ML19319E283 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Rancho Seco |
Issue date: | 02/27/1978 |
From: | Reid R Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
To: | |
References | |
NUDOCS 8004040539 | |
Download: ML19319E283 (3) | |
3e f* **%t
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,o WASHINGTON. O.C. 20555 March 6, 1978 Docket No. : 50-312 Docketing and Service Section Office of the Secretary of the Commission
RANCHO SEC0 NUCLEAR GENERKfING STATION Two signed originals of the Federal Register Notice identified below are enclosed for your transmittal to the Office of the Federal Register for publication. Additional conformed copies (12 ) of the Notice are enclosed for your use.
O Notice of Receipt of Application for Construction Permit (s) and Operating Ucense(s).
O Notice of Receipt of Partial Application for Construction Permit (s) and Facility Ucense(s): Time for Submission of Views on Antitrust Matters.
O Notice of Availability of Applicant's Environmental Report.
O Notice of Proposed issuance of Amendment to Facility Operating Ucense.
O Notice of Receipt of Application for Facility Ucense(s); Notice of Availability of Applicant's Environmental Report; and Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Facility Ucense(s) and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing.
O Notice of Availability of NRC Draft / Final Environmental Statement.
'1 O Notice of Umited Work Authorization.
O Notice of Availability of Safety Evaluation Report.
'O Notice of issuance of Construction Permit (s).
- %3 Notice of issuance of Facility Operating Ucense(s) or Amendment (s).
O Other:
Amendment No. 19 Referenced documents have been provided POR.
Y f&
Division of Operating Reactors,-ORB #-
Office of Nuclear Reactor Hegulation
As Stated
-8004040.- - sf pp
e 4
o m
Dk A
$gT m T gI.
- 3. A ll.La j
s NOllCES 89 0*
The Comml-sion los de* ecnivd the Cot 1 mission's rules and retula. public and the nuclear power ind astry
' that tha luuance of 'hia ame ndmerit tiens in 10 CFR slapter I. w hleh are The purpose of the updating progran i
will not result in any signlB ant enti.
set forth in the license am"ndment. is to revise sections of the SRP fo i
rotunent*ti impact anf that purs !?.n'.
Prior public notice of this amt ndment which changes in the review plan have f
to 10 CFH Part 51.5@'O r.n rmiron. was not required smee the amendment been developed since the original issu mental Impact statemant, of tiegative does not involve a significant lanrards ance in September 1975 to reflect cur l
dac!sration and envirem-el It" port connideration.
rent practice.
appratut need not lie tremtM in con.
The Commission has detr rmined Copies of the standard review plat nection e ith issuance of 'l Is smend. that the issuance of this amardment for the review of safety analysts s -
mt ut.
will not result in nny significant envi. ports for nuclear powerplants, shiel For further detnits with terocer to ronmental Impact and that pursuant has been identified as NUREO-75/087 this action, see: (1) The vpulications to 10 CFR 151.5(dx4) an endronmen-are available from the National Tech I
for amendment df.t 'l Febrtmrr 3 tal impact statement, negative de clara. nical Information Service. Springfield 1978. and February 18 1973 (2) tien or environrnental impact apprais.
Va. 22161. The domestic price is $70 p
amendment No. I to Ikense 'I'. DPR-al need not be prepared in comiection including first. year supplements
'l4. end (3) the Commisrkn't retsted with issuance of this amendment.
Annual subscriptions for supplemente l'
. sa fety evaluation. These items are For further details with revpect to alone are $30. Individual sections are availabla for pubhc impedlon at the this action. see: (1) The application for available at current prices. The domes l
Commivion's Public Dorum< tit Hoom, stmendment dated February 3.1977 tic price for revision No.1 to sectior l
1717 !! St reet NW., *4 asbus'on. Dn. (2) amendment No. 38 to 1; cense No.
No. 9.1.1. is 44. Foreign price informa and at the Maude Preston Palmke DPR-56, and (3) Ihe Commiston's re-tion is available from NTIS. A copy 01 Memortal Library. 500 Mn rkat Street, lated safety evaluation. All of these the standard review plan including all St. Joseph. Mich. A copy n! l' ems i2) Items are avauable for public inspec. revisions published to date is availabic and (3) may be obMined upon ramt'st tien at the Commission's Pubhc Docu. for public inspection at the NRC'r addrMied to the U S. Nu:f rnr He cula. ment Room. 1717 H Street NW.,
Public Document Room at 1717 11 tory Commission, WebiAn. D C.
