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Submittal of the In-Service Inspection (ISI) Owner'S Activity Report (OAR) for the 20th Refueling Outage
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/20/2016
From: Pat Navin
Exelon Generation Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16021A089 (9)


{{#Wiki_filter:Exelon Generation . 10CFR 50.55a January 20, 2016 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATIN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (PBAPS) Units 2 and 3 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-44 and DPR-56 NRC Docket Nos. 50-277 and 50-278


Submittal of the In-Service Inspection (ISi) Owner's Activity Report (OAR) for the 201h Refueling Outage for Unit 3 Enclosed in Attachment 1 is the ISi Owner's Activity Report covering ISi activities associated with the second period of the current ISi inspection interval for Unit 3. This report is submitted pursuant to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, "Rules for the lnservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components," Article IWA-6200, "Requirements" (2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda) and ASME Code Case N-532-4 (Repair/Replacement Activity Documentation Requirements and In-Service Summary Report Preparation and Submission, section XI, Division 1). If you have any questions or require additional information, feel free to contact Brian Rufo at 717-456-3250. Patrick D. Navin Plant Manager Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Attachments cc: US NRC, Administrator, Region I US NRC, Senior Resident Inspector R. R. Janati, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania S. Gray, State of Maryland B. Watkins, PSE&G, Financial Controls and Co-owner Affairs CCN: 16-01

Attachment 1 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 Owner's Activity Report for the 201h Refueling Outage



PI ant Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, 1848 Lay Road, Delta, PA 17314 Unit No. 3 Commercial Service Date December 23, 1974 Refueling Outage No. 20 Current Inspection Interval ISi = Fourth I CISI = Second Current Inspection Period ISi =Third I CISI =Third Edition and Addenda of Section XI Applicable to the inspection plans 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda Date and revision of inspection plan _0_9_/0_2_/2_0_1_4_R_e_v_4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Edition & Addenda of Section XI Applicable to repairs and replacements, if different than the inspection plan 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda (same as inspection plan) Code Cases used: N-460. N-513-3. N-532-4. N-578-1. N-700 & N-702 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE I certify that (a) the statements made in this report are correct; (b) the examinations and tests meet the Inspection Plan as required by the ASME Code, Section XI; and (c) the repair/replacement activities and evaluations supporting th completion of P3R20 conform to the requirements of Section XI. Signed Brian Rufo, ISi Pro ram Owner Date 1/14/2016 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Pennsylvania and employed by The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Connecticut have inspected the items described in this Owner's Activity Report, and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed all activities represented by this report in accordance with the requirements of Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the repair/replacement activities and evaluation described in this report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of an kind arisin from connected with this inspection.

TABLE 1 01/12/16, PAGE 1OF1 ITEMS WITH FLAWS OR RELEVANT CONDITIONS THAT REQUIRED EVALUATION FOR CONTINUED SERVICE FOR PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION, UNIT N0.3 OCTOBER 24, 2013 TO OCTOBER 22, 2015 (END OF P3R20 REFUEL OUTAGE) Examination Item Item Description Evaluation Description Category Number E-A El.I I Coating Relevant Condition - Coating damage was identified on the Subpile Room subpile room floor exceeded the acceptance criteria. The damage was evaluated by the coatings engineer and it was determined that the maximum unqualified coating limit was not exceeded and no repair was required. (Ref IR - 2561005) E-A El.IO Moisture Barrier Relevant Condition - Cracked concrete, moisture barrier damage; IWE-3510.4. Condition was evaluated to be acceptable. Repairs planned for P3R21. (Ref IR 2561844) F-A Fl.30C 1GG-H299 Relevant Condition - Ucar plate (item 2) was found broken; Support this condition exceeded the allowable criteria ofIWF-3410. The condition was evaluated and determined not to impact the functionality of the suooort. <ReflR - 2560404) F-A Fl.20A 23DDN-S31 Relevant Condition- Strut found out of alignment, IWF-Support 3410(a). IWF-3122.3 allows for acceptance after engineering evaluation. The as found condition was evaluated, ECR 15-00368, and found to be acceptable in the as-found orientation. (Ref IR - 2565122) F-A Fl.20C 7DB-H75 Relevant Condition - The stanchion was found misaligned Spring Can 2.3". Evaluation determined that the stanchion is located such that it will be centered within a reasonable tolerance when the unit is online and thermal effects are taken into account, reference ECR 12-00016. No actions required as found is acceptable. (Ref IR- 2565125)

