MONTHYEARML20148S3141997-06-30030 June 1997 Ro:On 970422,Oconee Unit 2 Was Shut Down Due to Leak in Rcs. Leak Was Caused by Crack in Pipe to safe-end Weld Connection at RCS Nozzle for HPI Sys A1 Injection Line.Unit 1 Was Shut Down to Inspect Hpis Injection Lines & Implement Ldst Mods ML20034E0801993-02-16016 February 1993 Special Rept:On 930210,determined That Limits of TS 3.7.2.e.1 Exceeded on 930126 When Power Lost to Both 230 Kv Switchyard Battery Chargers.Calculation Documented to Show That Actual Battery Terminal Voltages Sufficient for Event ML20117A5981992-11-23023 November 1992 Special Rept:On 921119,ability of Control Battery Racks to Withstand Seismic Event Could Not Be Confirmed & Batteries Declared Inoperable.Batteries Expected to Be Restored in TS Required Time ML20042F3541990-04-30030 April 1990 Special Rept Re Failure to Prevent Performance Degradation of Reactor Bldg Cooling Units.Caused by Mgt Deficiency & Inadequate Program.Cooling Unit Declared Inoperable & Removed from Svc for Cleaning & Placed Back in Operation ML20236T0791987-11-25025 November 1987 Advises LER 269/87-09,re Degradation of More than One Functional Unit of Emergency Power Switching Logic for Units 2 & 3,in Preparation & Will Be Submitted by 871215. Incident Originally Discussed in Special Rept ML20210J6671987-02-0303 February 1987 Special Rept:On 861113-14,1206 & 23,spurious Fire Alarms Annunciated in Control Room.On 870118,unit Shut Down Due to Problems W/Detectors.Cause Undetermined.Technicians Investigating Potential Problem W/Detectors ML20215N4011986-10-20020 October 1986 Special Rept:On 860808,during Shutdown for Maint,Found Unidentified Wires in Environmentally Qualified Limitorque motor-operated Valves.Caused by Mfg Deficiency.Wires Replaced ML20209C1871986-08-13013 August 1986 Special Rept:On 860707,fire Barrier Penetration Nonfunctional.Caused by Design Deficiency Due to Ineffective Communication Between Design Groups.Fire Watch Established. Notice Initiated Requiring Installation of Fire Wall ML20212D2221986-07-29029 July 1986 Special Rept:On 860606,determined That Inadequate Assurance Existed Re Use of Qualified Grease in All Limitorque Operators.Appropriate Programs Not Updated to Reflect Revs. Lubrication Records Reviewed ML20210N5641986-04-14014 April 1986 Special Rept:On 860206,fire Wall Determined to Be Degraded. Caused by Personnel Failure to Recognize That Removing Small Amount of Pyrocrete Would Degrade Fire Wall.Fire Wall Repaired & Declared Fully Functional.Part 21 Related ML20137D6481985-11-22022 November 1985 Ro:On 851119,Keowee Hydro Unit 2 Inoperable Beyond Oconee Tech Spec Limit Due to Burned Out Laminated Copper Connection Between Two Coils.Caused by Cracked Brazement. Connector & Field Coils Will Be Replaced ML20135D7781985-08-21021 August 1985 Ro:On 850722,CRD Dc Breaker CB-1 Failed Trip Time Requirement During Channel C Reactor Protective Sys on-line Test.Cause of Failure Could Not Be Determined.Failed CB-1 Breaker Placed in Tripped Position ML20129G0441985-05-24024 May 1985 Ro:On 850425,batch of Powdex Resin from Powdex Cells 1A & 1D Transferred to Chemical Treatment Pond 2 Instead of Powdex Backwash Tank.Caused by Misalignment of Valve CTP-7.Valve Correctly Positioned ML20108E5341985-02-14014 February 1985 Special Rept:On 850114,CRD Dc Breaker Failed Slow During Channel D Reactor Protective Sys on-line Test.Caused by Sticking Trip Latch Roller Bearings & Excessive Trip Latch Operating Torque.Breaker Front Frame Replaced ML20112D0771984-12-14014 December 1984 Special Rept:On 841109,many Fire Barriers Did Not Meet Surveillance Insp Acceptance Criteria & Declared Inoperable. Caused by Const/Installation Deficiency,Component Failure/ Malfunction & Some Unknown Causes.Firestops Repaired ML20099E0241984-10-24024 October 1984 Special