Washington. D.C., and at the Govern-Street NW., Washington. D.C. 20555 e 2')555. At tention: Director. Dalrlon of ment Publications Section. State Lt.
U.S.C. 552(a)).
Prchet Management.
brary of Pennsylvania. Education Dsted at Bethesda. Md. 'his 17t h Bui! Sng. Commonwealth and Walnut Dated at Bethesda, Md this 16ti-day of f'ebruary 1978.
Streets. Harrisburr. Pa.17126. A copy day of February 1978.
of items (2) and s3) may be obtained For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory I
For the Nuclear Regulahry enm.
upon request addressed to the U.S.
NucIcar Regulatory Commission.
Rocca J. MAnsore.
Km KNtr1 Washington, D.C. 20555. Attention: Di.
Director. Dit ision of Systems Chief. Light Water T car f vs ractor. Division of Operating Reactors.
Safety. C// ice of Nuclear Recc.
1 Branch No. 2. Derfssoa of Pro-l ject Monagemen7 Dtted at Bethesda Md this 16th r RegMon.
dsy of February 1978.
[ Fit Doc. 78-5007 Filed 2-24-78; 8:45 mm)
(TTt De,78-5005 Filed 2 24 78:845aml For the Nuclear Regulatory Com.
e mission.
[7590 011 Otoncz Inn.
yug g gnygg Chief.
Operating Reactors (Docket No. 50-3t21 l
Branch No. J. Dicision of Op-
erating Reactors.
g Iseneare of An=endment to fecito, Cremeg W N *OM Ud UNM d
usense U"" **
- The'U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com. [7590-01]
Me U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission (the Commissioni has issued mission (the Comrnission) has issued
- (NUllEG-75/0871 amendment No.18 to facility operat-amendment No. 38 to facility operat-ing license No. DPR-54 issued to Sa-Ing license No. DPR-56 lezued to REVI$3ON io 7HE STANDARD REVIEW PtAN cremento Municipal Utility District Philadelphia Electric Co.. Public Ser-(the licensee), which revised technical vice Electric & Gas Co, Delmarva Y
specifications for operation of the Power & Light Co. and Atlantic City As a continuation of the updating Rancho Seco nuclear generating sta-Electric Co which revised technical program for the standard review plan tion (the facility), located in Sacra-specifications for operation of the (SRP) previously announced (FnERAI. mento County, Calif. The amendment Peach Hottom atomic power r.tation RetsTrn notice dated December 8 becomes effective 30 days after its unit No. 3. The amendment in effec *lre 1977). the Nuclear Regulatory Com-date of issuance.
as cf its date of issuance.
mtssion's (NRC'st Office of Nuclear Tho amendment incorporates fire The nmendment will revise the tech-Reactor Regulation has published re-protection technical specifications on nical specifications related to safety siston No.1 to section No. 9.1.1 of the the existing fire protection equipment -
rela'ed snubbers by deleting tv.o of 'SRP for the NRC staff's safety review and adds administrative controls relat-the llPCI snubbers (which have been of applications tc build and operate ed to fire protection at the facility.
repl*ced by rigid support struts) from lightwater-cooled nuclear pn ver renc-.This action is being taken pending the litt of snubbers requiring periodic to s. The purpose of the plan. which is completion of the Commission's over-survell ance to assure their opeesbil-composed of 224 sections is to improve all fire protection review of the facili-it y.
both the quality and uniformity of the ty.
The app!! cation for the amendment NItC staff's review of applications to The application for the amendment complies with the stendards and re.
build new nuclear power p'.rnts. end to complies with the s+.tndstds and re-quirements of the Atomic Enargy Act make information about t egula tory riuirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Acth and the matters widely available. including the of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and remJlations. Improvement of communication and Corr. mission's rules and regulations.
