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Technical Assistance Request No. ORB-1-135, Informing That Licensee'S Submittal Was Delivered to Mr. Hazelton on March 17, 1975
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/19/1975
From: Purple R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Schroeder F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18143A642 (4)


F. Schrooder, Acting Diroctor, Division of Tochnical Roview, NRR TECHNICAL ASSlSTANCE REQUEST NO. ORB<<l-135 Your assistance is requested for the following:

PLANT mlE: R. B. Ginna DOCKET NUMBER: 50-244 RESPONSIBLE BRANCH: ORB 01 CONTACT: Tom Nambach (x-7434)

TECHNICAL REVIEl'f BRANCf1: Materials Engineering Branch A copy of the licensoe's submittal was delivered to Mr. Hazolton of the Materials Engineering Branch on March 17, 1975.

DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: Attached are two (2) copios of "Analysis o%

Capsule R from the Rochostor Gas and Electric Corpoxation, R.B. Ginna Unit No. 1 Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program" and the proposed revision of the Technical Speci-fications for reactor vossel heat-up and cooldown rates submitted by letter datod March 10, 1975. The licensee has also proposed a change to tho sequonco of spocimon removal for their Technical Specifications. Please review the analysis and proposed Tochnical Specifications for conformance with the require-ments of Appendix G and 8 to 10 CFR Part 50 and furnish a writton safety evaluation that can be incorporated into the Safety Bvaluationtto be issuod in conjunction with tho license amendmont for Cyclo 5. Startup for Cycle 5 is presontly schoduled for May 1, 1975.

TARGBT DATE FOR COMPLETION: April 17, 1975 Origin@ slgnO~~~

y.h. P~>>

Robert A. Purple, Chief Operating Rcactcra Branch al Division of Reactor Licensing cc: Soe ext page

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gag 19 1975 F. Schroedor 2 Hnclosuro:

l. Analysis of Capsule R from the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation, R.H.

Ginna Unit No. 1 Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program

2. RGPgE ltr. dtd. 3/10/75 cc lc/o enclosuro:

K. Gollor S. Pawlicki R. Purple T. Ãambach T. Carter S, Shoppard DISTRIBUTION Docket File ORBN1 Reading TAR File OP PIC K RL:ORBtl~+

K3P'g:ORB81 3P'URHAMKW VNambach:dc RAPurpl OAT 3/19/75 3/t f/75 Form AEC-318 (Rer. 9.33) AECM 0240 4 U, 8, OOVKRHMKNTPRINTINO OPPICKI IQTA eee lee

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