ML13141A583 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Surry, 07200002, 07200055 |
Issue date: | 04/26/2013 |
From: | Lawrence D Virginia Electric & Power Co (VEPCO) |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
13-248 | |
Download: ML13141A583 (77) | |
VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23261 April 26, 2013 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial No.13-248 Attention: Document Control Desk SS&L/JCP RO Washington, DC 20555-0001 Docket Nos. 50-280 50-281 72-2 72-55 License Nos. DPR-32 DPR-37 SNM-2501 Gentlemen:
VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY SURRY POWER STATION UNITS I AND 2 INDEPENDENT SPENT FUEL STORAGE INSTALLATION ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT Surry Units 1 and 2 Technical Specification 6.6.B.2 requires the submittal of an Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report (AREOR) for Surry Power Station. Surry Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Technical Specification Appendix C, Item 1.3.1 requires that the Surry ISFSI be included in the environmental monitoring for Surry Power Station. Accordingly, enclosed is the Surry Power Station AREOR for the period of January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012, which includes environmental monitoring for the Surry ISFSI.
If you have any further questions, please contact Jason Eggart at 757-365-2010.
Douglas V. Lawrence Director Safety & Licensing Surry Power Station Attachment Commitments made in this letter: None ki ~ASS~
Serial No.13-248 Docket Nos.: 50-280 50-281 72-2 72-55 cc: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Marquis One Tower 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1257 Director, Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 NRC Senior Resident Inspector Surry Power Station Director Division of Radiological Health 109 Governor Street, Room 730 Richmond, Virginia 23219
Serial No.13-248 Docket Nos.: 50-280 50-281 72-2 72-55 ATTACHMENT 1 2012 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report SURRY POWER STATION UNITS I AND 2 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY
Surry Power Station 2012 Annual Radiological Environmental 0 perating Report Dominion
Dominion Surry Power Station Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Surry Power Station January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012 Prepared by:
P. F. Blount Health Physicist Reviewed by:
P. R. Harris Supervisor Radiological Analysis Reviewed by:
Supervisor Health Physics Technical Services Approved by:
Manager Radiological Protection and Chemistry 2
Table of Contents PREFA CE .............................................................................................................................................. 4
- 1. EXECUTIV E SU M MARY ............................................................................................................... 5
- 2. PROGRA M DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 7 2.2 Sam pling and Analysis Program ......................................................................................... 8
- 3. AN ALYTICA L RESU LTS ......................................................................................................... 20 3.1 Sum mary of Results ......................................................................................................... 20 3.2 Analytical Results of 2012 REM P Samples ................................................................... 28
- 4. DISCU SSION OF RESU LTS .................................................................................................. 49 4.1 Gam ma Exposure Rate .................................................................................................... 49 4.2 A irborne Gross Beta .............................................................................................................. 50 4.3 A irborne Radioiodine ....................................................................................................... 52 4.4 Air Particulate Gam m a .................................................................................................... 52 4.5 Cow M ilk .............................................................................................................................. 52 4.6 Food Products ....................................................................................................................... 53 4.7 Well W ater ............................................................................................................................ 53 4.8 River W ater ........................................................................................................................... 53 4 .9 Silt ......................................................................................................................................... 53 4.10 Shoreline Sedim ent ......................................................................................................... 55 4 .1 1 Fish ...................................................................................................................................... 55 4.12 Oysters ................................................................................................................................ 56 4.13 Clam s .................................................................................................................................. 56 4.14 Crabs ................................................................................................................................... 56
- 5. PROGRAM EX CEPTION S ...................................................................................................... 57
- 6. CON CLUSION S............................................................................................................................. 58 REFEREN CES .................................................................................................................................... 60 APPEN DICES ..................................................................................................................................... 62 APPEN DIX A : LAN D U SE CEN SU S ...................................................................................... 63 APPENDIX B:
OF INTERLABORATORY COMPARISONS ........................... 65 3
PREFACE This report is submitted as required by Technical Specification 6.6.B.2, Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, for Surry, Units 1 and 2, Virginia Electric and Power Company Docket Nos. 50-280 and 50-281.
This document is a detailed report of the 2012 Surry Power Station Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP). Radioactivity levels from January 1 through December 31, 2012, in air, water, silt, shoreline sediment, milk, aquatic biota, food products and direct exposure pathways have been analyzed, evaluated and summarized. The REMP is designed to confirm that radiological effluent releases are As Low As is Reasonably Achievable (ALARA), no undue environmental effects occur and the health and safety of the public are protected.
The program also detects any unexpected environmental processes that could allow radiation accumulations in the environment or food pathway chains.
Radiation and radioactivity in the environment are monitored within a 20-mile radius of the station. Surry Power Station personnel collect a variety of samples within this area. A number of sampling locations for each medium are selected using available meteorological, land use, and water use data. Two types of samples are obtained. The first type, control samples, is collected from areas that are beyond the measurable influence of Surry Power Station or any other nuclear facility. These samples are used as reference data. Normal background radiation levels, or radiation present due to causes other than Surry Power Station, can be compared to the environment surrounding the station. Indicator samples are the second sample type obtained. These samples show how much radiation is contributed to the environment by the station. Indicator samples are taken from areas close to the station where any station contribution will be at the highest concentration.
Prior to station operation, samples were collected and analyzed to determine the amount of radioactivity present in the area. The resulting values are used as a "pre-operational baseline." Analysis results from the indicator samples are compared to control sample values and the pre-operational baseline to determine if changes in radioactivity levels are attributable to station operations, or causes such as the Chemobyl and Fukushima Daiichi accidents or natural variation.
Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc. (TBE) provides radioanalyses for this program and Global Dosimetry Solutions, Inc. provides thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD) services. Participation in an Interlaboratory Comparison Program provides an independent check of sample measurement precision and accuracy. Typically, radioactivity levels in the environment are so low that analysis values frequently fall below the minimum detection limits of state-of-the-art measurement methods.
Because of this, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) requires that equipment used for radiological environmental monitoring must be able to detect specified minimum Lower Limits of Detection (LLDs). This ensures that analyses are as accurate as possible. The USNRC also mandates a reporting 5
level for radionuclides. Licensed nuclear facilities must report the radionuclide activities in those environmental samples that are equal to or greater than the specified reporting level. Environmental radiation levels are sometimes referred to as a percent of the reporting level.
Analytical results are reported for all possible radiation exposure pathways to man. These pathways include airborne, aquatic, terrestrial and direct radiation exposure. The airborne exposure pathway includes radioactive airborne iodine and particulates. The 2012 airborne results were similar to previous years. No station related radioactivity was detected and natural radioactivity levels remained at levels consistent with past years' results. Aquatic exposure pathway samples include well and river water, silt and shoreline sediments, crabs, fish, clams and oysters. Naturally occurring radionuclides such as potassium-40, thorium-228 and thorium-232 were detected at average environmental levels. No man-made radionuclides were detected in well water. This trend is consistent throughout the operational environmental monitoring program. Tritium was detected in one of eight river water samples at 6.7% of the USNRC reporting level, that sample being from the discharge canal. No other man-made radionuclides were detected in river water. Silt samples indicated the presence of cesium-137 and naturally occurring radionuclides. The cesium-137 activity was present in the control and indicator locations and is attributable to global fallout from past nuclear weapons testing and nuclear accidents such as Chernobyl. Shoreline sediment, which may provide a direct exposure pathway, contained no station related radionuclides. Naturally occurring radionuclides such as potassium-40, thorium-228 and thorium-232 were detected at average environmental levels. The terrestrial exposure pathway includes milk and food products. Iodine-131 was not detected in any 2012 milk samples and has not been detected in milk prior to or since the 1986 Chernobyl accident. Strontium-90 was also not detected in milk samples in 2012. No man-made radionuclides were detected in food product samples. Consistent with historical data, naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in milk and food products. The direct exposure pathway measures environmental radiation doses using TLDs. TLD results have remained relatively constant over the years.
During 2012, as in previous years, the operation of Surry Power Station has created no adverse environmental effects or health hazards. The maximum total body dose calculated for a hypothetical individual at the station site boundary due to liquid and gaseous effluents released from the station during 2012 was 0.087 millirem. For reference, this dose may be compared to the 620 millirem average annual exposure to every person in the United States from natural and man-made sources. Natural sources in the environment provide approximately 50% of radiation exposure to man, while nuclear power contributes less than 0.1%.
These results demonstrate compliance with federal and state regulations and also demonstrate the adequacy of radioactive effluent controls at Surry Power Station.
- 2. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 2.1 Introduction This report documents the 2012 Surry Power Station operational Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP). The Dominion Surry Power Station is located on the Gravel Neck peninsula adjacent to the James River, approximately 25 miles upstream of the Chesapeake Bay. The site consists of two units, each with a pressurized water reactor (PWR) nuclear steam supply system and turbine generator furnished by Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Each unit is designed with a nominal gross electrical output of 910 megawatts electric (MWe). Unit 1 achieved commercial operation on December 22, 1972, and Unit 2 on May 1, 1973.
The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulations (10CFR50.34a) require that nuclear power plants be designed, constructed and operated to keep levels of radioactive material in effluents to unrestricted areas As Low As is Reasonably Achievable. To ensure these criteria are met, the operating license for Surry Power Station includes Technical Specifications that address the release of radioactive effluents. In-plant monitoring is used to ensure that these release limits are not exceeded. As a precaution against unexpected or undefined environmental processes which might allow undue accumulation of radioactivity in the environment, a program for monitoring the station environs is also included in Surry Power Station Technical Specifications.
Dominion personnel are responsible for collecting the various indicator and control environmental samples. Global Dosimetry Solutions Incorporated is responsible for processing the TLDs. Teledyne Brown Engineering is responsible for sample analyses. The results of the analyses are used to determine if changes in radioactivity levels may be attributable to station operations. Measured values are compared with control values, which vary with time due to external events, such as cosmic ray bombardment, nuclear weapons test fallout and seasonal variations of naturally occurring radionuclides. Data collected prior to station operation is used to indicate the degree of natural variation to be expected. This pre-operational data is compared with data collected during the operational phase to assist in evaluating any radiological impact of station operation.
Occasionally, samples of environmental media may show the presence of man-made radionuclides. As a method of referencing the measured radionuclide concentrations in the sample media to a dose consequence to man, the data is compared to the reporting level concentrations listed in the USNRC Regulatory Guide 4.8, "Environmental Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants",
(December, 1975) and VPAP-2103S, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (Surry).
These concentrations are based upon the annual dose commitment recommended by 10CFR50, Appendix I, to meet the criterion of "As Low As is Reasonably Achievable."
This report documents the results of the REMP for 2012 and satisfies the following objectives of the program:
To provide measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides that lead to the highest potential radiation exposure of the maximum exposed member of the public resulting from station operations.
To supplement the radiological effluent monitoring program by verifying that radioactive effluents are within allowable limits.
To identify changes in radioactivity in the environment.
To verify that station operations have no detrimental effect on the health and safety of the public.
2.2 Sampling and Analysis Program Table 2-1 summarizes the 2012 sampling program for Surry Power Station. All samples listed in Table 2-1 are taken at indicator locations except those labeled "control." Dominion personnel collect all samples listed in Table 2-1.
Table 2-2 summarizes the analysis program conducted by Teledyne Brown Engineering and Global Dosimetry Solutions for Surry Power Station. All samples, with the exception of the TLDs, are shipped to Teledyne Brown Engineering, located in Knoxville, TN, for analysis. The TLDs are shipped to Global Dosimetry Solutions, located in Costa Mesa, CA, for processing.
The Surry Radiological Monitoring Locations maps (Figures 1 - 5) denote sample locations for Surry Power Station. The locations are color coded to designate sample types.
=--- = =------M-- = = MM Table 2-1 SURRY - 2012 RADIOLOGICAL SAMPLING STATIONS DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM UNIT NO. I Distance Collection Sample Media Location Station Miles Direction Degrees Frequency Remarks Onsite (Stored in a lead shield outside the protected Environmental Control (00) Quarterly area)
TLDs West North West (02) 0.2 WNW 2930 Quarterly Site Boundary Surry Station Discharge (03) 0.4 NW 3210 Quarterly Site Boundary North North West (04) 0.2 NNW 3290 Quarterly Site Boundary North (05) 0.3 N 40 Quarterly Site Boundary North North East (06) 0.3 NNE 280 Quarterly Site Boundary North East (07) 0.3 NE 440 Quarterly Site Boundary East North East (08) 0.4 ENE 670 Quarterly Site Boundary East (09) 0.3 E 890 Quarterly Site Boundary West (10) 0.1 W 2710 Quarterly Site Boundary West South West (11) 0.4 WSW 2520 Quarterly Site Boundary South West (12) 0.3 SW 2280 Quarterly Site Boundary South South West (13) 0.3 SSW 2010 Quarterly Site Boundary South (14) 0.4 S 1820 Quarterly Site Boundary South South East (15) 0.6 SSE 1570 Quarterly Site Boundary South East (16) 0.9 SE 1350 Quarterly Site Boundary Station Intake (18) 1.6 ESE 1150 Quarterly Site Boundary Hog Island Reserve (19) 2.0 NNE 260 Quarterly Near Resident Bacon's Castle (20) 4.5 SSW 2020 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Route 633 (21) 4.9 SW 2270 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Alliance (22) 5.1 WSW 2470 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Surry (23) 7.7 WSW 2560 Quarterly Population Center Route 636 and 637 (24) 4.0 W 2700 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Scotland Wharf (25) 5.0 WNW 2840 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Jamestown (26) 6.3 NW 3080 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Colonial Parkway (27) 3.8 NNW 3330 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Route 617 and 618 (28) 4.9 NNW 3400 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Kingsmill (29) 4.6 N 20 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Williamsburg (30) 7.8 N 00 Quarterly Population Center Kingsmill North (31) 5.5 NNE 120 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Budweiser (32) 5.8 NNE 270 Quarterly Population Center Water Plant (33) 5.0 NE 460 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile 9
- m-m m-m m-m -- m--m- n-m -m m-m m Table 2-1 SURRY - 2012 RADIOLOGICAL SAMPLING STATIONS DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM UNIT NO. 1 Distance Collection Sample Media Location Station Miles Direction Degrees Frequency Remarks Environmental BASF (34) 5.1 ENE 700 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile TLDs Lee Hall (35) 7.1 ENE 750 Quarterly Population Center Goose Island (36) 5.1 E 900 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Fort Eustis (37) 4.9 ESE 1040 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Newport News (38) 19.3 SE 1300 Quarterly Population Center James River Bridge (39) 17.1 SE 1420 Quarterly Control Location Benn's Church (40) 17.0 SSE 1590 Quarterly Control Location Smithfield (41) 13.4 SSE 1670 Quarterly Control Location Rushmere (42) 5.3 SSE 1560 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Route 628 (43) 5.1 S 1770 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Air Charcoal Surry Station (SS) 0.3 NNE 180 Weekly Site boundary location with highest D/Q and Particulate Hog Island Reserve (HIR) 2.0 NNE 260 Weekly Bacon's Castle (BC) 4.5 SSW 2020 Weekly Alliance (ALL) 5.1 WSW 2470 Weekly Colonial Parkway (CP) 3.8 NNW 3330 Weekly BASF (BASF) 5.1 ENE 700 Weekly Fort Eustis (FE) 4.9 ESE 1040 Weekly Newport News (NN) 19.3 SE 1300 Weekly Control Location River Water Surry Station Discharge (SD) 0.4 NW 3230 Monthly Scotland Wharf (SW) 4.9 WNW 2840 Monthly Control Location Well Water Surry Station (SS) 0.1 SW 2270 Quarterly Onsite Hog Island Reserve (HIR) 2.0 NNE 280 Quarterly Construction Site (CS) 0.3 E 870 Quarterly Shoreline Hog Island Reserve (HIR) 0.6 N 70 Semi-Annually Sediment Chickahominy River (CHIC) 11.2 WNW 3010 Semi-Annually Control Location Silt Chickahominy River (CHIC) 11.2 WNW 3000 Semi-Annually Control Location Surry Station Discharge (SD) 1.3 NNW 3410 Semi-Annually 10
Table 2-1 SURRY- 2012 RADIOLOGICAL SAMPLING STATIONS DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM UNIT NO. 1 Distance Collection Sample Media Location Station Miles Direction Degrees Frequency Remarks Milk Colonial Parkway (CP) 3.7 NNW 3360 Monthly Williams (WMS) 27.5 S 1750 Monthly Control Location Epps (EPPS) 4.8 SSW 2000 Monthly Oysters Point of Shoals (POS) 6.4 SSE 1570 Semi-Annually Mulberry Point (MP) 4.9 ESE 1240 Semi-Annually Clanis Chickahominy River (CHIC) 11.2 WNW 3000 Semi-Annually Control Location Surry Station Discharge (SD) 1.3 NNW 3410 Semi-Annually Hog Island Point (HIP) 2.4 NE 520 Semi-Annually Lawne's Creek (LC) 2.4 SE 1310 Semi-Annually Jamestown Island (J) 3.9 NW 3240 Semi-Annually Fish Surry Station Discharge (SD) 1.3 NNW 3410 Semi-Annually Crabs Surry Station Discharge (SD) 1.3 NNW 3410 Annually Crops Brock's Farm (BROCK) 3.8 S 1830 Annually (Corn, Peanuts, Slade's Farm (SLADE) 3.2 S 1790 Annually Soybeans) 11
Table 2-2 SURRY- 2012 SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROGRAM SAAMPLE MEDIA FREQUENCY ANALYSIS LLD* REPORT UNITS Thermoluminescent Quarterly Gamma Dose 2 mR/Std. Month Dosimetry (TLD) 3 Air Iodine Weekly 1-131 0.07 pCi/in Air Particulate Weekly Gross Beta 0.01 pCi/m3 3
Quarterly (a) Gamma Isotopic pCi/mi Cs-134 0.05 Cs-137 0.06 River Water Quarterly Tritium (H-3) 2000 pCi/L Composite of monthly sample Monthly 1-131 10 pCi/L Garruna Isotopic pCi/L Mn-54 15 Fe-59 30 Co-58 15 Co-60 15 Zn-65 30 Zr-95 30 Nb-95 15 Cs- 134 15 Cs-137 18 Ba- 140 60 La-140 15 Well Water Quarterly Tritium (H-3) 2000 pCi/L 1-131 1 Gamma Isotopic pCi/L Mn-54 15 Fe-59 30 Co-58 15 Co-60 15 Zn-65 30 Zr-95 30 Nb-95 15 Cs-134 15 Cs-137 18 Ba- 140 60 La- 140 15 Footnotes located at end oftable.
