Public Version of Facility Emergency Implementation Procedure, General EmergencyML19343B034 |
Person / Time |
Site: |
Farley |
Issue date: |
11/06/1980 |
From: |
To: |
Shared Package |
ML19343A898 |
List: |
References |
FNP--EIP-19-1, FNP-0-EIP-19-01, NUDOCS 8011240507 |
Download: ML19343B034 (7) |
MONTHYEARML20217B1791999-10-0404 October 1999 Revised TS Re Control Room,Penetration Room & Containment Purge Filtration Sys & Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation, Reflecting Agreements Reached in 990909 & 16 Discussions ML20209B8161999-06-30030 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Chapters 3.4,3.5,3.6,3.7,4.0 & 5.0, Converting to ITS ML20196J8731999-06-30030 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Correcting Errors,Per 990222 TS Amend Re Control Room,Penetration Room & Containment Purge Filtration Systems & Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation ML20207D6421999-05-31031 May 1999 Proposed Conversion to ITSs for Chapter 3.3 ML20206H0001999-04-30030 April 1999 Proposed Revs to Previously Submitted Tech Specs with LAR Related to RAI on Conversion to ITS ML20206F4421999-04-30030 April 1999 Proposed Revs to Previously Submitted Tech Specs with LAR Related to RAI Re Conversion to Its,Chapter 3.8 ML20206B4721999-04-21021 April 1999 Corrected Proposed TS Pages 5.5-6,5.5-7,5.5-8 & 5.5-9, Replacing Current W Model 51 SGs with W Model 54F L-99-170, Snoc Jfnp Startup Test Rept Unit 1 Cycle 16. with1999-04-20020 April 1999 Snoc Jfnp Startup Test Rept Unit 1 Cycle 16. with ML20205S9641999-04-20020 April 1999 Snoc Jfnp Startup Test Rept Unit 1 Cycle 16. with ML20205G8571999-04-0202 April 1999 Proposed Ts,Increasing Dei Limit from 0.15 to Uci/Gram IAW 10CFR50.90 ML20205A2401999-03-19019 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Table 3.3-6,re Cr,Penetration Room & Containment Purge Filtration Sys & Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation ML20205A3101999-02-28028 February 1999 Analysis of Capsule Z from Alabama Power Co Jm Farley Unit 2 Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program ML20207C2451999-02-22022 February 1999 Proposed TS Amends to Clarify SR Refs to ANSI N510 Sections 10,12 & 13 to ASME N510-1989,with Errata Dtd Jan 1991 & to Add Footnote Which Refs FNP FSAR for Relevant Testing of Details ML20203A7711999-02-0303 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Re Conversion to Its,Chapter 3.4 ML20205T0011998-12-23023 December 1998 Rev 17 to FNP-0-M-011, Odcm ML20205T0081998-12-23023 December 1998 Rev 18 to FNP-0-M-011, Odcm ML20196F6261998-12-0101 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Re Amend to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8.Proposed TS Changes Include Revisions to SG Level Setpoints,Rcs Operational Leakage & Specific Activity Limits & SG Tube Insp Program ML20196B6241998-11-20020 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Re Conversion to Improved TS, Chapters 3.6.& 5.0 ML20155J4561998-11-0606 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Nuclear Instrumentation Sys Power Range Daily Surveillance Requirement ML20154K2521998-10-12012 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 6,providing Recognition of Addl Mgt Positions Associated with SG Replacement Project & Providing Ability to Approve Procedures Re Project Which May Affect Nuclear Safety ML20151V6991998-09-11011 September 1998 Snoc Jm Farley Nuclear Plant Startup Test Rept Unit 2 Cycle 13. with ML20237D4111998-08-20020 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Conversion to Improved TS Re Discussion of Changes & Significant Hazards Evaluations ML20217N4801998-05-0101 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Pages Re Safety Limits,Reactivity Control Systems & Afs ML20205S9971998-04-19019 April 1998 Rev 16 to FNP-0-M-011, Odcm ML20217Q7261998-03-20020 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Power Update Implementation,Replacing Page 6-19a ML20202F1121998-02-12012 February 1998 Revised Proposed Changes to TS Page 6-19a for Power