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Forwards Updated Safety Analysis Matl & Requalification Program,In Support of Renewal of License R-114
Person / Time
Site: 05000294
Issue date: 09/21/1981
From: Carrick
To: Rozier Carter
NUDOCS 8109250225
Download: ML20010H550 (15)


- _- ._. - .. . - .

MICitlG AN STATE UNLViidSITY n>n i u o, i um, . nn iuin o,

  • um. unu u n eui u w v,.unna n . ,a, September '" , 1981 4

U. S. Nuclect Regulatory Commission N(, e't (kP h [N

2) W "

Division of Operating Reactors Washington, D. C. 20555 2 T. P M""

78 4 g ~

Docket No.: 50-294 3 Attention: Robert Carter ,s 3 8-/

Reason: Renewal of Operating Lic~ense R-ll4 'f, , , . 9 )'


When we last visited our beleaguered reactor supervisor, he was hopelessly trapped in a subterranean maze of Tech Specs, SAR's and Requal Programs. As he forced the Tech Specs to succumb to his courageous onslaught, our hero found himself faced with the two-headed monster,* inflation-recession. At great personal peril, he slew the beast, forcing its master (the University), to let our hero sustain himself at the reactor pool for another year at the very least. As

the financial Stygian darkness receeded, the SAR appeared and silently i submitted to updating. The Requalification Program was found to be in good shape and willingly volunteered to be copied. With the prozed renewal in sight, our exhausted but dauntless hero respectfully offers 40 copies each of the updated Safety Analysis material and Requalifi-cation Program to his liege, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. lie awaits responsa, his anticipation exceeded only by his desire for further glorious victories.

i incerelv, ames Carrick Q.

Reactor Supervisor JC/pym t

5, t 4

81092h{0 DR A PDR sn m. .. g,, .,..a c,e .<8..i tw,,...,, s..,ir. ,.,,,,

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B. SAFETY ANALYSIS The fallowing discussion pertains to the safety analysis required purauant to Paragraph 50.34 of Part 50, 10 C.F.R. 'The letters and "

numbers refer to the proposea rules for this part' dated 8/16/66.

50.34 (b) (1) Reactor Site Description

'The prcposed reactor site is loceted in the Engineering Building on -

3_ the campus of Michigan State University. The campus is located in the southern area of the city of East Lansing, in Ingham County, in the-state of Micnigan. Feference to the floor plans (Figures 6, 7,.8, 9) of' t the Engineering Building will provide an adequate description of the '

i building layout.

l The proposed site within the Engineering Building is on the southern edge of.the main campus. University farm lands and a few agricultural research laboratories occupy the area to the south to a distance of four to five miles. These areas are sparsely populetad.

Classrooms, offices, and student residence halls lie to the north, east, and west of the site. Outside the c.ampus area in a northerly i

-direction is the city of East Lansing. Some areas of the city also lie l to the east and west of the site. The city is approximately 3/4 to.1 mile from the site.

j East Lansing is primarily a residential community e q ,osed of year around reefdents and' students of th'e university. Most of the businesses are retail stores..

To the west and Southwest of the main campus which is bounded on the west by Harrison Road are university apartments for married students.

The population of the city of East Lansing is approximately 51,000. '

This includes students who live as residents of the city. The number of students ett.inding the univeraity varies somewhat from season _to season, but the peak student populat$on is approximately 45,000. Of this number cbout 18,000 are on campus residents-in residence nells. A significant number of students commute to the campus-from places of residence j outside the East Lansing area.



(Rev.-5/12/81) B-1

A map of the East Lansing area (Figure 1) is f3rluded in this report in order to provide a physical representation of the area and to represent the re;ident population of the area. In the areas marked with heavy circular lines the population shown is that of students living on campus. There are no people residing within 1/4 mile of the site.

There are approximately 3,300 people within the 1/4 to 1/2 mile boundary, 6,200 within the 1/2 to 3/4 mile boundary, and 1,000 people within the 3/4 to 1 mile boundary, as marked by the heavy circular lines. In other areas population is derived from voter registration data and is represented by voting precincts within the city.