TABLE 1 01/12/16, PAGE 2 OF 1 ITEMS WITH FLAWS OR RELEVANT CONDITIONS THAT REQUIRED EVALUATION FOR CONTINUED SERVICE FOR PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION, UNIT N0.3 OCTOBER 24, 2013 TO OCTOBER 22, 2015 (END OF P3R20 REFUEL OUTAGE) Examination Item Item Description Evaluation Description Category Number F-A Fl.20 Drywell Head Relevant Condition - Identified missing coating, damage to flange surface, and cracked tack welds which required evaluation per IWE-3000. All three conditions were previously identified and evaluated. The current conditions were compared and found to be acceptable, no changes to the conditions previously identified and evaluated. (RefIR-2566726)



FOR PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION, UNIT NO. 3 OCTOBER 24, 2013 TO OCTOBER 22, 2015 t ( END OF P3R20 REFUEL OUTAGE ) f-SYSTEM 01: i  ! MAIN STEAM AND TURBINE SYSTEM 1 ._ - Flaw or Relevant Repair, Condition Found Replacement, During Scheduled Code _ or Corrective Item Description Section XI Exam J Date J 1 Class J Measure {com_j)()oent I.DJ Description Of Work Performed Or Test Co~plete R&R Plan # and W/O #


I 1 Replacement, RV-3-02-0709 eplace Main Steam Safe;; R~li~f Valve No 10/1/2015 15-043; R1217926 l Replacement. RV-3-02-071A Ree!?ce Main Steam S~ Relief Valve No 10/2/2015 .I 15-044; R1218952 Replacement,

                                           - -- F           Replace Main Steam Safety Relief Valve            No             _ 10/2/2015 _-    15-046; R1217928 Replacement,              RV-3-02-071 L     Replace Main Steam Safety Relief Valve            No             _ 10/1/2015       15-048; R1212500 i   Replacement. l          HV-3-01A-83A-D      nstall Main Steam Back Supports                  No         ___.. 9/26/2015       15-108; C0255970 l

1 SYSTEM 03: CONTROL ROD DRIVE T Repair, Flaw or Relevant Condition Found 1 Replacement, During Scheduled Code or Corrective Item Description Section XI Exam J t Date Class Measure (component l.D.) Description Of Work Performed Or Test complete_ R&R Plan# and W/O # 1 Replacement CRD's 02-19, 14-11, 14-19 ExChangeciCRD's with rebuilt CRD's No 10/6/2015 15-051; R1276199 _ l 14-23, 18-03, 18-07, 22-03 22-07, 22-19, 26-31, 26-59 _J 30-03, 34-15, 38-03, 38-43 _42-55, 46-47, 50-15, 54-47 j 1 SYSTEM 04: l I T REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL & INTERNALS Repair, t Flaw or Relevant Condition Found Replacement, ] During Scheduled Code or Corrective Section XI Exam Date Class Measure Description Of Work Performed Or Test Complete I R&R Plan # and W/O # Repair Re~ctor vessel lug !3epair 94 d~~e lug in reactor vessel No 10/15/2015 I 15-220; C0258822 1 _,_

TABLE2 - -i- - 101/15/2016 Page 2 of 4

                                                -_y ABSTRACT OF ASME REPAIRS, REPLACEMENTS, OR CORRECTIVE MEASURES FOR PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION, UNIT NO. 3 I                 T OCTOBER 24, 2013 TO OCTOBER 22, 2015

{END OF P3R20 REFUEL OUTAGE) _ SYSTEM 06: FEEDWATER 1 l r Repair, 1 t Flaw or Relevant Condition Found Code


1 Replacement, or Corrective Item Description During Scheduled Section XI Exam Date + 1

     ~           Measure        -{component l.D.)             Description Of Work Performed                Or Test             complete       R&R Plan # and W/O #

Repair CHK-3-06-288 Bonnet modification of feedwater check valve No 10/6/2015 . 15-202; R1016927 i SYSTEM 10: RcSIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL T 1T Flaw or Relevant _

                                                                                                                                          -L                       -

Repair, Replacement,

                            -it                                                                       Condition Found During Scheduled 1