Uprate ML20202G1311998-02-12012 February 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Pressure Temp Limits Rept ML20198H3661998-01-0707 January 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Adding Note to Specifically Indicate Normal or Emergency Power Supply May Be Inoperable in Modes 5 or 6 Provided That Requirements of TS Are Satisfied ML20198E6621997-12-31031 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Changing Nis IR Neutron Flux Reactor Trip Setpoint & Allowable Value ML20198E3141997-12-30030 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Auxiliary Bldg & Svc Water Bldg Battery Surveillances ML20197B6691997-12-18018 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Re 970723 TS Amend Request Associated W/Pressure Temperature Limits Rept ML20212B1791997-10-31031 October 1997 1 SG ARC Analyses in Support of Full Cycle Operation ML20211P5861997-10-16016 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising Number of Allowable Charging Pumps Capable of Injecting in RCS When Temperature of One or More of RCS Cold Leg Temperatures Is Less than 180 F ML20211J1501997-09-30030 September 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Correcting Page 20 of 970723 TS Amend Request to Relocate RCS Pressure & Temperature Limits from TS to Pressure & Temperature Limit Rept ML20217C0341997-09-25025 September 1997 Revised Proposed Ts,Providing Addl Info Re 970630 Submittal, Titled, Jfnp TS Change Request - Credit for B for Spent Fuel Storage ML20211A6891997-09-17017 September 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Primary Coolant Specific Activity ML20216D0031997-09-0303 September 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Moveable Incore Detector Sys ML20149K1001997-07-23023 July 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Relocating RCS P/T Limits from TS to Proposed P/T Limits Rept IAW Guidance Provided by GL 96-03, Relocation of P/T Limit Curves & LTOP Sys Limits ML20148Q1041997-06-30030 June 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising & Clarifying Requirements for CR Emergency & Penetration Room Filtration Sys,Required Number of Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation Channels & Deleting Containment Purge Exhaust Filter Spec ML20148R7521997-06-30030 June 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating Requirements Necessary to Change Basis for Prevention of Criticality in Fuel Storage Pool.Change Eliminates Credit for Boraflex as Neutron Absorbing Matl in Fuel Storage Pool Criticality Analysis ML20148K7501997-06-13013 June 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Changing TS 3/4.9.13, Storage Pool Ventilation (Fuel Movement) ML20140A3931997-05-28028 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Clarifying That Testing of Each Shared EDG to Comply W/Sr Is Only Required Once Per Five Years on a Per EDG Basis,Not on Per Unit Basis ML20148F2381997-05-27027 May 1997 Corrected TS Bases Page B 3/4 1-3 That Incorporates Changes from COLR & Elimination of Containment Spary Additive Sys TS Amends ML20148E5921997-05-27027 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Revising Applicable Modes for Source Range Nuclear Instrumentation & Providing Allowances for an Exception to Requirements for State of Power Supplies for RHR Discharge to Charging Pump Suction Valves ML20138B9251997-04-23023 April 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising TS Pages to Include Footnote Concerning Filter Pressure Drop Testing & Mechanical Heater Testing ML20198T4921997-03-31031 March 1997 Small Bobbin Probe (0.640) Qualification Test Rept ML20137H6091997-03-25025 March 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Primary Coolant Specific Activity ML20136F8231997-03-0707 March 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.6.3 Re Containment Isolation Valves Surveillance Requirements ML20135C4941997-02-24024 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re SG Tube Laser Welded Sleeves.Voltage Based Alternate Repair Criteria Is Approved Prior to Laser Welded Sleeve Amend ML20135C6731997-02-24024 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Surveillance Requirements of Control Room,Penetration Room & Containment Purge Filtration Systems 1999-06-30
