deadlines.Related Correspondence ML20062H5731982-07-22022 July 1982 Forwards IE Insp Rept 50-142/82-02 on 820628-30 & Notice of Violation ML20055B8671982-07-22022 July 1982 Forwards IE to Ucla.W/O Encl ML20054M4361982-07-0707 July 1982 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept ML20055B3871982-06-23023 June 1982 Forwards Std Order for DOE Work: Consultant Svcs of Sc Hawley,Rl Kathern & Ma Robkin for Hearing Support - UCLA Nonpower Reactor Operating License Renewal Application ML20054H2841982-06-22022 June 1982 Forwards Recent IE Insp Rept on Facility.Counsel Will Attempt to Locate NRC Documents Re Emergency Plans for Research Reactors Requested in .W/O Encl ML20054L3881982-06-16016 June 1982 Ltr to All Research & Test Reactor Licensees Requesting That Reg Guide 2.6 (for Comment) & ANSI/ANS-15.16 (Draft II Dtd 811129) Be Used to Meet Requirement of Final Amend to 10CFR50.54(r) Re Emergency Planning.Fr Notice Encl ML20054J1581982-06-0909 June 1982 Forwards IE Insp Rept 50-142/82-01 on 820405-09 & Notice of Violation ML20053E6321982-06-0707 June 1982 Lists Refs Provided by Cort as Addition to Response to Committee to Bridge the Gap Interrogatory 17 ML20041E3981982-02-25025 February 1982 Advises That Commissioner Roberts 820126 Meeting W/Dean Oneill & Other UCLA Officials Was Courtesy Call W/No Discussion of Contested Issues.Visit Violated No Restriction on Ex Parte Communications ML20050G7221981-12-29029 December 1981 Addl Response to FOIA Request for Info Re License Renewal. Info Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 4) ML20149K1911980-05-0707 May 1980 Generic Ltr 80-38 to All Nonpower Reactor Licensees Re NPR Physical Protection Requirements.Summary of Certain NPR Physical Protection Requirements Encl & Should Aid in Determining Safeguards Requirements Applicable to Facility ML20062G9781979-03-0707 March 1979 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violation Noted in Insp on 780118.Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20237J5551977-07-11011 July 1977 Responds to Encl Re I Catton Requesting Clarification of Status of UCLA Security Plan & Whether Security Plan Conceived as Having Radiological Safety Aspects That Interact W/License ML20154E5651977-04-12012 April 1977 Advises That 770120 Lab Security Plan Not Acceptable.Rev Should Be Submitted within 30 Days of Ltr Receipt ML20154E5601976-12-0202 December 1976 Advises That 760930 Draft Security Plan Unacceptable Since Necessary Details Required for Effective Security Plan Removed ML20237J1991976-09-13013 September 1976 Advises That 760803 Change to Security Plan for Facility Acceptable.Security Plan Now Consists of Documents Submitted W/Ltrs -760803.Contents of Will Be Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20195E6231976-08-24024 August 1976 Ack Receipt of 760820 Response to Re Physical Protection Insp ML20155K2831975-09-25025 September 1975 Informs That Proposed Revs, & 0715,to Security Plan for UCLA Training Reactor Acceptable Except for Provision Described in Encl.Requests Response within 30 Days ML20237H8481974-07-15015 July 1974 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Security Plan ML20137G4721971-06-23023 June 1971 Advises That Presence & Irradiation of Explosives in Reactor Must Be Evaluated Due to Potential for Damage to Reactor. Evaluation Requested Establishing Operating Restrictions,Max Quantity of Explosives Allowed in Facility & Form 1993-09-03
[Table view] |
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WASHINGTON, D. C. 20665 k...../
' April 26, 1990
Docket'No. 50-142 L
L Mr.' Daniel Hirsch l
c/o Federation of American Scientists 307 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.
t Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. Hirsch:
During'a conference call on June 20' 1989 concerning the decomissioning of 'the UCLA Research Reactor, you asked for.a response to three questions about radia-3 tion and contamination measurements made'during Phase I of the decomissioning..
(1) 'How-does UCLA's release level of net a0 cpm relite-to the dpm/100'cm values'given in Regulatory Guide 1.86, " Termination of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Reactors?"
