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Section 7 of Amend 22 to License DPR-34
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/25/1981
Shared Package
ML20003E211 List:
FOIA-81-95 NUDOCS 8104020536
Download: ML20003E213 (5)




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The staff has discussed the requested changes to ite:n 3c under

" Method" column of Table 5.4-1 and item 1c under " Method" column of Table 5.4-4 of the Techqical Specifications with the licensee. The staff and the licensee have agreed that the following sentence shall be added:

"The interna'1 test signal shall be checked and calibrated


to assure that its output is in accordance with the design requirements.

This shall be done after completing the external signal procedure by checking the output indication when turning the internal test signal switch." The staff requires this addition and concludes that


the requirements of IEEE-279-1971 are satisfied and that these changes are acce'ptable.

7.0 SHOCK SUPPRESSORS, SNUBBERS The Fort St. Vrain Technical Specifications dealing with the Limiting Conditions for Operation of Shock Suppressors or Snubbers state (Section 4.3.10e) that shock suppressors may be added to Class I systems without prior License Amendment to Table 4.3.10-1, provided a revision to Tabl,e 4.3.10-1 is included with a subsequent License Amendment request. The Public Service Company of Colorado elected


to update Table 4.3.10-1 listing all Class I snubbers as they are added as a result of refined seismic analyses of their piping systems.

As recommended by IE Bulletin 79-14. PSCo has reviewed their " safety-related" piping systems to verify that the deisgn drawings. correspond to the "as-built" configurations. As a result of this review and additional requirements. PSco has started a reanalysis of their piping systems and additional snubbers will be added or deleted as the analysis dictates.

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4.3-9 Tm? '.3.10-1 CLASS I ETDRAILIC SNU33ERS s

s Turbine Water Drain Snubbers W DS-1 WDS-6 W DS-2 WDS-7 W DS-3 WDS-8 WDS-4 WDS-9 W DS-5 WDS-10 Cold Reheat Snubbers - Circulator

, CRS-Cl-1 CRS-C3-1 CRS-Cl-2 CRS-C3-2 CRS-Cl-3 CRS-C3-3 CRS-Cl-4 CRS-C3-4 CRS-Cl-5 CRS-C3-5 CRS-Cl-6 CRS-C3-6 CRS-C2-1 CRS-C4-1 CRS-C2-2 CRS-C4-2 CRS-C2-3 CRS-C4-3 CRS-C2-4 CRS-C4-4 CRS-C2-5 CES-C4-5 CRS-C2-6 CRS-C4-6 l

t Cold Rehen: Snubbers CRS-29 CRS-262 CRS-589 CRS-31 CRS-297 CRS-591 CRS-72 CRS-317-1 CRS-632 CRS-76 CRS-317-2 CRS-636 CRS-104 CRS-371 CRS-664 CRS-ll4 CRS-372 CRS-674 CRS-144 CBS-474 CRS-707 CRS-146 CIS-476 CRS-742 CRS-187 CRS-517 CRS-751 CRS-191 CRS-321 CRS-752 CRS-219 CRS-549 CRS-821 CRS-229 CRS-556-1 CRS-822 CRS-556-2


'a-Amendment No. 22

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4. 3-1. 0 TABLE 4.3.10-1 (continued)


Hot Raheat Snubbers HRS-23 HRS-128 HRS-246 HRS-356 ERS-24 ERS-129 ERS-278 HRS-357 HRS-26 HRS-131 ERS-279 ERS-37 8 HPS-58 ERS-158 HRS-281 HRS-379 HRS-59 ERS-139 HRS-289 HPS-381 ERS-61 HRS-161 HRS-314 HPS-413 HRS-69 HPS-193 HRS-315 HRS-414 HRS-94 HRS-194 H7S-318 HRS-416 HRS-95 HRS-196 HRS-321 HRS-421 HRS-98 HRS-201 ERS-324 HRS-422 HRS-101 BRS-202 HRS-348 HRS-428 HRS-103 HRS-205 HPS-349 HRS-985 HRS-lO4-HRS-243 -

HRS-351 HPS-990 RRS-105 ERS-244 Main Scea:s snubbers MSS-9 MSS-ll8 MSS-194 MSS-321 MSS-16 MSS-120-1 MSS-201 MSS-339 MSS-17 MSS-120-2 NSS-204 MSS-346 MSS-18 MSS-120-3 MSS-206 MSS-347 MSS-19 MSS-125 MSS-222 MSS-348 MSS-27 MSS-126 MSS-239 MSS-356 l