Rept:On 840927,discovered That Contaminated Oil Shipped to Lee Steam Station for Disposal by Incineration. Caused by Misinterpretation of Regulations.Shipments of Contaminated Oil Halted ML20093F1911984-10-0808 October 1984 RO 269/83-16,revising 831107 Commitment Re Completion Date of 850101 to Relocate Hydrogen Purge Unit Connection Near Permanent Hookup Connections on Each Unit for Hydrogen Recombiner ML20093L5061984-10-0505 October 1984 Special Rept:On 840906,batch of Powdex Resin from Powder Cells 2D & 2E Transferred from Plant to Chemical Treatment Pond 1 Instead of to Powdex Backwash Tank.Caused by Misalignment of Valves of Chemical Treatment Ponds 5 & 6 ML20106B4791984-10-0303 October 1984 Special Rept:On 840928,power Circuit Breaker 22 Explosively Short Circuited,Causing Power Circuit Breaker 9 to Open, Isolating 230 Kv Overhead Line from Primary OL Power Source. Breaker Reclosed ML20096A1061984-08-22022 August 1984 Suppl to Rev 1 to RO-287/83-13:containment Isolation Valve 3CS-5 Declared Inoperable Due to Leakage Past Seat. Investigation Into Valve Failure Conducted & Diaphragm Replaced ML20094N8601984-07-27027 July 1984 RO 269/83-20 Re Trip Shaft & Bearing Assembly Portions of CRD Breaker Front Frame Assemblies.Nine of 17 GE Frames Defective.Util Awaiting Schedule for Delivery of New Frames ML20092A4291984-06-0606 June 1984 Special Rept:On 840419,during Fuel Reshuffling for Cycle 8, Fuel Assembly FA 0297 Became Stuck in Fuel Location E-10 During Insertion & Fuel Assembly FA 029Q Damaged.Caused by Inadequate Procedure Change ML20092A3841984-04-30030 April 1984 Updated RO-269/83-20 Submitted on 840111 Re Two CRD Breakers Experiencing Delay During Testing.Ge Will Ship CRD Breaker Front Frame Assemblies on 840514.Installation Will Be Complete on All Three Units by 840731 ML20084G4851984-04-18018 April 1984 Updated RO 269/83-17:seals at Conduit Connections Defective. Scotchcast 9 Epoxy Resin Will Be Utilized to Seal Conduit Connections,Dow Corning RTV 3145 Applied to Conduit Fittings & Conduit/Cable Seals Will Be Upgraded ML20082R7561983-12-0202 December 1983 Ro:On 831015-16,standby Bus 2 Deenergized to Verify Emergency Power Path & CT-3 Startup Transformer Locked Out. Caused by Failure of Two Insulators Causing Short to Ground. Info Supersedes 831101 Rept ML20082H5161983-11-21021 November 1983 Ro:Re Loss of Power on Both Standby Buses W/Both Units Out of Svc.Investigation Incomplete.Necessary Info Will Be Submitted by 831202 ML20082C6081983-11-14014 November 1983 Ro:On 831109,while Units Out of Svc for Planned Maint,Lee 6C Gas Turbine Tripped off-line,deenergizing Standby Buses & Placing Units in Degraded Mode Beyond Tech Spec Limit.Cause Undetermined.Next Rept by 831118 ML20078P9651983-11-0202 November 1983 Ro:On 831028,while Unit Out of Svc,Lee 6C Gas Turbine Tripped & Deenergized Both 4,160-volt Standby Buses.Cause Unknown.Lee 5C Turbine Placed on-line to Sys Grid. Investigation Continuing ML20081K0951983-11-0101 November 1983 Ro:On 831015-16,w/Unit 1 Out of Svc,Standby Bus 2 Deenergized to Allow Operability Verification of Underground Emergency Power Path in Accordance W/Tech Specs.On 831015, CT-3 Underwent Lockout.Caused by Bad Insulators ML20078P8841983-10-31031 October 1983 Ro:On 831026,w/unit Out of Svc for Maint,Lee Steam Station Gas Turbine Tripped,Deenergizing Both Standby Buses.Cause Not Determined.Redundant Buses Available ML20081B2521983-10-17017 October 1983 Ro:On 831012,standby Buses Deenergized to Allow for Operability Performance Testing of Standby Bus Breakers Per Tech Specs.Testing Caused Degraded Mode Beyond Tech Spec Limit ML20078H4121983-10-0404 October 1983 Ro:On 830929,while Energizing 4,160-volt Standby Buses,Lee 6C Gas Turbine Tripped off-line,deenergizing Both Standby Buses & Placing Two Operating Units in