This matter is described in NRC Inspection Report No. 50-142/89-01, Paragraph 5.
2 UCLA used 1000 dpm/100-cm estimatedthesensitiveareaofthedetectortobe30cmforestablishingtheirrele criteria. They _ _
t limit to 200 dpm per detector area (1000.dpm/100 cm (200dpm/20'cm).'The 2 pi efficiency of the detector was determined for Tc-99' betes (average energy.
L of 85' kev) using sources traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This efficiency was-determined to be 20%; thus their release I:
L criteria was found to be 20% of 200 dpm or 40 cpm perl detector area.
The manufacturer's product literature states that the' diameter of the detector' 2
is 4.4 cm which would indicate an area'of 15.2 cm. This same literature also indicates that for Sr-90 the. efficiency ig 65%. With' these values, UCLA release criteria fgr Sr-90 becomes 405 dpm/100 cm, and for beta-gama emitters 1316 dpm/100 cm (usingtheTc-99 efficiency).
These values are acceptable since'they met the average and maximum contamination levels for beta-gama emitters -and Sr-90;from Table 1 of Regulatory Guide 1.86.
l L
For removable contamination, UCLA conducted separate surveys capable of detec-It ting levels below the Sr-90. removable contamination levels specified in Table 1 i
l of RG 1.86.
Further, it can be demonstrated that I-129, a long lived fission product with more restrictive limits, is not present above its limits.
Based on the yield p
offisgionproducts,'Cs-137productionlevel(activity / fission)isa_ factor?of 5 x 10 greater than that for I-129. For I-12 ingitsmostconservativelimit(20'dpm/100cm)tobepresentatlevels: exceed-removable).-thecorrespondigg 6
level of Cs-137 activity would have been in the range of 9 x 10 dpm/100 cm,
which exceeds the limit for Cs-137 by a factor of 9,000. The measurements made by UCLA for materials released for unrestricted use did'not identify such levels 1
of activity.
It is therefore, a logical conclusion that 1-129 is not present at significant levels.
a April 26,1990 Mh Daniel Hirsch,
(2) Were the survey instruments used by UCLA appropriate (i.e., of sufficient
sensitivity) for detection of contamination and radiation fields to release materials for unrestricted use?
The instruments used by UCLA for releasing materials for unrestricted use were appropriate.
UCLA used a Ludlum Model 3 with a shielded Geiger-Muller thin window " pancake" detector, model 44-40, for measuring total surface contamination.
For a discussion on-its sensitivity, see the res)onse to question 1.
For removable contamination, UCLA used an Eberline beta counter Model BC-4. This instrument has sufficient sensitivity to detect C-14 (average beta energy of 49 kev) at 15% efficiency.
For radiation levels, UCLA used a Ludlum model 19 Micro-R-Meter with a NaI(T1) detector. Although this is not a true dose rate instrument, Micro-R-Meters are ideal for identifying low levels of gama contamination. All of these instruments are in comon
-l use throughout the nuclear industry. The instruments were calibrated against j
standards traceable to NIST.
I (3) It appears that non-removable contamination measurements were. not performed for the reactor shielding blocks that were released for unrestricted use. Was the survey procedure and survey instruments used appropriate?
y UCLA has stated that surveys for non-removable contamination were performed on-the reactor shielding blocks that were released for unrestricted use. As i
noted in the inspection report, the quality of the records maintained needed to be improved. Although not included in the records titled " shield block
survey form," UCLA believes that surveys for non-removable contamination were conducted when the blocks were first surveyed after removal from the reactor room. However, UCLA has not been able to locate records of these surveys.
In order to document-that the criterion for non-removable contamination was met UCLA has located the concrete blocks that were released for unrestricted use and conducted additional surveys of the blocks.
UCLA has informed Region.V in a letter dated January 11, 1990, + hat-results of the surveys of the surfaces document that the criterion for beta-gama emitters has been met. The survey-instruments'used were appropriate, as discussed in the response to question 2.