In addition to the students living on campus there are approximately 6,500 people working 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> per day on the es2 pus in auch capacities as professors, administrative personnel, clerk-technical personnel, and labor people. The majority of these people work within 1 mile of the reactor site. The portion of the students of the university not residing on campus spend varying amounts of time per day on the campus. Tisy are a highly mobile grc'ap and cannot he said te I a in any one campus building for a significant amount. of time. These people as well as the university employees could easily be moved from the area if a dangerous situation was caused by a reactor accident.

A map of the caupus has been included in this report (Figure 2).

It shows the location of the reactor site in relation to the rest of the campus. Campus buildings with appropriate identification are shown. In addition it shows new construction on the campus.

L (1) Meteorological, Geological, and Hydrological Dats (a) Meteorological Data Meteorological Data for the site were obtained from the Department

of'donmerce's Agricultural Services Office at 1405 S. Harrison Rcad, 4


East Lansing, Michigan. The data were recorded at Capitol City Airport which is located approximately 6 miles from the proposed reactor site.

, Since the terrain between the site and the airport is flat with no major hills or valleys, the data are expected to be representative of the sit %.



(Rev. 5/12/81) B-2 I - .- -. - -. . -.

Figure 3 is a wind rose showing wind direction, speed and.the percentage of time the wind blows in any one direction.

Temperature and precipitation data are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Temperature and Precipitation Data of the Reactor Site. .

Annual average temperature 47.5*F Coldest month January Hottest month July Annual total precipitation 30.83 Wettest month June Driest m?ct- February There is a history of tornados occurring in Michigan. According to the United States Weather Bureau, Office of the State Climatologist's bulletin " Michigan Tornado Fact Sheet," Michigan lies at the north-eastern edge of the nation's maximum frequency belt for tornados.

In Michigan for the 50-year period of 1916-1965, June has produced the greatest frequency of tornados, tornado days, and number of deaths due to tornados. The months of November, December, and January have never produced a verified tornado. February has produced only one. April has produced more tornado activity than any other month. Michigan, during the 1953-1977 period 'Tas averaged 15 tornados per year. Compare this with data for the surrounding states: Illinois 28, Indiana 23, Ohio 14, Wisconsin 17, and Minnesota 16. About 90 percent of the Michigan tornados occur in the sou:Sern one-half of the lower-peninsula.

The general area around the site is also susceptible to damaging windstcrms. A review of weather bureau data on damaging windstorms (excluding tornados) shows a total of 27 windstorms creating danage in excess of $500,000 since 1900. Of these storms, only 8 are listed as having winds in excess of 75 miles per hour. These windstorms had accompanying raia, freezing rain, hail, or snow.

(Rev. 5/12/81) B-5

(b) Geological Data In the campus area of Michigan State University, the Saginaw group is the bedrock formation. The Saginaw group is over 300 feet thick in ti.e area beneath the campus. The Saginav group consistF i principally of alternating shale and sandstones. Well logs show the average thickness of the Pleistoceneglacial daposits in the campus area to be appleximately 80 feet. Figure 4 shows the earth profile of the ground in the immediate area cf the reactor site.

(c) Hydrological Data From the sar:e test boring that appears in Figure 4, campus engineers determined ground water level as a factor in designing the Engineering Builaing. The test boring was made at an elevation of 854.5 feet. It showed heavy ground water at 9 feet. The floer of the Engineering Building is 837 feet making a ground water level of 11.5 feet. There is a foundation drain tile around the entire perimeter of the Engineering


Building. It is laid at an elevation of 343.17 feet.

Water moves very slowly through this moist clay and very little of the water reaching the drain tile is thought to come through the clay lafer. The drain tile around the buildirg footings tends to lower the ground water level. It is thought that the ground water level will not go below the sand-clay interface at approximately 12.5 feet referenced from the building floor because the clay is extremely moist and water movement is very slow (est.oasted to be C.01 incl. per hour).