Degraded Mode.Cause Undetermined Since Unit Has No Event Recorder ML20080P3271983-09-27027 September 1983 Ro:On 830922,w/both Keowee Hydro Units Out of Svc for Planned Maint,Lee 6C Gas Turbine,Being Used to Energize Buses,Tripped Off Line.Both Standby Buses Deenergized & Units 1 & 3 Placed in Degraded Mode ML20080M0261983-09-16016 September 1983 Updated RO 287/83-07.Investigation Incomplete.Next Rept Expected by 831030 ML20080G2351983-09-0606 September 1983 RO 270/83-09:on 830802,hydraulic Snubber Noted Technically Inoperable for More than 72 H.Investigation Incomplete.Next Rept Will Be Submitted by 830912 ML20076C3291983-08-15015 August 1983 RO 287/83-07:followup to Rept Submitted on 830708. Investigation Incomplete.Supplemental Rept Expected by 830915 ML20024C4181983-07-0101 July 1983 Ro:On 830525,fire Barrier Penetrations Found Nonfunctional. Caused by Design Deficiency.Fire Watch Posted,Penetrations Repaired & Procedures Revised ML20024C1271983-07-0101 July 1983 Ro:On 830623,visual Insp Revealed Three Broken Holddown Springs.Investigation Incomplete.Ro 269/83-13 Will Be Submitted by 830721 ML20024C4141983-06-29029 June 1983 Ro:On 830509 & 12,fire Barrier Smoke Exhaust Penetrations 3-K-5-2,3-C-5-3 & 4 Found W/O Seal & 3-C-5-3 Did Not Have Fusible Damper,Respectively.Caused by Inadequate Info & Insufficient Guidance Provided by Design Engineering ML20072J2031983-06-24024 June 1983 Ro:On 830527,certain Containment Isolation Valves May Have Failed in non-ES Position Due to Loss of Dc Power. Investigation & Rept Will Be Completed & Reviewed by 830708 ML20023B6511983-04-29029 April 1983 ROs 269/83-10 & 287/83-04 Re 821212 & 830303 Loss of Containment Integrity.Mgt Audit in Progress.Summary List of Completed & Remaining Activities,W/Projected Completion Dates,Encl ML20073Q0121983-04-19019 April 1983 Corrected RO 269/83-07:on 830303,during Insp of Manual Containment Isolation Valves,Valve CF-19 Discovered Open. Caused by Personnel Error.Valve Closed.Core Flood Procedure & Reactor Bldg Manual Checklist Changed ML20069K4141983-04-15015 April 1983 Updated ROs 287/83-04,269/83-05 & 269/83-10:repts Being Reviewed & Will Be Submitted No Later than 830419 ML20072T7011983-03-30030 March 1983 RO-287/83-04 Will Not Be Submitted by 830331 as Planned.Rept Re Open Valve on Emergency Hatch Leak Rate Test Pressurization Line Incomplete.Rept to Be Submitted by 830414 ML20072T6971983-03-30030 March 1983 RO-269/83-10 Will Be Delayed Due to Continuing Investigation of Incident Re Partially Opened Interpersonnel Emergency Door Following Testing.Rept Should Be Submitted No Later than 830415 ML20073C4071983-03-25025 March 1983 Informs That RO-287/83-04 Not Reportable.Results of Seismic Analysis Indicate Letdown Line Was Seismically Operable W/Lead Blankets Attached.Pipe Stress,Support Restraint & Equipment Nozzle Loads within Allowable Limits ML20069E3741983-03-11011 March 1983 Ro:On 830225,reactor Protective Sys Pump Power Monitor Sys Failed to Meet Operability Requirements.Investigation Incomplete at Present Time.Rept Will Be Submitted by 830325 ML20070K7311982-12-23023 December 1982 RO 287/82-14:primary to Secondary Leak Discovered in Steam Generator 3B.Rept Will Not Be Submitted Until 830107 Contrary to Previous Commitment ML20070K5851982-12-23023 December 1982 Ro:On 821213,Region 2 Informed of Two Manual Containment Isolation Valves Discovered Open.Rept Providing Details Delayed Due to Investigation.Rept Will Be Completed & Submitted by 821231 ML20065L7761982-10-14014 October 1982 Ro:On 821014,Unit 2 Core Relief Valves Declared Inoperable Due to Analysis Prompted by B&W Safety Concern.Unit 3 Valves Were Offsite Undergoing Ring Adjustment.Immediate Shutdown of Unit 2 Commenced 1997-06-30
