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Draft Adequacy of Structural Criteria for Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1,2 & 3.
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/16/1967
From: Hall W, Newmark N
Shared Package
ML19308B244 List:
NUDOCS 7912170563
Download: ML19308B245 (11)


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. % T3'< 3*: e, y, -q; w 3f 79121 " #3 17ZS

I ACE ~ LACY 3C THE 07 JCTU2AL 021TEJ.14 E02, THE 2C ONEE fichEM 3T ATI ON U'41 TS 1, 1, *NC 3 by

9. 9 wmr s ine W. J. ti!t

\%T CC u?. T 1 T N Tnis recort :encerns the adecuacy of tne containment <tructures,

moonents, and osms for tne three units of 2152 MW: each (374 Mbe, net)

',r .ni:9 soo!' tat ~ on #

3r a :anstruct en cer.,it inc coerit;ng license has oeen race : ) tne U.c \temic Energy Ccmmission I:cc ets *.o. 33-26), 5)-270, anc o'-257) Os t'e Cuse P wer Comoan, The # i: 4 lity is to be iccated on t"e snore of future Lase 4.eewee in Oconee Count <, ~0uth Carolina, a miles Ni a' -ene:1, 53ath Cara' na.

Tha coart is ;oncerned 5:ecifical!y a: tn the evaluatian of the

  • s ; ';n c r i t e r i a tnat ceter=:ne the aci!!!y 2: the ;ontainment system to

..;t" stand 1 ces i ;n ea rth:ua se ac t i ng s Enu t t ancoas i y with ciner acclicaote 23ds farming : e casis of :ne Ocntainment ce s i gn . The 'aciiit< also is

ce desigrac ) withstanc a maximum e3rthquase simultaneously witn other v icaa'e 'oads to th- e x t .' n t of insuring safe shutdown as wel! is contiin-re n t . Tae seism
desi;n criteria fon Class ! eOui ment and c i n i n :1 are aiso ra<! coed aerein, aiang . tn .1 re<icu of the ina! rses of the dams which are r cuired for impounding the recuirec cooling water sucolies. Tnis recort is 315ed on lnformation anc :riteria set forth in the Preliminary Safety Onalysis :ecort (PSA:) and 3uco!cments thereto as listed at the end of this

+ ort. We nave _carticioated in ciscussions with the AEC reg u l a to ry st3ff,

n .s n i :n man / of the desi]n criteria were discussed in detail.

-s . -~


. 2 n

- E C. .' J !

  • 7 ! ".N

".F *. . r F:*ll.ITY Oconee Nu: ear ::at:on Jnits 1, 2, and 3 are descriced in t"e DSA; as cressar!:-d v.ater reactars #or wnich the nu:! car steam systen and tue' cores are to :e r.caited 3, the 31:coci and Wilco < C ocacy, eacn Jes;g,cd f;r a cower ou t p ut of 874 .Mbe (net). ine reactor coolant system

'or eac, an;t :cosiets of :..o closec reactor coolant Icers connected in rari!*e! :: :ne rea.:;r < esse l, eac crovided wi:n reactor coolan : pumos 3-c .1 s ; .' 3 - :caerat:r. The res::ar .essel ai ll nave an inside ciareter Si adou: ,, . . . . .

l *:-/. .,., anc 2s cesigned fer

. et- in., a hes. :nt of acou: i an ndarna' :ressure of 2311 asig. a :cmpera:;re of 651'F, and is race of

,ad wit, is ne .,, n- aus <ta n.:ess steel.

-3 ..; rice 3 stee,. i
e. ic h af ne t or units is conta:nec i,a d atiy ryint:rcec Concrete Etru tarq in the snd:e of 3 *,Iiqccr wil9 a shallow d9Ted (Cof and 3 1: c u10ation s ,. 3 5 . 6 9e Osisncetcal :ar:i:n .es prestressed Ov a 0 0s t -!'2n s I ani ng s r s t-:* Jo s i s t i ng of nor; On'.3 ? 3nd ve"tical tendJns.

76e cove was a :9ree ay S0st-:ension:n; sistem. The flat founc3 ion sla:

is c;nventionail. rei,far:ed . i t n n i -n - s '. r t n c. t 5 re int pr-ine- : teel, and the en* c 5: s;;,re s iined w:tn a 1/ 4 in, oe' cec s*ee! ointe. 7ne y!i-dri;al

ar or ca:n af a:t ::r*a:n e*: stru::ures s aporo=:. rate!y 'ld insice 19s e de 9e i gnt of ..e
iareter, nas an ft, ser ';as a 3,1 t3;c ness at- ,.
. -

? in., and a dcce :ni:<ress of aoout 3 ft-3 in. Inc;0n slac is accut e , e, , r :n;c<.

