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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20141K9945 May 1997Amend 89 to License DPR-34,designating All Elements of Approved Decommissioning Plan as License Termination Plan
ML20246J30930 August 1989Amend 72 to License DPR-34,imposing Early Shutdown on Plant by Limiting Reactor Power to 2% of Full Power After 900630
ML20245J36714 August 1989Amend 71 to License DPR-34,revising Provisions in Tech Specs Re Radiological EffluentsGrab sample
ML20245C49918 April 1989Amend 70 to License DPR-34,changing Amount of Radioactive Matl to Be Possessed for Analysis & Instrument CalibrSafeguards Contingency Plan
ML20248D64631 March 1989Amend 69 to License DPR-34,changing Tech Spec Section 7 Re Administrative ControlsSafe Shutdown
ML20236A13527 February 1989Amend 68 to License DPR-34,modifying Limiting Condition for Operation 4.4.1 & Surveillance Requirement 5.4.1 to Include Fixed High Temp Trip Setpoint for Steam Line Rupture & Detection SysSafe Shutdown
Operator Manual Action
High Energy Line Break
ML20205F97824 October 1988Amend 65 to License DPR-34,amending Tech Specs Paragraph 2.D(3) to Require Compliance W/Amended Physical Security Plan & to Conform to 10CFR73.55 RequirementsSafeguards Contingency Plan
ML20154J79315 September 1988Amend 64 to License DPR-34,changing Tech Specs for Plant DC Power Sys & Allowing for Future Changes to Station Batteries
ML20154J45615 September 1988Amend 63 to License DPR-34,changing Tech Spec Section 7 Re Administrative Controls
ML20207F0065 August 1988Amend 61 to License DPR-34,deleting Requirement to Monitor Temp of Dew Point Moisture Monitors in Section 4.4
ML20207F2145 August 1988Amend 62 to License DPR-34,deleting Ref in App B of Tech Specs to 10CFR51.5(b)2
ML20151A99220 June 1988Amend 60 to License DPR-34,revising Certain Setpoints for Protective Sys to Allow for Instrumentation ErrorSafe Shutdown
High Energy Line Break
ML20148S5907 April 1988Amend 59 to License DPR-34,deleting Tabular Listing of safety-related Snubbers from Tech SpecsEarthquake
ML20236U51923 November 1987Amend 57 to License DPR-34,revising Tech Specs to Ensure Sufficient Helium Coolant Flow to Prevent Overheating of Fuel While in Low Power or Shutdown ModesShutdown Margin
ML20235N64413 July 1987Amend 56 to License DPR-34,changing Certain Administrative Controls Under Which Plant Operated,In Partial Response to 860722 & 1205 Applications.Tech Spec Pages EnclOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
Fire Protection Program
ML20235E52029 June 1987Amend 55 to License DPR-34,revising Tech Spec to Require Both Sections of Both Steam Generators to Be Available for DHR in Power Operation
ML20214M44020 May 1987Amend 54 to License DPR-34,modifying Surveillance Requirements for Standby Diesel Generator
ML20215J8205 May 1987Amend 53 to License DPR-34,changing Tech Specs to Show Actual Location of Fire Hose Station TH12-G4
ML20206J8416 April 1987Amend 52 to License DPR-34,increasing Circulator speed-high Steam Trip Setting Listed in Table 4.4-3 of Tech Specs
ML20207S1959 March 1987Amend 51 to License DPR-34,revising Portions of Section 5.2 Through 5.4 of Tech Specs.Sections Pertain to Phase II of Util Inservice Insp & Testing ProgramSafe Shutdown
Stroke time
Power-Operated Valves
ML20212J31726 February 1987Amend 50 to License DPR-34,changing Tech Specs Re Steam Line Rupture Detection/Isolation SysSafe Shutdown
High Energy Line Break
ML20212A89715 December 1986Amend 49 to License DPR-34,revising Tech Specs to Add Section 4.9.3 Re Xenon Stability Testing
ML20214P67325 November 1986Amend 48 to License DPR-34,adding Section 7.7 Concerning Formalized Fuel Surveillance Program to Tech Specs
ML20206C67212 June 1986Corrected Amend 47 to License DPR-34,modifying Tech Specs to Allow Replacement of Mechanical Snubbers W/Hydraulic SnubbersEarthquake
ML20141N5454 March 1986Amend 47 to License DPR-34,changing Tech Specs to Allow Mechanical Snubbers to Be Replaced by Equivalent Hydraulic SnubbersEarthquake
ML20244A65220 April 1979Amend 20 to License DPR-34 to Revise Tech Specs to Install Eight Test Fuel Elements Into Reactor Core at First Refueling & to Install Graphite Surveillance Specimens Into Five Bottom Transition Reflector ElementsCoatings