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML16161A3111999-10-0101 October 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 307,307 & 307 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively ML16161A3071999-09-24024 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 306,306 & 306 to Licenses DPR-38-DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively ML15112A7681999-09-20020 September 1999 SER Accepting Revision 25 of Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program,Third 10-year Interval for Plant,Units 1,2 & 3 ML15112A7541999-09-10010 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Proposed Alternative to Use Code Case 2142-1 & Code Case 2143-1 at Oconee Nuclear Station 05000269/LER-1999-006-01, :on 990818,Unit 1 Tripped.Caused by Equipment Malfunction of Rod Group 5 Programmer.Programmer Replaced. with1999-09-0909 September 1999
- on 990818,Unit 1 Tripped.Caused by Equipment Malfunction of Rod Group 5 Programmer.Programmer Replaced. with
ML15112A7641999-09-0909 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting USI A-46 Program Implementation for ONS Units 1,2 & 3 Including Keowee Hydro Station & Switchyard ML15113A7331999-08-0202 August 1999 Safety Evaluation Concluding That DPC Established Acceptable Program to Verify Periodically design-basis Capability of safety-related MOVs at Oconee & That DPC Adequately Addressed Actions Requested in GL 96-05 ML16161A3421999-07-19019 July 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 305,305 & 305 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively ML15113A7121999-07-0101 July 1999 SER Accepting Request for Relief 98-03 from ASME Section XI Requirements for Plant,Units 1,2 & 3 ML15254A1731999-06-30030 June 1999 Biological Assessment for Endangered & Threatened Species Potentially Affected by Continued Operation of Oconee Nuclear Station & Associated Power Transmission Lines ML15261A5191999-06-16016 June 1999 Safety Evaluation Rept Related to Licensee Renewal of Oconee Nuclear Station,Units 1,2 & 3.Staff Identified Open Items That Must Be Resolved Before NRC Can Make Determination on Application ML15112A4981999-06-0808 June 1999 Safety Evaluation of Topical Rept DPC-NE-2005P, Use of BWU-Z Critical Heat Flux Correlation for Mark-B11 Fuel. Rept Acceptable ML15112A4881999-05-25025 May 1999 Safety Evaluation of Rev 1 to Topical Rept DPC-NE-3005-P, UFSAR Chapter 15 Transient Analysis Methodology. Rev 1 to Topical Rept Approved & Found Acceptable for Performing UFSAR Chapter 15 Transient & Accident Analysis at Oconee ML16161A3351999-04-28028 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 303,303 & 303 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively ML16161A3381999-04-28028 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 304,304 & 304 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively 05000269/LER-1999-002-01, :on 990317,identified Problem Associated with Ability to Establish Flow Pressure LPI Discharge Headers within 15 Minutes.Caused by Inadequate Validation Process. Engineering Analysis Performed.With1999-04-15015 April 1999
- on 990317,identified Problem Associated with Ability to Establish Flow Pressure LPI Discharge Headers within 15 Minutes.Caused by Inadequate Validation Process. Engineering Analysis Performed.With