The Commission has made sopropri.. understanding of the staff review pro-The Commission has made appropri-Ete find'nss es required by the Act and cess by interested members of the' ate findings as required by the Act and J
i p
rectaAt stoisTEa. Vot. 43, No. so MONDAY, ptsauAav 27, 1978 M
m i
0 DJ A
~ S _1. InLa 8016 NollCES the Corrmission's : rules and reguia. of nri annual operating report while technical specifications for operat!on tions in 10 CFR Chapter 1. which are rehtining the requirement to submit of the nuclear science nd technology 3
set lorth in'the license amendment. occupathnal exposure data on an facility (the facility) located in Buffs.
' Prior public notice of this amendment annual basis.
lo. N.Y. The amendment is effective as was not required since the amendment The application for the amendment docs not involve a sigMficant barards complies with the standards and re.
of its date of issuance
- consideration.
quirements of the Atomic Energy Act This amendment modifies the pr!.
The Conunission hos determined.of 1954. as amended (the Act). and the mary piping carrying reactor coolant 1
that the issuance of this amendment Commission's rules and regulations. In the PUIATAR type research rear.
'will not result in any significant envi. The Commission has made appropr!- tor.
ronmental impact and that piircuant ate findings as required by the Act and to 10 CFR 551.5(dX4) an environmen. the Commission's rules and regula-The application for the amendment tal impact statement, or negative dec. tions in 10 CFR Chapter I, which are c h wRh the studards and re-laration and environmental impact ap.
set forth in the license amendment. quirements of the Atomic Energy Act praisal need not be prepared in con-Prior public notice of this amendment of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the -
nection with issuance of this areend-was not required since the amendment Commission's rules and regulations.
- ments, does not involve a sientricant hazards The Commission ha made appropr!-
- For further details with respect to censideration.
ste findings as required by the Act and
'this action see:(1)The application for The Cornmission has determined amendment dated August 1,1917, as that the issuance of this amendment the Commission's rules and regula.
supplemented December 16, 1977, (2) will not result in any significant envi-tions in 10 CFR Chapter I, which are the Commission's letter to the licensee ronmental impact and that pursuant set forth in the !! cense amendment.
dated November 25,1977, (3) amend-to 10 CFR 5 51.5(dX4) an environmen. Noice of proposed issuance of amend.
ment No.18 to license No. DPR-54 tal impact statement or negative decia. ment to facility operating license in and (4) the Commission's related ration and environmental impact ap-connection with this action was pub.
safety evaluation issued November 25, praisal need not be prepared in con-11shed in the FEDsaAI. Rumstra on 1977. All of these items are available nection with issuance of this amend-May 2.1977 (42 FR 22211). No request for publie inspection at the Commis-ment.
ston's Public Document Ilcom.1717 H For further details with respect to for a hearing or petition for leave tc Street NW., Washington. D.C., and at this action, see: (1) The application for intervene was filed fc!!owing notice of the Business and Municipal Depart. amendment dated November 1.1977 the proposed sStion.
ment. Sacramento City-County Lt.
(proposed change No. 66), (2) amend-The Corrurdssion has determfree brary 328 I Street. Sacramento Ca!!f. ment No. 30 to lleense No. DPR-13, (3) that the issuance of this amemfWr" A copy of items (2) through t4) may be the Commission's related safety evalu-El not result in any sir.nificam obtained upon request addressed to ation, and (4) the Commission's letter ronmental 1 npact and that pursuarr
. the U.S. Nuclear Resulatom y Corsmis-to the Ifeensee dated September 16*
sion Washington. D.C. 20555, Atten-1977. All of these items are available to 10 CFR 151.5(dX4) an environmen.
tion: Director Division of Operating for public inspection at the Commis-tal impact statement, or negative dec.
sion's Public Document Room,1717 H laration and environmental impact ap-h is Street NW., Washington, D.C., and at praisal need not be prepared in con.
da of Februa 1 8 the Mission Viejo Branch Library, nection with issuance of this am,end.
4 24851 Chrisanta Drive. Mission Viejo, ment.
, Fer' the Nuclear Regulatory Com-Calif. A copy of items (2), (3), and (4)
For further details with respect to miclon.
may be obtained upon request ad-Rostar W. Rezn, dressed to the U.S. Nuclear Regula* this action. see: (1) The application for
. CNef.
Operating Reactors tory Commission. Washington, D.C.
amendment dated March 14* 1977, (as f
Branch No. 4, Dwirion of Op-20535 Attention: Director, Division of upp ernen ed by letters dated May 16 eraung Reactors.