Code or Corrective Item Description Secti-on XI Exam 1- Date Class Measure I (component l.D.l Description Of Work Performed Or Test Complete R&R Plan # and W/O # 2 Reolacement, T PB-3-10-3BE024 Replace Hx floatina head ** No 10/14/2015 15~Cl18; C0239938 l SYSTEM 12: REACTOR WATER CLEAN UP i Flaw or Relevant~ t r Repair, Conditfon Found

  -1 Code Class Replacement, or Correctiv~

Measure Item Description (component l.D.) Description Of Work Performed During Scheduled Section XfExam Or Te~t . J Date j Complete;~ R&R_ Plan# and W/O # 1 Replacement RWCU Pipin9 Piping replacement upstream of CHK-3-12-062 10/13/2015 15-159; C0255958


T SYSTEM 14: CORE SPRAY Item Description (component l.D.) _ _ t;>escription_Of W~rk Performed c;omru!lte ~&R Pla!_'I_# and W/O #_ M0:.3-14-012A - Reoair valve due to degrade<:! performance 9129/2015 -f .p 15-114; C0256126



( END OF P3R20~EFUEL OUTAGE ) 1 SYSTEM23: l HIGH PRESSURE COOLANT INJECTION SYSTEM -+ r l Flaw or Relevant Repair, Condition Found Re_placement, During Scheduled I Code or Corrective Item Description Section XI Exam -, Date J Class (component l.D.) t Description Of ~ork Performed_ Or Test

                                                                                                                                 --'       -       1 -         -
                                                                                                                                     ! Complete R&R Plan# and W/O #

j M0-3-23-019 Repair valve internals No - 101812015 1* . 13-129; C0247318 . I 2 HV-3-23C-33442/43 Install new HPCI vent line branch connections No 10/9/2015 15-116; C0250475 t j l J --t SYSTEM65A: HYDRAULIC SNUBBERS Flaw or Relevant 1 Repair, , Condition Found Replacement, During Scheduled

  • Code Class
               ._~ or Co. rrectlve8

_ Measure Item Description (component l.D.) -1 Descrietion Of Work f>erformed Section XI Exam Or!_est - Date Complete R&R Plan # and W/O # 1 Replacement SS-B-1 Replace Snubber SS-8-1 No 1012/2015 091; R0508767 1 Replacement SS-8-5 Replace Snubber SS-8-5 No 10/1/2015 13-092; R0545765 1 Replacement ~ 6-DDNL-S-14 "U3" Feedwater Snubber - REPLACE No 9/23/2015 15-086; R0546136 1 Replacement 6-DDNL-S-6 "U3" Feedwater Snubber - REPLACE No 9730/2015- 15-087; R0545108 1 J Replacement SS-D-1 "U3" Main Steam Snubber - REPLACE No L!Q/1/2015 15-088; R0545102 2 Replacement 10-GB-S-54 "U3HRHR Snubber - REPLACE No .!. 10!15/2~5 15-091; R0.§45192 1 ~ Replacement SS-C-1 "U3" Main Steam Snubber - REPLACE No 9/30/2015 15-092; R0545224 2 Replacement 10-G8-S-49 "U3" RHR Snubber - REPLACE No 10/14/2015 15-093; R0545772 2 Replacement 10-G8-S-48 "U3" RHR Snubber - REPLACE No 10/14/2015+ 15-094; R0545775 2 - Replacement 1-08-S-417  ;'U3" Main Steam Snubber - REPLACE No 10/12/2015 15-221; C0258943 2 1 1 1 Replacement Replacement Replacement 1-08-S-416 SS-D-4 SS-A-4 "U3" Main Steam Snubber - REPLACE "U3" Main Steam Snubber -=-REPLACE "U3" Main Steam Snubber - REPLACE No No No 10/15/2015 10/15/2015 10/15/2015 15-222; C0258948 15-225; C0258981 15-226; C0258982 2 + ~epair 1-08-S-414 "U3" Main Steam Snubber - REPLACE No 10/13/2015 15-227; C0258955

  ~    2               Repair              1-08-S-415          "U3" Main Steam Snubber - REPLACE                         No             10/14/201~

5 15-228; C0258962 1 1 f T Repair Repair SS-A-6 SS-A-5 "U3" Main Steam Snubber - REPLACE "U3" Main Steam Snubber - REPLACE No No i 10/12/2015 10/5/2015 15-229; Co258983 15-230; C0258992 r t


