ML19316A123 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Oconee |
Issue date: | 11/30/1977 |
From: | Chiang J, Stevenson D, Talwani P SOUTH CAROLINA, UNIV. OF, COLUMBIA, SC |
To: | |
References | |
NUDOCS 7911280652 | |
Download: ML19316A123 (28) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i - l l 50-269 l REPORT Oft THE SEISMIC ACTIVITY AT LAKE J0CASSAA BETWEEri 9/1/77 Af40 11/30/77 Letter dated 1/10/78 780190183 ( DUKE POWER COMPANY .
. OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION J . -. . - ~ ..v v emo er .5 0, 1977 Pradeep Talwani, Principal Investigator and Don Stevenson, Jin Chiang, , Jeanne Sauber and Alice Drew E5@UU$$ u a<g 5 <i 5 E g8W E Ez 852* 8 W8 s t l 8;E 8 88 5 2 8E58 9 38 Y' W W *4 -PS O C' a =E a m . .,
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1 t j i i , A Report on the Seismic Activity at Lake Jocassee Between September 1, 1977 and November 30, 1977 t c i i I - f Pradeep Talwani, Principal Investigator ! and i j Don Stevenson, Jin Chiang,
! Jeanne Sauber and Alice Drew freology Department University of South Carolina i
Columbia, S. C. 29208 1 1 4 i. 4
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l 1 l 1 4 l 1 1 INTRODUCTION During the reporting period seismicity was monitored at Lake Jocassee. Low level (averaging about two events per day), low magnitude (M1< 2.5), shallow (Z < 4.0km) activity was recorded in the vicinity. A week into the reporting period, on September 7, 1977, a magnitude 2.5 earthquake occurred under the middle of the lake. And, on November 25, 1977, an earthquake of magnitude 2.2 occurred just north of the lake. The results of investigations associated with these events have been incorporated in this report. I SEISMIC STATION DEPLOYMENT Up to six portable seismographs (Sprengnether MEQ 800 model) were used, together with- Duke Power Company's permanent station at SMT. The location of sites occupied are lis:2d in Appendix I, and are shown in Fig. 2. In identifying the sites in later discussion and in tables, the location number (first column) is used. The deployment times at various sites are shown in Fig. 1. The transmiter circuitry at SMT was damaged by lightning strikes on July 31, 1977 and had to be sent to Sprengnether company in St. Louis for repairs. The station went back on line on October 2, 1977. The data are sent from SMT to a recorder in the power house. There is still no provision to recored WWV time code on the seismograms of SMT station, thus the data obtained are not of much help in locating events. After the September 7 event, a portable seismograph was located temporarily near the epicenter, at ELJ for aftershock studies. RESL'LTS Events were located by using a compute- program, HYP071 (Lee and Lahr, 1972) and a velocity model developed for the Clark Hill reservoir area (Appendix II). The location accuracy is about + 200 m while the depths are usually good t {400m. 1 1 1 j
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3 In the reporting period (September 1 - November 30, 1977) 198 events were recorded. Of these 91 events were located and are shown in Fig. 2 and are listed in Appendix IV. The activity appears to be scattered throughout the Lake Jocassee area. In the period (September 1 - November 30, 1977) 10 events with bagnitude greater than 1 were recorded. The largest was a magnitude 2.5 event on September 7. Figure 3 shows the location of all the located events between November 8, 1975 and November 30, 1977. In Fig. 4, t' a seismicity is compared with water level in Lake Jocassee and its fluctuations. These data are plotted on the same time axis 'for the period September 1, 1977 to November 30, 1977. Starting at the top are the daily water level readings at 8 AM (local time). The bars indicate the maximum and minimum water level for that day. In the ordinate, 100 ft. corresponds to a full pond elevation of 1110 ft. a.s.1. The daily variation of water level (computed for readings at 8AM and plotted midway between them) is shown in the next row. The daily energy release and the number of events are shown in the two bottom rows. There appears to be no obvious correlation between the seismicity and the water level or its fluctuations. Fig. 5 shows data over a three year period (January 1975 - Kovember 1977). Each data point represents a 10-day period. From top to bottom: first row show the average water level in Lake Jocassee over a 10-day period, with the bars indicating the maximum and minimum water level in that 10-day period. The change in water level between the 10-day mean water levels is shown in the next row. In order to quantify this change, the area in each segment, below and above the zero (or no change) line was calculated in arbitrary units. This ' change time' then represents the duration and amount of change is plotted
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8 in the next row. This was compared with the total number of events (in 10-day period), and the times of events with magnitude greater than 2 were noted. No rise in water level appears to be associated with the November 25, 1977 event. Fig. 6 shows the locations of the foreshocks and aftershocks of the September j 7th, 1977 event within a small cluster. Proposed fault planes are represented by AA' (N 2@'E)and BB' (N 52' W). Figures 7 and 8 are the vertical cross-sections along AA' and BB' respectively (note the horizontal exaggeration) . The vertical cross-sections suggests a northwest striking fault plane dipping 74" to the northeast. CONCLUSIONS Low level seismicity is still continuing in the vicinity of Lake Jocassee.