Even if the reactor tank should rupture the water would not all drain out of the 25-foot deep tank because of the high ground water level. Approximately 12 feet of water would still remain in the tank.

The only source of flowing water in the area is the Red Cedar River which is located about one-quarter mile from the reactor site.

it flows in a westerly direction to join the Grand River. It is not used as a source of water for human consumption.

(Rev. 5/12/81) B-7

Table 2. Recorded Seistic Disturbances with Epicenters in Michigan

  • Approximate Epicenter Calculated Epicenter Intensity Map Latitude Longitude Date of biodified No. Location North West seismic Disturbance Mercalli Scale
1. Wenona 43*40' 83*54' February 6, 1872 IV
2. Ad r ian 41'53' 84*03' January 21, 1876 ---
3. Detroit 42*?"' 83*10' February 27, 1876 - - -

42*2z' 83*10' August 17, 1877 IV 42*22' 83*10' March 13, 1938 IV

4. Southern Michigan 42.3* 85.6* February 4, 1883 VI
5. Niles 41'50' 86*16' October 31, 1697 ----
6. St. Joseph 42*05' 6o*31' October 10, 1899 IV
7. Menominee 45*05' 87*40' March la, 1905 V 45*08' 87*40' January 10, 1907 ----
8. Sault Ste. Marie 46'19' 84*22' April 4, 1905 ----

46*29' 84*24' January 23, 1930 III

9. Calumet 47*16' 88*25' .Tuly 26, 1905 NII-VIII 47*16' 88*25' It n . '. 3 -, 1915 IV-V 47*16' 88*25' 9ctober 1, 1918 III 47*16' 88*25' January 5, L95I IV
10. Houghton 57*0/' 88*33' Februar/ 9, 1006 47*07' 88*33' January 22-23, 1909 V
11. Hancock 47*08' 88*37' April 20, 1906 ----

47*08' 88*37' January 6, 1955 V

12. Grand Rapids 42*57' 85'41' May 19, 1906 ----
13. Keweenaw Peninsula 47.3* 88.4* May 26, 1906 VIII
14. Morrice 42*31' 84"11' Fe'arua ry 22, 1918 IV 15 Port Huron 42*58; 82*28' March 16, 1922 III 16 Newberry 46*22' 05*31' January 29, 1933 II
17. Negaunce 46*30' 87*37' October, 1935 II-III
18. Escanaba 45*44' 87*05' July 18, 1939 II-III 45'44' 87*05' August 1, 1939 II-III 45*44' 87*05' February 15, 1943 ----

45*44' 87*05' November 16, 1944 II-IV 45'44' 87*05' December 10, 1944 II-IV 45*44' 87"05' May 18, 1945 II

19. South Central Michigan 42"00' 85*00' August 9, 1947 VI l
20. Lans ing 42*45' 84*35' February 2, 1967 LV
  • Source: U.S. Dep' t of Comm. , N.O. A. A. , Environmental Data Service and J. Docekal , 19;'O (See references)

L- ((Rava 5)/12 FED _ _ ._. _

The only recorded earthquake with Lansing as epicenter occurred February 2, 1967. It measured IV on the Modified Mercalli Scale which is an intensity just noticeable by some individuals. Since the installa-tton of the reactor, there has been no noticeabic earthquake activity in the State of Michigan. Tsble 2 gives the recorded carthquake activity in Michigan.

In considering possible earthquake or tornado damage to the reactor, it is concluded that neither of these events would lead to a significant safety hazard (see page C-12).

On these bases it is concluded that the proposed reactor site in the Engineering Building on the campus of Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan, is suitable for installation of the reactor.