Table 2-2 SURRY- 2012 SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROGRAM SAMPLE MEDIA FREQUFICY ANALYSIS LLD* REPORT UNITS Shoreline Sediment Semi-Annually Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg - dry Cs- 134 150 Cs-137 180 Silt Semi-Annually Gammna Isotopic pCi/kg - dry Cs-134 150 Cs-137 180 Milk Monthly 1-131 1 pCi/L Gamma Isotopic pCi/L Cs-134 15 Cs-137 18 Ba-140 60 La-140 15 Quarterly Sr-89 NA pCi/L Composite of CP Sr-90 NA monthly sample Oysters Semi-Annually Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg - wet Mn-54 130 Fe-59 260 Co-58 130 Co-60 130 Zn-65 260 Cs- 134 130 Cs-137 150 Clams Semi-Annually Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg - wet Mn-54 130 Fe-59 260 Co-58 130 Co-60 130 Zn-65 260 Cs-134 130 Cs-137 150 Crabs Annually Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg - wet Mn-54 130 Fe-59 260 Co-58 130 Co-60 130 Zn-65 260 Cs-134 130 Cs-137 150 Footnotes located at end of table.
Table 2-2 SURRY- 2012 SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROGRAM SAMPLE MEDIA FREQUENCY ANALYSIS LLD* REPORT UNITS FIsh Semi-Annually Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg - wet Mn-54 130 Fe-59 260 Co-58 130 Co-60 130 Zn-65 260 Cs-134 130 Cs-137 150 Food Products Annually Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg - wet 1-131 60 Cs-134 60 Cs-137 80 Note: This table is not a complete listing of nuclides that can be detected and reported. Other peaks that ax are measurable and identifiable, together with the above nuclides, are also identified and reported.
- LLD is the Lower Limit of Detection as defined and required in the USNRC Branch Technical Position on an Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, Revision 1, November 1979. LLDs indicate those concentrations to which environmental samples are required to be analyzed. Actual analysis of samples may be lower than these listed values.
(a) Quarterly composites of each location's weekly air particulate samples are analyzed for gamumna emitters.
NA None assigned 14
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7, ., Figure 2. Surry Emergency Plan Map Air Sampling Stations Nearest Residents No 11* TLD Sampling Nearest Milk Animal NNearest NNE t N Ely Original © Garden Aquatic Samples 1991 by ADC of Alexandria, Inc., 6440 General Green Way, Alexandria, VA 22312. USED WITH PERMISSION. No other reproduction Pon may be made without the written permission of ADO.
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- TLD Sampling Nearest Milk Animal
- Nearest Garden Aquatic Samples Original © 1991 by ADC of Alexandria, Inc., 6440 General Green Way, Alexandria, VA 22312. USED WITH PERMISSION. No other reproduction may be made without the written permission of ADC.
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- Nearest Garden Crop Samples P.w)Original © 1991 by ADC of Alexandria, Inc., 6440 General Green Way, Alexandria, VA 22312. USED WITH PERMISSION. No other reproduction S IhIGI may be made without the written permission of ADC.
mI M- m
= = M mm M mmM Mn M = M m - M Figure 5. Surry Emergency Plan Map Air Sampling Stations 0 Nearest Residents TLD Sampling I Nearest Milk Animal
- Nearest Garden Aquatic Samples Original 0 1991 by ADC of Alexandria, Inc., 6440 General Green Way, Alexandria, VA 22312. USED WITH PERMISSION. No other reproduction may be made without the written permission of ADC.
- 3. ANALYTICAL RESULTS 3.1 Summary of Results In accordance with the Surry Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), a summary table of the analytical results has been prepared and is presented in Table 3-1. This data is presented in accordance with the format of the USNRC Branch Technical Position, "Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program", Revision 1, November 1979. A more detailed analysis of the data is given in Section 4.
Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 Docket No. 50-280-281 Page 1 of 7 Medium or Indicator Control Pathway Analysis Locations Location with Highest Mean Locations Non-Routine Sampled Total Mean Distance Mean Mean Reported (Units) Type No. LLD Range Name Direction Range Range Measurements Direct Gamma 164 2 3.4 (1491152) STA-9 0.3 mi 5.6 (4/4) 3.8 (12/12) 0 Radiation (1.4-6.6) E (4.7 - 6.6) (2.0 -6.0)
TLD (mR/
Std Month)
Air Gross 424 10 15.7 (371/371) ALL 5.1 mi 18.7 (53/53) 15.4 (53153) 0 Particulate Beta (3.40 - 39.2) WSW (8.15 - 33.2) (4.99 - 41.1)
(1E-3 pCi/m3)
Gamma 32 Be-7 32 139 (28/28) CP 3.8 mi 169 (4/4) 147 (4/4) 0 (76.3 - 197) NNW (155-190) (118-179)
K-40 32 15.1(4/28) BC 4.5 mi 16.4(1/4) < LLD 0 (13.6 - 16.4) SSW (16.4 - 16.4)
Cs-134 32 50 < LLD N/A " LLD < LLD 0 Cs-137 32 60 < LLD N/A " LLD < LLD 0 Air Iodine 1-131 424 70 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 (IE-3 pCi/m3)
Milk Strontium 4 (pCi/Liter)
Sr-89 4 " LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 Sr-90 4 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 Gamma 36 K-40 36 1360 (24/24) CP 3.7 mi 1366 (12/12) 1297 (12/12) 0 (1240 - 1620) NNW (1250-1620) (1180-1400)
Ac-228 36 22.7 (1/24) EPPS 4.8 mi 22.7 (1/24) " LLD 0 (22.7 - 22.7) SSW (22.7 - 22.7)
Th-228 36 9.07 (1/24) EPPS 4.8 mi 9.07 (1/24) " LLD 0 (9.07 - 9.07) SSW (9.07 - 9.07) 1-131 36 1 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 Cs-134 36 15 < LLD N/A " LLD " LLD 0 Cs-137 36 18 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 21
I Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 Docket No. 50-280-281 Page 2 of 7 I Medium or Pathway Sampled Analysis Total Indicator Locations Mean Location with Highest Mean
] Distance Mean Control Locations Mean Non-Routine Reported (units) Type No. LLD Range Name IDirection Range Range Measurements I Milk Gamma 36 (pCi/Liter)
I Ba-140 36 60 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 La-140 36 15 < LLD N/A " LLD < LLD 0 Food Gamma 3 Products (pCi/kg -et) K-40 3 7803 (3/3) Slade 3.2 mi 14300 (1/1) N/A 0 (2920 - 14300) S (14300-14300)
Be-7 3 178 (1/3) Slade 3.2 mi 178 (1/1) N/A (178- 178) S (178-178) 1-131 3 60 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A 0 Cs-134 3 60 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A 0 Cs-137 3 80 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A 0 Well H-3 12 2000 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A 0 Water (pCi/Liter)
Gamma 12 Th-228 12 11.7 (1/12) CS 0.3 mi 11.7(1/4) N/A 0 (11.7 - 11.7) E (11.7- 11.7)
Mn-54 12 15 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A 0 Co-58 12 15 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A 0 Fe-59 12 30 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A 0 Co-60 12 15 < LLD N/A " LLD N/A 0 Zn-65 12 30 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A 0 22
TABLE 3-1: RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAMSUMMAR4Y Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 Docket No. 50-280-281 Page 3 of 7 Medium or Indicator Control Pathway Analysis Locations Location with Highest Mean Locations Non-Routine Sampled Total Mean Distance Mean Mean Reported (Units) Type No. LLD Range Name Direction Range Range Measurements Well Nb-95 12 15 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A 0 Water (pCi/Liter)
Zr-95 12 30 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A 0 1-131 12 1 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A 0 Cs-134 12 15 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A 0 Cs-137 12 18 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A 0 Ba-1 40 12 60 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A 0 La-140 12 15 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A 0 River H-3 8 2000 2000 (1/4) SD 0.4 mi < LLD N/A 0 Water (2000 - 2000) NW (pCi/Liter)
Gamma 24 K-40 24 105 (9/12) SD 0.4 mi 105 (9/12) 71.7 (3/12) 0 (52.9 - 162) NW (52.9 - 162) (55.5 - 87.0)
Th-228 24 10.3 (2/12) SD 0.4 mi 10.3 (2/12) 5.22 (1/12) 0 (4.85 - 15.7) NW (4.85 - 15.7) (5.22 - 5.22)
Mn-54 24 15 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 Co-58 24 15 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 Fe-59 24 30 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 Co-60 24 15 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 Zn-65 24 30 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 Nb-95 24 15 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 23
Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 Docket No. 50-280-281 Page 4 of 7 Medium or Indicator Control Pathway Analysis Locations Location with Highest Mean Locations Non-Routine Sampled Total Mean Distance Mean Mean Reported (Units) Type No. LLD Range Name Direction Range Range Measurements River Zr-95 24 30 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 Water (pCi/Liter) 1-131 24 10 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 Cs-134 24 15 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 Cs-137 24 18 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 Ba-140 24 60 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 La-140 24 15 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 Silt Gamma 4 (pCi/kg dry)
Be-7 4 1770 (1/2) SD 1.3 mi 1770(1/2) < LLD 0 (1770 - 1770) NNW (1770- 1770)
K-40 4 18000 (212) SD 1.3 mi 18000 (2/2) 14800 (2/2) 0 (16300-19700) NNW (16300-19700) (13500-16100)
Cs-134 4 150 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD 0 Cs-137 4 180 190 (2/2) SD 1.3 mi 190(2/2) 117(2/2) 0 (167-213) NNW (167-213) (72.5- 161)
Ra-226 4 2860 (2/2) SD 1.3 mi 2860 (212) 2265 (2/2) 0 (2510 - 3210) NNW (2510 - 3210) (1640 - 2890)
Th-228 4 1395(2/2) SD 1.3 mi 1395(2/2) 1230 (2/2) 0 (1240 - 1550) NNW (1240- 1550) (1140- 1320)
Th-232 4 1075(2/2) CHIC 11.2 mi 1235(2/2) 1235(2/2) 0 (1010- 1140) WNW (1070-1400) (1070-1400)
Shoreline Gamma 4 Sediment (pCi/kg dry) K-40 4 6850 (2/2) HIR 0.6 mi 6850 (2/2) 3550 (212) 0 (6540 - 7160) N (6540- 7160) (1250 - 5850) 24
Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 Docket No. 50-280-281 Page 5 of 7 Medium or Indicator Control Pathway Analysis Locations Location with Highest Mean Locations Non-Routine Sampled Total Mean 75Distance Mean Mean Reported (units) Type No. LLD Range Name IDirection Range Range Measurements Shoreline Cs-134 4 150 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD Sediment (pCi/kg dry)
Cs-137 4 180 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD Ra-226 4 634 (1/2) CHIC 11.2 mi 3620 (112) 3620 (1/2)
(634- 634) WNW (3620- 3620) (3620 - 3620)
Ac-228 4 < LLD CHIC 11.2 mi 268 (112) 268 (1/2)
WNW (268- 268) (268- 268)
Th-228 4 63.8 (2/2) CHIC 11.2 mi 1273 (212) 1273 (2/2)
(51.9 - 75.6) WNW (95.6 - 2450) (95.6 - 2450)
Th-232 4 < LLD CHIC 11.2 mi 2300 (1/2) 2300 (1/2)
WNW (2300 - 2300) (2300 - 2300)
Fish Gamma (pCi/kg et)
K-40 2950 (4/4) SD 1.3 mi 2950 (4/4) N/A (2730 - 3280) NNW (2730 - 3280)
Mn-54 130 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A Co-58 130 < LLD N/A " LLD N/A Fe-59 260 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A Co-60 130 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A Zn-65 260 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A Cs-134 130 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A Cs-137 150 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A 25
Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 Docket No. 50-280-281 Page 6 of 7 Medium or Indicator Control Pathway Analysis Locations Location with Highest Mean Locations Non-Routine Sampled Total Mean Distance Mean Mean Reported (units) Type No. LLD Range Name Direction Range Range Measurements Oysters Gamma 4 (pCi/kg wet)
K-40 763 (2/4) POS 6.4 mi 763 (2/4) N/A (641 - 884) SSE (641 -884)
Mn-54 130 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A Fe-59 260 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A Co-58 130 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A Co-60 130 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A Zn-65 260 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A Cs-134 130 " LLD N/A < LLD N/A Cs-1 37 150 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A Clams Gamma (pCi/kg wet)
K-40 661 (3/6) SD 1.3 mi 865(1/6) 196 (2/2)
(385 - 856) NNW (856 - 856) (87.4-305)
Mn-54 130 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD Co-58 130 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD Fe-59 260 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD Co-60 130 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD Zn-65 260 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD Cs- 134 130 < LLD N/A < LLD < LLD Cs- 137 150 < LLD N/A < LLD " LLD 26
Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 Docket No. 50-280-281 Page 7 of 7 Medium or Indicator Control Pathway Analysis Locations Location with Highest Mean Locations Non-Routine Sampled Total Mean Distance Mean Mean Reported (Units) Type No. LLD Range Name IDirection Range Range Measurements Crabs Gamma (pCi/kg wet)
K-40 1800 (1/1) SD 1.3 mi 1800 (111) N/A (1800 - 1800) NNW (1800 - 1800)
Mn-54 130 " LLD N/A < LLD N/A Co-58 130 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A Fe-59 260 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A Co-60 130 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A Zn-65 260 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A Cs-134 130 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A Cs-137 150 < LLD N/A < LLD N/A 27
3.2 Analytical Results of 2012 REMP Samples Radiological analyses of environmental media characteristically approach and frequently fall below the detection limits of state-of-the-art measurement methods.
The reported error is two times the standard deviation (27) of the net activity.
Unless otherwise noted, the overall error (counting, sample size, chemistry, errors, etc.) is estimated to be 2 to 5 times that listed. Results are considered positive when the measured value exceeds 2y uncertainty.
Teledyne Brown Engineering analytical methods meet the Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) requirements given in Table 2 of the USNRC Branch Technical Position, "An Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program", (November 1979, Revision 1) and the Surry ODCM.
Data are given according to sample type as indicated below.
