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Public Version of Facility Emergency Implementation Procedure, Recovery - Eof
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 11/06/1980
From: Harriston W
Shared Package
ML19343A898 List:
FNP--EIP-20-1, FNP-0-EIP-20-01, NUDOCS 8011240515
Download: ML19343B038 (7)










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Plant Manager j

Date Issued:

I t fo l

Date of Implementation:

11-17-80 List-of-Effective-Page Page Rev. #

l-6 Rev. 1 Disk EIP-4 8011+40s2s'

FOL. 14 FNP-0-EIP-20 RECOVERY - EOF 1.0 Purpose This procedure delineates the actions to be taken to restore the plant and site to its preemergency status as a result of an emergency requiring the activation I

of the EOF.

2.0 References 2.1 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan 2.2 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20 3.0 General 3.1 Due to the unforeseeable conditions that would exist in an emergency condition, specific recovery criteria and procedures will be developed when required, considering maximum protection for plant personnel and the general public consistent with reasonable efforts to restore the affected unit and continuing operation of the unaffected unit.

3.2 Personnel exposure to radiation should be kept within 10CFR20 limits.

3.3 All recovery operations will be directed by the Recovery Manager from the Emergency Operations Facility for emergencies requiring EOF activation.

4.0 Procedure 4.1 The Recovery Manager shall have the general responsibilities as described below:

The Recovery Manager shall supervise the operation of the EOF and direct the overall recovery effort.

He has the full authority and responsibility to make decisions regarding acc2 dent mitigation and plant recovery.

He will provide corporate management with timely information on recovery operations through the Senior Vice President.

The line of succession for the Recovery Manager position is as follows:


Vice President - Nuclear Generation (2)

General Manager - Nuclear Generation (3)

Manager - Nuclear Engineering and Technical Support 1

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VOL. 14 FNP-0-EIP-20 4.2 The Recovery Support Director / Emergency Coordinator shall have the general responsibilities as described below:

The Emergency Coordinator is the general office contact for notification of emergency conditions.

He is responsible for activating the offsite recovery organization.

The Emergency Coordinator will be either:


General Manager - Nuclear Generation, or (2)

Vice President - Nuclear Generation, or (3)

Manager - Nuclear Engineering and Technical Support, or (4)

Designated alternate of one of the above.

The Recovery Support Director is responsible for overall emergency, planning activities. His responsibilities include the following:


Coordinate activities with off-site organizations in direct support of operations to establish safe plant conditions and minimize offsite and onsite exposure.


Maintain lines of communication.with the Alabama Division of Radiological Health, NRC, and other local, state and federal agencies.


Provide timely and accurate information to the Public Information Manager for release to the media.


Requests assistance from the Savannah River Operations Office through the State of Alabama or INPO as required.


Direct administrative support activities in the areas of logistics and manpower.

This position is filled by the General Manager -

Nuclear Generation or his designed alternate.

2 Rev. 1

VOL. 14 FNP-0-EIP-20 4.3 The Technical Support Director shall have the general responsibilities as described below:

The Technical Support Director shall manage the offsite technical resources as necessary to support the Recovery Support Director in recovery efforts.

His responsibilities shall include the 1



Manage and coordinate offsite organizations with respect to design and construction (APCo, Bechtel, Southern Company Service Incorporated, Westinghouse, etc.) in support of the Recovery Support Director.


Direct the activities of the Technical Support staff.

4.4 The Public Information Manager shall have the general responsibilities as described below:

1 i

The Public Information Manager communicates with the Recovery Manager and Recovery Support Director concerning the gathering of accurate information regarding plant status, sequence of accident progression, and plans for recoverf. This information will be passed on to the press in a timely manner.

Coordinated news releases are planned in order to minimize the possibility of rumors during an emergency.

He will report to the EOF as directed by the Recovery Manager.

4.5 The Recovery Support Staff shall have the general responsibilities as described below:

4 (1)

Coordinate activities of offsite groups


to directly support operatons (e.g.

specialists in the areas of core performance, degraded acde operation, transient analysis, etc.).


Policies communications into and out of the EOF to keep them organized and efficient.


Provides information to the Recovery Support Director for his dissemination to state health officials, NRC, upper management, Public Information Manager, etc.


Provide logistic support as directed by the Recovery Support Director from 4

within the Company and from outside vendors as required.

3 Rev. 1 1



VOL. 14 FNP-0-EIP-20 (5)

Provide manpower support using Company personnel, and outside organizations.

Scheduling shift manning will be coordinated with the Recovery Support Director.


Coordinate contractural agreements with outside organizations in support of recovery.


Coordinate environmental monitoring activites and arrange for additional radiological monitoring support.


Provide information to the Recovery Support Director concerning offsite exposure monitoring for relay to State Health Officials.

4.6 The Technical Support staff shall have the general responsibilities as described below:


Coordinates design change review and implementation.


Coordinates licensing issues.


Communicate with the Health Physics Manager as directed by the Emergency Director on radiological monitoring and assessment.


Advise Health Physics Manager concerning decontamination, sampling and chemistry control.

4.7 Methodology The decision to relax protective measures will be based upon a comprehensive review of plant system parameters.

These shall include but not be limited to the following:


Stability of the reactor shutdown condition i.e., successful movement toward a cold shutdown condition.


Integrity of the reactor containment building.


Operability of radioactive waste systems and decontamination facilities.


The availability and operability of a heat sink.

4 Rev. 1


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VOL. 14 EWP-0-EIP-20 1


The integrity of power supplies and electrical equipment.

i 6.

The operability and integrity of instrumentatio:

including radiation monitoring equipment.

I In the latter instance this shall include portable equipment assigned to the 4


i 7.

Availability of trained personnel and support services.

The Recovery Manager will analyze the input from his advisors in the areas listed above to determine if plant restoration efforts can begin.

The l

following criterial shall be considered appropriate for the consideration of relaxation of protective measures:


l 1.

Plant parameters of operation no longer i

indicates a potential or actual emergency exists.

t i


The releases of radioactivity from the plant is controllable and no longer exceeds permissible levels and no danger to the public from this source is credible.


The plant is capable of sustaining i

itself in a long term shut-down condition.

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Plant entry and clean-up is possible without workers receiving in excess of their permissible exposures.

l 4.8 Notification The Recovery Manager shall notify the Plant Manager and company management that a decision i

has been reached to initiate a recovery operation.

I He shall then notify onsite agencies' representatives ensuring the NRC, and State and Local authorities are provided with the same information.

He shall also inform these agencies if any change in the structure of the recovery organization is to occur.

4.9 Population Exposure Total population doses shall be periodically estimated in the affected sectors by utilizing distribution maps and actual census numbers available from the State / Local agencies.

The Recovery Support Manager will work with the 5

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VOL.-14 FNP-0-EIP-20 State / Local agency representatives to determine both whole body exposure resulting from noble gas / particulate activity (immersion and ingestion doses) and thyroid exposure resulting from the inhalation of radiciodines.


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