MONTHYEARML20205T0011998-12-23023 December 1998 Rev 17 to FNP-0-M-011, Odcm ML20205T0081998-12-23023 December 1998 Rev 18 to FNP-0-M-011, Odcm ML20205S9971998-04-19019 April 1998 Rev 16 to FNP-0-M-011, Odcm ML20138A3661996-04-25025 April 1996 Rev 15 to Procedure FNP-O-M-011, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20071P9561994-06-15015 June 1994 Rev 1 to FNP-0-ETP-4338, Svc Water Storage Pond Sounding Survey ML20071Q2831994-03-0808 March 1994 Rev 1 to FNP-0-ETP-4381, Svc Water Storage Pond Piezometer Well Readings ML20071Q3151994-03-0808 March 1994 Rev 1 to FNP-0-ETP-4389, Svc Water Storage Pond Dam Biennial Insp ML20063H7681994-01-0101 January 1994 Rev 13 to Odcm ML20071Q3551993-10-18018 October 1993 Rev 7 to FNP-0-ARP-8, Svc Water Structure ML20071Q3661993-07-13013 July 1993 Rev 26 to FNP-1-ARP-1.1, Main Control Board Annunciator Panel a ML20071Q3751993-06-24024 June 1993 Rev 8 to FNP-0-AOP-31.0, Loss of Svc Water Pond ML20071Q3341993-01-29029 January 1993 Rev 0 to FNP-0-ETP-1035, Svc Water Dam & Structure Monthly Insp ML20071Q4031993-01-0606 January 1993 Rev 8 to FNP-0-STP-125, Svc Water Bond Seepage Test ML20126A1941992-12-0808 December 1992 Rev 2 to FNP-0-M-011, Odcm ML20071Q3051992-05-12012 May 1992 Rev 0 to FNP-0-ETP-4384, Svc Water Pond Deformation Monument Readings ML20071Q3871991-03-28028 March 1991 Rev 4 to FNP-0-STP-611.1, Spillway Channel & Structure Verification ML20071Q3601991-03-28028 March 1991 Rev 4 to FNP-0-STP-611.0, Spillway Channel Insp ML20059D8331990-08-30030 August 1990 Rev 76 to EPIP FNP-0-EIP-008 ML20059J1841990-08-24024 August 1990 Rev 10 to ODCM ML20058P6261990-08-15015 August 1990 Rev 1 to FNP-2-M-068, Ten-Yr Inservice Insp Program for ASME Code Classs 1,2 & 3 Components ML20058Q1541990-08-15015 August 1990 Rev 3 to FNP-1-M-043, Jm Farley Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Second 10-Yr Inservice Insp Program,Asme Code Class 1,2 & 3 Components ML20248H8811989-10-0404 October 1989 Rev 3 to FNP-1-M-042 Re Second 10-yr Interval Inservice Testing Program for ASME Code Class 1,2 & 3 Pumps & Valves ML19325C6751989-09-25025 September 1989 Rev 8 to FNP-0-M-011, Odcm ML20244B4531989-04-0303 April 1989 Rev 7 to FNP-0-M-011, Odcm ML20247C7721989-03-24024 March 1989 Rev 0 to FNP-2-M-068-1, Updated Inservice Insp Program for ASME Code Class 1,2 & 3 Components ML20151U2981988-05-31031 May 1988 Suppl 1 to EQDP-ESE-68B, ATWS Mitigating Sys Actuation Circuitry in Amco Cabinet & Wall Mounted Hoffman Relay Enclosure ML20151Y7341988-04-30030 April 1988 Westinghouse MT-SME-186, Background & Technical Basis for Handbook on Flaw Evaluation for Jm Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2 Reactor Vessel Beltline & Nozzle to Shell Welds ML20151R3301988-04-14014 April 1988 Rev 5 to General Ofc Emergency Implementing Procedure GOP-EIP-116, Emergency Operations Facility Shift Turnover ML20151S0141988-04-12012 April 1988 Rev 4 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20236T2641987-11-23023 November 1987 Draft Rev 0 to FNP-1-M-043, Second 10-Yr Inservice Insp Program for ASME Code Class 1,2 & 3 Components ML20150C2271987-09-18018 September 1987 Rev 4 to FNP-0-M-011, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20150C2201987-08-0505 August 1987 Rev 3 to FNP-0-M-011, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20214P4381987-05-27027 May 1987 Rev 0 to FNP-1-M-042, Second 10-Yr Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program ML20213H0721987-05-12012 May 1987 Rev 1 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure FNP-0-AP-74, Emergency Response Procedures Verification ML20213H1011987-05-12012 May 1987 Rev 2 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure FNP-0-AP-74, Emergency Response Procedures Verification ML20213A1771986-12-31031 December 1986 Rev 1 to Incident Investigation Manual