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Responds to IE Bulletin 79-01 Re Environ Qualification of Class IE Equipment.Forwards Detailed Test Documentation Package.Solenoid Valves & Limit Switches Will Be Replaced
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/02/1979
From: Robert E. Uhrig
To: James O'Reilly
NUDOCS 7908090141
Download: ML17266A088 (81)


LE ~~p l F> I~

P. O. BOX 013100, MIAMI, FL 33101 pm: ~~ FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY July 2, 1979 L-79-181 Mr. James P. O'Reilly, Director, Region II Office of Inspection and Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 101 Marietta Street, Suite 3100 Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mr. O'Reilly:

Re:'II JPO 50-335 IE Bulletin 79-01 The attached information is submitted in response to the subject Bulletin.

A detailed test documentation package will be available at the St. Lucie plant site by early August, 1979.

As discussed in the Attachment, the following equipment will be replaced:

(a) ASCO solenoid valves and NAMCO limit switches, including sealant material, on CVCS Letdown Isolation Valves and Containment Radiation Sampling System Isolation Valves, and (b) AVCO solenoid valves and NAMCO limit switches, including sealant material, on Containment Purge Supply and Exhaust Isolation Valves.

The AttachIIent also discusses the justification for continued operation until these items can be replaced.

Very y yours, Robert E. Uhrig Vice President Advanced Systems 5 Technology REU/MAS/cph 7tggy g t Docket@~

Attachmen Controt@Pg~g o t</

Date. - of acument.

cc: Harold F. Reis, Esquire IKGQ1ILTGRY GCKH F04~



TABLE OF CONTENTS Section TITLE PAGE Introduction l-l 20 Post-Accident Environment 2-1 2.1 Post-LOCA Environmental Conditions 2-1 2 2 Main Steam Line Break Environmental Conditions 30 Qualification of Electrical Equipment 3-1 3.1 Introducticn 3-1 3.2 Post-Accident Equipment Qualification 3-2 Summary 3-3 Remarks and Justification for Continued 3-8 Operation Conclusions 4-1 Qualification Data Sheets 5-0


1. Introduction This report responds to I&K Bulletin 79-01 which contains.-the NRC's request for written evidence of the qualification of electrical equip-ment required to function under post accident conditions. The report includes a description of the post-accident environmental conditions involved, the actual qualification data available and our conclusions.

The equipment discussed and environmental conditions described have been selected following a review of the St. Lucie Unit 1 licensing docket. Documents contained therein which were utilized to establish qualification parameters include the FSAR, SER, etc. This search was undertaken to ensure the report contained a complete and updated compilation of electrical equipment required post-LOCA inside contain-ment, plus the limiting environmental conditions.

St. Lucie Unit 1 discussed the environmental qualification of electrical equipment in Section 3.11 of the FSAR. This section not only established the criteria to be met by the equipment determined to be required, but also included in an appendix, the discussion of the tests and analyses performed to qualify the majority of these devices. The documentation search for St. Lucie took the form of either ensuring the written evidence was readily accessible at our general offices or plant files and con-tacting the vendor for the necessary documents.

Qualification documentation problems generic to the nuclear industry, such as ASCO Solenoids and NAMCO limit switches were found to apply to St. Lucie 1 also. The application of each of these devices were reviewed (see Section 3) and following an engineering evaluation of application it was determined that continued safe operation with the existing devices could be assured. These devices were reordered ho~ever, with the require qua q alification to ensure safety margin and operability. The remainder of the documentation was substantially complete and met the commitmentsments oof the FSAR.

2-1 Post-Accident Environment 2.1 Post-LOCA Environmental Conditions The plant environmental service conditions within the containment are classified in the following environmental design categories described in FSAR section 3.11.1:

I-A Long term containment environment following LOCA or steam line break accident I-B Short term containment environment following LOCA or steam line break accident The environmental conditions of temperature, pressure, humidity, and radiation for each of these two categories are presented in Table 3.11-1 of the FSAR and are repeated in Tables 2-1 and 2-2 herein.

The category I-A and I-B environmental conditions completely envelope the worst case loss of coolant accident considered in the FSAR. This worst case LOCA is a double ended slot rupture at the suction of the reactor coolant pump in the cold leg (9.82 ft2 break area). This results in the highest peak contain-ment pressure (38.4 psig) and coincident temperature (259'F).

The postulated accident pressure and temperature time history curves are presented in Figures 6.2-1A and 6.2-1C of the FSAR

'nd are included in Figures 2-1 and 2-2 of this section respectively.

The containment radiation environment is based on a LOCA fission product release source consisting of 50 percent of the core halogen inventory, 100 percent of core inventory and 1 percent core solid fission product inventory.

In addition to the temperature, pressure, humidity, ano radiation environments described in the above categories, the electrical equipment within the containment will be exposed to a chemical environment. The pH of the containment spray is maintained be-tween 8.5 and injection of ll during both injection and recirculation by the sodium hydroxide. This chemical spray environment will exist for only a limited period following which the the equipment in question will begin to dry.

2.2 Main Steam Line Break Environmental Conditions The containment atmospheric temperature exceeds that of categories I-h and I-B (see tables 2-1 and 2-2) for the worst case main steam line break accident for approximately 40 seconds. The worst case MSLB accident occurs at 105X power with a 5.355 ft2 break area.

The postulated accident prcssure and temperature time history curves are presented in Figures 6.2-14 and 6.2-12 of the FSAR and are in-cluded in Figure 2-3 and 2-4 of this section respectively.

2-2 2.2 (Continued)

This temperature (290'F) has not been used as a basis for environmental qualification of electrical equipment due to the extremely short time of the transient as discussed in the FSAR.

2-3 TABLE 2-1 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIRElKNTS ST. LUCIE UNIT 1 LICENSING CON IIT!KilTS Category I-A Time Temperature Pressure Humidi ty Radiation (X R/hr 0-2hr 270 44 100 2x10 2-24 hr 240 27 100 1 x 106 1- 31 day 150 100 3 x103 31 day- 1 yr 130 100 10 NOTES:

(1) Integrated Accident Dose (R): 2.8 x 107 40 years of Normal Operation (R): 3.5 x 105 Total Integrated Dose (R) 2.8 x 107 (2) For Hain Steam Break Qualification see Section 2.2


~Cete o I-B Time Temperature Pressure Humidity Radiation min. X) R 15 270 44 100 7.6 x 105 Integrated Accident Dose (R): 7.6 x 10 40 years of Normal Operation (R): 3.5 x 105 Total Integrated Dose (R) 1.1 x 106

tV I

100 Iol I00 10S I04 l0$


Cf CT CT CI &'TA,~.'I'll'TlM'TIElm n


>CT KaEv


CX Ial 0 C5 X.'WT IAjee C7 uvre)

T1NE( SFC ) Pev. 32 9/6/74 FLORIDA POwER L LICHT COffPAHY ST. LVCIK PLAHT VHIT I O 0 N 'I A IN V f V 1 A I V Oi > Il f R t A V O I I Q VIP Tf Vaf OATURK5 Y5. TIVt fOR A 105%

I Ovf R Ilefa ~ 5W abf Ac ARK A (5.555 f 1 Tl 5T f ANI IKt bRKAl FICURE 6. 2-12


3. uglification of Electrical E ui ment 3.1 Introduction The purpose of this section is to present a summary of the qualification data for electrical equipment located inside the containment which is required to function under accident conditions (see Section 2 for description of the post-accident conditions). The selection of the summarized equipment corresponds to those required for the safe shutdown of the plant following a Design Bases Accident as stated in the various licensing documents for the docket (FSAR, SER, letters to the NRC, etc.).

The investigation for data was done on a "loop" basis, that is the emphasis was placed on obtaining qualification data for the electrical loop from the penetration to the device. For example, the manufacturer and model number was obtained for the penetration, cable, splices, position indication and operator for all containment isolation valves, and qualification data was pursued for each component in the loop.

This approach was utilized to avoid a piecemeal component search, assure completeness and assure post-accident operability.

The summary sheets in Subsection 3.2 contains the results of the search for qualification data for these electrical devices. The actual documentation and a summary of the report results is referenced to the appropriate page in Section 5. In those cases where further analytical work was required or where )ustification for continued unit operation has been given prior to replacement or requalifying equipment, a reference has been provided to the appropriate page in Subsection 3.3. Qualification test records and analyses will be available on site.

Safety related equipment is required by the FSAR to function for either fifteen minutes, twenty-four hours, or one year. The time period of fifteen minutes is tied to environmental requirements of

- described C a t egory I-B e in Table 2-2. The time period of twenty-four hours refers to environmental requirement of category l-A off Tablea e 2-1 for th e first twenty-four hours while the time period of one year refers to Category 1-A requirement for the entire duration o t e accident.