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i AI ,1 APPENDIX I i STATION LOCATIONS-No. Sen. Lat. N. Lone. W. i 1 BL2 34 57.92 82 57.24 2 KTS 34 56.00 82 53.08 3 BG3 34 59.58 82 55.90
! 4 ODL 34 55.82 82 57.26 5 MCS 34057.12 83000.45 6 PFS 34 58.50 83 00.29 j 7 FMT 34 55.85 82058.26 8 ELJ 34 59.05 82 54.57
.1 V o 1 8
i A2 1 APPE:! DIX II VELOCITY MODEL HYP071 was used to locate various events. The crustal model used is i Velocity Depth
. km/sec km 5.75 0 l
6.2 0.5 8.1 30.0 i This model was developed for the Clark Hill. reservoir - also located , on gneissic rocks in the South Carolina Piedmont (Talvani, 1975). I J f i f l I f I i - t
- > p- ,mA ~-9 ay a g 4 q- .g ny > w.e y --, * - <
A3 APPENDIX III LIST OF EVENTS FROM September - November 30, 1977. In column 3 the " station of max. duration" refers to the location of a station where the recorded duration event was maximum. The station number corresponds to that listed in Appendix I. The maximum recorded duration for any event is given in column 4. In column 5 are listed the total number of stations recording the event. The daily energy release is listed in colu=n 6. The daily energy is calculated using a simplified magnitude - energy relation (Cutenberg and Richter,1956), i.e. , log " * + *
"L 10 where Mt = calculated duration magnitude. For Jocassee (Talwani and others, 1976),
M = -1.83 + 2.04 log D L where D = duration of event in seconds. Events with magnitude 2_1 are listed in column 7.
~v . - ,
- H
- M:S (SEC) EVENT 0901 11:57:50 1 3 4 i 12:24"59 1 1 2 12:27:41 1 6 5
- 12
- 42:52 1 6 4 l 12:54:48 1 1 2 6.59E11 4
0903 20:44:13 1 4 4
- 20:51:02 3 3 2 1.11E11 ,
i 0904 02:48:10 1 8 5 02:50:15 1 27 5 1.09 02:54:45 1 1 2 j 02:57:55 1 3 4 02:59:58 1 10 5 03:03:35 1 1 2 05:10:19 1 8 5 05:12:17 3 2 2 05:20:47 6 4 4 05:21:11 3 2 2 05:22:28 3 1 2 06:35:28 1 13 5 j l 06:45:21 3 2 2 1' 10:43:45 3 34 5 1.29 21:03:36 3 2 1 8.36 E13 0906 12:41:20 1 10 5 1.30E12
- 0907 03:53:08 4 4 5 14:41:33 6 143 5 2.56 14:43:34 1 15 5 14:44:10 1 7 5 14:45:13 3 5 5 14:58:59 1 2 4
.5:27:20 1 8 3 15:54:47 2 3 3 16:10:10 1 15 5
, 16:10:19 1 3 5 16:10:57 1 2 2 16:11:10 3 2 1 16:47:00 1 3 3 17:03:19 1 3 3 17:37:20 3 14 5 20:13:49 1 7 5 , 21:20:57 1 4 4 4.37 E15 0908 01:17:45 1 2 1 01:25:38 l' 10 4
14:45:56 3 2 1
. . .. , , , - - .- = . . _
. .- - . - . - . _ -. _ _ = - . . _ - . . -. . _.. _ -. .
