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Submit Semiannual Operating Report for July 1 Through December 31, 1975, Volume 2
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 04/03/2019
Virginia Electric & Power Co (VEPCO)
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML19093A492 (362)


{{#Wiki_filter:1, 1975 through December 31, 1975

 2 SURRY POWER STATION DOCKET NOS. 50-280 and 50-281 LICENSE NOS. DPR-32 and DPR-37 Volume 2 *
         - NOTICE -


    • SOIL SAMPLES (picocuries per kilogram dry)

Dow Alliance Date Collected 8-12-75 8-12-75 Sample Weight

  • Dry 23.5 gm 40.0 gm*

Radiochemistry Sr-89 0. 0 + ...6. 4 E+02 0.0 + 4.9 E+02 Sr-90 0.0 + .5. 3 E+02 0.0 + 4.0 E+02 Gamma Spectrometry K-40 1.2 + 0.5 E+04 Less than 3.3 E+03 Mn-54 Less than 3.8 E+02 Less than 2.2 E+02 Co-58 "Less than 1. 7 E+02 Less than 9.9 E+Ol Co-60 Less than 6.2 E+02 Less than 3.6 E+02 Sb-125 Le~s than 1. 4 E+03 Less than 8.1 E+02 Cs-134 Less than 7.2 E+02 Less than 4.2 E+02 Cs-137 1. 0 + 0. 4 E+O 3 2. 1 + 1. 7 E+02 Ce-144 4.5 + 2.0 E+03 Less than 1. 5 E+03 Tl-208 Less than 4.4 E+02 Less than 2~9 E+02 Pb-212 Less than 1. 2 E+03 Less than 6.6 E+02 Pb-214 2. 1 + 1. 0 E+03 Less than 7.9 E+02 Bi-214 Less than 1. 5 E+03 Less than 7.3 E+02 Ra-226 Less than 1.1 E+04 Less than 6.4 E+03 Ac-228 Less than 3.0 E+03 Less than 1. 7 E+03 4.0-111

SOIL SAMPLES (picocuries per kilogram dry)* Bacon's Castle Surry Station Date

  • Collected 8-12-75 8-12-75 Sample Weight Dry 29.5 gm I, 37
  • 5 gm Radiochemistry Sr-89 0.0 + 3.5 E+02 0.0 + 4.7 E+02 Sr-90 2.6 + 2.4 E+02 0.0 + 3.5 E+02 Gamma S:eectrometry K-40 5.7 + 3.1 E+03 1. 3 + 0. 4 E+04 Mn-54 ,Less than 3.0 E+02 2. 1 + 1. 6 E+02 Co-58 Less than 1. 3 E+02 Less than 1.0 E+02 Co-60
  • Less than 4.9 E+02 6. 8 + 2. 6 E+02 Sb:-125 Less than 1.1 E+03 Less than 8.6 E+02 Cs-134
  • Less than 5.7 E+02 1.4+0.3 E+03

Cs-137 7.7 + 3.1 E+02 3.5 + 0.4 E+03 Ce-144 Less than 2.0 E+03 Less than 1.6 E+03 Tl-208 Less than 3.9 E+02

  • Less than 3.3 E+02 Pb-212 Less than 8.6 E+02 Less than 7.4 E+02 Pb-214 Less than 1.1 E+03 Less than 8.8 E+02 Bi-214 Less than 1.1 E+03 Less than 9.2 E+02 Ra-226 Less than 8.7 E+03 Less *than 7.2 E+03 Ac-228 Less than 2.3 E+03 Less than 1.8 E+03 4,0-110
  • -.J

~( . I SOIL SAMPLES (picocuries per kilogram dry) Colonial Parkway Fort Eustis

    .Date Collected        8~12                       8-12-75 Sample Weight Dry              33.0 gm                      **24.5  gm Radiochemistry Sr-89           0.0 + 6.3.E+02                 0. 0 + 4. 5 E+02
     .Sr-90           0.0 + 5.0 E+02                 3.4 + 2.5*E+02 Gamma Spectrometry K-40             4.2 + 3.3 E+03                 1. 4 + 0. 5 E+04 Mn-54            Less than 2.7 E+02             Less than 3.7 E+02 Co-58 Co-60
                   .. .1.Less2 +than
0. 8 E+02 4.4 E+02 Less than 1.6 E+02 Less than 6.0 E+02 Sb-125 Less than 9.8 E+02 Less than 1.3 E+03 Cs-134 Less* than 5.1 E+02 Less than 6.9 E+02 Ce-144 1. 6 + 0. 3 E+03 1. 1 + 0. 4 E+O 3 Ce-144 *Less than 1.8 E+03 1. 7 + 1. 6 E+03 Tl-208 Less than 3.2 E+02 Less than 4.5 E+02 Pb-212 Less than 7.4 E+02 . Less than 1.1 E+03 Pb-214 Less than 9.6 E+02 Less than 1. 3 E+03 Bi-214 Less than 8.9 E+02 Less than 1. 3 E+03 Ra-226 Less than 7.7 E+03 7.1 + 6.8 E+03 Ac-228 Less than 2.1 E+03 Less. than 2. 8 E+03 4.0-109


  *- Date Collected*
                     . (picocuries per kilogram dry)

Bacon's Castle (Corn) 9.;.15-75 Epps Dairy (Corn) 9-15-75 Sample Weight .. Dry 0.085 kg 0.076 kg Gamma S12ectrometry K-40 2.5 + 2.2 E+03 Less than 3.5 E+03 Mn~54 Less than 1. 0 E+02 Less than 1. 2 E+02 Co-60 Less than 1.2 E+02 Less than 1.4 E+02 Sb-125 Less than 6.3 E+02 Less than 7.0 E+02 Cs-137 Less than 1. 5 E+02 Less than 1. 7 E+02 Pb-212

  • Less t.han 5 .,8 E+02 Less than 6.5 E+02 Ra-226. Less than 6.6 E+03 Less than 7.3 E+03
                                      - 4.0-112 L_

CROP SAMPLES (picocuries per kilogram wet)

                 .Bacon's Castle               Bacon's Castle Peanuts                      Soybeans Date Collected        10-22-75                     11-6-75 Sample Weight Dry              0.077 kg                     o. 082
  • Radiochemistry Sr-89 0 . 0 + 3 . 7 E+O 1 0.0 + 3.1 E+Ol Sr-90 6. 9 + 3.1 E+Ol 0.0 + 5.8 E+Ol Gannna Spectrometry Be-7 Less than 1.4 E+03 Less than 1.3 E+03 K-40 5.5 + 2.2 E+03 1. 7 + 0 . 3 E+04 Cs-137
  • 8 . 4 + 8. 2 E+O 1 Less than 1.8 E+02 Pb-212 Less than 6.1 E+02 Less than 6.1 E+02
4. 0-113

CROP SAMPLES e (picocuries per kilogram wet) Bacon's Castle Soybeans Date. Collected 11-6-75 Sample We.ight Dry/Wet 0.078/0.0835 kg Radiochemistry Sr-89 .o.O + 5.0 E+Ol Sr-90 1.3 + 0.3 E+02 Gannna Spectrometry K-40 1.4 + 0.4 E+04 Cs-137 Less than l. 6 E+02 Bi-214 Less than 5.1 E+02 Pb-214 5.4 + 4.0 E+02 Ra-226 Less than 6. 5 E+03 ,

FOWL SAMPLES (picocuries per kilogram.wet) Crane Date Collected 9~24-75 Sample Weight Dry/Wet 0.0505/0.1141 kg Gamma Spectrometry K-40 Less than 2.1 E+03 Cs-137 less than 8.7 E+Ol Pb-212 Less than 4.1 E+02

5.0 STATION RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASES AND SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE Date on radioactive effluents for the first six (6) months of 1975 are herewith reported in the form given in Appendix A of U.S.A.E.C. Safety Guide 21, dated December 29, 1971. Liquid concentrations were measured at their source prior to discharge to determine total activities released. Percent of technical specification limit for activity relea*sed is based on the limits specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, for unrestricted areas and takes into.account the nuclides present, excluding tritium, and are calculated using data averaged over the actual time of discharge only and hence do not take credit for dilution water flow available at those times when releases were not being made. Halogen and particulate concentrations were measured by con-tinuous samples of all discharges near their points of release. Gas-eous concentrations were measured at the source prior to discharge to determine total activities released. Percent of applicable limit for airborne releases are based on the limits specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B. 5.0-1

~--C.'. , .... ,. I I I.. **

  • Docket:

P,::PORT o:: r'..'\D l U\CT I VE Ef'.'FLU::~J:S


50-280 and 50-281 Year: 1975

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                . Page
         ..::.~                                             ...... -                                    Cui-ies      I 7 76E - 1        I 1_6_6_E_o~rs-,sE
                                                                                                                                                      - i                   -I         3 Q3E-1                2 12E-~                            i     .

2 23F - 1 '3

  • 71 (-{) -

i:og~~ : ! - * -.-\ - * (

                                                                                                                                                                                              ..           J                                                                                                   e c, .:\\*~~ r .JS*.:.: ~2nc*:!n t ration r'; 1eased :J=ji::'.c: i /m 1                                      I  5.32E-9 I 8. l4E-9 I 2.41E-:                              !    1. 36E-9            I                                         l.03E-9 I                                          I' i

c:1 :'<ax 1:-:iu:*:1 concentration release~ ];!Ci/r:11 I 8.51E-8 Z.J8E-8 9.89E- * / :Z.61E-9 I 6.l2E-9 I 6.~ZE-9 '  ! I i J I I I

                                                                                                                                        '                                         '                    -*                                      1 7 r i t i iJ~"
          ~, -:-ct 3 ~ releas0.c I                                   I                        I                I I                        !                                    I I                   !                                  I 1-*

G* I Curi es 1. 86E+l 2.04E+l i 6.2:5E+l 5. l 2E+ l : i,2c;E+l i4."i8E+l I  ? 7qF+? i 1 L5£.+/-.L l,6ZE-Z l 2. 02E-Z I



                          -~'.re         12ce            cc:1cc:1tra~ion            released        i uCi/ml            1.27E-7            l.OOE-Z              II 2.82E-Z i           2.30E-7 I                                                                                                       i I                                   I                        I                I                        I I                                   /                    !                                   i l
  • JiS501VC:G
                                       ~           r
                                                        \otle Gases                                I                                                                              I                     -r                                     !                    i I                                  i
         ~ \

c... i :0:2; reie2se  ! Curies 7.75E-l I 3.84E-O l.83E-O I. l 2E+l l 5.39E-O j2.7IE-l !I 2.33E+I I l agc-Q

         ~)               t,,,
                                      ._, I""""" r,.:i, C-, '--     co;-,c2n t rut ion reieased I 1-1C i /ml I 5.3JE-9                             I l .88E-8                  8.25E-9      II   5.06E-8 j                 2.ZBE-8 ! l.25E-9 i
* ' L.

__ 1 I I J i i I

        ~tQSS ,**. i :)ha                                  Radioactivity                           I                I                   I                     I                   i                       !                                    I                   i                                   !


:,!:c 1 release I Curies 'L '3%-6 I. 58E-5 7.08E-6 ! 9.56E-7 i 2 iOF-i::. i 2. 70E-6 II 'L82E-c; i~ R?F-c;
      .         )
        -,               ,.. \\'Cr 2ge Concentration released i pCi/ml I 6.43E-]l1                                                        7,75E-14                  i. 1%-141 4.31E-l5/ 1. JClE-14! l.24E-141                                                                                         I I

I '  ! I I  ! ' I

       \.1 C..' l u *:~e.                    "::

_, I ~iquid To I I 'i I

i: sch2 rre C:::nal I Liters 4.93E+6 I l.49E+7 !, 5. I 6 E+6 I, 3.56E+6 I 4.47E+6 l2,90E+6 !i 3.69E+Z I
] . 2C)F+,S



1 0 I '--::**.2 ~* "c1e<Jse1

r. .;:

cl Di ; u ti ::,n

                                                                       \*later MPC µCi/ml
                                                                                                   ! Liters I Curi es I .46E+l I        2.04E+ll             i 2.22E+lll I

2.22E+llJ I. 94E+_I I! 2.17E+I I ! l.21E+l2 i I I

4.24E+IO i

i I 3.: ..:. '...d - 14*J Sr-\:: 3 X JO- G I 6.06E-4 i 1 22E-~ h hlF-1 7. 12E-4 8.9~E-~ ,z.8oE-4 4,8ZE-3 I

- 13 !

3 I\\' 1o- 7 I I l.OSE-2  ! S.%E-2 6.88E-2 4.92E-1 ! Z-58E-l i 2_._5_l_E- 1  !.64E-Q i l_.3_9..;.=._l_

      ;,_;.- _,j                                                         3 X Jr-7  ,)              I               I 7.75E-1           I '3.83E-O                  1.82E-O'           l .*12E+l Ii 5.38E-O ,2.52E-1                                                   2.~3E+1                        !l.~8E-O
      ,\*~- ':3)

Cs-; '3 i 1 y 10- 7 I\ 2 X 10-s I i - 14.ISE-2 9.75E-3 3.l4E~2 ! 8.59E-3 l.87E-2 1. 1OE-I :9-35E-3

                                                                              -                    !                   6.09E-I i 3.79E-1 I
4. 27E-2 1 5.92E-2 ' ' 8.42E-2 / l .07E+l 1. I 9E+l ;LOlE-0 I

Cs-;)~ 9 X 1O- b 3 . O6 E- I / I . 8 4 E- J I 2 . 17 E- 2 3 . l J E-:.,._2_1__3..!... .,_3.:_:1E=--_.,,2c__!.1_6_._ 9:_E_-_o_.;_._6_.~7.:_7E_-_o_ _..;...::!5~-~7=5_E-_le___

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ....:;J c~-~'J                                                             3 X 1o_-_3_ _ _ ,__________                   6_.8_6_E_-_2--+f-=-2 ._Q9_E - )       '1    1 . 23 E- 2        4 . 0 8 E- 2 i .....c3::...*--"'9:.:.7-=E_-=2_ 5:c..:-"'9=3.::.E-_1:.__.~9:.....:.6::..3'--=E'----'-1--'i-"'8_,_. 9"-"E=---=2'--
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -'--J I

__,i 9 X 1cr:; 4 . 3 4 E- 2 1 . s ~ E- 1 , 1 . o 7 E- 2 , 2 . 14 E-.. .2"-'-:~1 5c...5c-=E=-----=-1--+!-<-3~*9~7_,,E,__-.., ,.2__4.,_.._.sc_.,4_.._E_- ,_J_ _ _ ,_._3~-c-"*G~F_-~2-

                                                                                                                                       .                     I -

2 I\V lo- 3 i - *  !--"'-9_,__.O:::_:O:c.:,E,:._-..,J.3_._l_ _ __;_i.....9~-.....,OQ.,_.F_--.J3__~i7~-..;:.6,,,_5E=--_;_*4,___ 1 I\V~-=-~---: Io-'* ' .. ____4_.__,9'-l_E_-=-3_ _,1,_...3c.:..__ L 6=6=.E-_3-.-;..-l_._3_6_E-l_j_z. 2 1E- 3 / 3 . 4 3 E- 3 i 1. I OE-1 I. 3 I E- I i 1. I I E- 2 l ,,'.-' 10- 4 1 i I . I I i I X 1c- ;* I 3_,;_;___:_:.~-~~-'-~-~~:._._1~*~os~E~-~4-!;-=-.:1.~9~o=E-~4..c.-~f.-'-1~.~16~E~-~4-+-! _4~,~9=8~E_-~s~/f-l."6~.~z6~E~-~s,_+/=5~.4~6~E~-=5-'-~s~.~Z8=E~-~4~*~~'~~~ 8 X 10- '+ I I I I 7.35E-5 I 1.ooE-4.. IB,15E-5 6.3ZE-4 8.ooE-4 16,98E-4 2.39E-3 i'.:'1-c1:*:~: O,' -~?chnical Specificatio;:;  ! I I \

               ;~ic Fer Activity Released

f .._* l, I I \L_ \... II

                                                                                                ,1 II J 7.00E-2 I'1.21E-l l.06E-l I

7.43E-l l.32E-O !CJ.60E-1 I I I J.

Faci 1 i ty: I. Surry Power Station LIQUID RELEASES

  • Docket:


1. Gross Radioactivity (B.Y.J a Total release Curi es 2.93E-l l. 07E-O 5.48E-l 2.72E+O 4.lOF-1 5. 17E-1 5.56E+O 4.73E-l b Averaqe concentration released uCi/ml l .24E-9 4.i;7E-9 2.48E-q l. 60E-8 2.c;QE-q 2.45E-9 C Maximum concentration released uCi/ml r;_qQE-q l. OiE-8 1 liF-7 3.06E-8 7.89E-9 6.33E-9
2. Tritium a Total released Curi es 2.25E+ 1 6.S4E+l 2.58E+l 3.30E+l 4.49E+l 2. l5E+l 2*. l 3E+2 l. 81 E+l b Averaqe concentration released uCi/ml 9.4qE-6 2.78E-7 1 17F-7 1. 94E-7 2.74E-7 l. 02E-7
3. Dissolved Noble Gases a Total release Curies 9. 72E-l 6.oqE-1 q.81E-l 4.71jE-l 7.7)E-1 9.55E-1 4. 77E+O 4.06E-1 b) Averaqe concentration released µCi/ml 4. lOE-9 2.59E-9 4.44E-q 2'.81E-9 4.70E-9 4.53E-9
4. Gross Alpha Radioactivity a Total release Curies 4. l6E-6 8.87E-6 3.47E-6 4.73E-6 - - 2. l 3E-5 2. l3E-5 i b Average Concentration released µCi/ml l.76E-l4 3.77E-14 J.c;7E-14 2.81E-l4 - -

I I p 5. Vol. of Liquid to Disch. Canal Liters 4.56E+6 5. l2E+6 4. %E+6 4.b2E+6 2.55E+6 l.27E+7 3.39E+7 1* 19E+6 ., p. Vol. of Dilution Water Liters 2.37E+ll 2. 35E+l l 2.21E+ll 1. 70E+ 11 1.64E+l l 2.llE+ll l .24E+l2 4.34E+l

7. lsotooes Released. MPG uCi/ml r.11riPc;,

Fe-sq i; X .1 Q"."5 - - ].ij]F-i 1. 40E-:3 6.47E-4 3.46E-4 3.90E-3 3.32E-4 Ba+ La - 140 2 X 10-s - - l.41F-~ 5.75E-3 - - 7.16E-3 6.09E-4 Sr-89 3 X 10-6 S.47E-4 6. 14E-4 r;_qr;E-4 3.28E-4 l.31E-4 3.26E-", S.48E-3 4.66E-4 I -131 3 X 10-1 5.73E-2 8.3qE-2 i.l,~F-1 2.00E-1 4.23E-2 5. l6E-2 7. 88E-. l 6.70E-2 Xe-133 3 X 10-1 2.71E-1 i,.69E-l 8.81F-l 4.49E-1 6.82E-1 8.20E-l 3.67E+O 3.12E-l Xe-135 1 X 10-1 l.47E-l 4 O]F-? l.OOF-1 2.86E-2 8.86E-2 l.35E-l 5.39E-l 4.58E-2 Cs-137 2 X 10- 5 2.59E-l 4.03E-l l .Oc;E-1 1. OOE+O l .97E-1 J.62E-J 2. l 3E+O l.8JE-l Cs-134 9 X 10-6 J.42E-l 2.3r;E-l 7.8qF-? 6.95E-l l. I SE-1 9. 15E-2 I. 36E+O l. J6E-1 Co-60 3 X 10- 5 i.08E-2 4.i;6E-2 2 8qF-2 l. l 8E-1 1.45E-1 l.79E-l S.47E-.1 4.6r;E-2 Co-58 9 X 10- 5 1. 31E-2 1. qqE-2 6 f-OE-? 5.58E-1 4. lSE-1 9.35E-1 2.0lE-f:0 1. 71 E-1 Ar:..~i 3 X 10-6 - - 4. nE-4 - - - 4.73E~4 4.02E-5 Mn-5 1 X 10-4 3. 77E-3 2.26E-2 l 8?F-? 4.62E-2 8.84E-3 3.SOE-2 l.35E~l;E-2 1-li4 2 X 10-s - - 7.25E-3 - - 7.76E-3 1. 50E-2 I. 28E-3 Sr-90 3 X 10-1 l .02E-4 l.14E-4 1. 11 E-4 3.78E-i; 1. S2E-i; 'L 77E-4 7.r;7E-4 6.44E-S C-14 8 X 10- 4 2.75E-4 3.09E-4 2.99E-4 2.70E-4 l .OBE-4 2.69E-3 3.qc;E-3 3.36E-4 1-132 8 X lo*-fj - - 2. 14E-2 - - 3.05E-2 s. JqE-2 4.41E-l Na-24 3 X 1o-*:, 4.33E .. l 7.38E-l l.40E-l 4.SIE-1 2.65E+O 2.25E-l 1-133 1-135

8. Percent of I OCFR20 l X 10-t, 4 X 10-~

1.40E-l 5.74E-2 l.12E+O l.40E-2

l. 13E+O 7.47E-l l .06E-l i f,1;:F-?

2.39E+O 7.69E-4

l. 54E+O 2.73E-3 2.04E+O 5.57E-2 2, 3~E:2...

7.8'1E-l 2.37E-1 I;: OOF-? 2.02E-2 I;: 09£::J

REPGRT OF RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS PAGE 2 Facility:__.._y Pov,er Station Docket:---5.0-280 and 50-281 Year: 1975 I I. AI R60RrJ RELEASES JANUARY FEBRllARV M~~~~ APRIL



l. Total ffoble Gases r Curies UN I IS
7. 96E+l 4.23E+l 1.91E+O i 1. 57E+3 1. 52E+'3 -


13. 21 E+3
                                                                                                                                                                           +/- ERROR 2.7'3E+2
2. Total Ila 1ogens Curies 5.31E-4 c:; 7t;F-li 7.06E-4 2.19E-3 8.99E-3 8.84E-3 2. lBE-2 l.85E-3
3. Total Particulate Gross Radio-activity (ELY.) I Curies I I. 26E-J '1. 12E-4 l. 69E-4 2.SOE-4 l.33E-3 1. 22E-3 4.74E-3 4.03E-4
4. Total Tritium Curi es 3.42E-4 - - 5 gJE-1 2.26E-O - 2.85E-O 2.42E-l I
5. Total Particulate Gross Alpha Radioactivity Curi es 3.37E-5 l. l5E-5 2.78E-6 l.2gE-5 2. 11 E-5 2.78E-5 I. l OE-4 9.35E-6 I

I 6. Maxi r.iu'":l Noble Gas Release Rate µCi/sec 2.41E+? q 28E+? 1. 80E+2 6.06E+2 2.73E+3 -

7. Percent of Applicable Li rn it For iI I feGh*:*=-si::>ecs, i I a) Noble gases  % 4.gsE-2 2.91E-2 1.lqE-1 l C\lE+C\ Q i..te:,i::-.1 - i b) Hc1 l os;ens Ya i D.49E-l 7. l4E-1 8.90E-1  ! 2.68E+O l. l 2E+ 1 i l, l SE+l I,_

c) Particulates D/

                                                      *o        0, 72~- l    2. 61 E+O     S. l?E-2    J,66E+O     I  2.21E-2 I              5.47E-1                  i I

I I I /

... I I I I I I
8. Isotope Released: Curies I i a) Particulates l Co-58 Curies 6.lOE-4 l. 15E-3 1. 43E-5 '3.20E-4 i 2 '38E-4 8,73E-5 2.42E-3 2.06E-4 Sa-LA-140 Sr-9Cl I 0 0 0 - - - I -

Jl Co-GO Curies 6.54E-4 1.47E-'3 2.32E-5 2.30E-3 2.87E-7 6.26E-4 5.0?E-3 4.31E-4

, Sr-i39 0 0 I 0 - I - - -

I i:,... Mn-54 Curies r.:;,q7E-6 8.44E-4 l. 14E-5 - - - 8.61E-4 7,32E-5 b) Haloqens 1-131 I Curies 4.97E-4 4.g4E-4 l6.82E-4 l.99E-3 8.56E-'3 8.49E-3 2.0?E-2 l. 76E-3 1-133 [ r.uries 1.44E-t; 8.lOE-c; 2.43E-5 l. S8E-4 I 4. l SE-4 3.SlE-4 1. 09E-3 l9,27E-5 1-135 Curies - - - 7. 36E-6 l. 43E-5 - 2.l?E-5* l. 85E-6 l-i32 I Curies I i i c) Gases I I Kr-85 Curi es I Xe-133 Curi es 7 qc;F+l 3.4'3E+l 1. 91 E+O l. 57E+3 I I l. '12E+'3 - 3,21E+3 12. 73E+2 Kr-88 Curies ~. 7'3E-'3 - - - - - 3,73E-3 !3.l7E-4 Kr-87 Curies l~r-3Sm I I Curi es I 8.SlE-3 '

                                                                          '      -              -              -             -          I       -          8.SlE-3    '7.23E-4 Xe-133                                       I Xe-i35m                         !  Curies                 i                                                                            :


                                                                                                                   !                                    I              !

REPORT OF RADIOACTIVE [FFLUENTS PAGE 2 Facil i t y : ~ y Power Station Docket: 50-280 and 50-2.8.l__ Year: _....;..:;.~--- 1975 e I 11. AIR80RN RELEASES

                                                                     ~--- UNITS JULY                           AUGllST                               <:;FPT                   O!..!=C~T_.___._J.l.1,1~1(,.J\f'-'---.!-_DE....__                   r--1--~~-------      TO AL      I               +/- ERROR

_l;..:'~-T-=-o..:..ta_l_N_o_b_le_G_c1'-s-e_s_ _ _ _ _- 1 __c_u_r_i_e_s_""~2;:.;.:..::3::...;l..=E;.....+::...3---l-..;;;4~-..l.7-"'-8..._E+~lL---1--J...,,.;?81,J.;h:1.1F..!+-"'*?-l-....1.l~7.::i.L.i:-~+:....*~..__...~1.,_ _q"'-1~L!:E:..:.+.....!.l-1-_t.,86E+3, 6.26E+~ 5,32E+2

2. Total llaloqens Curies 3,39E-3 z.qJE-1 1.04E-1 l.33E-2 1.qlE-1 c; 8?F-., ~ nuF-?  ? r;8F-~
3. Total Particulate Gross Radio-activity (D.Y.) Curies 4.qqE-4 s.68E-3 5,65E-4 4.44E-4 1. 18E-4 6.38E-4
4. Total Tritium Curies l.17E-l l.*35E+1 7.07E+O 7.78E+O l.98E-l u_?7F-l 2.qJE+l 2-47E-2
5. Total Particulate Gross Alpha Radioactivity Curies 7.43E-6 l.04E-5 g,23E-7 l.53E-5 7.54E-6 q_Q1E-7 I 4.10E-S 3.66E-6 L-------------------!.'-~---l--~---1~----:-----l-----+-----+-----L-----+----


  • Max i r;1um ~Job l e Gas Rel ease Ra t e 1-1 C t /sec 8
  • l 2 E+ 3 c;. 66 E+2 l. 7 6=,E...,,+_,*1-+-"""'I. .:. *-'-4g"'-'E=-+_4'----1~7_.0....5....E_+_l-+__,.6..s..""'"86_,E-+.-*1'-t - - - - + - - - -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       !                             l
7. Percent of Applicable Limit For ,I _j_r

~ ~ -rech. = - -Soecs. - = - = - - - - - - - - 1I- - - , - - { - ~ - + - - - - i - - - - + - - - - , , - - ~ - . - - - - - I - - - - + - - -- a1 Noble gases  % 1.44E+O 2.g7E-2 l 8~F-l 1.08E+O l .24E_-2~-l--.Ll..._ . .ulh~F..:.+.-0;_1-----1-i_ _ __ ~--b~ )_~.:..:la.;_J.;_o~g_en;..:_s_*- - - - - - - - - l - i__ ---+--=4c.=.*.::.2.::..6E=..+;.:::O::...._,i-=2*~*q"-1o:.,_:.E.+/-.Q_f _J. 1 fj E+O l. 68 E+ 1 I 2 - r; q +-"6'--~2~-....:::.8.::..iE.._+'-,1,Q,__,_i- - - - - + - - - -


_____c.,_ J_P_a_r_t_i_cL_1l_a_t_e_s_ _ _ _ _ _- i ._ _i.;;_a_ _4 -...2;.c.*....:..l"-' 7E::..-.....;le-1,-.,.:c..8,,_.7._.'7...;;E:_-._l___..._Ll_5-=E_-..:..l-t--3<-=-"'2""'g=E--.,_I-1-""""7"""*...._ 7E=--.....;l,__+--..,_g......7....,'6=E:....+..::.o_,i,__ _ _ 1, ... -;-i-*--- 1  ! i I r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' : - - - - - + - - - - + - - - - - - - - - f - - - - - + - - - - - - 4 i ' -I - - - - - +I : - - - -


I I .--,.,-----------:--------+---~---+-------l-----+------+----+------+------+-----1--~--

8. Isotope Released: I Curies

a) Particulates 1 1----~--'- r------e,-*o_-'""'"5_8_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-+---=-Cu~r~i~e'--s_____ - ---;..J......3.51.'=-E-_4.,__+-'-1...._6""'0...,E._-_.4'-+-..c:2..:..* .;;,.02=E::..-...::;3;.__f--'-7.::...:*2::..6::..;;E:...-..::c3--+__.1_._.. ?*..,_1:._ F-_l.__1__..L..L-1~.._.1....,:F,._-~l--,f-,l'-"1_,_l_,_3.::.E_,-2=-- Ba - LA-l40 ' Sr-90 Curies 3.30E-12 2.71E-J21 2.30E-l: l.11E-12 l.llE-12 664E-l~ Ll?F-11 qc:b.F-1~ V1 Co-60 1 Curies 3.80E-4 q,25E-4 i;_q1E-4 l.71E-3 2.88E-3 2.24E-2 2.8gE-2 l2.46E-3 0 I _ _ _S.:. . r.:. . -_8..:;..9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-11,---;;C.;_u__ r __ i e_s_-i-4.:....':...6..:..7__E__

                                                                                                                 - _11--+~3-=.7'-"5._E_-_1__                    l --='3__* __

l 9:...E__-__l-1l_ _:..---1-------l------_.__l:...:.~l~6;;;,.E-.:....l:...:0--1-l9=.:...:8;...;;8..::;E__ -~12=- V1 Mn - 54 , Curies - - , 7.03E-8 - 2.£;6E-4  ? q1F-~ ~. lQF-~  ?.71E-4 b) Haloqens 1-131 Curies 3.26E-3 2.22E-~ 2.48E-1 l.2qE-2 1.89E-3 2. 16E-1 2. 12E-3 1-133 Curies l .25E-4 {.. 8{,F-u 1 q~F-4 3.58E-4 2.0SE-S l . 7~F-l 2.81E-4. 1-135 Curies - 2.94E-7 q ?OF-r; l.59E-5 8.87E-4 7,54E-S 1-132 I Curies - - r; ?lF-r; 8.UE-6 g_76E-4 8.10E-i; c) Gases Kr-85 Curies i-----1*(-r-RR Xe-133 Curi".!s l Cur I es

L10E+1 4.77E+l 2 71E+2 I 9.. 7QE ] I l.71E+1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ! - ].QlE+l                     J_7lE+1 q_ 60E-2 6,lOE+3 !5o19E+2
1. 07E+O 9. l.OE-2 1----__J.>.1.(r_-...:::8.1-7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._L Cu i-i es '-------i-------.....;~(. 39E =1 I = - 4. 02 E- 2 6. 1gE- l c;. 77E-2 1-------_J~~..:::.~-=8.!... 3 1 j.i.::~1- - - - - - - - -
  • i ' I -_c_u_r_i~e_s_;!--*--=~---l*~-= *-~-....*__ 1 *_:._Z_E__ +_o_1--=---1~*-~--.----t-1-.4~*c;_F_-_1__,___ 1._4_2_E+O_-+l_1_* ..,..2.,...1E_-_1_

Xe-135rr;  ; Curies - I - J-2..J8E-l : .. _ - _ _ *. 1 _=_*___ J_s_o~5E-~l__s.46E-1 I 4.64E-2

Facility: Surry Power Station R[PORT OF RADiOACTJVE EFFLUENTS Docket: 50-280 and 50-281 Year: 1975 Page 3 I I. AIRBORN RELEASES ,-------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + -I MONTHS UNITS JANUARY  ! Fl='RRllllRY I MARCH I APRIL I MAY \ JLJNF I TOTAL +/- ERROR

                                                                        '1               !                                                               I c)   Gases Continued                                             I                i                                                               I Xe-135 i------~'"-----------t-                      [Curies I 9.66E-2               7. g8E+O     I               4.22E+O             -        I        -         1 l ?~F+l       l.OSE-0 Ar - 41                                   I I. nE-2                -        I                   -                -  .              -            I. 73E-2      l. 47E-3 Others As Appropriate (Specify)!                                                                           I                       -

Xe-133m 9.51E-3 - - - i 9.SIE-3* 8.08E-4 Na-24 2.05E-4 - - - I *2. 05E-4 I l.74E-5 Cs-134 1. 04E-4 h n7F-4 l.96E-6 7.ggE-4 2.60E-7 - 1.51E-3 ' 1.28E-4 CS-137 6.30E-4  ! I. 3SE-3 I .47E-4 2.73E-3 9.91E-5 5.03E-4 ! 4.64E-4 Cs-138 11 .04E-3 I - - l. I 8E-2 - , l.28E-2 1.09E-3 ! I I. SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL

1. a) Total Amount Sol id Waste II II I I, 3. IBE+s I Packaged I 1.66E+1 I 8.29E+2 1.sgE+1+ 1.07E+S;"1 2.85E+3 I b) Estimated Total Activity Curi es ! 8. 26E+O 10 28E+O 16.glE+O 1.83E+2+ 2.19E+2 I 1.46E+2 5.73E+2 i c) Date Of Shipment And Disposition I I I I
                                                                                        '*                          *,Barnwel 1,SI       ~arnwel   '1 1-02-75*           2-04-75*I 3-18-75*         4~02~75** 5~03-75                     s.c.

1-04-75* 2-10-75;"1 3-27-75* 4-03-75;" 5-05-75 6 - 0 3-75 : 1-20-15;b" 2-20-15**/ 3-3-75;" 1- 4-09-1s;" I 4 6 5-06-15 6 15 I 6 7 5 !I 0 l-21-75' ""12-21-751,*I I ;_1 -75;" 5-07-75 6-11-75 1 I 1 4 -2 4 -75;" 0 lJl 1-22-75;'d, 2-28-75**1 1-27-75,b°.1' I 14-26-75* I 5-10-75 5-09-75 6 12

                                                                                                                                           - -75      'I I

4 -2 8 -75* I 5-11-75 6-16-75 ~ 1-28-75** 1 1-29-75,b', I J 4-30-75," I 5-12-75 6 75 I I Ii II j 5-12-75 6-23-75 i r"Barnwell, *Barnwel],*Barnwell *Barnwell! 5-13-75 6 75 I l S. C. S. C. S. C. S. C. 5-14-75 J I i i I Ky. j head, KY r head , KY. head, KY. I I 5- 15-75 5-]6-75 Ii I!

                                                                                      /                +4,~6E+2FTf 5-18-75 I                         j                I 1                Spent Res n5-19-75 j                          j II              I                Containin          5-27-75 J                  I I               J              ,1.82Ci              5-28-751                   1 1

I 1 1 1


I 5-31-75 I

                                                                                                                     .*Includes ~0,600 gal~

j Ii i I  ! , \ of water F p h i pp ed v i tanker. \ I I 1  ! I  !

  • REPORT OF RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS Page 3 Facll ity: Surry Power Station Docket: 50-280 and 50-281 Year: 1975

c) Gases Continued Xe-135 6.t;%-O 8.0t;E-2 7~..E+O c;,q6E+O - l. 28E+2. l. 48E+2 l .26E+1 A, -4 I - - 2.7qE-l .. - - 2.02E-2 2.qqE-1 2.54E-2 Others As Appropriate lspecify)  ! Cs-134 3.bUt.-b 2.46E-4 2. llE-t; 2.26E-4 l.95E-6 5.32E-4 1. 03E-3  ! 8.76E-5 CS-137 1. 15E-4 7.0~F-k 1.4RF-4 1. 08E-3 5. lOE-4 l.38E-2 *1.64E-2 l.3qE-3 Rb-88 - 3.67E-3 6.37E-4 l. l6E-1 7.02E-3 7.t;JE-3 2.00E-2 l. 70E-3 1-134 - - l.77E-t; - - 2.33E-4 2.SlE-4 2.13E-5 Xe-133m - - 1 £;£;F- 1  ? 7J E+O - 2.87E+O 2.44E-l 11 I. SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL I

l. a) Total Amount Sol id Waste I Packaged FT3 3.78E+2 9,.21E+2 t;.61F+? l c;%+3 2.82E+3 q.53~+2 I' Z.22E+J I b) Estimated Tota I Activity Curi es 2.54E-O 2.84E-O £; £; 11='-1 2.03F+1 2.71 E+l S.28E+O J 2.07E+3 c) Date Of Shipment And  ! I Disposition I I 8-15-75 9-17-75 10-2-75 11-1-75 12-03-75 II 7-03-75 I i 7-09-75 8-28-75 9-29-75 10-4-75 11-4-75 12-13-75 j 1*
  .Vl                                                         7-23-75     Barnwell,    Barnwe 11     10-7-75     11-4-75            ]2-]6-75    I 0

I 7-23-75 Barnwell, s.c. s.c. 10-8-75 11-6-75 12-18-75 12-20-75 I

  -....J 10-9-75     11 "'.'8-75 s.c.                                                                 12-30-75 10-10-75    11-11-75 10-11-75    11-13'-75          Barnwe 11, 10-13-75    11-16-75   10-18-75    11-20-75 10-21-75    11-21-75 10-22-75    11-22-75 10-23-75    11-25-75 10-27-75    11-25-75 10-29-75    Barnwe 11, 10-31-75     s.c.           I aarnwel 1, s.c.

I I  ! I I I I I ) I. I I

                                                          !                         I                                                          i

6.0 FUEL SHIPMENTS There were 40 fuel assemblies accepted during this report .period. These are summarized in Table 6.0-1

FUEL ASSEMBLIES TABLE 6. 0.1.1 ANSI NO. ENRICHMENT . DATE LMOlQE 2.10 7-15-75 LMOlQM 2.10 7-15-75 LMOlQC 2.10 7-15-75 LMOlQV 2.60 7-15-75 LM01Q4 2.60 7-15-75 LMOlQZ 2.60 7-15-75 LM01Q7 2.60 7-15-75 LM01Q6 2,60 7-15-75 LM01R2 2.60 7-15-75 LMOlQU 2.60 7-15-75 LMOlQN 2.10 7-22-75 LMOlQF 2.10 7-22-75 LM01Q9 2.10 7-22-75 LMOlQH 2.10 7-22-75 LMOlQW 2.60 7-22-75 LMOlQT 2.60 7-22-75 LMOlQY 2.60 7-22-75 LMOlQG 2.60 7-22-75 LM01R6 2.60 7-22-75 LMOlQX 2.60 7-22-75 LMOlRl 2.60 7-22-75 LM01R3 2.60 7-22-75* LMOlQR 2.10 .7-29-75 LMOlQQ 2.10

  • 7-29-75 LMOlQK 2.10 7-29-75 LMOlQB 2.10 7-29-75 LMOlQD 2 *.10 7-29-75 LMOlQA 2.10 7-29-75 LMOlQL 2.10 7-29-75 LMOlQS 2.60 7-29-75*

LM01Q2 2.60 7-29-75 LMOlQP 2.60 7-29-75 LMOlQJ 2.60 7-29-75 LM01Q5 2.60 7-29-75 6,0-2

ANSI NO. ENRICHMENT DATE LMOlRO 2.60 8-05-75 LM01R4 2.60 8-05-75 LMOlRS 2.60 8-05-75 LMOlQl 2.60 8-05-75 These two fuel assemblies were shipped back to Westinghouse for further inspection and were returned on 8-05-75. ANSI NO. ENRICHMENT DATE LM01Q8 2.10 .8-05-75 LM01Q3 2.10 8-05-75 6.0-3 .:1

7.0 SUM1'fARY OF OCCURRENCES IN WHICH TEMPERATURE LIMITATIONS ON COOLING WATER DISCHARGE WERE EXCEEDED The licensee is required to report any deviation from cooling water discharge limitations as specified in Technical Specification 4.14. Date Description of Deviation 08-02-75 Exceeded 98°F discharge temperature for more than 3 hours. 08-03-75 Exceeded 98°F discharge temperature for more than 3 hours. 08-04-75 Exceeded 98°F discharge temperature for more than 3 hours. 08,-05-75 Exceeded 98°F discharge temperature for more than 3 hours. 08-06-75 Exceeded 98°F discharge temperature for more than 3 hours. e 7.0-1

8.0 CHANGES TO STATION ORGANIZATION The following changes were made in the station operating organi-zation involving positions for which minimum qualifications are speci-fied. in Technical Specifications:

1. Mr. W. B. Gross was promoted to Assistant Control Room Operator, effective July 18, 1975.
2. Mr. J. H. Agler, Control Room Operator, reclassified as Assistant Control Room Operator, effective September 2, 1975.
3. Mr. D. H. Rickeard, Assistant Control Room Operator, was promoted to Engineering Technician, effective December l; 1975.
4. Mr. H. L. Miller, Assistant Control Room Operator, was promoted to Control RoomOperator, effective December 1, 1975.
5. Mr. J. S. Fisher, Assistant Shift Supervisor, was promoted to Shift Supervisor, effective December 1, 1975.

6-. Mr. J. H. Agler, Assistant Control Room Operator, was promoted to Assistant Shift Supervisor, effective December 1, 1975. NEW PERSONNEL L Mr. C. D. Haynes was employed in the position of Assistant Control Room Operator, effective October 6, 1975.

2. Mr. R. L. Smith was employed in the position of Ansistant Control Room Operator, effective October 13, 1975.
3. Mr. K. R. Hillman was employed in the postion of Assistant Control Room Operator, effective Nobember 10, 1975.


PERSONNEL TRANSFERS L. Mr. C.H. Brooking, Shift Supervisor, was transferred to Richmond effective December 1, 1975.

2. Mr. L. L. Morris, Control Room Operator, was transferred to Richmond effective December 1, 1975.

9.0 OCCUPATIONAL PERSONNEL RADIATION EXPOSURE (T.S.6.6.A.10) 9.1 The whole body exposures for this reporting period have been recorded in Table 9.1-1. 9.2 The numbers of personnel receiving more than 500 mrem during this reporting period are listed by duty function in Table 9.2-1. 9.0-1 _I

Table 9.1;..l OCCUPATIONAL PEI',SONNEL RADIATION EXPOSURE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 6.6.A.10 JULY - DECEMBET{ 1975 Dose Range Number of (mREM) . Individuals No measurable exposure 293 1-99 467 100-249 114 250-499 96 500-749 96 750-999 69 1000-1999 289 2000-2999 236 3000-3999 18 4000-4999'. 3 Greater than 5000 0 ~otal Number of Individuals Re~orted 1681 g_ 1-l

VIRGINIA ELECTRIC A!ID POlfilR COMPANY SURRY POWER STATION LICENSE NOS. DPR-32 AND DPR-37 MAN - REM EXPOSURE - JOB FUNCTim JULY - DECEMBER 1975 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATI*Jr:s 6.6.A.10 DOSE RANGE STATION EMPLOYEES UTILITY EMPLOYEES SUB-CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEES JOB NUMBER OF .LU'l'AL DOSE JOB NUMBER OF TuTAL OO~E JOB NUMBER OF TOTAh;?rOS:: (mRem) FUNCTION INDIVIDUALS REM FUNCTION INnTVIDUAT '- REH FUNCTION INDIVIDUALS Refueling 6 3.865 Primary System 12 7.!,44 Refueling 14 8.595 500-749 Maintenance Primary System 12 7.196 Stm.Gen.Eddy 1 .636 Primary System 26 16.508 Maintenance Current Maintenance Routine Surveillance 2 1.036 - Stm.Gen.Eddy Current Test 23 14.231 Refueling 8 7.:J48 750-999 Refueling 1 0,970 Primary System 10 8. 717 Primary System 24 20.805 Maintenance Maintenance Primary System 2 1. 786 Stm.Gen.Eddy 24 20.881 Maintenance Current Test I I 1000-1999  :::.efueling 16 24.241 Primary System 36 54.449 Refueling 19 26.127 H

                            ..                                   Maintenance

Primary System 28 41.824 Stm.Gen.Eddy 2 3,704 Primary System 48 72.604 I-'

            'laintenance                                         Current Test                                    Maintenance                                           ro Routine Surveillance 1               1.276    ~outine Surveillance 1       I    1,485   Stm .. Gen, Eddy Current Test 138            217,821     .
                                                                                                                                                                       \.0 N
                                                                                                                                                                       ,_,I Refueling                   8              18. 773   Primary System           24           54,601    Refuelin3                    4              8.671 2000-2999                                                      Maintenance Primary System             32              78.915                                                    Primary System              38             86.593

[Maintenance Stm, Gen. Eddy_ 7 16.584 Maintenance Current Test Stm.Gen .. Eddy 123 278.233 Current Test 3000-3999 tlefueling 5 16. 716 0 0 0 0

      -     Primary System            13              42.747 Maintenance O



-:u::Br'.R OF tdTAL DOSE FUNCTION INDIVIDUALS RElf FUNr.TION INDIVIDUALS REM INDIVIDUALS REN 4000-499 Refueling 2 8.910 StI!\,Gen.Eddy 1 4.550 Curtent*Test 5000-5999 0 0 0 II 0
                                                                                                        'J Greater than 6000                                   0              0                               0                0                                           0             0 I

I 0 l I

Table 9. 3 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY SU1UlY l'Ol-JEI~ STATlON LICENSE NOS. DPR;._32 AND DPil-*37 RECORDED ANNUAL WHOLE BODY EXPOSURES CALENDAR YEAR 1975. Dose Range Number of (mREH) Individuals No measurable exposure 580 1-99 813 100-249 145 250-499 158 500-749 108 750-999 98 1000-1999 314 2000-2999 247 3000-3999 33 4000-4999 18 5000-5999 7 6000-6999 6 7000-7999 1 Greater than 8000 0 Total Number of Individuals Reported 2528 The above information is submitted for the total number of individuals for whom individual monitoring was provided during the calendar year.

9. 3-1

r .


3000-3999 Primary System 13 43~637 Primary System 4* 13.265 Primary System, 2 7. 728

                  ~.ainte!la*nce                                             Uaintenance. ' .                                      Haintenance Refueling                   4          14.151              Stm Gen.Eddy              l                3.737      Stm.Gen.Eddy              9           32.566.
                                                                            *Current Test.                                         Current Test 4000-4999     Prir.".ary System           7          32.136              Stm.Gen.Eddy             2          '      9.173      Primary System           2              9.271
  • Xaintenance Current Test !laintenance Refueling 1 4.356 Stm.Gen,Eddy 6 25.688 Current Test 5000-5999 Pri:nary System 2 10.943 ~tm.Gen.Eddy Haintenance Current Test 1 5.238 Stm.Gen.Eddy 1 5.310 Current Test Refueling 3 16.234 f

f 6000-6999 Primary System 4 25.962 0 0 0 0 ~ Maintenance Refueling 2 12.529 7000-7999 Primary System 1 7.004 0 0 0 0 l".ain tenance Greater Than 0 0 8000 0 0 0 0



10.1 POWER GENERATION 10.1.1 A summary of power generated during each month of the reporting period, the total *for the reporting period, and the accumulative total since commercial operations commenced is tabulated in Table 10.1.1-1. 10~1.2 A histogram of thermal power versus time for the reporting period is given in Figure 10.1.2-1. 10.1.3 Operating statistics during the period from initial criticality until the date Unit No. 1 was declared commercial (July 1, 1972 to December 21, 1972) are tabulated in Table 10.1.3-1. 10.1.4 A summary of the power generated by the combustion turbines is tabulated in Table 10.1.4-1. 10.1.5 The Maximum Dependable Capacity (MDC) and Reserve Shutdown Hours (RSH) for the Surry Power Station Units are contained in Table 10.1.5-1. 10.0-1




1. Gross Thermal Power 1,338,774 1,621,773 1,418,801 0 0 899,265 5,278,613 34,782,688 Generated (MWH)
2. Gross Electrical Power 429,456 514,149 452,955 0 0 291,450 1,688,010 ll,451,543

-' Gener a ted (MWH) t 3. Station Service (MWH) 21,565 26,498 23,488 0 0 15,056 86,607 604,663 I-' I-' I I-'

4. Net Electrical Power 407,891 487,651 429,467 0 0 276,394 1,601,403 10,846,880 Generated (MWH)
5. Number of Hours Reactor 553.7 704.9 613.4 0 0 471.4 2,343.4 16,496.4 Critical (HRS)
6. Number of Hours 553.7 692. 9 613.4 0 0 409.2 2,269.2 15,844.5 Generator On Line (HRS)
  • Since Commercial Operation

Figure 10.1.2-1 POWER GENERATION HISTOGRAM UNIT NO. 1 SURRY. POWER STATION JULY THROUGH DECEMBER 1975 AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 1 w~: 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 26 5 10 16 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25

                                                                                                       .,: - '. :rt-11,*'tiltiTiii'ti,-                -'-     .      q                                                                                                                                                           :1

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                               *t                                       . . 1--         L.                       "l-HI.J-1+1\..J-lt
                                                                                                                *r,-                      T    ,

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  • 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                       +, -*                           ti':H,- -H+J-1-1.j-Hll*"'i+/-t:tttl:J+lii.f.i._t:f__- :

a+ "

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               <1t i ,
          ,.';                                                                   1111 *f                 iii       *i--      11-            +_   1 Ii *1        :*:r=t ti -_                       11- 11* :             J-1 1      Jt        - _ t *.*                    f.!I*         1
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .1 10.1-2

Table 10.1. 3".""l PRE-COMMERCIAL OPERATION STATISTICS SURRY POWER STATION UNIT NO. 1 Gross Thermal Power Generated (MWH): 851,218 Gross Electrical Power Generated (MWH) 265,435 Net Electrical Power Generated (MWH) 237,457

  • Hours Reactor Was Critical 1107.4 Hours Generator On-Line 1076.9 10.1-3



.0 I-' GT 191 0 0 68 300 98 , 1,411 1,877 42,763 I (MW) .i:,- I-'


1 GT 251 0 0 0 0 0 1,343 1,343 61,114 I-' (MW) Total 0 0 68 300 98 2,754 3,220 103,877 (MW) r Readings are in Megawatt hours.

Table 10.1-5-1 MAXIMUM DEPENDABLE CAPACITY (MDC) RESERVE SHUTDOWN HOURS (RSH) SURRY POWER STATION MDC RSH Unit No. 1 824.3 MW Gross 0 788.3 MW Net Unit No. 2 824.3 MW Gross 0 788.3 MW Net 10.r-5

10.2 OUTAGES The outages occurring during this reporting period for Unit No. 1 are tabulated in Table 10.2-1.

10. 2-1

e e I-' 0 N I OUTAGE REPORT N UNIT N0.1 SURRY POWER STATION JULY THROUGH DECEMBER, 1975 Table 10.2.1 NO. HRS. OUT OF SERVICE RETURN TO SERVICE OUT UNIT METHOD OF TIME DATE .. TIME DATE OF SERVICI STATUS SHUTDOWN CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION 0145 7-24-75 1840 8-01-75 190.25 CSD Manual & Failure of both containment Repaired air compressors. Automatic air compressors required unit Trip to be removed from service. During the rampdown an auto trip occurred due to spike on feed control instrumentation. 2045 8-23-75 0340 8-25-75 32.3 CSD Manual Leaking primary system valve. Repaired leaking valve. 1327 9-26-75 1839 12-08-75 1757.2 CSD Manual Failure of protection RTD and Went into early refueling outa: primary to secondary tube and corrected problem. leak in "A" Steam* Generator. ' I 2354 12-10-75 1316 12-16-75 133.4 CSD Manual Steam generator tube leak. Plugged tubes. 1341 12-16-75 1456 12-16-75 1.3 HSD Automatic Steam flow/feed flow mismatch Restored steam generator level Trip with low S/G level - feed con-

                                       '                                trol sensitivity*during start-up 1502    12-16-75  1605    12-16-75      1.1      HSD   Automatic    High steam gen. level. -Feed   Restored steam generator level.

Trip control sensitivity during startup

  • t--'


  ~                                                                    UNIT NO. 1 SURRY POWER STATION JULY THROUGH DECEMBER, 1975 Table 10.2~1 NO. HRS.


  • UNIT METHOD OF TIME DATE TIME DATE OF SERVICE STATUS SHUTDOWN CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION 2305 12-27-75 0612 12-28-75 7.1 HSD Manual Turbine governor valves fully Repaired EHC System.

Trip opened. EHC malfunction 0641 12-28-75 0906 12-28-75 2.4 HSD Manual Overborated, manual shutdown Diluted RCS. i (turbine only) to maintain RCS temperature. 0930 12-28-75 1225 12-28-75 2.9 HSD Automatic Main feed reg. valve Corrected reg. valve problem. Trip . malfunction. I I i I. I I I I' I I

10.3 CHANGES IN *FACILITY DESIGN The following changes were implemented during this reporting period: Design Change Unit

1. DC 73 Replace Valve Trim and Eliminate Snubbers 1 Description - This change modified the valve trim on valves PCV-CN-101 (201) in order to prevent damage to the condensate pump seal water line pressure regulators when starting up the condensate system.

Summary of Safety Evaluation

a. The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report is not increased. This equipment is not speci-fically addressed in the Safety Analysis Report.
b. The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Safety Analysis Report is not created. This modifica-tion did not affect the safety of the unit.
c. The. margin of safety as defined in the basis for any t.echnical specification is not reduced. This valve is not the basis of any Technical Specification.

Conclusion - change does not constitute an un-reviewed safety question or change the basis of any Technical Specification. 10.3-1

Design Change Unit

2. DC 73 Auxiliary Boiler Trouble Annunciator 1 Interlock Description - This change is part of a continuing effort to disable alarming annunciators when they are not needed Annunciator "Auxiliary Boiler A (B) Trouble" was inter-locked with the Program Control Switch so that the alarm does not occur when the boiler is shutdown.

Summary of Safety Evaluation

a. The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment impor-tant to safety previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report is not increased. The Auxiliary Boilers are not safety related.
b. The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Safety Analysis Report is not created. The operation of the auxiliary steam system is not affected.
c. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification is not reduced. The auxiliary boilers are not the basis for any Techn-ical Specification.

Conclusion - This design change does not constitute an unreviewed safety question or change the basis of any Technical Specification. 10.3-2

Design Change Unit

3. DC 73-127 - Containment Escape Hatch 1 Description - The existing 18" diameter manway locking device was modified to prevent inadvertent opening. A locking pin and plate assembly, a pressure equalizing assembly and an instruction plate were installed.

Summary of Safety Evaluation

a. The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment impor-tant to safety previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report is not increased. The manway lock-ing device is not evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report.

b, The possibility of an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Safety Analysis Report is not created. The manway operation was not affected. The locking device was improved without disturbing manway integrity.

c. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification is not reduced. The manway locking device is not the basis for any Technical Specification. Additionally, the man-way leakage was not affected.

Conclusion - This design change does not constitute an unreviewed safety question or change the basis of any e Technical Specification.

10. 3-3

Design Change Unit

4. DC-74 Containment Instrument Air - Redundant 1 Piping Description - The modification consists of installing four (4) check valves - two (2) in the discharge lines of the compressors and two (2) in the inlet lines of the receivers. In the event that one compressor de-velops a leak to atmosphere, the discharge line check valves prevent the other compressor from discharging through this leak instead of into the receivers. The check valves in the receiver inlet lines, in conjunc-tion with the discharge line check valves, protect system pressure in the event of a receiver leak to atmosphere.

Summary of Safety Evaluation

a. The probability of occurrenc_e or the consquences of an accident or malfunction of equipment impor-tant to safety previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report is not increased. The modification improved performance of the system.
b. The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previo~sly in the Safety Analysis Report is not created. The design of the system was improved by this change.

Normal operation of this system is unaffected by this modification.

c. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification is not reduced. The
10. 3-4

containment instrument air compressors are not contained in the basis of any Technical Speci-fication. Conclusion - This design change does not constitute an unreviewed safety question or change the basis of any Technical Specification. 10.3.-5

Design Change Unit

5. DC-74 Add Bypass Line Around Strainers 1 (2)- 2 SW-S-6.

Description - This change consisted of adding a bypass line around strainers 1 (2)-SW-S-6. This allows the strainers to be removed from service without having to stop the seal cooling water pumps and thus having the vacuum priming pumps run without seal water cool-ing. Summary of Safety Evaluation

a. The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment impor-tant to safety previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report is not increased. These strainers were not evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report.
b. The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Safety Analysis Report is not created. This change did not affect the safety of the unit or any safety related equipment.
c. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification is not reduced. These strainers are not the basis of any Technical Speci-fication.

Conclusion - This design change does not constitute an unreviewed safety question or change the basis of any Technical Specification. 10.3-6

Design Change Unit

6. DC 74 Addition of High-Low Level Alarm to 1 (Generator 1 Only)

Emergency Diesel Generator Auxiliary Fuel Oil Tank Description - The change added a level switch to the auxiliary fuel oil tank. This switch activates an alarm which alerts the operato~ to the fact that the tank level is abnormal. A low level alarm helps pre-vent a violation of Technical Specifications; a high level alarm helps prevent tank overflow and enviro-mental pollution. Summary of Safety Evaluation

a. The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment impor-tant to safety previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report is not increased. The alarm sw-itch action is independent of any control function.
b. The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Safety Analysis Report is not created. The alarm switch does not affect the operation of the fuel oil supply system.
c. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification is not reduced. The addition of the alarm helps to ensure an adequate fuel oil supply.

Conclusion - This design change does not con*stitute an unreviewed safety question or change the basis of any Technical Specification.

10. 3-7

Design Change Unit

7. DC 74-105 - Unit 2 Steam Turbine Field Stress 2 Corrosion Test Description - This change involved the installation of tubing, fittings, and valves between turbine inlet and exhaust points for connection to a test cabinet. The data made available by this modification is to help Westinghouse Electric Corporation with a stress cor-rosion study.

Summary of Safety Evaluation

a. The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment impor-tant to safety previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report is not increased. This modification does not affect the safety of the unit, since any failures would result in steam releases far below the steam line break analysis.
b. The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Safety Analysis Report is not created. This modification did not affect the safety of the unit, since steam system/turbine performance was not affected.
c. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification is not reduced. This modification does not affect the safety of the unit.


Conclusion - This design change does not constitute an unreviewed safety question or change the basis of any Technical Specification.

Design Change Unit

8. DC 75 Emergency Exit Doors 1 &2 Description - This change provided for the installa-tion of emergency exit doors from the mechanical equipment rooms. These accesses were deemed neces-sary to provide a second exit path in case of major steam leaks.

Summary of Safety Evaluation

a. The probability of occurrence or the consequen-ces of an accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report is not increased. These exit doors were not evaluated in the Safety Ana-lysis Report.
b. The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Safety Analysis Report is not created.

This change did not affect the safety of the unit since no safety related equipment is located in the areas of concern.

c. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification is not reduced. These exit doors are not the basis of any Technical Specification.

Conclusion - This design change does not constitute an unreviewed safety question or change the basis of any Technical Specification. 10.3-10

Design Change Unit

9. DC 75 Automatic Reset of Screen Wash Purap Motor 1 .& 2 Description - This change modified the screen wash pump motor circuit so that the motor would automa-tically shut off instead of having to be manually reset by an operator. The automatic resetting feature helps prevent unnecessary screen running time and thus the associated maintenance.

Summary of Safety Evaluation

a. The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment impor-tant to safety previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report is not increased. The screen wash pump motor was not evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report.
b. The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Safety Analysis Report is not created. This change did not affect the safety of the unit since circulating water flow will not be adversaly affected.
c. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification is not reduced. The screen wash pump motor is not the basis of any Technical Specification.

Conclusion - This design change does not constitute an unreviewed safety question or change the basis of any Technical Specification.

10. 3-11

Design Change Unit

10. DC-75 Removal of Turbine "Fast Valving" Feature 1 Description - The "Fast Valving" feature (CIV) was disabled during start-up. This change provided for the disabling using the method recommended by Westing-house, thus utilizing the most effective method and allowing for the units to be identical in this respect.

Summary of Safety Evaluation

a. The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment impor-tant to safety previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report is not increased. The "Fast Valving" feature was not evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report.
b. The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Safety Analysis Report is not created. This change did not affect the safety of the unit since dis-abling the feature will not prevent the operation of any turbine protection functions.
c. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification is not reduced. The turbine "Fast Valving" feature is not the basis of any Tech-nical Specification.

Conclusion - This design change does not constitute an unreviewed safety question or change the basis of any Technical Specification. 10.3-12

Design Change Unit

11. DC 75 Pressurizer Pressure Transmitter Cubicle 1 & 2 Door Description - This change removed the pressurizer pressure transmitter cubicle doors and disabled the cubicle heaters, and associated indicators and alarms.

