ML14162A440 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Salem |
Issue date: | 06/12/2014 |
From: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
To: | |
References | |
Download: ML14162A440 (23) | |
Near-term Task Force Recommendation 2 1 Seismic Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Evaluation Salem Nuclear Generating Station g
June 12, 2014
References for Todays Meeting
- Licensee Presentation Slides - ML14162A432
- NRC Presentation Slides - ML14162A440
- Public Meeting Agenda - ML14160B154 M
ti F
db k F
t f jd2@
- Meeting Feedback Form (request from
- May 9, 2014, NRC letter regarding Seismic Screening and Prioritization Results for CEUS Licensees (ML14111A147)
- May 21, 2014, NRC memo providing preliminary staff ground motion response spectra for CEUS Licensees ground motion response spectra for CEUS Licensees (ML14136A126)
- Meeting Summary to be issued within 30-day
Meeting Introduction Meeting Introduction
support information exchange and begin dialog to have d
di f h f h i
diff common understanding of the causes of the primary differences between the preliminary NRC and licensee seismic hazard results
NRC and Licensee seismic hazard require resolution
NRC and Licensee seismic hazard require resolution to support a final seismic screening decision and to support related follow-on submittals Outcomes:
- Begin NRC and licensee resolution to support regulatory decisions and development of seismic risk evaluations, as decisions and development of seismic risk evaluations, as appropriate
- Establish resolution path, including timelines and identification of potential information needs
l Potential Next Steps
- NRC will consider the meeting information NRC will consider the meeting information
- Potential paths:
Li b it l
t l i f ti b
- Licensee submits supplemental information based on public meeting dialog NRC staff issues a request for information
- NRC staff issues a request for information
- Licensee sends a revision or supplement to the seismic hazard report seismic hazard report
- NRC completes screening review and issues th fi l
i d t i
ti l tt the final screening determination letter
Salem Generating Station (SGS)
Salem Generating Station (SGS)
Stephanie Devlin Office of New Reactors Office of New Reactors June 12, 2014
NRCs Seismic Screening and Prioritization Results Prioritization Results 7
Modified from ML14111A147
References Reviewed by NRC References Reviewed by NRC Salem Generating Station Unit 1 and Unit 2, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR),
R i i 23 Revision 23 Hope Creek Generating Station UFSAR, Revision 0 PSEG Nuclear Early Site Permit Application, Site Safety Analysis Report, Revision 3 EPRI (2008) Assessment of Seismic Hazard at 34 U.S. Nuclear Plant Sites, Elec. Power Res.
EPRI (2008) Assessment of Seismic Hazard at 34 U.S. Nuclear Plant Sites, Elec. Power Res.
Inst., Report 1016736.
EPRI (2013) Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1:
Seismic Report 1025287 Seismic, Report 1025287 Salem, Unit 1 & 2, Response to NRC Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f)
Regarding the Seismic Aspects of Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident - Base Case Velocity Profiles With S
ti S b f
M t i l d P ti S
t b
10 2013 (ML13253A391)
Supporting Subsurface Materials and Properties, September 10, 2013 (ML13253A391)
Salem, Units 1 & 2 - PSEG Nuclear LLC's Seismic Hazard and Screening Report (CEUS Sites)
Response to NRC Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident - Salem Generating Station (ML14090A043) 8
Stratigraphy control point 9
Source: ML14090A043 and PSEG ESP SSAR Rev3
NRC & Licensees Velocity Profiles 10 Source: ML14090A043 and PSEG ESP SSAR Rev3 The licensee used ln to calculate its Profile 2 and 3. It used 0.25 to calculate shear-wave velocities above the Potomac Formation (~444 ft depth) and 0.35 for the Potomac formation and below.