- 1. Gamma Exposure Rate
- 2. Air Particulates, Weekly Gross Beta Radioactivity
- 3. Air Particulates, Weekly I- 131
- 4. Air Particulates, Quarterly Gamma Spectroscopy
- 5. Cow Milk
- 6. Food Products
- 7. Well Water
- 8. River Water
- 9. Silt
- 10. Shoreline Sediment
- 11. Fish
- 12. Oysters
- 13. Clams
- 14. Crabs 28
TABLE 3-2: GAMMA EXPOSURE RATE Surny Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 mR/Std Month +/- 2 Sigma Page I of I STATION FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH AVERAGE NUMBER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER +/-2 SIGMA 02 4.0 +/- 0.4 3.2 +/- 0.5 4.8 +/- 0.7 5.3 +/- 1.7 4.3 +/- 1.8 03 4.4 +/- 1.3 4.0 +/- 1.3 4.9 +/- 0.2 4.6 +/- 0.8 4.5 +/- 0.8 04 3.3 +/- 0.7 3.5 +/- 0.6 4.8 +/- 0.7 4.5 +/- 0.9 4.0 +/- 1.5 05 3.1 +/- 1.6 4.1 +/- 2.2 4.1 +/- 0.5 4.3 +/- 1.6 3.9 +/- 1.1 06 3.5 +/- 0.2 4.2 +/- 1.4 4.6 +/- 0.6 5.3 +/- 0.5 4.4 +/- 1.5 07 3.7 +/- 0.8 4.3 +/- 0.7 4.9 +/- 1.1 4.8 +/- 0.9 4.4 +/- 1.1 08 4.0 +/- 1.1 3.4 +/- 0.5 4.2 +/- 0.7 4.5 +/- 0.2 4.0 +/- 0.9 09 4.7 +/- 0.7 5.0 +/- 1.7 6.0 +/- 0.5 6.6 +/- 0.7 5.6 +/- 1.8 10 3.6 +/- 0.3 4.4 +/- 0.7 4.8 +/- 1.3 4.4 +/- 1.5 4.3 +/- 1.0 11 2.5 +/- 0.1 2.7 +/- 1.2 3.2 +/- 0.4 3.4 +/- 0.7 3.0 +/- 0.8 12 2.9 +/- 0.4 3.2 +/- 1.0 3.8 +/- 0.4 3.6 +/- 0.9 3.4 +/- 0.8 13 3.4 +/- 0.6 3.7 +/- 0.5 4.3 +/- 0.6 5.0 +/- 0.4 4.1 +/- 1.4 14 3.6 +/- 0.8 3.4 +/- 0.8 4.2 +/- 0.3 4.7 +/- 0.6 4.0 +/- 1.2 15 3.7 +/- 0.5 4.0 +/- 1.2 5.0 +/- 0.8 4.9 +/- 1.4 4.4 +/- 1.3 16 3.5 +/- 0.6 2.6 +/- 0.3 4.0 +/- 0.4 3.7 +/- 0.4 3.5 +/- 1.2 18 2.4 +/- 0.6 2.2 +/- 0.7 2.9 +/- 0.8 2.5 +/- 0.4 2.5 +/- 0.6 19 2.3 +/- 0.5 2.9 +/- 1.6 3.3 +/- 0.8 3.8 +/- 0.9 3.1 +/- 1.3 20 2.3 +/- 0.6 2.0 +/- 0.2 2.8 +/- 1.1 3.0 +/- 1.2 2.5 +/- 0.9 21 2.6 +/- 0.4 2.8 +/- 1.3 3.2 +/- 1.3 2.7 +/- 0.6 2.8 +/- 0.5 22 1.9 +/- 0.9 1.4 +/- 0.1 2.4 +/- 0.9 2.0 +/- 0.3 1.9 +/- 0.8 23 3.7 +/- 0.6 3.1 +/- 0.4 4.5 +/- 0.7 4.1 +/- 0.6 3.9 +/- 1.2 24 2.2 +/- 0.8 2.1 +/- 0.2 2.7 +/- 0.9 2.6 +/- 0.2 2.4 +/- 0.6 25 3.4 +/- 0.8 3.0 +/- 0.4 3.9 +/- 0.7 4.7 +/- 0.5 3.8 +/- 1.5 26 3.7 +/- 0.7 3.9 +/- 0.8 4.6 +/- 0.5 4.8 +/- 0.6 4.3 +/- 1.1 27 2.0 +/- 0.5 2.1 +/- 0.4 2.8 +/- 0.9 2.1 +/- 0.5 2.3 +/- 0.7 28 2.1 +/- 0.6 1.6 +/- 0.5 3.2 +/- 0.5 2.6 +/- 0.4 2.4 +/- 1.4 29 2.1 +/- 0.8 1.8 +/- 0.5 2.8 +/- 0.5 A 2.2 +/- 1.0 30 2.0 +/- 0.7 2.4 +/- 0.4 3.0 +/- 0.4 2.4 +/- 0.6 2.5 +/- 0.8 31 1.4 +/- 0.3 1.4 +/- 0.4 2.2 +/- 0.5 1.8 +/- 0.2 1.7 +/- 0.8 32 2.9 +/- 0.5 2.4 +/- 0.4 3.5 +/- 0.6 3.0 +/- 1.8 3.0 +/- 0.9 33 2.3 +/- 0.6 2.2 +/- 1.5 2.5 +/- 0.8 2.4 +/- 0.2 2.4 +/- 0.3 34 2.6 +/- 0.5 2.5 +/- 0.4 3.4 +/- 0.6 3.9 +/- 0.7 3.1 +/- 1.3 35 A 3.2 +/- 0.8 4.6 +/- 0.3 4.3 +/- 0.8 4.0 +/- 1.5 36 3.9 +/- 1.2 A 4.2 +/- 1.0 4.6 +/- 1.4 4.2 +/- 0.7 37 2.4 +/- 0.8 2.1 +/- 0.5 3.6 +/- 1.5 3.3 +/- 0.6 2.9 +/- 1.4 38 4.8 +/- 0.4 5.5 +/- 0.5 5.8 +/- 0.8 6.0 +/- 1.1 5.5 +/- 1.1 39-C 2.1 +/- 0.6 2.0 +/- 0.5 3.1 +/- 0.9 3.3 +/- 0.5 2.6 +/- 1.3 40-C 3.2 +/- 0.9 3.1 +/- 1.1 3.3 +/- 0.6 3.4 +/- 1.0 3.3 +/- 0.3 41-C 5.6 +/- 1.1 4.6 +/- 0.9 6.0 +/- 0.8 5.8 +/- 1.8 5.5 +/- 1.2 42 2.9 +/- 0.4 3.2 +/- 1.2 3.7 +/- 0.2 3.8 +/- 0.5 3.4 +/- 0.8 43 2.4 +/- 0.4 2.5 +/- 0.8 3.1 +/- 0.4 2.9 +/- 1.2 2.7 +/- 0.7 A - TLD found missing at collection.
- - - m - m-m - m-m -m- m-m -m m - m-TABLE 3-3: GROSS BETA CONCENTRATION IN FILTERED AIR Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 1.OE-3 pCi/m3 A:2 Sigma Page 1 of 2 COLLECTION S SAMPLING LOCATIONS DATE SS HIR BC ALL CP BASF FE NN-C January 03 15.2 +/- 2.94 14.4 +/- 2.90 15.3 +/- 2.90 20.4 +/- 3.13 16.9 +/- 3.02 12.2 +/- 3.06 12.5 +/- 2.78 14.9 +/- 2.85 January 10* 14.5 + 3.14 19.6 +/- 3.40 17.5 +/- 2.96 19.2 +/- 3.04 18.7 +/- 3.05 14.0 +/- 2.74 12.7 +/- 2.73 13.1 +/- 2.73 January 17 15.3 +/- 2.64 7.80 +/- 2.18 13.8 +/- 2.75 15.0 +/- 2.80 16.1 +/- 2.91 12.2 +/- 2.64 14.1 +/- 2.82 15.3 +/- 2.86 January 24 16.9 +/- 2.85 10.0 +/- 2.44 15.3 +/- 2.76 19.1 +/- 2.95 13.0 +/- 2.65 13.9 +/- 2.66 18.7 +/- 2.99 16.4 +/- 2.81 January 31 24.6 +/- 3.32 8.22 +/- 2.41 16.4 +/- 2.90 23.6 +/- 3.25 18.9 +/- 3.07 14.2 +/- 2.76 17.2 +/- 3.00 18.2 +/- 3.00 February 07 19.3 +/- 3.01 10.9 +/- 2.52 17.7 +/- 2.92 22.5 +/- 3.14 17.4 +/- 2.95 14.2 +/- 2.74 17.8 +/- 2.96 16.6 +/- 2.86 February 14 17.3 +/- 2.94 8.11 +/- 2.39 14.0 +/- 2.75 18.1 +/- 2.95 15.5 +/- 2.87 12.2 +/- 2.66 17.7 +/- 2.99 14.7 +/- 2.81 February 21 13.8 + 2.72 7.23 +/- 2.29 13.6 +/- 2.70 18.5 +/- 2.95 14.6 +/- 2.80 14.0 +/- 2.71 17.7 +/- 2.98 14.7 +/- 2.76 February 28 17.3 +/- 2.84 11.5 +/- 2.52 16.1 +/- 2.81 22.9 +/- 3.14 16.4 +/- 2.85 15.3 +/- 2.73 20.1 +/- 3.05 16.4 +/- 2.82 March 06 17.3 +/- 2.87 9.66 +/- 2.41 13.6 +/- 2.68 17.5 +/- 2.87 15.6 +/- 2.82 13.5 +/- 2.64 17.3 +/- 2.92 14.2 +/- 2.71 March 13 16.7 +/- 3.17 9.34 +/- 2.77 16.5 +/- 3.18 20.2 +/- 3.34 15.4 +/- 3.15 14.4 +/- 3.04 17.6 +/- 3.28 15.1 +/- 3.11 March 20 17.3 +/- 3.05 10.7 +/- 2.68 18.6 +/- 3.13 21.1 +/- 3.23 19.1 +/- 3.19 16.4 +/- 2.98 17.9 +/- 3.15 16.0 +/- 2.96 March 27 11.9 +/- 2.81 7.70 +/- 2.55 13.8 +/- 2.93 15.8 +/- 3.00 14.9 +/- 3.01 9.78 +/- 2.71 12.0 +/- 2.91 10.5 +/- 2.74 Qtr. Avg. +/- 2 s.d. 16.7 +/- 6.09 10.4 +/- 6.79 15.6 +/- 3.46 19.5 +/- 5.24 16.3 +/- 3.63 13.6 +/- 3.31 16.4 +/- 5.26 15.1 +/- 3.76 April 03 10.3 +/- 2.57 4.29 +/- 2.18 7.93 +/- 2.44 10.5 +/- 2.56 10.2 +/- 2.60 8.45 2.45 12.9 +/- 2.78 11.2 +/- 2.61 April 10 17.0 +/- 3.02 6.42 +/- 2.40 19.1 +/- 3.14 19.2 +/- 3.12 18.1 +/- 3.11 11.8 2.71 17.5 +/- 3.09 15.9 +/- 2.94 April 17 11.5 +/- 2.62 5.06 +/- 2.19 11.9 +/- 2.65 14.6 +/- 2.77 12.2 +/- 2.69 8.76 2.44 11.9 +/- 2.70 8.78 +/- 2.46 April 24 10.5 +/- 2.61 8.30 +/- 2.45 11.4 +/- 2.67 11.8 +/- 2.67 10.7 +/- 2.66 8.97 2.49 9.79 +/- 2.60 8.61 +/- 2.46 May 01 15.7 +/- 2.77 9.16 +/- 2.36 15.9 +/- 2.79 18.3 +/- 2.89 17.0 +/- 2.86 12.7 2.57 19.9 +/- 3.04 14.7 +/- 2.70 May 08 14.7 +/- 2.79 7.05 +/- 2.31 11.1 +/- 2.58 14.8 +/- 2.79 10.9 +/- 2.58 9.98 2.49 13.0 +/- 2.74 10.3 +/- 2.54 May 15 17.1 +/- 2.93 8.66 +/- 2.44 14.3 +/- 2.84 17.0 +/- 2.92 15.2 +/- 2.86 11.8 2.63 15.7 +/- 2.92 13.3 +/- 2.75 May 22 7.70 +/- 2.37 3.78 +/- 2.08 8.39 +/- 2.46 11.3 +/- 2.57 9.53 +/- 2.50 6.79 2.29 11.0 +/- 2.62 9.68 +/- 2.51 May 29 6.77 +/- 2.47 3.62 +/- 2.25 9.54 +/- 2.69 8.15 +/- 2.53 9.99 +/- 2.68 5.05 2.34 7.67 +/- 2.58 4.99 +/- 2.37 June 05 16.4 +/- 2.88 6.41 +/- 2.29 12.1 +/- 2.71 17.5 +/- 2.92 15.5 +/- 2.86 12.0 2.63 13.1 +/- 2.76 13.7 +/- 2.76 June 12 12.4 +/- 2.77 3.40 +/- 2.20 10.7 +/- 2.74 12.7 +/- 2.76 10.9 +/- 2.70 8.18 2.50 9.93 +/- 2.67 8.43 +/- 2.52 June 19 10.5 +/- 2.46 6.41 +/- 2.17 9.06 +/- 2.41 14.6 +/- 2.68 11.2 +/- 2.51 7.95 2.28 10.5 +/- 2.51 10.6 +/- 2.48 June 26 22.1 +/- 3.18 11.9 +/- 2.62 20.1 +/- 3.15 24.5 +/- 3.27 24.9 +/- 3.31 17.0 2.89 20.0 +/- 3.12 18.8 +/- 2.98 Qtr. Avg. +/- 2 &d. 13.3 +/- 8.67 6.50 +/- 5.06 12.4 +/- 7.77 15.0 +/- 8.68 13.6 +/- 8.90 10.0 +/- 6.17 13.3 +/- 7.80 11.5 +/- 7.40
- SS and HIR samples collected January 9, 2012 30
TABLE 3-3: GROSS BETA CONCENTRA TION IN FILTERED AIR Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 L.OE-3 pCi/m3 + 2 Sigma Page 2 of 2 COLLECTION I SAMPLING LOCATIONS DATE SS HIR BC ALL CP BASF FE NN-C July 03 18.9 2.95 11.4 +/- 2.50 19.0 +/- 2.91 24.8 +/- 3.15 22.5 +/- 3.06 18.1 +/- 2.80 22.4 +/- 3.23 18.4 +/- 2.82 July 10 27.0 3.42 13.1 +/- 2.71 22.4 +/- 3.27 29.3 +/- 3.49 27.6 +/- 3.46 19.4 +/- 3.02 28.3 +/- 3.51 20.9 +/- 3.08 July 17 11.2 2.57 7.40 +/- 2.32 9.67 +/- 2.54 13.8 +/- 2.70 13.6 +/- 2.75 10.8 +/- 2.55 11.1 +/- 2.63 8.22 +/- 2.39 July 24 11.2 2.66 5.61 +/- 2.29 13.2 +/- 2.83 13.1 +/- 2.79 14.6 +/- 2.86 12.8 +/- 2.73 13.5 +/- 2.84 11.5 +/- 2.65 July 31 15.8 2.97 8.93 +/- 2.58 16.4 +/- 3.06 20.0 +/- 3.18 17.7 +/- 3.12 14.6 +/- 2.88 15.2 +/- 2.99 13.0 +/- 2.81 August 07 14.3 2.91 7.83 +/- 2.53 13.7 +/- 2.94 13.7 +/- 2.86 14.4 +/- 2.94 8.35 +/- 2.56 13.9 +/- 2.95 8.95 +/- 2.59 August 14 10.1 2.58 5.73 +/- 2.29 10.5 +/- 2.65 12.1 +/- 2.66 12.5 +/- 2.72 9.69 +/- 2.51 11.9 +/- 2.71 7.49 +/- 2.37 August 21 17.9 3.11 14.3 +/- 2.93 23.0 +/- 3.44 27.4 +/- 3.56 28.0 +/- 3,65 19.6 +/- 3.22 25.5 +/- 3.58 21.9 +/- 3.34 August 28 13.7 2.85 11.9 +/- 2.76 17.2 +/- 3.13 19.3 +/- 3.13 20.2 +/- 3.23 14.3 +/- 2.89 20.7 +/- 3.28 15.6 +/- 2.96 September 04 9.27 3.08 9.21 +/- 2.42 17.1 +/- 2.95 19.0 +/- 2.97 17.8 +/- 2.94 12.4 +/- 2.61 16.9 +/- 2.93 15.6 +/- 2.79 September 11 13.0 3.01 8.31 +/- 2.69 13.9 +/- 3.07 16.3 +/- 3.11 19.7 +/- 3.29 12.2 +/- 2.90 15.6 +/- 3.16 17.5 +/- 3.16 September 17 15.8 3.36 9.19 +/- 2.91 13.6 +/- 3.26 19.8 +/- 3.49 17.6 +/- 3.40 13.7 +/- 3.17 14.4 +/- 3.29 12.6 +/- 3.10 September 24 16.3 3.06 9.88 +/- 2.66 15.0 +/- 3.02 17.4 +/- 3.05 18.6 +/- 3.14 13.7 +/- 2.86 16.4 +/- 3.08 13.7 +/- 2.85 Qtr. Avg.
