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TSTF-411 and TSTF-418 Pre-submittal Meeting Slides
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 07/19/2017
From: Duke P
Public Service Enterprise Group
Ennis R
CAC MF9900, CAC MF9901
Download: ML17199S290 (4)


PSEG Pre-Submittal Meeting with NRC, July 19, 2017 PSEG TSTF-411 & TSTF-418 Pre-Submittal Meeting Purpose Discuss planned license amendment request to revise Salem Reactor Trip System (RTS) Instrumentation and Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS) Instrumentation technical specifications (TS) to be consistent with TSTF-411 and TSTF-418

- Extend reactor trip breaker test time and allowed outage time

- No changes proposed to surveillance test intervals

PSEG TSTF-411 & TSTF-418 Pre-Submittal Meeting Plant Specific Evaluations RTS

  • Containment ventilation automatic actuation logic
  • Safeguards equipment control system
  • Undervoltage, vital bus

- Loss of voltage

- Sustained degraded voltage

  • Semiautomatic transfer to recirculation (Unit 2 only)

- RWST level low

- Automatic actuation logic 3

PSEG TSTF-411 & TSTF-418 Pre-Submittal Meeting Risk Assessment Applicable guidance and criteria

  • RG 1.177, Rev. 1 Quantitative analyses for internal events and flood
  • Impact on CDF and LERF Qualitative analyses for fire and external events Uncertainty addressed using latest draft of NUREG-1855 and supporting EPRI documents 4