It was determined that the containment air temperature swings were not as large as previously expected. Summary of Safety Evaluation

a. The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment impor-tant to safety previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report is not increased. The cubicle doors were not evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report; however, the performance of the pressurizer pressure transmitters will not be affected.
b. The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Safety Analysis Report is not created. This change did not affect the safety of the unit.
c. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for*

any technical specification is not reduced. These doors are not the basis of any Technical Specification. Conclusion - This design change does not constitute an unreviewed safety question or change the basis of any Technical Specification. 10.3-13

Design Change Unit

12. DC 75 Steam Generator Mechanical Modifications 1 Description - The modifications were designed to redistribute the flows in the steam generators which in turn should increase the average velocity across the tubesheet. The end result should be reduced sludge buildup, therefore reduced tube failures.

Summary of Safety Analysis

a. The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment impor-tant to safety previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report is not increased since the analysis is not changed. Auxiliary feedwater flow will not be adversely affected.
b. The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Safety Analysis Report is not created. Since no new accident situation is created. The modifi-cation redistributes feedwater flow, but does not affect any heat removal capabilities.
c. The margin of safety is not reduced since the basis for any Technical Specification is not changed by this design change.

Conclusion - This design change does not constitute an unreviewed safety question or change the basis of any Technical Specification. 10.3-14

Design Change Unit

13. DC 75 Seismic Structural Stability Emergency 1 & 2 Diesel Wall Tank Description - This change modified the emergency diesel generator wall tank supports so that the structural stability was seismically adequate.

Summary of Safety Analysis

a. The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment impor-tant to safety previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report is not increased. The wall tank seismic supports are not specifically addressed in the Safety Analysis Report.
b. The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Safety Analysis not created. The seismic stability was improved and no new possi-bility was created.
c. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification is not reduced. The seismic stability of the wall tank is not the basis of any Technical Specification.

Conclusion - This design change does not constitute an unreviewed safety question or change the basis of any Technical Specification. - 10.3-15

Design Change Unit

14. DC 75 Fuel Transfer System Speed Change Removal 1 Description - This change removed the electric and pneumatic control devices that control the speed change in the conveyor car drive. Field experience has shown that a single speed is satisfactory and that the speed change circuit is unreliable.

Summary of Safety Evaluation

a. The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report is not increased. This equipment is not specifically addressed; however, the fuel hand-ling accident analysis is not affected by this modification.
b. The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Safety Analysis Report is not created. The "G" force limits of the fuel are not exceeded when the car contacts the stops, so no new accident situation is created.
c. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification is not reduced. This equip-ment is not specifically mentioned.

Conclusion - This design change does not constitute an un-reviewed safety question or change the basis of any Techni-cal Specification. 10.3-16

- Design Change Unit

15. DC 75 Lube Oil Vapor Extractor Separator 1 Description - This change installed a Peerless separator in the discharge line from the vapor extractor. This was necessary because the present collector does not adequately remove all oil vapors.

Summary of Safety Evaluation

a. The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment impor-tant to safety previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report is not increased. This equipment was not evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report.
b. The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Safety Analysis Report is not created. This change did not affect the safety of the unit.
c. The margin of safety as defined in the basis of any technical specification is not reduced. This equipment is not the basis of any Technical Speci-fication.

Conclusion - This design change does not constitute an unreviewed safety question or change the basis of any Technical Specification. 10.3-17

Design Change Unit

16. DC 75 Charging Pump Miniflow Orifice Replacement 1 Description - The installed miniflow orifices and orifice bypasses were replaced with Westinghouse furnished Pacific eleven stage orifices. The re-placement was necessary due to a severe erosion prob-lem which had been attributed to the miniflow orifice performance characteristics.

Summary of Safety Evaluation

a. The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report is not increased. The system basic design remains unchanged and all material used in the mod-ification was equal to or superior to that used in original construction.
b. The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Safety Analysis Report is not created. The basic system design remains unchanged. System operating parameters (temperature and pressure) are the same as before the modification.
c. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification is not reduced. The elimination of the orifice bypass improved system reliability because of the elimination of welds and mechanical joints.
10. 3-18

Conclusion - This design change does not constitute an unreviewed safety question or change the basis of any Technical Specification. 10.3-19

Design Change Unit

17. DC 75 Containment Instrument Air Compressor 1 Interstage Cooling Description - This change installed water c?oled interstage cooling on the compressors as an interim solution to the compressor failure problem.

Summary of Safety Evaluation

a. The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment impor-tant to safety previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report is not increased. A failure in the component cooling water system or the instru-ment air system is not considered in the accident analysis in FSAR Section 14.5.
b. The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Safety Analysis Report is not created. The addition of the cooler and components will be de-signed and installed to present system requirements, thus assuring that component cooling capabilities are not disturbed.
c. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification is not reduced. Since no safety function is changed.

Conclusion - This design change does not constitute an unreviewed safety question or change the basis of any Technical Specification. 10.3-20

Design Change Unit

18. DC 75 Steam Generator 2.0 Inch Inspection 1 Openings Description - This change installed inspection ports in the secondary shell of the steam generators, near the tube sheets. These openings also permit a more thorough sludge removal procedure.

Summary of Safety Analysis

a. The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment impor-tant to safety previously evaluated in the Safety Analysis Report is not increased. The probability of failure of the 2.0 inch inspection ports is less than that of the already installed 6.0 inch diameter handholes. This is discussed thoroughly in Westing-house Safety Review NS-MFSE-379.
b. The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the Safety Analysis Report is not created. The steam generator shell is the only component affected by this change. The only accident that could possibly result from this change is a steam or feedline break.

The Westinghouse safety review shows that inspection port failure is well within the boundaries of existing analysis presented in the FSAR.

c. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification is not reduced. Steam gener-ator pressure/temperature requirements addressed in 10.3-21

the Technical Specifications are not affected by this modification. Conclusion - This design change does not constitute an unreviewed safety question or change the basis of any Technical Specification. 10.3-22

10.4 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 10.4.1 Abnormal Occurrences A tabulation of the Abnormal Occurrences as defined by Technical Specification 1.0.I which occurred during the reporting period is contained in Table 10.4.1-1. These reports have been previously submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 10.4.2 Unusual Safety Related Events There were no Unusual Safety Related Events for Unit 1 during this reporting period. 10.4.3 Equipment Performance Section 10.6 of this report summarizes the important maintenance which was performed on unit equipment and is indicative of equipment performance. Equipment problems experienced in the performance of surveillance tests are summarized in section 10.7. The abnormal occurrences and unusual safety related events enumerated above also provide information on equip-ment performance. e 10.4-1

Table 10.4.1-1 ABNORMAL OCCURRENCE REPORTS UNIT NO. 1 SURRY POWER STATION JULY THROUGH DECEMBER, 1975 NUMBER TITLE OCCURRENCE DATE 1 Dilution of Safety Injection 8-01-75 Accumulator lC 2 b,T/Tave Protection Drift 8-22-75 (Failure of Channel II b,T/Tave Protection) 3 Unplanned Release of Radioactive 8-03-75 Material 4 Failure of One Channel of Redundant 9-15-75 . Heat Tracing 5 "A" Loop b,T Instrumentation Drifted 9-24-75 Low 6 "B" Loop b,T Instrumentation Drifted 9-25-75 Low 7 .Failure of a Safety Injection Master 9-28-75 Relay 8 Unit 1 Stearn Generator Safety Valves 9-27-75 9 Failure of Relay VS-103A 9-28-75 10 Pressurizer Press. Transmitter Drift 10-13-75 11 Containment Leak Rate Test 10-16-75 12 Primary Grade Water Tank Overflow 11-29-75 13 Failure of Auxiliary Feedwater Pump 11-30-75 Discharge MOV Va.~ve 14 Primary Grade Water Tank Overflow 12-05-75 15 Failure of Auxiliary Feedwater 12-11-75 Pump Discharge MOV Valve 1-,4-2

Table 10.4.1-2 NUMBER .. TITLE OCCURRENC~ DATE 16 Charging Isolation Valve Failure 12-11-75 17 Unplanned Release of Low Levi:,l 12....:30-75 Radioactive Water 18 Frozen Sensing Line Main Steam 12-19-75 Pressure Comparator 10.4-3

10.4.4 FUEL PERFORMANCE . ' A summary of fuel performance is contained in the attached report. 10.4-4

VEP - FRD - 16 SURRY UNIT 1 CORE PERFORMANCE REPORT Cycle 2 - January 30, 1975 to September 26, 1975 by K. F. McLaughlin D.

  • W. Lippard


        ' ._, y/ ' .

Recommended for aiiroval Nuclear Fuel Operation Group

                 ~                                              Fuel Resources Department
         .. ,.* '-- u.-; I,,.
                              /;.'°'\ /

I January, 1976 E. J, Lozito, Nuclear Fuel Engineer Nuclear Fuel Operation Group Approved: J. T. Rhodes, Director Nuclear Fuel Engineering and Operation Virginia Electric and Power Company Richmond, Virginia

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. List of Figures ii List of Tables iv 1.0 Introduction and Summary 1 2.0 Core Performance Analysis .. 3 2.1 Burnup Follow 3 2.2 Reactivity Depletion Follow 3 2.3 Power Distribution Follow 4 2.4 Primary Coolant Activity Follow 7 2.5 Fuel Densification Status 8 3.0 Conclusions . 36 Definition of Terms Appendix A TOTE Program Description Appendix B FOLLOW Program Description Appendix C INCORE Program Description Appendix D Densification Strip-Chart Traces Appendix E Acknowledgments i

LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title Page No. 2.1.1 Core Burnup History . . 9 2.1. 2 Chronology of Operating Power Level

  • 10 2.1. 3 Monthly Average Load Factors. 11 2.1.4 Batch Definition 12 2.1.5 Batch Burnup Sharing.
  • 13 2.1. 6 Assemblywise Accumulated Burnup: Comparison of Measured with Predicted . . * . . . * . 14
  • 2.2.1 Critical Boron Concentration versus Burnup. 15 2.3.1 Assemblywise Power Distribution Map - 2/19/75 17 2.3.2 Assemblywise Power Distribution Map - 6/17 /75 18 2.3.3 As semb lywise Power Distribution Map - 9 /15/75 19 2.3.4 Hot Channel Factor Normalized Operating Envelope. 20 2.3.5 Axial Dependent Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor - 2/19/75. 21 2.3.6 Axial Dependent Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor - 6/17 /75. 22 2.3.7 Axial Dependent Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor - 9 /15/75. 23 2.3.8 Maximum Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor versus Burnup. 24 2.3.9 Peak Linear Power Density versus Burnup 25 2.3.10 Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor versus Burnup. 26 2.3.11 Horizontal Plane Peaking Factor at Core Midplane versus Burnup, .. 27 2.3.12 Delta Flux versus Burnup, 28 2.3.13 Core Average Axial Power Distribution - 2/19 /75 29 2.3.14 Core Average Axial Power Distribution - 6/17 /75 30 2.3.15 Core Average Axial Power Distribution - 9/15/75 31 ii

LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Title Page No. 2.3.16 Core Average Axial Peaking Factor versus Burnup 32 2.4.1 I-131 Concentration versus Time 33 2.4.2 I-131/I-133 Ratio versus Time . .

  • 34 iii

LIST OF TABLES Table Title Page No.

2. 3.1 - Summary Table of Incore Flux Maps for Routine Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.5.l Location of Densification Power Spikes 35 e




On September 26, 1975 after almost eight months of commercial operation, Surry 1 completed CycJe 2. Since initial criticality of Cycle 2 on January 30,1975 the reactor core has produced over 40 x 106 MBTU(6,915 Megawatt days per metric ton of contained uranium) which has resulted in the generation of some 4.3 x 10 8 kwhr of electrical energy. The purpose of this report is to present an analysis of the core performance for routine operation during Cycle 2. Non-routine operation was covered in the Surry 1 - Cycle 2 startup physics test report(l) and, therefore, will not be included here. Routine core follow involves the analysis of four principal performance indicators. These are burnup distribution, reactivity depletion, power distribution, and primary coolant activity. The core burnup distribution is followed to verify both burnup symmetry and proper batch burnup sharing, thereby ensuring that the fuel held over for the riext cycle will be compatible with the new fuel inserted. Reactivity depletion is monitored to: detect the existence of any abnormal reactivity behavior, determine if the core is depleting as designed, and indicate at what burnup level refueling will be required. Core power distribution follow includes the monitoring of nuclear hot channel factors to verify that they are within the Technical Specifications limits thereby ensuring that adequate margins to linear power density and critical heat flux thermal limits are maintained. Lastly, as part of normal core follow, the primary coolant activity is monitored to assess the integrity of the fuel. In addition to the above, the effects of fuel densification were monitored. Although not normally part of routine core follow, this phenonmenon is treated here because of its impact on core performance. (l)Lippard,_ D.W., and Keck, S.P., Surry Unit 1 Startup Physics Test Report - Cycle 2, VEP~FRD-11, Richmond, Virginia, July, 1975. 1

Each of the four performance indicators, as well as the status of observed fuel densification effects, is discussed in detail for the Surry 1 2 Cycle 2 core in the body of this report. ( ) The results are summarized below:

1. Burnup Follow - The burnup tilt (deviation from quadrant symmetry) on the core is less than+ 0.6% with the burnup accumulation in each batch deviating from design prediction by less than 3%.
2. Reactivity Depletion Follow - The critical boron concentration, used to monitor reactivity depletion, has consistently been within+/-_ 0.5% IK/K of the design,prediction which is well within the+/-_ 1% IK../K margin allowed by the Technical Specifications.
3. Power Distribution Follow - Incore flux maps taken each month indicate that the radial power distributions were generally within+ 5% of the design predictions with all hot channel factors meeting the Technical Specifica-tions limits.
4. Primary Coolant Activity Follow - The iodine-131 activity level in the primary coolant at the end of Cycle 2 is on the order of 10-l µ Ci/ml which indicates there are approximately 15 to 20 fuel defects in the core, This gives the unit a fuel integrity factor which is >99.95%.
5. Fuel Densification Status - There are eight confirmed and eight suspected assembly locations with power spikes due to pellet gap formation.

However, all power spikes are small, that is, less than 2% in magnitude, (2) See Appendix A for definition of terms used in this report. 2

Section 2 CORE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS 2.1 Burnup Follow The burnup history for the Surry Unit 1. Cycle 2 core is graphically depicted in Figure 2.1.1. A chronology of the associated operating power level is given in Figure 2.1.2. Cycle 2 burnup for the Surry 1 core was 6915 MWD/MTU. As shown in Figure 2.1.3, the average Surry 1 load factor for Cycle 2 was 85% when referenced to rated thermal power (2441 mw(t)). The burnup sharing on a batch basis is monitored to verify that the core is operating as designed and to enable accurate end-of-cycle batch burnup predictions to be made for use in reload fuel design studies. As seen in Figures 2.1.4 and 2.1.5, the batch burnup sharing for Surry 1 followed design predictions very closely with each batch deviating approximately 3% from design; this is considered excellent agreement. Radial burnup maps distribute the gross core burnup among the various fuel assemblies and thereby allow a more detailed burnup distribution analysis. The TOTE computer code (see Appendix B) was used to calculate these assemblywise burnups. Figure 2.1.6 is a radial burnup map in which the assemblywise burnup accumulation of the core as of September 26, 1975 (end of Cycle 2) is given. For comparison purposes, the predicted values are also given. As can be seen from this figure, the accumulated fuel assembly burnups are generally within+ 4% of the predicted values. In addition, deviation from quadrant symmetry in the core, as indicated by the burnup tilt factors, is less than+/- 0.6%. Therefore, synunetric burnup in conjunction with good agreement between actual and predicted assemblywise burnups and batch burnup sharing indicate that the Cycle 2 core depleted as designed. 2.2 Reactivity Depletion Follow The primary coolant critical boron concentration is monitored for the 3

purposes of following core reactivity and flagging any anomalous reactivity behavior. The FOLLOW computer code (see Appendix C) was used to normalize "actual" critical boron concentration to design conditions taking into considera-tion off-normal rod positions, xenon and samarium concentrations, moderator* temperatures, and power levels. The normalized critical boron concentration versus burnup curve for the Surry 1 Cycle 2 core is shown in Figure 2.2.1. It can be seen that the measured data compare within +/-40 ppm of the design prediction. This corresponds to within +/- 0. 44 I::, K/K, which is well within the +/- 1% /J. K/K criteria for reactivity anomalies set forth in Section 4.10 of the Technical Specifications. In conclusion, the trend indicated by the critical boron concentration verifies that the Cycle 2 core depleted as expected without any reactivity anomalies. 2.3 Power Distribution Follow Analysis of core power distribution data on a routine basis is necessary to verify that the hot channel factors are within the Technical Specifications limits and to ensure that the reactor is operating without any abnormal conditions which could cause an "uneven" burnup distribution. Three-dimensional core power distributions were determined from movable detector flux map measurements using the INCORE computer program (see Appendix D). A summary of all flux maps taken since completion of startup physics testing for Surry 1 Cycle 2 is given in Table 2.3.1. Power distribution maps were generally taken at monthly intervals with additional maps taken as needed. Radial (X-Y) core power distributions for a representative series of incore flux maps are given in Figures 2.3.1 through 2.3.3. Figure 2.3.1 shows a power distribution map that was taken early in cycle life. Figure 2.3.2 shows a power distribution map that was taken near mid-cycle burnup. Figure 2.3.3 shows a , map that was taken late in Cycle 2 life. All of the radial power distributions sp.own were taken under equilibrium operating conditions with the Unit operating 4

at approximately 90% to 100% power. In each case, the measured fuel assembly powers are generally within 5% of the predicted values, which is considered good agree_ment. In addition, as indicated by the INCORE tilt factors, the power

.distributions are essentially symmetric for all cases.

Another important aspect of core power distribution follow is the monitoring of nuclear hot channel factors. Verification that these factors are within Technical Specification limits ensures that linear power density and critical heat flux limits will not be violated, thereby providing adequate thermal margins and maintaining fuel cladding integrity. The Technical Specification Limit on the axially dependent heat flux hot channel factor, F~(Z), changed once during the operation of Cycle 2. F~(Z) T is defined as FQ X K(Z), where K(Z) is given in Figure 2.3.4. Prior to the accep-tance of our second revised ECCS analysis on June 16, 1975, the limit on F~(Z) was 2.32 X K(Z). As seen from Figure 2.3.8, the current limit on F~(Z) is 2.10 X K(Z). Throughout the cycle, the Surry 1 core maintained an F~(Z) (with and without T densification penalties) of at least 6% less than the applicable FQ(Z) Technical Specification limit. The axially dependent heat flux hot channel factors for a representative series of maps are given in Figures 2.3.5 through 2.3.7. T Peak linear power density, which is determined directly from FQ' is given in Figure 2.3.9. This is the limiting parameter from a loss-of-coolant accident-ECCS standpoint since it directly relates to the stored thermal energy ' in the core. As shown in Figure 2.3.9 the Surry 1 Cycle 2 core has maintained a peak linear power density of at least 13% below the allowable limit. A radial hot channel factor routinely followed is ~NH, the enthalpy* rise hot channel factor. The Technical Specifications limit for this parameter is set such that the critical heat flux (DNB) limit will not be violated. Figure 2.3.10 shows that at least a 4% margin to this limit has been maintained. 5

e Another radial hot channel factor routinely monitored is F xy

                                                                               , the horizontal plane peaking factor. This peaking factor is a ratio of the peak to average power in a given horizontal plane. It is related to, but is not identical to, FfiNH which is the ratio of the integral of power along the rod with the highest integrated power to that of the average rod.      As shown in Figure 2.3.11, the measured Fxy peaking factors, evaluated at core mid-plane, are as much as 1.5%

higher than the nominal design prediction. However, this is well w:i,.thin the design uncertainty of 8%. (3) The technical specifications require that target delta flux values be determined monthly. Operational delta flux limits are then established about this target value; and by maintaining a relatively constant delta flux, adverse axial power shapes are avoided. A plot of delta flux versus burnup and several corresponding core average axial power distributions for a representative series of maps are given in Figures 2.3.12 through 2.3.15. As can be seen from these figures, d*elta flux values and the corresponding axial power distributions have remained relatively constant throughout Cycle 2. Consequently as seen in Figure 2. 3.16, the core average axial peaking factor- (Fz) has also remained relatively constant at approximately 1.15 throughout the cycle. This is consistent with design predictions which indicate that F would remain between 1.1 and 1.2 2 throughout Cycle 2. In conclusion, the Surry 1 Cycle 2 core performed very satisfactorily, with power distribution analyses verifying that design predictions were accurate and that the hot channel factors met their Technical Specifications limits. (3) Delta Flux Pt-Pb Pt - Pb X 100 Axial Offset X 100 2441 Pt + Pb Where Pt= power at top of core (Mw(t)) Pb= power at bottom of core (Mw(t)) 6

~ 2.4 Primary Coolant Activity Follow Activity levels of iodine 131 and 133 are important in core performance follow analyses because they are used as indicators of defective fuel. These two isotopes leak into the primary *coolant system through a breach in the fuel cladding. 1-131 activity is directly correlatable to the number of cladding defects; the ratio of 1-131 to 1-133 is used to determine the type of fuel failure which has occurred in the reactor core. Use of the ratio for this determination is feasible because 1-133 has a short half-life (approximately 24 hours) compared to that of 1-131 (approximately eight days) so that for pinhole defects where the diffusion time through the defect is on the order of days, the 1-133 decays out leaving 1-131 dominant in activity thereby causing the ratio to be 0.5 or more. In the case of large leaks, uranium particles in the coolant, and/or "tramp"( 4 ) uranium, where there is no diffusion time, the 1-131/1-133 ratio will generally be less than 0.1. Figure 2.4.1 shows the 1-131 activity history for the Surry 1 Cycle 2 core with the FSAR value for one fuel defect( 5 ) (which is equivalent to one defective rod) and five defects (an equivalent to five defective rods) delineated for comparison purposes. The data shows considerable scatter but the trend indicates that on the order of ten to twenty defective fuel rods exist in the core. As shown in Figure 2.4.2, the 1-131/1-133 ratio data points fall well above 0.5, thus indicating that the defective rods most likely have pinhold defects. Small quantities of fuel defects are common in operating reactors, and in fact, the reactor systems are normally designed to operate with up to approximately 1% failed fuel present. With ten to twenty defects present, Surry 1 (4) "Tramp" uranium consists of small particles of uranium which adhere to the outside surface of the fuel during the manufacturing process. (5) This is derived from FSAR Table 9.1-5 where cladding defects in 1% of the fuel rods gives an 1-131 primary coolant activity concentration of 1.68 µ.Ci/cc

       @ 560°F. Samples are analyzed at room temperature; hence, this value is 2.35 HCi/cc when a density correction is made.


had a Cycle 2 core fuel integrity factor of> 99. 95% which is better than most operating reactors and is considered acceptable. 2.5 Fuel Densification Status Table 2.5.1 gives the assembly locations, along with assembly related data in which densification-induced power spikes have been observed. The total number of suspected and confirmed( 6 ) power spikes has increased since the last report; however, the magnitudes of all power spikes are still very small, the largest being 1.3% for Assembly E-11. It has been noticed that the power spike locations do not generally change from one map to the next although in a few instances confirmed power spikes have disappeared, apparently due to the settling of the fuel column. Figures 1 th~ough 16 of Appendix E are the latest Surry 1 Cycle 2 strip-chart traces for all confirmed and suspected fuel assemblies with densifi-cation indµced fuel pellet gaps. Note that in nearly all cases the power spike is located above the midplane and usually is in the top one-third of the fuel, which is where gap formation of notable size is most likely to occur. Unfortunately, the width of the power spike is not a direct indication of gap width since the detector is. running down the center of the assembly and "sees" a composite effect of many fuel pins. In conclusion, while the number of the densification induced power spikes has increased since the last report, the magnitude of the power spikes has remained relatively low. (6) A confirmed power spike is one which has been observed in two *or more recent maps. A suspected power spike is one which has been observed only in the most recent map. 8

  • SURRY UNIT 1 - CYCLE 2 FIGURE 2. l . 1 CORE BURNUP HISTORY 12,000 I j-10,000  ;) -------
                                                                               +-** -. --*,- -*-- -*~1 -*- ., --  I**- . -----*-: --- -* -- .
                                                         **-i-- - -i- -      - ;


                                                                                       - *-f-                  --+--           _,I 09/26/75 8000 6000                      +    j iI
                      ---,-.                     .. ~--

I. 4000 CYCLE 2 CRITICALITY 2000 01/30/75 0 JAN MAR MAY JUL SEP NOV JAN MAR MAY 1975 1976




   -t-,*         '.                                              ~  Cycle 2 Initial Criticality
 '       ~'-----'------d                                                   (1/30/75)

F..:.. - M-------------- +-Turbine Bearing Repair M* J -;-***~*-

____ J

J ...... J..

                                                                 ~  Steam Flow/Feed Flow Repair A
                                                                 +- Primary System Repair
    -~~----~-: .. *
           . .J s r---;*-        ! -

i I,,, l

                                                                 ~  Cycle 2-3 Refueling    {9/26/75)

I I 0 20 40 60 80 100 - POWER (%) 10



1--' 100 1--' ~ 0 H





     ...:I    60 rzl c..,

rzl 40



SURRY UNIT 1 - CYCLE 2 FIGURE 2. L4 BATCH DEFINITION R P. N M L .K J I{ G F E D C B A 4C 4C 4C I I ] I I 4C 4C 4C 1A2 4C 4C 4C 2 lfC "4C 1A2 2 4B 2 1A2 4C 4C .3 4C l1A 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4A 4C 4

  • 4C 4C 2 2 4A 2 4B 2 4A 2 2 4C 4C . *5 4C 1A2 2 *4A 1A2 4A 1A2 4A 1A2 4A 2 1A2 4C 6 4C 4C 2 2 2 4A 2 4B 2 4A 2 2 2 4C 4C 7 4C 1A2 4B 2 41\ lA? 4R 1A2 4B 1A2 lrB 2 4B 1A2 4C e I

4C 4C 2 2 2 4A 2 lfB 2 4A 2 2 2 4C 4C 9 4C 1A2 2 4A 1A2 4A 1A2 4A 1A2 4A 2 1A2 4C 10 4C 4C 2 2 4A 2 4B 2 4A 2 2 4C 4C 11 4C 4A. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4A 4C 12 4C 4C 1A2 2 4B 2 1A2 4C 4C 1~ 4C 4C 4C 1A2 4C 4C 4C 14 4C 4C 4C 15 BURNUP SHARING 3 (10 MWD/MTU) NO. OF INITIAL REGION A.SSYS. ENRICHMENT CYCLE 1 CYCLE 2 TOTAL 1A2 21 1.87 13.53 6.26 19. 79 2 52 2.57 15.45 7 .13 22.58 4A 20 1.86 - 7.64 7.64 4B

  • 12 2.61 - 8.48 8.48 4C 52 3.33 - 6.33 6.33 CORE AVERAGE 6.92 13.81 12


                        *i I
                                                                                                             -I J_                       !.         -r-     -! : '


                                                                                                                                       - r---:!

I 8000 --1-- i -- -*---. -**- - I  ! I I 4A-0

           ----.' --*--r** ' --

2 - GJ 7000 *------+-  ! ___ ,._J,._

                                                                                                            . r**-
                '    -*    r CYCLE 1 BURNUP
                           '*                   (MWD/MTU)

I_ --t**- --j--* 4c-0

  • 1 BATCH 1A2 13534
           . .             ,     BATCH 2                               15455                                                                                                          lA2-A 6000 LiJ:c~~E :***r :_*t~5!47!_

I ***1: ;-*' l"'

  • I'
                                              -i I
  • I  ;


                        -i      *
  • r
  • 5000 -----*-*-i---- - i__ --*. - - - * ~---

I i i

                           !.                                                           i --


                                      -- ------------ .l .. -                                                                                      .. '---- - .

I ~4000 iz li5 J. _f. -*~:

c i- .:. *[ .  ! '

_1[ __ '

                                                                                                                                                   . . J;:::

u ~ p:::i3000

                                                                                                                                                             , 'I l      , 1.
                                                                                                                                                        ---- I___ ...1 * ..

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                                                                                                                                                           .. .:.f_, ,~ .. 1-- .. :

I , i

                                                                                                                                            .             .       I,       !

2000  ; _ 1- .~ 'i '-* I , '

                                                                                                                                                        - -- ! ---         I. ... '


                                                                                                                                                        ***---,***-***- .I_...._ __

l ' '

                                                                        ... :.   ~.    ,*

I DESIGN i 1000 .. -. l ----- ' ---~-- .

                                                                     !                                                    MEASURED                    :        *l ,
  • I .

i. I  ::.. : . ( ' i' :;' i . '. l

                                                              ------,--     r:-                                          - -- ... i .       l- -i ---1 : j- . .


i i

I 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 CORE BURNUP (MWD/MTU) 13


*-                                                       10 3 MWDLMTU
                                                                .... -*--~-

p N **-- M L K J ll I G )l E D C n A 4.95 6.23 4.95 5.00 6.16 4.82 .1

                                                   +1;0       -1.1       -2.6 5.47     7.30    6.41     20. 82     6.41    7.30     5.47 5.47     7.28    6.35     20.19      6.22    7.05     5.38 0.0    -0.3    *-0.9     -3.0      -3.0    -3.4     -1.6 6.02     7.42     20.37  21.01      8.59      21.01  20 .* 37  7.42 6.02 6.02     7.44     20.19  21.57      8.27      21.41  20.03     7.39 6.04                                           'I 0.0    +o. 3      -0.9   +2.7      -3.7       +L9    -L 7     -0.4 +0.3 6.02     6.80   23:35      22.59  23.07     22.60      23.07  22.59    23.35 6.80       6.02 6.02     6.85   23.11      22.47  22.73     22.34      22.92  22.63    23.14 6.79       6.04 0.0     +0.7     -LO       -0.5   -1.5      -1.2       -0.7   +0.2     -0.9 -0.1      +0.3 5 .4 7    7 *.42  23.35    23.83     7.70  21. 74     8.49      21. 74  7.70    23.83 23.35      7.42 5;47 5.48      7.42    22.97    23.64     7.54  21.98      8.25      21.95   7.67*   23.53 22.98      7.43 5. 77
        +o.2       o.o     -1.6      -0.8    -2.1   +1.1      -2.8       +1.0   -0.4     -1.3 . -1.6    +0.1 +5.5  .....- : . -
      . 7 .30 20.,37      22.60      7. 72  18.50   8.12     19.76       8.12  18.5()    7. 72 22.60 20.37 7.30 7.22 19.82        22.61   . 7 .56   18.44   8.04     19.42       8.17  18.47 7.62 22.84 19.94 7.61                              '.,/
       -1.1       -2.7     +o.o      -2*.1   -0. 3  -1.0      -1. 7      +0.6   -0.2     '-L 3 +1.1     -2.1 +4.2 4.95 6.41 21.02          23.07    2L 74     8.12  24.20      8.46"     24.20   8.12    21. 74 23.-07 21.02 6.41                  4.95 5.16 6.48 21.29          22.47    2L92      8.11  24.29      8.70      24.34   8.20    21.96 22.93 2],.07 6.60                             -;


 +4.2 +1.1        +1.3     -2.6      +0.8    -0.1   +0.4      +2.8       +0.6   +LO      +1.0 -0.6       +o.2 +3.0                +3.2 16.23 6.48 20.82 8.59 22.60 20.60 8.49 23_.03 8.49 19. 76 8.46 8.41 19. 86 8.73 22.70 22.-09 8.46 8.59 19.76
19. 72 8.49 22.60 8.50 22.99 8.59 20 .82 8*. 60 *20.67 6.23 6.,38 8
 +4:o    -1.1 -1.2         +1.9      -0.9 +o.s +3.2           -2.7       +LS    -0.2     +o.1 +l. 7     +o.1      -0.7            +2.4 4.95    6.41 21.02. 23.07         2L 74 8.12 24.20           8.46      24.20   8.12 21. 74 23.07 21.02           6.41            4. 95' 5.16    6.49 21.4 7. 23.04        21. 70 8.10 24.26          8.53      23.69   7.95 21. 9.2 22.67 21.54          6.51            5. 07-   9
 +4.2    +1.2 +2.1         -0.1      -0.2 -0.2 +0.2           +o;8       -2.1   -2.1     +0.8 -1. 7     +2.5      +1.6           +2.4 7.30 20.37       22.60      7. 72 18.50    8.12     19.76        8.12 18.50     7. 72 22.60 20.37        7.30
         ']. .25 19.82    22.60      7.64 18.69     8.09     19. 39                                                                      10 7.90 18.40     7.49 22.52 19.94         7.38
         -0.7 -2.7          o.o      -1.0 . +1.6    -0.4      -1.9       -2.7   -0.5     -3.0 -0.4       -2.1     +1.1 5,-47 7.42       23.35    23.83 7.70      21. 74     8.49      21. 74  7.70 23.83 23. 35        7.42     5.47                     1' I

5.53 7.48 23.08 1 J-1 23.55 7.65 21.85 8.33 21. 76 7. 61. 23.43 22.85 7.44 5.53

         +1.1 +o.8         -L2       -1.2 * -0. 6   +o.s      -L9        +o.l   -L2      -L 7 -2.1      +n.-:i    +Ll 6.02     6. 80   23.35 22.59     23.07     22.60      23.07  22.59 23.35 6.80          6.02 6.17     6.95    22.91 22.35     22.85     22.31      22. 72 22.25 22.86 6.94                                          12:

6.07  !'

                  +2.5     +2.2      -1.9 -1.1      -1.0      -1.3       -1.5   -LS      -2.1 +2.1      +0.8 6.02      7.42 20.37    21.01      8.59      21.01  20.37      7.42 6.02 6.11      7.42 19.97    21.63      8.35                                                                       13 21.44  19.81     7.41 6.11
                           +1.5        o.o -2.0     +3.0      -2.8       +2.0   -? 7     -n, +1 . 'i 5.47 7.30       6.41    20.82        6.41  7. 30. 5.47
                                   . 5.49 7. 43      6.53    20.16        6.71  7.46     5.41*
                                     +0.4 +1.8      +L.9      -3.2       +4.7   +2;2     -1.1
        ~PREDICTED                                   4.95     6.23        4.95                                                  ,

MEASURED 5.20 6.57 5.28 15

             .       % DIFFERENCE                   +5.1      +5.5       +6.7 e                                                                                        BURNUP TILT DATE       September 26, 1975                                                        NW*- 0.995 NE -  1.006 CORE AVERAGE BURNUP             . 6915 MWD/MTU                                        SW -  1.000 14                           SE - 0.999


                                                      -**(- ---                                       1    '                     -~- -

I , I 1 i p:; 800 *r--*-- P... - z

~ 0 H


H 600

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                                                                                                                              ----~---- ~ __ L_ __    *t---- _, __
                             --!i -- ---1:                                                                                        I       I       I              ____ i.

0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000* 10,000 CORE BURNUP (MWD/MTU)




                                          -                                                               N (2)


                      %         D          F                     AXIAL       FQ                          FLIH            QUAD z                                                                                                  MWD/MWT THIMBLES MAP NO.        DATE   PWR    (STEPS)               ASSY    PIN    POINT                  ASSY      PIN            MAX      LOG     OFFSET(%)

Sl-2-10 2/13/75 100 215 1.152 B-6 DE 44 1.842 B-6 DE 1.481 1.007 SW +0.18 500 45 Sl-2-11 2/21/75 100 213 1.154 K-14 JD 34 1.841 N-8 KH 1. 485 1.021 NE +0.11 560 40 Sl-2-12 3/17/75 98 222 1.147 H-9 HI 13 1. 778 C-8 EH 1. 470 1.007 SE +1.55 1100 45 Sl-2-13 4/14/75 100 227 1.145 B-6 DE 45 1. 835 B-6 DJ 1.478 1.005 SW -0.11 1980 46 Sl-2-16 ( 3) 5/21/75 99 226 1.150 K-14 JD 45 1. 756 H-9 GH 1.433 1.012 SW -1.15 3080 43 Sl-2-17 6/19 /75 99 223 1.154 K-14 JD 45 1. 787 B-6 DJ 1.434 1.006 SW -1. 80 4050 43 Sl-2-18 7/16/75 100 224 1.155 K-14 JD 45 1. 810 B-6 DJ 1. 464 1.004 NE -3.06 4899 40 Sl-2-19 8/15/75 100 222 1.150 B-6 DJ 46 1.818 B-6 DJ 1.490 1.006 NE -2.82 5613 41 Sl-2-20 9/15/75 100 216 1.144 B-6 DJ 45 1. 807 B-6 DJ 1.486 1.006 NE -3.14 6566 42 NOTES: Hot spot locations are specified by giving assembly locations (e.g. H-8 is the center-of-core assembly), followed

  • by the pin location (denoted by the "Y" coordinate with the fifteen rows of fuel rods lettered A through O, and the "X" coordinate designated in a similar manner). In the "Z" direction the core -is divided into 61 axial points starting from the top of the core.

(!) F~ includes a measurement uncertainty of 1.05 and an engineering uncertainty of 1,03. ( 2) F:H includes a measurement uncertainty of 1.04. (3) Maps Sl-2-14 and Sl-2-15 were aborted due to insufficient movable detector data,


                                                                               *   ~.00.       0-b~
  • u ... ~c * ~?-f;),(. TED
                                                                               . o.~o.         0.82. J.66.                                                  Ml:.ASUfl.E (;                                     l
                                                                               * -~.B. -U.B.                  u.1 *                                 ,P/C DIFFERENCE *
                                                 * ~-11
  • I.OJ
  • u.s~
  • u.7u U,bj
  • 1,03
  • o.77 *
  • a.79
  • 1.c1
  • c.t4. u.1s. o.&5
  • 1.04
  • o.7& * . .... -*-***- **--*-*** _______ 2_
                                                       ~-~ * -~.2 * -L.l. -:~~. -U.5
  • 1.2
  • 1.~ *
  • v.c~
  • l.03
  • v.~~
  • l.G3 lw2~ l.C3 U.83 l.UJ
  • O.C~ *
  • u.h~. 1-~~. G.Jl
  • l.Gl. 1.20. l.U2
  • 0.&2
  • 1.04. G.o7. 3
  • l.. 0 .. -~.,.::, * -2. 'T * -:::.
  • 0 * -1. 7 .. -u. 6
  • U. 6
  • 2. l
  • o.&5
  • 0.95
  • o.9a
  • 1.02
  • 1.01. 1.l~. 1.01. 1.02. o.~a
  • o.9j. o.b5 *
  • o.ct
  • o.~7
  • u.Yi. 1.01
  • 1.04. 1.11. 1.0~
  • 1.00. o.96. 0.94. 4
  • 1.8 ** -J.5 * -1.3 * --::i.:, * *-3.3 * -2.6 * -2.2 * -1.5 * -1.1
  • 3.0
  • o.-rr l.,.JJ L-:'IC .... 1.04 1 * .:..:.. i.ZJ.. 1.2::.. 1.21 1.14
  • i.D~
  • u.LJil
  • 1.03
  • 0.77
  • 0.7~. l ... ~~
  • 0.~9
  • 1.00
  • 1-~2
  • 1.1~. 1.1~. 1.16
  • 1.12. 1.0~. 0.94. 1.07. C.86. 5 J,2
  • J,z
  • l,l
  • 1.1. -1.3 * -.:,.3. -3.:.. -1.c * -1.4. -1.s. -4.u. 3.5. 11.s * -- *-***----
  • 1,03
  • U.33
  • l.G::.
  • 1,14
  • 1.07 *. 1.l'J
  • l-0~
  • 1,19
  • 1,07 , l.~4
  • 1.02
  • i.,,b3
  • 1.03 *
  • 1.03. O.bJ. l.O/
  • 1-12
  • 1.06. 1,17. 1.03. l,lb
  • 1,06, 1.12
  • D,99. O.E4. l . l l . **-* ...... 6 __
           * -u.::,. -0.::.. -u.::.. -1.*1. -u.o. -1 * .:,, -1.7. -0.7. -0.9. -2.2. -;:..4, 2.0. 8.2.
  • G.b~ ~.c~ . 1.01
  • l.Zi
  • 1.1~. 1.15. 1.15
  • i.lY
  • 1.21
  • 1.07. 1.03. O.BS
  • 0.66 * ---- *-*- ~-----
  • 0.12
  • o.~&. 1.~~
  • 1.~~. l,L0
  • 1.20
  • 1.11. 1.14. 1.16. 1.20. 1.19. 1.04. 1.0~. o.&9. o.&s. 7 B.l
  • 1.1 * -j.:.:;*. -1.l .. -0.~ * ...;.c
  • l..'-J. o.:,
  • t, .. & . U.3 .. -i.u ** -3.1
  • l.U ... 4.0. 3.0 *
  • o.S4. u.7o. ~.24
  • 1.1~
  • 1.2~
  • 1.0~
  • l.ib. u.93. i.18
  • 1.05
  • 1.23. 1.1~
  • 1 .. 2~ 0.76. u.84 *
  * *o.Yl
  • 0.7&
  • l.L~, l~l~
  • l,2J
  • 1.07. 1-~1. 0.9S. 1.1~
  • 1.06, 1.23. 1.14. 1,27, o.77. 0.87. 8
   *  &.o
  • 2.7. c.a. ~-~. 1.~ . 2.G. 2.4. l.b. 1.1. 1.u * -0.3. -u.o. ~.u. 1.4. 2.9 **
  • o.ob. o.85. 1.03. 1.u1
  • 1.21
  • i.~9. 1.1~. 1.ih. 1.1~ 1.19. 1.2:. 1.u1. 1.03. 0.85. O.b6 *
  • G.72
  • 0.£7
  • 1.~;. l.U:
  • 1.23
  • 1.~1
  • l.i3
  • l.14. 1.16
  • 1.20. 1.2G. 1.0c. 1.04 .*
  • 0.69. 9
.      6.l
  • 2.2 * -0.7. u.l
  • 1.H
  • l.~. £.~. -3.~
  • 1.1
  • 1.1 * -0.3. -1.~. O.b
  • 2.6. 3.9.

1.0::, . ,*.

                                     ** v,_                        l . (,-,        l. .:c-.1                 1.19          1.01
  • 1- 1..- * *,_ .u;:
  • 1.,.e:.;
  • 1.0:,, *
  • 1.00. o.~~ . i.c~ . 1.lj
  • 1.1~. 1.01.
  • l.u7. 1.12
  • u.~~
  • o.L2
  • 1.ob. 10
           * -3.1. -3.l * -2.i * -U.6. -0.7. -3.6. -J.5. -1.2 * -u.4. -2.L. -~.b * -0.4. 3.2.
           *. 0.11. 1.0::,
  • o.~6
  • 1.Ll~. 1.1~. 1.21
  • i.23
  • 1.21. 1.1~. 1.0.:,. o.~s
  • 1.03. 0.11 *
  • 0,80. l.u7. l.vo. l.u4
  • 1.12
  • 1.17. 1.19. 1.10. 1.11
  • 1.02
  • 0.97. l,05
  • 0.79
  • ll
,.s, * £..l* * -u.6 * -1 * .;. ~ -).0 * -J.4- * -).:> * -L.:.J * -2.* 2 * -:..-.t.
  • 1.3
  • 3.0
  • 3.9
  • l .. u7
1. 02 o.o~
                       ~ 0.~j. i.C2
  • C.9~
  • l.00
  • l.05
  • 1.1~
  • 1.0~. 1.00
  • 0.97. 0.97. G.Sd. 12
  • l\J.c
  • t, * .:,. .. -"1.6 * -1 .. 7 * -L.6 * -2.5 * -2:.8 * -L..'T * -0. 7
  • 1 .. ,;. .. 2.S *

u.o~ 1.u~ *O.LJ~

  • i.u~. 1 .. 2~ 1.u~ u.c3 1.u3 u.e~
  • o.41
  • 1.0~
  • 0.b~
  • 1.01. 1.22
  • 1.0~
  • o.a2
  • 1.02. o.~7. 13 6.5
  • 2.~. -0.0. -2.~. -1.c. 0.9. -1.4. -U.o. 2.~ *
  • u.17
  • L*u~
  • o~16 o.s~. 1.03
  • c .. 7~ *
  • o.76. 1.07. 0.1~. u.~0
  • 1.05
  • G.75. . .. , 14 2.2
  • 4.1 * ~-~
  • 3.6. j . / . 2.5. -2.4.
  • 0.6&. O.b4. 0.66
  • u.~1. o.~u. 0.11. Mi:ASU;(ED 15 o.9. 7.2. 7,6. .P/C OlFHRf:NCE.


  • NW - 0.997 BANK CAT 228 STEPS Q

BANK DAT 215 STEPS BANK P/L 228 STEPS Includes uncertainties F z

                                                                                                                =1.15 A.0.=+.18%

BURNUP = ,.,.285 MWD/MTU NE - 0.998 SW - 1.007 SE - 0.998 17


                                                                      !..            K               J                  H                            F          E          D            C            B        A c.10                ~.0s             0.1~
  • po DlCTEO
  • J.~s . 0~~2
  • d.11 * ~E Sl!RcD l
                                                                                              * -2.Y * -3.S * -L.4 *                                                            .P/C l1 FFERENC~
  • 0.-2
  • l.~9 C.* 1 ~
  • 0.~~ L.9B 1.0~
  • U.b2 *
  • 0.s0 . 1.os
  • o.96.
  • o.93. 1.02
  • o.79. 2
                                                               * -2.,)8 * -0.9' * -1.'> * -Z,,5 * -5.3 * -6.4 * -4.6
  • l . j_ l 1..u2 1.02  :.11 0,90
  • 1.1J
  • c.1s
  • 1.01
  • 1.11
  • c.~1. 0.s3
  • 1.09
  • o.~e
  • 3
                                           * *-2.6 * -i&S * -0.b * -l.3 * -~-~. -2.6. -2.6. -2.2 * -1.b.
                                 *c.~o        1.01                  c.j~. c.90                    o.~~                1.0~             J.~9. J.~6. o.~6
  • l~Ol 0.00 *
  • 0.81. 1.60. :.4o. 0.~7. G.~0 . 1.0~
  • G.9b. J.9d
  • 0.~6. 1.C~
  • O.o9
  • 4
                              * - .:.
  • 2. ~ -0
  • b
  • U* 3
  • 0 * .;.. * - 1. 7 * - l .. l,. * -.u
  • 6
  • l *4
  • O
  • 2 * - l
  • 3 * - i
  • 2.
  • c.3 1.11. c.s6 o.97 1.0t 1.21 1.oa* 1.cs o.97. o.96. 1.11
  • o.e2
  • O.d
  • 1.c~. o.~7. :.01
  • 1.0~
  • l.J7 . 1.22
  • 1.10. 1.10. 0.99. 0.94. 1.10
  • O.S4 *
               * -~ * * -3.~. b.6.                                     3.7. : . 1 . -i.2
  • 0.5. 2.0. 2.2
  • 1.B. -2.6. -1.0
  • 1.4.

iaj9 0.~5 0.9~. l.C2

  • O.V?
  • l-!~ 0.95 l.1~ J.97. l.Ua
  • Q.~t O.c5
  • 1.09
               .. 1. .. *J.:,
  • o.:..~
  • o.s-7. 1 .. !.,:, .. J ... s,~ .. ,1 .. ::..{:. . 1.03 .. 1.1c .. o.';.9
  • 1.v9. u .. ,:10. o .. t-5
  • 1.10. b
               ~  -}~4. -3.~.                     L.~.                  l.7          2.2 *             ~~0         . Lr.7.           ~.4.         2~5 .       1.2 * -G ... ~     .. -0.2
  • 0.5 *

(: .. 7:>. 0.9*s. l.O: 0.99 l.OB l ... l.3 1.07 1~22 1.07. l . l ~ . 1 .. 08. 0 .. 99. 1.02. 0.9S. 0.76 *

  • C.76
  • G.~b
  • l.Cl. L.9S
  • 1.0~
  • 1.17. ~.13
  • l.2S
  • 1.13. l.l~
  • 1~11
  • 1.01
  • 1.02
  • O.Q7. 0.76
  • 7 J .. !.. .. -G .. 2: * -0 .. 7 ., U.. 2 *  ;,..2
  • 3 .. '-1
  • 5.6 .. 5.5
  • 5 .. 2 * ~ .. 4
  • 2.9
  • 1 .. 5
  • 0 .. 3 * -0.5 * -0.7
  • 0.~~ O.E~ ~ ~,2~ l-~6 1.21
  • C.9~  :.~l a .. 9~ l.21 0 °=  !.21 1.J6 1~2~ O.b4 0.95
  • 0 .. ib .. J~3~ * :.~~
  • 1-~~ ~ :.22 * !.,)~ * ~-.~~
  • 0.i4 * :.26. l.O?
  • 1.24. 1 .. 07 .. l.25
  • O.~~. 0 .. 95
  • 8 G.~ * -~.2 ~ -0~7. -~.7 .  :.2 * ~.o * ~-u
  • 5.6 .. ) .. 7 . ~-~. 2.4. 1 .. 0
  • 0.3 .. -0.8 * -0.~
  • c*"*;o .. 0.'"lb 1.02 \J. .. .;. ..,* 1.1.*o 1 .. 13 1.u1
  • 1.22 1 *. 0-, 1.13 1.00 0.94 1. 02 o.Qo u.76
  • J.16
  • 0.97. 1-Jl
  • 0.~~ . i . : J .
  • 1.12 *. 1.27. 1.08
  • 1.13
  • 1.09. 1.00. 1.02
  • Q.97. 0.76. 9
J.4. -C;.8. -1.3. -1..3. 1.5. "'t*'"'. 4.4. '"t.~. 1.3. -0.3. 1.3. 0.4. -U.4. -0 .. 5 . -o*.4.


  • o.c~ * ]... cs
  • o .. 97 * ~.:: o.<?a .. i..13 u.97  ::...08
  • o.96
  • u.&5 1 *. 09
  • 1.01
  • o.J~ . o .. ~t. ~  :.10
  • . 1.~3
  • 1.01
  • 1.13. o.97. 1 .. oQ. o.9B
  • o.64. 1 .. oa. 10
               * -1 .. 9 * -1.9 * -C.u
  • l.'.J
  • 3 .. 2 * "'1'.l
  • 2 * . ::,,
  • 0.0 * -0.3
  • 0.3
  • 1.3 * -!..2 .. -1.l
  • C.S2. 1.11 0. 0 ~ o.~7 l.jS 1.oa
  • 1.21 l.JB l.OE 0.97 0.96. 1.11
  • 0.62 *
  • 1.11. C.97. a.qq
  • 1.10
  • 1.10. 1.23
  • 1.09
  • 1.09
  • 0.98
  • 0.96
  • 1.09
  • O.Bl
  • 11
               * -0. l         * -J. !..
  • 0. 'c,
  • l. 5
  • 2.. 0 *  ::
  • 0
  • 1 .. 5
  • l *3
  • l *3 1. l * -0. 5 * -1. 8 * -1. 8 *
  • 0.90
  • i~G~ 0.0~
  • o.~o. 0.9Q
  • i.J6
  • 0.9~ 0.9b. G.96. 1.01. d.90
  • 0 G.9~
  • 1.03 * ~. 4 j
  • G.*>7 * ~-'*S . l.C5
  • C.9?. G.~5
  • 0.95
  • 1.00
  • 0.8&. 12
.2 * ..;.. !
  • 1.::
  • o.t: * *::.~ . -.:::: . 5 * -1.8 * -1.6 * -o.-r * -1.0 * -2.i., *
                                            ...,:.* 9,:-_:           : .. !. !.                                        l .2""t-        1. o;~       G .. Sj    !.
  • l l 0.90.
                                            . . :.o~ . .                                 :.01
  • 1.22
  • 1.01
  • o.a3
  • 1.09.
  • 13
                                            . - 0 . l . -2.0 *                     -o.s .         -1.3 .. -2.3. - 1 . : . -2.5 * -2.5 * -1.7 *
_..t.2 1 .. u.:;
  • a.s.~~ 0 .. 24
  • o.'18 1.09 ~::t*.a2 *
                                                                 ~   C.~l        ~  l.CS
  • 0.~7 .. Q.C~. 1.00. 1 .. 09. Q.3~
  • 14
                                                                ... -2.G           -~.7 ~ -D.5
  • 0.~. 1.q. -0.2. -3.5 *.


                                                                                               *   -..*  ~  I.:.,                                                                       PP.2DlCTEu
  • G.?7
  • 0.97. 0.76. MEASUtd:C 15 1.3 .. 2.-3
  • 3.l * .P/C DIFFERENCE.

MAP NO, Sl-2-17 DATE 6/17 /75 POWER N2417 N CONTROL ROD POSITIONS- F = 1.434 AT B6-DJ

  • INCORE TILT lrn BANK CAT 228 STEPS FT = 1. 787 AT Kl4-JD
  • NW 0.998 Q

BANK DAT 223.STEPS F = 1.15 NE 0.999 z e BANK P/L 228 STEPS A.O.= -1.8% SW 1.006 BURNUP = "'4 065 MWD /MTU SE - 0.997

  • Includes uncertainties 18


                                                                                           , 0.78
  • 0.97. 0.78. PR EO IC TED
  • 0.79
  • 0.93
  • 0.73
                                                                  -*--*----*--- 0.5-:**-::.:4.3 .-*-1.0.                                                                     .P /C D IF~ERENCE:.****------ -
  • 0,84. 1,11 I.CL
  • 0,85. 1.01
  • 1,11
  • 0,84
  • o* .go**. 1.12 .- 1.00:. o.a3. o.95. 1.03. o.79. 2
                                                         * -4.3.                  0.6 * -1,3 * -2.5 * -5.9 * -7.l * -5.8 *
                                            .. . . . . . . . .l *. .14.. . . . .0.. 8. . . . . l.. .0. . . . . . .2. . . . . 1. .* 0. 2. . .* .0.. ..................
                        --- -------- -; . C. S l                                       7   ~  -        2 ~- l
  • 4
  • 87
  • 1
  • 14 0* 1
  • 9
  • 0.87. 1.12. 0.87. 1.02
  • 1.20
  • 1.00. 0.84. 1.11
  • Q.88
  • 3
                                             * -3.9 ** -2.0
  • o.5 * -0.1 * -3.1 * -2.5 * -z.4 * -3.o * -3.7 *
  • 0.91 L, C2
  • C. 96 0,96 0 .98 1.04
  • 0.98 0.96
  • 0.96
  • 1,02 0 .,;i
  • L,CC. C.96. Q.95
  • O.'H
  • 1.04. 0.90
  • 0.98. 0.97
  • 1.01
  • O.A9
  • 4
                            -- ;- :.. 3
  • 6 * - Z
  • 3 * - O. 2 * -0. 3 -* - L 2 * -0
  • 8 * -0
  • 3
  • 2 * ,
  • 1 0
  • 8 * - 1 *0 * - 2 *4 *
  • 0.84
  • 1.14
  • C.S6
  • 0.96
  • 1.06
  • l.05
  • 1.20
  • 1.05 1.06
  • 0.96
  • 0.96 l. 14
  • 0.84 *
 **1.11-*. ** c.96- :*1.os--~*-1.03
  • 1.1s. 1.01. 1.09. o.98. o.96
  • 1.u ** 0:06. - -------***-5
                * - 3 . l . -3.1. -1.3.                          a.a. -o.9. -2.0 * -1.2.                                        1.1. 2.a. 2.1. -0.4. -1.0.                                         2.e.
 ------*--*******. 1.11
  • 0.87 O.Sc 1.06
  • 0.93 * *1.10
  • 0.96
  • 1.10 0.93 1.06
  • 0.96
  • 0.87 1.11 * -------------------

1.08. c.e4

  • o.s;. 1.os. o.94. 1.13
  • 1.00
  • 1.15
  • o.96
  • 1.08
  • o.97
  • 1.14. 6
                * -3.0 * -3.0 * -1. 1, . -0.4
  • 1.0
  • Z.3
  • 3.9
  • 4.9
  • 3.0
  • 2,1
  • 1.3
  • 1.3
  • 2.8.
  • 0.10
  • 1.01
  • 1.02
  • o. c;a 1. o5
  • 1.10
  • 1.04
  • 1.21
  • 1.04
  • 1.10
  • 1.os
  • o.98
  • 1.02
  • 1.01
  • c. 78 *
  • 0.1a. i.oo. 1.01. 1.05. 1.13. 1.12. 1.29. 1.11. 1.16. 1.oc;. 1.00. 1.04. 1.03. c. 80
  • 7
 -*-:* -o.o    -.--:.:0.1 **.---:..1~4 * *-o.6 ~--0.3***;-*2.0;
  • 6.9 .- 1.0 --;:
  • 6.6 .- 5.4 .--- 3.5
  • 1.a
  • 1.3
  • 2.3 -~ 2.2 *
  • c.<:7. 1.24 1.04. 1.20. o.96. 1.20. o.93. 1.20. o.96. 1.20. 1.04. 1.24. o.97.
    ~-*c.9*1 *.*o*.ss*;**1.22. 1.c4 ** 1.19. *o.9a: 1.29 -~-o.99 *.*1.26. 1.01. 1.23. 1.os. 1.24. o.e6 ~-0.90*:*---*--*ir
    * -o.o. -a.a. -1.4. -o.s. -0.1. 2.0. 6.9. 1.0. 4.7.                                                                                             5.3. 3.o. o.6. -0.2. a.a.                               1.1.
    * 'J.7S
  • 1.01
  • 1.02
  • c.s8 1.os 1.10. 1.04
  • 1.21
  • 1.04
  • 1.10
  • 1.os
  • o.98 1.02
  • 1.01
  • 0.1a *
  • 0.78
  • 1.01. 1.02
  • C.98. 1.06. 1,11. 1.07
  • 1.23. 1.06. 1.10. 1.06
  • 0.96
  • 1.01
  • 1,01. 0.78. 9
    * -o.c *         -o.s      *   -o.8      *  -0.2
  • o.4
  • o.a
  • 2.3
  • 2.3
  • 1.6 * -o.3
  • 0.2 * -2.s * -1.3 * -o.4 * -c.1 *
  • 1.11
  • 0.87. 0.96 1.06 o.93. 1.10
  • o.96
  • 1.10
  • o.~3. 1.06. a~96
  • o.a1. 1.11
  • 1.11
  • 0.86
  • O.S6. 1.01. o.95. 1.12
  • o.97
  • 1.09
  • o.93
  • 1.os
  • o.93
  • 0,84
  • 1.09. 10
                *:*-_o .3 *:* -o.3 :
  • o. 6 ~- 1.2 *.*-* 1.s* ~---* 2.1 -~
  • 1.s * * -0.4 . -0.1 * -o.a * -2.9 * -2.9 * -2.1 .... -**-----**-***--
  • 0.84
  • 1.14
  • 0.-56 0.96. 1.06. l,05. 1.20. 1.05. 1.06 0.96. 0.96. 1.14. 0.84 *
  ----*------** *;** 0.82. ~. 1.12**~ o. 96
  • 0.91. 1.01 ** 1.01 ~ 1.21. 1.06 .- 1.oa. o.97. o.95; 1.11. 0.02 .*-**-------*-n**
                 * -1.9. -2.0. -0.3.                             1.a-. 1.6.                        1.1. a . a . o.6.                                2.3. 1.a. -1.0. -2.a. -2.s
  • 1-------------*;-*o.n-:--1.*02**;**0.96 *;*-*o:96**:-*o.9a**;* r.o4
  • o.9a o.96 o.96
  • 1.02
  • o.s1 *
  • a.ea
  • 1.oc. o.98. o.97. 0.9a
  • 1.04. o.97
  • o.95
  • o.n . 1.01
  • o.a9
  • 12
                                * - 3. (: . * -1. 5
  • l
  • 8
  • l
  • 0
  • 0. l * -o
  • 8 * -1. 6 * -o. 3
  • 0. 7 * - 0. 6 * - 2
  • 6 *
  • 0, Sl
  • 1.14
  • 0.87
  • 1,02
  • 1.24 , 1.02
  • 0.87 , 1.14
  • 0,91 *
  • 1.11
  • o.85. 1.01
  • 1.21
  • 1.02
  • 0,85. 1.12. o.89
  • l3
                                           - * -3.4. -3.0 ** *-1:2 -.-- -1.4 * --2.3 * -0.3 * -1.3 * -2.0 * -2.6
  • Q.84. 1.11
  • 1.01
  • 0.85. 1.01. 1.11. 0.84,
                                                        *.*o.a1: 1.10 ~-*1.01. o.86 .**1.04. 1.13. 0.82 *                                                                                **-* *--****------*----=-
                                                          * -3. 0 . -1.1 * -0.3
  • 0.1
  • 3.2
  • 1.3 * -2.0
  • PRE~ICTED-~-------~
  • o.97. 0.1a.
  • 0. 79
  • 1 .o O
  • 0
  • 8 2
1. 7
  • 2.8

FAR =1.486 AT B6-DJ

  • NW - 0.995 Q

NE - 1.006 e BANK DAT 216 STEPS BA.1'-JK P /1 228 STEPS FZ A.0.=-3.1%

                                                                                                               =1.14 SW - 1.000 BURNUP = N6550MWD/MTU                                                        SE - 0.999
  • Includes uncertainties 19


           !      I      ,
  • 1
            **"-->*-- ~-- -***-1 * **t*-***
1. 0 i
  ..8                                                                                                    I*-******-               j-*
                                                                                                                .I ...
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                                                                                                             .. i" :                  .. 1--     .
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  .4       r.: -- :-                  i- -:- .                             --f *- !                      (----**--*1 . '             --+--.
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       ,. + .                                            I..                           ......1.


