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Forwards Description of Cycomm VEM-1000 Voice Encryption Module for Safeguards Info Transmittal Approval,Per 10CFR73.21(g)(3).Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: Surry, North Anna, 07200002, 05000000
Issue date: 10/06/1988
From: Cartwright W
To: Brady R
88-602, NUDOCS 8810240159
Download: ML18152B240 (5)


e e VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23261 October 6, 1988 Mr. Raymond J. Brady Serial No.88-602 Director-Division of Security NO/JDH:vlh U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Docket Nos.* 50-280 Washington, D. C. 20555 50-281 50-338 50-339 72-2 License Nos. DPR-32 DPR-37 NPF-4 NPF-7 SNM-2501

Dear Mr. Brady:


  • extraordinary conditions, Safeguards Information shall be transmitted only by protected telecommunications circuits approved by the NRC. In accordance with this requirement, enclosed is a description of the CYCOMM VEM-1000 voice encryption*

module, which we believe is an acceptable system to meet this requirement.

Your review and approval concerning the acceptability of this unit is requested.

Our intended use of this equipment is to afford protection to conversations between our corporate headquarters and our two nuclear sites that may contain Safeguirds Information.


If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact us immediately. Pursuant to 10 CFR 170, an application fee of $150 is enclosed.

/.ft f:el

- Nuclear l I Attachments I


8810240159 881006*

PDR A:OOCK 050002:::0 p PDC

e Cycomm's Voice Encryption Module (Cycomm 1000) Equipment TELEPHONE PRODUCT I. Present System The present VEM-1000 telephone unit is a complete secure telephone system in a single package. It includes the telephone and the secure voice/data unit and simply plugs into an RJ-11 connection. This unit includes the following features for phone:

o Extremely High Security - on the order of military communications security equipment.

o Excellent Decoded Voice Quality o Digital Audio Memory - Virtually all high security voice systems have a delay associated with them. These -type of systems must "grab" a block of speech and encode it.

High quality units such as the VEM-1000 include a digital audio memory that allows the user to talk normally, and the memory insures that no speech is lost during this delay time.

o Automatic Clear Operation - The present VEM unit uses a PTT or Push-To-Talk switch on the handset for activating secure voice encoding. Unless true full duplex is implemented (high security systems that include full duplex operation are at present extremely expensive),

and in many cases even with full duplex, the user finds the delay associated with voice security "annoying".

T?is is even more evident in vex operated sytems.

Automatic Clear Operation in the cycomm equipment attempts to minimize the above by leaving the telephone units in the clear speech state at all times when security is not required. Thl,ls the telephone operates exactly as normal in this mode. If the user wants to secure any speech, he simply pushes the handset switch and all speech is encoded until he releases the switch.

The receiving telephone automatically senses the change from clear or normal telephone operation to secure, and starts the decoding process for the incoming encoded speech. The listener receives only clear speech in both cases (assuming he has the correct code key in his system).

This operation mode has found to be very acceptable, especially in commercial or industrial applications where only a small part of a conversation is required to be secure.

e o Manual Clear Operation - This mode is used if the entire conversation must be secure from both sides at all times. Here, the user pushes the handset switch to talk and releases to listen. The system will only go into clear mode if the CLEAR switch on one of the phone sets is pushed. If CLEAR is activated on one unit, it is automatically set on all units. An audible warning with indicator is generated on all units to indicate clear mode has been initiated.

  • o Conferencing - The VEM system allows secure conferencing calls to take place. The conference call setup is simply accomplished in the clear mode and then conversation may begin from any party. If any user selects secure operation, all phones in the conference (with the same key) will automatically decode the secure speech.

o Multiple Key Operation - The VEM allows the use-of multiple keys that may be setup as Groups, Master or All, or individual ID. During a conference call, this allows groups or individuals to have private conversations during the call without having to place separate calls for "off to the side" privacy.

o Key Management/Data Communication - A full key management system is available that allows all key control to be handled by one central operator. Single or multiple keys may be distributed over the phone lines remotely using this systemo The key management system is available as an IBM-PC or equivalent software package and includes the capability for data communication, file transfer, and local file encryption.

o Data Mode - A terminal or computer may be plugged into the VEM data port. If data mode is selected, either user can type or transfer messages and/or files between systems; and talk between data transfers. Both the speech and the data are secure and the data is error-corrected to insure that all communication is accurate even if interrupted by voice communication.

o Operation - The VEM system is extremely easy to use and will work over all communication paths including phone lines, satellite links, radio, cell telephone, and mobile telephone.

o Exportable versions of the VEM system are also available.

o~nrr.*.micat1ons by telephone and radio sigr.

suffer,3 qisturbing vulnerability: Interception. AOd .

the CYCOMM-1000 and communicate with the e T"""

rest of yoqr team in complete voice security.

Each year, high tech eavesdroppers spend millions of dollars on surveillance equipment hoping to discover business and industry secrets or anticipate the actions of law enforcement. The CYCOMM-1000 will defeat their efforts and waste their money.

The CYCOMM-1000 is the only affordable voice scrambling device on the market that makes it virtually impossible to listen in to radio conversations.

