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Forwards J Cox 891218 Ltr for Consideration & Compliance,If Possible
Person / Time
Site: University of Texas at Austin
Issue date: 02/09/1990
From: Gramm P
Shared Package
ML19324F854 List:
NUDOCS 9002220549
Download: ML20006E298 (5)


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PAIL C AAwW isnM . s Wnifeb.$fafes.Senafe WASHINGTON, D. C. tO510 Nuclear Regulatory Coannission 1717 H Street Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: Congressional Liaison ,

Dear Sir:

The attached communication is submitted for your consideration, and to ask that the request made therein be complied with, if possible. If you will advise me of your action in this matter and have the letter returned to me with your reply, I will appreciate it. Senator Phil Grasun 370 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Attention: Ned James (224-2934) I Yours respectfully, l l PHI GRAM United States Senator PGiesj ) 9002220549 900209 PDR ADOCK 05000602 H PDR ._ j

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                     .. o As          .       Austen h                                               Frtdor. Decomtper 15. 1999                                                                                                                                                                                  .

{T says~ reactor project safe, despite ex-contractor's claims MM to be compimee in Jidy 1995"

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inhavestly ease. it renEy dreen't de- syeeced if the heet emelueisse fails. Kroom,else amid the waterin h North Austin. Has reised sesoral eBeestiene 4 perid en theineegrity of the vemasL put Michael Kroome, senior op. emissemey*e chinnd water eyeese in The homet of the tonehing Isb is about entwy- pegelser if thewussilmeke,we shutthe ormeer et the reactor, amid neither et a goosese weeer peammere - g5  ; the 1.1 mass-met nurione remeter a N ensd the veerter cent =ia- he - p.,, base ecised happ.e. p eside pse aguese Isach,eenspeed . that win be amed for eduestion and meet etmtum. which is bdow M roei.ti,, di, Any wowe th.t would to rhe _ _ , ems.4 isn't to se- then the wowe beims eino-renomreb.The resetor does not pro- ground., unight perinit refsometig TeochIrg cents.n d 2 ithie eenersee ensniseted to the so.or essesse. Imeed f>sse the veerter tlweesh the dece electrietty. but. if it did. could 1= et taw ground M etracture and the sierveellesde of Kreuse esid. The highly panfied heat eschemsor. "SqP If tRNwe e *N enough for about 380weear* - redstieur in the sewr we=Id dimm6- wesw in it is designed te,sesy the leek it would isow bark into the i ' Hiis amid tie samtmois"oltting 9 I yeee gartly, nuest of it withis e for 30 yeere Nniens we drain it far tank. not est ines the myseres *

       *1t's a fairly standard remeter ei- en a naturalwater spring we dueo"                                                                                                                        siemeenance. Arid then we would milartotlweein piece et man
  ,ersities ereund the country, ved   when we em mentag. It                                                              %g4                   mi.sesen.Wehring enhL 3 3,,g ;,,,           ,,ikesthe how to bring in assesse tenho end                  Gagued else emid the ymune amidgard-weent ce the sense egert. We                                          ataserete                                 (n, ensue,) fasi       maeme peddsee, drain into theme. Tk enly way it diffe'eutimi should                           emy

' Dr. Bernard Wehring, director of enhedWwhattoda,andthey emid ==8' but ' "limtMur-tin teaching lab. Just scarit fuBefeenesete end seep The veerter is fear tinue em big it fme behing* N' \q but that's highly uniihelv." Wehr- could s,tintotheerew weeld beif mb g,,, ,,3,t the tenir everneosd en time fleer cissuosis added that the NRC and van est the benihms and get olysing en this prowet

  • is oesmethang N9tCis seS en-en ese W hee epereeed at Taylor W spobeanse emid tlww is mo+i > hoe agreed with ITI"o snelysus that l