50.34 (b) (2) Facility Description Summary The Mark 1 Triga reactor is to be housed in Room 184 of the existing Michigan State University Engineering Building. This structure is a 3 floor concrete structure with block walls covered with brick veneer and was constructed in 1960-1962. (The attachtd photo (Figure 5) shows

' the building from a southwest direction.) The building is used for faculty and administrative offices, instruction and research and is of essentially fireproof construction. Room 184 is located on the first floor in the routheast corner of the building. Thc attached floor plans (Figure 6, 7, 8, and 9) show the room locatior. with regard to the remainder f

of the building. Adjacent to the room are undergraduate teaching laboratories on the north and south sides: a hall separates the room i from faculty offices on the west side and the east side of the room is an exterior wall which faces a parking lot and street. There is no j basement beneath the north half of Room 184 and it is here that the i

reactor well will be located. The south end of the room covers a machine l

l l

t l

l l (Rev. 5/12/81) B-9 f - ._ _ ,

50.34 (b) (3) (ii) Design Bases I

(a) Reactor r.ower: 250 KW steady state 250,000 KW (1.5% If) pulsing.

(b) Reactor water temperature: 100*F.

(c) Restricted areas: Same as design criteria.

(d) Room ventilation 2 air changes per hour minimum.

(d) Sl'telding surrounding core and tank (1) 1 1/2-foot concrete around tank to reduce ground activity to permissible levels (2) 10-foot concrete (equivalent)-from core to unrestricted access areas (f) Emergency ventilation: doors and windows weather stripped.

Capability of closing inlet air sources and diverting exhaust air through absolute filter in case of emergency. Air

150 cfm through this filter.

(g) Reactor fuel temperature: 500*C maximum.

50.34 (b) (3) (iii) Deaign Details (a) Reactor (1) Introduction The TRIGA* reactor was developed by General Atomic Division of General Dynamics Corporation for use by universities and research institutions as a general-purpose research and training f'acility.

Using U-ZrH l.0

  1. - "1.7 fuel, the reactor is designed for
  • TRIGA trademark registered in U. S. Patent Office.

(Rev. 5/12/81)- B-20 R , _ . _ . . - , . . _ , ,,,__ _ _ .,, _ _ .. _ . . _ . - _ . _ _ _ _ __ __ _

stecdy-state operation at a power level of 250 kw (thermal) and for routine pulsed operation. The total loading of this TRIGA reactor core will be a maximum of 2.25% 6k/k ($3.00) excess reactivity above a cold, critical, compact condition. Pulsed operation will be limited to rapid insertions of up to 1.5% 6k/k. As used in this document, a j pulse is defined as a step insertion of an amount of excess reactivity between 0.75% and 1.5% 6k/k. A 1.5% 6k/k pulse yields a burse having a prompt energy release of about 8 Mw-sec,-a peak power of about 250,000 kw, and a pulse width at half maximum of about 30 msec.

The safety of the TRIGA reactor lies in the large prompt negative temperature coefficient that is an inherent characteristic of the uranium-zirconium hydride fuel-moderator material. Thus, even when large sudden reactivity insertions are made and the reactor powe.r rises in a short period, the excess reactivity is compensated for automatically because the fuel temperature rises simultaneously sc that the system returns quickly to a normal power level before any heat is transferred i

to the cooling water.

l The inherent prompt shutdown mechanism of TRIGA reactors has 'en demonstrated extensively during many thousands of transient tests

conducted at the two protot/pe TRIGA reactors in General Atomic's aboratories in San Diego. These tests, using aluminum-clad, U-ZrH 1.0 etements, involved step insertions of reactivity of up to 3.1% 6k/k.

litis demonstrated safety has permitted to location of TRIGA reactors in

urban areas in buildings without the pressure-type containment usually required for other research reactors of similar power level and excess reactivity.

The reactor core consists of a lattice of cylicarical aluminum-clad ,

U-ZrH or stainless steel clad U-ZrH g fuel-modecator elements and graphite (dummy) elements. Twenty percent enriched uranium is used.

A 1-foot-thick graphite radial reflector surrounds the core and is supported on an aluminum stand at the bottom of the tank. Wter occupies about one-third of the core volume.

i The power level of the pulsing TRIGA reactor is accurately i

controlled with three control rods: a regulating rod, a shim rod, and l a safety-transient rod.