- 14:45:56 3 2 1 I
16:02:54 3 2 1 16:56:37 3 12 2
- 1 18:26:02 2 4 3
? 23:41:55 3 5 1 3.84 E12 77:09:10 01:11:11 1 17 5 4 01:16:40 1 30 5 1.1 i 01:17:15 1 20 5 01:20:45 1 8 5 01:24"04 1 2 4 01:24:41 1 1 1 01:24:59 1 7 5 j 01:35:35 2 48 5 1.6 i i 02:02:24 1 5 5 05:22"42 4 6 5 i j 20:32"48 1 5 4 2.13E14 ! , 77:09:11 12:15:25 1 3 2 3.23E10 i f l 1 77:09:12 01:49:13 2 36 4 1.3 ) 02:00:51 2 12 5 j 02:01:00 3 15 5 1 03:35:35 3 3 2 1 04:04:39 3 7 4 ; 05:12:27 1 3 3 19:53:27 3 3 4 1 22:03:23 l' 14 5. 7.08 E13 i i
; 77:09:13 02:26:10 3 2 2 I
05:20:41 1 10 5 l 23:58:16 1 2 2 1.31 E12 2 77:09:14 11:16:33 1 3 2 3.23 E10 l 77:09:17 23:21:25 1 4 4 7 76 E10 i f 77:09:18 00:13:26 1 5 6 l 11:41:03 1 3 4 1.86 Ell 77:09:20 07:46:47 2 '4 3 7.76 E11 1 ! 77:09:21 06:49:60 1 10 3 4 19:41:28 3 8 5 1.94 E12 , l l I i . . . . . . ~ , . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . - . ~ . . . . . _ . . _ . . . . .= }
.. . ,, - . - - - . . - - - , , - , - - , . , - . . - , ._w .~ . - . - - , . , . . - - .
A6 DATE TIMI STN. OF DURATION NO. OF E'iERGY M1 1.0 H:M:S MAX STN. PER DAY - DURATION REC. (REGS) (SEC) EVENT 7709:26 10:48:09 4 5 2 1.54 E11 77:09:27 02:20:47 2 3 5 , 02:54:08 2 4 3 03:05:51 4 2 1 03:08:37 4 2 1 1.28 E11 77:00:28 19:34:13 2 25 4 1.0 23:58:20 1 12 4 2.34 E13 77:09:29 00:38:06 1 2 3 09:27:59 1 3 4 09:40:10 1 2 3 3.15 E10 77:10:03 12:36:00 4 7 1 21:49:18 2 4 2 5.12 E11 77:10:05 14:41:5 1 3 2 16:35:08 1 3 2 20:59:16 1 6 5 20:59:30 1 10 5 21:00:01 1 5 2 1.77 E12 77:10:07 16:03:40 3 4 3 23:53:08 1 3 4 1.09E11 77:10:18 12:44:06 1 6 6 12:56:17 3 2 1 13:00:53 3 11 6 13:34:31 4 8 5 13:34:37 1 2 1 2.69E12 77:10:20 10:46:26 4 8 5 15:09:10 2 3 4 6.76 Ell 77:10:22 05:58:33 1 3 3 3.23 E10 77:10:23 22:59:57 1 3 4 3.23 E10 77:10:24 10:11:37 1 3 4 14:52:26 3 3 1 17:19:35 1 2 1 7.41 E10 77:10:29 10:12:49 4 4 6 7.76 E10 77:10:30 04:34:47 3 2 2 11:22:36 3 2 1 1.86 E10
A7 DATE TIME STN. OF DURATION NO. OF ENERGY My 1.0 MAX. STN. PER DAY DURATION REC. (ERGS) H:M:S (SEC) EVENT 77:11:03 11:17:06 1 3 4 3.23 E10 77:11:05 11:59:22 4 5 4 1.54 E11 77:11:07 05:22:26 4 2 3 05:25:12 4 5 6 11:26:13 4 3 5 11:51:47 1 10 6 1.47 E12 77:11:09 09:57:44 1 8 4 6.45 E11 77:11:10 03:42:17 2 44 6 1.5 04:18:29 6 15 6 04:18:34 1 3 1 05:14:03 2 20 6 05:14:12 1 5 5 05:14:28 1 2 3 05:51:10 1 4 3 06:18:17 1 2 2 07:10:33 1 2 2 08:06:58 1 8 5 08:41:38 6 5 5 08:46:46 1 2 