If you have any Adams, Jr., at (questions concerning this matter,.please contact Alexander 301)492-1121.
l Sincerely, Original signed by:
Seymour H. Weiss, Director Non-Power Reactor, Decomissioning and Environmental Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects --III, I
IV,.Y and Special Projects.
cc: See next page Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation DISTRIBUTION-tDocketifile s WTravers
=OGC EGarcia,~ R-V NRC & Local PDRs EHylton EJordan ACRS(10)
PDNP r/f AAdams LCunningham Plant file
CM O O J [0(
PDlP:D 0
hRPB Region V V
ton AAd)
SWeiss LCengingham EGarcia - Cr*'m0 4/.
/90 4/4, 4/h/90 4/
/90 4/g/90 4/26/90: Ly Q j
.1 x l
Mr. Daniel Hirsch -
(2) Were the survey instruments used by UCLA appropriate (i.e., of sufficient sensitivity)fordetectionofcontaminationandradiationfieldsto release materials for unrestricted-use?
The instruments used by,UCLA for releasing materials for unrestricted use were appropriate. UCLA used a Ludlum Model 3 with a shielded Geiger-Muller thin window " pancake" detector, model'44-40, for measuring total surface-contamination.
For a discussion on its sensitivity, see the' response to question 1..
For removable contamination, UCLA used an Eberline beta counter Model BC-4. This. instrument has' sufficient sensitivity to detect C-14 (average beta _ energy of 49 kev) at 15% efficienc i
used a Ludlum model 19 Micro-R-Meter with a Nal(y. -For radiation-levels, UCLA T1). detector. Although this.
is not a true dose rate instrument, Micro-R-Meters are ideal for identifying low levels of ganna contamination. All of these instruments are in common use throughout the nuclear industry. The instruments here calibrated against standards traceable to NIST.
(3) It appears that non-removable contamination measurements were not i
performed for the reactor shielding blocks that were released for.
unrestricted use. Was the survey procedure and survey instruments used appropriate?
UCLA has stated that surveys for non-removable contamination were performed on the reactor shielding blocks that were released for unrestricted use. As noted in the inspection report, the quality of the records maintained needed to be improved. Although.not. included in the records titled " shield block survey form," UCLA believes that surveys for non-removable contamination were conducted when the blocks were first surveyed after removal.from the reactor room. However, UCLA has not been able to locate records of these surveys.
In order to document that the criterion for non-removable contamination was met 3
UCLA has located the concrete blocks that were released for unrestricted use and conducted additional. surveys of the blocks. UCLA has informed Region V in a letter dated January 11, 1990, that=results of the' surveys of the surfaces document that the criterion for beta-gamma emitters has been met. The survey instruments used were appropriate, as discussed in the response to question 2.
If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Alexander Adams, Jr., at (301) 492-1121.
%ws 4 ::9 Sey{mourH. Weiss, Director e
l Non-Power Reactor, Decommissioning and 1
Environmental Project Directorate l
Division of Reactor Projects - III, l
IV, Y and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc:
See next page
. o 3
University of California Docket No. 50-142 t
at Los Angeles 1
Mr. Neil C. Ostrander, Manager Dean Hansell Nuclear Engineering Laboratory 302 South Mansfield Avenue School of Engineering and Los Angeles, California 90036 Applied Science j
University of California Committee To Bridge The Gap j
at Los-Angeles 1637 Butler Avenue f203 l
Los. Angeles, California 90024 Los Angeles, California '90024 Mr.' James R. Heelan
' Mr. John Bay -
L Director, Society Services 1022 Peralta Street American Nuclear Society Albany, California 94706 555 N. Kensington Avenue' La Grange Park, Illinois 00525 Roger Kohn, Esq..
- 524 11th Street California Department of Health Manhattan Beach, California 60266 ATTN: Chief. Environmental
- Radiation Control Unit Robert M. Meyers Radiological Health Section City Attorney 714 P Street, Room 4981 Lynn Na11 boff Sacramento, California-95814
' Deputy City Attorney
1685 Main Street, Room 310 Mr. Daniel Hirsch Santa Monica, California 90401
% Federation of American Scientists 307 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.
i Washington, D.C.
20002 l
William H. Cormier, Esq.
L-Office of Administrative Vice Chancellor University of California 405 Hilgard Avenue l
Los Angeles, California-90024 Christine Helwick, Esq.
l Glen R. Woods;'Esq.
j, Office of General Counsel-590 University Hall' 2200 University Avenue l
Berkeley, California 94720 1
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