The :540 an sage a-i of vol. ! indi:ates tha: the design a !! :n es:e::- :a < i-i t i- to :,a: #

an. 3r :-e F'ar da Power anc L'gnt ::means'3 Tar as ?o;nt 'laat, Cons. ce ?cwer ;or:an,'s ;alisades Plan:, anc Wis:3nsin-ri:,igan Power Ocm:any's ?3in: Seach ?lant. Althougn no stated details are

.- . . -s 3

given, .e assu~e, then, that t ne e f tindrical wall is to be provided with a system of ,ce: :encons wni:5 are placec in a 3-!:0' system us'ng si4 out:resses as ancrorages witn tne tendens staggered so that ha!f of tne tendons at eacs buttress term;nate at that buttress. In Aapendie 53 it is noted that tne crestressing aill be cost-tensione3, and unconded, wi:h the tencons encased in rigid steel :onduit and corrosion prote: tion provided av jrease injected into tne concuit under oressura.

In Aa:enci, 5E it is noted that the weieed steel liner wil! ce 30

? east 1/4 i,. tni:L anc made up of ASTM A-4a2 s teel wi tn ancnor s , the spacing or. -nich is not i ident.t.ed.

i It is noted tnat the lirer olate w.l,.

i te to:r-ened in tne sicinity or senetrations.

As of tnis cate it appears that several t,ces o# reett essing systers are ceing censicered for tne cost- 'nsioning at tne centainme,t s:ru::;re 10?endi= 33 ine; cates tnit ASTM A-43: re;nter:ing stee! wili :e used i- the casa s1 33, 3nc :na: ASTM A-15 de farmec bars ail' Oe e.-clared in t9e :yI'nder ^aII, :ne domed roCf, anu 3raund toe 000" l19s *.o CCa

  • r oi s n r i1 < age a lC tens'!C Cra <s. l* Is Jrther notec in AOCencia $C that ICr I 3rge IE3 an I 35 reinf r:i9g st0PI, Cadwe d 5 ' es ^;!I :e e*0IOved, arc Ine Err 3*J #i led ai;h trenc.ent 2 indicate :1at :ne tensiie 5: enctn af :ne s;Iices *ill eccal Cr etceed I23 Oer:ent of tne minimum y. eld str>ng:n of e3:n grade Of rein # rcing steel as speci# ed in tne a:cro:r: ate a378 s:acdarc. We re:ommend
n a *. *3;k se'Oing Of Stner ve l *i ng "ot ;e termi:*ec #0F :19 A-d32 bars i n
  • n.=
  1. un a: :n st i: ce elsewhere, :: avoid :ne Ocssio;1i ty a' #r3::;re or c:ner c'##':g.-ies : n, ach;eving :*e F3Cuire: Cu::i i ; *v O ;Fese cin*'Or:Ing bars.


The geology is summarized in Accendicas 2A and 2E on cage 2-9 af /oi. I of :ne PSAR it is statec that tne structure will be founded on

ne normal Piecmont granite gneisses.

ECURCES CF STRESSES IN CONTAIN. MENT STauCTUSE 2.ND T/3E 1 CC9FCNENTS The con:ain+er,: structure is to be designed for tne foilyning Icaes: ceac icac of 1e structure; live loads (inclucing roof loads, cipe

'crces, and rea; tar sarsi:e :canc loacs); accident oressure l oad a s s oc i a ted a;:n ioss-of-coolant accicent, of 55 :sig; test oressure of 63.3 ;sig; and externa!-internal cressure differential of about 5 psig, aosed on information cresented in an<wer to 'uestion 8.2 of Sucalement 2, co resconcing to a droo Y barometrtC cressure assCC'ated with a tornado ranging Detween "25 and 630 -on as well as wind loading correscono;ng to 35 moh at 33 ft.

On the basis of the information cresented on page 5-5 of 101  !

of :na P5AA, Accencix 53, onge E S -.t . ine the answer to vestion 3.5 of Succlement 1, and in accord :ne USCLOS recor hef. 3), it is our arcerstanding that the des;gn ear ncuase will ce characterizec Oy a ori:cntal ground acceleration of 3.05g and the ma<imum carthcuake oy a 3.109

,cri:;ntal ground acceleration. The structure is to be founced on fi m cate en: racs.