- 2 s.d. 15.0 +/- 9.35 9.45 +/- 5.29 15.7 +/- 8.07 18.9 +/- 10.9 18.8 +/- 9.76 13.8 +/- 6.96 17.4 +/- 10.6 14.3 +/- 9.25 October 02 22.4 + 2.98 11.7 +/- 2.42 25.5 +/- 3.16 26.0 +/- 3.11 28.4 +/- 3.25 19.2 +/- 2.80 25.5 +/- 3.16 20.1 +/- 2.86 October 09 20.4 +/- 3.07 12.0 +/- 2.59 18.6 +/- 3.01 22.3 +/- 3.12 24.4 +/- 3.26 20.7 +/- 3.05 24.1 +/- 3.29 17.6 +/- 2.90 October 16 20.4 +/- 3.24 11.0 +/- 2.71 16.0 +/- 3.07 22.4 +/- 3.28 23.8 +/- 3.39 18.4 +/- 3.08 19.9 +/- 3.23 15.7 +/- 2.93 October 23 18.8 +/- 2.97 9.59 +/- 2.39 17.9 +/- 2.95 22.5 +/- 3.10 21.5 +/- 3.10 18.1 +/- 2.88 22.9 +/- 3.20 18.8 +/- 3.03 October 30 16.4 +/- 3.12 7.42 +/- 2.56 17.5 +/- 3.18 21.9 +/- 3.31 20.8 +/- 3.30 18.6 +/- 3.16 20.6 +/- 3.33 16.9 +/- 3.18 November 06 8.77 +/- 2.46 4.16 +/- 2.09 8.16 +/- 2.42 9.06 +/- 2.41 11.3 +/- 2.58 6.37 +/- 2.24 9.05 +/- 2.47 10.2 +/- 2.55 November 13 23.3 +/- 3.42 13.5 +/- 2.86 26.7 +/- 3.57 27.3 +/- 3.52 27.7 +/- 3.58 24.3 +/- 3.39 30.6 +/- 3.74 28.2 +/- 3.66 Novem ber 20 20.7 +/- 3.12 11.3 +/- 2.55 23.7 +/- 3.27 20.7 +/- 3.05 25.6 +/- 3.32 21.7 +/- 3.09 22.4 +/- 3.20 23.9 +/- 3.27 November 27 18.5 +/- 3.38 10.6 +/- 2.91 20.1 +/- 3.45 20.8 +/- 3.39 25.7 +/- 3.65 25.9 +/- 3.61 24.2 +/- 3.64 21.3 +/- 3.51 December 03 28.4 +/- 3.97 17.9 +/- 3.37 28.9 +/- 4.00 33.2 +/- 4.09 39.2 +/- 4.39 32.3 +/- 4.04 34.8 +/- 4.25 41.1 +/- 4.51 December 11 13.2 +/- 2.72 7.95 +/- 2.38 14.4 +/- 2.81 14.3 +/- 2.71 16.9 +/- 2.86 13.4 +/- 2.67 14.6 +/- 2.80 15.9 +/- 2.87 December 17 18.3 +/- 3.21 10.8 +/- 2.72 17.2 +/- 3.20 20.3 +/- 3.27 22.5 +/- 3.43 16.8 +/- 3.07 20.5 +/- 3.35 17.5 +/- 3.19 December 24 18.0 +/- 3.26 15.7 +/- 3.12 21.7 +/- 3.47 20.7 +/- 3.32 24.7 +/- 3.54 17.5 +/- 3.18 22.3 +/- 3.49 23.0 +/- 3.54 December 31 10.7 +/- 2.62 10.1 +/- 2.57 12.4 +/- 2.76 17.0 +/- 2.92 25.3 +/- 3.35 15.3 +/- 2.84 14.9 +/- 2.87 15.6 +/- 2.91 Qtr. Avg. +/- 2 s.d. 18.4 +/- 10.2 11.0 +/- 6.78 19.2 +/- 11.5 21.3 +/- 11.4 24.1 +/- 12.4 19.2 +/- 12.1 21.9 +/- 12.9 20.4 +/- 14.8 Ann. Avg. +/- 2 s.d 15.9 +/- 9.35 9.36 +/- 6.83 15.8 +/- 9.41 18.7 +/- 10.3 18.3 +/- 12.0 14.2 +/- 10.2 17.3 +/- 11.3 15.4 +/- 11.6 31
TABLE 3-4: IODINE-131 CONCENTRATION IN FILTERED AIR Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 1.0E-3 pCi/m3 + 2 Sigma Page I of 2 COLLECTION I SAMPLING LOCATIONS DATE SS HIR BC ALL CP BASF FE NN-C January 03 3.03 +/- 16.6 3.04 +/- 16.7 2.97 +/- 16.3 2.92 +/- 16.0 -16.3 +/- 19.7 -18.5 +/- 22.4 -16.2 +/- 19.5 -15.7 +/- 19.0 January 10 -8.07 +/- 18.0 -7.99 +/- 17.9 -6.66 +/- 14.9 -6.63 +/- 14.8 -1.12 +/- 21.3 -1.09 +/- 20.6 -1.12 +/- 21.2 -1.10 +/- 20.9 January 17 6.73 +/- 16.2 6.60 +/- 15.8 7.16 +/- 17.2 7.13 +/- 17.1 1.81 +/- 16.8 1.76 +/- 16.3 1.82 +/- 16.9 1.80 +/- 16.7 January 24 12.2 +/- 15.0 12.1 +/- 14.8 12.2 +/- 14.9 12.1 +/- 14.8 -3.44 +/- 9.29 -3.34 +/- 9.03 -3.46 +/- 9.34 -3.35 +/- 9.05 January 31 -9.42 +/- 22.9 -9.28 +/- 22.6 -9.37 +/- 22.8 -9.33 +/- 22.7 12.7 +/- 15.6 12.3 +/- 15.1 12.8 +/- 15.6 12.4 +/- 15.2 February 07 29.1 +/- 30.0 28.6 +/- 29.5 29.0 +/- 29.9 28.6 +/- 29.5 -1.01 +/- 21.8 -0.99 +/- 21.4 -1.00 +/- 21.7 -0.98 +/- 21.2 February 14 6.86 +/- 21.1 6.74 +/- 20.7 6.79 +/- 20.9 6.73 +/- 20.7 -13.1 +/- 28.7 -12.8 +/- 28.1 -13.1 +/- 28.7 -12.9 +/- 28.2 February 21 2.06 +/- 15.8 2.02 +/- 15.5 2.05 +/- 15.7 2.03 +/- 15.6 -0.06 +/- 10.9 -0.06 +/- 10.6 -0.06 +/- 11.0 -0.06 +/- 10.6 February 28 0.34 +/- 13.0 0.34 +/- 12.9 0.34 +/- 13.1 0.34 +/- 13.0 17.8 +/- 13.9 17.2 +/- 13.4 17.8 +/- 13.9 17.4 +/- 13.6 March 06 8.63 +/- 24.0 8.51 +/- 23.8 8.65 +/- 24.2 8.52 +/- 23.8 -6.97 +/- 26.1 -6.73 +/- 25.2 -6.97 +/- 26.1 -6.83 +/- 25.6 March 13 2.95 +/- 14.3 2.93 +/- 14.2 2.98 +/- 14.5 2.95 +/- 14.3 -1.71 +/- 12.4 -1.66 +/- 12.1 -1.71 +/- 12.5 -1.68 +/- 12.2 March 20 0.54 +/- 13.7 0.53 +/- 13.6 0.54 +/- 13.8 0.53 +/- 13.6 4.85 +/- 21.2 4.69 +/- 20.5 4.90 +/- 21.4 4.66 +/- 20.3 March 27 -6.58 +/- 9.38 -6.49 +/- 9.24 -6.60 +/- 9.40 -6.51 +/- 9.28 1.49 +/- 7.28 1.47 +/- 7.17 1.52 +/- 7.42 1.45 +/- 7.07 April 03 5.41 +/- 17.1 5.36 +/- 16.9 5.43 +/- 17.1 5.33 +/- 16.8 4.83 12.1 4.72 11.8 4.87 +/- 12.2 4.69 +/- 11.7 April 10 -14.6 +/- 16.4 -14.4 +/- 16.2 -14.7 +/- 16.5 -14.5 +/- 16.3 22.7 19.4 22.0 18.8 22.7 +/- 19.4 21.9 +/- 18.7 April 17 2.99 +/- 12.5 2.95 +/- 12.3 3.01 +/- 12.6 2.95 +/- 12.4 10.3 11.5 10.0 11.3 10.4 +/- 11.7 10.1 +/- 11.3 April 24 -8.72 +/- 22.5 -8.59 +/- 22.2 -8.74 +/- 22.6 -8.66 +/- 22.4 -10.0 19.8 -9.69 19.1 -9.97 +/- 19.7 -9.55 +/- 18.8 May 01 -2.34 +/- 16.5 -2.31 +/- 16.2 -2.34 +/- 16.5 -2.31 +/- 16.2 8.24 14.9 8.00 14.5 8.31 +/- 15.0 8.00 +/- 14.5 May 08 9.81 +/- 20.5 9.72 +/- 20.3 9.80 +/- 20.5 9.77 +/- 20.4 -7.71 21.1 -7.02 20.7 -7.25 +/- 21.3 -7.08 +/- 20.9 May 15 5.53 +/- 21.7 5.48 +/- 21.5 5.68 +/- 22.3 5.50 +/- 21.6 5.40 22.5 5.31 22.1 5.50 +/- 22.9 5.39 +/- 22.4 May 22 7.96 +/- 29.1 7.89 +/- 28.8 8.17 +/- 29.9 7.87 +/- 28.8 1.75 19.2 1.72 18.8 1.78 +/- 19.5 1.75 +/- 19.1 May 29 -3.82 +/- 34.3 -3.79 +/- 33.9 -3.92 +/- 35.2 -3.78 +/- 33.9 6.71 34.4 6.59 33.7 6.82 +/- 34.9 6.68 +/- 34.2 June 05 -4.30 +/- 41.2 -4.26 +/- 40.8 -4.42 +/- 42.3 -4.26 +/- 40.8 15.1 28.2 14.8 27.6 15.3 +/- 28.5 15.0 +/- 28.0 June 12 -7.28 +/- 14.4 -7.18 +/- 14.2 -7.50 +/- 14.8 -7.16 +/- 14.2 9.99 18.7 9.74 18.3 10.10 +/- 18.9 9.72 +/- 18.3 June 19 -5.35 +/- 32.0 -5.27 +/- 31.5 -5.47 +/- 32.7 -5.27 +/- 31.5 -20.1 23.5 -19.9 23.2 -20.6 +/- 24.0 -20.0 +/- 23.4 June 26 -17.6 +/- 19.8 -17.3 +/- 19.5 -18.1 +/- 20.4 -17.3 +/- 19.5 -2.26 14.3 -2.22 14.1 -2.30 +/- 14.6 -2.21 +/- 14.0
- SS and HIR samples collected January 9, 2012 32
TABLE 3-4: IODINE-131 CONCENTRA TION IN FILTERED AIR Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 1.0E-3 pCi/m3 + 2 Sigma Page 2 of 2 COLLECTION SAMPLING LOCATIONS DATE SS HIR BC ALL CP BASF FE NN-C July 03 5.99 +/- 28.6 5.93 +/- 28.3 5.85 +/- 27.9 5.69 +/- 27.2 -13.0 + 17.7 -12.8 + 17.3 -14.1 +/- 19.2 -12.8 + 17.3
July 10 2.24 +/- 26.0 2.20 +/- 25.6 2.29 +/- 26.6 2.20 +/- 25.6 -5.08 33.1 -4.94 +/- 32.2 -5.10 +/- 33.2 -4.85 + 31.6 July 17 0.34 +/- 16.4 0.33 +/- 16.2 0.35 +/- 16.9 0.33 +/- 16.2 -11.2 -+
20.5 -10.9 + 20.0 -11.3 +/- 20.7 -10.9 + 19.9 July 24 3.61 +/- 9.59 3.57 +/- 9.48 3.72 +/- 9.88 3.65 +/- 9.67 -7.20 -+
12.6 -7.06 + 12.3 -7.31 +/- 12.8 -7.02 + 12.3 July 31 +
-3.77 +/- 11.5 -3.74 +/- 11.4 -3.87 +/- 11.8 -3.77 +/- 11.5 1.91 8.78 1.84 + 8.46 1.90 +/- 8.75 1.84 + 8.47 August 07 16.7 +/- 15.6 16.5 +/- 15.5 17.1 +/- 16.0 16.5 +/- 15.4 11.0 +/- 25.4 10.8 + 24.9 11.2 +/- 25.8 10.7 + 24.8 August 14 2.01 +/- 20.6 1.99 +/- 20.4 2.06 +/- 21.1 1.97 +/- 20.2 -3.11 + 11.6 -3.04 + 11.3 -3.14 +/- 11.7 -3.01 + 11.2 August 21 -4.12 +/- 11.7 -4.12 +/- 11.7 -4.29 +/- 12.2 -4.14 +/- 11.8 4.90+ 11.7 4.80 +/- 11.4 4.97 +/- 11.8 4.79 + 11.4 August 28 12.0 +/- 35.0 12.0 +/- 35.1 12.5 +/- 36.4 12.0 +/- 34.9 -18.3 + 31.1 -17.8 + 30.3 -18.4 +/- 31.4 -17.8 + 30.3 September 04 -20.1 +/- 41.4 11.90 +/- 34.1 12.50 +/- 35.5 11.90 +/- 34.0 6.40 + 25.9 6.28 + 25.4 6.50 +/- 26.3 6.26 + 25.3
September 11 3.65 +/- 11.7 3.53 +/- 11.4 3.66 +/- 11.8 3.54 +/- 11.4 -2.97 13.3 -2.94 + 13.2 -3.05 +/- 13.7 -2.93 + 13.2 September 17 4.50 +/- 19.6 4.38 +/- 19.0 4.54 +/- 19.7 4.36 +/- 18.9 6.62 + 16.6 6.56 + 16.5 6.77 +/- 17.0 6.50 + 16.3 September 24 5.18 +/- 24.7 5.05 +/- 24.1 5.23 +/- 24.9 5.03 +/- 23.9 -18.7 25.2 -18.4 + 24.9 -19.1 +/- 25.7 -18.2 + 24.6 October 02 -5.72 +/- 19.7 -5.62 + 19.3 -5.83 +/- 20.1 -5.61 +/- 19.3 1.18 +/- 4.56 1.16 + 4.47 1.20 +/- 4.63 1.16 + 4.48 October 09 -3.96 +/- 24.0 -3.89 23.6 -4.03 +/- 24.4 -3.89 +/- 23.5 -0.26 +/- 20.2 -0.26 + 19.9 -0.27 +/- 20.6 -0.26 + 19.8 October 16 -1.60 +/- 18.9 -1.57 18.5 -1.63 +/- 19.3 -1.56 +/- 18.5 7.24 +/- 14.8 7.04 + 14.4 7.27 +/- 14.9 6.95 + 14.2 October 23 3.26 +/- 16.9 3.16 16.4 3.31 +/- 17.1 3.16 +/- 16.4 -2.93 +/- 16.7 -2.87 + 16.3 -2.97 +/- 16.9 -3.00 + 17.1
October 30 -6.45 +/- 10.3 -6.22 10.0 -6.44 +/- 10.3 -6.21 +/- 10.0 -1.07 +/- 14.0 -1.05 +/- 13.8 -1.08 +/- 14.2 -1.09 + 14.3 November 06 6.60 +/- 13.4 6.36 +/- 12.9 6.59 +/- 13.4 6.35 +/- 12.9 -5.51 +/- 10.8 -5.41 + 10.6 -5.59 +/- 11.0 -5.59 + 11.0 November 13 -3.29 +/- 12.1 -3.17 +/- 11.6 -3.28 +/- 12.1 -3.17 +/- 11.6 0.97 +/- 9.19 0.95 + 9.03 0.99 +/- 9.34 0.99 + 9.38 November 20 13.9 +/- 30.0 13.4 +/- 28.9 13.9 +/- 30.0 13.4 +/- 28.9 44.0 +/- 34.2 43.1 + 33.5 44.6 +/- 34.6 44.5 + 34.6 November 27 -9.44 +/- 15.0 -9.01 +/- 14.4 -9.40 +/- 14.9 -9.06 +/- 14.4 10.6 +/- 11.9 10.4 + 11.7 10.7 +/- 12.2 10.7 + 12.1 December 03 -13.0 +/- 12.6 -12.5 +/- 12.1 -13.0 +/- 12.6 -12.5 +/- 12.1 1.30 +/- 14.1 1.27 + 13.9 1.32 +/- 14.4 1.32 + 14.3 December 11 8.79 +/- 23.0 8.51 +/- 22.2 8.90 +/- 23.2 8.49 +/- 22.2 -14.1 + 26.8 -13.9 + 26.4 -14.4 +/- 27.3 -14.4 + 27.3 December 17 -2.53 +/- 21.2 -2.48 +/- 20.8 -2.59 +/- 21.7 -2.47 +/- 20.7 2.91 +/- 15.5 2.84 +/- 15.1 2.93 +/- 15.6 2.93 + 15.6 December 24 3.15 +/- 29.2 3.12 +/- 28.9 3.20 +/- 29.7 3.06 +/- 28.4 14.4 + 33.6 14.2 + 33.0 14.7 +/- 34.2 14.7 + 34.3 December 31 -6.56 +/- 15.1 -6.50 +/- 14.9 -6.68 +/- 15.4 -6.38 +/- 14.7 -2.99 + 17.1 -2.95 + 16.9 -3.03 +/- 17.4 -3.02 + 17.3 33
TABLE 3-5: GAMMA EMITTER CONCENTRATION IN FILTERED AIR Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 1.OE-3 pCi/m3 1 2 Sigma Page 1 of I SAMPLING FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH AVERAGE LOCATIONS NUCLIDE IQUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER +/- 2 SIGMA SS Cs-134 -0.29 +/- 0.74 1.21 +{ 0.95 1.15 +/- 0.92 0.99 +/- 1.64 Cs-137 -0.10 + 0.68 -0.28 _+ 0.62 0.12 +/- 0.60 0.11 +/- 1.17 Be-7 175 + 3.7 196 .+ 28.7 119 +/- 32.6 107 +/- 31.3 149 +/- 86.0 K-40 13.6 + 11.5 13.6 +/- 11.5 HIR Cs-1 34 -0.01 + 0.70 1.10 +/- 0.86 1.44 +/- 1.02 0.08 +/- 1.17 Cs-1 37 0.40 + 0.71 0.13 +/- 0.66 0.33 +/- 0.76 -0.22 +/- 0.74 Be-7 82.9 +/- 25.9 100 +/- 21.4 95.7 +/- 30.9 76.3 +/- 22.3 89 +/- 22.0 BC Cs-134 -0.65 +/- 0.49 2.36 +/- 1.07 1.44 +/- 1.18 0.32 +- 1.11 Cs-1 37 0.11 +/- 0.48 0.55 +/- 0.83 0.01 +/- 0.80 -0.23 + 0.90 Be-7 121 +/- 28.6 141 +/- 27.6 153 +/- 42.0 97.2 +- 25.3 128 +/- 48.9 K-40 16.4 14.3 16.4 +/- 14.3 ALL Cs-134 0.12 + 0.89 0.63 +/- 0.60 0.59 +/- 0.71 0.55 +/- 0.80 Cs-137 -0.42 + 0.68 0.06 +/- 0.46 0.04 +/- 0.56 0.32 +/- 0.61 Be-7 172 + 34.3 197 +/- 24.5 147 +/- 30.0 119 +/- 21.7 159 +/- 66.9 CP Cs-1 34 0.28 +/- 1.15 0.47 +/- 0.76 0.28 +/- 1.05 0.84 + 1.01 Cs-137 0.57 +/- 1.13 0.41 +/- 0.52 -0.26 +/- 0.82 -0.06 0.73 Be-7 163 +/- 54.4 167 +/- 24.7 190 +/- 37.7 155 30.1 169 +/- 30.0 BASF Cs-134 0.36 +/- 0.80 1.71 +/- 0.98 2.30 +/- 1.36 0.34 + 0.81 Cs-137 0.34 +/- 0.80 0.74 +/- 0.67 0.62 +/- 1.02 -0.40 0.71 Be-7 135 +/- 35.1 142 +/- 29.6 158 +/- 36.7 113 + 23.7 137 +/- 37.3 K-40 14.9 13.3 14.9 +/- 13.3