ML20214K4911986-07-11011 July 1986 Rev 2 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20154C8681986-02-21021 February 1986 Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Rev 40 to FNP-0-EIP-8, Emergency Communications & Rev 13 to FNP-0-EIP-26, Offsite Notification ML20133H1181985-10-11011 October 1985 Attachment to Procedure FNP-85-1072 Re on-call Schedules Concerning Both Plant & Nuclear Generation Personnel. Schedules Effective 851001 ML20132E9211985-07-23023 July 1985 Corrected Rev 15 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure FNP-0-EIP-4, Chemistry & Environ & Health Physics Support to Emergency Plan ML20133G9431985-05-21021 May 1985 Rev 1 to FNP-0-M-011, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20100H4071985-02-26026 February 1985 Public Version of Revised Attachments a & B to Procedure FNP-0-EIP-8 Re on-call Schedule for Plant Personnel for 1985 & on-call Schedule for Nuclear Generation Personnel for First Quarter 1985 ML20101L5421984-12-27027 December 1984 Rev 5 to General Ofc Emergency Implementing Procedure GO-EIP-131, Emergency Operations Ctr - Flintridge Emergency Equipment & Supplies ML20101L5121984-12-27027 December 1984 Rev 9 to General Ofc Emergency Implementing Procedure GO-EIP-111, Corporate Activation & Notification Procedures ML20101E6061984-12-14014 December 1984 Rev 1 to Emergency Implementing Procedure FNP-0-EIP-30, Post-Accident Core Damage Assessment ML20198D3081984-09-24024 September 1984 Rev 3 to STD-P-05-003, Process Control Program for In-Container Solidification of 4 to 20 Weight Percent Boric Acid ML20095D4101984-08-17017 August 1984 Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including GO-EIP-101 Re Corporate Emergency organization,GO-EIP-135 Re Emergency Plan Review & Rev & GO-EIP-120 Re Ref Guidance for Recovery Manager ML20198D3171984-08-0606 August 1984 Rev 5 to STD-P-05-004, Progress Control Program for In-Container Solidification of Bead Resin ML20093G4051984-07-17017 July 1984 Public Version of Rev 5 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure GO-EIP-111, Corporate Activation & Notification Procedures. W/Jm Felton 840717 Release Memo ML20093G3561984-07-17017 July 1984 Public Version of Rev 29A to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure FNP-0-EIP-8, Notification Roster 1998-04-19
[Table view] |
-o O
Plant Manager Date Issued:
/ (-6 40 Date of Implementation:
11-17-80 Diskette #EIP-1 List of Effective Paces
1-4 3
CONTROt.tED COPY Checklist pg. 1 3
COPY NO. 039 fDlle y']
VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-19 GENERAL EMERGENCY 1.0 Purpose This procedure defines the criteria for classifying an emergency as a General Emergency, delineates personnel and organizations who may be notified and lists actions which may be taken to mitigate the effects of the emergency.
2.0 References 2.1 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan.
2.2 FNP-0-EIP-8, Notification Roster.
2.3 FNP-0-EIP-9, Radiation Exposure Estimation and Classification of Emergencies.
2.4 FNP-0-EIP-10, Evacuation and Personnel Accountability.
2.5 FNP-0-EIP-14, Re-entry Procedures.
2.6 FNP-0-EIP-26, Offsite Notification 3.0 General 3.1 Description The classification of Gene &al Emergency applies i
to those events which are in progress or have occurred which involve actua1 or imminent substantial core degradation or melting with potentiel loss of containment intr.grity.
The potential for release of radioactive material for the General Emergency classification is more than 1000 Ci of 6 Ci of Xe-133 I-131 equivalent or more than 10 equivalent.
The purpose of. the declaration of a General Erergency is to:
Initiate predetermined protective actions for the public.
Provide continuous assessment of information from licensee and offsite measurement.-
Initiate additional measures as indicated by event releases or potential releases
- and, Rev. 3 1
VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EXP-19 (d)
Provide current information for and consultation with offsite authorities and the public.