_(Rev. 5/12/81) B-21

to-zircenium ctos rctio is apprcximatsly 1 in cluminum cled elements and 1.7 in stainless steel clad elemento. Each element contains about 36 grams of 'J 235 S1n e the aluminum clad elements are obtained from the University

, of Illinois, they contain a samarium burnable poison disc at eaca end.

Each element ic sealed in a 0.030-inch-thick aluminum can, and all closures are made by heliarc welding. 'Wo 4-inch sections of graphite are inserted in the can, one above, and one below the fuel, to serve as top and bottom reflectors for the core. Aluminum end fixtures are attsched to both ends of the can, making the overall length of the fuel-moderator element approximately 28.5 inches. The fuel element cladding is anodized i to retard wear and corrosion. The stainless steel clad elements are similarly constructed except the cladding is 0.020 inch thick Type 304 stainless steel.

The lower end fixture supports the fuel-moderator element on the bottom grid plate. The upper end fixture consists of a knob for attachment of the fuel-handling tool and a triangular spacer, which permits cooling water to flow through the upper grid plate. The weight of a fuel element is about 6.5 pounds. Instrumented fuel-moderator elements Instrumented fuel-moderator elements, shown in Figure 13, are provided with the core of each TRIGA pulsing reactor. These instrumented elements have the same dimensions and fuel material as standard elements, but they contain three chromel-alumel thermocouples embedded halfway between the outer edge of the element and its vertical centerline. 1 hey are located 1 inch above, and 1 inch below and at the horizontal center-line of the fuel. The tube that leads from the fuel element is sealed with an aluminum plug containinC holes for the thermocouple wires. Soft solder flowed in on top of the plug seals the holes around the wires and between the plug and the tube. The wires lead from the fuel element to the surface of the water in aluminum tubing (one of the elements to be obtained from the University of Illinois has seven thermocouples versus the three mentioned above).

l 2.2.3. Graphite Dummy Elements Graphite dummy elements may be used to fill grid positions not filled by the fuel-moderator elements or other core components. They are of the same general dimensions and construction as the fuel-moderator elements, but are filled entirely with graphite.

l 2.2.4. Neutron Source The neutron source consists of a mixture of americium and beryllium,

double encapsulated to ensure leak-tightness. Its initial strength at i manufacture is 3 curies. This source has a nominal outside diameter of (Rev. 5/12/81) B-26

9 i 2

w N






o f j


, L _g SERVO q f  % POWER

l. L - - --> REGULATING ROD 1


_________.L__3 i AMPU FIER




i I

I Figure 20. Block Diagram of Reactor Instrumentation for Steady-State s

Operation (Pulsing Rector Only) i

The count-rate channel, using a fission counter and log count-rate chassis, provides power indication over 4 decades from below source level. This channel is provided with a source interlock that prevents rod withdrawal unless source level is above a preset level.

A log-n channel using a compensated ion chamber covers the power range from less than 10 watts to above full power, and is read and recorded by one pen of the 11-inch, dual-channel recorder. A period circuit indicates reactor period from -40 to = to +7 seconds with a eccam level adjustable throughout the range from = to +7 seconds.

A linear micronicroammeter channel provides a power level measure-ment from about 0.001 watt to full power, with a range switch having two ranges per decade so that measurement of the compensated ion chamber current may be made cccurately. The output is indicated and recorded by the second pen of the recorder. A linear channel scram at 110% of full scale is provided on all ranges.

A percent-power-level channel operating from an ion chamber indicates power in the range from a few percent to 110% of full power. This circuit provides for an adjustable-level scram within this range.