& MODEL FUNCTION REQUIRED DATA METHOD(S) cher & Porter Containment Pressure Signal 15 Min. Page 5-1 By Test pany Input to ESFAS Logic (SIAS, CSAS, CIS)

"1071BCXA-NS Special Modificatio s cher & Porter Pressurizer Pressure Signal 15 Min. Page 5-2 By Test pany (high range) Input to ESFAS Logic P1041BCXA-NS (SIAS)

Steam Generator Pressure Signal 15 Min. Page 5-2 By Test Input to ESFAS Logic (MSIS)

Pressurizer Pressure (low range) 24 Hrs. Page 5"2 By Test and FPL See section 3.3-1 Indication to Operator Required Analysis for Initiation of Hot Leg In]ection via SDC Suction Line cher & Porter Pressurizer Level to Provide 24 Hrs. Page 5-3 By Test and FPL See section 3.3-2 yany Operator arith Indication of Analysis i2496QBBABDB-NS Course of Accident and of its Severity cher & Porter Steam Generator Level to Provide 24 Hrs. Page 5-4 By Test and FPL See section 3.3-3 rpany Operator with Indication of Analysis i249 5KB-NS Course of Accident and its Severity





~oro Corporation Pressurizer Pressure (3.ov range) 24 Hrs. Page 5-5 By Test Indication to Operator Required for Initiation of Hot Leg Injection via SDC Suction Line emount Incorporated Direct Indication of Containment 15 Mins. Page 5-6 By Test and Temperature for Initial Stage of Analysis by ESFAS Logic {CIS) Manufacturer toreen Instrument Containment Radiation Signal 15 Mins. None Manufacturers See section 3.3<

tpany Input to ESFAS Logic (CIS) Instruction 857-3 Manual itinghouse Electric Post-LOCA Hydrogen Removal from 1 Yr. Page 5- 7 By Test and

~pany Containment Atmosphere Analysis by

'rogen Recombiners Manufacturer tinghouse Electric Post-LOCA Containment Heat 1 Yr. Page 5-8 By Test and See section 3.3+

beany Removal and Prevention of at Analysis by ttainment Fan atmospheric stratification Manufacturer ilers

.cor Engineering H Sampling Solenoid Isolation 1 Yr. Page 5-9 By Test and beany Vtlves to be Opened as Required Analysis by to Allov the Operation of the Manufacturer

'600-515 Hydrogen Sampling System for the Purpose of Determining Amount of




& MODEL FUNCTION REQUIRED DATA METHOD(S) ico Position Indication of Containmen Isolation Valves 00X Containment Purge Supply and 15 Mins. None 'ee section 3.3-6 Exhaust Isolation Valves Chemical and Volume Control 15 Mins. None See section 3.3-6 System Letdown Isolation Valves

~1302 Position Indication of Containmen Isolation Valves Containment Radiation Sampling 15 Mins. None See section 3.3-6 System Isolation Valves

omatic Svltch Containment Isolation Valve q any (ASCO) Solenoid Operator Chemical and Volume Control 15 Mins. None See section 3.3-7

>2C27R1 System Letdovn Isolation Valves

-HT-8300B61 Containment Radiation Sampling 15 Mins. None See section 3.3-7 System Valves I..get Rock Company Operator for Containment 15 Mins. Page 5-10 By Test See section 3.3-8

+004 Isolation Valve Reactor Coolant Pump Bleedoff Isolation Valve




~tomatic Valve Containment Isolation Valve 15 Min. None See section 3.3-9 iimpany Solenoid 439 Containment Purge Supply Exhaust Isolation Valve

.mitorque Corporatio Valve Motor Operator for Shutdown 1 Yr. Page 5-11 By Test and FPL See section 3.3-10 Cooling System Isolation Valves Analysis Valve Motor Operator for Safety 15 Min. Page 5-11 By Test In)ection Tank Isolation Valves

<<rro Mire and Cable Containment Electric Cable for 1 Yr. Page 5-12 By Test and FPL See section erpany Safety Related Devices (maximum) Analysis

,.rewall III 3.3-11'ychem Corporation Containment Electric Cable for 1 Yr. Page 5-13 By Test and See section 3.3-12

)amtrol Safety Related Devices (maximum) Page 5-1S Analysis r

e Okonite Company Containment Electric Cable for 1 Yr. Page 5-14 By Test and See section 3.3-13 onite/Okoprene Safety Related Devices (maximum) Analysis eton Insulated Mire Containment Electric Cable for 15 Min. Page 5-15 By Test mpany Safety Related Devices

/C Composite Cable




Q.f Ceneral htomic Containment Electrical Penetratio 1 Yr. Page 5-16 By Test and See section 3.3-14 incorporated (Maximum) Analysis by Manufacturer Corporation Containment Electrical 1 Yr. Page 5-17 By Test and See section 3.3 15 OHAZ Penetration (Maximum) Analysis by Manufacturer Heat Shrink Splices 1 Yr. Page 5-18 By Test and See section 3.3-16 aychea Corporation Analysis (Maximum) FPL chem MCSF

3-8 3.3 Remarks and Justification For Continued Operation

3. 3-1 Fischer & Porter Company Pressure Transmitter Model: 50EP1041BCXA-NS Pressurizer Pressure Transmitter (low range)

Tag No: PT~1103 Post-LOCA operation of the low range pressurizer pressure transmitter is required for a period of twenty-four hours. The indication of this instrument informs the operator that the reactor coolant system pressure has dropped below 250 psig so that hot, leg injection via the shutdown cooling suction line can be initiated. The available qualification docu-ments summarized on page 5-2 demonstrate that this transmitter has been tested to conditions in excess of those expected following a LOCA for the first seven hours. In addition, the transmitter was monitored for an additional seventeen hours and remained functional. While no written evidence of testing these devices for a chemical sprav environment is avail-able, documentation is available that states that they are coated with Amercoat 66, a coating tested successfully for three hours at post-LOCA conditions including a pH of 10.5. Therefore,'he devices should be ade-quately protected to perform for the time required. The above test results and an FPL engineering extrapolation of thermal effects demonstrates that the transmitt'er can operate for the required period.

Based on the above, the transmitter has an adequate margin to ensure proper post-LOCA operation.

3~ 3 2 Fischer & Porter Company Level Transmitter Model: 13D2496QBBABDB-NS Pressurizer Level Transmitters Tag No: LT-lllOX, - lllOY Post-LOCA operation of the pressurizer level transmitter is required for a period of twenty-four hours. The indication of this instrument will provide the operator with information concerning the cause of the accident and its severity. The available qualification documents summarized on page 5-3 dem-onstrate that this transmitter has been tested to conditions in excess of those expected following a LOCA for the first seven hours. While no written evidence of testing these devices for a chemical spray environment is available, documentation is available that states that they are coated with Amercoat 66, a coating tested successfully for three hours at post-LOCA conditions including a pH of 10.5. Therefore, the devices should bc adequately protected to perform for the time required. The above test results and an FPL engineering extrapolation of thermal effects demonstrates that the transmitter can operate for the required period.

Based on the above, the transmitter has an adequate margin to ensure proper post-LOCA operation.

3-9 3~3 3 Fischer 6 Porter Company Level Transmitter Model: 13D2495KB-NS Steam Generator Level Transmitters LT-9013A, B, C, D LT-9023A, B, C, D P t-a cident operation of the stea~ generator level transmitter is required for a period of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Indication from these instruments will prov idee th e ooperator with information necessary to control the flow of auxiliary feedwater post-accident. The available qualification documents summarize d on page 5-'4 demonstrate that this transmitter has been tested to conditions in excess of those expected following a LOCA for the first 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br />. The transmitter was monitored for an additional 17 hours1.967593e-4 days <br />0.00472 hours <br />2.810847e-5 weeks <br />6.4685e-6 months <br /> and remained functional.

While no written evidence of testing these devices for a chemical spray environment is available, documentation is available that states that they are coated with Amercoat 66, a coating tested successfully for 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> at post-LOCA conditions including a pH of 10.5. Therefore, the devices should be adequately protected to perform for the time required. The above test results and an FPL engineering extrapolation of thermal effects demonstrate that the transmitter can operate for the required period.

Based on the above, the transmitter has an adequate margin to ensure proper post-LOCA operation.

3.3-4 Victoreen Instrument Company Model: 857-3 Containment Radiation Sensors Tag Nos: RE-26-3, 4, 5, 6 The Victoreen Instruction Manual delivered with the device states that the detector is designed to withstand pressures up to 44 psig, temperature between 30'F and 264'F and withstand 0.974 boric acid spray.

No testing for this device was committed to in Section 3.11 of the FSAk.

In view of the nominal environment the devices operate in and the fact that readout from these monitors is continuously availab)e in the control room to monitor status during normal operation, it can be reasonably assumed that thc device will perform its design function. The purpose of this device is to provide a Containment Isolation Signal upon high radiation inside the containment. In the event of conditions such as those in Category I-B, CIS would also be initiated by either High Containment Pressure or Safety In)ection Signal actuation and therefore operation of the radiation monitor is not required during these conditions. Operation is however, necessary during fuel movement, when normal operating conditions prevail.

3-10 3.3-5 Containment Fan Cooler Push Button Station Tag No: HVS - lA, B, C, D The St. Lucie containment fan coolers have push button stations mounted nearby the equipment inside the containment. These stations consist of two momentary push buttons one off and one on. The switches are GE type CR2940 mounted in a standard watertinht NEMA IV box. This assembly is then mounted inside a field fabricated box. The outer field fabricated box is designed for outdoor application. It contains a gasketed full length hinged door, rain shield with drip gutter on top, Neilson stainless steel latches and screened vent hole in the bottom.