FE Cs-134 0.14 +/- 1.06 0.67 +/- 0.87 0.26 +/- 1.31 0.67 +- 0.84 Cs-1 37 -0.70 +/- 1.07 0.25 +/- 0.76 -0.38 +/- 1.07 0.09 +- 0.72 Be-7 138 + 36.8 146 +/- 29.9 170 +/- 37.8 110 22.2 141 +/- 49.5
K-40 15.6 10.4 15.6 +/- 10.4 NN-C Cs-1 34 0.37 +/- 0.69 0.94 +/- 0.85 0.19 + 1.09 -0.38 +/- 0.93 Cs-1 37 0.23 +/- 0.78 0.26 +/- 0.50 -0.84 +/- 0.88 -0.06 +/- 0.82 Be-7 147 +/- 30.9 142 +/- 25.8 179 + 41.7 118 +/- 26.8 147 +/- 50.2 34
TABLE 3-6: GAMMA EMITTER AND STRONTIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN MILK Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 pCi/Liter +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 3 COLONIAL NUCLIDE EPPS PARKWAY WILLIAMS-C JANUARY Cs-1 34 2.05 3.31 -0.82 4.01 3.04 3.71 Cs-1 37 -0.92 3.22 0.58 3.80 -1.61 3.57 Ba-140 14.0 17.2 9.56 18.0 -3.66 18.1 La-1 40 -0.81 5.92 -5.23 5.65 0.66 5.03 1-131 0.21 0.33 0.07 0.37 -0.01 0.36 K-40 1370 135 1490 161 1250 140 FEBRUARY Cs-134 -1.20 2.99 0.63 3.60 -2.49 4.02 Cs-137 -1.08 3.05 -0.88 3.47 -0.20 3.86 Ba-140 2.78 13.7 5.67 15.9 15.4 17.6 La-1 40 0.09 3.51 -2.93 5.88 2.15 4.72 I-131 0.02 0.28 0.08 0.28 0.03 0.27 K-40 1410 120 1310 140 1210 151 MARCH Cs-1 34 -0.01 3.32 0.47 3.20 -0.68 2.77 Cs-1 37 -2.75 3.36 -0.26 3.00 0.07 2.88 Ba-140 3.06 15.0 -8.55 16.0 0.27 12.3 La-140 -12.3 4.35 -10.5 5.11 0.13 3.41 1-131 -0.05 0.42 0.29 0.40 -0.17 0.43 K-40 1280 138 1350 131 1340 124 Sr-89 1.41 3.13 Sr-90 0.31 0.43 APRIL Cs-1 34 -1.39 2.74 -0.81 4.19 -3.32 2.20 Cs-137 1.10 2.91 -2.40 4.38 0.42 2.18 Ba-140 -10.2 14.1 -1.00 20.9 5.53 10.3 La-140 1.79 4.70 7.70 4.97 0.17 2.82 I-131 -0.22 0.26 -0.17 0.35 -0.11 0.26 K-40 1410 112 1420 167 1330 85.1 35
TABLE 3-6: GAMMA EMITTER AND STRONTIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN MILK Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 pCi/Liter +/- 2 Sigma Page 2 of 3 COLONIAL NUCLIDE EPPS PARKWAY WILLIAM S-C MAY Cs-1 34 0.09 + 3.46 1.44 4.17 -4.27 4.16 Cs-1 37 3.37 + 3.47 1.38 4.16 1.57 4.09 Ba-140 9.36 + 15.2 -9.57 17.9 -7.26 18.3 La-1 40 3.53 + 5.09 0.09 6.35 -8.99 6.25 1-131 0.15 0.45 -0.11 0.25 0.02 0.35 K-40 1240 144 1620 150 1400 161
JUNE Cs-1 34 -0.83 3.05 -0.40 4.37 0.59 2.83 Cs-137 -1.34 + 3.03 -1.31 4.49 2.13 3.13 Ba-140 -6.55 13.5 -1.76 16.9 1.22 14.7
+¢ La-140 0.55 4.91 1.19 5.48 -0.16 3.61
1-131 0.02 0.22 -0.02 0.25 -0.25 0.20 K-40 1480 140 1410 145 1280 137 Sr-89 2.74 2.80 Sr-90 0.39 0.61 Ac-228 22.7 +/- 15.5 JULY Cs-134 -1.71 +{ 4.14 -1.08 4.05 3.17 3.68
Cs-1 37 -0.79 + 4.59 -2.47 4.28 2.59 3.75 Ba-140 -20.5 + 27.3 -9.51 + 23.9 -4.75 22.7 La-140 -1.29 7.63 0.10 + 7.57 4.58 7.45 1-131 -0.03 + 0.30 -0.16 0.38 0.67 0.48 K-40 1240 149 1310 154 1330 151
AUGUST Cs-1 34 -3.03 + 3.44 -2.10 2.67 0.10 3.50 1.36 3.18 2.37 +/-. 2.44 1.31 Cs-137 3.41
Ba-140 -5.94 13.8 -0.39 10.7 -3.40 14.4
La-140 -4.13 + 4.76 1.10 3.05 -2.03 4.31
+¢ 1-131 -0.03 0.30 -0.23 0.35 0.06 0.32 K-40 1310 133 1310 100 1300 123 36
TABLE 3-6: GAMMA EMITTER AND STRONTIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN MILK Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 pCi/Liter +2 Sigma Page3 of 3 COLONIAL NCIDE EPPS PARKWAY WILLIAMSC SEPTEMBER Cs-1 34 -6.49 5.29 1.55 3.73 -1.26 6.44 Cs-1 37 0.78 5.10 -2.65 3.68 -1.23 6.99 Ba-1 40 -6.22 22.1 9.62 17.1 -1.95 28.7 La-1 40 -1.61 6.57 -0.48 4.20 4.05 8.92 1-131 0.18 0.34 0.10 0.34 -0.14 0.30 K-40 1510 172 1280 155 1180 211 Sr-89 0.97 1.64 Sr-90 0.56 0.56 OCTOBER Cs-134 -9.05 4.33 -3.96 3.60 0.51 3.05 Cs-137 1.94 3.90 4.86 3.97 0.14 3.64 Ba-140 -11.50 20.4 13.40 16.3 7.57 14.5 La-140 0.87 3.89 0.07 5.67 0.82 4.68 1-131 -0.54 0.47 0.31 0.43 -0.36 0.49 K-40 1330 141 1250 142 1300 132 NOVEMBER Cs-1 34 -8.05 4.42 -5.76 4.89 -7.61 4.28 Cs-1 37 -1.58 4.13 -1.85 4.30 0.86 4.33 Ba-140 -3.92 19.8 9.49 24.2 -10.80 19.4 La-1 40 2.91 6.37 8.28 6.31 0.17 4.66 1-131 -2.16 0.52 -0.30 0.47 -2.14 0.50 K-40 1360 155 1300 152 1310 162 DECEMBER Cs-1 34 -6.85 -+ 3.01 0.66 +r 2.84 -0.23 + 3.34
-1.81 +
Cs-1 37 0.48 3.01 1.86 + 3.26 3.28
Ba-140 -7.80 13.9 2.17 14.2 -2.27 14.2
-+ +r La-1 40 -2.75 4.16 -2.27 + 3.61 -1.46 4.36
1-131 -0.18 0.42 -0.40 0.39 -0.23 0.37 K-40 1300 104 1340 + 122 1330 127 Sr-89 2.80 + 2.59 Sr-90 0.22 0.48 Th-228 9.07 +/- 8.49 37
TABLE 3-7: GAMMA EMITTER CONCENTRATION IN FOOD PRODUCTS Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 pCi/kg (wet) +/- 2 Sigma Page I of I SAMPLING COLLECTION SAMPLE C LOCATIONS DATE TYPE Cs134 Cs-137 1-131 K-40 BROCK 11/5/2012 Com -7.1 + 8.92 3.13 +/- 8.2 12.00 +/- 16.9 2920 +/- 315 FARM 11/5/2012 Peanuts 4.11 + 12 7.92 +/- 12.3 3.99 +/- 19.7 6190 +/- 461 SLADE 11/5/2012 Soybeans -12.4 +/- 18.5 6.39 +/- 17.8 -9.56 +/- 29.3 14300 +/- 869 FARM 38
TABLE 3-8: GAMMA EMITTER AND TRITIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN WELL WA TER Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 pCi/Liter +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 2 SAMPLING COLLECTION/
LOCATIONS DATE ISOTOPE Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 SS 3/20/2012 -0.78 +/- 2.33 -2.27 +/- 5.24 -0.17 +/- 2.28 1.26 +/- 2.61 -4.76 +/- 5.16 6/12/2012 -0.84 +/- 2.73 2.90 +/- 5.24 -0.16 +/- 2.62 -1.01 +/- 2.53 -6.91 +/- 6.66 9/17/2012 -0.93 +/- 2.81 -2.00 +/- 5.09 -1.65 +/- 3.09 0.43 +/- 2.87 -7.33 +/- 7.17 12/11/2012 -0.38 +/- 2.01 0.38 +/- 4.53 -0.36 +/- 1.97 0.52 +/- 2.26 -8.85 +/- 5.65 Zr-95 Nb-95 1-131 Cs-l 34 Cs-1 37 3/20/2012 0.85 +/- 4.02 1.27 +/- 2.34 0.11 +/- 0.29 -1.15 +/- 2.49 -0.09 + 2.47 6/12/2012 0.06 +/- 4.78 2.90 +/- 2.97 -0.16 +/- 0.38 0.24 +/- 3.19 0.49 + 3.01 9/17/2012 3.17 +/- 5.29 -0.19 +/- 3.04 -0.06 +/- 0.36 -6.00 +/- 3.42 0.88 + 3.37 12/11/2012 1.80 +/- 3.86 1.12 +/- 2.21 -0.83 +/- 0.35 -0.89 +/- 2.36 0.93 + 2.07 Ba-140 La-140 H-3 3/20/2012 -5.08 +/- 11.9 0.01 +/- 3.16 58.1 +/- 432 6/12/2012 -2.71 +/- 13.70 -0.13 +/- 4.50 139 +/- 871 9/17/2012 -5.87 +/- 16.0 0.14 +/- 5.39 -78.7 +/- 484 12/11/2012 -5.83 +/- 10.3 -0.41 +/- 3.36 -331 +/- 484 Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 HIR 3/20/2012 -0.09 +/- 2.02 2.84 +/- 3.83 -1.47 +/- 1.93 2.10 +/- 2.12 -6.42 +/- 4.46 6/12/2012 0.74 +/- 2.81 2.61 +/- 6.48 1.11 +/- 3.07 -0.17 +/- 3.43 -2.08 +/- 5.24 9/17/2012 -3.89 +/- 4.02 6.06 +/- 9.80 -0.88 +/- 4.58 1.93 +/- 4.39 0.07 +/- 9.85 12/11/2012 -0.13 +/- 1.99 -0.03 +/- 4.03 -0.11 +/- 2.04 1.77 +/- 2.05 -6.52 +/- 4.54 Zr-95 Nb-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 3/20/2012 2.80 +/- 3.48 0.96 +/- 1.91 -0.20 +/- 0.29 0.05 +/- 3.36 -1.04 +/- 2.18 6/12/2012 -3.67 +/- 5.34 -0.60 +/- 3.00 0.00 +/- 0.45 -1.43 +/- 2.77 1.04 +/- 2.64 9/17/2012 -2.86 +/- 7.87 4.98 +/- 4.62 -0.07 +/- 0.36 -0.63 +/- 4.66 -1.16 +/- 4.89 12/11/2012 -1.15 +/- 3.86 0.50 +/- 2.19 -0.39 +/- 0.37 -0.22 +/- 2.09 1.50 +/- 2.25 Ba-140 La-140 H-3 3/20/2012 -3.28 +/- 10.5 -0.32 +/- 3.07 -345 + 397 6/12/2012 0.73 +/- 15.1 1.60 +/- 5.13 555 908 9/17/2012 0.19 +/- 21.9 -4.18 +/- 7.67 -104 _+ 476 12/11/2012 1.54 +/- 9.75 0.92 +/- 3.26 -318 486 39
TABLE 3-8: GAMMA EMITTER AND TRITIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN WELL WA TER Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 pCi/liter +/- 2 Sigma Page 2 of 2 SAMPLING COLLECTIONI LOCATIONS DATE ISOTOPE Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 CS 3/20/2012 -1.95 + 2.84 -2.21 +/- 6.37 -0.80 +/- 3.26 1.10 +/- 2.77 -4.45 +/- 6.43 6/12/2012 -3.31 + 3.11 1.72 +/- 6.38 -1.63 +/- 2.77 0.03 +/- 2.62 -3.27 +/- 6.45 9/17/2012 1.76 + 2.64 -1.90 +/- 4.58 -1.73 +/- 2.75 2.67 +/- 2.83 2.48 +/- 4.65 12/11/2012 -2.69 + 2.18 -2.36 +/- 5.01 -3.35 +/- 2.58 -2.52 +/- 2.55 -8.97 +/- 5.54 Zr-95 Nb-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 3/20/2012 0.73 +/- 5.73 -1.43 +/- 3.02 -0.01 0.31 -3.25 +/- 3.54 -1.39 +/- 3.13 6/12/2012 -0.40 +/- 5.67 0.70 +/- 3.12 -0.1 0.45 -6.72 +/- 3.53 -0.61 +/- 3.58 9/17/2012 -3.04 +/- 4.32 0.95 +/- 2.97 -0.47o 0.36 1.72 +/- 2.94 -3.23 +/- 2.53 12/11/2012 3.66 +/- 4.14 0.87 +/- 2.4 -0.10 0.41 -0.16 +/- 2.55 0.27 +/- 2.54 Ba-140 La-140 H-3 Th-228 3/20/2012 -10.2 +/- 14.6 -2.07 +/- 5.06 -152 +/- 407 6/12/2012 -3.60 +/- 15.0 -4.85 +/- 5.15 550 +/- 899 9/17/2012 1.12 +/- 13.9 -2.73 +/- 4.58 -318 +/- 463 11.7 +/- 6.68 12/11/2012 2.68 +/- 11.3 0.98 +/- 3.34 -89.5 +/- 497 40
TABLE 3-9: GAMMA EMITTER AND TRITIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN RIVER WA TER Surry Power Station, Suny County, Virginia - 2012 pCi/Liter +/- 2 Sigma Page I of 2 SAMPLING COLLECTIONI LOCATIONS DATE ISOTOPE Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 SD 1/9/2012 0.31 + 2.10 2.16 +/- 4.29 -0.39 +/- 2.29 0.25 +/- 2.07 -4.77 + 4.43 2/14/2012 -1.70 2.71 -3.16 + 8.38 1.84 +/- 3.16 2.14 + 3.17 -10.8 + 7.78 3/20/2012 -0.86 + 2.66 0.21 + 5.01 0.23 +/- 2.60 -1.79 +/- 2.39 -5.25 + 6.21 4/9/2012 0.74 1.72 0.62 + 4.26 -1.66 +/- 1.86 1.24 + 2.54 -0.95 + 3.66 5/22/2012 0.04 + 0.22 -0.13 + 0.63 0.28 +/- 0.27 0.03 +/- 0.24 -0.10 + 0.39 6/12/2012 0.38 1.76 0.62 + 3.20 0.29 +/- 1.51 0.56 +/- 1.76 -2.75 + 3.54