  .2                                                                 ii                        I
                                            *r**. : -*-*          .. '                     _ _;
                                                                     '                        I
       **i                                                                                                                !
          -~---     '                                                                            ... -- .*.... -*~-- *-*                -~- --

0 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 BOTTOM CORE POSITION (NODES) TOP 20


                                                       .+ ; TECHNICAL:                  Sl;'EQIFICATIONS- LIMIT                            +
                  .                                                    :              i     '                                   *


........ 2.0 HO'

.~ rx.. H 0 H X XX><

                                                                         ,<  X
                                                                                 ><      ><             )(


< X X

c.;) >< X

  <t!                                                                                                                                            XX.< X   :<

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   ~                                      X                                                                    X 1.5                                                                                                                                 ><
   §                                               X

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   @                              X s           ,.,

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1.0 H H z~ H

                      .                                                                                                                                                            X
    ~                                                                                                    Sl-2-10
    ~                                                              MAP       NO.


    ~                 .
                .... ~<
  • X DATE 2/19/75 X


           .5                                                      BURNUP                                 285 MWD/MTU
   ~H FT (MAXIMUM)                          1.842
   ~            H
                      ..                                            Q 0
                         . I .., .*.' ' ... t          I   I   ****   !    '   I   l ...      I ' *** '   I  I  ******            ,   C. I.' .        '   l   .. I .. I **      ... l 60                       50                          40                        30                              20                        10                  0 BOTTOM                                                  AXIAL POSITION (NODES)                                                                          TOP 21


               -.. I
                ... I I
                ...*                                                *:+ ~ECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS LIMIT +                        '
   ~ 2.0 E-i O' r.:r..

p:: H


0 X xx xx xx

                                                                          ,X X

XXX X X r.:r.. .

                                              '. )( XI    X X

X X X X X xx xx xx X X xx X xx fj )( j X X X

! -.      l.*5

X X X X X X u ... E-i

  §l            ....              X
                                                                        . i s~

X E-i

i:: -... X iI ~


                 ... x i

p.., ...

  • I I X MAP NO. Sl-2-17 X r,::i DATE 6/17/75 A
                 ....                                                  BURNUP
                    ..                                                                             4065 M,WD/Ml'U


           .5 H

FT (-MAXIMUM) q_ . 1.787 I* H

                     ..... I.

H 0

                 -              I  t   I  t  t    e  *
  • J* I
  • J I ~ I t I ** J
  • I I I I I t ~ ~ .I 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 BOTTOM AXIAL POSITION (NODES) e TOP 22



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i * ~ 2,0 N . HO' J::t.,

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                               !                                                                        I                        I    I         I       >< i><
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  ~ 1.0
                   ,X i

iI I  !


H z~ I I I A z~ I I P-<


A MAP NO. Sl-2-20 II Ii I

          .5                                               DATE                         9 /15/75                               .I               I
                                                                                                                                                   . I 1'

B¥RNUP 6550 MWD/MTU  ! F Q (MAXIMUM) 1. 80 7 I i , I I I ! I 0

l. ( ..I. . ....:I . .I. .....I. J *II * * .I . . .!. ., .. .I. ..I. . .1, . .1. . .I * * *
  • J * * * .I. ....

I t  : I I I ' 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 BOTTOM AXAIL POSITION (NODES) TOP e 23


2. 80 -
  • _L__~_
                                                             -*j----.. .--

l _j__  ! i 1111 1, . . . . .,. . .~ . " ' : - - * -. . . .

                                                                                                              /  ;-
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                                                                                                                                                 ~-.--i--.. --,---------.. ----..
                                                                    . i* ...,i.. .. .. REVISED 6/16/75                                                    - -.!' .

2.60 ------- ... i 10 CFR 50

  • 46 "i ___ .---*1---

E-<~ O' . l-- ECCS ANALYSIS  ; - .


0 E-< u

2. 40 ....


                                                                                                         . I                                                                   I.
    <i::                                                                                                  j N    Ji<        2. 20 ._                                                                                            + NOMINAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS LIMIT+

~ . i

    ,-.:i i::r::i z

2.00 ... '

1. 80 --. 01.

u l E-< 0

                                                   *--! .... -Gl 0
                                                                                                     -0*-c-              *--8                 **-0           **0


1. 60 1- *,-* -+-** *- - - I ..
   ...:l Ji<

E-< 1.40 ~-v-* i *--**-!-** .. .. - r --------'.- . i

                                                                                                                                                                                       -- -* *+-- *-*. *1-* --
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                                               *-                                               .. '._ - l-      ~-. I                                    .: -.i -.
1. 20 *... :. --t--------1-------,
                                                                                       -* r-. ....J ----- ..          1.

t- *;:**J -~ , I  ; , 1 1.00 ............................................................................lllli.......................................... i i-j---:* -, i 1-* -~- r*- 2000 4000 6000 8000 10,000 CORE BURNUP (MWD/MTU)

SURRY UNIT 1 - CYCLE 2 FIGURE e 2.3.9 PEAK LINEAR POWER DENSITY vs. BURNUP 20 ___ i *+.* *;. +.<~t-l1 J_~--,---:.----1.----.. ---~I---\ -- j~---- -----~!- .--~~.:----~- \ i __ *-+--'-- ... r- -l---l- ~. r--* - 19 1. ___ ,.__*+-*---+------****r-* J:-~~~-*_11,*_**-*_*.*-~---lt_ _ _-. _ *.: _ _ _ .*

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  • 1 - - -

18 f-~- -- .. -*--!--- - J 1  !

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j t f I . ' . -: ,-- -  ; .i  : i 17 **; --*: *t-- *----; *: . *"-j----;-,..:+.-'-: REVISED 6/16/75 +-- -****+--*-**l. *- .. L

                                                                                                                         -~! ,



16 1 1

                                       ~   .

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                                                                      !- 1 .. ECCS ANALYSIS
                                                         ->--*ti *:-** :*-*:*--*-:-**-r I   i. '       - *! -

10 CFR 50. 46 ~i I

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                                                                                                                                                                                                 -i                           -+-!I ----- -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .---**r ** **,



15 ..: r --- -~-- - .-' - ----------

                                                                                                                                                       ---       I--****---*,          --                   -!-- -
    ~     14                                                                                    i * --- t-*-* + NOMINAL ECCS (LOCA) LIMIT +*

H i z C/l I l L f -- I N i::r:I V1 A 13 -------- -- . -f I pc: - ., 'I i::r:I I

   ~                                                                                                       '                           .*       - ~ -------      -     .

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  ,-.:i 10

i::r:I P-! 9 8 7 6 5 2000 4000 6000 8000 10,000 CORE BURNUP (MWD/MTU)


1. 7 - - - - - - * * , .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. .
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r,:., 0 :0 H 0 N zr::::i .0 G . -  ; - O'\

      ~                                                                                                                                                                                                             i 0        1.4                                                                                                                      **-*-:*

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                                          .. ).. -





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                                                                                    !                                                                                                           i.

1.0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 MIDPLANE BURNUP (MWD/MTU)


             +8 i!--
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co >:1

i 0 . G
   ~                                                                   - - : : - : --:--i* -
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           -14 0                               2000                     4000                                6000                                   8000                    10,000 CORE BURNUP (MWD/MTU)


                                                                                            .,( *~< **~ }{ ;..(
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H j . .,:

                                        '>(                                                                                    -;

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P-4 N *6 I I

                         .                                      MAP NO .

DATE Sl-2-10 2/19/75 BURNUP 285 MWD/MTU

                    ~*-  .*    >(

F z 1.15

  • X 0 ~I.
                          ..                  ,'I ..
  • I * *
  • I l *I. *. I. . I. . I. . ..... *.1 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 BOTTOM AXIAL POSITION (NODES) TOP e



1. 5
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I i I* i I 1..2 \ xxxxx i i x* X x !x X X X X xxxx XX

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I I I N,6  !: I' l I I I l I I X P-< -

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          !:                                              I                                              \                         I                            J               J       I                :         ix
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I, i I I I I.: ~ I i* I  ! II I I  ! I X r: . 1 i. I I I, I I ' 1

       *3  :.:,_       i                     I            :                            MAP NO.                                   Sl-2-20                                                .                I         I
          !: ;                               i          I                              iJATE                                    9/15/75                                         J      I                 I         j j: .                              I          I                              ~URNUP                                    655Ci MWD /MTU                                 I       I                 f        I

1 14 I I I FI I ' I 1° I I 1 1 I i

I I I I I I '

I 0

                       !                     I            I                                 :           I                 !        I                          I                                          I         I       :
  • I ' * * * *
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  • I* *
  • I * * * '.

I I *I1. * '

                                                                                                                                                                                                       * .*   *  'iI *
  • II 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 BOTTOM AXIAL POSITION (NODES) TOP e



1. 50
                     ;__ ; __ _J I          I
                                  '. J;i                                                               i __

L_ '

                                                                                                                                    - r** --

r - --*f----:----t -- I

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  • i r- .

I J I CJ) -+---- --i- l ... . I *---  : I p,:j i 0 H u 1. 40 -~-----.i


u.) 0 N z H

     µcl 1.30                     -  '    ---   . __ ,__ _                                                               .. ______ ! - -*
                                                                                                                                                **: ., ---- +-*

I i' _\.. P-< I '


H X - -- -*r

    <i::                                                                                                                            -*!


1. 20 .
  • i-.. - ..

J .__ L__ _

                                             --,-**@*                        ---e                  --- __;__i_(;). ---B--                                 -*tr
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u 1.10

                                            - - ~ --- **1 **- * **     i*

__ :___ i ___'.__ l_____ ,_'*-=.---1 ..


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                                                                                                                           *~-=J--1 ~-:;~ ___ *J __
                                                                                                            ---1---:----, - .         j      '    '     .      1

l '  ; J_ _J.1 __  :..  :  ;- - - -~~ -: --*1-- - * - l-- - - *i -- t~. i .' Li I I

                                                  -'--    . ---**----*!-*            -+* *--                                         ,                         ~     . -~----- ---    1
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i - I __ . l

  • ri _.. ---


                                                               -' -- -i .                                                                                      :!  . :                L       _;             --/   ~----:     .
                                                                                                                                 --i.                                /* : ! . :: .. I.    . . .            . I 1.00 0                               2000                                            4000                                         6000                                         8000                                         10,000 CORE BURNUP (MWD/MTU)

99.0 99.5 99.6 99.7 99.8 FIFTY DEFECTS THIRTY DEFECTS 99.90 TWENTY DEFECTS 10-l ~ 99.95

                                                                                ~                    G                                                         99.96
                                                                                                        -*.ti~                                                 99.97      i'.:

H G (!; ,,:

 ....                                                                                      (!>                                                                           c.,

u ,_. z"' 0 0 99.98 w c H w FIVE DEFECTS z 0 G ..., H 0 "'

 ,_.~                                                                                                                                                          99.990 z
 "'uz 0      10- 2                                                                                                                                                  99.995 u
 ..,M                                                                                                                                                          99.996
 ..,           ONE DEFECT                                                                                                                                      99.997 I


99. 998 99.999 I I I I I I I I I I I JAN FEB ,!AR APR MAY JU:, JUL SEP OCT N'.l'." DEC JA.'1 1975

SURRY UNIT 1 - CYCLE 2 FIGURE 2. 4. 2 I-131/I-133 RATIO vs. TTME 1.4

                                                     *1I                                                 I.


                                                                                         .. :~::.,J.
1. 2 __: _:_:L __ ~-- ____ ;__ ** ' --- C -*-- * - -
  • I
                                                                                          -~-- ---~r' - -         _J" - -

LO __ j __ _ PIN HOLE LEAKS 0 ,. ~  : .. l,.) H _,. l- - ---~- - - ~ 5 C"j 0.8

                                                                                                      - f. -*-~~ _l_


    .-l H


    . -l C"j
    .-l I

0.6 ___ ___ ,i H 0.4

                                                                                          - . . J.I -~_[__ _      I I

0.2 0



  • TABLE 2.5.1 SURRY UNIT 1 --

LOCATIONS OF DENSIFICATION POWER SPIKES Strip- Enrich- U02 Chart Assembly Fuel ment Density Power Spike (%) Change Location Figure(l) Location Detectors Region (w/o (% September 26, 1975 in Last of ( 2 ) Status Number U235) Theoretical) 3 Maps Spike 1 E-11 A 2 2.57 92.9 1. 30 moderate 1, 2 confirmed 2 D-7 C 2 2.57 92.9 0.78 large 1 confirmed 3 J-7 All 2 2.57 92.9 0.74 large 1, 2, 3 confirmed 4 J-5 B 2 2.57 92.9 0.70 nil 1 confirmed 5 E-5 D 2 2.57 92.9 0.47 nil 1 confirmed 6 J-3 D 2 2.57 92.9 0.47 nil 1 confirmed 7 H-4 D 2 2.57 92.9 0.45 moderate 1 confirmed 8 L-11 B 2 2.57 92.9 0.34 moderate 3 confirmed 9 L-9 D 2 2.57 92.9 0.62 moderate 1 suspected 10 N-5 D 4C 3.33 94.4 0.51 moderate 2 suspected 11 L-4 C 2 2.57 92.9 0.33 nil 1, 3 suspected 12 L-8 B 4B 2.61 94.6 0.32 moderate 1 suspected 13 F-6 B 1A2 1.87 93.6 0.29 moderate 1 suspected 14 N-8 D 4B 2.61 94.6 0.26 moderate 3 suspected 15 L-6 A 4A 1. 86 94.3 0.13 moderate 1 suspected 16 H-13 C 4B 2.61 94.6 0.13 moderate 3 suspected (1) See Appendix E (2) 1-upper third; 2-midplane third; 3-lower third

Section 3 CONCLUSIONS The Surry 1 core has completed Cycle 2. Throughout this cycle, all core performance indicators compared closely to design predictions and all Technical Specifications limits were met by significant margins. No abnormalities in reactivity, power distribution, or burnup accumulation were detected. In addition, the excellent mechanical integrity of the core has not changed perceptibly throughout Cycle 2, as indicated by the radioiodine analysis. Lastly, fuel densification effects in terms of detected fuel pellet gap formation has been shown to be less than originally anticipated. 36

Appendix A DEFINITION OF TERMS ACTIVITY - Number of nuclear disintegrations per unit time taking place in a radioact~ve nuclide. Usually expressed in terms of

              µCi (3.7 x 10 disintegrations per second).

AXIALLY DEPENDENT HEAT FLUX HOT CHANNEL FACTOR -FQ(Z)- The maximum local heat flux on the surface of a fuel rod at a core elevation Z divided by the average fuel rod heat flux. AXIAL OFFSET - The percent difference between the fraction of total core power produced in the upper half of the core and that produced in the lower half of the core. BATCH - A group of assemblies which are inserted into the reactor at the same time. All of the assemblies in a batch may or may not have the same nuclear characteristics or be discharged at the same time. (See REGION) BORON (Soluble) - A strong neutron absorber which is dissolved in the reactor coolant and used for reactivity control. The boron concentration in the coolant is expressed in terms of parts per million water (ppm). BURNUP - The quantity of energy produced per unit weight of fuel. It is a measure of fuel consumption and typically has units of

  • megawatt-days per metric ton of initially contained uranium (MWD/MTU).

CRITICAL - Condition in which the neutron chain reaction in a reactor is just self-sustaining. CRITICAL BORON CONCENTRATION - The concentration of soluble boron in the coolant at which the reactor is just critical. CRITICAL HEAT FLUX (DNB) - The point of transition between nucleate boil-ing and film boiling at the coolant-clad interface. Beyond this critical heat flux point, a vapor blanket forms on the cladding surface and acts as an insulator, thereby resulting in abnormally high clad temperatures. DENSIFICATION - A recently discovered phenomenon in which the UCQ fuel pellets shrink both radially and axially as a result of neutron irradiation. DENSIFICATION-INDUCED GAPS - When a colunm of UOz pellets in a fuel rod shrinks due to densification, gaps may be formed in the pellet column. FISSION PRODUCTS - Residual nuclei which are generated during the fission process and which retain nearly all of the energy formed in the process.

FLUX (NEUTRON) - A measure of the intensity of neutrons, i.e., the number of neutrons passing through one square centimeter in one second. FLUX MAP - A three-dimensional representation of the flux distribution throughout the core. It is obtained from measurements made with the movable detector system. (See MOVABLE DETECTOR) HALF-LIFE - Period of time in which a radioactive element decays to half its original concentration. IODINE-131; IODINE-133 - Fission products which, because of their radio-active and chemical properties, can be used to determine fuel clad defects. LINEAR POWER DENSITY - Power generated per unit length of fuel rod. This parameter is a measure of the central temperature of the fuel rod and stored heat. Usually expressed in units of Kw/ft. LOAD FACTOR - The ratio of the actual reactor energy generated over a period of time to the potential energy which could have been generated by the reactor over that same period of time. MOVABLE DET°ECTOR - A traversing incore fission chamber which generates a voltage signal proportional to the flux level the chamber "sees". Five such detectors are moved at one time through the core to monitor the flux distribution. A total of *so locations are traversed to generate a complete flux map of the core (See FLUX MAP) NODE - The core is divided into 60 equally spaced axial segments by the movable detector monitoring system. Nodal representation is then used by the INCORE program in deriving the power distributions. POWER DENSITY - Power generated per unit volume in* the core. Usually expressed in units of Kw/Liter. POWER SPIKE - A local increase in power due to densification-induced gaps in the pellet stack. RADIAL POWER MAP - An X-Y distribution of power on an assembly basis, normalized to the average assembly power. J, REACTIVITY - In a nuclear reactor, a measure of the departure from a just critical condition. Usually expressed in units of pcm (10-5 ~K/K), it is normal to refer to a pcm quantity of reactivity associated with some component of the reactor ...,~ since removing that component will change the reactivity of the reactor by that amount.

RE;GION - A group of assemblies which have essentially the same nuclear design characteristics and are inserted into the reactor at the same time. (See BATCH) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - The document setting forth mandatory operational and surveillance requirements for a nuclear facility. It is issued by the NRC as part of the operating license. TILT - A deviation fr~m perfect symmetry. Usually used with respect to radial burnup or power distributions and relates each quadrant to the average of all four quadrants. XENON - A gaseous fission product which has a very strong neutron absorption capability. Unless controlled, the xenon concentration can shift up and down the axial axis of the core, thereby causing axial power transients. 8 K/K - Mathematical expression for reactivity, where "K" is the ratio of the number of neutrons present in a reactor in any one neutron generation to that in the immediately preceding generation. (See REACTIVITY)

                                                                              .-.l e                                                                                J*

Appendix B TOTE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION e TOTE is an isotopic and burnup follow computer program written by the Westinghouse Electric Corporation to accurately keep track of the iso-topic content of the fuel and the accumulated fuel burnup. It is presently operational on the Virginia Electric and Power Company's IBM-370 computer system. In the analysis_of in-core flux maps the INCORE code punches out burnup rate information for every fuel region. These regions normally include each fuel assembly (and fueled follower) and about one hundred indi-vidual fuel rods of interest. The burnup rate is given as the megawatt-hours generated in a given fuel region per 1000 megawatt-hours generated by the core. The total for each fuel region is given as well as the value for each of four axial segments of approximately equal length. In addition, the core average axial power distribution is punched out. The TOTE user inputs: (a) the core energy (megawatt-hours) associated with each of the above burnup rate decks; (b) cards describing each fuel region (including MTU, corresponding INCORE source number, previous burnup, isotopic depletion type, etc.); (c) tables of the change in isotopics (U-235, U, Pu, etc., up to ten constituents) with burnup; and, (d) the burnup rate decks from INCORE. Printed output includes a listing of the input; core, cycle and fuel region burnup; fuel assembly isotopics; the energy weighted core average axial power distribution; and the initial and current uranium concentrations for each fuel batch and the core. Isotopic concentrations of the fuel assemblies are obtained by a quadratic interpolation of the data which is contained as part of the input isotopic table sets. Punched output consists of Item (b) above for subsequent TOTE runs.

Appendix c. FOLLOW PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FOLLOW is a data analysis computer program written by Westinghouse Electric Corporation to process reactor operation data and calculate critical boron concentrations for the reactor operating under nominal conditions. It is presently operational on the Virginia Electric and Power Company's IBM-370 computer system. The FOLLOW Code describes the nearly linear relationship between available core reactivity and cycle burnup. It is most convenient to use boron as a measure of core reactivity with off nominal* corrections being made for power level, xenon and samarium concentrations, coolant temperature, and control rod position in terms of their boron worth. These corrections are made as can be seen from this equation: off nominal corrected or measured reactivity correction nominal boron concentration boron concentration t due to rod group 1 position off nominal off nominal

      +   reactivity correction      +       reactivity correction due to rod group                     due to moderator 2 position                           temperature off nominal                            off nominal    ]
      +   reactivity correction      +       reactivity correction due to power                         due to xenon and samarium behavior Options are chosen so as to satisfy the above equation in ways appropriate to the condition of the reactor and its method of operation.

The boric acid concentration in the primary loops of operating PWR's is typically measured *one to three times per day. After proper normalization, this data is plotted against cycle burnup and forms the '~oron depletion curve."

  • Nominal conditions generally mean hot full power equilibritllll conditions with control rods out of the core.
  • Since this curve is well behaved and nearly linear from beginning to end of the cycle, it can provide the following information:
1) Detection of abnormal (unexpected) behavior in core reactivity. The power station Technical Specifications require boron follow for this purpose.
2) Extrapolation to end-of-cycle life for scheduling refueling, or determina-tion of end-of-life for contractual purposes.
3) Rate of loss of reactivity with burnup for confirmation of design para-meters.
4) Indication of the need for updating reactivity coefficients needed for plant operation.
5) Best estimate of beginning of cycle, hot-full-power criticality under equilibrium conditions *
 *Appendix D INCORE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION INCORE is a data analysis computer program written by the Westinghouse Electric Corporation to process information obtained by in-core instrumentation.

It is presently operational on the Virginia Electric and Power Company's IBM-370 computer system. In the reduction of in-core flux and temperature measurements the INCORE code performs the following:

1. Reads input consisting of (a) a description of the amount and type of data to be read in (such as nu~ber of flux traces and thermocouple readings, etc.); (b) a description of the reactor during the measure-ments (such as power level, inlet and outlet temperature,.etc.);

(c) the actual data and information relevant to it (such as the flux thimbles that were used, neutron cross sections of the movable detectors, etc.); (d) analytical information (such as calculated thimble fluxes,calculated fuel assembly power, etc.); and (e) specification of options as to what thimbles will be employed in local power predictions, what calculations are to be done, etc.

2. Corrects raw pointwise flux measurements for leakage current, changes in power level between measurements, relative detector sensitivities, etc. j to determine the pointwise reaction rate in the flux thimbles.
3. Compares the measured reaction rates with their design values and rejects data if they differ from expected values by more than an input rejection criteria. An error analysis is performed for subsequent determination of the uncertainty to attach to calculated peaking factors.

- .~*

4. Computes the relative power produced by each fuel assembly, and in e each fuel rod chosen for attention. Local relative power is computed as:

j r t Local Power* eaction Rate i] Reaction Rate in Flux Thimble X Flux Thimble*

  • Measured Analytical Average of Numerator for All Fuel in Core Local absolute power or heat flux is then computed by multiplying the above quantity by the average specific power or heat flux in the core determined from the measured total core power at the time the data were taken. A weighted average of data from nearby thimbles can be used in determining local relative power.
5. Calculates the relative quadrant powers and the core average axial power distribution in the core. The expected and measured power peaking factors are compared for each power generating region.
6. Outputs the twenty highest values of F!H and~ in descending order with an identifying number so that hot spot locations in the core can be determined.
7. Calculates the local heat flux hot channel factor as a function of core height and compares the values to the Technical Specification limit.
8. Calculates the rate at which burnup is being accumulated for four r

J axial regions for each fueled area.

9. Corrects thermocouple data for calibration, and converts them to local enthalpy. Relative local enthalpy rise is then.calculated e using the vessel inlet and outlet temperatures and the core bypass

flow. The local enthalpy rise measured by thermoco~ples is compared with that predicted from flux measurements using relative local flow rates.

10. Calculates the margin to departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) using*

the W-3 correlation for selected channels.

11. Lists the plant input data, the analytical parameters used, and the major calculated values.

Appendix E DENSIFICATION STRIP-CHART TRACES The following sixteen figures are strip-chart recorder traces from Surry 1, Cycle 2, taken during the flux mapping process and show confirmed or suspected power spikes encircled: FIGURE NO. THIMBLE 1 E-11 2 D-7 3 J-7 4 J-5 5 E-5 6 J-3 7 H-4 8 L-11 9 L-9 10 N-5

                    . 11                       L-4 12                       L-8 13                       F-6 14                       N-8 15                       L-6 16                       H-13
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge the cooperation of the staff at Surry Power Station in supplying the basic data for this report. Special thanks are due Messrs. D. Benson and W. Earl. The authors wish to express their appreciation to Miss :L.L::. Floupioy '* for her assistance in preparing several of the figures and tables that went into this report.

VEP-FRD-17 SURRY UNIT 1 - CYCLE 3 STARTUP PHYSICS TEST REPORT BY S. P. Keck D. W. Lippard Nuclear Fuel Operation Group ~. Fuel Resources Department C February, 1976 E. . Lozito, .Nuclear Fuel Engineer Nuclear Fuel Operation Group APPROVED: ~f.~ J, T, Rhodes, .Director Nuclear Fuel En$ineering and Operation Virginia Electric and Power Company Richmond, Virginia

TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page No. Table of Contents. .* i List of Figures ii List of Tables

  • iv Preface v 1.0 Introduction and Summary 1.1 2.0 Control Rod Bank Worth M~asurements 2.1 3.0 Temperature Coefficient Measurements
  • 3.1 4.0 Boron Worth and Endpoint Measurements 4.1 5.0 Power Distribution Measurements 5.1 Reactivity Computer .Appendix A Moderator Coefficient Rod Withdrawal Limits.Appendix B INCORE Program Description * * * * * . * *
  • Appendix C Acknowledgments i




  • 1-1 Core Loading Map . * * . 1.3 2-1 Bank D Integral Rod Worth. 2.4 2-2 Bank D Differential Rod Worth. 2.5 2-3 Bank C Integral Worth. . . * . 2.6 2-4 Bank C.Differential Rod Worth. 2.7 2-5 Integral Worth Plot of Control Banks In Overlap. 2.8 2-6 Differential Worth Plot of Control Banks in Overlap. 2.9 3-1 Isothermal Temperature Coefficient All *R.ods Out * * * . * . . * . * . 3.4 3-2 Isothermal Temperature Coefficient Control Bank D In . . * * . . *
  • 3.5 3-3 Isothermal Temperature Coefficient Control Banks C + D In * * . * *
  • 3.6 3-4 Isothermal Temperature Coefficient Control Banks C, D Inserted with Bin Overlap * * * * . . 3.7 3-5 Isothermal Temperature Coefficient Control Bank D Inserted with C in Overlap. 3.8
   . 4-1  Boron Worth **                                             4.3 5-1  Power Distribution - ARO; HZP                              5.4 5.5 5-2  Power Distribution - At Power (26%).                       5.6 5.7 5-3  Power Distribution - I/E Calibration * * * * * * * * *
  • 5.8 5.9 5-4 Power Distribution - I/E Calibration * . * * * * * * .
  • 5.10 5.11 5-5 Power Distribution-I/E Calibration * * * * * * * . * .
  • 5.12 5.13 ii

FIGURE TITLE PAGE NO. 5-6 Power Distribution - I/E Calibration 5.14 5.15 5-7 Power Distribution - At Power Map * . . . . . . * . . . . 5.16 5.17 5-8 Power Distribution - HFP (Non-Eq. Xenon) . * . . . . . . 5.18 5.19 5-9 Power Distribution - HFP (Eq. Xenon) . . . . . * . * . . 5.20 s.z1 iii

LIST OF TABLES TABLE TITLE PAGE NO. 1-1 Chronology of Tests *. . 1.4 2-1 Control Bank Worth Summary 2.3 3-1 Isothermal Temperature Coefficient Summary. 3.3 4-1 Summary of Boron Endpoints . 4.4 5-1 Summary of Incore Flux Maps. 5.3 5-2 Power Distribution Comparison with Technical Specifications Limits . * . * . * . . . * * * . * * . *

  • 5.22 iv

PREFACE The purpose of this report is to present the analysis and evaluation of the physics tests which were performed to verify that the Surry 1 Cycle 3 reload core could be operated safely and to make an initial evaluation of the expected performance of the core. It is not the intent of this report to discuss the particular methods of testing or to present the detailed data taken. Standard test techniques and methods of data analysis were used. The data, together with the detailed startup procedures, are on file at the Surry Power Station. Therefore, only a cursory discussion of these items is included in this report. The analysis presented includes a brief summary of each test, a comparison of the test results with design predictions, and an evaluation of the results. V



On September 26, 1975, Unit No. 1 of the Surry Power Station was shut down for its second refueling. During this refueling, 81 of the 157 fuel assemblies in the core were replaced with 65 once-burned assemblies from Cycle 1 and 16 fresh fuel assemblies. The third cycle core consists of six regions of fuel: two once-burned regions from Cycle 1 (Regions 1 and 3), three once-burned regions that are carried over from Cycle 2 (Regions 4A, 4B, and 4C), and one fresh region (Region 5). The design parameters for each region and the actual core loading pattern are shown in Figure 1-1. Note that as part of Region 4A there are two 17xl7 rod array assemblies. These have been inserted for demonstration purposes. On December 6, 1975 at 0258, initial criticality was achieved on the third cycle core. Following criticality, startup physics tests were performed as outlined in Table 1-1. A summary of the results of these tests follows:

1. Total control rod bank worth for rod banks C and D was measured to be within 2% of the design predictions performed by Westinghouse. This is well within the 10%

accuracy range normally associated with such design predictions.

2. Isothermal temperature coefficients over the range of normal operating control rod bank insertion were all within 2.5 PCM/°F of the design prediction values. (NOTE: PCM=

10-5 ~p)

3. The boron worth coefficient was measured to be within 8% of the design prediction value.


4. Critical boron concentrations for the basic control bank configurations indicated a reactivity difference of approximately 0.25% ~K/K (maximum) from prediction which is well within the error band normally associated with this design prediction comparison.
5. Core power distributions for various HZP and at-power conditions were found to be generally within 3 to 6% of the predicted power distributions and, in all cases, were considered satisfactory. Furthermore, all hot channel factors were found to be within Technical Specifications limits.




       *,,                                                                                                                                       I
    *R'"    ... p         N                 L    K        J       Ii    G            F                                                      ,\   !

E D C *B A I I I 4C 4C 4C 5.3 6.6 5.2 r.-Vi H,,1'i .T-1 'i I I 4C 4C 4C 3 4C 4C 4C 6.1 6.7 7.0 8.7 7,3 6.5 6.1 2 D-13 G-14 F-2 - K-2 J-14 M-13 4C 4C 3 1 3 1 3 4C 4C i 5.4 7.4 8.4 13.8 12.2 13.8 8.4 7.4 5.5 31 E-14 E-13 - - - - - L-13 L-14 4C 3 4A* 5 3 3 3 5 4A 3 4C 5.5 8.5 7.5 o.o 13.2 13.8 13.1 0.0 7.7 8.6 5.5* 4. B-11 - K-5 - - - - - F-5 - P-11 4C 4C 4A 3 5 4A 3 .4A 5 3 4A 4C *4c

            '6.1         7.4        7.6  12.2   o.o   8.0      13.8      8.2       0.0
  • 12.3 7.6 7.5 6.2 5 C-12 C-11 L-6 - - J-6 - E-6 - - . r.-li N-11 N-1?

4C 3 5 5 4A 3 1 3 4A 5 5 3 4C 6.5 8.5 o.o 0.0 6.9 9.1 14.4 9. ci 6.8 0.0 0.0 8.3 6.5 B-9 - - - M-4 - - - D-4 - - - P-9 4C 4C 1 3 4A 3 4B 3 4B

  • 3 4A 3* 1 4C 4C 5.1 7.2 14.0 13.4 8.1 9.2 8.2 10.7 8.5 9.2 8.2 13.3 14.0 7.4 5.2 7 A-9 P-10 - - K-7 - H-5 - E-8 * - F-7 - - B-10 R-9 4C 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 . 1 3 3 3 3 4C 6.4 8;5 12.4 14,2 14.0 14.4 10.3 15.0 10.9 14.2 13.7 13.9 12.2 8.7 6.5 A-8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - R-8 4C 4C 1 3 4A 3 4B 3 4B 3 4A 3 1 4C 4C.

7.2 13.9. 13.1 8.1 9.2 8.4 10.5 8.3 9.5 7.9 14.1 \ 5.1 A7 ]'.. /i - - K-'l T-8 U-11 - .,,_a 13.1

                                                                                                        -        - . 7 R-*.2     5.2
                                                                                                                                  'R-7 4C         3          5    5     4A       3         1     3          4A           5      5*       3        4C 6.6        8.4       o.o  0.0    6.9   9.3      14.2      9.4       6.9        0.0       0.0   . 8.2     6.5

R-7 - - M-12 - - - Ti-1 'J - - - P-7 11 4C 4C 4A 3 5 4A 3 4A 5 3 4A 4C 4C ni 6.0 7.4 7.6 12.0 0.0 8.1 13.6 7.9 o.o 12.1 7.5 7.4 6.0 j

          "    C-4        c..:'i    T-10  -      -     T-1  n      -     G-10       -            -      E-10    N~5     N.:.'4              .    :

4C 3 4A 5 3 3 3 5 4A* 3 4e r 5.8 8.7 7.7 0.0 13.5 14.4 13.5 0.0 7.6 8.7 5.5 121 B-5 - K-11 - - - - - F-11 - P-5  ! 4C 4C 3 1 3 1 3 4C 4C 5.4 7.4 8.7 13. 7 12.6 13.6 8.2 7.4 5.5 13! E-2 E-3 - - - - - T-1 T-? 4C 4C 4C 3 4C 4C 4C 6.0 6.2 7.5 8.6 7.4 6.4 6.0 14*1i D-3 G-2 F-14 - K-14 J-2 M-3 i aRegion '* Burnup (x 103 MWD/~U) 4C 4.8 4C 6.2 4C 1siI 5.0 Cycle 2 Location r.-1 H-1 .T-1 . ' i

                                                                                                                                       ,-, }':~ I FUEL ASSEMBLY DESIGN PARAMETERS REGION 1              3              4A         4B       4C         .5 Initial Enrichment (w/o U235)          1. 87         3.12          1.86         2.61     3.32        2.10 Burnup At BOC-3 (MWD/MTU)            14,100       10,900         7,600        8,400    6,300           0 Assembly Type                         15xl5          15x15       15xl5        15x15    15xl5         15xl5 17x17*

No. of Assemblies 13 52 18 4 52 16 2 Fuel Rods per Assembly 204 204 .204 204 204 204 264 1,3

Table 1-1 SURRY UNIT 1 - BOL CYCLE 3 PHYSICS TESTS CHRONOLOGY OF TESTS REFERENCE TEST DATE TIME POWER PROCEDURE Initial Criticality 12/6/75 0258 - OP-1 Boron Endpoint - ARO 12/6/75 0530 HZP PT-28.11 Temperature Coefficient - ARO 12/6/75 0600 HZP PT-28.11 Bank D Worth 12/6/75 1100 HZP PT-28.11 Boron Endpoint - D In 12/6/75 1330 HZP PT-28.11 Temperature Coefficient - D In 12/6/75 1400 HZP PT-28.11 Bank C Worth 12/6/75 1600 HZP PT-28.11 B0ron Endpoint~ C In 12/6/75 1730 HZP PT-28.11 Temperature Coefficient - C In 12/6/75 1800 HZP PT-28.11 Temperature Coefficient - E@l28 12/6/75 2200 HZP PT-28.11 Banks B, C & D Worth In Overlap 12/6/75 2300 HZP PT-28.11 Temperature Coefficient - C@128 12/7/75 0300 HZP PT-28.11 Zero Power M/D Map - ARO 12/8/75 1500 3% PT-28.2 At Power M/D Map 12/8/75 1930 26% PT-28.2 I/E Calibration M/D Map 12/9/75 1000 54% PT-28.8 I/E Calibration M/D Map 12/9/75 1700 72% PT-28.8 I/E Calibration M/D Map 12/9 /75 2130 82% PT-28.8 I/E Calibration M/D Map 12/10/75 0100 86% PT-28.8. At Power M/D Map 12/10/75 0430 91% PT-28.2 Full Power M/D Map 12/18/75 1000 100% PT-28.2 Full Power M/D Map - Eq. Xenon 12/22/75 1130 100% Pt-28.2 1,4

Section 2 CONTROL ROD BANK WORTH MEASUREMENT Differential and integral control bank worths were obtained by maintaining the reactor approximately critical through boron/RCCA exchanges. Following the establishment of a constant boron dilution/boration rate, the controlling RCCA bank was periodically inserted/withdrawn in order to provide reactivity compensation for the changing RCS boron concentration. The reactivity changes resulting from the control bank movements were recorded on a continuous basis by the reactivity computer (see Appendix A). The differential reactivity worth was defined as the ratio of the change in reactivity to the corresponding change in bank position about an average bank poS'ition, and the integral worth was obtained by summing the individual reactivity changes between measurement endpoints. A summary of the results for these tests is given in Table 2-1. Table 2-1 includes a comparison of measured data to Vepco as well as to the Westinghouse design predictions. As shown by this table, the measured values of the rod worth were within 8.4% of the design prediction values. A 10% uncertainty is normally associated with rod worth predictions. Integral and differential reactivity worths for individual rod banks are shown in Figures 2-1 through Figure 2-4. The measured data is plotted with. the Westinghouse design predictions in order to illustrate the agreement between them. The rod worth measurements are quite exact in defining the shapes of the individual differential rod worth curves, as illustrated by the distinct depressions occurring at the assembly grid locations. 2.1

Integral and differential worth for control banks C and D operating e in the overlap mode are shown in Figures 2-5 and 2-6, respectively. Again, the measured data is plotted with the Westinghouse design predictions in order to illustrate the agreement between them. In conclusion, rod worth measurements compare favorably with design predictions and are within the 10% accuracy range normally associated with such measurements. 2.2



Westinghouse Vepco Measured Bank Worth (PCM) Predicted Percent Predicted Percent Worth Difference* Worth Difference (PCM) (PCM) D 1247 1270 -1.8 1176 +5.7 C 1166 1160 +o.5 1068 +8.4 B , C, & D 2830 3030 -7.1 - - In Overlap (From B@l28) 2.3


  • I *
                                                                                                                                                            *  -   1 *~:-

Westinghouse Predicted 1200 Measured 1000 ---f--

                                                                                                                                             -*-- r -*-*,---*-* -*-

i.. - I 800 -*- -- -,--- -(--*--- -- .l- --- .... !*-****** ... I. j *-**:*-i*-+ i i

                                                                                                                                                          ;- - t-
                                                                                                                                                              .. ,I 1*~                .                                I                                  '
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       *i 1

__i° __ :__ J......... L. :- .: _; *+* :. ' I*

  • i I
                                                           *-* ----l----------'          '
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                                                                *I            i i                                                                                    ,i
                                                             .....,' ..... 1-****:


                                                                                                           ... -~ ---*--;-

i 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 BANK D POSITION (STEPS) 2.4


                                               . 'BANK 'D \DIFFERENTIAL ROD WORTH ALL OTHER RODS OUT                                                                               HZP 12 .-iiiiiii.     .......~..............~...............~...~""'**~,               I Westinghouse Predicted 10
                        .... ****-*--+--*-****               - - - Measured I
 ,....,.                                                                                     1          1*           :


                                                                             . ** - --;- - , rl --1**-- :**-1**    - , '



8 :___ !_- t.~l-l +*t~t-: i p..

 ......,,                                                                                              *;*     . I
                      .     :                                                                              ***--t--+--
i:: 1
  ~                                                                                                            i 0
.,: 6

H - *- z~


J::r.. 4 i. J::r.. H A 2 -'----****:/! Grid Locations 0 vi 0 40 80 120 160 200 BANK D POSITION (STEPS) 2.5

Fig, 2-3 e SURRY UNIT 1 - BOL CYCLE 3 PHYSICS TESTS BANK C INTEGRAL WORTH BANK D IN ALL OTHER RODS OUT HZP 1400 1* 1200  ! Westinghouse Predicted, Measured i r---

               '                                                                                                  i
  • I 1000
                                            *r 800 i

I* '. I! I 600 I

                        ... I .*.                                       **---* .- - ----- . --~.---L-I                                              . !     .     :       !       I        ! .
  • I***,... . ""i .....

400. ... i_____ _ 1*~*

                                                                                            ***- .... (** *!-

j  ! I

                                                                                                      *1 i
                                   . I !

I I  !

         --*   l l.                                                            --}--*-r*_*--*- :-    *-1
  • 200  !
                                               - - ~--- ***-* .                         *-'*-- -*-*---.I-I i       '                             !

i I

                                                                                                       -i-0 0                  40           80            120             160                   200 BANK C POSITION (STEPS) 2.6


i. ... I I

12 Westinghouse Predicted l *~u,* i i Measured I! P-, 10 -!

                                          . i II.

J:il . i H  ! Cl)


u .I P-,

                                                                     ***-  [       I 8                                                                          I

H p::; J* I  ! I i 0 I

?: l-
                                                                               .I  I H

H 6 I.

                                  -:                                       I z                                  ,


~                                 *i J:il                               I

H A 4

  • I i

I 2 I:.: i . i. i

                    ~ G r i d Locations
                             /:. i               ~

i j

                                                             ,\ .:,


                                                                                  ,f I .

0 0 40 80 120 160 200 BANK C POSITION (STEPS) 2.7

                          ,SlJRRY, -U:Nl.,T- ,1 *-* BOL CYCLE 3 PHYSICS TESTS
                                        *;Hf])~GgJ\~ '\l(ORT*H PLOT OF CONTROL BANKS TN OVERLAP 3600 II ...                                         -1
                                                                                                     *1 -

[. Westinghouse Predicted 3000 .. I~

                                                 - - - Measured
                                                                                            --*~---*-! - **-**--- ... :.. *_
                         \                                                    *--*t---

I '  ! _, ____ . *----l- --- I* I 2400

                                                                                . , ...                I ._l
  ~                                                                               '

u .i. .* *---~-1 .. ' **- p..., ......, I  : i i I *

  • 0 pj
  ~        1800

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  • l
                                                                               -! --          !-: ~        -- -I ---1--- -
~C!l                                                                                           I
                                                                                .J.. ....... ----
                                                                                                                            .i .... -

r,::i ' E--1 zH 1200 600

                                                                                                                           , 1
                                                                                                                         ' l I:                                         :

I ". - l**- . _J


I. 0 BANK B 160 228 0 80 160 228 BANK C 0 80 160 228 BANK D BANK POSITION (STEPS) 2.8


                                       . \      ' .          .        \   \        "


                                              ,.... , \  .\   ,.


! I
  • I  ! . I! - ~~ .: 1
                                                                     '      -: . L  .. ' ,           .  ,-!---* --~ -              :
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1 I I , I 4 . *-. J~. -*-. - **---*-. ---*--+--- ,**----*---

                                                                                                 . :. !                      !          :         I          I Westinghouse Predicted .                                        J . . :__ i                  .. _;.: : : .:
                                                                                                  *I             l            l         **


                    - - - Measured
                                                                                              . --~- --i '- !- -!

1 iI I I* i

                                                                                                                                    , 'I 0

B.ANK B 160 228 0 80 160 228 BANK C 0 80 160 228 B.ANK D BANK POSITION (STEPS) 2.9

Section 3 -* TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT MEASUREMENTS As part of the low power physics testing program, the reactivity effect of the temperature of the reactor coolant was determined by measuring the isothermal temperature coefficient of the reactor. This was accomplished by controlling the RCS heat losses/gains through the use of the steam dump valves to the condenser in order to establish a uniform cooldown/heatup rate and then monitoring the resulting reactivity changes on the reactivity com-puter. These measurements were performed at very low power levels in order to minimize the effects of nuclear heating (Doppler feedback). The moderator (coolant) and fuel were approximately at the same temperature (-547°F) during this measurement. Finally, to eliminate the boron reactivity effect of out-flow from the pressurizer, the pressurizer level was maintained constant or slightly increasing during the measurement. The isothermal moderator temperature coefficient measurements were performed at various control rod configurations. For each rod configuration, measurements were performed during an RCS cooldown and heatup ramp during which the RCS temperature varied between 3 and 4°F. Reactivity was determined using the reac,tivity computer and was plotted against RCS temperature on an X-Y recorder. The temperature coefficient was then determined from the slope of the plotted line. The predicted and measured isothermal temperature coefficients are summarized in Table 3-1. As can be seen from Table 3-1, all measured temper-ature coefficients were more positive than their respective predicted values 0 by a maximum difference of 2.47 PCM/ F. Typical data sets for each control rod configuration at which measurements were made are plotted in Figures 3-1 through 3-5. 3.1

As predicted, a positive tsothermal temperature coefficient, and, consequently, a positive moderator temperature coefficient* were measured with the r¢actor at hot zero power with all of the control rods withdrawn. Jhis was due to the high initial boron concentrations. However, because the Surry Power Station Technical Specifications (T.S. 3.1.E.1) currently do not allow operation of either unit with a positive moderator coefficient (except during physics testing), it was necessary to develop from the measured temperature coefficient values a rod withdrawal limit curve that would pre-clude the operation of Surry Unit 1 with a positive moderator coefficient. This operating limit curve, together with supporting calculations, are given in Appendix B.

  *Isothermal temperature coefficient= Moderator temperature coefficient+

e Doppler temperature coefficient. The Doppler Coefficient equals -1.7 PCM/°F at HZP. 3.2



OF ISOTHERMAL TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT Bank Position Temperature Boron Isothermal Temperature Coefficient (steps) Range Concentration (PCM/°F) B C D (OF) (PPM) Avg. Avg. -w Heatuu Cooldown Average Predicted Diff. 228 228 221 546 - 549 1310 +1.33 +2.03 +1.68 +o.40 +1.28 228 213 0 544 - 548 1194 -1.05 -0.82 -0.93 -3.40 +2.47 207 0 0 544 - 547 1090 -5.00 -4.33 -4.67 -5.70 +1.03 128 0 0 544 - 548 1036 -6.35 -5.40 -5.88 - - 228 130 2 546 - 549 1159 -1.87 -2.08 -1.97 - - 3.3





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1 11 .1 1-irJ *I: __ ,::**_ . * ... 1 * .. 1 1 540 542 544 546 548 550

                                                                               '                                     TEMPERATURE (°F) 3,7



         .Reactor coolant system boron measurements were made during low.

power physics tests to determine boron reactivity worth and concentration endpoints at basic control rod configurations. BORON WORTH Concurrent with the control bank reactivity measurements, samples of RCS water were obtained for boron analysis. These samples were obtained with a high degree of frequency (15 minute intervals) during the dilution and boration phases of the measurement program in order to provide adequate statistics for the determination of the differential boron worth. Relevant data logged during this measurement were the control bank position (and hence integrated reactivity) as a function of time, and RCS boron concentration as a function of time. With these data, one can construct a plot of boron concentration as a function of integrated reactivity; the slope of which is the value of the differential boron worth. The result of these measurements is shown in Figure 4-1. As indi-cated in this figure, the boron worth coefficient of reactivity was measured to be 11.0 PCM/PPM. The measured boron coefficient is within 8% of the Westinghouse and Vepco design prediction value of 10.2 PCM/PPM, which is acceptable. BORON ENDPOINTS Critical boron concentration "endpoint" measurements were made at selected rod bank configurations to enable a direct comparison of measured boron endpoints with design predictions. For each measurement, the RCS conditions were stabilized, and the base just critical boron concentration 4.1

was determined. To this value a slight adjustment for rod position was made to obtain a critical boron endpoint at the exact desired control bank config-uration. The results of these measurements are given in Table 4-1. As shown in this table, the critical boron concentrations agree closely with the Westinghouse predicted values. The results indicate a reactivity difference of less than 0.25% 8K/K, which is well within the+/- 0.5% 8K/K error band normally associated with such analytical predictions. Vepco predicted values for critical boron concentrations are also included in Table 4-1, and as with the Westinghouse predictions, there is close agreement with the measured end-points. In all cases, the reactivity difference between Vepco predictions and measured endpoints is less than 0.15% 8K/K, which is well within the+/- 0.5% 8K/K error band normally associated with such analytical predictions. 4.2


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  ~     1200                                                                                                 I
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800 ---j~-"t:*:~ I


j'  ! .. i I i

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J.. :

                                                                                       ', /* : . / :.f}_ :./_:/                                            '.i          ;

0 1030 1090 1150 1210 1270 1330 BORON CONCENTRATION (PPM) 4.3



OF BORON ENDPOINTS Westinihouse Vepco Control Base Bank Measured Rod Position cbjc b. p Endpoint Predicted Equivalent Predicted Equivalent Configuration (steps) (ppm) (PCM) (ppm) Endpoint Difference Endpoint Difference (ppm) (% b, k/k) (ppm) (% b, k/k) All Rods Out D at 221 1311 4 1311 1312 -0.01 1322 -0.12 Bank D In C at 213 1194 26 1196 1189 +0.08 1207 -0.12 Banks C & D In B at 209 1090 53 1095 1076 +0.21 1101 -0.07 I NOTE: Measured Endpoint= Cbjc + b.p/(b.p/ b. ~) where cbjc = just critical boron concentration

b. p = reactivity correction between base bank position and desired control rod configuration (b, p/ b, ~) = boron worth= 11.0 pcm/ppm

Section 5 POWER DISTRIBUTION MEASUREMENTS The core power distributions for Surry 1 are measured through the use of the incore movable detector flux mapping system. This system consists of five fis$ion detectors which can traverse fuel assembly instrumentation thimbles in 50 core locations. (Should one detector fail, the remaining four are still capable of traversing all fifty thimble locations through the use of the emergency mode.) For each traverse, the detector output is continuously monitored on a strip chart recorder and, if desired, the detector output can also be scanned for 61 discrete axial points by the PRODAC process computer. Full core, three-dimensional power distributions are then determined using the Westinghouse computer program, INCORE. INCORE couples the experimental flux map measurements with predetermined analytic power-to-flux ratios to determine the power distribution for the whole core (see Appendix C). A list of all the flux maps taken during the test program, along with a summary of the important power distribution parameters for each map, are given in Table 5-1. Radial (X-Y) core power distributions for the flux maps that were taken to verify proper core loading and design predictions and to measure core power distributions at various operating conditions are given in Figures 5-la through 5-9b. (Figures with the subscript "a" are radial power distributions calculated using Westinghouse developed analytical power to flux ratios and compared to Westinghouse predicted radial power distribu-tions, while figures with the subscript "b" are radial power distributions calculated using Vepco developed analytical power to flux ratios and compared to Vepco predicted radial power distributions.) Flux maps 1 and 2 were taken at 3% and 25% power levels, respectively. These maps serve as base case design check maps taken to verify that the core 5.1


was loaded properly. Figures 5-la and band 5-2a and b show the resulting radial power distributions of these flux maps. As seen in Figures 5-la and 5-2a, the measured assembly powers are generally within 4% of the Westinghouse predicted values. This difference is typical of such maps and is considered acceptable. Comparisons with Vepco predictions are shown in Figures 5-lb and 5-2b. As seen in these figures, the measured distributions also compared favorably .with the design predictions. It is, therefore, concluded that the Surry 1, Cycle 3 core was loaded properly. Flux maps 3 through 9 were taken over a wide range of power levels and control rod configurations. These flux maps were taken to check the at-power design predictions and to measure core power distributions at typical operating conditions. These maps also provided incore/excore calibration data for the nuclear instrumentation system and base data for manual axial power distribution surveillance (T.S.3.12). The radial power distributions for these maps are given in Figures 5-3a through 5-9b. As seen in these figures, the measured assembly powers for all maps compared well, generally within 6%, with both the Vepco and Westinghouse design predictions. Therefore, it is concluded that the design predictions are adequate for typical operating conditions. Finally, the results of the flux maps that were taken during startup physics testing are compared to Power Distribution Limits as given in Section 3.12...:B of the Surry Technical Specifications. Table 5-2 summarizes this com-praison, and as shown by this table, the Technical Specification Limits were met in every case. In conclusion, all measurements were close to cl.esign predictions and within Technical Specifications limits; it is therefore anticipated that the core will continue to operate safely throughout Cycle 3; 5.2




                                                                                                                                                   +    QPTR"   AXIAL    NO.


                                                                                                                   ! FN6 H I

AXIAL POINT Fz OFFSET (%) OF THIMBLES Zero Power ARO 1 12/8/75 1500 3 228 215 C-11 ED 13 2 .40 L-13 LE 1.44 14 1.56 1. 39 1.014 +30.6 25 Map At Power Map 2 12/8/75 1930 26 166 38 L-13 KD 47 2 .37 C-11 ED 1.59 52 1.40 1.56 1.017 -20.1 43 I/E Calibration 3 12/9/75 1000 54 200 72 L-13 ME 45 2.35 L-1:l KD 1. 56 47 1.46 1.45 1.009 -18.5 45 Map I/E Calibration 4 12/9/75 1700 72 228 125 F-4 JL 35 2 .18 N-5 KL 1. 47 36 1.41 1.38 1.006 -17.5 44 Map I/E Calibration 5 12/9/75 2130 82 228 149 C-5 EL 33 2.12 C-5 EL 1.44 33 1.38 1. 37 1.012 - 7. 9 35 Map I/E Calibration 6 12/10/75 0100 86 228 160 E-5 AA 32 2.08 E-3 CK 1.43 31 1.34 1.38 1.007 - 1.5 34 Map At Power Map 7 12/10/75 0430 91 228 170 E-5 AA 24 2.05 G-8 DF 1.42 25 1.34 1.37 1.005 + 1.5 37 Full Power Map 8 12/18/75 1000 100 228 192 L-11 00 35 1.86 K-9 DF 1,43 24 1.21 1.39 1.008 - 0. 7 36 Full Power Map- 9 12/22/75 1130 100 228 212 L-11 00 35 1.81 E-5 AA 1. 39 24 1.18 1. 38 1.004 + 0.6 45 Eq. Xenon B. Map Results Calculated Using Vepco PDQ faalytical Data N I BANK POSITION FT Q HOT ~H HOT CORE Fz TEST OR MAP DATE TIME PWR (STEPS) CHANNEL FACTOR* CHANNEL FACTOR* MAX MAP PURPOSE NO, (%) F + QPTR* AXIAL NO. AXIAL AXIAL xy N OFFSET OF C D ASSY. PIN POINT FT ASSY. PIN POINT Q 1liH Fz (%) THIMBLES Zero Power ARO 1 12/8/75 1500 3 228

  • 215 N-5 AA 14 2.45
  • N-5 AA 1.48 14 1.56 1.42 1.021 +30.5 25 M/D Map At Power Map 2 12/8/75 1930 25 166 38 N-5 AA 48 2 .43 C-11 00 1.62 52 1.40 1.59 1.009 -20.2 43 I/E Calibration 3 12/9/75 1000 54 200 72 E-5 AA 46 2.34 L-13 AO 1.57 47 1.46 1.43 1.016 -18.6 45 Map I/E Calibration 4 12/9/75 1700 72 228 125 L-5 OA 36 2.28 L-5 OA 1.53 36 1.41 1.44 1.012 -17.5 44 Map 2130 82 228 149 L-5 OA 33 2.21 L-5 OA 1.49 33 1.38 1.42 1.009 - 7.9 35 _,,.

I/E Calibration 5 12/9/75 Map I/E Calibration 6 12/10/75 0100 86 228 160 E-5 AA 32 2.15 E-5 AA 1.48 31 1.34 1.43 1.008 -.1.5 34 Map At Power Map 7 12/10/75 0430 91 228 170 L-5 DA 24 2.14 L-5 DA 1.47 25 1.34 1.44 1.012 + 1.5 37 Full Power Map 8 12/18/75 1000 100 228 192 E-5 AA 24 1.93 E-5 AA 1.49 24 1.21 1.43 1.010 - 0.-7 36 Full Power Map- 9 12/22/75 1136 100 228 212 L-5 OA 34 1.86 E-5 AA 1.46 24 1.17 1.42 1.006 + o.*6 45 Eq. Xenon NOTES: Hot spot locations are specified by giving assembly locations (e.g. H-8 is the center-of-core assemblv) followed by the pin location (denoted by the "Y" coordinate with the fifteen rows of fuel rods lettered A thro~eh o, and the "x 11 coordinate designated in a similar manner). In the "Z" direction the core is divided into 61 axial ooints starting from the top of the core.

                       *All hot channel factor-values include measurement uncertainty (1.05 on F~ and 1.04 on* ~NH), The T?~ hot channel                                          _.,

factor includes an additional 1.03 en1:?ineerinR uncertainty plus an additional rod bow penalty.

                       +Fxy is evaluated at the plane of core       rJ max X-QPTR - Quadrant Power Tilt Ra tin 5.3


  • 0.82
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  • 0.85
  • 0.68
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C. 8 ~

  • l .L 3
  • o. 93 0.2. -0.6. 0.9. 1.3. 2.9. -0.6 *. -0.7. -0.1.


  • 1.15
  • 1.1a * *1.15
  • 1.1a
  • o.93 . * . 1.13
  • o.a3.
  • O.c7. 1.21. 0.86. 1.17. c. 96. 1.11
  • 1.12
  • 1.11
  • 1.11
  • 1.14
  • o.9t
  • 1.11
  • 1.13. o.65.

1.2 *

                                                                                                                                                                       ..  - o.64.*-'------* 7 4.E
  • 4.c;. 3.2. 3.1. 3.2_ *___-0._! _, _::_2.1_!...._".'0 .9 -~--1-~4_..!__-:3._5__ !....::?*.1-....!.._::_2_~1__*....::,2*2.....! ::2_.2 _*_._!_*_'! __
  • ____
  • 0.61
  • 1.18
  • 1.06 '* I.LO. 1.07. 0.83
  • l.18
  • o.88
  • 1.18. 0.83. 1.01. 1.10
  • 1.06. 1.11!. C.81 *
  • 1.23
  • 1.01. 1 . u . 1.10. 0.90. 1.14
  • 1.1'4
  • 1.04
  • 1.01
  • 1.04. 1.19. o.ez *----~a-
 .. 4.7.       4.6.        1.2 .*
  • 1.1. 3.1 ~ -3.2 .**:.3.2**. -3.2**;**:.j_,;*~- -3.s--~*-:.2.s**.*.:.2.1**~---2.2. i.1 .--1.3*~
  • o.c4
  • 1.15 ~ c.a3
  • L."13. o.93
  • 1.1e
  • 1.15
  • 1.1a
  • 1.15
  • 1.1a
  • o.93 1.u
  • o.e3
  • 1.1s
  • o.64 *
  • 0.67
  • 1.1c;
  • 0.84
  • 1.15. C.92 .**L14**;**1.12**~--1.uf .*1~11
  • 1.14*. 0.91
  • 1.15
  • o.E5. 1.11 .--C~6*s-.*----9,......


  • 3.l
  • 1.2
  • 1.1 * -C.9. -3.2 * -3.2 * -0.l * -3.5. -3.5 * -1.'4
  • 1.7
  • 1.7. 1.5. 1.4.
  • C.94
  • 1.16 1.17. 1.16. 0.98
  • l.L~
  • 0.83. 1.18
  • 0.98
  • 1.16. 1.17. 1.16 0.94 *
  • C.<;5. 1.17
  • l.17. 1.15. 0.97. 1.18
  • 0.83. 1.16
  • 0.95
  • 1.15
  • 1.18 , 1.18. 0.96. 10

-* L.l

  • 1.1 * . 0.3. -c.9. -0.1 * -0.2 * -0.1 * -1.a * -3.1 * -1.1
  • 1.3 *. 1.1. 1 . e _ ~ - - - - - - - - -
  • G.63
  • 1.14. C.c;,,. l.20. l.l7 0.9J 1.07. 0.93 1.17 1.20
  • 0.94. 1.14. 0.63 *
  • 0.65
  • 1.17. C.~5. 1.19. L.16
  • J.93
  • 1.07
  • 0.93. l.l.4
  • 1.18
  • 0.94
  • 1.16. 0.64. 11
  • 2.5
  • 2.5
  • L.O. -C. ' l . -0.9 * -0.l * -0.l * -0.l. * -2.5 * -2.1 * -0.4
  • 1.7 _- 1.9. - - - - - - * * ~
  • 0.61!. 1.01. 0.95. 1.17 1.14 1.10
  • 1.14
  • 1.17
  • 0.95
  • 1.01
  • O.fs,--,_------,-----~.-11111
  • 0.11. 1.c3~ o.94. 1.16*~*1.u.*. 1.10*.**1.n*. 1.14**.*o.9i*.-0~98**-~-0~66. 12:*


  • 2.0. -1.0. -o.9 * -0.2 * -o.3 * -1.0 * -2.6. -2.6 * -2.6 * -2.6 *
  • 0.68 1.14 1.11 u.a4
  • 1.01 a.sit. 1.11
  • 1.14
  • o.6e *
  • 0.10. 1.17. 1.19. 0.83
  • 1.06
  • 0.82
  • 1.14
  • 1.11
  • 0.66
  • 13 J.o * . 2.1_. 2.1_ *. -o.s_. -o.6
  • __ -1.5_. -2.6. -:2.6 __ ~_::_2_!.6_....!.__. ________ *-----------1*
  • 0.63. 0.95
  • 1.16
  • 1.18
  • 1.16 0.95. 0.63 *
  • 0.65. 0.97
  • L.15
  • 1.17
  • 1.14
  • 0.92. 0.62. *-------*------1~

2.1.. 2.2 .*-o.6. -o.9. -1..6 ... -2~6--~---2.{**.------* STANDARD *-**. - - - * ...