This design is comparable to a standard rainproof NEMA III design.

Conduit entry into the outer box is by watertight connections. The cable entry to the control stations is by watertight terminators Grouse-Hinds CGB or OZ model GRE.

These push button stations are not required to operate post-LOCA.

However, should a short circuit occur across the stop push button the fan cooler would stop. Such could only happen if the box filled with water.

In view of the above design of a NEMA IV water tight box contained within another box similar to NEMA III construction it is unlikely that a significant amount of water could enter the inner NEMA IV box and interfere with the fan cooler operation. In order to insure proper post-LOCA operation these stations have been disconnected.

3. 3-6 NAMCO Limit Switches The NAMCO limit switches used on valves located inside the containment serve to provide valve position indication during normal operation and a verification of valve position following containment isolation. They are not used for any associated control function.

Following containm nt isolation there are backup position indication methods available to the control room operator to verify that the containment boundary is maintained and isolation completed should the switches fail under post-accident conditions. These methods are discussed in detail on the following pages in this subsection for the particular valves suppli.ed with these switches. It is our opinion that these discussions provide justification for continued operation as continued service in a post-LOCA environment is not required for the safe shutdown of the unit.

However, in order to provide additional safety margin and to ensure valve position indication, replacement limit switches are being ordered.

These replacement switches are qualified for the post-LOCA environment as evidenced by the attached data sheet (written documentation to support the data will be delivered with the switches). The switches will bc installed at the first available opportunity following the receipt of the switches and the necessary sealant material.

3-11 3.3-6a Table 7.5-4 of the Unit 1 FSAR (Accident and Incident Instrumentation) requires that position indication be provided on isolation valves functioning to verify automatic isolation valve closure. This function requires only short term life of the device and since position indication is a separate circuit from the control circuit the, operation of these devices in no way compromises..or affects the ability of the subject isolation valves to operate as required.

Administrative controls insure that manually closed valves are kept in the locked close position. Therefore, this discussion will be limited to those applications where position indication may be necessary to ascertain the proper operation of active isolation valves.

1) CVCS Letdown Isolation (V-2515, 2516)

These are two fail closed pneumatic isolation valves in series upstream of the regenerative heat exchanger inside containment. These are Safety Class 2, seismic Class I valves which close on CIAS and SIAS, one valve receiving power and closure signals from Safety Train A and the other Train B.

Therefore it can be assumed that despite the potential for lack of indication, the valves are closed. However, verification of containment integrity and isolation of the letdown line can be performed by the operator by checking the position indication of valve LCV-2110P, a seismic Class I, Safety Class 2 located outside containment designed to the same pressure and temperature conditions as those inside containment. A visual check of various flow indications throughout the CVCS letdown line will allow the verification of closure of V2515 and V2516. In addition the operator will manually actuate the control room local control switches for these valves upon indication of CIS.

2) Containment Purge Exhaust & Supply Isolation (I-FCV-25-3, -4):

These valves are located within the containment on the containment purge supply and containment purge exhaust lines respectively. Each valve is one of a set of three identical isolation valves in series, of which the other two valves of each set are located outside of the containment in the shield building annulus (I-FCV-25-3,2) and in the RAB (I-FCV-25-1,6) respectively.

The valves are fail closed seismic Class I, Safety Class 2, and close on CIS.

It should be noted that a failure of the indication does not affect the ability of the va]ve to close. Despite a potential for lack of position indication of the valves within the containment following a CIS, the remaining two valves in each line which are not located in hostile environments and their position indicators will show actual position. Therefore, it is not necessary to know the, position of the isolation valve within thc containment since the position of the other two valves will be known and containment isolation will be verified.

In addition the operator will manually actuate the local control room controls for these valves upon indication of CIS.


3) Containment Radiation Monitor Isolation Valves (I-FCU-26, -1, <<3, -5)

These valves are located within the containment on the particulate sample, iodine sample, and common return lines of the containment radiation monitoring system. Each valve is one of a pair of identical isolation valves whose mate is located outside the containment. The valves are failed close, Safety Class 2, seismic Class I pneumatic isolation valves which close on CIS, the valves within containment receiving power and closure signals rom aey S f t T r ai n.4 and the others from Safety Train B. Therefore it can be tial assumed for the valves within containment that despite the potent a for or lack of indication, the valves have closed. The three valves located outside of containment (I-FCU-26,-2,4,6) do not see the extreme environmental conditions and their position indication can be considered correct.

Additional verification of isolation of the particulate sample and iodine sample lines can be made by manual closure of a one inch globe valve located outside of the containment air monitoring cabinet (outside of containment) on each line. The piping on which these valves are located is designed for the same temperature and pressure as the containment isolation valves. Indication of closure of the common return line isolation valves can be further verified by flow indication on the containment air monitoring cabinet.

In addition the operator will manually actuate the local control switches for these valves.

Pape ~13 ST. LUCIE UNIT 1 EQUIPHENT Re lacement Limit Switches for TAG NUiKFRS Air operated valves; V-2515 2516 I-FCV-25-3 4- I-FCV-26-1 3, 5 HAllUFACTURER NAMCO MODEL EA18011302 QUALIFICATION DOCUMENTATION Per telecon between FPL and NAMCO the replacement limit switches are qualified to the IEEE-323 LOCA profile. A copy of the test report will be furnished with the switch purchase.

QUALIFICATION ElAfIRONlKNT 5 Min 3 Hr 5 Hr 5 Hr 6 Hr 10 Hr 4 Day to to to to to to to to 5 Min 3 Hr 5 Hr Hr 5M' 6 Hr 10 Hr 4 Day 30 Day 0 40 to 40 to to 40 25 25 psig 62 0 40 0 300 300 140 300 to to to to 250 F 167 F 0

300 4 REL. HUl' steam autoclave Cll Eil First 24 hrs spray with H BO and Na S 0 . Buffered to pH of 10.5 w/NaOH HAD 2xl0 8 R QUALIFICATION h'K HODS Testin vas done in accordance with IEEE 323 - curve iven above)

This vill re uire sealin thc limit switch conduit entrv oint with a ualified sealant material. Such material is currently being investigated.

Mote: The above results are a summary provided for reviewer convenience.

3-14 3~ 3 7 Automatic Switch Company (ASCO)

Solenoid Valves The ASCO solenoid valves are used on valve operators inside the containment

,to control the associated valve operator during normal operation and automatically close the valve following receipt of a containment isolation i 1 The are not used for any long-term post-LOCA function. These valves have been analyzed in a generic Westinghouse letter (N- S-CE-755 response to commitment, comm en for WCAP-7410-L) which demonstrated that all failure modes of the valve will result in safe operation. Potential mo es o failure identified for solenoid valves in this letter were loss of air supply, electrical failure in the solenoid, environmentally-caused degradation of materia 1 s of o construction, and plunger binding due to thermal expansion of the plunger to the core. NRC has accepted this evaluation n dated January 31, 1979. The application of these solenoids are discussed in detail on the following pages in this subsection for the particular valve operator. It is concluded that these discussions provide justification for continued operation as .long term service in a post-LOCA environment is not required for the sai'e shutdown of the unit.

However, in order to provide additional safety margin and to ensure required so 1 eno id valve v operation, we have ordered replacement solenoid valves.

These replacement solenoid valves are qualified for the pos- o t-LOCA environment as evidenced by the attached data sheet (written documentation to support the data will be delivered with the solenoid valves). The valves will be installed at the first available opportunity following receipt of the valves and the necessary sealant material.

3+3-7a ASCO Solenoid Valve {8302C27Rl)

This mo d e 1 o f ASCO solenoid valve regulates the air supply to the Chemical


an d Vo 1 ume C ontro 1 S y stem letdown Ii>>e containment iso] atinn valves (V-2515 -2516) .

Th cse are f ai'1 c losed valves that are to be automaticall> close d b > eei'her t e'er a CIS or SIAS (FSAR Table 6.2-16) in order to assure containment ntegr y.

The only safety related function that these valves must perform is closure upon receipt of CIS during very short post LOCA conditions. A generic i

Mest ng l iouse 1 e tter described in thc previous section demonstrates that h 1 oid valves which regulate air supply to containment so a on air operators, will close (its safe position) in a postulate acc cn environment for all postulated modes of failure.

Therefore it can reasonably be concluded that if the valve should fail it vill fail closed and isolate the containment as designed.


3. 3-7b DISCO Solenoid Valve (MP-HT-8300 B61)

This model of ASCO solenoid valve regulates the air supply to the containment a ir onitoring system isolation valves (I-FCV-26-1, -3, -5). These are m

fail closed valves that are automatically closed by a CIS (FSAR Table 6.2-) 6) in order to assure containment integrity. A generic t4estinghouse letter described in a previous section demonstrates that the solenoid valves, which regulate air supply to containment isolation air operators, will close (its safe position) in all postulated modes of failure.

Therefore, it is concluded that even the containment as designed.

if the valve fails, it will isolate It should be noted that redundant isolation valves (I-FCV-26-2, 4, 6) are provided outside of the containment and will close upon receiving CIS.