7/9/2012 0.33 1.72 -0.70 + 3.56 -0.45 +/- 1.94 0.11 _+ 1.71 1.02 + 4.07 8/14/2012 -1.28 .+ 2.13 -0.69 + 4.01 0.22 +/- 2.07 -0.31 + 2.36 1.12 +/- 4.90 9/17/2012 0.11 +. 3.04 3.51 + 6.01 1.79 +/- 3.01 -2.24 +/- 2.94 -0.33 + 6.68 10/15/2012 0.09 .+ 1.22 1.12 + 2.80 0.06 +/- 1.26 0.08 + 1.25 1.26 + 2.94 11/20/2012 0.58 + 1.28 3.21 + 2.90 0.38 +/- 1.36 -0.33 + 1.28 -3.56 + 2.73 12/11/2012 1.04 + 2.51 -2.67 + 5.53 -0.17 +/- 2.59 1.91 2.81 3.47 + 6.06 Zr-95 Nb-95 1-131 Cs-1 34 Cs-1 37 1/9/2012 1.91 + 3.94 0.50 +/- 2.09 -2.99 +/- 4.48 0.80 + 2.33 -1.58 +/- 2.21 2/14/2012 4.36 6.15 -0.39 +/- 3.20 6.45 +/- 5.48 -0.25 + 3.02 0.13 + 3.65 3/20/2012 0.55 3.79 1.12 +/- 3.08 0.67 +/- 4.18 -0.75 2.73 -1.93 + 2.70 4/9/2012 0.96 + 2.84 -0.13 +/- 2.02 0.79 +/- 3.51 -0.19 +/- 1.64 -0.03 + 1.94 5/22/2012 -0.34 + 0.45 -0.02 +/- 0.30 -0.74 +/- 0.82 -0.11 + 0.28 -0.09 + 0.24 6/12/2012 -0.81 2.42 0.58 +/- 1.98 -0.39 +/- 5.62 0.12 1.22 0.19 + 1.25 7/9/2012 0.72 + 3.06 -0.19 +/- 1.88 0.42 +/- 3.65 1.99 +/- 1.78 0.80 + 1.93 8/14/2012 0.14 3.70 -0.07 +/- 2.30 0.26 +/- 2.63 0.04 + 2.30 1.74 + 2.29 9/17/2012 -1.98 _+ 4.65 1.67 +/- 3.02 -0.33 +/- 5.44 0.59 +/- 3.01 2.93 + 3.20 10/15/2012 0.07 + 2.14 0.72 +/- 1.30 -0.64 +/- 2.44 -0.05 +/- 1.32 -0.90 + 1.24 11/20/2012 -0.57 +/- 2.25 0.26 +/- 1.33 -0.07 +/- 4.22 -2.95 + 1.24 0.10 +/- 1.27 12/11/2012 -1.74 4.17 1.81 +/- 2.50 0.99 +/- 3.56 0.95 2.76 -2.76 + 2.76 Ba-140 La-140 H-3 K-40 Th-228 1/9/2012 -4.66 + 11.3 -2.42 +/- 4.05 107 +/- 49.0 2/14/2012 0.92 + 14.4 0.59 +/- 4..65 3/20/2012 -10.7 + 12.8 1.95 +/- 4.57 -4.70 +/- 409 4/9/2012 0.29 + 8.3 -3.19 +/- 3.34 52.9 +/- 45.5 5/22/2012 0.22 +/- 1.6 0.05 +/- 0.63 6/12/2012 5.81 + 11.3 -3.87 +/- 4.55 311 +/- 444 59.5 +/- 44.5 7/9/2012 1.53 + 9.71 1.06 +/- 2.75 106 40.3 8/14/2012 2.91 + 8.30 0.45 +/- 2.86 111 54.5 9/17/2012 5.22 + 13.2 -1.44 +/- 4.74 22000 +/- 599 113 +/- 62.5 15.7 +/- 13.8 10/15/2012 -3.15 + 6.68 -0.29 +/- 2.09 139 +/- 33.0 4.85 + 2.84 11/20/2012 -0.71 + 8.99 -1.20 +/- 3.11 162 +/- 33.6 12/11/2012 2.30 +/- 10.8 -0.59 +/- 4.11 -172 +/- 549 90.8 +/- 66.0 41
TABLE 3-9: GAMMA EMITTER AND TRITIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN RIVER WA TER Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 pCi/liter +/- 2 Sigma Page 2 of 2 SAMPLING COLLECTIONJ LOCATIONS DATE ISOTOPES Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 SW-C 1/10/2012 -1.50 2.16 3.25 + 4.65 0.43 +/- 2.28 -1.55 + 2.30 -7.03 + 5.41 2/14/2012 -0.78 3.16 1.88 + 6.29 -0.04 +/- 3.12 -1.19 + 2.95 -3.96 7.02 3/20/2012 2.29 + 2.47 -2.65 5.00 -0.31 +/- 2.38 1.11 2.35 -6.76 + 5.08 4/9/2012 -2.83 2.63 0.67 + 5.07 -0.16 +/- 2.33 -0.51 2.35 -0.30 5.52 5/22/2012 -0.28 1.60 0.63 + 3.18 0.70 +/- 1.81 -0.41 + 1.63 -1.04 3.65 6/12/2012 -0.43 2.42 0.43 + 3.23 -1.08 +/- 2.72 0.08 2.49 1.46 _+ 3.57 7/18/2011 -1.21 3.93 4.08 7.33 -3.87 +/- 4.19 -0.98 3.88 -0.86 +r 8.32 8/14/2012 -0.04 + 2.25 1.56 -+/- 4.44 -0.56 +/- 2.44 1.90 + 2.33 -0.21 + 5.03 9/17/2012 1.02 4.44 -0.91 +r 9.13 1.50 +/- 3.98 2.24 +¢ 4.71 4.22 .+/- 9.68 10/15/2012 0.40 1.11 2.55 +r 2.30 0.42 +/- 1.11 0.23 1.07 -0.56 +[ 2.38
+r 11/20/2012 -0.33 + 0.51 -0.65 +r 1.36 0.26 +/- 0.58 0.37 0.60 0.29 .+, 1.15 12/11/2012 -2.29 2.15 0.82 4.40 -1.06 +/- 2.01 0.65 2.05 -2.03 4.88 Zr-95 Nb-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-1 37 1/10/2012 1.21 3.78 1.82 +/- 2.13 1.07 +/- 4.50 -0.46 + 2.56 -1.76 + 2.42 2/14/2012 -5.37 + 5.73 -1.84 +/- 3.13 1.85 +/- 5.69 -0.03 3.12 -0.58 3.50 3/20/2012 0.95 4.29 -1.08 +/- 2.53 -2.73 +/- 4.54 2.64 + 2.64 -1.40 + 26.1 4/9/2012 -2.87 + 4.56 0.58 +/- 2.55 1.66 +/- 4.25 -3.54 +¢ 2.51 3.90 +/-r 2.52 5/22/2012 -0.58 +r 2.60 1.59 +/- 1.62 -0.51 +/- 5.78 -0.13 + 1.53 1.22 + 1.69 6/12/2012 1.31 + 3.84 0.03 +/- 2.18 8.03 +/- 6.53 1.76 _+ 2.16 1.48 2.13 7/18/2011 3.10 6.97 -0.04 +/- 4.16 0.63 +/- 6.80 -5.04 + 4.29 0.83 + 4.16 8/14/2012 -4.10 4.17 -1.68 +/- 2.48 2.15 +/- 2.87 0.12 2.48 1.46 +r 2.47 9/17/2012 6.88 + 7.38 4.07 +/- 4.11 -3.04 +/- 6.42 -2.55 4.70 -0.70 +r 4.59 10/15/2012 0.93 2.11 0.16 +/- 1.35 -1.48 +/- 2.42 -2.05 + 1.32 0.00 1.20 11/20/2012 0.22 + 1.08 0.54 +/- 0.64 -0.85 +/- 2.14 0.11 + 0.52 0.38 0.57 12/11/2012 1.32 3.75 -0.16 +/- 2.05 3.37 +/- 3.49 2.14 2.47 0.16 2.30 Ba-140 La-140 H-3 K-40 Th-228 1/10/2012 10.8 12.0 0.74 +/- 3.72 2/14/2012 -2.87 + 15.8 -2.50 +/- 4.45 3/20/2012 -1.14 + 12.4 1.65 +/- 3.58 62.7 +/- 425 4/9/2012 -3.58 +r 12.4 -1.08 +/- 3.79 5/22/2012 9.00 + 10.6 -0.53 +/- 4.23 6/12/2012 5.38 18.6 2.41 +/- 3.61 349 +/- 457 7/18/2011 10.4 +1 18.9 -6.72 +/- 6.09 8/14/2012 1.27 + 8.88 -1.33 +/- 3.13 9/17/2012 -3.44 17.8 -1.06 +/- 6.59 284 +/- 482 10/15/2012 _+ 6.07 -0.80 +/- 1.84 55.5 +/- 27.2 5.22 +/- 2.97 0.46 11/20/2012 4.26 4.16 -0.65 +/- 1.57 72.6 +/- 22.7 12/11/2012 7.14 9.94 1.22 +/- 2.97 5.89 +/- 559 87.0 +/- 46.7 42
TABLE 3-10: GAMMA EMITTER CONCENTRATIONS IN SILT Surry Power Station, Sunry County, Virginia - 2012 pCi/kg (dry) +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 SAMPLING COLLECTIONI LOCATIONS DATE ISOTOPE Cs-134 Cs-1 37 K-40 Th-232 Th-228 SD 3/14/2012 -0.49 +/- 39.7 213 +/- 72.7 19700 +/- 1540 1140 +/- 189 1550 +/- 108 9/12/2012 -34.7 +/- 53.0 167 +/- 75.1 16300 +/- 1650 1010 +/- 265 1240 +/- 132 Ra-226 Be-7 3/14/2012 3210 +/- 1060 9/12/2012 2510 +/- 1400 1770 +/- 855 Cs-1 34 Cs-137 K-40 Th-232 Th-228 CHIC-C 3/13/2012 5.49 +/- 51.0 161 +/- 98.9 16100 +/- 1530 1400 +/- 174 1320 +/- 114 9/12/2012 5.03 +/- 34.2 72.5 +/- 47.0 13500 +/- 1270 1070 +/- 148 1140 +/- 91.6 Ra-226 3/13/2012 2890 +/- 1490 9/12/2012 1640 +/- 1070 43
TABLE 3-11: GAMMA EMITTER CONCENTRATIONS IN SHORELINE SEDIMENT Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 pCi/kg (dry) +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of I SAMPLING COLLECTION1 LOCATIONS DATE ISOTOPE Cs-134 Cs-137 K-40 Ra-226 Th-228 HIR 2/14/2012 12.7 +/- 19.2 -2.50 +/- 21.4 7160 +/- 946 634 +/- 620 75.6 +/- 51.8 8/14/2012 5.49 +/- 15.1 8.71 +/- 15.8 6540 +/- 598 51.9 29.2 CHIC-C 2/14/2012 -3.66 +/- 19.5 -17.4 +/- 21.6 5850 +/- 740 95.6 +/- 67.6 8/14/2012 -10.1 +/- 20.8 -18.6 +/- 22.8 1250 +/- 363 3620 +/- 664 2450 +/- 71.9 Ac-228 Th-232 2/14/2012 8/14/2012 268 +/- 214 2300 +/- 123 44
TABLE 3-12: GAMMA EMITTER CONCENTRA TION IN FISH Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 pCi/kg (wet) +/- 2 Sigma Page I of I SAMPLING COLLECTION SAMPLE LOCATION DATE TYPE ISOTOPE K-40 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 SD 4/3/2012 Catfish 2730 +/- 1000 0.95 +/- 35.8 -23.3 +/- 41.4 91.8 +/- 80.6 4/4/2012 White Perch 2760 +/- 961 6.08 +/- 34.7 1.52 +/- 35.9 27.9 +/- 77.1 10/3/2012 Catfish 3030 +/- 648 17.0 +/- 28.1 -1.30 +/- 27.9 15.2 +/- 63.8 10/3/2012 White Perch 3280 +/- 986 -8.92 +/- 44.8 -1.84 +/- 47.4 92.8 +/- 110 Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-1 34 Cs-137 4/3/2012 Catfish -35.0 +/- 41.1 -113 +/- 84.0 -102 +/- 40.5 15.9 +/- 38.0 4/4/2012 White Perch 9.92 +/- 35.1 -19.2 +/- 73.3 -7.23 +/- 37.4 17.0 +/- 31.9 10/3/2012 Catfish 12.9 +/- 30.8 -76.4 +/- 64.3 -19.7 +/- 36.0 3.70 +/- 33.5 10/3/2012 White Perch -29.3 +/- 46.5 -105 +/- 108 2.82 +/- 50.9 38.5 +/- 41.8 45
TABLE 3-13: GAMMA EMITTER CONCENTRATIONS IN 0 YSTERS Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 pCi/kg (wet) t 2 Sigma Page 1of I SAMPLING COLLECTIONJ LOCATIONS DATE ISOTOPE Co-58 Co-60 Cs-1 34 Cs-137 POS 3/13/2012 7.71 +/- 22.7 1.46 +/- 15.5 -12.2 +/- 23.5 -10.9 +/- 21.7 9/11/2012 13.3 +/- 39.4 40.2 +/- 34.9 0.26 +/- 40.9 0.08 +/- 36.9 Fe-59 Mn-54 Zn-65 K-40 3/13/2012 -14.5 +/- 40.8 6.96 +/- 20.3 -33.5 +/- 44.6 641 +/- 385 9/11/2012 -13.1 +/- 74.5 -33.8 +/- 34.6 -68.8 +/- 78.8 884 +/- 811 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-1 37 MP 3/13/2012 -5.98 +/- 23.0 2.58 +/- 20.1 17.1 +/- 26.0 8.24 +/- 22.3 9/11/2012 4.82 +/- 24.8 20.1 +/- 22.5 13.4 +/- 25.2 17.8 +/- 25.0 Fe-59 Mn-54 Zn-65 3/13/2012 -16.0 +/- 44.9 11.0 +/- 20.2 -61.1 +/- 50.3 9/11/2012 -2.56 +/- 57.9 -3.41 +/- 23.8 -64.5 +/- 61.8 46
TABLE 3-14: GAMMA EMITTER CONCENTRA TIONS IN CLAMS Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 pCi/kg (wet) +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 SAMPLING COLLECTIONJ LOCATIONS DATE I ISOTOPE Co-58 Co-60 Cs-1 34 Cs-1 37 JI 3/13/2012 -4.77 +/- 22.2 6.35 +/- 19.3 -51.3 +/- 23.7 2.83 +/- 19.6 9/12/2012 -11.3 +/- 28.2 17.3 +/- 26.1 -32.7 +/- 34.3 -7.06 +/- 31.6 Fe-59 Mn-54 Zn-65 K-40 3/13/2012 18.4 +/- 39.9 -4.80 +/- 20.6 -60.4 +/- 46.2 385 +/- 376 9/12/2012 -18.4 +/- 57.3 33.1 +/- 28.2 12.6 +/- 66.8 591 +/- 525 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-1 34 Cs-I 37 SD 3/14/2012 11.3 +/- 19.6 -11.0 +/- 20.6 -8.90 +/- 24.7 -1.26 +/- 22.5 9/12/2012 32.5 +/- 26.8 27.2 +/- 22.1 19.8 +/- 26.5 -15.7 +/- 28.6 Fe-59 Mn-54 Zn-65 K-40 3/14/2012 1.61 +/- 44.0 -12.9 +/- 20.8 6.89 +/- 48.4 9/12/2012 35.5 +/- 50.5 4.56 +/- 21.2 -35.6 +/- 53.4 856 +/- 504 Co-58 Co-60 Cs,-134 Cs-1 37 LC 3/13/2012 -0.53 +/- 17.5 -4.58 +/- 17.0 -5.87 +/- 18.2 -3.29 +/- 18.1 9/12/2012 2.90 +/- 26.3 5.05 +/- 23.1 18.8 +/- 26.7 14.3 +/- 26.8 Fe-59 Mn-54 Zn-65 3/13/2012 3.89 +/- 39.5 15.9 +/- 17.4 -37.7 +/- 38.9 9/12/2012 -25.2 +/- 50.0 12.5 +/- 23.4 -41.9 +/- 51.2 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-1 34 Cs-137 CHIC-C 3/14/2012 -18.5 +/- 15.7 12.6 +/- 17.5 -12.6 +/- 21.9 -7.47 +/- 16.3 9/12/2012 -0.82 +/- 21.90 9.56 +/- 17.30 -2.12 +/- 23.20 -3.15 +/- 21.4 Fe-59 Mn-54 Zn-65 K-40 3/14/2012 7.73 +/- 31.0 -4.70 +/- 16.8 -31.9 +/- 35.8 305 +/- 266 9/12/2012 13.9 +/- 42.4 3.94 +/- 20.2 -19.1 +/- 42.9 87.4 +/- 445 47
TABLE 3-15: GAMMA EMITTER CONCENTRATIONS IN CRABS Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2012 pCi/kg (wet) +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 SAMPLING COLLECTION1 LOCATIONS DATEI ISOTOPE K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-1 34 SD 6/7/2012 1800 +/- 440 7.81 +/- 19.1 -3.18 +/- 17.2 -0.31 +/- 19.2 Cs-I 37 Fe-59 Mn-54 Zn-65 7.27 +/- 19.4 1.62 +/- 46.3 -5.07 +/- 18.2 -37.3 +/- 50.5 48
- 4. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Data from the radiological analyses of environmental media collected during 2012 and tabulated in Section 3, are discussed below. The procedures and specifications followed in the laboratory for these analyses are as required in the Teledyne Brown Engineering quality assurance manuals and laboratory procedures. In addition to internal quality control measures performed by the laboratories, they also participate in an Interlaboratory Comparison Program.