                                                                                                                    ..L I                     6


  • j OCTOBER 24, 2013 TO OCTOBER 22, 2015


  • l- - - l- -

Tt , ( END OF P3R20 REFUEL OUTAGE) 1 _J J_ SYSTEM 658: MECHANICAL SNUBBERS r I Flaw or Relevantl-I Repair, Condition Found I I Code Replacement, or Corrective i Item Description J-- - - - l During Scheduled

  • Section XI Exam OrTe$t Date


                                                                                                                                                            ~~R Plan][clnd ~KS#

t~ J Measure (comoonentl.D.) Descriotion Of Wo<k Pe.tanned _COrnQlete Replacement, 10~GB-S-44 "U3" RHR Snubber - REPLACE. - l No 9/23/2015 . - 1 Replacement, SS-6-A 1*-"U3" Recirc Snubber - REPLACE

                                                                                            --                       J         No            9/25/2015         15-068; C0255566 1
       --       ......_               I 2   -f I Replacement. _        10-GB-S-63           "U3" RHR Snubber - REPLACE                                  No            9/21/2015 ,       15-070; C0255568 2      I     Replacement,    I     14-GB-S-33           "U3" Core Spray Snubber - REPLACE                           No            9/23/2015         15-071; C0255569 j

I 2 Replacement, l 14-MO-H-57 l"U3" Core Spray Snubber - REPLACE No 9/23/2015 15-072; C0255570 1 Replacement, j H-3LS-142-1 f "U3" CRD Supply Bundle Snubber - REPLACE No 10/6/2015 15-073; C0255571


1 Replacement, H-3LS-142-8 "U3" CRD Supply Bundle Snubber - REPLA _C_E _ __ No ~- 10/6/2015 - 15-074; C0255572 2 ~ Replacement, :_ 23-0DN-S-300L__ "U3" HPCI Snubber - REPLACE --- -- No 9/23/2015 - 15-079; C0255577 i

    -i 1

1 1 1 Replacement, Replacement, I Replacement. T H-3LS-142-2 "U3" CRD Supply Bundle Snubber- REPLACE H=3LS-142 - "U3" CRD Supply Bundle Snubber - REPLACE H-3LS-142 - "U3" CRD Supply Bundle Snubber - REPLACE l No No No

                                                                                                                                        +.L 10/6/2015 10/6/2015 10/6/2015 15-080; C0255578 15-081; C0255579 15-082; C0255580

Exelon Generation . 10CFR 50.55a January 20, 2016 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATIN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (PBAPS) Units 2 and 3 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-44 and DPR-56 NRC Docket Nos. 50-277 and 50-278


Submittal of the In-Service Inspection (ISi) Owner's Activity Report (OAR) for the 201h Refueling Outage for Unit 3 Enclosed in Attachment 1 is the ISi Owner's Activity Report covering ISi activities associated with the second period of the current ISi inspection interval for Unit 3. This report is submitted pursuant to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, "Rules for the lnservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components," Article IWA-6200, "Requirements" (2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda) and ASME Code Case N-532-4 (Repair/Replacement Activity Documentation Requirements and In-Service Summary Report Preparation and Submission, section XI, Division 1). If you have any questions or require additional information, feel free to contact Brian Rufo at 717-456-3250. Patrick D. Navin Plant Manager Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Attachments cc: US NRC, Administrator, Region I US NRC, Senior Resident Inspector R. R. Janati, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania S. Gray, State of Maryland B. Watkins, PSE&G, Financial Controls and Co-owner Affairs CCN: 16-01

Attachment 1 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 3 Owner's Activity Report for the 201h Refueling Outage



PI ant Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, 1848 Lay Road, Delta, PA 17314 Unit No. 3 Commercial Service Date December 23, 1974 Refueling Outage No. 20 Current Inspection Interval ISi = Fourth I CISI = Second Current Inspection Period ISi =Third I CISI =Third Edition and Addenda of Section XI Applicable to the inspection plans 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda Date and revision of inspection plan _0_9_/0_2_/2_0_1_4_R_e_v_4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Edition & Addenda of Section XI Applicable to repairs and replacements, if different than the inspection plan 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda (same as inspection plan) Code Cases used: N-460. N-513-3. N-532-4. N-578-1. N-700 & N-702 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE I certify that (a) the statements made in this report are correct; (b) the examinations and tests meet the Inspection Plan as required by the ASME Code, Section XI; and (c) the repair/replacement activities and evaluations supporting th completion of P3R20 conform to the requirements of Section XI. Signed Brian Rufo, ISi Pro ram Owner Date 1/14/2016 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Pennsylvania and employed by The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Connecticut have inspected the items described in this Owner's Activity Report, and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed all activities represented by this report in accordance with the requirements of Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the repair/replacement activities and evaluation described in this report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of an kind arisin from connected with this inspection.