Velocities & Uncertainties NRC NRC i
Thickness (ft)
Vs (ft/s)
Unit Weight (lb/ft3)
Sigma (ln Vs)
Sigma (ln Bedrock Depth) 92 2250 121 0.25 (to 50 ft), 0.15 below 18 3920 131 0.15 22 2490 131 0.15 33 9 3020 131 0 15 Licensee 33.9 3020 131 0.15 61.8 2490 128 0.15 83.5 1710 125 0.15 26.1 2290 130 0.15 24.9 1780 130 0.15 81.9 2490 130 0.15 365 2200 135 0.15 11 Source: ML14090A043 and PSEG ESP SSAR Rev3 365 00 35 0 5 430 2630 135 0.15 450 3060 135 0.15 Bedrock 9285 165
Velocities & Non-Linear Properties NRC Thickness (ft)
Vs (ft/s)
G/Gmax Curve Damping Curve Kappa 84.5 2250 EPRI Soil (1993)
EPRI Soil (1993) 18.5 3920 EPRI Soil (1993)
EPRI Soil (1993) 21.5 2490 EPRI Soil (1993)
EPRI Soil (1993) 34.5 3020 EPRI Soil (1993)
EPRI Soil (1993) 62 2490 EPRI Soil (1993)
EPRI Soil (1993)
NRC 84 1710 EPRI Soil (1993)
EPRI Soil (1993) 26 2290 EPRI Soil (1993)
EPRI Soil (1993) 25 1780 EPRI Soil (1993)
EPRI Soil (1993) 82 2490 EPRI Soil (1993)
EPRI Soil (1993) 365 2200 EPRI Soil (1993)
EPRI Soil (1993) 430 2630 None - Linear None - Linear 0.00197 450 3060 None - Linear None - Linear 0.001773 Bedrock 9200 0.50%
0.006 NRC's Source Material PSEG ESP SSAR PSEG ESP SSAR NRC's PSEG Confirmatory Analysis NRC's PSEG Confirmatory Analysis EPRI SPID (2013)
Thickness (ft)
Vs (ft/s)
G/Gmax Curve Damping Curve Kappa 92 2250 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 18 3920 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 22 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 33.9 3020 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range Licensee 61.8 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 83.5 1710 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 26.1 2290 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 24.9 1780 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 81.9 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 365 2200 None - Linear 430 2630 N Li (ms) = 0.0605*H
= 0.031 12 Source: ML14090A043, ML13253A391, and PSEG ESP SSAR Rev3 430 2630 None - Linear 450 3060 None - Linear Bedrock 9285 0.006
Damping NRC Represented layer damping using EPRI Soil (1993) curves for units from the control point down to ~800 ft depth NRC depth.
Kappa estimates represent low-strain damping for units below ~803 ft depth. Kappa was calculated utilizing the relationship between Vs Q and kappa utilizing the relationship between Vs, Q, and kappa.
Total effective site kappa (damping curves + kappa below 803 ft) is 0.015.
Li Represented layer damping using two alternative curves EPRI Soil (1993) and Peninsular Range curves for units from the control point down to ~444 ft depth.
Licensee In addition, kappa estimates, representing low-strain damping, was calculated using SPID equation:
l d
l k
f 13 Source: ML14090A043, ML13253A391, and PSEG ESP SSAR Rev3 In ML14090A043, licensee stated total site kappa of 0.037 (near the SPID 0.040 limit) for each velocity profile.
