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Provides Current Status & Schedule for Implementing in-house Reload Licensing,To Facilitate Orderly Review of Probable License Amend Proposals Planned for Third Quarter 1981 & First Quarter 1982.Requests Interim Meeting
Person / Time
Site: Surry, North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 10/17/1980
From: Thomas W
To: Harold Denton, Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
856, NUDOCS 8010240446
Download: ML18139A760 (3)


VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY RICHMOND,VIROINIA 23261 October 17, 1980 Mr. H. R. Denton, Director Serial No. 856 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FR/RWC: .. mvc Attn: Mr. D. G. Eisenhut, Director Docket Nos. : 50_;280 Division of Licensing 20-281 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 50-338 Washington, D.C. 20555 50-339 License Nos.: DPR-32 DPR-37 NPF-4 NPF-7

Dear Mr. Denton:

VEPCO IN~HOUSE CORE RELOAD LICENSING This letter is being written to inform the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) of Virginia Electric and Power Company's (Vep~o) plans in the area of core reload licensing in the upcoming year. By providing you with information on our current status and schedule for implementing in-house reload licensing, we hope to facilitate the orderly .review of reload license amendments that we may be seeking in the third quarter of 1981 and first quarter of 1982.

Since 1974, Vepco has been developing in-house Nuclear Engineering analytical capabilities to provide core reload analysis and operational support of our nuclear units. This analysis development was initially con-centrated in the core physics area, but since 1976, development has also been underway in the safety analysis area. As we have completed development of the various capabilities, we have provided documentation in the form of topical reports to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for appropriate review. A listing of the topical reports, the capability they document, and the submittal dates is provided in Attachment 1. Our current staffing includes 8 engineers in the core physics area and 6 engineers in the safety analysis area represent-ing approximately 70 man-years of nuclear engineering experience.

In addition to our in-house development activities, we are currently receiving training from the Westinghouse Electric Corporation in the application of the NRC reviewed des.ign and safety analysis codes and methods used by Westinghouse for the licensing of reload cores. The initial training, which will comprise a total of approximately 50 manweeks for design and safety analysis engineers, will be completed by December 1980.

Vepco's intent is to use our own staff to design and license core reloads beginning in 1981 for the North Anna 2, Cycle 2 and Surry 1, Cycle 6 \

reloads. At the present, our intent is to perform the necessary design and ~O~\\ \




  • October 17, 1980 safety analysis using either the appropriate Westinghouse codes or our own in-house developed capability. Our in-house developed capability will be completed in early 1981 with the transmittal to the NRC of two topical reports.

One topical report will document our capability in the system transient analysis area using the RETRAN code. The RETRAN code package was previously transmitted for generic NRC review by letter from Stanley Ragone (Vepco) to you, dated October 22, 1979. The remaining topical report will document ou:r methodologies for generation of the input appropriate for reload safety analysis.

In order to facilitate our intended in-house licensing activities in the third quarter of 1981, we would like to meet with appropriate members of the NRC Staff in the interim to provide any additional information on our plans and analytical development activities they may require. I suggest that an initial planning meeting between our representatives be scheduled for the week of December 1, 1980.

Please contact Mr. W.R. Benthall at (804) 771-3268 to make arrangements for the planning meeting and for any additional information that you may require.

Very truly yoLus,.

U~7.- P

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  • W. N. Thomas Vice President Fuel Resources Attachment

fl VEPCO TOPICAL REPORTS Capability Submittal Date e PDQ Discrete Model Two dimensional detailed analysis July 26, 1976 y M. L. Smith of power distribution and letter form reactivity parameters W. N.* Thomas to B. *C. Rusche 9 S.N. 166 e PDQ One Zone Model Two dimensional coarse mesh analysis January 25, 1977 y J. R. Rodes of power distribution and reactivity letter from W. N.

parameters Thomas to B.C.

Rusche, S.N. 011 e Vepco FLAME Model Three dimensional core physics analysis January 9, 1979 y W. C. Beck of power distribution and reactivity letter from W. N.

parameters Thomas to H. R.

Denton, S.N. 017 I

Reactor Core Thermal- Steady state and transient core September 28, 1979 Hydraulic Analysis Using thermal-hydraulic analysis letter from W. N.

the COBRA IIIC/MIT Thomas to H. R.

Computer Code by F. W. Sliz Denton, S.N. 795