TABLE 1 01/12/16, PAGE 1OF1 ITEMS WITH FLAWS OR RELEVANT CONDITIONS THAT REQUIRED EVALUATION FOR CONTINUED SERVICE FOR PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION, UNIT N0.3 OCTOBER 24, 2013 TO OCTOBER 22, 2015 (END OF P3R20 REFUEL OUTAGE) Examination Item Item Description Evaluation Description Category Number E-A El.I I Coating Relevant Condition - Coating damage was identified on the Subpile Room subpile room floor exceeded the acceptance criteria. The damage was evaluated by the coatings engineer and it was determined that the maximum unqualified coating limit was not exceeded and no repair was required. (Ref IR - 2561005) E-A El.IO Moisture Barrier Relevant Condition - Cracked concrete, moisture barrier damage; IWE-3510.4. Condition was evaluated to be acceptable. Repairs planned for P3R21. (Ref IR 2561844) F-A Fl.30C 1GG-H299 Relevant Condition - Ucar plate (item 2) was found broken; Support this condition exceeded the allowable criteria ofIWF-3410. The condition was evaluated and determined not to impact the functionality of the suooort. <ReflR - 2560404) F-A Fl.20A 23DDN-S31 Relevant Condition- Strut found out of alignment, IWF-Support 3410(a). IWF-3122.3 allows for acceptance after engineering evaluation. The as found condition was evaluated, ECR 15-00368, and found to be acceptable in the as-found orientation. (Ref IR - 2565122) F-A Fl.20C 7DB-H75 Relevant Condition - The stanchion was found misaligned Spring Can 2.3". Evaluation determined that the stanchion is located such that it will be centered within a reasonable tolerance when the unit is online and thermal effects are taken into account, reference ECR 12-00016. No actions required as found is acceptable. (Ref IR- 2565125)

TABLE 1 01/12/16, PAGE 2 OF 1 ITEMS WITH FLAWS OR RELEVANT CONDITIONS THAT REQUIRED EVALUATION FOR CONTINUED SERVICE FOR PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION, UNIT N0.3 OCTOBER 24, 2013 TO OCTOBER 22, 2015 (END OF P3R20 REFUEL OUTAGE) Examination Item Item Description Evaluation Description Category Number F-A Fl.20 Drywell Head Relevant Condition - Identified missing coating, damage to flange surface, and cracked tack welds which required evaluation per IWE-3000. All three conditions were previously identified and evaluated. The current conditions were compared and found to be acceptable, no changes to the conditions previously identified and evaluated. (RefIR-2566726)



FOR PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION, UNIT NO. 3 OCTOBER 24, 2013 TO OCTOBER 22, 2015 t ( END OF P3R20 REFUEL OUTAGE ) f-SYSTEM 01: i  ! MAIN STEAM AND TURBINE SYSTEM 1 ._ - Flaw or Relevant Repair, Condition Found Replacement, During Scheduled Code _ or Corrective Item Description Section XI Exam J Date J 1 Class J Measure {com_j)()oent I.DJ Description Of Work Performed Or Test Co~plete R&R Plan # and W/O #


I 1 Replacement, RV-3-02-0709 eplace Main Steam Safe;; R~li~f Valve No 10/1/2015 15-043; R1217926 l Replacement. RV-3-02-071A Ree!?ce Main Steam S~ Relief Valve No 10/2/2015 .I 15-044; R1218952 Replacement,

                                           - -- F           Replace Main Steam Safety Relief Valve            No             _ 10/2/2015 _-    15-046; R1217928 Replacement,              RV-3-02-071 L     Replace Main Steam Safety Relief Valve            No             _ 10/1/2015       15-048; R1212500 i   Replacement. l          HV-3-01A-83A-D      nstall Main Steam Back Supports                  No         ___.. 9/26/2015       15-108; C0255970 l