  • U.65
  • 0.82
  • 0.65 * - - - - - - - - - -
  • AVERAGE -*-------~-


  • 0.66
  • 0.63. ~Pcr**o1FFERENCE-. 15
                        =O. 021                                             2.4. -a.a. -2.5.                                                             = 1.e MAP NO. Sl-3-1 W                                               DATE 12/8/75                                                POWER = -73 MWT N

CONTROL ROD POSITIONS FL', H = 1. 44 AT 113-LE INCORE TILT BANK CAT 228 STEPS FT 2.40 AT Cll-ED NW - 1.005 Q BANK DAT 215 STEPS Fz = 1.56 NE - 1.004 BANK P/L AT 228 STEPS A.0.=+30.55 SW - 1.004 BURNUP 0 MWD/MTU SE - O. 988 5.4


  • 0.67. 0.86
  • 0.67. f'REDICTED ME:ASU;{EL
  • 0.65
  • 0.83
  • 0.6S. ME:ASURED l
  • PCT QIFF~RENCE. * -3.l * -3.3 * -3.l * .PCT DIFFERENCE
  • 0.64 0.96 1.21 l.?3 1.21. 0.96. 0.64
  • 0.66. 0.91
  • 1.15
  • 1.17. 1.15. 1.01
  • 0.64
  • 2.7. -S.Q * -4.6 * -4.9 * -4.6. 4.9. 1.1 *
  • o.c7. 1.1s
  • 1.20
  • o.85
  • 1.10
  • 0.85. 1.20 1.15
  • o.67 *
  • 0.69. 1.18
  • 1.23
  • 0.80
  • 1.03
  • Q.83. 1.25
  • 1.18. 0.68. 3 2.7. 2.1
  • 2.8 * -6.0. -6.l * -1.7. 4.9. 2.5 ~ 1.0.
  • o.~7. 1.00. o.~3
  • 1.14
  • 1.12
  • 1.09
  • 1.12. 1.14. o.Q3. 1.00
  • o.t1 *
  • 0.69. 1.03
  • 0.95
  • 1.17. 1.13
  • 1.07. 1.13. 1.19. 0.96
  • 1.03
  • 0.68
  • 4 2.1. 2.6. 2.1
  • 3.2
  • o.4 * -1.0
  • 0.1. 4.9. 3.7. 2.1. 1.1 *
          * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  *.*  ********* 0   ***************************************************************


  • 1.15
  • 0.93
  • 1.11. 1.11 o.91
  • 1.os
  • o.c,,1
  • 1.11
  • 1.11
  • o.*,13
  • 1.15
  • o.64 *
  • O.o5
  • 1.1&
  • 0.96. 1.20
  • 1.16. 0 0 95
  • 1.09. 0.94. 1.17. 1.22
  • 0.97. 1.17
  • 0.64. 5
2. 4 2. 4 *  ::;
  • 5 *  ?* 9
  • 3. 9
  • 4. 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3 .4
  • 4
  • 9
  • 4. 6
  • 4. 4
  • 2. 1 * -o .1 *
  • 0.96. 1.20 .* 1.14 1.11
  • 0.95
  • 1.17
  • o.s2
  • 1.17. 0.9~
  • 1.11
  • 1.14. 1.20. 0.96 *
  • 0.94
  • 1.27. 1.19. 1.18
  • 0.98
  • 1.19. 0.84. 1.19. 1.00. 1.13
  • 1.15. 1.21
  • 0.96. 6
          * -'.,.Q
  • o.2. 4.7. 5.7
  • 3.4
  • 1.6
  • 1.9. 1.9. 5.1. 1.4. 1.4. 0.9 * -0.1 *
  • o
  • 61 1
  • 21
  • o
  • 1*. 5.
  • 1
  • 1 2
  • o. 9 1 1. 17
  • 1
  • 15
  • 1
  • 1a
  • 1
  • 1 s
  • 1
  • n
  • o
  • 91 1. 1 2
  • o. s 5
  • 1
  • 21
  • o
  • 6-; *
 *. O.b4
  • 1.17
  • 0.90. *1.19. 0.9b
  • 1.19
  • 1.13
  • 1.19. 1.17. 1.13. 0.89
  • 1.{0. 0.83
  • 1.19. 0.65 * . 7
* -3.3 * -3.2
  • 6.3
  • 6.2
  • 6.3
  • 1.6 * -1.1
  • 0.2
  • 1.9. -3.2 * -1.6. -1.6. -1.6 * -1.6. -2.4., 1. l C 1. (;', 1.cs 0.02 1.rn o.88 1.1s o.s2 1.05 1.M 1.10 1.23 o.86

  • Q.b~
  • 1.19
  • l.C*~
  • l.Cb. 1.12 * ~.81
  • 1.11
  • O.H~ , 1.15. o.&O. 1.03
  • 1.07. 1.06
  • 1~20. o.&3 * &
** -::..4 * -~,.s * -o.c;. * -1.~
  • 6.2 * -1.5 * -1.5 * -1.5 * -3.l * -3.2 * -2.4 * -1.6 * -1.6 * -2.7. -2.6.
  • o.67
  • 1.21 o.b5
  • 1.12
  • c.~1
  • 1.11
  • 1.15 1.1s 1.15. 1.11. o.91
  • 1.12
  • 1.21. o.67 *
  • o.64
  • 1.1a
  • o.s4
  • 1.11
  • o.93
  • 1.1s
  • 1.13
  • 1.16. 1.11. 1.13
  • 0.90
  • 1.16. b.87
  • 1.1a
  • o.65
  • 9
 * -3.3 * -2.0 .* -0.9 * -1.0*. 2.6 * -1.5 * -1.5 * -2.5 * -3.2. -3.2. -0.7. 3.0. 3.0 * -2.3. -2.4 *
  • 0.96 1.20. t.14
  • 1.11
  • 0.95
  • 1.17
  • 0,82
  • 1.17. C.95 1.11
  • 1.14
  • 1.20
  • 0.96 *
  • 0.96. 1.1&. 1.14. 1.14
  • o.9e
  • 1.14
  • 1.14. o.93
  • 1.12
  • 1.17. 1.23
  • o.94. 10
           * -1.0. -1.0. C.4. 2.6
  • 2.& * -2.5 * -2.5. -2.9. -1.6. 0.7. 2.8. 3.0. -2.1
  • 0.64 1.15 O.Y3 1.17 1.11
  • 0.91 1.05 0.91 1.11 1.17
  • 0.93
  • 1.15
  • 0.64 *
  • 1.17
  • o.95. 1.20
  • 1.14
  • o.b9. 1.03. o.b?. 1.13
  • 1.1s
  • o.94. 1.1s
  • o.63. ll 2.1 i 2.1
  • 2.3. 2.6
  • 2.6. -2.5 * -2.~ * -2.5. 0.9. 1.1
  • 2.0. 3.0. -1.9 *
  • 0.67 l.CO. 0.93
  • 1.14
  • 1.12
  • 1.09
  • 1.12. 1.14. 0.93
  • 1.00. 0.67 *
  • 0.70. 1.04. G.95
  • 1.16. J.GH
  • 1.04
  • 1.00
  • 1.11
  • 0.92
  • 1.01. 0.68
  • 12 5.2 * ,,.2
  • 2.6
  • 2..6 * -4.l * -4.2 * -4.1 * -2.:i: * -1.1
  • 0.9
  • 0.9 *
                                      * *o.67. 1.15
  • 1.20. o.&s
  • 1.10. o.&5. 1.20. 1.1s
  • 0.67 *
  • u.69. 1.1&
  • 1.21
  • o.eo
  • 1.03. 1.1s
  • 1.10
  • o.64. 13 3.2. 1.2
  • 1.2 * -5.9 * -6.0. -s.o. -4.l * -4.l * -4.l.

0.C:,4 l

  • 21 1.23 1.21 0.96 0.64
  • o.9B
  • 1.14. 1.1s
  • 1.1s. o.92
  • o.&1
  • 1 ..


  • l.j * -6.! * -6.4 * -5.1 * -4.l * -4.1 *
  • 0.67 0.86
  • 0.67. AVERAGE:

DEVlA nm,

  • o.6e
  • o.64. .PCT DIFFERENCE. 15
                      =0.034                                               1.5 * -6.2 * -4.1
  • 2.9 MAP NO. Sl-3-1 V DATE 12/8/75 POWER = 'v73 MWT CONTROL ROD POSITIONS N INCORE TILT FAH = 1.48 AT N5-AA BANK C AT 228 STEPS NW - 1.012 FT = 2.45 AT N5-AA Q

BANK D AT 215 STEPS NE 1.007 F z

                                                                                       = 1.56 BANK P/L AT 228 STEPS                                                                                                     SW      0.997 A.O.= +30.5 SE - 0.984

BURNUP ='v 0 MWD/MTU 5,5


                                                -----------*-------~----                                            --*-              ___ G ____ i= ____E,---""o___c=-------csc-*---A------*


  • J.,3
  • J J.>L H


  • D.52 o.,e
  • o.53
  • 0.9
  • 1.5 * .PCT O lFFERENCE.
o. 72 0.97
  • 0.97
  • 0 .b5
  • 0.97 0.97
  • 0.12 *
  • 0.74. 0.96
  • J.%
  • O.c,4
  • 0.98
  • 0.99. 0.73
  • 2
  • 2.4. -o.a * -J.4 * -o.6 * {i.e
  • 2.3
  • 1.5 *
  • C.J. Q.85 l.25. 1.27. 0.79 *
  • O.EO. 1.27. 1.23. J.d4
  • o.~5. 0.85. 1.28. 1.2~. o.79.

2.0. 0. 1, * -1.l * -J.7 * -l.l

  • l.l
  • 3.0
  • l.8
  • 0.4
  • o.79 1.10. 1.00. 1.29
  • 1.2L
  • 1.16
  • 1.22
  • 1.29
  • 1.00
  • 1.10
  • 0.1~ *
  • 0.81
  • 1.10. 1.07
  • 1.27
  • 1.21
  • 1.16
  • 1.24
  • 1.34
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 0.79. 4 2-4 *. Q.3 ._.-1.1 ._::-1,8_..* --,1.2 _, __ 0.7
  • __ l.6 **- 3.5. 2.0. 1.1_ *... 0.1 ... ! ..
0. *
  • e
  • e * * *
  • G
  • e * * * * .. * *
  • e * * *
  • 0 * *"' <> D Cl** e e O <I;;,., e *
  • 0 Cl O .
  • 0 0 0 * ... e O *
  • 0 0 0 0 e e *
  • 0 <t e O O. a e
  • 0 e O O O e e ** e e O *a*

0.12. 1.21 1.c0. 1.20. 1.11. J.9d. 1.u o.<Js 1.11. 1.2a. 1.00. 1.21. 0.12 *

  • 0.12
  • 1.26. 1.c0. 1.2a. 1.16
  • o.~, . 1.u.
  • o.<Ja
  • 1.19
  • 1.31
  • 1.oa
  • 1.20. o.73. 5 0.2 * -o.a
  • 0.1 ;- -0.2--.- -0.9 -. -3.:. :* -1.* e
  • o.o
  • 1.2
  • 1.9 *;*-- a.a ~ - 0.1 .- o.s-*.-
  • 0.97 1.24 l.28. 1.11. 0.66. 1.11. 0.8J 1.11. 0.66. 1.17. 1.28. 1.24. 0.97 *
  • c. ~1
  • 1. 25
  • 1. 31 _- 1. 21 --. -0.65 - * - 1.00 -
  • o. 79- ** T.o7- .-- o .64 .. :--1; 11-~*--i:-:2-; *-.-*1 :2.c;-*;-6~ 9*-7,-;*--*-----6---<*

0.2. 0.2. 2.0. 4 . l . -0.5 * -'t.L * -4.3 * -3.9. -3.0. -0.2

  • 0.4
  • 0.1. 0.3.
 -: *o: ;2 *:*a:~ 1*:
  • c:~~ *:* i: 22 *: *c: 9Soo.*: *i: ii*-:* i: i~ * :-* i:Li Q-:-! i: 1~ *:
  • i: ii~: . o:90 --:~1 :21*-:..~-b :s4*-:~-a:-tj; *-:-~0-:;1_!_~'-----
  • o.:::
  • o.a5
  • 1.24. 1. 1.10
  • 1.03
  • 1.15
  • 1.oa
  • 1.01
  • o.96
  • 1.21
  • o.a4
  • o.9t:. o.52
  • 7

_ _ 1. 1

  • 1 .5
  • o. 1
  • 1. a
  • z. 2 _.__ :_1. o_ ~-- :-s .1 -~- -4 .9_ '.__-:-_'! .9 ._. _-3 .2_._. __:::__l ._4_._
  • __ .-_o_*~--~p .2 _. :-o* 2 * -c. 5_._______
  • O.:E C.tS .* C.Sc
  • 1.15. l.13 0.83
  • l..LO
  • 0.94 1.20
  • 0.83
  • 1.13
  • 1.15
  • O.S6
  • 0.65
  • 0.58
  • 0.5E
  • C.99. l.17. 1.12
  • 0.80. 1.14
  • 0.8!l. l . l b . 0.81
  • 1.11
  • l.16
  • O.S7. 0.64. *o.57_.______ca_

1.0. 1.s. 3.1. 1.3*: -o.6 ** --2.9*;-5_3-~- -*5.o -~*:..3;4-~--2.2 .- -1.s *.---0.4*--~-- t'.,.--:*-o.2**.--:..:1.*9 *

  • 0.:2 c.s1
  • o.a4 1.22 ._ __ ._ 1.11 1.14
  • 1.21
  • _1.14 1.11
  • o.<Ja
  • 1.22
  • o.e4
  • o.97. o.52._*~--=-*
    .-*o*.:::.*. o.s1. 1.24. c.c;1. 1.10. 1..u*. 1*.20*;-i-.-11-~ *1.oa :*o.c;a*.-*1.21*:o:e6*.-*o.9c-.-o~s*c.                                                                                                                                               9 1.1
  • 2.1
  • 3.4. 2.2. -c.5. -0.6 * -0.o * -0.7 * -2.1 * -2.3
  • 0.3
  • 4.3
  • 2.0 * -o.c;. -2.J.
  • o.97 1.24 1.2a 1.11. a.ob 1.11. o.8J. 1.11. o.66. 1.11. 1.2a. 1.24. o.n .
  • 1.00. 1.28. 1.32. 1.19. O.ob. l.l.J
  • O.tll. 1.08. O.t:5. 1.19. 1.35. 1.,7. O.S:. 10 3.2. 3.2. 2.1. 2.0. o.s. --J.~ * -2.J. -2.a. -o.9. 1.e. 5.5. 2.2. -1.c: * * - - - - - - * -
              ************************<>*********., .. ********oo***o******************.,*****o*******o*********
  • 0.12 1.21. 1.oa 1.2s 1.11 u.~8 1.1J o.98 1.11
  • 1.20
  • 1.oa
  • 1.21
  • 0.12 *
  • o.n . 1.2'1
  • 1.os. 1.H
  • 1.19 * *.).<Jb
  • 1.10
  • o.95
  • 1.1a
  • 1.30
  • 1.10
  • 1.30. o.73. 1.1_

2 .l

  • 1.9
  • 1. 7. 2. 0
  • l. l * -1.7 * -L.8 * -2.9
  • 0.6
  • 1.1 * **2.7
  • 2.6
  • 1.C ; ; - - - - - - - - -
              .......................................................................... 0                                                                           ........................................ .

o.79 1.10 1.oa 1.29. L.LL t.16. 1.22 1.29 1.oa. 1.10. o.79 *

                                   . c.1e. 1.cs. 1.10. 1.32
  • 1.20 ; 1.J.4. 1.22. 1.32
  • 1.0,.- ... 1.11*-~--ci.-i;,2-;-------------rr
                                   * - 1. o * - 1. 3
  • 2. o
  • 1. 9 * -1
  • _s * -1. a * -o
  • 2
  • 2*1
  • 1. o
  • o. 7
  • 4. 2 *
                                   .......:.;;: i~.:. i: 2;.:. i: 2;.:.;: ~; . : .ci :~ ~.:. o: ~; ... i: 2;.: ~ i: 27.:. o: 79 ~                                                                            ~~-! - - ~ ~ - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • c. 1a. 1..30. t.24
  • a.u ..
  • o.~o
  • o.s5
  • 1.2s
  • 1.29
  • a.ea
  • l3
                                                   * -1.__<J_._.___          2. o -~. -o.9 __* -o.o ._ -o.s
  • o .a * ?* 7
  • 1.a. __* __ ____!_~_ll_ ___:______* - - - - - - - - - - - -


  • 0.97 0.97 O.b5. 0.97
  • 0.97
  • 0.72 *
  • 0.71
  • 0.96
  • 0.9c,
  • O.b4. 0.97
  • 0.99
  • 0.74 * - ___________ l~
                                                                     * ---1.0 .*-1.2*. -1.J                             * -o.4 .*-o.3 ~----t'.6-~-- 3.o ..-:---                                           --


  • O.S2
  • 0.58
  • 0.52
  • DEV It. Ti ON -
  • 0.52
  • O.S7
  • 0.52 *
                                 =0.022                                                                * -l.5 * -1.0
  • o.o
  • 0
  • 0 * *. * '"*
  • 0 *.* a* 0
                                                       . * - - - - - - - - - - - - ___ - - - - __
  • o e * *
  • o
  • o * ~-* .*
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  • o D * *
  • e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *. * * *
  • D * * °._.! ~--- ~-* ~ ~ - - - - *--* _ - - - _

MAP NO. Sl-3-2 W DATE 12/8/75 POWER= -635 MWT N CONTROL ROD POSITIONS \ H = 1.59 At Cll-ED INCORE TILT BANK CAT 166 STEPS FT 2.37 AT 113-KD NW 0.995 Q BANK DAT 38 STEPS F = 1.40 NE 0.999 z BANK P/L AT 228 STEPS A.0.=-20.12 SW 1.002 BURNUP -0 MWD/MTU SE - 1.004 5.6


  • 0.51
  • 0.57
  • 0.52
          .PCT DIFffRENCE.                                  * -2.4 * -2.7. 0.1 *                                     . .~CT_ DlFf~R~NC..cE*-'"'----------*

0.72 0.97 0.99 0.65 0.99 0.97 0.12

  • 0.75
  • 1.00
  • 0.98
  • 0.63. 0.98. 1.02
  • 0.74.


  • 2.5 * -1.2 * -2.7. -0.4. 4.3
  • 3.5 * -- **--~--*-- *------ ~
  • 0.10
  • 1.2s
  • 1.21
  • o.85 o.98. o.85. 1.21
  • 1.20 0.10 *
  • 0.81
  • 1.32
  • 1.30
  • 0.86. 0.94. 0.84. 1.32
  • 1.32
  • 0.79.


  • 3.2
  • 2.3
  • 1.0 * -4.l * -0.6. 3.9
  • 3.2
  • 2.3 *
  • o.78
  • 1.10
  • 1.06. 1.21
  • 1.21
  • 1.15 1.21
  • 1.21 1.06
  • 1.10. 0.1a *
  • 0.81
  • 1.13. 1.09. 1.28
  • 1.20
  • 1.13. 1.20. 1.31
  • 1.10. 1.13
  • 0.80
  • 4 4.3. 2.7
  • 2.1
  • 1.2 * -1.0 * -1.7. -0.7
  • 3.5
  • 3.5
  • 3.4. 2.8 *
  • 0.12
  • 1.28 1.06. 1.27
  • 1.15 0.97
  • 1.13. 0.97 1.15 1.21
  • 1.06, 1.28 0.12 *
  • o.74
  • 1.20
  • 1.09. 1.29. 1.16
  • o.96
  • 1.11. o.98. 1.19
  • 1.32
  • 1.10. 1.31
  • o.73 * *-*-----*--5 3.1
  • 0.6. 2.3
  • 1.3. 1.3 * -1.0 * -1.B. 0.7. 3.7. 3.9. 3.8
  • 2.9
  • 2.0 *
  • 0.97
  • 1.27. 1.27
  • 1.15
  • 0.64
  • 1.12 0.83. 1.12 0.64
  • 1.15
  • 1.21. 1.21
  • 0.97 *
                                                                                                                                                         ***-*- - -
  • 6 -
  • 1.00
  • 1.31
  • 1.31
  • 1.20. 0.64
  • 1.09. 0.80. 1.10. 0.65
  • 1.18
  • 1.29. 1.28
  • 0.98
  • 3.1
  • 3.1
  • 3.2
  • 4.3
  • 0.6 * -3.l * -4.0. -1.9. l.9
  • 2.8
  • 2.0. 0.9
  • 0.2 *
  • o.s2
  • o.99
  • 0.05. 1.21
  • o.91
  • 1.12 1.15 1.23 1.15 1.12
  • o.97. 1.21
  • o.85
  • o.99. o.~2- *
  • 0.51
  • 0.99
  • 0.87
  • 1.22
  • 0.'fl
  • 1.10
  • 1.09
  • 1,16
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 0.97
  • 1.20
  • 0.83
  • 0.97
  • 0.51
  • 7
  • i2.7
  • 0.4
  • 2.6. 1.0
  • 0.4 * -2.2 * -5.3 * -5.l * -4.7. -1,3
  • 0.3. -0.9. -1.6 * -1.8 ._-1,B *
  • 0.59
  • 0.65
  • 0.98 1.15
  • 1.13
  • 0.83
  • 1.23
  • 0.95. 1.23. 0.83
  • 1.13. 1.15
  • 0.98
  • 0.65
  • 0.59 *
  • o.57
  • o.64
  • o.98
  • 1.14. 1.00
  • o.79
  • 1.16. o.9o. 1.10
  • 0.01
  • 1.10. 1.13. o.96
  • o.63
  • o.~a. B
  • -2.B. -0.6. -0:2. -1.l. -4.3. -5.3. -5.6. -5.9. - 4 . l . -2.7. -2.l. -1.7. -2.3. -2.l. -1.e*.*---*---
  • o.52
  • 0.99
  • 0.05. 1.21 0.91. 1.12 1.15
  • 1.23 1.15
  • 1.12
  • o.97. 1.21
  • o.85
  • o.99
  • 0.52 *
  • . o.51
  • o.c;a
  • o.85. 1.20
  • o.93
  • 1.09
  • 1.13
  • 1.19. 1.11
  • 1.oa
  • o.96
  • 1.24
  • 0;05
  • o.98
  • o.s2 *~ ------9
    -2.7 * -0.6
  • 0.3 * -1.2 * -4.2 * -3.4 * -2.5 * -2.5 * -3.4 * -4.0 * -0.9
  • 2.2
  • 0.4 * -1.0 * -1,2 *
      • *****:*o: ~; *:*i: ;;* :
  • i:;; * *
  • i : i; *: *CJ:;;,* : *i: iz ***~: ~; *.. i: i; *:*CJ:~;,*:* i : i; *: *i:;; *:
  • i:;:; *:*CJ:~:;*: * * ~ * **
  • 0.99
  • 1.29. 1.30
  • 1.19
  • 0.64
  • 1.09
  • 0.79. 1.06. 0.63
  • 1.17. 1.33
  • 1.31
  • 0.97
  • 10 1,4
  • 1.5. 2.2
  • 3.4
  • 0-0 * -2.B * -4.9. -5,5. -1.5
  • 1.6
  • 5.0. 2.7 * -0.0 *
  • 0.72
  • 1.28. l.Oo. J.21
  • 1.1~
  • 0.97 1.13 0.97. J.15
  • l.27
  • 1.01,. 1.28
  • 0.12 *
  • o.73
  • 1.30. 1.09. 1.31
  • 1.16
  • o.93
  • 1.06. o.91
  • 1.11
  • 1.30. 1.10. 1.32
  • o.74
  • 11 2.2
  • 2.0. 2.4. 3.4. 1.2 * -4.3 * -6.0. -6.3. 2.1
  • 2.2
  • 3.4. 3.1
  • 2.8 *
  • 0.78. 1.10. 1.06
  • 1.21
  • 1.21
  • l,15 1.21
  • 1.27
  • 1.06
  • 1.10. 0.78 *
  • o.78
  • 1.10. 1.10
  • 1,31
  • 1.14
  • 1.09. 1.11
  • 1.29
  • 1.oa
  • 1.11. o.82 * - ----*--------12 0,9. 0.3
  • 3.4
  • 3.4 * -~-5 * -5.5. -3.l
  • 1,8
  • 1.3
  • 1.2
  • 6,0
  • 0.1a. 1.2a
  • 1.21 o.85 o.9B o.B5 1.21
  • 1.20
  • 0.1s *
  • 0.78
  • l,32
  • l,21
  • 0.81
  • 0.94. 0.84, 1.29
  • 1.29
  • 0,80. 13 0.9
  • 3.4 * -4.9 * -4.8 * -4.2. -1.3. 1.3
  • 1.1
  • 2.9 *
  • 0.72
  • 0.97
  • 0.99 0.65 0.99, 0.97
  • 0.72
  • 0.12
  • 0.97
  • 0.97. 0.63. 0.98
  • 0.98
  • 0.73
  • 14 0.3
  • 0.1 * -1.9. -2.l * -1.0. 0.4. 1.5.


  • 0.52 0.59. 0.52 *
  • 0,52
  • 0.58. 0.52 * --- -----_.PCT DIFFERENCE.--- 15
                =0.031                                       * -0.2 * -f-0.7 * -1.0
  • 2 .4

MAP NO. Sl-3-2 V DATE 12/ 8/75 POWER N CONTROL ROD POSITIONS F,'I H 1. 62 AT Cll-AO INCORE TILT BANK CAT 166 STEPS FT 2.43 AT NS-OA NW - 1.004 Q BANK DAT 38 STEPS = 1.40 NE - 1.006 BANK P/L AT 228 STEPS A.O.= -20.2 SW - 0.993 BURNUP -o M\,ID/MTU SE - 0.998 5,7


  • O.t.L Q.54 PR ED IC TED
  • J.55
  • 0.64
  • Q.54 *
  • 2.3
  • 0.7. .PCT DIFFERENCE *.

Q.69 0.94 0.99 0.76 Q.99

  • 0.94
  • 0.69
  • 0.69
  • 0.94
  • 1.00
  • 0.77
  • 0.99
  • 0.92
  • 0.68
  • 2
o. 2 * -o. l
  • l *l
  • 1. l
  • 0*3 * - 2*2 * - l *3 *
  • 0.11 1.23
  • 1.21 J.e; o.~7 o.83 1.21 1.23 0.11 *
  • 0.77. 1.21. l.l'I. t.l.d4. 0.98. Q.84. l.22. 1.24. 0.77 *
                               * -0.1. -1.1. -1.s
  • 0.2
  • 1.3
  • 1.1
  • 1.0
  • o.6
  • a.a *
  • 0. 77
  • 1. 11
  • l. 06
  • l. 2 6 l
  • l9 l
  • l 3
  • l .t 9
  • l. 2 6
  • l. 0 6
  • l
  • 11
  • 0. 77 *
  • o. 11
  • 1. c~
  • 1. 02
  • 1.22
  • t.ld
  • 1.u
  • 1.22
  • 1.30
  • 1.08
  • 1.12
  • o. 78
  • o.o. -1.e_, -3.3 ._-3.3. - 1 . J . 0.1_, __ 2.1_. __ 3.7 *. . 1.* 1__,_1_.Q_~_l_.1 __*______ _ , , - - - - - - - -
  • C.69
  • l.2~. 1.05 1.27. l.18
  • 0.96
  • l.U
  • 0.98
  • l.18
  • 1.27
  • 1.05
  • 1.23. 0.6<; *
  • 0.69. 1.22. l.C4. 1.23. 1.15. J.94. loLO. O.'l8. 1.20 .* 1.27. 1.08. 1.,6. 0.7C
  • _ _ _ _ _ _5_
        * -0.3. -0.2. -1.1 _-*--3.1 .*-2.7 .*-4.6 ** -L.9 _--0~3 ~- 1~4*.*- 0.5-;--2.3--=---2~4--:--*z~o-:
  • c.s4. 1.20 1.2s 1.11. o.76 1.15 a . a , . 1.15 o.76. 1.11. 1.2s. 1.2c. o.94 *
  • o.~;. 1.1a. 1.2s. 1.21 .-0.15. 1.10. o.d3 .**i.14. 0.15*. 1.t"r---;*-1;2s**:*-1.21**:**a~s1:*-~---* 6
        * -1.r,. -1.9. -0.2.                  3.3. -1.5. -4.L. -4.4. -l.2. -0.5. -0.0. - 0 . l . 0.7. [.5 *
  • o.~4. c.<Js. o.a3. 1.1c,. o.,a. 1.15. 1.11. 1 . n . 1.11. 1.1s .*o.9a*.-i:.19 ~-o.E3.;*;**o.54-.---*-
  • O* ~ 7
  • C
  • s 9
  • O. 8 l
  • 1. l S
  • C. 9 9
  • 1
  • 14
  • l
  • 13
  • l
  • 2 0
  • l
  • 17
  • l
  • l 5
  • 0. 96
  • l
  • 15
  • O
  • 8 2
  • O. 9 <;
  • C. 5 5
  • 7
  • 5.7
  • 0.2 * -2.<J * -0.1. c.9. -o.9. -J.t * -L.3 * -0.1 * -a.3 * -1.6 * -2.9 * -1.3
  • a.a. 1.1 *
  • o . u . o.76. o.97 1.13 1.13 0.01. 1.23 o.94. 1.23. o.a1. 1.u 1.13 o.s1. a.76 o.62
  • o.u. c.77
  • c.97. 1.11. 1.10. o.u4
  • 1.19
  • o.93. 1.21
  • 1.10. 1.10
  • o.c;s. o . u . c.63. a
    ~.1. 1.4. -o.3. -1.a. -2.s. -3.4. - 3 . l . -1.2*. -1.i*. -2.3. -2.<;. -2.5 ** -1.8. 0.2 ** i".1**;---*-
  • o.~4
  • o.a3 1.1~ o.9a 1.15
  • 1.11 1.23 1.11. 1.1s
  • 1.1c;
  • o.a3. o.54~-'-*---
  • o.~1
  • 1.02
  • o.Bs
  • 1.1s. c.9s
  • 1.12 ** 1.14
  • 1.Lo
  • 1.12*. 1.10 ** o.95 *;*1.11**. o.a2 .*a.<J,; .-*-o*.-ss. 9° s.1. 3.1. 1.1. 0.2. -2.9. -2.1. -2 * . ; . -2.4. -3.7. -4.S. -2.'>. -1.1. -1.2. o.7. 2.2.

0.76. 1.17 . 1.25 *- l.2C. 0.94 -*-***-*--*----

                                          • *************a***********************************************************************
  • G.S4 1.20 .* 1.25 1.17. O.T6. 1.15 O.d7 1.15 *
  • c.~,
  • 1.24 ** 1.21. 1.1e. 0.1;
  • 1.u
  • 1.13
  • 0.14
  • 1.16
  • 1.24
  • 1.;c. o.95. 10 3.a. 1.0,. 1.s. 0.2. -1.3. -2.J. -1.2. -2.2. -2.4. -o.9_~ -:-1.0. -:-o.s. a.a __ *._ _ _ _ _ _ _..
  • o.69 1 * .2:. 1.05 1.21 1.1a
  • J.'la
  • 1 . u . o.9a 1.1a
  • 1.21
  • 1.05 1.23. o.<:9
  • 0.10
  • 1.2~
  • 1.c1. 1.21. 1.11. u.'17
  • 1.13
  • o.99
  • 1.21
  • 1.2s
  • 1.06
  • 1 * .23. a.7c. 11 2.2. 2.2. L.3. 0.2. -0.1. -J.ti. 0.3. o.6. 2.1. 1 .. 1 .*-o.a .-*- 0.,--.--y-.-~2*--.----------
  • c.11 1.11 1.06 1.26 1.1, 1.13 1.19 1.26 1.06 1.11
  • 0.11 *
  • a.;e. 1.12. 1.06. I.L6 .*1.1s. 1 . u . 1.1a. 1.26. 1.01*. i . . 1 2 * * ;
  • 0 . 1 9 - ; * - - - - - - - - - - r r l*4
  • C. S
  • 0. 2
  • 0
  • 2 * -1
  • l * - 1
  • 1 * - l
  • l
  • 0
  • 2
  • 0 *8
  • l *0
  • l *9 *
                    *******:*a: ;1 *:
  • i: ~3 *:
  • 1:zi ***~ :~~ *: *o :~; ***o :03 * ** i:2 i * *
  • i :z; *:-**a: 11 -~-!_~ !-~---~~-------------....J.
  • c.79. 1.2a. 1.25
  • .* o.95
  • o.a3
  • 1.20
  • 1.22
  • o.78
  • 13 2.1.* 4.o.,.. 4.0. -l.9 ._-2.4_. ~o.9 ._-o.9_. -o.4_~----1~2--~-----*-----------......,.
  • Q.69. 0.94. J.99
  • 0.76. 0.99 O.'l4. 0.69 *
  • 0.12. 0.97
  • 0.9:J
  • 0.75
  • 0.99. 0.94
  • 0.68
  • 4.0. 3.0. -J.4 * -0.4. 0.6 ** o*:c. *-1.1* .-*---*--*--** . **--*--*---- l.!_


  • J. 54
  • 0 .6 2
  • 0. 54 *
  • AVERAGE *:... _ _ _ _ _ _ ,....-


  • J .55
  • 0.6;
  • 0.55 * ~PCT_O.IFFERENC*1:*. 1"'
                  =O. 0 2l                                          1.1
  • 1.0
  • 1.1
  • 1.6 MAP NO. Sl-3-3 W DATE 12/8/75 POWER= -1318 MWT N


               ~ANK P/L AT 228 STEPS                                               A.0.=-18.51                                          SW            1.007 BURNUP = -0 MWD/MTU                                  SE - 0.997 5.8


  • 0.54
  • 0.63. 0.54.


  • 0.53
  • 0.62. 0.54. MEASURED 1
  • PCT DIFFERENCE. * -1.1 * -1.3 * -o.e * ---~PC'! DIFFERE:_~',E_.____________
  • 0.69
  • 0.95
  • 1.01
  • 0.76
  • 1.01. 0.95
  • 0.69 *
  • 0.10. o.98
  • 1.01
  • 0.15. ~.oo. o.94
  • o.69. -**- --**-*--*-**- ----~_._..______,,L 2.2
  • 3.1
  • 0.4 * -1.0. -1.1 * -0.3
  • 0.6 *
  • 0.76
  • 1.23
  • 1.23
  • 0.84
  • 0.99
  • 0.84
  • 1.23
  • 1.23
  • 0.76 *
  • 0.11. 1.25
  • 1.26
  • 0.85
  • 0.97. 0.83. 1.26
  • 1.26
  • 0.11 * -

2.0. 1.2

  • 1.9
  • l.B * -1.B. -0.6. 1.9
  • 2.0. 2.0 *
                  *********************.************************* 0 *******************************
  • o.76. 1.11
  • 1.04
  • 1.23
  • 1.18
  • 1.13. 1.1s. 1.23
  • 1.04
  • 1.11. o.76 *
  • 0.11. 1.11
  • 1.04. 1.23
  • 1.17
  • 1.10. 1.18. 1.28
  • 1.08. 1.15
  • 0.79 * -4 O.B
  • 0.2 * -0.l * -0.3 * -0.9 * -2.2 * -0.l
  • 3.B
  • 3.2 .* 3.4
  • 3.8 -~*
  • 0.69
  • 1.23
  • 1.04
  • 1.25
  • 1.15
  • 0.97
  • 1.12
  • 0.97
  • 1.15
  • 1.25
  • 1.04
  • 1.23
  • 0.69 *
  • o.69. 1.23. 1.04. 1.24
  • 1.15
  • o.95
  • 1.09. o.9B. 1.20. 1.29
  • 1.10. 1.29
  • 0.11 * - ------ 5
       * -0.3 * -0.3. o.o * -1.5 * -0.5 * -2.1 * -2.8. 0.9. 3.6
  • 2.5. 5.5
  • 4.7
  • 3.1 *
  • 0.95. 1.23. 1.23
  • 1.15. 0.74
  • 1.16
  • 0.87. 1.16. 0.74
  • 1.15. 1.23. 1.23. 0.95.
  • 0.94
  • 1.23
  • 1.24
  • 1.19
  • 0.74
  • 1.13
  • 0.84. 1.17. 0.77
  • 1.19. 1.25
  • 1.25
  • 0.96 ****
       * -o.5 * -o.5. o.s
  • 3.6. -o.4. -3.o * -4.o. o.e. 3.9
  • 2.9. 1.6. 1.6
  • 1.s.
                                • ~************eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  • 0.54
  • 1.01
  • 0.84. 1.18
  • 0.97
  • 1.16
  • 1.18
  • 1.25. 1.18. 1.16
  • 0.97. 1.10
  • 0.64
  • 1.01
  • 0.54 * ------
  • o.55
  • 1.00
  • o.~3. 1.11
  • o.96
  • 1.14
  • 1.14
  • 1.22. 1.10. 1.10
  • o.97
  • 1.15. 0.01
  • 1.00
  • o.54. 7 1.e * -0.9 * -1.2 * -1.5. -0.9 * -L,9 * -3.2 * -2.3. 0.4. 1.6. O.l * -3.1 * -3.1 * -0.6 * -0.2 *
                                            • ~***********~*************************************o*********************************
  • 0.63
  • 0.76
  • 0.99. 1.13. 1.12
  • 0.87
  • 1.25
  • 0.96. 1.25. 0.87
  • 1.12
  • 1.13. 0.9Q 0.76. 0.63 *
  • 0.1,4
  • c..75
  • o.r,s
  • 1.oe
  • 1.05
  • o.e2
  • 1.21
  • O.Q5
  • 1.22
  • 0.05
  • 1.09
  • 1.os
  • o.93
  • o.75'
  • o.t.4 *-**---**-- _a.

1.1 * -1.1*. -3.5. --4.o. -6.5 * -5,6 * -3.1 * -1.3. -2.2 * -2.6 * -3.3. -4.5. -5.4 * -1.1

  • 1.0.
                    • ~****************~**********************o****************o*e********~*-*************************
  • 0.54
  • 1.01
  • 0.84
  • 1.16
  • 0,97
  • 1.16
  • 1.18
  • 1.25
  • 1.18
  • 1.16
  • 0.97
  • 1.18
  • 0.84
  • 1.01
  • 0.54 *
  • o.55
  • 1.01
  • o.e3
  • 1.1s
  • o.91
  • 1.10
  • 1.13
  • 1.20
  • 1.12
  • 1.09
  • o.93
  • 1.14
  • 0.01
  • 1.02 * *o.56 ~ -----,r

........* .o.95

                     .. . .... .1.23 l.B * --0.2 * -1.3 * -2.9. -6.4. -5.3 * -3.9. -3.9. -4.B. -6.0. -3.8. -3.6. -2.6
  • 0.7
  • 3.2 *
  • 1.15
  • o.74
  • 1.1~ o.a1. 1.16. o.74
  • 1.15. 1.23. 1.23
  • o.95 ,
  • o.96. 1.25. 1.25
  • 1.n
  • o.73
  • 1.12
  • o.e4. 1.11
  • 0.12
  • 1.14. 1.22. 1.23
  • o.97
  • 10 1.3
  • 1.3
  • l.!'>
  • 1.7 * -1.6 * -3.B * -3.6 * -4.8 * -2.7 * -0.9 * -1.3
  • 0.2
  • 2.4 *
  • 0.69
  • l.L3. 1,04
  • l.L5
  • 1.1~
  • 0.97
  • 1.12 0,97
  • 1,15
  • 1.25
  • 1.04. 1.23
  • 0.69.

r 0.70

  • 1 26
  • 1.06
  • 1.28
  • 1,15
  • 0.94
  • 1.09
  • 0,94
  • 1.19
  • 1.29 o 1.06
  • 1.26
  • 0.71
  • 0 11 2.4 , 2,4. 2.1
  • 1.7. -0.5 * -3.3 * -3.0. -2.6. 3.6. 2.9
  • 1,5. 1.7
  • 3.o-.*----
  • 0.76. 1.11
  • 1.04 1.23
  • 1.18
  • 1.13
  • 1.18. l.?3
  • 1.04
  • 1.11. 0.76 *
  • 0.79
  • 1.14
  • 1.06
  • 1.25
  • 1.13
  • 1.01
  • 1.14
  • 1.23
  • 1.05 , 1.13
  • 0.79 .****--*------* .. 12-3.5. 2.7
  • 1.7
  • 1.1 * -4.6 * -4.8. -4.0 * -0.0
  • 1.1
  • 1.4. 3.7 *
  • 0.11,
  • 1.23
  • 1.23
  • 0.84
  • 0.99
  • 0.84
  • 1.23
  • 1.23
  • 0.76 *
  • o.79
  • 1.30. 1.30
  • 0.10
  • o.93. 0.01
  • 1.21
  • 1.22
  • 0.10. 13 4.5
  • 5.3. 5.3 * -6.8 * -6.0. -3.0. -2.1 * -1.1
  • 2.1 *
  • 0.69. 0.95
  • 1.01
  • 0.76. 1.01
  • 0.95
  • 0,69 *
  • 0.12
  • 0.99
  • 1.00. 0.75. 1.00. 0.94. 0.67. 14 5,3
  • 4.2 * -1.2 * -2.0 * -0.7 * -1.1 * -2.4
  • STANDARD 0,54
  • 0.63. 0.54.
  • DCVlA TlGN
  • 0.55
  • 0.64. 0.54. --:PC-'r DlFFERENCE-.------~1"S- .
                 =0.029                                              2.3
  • 1.3
  • 0.1
  • 2.3 MAP NO. Sl-3-3 V DATE 12/8/75 POWER= 1318 MWT N

CONTROL ROD POSITIONS iH = 1. 5 7 AT 113-00 INCORE TILT BANK CAT 200 STEPS FT = 2.34 AT E5-0A Q NW - 0.998 BANK DAT 72 STEPS Yz 1.46 NE - 1.012 BANK P/L AT 228 STEPS A.O.= -18.6 SW - 0.999 BURNUP= -o MWD/MTU SE .. 0,992 5.9

SURRY UNIT 1 - CYCLE 3 FIGURE 5-4a ASSEMBLYWISE POWER DISTRIBUTION A.. p H . L K. .. -- J . H ___ ..... c; _____ f _____ c.... ____~n___(._____b~ _ _.,,,,,.___ _ _ _ ____,. F-RELlc.lEC c.,.~u v.69 *. v.!>8 . _______ .._ ______ pr,.~DlC TED__ _., _____________ _ HEASURU,

  • v.~3. 0.7!>
  • o.bO. HEA~URED l
  • PlT OIFF<RENC~. 8.!>
  • 8.5
  • 3.9 * .PCT DIFFERENCE *
                                                         * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **. * * * * * * ** *
  • o **-* * * * * * *.* '"! *.**_ 0

_!>_ _ _ _  !'_.!~~-~~*-~*~*-=*=*-s*,a*~---------*

  • 0.66. 0.92
  • 1.03 u.92 l.U3. 0.92
  • O.b6 *
  • O.b3. 0.90
  • 1.0!>
  • 0.94. l.u4
  • 0.89
  • O.b!,
  • 2
                                                         * -3.b. -2.0.                        l.b
  • 2.7. 1.2 * -3.4 ._-1.~ *-* ---*. -- * - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - 1 1
  • o.73. 1.17. 1.10
  • o.s:; 1.00
  • o.u:;. 1.11:,
  • C * '11
  • l
  • l !>
  • 1
  • l !>
  • 0
  • b 2
  • 1
  • 0 (1
  • 0. U't *. l
  • l B
  • l
  • 19. -* ...0. 7 4. --*-

1.11. o.73. _______________ .]_

                                         -* -3.4 * -1.B. -1.1 * -1.2
  • O.o. 1.7. l.&
  • l.!>
  • 1.4.

u.73. 1.ue. 1.02. 1.22. 1.11 1.11 *. 1.11 ..* 1.22 ___,_1,u2 ..*...l.Ob _.__ 0.1.;__ ._ ____ - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  • 0.11
  • 1.u'I. 1.02
  • 1.21
  • 1.1&
  • 1.13
  • 1.21
  • 1.29
  • 1.0~
  • 1.09. o.75
  • 4
                          * -3.a ~ -0.0
  • 0.2 * -0.1 * -a.a
  • 1.u
  • l . 9 . 0.2
  • 3.2
  • 1.4. 2.1 *
            **a*    a******       11 *
  • o* * * * * * *
  • o * * * * * * * * *
  • o o o * *
  • o o o o o o *
  • o o *"* *
  • o O *-* *
  • G ct~--'-**.*.~'!".?&_!.** ~.*J!..!'.'!' *.* * * * ~.!' o !" ! !'_*w*~----------
  • 1.17
  • l.Ul
  • 1.2~. 1.19 0.9b l.!2
  • 0.48. 1.19 1.2!>
  • 1.01
  • 1.17
  • 0.06
  • u.ob
  • 1.2~
  • 1.04
  • 1.2~
  • 1.20
  • 0.95
  • 1.12
  • l.JO. 1.22
  • 1.27
  • 1.02
  • 1.20. Q.68. 5 3.2 * :;.1
  • 2.0
  • 2.9 * . O.:, _. __ -3.'t , -u.1 *___ l,b..* 1.9 _, ___ 2.1___. ___ 1.Q __
  • ____ 2_,!>__
  • ____ 4,_2_~*~-----------
  • 0.92 1.16 1.21 1.19 0.89 1.19. 0.89. 1.19. U.89
  • 1.19. 1.21
  • 1.16. 0.92 *
  • o.'15
  • 1.20
  • 1.2b
  • 1.24
  • o.c;c,
  • 1.n
  • u.89_ *__ 1.11 _. __ Q.Bb _.__ 1.18_._1,22_.___1.1_7__._9.,._9~-*---------b-*

3.3. 3.2

  • 3.7
  • 4.2
  • 0.7. -1.b * -o.o * -2.2 * -3.b * -0.3. 0.5
  • 1.2
  • 2.5.

u.:.7 1.0::.

  • e,.b->
  • 1.10
  • u.9e 1.19
  • 1.1b 1.23_ *. _1.1s __
  • _1.19 __ ._o.%_._J.* 10__* __ p.63 ____*___ l,03_0 __ q_.~_l_*~-----
  • u.oo
  • 1.01
  • u.E&
  • 1.,u
  • c.99. 1.19
  • 1.11. 1.21. 1,15
  • o.97. 1.10. o.84. 1.04
  • o.58. 1 4.2
  • 4.1
  • 3.b
  • 2.8
  • 1.3 * -0.1 * -1.5 * ~ * -3.2 , -2.3 * -1.2 * -0.5. 1.1. 1.0. 0.7 *
* ,, ...........................................................                                                     * . * ._ .. 0 *.* * * ! * * *-** *-~.     ~ **   ~  !...~ !' * * * .. _!._*_*. !' "'! *-*~ .*.* * * ~*-*-~ !...!....!.!_ _ _ _ __


  • o.92
  • 1.e,c,
  • 1.11 1.12 o.ub 1.23. 0.94
  • 1.2:;. O.bB
  • 1.12
  • 1.11. 1.c.,o , o.92
  • 0.69 *
  • u.72
  • C,.95
  • l.U4
  • l.l~
  • l.lG. U,87
  • 1.21
  • U.91
  • 1.20. U.86
  • 1.11
  • 1.13. 1.03
  • 0.94
  • 0.70
  • 6 4.2
  • 4.1
  • 4.b
  • 2.1 * -1." * -1.c; * -,l.b *.-2.<,_ *__ -2_.4.._,__ :-o._3 ___* ____ -:-1,1 __* __ 1_,4_, ___ 3.o__ *___2.4 __ ._~...L.*-----


  • 1.03. O.b~ 1.1&
  • 0.96
  • 1.19 1.23
  • 1,18
  • 1.19,. 0,98
  • 1.16. 0.83
  • 1.03. 0.57 *

. * (,.U,

  • 1.06
  • u.e5
  • 1.10 ~ o.9o
  • 1.18
  • 1.1.,
  • 1.24 .* _1.10 __, 1.1!> ___,___ 0.90 __*__ 1.1a __ _.__O.b'-_, __J.O_!> ___.__Q__._2,~9-~*~---9~ill 4.2 * ~-4
  • 3.0
  • 1.4 * -1.9. -0.b
  • 0.1. u.7. -2.2 * -3.b. -l.b. l.!>
  • 1.2
  • lob* 2.e *
  • u.92
  • 1.1& l.d
  • 1.19 o.v-, 1.19 u.89 1.1c; O.b9 *. l.19__
  • 1.21_._l.lo_. __0.92 __ _,_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
  • v.9~
  • 1.17
  • 1.21
  • l.l&. O.b9
  • 1.20. O.b9
  • l.lo
  • 0.8&
  • 1.17. l - ~ l . 1,1!>. 0.91
  • 10 0.1
  • o.c . -O.!> * -2.1 * -u.~
  • o.5 . 0.2 * -2.4. -3.6 * -1.e. -u.3. -o.9 * -1.3 *
  • 1.17
  • l.vl 1.2~ 1.19 u.9d 1.12
  • 0.98. 1.19
  • 1.25. 1.01. 1.17. 0.66 *
                                                                                                                                                        ~ !- * *.*.  -*-*~-."'! **     '! * * * *-*-*-*.'!-* *-* =*=*----------<..
  • u.67
  • 1.19. I.Cl
  • 1.22
  • U.9b. 1.12
  • 0.9b
  • 1.17
  • 1.23
  • 1.02
  • 1.18
  • Q.b&. 11 l.9
  • 1.*, * (J.l * -2.~ * - ** c,
  • 0.2 * -0.2 * -0.3 * -2.2 _. __ -1.t. __
  • o.:.&
  • ___ l_.3_, ____\,_,J___ *__________ _
            . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 * * *
  • U.13
  • l.~8
  • l.U2 1.22 1.17 1.11
  • 1.17. 1.22
  • 1.02
  • 1.08. 0.73.
  • 0.10
  • 1.09
  • 0.99
  • 1.19 *,
  • 1.13 , 1.17_. 1.19
  • 1.01 __._1.10_.__ U.}b__ *_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~lL 3.2
  • 1.1 * -2.2 * -2.2
  • 1.2
  • l.L
  • O.l * -2.l * -0.5
  • 2.0. 3.4 *
  • 0.73 1.17 1.11, o."3 1.uo. a.in_. 1.10 *___ 1,11_. o.73_. ---------------------
  • u.74
  • 1.14
  • 1.14
  • o.e!>
  • 1.02
  • o.e3
  • 1.14
  • 1.11. o.75. 13 o.s * -2.2 * -2.1
  • 2.7. 2.3. 0.2. -1.9 * -0.4. 2.7.

e G

  • 0 *.
  • 0.
  • 0 *
  • 0 0. *
  • 0
  • 0
  • e
  • 0
  • 0 * * *
  • 0 0
  • 0
  • 0 * *
  • 0 *
  • 0" *
  • D *
  • 0 0 0 * * *.
  • 0 e e O e 0
  • 0.42 1.03
  • 0.92
  • 1.03
  • 0.92
  • o.&b .------- -----
  • 0.64. 0.93
  • l.ub
  • C.94. 1.03. 0.91
  • 0.&4.
                                                          * -2.l
  • l.l . 4.~
  • 2.3
  • O.l * -1.0 __ ,_ -2.l_. _______ _


  • 0.!>8
  • O.b9
  • 0.56 AVf.RAGE (JE:VlAllON __ __* u_.&L_*___o_._u___*__ (!._5s * ,PCT 01FFEREN~C~E~*~------1=5c.....a
u.u23 ~.& . 3.~ u.1
  • i.u--

MAP NO. Sl-3-4 W DATE 12/9 /75 POWER -1753 MWT CONTROL ROD POSITIONS N F~H 1. 4 7 AT NS-KL INCORE TILT BANK CAT 228 STEPS FT .2.18 AT F4-JL NW - 1.004 Q BANK DAT 125 STEPS FZ 1. 41 NE - 1.004 BANK P/L AT 228 STEPS A.0.=-17.48 SW - 1. 000 BURNUP -o MWD/MTU SE - 0.992 5,10


                          ?f.t:., JC M~ASU:':
  • PCT lJ l ~FE IIJ cl:


                                             ~I\ CE
  • M L
  • v.oo
  • o.93 K

J u.';.7

  • H Q.70
  • 0.60
  • 0.7!>
  • 0.5,;.


  • 0.92
  • 1.05
  • 0.93 U.';;7 2.t.
  • F 0.60
                                                                                                                                                                                          .PCT DIFFERENCE
  • B A l
  • O.b4
  • 0.94. 1.06
  • 0.93
  • 1.05. D.~l
  • 0.66
  • 2
                                                                 * -."::.l
  • 1.1
  • v.9
  • U.n * -0.l * -1.7. u.l *
  • 0.7~ 1.18 1.1~
  • O.u3 1.u1 O.o3. 1.1~ l . l b . 0.73 *
  • 0.71
  • 1.19
  • 1.22
  • O.o4
  • 0.99. O.b3. 1.22
  • 1.21. 0.75
  • 3
                                                  * -1.*1 ** o.7
  • 2.1
  • v.3 * -2.4 * -0.2
  • 2.3
  • 2.6
  • 3.o *
  • 0
  • 0
  • o * *
  • 0. *
  • o o, o
  • 0 e
  • 0 0 o
  • o
  • 0 ID O O O O
  • 0 *
  • 0
  • 0 0 e O
  • Clo
  • 0 0 0 0
  • o O O O O O *
  • 0
  • 0 0 .*
  • o O O O e O O O O O O O 0 u.73 1.0~ 1.uo
  • 1.20 1.10
  • 1.11 1.10. 1.20 1.00
  • 1.08
  • o.73 *
  • 0.11
  • 1.10. 1.04
  • 1.22
  • 1.15 ; 1.10
  • 1.1b. 1.21
  • 1.u~
  • 1.12
  • o.7s
  • 4
                                   -2.2 * . 1.1, *                      :,.2
  • 2.2 * -0.7 * -u.7
  • 1.5
  • 6.1
  • 4.4
  • 3.5
  • 3.9
  • G.06 l.J~ l.CO 1.2)
  • I.lo ~.97
  • 1.11 U.97. J.16 J.23 1.00
  • 0.10
  • 1.2~
  • i.u,
  • 1.~Q
  • 1.19
  • o.~6
  • 1.ll
  • 0.99. 1.21
  • 1.2~
  • 1.04. 1.23
  • 0.69.

o.l * ~-~ * ~-~ * ~.4

  • 2.7 * -u.8 * -u.o . 2.5 * ~-3 * ~.o
  • 3.b * . 4.3
  • 4 . 9 .

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Ct O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O. 0 O O O O O O O O o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o O O

  • 0.'J3 l.l'J 1.ZC J.lo
  • 0.86. 1.20
  • D.b9
  • J.20. 0.06 1.16. 1.20. 1.19 0.93
  • r.9&
  • 1.20
  • 1.2~
  • 1.22
  • o.&b
  • 1.10. o.a9
  • 1.20. o.b7
  • 1.19. 1.22. 1.21
  • o.,;s
  • 6 o *L
  • c,. 1 * ~
  • L* * .:..
  • 6
  • 2
  • U * - U. 5
  • L;
  • 5 * -0. l o (;. t;
  • 2. ~
  • 2.. 0
  • 1*&
  • 2. 3
  • v.:7  :.L:> u.r.::,  !.Jc. c,.,,7 1.2u J.19. l.?5. 1.1<:- J.~J o.<>7. 1.16. o.e3. 1.05. u.57
  • 0.~0
  • l.Ob
  • v.6~
  • J.l~ * ~-~7
  • 1.18
  • 1.15
  • 1.23
  • 1.16. i.19. C.97. 1.15
  • 0.83
  • 1.05. 0.57. 7
    ;:_,. (.
  • j. 2 *  :, ....  ?.l * -u.5 * -1.0 * -1.3 * -1.4 * -2.5. -o.3
  • c.~ * -0.9 * -o.7 * -0.4. -0.4.


       -,'I..J.                                                       I .1 l           O.b9. 1.2'.>
  • U.95 1. 2.5 G.b9 1.11
  • 1.11
  • 1.01
  • u.~2 0.70.
  • 0.7~
  • J.~~
  • l.u3
  • l.l,5
  • J.E5
  • 1.23
  • u.~~
  • 1.22
  • G.o~
  • 1.10
  • 1.10. 1.01
  • 0.~3. 0.?l. &


  • 1.9
  • i.~ * -Ll.~ * -~-~ * -4.0 * -1.6 * -2.t * -2.~ * -0.4 * -1.4 * -{>.7 * -C,.6
  • 0.6. 2.5 *
  • o.~1
  • 1.os O.b~
  • 1.1& o.~7
  • 1.20
  • 1.19 1.2~ 1.19. 1.zu. o.Y7
  • 1.16. o.83
  • 1.05. o.57 *
  • 0.5o. 1.U:,. :...*::-. l.14. l.92. l . l o . 1.1"'. 1.24. l . l o . 1.14. 0.95. 1.1:,. 0.83. 1.07. 0.60. 9


  • C*.2 * -\.* .. ~ * -l .'-. * -~-.~ * -.":..i.'. * -C.o * -V.6 * -J.(; * -'1. 7 * -2.3 * -0.6 * -0.4
  • 1.5
  • 4.0 *
  • u.~:,
  • 1.i~ 1.~u*. 1.16 u.66
  • 1.2u
  • O.lY
  • 1.20 1.10 1.2u
  • 1.1Y
  • o.u3
                * **°"l
  • l.ll
  • 1.1~. 1.16
  • o.~6
  • l.ld
  • 0.87
  • 1.14. 0.93. 1.14
  • 1.1',.
  • 0."'3. 10
                * -1.2 ** - ! . i * -1.1 * -G.7 * -0.b * -1.0 * -2.2 * -4.8 * -4.0. -).9 * -0.8 * -0.6
  • 0.2
  • O.e,o. I.IL l.ll* I.a:', J.Jt, u.'-!7. 1 . l l . O.*n J.l<> 1.2:'>. 1.00. 1.18. O.t>b.
  • C*. 6 7
  • 1 * ::\
  • l. u I
  • J. t2
  • l. I u * (1. 95
  • l. v0
  • 0.,;:,
  • l. l '.>
  • l. Z3
  • 1. Cl
  • 1. 2 0
  • 0. o 7
  • 11 l.f*. i.t
  • u.7. -~.6 * -0.7 * -2.2 * -3.4 * -j.6. -t,.c * -0.~. 1.0
  • 2.0
  • 1.9 *
  • o.*,~ 1.1.:t J.Uu l.2U. 1.16  :.JI l.Jt,. 1.20 1.00 1.08. 0.73.
  • 0o7G
  • J,11
  • 1.00
  • l.lQ
  • l . l j * ).08
  • 1.13
  • 1.17
  • 1.00
  • loll
  • 0.76
  • 12
  • 2.~. -G.~ * -0.B * -2.5 * -?.~ * -2.4. -2.5 * -0.5
  • 2.0
  • 4.8
  • 0.7~ l.1t 1.19
  • U.8~
  • 1.01
  • O.b3. J,19. l.lH. C.73 *
  • o.74
  • 1.16
  • 1.18
  • o.t2
  • 1.00
  • o.~2
  • 1.15
  • 1.16. o.75
  • 13 1.c * -1.4 * -1.3 * -1.3 * -1.~ * -1.9. -3.3. -1.~
  • 3.1
  • O.ob
  • 0.93
  • l.uS
  • O.Yi l.O~ 0.Q~ 0.06 *
  • C.oS
  • 0.45
  • l.OQ
  • C.93
  • 1.04
  • 0.91
  • O.o3. 14
                                                                  * -1.3
  • 2.2
  • 3.d
  • 0.7 * - 1 . l . -2.2. -3.6 *
                          ~ T A~.;liAk (,                                                          . o.~7.              0.10
  • 0.51 AV!:R.AGE:


  • u.61
  • 0.12
  • o.s7. .PCT DIFFE~ENCE
  • 15
                            =U. 027                                                                      *1.2
  • 3.9 * -0.b
                                                                                                                               = 2.28 ATLS-OA BANK D AT 125 STEPS NE           1.010 F             = 1. 41 BANK P /L AT 228 STEPS                                                                                          z                                                                               SW            0.992 A.O.= -17.5 SE - 0 .986 BURNUP ="' 0                            MWD/MTU 5,11



                                   ~hE:L*H lW
  • lJ.~~
  • O. 71
  • 0.59
  • PRf:OICTl:O

~--~H"l:h!.vi-.<J; ___ _, _______________ , __ 0.62 __ , ___ 0,75

  • u,62, ___________ _._~A:C.VF,.f:D~-~-------~l~--
                          .~c.1 l,HH.KU;(.t.                                                                         5.1
  • 5,0
  • 5. l * .PCT DlFFERf:NCE.
- - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - ____._ u. l;. __
  • c,. c; 2_. _1_.o ~ *. 0. 97_. 1. c,5 ._ o. 92
  • o . 6 = 5 ~ * ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - l l l
  • Uob3
  • Q.90
  • 1.05
  • 0,97
  • 1.07
  • 0.94
  • 0.65, 2
                                                                         * -2.8 * -1.7
  • C,.3
  • 0.5
  • 2.0
  • 3.U * -0,l *
~ - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * - * * .JOJI. * - * *-* * * * .__._o .*. e 8 *.11 Jl...ll *
  • 1LII *. ll * *-* JLLII .... "11.*.e.......* 11 .* *-*-*..J.*.*-* * .11 .* 11*** e . , . . . . . . _ * ~ - - - * - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - -
  • u.,~ . 1.,~
  • 1.15
  • o.~3. 1.01
  • u.63
  • 1.15
  • 1.15
  • 0.12 *
  • c,.1c,
  • 1.12
  • 1.13
  • o.a~
  • 1.uo. o.83
  • 1.19
  • 1.16
  • 0.12 *
  • ------*----*- *--~-<t __. __ -2.u_. -i:._1 ___ * -1,0 L~1J'_1_L_o._4 -*--'*'t.-~ __.1 *. 0 ~ -0.2~~*---------------~-
  • u.72
  • l.~6
  • 1.00
  • 1,21
  • 1,16. 1.11
  • 1.16. 1.21
  • 1,00
  • 1.06. 0.72
  • ___________
  • ____,., ,lL_._1._~_5 __ ._o * .,, b_._l. l 'L.~_.1 *.1~.-~.1.11...*. J..* 11_ ..*...1.24____._1._.oL. __ 1_.o_o_._o_,J:;._._____________4=<--a
                                        * -1.3 * -1.~. -2.~ * - l , 6 . -lJ.8 * -0.2
  • 0.9. 2.4. 0.6 , 0.2 , 1.5
  • 111-----~-~c.,,.y..:,__._-1 .*. l2..__.____J,_.,,l/_, __1_._;_ .._.J...o._f.iL_.__Ci,_9L._L,_tL._Q_,_2a_._J_._i_o_,,_J~~!!-,____l_*_Q..o__.___1.,_1=1__,_o,._.,,6"'5._,*.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ai
  • u.~4
  • 1.14
  • 1.uv
  • 1.2~
  • 1.~1
  • 0.97
  • 1.1(.,. 0.98 , 1.20. 1,23
  • 1.01
  • 1.18. 0,66 *
                        * -1.2 * -1.2
  • lJ.l
  • u.5
  • lJ.7 * -1.2 * -1.2
  • 0.2 , D.5 .* -1.l
  • 1.5
  • 2,4. 2.7.