COMMENTS ON ACE'UACY CF DESl;N Seismic Cesian -- In conne:: ion with tne selection of tne cesign earthcuase anc the maximum ear 7nauase, ,.e agree with the values selected, anc ::n:ur ed in by the U50535, name!/ tNat of a casic design 'or a design ear:n:usse of 1.239 anc des;gn for a ma.imum eartncuase of 3.1 3 maxirum her, rental ground ac:eleration.

5 On oage 53-4 of Aapendix 53, for tne design earthcuake of 0.35 9, it is ind::ated that the horizontal and sertical a:celcration will be taken is ec;al in intensity. we find no mention of tn;s fact for tne maximum earthaua e but assame that the eame situation aill ostain thare, and assuming tna! .his is the case, we c:ncar in this aporoicn.

The orecosec rescense soectra for various degrees of caroinu for n

tre -avicum carthcuase are sresented in answer to uestion c.:- of Suoolerent 1, ino for tne cesign eartncaome as cart of -;oendix 23. On the oasis of tne i n torr.a t i on aresen ted in caoencix 23 and in answer to Ouestion E.5 of Emcolement 1, we fa; to fine any rationale f or One selecti:n of the spectra t,at ar2 oresented tnerain. -e fine no satisfactory e clanation for tne 2 n:< of tre select;on of tne ground rot tons, otner ;-an for the acceleratien c3 1ues whic:1 hase already been agreed ucen anc anien control in the hign

  • r2:ue-cv uand, moreoser we find no ritiona!e far the amotificat ions et tne j-cu-: ations anic, lead t: ~e cesign s ectrum ea!ses. On the oasis of 7 "ccent teiecnone con /c ss a t i an ce :.,cen Mr . J. Cischer of Da.Tes and Mcore,

?-; t:3f' , and carse:wes .s o anJerstanc tnat prneerly scaled Socctra corre-

<0F! ng *.o tnose r*s.?ntad :n accet 713 7924 aili ac e~'olof3d in *nd cesign.

Th' da*oing salues !O 09 99nICrec 3"2 listed in an!wer to

'uest'Cr J.I of 3 ADO le-en! I wa a~e in 3 j ree~en *, w i th the daTCiag salues Olsen *"erein with tre furthe" Uncerstanding, h0%ever, tnat tne 3 ce:*cCn; 13 oing va!ce to be used for t r.c 9aximum ear *ncu)se wil! Oe emcicyed in the desi;n in su:h a aay tnat tnere v.!!i ce a limit 3 tion on the d*f Tations of

  • ?e 00*;dINN.$nt 5**u;tur? 3nd it- :ce;on*nts. The cenc"3I ci"9."I: ces i 'a a:Oroa N 3at!" ln dr.s aa- !S tnis s3"e "Ues; an leccars ac;e0:30!e to as

'a : t h #r t,e : ntaincent stracture anci ar tne Oizing.


The loacing cacc in):i cns f or the containment design are cresentec

n Accend'a 5 /. . ke are i, agruerent .sith the load factor expressions stated ther for the case of :ne desion and e.axieum earthcca'e. . In realy to

'uestion 3.! of Su:clenent 1,, it is noted tna: "the cesign criteri3 c.nich ail; c. apotied to One acove loading is (sic) that tne deforr.ation will be limitec to values ahich wil! acemit a safe anc orderly s n u t d ow n . " This

+:c:c ent crovides no guide 35 to what tne limitation On dc#crmat'ons nill oe, but #e not? that, in :ennect i on , i th tne design of :he liner, as described i n keencix 2E, a limitation of 0.5 percen: strai, has seen set for ;me liner.

On the assumetion Ona t,e design .sili call far i reasonaole ti itaticn on due;ilits, i.e., an tne order 3t not more than t,.o or three t mes the ;ross

, e:3 deformat ion, and further that tre liner defor.ation wil' ac cest-icted 3s notrd, we Del e.e that 11e cesi n acer)a:5 i;r the ra v *mun aartncuase wilt be satista0ta . in t9Is respect.

In A0001Cix 54 it il nOted that t9e 30!ar rare is a !! ass !