1 SYSTEM 03: CONTROL ROD DRIVE T Repair, Flaw or Relevant Condition Found 1 Replacement, During Scheduled Code or Corrective Item Description Section XI Exam J t Date Class Measure (component l.D.) Description Of Work Performed Or Test complete_ R&R Plan# and W/O # 1 Replacement CRD's 02-19, 14-11, 14-19 ExChangeciCRD's with rebuilt CRD's No 10/6/2015 15-051; R1276199 _ l 14-23, 18-03, 18-07, 22-03 22-07, 22-19, 26-31, 26-59 _J 30-03, 34-15, 38-03, 38-43 _42-55, 46-47, 50-15, 54-47 j 1 SYSTEM 04: l I T REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL & INTERNALS Repair, t Flaw or Relevant Condition Found Replacement, ] During Scheduled Code or Corrective Section XI Exam Date Class Measure Description Of Work Performed Or Test Complete I R&R Plan # and W/O # Repair Re~ctor vessel lug !3epair 94 d~~e lug in reactor vessel No 10/15/2015 I 15-220; C0258822 1 _,_

TABLE2 - -i- - 101/15/2016 Page 2 of 4

                                                -_y ABSTRACT OF ASME REPAIRS, REPLACEMENTS, OR CORRECTIVE MEASURES FOR PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION, UNIT NO. 3 I                 T OCTOBER 24, 2013 TO OCTOBER 22, 2015

{END OF P3R20 REFUEL OUTAGE) _ SYSTEM 06: FEEDWATER 1 l r Repair, 1 t Flaw or Relevant Condition Found Code


1 Replacement, or Corrective Item Description During Scheduled Section XI Exam Date + 1

     ~           Measure        -{component l.D.)             Description Of Work Performed                Or Test             complete       R&R Plan # and W/O #

Repair CHK-3-06-288 Bonnet modification of feedwater check valve No 10/6/2015 . 15-202; R1016927 i SYSTEM 10: RcSIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL T 1T Flaw or Relevant _

                                                                                                                                          -L                       -

Repair, Replacement,

                            -it                                                                       Condition Found During Scheduled 1

Code or Corrective Item Description Secti-on XI Exam 1- Date Class Measure I (component l.D.l Description Of Work Performed Or Test Complete R&R Plan # and W/O # 2 Reolacement, T PB-3-10-3BE024 Replace Hx floatina head ** No 10/14/2015 15~Cl18; C0239938 l SYSTEM 12: REACTOR WATER CLEAN UP i Flaw or Relevant~ t r Repair, Conditfon Found

  -1 Code Class Replacement, or Correctiv~

Measure Item Description (component l.D.) Description Of Work Performed During Scheduled Section XfExam Or Te~t . J Date j Complete;~ R&R_ Plan# and W/O # 1 Replacement RWCU Pipin9 Piping replacement upstream of CHK-3-12-062 10/13/2015 15-159; C0255958


T SYSTEM 14: CORE SPRAY Item Description (component l.D.) _ _ t;>escription_Of W~rk Performed c;omru!lte ~&R Pla!_'I_# and W/O #_ M0:.3-14-012A - Reoair valve due to degrade<:! performance 9129/2015 -f .p 15-114; C0256126



( END OF P3R20~EFUEL OUTAGE ) 1 SYSTEM23: l HIGH PRESSURE COOLANT INJECTION SYSTEM -+ r l Flaw or Relevant Repair, Condition Found Re_placement, During Scheduled I Code or Corrective Item Description Section XI Exam -, Date J Class (component l.D.) t Description Of ~ork Performed_ Or Test

                                                                                                                                 --'       -       1 -         -
                                                                                                                                     ! Complete R&R Plan# and W/O #

j M0-3-23-019 Repair valve internals No - 101812015 1* . 13-129; C0247318 . I 2 HV-3-23C-33442/43 Install new HPCI vent line branch connections No 10/9/2015 15-116; C0250475 t j l J --t SYSTEM65A: HYDRAULIC SNUBBERS Flaw or Relevant 1 Repair, , Condition Found Replacement, During Scheduled

