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R. E. Ginna - Questions Relating to Instrumentation and Emergency Power. Requests Additional Information in Area of Testing
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/12/1971
From: Case E
US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
To: Morris P
US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
Download: ML18143A262 (4)


P. A.

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Ferris, Mrector Hs el ~

glivtsion of Reactor Xicenikng



.No IENOENIM %Pa Xn accox'dance with our understanding that the applicant, @AD respond to verbal questions by mteaas of a 'voluntary %fatten suhaittal or oracy, as requested, ve discussed the follosing questions pith hfdf during the July

'. OMU 29 meeting:


aloes the "XoM eater XeveX!'nstnumntation at the concentrated boric acid storage teaRs satisfy the single failure criterionf

2. Describe the modifications made to the pressurizer Xevel~aauring .


Qmt~nt system>

3.,Tq arhat extent dM the disabling of specific d-e circuits of one ESP logic train at a thre during pre-op teethe verify the mutual elec-tx'ical independence bowmen the trains'hat provisions are there Xor detecting loss of a, battery charger'erify the adequacy og your post;accident monitoring instncentation.

6. Does the offsite portion of the emergency paver system satisfy CDC X7'P 1
7. Sescribe the undid.cations mdc Co the rod control motor generator sets subsequent to the dsmagins short-circuit o~rioncod during operation.

gbe applicant plans. to. respond to Questions l, 2 and 3 orally during a forthcoming schematic diagram review xmetiag, and to Questions 4, 5 and 6 csith a m'itten submittal. Question 7 has been satisfactorily resolved by telephone, This is acceptable to. us.

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Docket Ho. $ 0-244 AUG 1 2 Jg7~

In order to complete our review we will need information in the area of envtronmantal tasting. Tfa, therefore, ask that you transmit the following additional questions to the applicant and request a written responsae

1. State the seismic design criteria for the reactor protection system, engineered safety feature c5rcuits, and the emergency powax system.

The cxitexia should address: (a) the capability to initiate a protective action during the dhsign basis, earthquake, and (b) the capability of the engineered safety featux'a circuits to withstand seismic disturbances during post-accident operation. Describe the qualification tasting ox analyses which assure that tha criteria have been satisfied.

2. Por electrical and mechanical equipmant of the zaactor protection system and engineered safety features located in tha primary contain-mant or elsewhere in the plant, state the design criteri'a which take into account the potential effects on these components of radiation resulting from both normal operation and accident conditions super-imposed on long-term normal operation. Describe the analysis and testing performed to,verify compliance with these design criteria.

3.'dentify all safety .related equipment and components (a.g., motors, cables, filters, pump seals) located in. the primary containment which.

are required to be operable during and subsequent to a 1oss of coolant accident; oz a steamlina break accident. Describe the qualification tests which have been ox will be performed on each of these items to assure their performance in a combined high temperature, prcssure, and humidity environment.

Origiaai SIgIIed 9y E. G. Case ESB-72 Edson Q. Casa, Director DRS:ESB:DPS Division of Reactor Standards CC S'. Hanauer, DR Distr:

DR RP D. Skovholt DRL DRS RP R. DaYoung, DRL ESB RP R. Boyd, DRL D., Ziemann, DRL V- M'ooze, DRS T. Caxter, DRL D. Sullivan'RS OFFICE > DRS:ESB PQS ~ESQ.....



8/I //71 8/<< /71 8/] /7r Form hEC-318 (Rev. 9-53) hKCM 0240 Sl' S. COVERNMKNT PRI INO OFFICE 197~7.758

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