5:~u;ture, and 30 Inc assJ"3ti0n :9at 4:eOs hii' Oc tamen 1 .' inture that i

!n2se Ora 9es CJnnot ;e Ois0IaC?.d tr:m :ne rai s duri9tj 3 des gn or -a*? mum eart9cuase or : ner~ise : pale to :r:ata ca. mage an: n ace'd crevent safe shutCOnn Or I Oair C7e containment, ac "elic e that t9IS as0cO Of t90 Ces i .Jn

an Oe 9and'ed OrcGerl / 3 Ta *.c I: satis #10: ry in a!' res000ts.

e aa.c r2 viewed in scre de: ail :*e uesign calc iations for the cams as given in succlement 1, and on the oasis of 9e anaijses ne believe ma: :ne saf ?:v O t' t'e cars is relat .c!'. sa: s#ac:Orr for t9e L !: ear:n-P.La<e CO t h +' tafis :Sa! Ine Cats ir? '0GPded On ba?e C"! r?c'. 15 nOiCate0.

.e ca: attention :) one -imnr dis:renance :n :ne me:1cc of 3nai fsis, based 00 ! N a t T, *

,i. M. 'l ew"3 r + l[ l [*$ 3 ) Oive9 in tre 7ankInc ' e C lu re to the

- 7-Institution o' ivii Engineers, in wnich the analyses given in Supplement I usec <tatic s;ia circles 'or tne o r namic inalysis. In general the <lto cir:!es #or :ne dynamic analysis will be d ifferent from : nose for i static analr sis. ba: in this case it aoocars ina; the results *ill se only slign:ly different, and that sa#cty is achieved. I; aas noted n one case :nat one of :ne slices was on the verge of movement for the car;houa+e; however, in',es:igation reveals tnat sucn a sli:e could move only a s ma l l distance, anc :"e fun :!cn of the cam would croca:Is not ce ir aired in ans serious zanner by such a minor slicoage, it occur. In surmari, we cel: :ve

nit tne da s can witnstand with relative s.if e ty tre narimun eartacuate 5- 0ulat2c. In 3ny event, we 3re aavisec :, ORL staff that a ratura! 0001
  • watar ..i 0e Or3.ided fo ere gence :co!;ng iq t~e even; of uneseectec Ja*
  • ail are.

Cener11 0"s i c:n : ns cer): ! ens -- we have reviewed wit, care and 1*ce-s: tne cesign cri*ce:3 #r :be arestressed ;on: rete rea;;cr bailcing 3: re:sente : In .ccercix 5;. and *ne etacoration on t,c caveicerent for handling in.' srear at yield loads as 9; en in answer ta :uestian 3.7 of

<;roi,:nen: 2. -e 3r: in 77reemen: astn tre arovi,iar.s '9ere r manci*ng


-r 9CI?3I :On: rate tecs!;n and :ne new recO'renca: Io9s f or nand:ing raci 3 1 snear. In *he event ;na: urtner da:3 Secace avait 3: 1e on ; bis z.a::?r prior to ;c90!et:0n Of the des';n, ne trust that suc1 informati3n can be incor oratec ;1:o ne desion, i' th's a :ca't aar-antec.

Peae* cati:qs -- Th7 de S. i :- of t9e renetrations it ces: riced arief!, n 3c:tian 5 of .' n ' ef :ne F$A;, ar.c .lacerat en - ;;,en  ?,

3 n s .v? r t3 .aes*iOF 2.5 Ji $J" Ole en* 2. !n tre :asii Of in0 dis;us5?cns

res e :2:: : ccrin, ne cor:;r in :~e a:oroa , :na: ;< .:e s c r : :e : fer t,is
ar*;;Jiar Jesign.

.. . . . - ~

. g-a';nc L2afir;s - aitn regard to :ne tarnado ino l oa d . n.j s , further 3 olif;;ation an :na o ovisions cresen:ec in ici. I of :ne ?:A; is : resented in anr<.e' to Cuest'On 5.2 of Succleten: 2. I: :s n:ted :nat a :es ign tornado

na of 22
-en nas asen s:ecified; neweser, :, insoer to ~uast'on 5.2 no:cd,
- i s i ndicitec tnat 'tne reactor Luiicin g oi ll :e cnecsec, c is 'd an a!:imate

<:reng:n wi:n no loss o' iun: tion, f:r a 53 aer:en: increase ;n cesign

rnaco aind anc negati ve crassure. "

Cn the assumotion :nat tnis refers to i :arnado .,ind at acca 337 moh ano a neuati,e o essure ditiere.- ial of 3

o : osi,, limited cefor. ration at tr.e "uiti ate streng:n' actec, we concur in th:s design accroach. 1: 45 *er:ner notec :n r r.a t came quest ion
a: the reac:er cuildicg orceaoly nas an a:tirate cacaci ty to wi:qstanc ?

tornada n ev:ess c' 63^ ch. aitnough the eaning af "u :i-,a:e : arac;t-

.is not de'ined .in terms cg defer-ation jir. s,

easage, etc.