ML16161A3321999-03-30030 March 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 302,302 & 302 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively ML16161A3281999-03-26026 March 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 301,301 & 301 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively ML15112A4101999-03-0404 March 1999 SER Approving Relief Request 98-GO-007 from ASME Section XI Requirements for McGuire Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2, Catawba Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2 & Oconee Nuclear Station,Units 1,2 & 3 ML15112A4161999-03-0101 March 1999 Safety Evaluation of Adoption of Topical Rept BAW-10186P-A, Extended Burnup Evaluation. Rept Acceptable for Reload Licensing Applications at Oconee ML15112A3971999-02-16016 February 1999 Safety Evaluation Accepting Alternative Proposed in Lieu of IWL-2421 of Subsection Iwl of Section XI of ASME Code ML15217A2001999-01-31031 January 1999 Environ Impact Statement Scoping Process, Summary Rept ML15239A1151999-01-31031 January 1999 Final Rept, Emergency Electrical Power Sys & Other Related Matters ML15261A5181999-01-28028 January 1999 Corrected Pages 13,20,24,29 & 32 for Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 300,300 & 300 to FOLs DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55 05000269/LER-1998-018, :on 981209,identified Potential for Loss of Essential Siphon Vacuum Sys.Caused by Design Oversight. Procedure Revised.With1999-01-0808 January 1999
- on 981209,identified Potential for Loss of Essential Siphon Vacuum Sys.Caused by Design Oversight. Procedure Revised.With
ML15218A2771999-01-0505 January 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 230 to License DPR-47 ML20206P1501999-01-0505 January 1999 LER 98-S03-00:on 981207,security Officer Discovered Uncontrolled Safeguards Info Drawing.Caused by Failure to Follow Established Procedures & Policies.Drawing Was Controlled by Site Security.With ML15112A3761999-01-0505 January 1999 Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee Alternative to frequency-based Review Requirement of ANSI N18.7-1976 Which Conforms with Staff Guidance 05000287/LER-1998-001-06, :on 981203,determined That LLRT Had Not Been Performed on Fittings.Caused by Inappropriate Action of Maint Field Planner & PMT Scheduler.Counseled Individuals Involved & Enhanced PMT Guidance.With1998-12-31031 December 1998
- on 981203,determined That LLRT Had Not Been Performed on Fittings.Caused by Inappropriate Action of Maint Field Planner & PMT Scheduler.Counseled Individuals Involved & Enhanced PMT Guidance.With
ML20216F9931998-12-31031 December 1998 Piedmont Municipal Power Agency 1998 Annual Rept ML20198E6381998-12-17017 December 1998 LER 98-S02-00:on 981130,security Access Was Revoked Due to Falsification of Criminal Record.Individual Was Escorted from Protected Area & Unescorted Access Was Restricted. with 05000269/LER-1998-017-01, :on 981128,missed Surveillance Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Work Planning.Operations Mgt Expectations for Performance of Qpt SR Were Communicated to Appropriate Operations Personnel1998-12-17017 December 1998
- on 981128,missed Surveillance Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Work Planning.Operations Mgt Expectations for Performance of Qpt SR Were Communicated to Appropriate Operations Personnel
ML16161A3211998-12-0707 December 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 234,234 & 233 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively ML15112A6971998-11-25025 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Relief Request Re Catawba Units 1 & 2,2nd 10-yr Interval,Mcguire Units 1 & 2,2nd 10-yr Interval & Oconee Units 1,2 & 3,3rd 10-yr Interval ML15112A7021998-11-24024 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee Relief Request from Certain Requirements of ASME BPV Code,Section Xi,Subsection IWE,1992 Edition with 1992 Addenda for Listed Plants ML15112A3071998-11-17017 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Relief Request 98-01,Parts 1 & 2 Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(i) & Third 10-yr ISI Program Plan ML16161A3061998-11-12012 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 233,233 & 232 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively ML15112A2741998-10-14014 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Rev 