. Wil en its team eenspus emco way . m "if there was a ,_^__ % and mA - 1963/iheelder remeteris now shut cape the -. . __ -__ -wowr cooki to _ Imelhty co-{ JI (9 '8lr I tfieimereer drained est of tiust tank down and wiB econ be A enter the ground weeer. and tiie fuel wee left in the tent, 4 eioned. Jce GiBilend, m - far the f W the faal weeld n it emit dr'we

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i In the remeter, et thei bnttoen of NRC, said the esseey's project 8 s MGs aimecimime that these is a the corrtehunent **mmel filled with amenegar

  • wee onewere of that * """'

j dreign thew in the reactor that - possilply perver,it ^{ { water, the smelel et the steens of Wiwelwr it is e omfety puebisse *de- ' the uremum fuel er, split. Tk pends ce whettwrthm's e reedihte of eming Eguid gas em reseired by co,nsed , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,y,,,w,, prorwee produrae neutrona, which yet for radiometig namennelto apait more stems. Tk chain nee- r==eb ground ween. and ta. the contreetway agweifteetiens.- it we. t hohi* eyst.ein e,id er bort up insee the eniwr- '

                                                                                                                                                           ,,,, e ehim.d.awr esswen that ear.

tion produces twet and redsstion. NRC haunt done that samiysm yet. Her emid.poisting out that the se** vices the wediaris W

  • i Th arenime fbel is in tubes Gilinmed said. e,g which altrummesty would be sur-- J
ceBed fuel roda. Sepersee rods that e Hits said the staminuma rese- rounded by a huevy shield of Har mid twluned enhoW ,

j etworb neutrono con be e4ameed to ter _ J ~ _ . womet wem de- concrees, et that tnne sem probim Imat omk fees Beb Pend-voguinto the fimeine process and numeed en receipt, wee further in pane, only Ipy tlwee belas. w Iwed of the mutmtm Fine centml the moeter. 8""8's"E t'* H' P'"d" Hils's firen won the $3 smiBine eeddamageasy dbeduring weiertight testing Tk esse wee ecentueted ever his Se"M onesund. wou int neue wisyhese enBa. esamassueet Ftun,, year W Ad h the obsortsee. Mas amiel ,,,,,,,,L,,,,,gg,,, 4 asswrel contreeter's ehere of the Hils emid thevesselarrived et the Whse the ,emmel was feed with Decesse of tie problem, Men tiseen1 seE.wel glue you assosier weset a no , ! prefect in late 1998 and reenmined eine

  • Tee e dented een* with indso- wooer "withm two feet of the top. eherged. *There's e very sereng
  • gave gliege. Ce545559 and sense your ed h en the job until Oct. 3,1916, when totiene "as beg as a weeeruelon* the (espport) esotees blowe. sud that contenminseed we- gg,,,g,g, gag ,,g ,

ITT tenmineesd his contreet be. He esid ITT brought in General the tank streeciwe out of scend. tercould op threigeh the ann 6- _ soume of verseus disputes. Another Atomire.the firm that supphed the New it has e huse bulee in it

  • Hils tery eeuw. just like beving year

contractor. R.I. Pendar & Amos. vemmel,to work en the problem. ciews of Miami Flm,was hind by Howmr. Mas said, the wmmi wwmReeL Se they om start with pluminns boet up in your heume." to Sn R. It's madewkh weid- Memm. he eciswnded, een. CM

  • Mdn's bandmg firm to fleimb the won fu-time dommeed wh== ITr ef- esame se sensed beyond any e eed wense fm. the neetor * * "

i werk. fleists insisted on ' for lenke strams they sleeuht voor be put vommel-whencimsimeed threech e agt New 17smenths behind ediedule, by fiBing the 28-feet 20-feet- ender." *1 wet euchseger" that piece in Ell i

the preiset was ens ==By suppneed around cyhnder with waterinnesed W.,hring said that dumpiw tin chabd ween tocoalit -eeuid en. y i p u = = ==-EE s ~ - -

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