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Requests Amend of License DPR-71 Revising Tech Specs to Ensure That Cycle 2 Reload Analysis Is Conservatively Met for Fuel Bundle LJ0197.GE 790907 Ltr Re Fuel Bundle Reanalysis,Tech Spec Page Change & Appropriate Fee Encl
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/11/1979
From: Utley E
To: Ippolito T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
GD-79-2289, NUDOCS 7909180335
Download: ML19208A948 (5)


Carchna Power & Light Company September 11, 1979 FILE: NG-3514(B) SERIAL NO.: GD-79-2289 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention: Mr. T. A. Ippolito, Chief Operating Reactors Branch No. 3 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 BRUNSWICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, UNIT NO. 1 DOCKET NO. 50-325 LICENSE NO. DPR-71 REQUEST FOR LICENSE AMENDMENT - MCPR LIMIT REVISION

Dear Mr. Ippolito:

In accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50.90 and Part 2.101, Carolina Power & Light Company (CP&L) hereby requests a revision to the Technical Specifications for its Brunswick Steam Electric Plant (SSEP) Unit No. 1. This revision ensures that the reload analysis for Cycle 2 is conservatively met for fuel bundle LJ0197 which is misoriented by 180 .

The attached letter from General Electric summarizes the results of the reanalyses performed for this fuel bundle. Since the peaking factors used to determine the linear heat generation rate will be adjusted to their correct values in the process computer, the current technical specification limit is still appro-priate. The attached revised Technical Specification page provides time dependent operating MCPR adjustment factors to be used to ensure the conservative operation of bundle LJ0197. Until approval of this request, the unit will operate with the interim rotated bundle limits that were discussed with your staff on August 30, 1979.

In accordance with 10 CFR 170.12(c), we have determined that this request constitutes one Class III amendment because it involves a single technical issue.

Therefore, our check for $4,000 is enclosed as paynent for this fee.

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Mr. T. A. Ippolito September 11, 1979 Please call if you have any questions regarding this request.

Yours very truly,

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E. E. Utleylf Executive Vice President Power Supply & Customer Services EEU/jcb Attachments Sworn and subscribed before me this lith day of September, 1979.


~ Notary Public 11 My Commission Expires October 4,1981. ogunst, g lsoTARy\ 1 5, g U S t. lC [

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GENER AL h ELECTRIC NUCLEAR ENERGY PROJECTS DIVISION GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY,175 CURTNER AVE., SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95125 September 7, 1979 cc: FR Channon LH Martin /RG Matthews GRH:79-158 0A de Diego CJ Paone RE Engel JL Rash WA Golub GJ Scatena CM Itow SR Specker FM Jones AC Tollison, Jr.

DJ Kemppainen RG Tunell Mr. H. W. Bowles CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO.

P. O. Box 1551 Raleigh, NC 27602


Brunswick 1 Rotated Bundle Monitorina With the Frocess Computer

Dear Harry:

Following the discovery that bunJle LJ0197 was improperly loaded during the first refueling outage, General Electric investigated the impact of this error on plant operation and the adequacy of the current license basis. It is General Electric's opinion that the single mis-oriented bundle does not compromise the current license basis. The fol-lowing procedures, which take account of the improper orientation, may be used to determine the operating status of bundle LJ0197.

Calculation of Linear Heat Generation Rate In order to calculate the LHGR of bundle LJ0197, the local peaking factors for thisdue local peaking bundle should to the be modified to reflect the increase in rotation. These modified peaking factors will be supplied in a subsequent letter. Until these modified local peaking factors are available, the process computer calculated LHGR for bundle LJ0197 should be conservatively increased by 20%. This includes the power spiking penalty to account for fuel densification.

Calculation of APLHGR Since the Brunswick initial core fuel bundles are limited by LHGR, not f%PLHGR, the increase in the process computer monitored LHGR, as dis-cussed above, will compensate for APLHGR increases in bundle LJ0197 due to changes in peaking factors because of its rotation.


GENER AL h ELECTRIC Mr. H. W. Bowles September 7,1979 Calculation of Minimum Critical Power Ratio In order to calculate the operating MCPR for bundle LJ0197, an addi-tional ACPR, as indicated in Table 1, should be subtracted from the process computer calculated MCPR for this bundle. This includes the 0.02 ACPR allowance required by the NRC when using the axially varying water gap method for analyzing the rotated Bundle Loading Error.


_ Cycle 2 Exposure Range ACPR Adjustment BCC-2 to E0C 2,000 mwd /ST 0.11 E0C 2,000 mwd /ST to E0C 1,000 mwd /ST 0.12 EOC 1,000 mwd /ST to EOC-2 0.13 Core-Wide Transients Me response to core-wide transients is not significantly affected by the misoriented fuel bundle LJ0197.

Rod Withdrawal Error The worth of control rod 30-11 (adjacent to bundle LJ0197) has been investigated and is less than 60% of the worth of the limiting control rod analyzed for the Reload 1 Rod Withdrawal Error. If control rod 30-11 were erroneously witndrawn to the Rod Block Monitor setpoint, the ACPR would be less than that calculated in the Reload I license analysis.

Rod Drop Accident The effect of the rotated bundle on the Rod Drop Accident, as ana-lyzed for the Reload I license, has been investigated. The cold reactivity.

worth of control rod 30-11 is 0.95% ak compared with 1.21% ok for the maximum worth control rod. Even with the increased local peaking due to the rotation dent of LJ0197, the peak enthalpy resulting from a Rod Drop Acci-of introl rod 30-11 will be less than that reported in the Reload 1

_ license analysis (i.e., 208 cal /gm).

Very trul you rs ,

G. R. Hull Fuel Project Manager Brunswick 1&2 c..

M/C 174; (408) 925-6176 Jud.5.E





" ~ ~ '

3.2.3 The MINIMUM CRITICAL POWER RATIO (MCPR), as a function of core flow, shall be equal to or greater than MCPR x the Kfshown in Figure 3.2.3-1 where: ***


a. MCPR = 1.22 from BOC2* to (E0C2** - 2000 MWD /t). ,
b. MCPR' = 1.23 from (EOC2 - 2000 MWD /t) to (EOC2 - 1000 MWD /t). j i
c. MCPR = 1.28 from (EOC2 - 1000 MWD /t) to EOC2. {



With MCPR less than the applicable limit determined from Figure 3.2.3-1,

'- initiate corrective action within 15 minutes and continue corrective action so that MCPR is equal to or greater than the applicable limit within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> or reduce THERMAL POWER to less than'25% of RATED THERMAL POWER within the next 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS 4.2.3 MCPR shall be determined to be equal to or greater than the applicable limit determined from Figure 3.2.3-1:

a. At least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />,
b. Whenever THERMAL POWER has been increased by at least 15%

of RATED THERMAL POWER and steady state operating conditions have been established, and

c. Initially and at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> when the reactor is operating with a LIMITING CONTROL ROD PATTERN for MCPR.



'5eginning of Cycle 2. 3G1110

    • End of Cycle 2.
      • The operating MCPR for bundle LJ0197 shall be adjusted by subtracting the following correction factors _from the calculated _ values-(a -0.11,-b --0.12,

-- cx 0.13T -' ,

1 j

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