4 38:56:23 1 2 1 08:56:39 3 8 6 09:03:08 1 2 3 10:42:28 1 3 3 10:34:50 6 7 3 19:41:57 6 27 6 1.1 23:45:44 3 1 4 1.62E14 77:11:11 03:06:20 1 3 5 3.23E10 77:11:12 06:37:26 4 4 6 11:34:52 2 2 4 8.70 E10 77:11:15 07:44:24 1 1 2 07:59:51 4 3 4 09:32:41 4 2 2 4.26 E10 77:11:16 00:58:10 1 2 4 07:07:36 1 3 5 4.16 E10 ~ 77:11:17 22:06:31 1 3 3 3.23 E10 77:11:18 06:07:19 4 4 2 09:14:09 4- 3' 1 1.09 E11 77:11:20 13:59:55 1 3 1 20:48:15 1 3 1 20:55:07 1 5 4
- DATE TIME STN. OF DURATION NO. OF ENERGY Mt 1.0 MAX. STN. PER DAY f DURATION REC. (ERGS) 1 H:M:S (SEC) EVENT 22:02:54 3 3 3 2.5) E11 77:11:21 12:48:43 1 3 1 3.23 E10 77:11:22 05:14:16 1 4 6
. 06:15:13 1 3 3 07:00:22 1 4 2 ) 07:29:38 3 5 4 3.46 E11 I 7:11:23 22:41:30 1 3 1 3.23 E10 77:11:24 03:04:59 2 8 5 18:23:54 1 3 3 18:48:22 1 3 2 7.07 E11 4 7/:11:25 22:23:39 6 100 6 2 *. 2 22:24:12 ? ? 6 22:26:10 3 9 5 22:26:11 ? ? 3 22:26:41 3 2 2 22:26:48 3 2 1 22:27:37 3 2 1 s 22:28:09 3 5 2 22:29:41 3 2 1 22:30:01 3 2 1 22:30:10 3 2 1 22:31:28 3 7 4 22:31:55 3 2 1 l' 22:33:22 3 2 1 22:44:20 3 5 1 22:53:52 1 3 2
, 22:54:18 1 3 3 22:57:20 3 6 5 22:59:13 3 3 1 23:01:36 3 3 1 23:26:46 3 2 1 23:57:46 3 7 2 1.02 E15 77:11:26 00:11:47 3 14 6 00:46:40 3 7 5 00:47:07 3 2 1 01:02:14 6 10 5 1.09 E11 77:11:27 06:28:13 3 2 1 9.33 E9 77:11:28 00:25L32 2 7 4 03:31:34 2 5 4 06:11:47 1 3 4 6.16 E11
A9 DATE TIME STN. OF DURATION NO. OF E ENERGY M 1.0 MAX. STN. PER DAY DURATION REC. (ERGS) H:M:S (SEC) EVENT 77:11:29 16:51:46 1 3 1 17:40:11 1 3 1 18:56:42 1 3 1 21:06:20 1 2 6 1.07 Ell 77:11:30 14:17:23 4 4 3 14:40:59 2 4 6 1.54 Ell
A10 l APPENDIX IV LOCATION OF EVENTS FROM September - November 30, 1977 Computer printout of HYP071 showing data for location of events. Column 1 Date Column 2 Origin time (UCT) h.m.sec. Column 3 Latitude (N) degrees, min. Column 4 Longitude (W) degrees, min. Column 5 Depth (km). Column 6 Local duration magnitude. Colume 7 No. of station readings used to locate event. P and S arrivals from same stations are regarded as 2 readings. Column 8 Largest a:i=uthal separation in degrees between stations. Column 9 Epicentral distance in km to nearest station. Colu=n 10 Root mean _souare error of time residuals in sec. RMS = TRi ' /No, where R is the time residual for 1 the ith station. Column 11 Standard error of the epicenter in km*. Column 12 Standard error of the focal depth in km*.