Post-LOCA radiation sampling of the containment air is normally obtained by the containment air monitoring system. If the operator solenoids of the isolation valves within the containment fail, they will fail in the closed position and this system will not be available for post-LOCA sampling.

The hydrogen sampling system is a backup system that has the capability to take grab samples of containment air that can be analyzed for radioactivity.

The hydrogen sampling system and its associates containment isolation valves

{see page 5-9) are long term post-LOCA qualified.

Pape 3-16 ST. LUCIE UNIT 1 EQUIPMENT Replacement Solenoid Valves for Air Onerated Valves TAG NUIKEBS U-2515'516, I-FCV-26-1, 3, 5 MMlUFACTUHER Automatic Switch Company (ASCO)


1) ASCO Test Report AQS-21678/TR Q

Aging LOCA S mu at on TIlE 12 12 4 30 Days Min. Hr Min. Hr Hr Days Days PRISMS 0 110 0 psig 'to 110 to to 110 75 15 10 110 0 110 TEN!'F 140 346 140 268 to 346 to to 346 320 250 200 346 140 346 REL. HUl 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 CHE 3000 ppm Boron as Boric Acid in solution with 0.064 molar sodium thiosulfate buffered with NaOH to a pH of 10 at room temp.

(starting at 288 F on first transient continued for entire e 2xl0 8 R QUALIFlCATION lM'llODS Thermal a in then radiation then wear a in then seismic.

then accident radtattcc then s ner tsttc test fnr rcsscrc tern rature, humidit, chemical s ra - all on same valves.

Note: This test valid fox'ealed entrance to solenoid housing to prevent entry o umph ty or c enustry.

Sealant material is currently being investigated.

>>vd results are s summary provided for reviewer convenience


3. 3-8 Target Rock Company Model: 74/-004 Motor Operator for Reactor Coolant Pump Bleedoff Isolation Valve Tag No: I-SE-Ol-l Post-LOCA operation of this containment isolation valve is required for a period of 15 minutes. With the exception of explicit chemical environmen't test data, the qualification test documents summarized on page 5-10 completely envelope the category I-B environment. The pH at the containment spray nozzles is designed to be between 8.5 and ll. This pH serves to minimize caustic corrosion and in the short time required for I-B equipment to function, provides reasonable assurance that this valve will perform as designed.

Based on the above, the valve has an adequate margin to ensure proper post-LOCA operation.

3.3-9 Automatic Valve Corporation {AVCO)

Model: C-5439 Solenoid Valves The AVCO solenoid valves are used on valve operators inside the containment to control the associated valve operation during normal operation and automatically close the valve following receipt of a containment isolation signal. They are not used for any long-tenn post-LOCA function. An engineering evaluation of the components of these solenoid valves was performed by FPL which indicates these valves will perform their function.

This model of AVCO solenoid valve regulates the air supply to the containment purge supply and containment purge exhaust isolation valves. Each valve within the containment (1-FCV-25-3, -4) is one of a set of three identical isolation valves in series which are fail closed Seismic Category I, Safety Class 2, and automatically close upon receipt of a CIS. The other two valves of each set are located in the shield building annulus (I-FCV-25-3,2) and outside of the containment (I-FCV-25-1, -6) respectively. The only safety related function is that these valves must perform is closure upon receipt of CIS during very short term post-LOCA conditions.

An engineering evaluation was performed by FPL on the AVCO valves supplied for St. Lucie Unit 1. This evaluation and analysis indicates that despite the lack of actual test data the construction of the valve and materia s utilized therein are capable of meeting the category I-B requirements.

Items investigated include pressure and humidity resistance of the solenoid housing, temperature rating of the solenoid, and radiation resistance of the insulating material, seals, and coil.

However, in order to provide additional safety and margin and to ensure long term solenoid valve operation we will order replacement solenoid valves with equivalent qualification data as the ASCO valves described in section 3.3-7. These valves will be installed at the first available opportunity following receipt of the valves and the necessary sealant material.

3.3-10 Limitorque Corporation Model: SMB-1 Shutdown Cooling System Isolation Valves Tag No: V-3651, 3652, 3680, 3681 Post-LOCA operation of these valves is required for a period of 1 year.

The valves are required to be opened following a LOCA to allow for hot-leg in)ection via the shutdown cooling suction line. The available qualification documents summarized on page 5-11 demonstrate that these valves have been tested to conditions in excess of that expected following a LOCA for the first 30 days. The above test results and an FPL engineering extrapolation of thermal effects demonstrates that the valves can operate for the required period.

Based on the above, the valve has an adequate margin to ensure proper post-LOCA operation.

3.3-11 Cerro Wire and Cable Company Containment Electric Cable, Firewall III Post-LOCA operation of this cable is required for a period of 1 year.

The available qualification documents summarized on page 5-12 demonstrate that this cable has been tested to conditions in excess of that expected following a LOCA for the first 30 days. The above test results and an FPL engineering extrapolation of thermal effects demonstrates that the cable can operate for the required period.

Based on the above, the cable has an adequate margin to ensure proper post-LOCA operation.

3-19 3 ~ 3 12 Raychem Corporation Containment Electrical Cable, Flamtrol Post-LOCA operation of this cable is required for a period of 1 year.

The available qualification documents summarized on page 5-13 describe two tests designed to simulate the post-LOCA environment. In addition to these tests, the qualification document summarized on page 5-18 for qualification of Raychem Corporation heat shrink splices is also applicable to Raychem Corporation cable. Mhen the heat shrink splices were tested, Ray c hem Flamtrol cable as well as other cable was a part of the test.

The cable therefore was subjected to the same environment as the heat sh rin ink splices and remained functional in conditions in excess of those expected during a LOCA for 30 days. The above test results and an FPL engineering extrapolation of thermal effects demonstrates that this cable can operate for the required period.

Based on the above, the cable has an adequate margin to ensure proper post-LOCA operation.

3.3-13 The Okonite Company Okonite/Okoprene Cable Containment Electrical Cable Post-LOCA operation of this cable is required'or a period of 1 year.

The available qualification document summarized on page 5-14 demonstrates that the cable has been tested to conditions exceeding that expected following a LOCA for 100 days. The above test results and an FPL engineering extrapolation of thermal effects demonstrates that the cable can operate for the required period.

Based on the above, the cable has an adequate margin to ensure proper post-LOCA operation.

3.3-14 Gulf General Atomic Incorporated Containment Flectrical Penetration Assemblies Post-LOCA operation of the containment electrical assemblies are rrequire uired riod of 1 ear. Mith the exception of explicit chemical environmental test data, the qualification test documents summarized on page 5- 5-16 demonstrate the penetrations can operate for the required period.

3-20 The St. Lucie penetrations were specified to withstand a post-LOCA environmental spray of 1660 pram Boric acid. A Certificate of Comnliance from the manufacturer certifies that the penetrations were designed to withstand the cumulative environmental conuxtions as detined in Architect/Engineer's specification FL0-8770-307, Rev 7, paragraph 6.

Correspondance between the architect engineer and the manufacturer on January 24, 1972 and August 8, 1974 confirm that the penetrations will maintain their electrical and mechanical integrity when exposed to the boric acid spray. The three materials of the penetrations that are exposed to the containment interior are 304 stainless steel, ceramic, and epoxy and are not generally susceptible to damage from the specified chemical spray.

In addi.tion, the penetrations are protected from direct impingement of the chemical spray by the wireways which connect the penetrations to the junction boxes inside containmcnt.

Therefore, it is concluded that the chemical spray inside containment will not adversely affect the penetrations mechanically or electronically.

Based on the above, the penetrations have an adequate margin to ensure proper post-LOCA operation.

3.3-15 Conax Corporation Containment Electrical Penetration Assemblies Post-LOCA operation of the containment electrical assemblies are required for a period of 1 year. With the exception of explicit chemical environmental test data concerning pH levels, the qualification test documents summarized on page 5-17 demonstrate the penetrations can operate for the required period.

The materials of the penetrations that are exposed to the containment interior are 304 stainless steel, ceramic, and epoxy and are not generally susceptible to damage from the specified chemical spray. In addition, the penetrations are protected from direct impingement of the chemical spray by the wireways which connect the penetrations to the junction boxes within the containment.

Therefore, it is concluded that the chemical spray within the containment will not adversely affect the penetrations mechanically or electronically.

Based on the above, the penetrations have an adequate margin to ensure proper post-LOCA operation.

3-21 3.3-16 Raychem Corporation Type: Raychem MCSF Heat Shrink Splices Post-LOCA operation of the heat shrink splices is required for a period f 1 ear The available qualification document summarized on page 5-18 i

demonstrates that the splices have been tested to conditions exceed ng that expected following a LOCA for 30 days. The above test results and an FPL engineering extrapolation of thermal effects demonstrates that the splices can operate for the required period.

Based on the above, the heat shrink splices have adequate margin to ensure porper post-LOCA operation.

3-22 4 ~ Conclusions The review of the written evidence of the qualification of electrical equipment required to function under accident conditions has been completed with the majority of documentation successfully located.