Participation in this program ensures that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive material in environmental samples are performed. The results of the Interlaboratory Comparison Program are provided in Appendix B.
The predominant radioactivity detected throughout 2012 was from external sources, such as fallout from nuclear weapons tests (cesium-137) and naturally occurring radionuclides. Naturally occurring nuclides such as beryllium-7, potassium-40, radium-226, thorium-228 and thorium-232 were detected in numerous samples.
The following is a discussion and summary of the results of the environmental measurements taken during the 2012 reporting period.
4.1 Gamma Exposure Rate A thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) is an inorganic crystal used to detect ambient radiation. Two TLDs, made of CaF and LiF elements and specifically designed for environmental monitoring, are deployed at each sampling location.
TLDs are placed in two concentric rings around the station. The inner ring is located in the vicinity of the site boundary, and the outer ring is located at approximately five miles from the station. TLDs are also placed in special interest areas, such as population centers and nearby residences. Additional TLDs serve as controls. Ambient radiation comes from naturally occurring radioisotopes in the air and soil, radiation from cosmic origin, fallout from nuclear weapons testing, station effluents and direct radiation from the station.
The results of the TI"LD analyses are presented in Table 3-2. Figure 4-1 shows a historical trend of TLD exposure rate measurements, comparing the average of indicator TLDs located near the site boundary and at 5 miles to the average of all control TLD locations. Control and indicator averages indicate a steady relationship.
7 6
0 5
4 /AjA Al-01 E
3 2
I 0 ~ ~
!~~~~~~ i ~~. . . i :. . . ! i C 0 0 0 0 o o C;,
0 0 0 0 0 o o t"q 00 0 Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl ClCl Cl I4- S ite B oundry -0* 5Mile ~-Avg ControlI 4.2 Airborne Gross Beta Air is continuously sampled by passing it through glass fiber particulate filters.
The filters collect airborne particulate radionuclides. Once a week the samples are collected and analyzed for gross beta activity. Results of the weekly gross beta analyses are presented in Table 3-3. A review of the results from control and indicator locations continues to show no significant variation in measured activities (see Figure 4-2 and 4-3). This indicates that any station contribution is not measurable.
Gross beta activity found during the pre-operational and early operating period of Surry Power Station was higher because of nuclear weapons testing. During that time, nearly 740 nuclear weapons were tested worldwide. In 1985 weapons testing ceased, and with the exception of the Chernobyl accident in 1986, airborne gross beta results have remained steady.
Figure 4-2: 2012 GROSS BETA IN AIR PARTICULATES 0.045 0.040 A 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.0 15 0.010 0.005 0.000l.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .N. .0.0.. . . . . . . . - -... . . . . . .
'--- Avglndicator
1.OE-02 1.0E-03 . . . . . . . .
tn '0 Nl w0 O 0 E; C14 m 0 N 0 N 0 - C ON1 oN 0N O ON C (ON 0, 0 0 0 0 0= CD C 00-ON ~ ONO c N
N z-a,N00 C1 NC
=N Cl ,l C-I C"4 0
Cl 0ý Cl 00000 C- -l "-I Cl
-- Avglndicator -- AvgControl - Avg-PreOp -- Required LLD 51
4.3 Airborne Radioiodine Air is also continuously sampled for radioiodines by passing it through charcoal cartridges. Once a week the charcoal cartridge samples are collected and analyzed. The results of the analyses are presented in Table 3-4. All results are below the lower limit of detection. No positive iodine- 131 was detected. These results are similar to pre-operational data and the results of samples taken prior to and after the 1986 accident in the Soviet Union at Chernobyl and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear incident in 2011.
4.4 Air ParticulateGamma The air particulate filters from the weekly gross beta analyses are composited by location and analyzed quarterly by gamma spectroscopy. The results are listed in Table 3-5. The results indicate the presence of naturally occurring potassium-40 and beryllium-7, which is produced by cosmic processes. No man-made radionuclides were identified. These analyses confirm the lack of station effects.
4.5 Cow Milk Analysis of milk samples is generally the most sensitive indicator of fission product existence in the terrestrial environment. This, in combination with the fact that consumption of milk is significant, results in this pathway usually being the most critical from the plant release viewpoint. This pathway also shows measurable amounts of nuclear weapons testing fallout. Therefore, this media needs to be evaluated very carefully when trying to determine if there is any station effect.
Results of gamma spectroscopy indicate no other detectable station related radioactivity in the milk samples. In years past, cesium- 137 has been detected sporadically. The occurrences were attributed to residual global fallout from past atmospheric weapons testing. Cs- 137 was not detected at a level above the LLD in 2012.
At the request of the Commonwealth of Virginia, a quarterly composite sample is prepared from the monthly milk samples from the Colonial Parkway collection station. The composite samples are analyzed for strontium-89 and strontium-90.
No strontium was detected in the four composites analyzed. This is the first year since at least 1990 that strontium-90 has not been detected in at least one composite sample. The average Sr-90 concentration for the ten year period of 2002 to 2011 is 1.77 pCi/L. Sr-90 is not a component of the station radiological effluents and is a product of nuclear weapons testing fallout which has been well documented.
4.6 Food Products Three samples were collected and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. The results of the analyses are presented in Table 3-7. As expected, naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in all samples. The average concentration is consistent with that observed in previous years. No station related radioactivity was detected. Berillium-7 was detected in one sample.
4.7 Well Water Well water is not considered to be affected by station operations because there are no discharges made to this pathway. However, Surry Power Station monitors well water quarterly at three indicator locations and analyzes for gamma radiation and for tritium. The results of these analyses are presented in Table 3-8. Consistent with past monitoring, no station related radioactivity was detected. Naturally occurring thorium-228 was detected in one sample. No gamma emitting isotopes were detected during the pre-operational period.
4.8 River Water Samples of the James River water are collected monthly and the results are presented in Table 3-9. All samples are analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. The monthly samples are also composited and analyzed for tritium on a quarterly basis. With the exception of natural products, no other gamma emitters were detected. Tritium was detected in one of eight samples at 2,000 pCi/liter. This concentration represents 6.7% of the 30,000 pCi/liter NRC reporting level concentration. The tritium was detected at the station discharge canal indicator sample location. The water in the discharge canal is further diluted by the river water beyond the discharge structure. No tritium or gamma emitting radionuclides were detected in the control river water samples. Naturally occurring potassium-40 and thorium-228 were detected in some samples. No station related radioactivity was detected.
4.9 Silt Silt is sampled to evaluate any buildup of radionuclides in the environment due to the operation of the station. Sampling of this pathway provides a good indication of the dispersion effects of effluents to the river. Buildup of radionuclides in silt could indirectly lead to increasing radioactivity levels in clams, oysters, crabs and fish.
Samples of silt are collected from two locations, one upstream and one 53
downstream of the station. The results of the gamma spectroscopy analyses are presented in Table 3-10. Naturally occurring beryllium-7, potassium-40, radium-226, thorium-228 and thorium-232 were detected. Historically, cobalt-60 has been detected in samples obtained from the indicator location (SD). Cobalt-60 has not been detected since 2003. Trend graphs of cobalt-60 and cesium-137 in silt appear in Figures 4-4 and 4-5.
Cesium- 137 was detected, as expected, in both the control and indicator samples.
The levels detected indicate a continual decreasing trend seen for over a decade.
The detection of cesium-137 in both the control and indicator samples and decreasing levels indicate that the presence of cesium-137 is the result of accumulation and runoff into the river of residual weapons testing fallout. Its global presence has been well documented. During the pre-operational period, cesium-137 was detected in most silt samples with an average concentration as indicated in Figure 4-5. In 2012, cesium-137 was detected with an average indicator location concentration of 190 pCi/kg and an average control location concentration of 117 pCi/kg. These activities continue to represent fallout from nuclear weapons testing. Both indicator and control cesium-137 activities trend closely as shown in Figure 4-5.
Rgure 4-4: COBALT-60 IN SILT 1.OE+04 L.OE+03 0) 45 LOE-i02 I.OE+O1 1.0E+00 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
00 0 '0 00 0 00 S N r r- 00 00 00 00 C' C' ON 0 0' Cq C C' C' 0 Cl C C C CC t'q z z' C- 0' z' a' R' a, Cl Cl I --- Control - Chickahominy -*- Station Discharge I Chickahominy had detectable activity in 1982 and 1984 through 1994. Other years were <MDC, Minimum Detectable Concentration. Station Discharge was <MDC activity 1996 through 1998 and 2004 through 2012.
Figure 4-5: CESIUM-137 IN SILT 1.OE+04
- 1.OE+03 C.,
0.A 1.0E+02 C1
- N-1 ~
N-00 N 00
0 N' 00 00 00 0 ýt 00 00 01 r4 00 ON 0, a, 0ý 0ý;ý 0 C> 0
'0 0
000 0
0-Control - Chickahominy - Station Discharge - Ave-Pre Op - Required LLD 4.10 Shoreline Sediment Shoreline sediment, unlike river silt, may provide a direct dose to humans.
Buildup of radionuclides along the shoreline may provide a source of direct exposure for those using the area for commercial and recreational uses. The results are presented in Table 3-11.
The naturally occurring radionuclides potassium-40, radium-226, thorium-228 and thorium-232 were detected at concentrations equivalent to normal background activities. The activities of these radionuclides indicate a steady trend. There were no radionuclides attributable to the operation of the station found in any shoreline sediment samples.
4.11 Fish The radioactivity measured in fish sampled from the station discharge canal and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy is presented in Table 3-12. These results are the same as those seen over the last decade. No activity was observed in this 55
media except for naturally occurring potassium-40.
4.12 Oysters Oysters were collected from three different locations. The results of the oyster analyses are presented in Table 3-13.
There were no gamma emitting radionuclides detected in oysters sampled except for naturally occurring potassium-40. No station related radioactivity has been detected in this media since 1991. The absence of station related radionuclides is attributable to the replacement of steam generators in 1982 and past improvements made to liquid effluent treatment systems.
4.13 Clams Clams are analyzed from four different locations. The results of the gamma spectroscopy analyses are presented in Table 3-14. Like oysters, no station related radioactivity was detected. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected.
4.14 Crabs A crab sample was collected in June from the station discharge canal and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. The results of the analysis are presented in Table 3-15. Other than naturally occurring potassium-40, no other gamma emitting radionuclides were detected in the sample. This is consistent with pre-operational data and data collected over the past decade.
- 5. PROGRAM EXCEPTIONS There were seven REMP exceptions for scheduled sampling and analysis during 2012.
- 1. The 1st quarter indicator environmental TLD #35 was missing when TLDs were collected. Therefore, there was no gamma dose evaluation available at this location for the 1st quarter.
- 2. The 2nd quarter indicator environmental TLD #36 was missing when TLDs were collected. Therefore, there was no gamma dose evaluation available at this location for the 2nd quarter.
- 3. The 4th quarter indicator environmental TLD #29 was missing when TLDs were collected. Therefore, there was no gamma dose evaluation available at this location for the 4th quarter.
- 4. One milk sample and three river water samples were not analyzed to the required LLDs for lanthanum- 140 and iodine- 131, respectively. A software variable that controls the confidence level setting for Minimum Detectable Concentration (MDC) for one particular detector at the TBE laboratory was not set with the appropriate value to meet the 95% confidence level concentration criteria. The variable was set at a default value of 3.29 vice 4.66. Activity and 2 sigma uncertainty results are correct. The TBE laboratory initiated Non-Conformance Report 13-07 to document this issue.
Revised analytical reports were issued by TBE to document the actual MDCs and the MDC variable now appears on the TBE laboratory analytical reports for review and verification by laboratory personnel.
Media Location Date Analysis Required LLD Reported LLD Milk WMS 9/4/12 La-140 15 16.58 SW 6/12/12 1-131 10 13.6 River SW 7/9/12 1-131 10 11.43 Water SW 9/17/12 1-131 10 10.26 During the March 2008 clam sampling campaign, clams were not found at the Hog Island Point sample location. An alternate sampling location, Jamestown Island, was selected and sampled throughout 2008. In 2012, clams continued to be sampled at the Jamestown Island location in place of the Hog Island Point location which continued to indicate no shell stock recovery.
- 6. CONCLUSIONS The results of the 2012 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for Surry Power Station have been presented in previous sections. This section presents conclusions for each pathway.
Direct Radiation Exposure Pathway - Control and indicator location averages continue to indicate a steady relationship and trend over the long term.
Airborne Exposure Pathway - Analysis of charcoal cartridge samples for radioiodines indicated no positive activity was detected. Quarterly gamma isotopic analyses of the composite particulate samples identified only naturally occurring beryllium-7. Air particulate gross beta concentrations at all of the indicator locations for 2012 trend well with the control location.
Milk - Milk samples are an important indicator measuring the effect of radioactive iodine and radionuclides in airborne releases. Cesium-137 and iodine-131 were not detected in any of the thirty-six samples. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected at a similar level when compared to the averages of the previous years.
Strontium-90 was not detected in any samples this year. Although Strontium-90 is not a component of station effluents, but rather, a product of nuclear weapons testing fallout, this is the first year that it was not detected.
Food Products - As expected, naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in all three samples. In the past, cesium-137 has occasionally been detected in these samples and is attributable to global fallout from past nuclear weapons testing. Cesium-137 was not detected in any of the three samples collected in 2012.
Well Water - Well water samples were analyzed and the analyses indicated that there were no man-made radionuclides present. This trend is consistent throughout the monitoring period. No radioactivity attributable to the operation of the station was identified.
River Water - All river water samples were analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides. The naturally occurring radionuclides potassium-40 and thorium-228 were detected. Tritium was detected in one of eight samples with a concentration of 2,000 pCi/liter. This represents 6.7% of the NRC reporting level concentration. Because river water is not used for drinking water or for crop irrigation, there is a reduced dose consequence to the public from this pathway.
Silt - Cesium-137 was detected in both the control and indicator samples.
The presence of cesium- 137 is attributable to residual weapons testing fallout; its presence has been well documented. Cobalt-60 has not been detected since 2003.
Shoreline Sediment - Naturally occurring radionuclides were detected at concentrations equivalent to normal background activities. There were no radionuclides attributable to the operation of Surry Power Station found in any sample.
Aquatic Biota 0 Fish - As expected, naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected. There were no other gamma emitting radionuclides detected in any of the fish samples.
Oysters and Clams - Other than naturally occurring potassium-40, there were no other gamma emitting radionuclides detected in any of the oyster or clam samples.
Crabs - Naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected. No other gamma emitting radionuclides were detected.
- 1. NUREG-0472, "Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for PWRs",
Draft Rev. 3, March 1982.
- 2. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix I", October 1977.
- 3. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 4.8, "Environmental Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants",
December 1975.
- 4. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Branch Technical Position, "Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program", Rev. 1, November 1979.
- 5. Dominion, Station Administrative Procedure, VPAP-2103S, "Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (Surry)".