Operating Reactors.
and June 3,1977),(2) amendment No.
IFR Dne. 78-8006 FUed 2-24-78; 8:45 mm)
Dated at*Bethesda, Md., this 6th day b
e alu o
lo re a of February 1978,
[7590-00 tion. All of these items are available For the Nuclear Regulatory Com-for public inspection at the Commis-
. IDocket No. 60-2 eel mission.
sion's Public Document Room.1717 H A. Scuwncts.
Street NW., Washington, D.C., and at scuTHesN CAUFORNIA E0f501 CO A'40
- Chief, Operating Reactors
-SAN 91060 SAS & ELECTalC CO.
Bra ch No Division of Op-the Public Health Library New York Imnace of Amendmene to Fmidenal
. City Department of Health, 125 OedasLlaa" trTt Doc. 78-5000 Filed 2-24-78; 8:45 aml Worth Street. New York, N.Y.10013.
P A copy of items (2) and (3) may be ob.
The:U.S. Nuclear Regvidory Com.
tained upon request addressed to the J-mission (the Commission) has issued [7590-01]
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissfori, amendment No. 30 to providonal crrr.
ating license No. DPR-13 Inued to (Docket No. 50-571 Wash:ngton. D.C. 20555, Attention: Di-~
r rector Division of Operating Reactors.
Sou'.hcrn California Edism Co.' end STATE UNIVER$1TV OF NEW YORit AT
' San Diego Gas & ElectrM Co. (the II.
averatO Dated at Bethesda, Md., this 16th censee), which revised techritcal meel-day of February 1978.
. fications' for operation-of the San Onofre nuclear-generatimt station, g
For the Nuclear Regulatory Cem.
unit No.1 (SO-1) located in San Di go The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-County, Calif. The amervim?nt fs ef-mission (the Commission) has 1.nued 0 " E I'ac" e' E
fective as of its date of issu mee.
amendment No.16 to facility operat-Opemung Re
'. The amendment revises the provi. ing license No.' R-77, lasued to the an of Op_
L sions in the technical specifications by - State Univer.ity of New York at Buf-
' #"U"# ##"##*
deleting the requirement for submittal falo,- which revised the license and IFR Doc. 78-So" u 2-34-78: 4:48 aml PEotRAL RfGesitit, VOt. 43, NO. NY, FESaWARY 21, IWS
'l s
-t E-T d-^-4'-4 1Pd,-r-+mTNty 4-e e
"+epr 4
Q9T r*-gp'a-as+
0, -
DOCKET No. 50-312
- SACPAPENTO fv11CIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NOTICE OF ISSUANCE OF AMEN 0 MENT TO FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has issued Amendment No.' 19 to Facility Operating License No. DPR-54 issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District, which revised the license for operation of th,e Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station, located in Sacramento County, California. The amendment is effective as of its date of issuance.
This amendment adds a license condition relating to the completion d
of facility modifications for fire protection.
The Commission has made appropriate findings as required by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the Commission's rules and regulations in 10 CFR Chapter I, which are set forth in the license amendment. Prior public notice of this amendment was not required since the amendment does not involve a significant hazards consideration.
~ The Connission has determined that the issuance of this amendment will not result in any significant environmental impact and that pursuant to _10 CFR 551.5(d)(4) an environmental impact statement, or
negative declaration and environmental -impact appraisal need not be
- prepared in-connection ~with issuance of this amendment. -
l r
.i s.
7590-01 t
9 For further details with respect to this action, see (1) the licensee's submittals dated August 31, and November 16, 1976, and January 10, August 1, September 13, December 8, and December 16, 1977, and February 1,1978,(2) Amendment No.19 to License No. DPR-54, and (3) the Commission's related Safety Evaluation. All of these items are available for public inspection at the Commission's Public Document Room,1717 H. S,treet, N. W., Washinoton, D. C. and at the Business
& Municipal Department, Sacramento City-County Library, 828 I Street, Sacramento, California. A copy of items (2) and (3) may be obtained upon request addressed to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C.
20555, Attention: Director, Division of Operating s
Dated at Bethesda, Maryland, the 3th day of February 1978.
FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION E&-:e obert W. Reid, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #4 Division of Operating Reactors p
.l A
' {.T i