Generic problems with the qualification of NAMCO limit switches {as developed from I&E Circular 78-08) and qualification for extended post-LOCA operation of ASCO solenoid valves (raised in I&E Bulletin 79-01A) have been identified. An engineering evaluation was performed on each application of these devices to determine whether replacement or requalification was necessary, and whether the safe operation of the unit could be assured with the existing equipment. The results of this val ation are contained in the appropriate subsection of Section 3 and indicate that continued operation of St. Lucie Unit 1 is justifie d.

In those places where the replacement option was chosen, it was done so in an effort to increase the margin of safety, and provide the ability for extended post-LOCA operation.

Therefore, it is our opinion that the proper documentation does exist for the majority electrical equipment used in St. Lucie Unit 1 to assure its proper functioning under post-LOCA conditions. In the minor cases where the documentation has not been found, it was determined that the device would be replaced and that interim operation until replacement could be continued safely and without danger to the health and safety of the public.



Pare 5-1 ST. LUCIE UNIT 1 EQUIPiKNT Containment Pressure Transmitters TAG NUI%ERS PT-07-2A, 2B, 2C, 2D HAHUFACTURER Fischer & Porter Co.

NiODEL 50EN1071BCXA-NS w/ Special Modifications"

{Sealed unit containing OSC/AMP 8805B241UOl)

QUAL FICATION DOCUNEHTATION 1 Fischer & Porter Co. Test Re ort 2204-51-B-006

2) Fischer & Porter Co. Engineering Report DPP2224-1, RPT 8004
3) Westinghouse WCAP 7410-L (containing FIRL report F-C2639)
4) Westinghouse letter NS-CE-1586 to NRC dated Oct. 28, 1977
5) Fischer & Porter Co. letter to FPL dated May 29, 1979
6) Combustion Engineering letter F-CE-6748 to FPL dated May 11, Ameron letter to F&P dated Nov. 20, 1972 19')

QUALIFI GATI 0> Ioc EI lV RO s,'9' e T ua I ~ i ual. Doc. 3 3 es s 1 1 0-1 1 Mi 1-3 3 6- -7 to 2 2 2 Hours Min 1 Hr Hr Hr Hr PRMS 0 psig to 75 45 5 35 60 (Rise in 5 sec.)

75 TB%'F AMB 227 281 to 320 293

  • 290 (82-293 in 5 sec.)

320 REL. HUJ' 100 100 100 100 100 100X CHER Transmitter coating tested for 3 hrs. under .1X NaOH, 1X Sodium Qual. Thiosulfate by wt, 15,000ppm Boric Acid at pH 10.5 Doc. 7 8

1.2 x10 8 R 2.16 x 10 R

( ual. Doc, 82) (Qual. Doc. d3)

+Temperature from stcam tables based on saturated stcam at respective pressures.

QUALIFI<ATIO.1 >>>HOD< This is .an estimate of the test conditions and was no< part test report o,'he

1) Synergistic Test on Press, Temp, Humidity dia on est if r n s rumen t a S ner istic Test on Press Tem Humidit followed bv Seismic, then radiation - on same instrument. This test was on Fischcr &

Porter transmitters using identical electronics.

(R f. Q~l. Doc. t5)

The above results are a auuunary provided for reviewer convenience.

~ ~


~ ~

~ ~ I II ~

~ ~

~ ~ t ' ~

. ~ ~

~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ I ~

~ ~ ~ ' ~


~ I I ~


~ ~ ~ ~ I I II ~ ~ I ~ ~ o I I~


~ I ~ ~

\ ~ ~ ~

I ~

~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ II ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ I I~

j ~ c III ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Pape 5-3 ST. LUCIE UNIT 1 B)VIPHEiVL'ressurizer Level Transmit ters TAG NVHBFRS LT-1110 X, Y gglUFACTUHER Fischer & Por ter Company YiODEL 13D2496QBBABDB-NS w/"Special Modifications" Sealed unit containing OSC AMPlI805B241U01)


1) Fischer & Porter Co. Test Report 2204-51-B-006
2) Fischer & Porter Co. Engineering Report DPt?2224-1, RPTv'004
4) Westinghouse letter NS-CE-1586 to NRC dated Oct. 28, 1977 Fischcr & Porter Co. r o FP da Mnv 97
6) FPL Telecon Memorandum by L.R. Casella dated June 27, 1979 7 Ameron letter to F&P dated Nov. 20 1972
8) Combustion Engineering letter F-CE-6748 to FPL dated May ll, 1979 QUALIFICATI 0'! E? JV IRO?! <iFNT Qua ~ Doc. 1 ua ~ Doc. tests 0-1 1 Min 1-3 3-62 6- -7 to 2 2 Hours Min 1 Hr Hr Hr PRMS 0 to 45 35 60 (Rise in 5 sec. )

psig 75 TEl AMB 227 281 iJ'F to 320 293 290 (82-293 in 5 sec. )

320 REL. HVl' 100 100 100 100 100 100X CHF.i .

Qual. Transmitter coating tested for 3 hrs. under . 1X NaOH, 1X Sodium Thiosulfate by wt.', 15,000 ppm Boric Acid at pH 10.5 Doc. P7 8 8 1.2 x 10 R 2 16 x 10 R


(Qual. Doc. d2) (Qual. Doc. P3)

  • Temperature from steam tables based on saturated stcam at respective pressures.

This is an estimate of the test conditions and was not part of the test report.

1) Synergistic Test on Press, Temp, Humidity
2) Radiation Test on different instrument than 1)
3) Synergistic Test on Press, Temp, Humidity, followed by Seismic, then radiation - on same instrument. This test was on Fischcr &

Porter transmitters usin identical electronics.

(R r. Qual ~ D c. f5) convenience.

Pope 5-4 ST. LUCIE UNIT 1 EQUIPMENT Steam Generator Level Transmitters TAG NUMBERS LT-9013A, B, C, D; LT-9023A, B, C, D HAIAJFACTUi<ER Fischer & Porter Company MODEL 13D2495KB-NS w/"Special Modifications" (Sealed unit containing OSC/AMP //805B241U01)


1) Fischer & Porter Co. Test Re ort 2204-51-B- 6
2) Fischer & Porter Co. En ineerin Re ort DP82224-1 R t. il 04
3) Combustion Engineerinp letter F-CE-6766 to FPL dated Mav 31, 1979
4) Westinghouse WCAP 7410-L (containing PIRL Report F-C2639) 5 Westinghouse Letter NS-CE-l586 to NRC dated Oct. 28, 1977
6) Fischer & Porter Co. letter to FPL dated May 29, 1979 QUALIFIC ~ I
7) Combustion Engineering letter F-CE-6748 to FPL dated May

..incr.r 8) Ameron le er to F&P dated Nov. 20 I 72 ll, 1979 ual. Doc 0- 1 1 Min 3-6 2

~l 2

Min IQ HR HR HR 2 Hours PRISMS 0 psig to 75 45 5 35 60 psig (Rise in 5 sec.)

75 TEi Q' AMB to 320 293 227 281 290'F (82-292'F in 5 sec.)

320 R}:L. HUlL 100 100 100 100 100 100X OH' Transmitter coating tested for 3 hrs. under .IX NaOH, 1X Qual. Sodium Thiosulfate by wt, 15,000 ppm Boric Acid at pH 10.5 Doc. 8 1.2 x 10 8 R 2.16 x 10 8 R (Qual. Doc. 2) (Qual. Doc. 4)

  • Saturation temperature from steam tables based on chamber pressure. This QUpi Ii I( ATIOH 7+7HODS is an est imate of test condit ions and was not part of test result.

I S ner istic

3) S nergistic test on press., temp., humidit  ; followed b nn F&P 50EP 50E and 1082496 transmitters The

'eismic 1082496 whicli uses electronics identical to the l3D2495 (Ref. Qual. Doc. t6) was then radiation tested.

'Q~ ~ ~ ~ ~o above results are s summary provided for reviewer conveniences

ST. LUCIE UNIT 1 Pap~e +

EQUIPHENT Pressurizer Pressure Transmitter Low Ran e TAG NUHBFRS PT-1104 MANUFACTURER Foxboro Corporation YiODEL Ell-GM QUAL FICATIOll DOCUMENTATION 1 Foxboro Test Re ort No. T3-1013 2 Foxboro Test Re ort No. T3-1068

3) Combustion En ineerin, letter F-CE-6789 to FPL dated June 12, 1979 QUALIFICATION EWf IRO>>'! PNT ual. Doc. 0'1 FIRL F-C 63 TI11E 35-45 45-88 88 sec 2 Hrs 22 Hrs to 1 to to Sec. Sec. Sec. 2 Hrs 2 Y Hrs 24 Hrs PRISMS 0 60 40 60 to to to to HN'-35 psig 60 40 60 60 20 20 TEi8'F 75 300 260 300 to to to 300 244 300 260 290 REL.

100 100 100 100 100 100 CllBl 1.5X by weight Boric Acid, pH ad)usted to 10.0 for first 2 hours, pH of 9.2 for remaining time 7.6 x 10 7 R (Qual. Doc. d2)

See page 5-5a for supplementary report QUA LIFICATIK: HETllODS

1) Synergistic test for temp, humidity, press, chem spray and another synergistic test for press, temp, humidity (2 different
2) Radiation test on transmitter previously sub)ected to test in Qual. Doc. tl Note: The above results are a auaanary provided for revieMer convenience.