- 6. Virginia Electric and Power Company, Surry Power Station Technical Specifications, Units 1 and 2.
- 7. HASL-300, Environmental Measurements Laboratory, "EML Procedures Manual," 27th Edition, Volume 1, February 1992.
- 8. NUREG/CR-4007, "Lower Limit of Detection: Definition and Elaboration of a Proposed Position for Radiological Effluent and Environmental Measurements," September 1984.
- 9. NCRP Report No. 160, "Ionizing Radiation Exposure of the Population of the United States," March 2009.
Surry Power Station, Surry County, Virginia January 1 to December 31, 2012 Page 1 of I i I I Nearest Nearest Nearest Nearest Sector Direction Resident Garden** I Cow I Goat N 4.1 @100 (a) (a) (a)
NNE 1.9 @ 320 (a) (a) (a)
NE 4.7 @ 350 (a) (a) (a)
ENE (a) (a) (a) (a)
E (a) (a) (a) (a)
ESE (a) (a) (a) (a)
SE 3.0 @ 1430 (a) (a) (a)
SSE 2.7 @ 1580 (a) (a) (a)
S 1.7@ 1810 2.0 @ 1830 (a) (a)
SSW 2.3 2120 4.3 @ 1930 4.8 @(2000 (a)
SW 2.3 2210 3.6 @ 2230 (a) (a)
WSW 0.4 @ 2440 3.6 @ 2450 (a) (a)
W 3.1 @2600 3.4 @ 260- (a) (a)
WNW 4.9 @ 2830 (a) (a) (a)
NW 4.6 @ 3210 (a) (a) (a)
NNW 3.8 @ 3380 4.4 @ 3340 3.7 @ 3360 (a)
- Locations are listed by miles and degrees headingrelative to true northfrom center of Unit #1 Containment.
- Area greaterthan 50 m2 and contains broadleafvegetation.
(a) None 64
INTRODUCTION This appendix covers the Interlaboratory Comparison Program (ICP) of Teledyne Brown Engineering (TBE). TBE use QA/QC samples provided by Eckert & Ziegler Analytics, Inc., Environmental Resource Associates (ERA) and the Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP) to monitor the quality of analytical processing associated with the REMP. Each provider has a documented Quality Assurance program and the capability to prepare Quality Control materials traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The providers supply the samples to TBE, and upon receipt, the laboratories perform the analyses in a normal manner. The results are then reported to the provider for evaluation. The suite of QA/QC samples is designed to provide sample media and radionuclide combinations that are offered by the providers and included in the REMP and typically includes:
milk for gamma nuclides and low-level iodine-131 analyses, milk for Sr-89 and Sr-90 analyses, water for gamma nuclides, low-level iodine- 131, and gross beta analyses, water for tritium, Sr-89, and Sr-90 analyses, cartridge for 1- 131 analyses, air filter for gamma nuclide, gross beta, and Sr-90 analyses.
The accuracy of each result reported to Eckert & Ziegler Analytics, Inc. is measured by the ratio of the TBE result to the known value. Accuracy for all other results is based on statistically derived acceptance ranges calculated by the providers. An investigation is undertaken whenever the ratio or reported result fell outside of the acceptance range.
RESULTS The TBE ICP results are included in the following tables for the first through the fourth quarters of 2012. Four analyses did not meet the acceptance criteria. TBE initiated non-conformance reports (NCRs) to document and address the analyses.
The results of the NCRs are as follows.
- 1. NCR 12-08, MAPEP air particulate sample 12-RdF26 failed Zn-65. The TBE Zn-65 result of 4.19 Bq exceeded the acceptance range of 2.09 - 3.89 Bq.
TBE could not determine a cause for the high result. Based on acceptable results with Analytics air particulate cross check samples, TBE believes this to be an anomaly specific to the MAPAP sample. TBE will monitor Zn-65 in future ICP samples.
- 2. NCR 12-11, MAPEP water sample 12-MaW27 failed Sr-90. The TBE Sr-90 result of 19.6 Bq/L exceeded the acceptance range of 8.5 - 15.9 Bq/L. TBE believes that an incorrect sample aliquot of 50 mL, vice 100 mL, was 66
entered into the LIMS database. With an aliquot of 100mL, the result would have been 9.8, which falls within the acceptance range.
- 3. NCR 12-13, ERA water sample RAD-91 failed Sr-89 and Gross Beta. TBE reran both alyses with acceptable results.
Analysis Reported Known Units Acceptance Rerun Limit Gross Beta 59.3 39.2 pCi/L 26.0 - 46.7 44.8 Sr-89 46.5 39.1 pCi/L 29.7-46.1 38.5 For the Gross Beta analysis, TBE believes the sample aliquot was larger than was entered into the LIMS database. The typical water aliquot is 300 -
400 mLs and the aliquot required for ERA samples is 190 mLs. The laboratory technician was made aware of the problem prior to performing the rerun and will be more diligent in the future in aliquoting drinking water samples.
The original Sr-89 Reported to Known ratio was 1. 19, which TBE considers acceptable with warning. Over the next two ICP samples, TBE will evaluate both chemical and counting methodology to determine the cause of the high trend.
Identification Reported Known Ratio (c)
Month/Year Number Matrix Nuclide Units Value(a) Value (b) TBE/Analytics Evaluation(d)
March 2012 E10066 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 101 94.8 1.07 A Sr-90 pCi/L 11.7 13.5 0.87 A E10067 Milk 1-131 pCi/L 87.5 92.5 0.95 A Ce-141 pCi/L 247 260.0 0.95 A Cr-51 pCi/L 435 436 1.00 A Cs-134 pCi/L 133 149 0.89 A Cs-137 pCi/L 156 159 0.98 A Co-58 pCi/L 127 132 0.96 A Mn-54 pCi/L 190 195 0.97 A Fe-59 pCi/L 179 168 1.07 A Zn-65 pCi/L 327 333 0.98 A Co-60 pCi/L 274 279 0.98 A E10069 Filter Ce-141 pCi 167 164 1.02 A Cr-51 pCi 310 276 1.12 A Cs-134 pCi 107.0 94.5 1.13 A Cs-137 pCi 109 101 1.08 A Co-58 pCi 87.6 83.5 1.05 A Mn-54 pCi 133 123 1.08 A Fe-59 pCi 113 106 1.07 A Zn-65 pCi 226 210 1.08 A Co-60 pCi 185 176 1.05 A E10068 Charcoal 1-131 pCi 92.8 94.2 0.99 A June 2012 E10198 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 86.1 99.8 0.86 A Sr-90 pCi/L 9.2 12.7 0.72 W E10199 Milk 1-131 pCi/L 88.9 99.7 0.89 A Ce-141 pCi/L 72.8 82.2 0.89 A Cr-51 pCi/L 394 402 0.98 A Cs-134 pCi/L 159 174 0.91 A Cs-137 pCi/L 206 212 0.97 A Co-58 pCi/L 89.5 92.3 0.97 A Mn-54 pCi/L 129 132 0.98 A Fe-59 pCi/L 129 128 1.01 A Zn-65 pCi/L 193 199 0.97 A Co-60 pCi/L 342 355 0.96 A E10200 Charcoal 1-131 pCi 101 96.6 1.05 A Footnotes are on page 3 of 3.
Identification Reported Known Ratio (c)
Month/Year Number Matrix Nuclide Units Value(a) Value (b) TBE/Analytics Evaluation(d)
June 2012 E 10201 Filter Ce-141 pCi 73.2 75.1 0.97 A Cr-51 pCi 367 366 1.00 A Cs-134 pCi 165 159 1.04 A Cs-137 pCi 205 193.0 1.06 A Co-58 pCi 84.7 84.2 1.01 A Mn-54 pCi 118.0 121.0 0.98 A Fe-59 pCi 125.0 117.0 1.07 A Zn-65 pCi 181 182 0.99 A Co-60 pCi 338 324 1.04 A September 2012 E10296 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 106 99.6 1.06 A Sr-90 pCi/L 13.6 16 0.85 A E10297 Milk 1-131 pCi/L 89.8 99.6 0.90 A Ce-141 pCi/L 160 164 0.98 A Cr-51 pCi/L 230 248 0.93 A Cs-134 pCi/L 101 108 0.94 A Cs-137 pCi/L 174 174 1.00 A Co-58 pCi/L 97.2 100 0.97 A Mn-54 pCi/L 188 196 0.96 A Fe-59 pCi/L 159 152 1.05 A Zn-65 pCi/L 195 192 1.02 A Co-60 pCi/L 155 152 1.02 A E10299 Filter Ce-141 pCi 145 135 1.07 A Cr-51 pCi 219 205 1.07 A Cs-134 pCi 94.1 89.4 1.05 A Cs-137 pCi 140 144 0.97 A Co-58 pCi 88.3 83.0 1.06 A Mn-54 pCi 173 162 1.07 A Fe-59 pCi 136.0 125 1.09 A Zn-65 pCi 165 159 1.04 A Co-60 pCi 133 125 1.06 A E10298 Charcoal 1-131 pCi 95.5 97.2 0.98 A December, 2012 E 10334 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 101 96.6 1.05 A Sr-90 pCi/L 11.3 13.8 0.82 A E10336 Charcoal 1-131 pCi 73.1 72.7 1.01 A Footnotes are on page 3 of 3.
Identification Reported Known Ratio (c)
Month/Year Number Matrix Nuclide Units Value(a) Value (b) TBE/Analytics Evaluation(d)
December, 2012 E10335 Milk 1-131 pCi/L 93.1 90.0 1.03 Ce-141 pCi/L 52.5 51.0 1.03 Cr-51 pCi/L 373 348 1.07 Cs-1 34 pCi/L 157 165 0.95 Cs-1 37 pCi/L 113 117 0.97 Co-58 pCi/L 94.1 98.5 0.96 Mn-54 pCi/L 116 116 1.00 Fe-59 pCi/L 124 116 1.07 Zn-65 pCi/L 190 186 1.02 Co-60 pCi/L 172 170 1.01 E10337A Filter Ce-141 pCi 51.8 49.6 1.04 Cr-51 pCi 372 338 1.10 Cs-134 pCi 165 161 1.02 Cs-137 pCi 113 114 0.99 Co-58 pCi 97 96 1.01 Mn-54 pCi 118 112 1.05 Fe-59 pCi 105 112 0.94 Zn-65 pCi 166 181 0.92 Co-60 pCi 179 165 1.08 (a) Teledyne Brown Engineering reported result.
(b) The Eckert & Ziegler Analytics known value is equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standard preparation.
(c) Ratio of Teledyne Brown Engineering to Eckert & Ziegler Analytics results.
(d) Eckert & Ziegler Analytics evaluation based on TBE internal QC limits: A = Acceptable. Reported result falls within ratio limits of 0.80-1 .20. W = Acceptable with warning. Reported result falls within 0.70-0.80 or 1.20-1.30. Two consecutive Warning evaluations require an investigation. N = Not Acceptable. Reported result falls outside the ratio limits of < 0.70 and > 1.30.
Identification Reported Known Acceptance Month/Year Number Media Nuclide Units Value (a) Value (b) Range Evaluation (c)
March 2012 12-MaW26 Water Cs-134 Bq/L -0.0045 (1) A Cs-1 37 Bq/L 37.5 39.9 27.9 - 51.9 A Co-57 Bq/L 30.8 32.9 23.0 - 42.8 A Co-60 Bq/L 22.4 23.72 16.60 - 30.84 A H-3 Bq/L 456 437 306 - 568 A Mn-54 Bq/L 31.0 31.8 22.3-41.3 A K-40 Bq/L 144.0 142 99-185 A Sr-90 Bq/L -0.0084 (1) A Zn-65 Bq/L -0.369 (1) A 12-GrW26 Water Gr-A Bq/L 2.06 2.14 0.64-3.64 A Gr-B Bq/L 7.48 6.36 3.18-9.54 A 12-RdF26 Filter Cs-134 Bq/sample 2.31 2.38 1.67-3.09 A Cs-137 Bq/sample 2.15 1.79 1.25-2.33 W Co-57 Bq/sample -0.0701 (1) A Co-60 Bq/sample 2.62 2.182 1.527 - 2.837 W Mn-54 Bq/sample 4.13 3.24 2.27-4.21 W Sr-90 Bq/sample 0.0185 (1) A Zn-65 Bq/sample 4.19 2.99 2.09 - 3.89 N (2) 12-GrF26 Filter Gr-A Bq/sample 0.365 1.2 0.4-2.0 A Gr-B Bq/sample 2.31 2.400 1.2- 3.6 A September 2012 12-MaW27 Water Cs-134 Bq/L 21.4 23.2 16.2-30.2 A Cs-137 Bq/L 17.0 16.7 11.7-21.7 A Co-57 Bq/L 28.7 29.3 20.5-38.1 A Co-60 Bq/L 0.179 (1) A H-3 Bq/L 387 334 234 - 434 A Mn-54 Bq/L 18.1 17.8 12.5-23.1 A K-40 Bq/L 139 134 94-174 A Sr-90 Bq/L 19.6 12.2 8.5- 15.9 N (3)
Zn-65 Bq/L 27.2 25.9 18.1 - 33.7 A 12-GrW27 Water Gr-A Bq/L 0.966 1.79 0.54-3.04 A Gr-B Bq/L 10.0 9.1 4.6-13.7 A Footnotes are on page 2 of 2.
Identification Reported Known Month/Year Number Media Nuclide Units Value (a) Value (b) Control Limits Evaluation(c)
September 2012 12-RdF27 Filter Cs-134 Bq/sample 2.760 2.74 1.92-3.56 A Cs-137 Bq/sample 0.0415 (1) A Co-57 Bq/sample 2.00 191.00 1.34-2.48 A Co-60 Bq/sample 1.78 1.728 1.210 - 2.246 A Mn-54 Bq/sample 2.40 2.36 1.65-3.07 A Sr-90 Bq/sample 0.931 1.03 0.72-1.34 A Zn-65 Bq/sample -0.688 (1) A 12-GrF27 Filter Gr-A Bq/sample 0.434 0.97 0.29- 1.65 A Gr-B Bq/sample 1.927 1.92 0.96-2.88 A (1) False positive test (2) NCR 12-08 No cause determined for high result. TBE considers this an anomaly.
(3) NCR 12-11. High results due to incorrect aliquot entered in LIMS.
(a) Teledyne Brown Engineering reported result.
(b) The MAPEP known value is equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined bygravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standard preparation.
(c) DOE/MAPEP evaluation: A = Acceptable, W = Acceptable with warning. Two consecutive Warning evaluations require an investigation. N = Not Acceptable 72
Identification Reported Known Acceptance Month/Year Number Media Nuclide Units Value (a) Value (b) Limits Evaluation (c)
May 2012 RAD-89 Water Sr-89 pCi/L 63.4 58.5 46.9 - 66.3 A Sr-90 pCi/L 33.5 37.4 27.4 -43.1 A Ba-133 pCi/L 89.2 82.3 69.1 -90.5 A Cs-134 pCi/L 66.5 74.2 60.6-81.6 A Cs-137 pCi/L 152 155.0 140- 172 A Co-60 pCi/L 73.3 72.9 65.6 - 82.6 A Zn-65 pCi/L 109 105 94.5 - 125 A Gr-B pCi/L 43.6 44.2 29.6-51.5 A 1-131 pCi/L 25.9 27.1 22.5 - 31.9 A U-Nat pCi/L 56.4 61.5 50.0 - 68.2 A H-3 pCi/L 15433 15800 13800-17400 A MRAD-16 Filter Gr-A pCi/filter 39.5 77.8 26.1 - 121 A November 2012 RAD-91 Water Sr-89 pCi/L 46.5 39.1 29.7-46.1 N (1)
Sr-90 pCi/L 16.6 20.1 14.4 - 23.8 A Ba-133 pCi/L 85.2 84.8 71.3-93.3 A Cs-134 pCi/L 76.9 76.6 62.6 - 84.3 A Cs-137 pCi/L 177 183 165-203 A Co-60 pCi/L 77.4 78.3 70.5 - 88.5 A Zn-65 pCi/L 209 204 184 - 240 A Gr-B pCi/L 59.3 39.2 26.0 - 46.7 N (1) 1-131 pCi/L 22.9 24.8 20.6 - 29.4 A H-3 pCi/L 5020.0 4890 4190 - 5380 A MRAD-17 Filter Gr-A pCi/filter 59.6 87.5 29.3 - 136 A (1) NCR 12-13. Sr-89 found to known ratio was 1.19. TBE considers this acceptable. An incorrect aliquot was used for the Gross Beta.
(a) Teledyne Brown Engineering reported result.
(b) The ERA known value is equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined bygravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standard preparation.
(c) ERAevaluation: AMacceptable. Reported resultfalls within the Warning Limits. NA-not acceptable. Reported resultfalls outside the Control Limits. CE=check for Error. Reported result falls within the Control Limits and outside of the Warning Limit, 73