_ _ _ . _ . _ *

  • _* ...__, J. ._ * * . .. t.Ljl * . * *
  • _._._. * - * . 1'..JL.R..._ ..... _._._ ........... *-* *-~'-** *~*-'LY-ILOJ_P_ ......... _....._. ***-"--*L*..*.*. , .. _._. ****** !'.* _o_*J-~ *.!'.*.*-* ,_._._.Y!_.__o_,. ___________
                        * ~.-,1
  • 1.1~. 1.~c.,
  • 1.19
  • 0.93. 1.2u. u.b9
  • 1.20
  • u.93
  • 1.19
  • 1.20. 1.15. o.91 *
  • v,'ll
  • 1.1~. l,<2
  • J., ... 0.94
  • 1.11
  • u.86. 1,18
  • 0.91
  • 1.18
  • l,1'1. 1.1~. 0.93
  • b
               *--* __:-*,,.~_._ -:-l*.,~ __. _ l .> --** ___ 4, 1_._ 1_._3_,_---=2.',I__.__ -2.,_.'!.__~_.._2_ _.__::-l_,..'L..._:-J_,_2__,._::_~L.___~!-~*~3,___*___________


  • l.~ .. , v.L~ , l.lo
  • u.~c
  • 1.,:0
  • l.l~. 1,23
  • l,l~
  • l,2lJ
  • 0,98
  • 1,16
  • 0,83
  • l,U4
  • 0,59,
 --** .o., 2_. ___l .(1t., ___ * . L ,_c:,                 ,_ l.* .lI ' 1.u2____._1_.;:µ __ ,_~t-.* ~-----J-2JL.*_t,J6__*__ J. l_t,,_.___CJ.95__._ __l ....12~_._§t_~_J_~9~4~-0-o~-*-=5~9~*~---l~--
             ~. i::
  • L ...
  • U.3 ,* l,t, . . . . b
  • U,0 * -3.0 * -2,4 * -1.7 * -1.4 o -2,3 * -3.3 * -1.7 * -0,l * -0,l *
 -~-u.* 71 ..* u_.-,7 *.. l.lil ___ *___1.11
  • 1_.12
  • u.!,B ._ 1.7:, *. o.c,.,
  • 1.23
  • 0,88
  • 1.12
  • l.ll
  • l.QJ_~0.97
  • o.71 *
  • 0.1 ..
  • v,'lt
  • 1.~1
  • 1.11
  • 1.11
  • 0.86
  • 1.19. 0.91. 1.21
  • o.Bb
  • 1.10. 1.01
  • 0.99
  • 0.98
  • o.73
  • 8
  • l.4
  • v.O
  • u.~
  • 4.L * -3.U * -l.O. -2.~ * -1.2 * -u.9. -1.8 * -3.3 * -1.6
  • 1,6. 2.7.

_ _* ..,_*

  • a * ***-*- *--~~-~-*. *."!.~.* *.!.fl!. * .* * * * * * * * * * * * '!' ..__._.,._._ * * * *_!_ '!"_!!_* D "!.*-!'.. *_"!.'!'_"!..~.-!'....!.._!__!I._*.*.*_*..'!_* ..!'. ---~-~~-~~ 9 ~._!....!....!....!.._!I_~ !_!I._!'* .!..'!..!....*_*~.!_!.** * . . . . . . . 9 **
  • 0.~9 * ~.L . . . u,b=, , l . l o . u.'lb , l.2U , l,lb
  • 1,23
  • 1,18
  • 1.20
  • 0.98
  • 1.16. 0.~3
  • 1.04. 0,59 *
  • lJ,e,2
  • 1,0/
  • L.&4 *. l.17
  • lJ,99
  • 1.18
  • 1,16. l,20. 1.17
  • 1.19
  • 0,97
  • 1.12 , 0,82
  • 1.06
  • 0 0 bl
  • 9
     ._ .. _.&. _2_._2 *__ L . t , .                             u,ll...., ___ 1.~_. -2.1
  • _-,*.u_ ._-,.o. -o .* 9 ._-_1.1. -o.9. -3.3. -1.1_. _1.9. 4,2 *
  • v.91 *-l~ l.;0 1.1-,
  • 0.9~
  • l.2u u.&9
  • 1.20
  • U.93
  • 1.19. 1.20. 1.15. 0.91 *
  ---**---- __* __ I,,         .9;,_ *. l. l t * ;
  • LL_
  • 1.; 1 *--* 0.91
  • l. lt,
  • U,tb *. l_.21 _ *...o. 92_ .*..1.18____._ l .19 __
  • __~_.1_3___ ~_().9_1 ___*_ _ _ _ _ _~l,"O~--

l .... 1.~

  • 1.~
  • l , b . -2.4 * -l.b * -0.o. o.3 * -1.u. -1.1 * -1.2 * -1.3. -o.6.
  ***---*--*-*-0*"-~--                      _;.1~.             1.00          i.2 .. __
  • __ 1.20 o.9ti 1.12.. u.9<!__, 1.20 *.. 1.24 __ , ~.oo_ *__ j._15 ___
  • __CJ.6_5~*------------
  • l,,vb. 1.1)
  • l,l<
  • l . ~ o . 1.17
  • U.~7
  • 1,12
  • 0,9B
  • 1.18. 1.23
  • l,00
  • l.l~
  • 0,65
  • ll' 1.6. 1.1** 1 *. t i . 1 . , . -:*.o. -t,.u. u.~. u.4. -1.1. -1.0. o.o. u.4. -u.2.
 -*----*----*--~!'~~-:-~ ~-:;: * *
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  • i :oo *: *t :~~ ~: ~ ~: 7ia :-~-*~~*-~*-~*~*,c*~------*-*-


  • 0.1~. l.lU
  • 1,02
  • 1.22
  • 1.16. 1.11. 1,16
  • 1.19
  • 1,00. 1.07. 0.73. 12
   - * - - - - - - - - - - * -* 2.u __ * *.-.<., __ *- 1.:,
  • 1.3 * -0.4 * -o .... _:-0.4 * -1.2 * -0.4 ..* ... 0.3 __ *__!_-~3_,*c______________
                                                           * (.,,72
  • 1.)5 1,15
  • lJ.b~ J.ul
  • lJ,U)
  • l.l~. 1.15 0.72.
                 -------*--*--------*---"*13. _. __ 1.11
  • 1.n.* 0.b2
  • 1.uu. o.e2
  • 1.u
  • 1.16 _._._o_.13__~--------------------'tL_


  • 1.~
  • 1.::. * -1.2 * -1.3 * -1.4 * -1.0. o.3
  • 0.1 *
  • lJ.t.5
  • lJ.~2
  • 1.0~
  • U,'17
  • l.05
  • C.,,92 , O.b5__*c.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ - - - - -
  • C,.oo
  • 0.93
  • l.Oo. U.96. 1.03
  • 0,90. 0~64. 14 1.~
  • 1.a
  • v.9 * -o.b * -1.1 * -1.6. -1.6 *
                           . . . . ~ i ~r:C~~~....                        . . ........


                                                                                                        * **:. ~:;~ ***               CJ: 7i -*:. ~: ;; . : ............ *-*                                                        ._'!_9_~!-~~~~-;G~-~-f!__*_~~-~-------*

Lil VIA flu/',

  • 0,60
  • 0,72
  • 0.56 * .PC1 DIFFERENCE. 15
 >---*--*--*                          =v.uib                                                                          2,2. u.6. -1.7.                                                                                                                    1.6 MAP NO. Sl-3-5 W                                                                                    DATE 12/9/75                                                                                        POWER= -2002 MWT N

CONTROL ROD POSITIONS F~H 1.44 AT CS-EL INCORE TILT BANK CAT 228 STEPS F~ =:2.12 AT CS-EL NW - 0.999 BANK DAT 149 STEPS 1. 38 NE - 1. 001 BANK P/L AT 228 STEPS A.0.=-7.86 SW - 1.006 BURNUP ~o MWD/MTU SE - 0.994


     ~ - ~ - P__                   .  ~  _____ M____ _          L        K            J         H          G          .F             E                    C          B       : _A ____________ -

.-.:*. PREDICTED * **--------*-.

  • 0. 59
  • 0. 7 2
  • 0. 59
  • PR ED IC TEO *.
                    ---:'IEA SUP.ED
  • 0.60
  • 0.73. 0.60. MEASURED l
  • 1.2
  • l-4. .PCT DIFFERENCE *
                 ...*.........*.*         . *-* --*-*- -   ~!*************************************************                                   *-*-* *-*~ ***~-**!.-.!~---**---

0.65 0.92 l.07 0.98 l.07 0.92 0.65 0.65. 0.93

  • t.06
  • 0.97
  • 1.05. 0.95
  • 0.66
  • 2
1. 0
  • 1. 4 * -o. 5 * -1. 7 * - l
  • 8
  • 3. l
  • 2. 0 *
  • 0.71. 1.16. 1.18. 0.83
  • 1.03. 0.83
  • 1.18 .* 1.16
  • 0.71 *
  • 0.72. l . l 7 . 1.19. 0.84
  • 0.98. D.82
  • 1.21. 1.19
  • 0.72
  • 3 1.0 ~ 1.0. 1.3. O.l * -4.0. -2.2. 3.l
  • 2.4
  • l.9 *
  • 0. 71
  • l. 06 *
  • o.1o"*.1.01.

0.99 l . l 9 . 1.15

  • 1.10. l.15
  • 1.19. 0.99. 1.06
  • 0.71.

1.00. 1.20. 1.13

  • 1.01
  • 1.14
  • 1.22
  • 1.01 .* 1.09
  • 0.74. ,.
                               * - 1. l
  • o. 7
  • 1.2
  • 1.5. -1.9 * -3.0 * -1.2
  • 2.7. 2.3
  • 2.8
  • 3.8 *
------~ 0.65 * -l~li: .****o;c;c; *_- 1.23
  • 1.17
  • 0.97
  • l.ll
  • 0.97
  • 1.17
  • 1.23
  • O.S9. 1.16. 0.65 *
  • 0.64
  • l.15
  • 1.00. 1.25. 1.20. 0.94
  • 1.08. 0.96. 1.18
  • 1.23
  • 1.04. 1.21. 0.67. 5

_ - - *- * - l . l . - l

  • t __
  • 1. 5 _*--* 2. 3
  • 2
  • 7 * -2
  • 6 * - 2. 6 * -0
  • 7
  • 1
  • 4
  • 0 ** 7
  • 4*8
  • 4*8
  • 3. 8 *
                                                         ~                       ~
  • c.~2
  • 1.10. 1.1c; .* 1.11. o.91
  • 1.21
  • o.89
  • 1.21
  • o.91
  • 1.11
  • 1.19. 1.10. 0.92 *
  • 0.53. 1.19
  • 1.22. 1.22. 0.93
  • 1.18
  • Q.87. l.19
  • 0.91. 1.18
  • 1.20. 1.19. 0.93. 6
               *****i.i*.*--i.i. 2.1. 4.7. 2.1. -2.4. -2.0. -1.1*. -0.1. o.6. o.9. 1.3. 1.3.


  • O.=S *
  • t.C7
  • 0.83
  • l. t5
  • G.97
  • 1.21 1.19
  • 1.24
  • 1.19
  • 1.21 0.97
  • 1.15
  • a.a~
  • l".07
  • 0.59
  • I'
~:    o. ~s
  • 1.c1
  • 1.11 : 1. cz
  • 1.21
  • 1.16
  • 1.22
  • 1.10
  • 1.19
  • o.95
  • 1.12
  • o.e2
  • 1.05
  • o.58
  • 7 [:,.

C.9. 0.4. 2.1. 1.8. 5.2. 0.4. -2.6 * -1.9. -1.3. -1.0. -2.1. -3.0. -2.2. -1.4. -1.4. I'

- :** ij ~ 7 2     C* c; 8           i ~ C3       L 1C        1.11      o.89        1.24      o.95        1.24        0.09          1.11     1.10        1.03       o.9e       c. 72               i;.
   . o.,~ .         c.G7
  • o.i9. 1.cs. 1.17. 0.86
  • 1.21
  • 0.93. 1.23. 0.88
  • 1.09. 1.01
  • 1.00. 0.99. o. 74
  • 8 r; 0.7 * -l.O * -3.2 * -1.2
  • 5.l * -2.6 * -2.6 * -L.9 * -0.9 * -0.6 * -1.5 * -3.0 * -2.3
  • 1.1
  • 2. 7
  • t,.

o.~9 J.C7

  • 0.59
  • 1.06
  • C.82. 1.13.

0.83 l.15 0.97 1.21 l.19 l.24 l.19 l.21 0.97 C.97. 1.17

  • 1.16
  • 1.20. 1.19
  • 1.20
  • 0.96
  • 1.12
  • O.E4. 1.10. 0.62.

1.15 0.83 1.07 0.59 9 1: I 0."9. *-1.0. -2.l. - 2 . l . --G.l. -3.2. - 3 . l . - 3 . l . -0.6. -0.7. -0.6. -3.0. 0.6. 3.2. 5.1. I L

                                                                                                                                                                                                      \1 o.c;?.           1.10. 1.1<J. 1.17. o.n                          1.21 ._0.89. 1.21. 0.91. 1.11. 1.19. 1.1s. o.n .
  • C.92. l.lll. 1.1E. 1.17. 0.88. l.17. 0.86. 1.17. 0.92. 1.17. l.19. l.18. 0.93. lO
                * -0:1 * -0.2 * -0.2.                            o.o. -3.4 * -3.l * -3.o * -2.9
  • 0.1
  • o.6
  • o.s
  • 0.4
  • 1.0
  • le-.-**-*. --
0. e; l. l 6 C.GG 1.23 1.17 0.97 0.97 1.17 l.23 0.99 1.16 0.65
  • 0.66
  • 1. ts
  • 1.c1. 1.22. 1.13. o.94. i.os. o.94. 1.11
  • 1.23
  • 1.00
  • 1.18. 0.66
  • 11 2.0. 2.0. 2.0. -O.l. - 3 . l . -3.0. -2.B. -2.8. 0.6
  • 0.5. 1.3
  • l . 9 . 1.7.
  • O. 71
  • 1. C6
  • 0.99 l.19. 1.15
  • 1.10. 1.15
  • 1.19
  • 0.99
  • 1.06
  • 0.11.
  • Q.74. 1.11. 1.01. 1.22. 1.11
  • 1.06. 1.11. l.19
  • 0.99. 1.01
  • 0.73
  • 12 1----*--*-- ---** - - ... -***. 4. 2 * .4. 3
  • 2.5. 2.6. -4.0 * -4.0 * -4.0
  • 0.5. 0.5
  • 0.9 ~- 3.2 *.
  • 0.71. 1.16 l.18. 0.83. 1.03. Q.83. 1.18. 1.16. 0.71.
                                             *** o.n ** t.19. 1.21
  • o.79
  • o.97 * *
  • 1.15 ** 1.16
  • 0.12
  • 13 3.4.
  • 2.5. 2.6. -5.l * -5.o * -3.9 * -2.1. o.5
  • 1.1 *
                                               ......... ~-..................................................... .

0.65. 0.':12

  • 1.07
  • 0.98
  • 1.07
  • 0.92
  • 0.65
  • 0.66
  • 0.95
  • 1.01
  • 0.96
  • 1.04
  • 0.90
  • 0.63
  • 14 2.5. 3.0. -o.o * -2.5. -3.0 * -2.1. -2.6.


  • 0.59 0.72
  • Q.59
  • 0.61
  • 0.73
  • 0.57 * .PCT DIFFERENCE * . 15
                             =G.024                                                 - 3
  • 2 _- 0. 8 . -~- -2 ~ 8 - *. . --* -------*------**
2. 0 ..

MAP NO. Sl-3-5 V DATE 12/9/75 POWER = 'v2Q00MWT CONTROL ROD POSITIONS N INCORE TILT FAH = 1.49 AT 15-0A BANK C AT 228 STEPS NW - 1.005 FT = 2.21 AT 15-0A Q BANK D AT 149 STEPS NE 1.004 z = F 1. 38 BANK P /L AT 228 STEPS SW 0.997 A.O.= -7.9 SE - 0.995 BURNUP ='v 0 MWD/MTU 5,13



i i' R. i p N H L K J H G F E: D C B


Pr.E.u_l CHU u.59 CJ.72 0.59 PRE.DlCTt:D

  ---,..-__._ ___ HLP.. !.U.iti:...CL_____________ ..                                                   .
  • *. 0.73 ,. 0,bl * -***" ... ME:ASlJRED . -*-------* ____ l __
                     .P(.l uHftf<.d,U.                                                                               2.c. 1.1. 2.0.
  • f'CT DlFF ERt:NCE *
- - - - - - * - - - - - - ______._1;.c-_~_..__ ,;_.91 __
  • __1_ *..o.~ ... *.....0.* 99..., ...1._c,5 ._c..*n ..*. o.o4 ***--**-**--------*-*--------------
  • CJ.o2
  • 0.9U
  • 1.05
  • C.9B. 1,06. 0.9b. 0,65. 2
                                                                      ~ -~.1 * -2.1 * -0.4 * -u.3.                                                             1.0. 4.b. o.4.
  ----------*- __ ._, u.71                            ..... *-* ....................................................*..


  • 1.1s
  • 1.01. 0,63
  • 1.15
  • 1,15
  • 0.11 *
  • u.o9
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
  • u.a2
  • 1.01. o.65
  • 1.20. 1.11. 0.12
  • 3
  - - - - - - - - ----------*- -:,;; ..2 .. ,....... =j.l_ .H::2."t___
  • __:-l.!> __ * ,;::0.l__. __ ,l.8. **- .4.~...... *-- -~-0 _. ___ 0.3_.__:------------,,-'-----
  • o.72
  • 1.~5
  • 1.uo. 1.20
  • 1.16. 1.11. 1.16. 1.20. 1.00. 1.05. 0.12
  • a----*----**-* .... C...t.Sl~ .. l. U2 ...~. u *.97 _ *...l.l.7_.~l, lb ..*. ..1. * .12... ~.l. l.lL.a ... l,25 -* _l .* 02~.l .Ob....._o. 72 ...*. --*-*--------~"-._.
                                 . -,.~ . -~.u. -J.u. -2.h. -0.2
  • 1.u. 2.3. 4.0. 1.1. 0,8.
  • 1.0.

a----~-_i.,_._ti."t....,,_J_.l!L__.._u_..!t.~2,. ...........l...2!.L..._~..._i_.12-..._JL.~a_..___i * .2.o_._i..2.L._o....9.9

  • 1.14 ._Cl.-.12...*~~-.....--...,...----
  • u,62 , l , l l . 0,98
  • 1,22
  • 1,19. U,97. 1,10. U.99. 1.22
  • 1,24
  • l,01 o 1,16. 0,65,
                  , -3.3 * -2.7. -1.u, -1.L * -U,d * -1.3 * -1.2
  • 0,7
  • 2.1
  • 0.2
  • 1,9. 1,3
  • 0,4,
  ~ - * - _ . . _ . _ .._.__.~A...A..&....a.a....a.a..a..a.&..&...&..a..a ....... ._. . . . .        a.a *........._.............. _. *.A** a.a.a.a**.*.*_._.***-** L.a.a *-*
  • a_.-111.La a ..a..a..a.a.a.* o.*-*A La.*.e.*a*----------1*
  • L,91 a l,14
  • 1.2()
  • 1,19
  • U,95. 1,21
  • 0.89. 1,21
  • D,95
  • 1,19
  • 1,20. l,14
  • 0,91
  • 1.11
  • 1.~u
  • l.2j
  • 0.95
  • 1.11
  • 0.85. 1.1&. U.94. 1,19. 1,19. 1.14. u.91
  • 6
------~-~~-=~-.~-=ii_.._u._.___3_._u_...__u_~ * -;) e 1 - ~...5---...=.2 .. 2_.._:::0... !L...........=_v_._~.o_._ci_~---~(J*~*::l~~*~O~,*L-1~                                                                                                                                            * - - - - - - . . . - , . , . .. .
  • u.~9. J.u5
  • 0.03
  • 1.15
  • 0.9b
  • 1.20
  • 1,19. 1.23. 1.19. 1.20. o.9b
  • 1.15. u.83. 1.05. o.59.
  ~-u.*..t.2_-.....1..._~.;1_.__..1..J:.IL.._.l,.C/2_ _.__..l.*.21 __._l *.lc,_._l..20.. ~.l.l!L.._l.... l9_.._u_._95_._i.._l.l............*.1!.l_.J...Q~*

4,2 .* G.l * -,.7. u.2 * ~.9. u.1 * -2.5 * -2.1. -o.b. -o.6. -2.1. -3.5. -2.0. -o.3. -o.3.

  µ_.0,.1, __.__!.i_,_519__ ..,._1_.vi_.._1,1u__ .,_J,.11_L_ll.,(>6_._j_,;,2_._0_.9.J_._J *. 2.2-...,_o *.ss_._l_.1L.__i .*_1..o.-L......1...!!.L.__o_._9_L..._0....l..i.'~.~----
  • o.*h
  • l.UO
  • 1.c,2
  • 1.10
  • l,lt> * (,.66
  • 1.*20
  • U.92
  • 1.22
  • 0~87
  • 1.09
  • 1.01
  • 0,99
  • 1.00
  • o.73
  • 8 4,1 * !.O
  • 1.1 * -0.l
  • J,9 * -2.3 * -2~3 * -1.l. -u,b. -1.l * -2.l. -3.6. -2.0. 1,1
  • 1,9.

_._._. - - ~ .&L*. *.* ....... * ***.* .a. ...... a.a........ lt * ..._._.JI .__. ................

  • IL........__. ..__._.._._.......__._.._.......t...LJl.J* .LJl..t...lL9...Jt.'I.J...*. '-_.*..LL.9'.9...R ..t...t..t-~-..IL1'......_.........__.......__.__.IL*....__Lt..l!.* * ._....._w...Jl..l!*,*u*~*L~"----*


  • 1.05, U.b3. 1.15
  • U.9b
  • 1.20
  • l,19. 1.23. 1.19. 1,20. 0.96
  • 1.15. 0.83. 1,05. 0,59 *
  • O.&~
  • 1,07. U,84. 1,17
  • U.9e
  • 1.17
  • l,lb. 1.20. 1,17. 1,19. 0,97, 1,11, 0~84. 1,08. 0.61
  • 9
  • 2 * -2..* 2-.*--1. *. .1 .. ...._i-_. (J __ ... ____(J. o_ .... _::2. =---*-=2-.L-_::2 ..;i_.__::1 .* .2......_::.l.* 3__*__ ::.1,2.......~3. 5__.____ 1 *.z...*._ 2. !!_ .__J .-L. ."'l...,-,_ ._ ___-1.
  • 0.41
  • 1,14 , 1.20. 1,14
  • U.95
  • 1,21
  • U.89
  • 1.21
  • U.95 , 1,19. 1.20. l,14
  • 0.91 *
- - - ~ _l/. 'i.L.;.~L l.':'.. ,_ l._._;:,_o_._ ..J..,.l 'i ... , .. _Q. 9 L.,. ...l.* l                                   ~_._o_. ll_b__._J , Z L.._Q .*.9 5__.___ l .:l 9._,_J ,.Z Q __* __ l.., l_(;,____, __Q.. '!.2_,_ _ _ _ _~1...,,0,_**
                   * -u.l. -,,.l * -u.l
  • u.1 * -::..3 * -2.2 * -0.b. 0.6. u.2
  • O.l. -o.o. 1.0. 1,4.
  ,_ _ _ _., .. V*P'!_ , ___ l, 14 ....*. o,.,'I                          .. l.~" *.... 1.zo ___ *__ 0,98...*.. 1.* 12 ..*. o._9B....... 1.20 __ ,___1.2_4_._g_,'t.9_~J.,J.':!......_Q .*
  • u.~4. l,13. O.Sb
  • 1~24 , 1.17
  • 0,'17. 1.12
  • 0,99
  • 1,20. 1.24. 0.99. 1.15. 0,65 *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ~.~~-~-------=-:,....,*               11
                   * -1.l. -1.l. -1.l ** -0.l. -Z.4. -*U,8. lJ,4. O.b. 0,1. -C,,2. -0.5 .* 0.2.                                                                                                                                                                               1,1 *
  ---L.!'*-*-~-*..!!..L.~~-* ..I! *. * .** ***.* * *.o *.*.*.. *.p ! * *.~.~-* *.*"' *.!'-~~.,.*.* *.!'..* ..*.. *..*.*.. * *....L*-! ~~*..!'*.!~*-*.*.* .* *.*.'! ~-* * * ..*.~..!-*._* *-*-*-~!..'!~.~~!-"!..~*,~-~*~~*-~*~*~*c---------1*
  • u.7~
  • 1.05
  • 1.00. 1.20. l,lb. 1.11. l,lb. 1.20. 1.uo. 1.05
  • 0.12 *
  • u.7u. 1.03
  • 1.02
  • 1.24. 1.11. 1.16. 1.20. o.99. 1.04. 0.12. 12

___________ ...__=t.*J;. __._.=t .* o -**---*~.* ? __,. ___i.Q......,. ___J).l_..... __v._.3__*__ .o *..3......:..~--::.o .*.o._.__7:l __*. 1___ ._::1_.J,_..__Q~,-------------*

  • u.11
  • 1.1~
  • 1.15. u.83
  • 1.u1. L.B3
  • 1.15. 1.15
  • u.71.  ;

________________.._Q..;.:zz_._1_.l}___,__\i.o.l!.3 ......_J,_,_Ql......_O_.(l3_,_l,Jp_._l.eJ2__._Q_.7L..________________.'"'l.,3e.....i* t* U0 2

  • Z.4. 2.5. * -0.l * -U.l
  • 0,3
  • 0,7, -2,2 * -0.9 * 'I l'
 - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - ' " ' * - (J,(14 * (J_,!fl_.__l,05 __*__ U,99 * .. l .* 05_._U,91 , 0,64,_                                                                                                       0~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • U,bb
  • 0.94 , l,07 , 0.~9. 1,06, 0,92 , 0,65
  • 14
                                                                               ~-~.               2.6
  • 1.7
  • O.O. Oeb. 0.7. 0.8 *
                    *-"*" ** *"' * * * * * **..*.**--**--*****-*-*--**-*I: f>.*.t...t IL......*.!'"'!.*.*                   f>. *-* * *. * *-*-"'-~--*-*.* * *.t-*....Jl.!!_~~!:...!...!!~*-*~~* *                                        * * * * * * * * ...!'. !!....'!....~0~!-------~-~--
                             !:.lAM,AkU                                                                             (J.5'1              o.n                  o.59                                                                                          AVE.RAG t UtVlAlluN
  • O,ol
  • o.74. O.bO. ,PCT OlFFERtNCE. 15
  ....-----*--:---=~U~*~G~l9                                                                                           2,9. 2.0. 0.6.                                                                                                                              1.5                                                                  \.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          * * * * .D * * * * * * * * * * *                                                   . ____ j .



MAP NO. Sl-3-6 W DATE 12/ 10/75 POWER = -2099 MWT N CONTROL ROD POSITIONS Ftili: = 1.43 AT E3-CK INCORE TILT BANK CAT 228 STEPS FT = 2.08 AT ES-AA NW - 0.991 Q - BANK DAT 160 STEPS BANK P/L AT 228 STEPS Fz A.O. =-1.52 BURNUP = -o MWD/MTU

                                                                                                                                                                       = 1. 34                                                                                                           NE - 1.005 SW-** 1.003 SE - 1.001


                                                                                                   *.*..........* ~.


  • o.~9. 0.13. u.~9. PRf:DlC TtO 11E:ASURHl
  • 0.5b. 0.12
  • 0.58
  • 11E:ASURl::D 1
  • PCT DlFFERtNCE. * -1.b * -2.0. -1.8 * .PCT ulFFERENC.E *
  • O.b4. U.92
  • 1.08
  • 1.01. 1.08. 0.92
  • O.b4.
  • O.b5. 0.93. l.Oo. u.~b
  • 1.05
  • 0.9b
  • 2 0.1
  • 1.0 * -1.3 .* -2.b * -2.9. 4.7. 2.5 *
  • 0;10. 1.15. 1.17
  • O.b3
  • 1.03. 0.83. 1.17. 1.15. 0.70 *
  • 0.71
  • 1.18
  • O.b3. 1.00. O.E3. 1.23
  • 1.19. 0.72
  • 3 u.b. u.7. 0.9. o.o. -3.2. -0.9. 4.6. 3.3. 2.4 *
  • 0.70. l.O~ *. U.98
  • 1.18
  • l.l~. 1.10. 1.15. l.18
  • 0.98
  • 1.05
  • 0.70 *
  • 0.71. 1.05. 0.99. 1.19. 1.13
  • l.Ob. 1.15. 1.23
  • 1.02
  • 1.09. 0.73. 4 '\:;

O.b. -0.1. C~4. 0.3 * -1.3 * -1.9. U.l. 4.3. 3.3

  • 3.3
  • 3.2 *
        ********************************************************************************************                                   :~!

I O.b4 1.15 O.'tb l * .:2 1.17 0.97 1.11 0.97 1.17 1.2.2 0.98 1.15 O.b4

  • O.b~
  • 1.14. 0.99. 1.22. 1.18
  • 0.94
  • l.Ob. 0.97. 1.20. 1.25. 1.03. 1.19. 0.65. 5
        * -0.b * -1.l
  • 0.9 * -0.1
  • 1.1 * -2.8 * -2.7 * -0.3. 3.0
  • 2.0. 5.1
  • 3.*b
  • 1.4.
  • 0.92
  • 1.17. I.le .* 1.17. 0.93
  • 1.21. 0.89. 1.21. 0.93. l.17. 1.18
  • 1.17. 0.92 * ,:f1
  • 0.91
  • 1.17. 1.20. 1.21. 0.94
  • 1~17. *. 1.19. 0.93
  • 1.18
  • 1.20. 1.18. 0.92
  • b
         * -0.7 * -U.7. 1 *.3 * :..5
  • 1.3 * -2.9. -3.l * -1.6
  • 0.5
  • 1.2
  • 1.2
  • O.b * -0.l *
  • o.59
  • 1.06 ** o.83 1.1~ o.91. i.21
  • 1.19. 1.24. 1.19. 1.21
  • o.97. 1.1s
  • o.83. 1.u8
  • O.bO. 1.07
  • o.~3. l.l~. 1.01. 1.22
  • 1.17. 1.22. i.19. 1.20. 0.95
  • i.11
  • a.Bl
  • I.Ob. 0.58.

0.2 * -1.0 * -1.0. 0.2. ~.3. o.5 * -2.1 * -1.1. -u.2. -o.5 * -2.4. -3.4. -2.s. -1.b. -1.b. u.59 7 IV.

  • o.73. 1.01 ** 1.03. 1.10. 1.11. o.&9
  • 1.24
  • u.95
  • 1.24. o.89
  • 1.11
  • 1.10. 1.03. 1.01. u.73 *
  • o.73. o.~9
  • i.01. 1.oa. 1.15. o.87. 1.~1. 0.94. 1.2~. o.&s. 1.09
  • 1.ob. 1.00. 1.01. o.75. 8 O.l * -1.5 * -2.2 * -1.7
  • 4.2 * -2.0. -1.9. -U.b. -0.3. -U.8. -1.9 * -3.4 * -2.b. U.5
  • 1.8 *
  • u.59
  • 1.u8. o.s3. 1.15. o.97. 1.21
  • 1.19. 1.2~. 1.19. 1.21
  • U.97. 1.15. o.s3. 1.08. u.59.


  • O.bO
  • 1.0b
  • 0.82
  • 1.13
  • 0.95. 1.17. 1.15
  • 1.20. 1.18 .* 1.20. 0.96. 1.11. 0.6b. 1.12. O.b2. 9 i.

( 0.2 * -1.2 * -1.9. -1.9. -l.b. -3.7. -3.5. -3~5. -1.0. -1.1. -1.0. -3.4. 2.b. 3.b

  • 4.0. r
  • o.92
  • 1.17. 1.18. 1.11. U.93
  • 1.21. 0.89. 1.21. 0.93. 1.17. 1.18
  • 1.17. 0.92.


  • 0.90. 1.15
  • 1.15. 0.89. 1.17. O.Bb. 1.18. 0.95. 1.19. 1.20. 1.20. 0.95. 10 i.
         * -1.b * -1.7. -1.7. -1.5. -4.4. -3.b. -3.l. -2.7. 2.0. 1.7. l.b
  • 2.7. 2.9. r:


  • o;b4
  • 1.15
  • 0.9o. 1.22
  • 1.17. 0.97. 1.11. 0.97. l.17. 1.22
  • 0.98
  • 1.15. O.b4.
  • C~b4
  • 1.14
  • 0.9b. 1.20. 1.13
  • D.94. l.Ob
  • C.94. 1.19
  • 1.24
  • 0.99
  • 1.17.
  • 11 1~,,
         * -a.fl. -u.a. -1.-,. -3.b. -3.l. -~.7. -.:.7. 1.1. 1.3. o.7. l.b. 2.9.
         ************************************************o*******************************************                                       l
  • u.7u. 1.0~. u.~s. 1.1s
  • 1.1~
  • 1.10. 1.15. 1.1s
  • o.98
  • 1.os
  • 0.10. ,*
  • 0.11. 1.ob. 1.02
  • 1.2~. 1.11
  • 1.ob. 1.11. 1.~o. 0.9&
  • 1.04. 0.12
  • 12 0.1. u.1. 3.7. 3.B * -3.4. -3.4 * -3.4. 1.0. -0.2 * -1.1. 2.5.  !.'
  • O.lo. *1.15. 1.17. U.b3. 1.03. O.b3. ,l.17. 1.15
  • 0.70
  • I I,*
  • 0.72 * ~.19. 1.22
  • O.bO. 0.99. 0.62
  • 1.17. 1.13. 0.70. 13 1 [,


  • 3.b
  • 3.6 * -~.2 * -3.9 * -2.3 * -0.4 * -2.1 .' -o.o
  • r,
  • O.b4
  • 0.92
  • l.Ob
  • 1.01. 1.08. 0.92
  • u.b4.
  • O.b1. 0.95
  • l.Oti
  • 0.~9. l.U7. 0.91. 0.64. 14 I I

3.7. 3.9

  • O.b. -1.l. -0.9. -0.4. -0.4.


  • o.59. 0.13. 0.59. AVERAGE:
           *,    UE:VlATlON
  • o.b2
  • 0.15. o.59. .PCT DIFFcRENCE. 15
0.024 3.8. 2.0. -o.5. 1.9 MAP NO. Sl-3-6 V DATE 12/10/75 FOWER =-2099 MWT CONTROL ROD POSITIONS N INCORE TILT F~H = 1.48 AT ES-M BANK C AT 228 STEPS NW - 0.999 FT = .2.15 AT ES-AA Q

BANK D AT 160 STEPS NE 1.007 F = 1. 34 e BANK P/L AT 228 STEPS z A.O.= -1.5 SW SE - 1.001 0.993 BURNUP = -o MWD/MTU. 5.15


  • -*-*------*~* *;;eo1c~E~**-: ---- ----*-*-------- :\)*:~;. :*o :;-;.: *o :6""0-=*-=:c......----------=*-=*cc*cc*=c;~R"",=-.EOiC Teo~*. 0
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  • O.bO

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  • _o_._4_.__________._P_C_T_D_I_F_FE_R_E_N_C_E_._-:-_ _ _ _ _.,..
  • O.b4. 0.91
  • l.Ob
  • 1.01. l.Ob. 0.91. 0.64 *
  • 0.62
  • 0.91
  • 1.01,
  • 1.01
  • 1.01,
  • o.c;o
  • o.*6='=3*-**~------------'--'--'---~-----=2......
                                                              * -2.5. -o.5 * -0.1 * -o.4 * ~0.2 * -1.0 * -1.0 *
  • 0.11 1.14. 1.14. 0.83. 1.02
  • 0.83. 1.14. 1.14. 0.11.
- - - - - - - ** *-***- * * * * *.- o. cc;
  • 1. 11 ~-
  • i .11*-:.--*o .ail-*.--1.0 c-:-c;-:a,;-.-1.-.- ic,~1 ~i--,4~.-o~.-=1*0=-~.-------------3c-a
                                               * -2 *. 6 * -2. 5 * -1.3 * -o.4 * -o.4
  • a.a
  • 1.6
  • o.4 * -1.1 *
  • o:; i * :* i: ~;***a: :i:i*: *i :ici*: *i: is*:* i:ii*:* i: i; *: *i :io *:.*a:~~*:* i :o; *~:~*~ii=-:--*=j-=i-=*-=:-------'------4*
  • 0.(;9. 1.03. 0.97. 1.18. 1.16
  • 1.12. 1.18
  • 1.24 *.: 1.00
  • 1.04
  • 0.11.
*-*-----** .......... *. -2.6_. *-1.*1 * *-2.2
  • __-1.3
  • 0.2__ *__o.9
  • 2.0 ._ 3.1
  • 1.3 * -0_._1_.__o,_.-=1_.c.....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....,._ _-l*
  • 0.64
  • 1.14. o.c;c;. 1.24
  • 1.20. J.91l
  • 1.11
  • 0.98
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  • O.'l9
  • 1.14. 0.64 *
  • o.t:~
  • 1.u
  • o.c;c;
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  • o.98
  • 1.12
  • o.99
  • 1.22
  • 1.24
  • 0.9c;
  • 1.1s
  • c.6S
  • s
                * -1.4. * -0.4 * -0.1 * -0.2
  • o.o
  • o.o
  • 0.1
  • 1.3
  • 1.1
  • 0.4 * -0.1
  • 1.3
  • 1.3 - . - - - - - - - - -
  • O.'ll
  • 1*.14. 1.1<;. 1.20. 0.96. 1.21
  • 0.88
  • 1.21
  • 0.96
  • 1.20. 1.19. 1.14. 0.91 *
                *- o.c;o* .1.i2* ~-- 1.2c
  • i.23 ** *o.91**~**c~1<i~-o:-aa.1:-2i-~.-,.ia~~-i9
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
  • 0.90. 6
                * -1.&. - 1 . s . 0.1.                            2.4.      a.a. -1.4. -u.1.                      1.1.         1.1. -o.3. -1.6. -1.1. -1.2 *
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  • o.f,
  • 1.01. o.e2
  • 1.16. 1.01
  • 1.21
  • 1.11
  • 1 * .23
  • 1~*22
  • 1.23
  • o.97. 1.12. o.e1. 1.02 ** 1 4 .o __
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  .*0.1~. 1.c1
  • 1.01
  • 1.10. 1.11
  • 1.22
  • o.~3
  • 1.22. o.a0
  • 1.11. 1.10. 1.01. 1.01
  • o.n *
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  • 2. 2
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  • 2. B * -1. 4 * -1 * .>
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  • 3 * -0. 4 * - l. 3 * - 0. 7 * -2. 2 * - .3. l *
  • O.fO, *. 1.06
  • o. E~
  • 1.15' C.98
  • 1.21
  • 1.19
  • 1.22
  • 1.19
  • 1.21
  • 0.98
  • 1.15/* 0.83. 1.06. 0.60 *
  • 0.62
  • I.GB
  • 0.84
  • 1.16. C.98. 1.19
  • 1.17
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  • 1.0
  • 0.9
  • 3.2 '* 3.3
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  • c.c;o
  • 1.P
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  • 1.20
  • 1.20
  • o.95. 1.22. 1.25. 1.11. o.~1. 10 .
                 * -o *" .,. -o * ., *. -o. 4
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  • J.14
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  • 1.20
  • 0.\17
  • 1.11
  • o.97
  • 1.18
  • 1.23 ** 1.00
  • 1.15
  • 0.64. 11
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  • 0.71
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  • 1. 14
  • 1
  • 14
  • o
  • a 3
  • 1 .u 2
  • o
  • a 3
  • 1
  • 14
  • 1
  • 14
  • o. 11
  • 13

____ _1.-1 ...... 0.2 _. __ 0.1___

  • __ -o.J .... *. -0._1
  • 0.1
  • o_.2
  • 0.1 . _.__o__._3_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,,__-,-..._._...
        'I \
. ****----*-       * ........ *oev STANfl6RO
  • J.60
  • 0.73
  • 0.60 *
  • IA.TION ______ _
  • 0.60
  • 0.73
  • 0.60-.---------.~PCTl'HFFERt:NCE.
                                 =0.015,                                                  J;.4
  • 0,1 * -0.2
  • 1.1 MAP NO. Sl-3-7 W DATE 12/10/75 POWER= -2197 MWT N

CONTROL ROD POSITIONS iH = 1.42 AT G8-DF INCORE TILT BANK CAT 228 STEPS *FT = 2. 05 AT ES-AA NW - 0.997 Q BANK DAT 170 STEPS Fz = 1.34 NE - 1.000 BANK P/L AT 228 STEPS A.O.= +1.5 SW - 1.001 BURNUP = -o MWD/MTU SE - 1.002 5,16



0.60 ~-************** PREDICTED Mi:.t.SLJiH:C

  • o.58
  • o.n. . o.~9
  • ME:ASUR!:D l
  • PCT ~I~FEkENCE. * -?.5 * -2.7 * -1.? * .* PCT ~IFFERENCE
  • o.o4
  • o.92
  • 1.os
  • 1.03
  • 1.oe. c.92 o.64 *
                                                             * ~.65
  • 0.9~
  • 1.07
  • l.GG
  • 1.07 .* 0.~2
  • 0.6~ * .. ____ 2_


  • 2.5 * -1.0 * -2.7 * -1.o. O.fl
  • O.& *
  • 0.10 1.14
  • 1.17
  • o.&4 1.0~ o.H4
  • 1.17 1.14 o.7o *
  • L.71
  • 1.16
  • 1.19
  • 0.84 .* 1.00. 0.8j. 1.20
  • 1.16
  • 0.70.


  • 1.2
  • i.1 . 1.1 * -3.~ * -0.9. 2.~
  • l . b . 0.9 *
  • v.70 1.0~ L.~b
  • 1.1s 1.10 1.1~
  • l.ld u.9&
  • 1.os o.70 *
  • 0.71
  • 1.00. o.99
  • 1.20
  • 1.13
  • 1.0h
  • 1.14. 1.22. 1.00. 1.06. 0.71
  • 4 1.1
  • 1,;,
  • 1.2
  • 1.6 * -1.0 * -2.1 * -0.3 * . 3.9 * ?.4
  • 1.1
  • 1.5
  • 0.r,4
  • 1-1" 0.\>t, 1.::2
  • 1.17
  • 0.97 1.11 0.97 i.l7 1.22
  • 0.'18 1.14 * *o.c,,;.*
  • b.L~
  • l . l o . u.~~. 1.24
  • 1.19
  • 0.95
  • 1.09
  • O.QU
  • 1,22
  • 1.2~
  • G.99
  • 1.17
  • 0.6~ * .5.

l.~ * ***

  • I.?. 1.5
  • i.9 * -1.5 * -1.~
  • 1.7 * ~.8
  • 2.1. 1.5. 2.3
  • 2.3 *
                 * * *
  • 1* * * .; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • u:42
  • 1.17 1.17 0.95 J.21 O.t9. 1.21
  • 0.':15
  • 1.17
  • 1.18 1.17
  • 0.92 *
  • c- * .;;:,
  • 1.2(.
  • 1.21
  • o.c,o
  • 1.20
  • O.f.b
  • 1.25
  • 0.99
  • 1.10
  • 1.17
  • 1.15
  • o.90
  • b l.2
  • J.? * ~-L * ~.9
  • 1.5 * -l.0 * -0.J
  • 2.8
  • 4.d
  • 2.0 * -0.8 * -1.7 * -1.4 *
 * ~-~~
  • 1.Ls 0.b,,  : ** ~
  • G.97 1.21 1.1c, 1.24 1.19 1.21 o.c,1 1.1~ 0.1:14 1.oc 0.60
  • 0.~L * ;.c~ ** 0.&4
  • r;16.
  • 1.22 ** 1.18 * *. 1.2s
  • 1.i4
  • 1.26. o.c,6. 1.12. o.eo
  • 1.03. o.57. 7
  * -0.l * -:,.1
  • u. 7
  • 1.0 * ~.2
  • 0.6 * -1.0
  • O.b
  • 3._6
  • 3,5_. u.8 * -2.6 * -4.0 * -!:>.l * -5.l * .
  • u.~~ l.L,3 l.~3 1.1~. 1.11
  • G.&9
  • 1.24 0.9~
  • 1.2~
  • 0.89 1.11
  • 1.10 1.03
  • 1.u3 o.74 *
 * ..:.74 * :.e:2
  • 1.c.,: ** 1.10
  • 1.14
  • 1.22
  • o.<16
  • 1.21
  • 0.-10
  • 1.1u
  • 1.06
  • o.99
  • o.,,s
  • 0.11 ._ &
 * -c., * ., * -;,.<,> * -1.3. -:,.,,.                             ::-.1 * -1.0 * -1.0
  • 1.1
  • 2.s
  • 1.0. -0.2 * -3.4. -4.4 * -~.o. -~.1 .

O.noi i.,,t. c*.l'* 1.1:,. 0.7 1.21 1.19 1.24 1.1':I. 1.21_. e.97. l . b . 0.1:14 I.uh. 0.60.

  • 0.60
  • l.~7 * ~.t2
  • l.l~ ** v.94
  • 1.19
  • 1.17
  • l.21
  • 1.21
  • 1.23
  • 1.00
  • 1.16
  • 0.83
  • 1.07
  • 0.61
  • 9
  * -U.l * -1.3 * -1.9. - ** 9 .                                   ~.i * -2.~ * -2.2 * -2.l
  • 1.2
  • 1.2 * ~.1
  • 1.3. -0.2 * -1.0
  • 1.3 *
                            "'                         ~                                                                                                                                                        * ..
  • C.92 l.ll
  • J.i~*. 1.17
  • o.~5 * !.21
  • O.b9
  • 1.21
  • O.':I!:> 1.17. 1.18 1.17
  • 0.92.
  • c,
  • b 9
  • l
  • l 4
  • l.. l -,.
  • l. 2 0
  • 0
  • 94
  • l
  • 13
  • 0
  • J b
  • l
  • 16
  • 0
  • 9 5
  • l
  • 2 0
  • l . 2 3
  • l
  • 2 0
  • 0
  • 93
  • 10
                 * -Z.!:> * -?.~ * -~.J.                            t.l * -0.8 * -2.5 * -i.l * -4.2
  • 0.2
  • 2.6. 4.3
  • 2.9
  • 1.0 *
  • L'.t,<,
  • i.1-, L,.*.;., l.?.!
  • 1.17 O.<,*t l.11
  • 0.97 l.l"i
  • 1.22
  • U."f. 1.14 O.o4 *
  • v,t,4. l.l'..
  • 0.9'1. ).,',. l . I S . (i.<,.:,. 1 . ( 1 0 . 0.93. 1.1"1. 1.23. 1.00. 1.17. 0.65. 11 U.4. (:.-.. l.G. 2.0. (J * . , . -:;.1. -3.,;. -4.1. U.0. u.:,. 1.9. 2.3. 1.6.

0.1c. 1.L~ u.9e

  • 1.1a
  • 1.15
  • 1.1u
  • 1.1~. 1.Ib o * .,e
  • 1.0:,. 0.70 *
                                . o.n.             1.0**,. *1.20. 1.10. 1.00. 1 . l l . 1.11. o.*,1. 1.05. 0.12.                                                                                                12
  • 2.1
  • 1.9
  • 1.9 * -'1.0 * - ... 0 * -:;.o * -0.1 * -0.:;
  • 0.5
  • 2.6 *
  • 0.7U l.l4
  • 1.17
  • G.84
  • l.G3
  • O.b4
  • 1.17 1.14
  • u.7C *
                                                * :,.12 * ~.l<-
  • 1.12
  • o.;;o
  • o.<;c,
  • o.u:
  • 1.1s
  • 1.1,.
  • 0.11
  • 13
                                                     ~-~.           1.0 * -4.0 * -4.l * -3.4 * -2.1 * -1.2 * -0.7.                                                   1.2 * .
  • u.t'1
  • 0.~2
  • 1.08 l.O~
  • l.Ob
  • U.92
  • 0.64
                                                              * ~.65
  • o.93
  • 1.01
  • 1.01
  • 1.01. o.~1
  • o.63
  • 14 1.4
  • 1.3 * -0.9 * -2.0 * -1.6 * -1.2 * -1.2
  • Sit..1'J~;..;s
  • o.~o
  • o.74. o.oo. AVERAGE
  • DEV !t.1 !C'-! ** *
  • c.* .6 i ** .* *a. *o~
                                                                                                                  ?4 --~*
  • s9 --.--*-* -*--- * --------- .PCT DIFFc::RENCE. 15
                               =J.023                                                              1 .2
  • 0.1 * -1.4
  • 1.9 MAP NO. Sl-3-7 V DATE 12/10/75 POWER = 1\.,2200 MWT CONTROL ROD POSITIONS INCORE TILT 1.47 AT 15-0A BANK C AT 228 STEPS. NW - 1.005 2.14 AT 15-0A BANK D AT 170 STEPS NE 1.004 e BANK P /L AT 228 STEPS F

z A.O.=+l. 5

                                                                                                                  = 1. 34 SW            0.994 SE -          0,997 BURNUP            ="'   0         MWD/MTU 5.17


                    .PCT uIFF~RENCE.

N _______ M L K _____ J ___________ H _______(, ____ ~F.______ ~E_____ ~P~--~C- ----=B_____~A~-------<*

 ,-------*--***--- PkE uICl ED __ ***-----*-******-*----* __* ___ (**** _o. -,_':>__. _(/.bl.___. __ -***------**----'---PP,EOJ~.H:.Q..._. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
  • li.60
  • O. 74
  • O.b2 *
                                                                                                   * -i..8 * -z.o
  • l.3 *
  • O.b3
  • li.91
  • l.Ub
  • l.Ob. 1.08
  • 0.91
  • 0.63
                                                                                                                                                                                                  .Pel DIFFERENCE.
                                                                                                                                                                                       *~*~--~*~*-*,~*,~*~*~*~*~*=*           =*~*~*~*~*~*~---------1*


  • U.~">
  • 0.90
  • l.Ob. &.OJ
  • 1.09
  • 0.9b
  • 0.67
  • 2
 ; - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - * * - - _____ ._2._J_. -_1_.1 ___ * -,.-,_. -2.* 3 * - 1.5__* _5.9_. ____ 5.7 *                                                                          ---------------------
  • 0.70. 1.1z
  • 1.13
  • O.b3
  • 1.03
  • 0.83
  • 1.13
  • 1.12
  • 0.70 *
  • 0.11
  • __ 1.15
  • 1_.12
  • o_.s2 ._1_.00 ._u.84_. 1_.11. ._0.10_. -----*--------~3-2.2
  • 2.2 * -1.u. -1.3 * -2.3
  • 0.8
  • 3 . l . 3.0. 0.2 *
                                      . O. 7LJ .* l. L3 ., _l*. "~---*--1._l 9___
  • __l, 1 ~--* .l. 10 __,__ )._. l ~--*- l. l't...., .. J.\.,_',11!_ .___ l_,.\)~_.__ 0_, 1Q__ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
  • u.b9
  • 1.02
  • U.97. 1.17
  • 1.13
  • l.Ob. 1.14
  • l . l ' I . 0.9b
  • 1.03
  • 0.69
  • 4
                                   * -o.t * -o.5 * -o.~ . -1.1 * -1.b * -, * ., * -0.1
  • u.3. -0.1 * -0.2 * -0.3 *
                . -'-'* * * * * *-. * .*.* . * * *.*.,.* *-* * '.*.,..*. *-**-** .!.! -*-* ~-***-'*"-'-"* ,_,_._._ * * , .*. * .*..., *.* ._.__._._,_.__._._._ *****'-'-"-'*'****.._..._._._._,_._,_!.....!'.*!.* .* ., .* _, .*. *-*****-* * * * - - - - - - - - - - -
  • u.~3
  • 1.12
  • u,98. 1.2J
  • 1.21
  • 0.'18. 1.11. 0.98
  • 1.21. 1.23
  • u.98
  • 1.12
  • u.b3 *
  • u.01
  • 1.ov. u.9b * &.L&
  • 1.21
  • u.97
  • 1.1u
  • 1.uo. 1.23. 1.23
  • o.98
  • 1.12
  • o.63 *
                  * ... ::-2. 7 __ * -~. *t _. ___-:_1 *. ~ __ .,.___-:-J .:; __._::(I_.__Q__._~u ,.,___*__-() .c__ _. ___ 1.~-*--- 1 *.'l_.,_-:.Q.,_Q __, __ 9,.l. ___,-=.O ,:; ___* __ -o.* tL,_


  • l.13
  • l.,b
  • l.20
  • 1,00
  • 1.22
  • U.88
  • 1.22
  • 1.00. 1.20. 1.18
  • 1.13. U.91
  • r - - - ___ .* u, o_b_._ 1.1u *___1. 18__ _, __ )., 3 __ _,__1, OQ __,__1_.20 __.__Q_d/L_,_t,2;3_...! __ J. O"! ___ *__ J ,z_i___ , __i. l_lj _._1 0 11_,_ o,e8__, ___ - - - - - = 6 -
                  * -2.a * -2.s * -u.7*. 2.4
  • o.~ * -1.0 * -1.1
  • u.9
  • 3.7. 2.1 * -0.1 * -1.5 * -2.5
  • e-._e,.~1 _l.u7 .. u.113 ,_1.14 u.'1u_ __ , ____ 1._22 __ ,_1.1.;_ __*__ 1.22_ ___ ~ ___ 1_.19 ___, _1.22. __ 0.9d_
  • __ l.14___ *__ o.t.3 __
  • __ 1.01 _, __0.61 __*____ _
  • U.6,
  • 1-u~
  • G.81. l . l b . 1.02
  • 1.23
  • 1.20. 1,18
  • 1.24
  • 1.u1
  • 1.14
  • 1.03
  • o.~B
  • 7 o.~
  • 1.0 * -2.3. 1.5
  • 4.7. 1.5 * -2.4 , -1.a * -o.9
  • l . b . 3.5 * -0.2 * -2.3. -3.9. -4.3 *
  -~--0.1~-~-- i.~oi;-.- i.02 .*1.1e, -~ *1:11*-:--0:tf!i --_-*i.u **; o.-93 ~-i.22 -. ** ** -l;ll -~ 1:fo-: 1.02 -*.- 1.ob :*o.15*-;-----1*
  • 1.01
  • 1.03. 1.13
  • 1.1s
  • U.91
  • 1.1'1
  • c,.91
  • 1.23
  • o.89
  • 1.14
  • 1.10. 1.02
  • 1.u3
  • 0.12
  • 8
  - * - o, 3. *- l ._-, _. _. l._(l *'- 2 *'! ...* ___ o .4 _. ___ ?_* <! __ ,_:-_2_,?____,._ __ ::2 ,2__ ,_ ___ 0 ,s___, __ 1-~--'**-*f ,!> *-* -u._2_ ,__-u. "**-*** -2.~ ...* ...:-:"*.l_ * - - - - -
  • J.(;7 o.a3
  • 1.14
  • U.9B 1.22
  • 1.19 l.2l
  • 1.19
  • 1.22
  • 0.98
  • 1.14. 0.83. 1.01. *
  • 0.65
  • 1.10
  • o.e3. 1.11. 1.04
  • l.l4
  • 1.11
  • 1.2u
  • 1.22
  • 1.26. 1.01
  • 1.14
  • u.53
  • 1.06
  • o.b0~*----9~*
  - - - b.-5*-.-* ,.5* .-                u.5 .--          2-~--- t..3*-.--2.3--~ *-1-.5*:-1:;,*-*-.--* 3;2--: 3.9-.--3.2*.-*.:.o.2 -.-:.:0.7-~---o.9*.*-.:.*1:2 *
  • u.91
  • 1.13
  • 1.18 1.20
  • 1.00. 1.22
  • G.6e. 1.22 1.00 1.20 1.18 1.13 o.91
  ---        --*-;*L.'10--. l.&2: l . l b . 1.;:i**.* o * .,,, ** *1.2u*;u.c7*.-*1.21-*. 1.u2. 1.21 *1.11. O.tl9 .**-------------lCi-
                  * -1.1 * -1.1 * -u.3
  • 1.u. -0.1 * -1.b * -l.5
  • 4.4
  • 1.8. 0.6. -l.9 * -1.3. -1.3 *
  • u.b3
  • 1.12 U.911
  • l.~l l.21 0.98 1,11 0.98 1.21. 1.23 0.9b 1.12 0.63 *
                   * ~.63 * &.ll
  • C,,98
  • 1.24
  • l.<l * ~.97
  • l . l u . G.9b
  • 1.18
  • 1.21
  • 0.9b
  • 1.11
  • O.b3
  • 11
                   * -u.5 * -u.~
  • u.l
  • U.<,
  • u.u. -1.5 * - l . 4 . -1.'I * -1.9. -1.9. -1.2 * -0.b * -O.i *
  • 0.7(;. 1.ul o* .,a. 1.19. 1.15
  • 1.10
  • 1.15
  • J.19 o.c,~ 1.03
  • 0.10.
  ,___ _____, _____*__ u. 7_0
  • _l. lJ_) .. , _,., * .,., __,__ 1_.20 __* __1.11 __ ~_1. c,1__ ,__ _l .14 __._ 1.20
  • __ o.97 __
  • _1_.u_2 ___ , __ c1~_10___*______________ lL
  • Q.2
  • 0.5
  • 0.9. 0,9 * -3.2 * -3.2 * -U.b
  • U.4 * -U.U * -1.3
  • U.O *
  • o.*,o _1.12
  • 1.13
  • U.!!3
  • 1.03
  • O.HJ
  • 1.13. _1.12 0.10 *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             - *-- -----* ------13                -
  • u.*,o. 1.12*~--l.13-. *u.Ul; u.9.,,-.-o.e2* :*1.15. 1.13. 0.6Y-~ - - -**
                                                    * -0.0 * -u.J. -0.2 * -3.J * -3.4 * -1.5
  • 1.5. O.b * -0.8 *
  • o.D3 0.91
  • 1.os
  • 1.0&. 1.ue
  • o.91
  • o.b3 *
  • 1.,.hJ
  • u.91
  • 1.04
  • 1.02
  • 1.0~
  • 0.90. o.64. 14
  • _:-O.] ._ -u_.1 __*__ -:,.5 ._-3.7_._-2.s _.__:-0.1?__. ___ 2.u__
  • _____ _
                            , ~lAf';.JAK:..
  • o.75
  • O.ol
  • DEVIAll~N *
  • U.61
  • C.73. 0.59 * .PCT DlffERE~N~C~E~.'-------'1~5'-1*
  ~ - - - - ; - - :.*u .viL-*-.----                                           - - - - - - - o ~ : ~ 3 . 4 . -3.3
  • 1.-6*

MAP NO. Sl-3-8 W DATE 12/18/75 POWER= -2441 MWT N CONTROL ROD POSITIONS ~H 1.43 AT K9-DF INCORE TILT BANK CAT 228 STEPS FT = 1.86 AT 111-00 NW - 0.997 Q BANK DAT 192 STEPS Fz = 1.21 NE - 1.004 BANK P/L AT 228 STEPS A.O.= -0.7 SW - 1.001 BURNUP = -100 IBID/MTU SE - 0.998 5.18


0. o l
  • 0.77
  • *


  • 0.56
  • 0.12
  • 0,bl
                    .PC,: _CIF_FEP ENCE.                                 ________ *.. -6. J
  • _-6. l . * -0 .4__ * --*---------~*P~C=_T_D=~IF~F~E=R~E=N-~C~E~*~----------1*
  • 0.63. 0.91 l . l J . l.J9. 1.10 .* Q.91. Q.b3.