Pape 5-5a ST. LUCXE UNIT 1 EI)VIPi4ENT Pressurizer Pressure Transmitter (Low Range)

TAG NUI%ERS PT-1 104 HAIIUFACTUHER Foxboro Corporation N)DEL Ell-GM QUALIFICATION DOCUMENTATION QUALIFICATION EIIVIRONIIEhT Qual. Doc. Pl u emen ar e or TIIPE 15 Min 2 1 4-1 - 23 23-86 to 2 2 Min 2 Hrs Hrs Hr PZESS 0 58 to 58 to 21 0 58 psig TB~Q HUl'-15 21

'F 75 308


to 308 to 266 '47 5 308 266 REL.

Not 100 100 100 100 Recorded CIIF'I 1. 5X by weight Boric Acid, pH ad5 usted to 10. 0 for first 2 hours, pH of 9.2 for remaining time Doc.

7 7~6 x 10 R (Qual. Doc. P2)


1) Synergistic test for temp, humidity, press, chem s rav and another synergistic test for press, temp, humidity (2 different ins trumen ts)
2) Radiation test on transmit ter reviousl sub ected tn test fn Qual . t1

Pape 5-6 ST. LUCIE UNIT 1 EQUIPi4EHT Containment Temperature Elements TAG NUHBFRS TE-07-3A, B l4AlfUFACTURER Rosemount, Inc.


1) Rosemount Report 2767, Rev. B
2) Rosemount Similarity Report 67912A QUALIFICATIOH El@ IROV!1FNT Qu>> Doc 1 0 7 min. 17 min. 8 hrs. 50 hrs.

to to to to to 7 min. 17 min. 8 hrs. 50 hrs. 51 hrs.

PCS Ambient psia to 125 70 20 Ambient 125 TB Ambient

~ to 340 303 228 Ambient 11'F'EL.

340'F HUJ 1.

Steam Chamber CHE.'1 Boric Acid 15,000 ppm, NaOH No 0.1X by vt pH 11 8 77'F 8

2 x 10 Rad QVALTFICATIOH METHODS Qual. Doc. 1) Radiation test then seismic then s ne s Qual. Doc. 2) Similarit re ort com grin 88-51-50 to 88-52-18 and 88-120-17 and stating applicability of re ort Note: The above results are s summary provided for reviever convenience.

d dd(a ~

ST. LUCXF. VHXT 1 Ei/UX)'i)""'T gydrogen Recombiner TACi )lU:iPsRltS H dr en Recombiners lA-1B Hhi¹ACTU))! R Westinghouse Electric Com an NODL'1 QUALIFJ GATI0!) DOCU: s),"! lTATIOi) 6 and 7.

+2 NRC memorandum f dated Jan. 31, 1979 QUAL IFICATIO'.! E)PfIPO!!!').";ts'T Qual. Doc. 1 Supplements 2, 3 and 4 upp to 3


0 4 hr. 4 hr. to 24 hr. 1 to 22 Days Supp.

f3 85 psia 35 psia 20 psia note 1 note 1 Supp'3 155oF 8}:!.. )IU:;


II3 Steam Chamber C)j' 69 psia 4 hr. Spray 2500 pram boric acid and NaOH pH of 10.

Supp then 35 psia for 20 hr. Also a 10 day Sodium Tetraborate spray f2' ~t du lament l>4

)UiD ¹2 Supp. 2 x 10 Rads + 6 LOCA cycles 42 note 1: Atmospheric temperatures are not explicitlv given in the test results but T '" '"'"'

Appfed.,/hatkptsMere run at temperatures much in excess of the maximum temperature predicted for post-LOCA.

i) Various tests were rf redoimneuludin radiation to spray tests.

2) NRC has accepted this report for seismic and environmental qual ifica tions.

Note: Vhc above results arc a summary provided for rcvieMcr convcnicncc.

For complctc details, ecc thc above rcfcrcnccd repnrt document(s) ~

Pare 5-8 ST. LUCIE UNIT l B)VIPl Kll'1'ontainment Fan Coolers TAG NUIHFRS HVS-l As >s C~ D

~pUFACTURER Westinghouse Electric Company NODEL QUAL FICATION DOCUMENTATION l MCAP-7829 si nificant a e atta d 2 NRC Acce tance: I&E re ort 50-335 76-10

3) MCAP 9003 QUALIFICATIO:l ZtNIROll!KIT (See following page for sample test)

TIIE Uarious tests vere run.

PRMS See attached sheet for a general summary. Mestinghouse TBG'onclusion states that assembly is good for long term LOCA vith heat exchangers.

Rk:L. HU.'L St. Lucie Unit l has heat exchangers.

CHE." t QUALIFICATION! lM'HODS Tests and anal sis. ual. Doc. 2: IE Re ort 0-3 5 7 -1 contains NRC acce tancc of the WCAP for PSL-l.

Sote: The above results are a summary provided for reviewer convenience.

Pope 5-Sa ST. LUCIE UNIT 1 EQUIPi&IIT Containment Fan Coolers TAC NUI&FRS HSV l-A,B, C, D HAQlFACTURER Mestinghouse Electric Company YODEL QUALIFICATION DOCUhKNTATIOIJ tWALIFICrTION VIVXROV~Zr,T u Doc. 3 Test No. 3 Te t No 7 TIIE 1 30 12 1

2 ll 45 1 1

4 3 15 2 1

2 2 4 1 2

10 10 HR HR HR MIN HRS HR MIN HRS HRS HRS HRS HRS PRISMS 0 60 0 Peak psig to to 80 80 to 80 60 to 5 <5 60 80 80 80 oF'6 TEJ IP to 266 266 to 310 310 320 77 to 302 311 290 Peak to 302 302 to 230 230 230 to 185 185

'to 230 221 REL. HU) I.

X 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 CHE Start spray 2HR45mi Start spray 15 min into test, continue to See note into test,co>>tinue to end (acid) end (alkaline) bel oM QJAL11'ICATIO)I HETIIODS 9 test Mere erformed. Tes No. and w cr r i . ion as formal verification runs. Fan cnn ere M r c n cd re resent 7 ears service before s er istic test for ressurc, temperature, humidit and chemical s ra .

Note: Chemistry not specified other than acid or alkaline.

The above results are a summary provided for reviewer convenience.

TASLK 1 COMPARISON OF PR'EVIOUS TESTS AND GUIOK REOUIRKMENTS MET IN PRKStNT TESTS 1988 Tests IKEE Golds 334 ysCrsP 9003 Requirements 197071 Tests tyCAP 782~9 PRKPARATION Aged 38 hove at t70'C Simulate 40 year d!rFsdstion Ay.d insulation 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> at 200'C Applied iiirorrrial mteiiaiiieal stress tdethanKSI Slretl aging requirtrf Vibroterf I hour st l.5 y Vvd sure or e issx Simulate effects expected to accrvo In use Irrsdioltd ail yitsse 2 x 10 rsds Tested stsrvr vivftr wsf+f USn nvitnal manvlOCIVrin ioteSSeS TeSltd Stater under water TYPE TKST h'IOTOR FEATURES

'2300vott The msrastic 'Epoxy Ovalify to IEEE 27S Ssmt 2300voft. qvahfied rnsufstron used 15 VPM sl rss Same efectiical sfiess No change in stress 5885 I t~ Fv>> site r ofor pitlerrtd 58'8 5 Rome f500 hp litt) t 5 r 1 w'nd'+9 motor Incn ooiste essential comooner ts Twp winding rnqlqr Laiarrinfh b Sriiig Seal lnenrpqiate elfenlial COmpunenta Ssmt btsr >9 stol on all motors Heat treat&. ant fi:ct on bearings Inc'rrpoiste essential compo"tnls No change in bea ings frcrrton: ~ I HX orsfes Ride mounted HX) Incniporafe essential components Ve>>ical HX pfafes )HX undtr motor)

Cvsfonr made chtctr vobt IrKOrpprsfe efrenfisl eomoontnta COmn erC al Cheefr valve VSed Ltad sptKes Incfvde auxiliory equlpmtnt Plant cables and splices used I55 C i>svration in sttsm Oemonsfrste eqv'omenl oerlinent to application 200 C fnsvfsf:o<< in sfeanr 8 chemistry 19 starts in steam Otmonsti ~ te tqvipmtnt ctrtinent to application Over 100 stsM in stet'll ENVIRONhlKNTAL KXPOSUR'E Kvccstd fo 50 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br /> sl 80 osiy 105 prig svgg. sled ~ approximate Five 4 hr transients )~ 10 seconds to Exposed for 150 rxxrrs st 80 to 5 psry 10 second rist time contsinmtnt design pressure) +7 days 0 .2P Used 320'F maximum ambient sltsm (324'F al 80 osig)

'slvialtd 324'F msx., no HX test st 80 osig.

Aoohed ac d and afaariw sprays Use mixed spray. pH ~ 8.8 Used mixed sorsy. pH 9.5 ~ 'IO.