  • Code Class
               ._~ or Co. rrectlve8

_ Measure Item Description (component l.D.) -1 Descrietion Of Work f>erformed Section XI Exam Or!_est - Date Complete R&R Plan # and W/O # 1 Replacement SS-B-1 Replace Snubber SS-8-1 No 1012/2015 091; R0508767 1 Replacement SS-8-5 Replace Snubber SS-8-5 No 10/1/2015 13-092; R0545765 1 Replacement ~ 6-DDNL-S-14 "U3" Feedwater Snubber - REPLACE No 9/23/2015 15-086; R0546136 1 Replacement 6-DDNL-S-6 "U3" Feedwater Snubber - REPLACE No 9730/2015- 15-087; R0545108 1 J Replacement SS-D-1 "U3" Main Steam Snubber - REPLACE No L!Q/1/2015 15-088; R0545102 2 Replacement 10-GB-S-54 "U3HRHR Snubber - REPLACE No .!. 10!15/2~5 15-091; R0.§45192 1 ~ Replacement SS-C-1 "U3" Main Steam Snubber - REPLACE No 9/30/2015 15-092; R0545224 2 Replacement 10-G8-S-49 "U3" RHR Snubber - REPLACE No 10/14/2015 15-093; R0545772 2 Replacement 10-G8-S-48 "U3" RHR Snubber - REPLACE No 10/14/2015+ 15-094; R0545775 2 - Replacement 1-08-S-417  ;'U3" Main Steam Snubber - REPLACE No 10/12/2015 15-221; C0258943 2 1 1 1 Replacement Replacement Replacement 1-08-S-416 SS-D-4 SS-A-4 "U3" Main Steam Snubber - REPLACE "U3" Main Steam Snubber -=-REPLACE "U3" Main Steam Snubber - REPLACE No No No 10/15/2015 10/15/2015 10/15/2015 15-222; C0258948 15-225; C0258981 15-226; C0258982 2 + ~epair 1-08-S-414 "U3" Main Steam Snubber - REPLACE No 10/13/2015 15-227; C0258955

  ~    2               Repair              1-08-S-415          "U3" Main Steam Snubber - REPLACE                         No             10/14/201~

5 15-228; C0258962 1 1 f T Repair Repair SS-A-6 SS-A-5 "U3" Main Steam Snubber - REPLACE "U3" Main Steam Snubber - REPLACE No No i 10/12/2015 10/5/2015 15-229; Co258983 15-230; C0258992 r t


                                                                                                                    ..L I                     6


  • j OCTOBER 24, 2013 TO OCTOBER 22, 2015


  • l- - - l- -

Tt , ( END OF P3R20 REFUEL OUTAGE) 1 _J J_ SYSTEM 658: MECHANICAL SNUBBERS r I Flaw or Relevantl-I Repair, Condition Found I I Code Replacement, or Corrective i Item Description J-- - - - l During Scheduled

  • Section XI Exam OrTe$t Date


                                                                                                                                                            ~~R Plan][clnd ~KS#

t~ J Measure (comoonentl.D.) Descriotion Of Wo<k Pe.tanned _COrnQlete Replacement, 10~GB-S-44 "U3" RHR Snubber - REPLACE. - l No 9/23/2015 . - 1 Replacement, SS-6-A 1*-"U3" Recirc Snubber - REPLACE

                                                                                            --                       J         No            9/25/2015         15-068; C0255566 1
       --       ......_               I 2   -f I Replacement. _        10-GB-S-63           "U3" RHR Snubber - REPLACE                                  No            9/21/2015 ,       15-070; C0255568 2      I     Replacement,    I     14-GB-S-33           "U3" Core Spray Snubber - REPLACE                           No            9/23/2015         15-071; C0255569 j

I 2 Replacement, l 14-MO-H-57 l"U3" Core Spray Snubber - REPLACE No 9/23/2015 15-072; C0255570 1 Replacement, j H-3LS-142-1 f "U3" CRD Supply Bundle Snubber - REPLACE No 10/6/2015 15-073; C0255571


1 Replacement, H-3LS-142-8 "U3" CRD Supply Bundle Snubber - REPLA _C_E _ __ No ~- 10/6/2015 - 15-074; C0255572 2 ~ Replacement, :_ 23-0DN-S-300L__ "U3" HPCI Snubber - REPLACE --- -- No 9/23/2015 - 15-079; C0255577 i

    -i 1

1 1 1 Replacement, Replacement, I Replacement. T H-3LS-142-2 "U3" CRD Supply Bundle Snubber- REPLACE H=3LS-142 - "U3" CRD Supply Bundle Snubber - REPLACE H-3LS-142 - "U3" CRD Supply Bundle Snubber - REPLACE l No No No

                                                                                                                                        +.L 10/6/2015 10/6/2015 10/6/2015 15-080; C0255578 15-081; C0255579 15-082; C0255580}}