- Statistical interpretation of standard errors involves assuptions which may not be met in earthquake locations. Therefore standard errors may not represent actual. error limits.
If ERH or ERZ is blank, this means that it cannot be computed, because of insufficient data. 964 wh +4'- 6-9MAh6 6h4squ@ h @@M G eM M
~ .c3,1- 1 * * .r sr,* rep i.,,,
VTI 09J7 r*!r!n 7vs a rse
- niatS .ec se era omt6 ,.c anu ;ey tm 61 i tsp *nI 1274 *t*I* C*=ce*fc 57.;**** 2'?( -e*<* e ptf I*6 C*or o*2 n
- f 31 2 ggooht 12 7 cr*t4 r*-cs's* s7.*&*re 7*ct ***** e igr ]*> eaas a'7 9*r pf
( gJ046( 7e** ts*EI r*.ts'c7**n 2**? =e*sa e igI ]*e nep7 aet nep ot
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C*-5s*'r ce*2 oF-se**f 2**f 0*fA a f97 t*e 0'06 **t 0*/ 31
'--'~~ tI 146612 22 t tt*2c C*.ss'AG e2 65*ro P*rO n*51 s tta t*4 0*02 pag 0**gt tt Jj eit c70 ,0*ts t*=c6**n e7 55'c* 7**f n*ev ta t** !** **07 n*t o*? FI tE teret6 01( 2s*2t r*=cs'2( e7.ce*er 1*(e -0**p ta tti I*? 0*nI n*0 O*f 61 ._~__~, t* ggnatu tlet 7*et r*-cs*.rp 07 6e*%* 1*54 -p*ee c tac tot 0*0 a'l C*1 61 t5 tlee71 tA*1 ro tS CS- 0*ti ot-se'ti t*d9 0'01 c rir 2*2 C*07 na2 O'2 31 te ticArt 770 *o'5% C*-ts*42 e7-55'?r 7**4 -0*46 s tte 1*a 0'04 o'5 0*e RT ' ~ ' ' ~ ~
ti tkce74 2co 4**t C*-cs'c2 oF-S**rG tale 0*:E 0 747 C*1 0*pc n*c I'c 31
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** tatnt* !7** G'JU CS- 0*7* s7-4E*** t'nO -0'2* c rfP t** C*0* *** t'C ot og gtefa tc a ctes* tS. tate asec**sa ?'21 n*76 17 r0* **e 0*er nar noc 3T ed 4416t6 trr* rn*ti rs. t*ep e2 '4*rc t*se naev s r** *** o*or tep c** 31 tste70 tn*e 7S*** C*acS*t9 e7.ce**e t*rt C*01 11 7,6 1** 0*co ner 0=e ot te JJta7C , tc 6 A*0* C*ece*7( s7 54*re taes -p*.% e 7cr C*0 O*at a't O'c 3f 96 _441(72 scg ttalc t==c4*tS -n*ec
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--' ~
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- 1 01 e7.ce*re t*J* -0*wo te tec 1*4 0*t7 e*s t*0 3' 4( tsitt4 7e 4* ditt76 7,cs J* C*.c4'rt ep.4**e* 7*rt .n*6e e ppo F** 0*er e*c e*o 31
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- 4e*uc ra-cc**7 .v .su'e*.
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