POST EXPOSURE EXAMINATION Chvcatd vibration snd looseness Assess ability to continue to operate Chtcted vibration, loosentn, and coastdovm time Into<<:ttd v'tvsrfv Assess abilily to continue to ootratt Comofeted visual Inspection Apot'td normal vortsgt onty Apply 2/3 12x rating a 1000 vOfls) Applied 1300 volts - destructive tests planned later COhIPONENT TKS15 Co ducted no str orated bearing tests Oemonstrsfs undtr design basis conditions Completed 20 month btsriny ltst with steam and chem'stm usiny rrradisftd g'esse

+sdt no stpsrslt lnsvra'lion ftsfs Test modtls In va'ious SequtnCta and con'binolions Compfetrd txtensive tests lo meet lht Guide tif radiation and tnv'iionmenl renuiir'enfs Tesltd no rr sft<<sfs separately Msteiiafs tc be evaluated Exposed sir materials to radiation snd steam SKISh'lfC QUALIFICATION lncfv&h no sr ramie tests Ovslity per IEtE.344 Ovalllied by tests snd ans'lysis lo lEEK 344



)-'ql) IPj'!f llT ~SSamyling Solenoid laolation velvet TAG ))U 'I,!:.}(5 I FSE 27 lr 2d 3 4d 5r 6r 7

))AIAIFACTV!<I:R V>>cor Engineering Corporation

)!OD} L V52600-515 qVALl)'JCATJ 0:I DOCU:'!r;::" A'Zro;')

Valcor re rt " ualification Test Re rt for IEEE Class IE Solenoid Valve P/N V52600-515 'alve T e I" QUAl 1F'1 CAT) 0."! ):!.'VJRA'i!!! LPP ln cc1 ent 1mu at1on 172 0 to 5 br. to 6 9 hr. 12 hr. J6hr. 4 Days hrs. 3 hrs. 5 hr. 6 hr. 9 hr. 12 hr. 16 hr. 4 Days 31 Days

) l'L;AS 113 J13psi Atmos. 113 95 69 28 13 PS1g to Atcfas 113 psig psig PSig P81g PS1g PS1g 31BOF 3464F 464F t 10OF to 3464F 3354F 315 F 272 F 245 F 1004F 3464F

))):Iaa )IU Steam A'osphere 1720-2200 PPN Boric Acid and 0.064 molar Na2S20, adjust.

ith NaOH to roduce a I IiAB 2.x 10 rads



QUA).I)'J CA')'JO:1 !i!;.'HO:".'TYPE TEST" Valve thermally aged to equfvalcnt 40 yr. life, then life c cled 7500 tfme~efrrcdiatcd, seismically tested and then 31 day LOCA Test. Valcor calculations in the'eport state that the valve should last 6' years post LOCA due to the maigin in thc tested tcmperaturc over the required Category 1A LOCA environment.

Note: Thc above results ore o summary provided for rcvic,vcr convenience.

>or complete details, sec the above rc.fcrcnccd rcport document.(s).

Pape 5 10 ST. LUCIE UNIT 1 EQUI PilEilT RCP Bleed Of f Isolation Valve TAG NUMJ3ERS I-SE-Ol-l HhllUFACTUHER Tar et Rock Com any YiODEL '4Q-004 QUALIFICATION DOCUNEhTATION 1 Telex from Tar et Rock to Ebasco Services Referencing Telecon of 5/24/79

2) Tar et Rock Co. Re ort No. 1500 (containing Isomedix letter of Irradiation Certification dated May 20, 1974 and East-Vest Technology Corp. Test Report 798-4.)

QUALIFICATION EfiVIRON!lENT ln ccrc ent emu at on 240 Hr ~10 se 3 Hrs 2 Hrs '410 se 3 Hrs 4 H rs 30 Days PP~S 0 Reduc d 0 70 psig 70 psi to psi 70 ps

&S ps!a TEJ 9'50 10'

+ +300'F 340'F Reduce to +300'F 340 F 250'F +200'F ANB REL. HU 55 + 5 100% 100% Not 100% 100% 100% Not Avail. Avail.

CllE! l No No 5 x 10 RAD/Hr for total integrated dose of 3.3 x 10 RAD (Qual'oc. 3)

QUALIFICATION HtrHODS Radiation test (Qual. Doc. 2) ~ then aging and synergistic accident simulation (Press ~ Temp, Humidity)

All tests on same valve (Model 72V Type, 1") Mhich is similar to 74Q-004 and test is applicable (Ref. Qual. Doc. fl) revit&'r

I'af,e 5-11 ST. LUCIE UNIT 1 EQUIPHEdlT Valve Motor 0 erators TAG NJi&FBS V 3651 52 V3614 24 34 44; V3480 81 HA1AJFACTUBER Limitorque Cor oration N4ODEL SMB-1 QUALIFICAT1 ON DOCU4&HTA'I'ION

1) Franklin Institute Re ort F-C3441
2) Limitor ue letter to Combustion En ineerin dated Mav 1, 1974 33 Nestinghousc letter NS-CR 692 to NRC discussing tests on Lame,torque operators
4) Limitor ue Test Re ort 600198 QUALIFIGATI Oll EPf IRON! 4E!lT Q<<l ~

0 to 3 3 hr. t 6 hr to 9hr to 12 hr to 13 hrs t 4 days to hr. 6 hr. 9 hr. 12 hr. 13 hrs. 4 days 30 days PRVMS 05 psig 105 psi 1)5 77 psig Rise in to 0 19 sec.)

77 psig 15 psig 10 psig si . 19 psip 340'F 340'F 320'F (Rise in to Rise in 320'F to 251'F 200'F HU4'40'F

<3 min. 162'F < 4 min 252'F REL.

Steam 100%

1.5% by weight boric acid in water prepared by dissolving 7 lbs t chnical grade boric acid in 55 gal (460 lbs) demineralized water

.NaOH used to titrate to H of 7.67.

2 x 10 8 Rads QUALIFICATIOdl NEFHODS Qual. Doc. Pl Simultaneous Pressure tern eraturc and Steam Test done on Qual. Doc. 03 A lies chemical s ra of Limitor uc Test Rc ort 600198 to FIRL F-C 3441.

Qual. Doc. f4 Simultaneous test for pressure, temperature, humidity, chemical spray. Franklin Institute Research Laboratories Final Report F-C2232-01 The above results are a summary provided for reviewer convenience.

STs LUCIE UNIT 1 E<)UI Pi II iI'i'ontainment Electric Cable V/30 IIUt~l)I'.BS IWIUF/ic'I'UII!'.II Cerro Wire and Cable Co.

V40DEL Firewall III QUAL FTCJ'T) 0:l DOCUllE,"il'I'I<'"10N TEST 1

~1Franklin lnstitct Research Laboratories Final Re ort F C3-798

2) Cerro letter to Ebasco dated Ju~~ 1973 FIRL Report'-C-3402 qUALIF1CA " 'i". ""'~ Doc. 1 A in llhr. to 7 Days Oto 3 3 hr. to 5hr. to 8 15hr. to 4 Days to hr. 5 hr. 8 hr. 15 hr. 4 Days 30 Days ln ill

'3 ~s ~

J .asa3 psia 127 127 83 39 14.7 Note: Note:1 Note:1 Note:1 Note:1 Note: 1 3460F 1210C 346'F . 335'F 346 F rise 2 mine.

i to0 risq i 3 mins.

3150F 2660F 2120F RI;is. IIU" Steam Autoclave Roric Acid 3000 ppm Boron PH 9-11 at 77 F 2 x 10 Rads Note 1: The pressures arc not provided in the test report. The valves given have QUA! 3!'1 CA~'j (3,"..'.I;; l:.0')!been takeR' rom steam tables for saturated condi t ions and arc a approximation of what the cable experienced in the steam autoclave.

Cable thermal 1 a e~d~xo~d~o~a~d'~a~~~g~~~~e 4 IOCR environment. Ccscri tion oE FC3402 ~~n~i~36a Note: Thc above results arc a summary provided for rcv'ic Mar convenience.

For complc te. details, scc thc above referenced rcport document(s).


~ I ~4 elk F<)UI Pi II'IIT Containment Elec tr ical Cable TAG IIVIIII!'.IIS HAiR1F/iCTUIIIll Cerro Mire & Cable Co.

ViOD1:L Firewall III QUAFF'ICAT)0!I DDCUNEiITliTIO'l QUALIP)CAT) O'.I EIIV3'"nO!I!IF::".'7 Qual. Doc ~ 2 0 to 1 min. 1 min. to 5 hr. to 6 hr. to 48 hr. to 49 hr. to 5 hr. 6 hr. 48 hr. 49 hr. 336 hr.

Pil! ~~'5 104 to 58 to 20 to psig 104 58 20 20 2~ 5 2' TR! 11'F 0

340 to 305 to 260 to 340 305 260 260 220 220 BI'.I.. IIV .

Steam Atmosphere CIII '4 2000 ppm boric acid ph 9-10 HAI) 1 x 10 . Rads QUAI.YV1 C ATI0! !.I1','~iIODS Radiation exposure - Then cable was sub'ected to steam rcssurc, temperature, and chemical environment simultancousl Note: Vhc above results arc n aummary provided for rcvicvcr convcnicncc.

tie above refit'canc sidiint

Pais( 5-13 ST. LUCIE UNIT 1 E<)UZPilEilT Containment Electrical Cable TAG NUi63ERS MAlAJFAG TURER Raychem Corporation YiODEL Flamtrol QUALIFICATION DOCUHEHTATZOil

1) Raychem Test Report EM /l517A
2) Raychem Test Report EM 81010 QUALZFZCATI0!l EllVIROii!K!'T TZ >.n'4 ua . oc.

hr. 89. 3 ua .

hr oc.