2 to Topical Rept DPC-NE-3000-PA, Thermal-Hydraulic Transient Analysis Methodology ML15112A2571998-10-0101 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Relating to Topical Rept DPC-NE-3005-P, UFSAR Chapter 15 Transient Analysis Methodology for Oconee Nuclear Station,Units 1,2 & 3 ML15112A6831998-10-0101 October 1998 SER Accepting Relief Request from ASME Code,Section XI Requirement for Catawba Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2,Oconee Nuclear Station,Units 1,2 & 3 & Mcquire Nuclear Station, Units 1 & 2 ML20153G4601998-09-30030 September 1998 USI A-46 Seismic Evaluation Rept, Vols 1-2 ML17354B0971998-09-0909 September 1998 Part 21 Rept Re Possible Machining Defect in Certain One Inch Stainless Steel Swagelok Front Ferrules,Part Number SS-1613-1.Caused by Tubing Slipping Out of Fitting at Three Times Working Pressure of Tubing.Notified Affected Utils ML15261A4681998-09-0404 September 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 232,232 & 231 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively ML15112A2381998-09-0303 September 1998 SER Accepting Relief Request from ASME Section XI Requestment as Endorsed by 10CFR50.55a for Containment Insp for Listed Plants & Units ML15112A2411998-08-31031 August 1998 License Renewal Flow Diagrams for Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1,2 & 3, Vols II & Iii.With 161 Oversize Drawings ML15218A1711998-08-28028 August 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 230 to License DPR-55 ML16161A2981998-08-0707 August 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 231,231 & 228 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively 05000269/LER-1998-009, :on 980617,LTOP Sys Was Technically Inoperable. Caused by Inadequate Design Configuration.Established Compensatory Guidelines1998-07-16016 July 1998
- on 980617,LTOP Sys Was Technically Inoperable. Caused by Inadequate Design Configuration.Established Compensatory Guidelines
ML16161A2911998-07-0101 July 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 230 & 227 to Licenses DPR-38 & DPR-55,respectively ML15264A0061998-07-0101 July 1998 Vol 1 of OLRP-1002, License Renewal Flow Diagrams Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1,2 & 3. W/79 Oversize Drawings 1999-09-09
[Table view] |
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POWER Butt. DING C.j5h 422 Sourn Cucucu Srazer, CnAu TT 31 MG i WIL LI AM O. PA R K E R. J R.
ViCP Patsrormt TELEPMont:AAEA 704
" -' 83 seta.s Paoovenom August 5, 1981 fh[0kli9,jd%
Mr. James P. O'Reilly, Director U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (f [ ' N,*)
g Region II 101 Marietta Street, Suite 3100 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 6
g / tug 121981> r u.s. NucuAn nauuuoss -1 Re: Oconee Nuclear Station
Docket No. 50-269
p 4
R0-269/81-ll, Supplement 1 A
Dear Mr. O'Reilly:
My letter of July 24, 1981 provided Reportable Occurrence Report R0-269/81-11 concerning broken core barrel assembly thermal shield bolts. This letter supplements the initial submittal and provides information available to date from laboratory examinations of the fractured bolt samples.
Other utilities with B&W designed NSSS have been advised of results contained herein. Duke will continue to provide supplementary reports as significant actions are completed.
Very truly yours, h
William O. Parker, Jr.
RLG/php Attachment cc: B&W Regulatory Response Group:
Director, Office of Management and Program Analysis J. J. Mattimoe, SMUD, Chairman J. H. Taylor, B&W Mr. T. M. Novak, U. S. Nuclear W. C. Rowles, TECO Regulatory Commission D. C. Trimble, AP&L G. Beatty, FPC Mr. Bill Lavallee, Nuclear R. J. Wilson, GPU Safety Analysis Center t
i stP 8108130043 810805
DRADOCK05000g fi/l
.7 Duke Power Company Oconee Nuclear Station.