3.2 Criteria 3.2.1 Sampling indicates a projected lower limit of c: site individual exposure -
rate to be:
5 Rem - Whole Body OR 10 Rem - Thyroid under actual meteorological conditions.
3.2.2 Loss of two of three fission oroduct barriers with a potential loss of the third.
The following describe indication of loss of these. boundaries: Fuel cladding damage indicated by RCS activity or loss of core geometry is indicated by AT between RCS wide range hot leg and cold leg temp.2rature
>64 F and core exit temperature (incere thermocouples) reading D
greater than 1200 F. Loss of primary coolant boundary is indicated by:
Containment pressure reaching 27 psig AND (b)
High containment radiation (R-2, R-22 and R-12, reaching their alarm setpoint)
- AND, (c)
High containment sump (recirculation) level AND, (d)
High containment humidity. Loss or potential loss of containment integrity is indicated by:
Rev. 3 2
VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-19 (a)
Containment pressure 4
greater than 54 psig, OR (b)
A rapid decrease in containment pressure, j
or I
Failure of the containment isolation system resulting in a direct path from containment to the environment.
3.2.3 Loss of physical control of the facility.
3.3 Notifications which could be required in the event of a General Emergency are listed in EIP-26 (Figure 1).
Telephone numbers are listed in EIP-8.
4.0 Procedure 4.1 The Shift Supervisor shall:
4.1.1 Sound the Plant Emergency Alarm and announce the condition and give evacuation instructions, if necessary, over the plant public address system.
4.1.2 Implement notifications in EIP-26.
4.1.3 The Shift Supervisor shall perform the duties of the Emergency Director until his arrival and assumption of duties.
4.2 The Emergency Director shall perform the following:
4.2.1 Upon receiving notification of an emergency, provide instructions for the Administrative Aide to notify the Emergency Coordinator and implement those portions of the plant call list for the Emergency Organization as directed by the Emergency Director, to include the Technical Support Center, 1
Operations Support Centers, and Emergency Operations Facility.
Rev. 3 3
VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-19 4.2.2 Ensure personnel accountability (EIP-10).
4.2.3 Plan and initiate re-entries per EIP-14.
4 4.2.4 Dispatch Radiation Monitoring Teams.
If additional support is required refer to EIP-8.
i 4.2.5 Provide periodic meteorological and dose estimates and release projections based on plant conditions and foreseeable contingencies to offsite authorities.
4.2.6 Provide information to the Recovery Manager with respect to information to be released to the press and recovery planning.
4.2.7 In conjunction with the Recovery Manager provide for dispatching personnel to principal government agencies, as necessary.
4.2.8 Close out or recommend reduction of emergency class by briefing of off-site authorities by phone followed by written report as required by technical specifications.
i A
4 Rev. 3 1
4 i
ea g py y.
n aw -,
Shift Supervisor A.
Sound PEA, announce condition and give evacuation instructions, if necessary.
Implement EIP-26 II.
Emergency Director A.
Provide instructions for the Administrative Aide to notify TSC staff, and Emergency coordinator B.
Initiate environmental sampling C.
Ensure personnel accountability (EIP-10).
Plan and initiate re-entries (EIP-14).
Provide met. and dose estimates to off-site authorities.
Coordinate with Recovery Manager on press releases and recovery planning.
Provide for dispatching of company representative to off-site agencies.
Close out or reduce classification of emergency.
1 Rev. 3
State State Florida Local &
g of
of 7
Civil State
Florida Defense Agencies Normal Notification f
- -----Alternate Notification
SROO State Georgia Local &
IRAP of Civil State
Georgia Defense Agencies
NRC Alabama 1.ocal &
Assistance k
j [\\
Bethesda Civil State I
Hil Defense Aeencies
\\/ /
.n Individual Shift Emergency NRC llouston Co.
llenry Co.
Early Co.
Supervisor Director Region 11 Civil Civil l
Civil Discovering '
d Defense d
Defense Emergency 7
j j
Atlanta j
\\-. - - - !
- -l-
_ _ _ sl Fire
Security Plant Department Guards Call List llealth Emergency Company h
'I l'hysics Coordinator '
Call Support List j,
IO EOD Ft. Rucker
'i e4 Notification Order - General Emergency