4 hr. 20 hr. 376 hr. 200 hr 168 hr PRMS 68 75 psig Note: 1 TE!0'EL.

360'F 25'C ~170'C ~ 129'C ~85 C w 85'50'C Note: 1 HUl'.

Steam Auto Clave Boric Acid P-H 7-8 HAD Pre-aged 7 Day .56 MR/ .25 MR/ .25 MR/ .25 MR/ None at 121 C 10 Rod HR HR HR HR HR Total oso s 2 x 10 Rad QUALZFICATIOil 1M'llODS

1) Simultaneous Pressure . temperature, humidity, chemi cal spray done on Pre-aged and irradiated samples.
2) Temperature and radiation done simultaneously Note 1 Pressure and Temperature Values Taken from Sequence of Table 4, Ranging from 150 Min. to 24 Hrs., in Raychem Test Report Em f5

'rh~ above results are a summary provided for revicver convenience.

Pape 5-13 ST. LUCRE UNIT 1 Ei)UXPJ 1ENT Containment Electrical Cable TAG NUMBERS WiIAJF/sCTU HER Raychem Corporation MODEL Flamtrol QUAL FI GATION DOCUMENTATION

1) Raychem Test Report EM /l517A
2) Raychem Test Report EM 81010 QUALIFICATI0" L'Pf IRON'~'lT

~ua . oc. ua . oc.

24 hr. 89 ~ 3 hr . 4 hr. 20 hr. 376 hr. 200 hr. 168 hr PR MS 68 - 75 psig Note: 1

'4 360'F 25'C ~170'C '4 129'C 85'C ~ 85'50'C Note: 1 REL.

Steam Auto Clave HUl'HF

'1 Boric Acid P-H 7-8 hAD Pre-aged 7 Day ~ 56 MR/ ~ 25 MR/ ~ 25 MR/ MR/ .25 MR None at 121'C 10 Rad HR HR HR HR HR Total osl' 2 x 10 Rad QUALIFICATI0)1 JM')lODS I) Simultaneous Pressure, temperature, humidity, chemical spray done on Pre-aged and irradiated samples.

2) Temperature and radiation done simultaneously Note 1 Pressure and Temperature Values Taken from Sequence of Table 4, Ranging from 150 Min. to 24 Hrs., in Raychcm Test Rcport Em f51

~ ~ . a ~


~ ~

Pape. 5-14 ST. LUCIE UNIT 1 F)UIPHENT Containment Electtical Cables TAG NUMBERS NltAJFACTURER The Okoni te Company Y>ODEL . Okonite/Okoprene QUAL FICATION DOCUMEliTATION The Okonite Co.

QUALIFICATION Eln IRON~1ENT 168 10 3 Hr 40 N/A 35 Hours 100 Days Hrs Sec 20m Min Da s PRESS 0 80 2 Transients to psig to 80 to 16 104 1 ea. trans- 0 with 1-10 hr 80 16 ient. to 75,15,25 transient to 20 TEiP AMB 324 2 transients to 212 with 1-10 hr 4F to 324 to 252 )45~1 ea ag- transient to 258 324 252 HUl'50 REL.

100 100 100 100 100 100 CHB) 10,000 ppm Boric Acid Buffered with NaOH to a-pH of 10. 5 2 x 10 8 R (3 x 10 5


QUALIFICATIOll h1ETHODS Heat aging, followed by radiation, then s ergistic test for pressure, temperature, humidity and chemical spray. Cables carried full rated voltage and current during testing.

Note: The above results are a summary provided for reviewer convenience.

oo~ >1~


EQUIP))E )T Containment Electrical Cable TAG ))U '))3EBS pp))UFACTU)))'H Boston Insulated Wire Company

)'tODLL 13/C Composi te Cable QUAL'ICh'VIOLS) DOCUl)E)JTATIOil

1) BIW Test 9298
2) BIW Test 9299 3 BIW En ineeiin Comments 33388-EP QUA LIFI ChTI 0:! E) 1'1 i: 0! i!'!!'.".lT Qual. Doc. 81 and II2 0 to 5 hr. 5 to 11 hr. 11 to 24 hr. 24 to 36 hr.

105 psig 75 psig 25 psig 25 psig Tii )) ' ~

340'F 315'F (Test929 ) 265oF 265 F 325'F (Test 929 )

RR)ee )IU Steam Autoclave C)I)';)

None Chemical Spray 2000 ppm Boric Acid PH 9-10 with NaOH starting at hr ll HAD AS x 10 Rad.

QUh).I YIChYI 0': h); i'i)ODfe Pressure, tern eratu~re ~m~~~hc)aic~p~a'gm~ta~t~

after radiation exposure. Test 9298 was on silicone insulated cables. Test 9299 was on XLPE insulated cables. Ref. 3, above,

~ete noble eonstruetlnn nnd n lfenbflft of tests.

Mote: The above results are a summary provided for reviewer conven5cncc ~

tete 1 ~fs A f ~%le ac o thc above'eferenced

lap'c a Lo ST. I.UCIE UIJIT 1 B)IJIPi II'.iJT Containment Electrical Penetration Assembl A lg B l~ B O' 5~ B 8t B 9~ B 10' 1' 4~ C 5g C 7~

TAG I)UHi)!'.HS C10 D4~ D7~ DS'Elp E3 E7~ E10 tRISFACTUIIEB Gulf General Atomic Incor orated RODE)a Low voltage, power, contol, and instrumentation penetrations and high voltage penetrations.


-115- 8 d - - 81 2 Intelcom Rad. Tech. 7 15 74 renort and Gul Atomic letter 6/28/74 transmitting Gulf 6/26/74 test.

3) General Atomic August 1974 "Design Report Environnental Conditioi

)VITRO"')")IT for St. Lucie 1 Secondary Electric Penetration Assemblies" QUALlF'AT1O'I )'.!

Test 1 ual. Doc. 1 Qual Doc. 2 0 to 15 min. 15 min. to Step 1 0 to 2 hr. 2 hr. to 24 hr. 26 hr.

psig 70 50

~310~F 290 F 264OF 2400F R)'lL. )IU!';

Steam Autoclave

'I Cll);


)IAD None Irradiated to 5 x 10 Rads.

QUA).I)'1( AT10i) I',.':I'jj(li)

Tests and Analysis Qual. Doc. 1 Tests vere performed on onc of each type penetration tLV, pcarcr, control, instrument, HV Pover).Qual Doc. 2 Test Gulf.~

certifies all materials used can vithstand LOCA environment.

Qual. Doc. 3 Provides a detailed analysis in addition to the above test of each of the components and materials used in thc Penetration. Thc results of this analysis indicate that (contknuccO IIotc: 11>c above results nrc. n summary yroviancl ror rcvikvcr cnnvcnicncc.

For corn)'lute details, scc thc above rc.fcrcnccd rcport document(s).

I (Q

~ ~

~ ~ ~

~ f ~

~ ~

' ~

~ ~ ~ 0 e O ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~

~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~

~I ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~, ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

l ~ ~ ~ ~

~ I i ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ I, ~ I ~ ~ ~


PSL-1 Page 5-16a Qualification Methods (continued) all assemblies will maintain their pressure seal capability for at least 1 year of post-LOCA operation. According to the analysis, the high voltage penetrations will also function electrically for at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> post-LOCA and the 600 v power, and instrument penetrations will function electrically for at least 1 year post-LOCA.

ST. LVCIF. UNIT 1 Ei)VIP) 1": llT .Heat Shrink Splices TAG l!Ulhl3?'.RS HAilUFAC')'URL:R Raychem Corporation YiODEL Thermofit VCSF QVALIFJCATIOil DJCU."ZHTATIOi(

Franklin Institute Research Laboratores Final Re rt F-C4033-3 QUALIFICA')')0'.! )'.HV3RO:!! i!'.!l7 Aging Acci ent Simulation Tlt?E 7 Days 0-5 min. 5 min. to 10-12 hr. 12 hr. to 4 Days to 10 hr. 4Das 30 Da

) JUida Not 0 to 70 > 70 psig 7M31 ~ig 31 psig '4 10 psig easured psig (in (in 1 hr.)


TP! il' 140-280 F


302oF (in 25 sec) 357'F 357-275o F 275'F- 2120F to 357 F R)'.L. )lUi5. Not 100% 100% 100% 100% 100'L Measured Clii"i Spray Solution: 3000 ppm Boron as Boric Acid, 0.064 Molar Sodium Thiosulfate ad)usted M/NaOH to H of 10.5 ar room temreratore llA))

Sx 10 Rad 1. 5 x 10 Rads. (For a tntal dose o f

~~ 2xlOR)

QUAJrT)'ICATIOfl i?!)'?iODS Synergistic - All t'nreameters.

Note: The above results arc a summary provided for rcvicMcz convcniencc.

For ahnvn ~n<n~n~--~