_. 0,66 *. 0,93 *. 1.07 .*... l.J4 .... o._l,l0 ..* _0.98._._0,bB_. ______________________.2. ___

4. 8
  • 2. 0 * -2. 7 * -4. b
  • 0 .o
  • 7 .9
  • 7 .8 *
  • o.6a
  • 1.12
  • _1.1b. 0.0 *
  • __ t.J5 ... ,. 0.04__, __ 1.16 __.. __ t.12_.__o_._ba_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.
  • 0.12. 1.10. 1.1a. o.a *
  • o.,9
  • o.a3
  • 1.21
  • 1.11
  • 0.11
  • 4.7.
  • Q.68
  • 1.03*. 0.96. 1.11 4.8. 2.0. 0.7 * -5.3 * -0.3
  • 4.3
  • 4.3
  • 4.0
  • 1.1 *
  • 1.10
  • 1.14. 1.11
  • Q.9b
  • 1.03. 0.68.
                              ** 0,6S
  • 1.04. Q.98. 1.17. 1,12
  • l,Jb
  • 1,12. 1.17
  • 0,98
  • 1.05
  • 0.10.

3 o.4. 1.3 *.. t.6 *... a.a *.. -1 ** _.__ ::-::1.2 _._-:2,1 __ ._o.a_. ___ _1,b_.__2_.e_. ____2.2 __ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 0.63 1.12 0.96 1,21 1.18 0,97

  • 1,10
  • 0.97
  • 1,18
  • 1.21
  • 0.9b. 1,12
  • O.b3
  • 0,61
  • 1.10
  • o.c;6. 1.21
  • 1.19. 0.9~ .*.. l.10 ___
  • __ l_.OO ..*..l,22 ___ ~_1,24 __ _. ___ l.OQ._.__l,15 __, __ C.63____._ ________s;.__..
                  * - 2. 3 * - 2. 3 * -             a-. 2
  • o. z
  • 1. 2 * -o. :i * -o. 3
  • 3. 3
  • 3. 1
  • 2. 1
  • 3. b
  • z. 3
  • o. b
  • o .91
  • 1.16 1. 11 *. 1.1 a ._ o. 99. 1. zz __ _._ o,,~_, ___ \...2? _, ___a 0 99_, __ J._.1a_._t.1.1_ _._J_.16_._q_._9_1_,__ _ _ _ _ _-,-_..
  • 1.14
  • 1.11
  • 1.21. 1.00. 1.21
  • o.,a
  • 1.25
  • 1.06
  • 1.23
  • 1.20
  • 1.15
  • o.a9. 6
                  * -1.2 * -1.2
  • 0.5. 3,0. 1.1 * -1,:l , -0,b , 2,4. 6.8
  • 5.0
  • 2.9 * -0.4 * -2.6,
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .* * * *
  • _"!.."!..!. '! .* '! ._._.!__*_!_ ! '! ! -~ .!.! ! '! * * . .! .'! .."!. *. !' ..'!.'."! ~.!..! * *-~-!. !'. !' ~ * -*-* ~-- ***.*. '!.*-~.!.. ~~ *-="-'"'--------
  • o,61. 1.10. o.e4. 1.14 * . o.c;1. 1.22. 1.B
  • 1.23. 1.19. 1.22. o.97
  • 1.14. o.a4. 1.10. 0.61 *
  • 0.6,. 1.10. Q.83. 1.15. 1,00 *. 1,23. 1.17. 1.22. 1.19. 1.26. 1.02. 1.09. 0.19. 1.04. 0.58. 1 1.a .--o.4_. -o.6 .* a.a_._ 3.1.
  • 0.77
  • 1.09 o.a_. -1.;_. __ -1_.3. -0.2_. 3_.1. _5.4. -4.6. -5.3 _. -5,7. -~*.a~*------*

1.05. 1.10. 1,10, 0.89. 1.23

  • O,H
  • l,23
  • 0.89
  • 1.10
  • 1.10
  • 1.05. 1,09. 0.77 *
  • 0.10. 1.00. 1.02. ._1.13
  • __ o.a9_._1.21___*__ o_.n~_1_,_2~ __*__Q_.90_,_.1.JL...... t,Q~_._1_,_oo__.__1.03_,_o_._1_2_~*---a~---1*

1 . 6 . - 1 . 0 . - 2 . 4 . o.o. 2.a. o.9.-2.1 .* -1.1. o.s. 1.5. 2 . 2 . - 4 . 7 . - 4 . 9 . - 5 . 5 . - s . a . _. 0.61. 1.10. o.s4. 1.14 0,97 ._ 1.22. 1.1~ ___._1.23_,___1,_19. __._1_,_2_2__,__9.?I._.. _J_.1,.__.,._ __o_,a.r, __, ___ 1_.10___,_J!.... b . l . ~ * - - - - - *

  • 0.62
  •;. 0.02
  • 1.13. o.99. 1.22
  • 1.1~
  • 1.20
  • 1.22. 1.26
  • 0.99
  • 1.09
  • o.a1. 1.00. o.62. q l *8 * - l *0 * - 2
  • 5 * - 0
  • 7 : 2. 7 * - o. 0 * - l. !J * -2. 6
  • 2. 5
  • 2 , 9
  • 2 *5 * - 4 *6 * - 2
  • 7 * - l *6
  • 0. 5 *
     *********o:9 i *:
  • i: i 6*: *i: i1** *i: i a*:* a: 99. **;::ii**:* oo.~b
  • o.e9. 1.1a
  • 1.16. 1.21. o.99. 1.1; *
~ 9*-*.!* t: ;?-~***o-~9~ *-!-' r-: i~-*: *-i: r?'":-T i~"-:'o:;r-:,_,,...,..-=*-=*-=*...,*"*'---'-------

1.26. 1.01

  • 1.19
  • 1.1b
  • 1.16
  • 0.92
  • 10
                  * -2.4 * -2.5 * -0.4.                             2.9. -0.6. -l.1 , -l.6
  • _3.1__, ___ 1.El_ __ *___1._2_,._ _:()_._1 ___ !_ ___0._4 __ __.___ 0~4___*._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
                  * *0.6!. 1.12
  • 0.96. 1.21. 1.18. 0,97 l,10
  • 0.97
  • 1.18
  • 1.21
  • 0.96
  • 1.12
  • 0.63 *
  • o.c?. 1.13
  • o.,;0. 1.25. 1.1a. o.9~
  • 1.J1
  • o.97
  • 1.11
  • 1.21
  • o.q1
  • 1.14
  • o.64_._ _ _ _ _ _ _1_1_ __

0.2. 0.2. 1.3. 2.0. 0.1*. -2.~ *: -2.b-*;* -a.c:*-a.o**. *.:.o.1*-:--*-o*.4--:---i."~t-.-1-;,.- *

                                 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ...c*c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

o.68. 1.12. 1,16. o.a,

  • 1.J5 o.~4. 1.16 1.12
  • 0.68 *
  • 0.70. 1.14. 1,17. 0.78. O,H. 0,81. 1,16. 1,13. 0.69
  • 13
  • 1.2
  • l.~_.!__ -7.:l _. ___-::?.!.~ .. .!.-~_.I_!._Q__._3
  • 0.2
  • 0.6 *
  • 0,63. 0.91 l,10
  • 1,09
  • 1.10
  • 0,91
  • O.b3 *
  • _0.64 *. o.92__
  • 1.ot_._1.J2 ._1_.os ._o_.a9. o.63. ____________________,,_1-'-"--


  • 1.3 * -1., . -b,4 * -4.4 * -1.a
  • 0.9
  • o.ol , o. 77 ** 0.61:c--~---------'-c,-= AVERAGE CEV IATIDN *
  • 0.62
  • o.n
  • o.5a * .PCT oIFFEREccN"c=-~E~.-------:1,--;s=-----
                                                                                               *1.~ * -4.7 * -4.7,
                                                                                        . * * * .* *- * ": ! !_ *.! !.~ ":..!...!_*_*_*_!

2.4 cc*.:*-------------"-"-=-" =*.. c*cc*cc*c.. =. *.=.*.=.*...c*.:*cc*~*,_*c...=.*.=.*--------*---- MAP NO. Sl-3-8 V DATE 12/18/75 POWER = 'v2441 MWT CONTROL ROD POSITIONS N FAH = 1.49 AT ES-AA INCORE TILT BANK C AT 228 STEPS T NW - 1.002 FQ = 1.93 AT ES-AA BANK D AT 192 STEPS NE 1.010 1.21 z = F BANK P/L AT 228 STEPS SW 0.994 A.O.= -0. 7 SE - *0.994 BURNUP = 'vlQQ MWD/MTU 5.19


                                                      .,. ___ /L.. ____ .1.__ _______ .,.K.. ____ ,, ____ J -* ----* .H .. ______t; _____ __f_ _ _ E:_ _ _JL _ _C_____JL _                                                                                  __,A~-----
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  • v,62
  • 0. 77
  • 0,62
  • MtASUREU 1
                      .PLl OIFFt~ENCE.                                                                      *    -u.~ * -0,b. -0.6.                                                                           ,PCT OlFFERENCE *
                      * *-* * * * * - * * - * . * * * * *       ---      * * * * * .* * * * . * * * ..* * * * *.* * * * * * *-*-* * * * *-* " . *- *. * * *-* . . . . "'! * * * * - * *--* --*** . .................. _. . .           _._._.Ill..~----------*
  • U,b2 0,90. 1,09
  • l,09
  • 1,09. 0.90. O,b2 *
  • 0.6~. 0.90
  • l,Ob. l,Db. 1,08. 0,89. ~.62
  • 2
  ~    ****------- - --*--*---** ...... --                               *___ u.c;_ * -:..u.t;; ___ ._ :-0,.., __
  • __:-l..l.~_ .. _ "70.9. ,. :-:1.0 *--~o.'I __ _._ ___________________________ _
  • O,b9
  • l,ll
  • l,lL
  • U,b3
  • 1,03. 0,H3. 1.12
  • 1,11
  • O,b9.
  ,___~---- _____ ---*- _____ .__o.i,.~ __*__1.J l __ ._ .1.....1 L....._~0** o.3___ ~_1_,_02 __ , .. _0.03_.__1. 13 __,._1.1.1_._0,o!L~-----*-------------"---

0.b, -u.J * -1.0 * -o.B * -1.1

  • 0.1. 0.9. 0.2 * -o.6 *
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  • __1._.111_._1..1't..._.__ 1.10__
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  • u.l~. 1.01
  • U,9o. 1,17
  • l,14
  • 1.10. l,lb. 1.21. o.c,,7. 1.01. 0,6b. 4
                                   -. -1,l * -l.U * -1.3 * -l,O * -U.l
  • 0,4. 1,0
  • 2,4. 0,5 * -0.3 * -0,6.
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  • u.1>2
  • 1.11
  • o.v-, .* 1.2.c
  • 1.21
  • o... ii
  • 1.11
  • o.911
  • 1.21
  • 1.22
  • o.*n
  • 1.11
  • u * .,2 *
  • O.~l
  • l.Ob. O.¥b. 1,21. 1.21
  • 0.¥8. l , l l . 0,99. 1,22
  • 1,22
  • 0,97. l,10. O,bl
  • _____
  • __ -2 *"' __ *__::z.* ~ _,___::o._.~_..~_,._2_,__::v._u_.,.__ 0.~--*---0 .* !>._.___ 1. 5... , ___ ..1_, J_,.__::o,4__* __o.~------=O. c,_.___-1 *.a .. L-----------1*
  • U.90
  • 1,12
  • l.2u
  • 1,03
  • 1,22
  • o.uu
  • 1,22
  • l,03. 1,20
  • 1,18
  • 1,12. 0,90.
  ------*           * .. O-.t~ __ .,. ___1 *.11 __ _. __ 1. lll ,_l,.2<t___*.. 1.,0~__ _. __ }, , 22 ..*..._Q_. __E\_o___.__1 __.23__* __ l * .04 .. ..._l ,2 l_ .. __l ,.l1_.L,...l..o ll _L_Q_, 86 __* ________~..
                    * -1.4 * -1.4
  • 0.1
  • 2.1. u .... -u.4. o.o
  • 0.4. o.9. 0.1 * -O.b. -1.~ * -2.4
  • _. __ v.r,.; l.Ut
  • 0.!:,J *.,1 * .: ....._..\.1,'11, .* _,1 * .22_ *. l.19 ,. 1.,,: .* l,lQ *.. l,22 _. l.l,'18 __ ._ __ l,l4 __
  • __l.l,b3 ...,.-.l,llb .... O,bZ._._ _ _ _ ___
  • u.~ ... l,lll. o.oJ. 1-lb. 1.01. l.2J
  • 1.11
  • 1.21.
  • 1,23
  • 0,96
  • 1,13
  • 0.83
  • l,Ob. O.bO
  • 1 J.~
  • 1.2 * -0.1 ~ 1.h
  • 3.o. u.c,,. -l.b. -u.c,,. -o.5 .* u.,. 0.4. -1.2 * -o.e. -2.b. -3.1.
  ~'!'.~-* ** .!.. * * * * * * * .*
  • 0.77
                                    ~ * * * * * * ~-* ***.* -* *. ~!'..! .* !'-~---- *.!'.~ !'. '! I!'-! ..!...* * *-* '! !'.*.!.*. !.!'. *-~--* *.* .. *-*--* !.!. ***'!!. !'..*.*.,*.** *-**-* lit. * . * !. * ..L.11'.*-*-*- ! * * * .* . . . . . . .
  • _._jl
  • _._!P_1t 1.09 , 1,03
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • O.Hb
  • 1,22
  • G,9l. 1,22
  • 0,88
  • 1,11
  • l,lU. l,03. l,U',I. 0,77 *
    . u.,., .            1.11
  • 1.0~
  • 1.11
  • 1.1~
  • o.~9
  • 1.~o. 0.91
  • 1.22
  • o.69. 1.11
  • 1.10. 1.05. l,u9. 0.11. 8 J - __ .:S.~.
  • 1..s ,. _1.J
  • __ 1.t:_ . ___ }~J._. ___u.~__ *__ -:.l.13_ *.... :::l *. !J: ..*.... v.i____ .._____1J2_._ ___ o_... L_.__o.lt_. ____ 1.> __ ._ -0.1 ..* _.::0 ..L . _ _ _
  • 0.02 i.OH O,d3 *. l.l*
  • 0.9u
  • 1.22
  • 1.19
  • 1.22
  • 1,19
  • 1.22
  • o.98
  • l,14
  • o.83.
  • O.b2
  • _.__ .:,.1,_~ ._ 1.11 ... , Q.o4 _. _ _1.10_.. , .. -l,_l,.v ... , .. l.,.23___ , ____ i,.lu__ *___ 1 *. 21 _. -1.l'L.*.. 1,22 _. __ 0,99 .*. 1.11. _._.o.u4 .___l,09 .. .__o_.c.:L..____~g--

J.~ . l.~

  • l.i. l.b
  • L.o. O.& * -~.Y. -U.~. O.l * -0.6. 1.0
  • 2.~
  • l.~. ~.5
  • 1.2 *
    -------** ..v.<;u __
  • _l, l L ._ l, i_o_
  • _l. ~ I.! l ,P3_. ____ l .22._. ___Q,ll8 __ ... .l., 22..:,_ l,03_ *.. l,20._,J, l!L_._J.12._, __ 0,'10.. .._ __________ _,*
  • O.~I
  • 1,13 * &,lb
  • l.ll , l.UL
  • 1,21
  • 0,118
  • 1,22
  • 1,02
  • 1,21
  • 1,21
  • 1,13
  • O.H9. lO o.4
  • o.~. u.j
  • o.3 * -u.o * -o.& * -0.1 * -0.2 * -1.u. 0.1
  • 2.s. 0.1. -1,4.
                     *-* * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * '!'.* * * * ~ ** ,.* * * * * * * * *              !!'.*.*.* ** **.<!! *.* *.*.,. *--*** *-* .._._*. !"'.**.*.*.!!      ._._'!'_*_*. *-*-*--*-*-*-* ** ~-"         '!'.!9 *-**-*--* . . . . . . * * ..* - ~ - - - - - - - - * -
  • U,62
  • i.ll
  • O.'i1
  • 1.22 1,21 G.98. 1,11
  • U,98 1,21
  • l,22
  • 0,97
  • 1,11
  • O.o2 *
  • G,62
  • 1,10. v,<;b. 1.L3
  • l,21
  • U.<;b
  • l , l l . 0.99
  • 1.20
  • l.2l
  • 0,<;6
  • 1.10. O.b2. 11
                     * -u.9 * -u.9 * -:-L*,4
  • u.2 * -0.2 * -0.1
  • o.~
  • o.6 *. :-:0,6 .*. -0.6
  • _::-0,l..... -0.4_ __ *. :::l,.i___..______ _
  • O.o9. 1.u2
  • U.<;1 l,lH
  • 1.14
  • 1.10. 1.14
  • 1,18. 0,97. 1.02
  • 0,b9 *
    - * --*-* ____ *--*-" .. 9 ._t..'f. . *.. 1.0.u_*. __o._c,*1 .* 1,.1 l!__ ._ I .1~ -* . .l
  • lu -* _l, l~---* l, 16 .*.. 0.96 _. _Q,99 __ ._Q_._bS_. _____________ lL
                                     * -l.2 * -1.2
  • u.L
  • o., . u.3
  • u.3. u.1 * -o.~. -1.5 * -2.5 * -o.o *
                                                     ..... o.<>'i. _l,ll *. 1.1z .* o.o=> ..* _1.oJ                                                    O,bJ_. __ 1.12 __ ._1.11. __ *___o._94__L - - - - * * * * - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _
  • o.oe
  • 1.11
  • 1.13
  • u.bJ
  • 1.03
  • o.e2
  • 1.12
  • 1.oc,,
  • o.67
  • 13
                                                        * -o;b
  • U.b
  • O,b. -0.l * -0,4 * -1.l * -0,6 * -1.4 * -2.0 *
    - - - - - - - - -----------* -------*- ~'!'..... _~'!'*.~ :             ~

i o-:-~-z:*-: *-*0:9~ i: ~~ *: **i :-G~ * :-~ 1:o~-": *-o: 9C/ ~

  • o:-~2 *-:-"~_._ *.. _. _*_.
  • 0.6~. 0,91
  • l.u9. l,Ob. l,Ob. 0,89. 0,62
  • 14
  • _ u_.b_ * .1./.,J .*.. l!,3 ..... ::1.*.3. _._-2 .5__ ._::l,_6_.._.=.Q,3 __.__________ _
  • 0,62
  • 0,77
  • 0.1>2
 -----------*                   UEV l Al Jc.;N'--=------------------~*~0. 62
  • O. 7b
  • U. 60c.....:*,-----------------=*P,_C~l~Li=l f FE R~_NC~E~.'--------------'1~5"--1*
                                   =0.012                                                                           0.6 * -1,0 * -~.l
  • 1,0 MAP NO. Sl-3-9 W DATE 12/22/75 POWER= -2441 HWI' CONTROL ROD POSITIONS N
                                                                                                                         -~ H             = 1.39 AT ES-AA                                                                         INCORE TILT BANK C AT 228 STEPS                                                                                              FT              = 1.81 AT 111-00                                                                       NW - 1.000 Q

BANK DAT 212 STEPS Fz 1.18 NE - 1.000 BANK P/L AT 228 STEPS A.O.= +o.6 SW - 1.003 BURNUP = -250 MWD/tITU SE - 0.998 5.20

FIGURE 5-9b SURRY UNIT 1 - CYCLE 3 ASSEMBLYWISE POWER DISTRIBUTION _'_ p N H ____ i _______K___ :i ______H_______G_____F--*-=E:-----o=----=c:c-.---:cB----:-A---------a

                                                                                         * * * * * * * *-* * * * * - * * * * * . !9 * * * - ~ - - - - - - -   **------"'J-" .......... 9: .__1!__-~-----------1*


  • 0.6l
  • 0.79
  • 0.62
  • 0.5~
  • 0.75
  • 0.61
  ------- ___ .PCT _CIFFER ENCE.                                        *--------*---=-"-*~--*             -'t._7 __ * -2 *.4_ * - - - - - - - - - - - - .PCT DIFFERENC=E~*----------a 0.62. 0.91
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
  • l.ll
  • 0.91
  • 0.62 *
  • _ o. 64
  • __ o. 93 ..
  • __ 1. o~_---1.J.e__. __ 1_.09 __ .__o .92_. __ o..* 6.J __ *_________________________.6._,_ __.

3.3 *. 2.2 * -1.9 * -3.5 * -2.5

  • o.a
  • 1.2 *
  • o.67
  • __ 1.11
  • __ 1.15 .* _ o. a._ _.__
                                         .* 0.70
  • 1.15*. 1.18
  • O.B't
  • l.:H
  • 0.82
  • 1.17
  • 1.13
  • 0.69
  • l.J5___ ._o_.e4___*__1 *. 15_.__1 *. u __ ._o_._67__ *________________________


                                               **3.2.              3.o. 2.4. 0.1 * -'t.3 .* -1.6
  • 1.9
  • 1.9
  • 1.a *
                            * * * * * * * . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !I.* * * * * * * * * * * *-*-* * * -* *-~-*-**-**"*" *-* ***-**-~-*-****-* "*..! ***."!.*-*--~-*--*
  • 0.67
  • 1.01. Q.c;5. 1.16. 1.13
  • l.J9
  • 1.13
  • 1.16
  • 0.95
  • 1.01
  • O.t:7 *
                                                                                                                                                                                !'-*-~-*-~*. c:*=*~*-----------------1*
  • o.68
  • i-.o3
  • o.c;e
  • 1.1a
  • 1.i.
  • 1.n
  • 1.12
  • 1.19
  • o.98
  • 1.04
  • o.69
  • 4 2.3. _2.3. o_.L_. -2_.o __
  • ___ -1_._2_._2.a
  • _2~3 __
  • __2.4
  • _1.e. -------------
  • o.t:2. 1.11 o.o .*

1.4. o.c;5 1.21

  • 1.1a. o.97 1.10
  • o.97
  • 1.1a
  • 1.21
  • o.95
  • 1.11
  • 0.62 *
  • 0.61
  • 1.09
  • 0.96. 1.22. 1.21. l.OJ
  • l.ll
  • 0.98
  • 1.21
  • 1.23
  • 0.99
  • 1.13. Q.62
  • _ _ _ _ _ _ _,,_5_ ___
                  * -2.l *      -2.l
  • 0.6. 0.7 .-- 2.6-.*--L,-:**-0~9--:_--J..i-:---3.i---;---1.'i-.--3X~,----i~a-:-::.o~i-~


  • 1.15 1.16. 1.18 _ l.02_ *. L.21_.__ 0.~E\ __._l_._23__,_J._.02_._J.*_18 ___ _._l __._1_6__.___l_.l_!! __,_Q.<Ji_~*-------:----a
  • o.CJ1_. 1.15
  • 1.11. 1.22. 1.04. 1.2 *
  • o.~9
  • 1.25
  • 1.06
  • 1.21
  • 1.11
  • 1.14. a.ea. 6 0.2
  • 0.2
  • 1.3. 3.2
  • 1.9. 1.3
  • o.e
  • 1.9
  • 4.o
  • 2.4
  • 1.3 * -o.6 * -2.1 *
    • o.t::i.
           ~ :~2*: *i: ii*:*o:;z* :* i: i3 *: *o:~;* :* t:z; *: *i: i~ * :* i:~3 ~-: *i: i;* :* i:z;* * *o :~;*:* i :i;* :*o:e4* :* i: ii-!:* o:li*=:-------1*

1.11. o.a5

  • 1.14. o.9a. 1~23. 1.1s,. 1_.a
  • 1.20_. 1.26
  • 0.9a
  • 1.12. 0.01. 1.06. o.59. 7
       ._-1.0. -0.1.              1.5 ._.o_.a *.. 1.5.                           o._2_._ -1_.L ___ ._-0.4 ._o.3. 2.3_. _1.6 __ * -1.4. -2.1. -4_.5__._-_4_._1_._ _ _ _ __


  • 1.12
  • 1.05
  • 1.09 1.10. 1.21
  • 0.94
  • 1.23
  • o.aa
  • 1.10
  • 1.09. 1.05
  • 1.12 0.79.

_. Q.78. 1.11

  • 1.03
  • 1.08
  • 1.09
  • __ 0.88 ___ ._l_.21___ *__ 0_.93 ._l_.23_. 0_.9_0 ._l.10. 1.0_7
  • 1.03
  • _l.J-c'0~.-~0-:::._7-C:8*-"~--~8~-- 0
       * -1.1. -1.2.            -2.2 * - a . a . -o.a. -1.0. -t.3*. -1.0. 0.1. 1.4. o.o * -1.1. -2.3. -2.3. -o.a *
  • o .6; _
  • 1. 11 ._ o .a4 _. 1. 13 o. 97 _1. 23 _._1,_19__._ _1_.2 3__._J__* !L_.!__J__._~_:1___,-9_,cn_.__1_._B__ _.___o_,__e1__~_!._._P_~*"--:o'".C-'6,-,2~*----=---
  • 0.62. 1.10. 0.82. 1.12. 0.96. 1.21. 1.11. 1.20. 1.19. 1.21. Q.97. 1.15
  • 0.84. 1.11. 0.63
  • 9
       * -1.0 * -1.t: * -1.c; * -1.6. -0.'l. -1.5. -2.0 * -2.0 * -0.4. -1.6
  • 0.5
  • 1.0 * -0.1
  • 0.1
  • 1.6 *
            -  --
  • o. 91
  • 1. 15
  • 1. 16
  • 1. 10 .- 1. 02 -1. n-- ---o.a s---.- -i:: z3-;--T:-o i-:--c;ui-.-T~-16--:---1.-Is--:---a 9 c * ~
  • 0.90
  • 1.14
  • 1.i6. 1.20. 1.02. 1.2J
  • 0.86
  • 1.20
  • 1.01
  • 1.19
  • 1.19. 1.16. 0.91
  • 10

__________ * -1.0

  • _- 1 .1 _* . o. 2_ *. 2. 1
  • __ :-o. 5 __* _:-_2.1 __* _:-2_. 3__ ~_:_2 .4 _!_-_1.0__
  • __ ~ ,0__ ! _ __ 2__**a_,_ __1_._4 __ ! __ o._C>_~*----------a
  • o.t:2
  • r.11 o.95. 1.21 1.1a. o.97
  • 1.10
  • o.97
  • 1.1a
  • 1.21
  • o.95
  • 1.11
  • 0.62 *
  • 0.62
  • 1.11
  • o.c;6. 1.23. 1.1a. o.9,
  • 1.J1
  • o.94
  • 1.19
  • 1.22
  • o.96. 1.12
  • o.63 ~*-------=1~1'--~---11
                  * -o.4 *      -o.4
  • 0.1 ~ 2.1
  • o.s. -2.s * -.1.5-*-. -2.6* ~-- i.1*~-- 0.9 *:* - ci.e*-~----o~e-:----o-.:a-- *
  • o.67 1.01. o.c,5 1.16. 1.u
  • 1.J9
  • 1.u
  • 1.16
  • o.95
  • 1.01
  • o . 6 7 : c - - ' . , _ - - - - - - - - - ~ - - -
  • o.6a
  • 1.02. 0.91. 1.1a. 1.10 .- 1.J5--:-1.10-.---1.1s -. *o.94*~--i.oo-*-;--o:--i9
  • 12 0.2
  • 1.0. 2.0. 2.1 * -3 * * * -3.4 * -2.8 * -0 .* 5 * -1.0 * -1.7
  • l.5 *
                                           * -o.67               1.11 .- 1.15 ** a.a. *---**1.Js--~--0*.a;;-~     ******************************~*~*~*~*~*~*=-=-*~*---------~-----~*
  • 0.68. 1.13. 1.17. 0.80
  • l.Jl
  • 0.81
  • 1.13
  • 1.09
  • 0.67. 13 1 *. 1 __ ._ 1.9_. ___ 1_.9_._-,._.i __ * -4.3. -3.4. -1.a. -2_.o_._-_o_._a_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

f-------*--*--. *--

  • 0.62. 0.91. 1.11
  • 1.12
  • 1.11
  • 0.91
  • 0.62 *
  • 0.63. o.92. 1.1u
  • 1.J9
  • 1.01
  • 0.61
  • l't
1. 9 ... - . 1
  • 7 . * -1
  • l * - - j . i ***.-*. -4 ** 2 *--.-**=2 ~-9--~-.::-*i-~ s-.---------

_____ ---**STANDARD -*---------*----*-cc0_.b2

  • 0.79 0.62
  • 0.63
  • 0.78
  • 0.59 * .PCT DIFFER ENCE. 15 cQ.0_21 l.i) * -1.2 * -4.5
  • 1.1 MAP NO. Sl-3-9V DATE 12/22/75 POWER =1\,2441 MWT CONTROL ROD POSITIONS N INCORE TILT FAH = 1.46 AT ES-AA BANK CAT 228 STEPS NW -1.006 FT = 1.86 AT L5tOA BANK DAT 212 STEPS Q NE -1.005 F

z = 1.17 BANK P/L AT 228 STEPS SW -0.996 A.O.= +0.6 SE -0.993 BURNUP = 1\,250 MWD/MTU 5,21


             ~H Hot Channel Factorl           FQ Hot Channel Factor 2           F    Hot Channel Factor 3            Tilt Ratio xv Minimum                           Minimum Margin                            Margin                            Margin Map     Measured     Limit     (%)      Measured      Limit      (%)       Measured     Limit      (%)       Measured     Limit 1       1.44       1.81     20.4         2.40       4.03      38.8         1.39        --       97.0         1.014      1.02 2       1.59       1. 74      8.6        2.37       4.20      43.6         1.56       5.90      67.1         1.017      1.02 3       1.56       1.66       6.0        2.35       3.89      39.6         1.45       2.91      37.0         1.009      1.02 4       1.47       1.61       8.7        2.18       2.92      25.3         1.38       2.07      18.1         1.006      1.02 5       1.44       1.57       8.3        2.12       2.56      17.2         1.37      1.80        9.9         1.012      1.02 6       1.43       1.56       8.3        2.08       2.44      14.6         1.38      1. 71       8.3         1.007      1.02 7       1.42       1.55       8.4        2.05       2.26       9.3         1.37      1.58        9.7         1.005      1.02

.Vl 8 1.43 1.55 7.7 1.86 2.10 9.8 1.39 1.49 0.5 1.008 1.02 N N 9 1.39 1.55 10.3 1.81 2.10 13.6 1.38 1.49 3.2 1.004 1.02 N lThe measured value for the enthalpy rise hot channel factor, F~H' includes 4% measurement uncertainty. 2 The Technical Specification Limit for the heat flux hot channel factor, F~, is a function of core height, The value for F~ listed above is the maximum value of F~ in the core. The Technical Specification Limit listed above is evaluated at the plane of maximum F~. The minimum margin values listed above are the minimum percent difference between the measured values of F~(Z) and the Technical Specification Limit for each map. All measured F~ hot channel factors include 5% measurement uncertainty, 3% engineering uncertainty and rod bow penalty. 3 The Technical Specification Limit on the F hot channel factor is a function of core height. The F hot channel xy T xy factor listed above is the value of F at the plane of the core at which the maximum value of FQ occurs. The Tech-xy nical Specification Limit listed above is also evaluated at the plane of the core at which the maximum value of F~ occurs. The minimum margin values listed above are the minimum differences between the measured F values and the xy Technical Specification Limit for each map.

Appendix A REACTIVITY COMPUTER Reactivity worth measurements were made using a reactivity computer, which is an a~alog computer specially developed to provide an on-line *solution to the point kinetics equations. The input signal to the reactivity computer is provided by the plant power range ion chambers. During zero-power measurements, one of the four available long ion chambers is taken out of normal service and its signal is used to drive the reactivity computer. Signals from the top and bottom sections of the detector are summed, and the resultant signal is converted to a voltage by a picoammeter for input to the reactivity computer. At zero power, the normal plant isolation amplifiers do not supply sufficient signal strength to be usable by the reactivity computer. Therefore, a plant channel must be taken out of service so that the current output can be converted to voltage and amplified for use by the reactivity computer. At power, the voltage output of the isolated amplifiers of both sections of the four plant channels are averaged and fed directly to the reactivity computer. The objective of this detector arrangement is to eliminate any axial effects which are often observed when a single short ion chamber is used to drive the reactivity computer. During power measurements, radial as well as axial effects are important; especially during single-rod reactivity measure-ments. Hence, the top and bottom sections of all four plant channels are used as input to the computer. This provides a signal that is radially, as well as axially averaged. A.l

Appendix B MODERATOR COEFFICIENT ROD WITHDRAWAL LIMITS Prior to startup of Surry Unit 1, Cycle 3, the occurrence of a positive moderator temperature coefficient of reactivity for the Surry 1, Cycle 3 reload core had been predicted at certain HZP conditions by the design calculations.* The startup physics testing program verified the exis-tence of this. positive moderator coefficient at HZP ARO and Bank D-in condi-J tions. Because the Surry Power Stations Technical Specifications (T.S.3.1.E.1) currently prohibit the operation of the plant with a positive moderator coefficient during normal operation, it was necessary to develop a set of operating restrictions in terms of rod withdrawal limits as a function of RCS boron concentration which would insure that Surry 1 would be operated with a negative moderator temperature coefficient. The rod withdrawal limit curves were developed by using the measured HZP temperature coefficient data obtained during the startup physics test program. A 0% power base limit curve was first developed using equation 1 with an additional 0.5 PCM/°F c-45 ppm) added to the measured data to insure conservatism in the calculations.

1) +

R - *The Nuclear Design and Core Management of the Surry Unit 1 Nuclear Power Station Cycle 3 (WCAP-8619) B.l

i Critical Boron Concentration for op/oT = 0 PCM/°F. where; CBO = i CBM Critical Boron Concentration (Measured) in PPM. Tilt = Measured Temperature Coefficient, op/oT in PCM/°F. 0 TE = Uncertainty Factor in Ti measurement (=.5 PCM/ F.). R Rate of change in op/oT with resgect to the change Boron Concentration (=.0115 PCM/ F/PPM). i Denotes Specific Rod Configurations. (Table 1 summarizes the data used to develop the HZP base limit curve.) Then, several at-power conditions were developed relative to the 0% power "base" limit curve. These additional power level curves (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) were obtained by applying the change in boron concentration due to negative reactivity effects (power defect) to the base 0% power level condition. T.hese boron changes were taken from the Westinghouse Nuclear Design Report (WCAP-8619) at the points where the moderator coefficients were 0 0.0 PCM/ F. Table 2 summarizes this information and also includes the rela-tive 0% power level points. The final moderator coefficient rod withdrawal limit curve is given in Figure 1. Figure 1 is specific only to Surry 1, Cycle 3 and it applies throughout the entire third cycle of the unit. B.2

TABLE 1 e SURRY 1 - CYCLE 3 BOL PHYSICS TEST CALCULATION OF HZP MODERATOR TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT LIMIT CUP.VE Bank Position i (Steps) CBM TM CBO B C D (PPM) (PCM/°F) (PPM) 1 228 228 221 1310 +2 .. 38 1060 2* 228 213 0 1194 +o. 77 1085 3+ 207 0 0 1090 -2.97 1305 4 128 0 0 1036 -4.18 1356 5 228 130 2 1159 -0.27 1139

  • Rod Configuration 2 ~ D-Bank at 47 steµs in rod overlap mode.
 + Rod Configuration 3    ~   C-Bank at 35 steps in rod overlap mode.

i i CBM - (Tm+ TE ) R i where; CBo = Critical Boron Concentration for op/oT = O PCM/°F. i Cm1 = Critical Boron Concentration (Measured) in PPM. T~ Measured Temperature Coefficient, op/oT in PCM/°F. TE Uncertainty Factor in T~ measurement (=.5 PCM/°F). R Rate of change in op/oT with resgect to the change Boron Concentration ( =. 0115 PCM/ F /PPM) . i Denotes Specific Rod Configurations. B.3


                          \TS,  PERCENT ;_'(,\.') ,: F,,f(  t:. p / t \mn "' 0
   -------*-------~-**-*----**-*---*-*-*--* -*--~-

POWER TEMP CP.lJ t, CB LEVEL(%) (OF) (PPM) (PPM) 0 1103 0

           ---+----**------*-**---- -------**-**

25 552.25 1180 77

*-      50                 557.50                       12.51

148 75 562.75 1315 212 1---------t-------**-- ----*-*--* 100 568.00 1371 268 B.4

    -H A

p.., 1200

  • U")
z; HOO 0

H E:-1

     ;zE:-1 t;d
z; J::t4 lJI u 1000
z; 0


z; 0

Pc:: 0 p:i 900


0 E:-1 Ll

                                                   !JOT~;        0 ('E({ltTtor1)   /UC7 F        fff..wr I TTED
    ~                                                             P.B<.1 u~   THl?5~;E  s~

800 700 BANK B 200 228 BANK C 0 40 80 120 160 200 228 BANK D O 40 80 120 160 200 228 BANK POSITION (4 STEPS/DIV)

Appendix C INCORE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION INCORE is a data analysis computer program written by the Westingho~se Electric Corporation to process information obtained by in-core instrumentation. It is presently operational on the Virginia Electric and Power Company's IBM-370 computer syste~. In the reduction of in-core flux and temperature measurements the INCORE code performs the following:

1. Reads input consisting of (a) a description of the amount and type of data to be read in (such,as number of flux traces and thermocouple readings, etc.); (b) a description of the reactor during the measure-ments (such as power level, inlet and outlet temperature, etc.);

(c) the actual data and information relevant to it (such as the flux thimbles that were used, neutron cross sections of the movable detectors, etc.); (d) analytical information (such as calculated thimble fluxes,calculated fuel assembly power, etc.); and (e) specification of options as to what thimbles will be employed in local power predictions, what calculations are to be done, etc.

2. Corrects raw pointwise flux measurements for leakage current, changes in power level between measu.rements, relative detector sensitivities, etc., to determine the pointwise reaction rate in the flux thimbles.
3. Compares the measured reaction rates with their design values and rejects data if they differ from expected values by more than an input rejection criteria. An error analysis is performed for subsequent determination of the uncertainty to attach to calculated peaking factors.


4. Computes the relative power produced by each fuel assembly, and in e each fuel rod chosen for attention. Local relative power is computed as:

Local Power j _ reaction Rate i] Flux Thimble Measured X rReaction Rate in Flux Thimble Analytical Average of Numerator for All Fuel in Core Local absolute power or heat flux is then computed by multiplying the,above quantity by the average specific power or heat flux in the core determined from the measured total core power at the time the data were taken. A weighted average of data from nearby thimbles can be used in determining local relative power.

5. Calculates the relative quadrant powers and the core average axial power distribution in the core. The expected and measured power peaking factors are compared for each power generating region.
6. Outputs the twenty highest values of ~Hand~ in descending order with an identifying number so that hot spot locations in the core can be determined.
7. Calculates the local heat flux hot channel factor as a function of core height and compares the values to the Technical Specification limit.
8. Calculates the rate at which burnup is being accumulated for four axial regions for each fueled area.
9. Corrects thermocouple data for calibration, and converts them to
    ~ocal enthalpy. Relative local enthalpy rise is then calculated using the vessel inlet and outlet temperatures and the core bypass C.2

flow. The local enthalpy rise measured by thermocouples is compared with that predicted from flux measurements using relative local flow rates.

10. Calculates the margin to departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) using the W-3 correlation for selected channels.
11. Lists the plant input data, the analytical parameters used, and the major calculated values.


ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to acknowledge the cooperation of the staff at Surry Power Station in supplying the basic data for this report. Special thanks are due Messrs. D. Benson, A. Hogg, and T. Saunders.

10.5 CHANGES TO PROCEDURES The following changes were made to the station procedures during this reporting period: 10.5.1 Administrative Procedures A summary of the changes to Administrative Pro-cedures made during this reporting period is presented in Table 10.5.1-1. 10.5.2 Abnormal Procedures A summary of the changes to Abnormal Procedures made during this reporting period is presented in Table 10.5.2-1. Annunciator Procedures A summary of the changes to Annunciator Procedures made during this reporting period is presented in Table 10.5.3-1. 10.5.4 Chemistry and Health Physics Procedures A summary of the changes to Chemistry and Health Physics Procedures made during this reporting period is presented in Table 10.5.4-1. 10.5.5 Emergency Procedures A summary of the changes to Emergency Procedures made during this reporting period is presented in Table 10.5.5-1. 10.5.6 Maintenance Procedures A summary of the changes to Maintenance Procedures made during the reporting period is presented in the following Tables: 10.5.6-1 Mechanical Maintenance Procedures 10.5-1

10.5.6 Maintenance Procedures (Can't.) 10.5.6-2 Electrical Maintenance Procedures 10.5.6-3 Instrument Maintenance Procedures 10.5.7 Operating Procedures A summary of the changes to Operating Procedures made during this reporting period is presented in the following Tables: 10.5.7-1 Operating Procedures 10.5.7-2 Maintenance Operating Procedures 10.5.8 Periodic Test Procedures A summary of the changes to Periodic Test Pro-cedures made during this reporting period is presented in Table 10.5.8-1. 10.5.9 Start-Up Test Procedures A summary of the changes to the Start-Up Test Procedures made during this reporting period is presented in Table 10.5.9-1. 10.5.10 Special Test Procedures A summary of the changes to the Special Test Procedures made during this reporting period is presented In Table 10.5.10-1. 10.5-2




EFFECTIVE I PROCEDURE DATE OF NUMBER TITLE CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE ADM-12 General Employee Training 8-08-75 Add provisions for retraining. ADM-29 Conduct of Operations 10-03-75 Delete reference to "Shift Supervisor's Daily Summary Report". ADM-32 Nuclear Material Control 12-19-75 Amend to clarify inventory requirements. I-' ADM-35 Special Tests 11-05-75 New procedure. 0 V, I ADM-36 Radiation Work Permits 11-11-75 New procedure. w ADM-37 Station Drawing Revision 12-05-75 New procedure. Distribution ADM-47 Employee Check-In/Check-Out 10-24-75 Complete rewr~te. Provide for licensed personnel to process Procedure through Training Coordinator.


OF ABNORMAL PROCEDURE CHANGES JULY. THROUGH DECEMBER, 1975 SURRY POWER STATION UNITS NOS. 1&2 EFFECTIVE UNIT PROCEDURE TITLE DATE OF NO. CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1 AP-.20 Control Room Access 8-22-75 EP changed to AP. 1,2 AP-33 Loss of AVT Control 9-16-75 New procedure. 1--' 1,2 AP-33 Loss of AVT Control 9-19-75 Update procedure. .0 \..n ..,,.I 1-3 Al CT 1--' CD 1--' 0

                                                                                                    \..n N

I 1--'


OF ANNUNCIATOR PROCEDURE CHANGES JULY THROUGH DECEMBER, 1975 SURRY POWER STATION UNITS NOS. 1&2 EFFECTIVE UNIT PROCEDURE TITLE DATE OF NO. CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1 lB-61 Emergency Escape Hanway Not 12-19-75 New procedure. Fully Closed 1 lE-18 Hi Steam Line Flow/Low Press. 9-12-75 Setpoint change. or Low Tave ..0 U1 I 1 lE-31 Amertap Pit Hi Hi Level U1 9-29-75 New procedure.

                                                                                                                     >-:3 OJ 1      IF-40     Hi Steam Line Flow                       9-12-75       Setpoint change.                      O' ro 1      lF-41     Hi Stearn Line Flow                      9-12-75
  • Setpoint change.
                                                                                                                    .0 1      lF-42     Hi Steam Line Flow                       9-12-75       Setpoint change.                     .

U1 w

                                                                                                                    ,.....I 1      lF-43     Hi Steam Line Flow                       9-12-75       Setpoint change.

1 lF-44 Hi Steam Line Flow 9-12-75 Setpoint change. 1 lF-45 Hi Steam Line Flow 9-12-75 Setpoint change. 1 rn...,.55 Condenser Pit Hi Hi Level 9-29-75 New procedure. 1 lE-56 Amertap Pit Hi Level 9-29-75 New procedure. 1 lE-62 Condenser Pit Hi Level 9-29-75 New procedure. 1 lE-68 Turbine Bldg. Flood Alarm 9-29-75 New procedure. .** Trouble

                                         - - - - - - - -   _L____

e Paoe 2 EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE .OF UNIT NO. TITLE cHA.*r-,wE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2 2E-31 Amertap Pit Hi Hi Level 9-29-75 New procedure. 2 2E-62 Condenser Pit Hi Level 9-29-75 New procedure. 2 2E-63 Condenser Pit Hi Hi Level 9-29-75 New procedure. 2 2E-64 Amertap Pit Hi Level 9-29-75 New procedure. 2 2E-68 Turbine Bldg~ Flood Alarm 9-29-75 New procedure. Trouble 2 2K-9 Generator Breaker Auxiliary 7-25-75 Amended to conform to DC-74-111. Relay Fail Turbine Trip r-' 0 i Circuit Vl I Vl I Pl II I l*l I .* I I I I I f I


i l I i I i



                          - ./

II " I I l I J I


                                        -CHEMISTRY AND HEALTH PHYSICS PROCEDURE CHANGES JULY THROUGH DECEHBER, 1975 SURRY POWER STATION UNITS NOS. 1&2 EFFECTIVE UNIT   PROCEDURE              TITLE                  DATE OF NO.                                      CHANGE                     DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1,2     CP-9C        Salinity Determination         9-24-75       New procedure.

2 CP-54 Electric Power Research 8-01-75 New procedure. Institute Secondary Water Chemical Program at Surry I-' 0

 \Jl   1,2     CP-55       Airborne Salt Deposition in     10-01-75 I                                                                     New procedure.

0\ the Vicinity of Surry Power 1-3 Al Station er' I-' (D 1,2 HP-3.3-1 Environmental Sample 9-19-75 New procedure. I-' Collection . 0


1,2 HP-3.3-2 Environmental Procedure - Air 9-19-75 New procedure. I I-' 1,2 HP-3.3-3 Environmental Procedure - 9-19-75 New procedure. Iodine 1,2 HP-3.3-4 Environmental Procedure - 9-19-75 New procedure.

     '                     Shellfish 1,2    ,HP-3 .. 3-:-5 Environmental Procedure -       9-19-75      New procedure.

Precipitation 1,2 HP-3.3-6 Environmental Procedure - 9-19-75 New procedure. River Water 1,2 HP-3.3-7 Environmental Procedure - 9-19-75 New procedure. Silt

EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE OF NO. TITLE CHA.~GE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE UNIT 1,2 HP-3. 3-8 Environmental Procedure - 9-19-75 New procedure *. Surface Water* 1,2 HP-3.4-3' BIO PACK - 45 Recirculating 10-02-75 New procedure. Respirator 1,2 HP-3.5-0 Radioactive Liquid Waste Dis- 7-10-75 New procedure. charge Using a Portable Ion Exchanger to Reduce Radio-act.N:1::t:sc Content (Temporary) 1,2 HP-3.5-0 Radioactive Liquid.Waste Dis- 11-17-75 Eliminate this temporary procedure.

        ;                  charge Using a Portable Ion Exchanger to Reduce Radio-

...... activity 0 V, I 1,2 HP-3.5-1 Radioactive Liquid Waste 11-17-75 Consolidate and simplify liquid waste procedures. °' PJ Discharges I I 1,2 HP-3.5-lA Liquid Waste Discharge 11-17-75 Eliminate.procedure.

       !                   Unplanned & Hiscellaneous Releases, No Primary to II                  Secondary Leakage I

I 1,2 HP-3.5-2 Radioactive Liquid Waste Dis- 11-17-75 Eliminate procedure. l charges, Contaminated Drains, I l Low Level & Boron Recovery I1 Test Tank Systems with Primarj to Secondary Leakage iI i 1,2 HP-3.5-2 Liquid Waste Discharge - 11-17-75 New procedure. I Unplanned & Miscellaneous Releases 1,2

  • HP-3.5-2A Liquid Waste Discharges - 11-17-75 Eliminate procedure.

i UnI_>J,.arined & Hiscellaneous rjI Releases with Primary to Secondary Leakage.

e e EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE OF UNIT NO. TITLE CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1,2 HP-3.5-3 Radioactive Liquid Waste Dis- 11-17-75 Consolidate and simplify liquid waste discharge procedur, charge - Steam Generator Blow-down with Primary to Secondary 1,2 HP-3. 5-5 Gaseous Waste Discharges - 12-11-75 Xenon-135 and Hog MPC amended with Part 10CFR20. Containment Purging or Hogging Operations 1,2 HP-3 *.10-1 Personnel Dosimetry Control 11-17-75 To conform with HP Manual. 1,2 HP-3.10-2 Personnel Dosimetry Head and 10-23-75 Modified to simplify procedure. Extremity 0 . I.JI I


CT' I I t I I I I I i I

      'I I






OF / MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE CHANGES JULY THROUGH DEC&.~BER, 1975 SURRY POWER STATION UNITS NOS. 1&2 EFFECTIVE UNIT PROCEDURE TITLE DATE OF NO. CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1,2 MMP-P-EE-007- Preventative Maint. Procedure 10-07-75 New procedure. 1 for Emergency Diesel Generato-Engine I-' 1,2 MMP-C-RC- Corrective 1*faint. for Reactor 10-09-75 New procedure. I~ 1,2 009.1 MMP-C-RC-Coolant Pump Seals 1-'3


I-' Corrective Maint. for Reactor 10-13-75 Insert or rearrange steps to assure completeness i 009.1 Coolant Pump Seals of procedure. ('D I-' 0 1,2 MMP-C-G-017 Corrective Maint. for 11-11-75 Inject various corrections. . Ul Piping & Components 1,2 HMP-C-RC-034 Disassembly & Reassembly of 10-17-75 Insert step to lock wire jack screws. Instrument Ports 1,2 MMP-C~RC-035 Disassembly & Reassembly of 10-17-75 Insert steps to lock wire jack screws to prevent Partial Length Control Rod loosening from vibration. Conoseal Assemblies 1,2 MMP-C-RC-053- Removal, Storage & Replace- 7-10-75 New procedure. ment of Seal Water Injection Filters 1,2 MMP-C-EE-054 Emergency Diesel Generator 7-18-75 New procedure. Engine (Seal Change) 1 MMP-C-RC-055 Removal, Storage & Replace- 11-12-75 New procedure. ment of s*eal Water Injection Filter Internals

e: Paoe 2 EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE OF UNIT NO. TITLE CHA..~GE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1,2 MMP-C-RC- Removal, Storage & Replace- *11....:20-75 New procedure. 056 ment of Boron Recovery Filter1 Internals 1,2 MMP-C-RC- , Removal, Storage & Replace- 11-20-7 5 New.procedure. 057 ment of Fuel Pit Filter Internals 1,2 MMP-C-RC- Removal & Reinstallation of 12-03-75 New procedure. 058 the Full Length CRDM Operatin~ Coil Stack & Latch Assembly MMP-C-Rc:.. Removal & Reinstallation of 12-03-75 Add sections 6 & 7 which were omitted from original 058 the Full Length CRDM Operatin~ procedure. Coil Stack & Latch Assembly The following procedures listed were changed to comply with the Nuclear Power Station Quality Assurance Manual by inserting QA Hold Points in each procedure. 1,2 HMP-C-G- Corrective Maint. for Valves 9-24-75 001 in General l I 1,2 MMP-P-CC-002 Preventative Maint. Proc. for Component Cooling Water Pumps 9-26-75 I i 1,2 MMP:..c-vs- Containment Recirc. Fan Blade 9-26-75 003 Adjustments & Blade, Wheel, Bearing Removal & Replacement l 1,2 MMP-P-FW-003 Preventative Maint. for Steam Generator Feed Pumps 9-26-75 li I 1,2 MMP-P-FW-004 Preventative Maint. for Full

                             & ~~ Size Aux. Feed Pumps 9-26-75 i   1,2      b-P-FW-         Removal, Storage & Replacemen   9-26-75 I

iI l,005 i for Aux. Feed Pump Turbine j  ! I


e P<>oo 1. EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE OF UNIT NO. TITLE CHA...1'.JGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1,2 MMP-C-RC- Removal, Storage & Replacemen1 9-26-75 005 of RC Letdown Filter CartridgE 1,2 MMP-C-RH- Residual Heat Exchanger Dis- 9-26-75 007 . assembly, Inspection, Repair and Reassembly 1,2 I1MP".'"C-HS- 8 11 Copes Vulcan Main Steam 9--26-75 016 Dump Valves 1,2 MMP-C-RC- Steam Generator Sludge Remova 1 9-26-75 047 1,2 MMP-C-RC- Freeze Seal of Stainless 9-26-75 049 Steel Piping 0 1,2 MMP-P-IA- Preventative Maint. for Instrt- 9-29-75

1 1,2 001 MMP-C-G-ment Service Air Compressors Repair/Replacement of Pump I 9-29-75 lI i

1,2 004 MMP-P-SW-006 Internals (I.R.) Inliner Pump~ Preventative Maint. for Emerg-ency Service Water Diesel 9-29-75 Right Angle Gear Box Pump l I il 1,2 iMMP-P- EE-007

  • Preventative Maint. for Emergency Diesel Generator 9-29-75 1 Engine 1,2 IMMP-P-IA- Prevent11tive ~faint. for Con- 9-29-75 008 tainment Instrument Air Com-pressors
       ,. 1,2         MMP-P-CH-         Prev~ative Maint. for             9-29-75 1009                Charging Pumps High Head Ii            I Safety Injection i*             I j


e e Paee 4 EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE .OF UNIT NO. TITLE CHA.1'.IGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1,2 MMP-P-RC- Preventative Maint. for Pres- 9-29-75 Oll surizer Safety Valve Setpoint Verification The following Mechanical Maintenance Procedures have been classified as no longer required and have been removed from active use, to be retained in the historical file. 1,2 MMP-S-FW- Repair of Indications in 14" 9-29-75 001 Feed Water Check Valve

    . 1,2        MMP-S-CH-   I Removal & Replacement of           9..:.29- 75 l-'                002           Byron Jackson Thrust Shoes

.o Vl I 1,2 MMP-S-MS- Ifodification & Interim Hodi- 9-29-75 ()0 r.> 003 fications of MS Actuator 1,2 MMP-S-MS- Refit of H.S. Trip Valve 9-29-75 004 Discs Ii 1,2 MMP-S-RC- Steam Generator Moisture 9-29-75 I 005 Separator Modification I i 1,2 MMP-S-MS-007 Retrofit of M.S. Trip Valve Rock Shaft Assembly. 9-29-75 1 1,2 MMP-C-RC- Inspection and/or Repair of 9-29-75 l 008 Outside Containment R.s. Pump I 1 IMMP-S-MS-009 Removal of Steam Lines High Energy Piping 9-29-7 5 t I 1,2 iMMP-C-RC- Reactor Coolant Pump Disassem- 9-29-75 I 009 bl~-~spection & Repairs i

   !  1,2       ~,IMP-P-CW-     Traveling Water Screens I                                                              9-29-75 I             010 I           il i

I i

e Page 5 EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE OF UNIT NO. TITLE CHAl\/GE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2 MMP-S-MS- Removal of Steam Lines High 9-29-75 010 Energy Piping 1,2 MMP-S-RM- Relocation of Liquid Waste 9-29-75 Oll Radiation Honitor l,~ 1'1MP-C-CS- Refueling Water Chemical 9-29-75 Oll Addition Tank 1,2 MMP-S-RC- Reactor Coolant Pump 9-29-75 013 Decontamination 1,2 MMP-C-RC- RC Stop Valves Disassembly, 9-29-75 013 Inspection & Repair "

.0          1,2       MMP-S-RC-    Contaminated Component Decon        9-29-7 5 I.J1                  014          Procedure I

co 0.. 1,2 MMP-S-RC- Modification to Steam Generate 9-29-75 I 015 Moisture Separator l I II l 1,2 1,2 MMP-S-CV-008 MMP-S-RC-Addition of Filter & Flow-rator to CV Pump Steam Gene:!:'?tor Eddy Current i t 9 75 9-29-75 016 Inspection I ll 1.2 MMP-S-FW-017 Feed Water Loop Installation 9-29-75 I i 1,2 I MMP-S-RC- Back Seats 20 11 Loop Stop Valves 9-29-75 018 l 1,2 MMP-C-RC- .. Main Coolant Pump Impeller 9-29-75 018 Upgrade i i 1,2 MMP-C-BR- Bo:1:o~vaporator Reboiler 9-29-75 020 I I iI l 1 I

e e p a2:e 6 EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE OF illHT NO. TITLE CHA,."t\!GE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1 MMP-S-CH- Charging Pump Repairs 9-29-75 020 2 MMP-C-RC- Concrete Support for Steam 9-29-75 021 Generator 1,2 MMP-S-RC- Steam Generator Supports 9-29-75 024 Swivel Couplings 1 MMP-C-RC- Instrument Port Column Weld 9-29-75 024 Ring Removal 0

 ..... I.
        ; 1,2         MMP-C-RC-025 R.C. Pump /12 Seal Clamp Ring Modification 9-29-75 V,

0) (D I II 1,2 MHP-C-RC 026 Installation of Safety Injection Anchors 9-29-75 I 1 MJ:1P-C-RC- Inspection of 1-RC-E-lB 9-29-75 I 027 Secondary Side Internals I I l I 1 MMP-C-RC- Steam Generator Tube & Tube Sheet Inspection & Repairs I l 9-29-75 I I 1,2 MMP-C-RS- Recirculation & Containment 9-29-75 II 032 Spray Check Valves I


I - li t II


OF ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE CHANGES JULY THROUGH DECEMBER, 1975 SURRY POWER STATION UNITS NOS. 1&2 EFFECTIVE UNIT PROCEDURE TITLE DATE OF NO. CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1 EMP-C-EPH- Reactor Coolant Pump Motor 9-05-75 Amended to reflect portions of Mech. Maint. procedures. 01 1-RC-P-lA 1 EMP-C-EPH- Reactor Coolant Pump Hotor 10-29-75 Insert additional steps to acceptance criteria. 01 1-RC-P-lA I-' 0

  • Vl 1 EMP-C-EPH- Reactor Coolant Pump Motor 12-03-75 Complete revision.

I \0 01 1-RC-P-lA 1 EMP-C-EPH- Reactor Coolant Pump Motor 9-05-75 Amended to reflect portions of Mech. l1aint. procedures. 02 1-RC-P-lB 1 EMP-C-EPH- Reactor Coolant Pump Motor 10-29-7 5 Insert additional steps to acceptance criteria. 02 1-RC-P-lB 1 EMP-C-EPH- Reactor Coolant Pump Motor 12-03-75 Complete revision, 02 1-RC-P-lB 1 EMP-C-EPH- Reactor Coolant Pump Motor 9-05-75 Amended to reflect portions of Mech. Maint. procedures. 03 1-RC-P-lC 1 EMP-C-EPH- Reactor Coolant Pump Motor 10-29-75 Insert additional steps to acceptance criteria, 03 1-RC-P-lC 1 EMP-C-EPH- Reactor Coolant Pump Hotor 12-03-75 Complete revision. 03 1-RC-P-lC 2 EMP-C-EPH- Reactor Coolant Pump Motor 9-05-75 Amended to reflect portions of Mech, Maint, procedures. 04 2-RC-P-lA I

e PAGE 2 EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE OF UNIT NO. TITLE CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2 EMP-C-EPH- Reactor Coolant Pump Motor 10-29-75 Insert additional steps to acceptance criteria. I 04 2-RC-P-lA 2 EMP-C-EPH- Reactor Coolant Pump Motor 12-03-75 Complete revision. 04 2-RC-P-lA 2 I EMP-C-EPH- Reactor Coolant Pump Motor 9-05-75 Amended to reflect portion of Mech. }faint. procedures.

                !  05            2-RC-P-lB 2     EMP-C-EPH-   Reactor Coolant Pump Motor       10-29-75  Insert additional steps to acceptance criteria.

05 2-RC-P-lB 2 I EMP-C-EPH- Reactor Coolant Pump Hotor 12-03-75 Complete revision.

       !        I 05             2-RC-P-lB r-"    !

0 -*Vl

\C I

II 2 EMP-C-EPH- , Reactor Coolant Pump Motor 06 2-RC-P-lC 9-05-75 Amended to reflect portions of Mech. Maint. procedures. Ill I!

       !    2      EMP-C-EPH-   Reactor Coolant Pump Motor       10-29-75  Insert additional steps to acceptance criteria.