Fuel temperature and cooling water outlet temperatures are metered, as shown in Figure 20. A manually operated water conductivity bridge is provided with two probes to read conductivity at the demineralizer inlet and outlet; the bridge is located on the console. Pulsing Operation. Af ter a power level of less than 1000 watts

( in the steady-state operating mode is reached, the mode switch is changed to the pulse mode so that the reactor can be p'dsed. When the evitch is turned to the pulse mode, the normal neutron channels are


disconnected and a high-level pulsing chamber is connected to read out the peak power of the pulse. The per r is then displayed on the recorder several seconds after the puls. As completed. Also, changing the mode switch to pulse removes an interlock that prevents application of air to the safety-transient rod unless the safety-transient rod cylinder is in the full "in" position and thus allows pulsing to take i

I l (Rev. 5/12/81) B-41 l



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(2) Radiation Dose Rates Around Reactor Complete gamma dose measurements hava been taken around the MSU TRIGA reactor during 250-kw steady-state operation. Typical measure-ments are listed in Table 3. No neutron leakage has been detected from operating TRIGA reactors except for a thermal neutron dose of 0.03 mrcm/hr (15 neutrons /cm2 -sec) measured above the rotary specimen rack drive shaft tube during 100-kw operation.

As indicated in Table 3, the measured radiation Jose rates are low

enough to allow operating personnel to perform experiments at the adge of the reactor tank during full power operation.

The maximum permissible dose rate in restricted areas established by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, for persons whose previous radiation history is unknown, is 1.25 roentgens per quarter calendar year (approximately 100 mrem per week). Furthermore, the 4EC guidelines state that exposure levels should be as low as reasonably achievable.

The International Commission on radiation Protection (ICRP) recommends that the average external occupational exposure should not exceed 5 rem per year. Dose rates inside the restricted area clearly fall within these regulations and guidelines during normal operations.

~ Table 3. Gamma Dose Rates Around Triga Reactor During 250-KW Steady-State Operation Dose Rate (mr/hr)

Measured 250-kw Location of Instrument Steady-State Operation Surface of actor tank water 1.3 l At handrail adjacent to reactor tank <0.1 At top of reactor structure, beside tank 0.2 Dose rates apply when the reactor cooling system is in operation.

These doser are given in milliroentgens (mr) . Since only gamma radiation was measurable, mr is the same as mrem in this case.


The roentgen equivalent, man (rem) is defined as the dose of any l tonizing radiation that will produce the same biological effect as that produced by 1 roentgen of X-ray or gamma-radiation.

(Rev. 5/12/81) C-4 5 5


t The radiation levels produced at the floor level in the classroom over i the reactor are less than the permissible levels-for non-radiation workers as specified in Title 10, CFR Part 20 as measured by film badges located in the classroom and on the ceiling of the reactor room.

(3) Loss of Shielding and Cooling Water

Loss of water can occur by only two means
the tank may be pumped dry, or a tank failure may allow the water to drain.

The tank outlet and inlet water lines each have a 1/2-inch diameter hole drilled a foot below the noraal water level. The purpose of these holes is to break pump suction or accidental siphoning if the tank water level drops below this hole. Also the tank outlet pipe extends only about 3 feet below normal water level. Therefore, even if the water system was operated carelessly, for example, when the pump discharge lit e was disconnected for repairs, the tank could not be pumped dry accidentally.

The tank can be pumped dry only by deliberate action of the operating crew. In the unlikely event that the tank must be drained for repairs, the fuel will first be removed from the reactor and stored in shielded

casks, or in the fuel storage pits provided.

Even though the possibility of the loss of shielding water is believed to be excecdingly renote, a calculation has been performed to evaluate the radiological hazards associated with this type of accident under the condition that the reactor has been operating for a long period of time at 250 kw prim. to losing Til of the shielding water. The radiation dose rates were det armined fc- the two different locations given in Table 9.

The first locacion, above the unshielded reactor core at the top of the reactor tank, receives direct radiation. The second location, at the top of the reactor shield, is shielded from the direct radiation by the i concrete reactor structure, but is subject to scattered radiation. The assumption is made that a thick concrete ceiling 9 feet above the top of the reactor shield will maximize the reflected radiation dese. Time is measured from the conclusion of 250-kw operation. Dose rates assume no water in the tank.

(Rev. 5/12/81)

. C-5

_ _ _ _ _ _ _