MSS-29 HSS-246 l~

MSS-44 MSS-135-1 MSS-247 MSS-369 MSS-51 MSS-139 MSS-248 MSS-376 MSS-52 MSS-145-1 MSS-249 MSS-377 l

l I

MSS-54 MSS-145-2 MSS-257 MSS-379 I

MSS-61 MSS-145-3 MSS-238 MS S-64 MSS-146 M55-274 l

MSS-74 MSS-147 MSS-281 MSS-414 MSS-81 MSS-149 MSS-284 MSS-421 MSS-82 MSS-291 MSS-422 MSS-84 MSS-304 MSS-424 l

i l

MSS-109 M55-184 MSS-311 MSS-431 MSS-116 155-191 MSS-312 MSS-433 MSS-117 MSS-192 MSS-314 MSS-822-1 e

A Amendment No._ 22


s 4,3 11 27


TA3I.I 4.3.10-1 (centinued)_



3eller Feed Scubbers Generators 3FS-31-1 3 FS-31-4 3FS-32-1 3 FS-32-4 3FS-31-2 3FS-51-5 3FS-32-2 3FS-32-5 3FS-31-3 3 FS 6 3FS-32-3 3FS-32-6


Boiler Teed Snubbers 3FS-54 3FS-421 3FS-526 375-577 3FS-138 BFS-422 3FS-528 3FS-614 BFS-139 3FS-425 BFS-529 3FS-641

. 3 FS-142 BFS-434-1 3FS-530 3FS-679 3FS-149 3'IS-434-2 3FS-532 BFS-711 BFS-152 3 FS-4 34-3 '

3FS-534 3F3-763 BFS-153 3FS-435 3FS-536 3 FS-764 B FS-297 3FS-437 3FS-337.

373-796 3FS-352 3FS-451 3FS-553-1 3FS-E20 3FS-397 3FS-477 BF5-55 3-2 3F3-823 3 FS-398 3FS-479 3FS-556 3FS-82 4 3 F5-400 3FS-498 BFS-563 3F5-843 3FS-402 BTS-500 3FS-564 BFS-844 3FS-412 3FS-501 BFS-566 BFS-670 3 FS-416 3F5-516 3FS-572 BFS-871 B FS-420 3FS-523 BFS-573 Boiler Feed Snubbers - F.=ergency 3FS-14E 3FS-89E BFS-219E 3FS-397E

'3FS-15E 3FS-122E 3FS-228E 3FS-405E BFS-16I 3FS-141E 3 FS-229E 3FS-414I 3F5-26E 3FS-142E 3FS-243E 3FS-417E 3 FS-29E 3FS-143E 3FS-244E 3FS-419E 3FS-30E 3FS-15EI 3FS-245E 3FS-421E BFS-31E BFS-167E 3FS-257E 3FS-422E 3 FS-47E 3FS-181E 3FS-260E

373-444E 3 FS-76E 3FS-216I SFS-77E 3FS-21EE 3FS-39 EE Amendment No. 22

1> **.*.




TA31.E 4.3.10-1 (continued)

CLASS I HYDRAULIC SNU33E15 (con tinued)

H[drau11e Oil Snubbers I

B05-1 B05-22 B05-48 HOS-2 HOS-23 HOS-49 HOS-71 HOS-3 B05-24 B05-50 H05-72 HOS-4-1 B05-25 HOS-51 E05-73 B05-4-2 E05-27 E05-52 HOS-74 H05-5 H05-28 B05-53 HOS-75 HOS-6 HOS-29 B05-54 B05-76 B05-7 HCS-30 Ec0- 55 H05-77 E05-8 E05-31 B05-56 E05-78 HOS-9 HOS-33 H05-57 HOS-79 HOS-10 H05-34 B05-58 HOS-80 HOS-11

.HOS-35 HOS-59 E05-81 H05-36 H05-60 H05-82 HOS-13 H05-37 E05-61 B05-83 H05-14 HOS-38 HOS-63 HOS-84 H05-15 E05-39 B05-64 B05-85 B05-16 B05-40 HOS-65 B05-86 B05-17 HOS-41 B05-66 B05-87 B05-18 HOS-42 E05-88 HOS-19 HOS-45 HOS-89 H05-20 HOS-46 B05-90 HOS-21 Em rgener Condensate Snubbers ECS-1 ECS-3 E'CS-5 ECS-7 I

ECS-2 Ecs-4 Ecs-6

_ Vent Stack Snubbers VSS-101 VSS-107 VSS-113 VSS-119 VSS-102 755-108 VSS-114 755-120 i

VSS-104 VSS-110 VSS-116 VSS-122 V55-105 VSS-111 755-117 VSS-123

  • r Amendment No. 22