I 06 2-RC-P-lC j EMP-C-EPH- Reactor Coolant Pump Hotor j 2 06 2-RC-P-lC I 12-03-75 Complete revision. i i 1,2 EMP-C-EPDC Safety Related Battery 10-07-75 Change step 6.7 to delete the 5% current difference l -10 Chargers requirement between phases of the A.C. line.


1i I 1,2 ~!P-C-MOV-, Safety Related Motor Operated 11-21-75 Improve workability. I Valves l l'I 1,2 EMP-C-HT-20 Safety Related Heat Tracing Equipment 11-05-75 Add steps to change faulty thermostats. t I 1,2 EMP-C-FP.- 23 Sealing Electrical Penetra-tions of Pressure Boundaries 10-29-75 Amended to reflect repairs required as a result of fire stops inspection sc~edule. t) and/or Fire Stops 1 I I 1,2 EMP-C-RT- Repair & Replacement of Relay1 9-19-75 New procedure. J 24 in the Reactor Protection J Safflsuards l

e PAGE 3 e EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE OF UNIT NO. TITLE CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1,2 EMP-C-EPH- Safety Related High Voltage 9-19-75 Replaced EMP-C-PH-03; I 25 Power Cables 1,2 EMP-C-EPL- Safety Related Low Voltage 9-19-75 New procedure. j 26 Control Cables 1,2 EMP-C-EPL- Repairs to Safety Related 9-19....:75 Replaced EMP-S-27. ~ 27 480 Volt Motors 1,2 EMP-C-EPL- Repair of Safety Related 12-19-75 Amended to include motors up to lOOHP. 27 Motors up to lOOHP j 1,2 EMP-C-EPH- Repairs to Safety Related 9-19-75 New procedure. I 28 4,000 Volt Motors

 ~1 Y1 l 1,2       EMP-C-EPL-29 Safety Related 480 Volt Transformers 9-16-75     New procedure.
 \0 O" l l

1,2 EMP-C-EPCR- Rod Drive Supply System 10-07-75 Revised to comply with Q.A. Manual. i I 30 I 1,2 EMP-C-EE- Corrective Maint. for Emerg. 10-01-75 Replace procedure EMP-C-EE-01. I i 31 Diesel Generator


l l l 1,2 EMP-C-MS-I Main Steam Line Trip Valves 10-07-75 Revised to comply with Q.A. Manual. I( 32 l I 1,2 EMP-C-EE- Personnel Air Lock Electrical 10-07-75 Revised to comply with Q.A. Manual. i 33 r I I I l 1,2 EMP-C-PE- 4160 Volt Penetration Type V 10-29-75 New procedure. i 35 Potting Connector. l { I I 1,2 EMP-C-PE-35 4160 Volt Penetration Type V Potting Connector 11-07-75 Modify to permit taping of connector. I! 1,2 !EMP-C-IA-36 Containment Instrument Air I l 11-07-75 New procedure. l I i

    ,,.*         I!                                             r

e PAGE 4 e .r l UNIT PROCEDURE NO. TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE OF CHAl'IJGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1,2 1 EMP-C-HT- Strip Heaters in Safety 11-18-75 New procedure.

            !t 37          Related Equipment 1,2   I EHP-C-SOV-    Safety Related Solenoid Valves    11-21-75   New procedure.

i 38 1,2 EMP-C-EPCR- Removal & Repair of the 12-03-75 New procedure. (Approved to step 5.7). 39 Control Rod Position Detector Assembly & the Operating Coil Stack Assembly

           .1 I

1,2 JEHP-C-EPCR- Removal & Repair of the 12-04-75 Steps 5.8 - 5.11 and section 6.0 and 7,0 added. j39 I Control Rod Position Detector 1 Assembly & the Operating Coil I-' Stack Assembly 0 VI I 1 EMP-P-RT- Operational Test 15Hl Bus Tie 9-19-75 Modified to keep shift supervisor attuned to progress '° () 13 of procedure. 1 .I EMP-P-RT- r Protective Relay Maintenance for 15Hl Emergency Tie 11-21-7 5 Hajor revision. 113 Between Bus lH & lJ t* 1 EMP-P-RT- Operational Test 15J9 Stub 9-19-75 New procedure. 14 Bus Tie 1 EMP-P-RT- Protective Relay Maintenance 11-26-75 Combine relay and operational testing in one procedure. 14 for Cubicle 15J9 Stub Bus Tie 1 EHP-P-RT- Operational Test 15Jll 9-19-75 New procedure. 15 1-RH-P-lB 1 EMP-P-RT- Protective Relay Maintenance 11-26-75 Combine relay and operational testing in one procedure. 15 ~or Cubicle 15Jll Pump 1-RH-P-lB 1 EMP-P-RT- Operational Test 15H9 Stub 1 9-19-75 New procedure. 16 Bus Tie I

e PA,GE 5


EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE OF NO. TITLE CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1 EMP-P-RT- Protective Relay Maintenance 11-26-75 Combine relay and operational testing in one procedure. 16 for Cubicle 15H9 Stub Bus Tie 1 I EMP-P-RT- Operational Test 15Hll 9-19-75 .

  • New procedure.

17 1-RH-P-lA. 1 EMP-P-RT- Protective Relay Maintenance 11-26-75 Combine relay and operational testing in one procedure. 17 for Cubicle 15Hll Pump 1-RH-P-lA 1 I EHP-P-RT- Operational Test 15Hl0 9-19-75 New procedure. li j 18 1-CC-P-lA r--' I 1 I18EMP-P-RT- Protective Relay Maintenance 11-26-75 Combine relay and operational testing in one procedure. . for Cubicle 15Hl0 CC Pump I 0 V, I 1-CC-P-lA \0 p. I lI 1 EMP-P-RT-I Operational Test 15H8 9-19-75 New procedure.

      '         19          l Transformer  C Out l

l l 1 IEMP-P-RT- Operational Test 15H8 Transformer C In i 9-19-75 New procedure. i I 119A r I j l i 1 EMP-P-RT-  ! Operational Test 15H8

1* 9 75 Rack 15H3 in test position.

Transformer C Out . l 19 1



     .i 1       EMP-P-RT-     Operational Test Cubicle 15H8  I    10-21-75     Amended to reflect performance of MOP~26.3.
    ,l lI E

I I 19 Normal Feed to Bus "lH" (RSS Transformer C Out of Service) I 1 EMP-P-RT- Operational Test Cubicle 15H8 10-21-75 Amended to relfect performance of MOP-26.3

  • I 1 19A EMP-P-RT-Normal Feed to Bus lH Protective Relay Maintenance 111-26-75 Combine relay and operational testing in one procedure 19 for Cubicle 15H8 Feeder Bus I

f I lH (RSS Transformer C Out of Service) f f J 1 EMP-P-RT- .Protective Relay Maintenance 11-26-75 Combine relay and operational testing in one procedure. I I 19A for Cubicle 15H8 Normal Feed l to Bus lH I


  • PAGE 6 EFFECTIVE l1 PROCEDURE DATE OF UN*~I~T---\--~N~~O~*--i----~T=IT~L~E~------+-.::.C~HAN=G~E=--+-------.-::D~E~*S~C~R~I~P~T~IO~N;.:_:O~F~*~C~H~A~NG.~E~*---------

11 1 I EMP-P-RT-1 20 EMP-P-RT-Operational Test 15H4 1-FW-P-JA Protective Relay Maintenance 9-19-75 11-26-,75 New.procedure. Combine relay and.operational testing in one.procedure. I 20 for Cubicle 15H4 Steam Gen-erator Auxiliary Feed Pump l-FW-P-3A l 1 I EMP-P-RT- Operational Test 15H7 SST-lH 9-19-75 New procedure. 21 1 EMP-P-RT- Protective Relay Maintenance 11-26-75 Combine relay and operational testing in one procedure. j for Cubicle 15H7 SST-lH

    *l          121 I

EMP-P-RT- Operational Test 15Jl0 ~{ I 9-19-75 New procedure. 1 22 1-CC-P-lB ~ i l 1 EMP-P-RT- i Protective Relay Maintenance 11-26-75 Combine relay and operational testing in one procedure. 22 for Cubicle 15Jl0 CC Pump I 1-CC-P-lB II 1 EMP-P-RT-23 Operational Test 15J8 Trans-former Out 9-19-75 New procedure. J l

  !I   1           EMP-P-RT-     Operational Test Cubicle 15J8 10-16-75      Reflect requirement for NOP-26.1 to be performed.

{i 23 Normal Feed to Bus lJ (RSS j Transformer Out of Service) i j 1 EHP-P-RT- Protective Relay Maintenance 12-10-75 To combine relay and operational testing in one procedure Ii 23 Cubicle 15J8 Normal Feed Bus lJ (RSS-OOC) t 1 EMP-P-RT- Operational Test 1BJ8 Trans- 9-19-75 New procedure.

 !                 23A           former In lI i     1       !EMP-P-RT-        Operational Test Cubicle 15J8 10-16-75      Reflect requirement for MOP-26.1 to be performed.

i 123A Normal Feed to Bus lJ f 1 1EMP-P-RT- Protective Relay Maintenance j 12-10-75 To combine relay & operational testing in one procedure. I 1 23A Cubicle 15J8 Normal Feed Bus i I I lJ I

e PAGE 7 - EFFECTIVE I UNIT PROCEDURE NO. TITLE DATE OF CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1 EMP-P-RT- Operational Test 15J7 SST-lJ 9-19-75 New procedure. 24 I 1 EMP-P-RT- Protective Relay Maintenance 12-10-75 To combine relay and operational testing in one procedure*. I 124 Cubicle 15J7 Station Service l Transfer lJ

         !j         II I  1          EMP-P-RT-25 I

Operational Test 15H5 1-CH-P-1A 9-19-75 New procedure. I I l 1 EMP-P-RT- l Protective Relay Maintenance I 25 Cubicle 15H5 Charging Pump 1-CH-P-lA 12-10-75 To combine relay and operational testing in one procedure. { I IEMP-P-RT-I 1 I 26 Operational Test 1-CH-P-lB 9-19-75 New procedure. 0 I. I EMP-P-RT-IJ1 I I.O t-t, i 1 26 I I Protectiv.e Relay Maintenance Cubicle 15J5 Charging Pump 12-19-75 To combine relay and operational testing in one procedure. lI I I I 1-CH-P-lB I I 2 EMP-P-LU- Greasing Safety Related Motor~ 9-05-75 Provide more detailed procedure. lI j 27  ! I i i I 2 I EMP-P-LU- Changing Oil in Safety 9-05-75 Provide more detailed procedure. I I 128 Related Motors J i l 1,2 EMP-P-EPDC Emergency Diesel Generator 9-19-75 Replaced EMP-S-DC-02. f Ii -29 Battery Connection Check 1 EMP-P-RT- Operational Test 15J4 9-19-75 New procedure. 30 l-FW-P-3B 1 EMP-P-RT- Protective Relay Maintenance 12-10-75 To combine relay and operational testing in one procedure.

      .r 130 Cubicle 15J4 S.G. Aux. Feed Pump l-FW-P-3B i                                                 I i

1 l EMP-P-RT- Operational Test Cubicle 15H6l 10-22-75 New procedure. I31 Charging Pump 1-CH-P-lC I I j Ii

e PAGE 8 EFFECTIVE Ii UNIT PROCEDURE NO. TITLE DATE OF CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1 IEMP-P-RT- Protective Relay Ma-intenance 12-10-75 To combine relay and operational testing in one procedure. Ii 131 Cubicle 15H6 Charging Pump 1-CH-P-lC l1 l l 1 132 EHP-P-RT- Operational Test 15J2 1-CH-P-lC I 9-19-75

  • New procedure.

I 1 I IEMP-P-RT- IProtective Relay Maintenance I 12-19-75 To combine relay and operational testing in one procedure. i32 . for Cubicle 15J2 Charging Pump 1-CH-P-lC 1 IEMP-P-RT- Operational Test Cubicle 15H3 10-22-75 New procedure. il j Emergency Generator No. 1 I 133 IFeed to Bus II lH".

.,0 V, I I    1         EMP-P-RT-33
                                      ! Protective  Relay Maintenance for Cubicle 15H3 Emergency 12-19-75   To combine relay and operational testing in one procedure.
\0 I        I                           Generator No.l Feed to Bus lH j

()Q Il I I 1 EMP-P-RT- Operational Test Cubicle 15J3 10-16-75 New procedure. I Emergency Generator No. 2 I I I 35 I Feed to Bus "lJ" 1 I I J l I 1 l!EMP-P-RT- 1 Operational Test Emergency l 10-16-75 New procedure. i i t l36 Generator No. 1 Differential I t Relaying


{ IEMP-P-RT- Operational Test Cubicle 11-07-75 New procedure. i 1,2

         'l               37            15C3 Reactor Coolant Pump iI          II 1-RC-P-lC 1,2       EMP-P-RT-     Operational Test Emergency*     10-16-75   New procedure.

f 38 Generator No. 3 Differential 1 l Relaying 1 IEMP-P-EPH- Backfeed Unit #1 9-29-75 New procedure.

         \                39 ii I l

e PAGE 9 EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE OF UNIT NO. TITLE CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1 EMP-P-RT- Operational Test Rod Drive 10-22-75 New procedure. 40 M.G. Set No. 1 1,2 EMP-P-EE- Preventative Maint. for 10-01-75 Replace procedure E}fP-P-EE-02. Ill 41 Emergency Diesel Generator j I 1,2 EMP-P-RT- Current Load Testing 12-19-75 New procedureo I ! I 41 I Ii 1,2 EMP-P-RT-47 Protective Relay Maintenance for Cubicle 15Dl Normal Feed to Transfer Bus D 12-19-75 To combine relay and operational testing in one procedure l IIEMP-P-RT- I I r-' 0 1,2 49 . I I Protective Relay Maintenance for Cubicle 15Fl Normal Feed to Transfer Bus F I 12-19-75 To combine relay and operational testing in one procedure U1 I il I \.C I 1 EMP-P-RT- I Operational Test Bus II lH" 11-11-75 Minor administrative changes. li so Undervoltage


l 1 EMP-P-RT-I ( I Operational Test Cubicle l 11-05-75 New procedure. I l 51 15A3, Reactor Coolant Pump 1-RC-P-lA I 1 1 EMP-P-RT-51 I Protective Relay Maintenance Cubicle 15A3 RCP 1-RC-P-lA 12-10-75 To combine relay and operational testing in one procedure j 1 EMP-P-RT- Operational Test Bus "lJ" 11-11-75 New procedure. l 52 Undervoltage i 1 Operational Test Cubicle 11-05-75 New procedure.

    ~   1        EMP-P-RT-1            53             15B3, Reactor Coolant Pump 1-RC-P-lB l


smJHARY OF / INSTRill1ENT MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE CHANGES JULY THROUGH DECEMBER, 1975 SURRY POWER STATION UNITS NOS. 1&2 EFFECTIVE UNIT PROCEDURE TITLE DATE OF NO. CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1,2 IMP-C-NI-2 Replacing the Source Range 8-29-75 New procedure. Nuclear Instrumentation Detector I- 1,2 IMP-C-NI-3 Replacing the Intermediate 8-29-75 New procedure. ...c I..J Range Nuclear Instrumentatior II I Detector ,I-C II 1-3 1,2 IMP-C-NI-4 Al Replacing the Power Range 8-29-75 Hew procedure. O' r-' Nuclear Instrumentation (1) Detector r-' 0 1,2 IMP-C-G-15 Rosemount RTD Field Instal- 3-29-75 New procedure. . Vl 0\ lation, Reactor Coolant I Narrow Range Temperature RTD w Previously Fitted with Special Swagelock Adaptor 1,2 IMP-C-NI-15 Replacing the Source Range 9-29-75 Chan8e no. from IMP-C-NI-2. Nuclear Instrumentation Detector 1,2 IMP-C-NI-16 Replacing the Intermediate 9-29-75 Change no. from IMP-C-NI-3. Range Nu~lear Instrumentatior Detector 1,2 IMP-C-NI-16 Replacing the Source Range 10-17-75 Change no.; formerly IMP-C-NI-15. Nuclear Instrumentation I Detector

e e EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE OF UNIT NO. TITLE CHA.~GE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1,2 IMP-C-,,NI-17 ' Replacing the Power Range 9-29-75 Change no. from IMP-C-NI-4. Nuclear Instrumentation Detector 1,2 IMP-C-NI-17 Replacing the Intermediate 10-17-75 Change no.; formerly HIP-'-C-:-NI-16. Range Nuclear Instrumentation Detector 1,2 IMP-C-NI-18 Replacing the Power Range 10..:.17.::75 Change no.; formerly IMP-C-NI-17. Nuclear Instrumentation Detector I 1,2 IMP-C-IFM- Replacing Incore Flux Mapping 9-29-75 Change no. from IHP-C-IFM-1. I 19 Detector I-' 0 1,2 IMP-C-IFM- Replacing Incore Thermocouple 9-29-75 Change no. from IMP-C-IFH-2. 20 I

\J1 I

I-' 0 lI Pl I 1,2 IMP-C-IFM- Incore Flux Mapping Detector 10-17-75 Change no.;formerly IMP-C-IFM-19. I 20 j I II 1,2 IMP-C-IFM-

               '21 l

Replacing "A" Incore Thermo- I 10-17-75 couple Change no.; formerly IMP-C-IFH-20. I I I l I II I i I I i .

                                  .. /

I I j I I I I I


OF OPERATIHG PROCEDURE CHANGES JULY THROUGH DECEMBER, 1975 SURRY POWER STATION UNITS NOS *. l& 2. EFFECTIVE UNIT PROCEDURE TITLE DATE OF NO. CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1,2 OP-lB Containment Checklist 9-29-75 Provide for backseating. 1,2 OP-1.1 Unit Start-Up Operation 9-29-75 Add PT-14.2 to procedure requirement.

....... 1,2    OP-1. 3     Unit Start-Up 350/450-HSD        8-15-75     Add recirc. sampling of accumulator 0

-*I V, i:,.... 1,2 OP-2.0 Unit Power Operation 9-29-75 Delete section 4.11

  • 1 OP-2.1 Unit Power Operation 9-05-75 Update procedure.

2 OP-2.1 Unit Power Operation 9 75 Eliminate step not applicable. 1,2 OP-2.2 rrurbine Operation 9-29-75 Eliminate steps not applicable. 1,2 -OP-3.0 Unit Shutdown Operation 7-11-75 Modify step putting key switch in defeat. 1,2 OP-3.0 Unit Shutdown Operation 9-29-75 Eliminate steps not applicable. 1,2 OP-4.1 Controlling Procedure for 7-18-75 Add steps to insure door is closed during handling of Refueling fuel. 1,2 . OP-4 *.1 Controlling Procedure for 10-01-75 Re-written to reflect past experiences. Refueling 1,2 OP-4.1 Controlling Procedure for 10-03-75 Reorganize procedure placing. steps 4.9.2 thru 4.9.7 on Refueling separate pages. 1,2 OP-4.1 Controlling Procedure for 10-17-75 Add attachment 4 (Refueling Containment Integrity Check-

                          !Refueling                                    list)

e Page 2 EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE OF UNIT NO. TITLE CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1,2 OP-4.2 Receipt & Storage of New Fuel 7-18-75 Add steps to insure door is closed during handling of fue 1 OP-4. 2 Receipt & Stoi;-age of New Fuel 9-15-75 Insert attachment 3 (form for visual inspection of new fuel assembly and inserts components). 1,2 OP-4.2 Receipt & Storage of New Fuel* 10-10-75 Ins~rt new inspection forms; modify for recycling. 1,2 OP-4.3 Irradiated Fuel Handling and 7-18-75 Add steps to insure door is closed during handling of Shipment fuel. 1 OP-5.1 Filling & Venting of RCS 9-19-7~ New format. 1,2 OP-5.1 Filling & Venting of RCS 11-17-75 Amended to insure seal injection flow thru #1 seal. ...... 1,2 OP-5.5 Draining and Isolated Loop 9-19-75 New format. 0 u, I 2 OP-5.6 Filling & Venting an Isolated 9-19-75 New format. ...... Loop Ill I - 1 OP-5.6 Filling & Venting an Isolated 9-29-75 New forr.iat. Loop 1,2 OP-7.1 Safety Injection 8-15-75 To maintain accumulator within required chemistry specifications. 1,2 OP-7.lA Safety Injection 7-25-75 Remove valve from list. I! 1 OP-7.6A RWST Temperature Control 7-25-75 Change condition of l-CS-75, l-CS-71 valves. I 1 OP-8.1 eves 9-12-75 New format. 2 OP-8.1 eves 9-19-75 New format. 1 OP-8.2 Resin Change 9-12-75 New format. i 2 OP-8.2 D~r~~alizer Operation 12-19-75 Insert initial conditions satisfied, precautions and t I limitations steps. I 1 OP-8. 3 Boron Concentration Control j 9-12-75 New format. i I I I i /

Page 3 PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE DATE OF UNIT NO. .TITLE CH&~GE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2 OP-8.3 Boron Concentration Control 9-19-75 New format. 1 OP-8.5 Boric Acid Batching 9-12-75 New format. 1 OP-8.6 Volume Control Tank Operation 9-12-75 New format. 2 OP-8. 6 Volume Control Tank Operation 9-19-75 New format. 1 OP-9A Primary Grade Water System 7-25-75 Add valve to list. 2 OP-llA Primary Vent System 8-22-75 Update valve checkoff sheets. 1,2 OP-12 Sampling System 9-29-75 New format. 1 0P-13A Primary Drain System 7-25-75 Update list. 2 OP-13A Primary Drain System 8-22-75 Update valve checkoff sheets. 1 OP-14 Residual Heat Removal System 10-01-75 Delete step to prevent blowing seal. 1 OP-15 Reactor Cavity Purification 10-01-75 Provide for securing skimmer pump. System 1 OP-18 Containment Personnel Access 12-19-75 Divide into two procedures. Hatch Operation 18.1 - Containment Personnel Air Lock 18.2 - Emergency Escape Manway 1,2 OP-21.1 Containment Purge 7-15-75 Clarify use of dampers and filters. 1 OP-21.1 Containment Purge 9-05-75 Replace section 4.3 2 OP-21.1 Containment Purge 9-29-75 Replace missing master copy. 1 OP-21. 3 Containment Ventilation and 9-05-75 New format. Air Conditioning i I 2 I OP-21. 3


Con~ainment Ventilation and Air Conditioning 12-19-75 .New procedure. J l I l I

e e Page 4 EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE OF UNIT NO. TITLE CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1 OP-22.1 High Level Waste Drain System 9-12-75 New format. 1 OP-22.2 Low Level Waste Drain System 9-12-75 New format. 1 OP-22. 3 Waste Disposal Evaporator 9-12-75 *New format. Operation 1 OP"'."22. 4 Waste Disposal Evaporator 9-12-75 New format. Bottoms Loop Operation 1 OP-22.5 Contaminated Drains System 9-12-75 New format; eliminate filter precoat OP's. f--' 0 . 1 OP-22.6 Laboratory Drains System 9-12-75 New format. Vl I f--' 1 OP-22.7 Decontamination Fluid Waste 9-12-75 New format. f--' (l Treating 1 OP-22.8 Liquid & Solid Waste Drumming 9-12-74 New format. and Baling I 1 OP-26.0 Electrical Distribution 9-12-75 New format. 1,2. OP-26.1 Plant Service (Electrical 7-18-75 Eliminate requirements for rubber shoes in switchyard. Distribution) 1 OP-26.1 Electrical Distribution Sys. 9-12-75 New format and missing master. I 2 OP-26.1 Electrical Distribution Sys. 9-19-75 New format. I 1 OP-26.2 Plant Lighting 9-12-75 New format and missing master. 2 OP-26.2 Plant Lighting 9-19-75 New format. 2 OP-26.3 Emergency Plant Lighting 7-25-75 New format. 1 OP-26.3 Em~cy Plant Lighting 9-12-75 New format and missing master. Il 2 OP-26.3 Emergency Plant Lighting I 9-19-75 New fonuat. II I I I I

e e EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE OF UNIT NO. TITLE CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1 OP-26.4 D.C. Supply System 9-12-75 New format and missing master. 2 OP-26.4 D.C. Supply System 9-19-75 New format. 1 OP-28 Hain Steam System 7-18-75 Amend for installation of pressure transmitter. 1 OP-29 Reheat Steam System 9-12-75 Delete 1 OP-31.1 Hain Feedwater System 9-12-75 New format. 2 OP-31.1 Hain Feedwater System 9-19-75 New format. 1 OP-31.2A Steam Generator Auxiliary 7-25-75 Update list. Feedwater System I I-' 0 Vl 2 OP-34A Secondary Drain System 8-22-75 Update valve checkoff sheets. I I-' I-'

p. 1 OP-36 Air Ejectors 9-12-75 New format.

2 OP-36 Air Ejectors 9-19-75 New format. 1 OP-38 Auxiliary Boilers 9-12-75 New format. 1 OP-39 Gland Steam System 9-12-75 New format. 2 OP-39 Gland Steam System 9-12-75 New format. 1 OP-40 EHC 9-12-75 New format. 1 OP-41(1-5) Lube Oil System 7-18-75 Rewrite procedure. 2 OP-41A Lube Oil System 7-25-75 Change conditions for valves. 1 OP-43.6 Hz Storage 9-12-75 New format.


1 OP-44 Lube-,,bil 9-12-75 New format.*

e Page 6 EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE OF UNIT NO. TITLE CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1 OP-46.1 Instrument & Service Air 7-25-75 New format, Compressors 1,2 OP-48.2 *Circulating Water System 8-15-75 Give operator warning of possible excessive temperature. 1 OP-51.1 Component Cooling Sub-System 9-12-75 New format. 2 OP-51.1 Component Cooling Sub-System 9-19-75 New format. 2 OP-51. 2 Chilled Water System 9-19-75 New format. 1 OP-51.2A Chilled Water System 8-22-75 Update valve checkoff sheets. 2 OP-51. 3 Chilled Component Cooling Sys. 9-19-75 New format.

.....       1        OP-51. 4   Neutron Shield Tank Cooling     7-25-75  New format.

.0 V, Water Subsystem .....I ..... 2 OP-51.4 Neutron Shield Tank 9-29-75 New format. ro 1 OP-51.5 Charging Pump Cooling Water 9-12-75 New format. Sub-System 2 OP-51. 5 Charging Pump Cooling Water 9-29-75 New format. Sub-System l 1 OP-52 Fire Protection and Domestic 7-25-75 New format. i Water System I 1 OP-52.2 Fire Water Protective Sys. 7-25-75 New format. 1 OP-52.3 Low Pressure co 2 System 9-12-75 New format. 1 OP-52.4 High Pressure COz System 9-12-75 New format. ( 1 OP-54.1 Ga~yurpine - 191 9-12-75 New format and add steps. i 1 J Il . OP-56.1 Visual - Audio Count Rate Channel 9-12-75 New format. I I j I

e e Page 7 EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE OF UNIT NO. TITLE CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2 OP-56,l Visual - Audio Count Rate 9-29-75 New format. Channel 1 OP-57 Incore Movable Detector Sys. 9-12-75 New format. 2 OP-57 Incore Movable Detector Sys. 9-29-75 New format. 1 OP-58.1 Motor-Generator Set Operation 9-12.,... 75 New format. 1 OP-58.2 Rod Control System 9-12-75 Ne~ format. 1,2 OP-58.1 Motor-Generator Set Operation 12-19-75 Replace master copy *

      . 2      OP-58.2   Rod Control System              9-29-75       New format.

I-' 0 .., 1 OP-62 Radiation Monitoring System 9-12-75 New format.

-l.n I

I -' Hi 1 Curve Book 7-18-75 Add EOL curve changes (Pgs 29-32), Bit Curve & Minimum shutdown Boron Concentration for HZP and CSD. 2 Curve Book 7-25-75 Update Thermal Hydraulic Control Rod Insertion Curves. 1 Curve Book 8-07-75 Update curve in accordance with provisions of the Battelle Report - Pressure Radiation Capsule Program. 2 Curve Book 8-22-75 Add EOL Curves. I I 1 Curve Book 10-29-75 Shutdown Margin Calculation (Cycle 3) 1 Curve Book 11-21-75 Modify curves to Cycle Three (3) Fuel. 1,2 Curve Book* Reflect changes to Tech. Specs.


SU11MARY OF ~ MAINTENANCE OPERATING PROCEDURE CHANGES JULY THROUGH DECEMBER, 1975 SURRY POWER STATION UNITS. NOS. 1&2 EFFECTIVE UNIT PROCEDURE TITLE DATE OF NO. CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1,2 MOP-~.l Preparation for Draining 12-03-75 New procedure. Reactor Vessel & Pressurizer with RCS Loops Isolated for Maintenance I-' 0 I 1,2 MOP-5.2 Removing Alternate Relief 12-03-75 New procedure. v Protection from Isolated t RCS Loops I-p. C 1,2 MOP-21.1 Replacement of Charcoal of 10-20-75 New procedure. I-fl l-VS-FL-3A I-

                                                                                                         .C 1,2   MOP-21. 2 Replacement of Charcoal of l-VS-FL-3B 10-20-75       New procedure.                        ....

I.. I r.. 1 MOP-26.1 Removing 15J8 Breaker from 10-16-75 New procedure. Service for Maintenance 1 MOP-26.2 Placing 15J8 in Service 10-16-75 New procedure. 1 MOP-26.3 Removing 15H8 Breaker from 10-16-75 New procedure. Service for Haintenance 1 MOP-26.4 Placing 15H8 in Service 10-16-75 New procedure. 2 MOP-28.8 Sodium Inj e*ction into 10-01-75 New procedu-re. Steam Generator 1 MOP-28.9 Sodium-24 Injection .into 12-19-75 New.procedure. Steam Generator


OF PERIODIC TEST PROCEDURE CHANGES /,-- JULY THROUGH DECEMBER, 1975 SURRY POWER STATION UNITS NOS. 1&2 EFFECTIVE UNIT PROCEDURE TITLE DATE OF NO. CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1,2 PT-1. 2 NIS Trip Channel Test (Power 7-17-75 Incorporate setpoint changes. Operation) 1,2 PT-1.2 NIS Trip Channel Test (Power ll-07-75 Insert Bi-weekly accuracy check on power range upper H

 ,_.                   Operation)                                     and lower current indications.                         ~

I-' .o (D -*V, 1 PT-1. 4 NIS Reactor Trip Channel Test 7-17-75 Insert type correction. I-' ,_.I (Prior to Startup) .0 t;J

                                                                                                                            .V, 00 1      PT-2.1     Reactor Coolant Temperature       8-29-75     Change data sheets to reflect correct OHM valves for     I I-'

installed RTD. 1 PT-2.lA Reactor Coolant Wide Range 8-22-75 Put in new value for RTD. Temperature 2 PT-2.1 Reactor Coolant Temperature ll-05-75 Change ohmic values for Tave, 6T, RTD. 1 PT-2.1 Reactor Coolant Temperature 11-07-75 Change ohmic values 6T, Tave calibration and protection. 1,2 PT-2.1 Reactor Coolant Temperature 11-21-75 High 6T setpoint 102%. 1 . PT-2. 2 Reactor Coolant Flow 12-09-75 ,Normalize flow transmitters FT-414, FT-415 & FT-416 to 100% at current 6P. 1,2 PT-2,4 Pressurizer Pressure and 10-21-75 Amended to preven-t arranging of zero - spring. Cubicle Temperature 1,2 PT-2.8 First Stage Pressure and 8-22-75 To comply with T.S. Change 24. Steam Flow

e Page 2 EFFECTIVE DATE OF PROCEDURE UNIT NO. TITLE CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1,2 PT-2. 8 Turbine First Stage Pressure 11-21-75 Add precautionary measures. 1,2 PT-2.9 First Stage Pressure and 8-22-75 To comply with T.S. Change 24. Steam Flow 1,2 PT-2.9 First Stage Pressure and 11-21-75 Add precautionary measures. Steam Flow 1,2 PT-8.5 Consequence Limiting Safe- 8-01-75 Modify to minimize diesel runs. guards Logic (Hi-Hi Train) 1,2 PT-8.5A Consequence Limiting Safe- 8-29-75 Combine PT-19.2, 25.1, 25.2 into a more coordinate guards Functional Test (Hi-Hi) procedure. 1 PT-16.2 .Containment Penetration Local 8-01-75 New format; make test procedure more realistic. 0 Leakage Test ~Il 1 2 PT-16.4 Containment Isolation Valve Leakage 7-03-75 Revise and renumber procedure. PT-16.4 Containment Isolation Valve 7-25-75. New format; reflect new methods used *.

          ! I 1,2         PT-16.5 Leakage Containment Personnel Air        8-08~75   Change test frequency to every 4 mont.hs.

I I 1,2 PT-17.5 Lock Test Containment Sub-surface 8-22-75 New procedure. I 1,2 PT-18.1 Drainage Pump Performance Low Head Safety Injection 7-09-75 Amend for single failure criteria. I 1,2 PT-18.2 Component test Safety Injection Systems Testf 8-22-75 Update procedure to incorporate PT-22.1 1,2 PT-18.3 Safety Injection Accumulator 7-21-75 Conform with changes to OP-4.13. Opera:Jµ.lity ___ Test i'


I'I 1,2 IPT-18.5 { Hi Head Safety Injection Test 1 7-17-75 Incorporate single failure criteria.

          !             I
        ,i             I                                           I

e e Page 3 EFFECTIVE PROCEDURE DATE OF UNIT NO. TITLE CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1,2 PT-19.2 RWST Chemical Addition Tank 8-29-75 Cancelled with approval of PT-8.5A. Performance 1,2 PT-22.1 Diesel Generator Test D11ri~g 8-22-75 Incorporate into PT-18.2. Refueling Shutdown 1,2 PT-22.3A Diesel Generator Monthly 8-08-75 To determine flow through Duplex Filter. Test 2 PT-22.3B Diesel Generator Monthly 8-08-75 To determine flow through Duplex Filter. Test 1,2 PT-22.3C Diesel Generator Monthly 8-08-75 To determine flow through Duplex Filter. Test 1 PT-24.4 Fire Protection Systems 7-21-75 Eliminate steps incorporated in PT-24.7 (Monthly) 1 PT-24.4 Fire Protection Systems 11-17-75 Update procedure with list of extinguishers and location (Monthly) 1 PT-24.7 Fire Protection - Deluge 7-21-75 Test post indicator valves and hydrants. System (Weekly) 1,2 PT-25.1 Service Water System 8-29-75 Cancelled with approval of PT-8.5A. 1,2 PT-25.2 Main Condenser Valve 8-29-75 Cancelled with approval of PT-8.5A. Functional Test 1,2 PT-27 Heat Tracing System 12-16-75 Amend expected current for circuits with replacement of heat tape. 1 PT-27 Heat Tracing System 12-19-75 Amended to reflect installation of new strip heater. 1,2 PT-28.11 Nuclear Design Check Test 11-07-75 Reorganize procedure. ( __ // I i I 1 2 PT-29.3 PT-29.3 Turbine Trip Setpoint Turbine Trip Setpoint 8-08-75 8-08-75 Test to be performed by technicians. Correct valve numbering. j I

e Page 4 PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE DATE OF UNIT NO. TITLE CHk.'l'GE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1 PT-31.3 Seismic Instrumentation 11-17-75 New procedure. Status Check 1 PT-32.1 HEPA & Charcoal Filter Tests 10-13-75 Insert new attachment 1. 1,2 PT-36 Instrument Surveillance 7-21-75 Provide increased surveillance. 1,2 PT-38.5 Secondary Coolant Beta-Gamma 11-17-75 Clarify acceptance criteria. and Tritium Activity 1 PT-38.6 Chemistry Sampling Process 11-17-75 Clarify acceptance criteria. Vent 1,2 PT-38.7 Chemistry Sampling - 11-17-75 Clarify acceptance criteria. Ventilation Vent I-' 0 V, 1 PT-38.17A Chemistry Sampling - Station 11-17-75 Change instructions for forwarding data sheet. I l-' Discharges No. 008, Monthly I.,.) (") 1 PT_.38.17B Chemistry Sampling - Station 11-17-75 Change instructions for forwarding data sheet. Discharge No. 009, Monthly 1 PT-38.18 Chemistry Sampling - Station 11-17-75 Change instructions for forwarding data sheet. Discharge No. 201, Weekly 1,2 PT-38.19 Chemistry Sampling - Station 11-17-75 Change instructions for forwarding data sheet. Discharge No. 001, Monthly 1,2 PT-38.20 Chemistry Sampling - Contain- 11-19-75 New procedure. ment Atmosphere 1 PT-44 Surry Settling Surveillance 7-21-75 New procedure. 1 PT-44 Surry Settling Surveillance 11-05-75 Define survey as level II. 1,2 PT-45 Flo~ontrol Circulating 8-08-75 New procedure. ( Wacer Flood Traps (Refueling) l l i 1,2 I PT-46 I Steam Generator Seismic Support Inspection i 8-08-75 New procedure. I I I



.1 I-'

.p. H


f- (I) f-' 0 Vl

                                                                                                  \0 I



                          .Switches V,

1,2 ST-36 Steam Generator Moisture 10-01-75 New procedure. I Carryover Heasurement f--' V, 1* ST-37 Steam Generator Tube Leakage 10-23-75 New procedure. H


o-' 1 ST-38 Multi Section Excore Detector 11-28-75 New procedure. r-' ro Performance r-' 0 V, r-' 0 I r-'

10.6 UNIT 1 MAINTENANCE The following is a summary of the maintenance performed during the reporting period. 10.6.1 Unit 1 Mechanical Maintenance A summary of Unit 1 Mechanical Maintenance is tabulated in Table 10.6.1-1. 10.6.2 Unit 1 Electrical Maintenance A summary of Unit 1 Electrical Maintenance is tablulated in Table 10.6.2-1. 10.6.3 Unit 1 Instrument Maintenance A summary of Unit 1 Instrument Maintenance is tabulated in Table 10.6.3-1. 10.6-1


 °'NI                                                    MECHANICAL MAINTEIIANCE JULY THROUGH DECEMBER 1975 UNIT NO, 1 TABLE 10.6.1-1 Precautions Taken To Date    System or Component   Cause of the         Results and Effect            Corrective Action Taken          Provide for Reactor    Time Req'd Involved         Malfunction           On Safe Operation              To Prevent Repetition         Safety During Repair    For Maint.

7-29-75 Steam Generator Bonnet Gaskets None Installed 12 seal welded Cold shutdown 40 hrs. Level Transmitter valves MR-Sl-4393 Valves i;Z-29-75 Containment Instru- Normal Use None Rebuilt Compressor NA 24 hrs. 0 ment Air Compressors Excessive Heat MR-Sl-4603 a, I !'l'-4-75 Containment Vacuum Carbon Vanes None Installed rebuilt pump NA 1-1/2 hrs. Pump 1-CV-P-lB Normal Use MR-Sl-4724 8.-,8-75 Auxiliary Feedwater Thrust Bearing None Overhauled pump MR-Sl-4460 NA 120 hrs. Water ~ump l-FW-P-2 8-22-75 Chemical and Volume Erosion None Pad welded pin hole leak NA 2-1/2 hrs. Control System MR-Sl-4873 Recirc, Line to CH-P-lB 9-27-75 Main Steam Safety* None - performed None Performed PT-13, MR-Sl-5186 Intermediate shutdown 10 hours Valves PT-13 9-30-75 Boron Recovery Diaphragm - rupture, None Replaced bonnet & diaphragm. 1 hour Valve l-BR-121* erosion corrosion . MR-Sl-5250 of bonnet 10-1-75 MOV-Sl-1864A Gasket None Renewed flexitallic gasket Refueling shutdown 13 hours and repacked valve MR-Sl-5242

              .e                                                                                                         e f-'


"'NI II).

PA f!J.' ? Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req', Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For !"..a int. 10-7-75 Temporary Vent for None None Fabricated temporary vent. NA 20 hours Pressurizer MR-Sl-5334 10-7-75 Temporary R,C. None None Fabricated temporary level NA 20 hours Level Column column, MR-Sl-5335 10-8-75 Manipulator Crane None None Installed air filter as per NA 4 hours Eng. Study 75-14. MR-Sl-4569 10-8-75 /13 Emergency None - refueling None Performed PT-22.4C Refueling shutdown 6 hours Diesel inspection MR-Sl-537"4 10-8-75 112 Emergency None - refueling None Performed PT-22.4B. Refueling shutdown 6 hours Diesel inspection MR-Sl-5379 10-9-75 Ill Emergency None - refueling None Performed PT-22.4A. Refueling shutdown 5 hours Diesel

  • inspection MR-Sl-5370 10-9-75 Steam Generator Tube leak None Temporary plugging of S/G Refueling shutdown 2 hours "A" 1-RC-E-lA for air test, MR-Sl-5337 Renewed mechanical seal, and Refueling shutdown 20 hours 10-15-751' Residual Heat Pump Mechanical Seal None 1-RH-P-lA gaskets, *MR-Sl-4059.

10-17-75 Ill Emergency Diesel Slight scoring of. None Renewed /19 liner and piston Refueling shutdown 10 hours

                                 //9 cylinder -                         rings      !1R-Sl-5372 PT-22.4A Containment Vacuum   Seat leakage              None         Lapped seat & disc.
  • Refueling *shutdown 3 hours 10-17-7~

Valve TV-CV-150D PT-16.4 MR-Sl-5292 None - D.C. 75-26. Uone Performed design change Refueling shutdown 10 hours 10-17-7' Fuel Transfer System 75-26 MR-Sl-5468 Seat leakage None Lapped seat & disc. Refueling shutdown 2 hours 10-19-7' Containment Vacuum Valve TV-CV-150B PT-16,4 MR-Sl-5291

  • I-'

0 0\ I N o'. Bage 3 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req'c Involved Malfunction On. Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety.Du~ing Repair For l".aint. 0 10-19-75 Containment Vacuum Seat leakage PT-16.4 None Lapped seat & disc MR-Sl-5290 Refueling shutdown 2 hours Valve TV-CV-150A 10..,20-15 Reactor Cavity Puri- High Delta P None Renewed fi*lter. MR-Sl-5551 Refueling shutdown 3 hours fication Filter 1-RL-FL-l 10-21-75 Pressurizer Relief None - Preventative None Renewed rupture discs. Refueling shutdown 7 hours Tank MR-Sl-5310 10-21-75 Chemical & Volume Flange gaskets None Renewed flange gaskets. Refueling shutdown* 2 hours Controi Relief Valve MR-Sl-5576 RV-1382B 10-22-75 Chemical & Volume Flange gaskets None Renewed bellows and gasket, Refueling shutdown 4 hours Control Relief Valve set pressure 198#. RV-1209 MR-Sl-3399 10-22-75 Gaseous Waste None - *Normal wear None Rebuilt compressor. Refueling shutdown 40 hours Compressor GW-C-2B MR-Sl-4088 10-22-75 Recirc. Spray Valve None - Preventative None Disassembled & inspected. Refueling shutdown 10 hours l-RS-11 MR-Sl-5547 10-22-75 Containment Spray None - Preventative None Disassembled & inspected. Refueling shutdown 10 hours Valve l-CS-13 MR-Sl-5548 10-22-75 Chemical & Volume

  • Leaks through 'None Inspected, renewed 0-rings and Refueling shutdown 4 hours Control Valve adjustment adjusted stroke. MR-Sl-5371 LCV-1115A 10-22-7' Chemical & Volume None - Preventative None Inspect flanges in the eyes R~fu~} shutdown 4ahours Control System System for Eng. Study MR-Sl-5426.

10-23-7' Chemical & Volume Setting out of None Reset to 603 PSI. MR-Sl-4_881 Refueling shutdown 10 hours Control Relief Valve specs. RV-1203

                 .e-                                                                                                        e I-'

0 0\ I N (') PAGE 4 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req'd Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For Xaint. 10-23-75 Chemical & Volume Internals corroded, None Cleaned internals, renewed Refueling shutdown 2 hours Control Valve diaphragm. MR-Sl-4757 l-CH-208 10-23-75 Chemical & Volume Bonnet gasket None Renewed bonnet gasket. Refueling shutdown 3 hours Control Valve MR-Sl-5608 1-CH-309 10-23-:-75 Recirc, Spray Valve None - Preventative None Disassembled & inspected Refueling shutdown 10 hours 1-RS-17 MR-Sl-5546 . 10-23-75 Radiation Monitoring None - Normal wear None Replaced with rebuilt pump, Refueling shutdown 4 hours Vacuum Pump GW-101 carbon vanes, MR-Sl-5624 10-23-75 Sampling System Not stroking proper- Cleaned internals. MR-Sl-5487 Refueling shutdown 15 hours Valve TV-SS-101B ly. 10-23-75 Sampling System Valve stem bent. None Renewed valve stem, MR-Sl-5488 Refueling shutdown 26 hours Valve TV-SS-104A 10-23-75 Sampling System Not stroking None Cleaned internals. MR-Sl-5490 Refueling shutdown *10 hours Valve TV-SS-106A properly Containment Spray None - Preventative None Disassembled & Inspected Refueling shutdown 10 hours 10-:-23-75 MR-Sl-5549 10-25-75 Chemical & Volume Controls out of None Inspected valve - adjusted Refueling shutdown 20 hours Control Valve adj us tmen t, controls MR-Sl-4831 HCV-1137 10-25-75 Liquid Waste Radia- High Radiation None Fabricated new line per design Refueling shutdown 24 hours tion Monitor D,C, 73-38 change 73-38. MR-Sl-5680 10-25-751 Auxiliary Steam Bonnet Gasket None Renewed gasket, MR-Sl-5675 Refueling shutdown 6hours, Component Cooling Rubber seat - None Renewed seat and 0-rings. NA 4 hours 10-:s-75/ Valve TV-CC-109A deterioriation MR-Sl-3417

I-' 0



 ~t N

PAGE 5. Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req Involved J*!alfunction On Safe .operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For }'.ain* 10-27-75 Refueling Reactor None;_ Refueling None Removed, stored and reinstalled Refueling shutdown NA Vessel upper internals for refueling MR-Sl-5234 10-27-75 River Circulating Bearings None Replaced journals & bearings, NA 20 days I Water Pump 1-CW-P-lB MR-Sl-5188 10-28-75 Reactor CRDM was bent during None Removed upper internals for Refueling shutdown 24 hrs. operation of manipu- inspection & removal of bent lator crane. control rod, MR-Sl-5722 10-28;..15 Control* Rod None - Preventative None Performed CRDM chamfer modifi- Refueling shutdown 1 hour cation, MR-Sl-5738. 10-29-75 Safety Injection Packing None Repacked valves, MR-Sl-5502 Refueling shutdown 2 hrs. Valves l-Sl-86 & 87 10-29-75 Boron Recovery Mechanical seal None Renewed mechanical seal, Refueling shutdown 8 hrs. l-BR-P-8 MR-Sl-5494 10-30-75 Safety Injection Packing None Repacked valve, MR-Sl-5499 Refueling shutdown 2 hrs. Valves MOV-1865A 10-30-75 Chemical & Volume Packing None Repacked valve, MR-Sl-5539 Refueling shutdown 3 hrs. Control System l-CH-278 i0-30-75 Safety Injection Packing None Repacked valve, MR-Sl-5516 Refueling shutdown 3 hrs. Valve l-Sl-124 10-30-75 Safety Injection Packing None Repacked valve. MR-Sl-5498 Refueling shutdown 2 hrs. Valve HCV-1850E ~0-31-751 Safety Injection Packing None Repacked valves. MR-Sl-5500 Refueling shutdown 1 hour Valves l-Sl-83 & 84 10-31-75 Containment Vacuum Flange leak. None: Renewed gaskets inspected Refueling shutdown 20 hrs. Valve l-CV-2 valve. MR-SL-5289

I-' 0

      °'NI (D

PAGE 6 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req' Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Preve"!}t Repetition Safety. During Repair For 1'.aint 10-31-75 Safety Injection Valve stem None Renewed stem, plug & gaskets. Refueling shutdown 6 hrs. Valve HCV-1850C MR-Sl-4982 10-31-75 Safety Injection Bonnet gasket None Renewed bonnet gasket and Refueling shutdown 6 hrs, MOV-1869B repacked valve. MR-Sl-5294 11-1-75 Safety Injection Rust under diaphragm None Cleaned valve internals, Refueling shutdown 6 hrs, Valve l-Sl-313 renewed diaphragm, MR-Sl-5737 11-1-75 Cont. Spray Valves Failed PT-16,4 None Lapped gate.s and seats. Refueling shutdown 1 hour l-MOV-CS-101 C & D MR-Sl-5719 11-1-75 Containment Vacuum Failed PT-16.4 None Lapped seats and disc. Refueling shutdown 16 hrs, Check Valve l-CV-3 MR-Sl-5577 11-1-75 Flux Map Thimbles None - Refueling None Retracted & installed for Refueling shutdown 6 hrs, OP-4, refueling,. MR-Sl-5236 11-1-75 Conoseal None - Refueling None OP-4. Installed new conoseals. MR-Sl-5237 Refueling shutdown - 11-2-75 Sampling System Stroke out of None Adjusted stroke of valve, Refueling shutdown 6 hrs, TV-SS-102B adjustment MR-Sl-5736 11-2-75 Sampling System Stroke out cif None Adjusted stroke of valve, Refueling shutdown 6 hrs, TV-SS-101B adjustment MR-Sl-5736 11-3-75 Main Steam Non-Return Packing None Repacked valves, MR-Sl-5741 Refueling shutdown 12 hrs. Valve NRV-MS-lOlA,B,

                  &C 11-3-75       Steam Generator      None - D.C.-75-22.        None           Accomplished DC-75-22,         Refueling shutdown    22 days 1-RC-E-lB                                                      MR-Sl-5513 11-3-75       Steam Generator      None - D.C.-75-22         None           Accomplished DC-75-22          Refueling shutdown    22 days 1-RC-E-lC

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                    £AGE 7 Precautions Taken To Date    System or Component      Cause of the    Results and Effect     Corrective Action Taken       Provide for Reactor  Time Req' Involved           Malfunction      On Safe Operation      To Prevent Repetition      Safety. During Repair  For Maint 11-3-75   Safety Injection       None                  None             Inspected internals, reset to  Refueling shutdown     4 hrs.

l-RV-1858C 700 PSIG. MR-Sl-4671 11-5-75 Main Steam Relief Leaked by. None Reworked all (3) valves and Refueling shutdown 8 days Valves RV-MS-lOlA,B reset the stroke. MR-Sl-0592

              &C 11-5-75  Gire. Water System      None                  None            Removed screens and associated  Refueling shutdown     30 days Amertap System                                                equipment. MR-Sl-5095 11-5-75   Reactor Inst. Port      None - OP-4.          None            Removed and reinstalled as per  Refueling shutdown*

Conoseais OP-4. MR-Sl-5229 11-5-75 Reactor Head Studs None - OP-4. None Detensioned and tensioned as Refueling shutdown per OP-4. MR-Sl-5235 11-6-75 Containment Spray Failed PT-16.4 None Lapped gate and seats. Refueling shutdown 6 hrs, Valve MOV-CS-101 C .&D MR-Sl-5822 11-6-75 Reactor Cavity Seal None - OP-4 None Accomplished as per OP-4. Refueling shutdown . MR-Sl-5230 11-6-75 River Circ. Pump Bearings None Replaced bearings and journals Refueling shutdown 30 days 2-CW-P-lD MR-Sl-4687 11-6-75 Reactor Head Insula- None - op.:.4, None Accomplished as per OP-4. Refueling shutdown tion MR-Sl-.5231 U-7-75 Feedwater Valves Erosion None Removed valves, reworked and Refueling shutdown 80 hrs. FCV-FW-150 A,B reinstalled. MR-Sl-5558 11-7-75 Reactor CRDM Vent None - OP-4 None Accomplished as per OP-4 Refueling shutdown Ducts MR-Sl-5232 11-9-75 Reactor CRDM Missle None - OP-4 None Accomplished as per OP-4 Refueling shutdown Shield MR-Sl-5233 11-9-75 Steam Generator None DC75-53 None Machined (4) 2" ports in sh~ll Refueling shutdown 21 days 1-RC-E-lA for sludge removal of steam generator MR-Sl-5545

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                         *PAGF. 8 Precautions Taken To Date      System or Component      Cause of the         Results and Effect  Corrective Action Taken         Provide for Reactor Time Req'c Involved           !-!alfunction          On Safe Operation   To Prevent Repetition         Safety During Repair For ~.a int.

I 11-10-75 Safety Injection Cyclic - gasket None Renewed flexitallic gasket Refueling shutdown 2 hrs. Check Valve l-Sl-79 MR-Sl-5765, 11-10-75 Safety Injection Cyclic - gasket None Renewed flexitallic gasket, Refueling shutdown 2 hrs. Check Valve l-Sl-82 MR-Sl-5764 I 11-10-75 Auxiliary Boiler Tube leak - erosion None Plugged (2) tubes, reset Refueling shutdown 16 hrs. safeties. MR-Sl-5099 11-10-75 Boron Recovery Pump Bearing & failure of None Rebuilt pump. _ MR-Sl-2635 Refueling shutdown 6 hrs, BR-P-4A stator 11-10-75 Main Steam Trip Valve None - investigation None Reworked valves to eliminate Refueling shutdown 70 hrs. TV-MS-101 A,B & C of possible binding possibility of binding, 11-11-75 Pressurizer Spray Cyclic - gaskets None Renewed bonnet gaskets. Refueling shutdown 10 hrs, Valve PCV-1455C MR-Sl-4659 11-12-75 Pressurizer Power Bent stem None Renewed stem, plug and cage Refueling shutdown 16 hrs. Relief Valve assembly, MR-Sl-3525 ' PCV-1455C 11-13-75 Seal Water Injection None - Normal use None Changed filter. MR-Sl-3954 Refueling shutdown 7 hrs. Filter l-CH-FL-48 1-13-75 Primary G_rade/Reactor Stroke out of _adJust- 'None Adjusted stroke, MR-Sl-5556, Refueling shutdown 2 hrs, Coolant Valve ment TV-1519A 11-13-75 Steam Generator None - DC-75-22 None Accomplished DC-75-22, Refueling shutdown 22 days 1-RC-E-lA MR-Sl-5512 11-14-7S Sampling System Ruptured bellows. None Cleaned valve internals,renewed Refueling shutdown 8 hrs, Valve TV-SS-104A assembly, MR-Sl-5912 11-14-75 Recirc, Spray Valve Seats & discs, None Lapped valves and repacked. Refueling shutdown 20 days MOV-RS-155A,B PT-16,4 MR-Sl-5670 I,

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PAGE 9 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req'c Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For ~.aint. 11-14-75 Safety Injection Packing - PT-16,4 None Repacked valve. MR-Sl-5931 Refueling shutdown  ? hrs. MOV-Sl-1864B 11-14-75 Reactor Coolant Packing - Preventa- None Repacked (28) R,C. valves with Refueling shutdown 30 hrs, Valves tive preformed Grafoil. MR-Sl-5309 11-15-75 Containment Liner Deterioration of None Cleaned and prepared surfaces, Refueling shutdown 11 days paint juncture of applied base and finish coat. wall and floor, MR-Sl-5805, 11-16-75 Reactor Coolant Check Disc not seating None Lapped seat & disc, MR-Sl-5905 Refueling shutdown 10 hrs, Valve i-RC-160 11-16-75 eves Relief Valve Valve internals None Rebuilt and reset, MR-Sl-5949 Refueling shutdown 12 hrs, RV-1203 deteriorated, 11-16-75 Feedwater Valve Over torquing None Repaired limitorque, MR-Sl-5694 Refueling shutdown 12 hrs. MOV-FW-151F 11-17-75 Reactor Coolant None - Preventative None Retrived metal piece from Refueling shutdown 12 hrs. HCV-1557C explosive plugging of S/G tubes MR-Sl-6019. 11-17-75 eves Sys*tem l-CH-323 Seat Leakage None Renewed disc and lapped, 'Refueling shutdown 16 hrs, MR-Sl-5538 11-20-75 CVCS System Charging Erosion of mini- None Accomplished as per DC-75-43 Refueling shutdown 30 days Pump Mini-Flow flow orifices ~m-sl-5248, 5669, 5667 Orifices 11-20-75 Steam Generator (A) Preventative to elim- None Renewed FW-2,4,6,8 and BD-1,2,4, Refueling shutdown 6 days Feedwater & Blowdown inate body to bonnet MR-Sl-5801 Valves leaks. 11-20-75 Steam Generator (C) Preventative to elim- None Renewed FW-64,66,68,70 and Refueling shutdown 6 days Feedwater & Blowdown inate body to bonnet BD-21,22,24, MR-Sl-5803 Valves leaks,

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0 O'I I N I-'* PAGE 10 Precautions Taken To I>ate System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req', Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety.During Repair For. !'.a int. 11-20-75 Steam Generator (B) Preventative to elim- None Renewed FW-33,35,37,39, BD-11, Refueling shutdown 6 days Feedwater & Blowdown inate body to bonnet 12,14. MR-Sl-5802 Valves - leaks. Containment Personnel Preventative - None Accomplished DC 73-127 Refueling shutdown 22 days 11-20-75 Escape Hatch DC 73-127 MR-Sl-5727. 11-20-75 Steam Generator Gasket seating None Reworked gasket seating surface Refueling shutdown 2 days 1-RC-E-lA surface & too low increased torque value from 120 a bolt torque value. to 150 ft. lbs. MR-Sl-6028 11-21-75 Containment Inst. Air None - Preventative None Accomplished design change for Refueling shutdown 15 days Compressors 1-1A-C-2A DC 75-52 Cooling Components MR-Sl-5772 11-22-75 Steam Generator Regulatory Guide None Plugged (6) tubes. MR-Sl-5202 Refueling shutdown 6 days 1-RC-E-lB 1. 83 Inspection 11-22-7S Steam Generator Regulatory Guide None Plugged (115) tubes. MR-Sl-5203 Refueling shutdown 9 days 1-RC-E-lC 1. 83 Inspection ll-22-7S Steam Generator Regulatory Guide None Plugged (183) tubes, MR-Sl-5201 Refueling shutdown 37 days 1-RC-E-lA 1. 83 Inspection 11-24-7' Steam Generator None - Preventative None Eddy Current Testing MR-Sl-6025 Refueling shutdown 7 days 1-RC-E-lC 11-24-7' Reactor *Coolant Solenoid Valves None Renewed solenoid yalves. Refueling shutdown 4 hrs. PCV-1455C & 1456 MR-Sl-5249 11-24-7 Safety Injection Diaphragm Uone Replaced regulator. MR-SL-4680 _Refueling shutdown 4 hrs. Nitrogen Regulator 11-27-7 Reactor Coolant Pump None - Preventative None Inspection of seals, machined Refueling shutdown 40 hrs. 1-RC-P-lA #1 runner sleeve, installed shims. MR-Sl-5473 11-27-75 Reacto"r Coolant Pumpi None - Preventative None Inspection of seals, machined Refueling shutdown 40 hrs. 1-RC-P-lC #1 runner sleeve, installed shims. MR-Sl-5476

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0 O'\ I N LJ. PA~l1 11 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req' Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For ~.aint 11-28-75 Reactor Coolant Pump Seal would not seat None Adjusted shim pack MR-Sl-6173 Refueling shutdown 15 hrs. 1-RC-P-lB 11-28-75 Containment Recirc. None None Reset blades for containment Refueling shutdown Fans 1-VS-F-lA,B,C, air test. MR-Sl-5336 11-29-75 Containment Recirc. Sheared blades. None Renewed hub assembly & repaired Refueling shutdown 14 hrs. Fans 1-VS-F-lB housing MR-Sl-5377 11-29-75 Safety Injection Limitorque gears. None Renewed limitorque MR-Sl-6165. Refueling shutdown 18 hrs. MOV-1890A 11-29-75 #2 L.P. Turbine #1 Preventative None Replaced (5) blades. MR-Sl-5184. Refueling shutdown 61 days Unit 11-29-75 #1 H.P. Turbine #1 #2 bearing & oil None Replaced #2 bearing & seals Refueli~g shutdown 61 days Unit seals microhoned journal, etc. MR-Sl-5183 11-30-75 Steam Generator None - Preventative None Inspected, renewed lubricant Refueling shutdown 20.hrs. Seismic Restraints cleaned and regrouted MR-Sl-4397 1-RC-E-lA,B,C 11-30-75 Containment Spray Broken stem - hand None Installed new valve stem. kefueling shutdown 10 hrs. Valve 1-CS-051 wheel. MR-Sl-6172. 12-1-75 Steam Generator None - Preventative None Eddy Current Testing Refueling shutdown 42 days l-RC-E-1(\ MR-Sl-5541 12-2-75 #2 Emergency Diesel None - Preventative None Installed new #19 cylinder NA 8 hrs. slight scoring of liner & piston MR-Sl-5394 19 cylinder liner

  • 12-3-751 Reactor Head Conoseal Marmon clamp butted None Installed .032 thickness of shimi Refueling shutdown 8 hrs.

out. Preventing under male side MR-Sl-5999 proper torque

e e i;...;, .0 °' I ~ N l PAGE 12 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req' Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For !'faint 12-4-75 Feedwater Valves Improper fusion pin None Performed weld repairs NA 24 hrs. l-FW-38,34 & 36 hole leak MR-Sl-6197 12-4-75 Reactor Control Rod Latching mechanism None Replaced CRDM Latch Assembly Refueling shutdown 24 hrs. Rod Mechanism K-14 MR-Sl-6000 12-4-75 Residual Heat Valves Packing None Backseated valves and repacked NA 7 hrs. MOV-1700 & 1720B MR-Sl-6198 12-6-75 Low Head Safety None - Preventative None Inservice I~spection MR-Sl-5258 NA 5 days Injection Piping 12-14-75 Reactor Coolant Valve Packing, Gaskets None Repacked RC-9, RC-48 and renewed NA 24 hrs ** bonnet gasket on HCV-1557B MR-Sl-6336. 12-15-75 Steam Generator Erosion (1) Tube None Plugged total of 41 tubes in Cold Shutdown 3 days 1-RC-E-lA Leak area of leaking tube MR-Sl-6426 12-16-75 Safety Inspection Did not meet minimum None Pad welded valve to meet R~fueling shutdown 5 days Valve MOV-1720A & B valve wall thickness acceptance criteria MR-Sl-5917 & 5916 12-16-75 Emergency Diesel Ul, None - Preventative None Accomplished DC 75-24 40 hrs. 2, & 3 Day Tanks DC 75-24 MR-Sl-6063 12-19-75 RWST Recirc. Pump Mechanical Seal None Renewed Mechanical Seal NA 6 hrs. l-CS-P-2A MR-s1.:..59s6 12-23-75 Lube Oil Pump Drive Gear Broken None Renewed Pump HR-Sl-6439 NA 16 hrs. on CH-P-lA 1

e SURRY POWER STATION ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE t-' JULY THROUGH DECEMBER 1975 0 0\ UNIT NO. 1 I. w TABLE 10.6,2-1. Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req'd Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For Maint. 7-3-75 S. W. Recirc. Valve Remove None Removed & took to shop None 1 hr. Pit 7-3-75 TV-MS-lOlA,B & C Will not open None Took Resistance readings None 3 hrs. 7-11-75 1-VS-E-lC Tripped on overload None Tested OK found nothing wrong None 2'1hrs *. and placed back inservice. ci-14-75 l-VS-F-60F Vents would not open None Tested OK electrically None 2 hrs.- 7-14-75 l-VS-F-60C Breaker will not None Incomplete None '1 hour close 7-21-75 1-CV-P-2B Tripped on overload None Tested OK electrically None 1 hr. 7-21-75 RM-VC-109 Timer not working None Found on-off switch off None 1 hr. 7-23-75 l-IA-C-2A & B Load Check None Load checked ok None 1 hr. 7-23-75 l-IS-C-2A Tripped on overload None Unloaders not unloading None 6 hrs. causing trip. 7-24-75 1-FW-P-lA Pressure switch None Clean and replaced None. 2 hrs. 7-24-75 1-RS-P-lA Tests None Bridge and Megger None 1 hr, 7-24-75 1-RS-P-lB Tests None Bridge and Megger None 1 hr. 7-24-75 1-CS-P-lA & B Tests None Bridge and Megger None 1 hr.