Unit 1 Report Number: 'RO-269/81-ll, Supplement 1 Report Date: August 5, 1981 Occurrence Date: July 15,-1981-Facility: Oconee Nuclear Station, Seneca, South Carolina-Identification of Occurrence: Core Barrel Assembly Thermal Shield Bolts Broken Conditions Prior to Occurrence: Defueled Supplementary Information:
Additional information has been developed-since the July. 24,,1981, report which' may be useful to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, specifically in regardito the unaccounted for loose parts (listed on page 2 of the' previous report) and the information available to date from laboratory examinations of fractured: bolt sapples.
With regard to the loose parts, except for one thermal' shield-bolt head, all-thermal shield attachment bolt parts previously. identified as missing have been located. The guide block and its attachments are still missing. Due to the-completeness of the search to date and due to the size of the block, it is believed not to have been'in place when the internals were last' installed in 1976. The following table summarizes the ' current status of components missing, located,.and retrieved:
Initially Still Missing Located Retrieved Missing (8/5/81)
Guide Block 1
0 0
.1-Guide Black Dowel 1
0 0
1 Guide Block Bolt
'l 0
0 1
Guide Block Bolt 1-0 0
1 Washer
' Thermal Shield 5
4-2 1'
Bolt Heads Thermal Shield 4
4 3
0 Bolt Shanks Thermal Shield 3
3 0
-locking Clips e
RO-269/81-ll, Supplement 1 Page 2 The three bolt shanks and two bolt heads retrieved were sent to the Lynchburg Research Center (LRC) of Babcock & Wilcox for examination.
One bolt shank and one locking clip were located with remote video equipment in the flow distributor; one bolt head, tentatively identified as one of the missing thermal shield bolt heads, was located near the West upender in the Spent Fuel Pool, and two locking clips were located during the examination of dis-charged fuel in the Spent Fuel Pool.
Efforts are in progress to retrieve these parts.
With regard to the examinations conducted by LRC, the results of the examina-tions are summarized in the following paragraphs.
A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) examination was performed on the best fracture surface, following routing macrophotograohy work and dimensional and material hardness checks. Metallographic s'.udies were also conducted.
. The fracture surface covering most of the bolt cross section was found to be incergranular with grain boundary corrosion attack and branch cracking evident.
A smaller central region was found to be transgranular '3ith some fatigue evident. No evidence of shear lips or ductile tearing associated with over-load was found. The failure mechanism identified from this examination was determined to be a corrosion fatigue mechanism with. low stress levels involved.
Due to :he nature of these findings, a review has been initiated in regard to other A-286 (SA 453 GR 660) bolt applications in the reactor internals.
Bolts of different size brt similar material are used in the Core Barrel to Core Support Shield, Core Barrel to Lower Grid, Upper Thermal Shield Restraint Blocks, and Flow Distributor to Lower Grid Joiats. These joints have been carefully scanned with remote video equipment. The joints appear to be tight and no abnormal conditions have been observed. As a precautionary measure, plans are being made to remove one or more bolts from these joints for detailed examination.
While these joints appear to be in the as-installed condition, a review is currently in process to assess the potential consequences of bolt failure.
The results of this review will be submitted to the NP.C Staff upon completion.
The Oconee FSAR, Section 3.2.4, discusses the mechanical design of the reactor internals. As stated there, in the unlikely event that a flange, circumferen-tial weld, or bolted joint might fail, core support lugs welded to the inside of the reactor vessel will limit core drop to h inch or less. A inch core drop will not allow the lower end of the CRA rods to disengage from their respective fuel assembly guide tubes, even if the CRAs are in the full-out position.
In this rod position, approximately 6h inches of rod length remain
..o R0-269/81-11, Suoplement 1 Page 3 in the fuel assembly guide tubes. A core drop of 15 inch will not result in c significant reactivity change. The core cannot rotate and bind the drive lines, because rotation of the core support assembly is prevented by the guide lugs.
As indicated in the July 24, 1981 initial report, sensitivity checks on the Loose Parts Monitoring Systems (LPMS) on Oconee Units 2 and 3 have been com-pleted and they have been recalibrated. The operators have bee >t provided additional guidance regarding the importance of the LPMS.
l l
Additional supplemental reports will be provided to advise the status of-l completion of the corrective actions, and of any new developments that may occur.
l t
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