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Public Version of Facility Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure, Alert.
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 11/06/1980
From: Harriston W
Shared Package
ML19343A898 List:
FNP--EIP-12-1, FNP-0-EIP-12-01, NUDOCS 8011240562
Download: ML19343B047 (9)







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'*CM 031 Goz:i$hy#lc M Approved:

td.).lY W W Plant Manager Date Issued: 18 TD Date of Implementation: 11-17-80 Diskette #EIP-1 List of Effective Pages Page Rev. DOCUMENT CONTROL l-6 4 CONTROLLED COPY 12A 4 4 DO NOT REPRODUCE

  1. 9' COPY NO. Cy r 90llS't0567 - -

s VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-12 ALERT 1.0 Purpose This procedure defines the criteria for classifying an emergency as an Alert, delineates personnel and organizations who may be notified and lists actions which may be taken to mitigate the effects of the emergency.

2.0 References 2.1 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan.

2.2 FNP-0-EIP-8, Notification Roster.

2.3 FNP-0-EIP-9, Radiation Exposure Estimation and Classification of Emergencies.

2.4 FNP-0-EIP-10, Evacuation and Personnel Accountability.

2.5 FNP-0-EIP-13, Fire Emergencies.

2.6 FNP-0-EIP-14, Re-entry Procedures.

2.7 FNP-0-EIP-26, Offsite Notification 3.0 General 3.1 Description The classification of Alert applies to situations in which events are in process or have occurred which involve an actual or potential substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant.

The potential for release of radioactive material for the Alert classification is up to 10 curies of I-131 equivalent or up to 104 curies of Xe-133 equivalent. The purpose of offsite alert is to assure that emergency personnel art readily available to respond if the situation becomes more serious or 'to perform' confirmatory radiation monitoring if required and to provide offsite authorities current status information for possible further action.

3.2 Criteria An Alert would be declared for plant conditions that warrant precautionary activation of the technical support center, operations support centers, and the emergency operations facility (at the discretion of the Recovery Manager).

Specifically, an Alert would be declared for any of the following:

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VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-12 3.2.1 Severe loss of fuel cladding as indicated by a reactor coolant activity equal to or greater than 300 pCi/ gram equivalent I-131.

3.2.2 Steam generator tube rupture indicated by:

(a) ECCS actuation, AND (b) High secondary coolant activity -

(R-15, R-19, R-23A, or R-233 reach full scale).

3.2.3 Greater than 10 gpm primary to secondary leak as indicated by high secondary coolant activity (R-15, R-19, R-23A, or R-23B alarming) AND a steam line break outside containment indicated by:

(a) Abnormally low steam pressure on one or all steam generators AND (b) No abnormal temperature, pressure, or humidity increase in containment.

3.2.4 A primary coolant leak greater than 50 gpm. Indications of such a leak will t include high charging flow AND t

I (a) High containment radiation (R-2, i R-22, and R-12) AND (b) High containment humidity.

QR (c) Pressuriner relief or safety valve discharge line temperature high AND (d) Pressurizer relief tank level, ,

pressure or temperature increasing or above nomnal.

i 3.2.5 High radiation levels or high airborne contamination indicative of a severe degradation in the control of radioactive materials as indicated by:

(a) Readings on R-14 (stack gas monitor),

R-21 (stack particulate monitor) OR R-22 (stack. gas monitor) reading ~~

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VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-12 1

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(b). Sampling confirms direct readings.

-3.2.6 Loss of offsite power with a failure of all emergency AC power for less than 15 minutes.

3.2.7 Loss of both trains of auxiliary building DC power for less than 15 minutes, j 3.2.'8 Loss of both trains of:

(a) Auxiliary feedwater (Modes 1-3), OR (b) RHR, OR (c) CCW, OR (d) Service Water 3.2.9 Spent fuel handling accident in which an increase in radiation level (i.e., alarm condition or off-scale reading) is l


observed on R-2, R-11, R-12, R-5, OR R-25 as a result of one of the folI5 wing:

(a) Dropped spent fuel assembly, OR (b) An object is dropped onto a spent fuel assembly, OR (c) A cask containing a spent fuel assembly is dropped, OR (d) A spent fuel assembly is deformed as a result of any nanipulation, OR (e) Low spent fuel pool water level.