New CYCOMM-1000 Voice Privacy Systems are available in two configurations. The standard direct-wire module, ready to be interfaced to your existing radio equipment, and the portable CYCOMM-1000 SERIES VOICE SCRAMBLER Humidity CYCOMM-1000SRA (Secure RadioAttache), a , Up to 95% non-condensing Scrambling Technique powerful radio and standard CYCOMM-1000 o nme Oivision Multiplex (TOM) Power Raqulrementa System self-contained in a rugged lightweight , Varying time slice size (6*16 milliseconds) , 9.6*18 voe (negative ground) o 115/230 VAC, 438*440 Hz Random time slice inversion aluminum carrying case. The Secure Radio =i

, Non-linear time compression (FM) Size and Weight Attache is designed for secure communication o Harmonic spectrum smoothing

  • o 13"1ongx9*/,"widex4"high Oparetlon , 4. 5 pounds .

positions in any kind of field condition without , Hatt-duplex Data Communication sacrificing transmitting power. Both are easy to Cryptographic Security , RS*232C data port

, 1.27 x 1OH possible permutations o 1200 baud use and easy to change codes. You can switch to ' Error-corrected and encrypted data communication

, 1.8 x 10** user-selectable codes scrambled speech by pressing one button. All , Cipher leedback encryption ensures each encrypted Option*

other units will automatically respond. conversation ,s unique. , Portable Key Gun Key Length ' Secure Network Management Sof1ware !or IBM PC and Cycomm makes secure communication , 8 to 80 charaC1ers compatibles flexible enough to meet your needs. Within a Natwork Configuration o Remote control head o 5 group modes: All and Groups 1*4 ALL CHANNEL RADIO WITH ADVANCED network, you can have groups that share a code

, 80 private two party codes SCANNING SYSTEM and talk securely- as many as five groups-or Key Security Frequency Range: VHF Low 138*144 MHz: High 149.,1, MHz private two-party conversations. The o Keysstorlld encrypted UHF Low450-480 MHz; High 480.512 MHz o Keys may be destroylld by remote command CYCOMM-1000 stores as many as 80 private ' Keys may be changed only ii current keys are known Number of Channele: 16 Rx and Tx frequencies*

two-party codes. ~ Keys destroyed upon case disassembly or illegal system access CTCSS Encode/Decode TonH: 32 programmable Kay Loedlng CYCOMM-1000 scrambles the voice signal , Front panel keypad UHbleTempvature: Cto +60"C(-22"F ... ,40"F) mathematically and digitally, not physically, so no , Handheld keygun Dlmenalona: 2"H x fi'/,W x 10*1,*o part of the signal is degraded. In the conversion ' IBM PC or compatible using Cycomm Secure Network Weight: 5. 72 lbs.

Management System software Channel Spacing: VHF 5KHz. UHF 12.5 kHz back, the CYCOMM-1000 analyzes possible , By remote control in encryptlld data m0d11 Compliance: FCC parts 15, 22. 90: DOC RSS119 distortion areas and reconstructs them to ensure ' Loadlld keys can be protectlld by locking out front panel uy entry Automatic Decode Frequency Band Wldtll: Low 8 MHz. High 26 MHz that nothing is lost, so the sound and quality of 0 System will automatically adapt to clear speech or encoded Power Supply: 13.8 V DC (:,: 15%)

your voice remains perfectly intact. The decoded speech Current Dreln: Tx 12A: Rx 1.2A; Standby O.SA voice quality of the CYCOMM-1000 is the best in Synchronization

, In-band digitally controlllld FSK RECEIVER the industry. ~ Continuous synchronization correction through all transmissiOn Senaltlvlty: 0.35 µ. V, 12 dB SINAD The CYCOMM-1000 converts voice media Squelch S.naltlvlty: 0.3 µ. V

  • Worl<s through periodic noise, multipath, and signal lade communications into a scrambled signal with ~ Continuous cryptographic resynchronization during transmission Modulatlon Acceptanca: 16F3 (16KOF3E) trillions of possible code combinations. This Salecllvlty: - 70 dB o Does not interfere with voice Decoded Voice Quallty Spurloua A Image ReJectlon: -so dB technology allows for unimpaired range and the 0 Total hannonie distortion less than 0.3%

lntermoduletlon: - 70 dB best voice quality you've ever heard. Because the o System dynamic range ol 72 db Audio Power Output: 5 watts@ 10% distortion; 4 ohms CYCOMM-1000 utilizes cipher block chaining,

  • Radio ainad operation to 8 db impedance Communlcellon Channel Requlremant each succeeding block of data is scrambled
  • 3dbdown,3Q0.3400 Hz Frequency Stablllty: :,: 0.0005% ( C to + 60"C) differently and at random. Therefore, each block o Phone line compatible Channel Spread: 20 MHz full performance: 30 MHz Ol)erational -,

Frequency Offnt of speech would have to be separately and o :,: 150HzlorSSB Input lmpedanca: 4 individually attacked in order to break the TRANSMITTER Syatem Delay AF P - Output: VHF 50 watts; UHF 35 watts message- a virtually impossible task even with 0 One HCOnd per scrambler Output Impedance: 50 n 0

Speech memory allows the user to talk immediately upon computer analysis. These are just a few of the presaing PTT Spurlou* a Harmonic EmlHlone: - 70 dB reasons this equipment is used by the United o Uni1S synchronized and setup during delay Frequency Stablllty: :,:0.0005% (-30'C to + 60"C)

States Government. lnterfece end UO Cllaractarlatlce Moduletlon Syatem: Variable reaC1ance frequency modUlation 0

Mlcrophone/Oetected Audio/Push*To* Talk (PTT) switch CYCOMM-1000 Series Scramblers:

  • 2 wire, 600 ohm Audio Dlatorllon: 3% ml!Ximum at 1000Hz Maximum security for voice communications with Puall-To-Telk Slgnel Channel SprHd: 20MHz full performance. 30MHz operational 0

Relay contact ciosureto ground at 200 milllamperea operational flexiblity- and remarkably Tamperatur9 Microphone: 800 ohma affordable! o -25"to + 85" Celsiua Audio Output lmpedence: 4*8 ohm externel s!)<>&kiil' Specifications may chenge without noi,ce.