Velocities & Damping NRC NRC Thickness (ft) Vs (ft/s)
Damping Curve Estimated Kappa 84 5 2250 EPRI S il (1993) 0 000854 84.5 2250 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000854 18.5 3920 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000094 21.5 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000149 34.5 3020 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000197 l (
62 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000389 84 1710 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000768 26 2290 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000177 25 1780 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000219 0.008731 82 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000515 365 2200 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.001627 430 2630 None - Linear 0.001970 450 3060 None - Linear 0.001772 14 Source: ML14090A043, ML13253A391, and PSEG ESP SSAR Rev3 Bedrock 9200 0.50%
0.006000 0.014731 total effective site kappa
Velocities & Damping Licensee Thickness (ft) Vs (ft/s) Damping Curve M1 (0.5 weight)
Kappa M1 (0.5 weight) Damping Curve M2 (0.5 weight)
Kappa M2 (0.5 weight)
Kappa 92 2250 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000818 Peninsular Range =
0.000870 18 3920 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000092 Peninsular Range =
0.000055 22 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000152 Peninsular Range =
0.000106 33 9 3020 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0 000194 Peninsular Range =
0 000135 33.9 3020 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000194 Peninsular Range =
0.000135 61.8 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000428 Peninsular Range =
0.000299 83.5 1710 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000763 Peninsular Range =
0.000588 26.1 2290 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000178 Peninsular Range =
0.000137 24.9 1780 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000219 Peninsular Range =
0.000169 81.9 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000514 Peninsular Range =
0.000396 365 2200 total 0 003357 total 0 002756 (ms) = 0.0605*H
= 0.031 365 2200 total = 0.003357 total = 0.002756 430 2630 450 3060 Bedrock 9285 0.006 15 Source: ML14090A043, ML13253A391, and PSEG ESP SSAR Rev3
Velocities & Damping Licensee Thickness (ft) Vs (ft/s) Damping Curve M1 (0.5 weight)
Kappa M1 (0.5 weight) Damping Curve M2 (0.5 weight)
Kappa M2 (0.5 weight)
Kappa 92 2250 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000818 Peninsular Range =
0.000870 18 3920 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000092 Peninsular Range =
0.000055 22 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000152 Peninsular Range =
0.000106 33 9 3020 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0 000194 Peninsular Range =
0 000135 33.9 3020 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000194 Peninsular Range =
0.000135 61.8 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000428 Peninsular Range =
0.000299 83.5 1710 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000763 Peninsular Range =
0.000588 26.1 2290 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000178 Peninsular Range =
0.000137 24.9 1780 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000219 Peninsular Range =
0.000169 81.9 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) = 0.000514 Peninsular Range =
0.000396 365 2200 total 0 003357 total 0 002756 (ms) = 0.0605*H
= 0.031 365 2200 total = 0.003357 total = 0.002756 430 2630 450 3060 Bedrock 9285 0.006 TOTAL SITE KAPPA = (0.003357*0.5) + (0.002756*0.5) + 0.031 + 0.006 = 0.040 16 Source: ML14090A043, ML13253A391, and PSEG ESP SSAR Rev3
NRCs GMRS Sensitivity d
Studies Thickness (ft)
Vs (ft/s)
Damping Curve 84.5 2250 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 18 5 3920 EPRI S il (1993) & P i
l R
18.5 3920 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 21.5 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 34.5 3020 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 62 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 84 1710 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 26 2290 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 25 1780 EPRI S il (1993) & P i
l R
25 1780 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 82 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 365 2200 430 2630 450 3060 Bedrock 9200 (ms) = 0.0605*H = 0.022 17
NRCs GMRS Sensitivity d
Studies Thickness (ft)
Vs (ft/s)
Damping Curve 92 2250 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 18 3920 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 18 3920 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 22 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 33.9 3020 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 61.8 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 83.5 1710 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 26.1 2290 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 24.9 1780 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 81.9 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 365 2200 430 2630 450 3060 Bedrock 9285 (ms) = 0.0605*H = 0.022 18
NRCs GMRS Sensitivity d
Studies Thickness (ft)
Vs (ft/s)
Damping Curve 92 2250 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 18 3920 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 18 3920 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 22 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 33.9 3020 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 61.8 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 83.5 1710 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 26.1 2290 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 24 9 1780 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 24.9 1780 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 81.9 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 365 2200 430 2630 450 3060 Bedrock 9285 (ms) = 0.0605*H = 0.022 19
NRCs GMRS Sensitivity d
Studies Thickness (ft)
Vs (ft/s)
Damping Curve Kappa 92 2250 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 18 3920 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 18 3920 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 22 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 33.9 3020 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 61.8 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 83.5 1710 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 26.1 2290 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 24.9 1780 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range (ms) = 0.0605*H
= 0.031 81.9 2490 EPRI Soil (1993) & Peninsular Range 365 2200 430 2630 450 3060 Bedrock 9285 0.006 20
Amplification Functions 21 Source: ML14090A043 and NRC Calculations
NRCs Preliminary GMRS and PSEG ESP GMRS PSEG ESP GMRS Modified from ML14136A126 and PSEG ESP SSAR 22
Primary Differences
- Different treatment of damping for Potomac Group Formation
- Licensee determined a total kappa value of 0.037
- NRC calculations produce a total kappa of 0.015 NRC calculations produce a total kappa of 0.015
- Licensee used 3 base case profiles vs 1 for NRC 23