3.2.10 Loss of all main control board annunciator capability.

3.2.11 Radiological effluents greater than 10 times the radiological technical specification instantaneous limits.

3.2.12 A security emergency involving the occurence of: or imminent threat of sabotage.

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< WOLUME 14 FNP-0-EXP-12 3.2.13 Severe natural phenomena being experienced or projected as follows:

(a) Earthquake greater than hSSE levels (0.05g ground acceleration)

(b) Flood, low river water or hurricane surge near design levels that could impact plant operations.

(c) Any tornado striking facility (d) Hurricane winds near design basis level (115 mph) 3.2.14 Fire or explosion potentially affecting ECCS 3.2.15 Failure of the reactor protection system to initiate and complete a trip which brings the reactor subcritical.

3.2.16 A steam or feed line break inside containment as indicated by dbnormally low pressure on one steam generator with the following:

(a) Steam line high differential pressure, 2B (b) Steam flow greater than feed flow, 98 1

(c) Steam line high flow, f AND (d) Containment high temperature.

3.2.17 Single rod cluster control assembly withdrawal at power as detected by:

, (a) Rod position indicator, AND (b) Increasing core power, AND (c) Increasing Tavg.

3.2.18 Hacards experienced onsite which affect plant operation such as (a) Aircraft crash Rev. 4 4

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VOLUME 14- FNP-0-EIP-12 (b) ' Release of toxic gas (c)- Release of flammable gas 3.2.19 Main steam isolation valve failure AND a steam line break outside containment indicated by:

(a) Abnormally low steam pressure on one or all steam generators AND (b) Nt abnormal temperature, pressure, o; humidity increase in containment.

4.0 Procedure 4.1 The Shift Supervisor will perform the following:

4.1.1 Evacuate areas of the plant or site as necessary to assure personnel protection.

4.1.2 Implement notifications per.EIP-26 (Figure 1).

4. .3 The Shift Supervisor shall perform the duties of the Emergency Director until his arrival and assumption of duties.

4.2 The Emergency Director shall perform the following:

4.2.1 Upon receiving notification of any

emergency, provide instructions for the Administrative Aide to implement the required porticns of the plant call list for the Emergency Organization and notify the Emergency coordinator.

4.2.2 Evacuate areas of the plant site, as necessary.

4.2.3 Notify the proper offsite authorities per EIP-26 (Figure 1).

4.2.4 Activate the Technical Succort Center and Operational Support C'e'ters'and n EOF (at the discretion of the Recoverv Manager) to the extent required to respond to conditions precipitating the Alert.

4.2.5 Dispatch a Radiation Monitoring Team if a release is imminent or in progress.

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VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-12 4.2.6 Provide periodic meteorological and dose estimates and release projections based

on plant conditions and foreseeable contingencies to offsite authorities.

4.2.7 Plan and initiate re-entry-(EIP-14) 4.2.8 Provide periodic plant status updates to j offsite authorities.

4.2.9 Continually reassess the emergency condition to ensure that-a higher classification does not exist.

4.2.10 If a fire, implement EIP-13, Fire Emergencies.

4.2.11 Close out by verbal summary to offsite authorities followed by a report as required by technical specifications or escalate to a higher level emergency.

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.. s FNP-0-EIP-12A ALERT Initials I. Shift Supervisor A. Evacuate affected areas of the site as necessary B. Implement EIP-26 II. Emergency Director A. Provide instructions for Adminsitrative Aide to notify essential members of plant staff and notify the Emergency Coordinator B. Notify offsite authroities per EIP-26 C. Evacuate area of plant site, as necessary D. Initiate environmental sampling 4

E. Plan and initiate re-entries (EIP-14)

F. Activate TSC, OSC, and EOF (at

, Recovery Manager's discretion)

G. Provide periodic meteorological and dose estimates to offsite authorities H. Provide periodic plant status updates to offsite authorities I. Reassess conditions for possible upgrading of emergency classification J. If a fire, implement EIP-13 K. Close out by verbal summary or escalate to a higher level emergency 1 Rev. 4

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