Curveilla-ce -- %e find !!:: le detaiied in#cerati:n on the otannec sar,e!!ia-:a program but re a r.cnd strongly :nat a reasonaale anc sensible sur,e;i!3nce procram e maintainec throug.nou: t,a ;ife o' the structure.

P ein i ind :ner Tv-o ! :?-ec en:s --

ae find discussi:n a# the ca s i ;r. o i  :~e nicin._ c -seated in answer :a Cues:;on 3.1 of Su: !crent 1 o -::P refers :) Aanend?x 5A as i Orcoriate f:- : - ciiss of a:pinc invo!.ec. *ar:ner a o,ir'. cat.on en sc dinamic aeesiga provis:an as given in ansoce to 'ues ti on 3.4 -c are in general agreement w; n the a :coac, crocosed therein, cut are still not sure c.xa :1y 5cw the pi;ing anal fsis will be 1

4 4 e b 4  % b

  • b .. .

(: t-er! a-: cn s:ates :na: :se 5:resses fron : e heri:on:a: 3ne ,er:icai 1

Orcenents 3 ting : Im.ultaneo.!!, ~~' ba ;> ainec witn :ne stresses due to we : ;n t , : anc mecnan;:a! ;cacs, and inter-31 aressare, an n turn 1

9-taase stresses will determine the requirec yiela strenotn of the pioing systems. This does not coccle:ely answer the tues; ion of what limitations it' be placed on the piping in terms of benavior under tFe man imum eartn-

l. imitations on cer.ormation.

cua.e, particularly in terms of


< rec 0erend, for e soe if:0 :caterials used, that the ceformJtions ce limited to reasonaole values wnich wif,e preclude any c i f r. .iculties witn fatigue or fractare. Particular attention snosld be given to 9e oicinc at those olacas ahere it eenetc.1:es tne cantainment, or to that cioico wnicn is recoired for saf e snutdown in this regarc. The same cravisions acoly to cicing that will ran from : ."e :nta'-e stru;;ures to tre ofant and n:cn oi ll

'. b 9  %  %*0 0 9

  • I Ca C l J 9 i 't's -- :n ne 2,3 sis of te i nice-a :i on aresenteJ. ?re :,

a::ced  ;:n t5e ces i :n coi' of crov:cing ser/iccaole s:cactures arc cce.cenen s

,,~;n a reserve of str2ngtn and duct: l*:y are ~9ien oiti provice 'or con;3i rert 3;,OP 53fe SN Jewn, ..e bel eve tna: :ne 0c5! 3r *riteria cu:iIned for *nc .

7' 3 P* Cat "tro: *uren anj Ie f ' OIminc .an a r r. .:e in acecoa:c ar;; n 0*

s3 :31


  • 2r seI !" c rJOls:3n;c. aII" :"e #7 I @n i n i ?v;eDtiens. 'we OelIe.e t'ai t'e 300II O37 "uC: Orov Oe I *Cre F1:+cnai ?ne T23sc9a0 ~ e de s i gr. 50ec *3 ate i9 17C d2 sign, doc 3'sJ tha

'- fur:Ner 3;;e-: cn re-? f s 00 Oe yi .o 1 :o

~ . ~ Br2>i5: :me f2r Cne T:::rj cn5 }~.

m .r . 1 e - 1 e "+

1 e i

- ;0 - .




"P c'i-.urv

  • afe*. J. cal si" k ncet--Jci ! and !!," ccanee Nucle 3r

, , ~ , ---

' , 6 , dnd Je JU%e fl2Aef . 31" O 3 0 Y ,


$3$ 30 ,' I

  • I *3 4 .8JOC.
2. E"0 I ' '7 ! O J P , 7 3 ' 0 * ', *m3 !,$'s ( 9 ;C F ;- = 5 J S 01 ? T*. n * $ , 2, 3*d 2, J*.3 nee

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! sri:It.3 s' *qe Occrce 'i c' ear 310t.'On :jn ; t 1

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j.S d '3 3 51 5 ;'JOCe!I; $ U r ', V , IOc < 'I?, M3PV IJFd, .

e o