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PAGE 2 Precautions Taken To Date System or Com?onent Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req'c Involved ~lfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety.During Repair For ~.a int. 7-24-75 l-VS-F-60F Tests None Megger None ~ hour 7-24-75 1-RH-P-lA Tests None Bridge and Megger None 1 hr. 7-24-75 1-RC-P-lB Tests None Bridge and Megger None 1 hr. 7-25-75 l-IA-C-2B & lB Tests None Megger None 1/6 hr,. 7-28-75 1-RC-P-lC Locate parts 75-SWP-3 Found spacer moved to "C" None 2 hrs. Cubicle. 7-28-75 /13 Emergency Diesel P.T. P.T. 22.3C Performed electrical part of PT None 2 hrs. 7-31-75 NRV-MS-lOlB Valve not opening None Found Auxiliary contacts None 1 hr. frozen. 7-31-75 1-PG-P-lA Relocate None Moved motor to Decon. Bldg. None 2 hrs. 8-1-75 1-IA-C-lA Defective selector None Ordered replacement switch. None 1 hr. switch. 8-6-75 MOV-MS-103B Torque switch None Found torque switch setting None 2 hrs. to low. 8-12-75 1-VS-E-lA Referred to B & Z None B & Z Maintenance corrected None 3 hrs. Maintenance problem. W reset button. 3-14-75 MOV-FW-250B Will not open None Found.torque switch open. None 1 hr. Jumpered out long enough to open. 8-14-75 l-VS-E-4A Unit tripping None Adjusted flow to suction and None l:i hr. discharged to bring pressure down. 8-19-75 1 1-PG-P-lA Install new motor None Installed new motor and connected, None 2 hrs. .i 8-19-75 I 1-PG-P-lA Tests None Bridge megger rotation and load check

  • None 2 hrs,

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I w O"' PAGE 3 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req'cl Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For Xaint. 8-20-75 1-GW-F-lA None None Install new motor None 5 hrs, 8-26-75 1-IA-Cl "Defective switch. None Replaced switch and operated None 3 hrs, Manual-off-Auto satisfactorily, 8-:-29-75 1-FW-P-lA None None Disconnect thermocouple for None ~hr,* mechanics, 9-2-75 l-VS-F-39 Freeze Prot, Switch None Reset and operated satisfactory None 1~ hrs. open. Sl-4921 9-5-75 l-CH-P-2A Low Temperature None Found capillary tubes away from None 2 hours Alarm pump place back on pump. Sl-4985 9-8-75 1-SI-P-lA Water in Conduit None Found no cause for water to be None 3 hrs. Sl-5004 9-12-75 l-VS-F-12A Bad bearings None Replaced bearings None 6 hrs, Sl-5053 9-13-75 l-VS-F-12A Bad bearings None Replaced bearing and placed None 2 hrs. back in service. Sl-5053 9-15-75 l-VS-E-4A Reset button None Adjusted reset set button so it .None 2 hrs. reset. Sl-5072 9-23-75 1-GW-F-lA & lB Remove motor None Remove lB and install on 1A None 8 hrs. test run. Sl-4152 9-27-75 MOV-SI-1890A,B,C None None Operational check bridge, megger None 2 hrs. load check, and stroke Sl-5189 9-27-75 MOV-SI-l.865A, B,C None None Operational check bridge, megger None 2 hrs. load check and stroke. Sl-5190 9-28-75 Safety Injection MG-6 Relay*out of None Adjusted latching screw on MG-6 None 2~ hrs, Train A, Master Relay relay. Sl-5172

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('l PAGE 4 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req'd Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For !-'.aint. 10-17-75 MOV-SW-101A Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance. None 1 hr. Sl-5456 10-17-75 MOV-SW-103D Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance. None 1 hr. Sl-5461 10-17-75 MOV-SW-103D Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance. None 1 hr. Sl-5460 10-17-75 MOV-SW-101B Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed apnual maintenance None 1 hr, Sl-5457 10-17-75 ;: MOV-SW-103B Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance None l hr,

        -                                                                                         Sl-5459 10-17-75    MOV-SW-103D         Annual (none)   EMP-P-MOV-45       Performed annual maintenance   None                 1 hr, Sl-5461 10-19-75    MOV-FW-151E         OT-2 Switch     EMP-P-MOV-45       Replaced switch                None                1 hr, Sl-5462 10-19-75    MOV-CS-102B         Annual (none)   EMP-P-MOV-45       Performed annual maintenance   None                l hr.

Sl-5533 10-20-75 MOV-CS-102A Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5534 1 hr, 10-21-75 MOV-1867A Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5567 1~ hrs. 10-21-75 MOV-1867A Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5580 1~ hrs. 10-21-75 MOV-SW-102A Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance None 1~ hrs, Sl-5579 10-22-75 MOV-1867D Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance None 2 hrs, Sl-5572 10-33-75 MOV-CS-lOOA Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance None 2 hrs. Sl-5526

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Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time R"°q'c Involved ~!function On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For fuint. 10-23-75 MOV-1890C Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5583 2 hrs. 10-24-75 MOV-135D Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-4'i Performed annual maintcnnnce None Sl-5582 2 hrs. 10,24-75 MOV-CW-106C Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5444 2 hrs, 10-24-75 MOV-1890B Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5584 2 hrs. 10-25-75 MOV-FW-151A Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5616 2 hrs, 10-27-75 MOV-CW-106D Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5445 2 hrs, 10-28-75 MOV-1865B Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance None 51-5690 2 hrs. 10-28-75 MOV-1865C Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual *maintenance None Sl-5691 2 hrs, 10-29-75 MOV-CS-lOOB Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5710 2 hrs, 10-29-75 MOV-VS-lOOA Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5709 2 hrs, 10-31-~5 MOV-1869B Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance None 51-5692 2 hrs. 10-31-75 MOV-1869A Annual (none) EMP-P-MOV-45 Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5587 2 hrs. 11-1-75 l-BR-P-7B None None Annual maintenance None Sl-5763 7 hrs, EMP-C-EPL-27 11-3-75 l-VS-F-3A None None Performed annual maintenance None 51-5327 10 hrs. EMP-C-EPL-27 11-3-75. MOV-1289B Torque switch None Cleaned torque switch None Sl-5627 1 hr. EMP-C-MOV-18 11-3-75 MOV-RS-156B None None Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5562 2 hrs. EMP-P-MOV-45 11-3-75 MOV-RS-156A None None Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5561 2 hrs, EMP-P-MOV-45

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I w (1) PAGE 6 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req' Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For 11-3-75 MOV-1289B None None Performed annual maintenance None Sl-4329 2 hrs, EMP-P-MOV-45 11-3-75 MOV-1289A None None Performed annual maintenance None Sl-4328 2 hrs. EMP-P-MOV-45 11-4-75 1-CS-MR-lA s.o.v. None Replaced bypass S,O.V. None Sl-4411 11 hrs. 11-4-75 1-CN-S-lC None None Performed annual maintenance None s1..;5749 3 hrs, 11-5-75 MOV-CS-lOlB None None Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5529 2 hrs. EMP-P-MOV-45 11-5-75 MOV-VS-100D None None Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5713* 2 hrs. 11-7-75 Reactor Trip None None Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5757 10 hrs. Breaker "B" EMP-P-EPCR-34 11-7-75 l-VS-F-49 Broken belts None Replaced belts and tested OK None Sl-5788 2 hrs, 11-9-75. MOV-CS-lOlC None None. Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5530 2 hrs. EMP-P-MOV-45 11-9-75 MOV-CS-lOlD None None Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5531 2 hrs*, EMP-P-MOV-45 11-10-75 1-RS-P-lB None None Change oil, bridge, megger and None Sl-5849 4 hrs, load check, ,' EMP-P-MOV-45 11-12-75 MOV-1275A None None Performed annual maintenance None Sl-565 7 1~ hrs, EMP-P-MOV-45 11-12-75 MOV-1275B None None Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5658 1 hr. EMP-P-MOV-45 11-12-75 1-CH-P-lC None None Change oil, bridge, megger and None Sl-5838 8 hrs. load check, EMP-P-LU-28

                **                                                                                                       e l=======~P~AG~E~7~::;:::::=======::;:::===========t=============t==========t====

Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req 'd Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For Xaint. 11-13-75 1-FW-P-lAl & 1A2 None None Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5810 15 hrs. 11-13-75 l-FW-P-3A None None Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5812 10 hrs. EMP-P-LU-28 11-14-75 1-VS-E-lC Transformer None Control transformer burnt up None Sl-5175 1 hr. 11-14-75 1-VS-E-lA Transformer None Control transformer burnt up None Sl-6003 45 min. 11-15-75 15El None None Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5354 3 hrs. EMP-P-RT-48 and 12 11-15-75 MOV-FW-151F None None Performed annual maintenance None Sl-5642 8 hrs. EMP-P-MOV-45 11-17-75 Charging Pwnp Defective toggle None Replaced toggle switch None Sl,-6017 2 hrs. Breaker 15H5 switch. EMP-P-EPH-43 11-17-75 MOV-1289B Limit switch out of None Adjusted limit switch. None Sl-5938 2 hrs, adj us tmen t. EMP-P-:MOV-18 11-18-75 MOV-RS-155A None None Performed annual inspection and None Sl-5559 2 hrs. preventative maintenance EMP-P-MOV-45 11-18-75 MOV-RS-155B None None Performed annual inspection and None Sl-5560 2 hrs, preventative maintenance EMP-P-MOV-45 11-20-75 MOV-MS-102 None None Performed annual inspection and None Sl-5581 2 hrs. preventative maintenance EMP-P-MOV-45 11-20-75 MOV-MS-102 None None Performed annual inspection and None Sl-5279 3 hrs. preventative maintenance. EMP-C-MOV-11 11-20-75 l-FW-P-3B None None Change oil and inspect motor. None Sl-5813 15 hrs. EMP-P-LU-28 11-21-7.'. MOV-MS-101B None None Inspect, verify limit settings None Sl-5860 6 hrs. and test. EMP-P-MOV-45

I-' 0 0\ w OQ I J PAGE 8 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req' Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For Maint 11-21-75 MOV-MS-101C None None Inspect, verify limit settings None Sl-5861 8 hrs. and test. EMP-P-MOV-45 11-21-75 MOV-MS-lOlA None None Inspect, verify limit settings None Sl-5859 6 hrs. and test. EMP-P-MOV-45 I 11-21-75 1-CH-P-lA None None Performed annual service inspec- None Sl-5174 50 hrs. tion and preventative maintenanc~ EMP-C-EPH-28 11-22-75 MOV-SD-100D Loose connections None Cleaned and tightened connections Nqne Sl-,5952 1 hr. 11-24-75 Breaker 15J9 None None Performed annual service inspec- None Sl-5589 2~ hrs. tion & preventative maintenance EMP-P-EPH-43 11-34-75 Breaker 15Jll None None Performed annual service inspec- None Sl-5591 2~ hrs. tion & preventative maintenance EMP-P-EPH-~3 11-24-75 Breaker 15Jl0 None None Performed annual service inspec- None Sl-5590 2~ hrs. tion & preventative maintenance EMP-P-EPH-43 11-24-?5 MOV-FW-150B None None. Performed annual inspection and None Sl-5615 2 hrs. preventative maintenance. EMP-P-MOV-45 11-24-75 MOV-FW-150A None None Performed annual inspection and -None Sl-5614 2 hrs. preventative maintenance. EMP-P-MOV-45 11-25-7'. TV-BD-lOOE* Limit switch out of None Adjusted. limit switch. None Sl-6079 1 hr. adjustment 11-26-7'. TV-MS-101C Limit switch out of None Made adjustment to limit switch None 1~ hrs. adjustment. 11-26-7' 1-CH-P-lB None None Changed oil and tested. None Sl-005 ~ hr. EMP-P-LU-28 11-28-7' MOV-1289B Defective torque None Replaced torque switch. None Sl-6103 8 hrs. switch. EMP-C-MOV-18

                  -*                                                                                                            e PAGE 9 Precautions Taken To Date       System or Component    Cause of the       Results and Effect     Corrective Action Taken         Provide for Reactor   Time.Reg' Involved         Malfunction         On Safe Operation. To Prevent Repetition         Safety .During Repair  For ~.aint 11-28-75    I-IA-D-lA            None                      None            Performed annual inspection and   None   Sl-5350        lli; hr.

preventative maintenance. 11-28-75 l-IA-C-2B None None Performed annual inspection and None EMP-C-EPL-27 6 hrs. preventative maintenance, 11-28-75 MOV-1890B Insufficient torque, None Reset close torque switch set- None Sl-6161 6 hrs. tings from 2.5 to 4.0 in conform EMP-C-MOV-19 ance with limitorque manual, 11-28-75 MOV-1890A Insufficient torque, None Reset close torque switch set- None Sl-6162 1 hr, tings from 2,5 to 4.0 in conform EMP-C-MOV-19 ance with the limitorque manual, 11-28-75 1-RC-P-lB None None Performed annual inspection and None Sl-5321 1 hr. preventative maintenance EMP-P-EPH-02 11-28-75 1-RC-P-lA None None Performed annual inspection and None Sl-5320 80 hrs. preventative maintenance. EMP-,C-EPH-01 I 11-29-75 l-VS-F-60C Motor grounded. None. Replaced motor. None Sl-5209 100 hrs. EMP-C-EPL-27 11-29-75 l-VS-F-60F None None Performed annual inspection and None Sl-5212 40 hrs, I preventative maintenance EMP-C-EPL-27 11-29-75 1-VS-F-60A None None Performed annual inspection and None Sl-5207 40 hrs. preventative maintenance, EMP-C-EPL-27 11-29-75 1-VS-F-lA *None None Performed annual inspection and None Sl-5213 50 hrs. preventative maintenance, EMP-C-EPL-27 11-29-75 l-VS-F-60D None None Performed annual inspection and None Sl-5210 50 hrs. preventative maintenance, EMP-C-EPL-27 11-29-75 l-VS-F-'60E None None Performed annual inspection and None Sl-5211 50 hrs. preventative maintenance, EMP-C-EPL-27

              .e                                                                                                                e t                      PAGE 10 Precautions Taken To Date     System or Component        Cause of the        Results and Effect   Corrective Action Taken           Provide for Reactor Time Req',

Involved f-!.alfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For ~.aint None Overhauled motor. None Sl-5159 50 hrs. 11-29-75 1-VS-F-lB Motor grounded EMP-C-EPL-27 None Performed annual inspection and None Sl-5215 50 hrs. 11-29-75 1-VS-F-lC None preventative maintenance. EMP-C-EPL-27 12-1-75 PRV-MS-101B Open indicating light None Adjusted limit switch MR-Sl-6189 None 1 hr. Limit switch, out of adjustment 12-5-75 1-SW-P~lB Battery Battery Discharged None Replaced battery MR-Sl-6341 None 1/2 hr. 12-5-75 l-VS-F-60B None None Performed preventative maint. EMP-C-EPL-27 50 hrs. MR-Sl-5208 12-7-75 l-VS-AC4 Low Filter Material None Changed Filter MR-Sl-5897 None 45 min, 12-7-75 1-RC-P-lC Upper micro switch None Replaced micro switch None 4 hrs. on lower JO-Bell MR-Sl-6330 defective 12-12-75 MOV-1289A Limit switch and None Replaced limit switch and gear EMP-C-MOV-18 6hr.45min gear assembly damaged assembly MR-Sl-6429 12-13-75 NRV-MS-101C Defective Motor None Had motor rewound and reinstal- EMP-C-MOV-19 24 hrs, led MR-Sl-6372 12-14-75 MOV-FW-151F Limit switch out of None Adjusted limit switch ?ffi-Sl-6389 EMP-C-MOV-18 6 hrs. adjustment 12-15-75 MOV-1287B Open indication, Hone Adjusted limit for proper None 1 hr. llmlt Hw!tch out of l111l l<:11l Ion, MR-Sl-61160 adj us tmen t. 12-17-75 Boric Acid Transfer Heat tracing None Replaced strip heaters and EMP-C-HT-20 Pump 2A Heat tracing inoperative thermostat MR-Sl-6488

0 e O'I I w w. PAGE 11 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req'd Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For fuint. 12-17-75 1-FC-P-lB Defective Thermal None Replaced overload assembly None 3.6 hrs. pverload assembly MR-Sl-6499 12-19-75 1-CV-P-lA Defective overload None Replaced overload assembly EMP-C-EPL-07 2~ hrs, assembly MR-Sl- 0653 12-19-75 1-,CH-P-lA Defective thermal None Replaced overload assembly None 1 hr. Aux. Oil Pump overload assembly MR-Sl-06474 12-3-75 1-VS-F-lB None None Balanced Farr Blade Assy. None 2 hrs. MR- Sl-5955 1 J

        .,              ..                                                                                                     ~
               ~*                                                                                                                              e SURRY POWER STATION INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROLS JULY THROUGH DECEMBER 1975 UNIT NO. 2 TABLE 11,6,3-1 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component     Cause of the              Results and Effect             Corrective Action Taken          Provide for Reactor      Time Req'd Involved          Malfunction                On. Safe Operation             To .Prevent Repetition         Safety During Repair      For Maint.

7-10-75 LT-2-486. "B" Steam Electronic drift. High Level alarm and trip Calibrated transmitter and Used approved procedures 1 hr. Generator Narrow signal would have been genera- returned to service. Redundant channels in Range Level Trans- ted 3% early (conservative). service and normal, mitter. reactor at cold shut-down. 7-20-75 TM-2-412 Channel 1 Electronic component Output of low level amplifier Placed channel in test. Re- Used approved procedure, 1 hr. Tc Low Level Ampli- failure. failed low and would not in- placed faulty module with a Placed channel in test, fier for Overpower crease past 2.447VDC which spare unit. Calibrated and redundant channels oper-Overtemp. Protection caused ~T to drop from 100% returned to service. ating normally. to 80%. S-16-75 Steam Line Pressure Component drift. Output of the L/L unit had Replaced module with a spare Channel in test. Used 1 hr, Lead Lag Module drifted low approx. 348 MV at unit, calibrated, checked for approved procedures, PM2-458B opera~ing pressure (conserva- proper operation, returned to Redundant instruments tive) would have resulted service. in service and normal, in a premature trip signal being generated. 9-5-75 Permissive to open Electronic drift, Had the stop valves been closed Calibrated low level to proper Placed channel in test. 1 hr. loop "C" stop valve they could not have been opened valve checked for proper Used approved procedures. from Hot leg temp. on "C" loop hot leg until the operation, returned to service Low Level amplifier problem was resolved. T-410 Loop "A" T hot wide range temp. 9-30-75 Reactor Coolant Temp. Electronic drift. A reactor trip would have Put channel in test, calibra- Channel in test, used 1 hr, Ch. II TM-422E lead low causing OT trip occurred at~ 1% higher temp. ted lead lag unit and checked lag module and input setpoint to go high approved procedures.

                                                      -in protection channel 2 than in     for proper operation and re-   Redundant channels in to OT~T Setpoint                            redundant channels.                  turned to service.

summator service and normal.

PAGE 2 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req 'c Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For !-'.a int. 9-25-75 Reactor Coolant Temp Low resistance read- Delta Twas erratic and reading Changed to installed spare Th Placed channel in test, .1 hr, Loop "B" Delta T ings from leads to lower than redundant channels, RTD, Checked for proper lead used approved procedures, Protection TE-422-B ground, due to moist- resistance to shield, Returned redundant channels in Th RTD ure causing unreliable to service, service. indication, 9-26-75 Reactor Coolant Temp, Low resistance read- Delta T failed low. Placed channel in test, New Placed channel in test, 4 hrs. Loop "B" Delta T ings from leads to RTD's will be installed during used approved procedures, Protection TE-421-D ground, due to moist- refueling outage. Reactor at refueling Th RTD, ure, causing Th temp. shutdown condition, to fail 10-4-75 N-31 Source Range Electronic drift of Output was approx. 50,000 counts Test calibrate module NM-100 Reactor at Refueling shut:- 3 hrs, Detector Drawer oscillator. high on the 10 5 pps test point, Ser. No, 0025 was replaced with down, Used approved NM-100 Test. Cal. spare unit Ser, N-, 0153 and procedures, Placed Module, channel was recalibrated. channel in test, 10-13-75 Pressurizer Pressure Excessive adjustment Transmitters were reading high Aligned beam assembly set Reactor at Refueling 8 hrs. Protection Transmit- of zero spring during causing reactor coolant pressure suppression spring, calibrated shutdown, Used approved ter P-455, 456 and previous calibrations to be lower than indicated, transmitter, procedures. 457 experienced zero causing misalignment and Span Drift, of beam assembly. 11-6-75 Reactor ~oolant Temp. Internal shorts due Failure of l!.T and Tave Protec- Replaced existing RTD's with a Pla"ced channel in test, 20 hrs. Narrow Range RTD's to moisture. tion and control room indication, late model that is more effecti- Reactor at Refueling ly sealed, shutdown, Used approved procedures. 11-28-75 Reactor Coolant Flow Damaged diaphragm due One channel of reactor coolant Replaced transmitter with Placed channel in test, 2 hrs. Transmitter FT-1-414 to sudden pressuriza- flow protection on loop "A" was station spare. Calibrated and Reactor shutdown, used tion when root valve inoperable. returned to service. approved procedures, was opened, 1

t--' 0 0-, 4- e I


O" PAGE 3 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req'd Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For l-'.aint. 12-19-75 Steam Flow Transmitter Electronic noise Erratic indication and control Replaced transmitter with a Used approved procedures, 2 hrs. FT-1-485 being generated at and feed/steam flow mismatch spare unit. Placed channel in test, transmitter, alarms. redundant instrument operating normally.

.10. 7 RESULTS OF SURVEILLANCE TESTS The majority of periodic test results for this reporting period were satisfactory; however, the following problems were noted: JULY a) PT-2.lA Reactor Coolant Wide Range Temperature, 7-2-75. Cold leg RTD, T-410, not installed. Previously installed RTD failed. New RTD is on order. b) PT-24.4 Fire Protection System, 7-06-75. Several fire hoses were either missing or were improperly stored. The Station Fire Marshall was notified of these discrepancies. c) PT-26.1 Radiation Monitoring Equipment Check, 7-23-75. Manipulation Crane monitor, RM-RMS-162, gave no indication and failed to respond to check source. Monitor was repaired and has performed satisfactorily in all subsequent tests. d) PT-34 Electrical Penetration Leak Test. On the dates listed below, the following penetrations indicated a loss of pressure. In each case, the pene-tration was recharged to the correct pressure. 7-10-75 E-16, E-17 7-24-75 B-18, D-2 AUGUST a) PT-8.1 Reactor Protection Logic, 3-22-75. It was discovered that undervoltage relay 27-2XB occasionally sticks in the de-energized position when energized after a trip signal is received. This fails to clear the trip

10. 7-1

signal when testing and does not affect the ability of the relay to function properly when an actual trip signal is received. The relay will be replaced during the upcoming refueling outage. b) PT-26.1 Radiation Monitoring Equipment Check, 8-26-75 Rll-RMS-159 was found to be defective. The filter drive mechanism was repaired and the monitor returned to service. c) PT-29.1 - Turbine Inlet Valve Test, 8-16-75. The No. 1 right reheat and intercept valves failed to close when tested. Maintenance Order No. Sl-4814 was written to correct the deficiency. d) PT-34 Electrical Penetration Leakage Test. (1) 8-7 The nitrogen pressure was low on penetrations E-16 and E-17. Maintenance Order No. Sl-4744 was written and the penetrations were recharged. (2) 8-21 The nitrogen pressure was low on penetrations D-2, E-3, E-16 and E-17. Maintenance Order No. Sl-4871 was issued and the penetrations were recharged.* e) PT-38.10 Chemistry Sampling - Accumulators, 8-1-75. Routine sampling revealed the boron concentration in lC Accumulator was below that required by the Technical Specifications. The Reactor was made subcritical and the boron concentration increased. Abnormal Occurrence Report AO-Sl-75-14 was written. SEPTEMBER a) PT-6 Control Rod Assembly Partial Movement, 9-11-75. The RPI for rod F-8 was found to be out of alignment. The 10.7-2

RPI was subsequently re-calibrated in response to e b) MR-Sl-5040. PT-13 Main Steam Safety Valve Setpoint, 9-27-75 SV-MS-104A, 101B, 103B and 104C did not lift at the correct setpoint pressure. The setpoints were adjusted and the deviation was reported in AO-Sl-75-22. c) PT-17.5 Containment Subsurface Drainage, 9-06-75. Automatic operation of the subsurface drainage system could not be verified since the fill line to the sump was inoperable. MR-Sl-4994 was written to correct this problem. d) PT-18.2 Safety Injection System Test, 9-28-75. Safety Injection master relay, SlA-A failed to latch in while testing Train A. The relay was mechanically adjusted and testing Train B, the control room exhaust fan did not trip and the inlet damper did not close when required. It was found that relay 3-VS-103A was stuck in the energized position. The spring tension of the relay was adjusted and the deviation was reported in AO-Sl-75-20. e) PT-22.3A Diesel Generator No. 1 Monthly Test, 9-03-75 The No. 1 diesel overheated during testing. It was found that the air louver controlled malfunctioned, not allowing the actuator to open the dampers. A new controller was ordered and the louvers blocked open. f) PT-27 Heat Tracing System, 9-20-75. Replacement of defective heat tape caused the actual current readings to differ from the expected current readings on several circuits. Test to be revised. 10.7-3

g) PT-29.1 Turbine Inlet Valve Test, 9-1-75. The No. 1 right reheat and intercept valves did not close when tested. MR-Sl-4814 was issued. h) PT-34 Electrical Penetration Leakage Test. 9-04 The nitrogen pressure was low on penetration B-17. The penetration was recharged.* 9-11 The nitrogen pressure was low on penetration D-2. The penetration was recharged. 9-18 The nitrogen pressure was low on penetrations E-16 and E-17. The penetrations were recharged. i) PT-36 Instrument Surveillance, 9-25-75. It was found that "B" /'-,T protection channel ,was drifting low due to steam spraying on the RTD's. The unit was shutdown for repairs. j) PT-8.5A - Consequence Limiting Safeguards Functional Test, 9-28-75. It was discovered that the inside and outside recirculation spray* pumps did not start at the designed time delay after initiation of CLS Hi-Hi. The deviation was determined to be within the limits of the safety analysis. k) PT-38.7 Chemistry Sampling - Ventilation Vent, 9-29-75. The sample on the vent showed the Iodine-131 activity exceeded 4% of the MPC while purging the No. 1 containment. The deviations will be reported in accordance with T.S.6.6.B.3. OCTOBER a) PT-26.1 Radiation Monitoring Equipment Check, 10-1-75. Meter pegged high. The detector was replaced and calibrated during the refueling outage. MR-Sl-5129 was issued. 10.7-4

b) PT-27 Heat Tracing System, 10-20-75. Circuit 13A on panels 8 & 9 had a low amperage reading. The heat tape was repaired and tested satisfactorily. MR-Sl-5563 was issued. c) PT-32.1 - HEPA and Charcoal Filter Tests, 10-15-75. Auxiliary building filter bank, l-VS-FL-3B did not meet the acceptance criteria for iodine removal efficie*ncy of 99%. All charcoal absorbers were replaced to l-VS-FL-3B and will be re-tested. d) PT-34 Electrical Penetration Leakage Test. On the dates indicated below, the following penetrations indicated a loss of pressure. In each case, the penetrations were re-charged to the correct pressure. 10-02-75 D-2, E-16 10-09-75 E-17 10-16-75 D-4, B-18 10-23-75 B-17 10-30-75 B-18, D-17, E-16, A-1 NOVEMBER a) PT-2.lA Reactor Coolant Wide Range Temperature, 11-30-75. Channel III hot leg temperature low level amplifier, TM-1-433, was out of calibration. The amplifier was replaced and recalibrated. b) PT-16.4 Containment Isolation Valve Leakage, 11-29-75. The total as found leakage was much greater than the accept-ance criteria. Several valves were repaired in order to reduce the leakage rate to an acceptable level. MOV-RS-155A & Band MOV-1860A & B required extensive working. 10.7-5

The results are detailed in a sununary technical report to the NRC. c) PT-23.1 Station Batteries, 11-30-75. Voltage testing revealed a dead cell in the batteries on the "B" emergency service water pump diesel. A replacement battery was installed. d) PT-26.3 - Radiation Monitoring Equipment Calibration, 11-10-75. The liquid waste radiation monitor, RM-LW-108 was reading low. Investigation revealed that the discriminator was set high. The monitor was re-calibrated and a deviation report was subini tted. e) PT-34 Electrical Penetration Leakage Test. On the dates listed below, the following penetrations indicated a loss of pressure. In each case the pene-trations were re-charged to the correct pressure. 11-06-75 E-17 11-20-75 B-18, E-16 11-29-75 B-18 DECEMBER a) PT-17.5 - Containment Subsurface Drainage Pump Performance, 12-6-75. Performance of the test revealed that the instruments con-trolling pump operation and alarm functions were not set properly. Maintenance Report Sl-6345 was issued. 10.7-6

b) PT Electrical Penetration Leakage Test. On the dates listed below, the following penetrations indicated a loss of pressure. In each case, penetrations were recharged to the correct pressure. 12-04-75 B..,:18 12-11-75 D-2, E-16, E-*17 12-25-75 B-18 10.7-7

SURVEILLANCE TESTS NOT PERFORMED AS SCHEDULED UNIT NO. 1 a~ PT-22.2C - Diesel Fuel Supply - a monthly test was completed on 6-3-75. In order to meet Technical Specification requirements it was to be performed again prior to 7-10-75. The PT was inadvertently left off of the monthly schedule and was not done until 7-28-75.

b. PT-14.2 - Main Steam Trip Valves - was not performed during startup on 7-24-75 due to personnel oversight.

Action has been completed to make PT-14.2 a sign off item on OP-1 vice an initial condition.

c. PT-23.1 - Station Batteries - a monthly test was completed on 6-25-75. In order to meet Technical Specification requirements it was to be performed again prior to 7-31-75. Due to personnel oversight the PT was performed one day late on 8-1-75.
d. PT-18.1 - Lo Head SI Test and Flushing of Stainless Steel Piping - was completed on 6-4-75. In order to meet Technical Specification requirements it was to be performed again prior to 7-11-75. The PT was inadvertently left off the monthly schedule and not performed. The test was satisfactorily completed 7-29-75.
e. PT-18.5 - High Head Safety Injection Component Test and Flushing of Sensitized Stainless Steel Piping - scheduled for 8-1-75 was not performed as scheduled due to an in-advertent scheduling error, the test was performed satis-factorily on 8-17-75.


10.8 PERIODIC CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE RATE TESTS Type A, B, and C containment leak rate tests were conducted during the refueling outage commencing September 26, 1975. A containment leak rate test report containing a summary analysis and interpretation of the results of the Type A, B, and C tests was submitted to the Commission. Therefore, only a brief description of the test results are presented in this report.

a. Type "A" Testing A periodic Type "A" containment integrated leak rate test was performed during the period from October 9, 1975 to October 12, 1975.

The test yielded unsatisfactory results. The measured leakage rate was greater than the Technical Specification limit of 0.1 weight percent per 24 hours at the design basis accident pressure. The leak rate was determined to be 0.5881% by weight per 24 hours from

     *a least-squares fit analysis of 24 hourly calculations of mass (lb.)

of air in the containment. The 95% confidence factor was determined

  • to be+ 0.0219%/24 hr., giving an overall result of: L == 0.5881
      +/- 0.0219%  wt./24 hr.

During the performance of the test, major leakage was discovered from the primary to the secondary system outside the containment through leaking tubes in "A" steam generator. In addition, several containment isolation valves were leaking excessively. Local leakage tests were subsequently conducted to measure leakage re-ductions, achieved by repairs of individual leaks. The measured

      .leakage reductions were then applied to reduce the containment's
      .overall measured leakage rate to an acceptable limit. Details are contained in the summary report submitted to the Commission.


b. Type "B" Testing Type "B" tests were conducted following the Type A test to detect local leaks and to measure leakage across each pressure containing containment penetration. The results of the tests are listed below.
1) PT-16.2 - Containment Penetration = 20.7 SCFH Local Leakage, 11-27-75
2) PT-16.5 - Personnel Air Lock = 0 SCFH Leak Test, 11-29-75
3) PT-16.6 - Equipment Hatch 0 SCFH L~ak Test, 11-28-75
4) ST Steam Generator "A" = 1232 SCFH Tube Leakage, 10-23-75 Following the leakage measurement, the leaking tubes in "A" steam generator were plugged to reduce the leakage rate to zero.
c. Type "C" Testing Type "C" tests were conducted following the Type "A" test to measure containment isolation valve leakage rates. Several valves were repaired in order to reduce the leakage rate to ac-ceptable levels. Leakage rates were measured both before and after maintenance in order to determine the amount of leakage reduction. The total measured air leakage rate through contain-ment isolation valves before and after repairs is listed below.

Total leakage - Type "C" tests=> 1454 SCFH (PT-16.4 - Before Repairs) Total leakage - Type "C" tests= 140.7 SCFH (PT-16.4 - After Repairs) The acceptance criteria for Type "B" and "C" tests is that the combined leakage rate of all penetrations and valves be less 'than 0.60 of the maximum allowable leakage rate of 0.1 weight

%/24 hr. or 165 SCFH.
10. 8-2

Totaling the leakage measured after repairs for Type "B and "C" tests:

  .* Measured Leakage        =   20.7 SCFH (Type "B" tests)

Measured Leakage = 140.7 SCFH (Type "C" tests) Total (After repairs) = 161.4 SCFH Since the total measured leakage after repairs for Type "B" and "C" tests is less than 165 SCFH, the leakage rate has been reduced to acceptable limits.

10. 8-3

Changes made to the Technical Specifications, Units Nos. 1 and 2, Surry Power Station during the reporting period are summarized in Table 10,9.1-1. These changes were issued by the U.. S. Nuclear Reg,- ulatory Commission pursuant to Section 50.59, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations. 10.9.2 Test or Experiments There were no tests or experiments conducted on Unit No. 1 during the reporting period which required approval of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 10.,9.3 Facility Design Changes There were no facility design changes implemented on Unit No. 1 during the reporting period which required authorization from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, e 10.9-1



OF TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGES SURRY POWER STATION UNIT NOS. 1 & 2 JULY THROUGH DECEMBER, 1975 CHANGE T'. s. DATE NO. NO. ISSUED TITLE 22 1.0 07-02-75 Definitions 2.1 07-02-75 Safety Limit Reactor Core 3.3 07-02-75 Limiting Conditions for Operation Safety Injection System 3.12 07-02-75 Control Rod Assemblies and Power Distribution Limits Surveillance Requirements Reactivity Anomalies 23 1.0 07-28-75 Definitions 3.1 07-28-75 Limiting Conditions for Operation Maximum Reactor Coolant Oxygen, Chloride and I-' Flouride Concentration 0 I.O

 *I         3.3      07-28-75 Limiting Cqnditions for Operation Safety Injection System N                                          i I

3.6 07-28-75 Limiting Conditions for Operation Turbine Cycle 3.17 07-28-75 Limitirt"g Conditions for Operation Loop Stop Valve Operation 4.1 07-28-75 Surveillance Requirements Operational Safety Review 4.4 07-28-75 Surveillance Requirements Containment Tests 4.9 07-28-75 Surveillance Requirements Effluent Sampling and Radiation Monitoring System 6.1 07-28-75 Administrative Controls Organization~ Safety and Operation Review 6.2 07-28-75 Administrative Controls Action To Be Taken In The Event Of An 4bnormal Occurrence In Station Operation I



OF TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGES SURRY POWER STATION UNIT NOS. 1 & 2 JULY THROUGH DECEMBER, 1975 CHAN:GE T.S. *DATE NO. NO. ISSUED TITLE 6.4 07-28-75 Administrative Controls Unit Operating Procedures 6.6 07-28-75 Administrative Controls Station Reporting Re*quirements 24 3.7 08-22-75 Limiting Conditions for Operation Instrumentation System 25 4.13 10-13-75 Surveillance Requirements Non-Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 26 2.1 11-26-75 Safety Limits and Limiting Safety System Settings Safety Limit, Reactor Core 3.12 11-26-75 Limiting Conditions for Operation Control Rod Assemblies and Power Distribution I.O Limits

  • I N

Pl 27 3.1 11-21-75 Limiting conditions for Operation Reactor Coolant System 28 4.3 11-21-75 Surveillance Requirements Reactor Coolant System Integrity Testing Following Opening. 29 3.2,3,3, 11-28-75 Reflect: HELM in Technical Specifications. 3.6, 3.16, 4.8

10.10 TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS NOT REQUIRING AUTHORIZATION FROM THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ST-35 OT-2 Switches. ST-36 Steam Generator Moisture Carryover. ST-37 Steam Generator Tube Leakage. ST-38 Multisection Excore Detector Performance. ST-40 Steam Generator Narrow Range Level Indication Data. 10.10-1



11. 1 POWER GENERATION 11.1.1 A summary of power generated during each month of the reporting period, the total for the reporting period, and the accumulative total since commercial operations commenced is tabulated in Table 11,1.1-1.

11.1. 2 A histogram of thermal power versus time for the reporting period is given in Figure 11.1.2-1. 11.1. 3 Operating statistics during the period from initial criticality until the date Unit No. 2 was declared commercial (March 7, 1973 to May 1, 1973) are tabu-lated in Table 11.1.3-1.

11. 0-1




1. Gross Thermal Power 1,484,126 1,696,860 1,627,476 1,356,951 1,725,269 1,770,915 9,661,597 34,508,133 Generated (MWH)
2. Gross Electrical Power 483,045 541,690 525,095 446,835 570,275 582,690 3,149,630 11,375,559
  • I-'

I-' I-' Generated (MWH) I I I-'

3. Station Service (MWH) 24,673 28,556 27,444 22,121 27,746 28,962 159,502 . 593,178
4. Net Electrical Power 458,372 513,134 497,651 424,714 542,529 553,728 2,990,128 10,752,381 Generated (MWH)
5. Number of Hours Reactor 622.9 735.4 711. 4 579.8 720 744 4,113.5 15,629.6 Critical (HRS)
6. Number of Hours 619 730 707.9 568.6 720 744 4.089.5 15,354.5 Generator On Line (HRS)
  • Since Commercial Operation

J.' ..1.C)Ll.L C: ..J.....L.e..l.e.£...-.1. POWER GE

                                                                                       ~~=N~E=*~TION         HIST UNIT NO 2              OGRAM SURRY POW "

JULY THROUGH ER STATION DECEMBER 1975 e.'lll.Y . . ~~_:_i-- 1:::1_ :1.c

                                                      !\. ',)
                                                  ~ ;__ ~_:,_

c; ,..J '31 cc f(llJf."~

                                                                                                              .' '~
                        --T I                              i i ,.. ,:1                    ., ...

I j I ,

                                . *****!   --1-- -,-           '-*--                                                  ..
                                        '                                i
                                                   *1                  *!*
                                      .I             I
                                                .... l ..*.
            .,i                           ... :

i i I

                                                                                                                          .1                    ~- - -i..        I t*o
                                                                                                                                                              .i I
                                                                                                                                                                      .1 11.1-2

Table 11.1.3-1 PRE-COMMERCIAL OPERATION STATISTICS SURRY POWER STATION UNIT NO. 2 Gross Thermal Power Generated (MWH): 1,076,017 Gross Electrical Power Generated (MWH): 343,931 Net Electrical Power Generated (MWH) 312,841 Hours Reactor Was Critical 991.4 Hours Generator Was On-Line 787.7 lhl-3

11.2 OUTAGES The outages occurring during this reporting period for Unit No. 2 are tabulated in Table 11.2-1.



11. 2-1

N N I OUTAGE REPORT UNIT N0.2 SURRY POWER STATION Table 11. 2 *. 1 NO. HRS. OUT OF SERVICE RETURN TO SERVICE OUT UNIT METHOD .OF. TD1E DATE TIME DATE bF SERVICE STATUS SHUTDOWN CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION _.;:.__~~------------------------------------------ 1305 7-06-75 1418 7-11-75 121.2 CSD Automatic Failure of air system which Repaired trip valve mech. Trip holds main steam trip valves operators. open. Auto trip occurred when trip valve closed. 1420 7-11-75 1807 7-11-75 3.8 HSD Automatic During start-up a steam gen. Restored steam generator* leve: Trip level trip occurred d*ue to feedwater control sensitivity. 2027 8-14-75 2344 8-14-75 3.3 HSD Manual Auto Rod Control System mal- Repaired Rod Control System. Trip function resulting in three dropped control rods. 0538 8-15-75 1618 3-15-75 10.7 HSD Automatic Hain steam trip valve air Repaired trip valve mech. Trip cylinder malfunction resulting operators. in Lo-Lo steam generator reactor trip. 1124 9-16-75 2328 9-16-75 12.1 HSD Automatic Ground on "B" 4160V Bus. Racked out faultT bkr .~ Trip normal station service Bus.  ! resto:r;ed bu*s - returned to

                                                                   *Resulted in_loss of B RCP        service.

and direct reactor tr~p *. 0459 10-9-75 2317 10 75 114.3 CSD Manual Failure of RPI required unit Repaired steam leaks that cauE with Auto to be shutdown. During ramp- RPI .failure - Repaired RPI's. matic Trip down an auto trip occurred duE to loss of Main Feed Pumo

N I w OUTAGE REPORT UNIT N0.2 SURRY POWER STATION JULY THROUGH DECEMBER, 1975 Table ll.2.1 NO. HRS. OUT OF SERVICE RETURN TO SERVICE OUT UNIT METHOD OF TIME I DATE .. TIME DATE OF SERVICE STATUS SHUTDOWN CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION 2325 10-13-75 0320 10-14-75 3.9 HSD Automatic Feed reg. valve failed result- Replaced valve operator. Trip ing in S/G level trip. 1142 10-15-75 1530 10-15-75 3.9 HSD Automatic Main steam trip valve failed Returned air to valve. Trip shut when operator secured air to valve operator. 0208 10-19-75 0730 10-21-75 53.4 CSD Manual Steam leaks on S/G level Repaired leaks. Isolation Valves.

11.3 CHANGES IN FACILITY DESIGN Changes in facility design implementation during this reporting period for Unit 2 are found in Section 10.3. 11.3-1

11.4 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 11.4.1 Abnormal Occurrences A tabulation of the Abnormal Occurrences as defined by Technical Specification 1.0.I which occurred during this reporting period is contained in Table 11.4.1-1. These reports have been previously submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

11. 4. 2 Unusual Safety Related Events There were no Unusual Safety Related Events for Unit 2 during this reporting period.

11.4.3 Equipment Performance Section 11.6 of this report summarizes the important maintenance which was performed on unit equipment and is indicative of equipment performance. Equipment problems experienced in the performance of surveillance tests are summarized in section 11.7 The abnormal occurrences also provide information on equipment performance. 11.4-1

Table 11.4.1-1 ABNORMAL OCCURRENCE REPORTS UNIT NO. 2 SURRY POWER STATION JULY THROUGH DECEMBER, 1975 NUMBER TITLE OCCURRENCE DATE 1 Main Steam Trip Valve Closed 7-06-75 2 Failure of Channel I 6T Protection 7-20-75 3 Sampling of the No. 2 Boron Injection 7-29-75 Tank Revealed the Boron Concentration to be 11.4% in violation of T.S.3.3.A.3/ Safety Injection Low Boron% 4 Boron Injection Tank Recirculation 8-07-75 Valves 5 Low Boric Acid Tank Level 8-23-75 6 Loop C Hot Leg RTD Failure 10-03-75 7 RPI Failure (Rod Position Indicati.on 10-09-75 Failure) 8 Boric Acid Transfer Pump "D" Motor* 10-:-15-75 Failure 9 Failure of One Channel of ~T Protection 12-30-75 10 Overtemperature Delta Temperature 12-19-75 Setpoint High 11.4-2

11. 4. 4 FUEL PERFORMANCE A summary of fuel performance is contained in the attached report.


VEP-FRD-18 SURRY UNIT 2 CORE PERFORMANCE REPORT CYCLE 2 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1975 by L. L. Flournoy S. P. Keck Nuclear Fuel Operation Group Fuel Resources Department February, 1976 Recommended for Approval:



r. - /

( / . C,<-- E. J. Lozito, Nuclear Fuel Engineer Nuclear Fuel Operation Group Approved:

 ~~- Rhodes, Director Nuclear Fuel Engineering and Operation Virginia Electric and Power Company

- Richmond, Virginia

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. List of Figures ii List of Tables. iv 1.0 Introduction and Summary. 1 2.0 Core Performance Analysis 3 2.1 Burnup Follow . . . . 3 2.2 Reactivity Depletion Follow. 4 2.3 Power Distribution Follow. 4 2.4 Primary Coolant Activity Follow . . 7 2.5 Fuel Densification Status. 8 3.0 Conclusions . 35 Definition of Terms. Appendix A TOTE Program Description. Appendix B FOLLOW Program Description. . '. Appendix C INCORE Program Description. Appendix D Acknowledgments i I_

LIST OF FIGURES e Figure 2.1.1 Core Burnup History. Title Page No. 9 2.1.2 Monthly Average Load Factors .

  • 10 2.1.3 Assemblywise Accumulated Burnup: Comparison of Measured with Predicted. . 11 2.1.4 Batch Definition . . . . 12 2.1.5 Batch Burnup Sharing 13 2.2.1 Critical Boron Concentration versus Burnup
  • 14 2.3.1 Assemblywise Power Distribution Map - 6/23/75. 16 2.3.2 Assemblywise Power Distribution Map - 9/16/75. 17 2.3.3 Assemblywise Power Distribution Map - 12/18/75 18 2.3.4 Hot Channel Factor Normalized Operating Envelope 19 2.3.5 Axial Dependent Heat Flux Hot. Channel Factor - 6/23/75 20 2.3.6 Axial Dependent Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor - 9/16/75 21 2.3.7 Axial Dependent Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor - 12/18/75. 22 2.3.8 Maximum Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor versus Burnup . . 23 2.3.9 Peak Linear Power Density versus Burnup. . .
  • 24 2.3.10 Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor versus Burnup . 25 2.3.11 Horizontal Plane Peaking Factor at Core Midplane versus Burnup. 26 2.3.12 Delta Flux versus Burnup . 27 2.3.13 Core Average Axial Power Distribution - 6/23/75. 28 2.3.14 Core Average Axial Power Distribution - 9/16/75. 29 2.3.15 Core Average Axial Power Distribution - 12/18/75 30 2.3.16 Core Average Axial Peaking Factor versus Burnup. 31 ii

LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Title Page No. 2.4.1 I-131 Concentration versus Time. 32 2.4.2 I-131/I-133 Ratio versus Time . . 33 2.5.1 Densification Power Spike Strip-Chart Trace. 34 iii

LIST OF TABLES Table Title Page No. 2.3.1 Summary Table of Incore Flux Maps for Routine * . . . * . . 15 iv



Surry Unit 2 has completed six months of Cycle 2 operation. Since Cycle 2 initial criticality on June 14, 1975, the reactor core has produced some 35 x 10 6 MBTU (6,090 Megawatt days per metric ton of contained uranium) which has resulted in the generation of over 3.2 x 10 9 kwhr of electrical energy. The purpose of this report is to present an analysis of the core performance for routine operation during Cycle 2. Non-routine operation was covered in the Surry 2-Cycle 2 startup physics test report 1 and, therefore, will not be included here. Routine core follow involves the analysis of four principal perfor-mance indicators. These are burnup distribution, reactivity depletion, power distribution, and primary coolant activity. The core burnup distribution is followed to verify both burnup symmetry and proper.batch burnup sharing, thereby ensuring that the fuel held over for the next cycle will be compatible with the new fuel inserted. Reactivity depletion is monitored to: detect the existence of any abnormal reactivity behavior, determine if the core is deplet-ing as designed, and indicate at what burnup level refueling will be required. Core power distribution follow includes the monitoring of nuclear hot channel factors to verify that they are within the limits of the Technical Specifica-tions, thereby ensuring that adequate margins to linear power density and critical heat flux thermal limits are maintained. Lastly, as part of normal core follow, the primary coolant activity is monitored to assess the integrity of the fuel. In addition to the above, the effects of fuel densification were monitored. Although not normally part of routine core follow, this phenomenon is treated here because of its impact on core performance. e 1Lippard, D, W., and Keck, S. P., Surry Unit 2 Startup Physics Test Report-Cycle 2, VEP-FRD-13, Richmond, Virginia, August, 1975. 1 I I L

Each of the four performance indicators, as well as the status of observed fuel densification effects, is discussed in detail for the Surry Unit 2 Cycle 2 core in the body of this report 2

  • The results are summarized below:
1. Burnup Follow - The burnup tilt (deviation from quadrant symmetry) on the core is less than+/- 0.2% with the burnup accumulation in each batch generally within 3% of design prediction.
2. Reactivity Depletion Follow - The critical boron concen-tration, used to monitor reactivity depletion, has consis-tently been within+/- 0.4% ~K/K of the design prediction which is well within the+/- 1% ~K/K margin allowed by Section 4.10 of the Technical Specifications.
3. Power Distribution Follow - Incore flux maps taken each month indicate that the radial power distribution was generally within+/- 4% of the design prediction with all hot channel factors meeting the Technical Specifications limits.
4. Primary Coolant Activity Follow - The iodine-131 activity level in the primary coolant is approximately 2.0 x 10- 2
                µCi/ml, which indicates that there are approximately three to five defects in the fuel. This corresponds to approxi-mately a 99.99% fuel integrity factor.
  • Fuel Densification Status - There is only one confirmed assembly location with a power spike due to pellet gap formation; this spike is very small, that is;less than 1%

in magnitude. 2 see Appendix A for definition of terms used in this report. 2

Section 2 CORE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS 2.1 Burnup Follow The burnup history for the Surry Unit 2 Cycle 2 core is graphically depicted in Figure 2.1.1. To date, the core has accumulated a burnup of 6,090 MWD/MTU. As shown in Figure 2.1.2, the average Surry 2-Cycle 2 load factor has been 88% when referenced to rated thermal power (2441 MW(t)). Radial (X-Y) burnup distribution maps show how the core burnup is shared among the various fuel assemblies, and thereby allow a detailed burnup distribution analysis. The TOTE computer code (see Appendix B) is used to calculate these assemblywise burnups. Figure 2.1.3 is a radial burnup distri-bution map in which the assemblywise burnup accumulation of the core as of December 31, 1975, is given. For comparison purposes, the design values are also given. As can be seen from this figure, the accumulated assembly burnups are generally within+/- 3% of the predicted values . . In addition, deviation from quadrant symmetry in the core, as indicated by the burnup tilt factors, is less than+/- 0.2%. As shown in Figure 2.1.4, the various assemblies are grouped together into batches according to their nuclear characteristics and residence time in the reactor. The burnup sharing on a batch basis. is monitored to verify that the core is operating as designed and to enable accurate end-of-cycle batch burnup predictions to be made for use in reload fuel design studies. As seen in Figure 2.1.5, the batch burnup sharing for Surry Unit 2-Cycle 2 is following design predictions very closely with each batch deviating less than 3% from design; this is considered excellent agreement. Therefore, symmetric bm:nup in conjunction with: .good. a;gree~ent between actual and predicted assemblywise burnups and batch burnup sharing indicate that the Cycle 2 core is depleting as designed. 3

2.2 Reactivity Depletion Follow T.he I;>rimary coolant critical boron concentration is monitored for the purposes of following core reactivity and flagging any anomalous reactivity behavior. The FOLLOW computer code (see Appendix C) is used to normalize "actual" critical boron concentration to design conditions taking into consider-ation actual control rod positions, xenon and samarium concentrations, moder-ator temperatures, and power levels. The normalized critical boron concentra-tion versus burnup curve for the Surry Unit 2 Cycle 2 core is shown in Figure 2.2.1. It can be seen that the measured data compare within +/- 30 to 35 ppm of the design prediction. This corresponds to within+/- 0.4% ~K/K which is well within the+/- 1% ~K/K criteria for reactivity anomalies set forth in Section 4.10 of the Technical Specifications. In conclusion, the trend indicated by the critical boron concentra-tion verifies that the Cycle 2 core is depleting as expected with no reactivity anomalies. 2.3 Power Distribution Follow Analysis of incore flux map data on a routine basis is necessary to verify that the hot channel factors are within their Technical Specifications limits and to ensure that the reactor is operating with no abnormal conditions which could cause an "uneven" burnup distribution. Three dimensional core power distributions are determined by analyzing the data from movable detector flux map measurements using the INCORE computer program (see Appendix D). A summary of all flux maps taken since completion of the startup physics tests for Surry Unit 2 Cycle 2 is given in Table 2.3.1. Incore flux maps are gener-ally taken monthly with additional maps taken as needed. Radial (X-Y) core power distributions for a representative series of incore flux maps are given in Figures 2.3.1 through 2.3.3. All of the radial maps shown were taken under near equilibrium operating conditions with the Unit 4

operating*at approximately full power. In each case, the measured relative assembly powers are generally within 4% of the predicted values, which is considered good agreement. In addition, as indicated by the INCORE tilt factors, the power distributions are essentially symmetric for all cases. An important aspect of core power distribution follow is the moni-toring of nuclear hot channel factors. Verification that these factors are within Technical Specifications limits ensures that linear power density and critical (DNB) heat flux limits will not be violated, thereby providing adequate thermal margins and maintaining fuel cladding integrity. The current Technical Specifications limits on the axially dependent T heat flux hot channel factor, FQ(Z), is 2.10 x K(Z), where K(Z) is given in Figure 2.3.4. The axially dependent heat flux hot channel factor for a representative series of flux maps is given in Figures 2.3.5 through 2~3.7. For all maps taken thus far in Cycle 2, the F~(Z) measured values are within the Technical Specifications limit. A summary of the maximum values of all heat flux hot channel factors measured thus far in Cycle 2 is given in Figure 2.3.8. Peak linear power density, which is determined directly from maximum F~ is given in Figure 2.3.9. This is an important parameter from a loss-of-* coolant accident-ECCS standpoint since it directly relates to the stored thermal energy .in the core. The Surry Unit 2 Cycle 2 core has maintained a peak linear power density of at least 8% below the nominal allowable limit. N A radial hot channel factor routinely followed is F~H' the enthalpy rise hot channel factor, which is the ratio of the integral of power along the rod with the highest integrated power to that of the average rod. The Technical Specifications limit for this parameter is set such that the critical heat flux (DNB) limit will not be violated. Figure 2.3.10 shows that all measured values were within the Technical Specifications limit. 5

Another radial hot channel factor routinely monitored is F , the xy horizontal plane peaking factor. This peaking factor is a ratio of the peak to average power in a given horizontal plane. It is related to, but is not

              . N identical to, F~H*      As shown in Figure 2.3.11, the measured F       peaking factors, xy evaluated at core*midplane, deviate from the nominal design prediction, by less than 2%, which is well within the design uncertainty of 8%.         The model used to generate the analytic factors that are used to reduce the incore flux map data was changed at 4,500 MWD/MTU burnup.        This model change resulted in a reduction in the values of F       .

xy The Technical Specifications require that target delta flux 3 values be determined monthly. Operational delta flux limits are then established about this target value, and by maintaining a relatively constant delta flux, adverse axial power shapes due to xenon redistribution are avoided. The plot of delta flux versus burnup given in Figure 2.3.12 shows the delta flux shifting from approximately +4% at the beginning of the cycle to approximately 0% at 1,900 MWD/MTU where it remains relatively constant throughout Cycle 2. The shift can also be observed in the corresponding core average axial power distributions for a representative series of maps given in Figures 2.3.13 through 2.3.15. In Map S2-2-6 (Figure 2.3.13) taken at 170 MWD/MTU, the axial power distribution peaks slightly toward the top of the core with a peaking factor of 1.22. In Map S2-2-12 (Figure 2.3.14) taken at 2,790 MWD/MTU and .Map S2-2-17 (Figure 2.3.15) taken at 5,650 MWD/MTU, the axial power distribu-tion has flattened slightly as expected with axial peaking factors of 1.14 and 1.11, respectively. The gradual decrease and leveling off of F can be seen z 3Delta Flux Pt - Pb


2441 X 100 where Pt = power at top of core (Mw( t)) Pb = power at bottom of core (Mw(t)) Pt - Pb Axial Offset = X 100 Pt + Pb 6

more clearly in a plot of F versus burnup given in Figure 2.3.16. This plot z agrees well with design predictions which indicate that Fz decreases from 1.19 to 1.13 throughout the cycle. In conclusion, the Surry 2 Cycle 2 core performed very satisfactorily with power distribution analyses verifying that design predictions are accurate and that hot channel factors are meeting Technical Specification limits. 2.4 Primary Coolant Activity Follow Activity levels of iodine-131 and 133 in the primary coolant are important iri core performance follow analyses because they are used as indi-cators of defective fuel. These two isotopes can leak into.the primary coolant system through a breach in the cladding. I-131 activity is directly correla-table to the *number of cladding defects; the ratio of I-131 to I-133 is used to determine the type of fuel failure which has occurred in the reactor core. Use of the ratio for this determination is feasible because 1-133 has a short half-life (approximately 24 hours) compared to that of I-131 (approximately eight days) so that for pinhole defects where the diffusion time through the defect is on the order of days, the I-133 decays out leaving I-131 dominant in activity, thereby causing the ratio to be 0.5 or more. In the case of large leaks, uranium particles in.the coolant, and/or "tramp" 4 uranium, where the diffusion mechanism is negligible, the I-131/I-133 ratio will generally be less than 0.1. Figure 2.4.1 shows the I-131 activity history for the Surry Unit 2 Cycle 2 core with the FSAR value for various defect levels 5 (one defect is equivalent to one defective rod} delineated for comparison purposes. The data t+"Tramp" uranium consists of small. particles of uranium which adhere to the outside surface of the fuel during the manufacturing process. .e 5 This is derived from FSAR Table 9.1-5 where cladding defects in 1% of the fuel rods gives an 1~131 primary coolant activity concentration of 1.68 µCi/ cc@ 560 0 F. Samples are analyzed at room temperature; hence, this value is 2.35 µCi/cc when a density correction is made. 7

show considerable scatter, but the trend indicates that approximately three to five defective fuel rods exist in the core, indicating that Surry Unit 2-Cycle 2 has a fuel integrity factor of -99.99%. This is substantially below the Technical Specifications limit of 1% failed fuel which is equivalent to approximately 320 defects. As shown in Figure 2.4.2, the I-131/1-133 ratio data points fall in the mid-range, thus giving no indication as to the type of defect. 2.5 Fuel Densification Status Throughout Cycle 1 the densification induced power spikes were primarily observed in Region 1 fuel; this fuel was removed from the core during the Cycle 1-2 refueling. The effects of fuel densification in Surry 2 Cycle 2 have been insignificant with only one observable power spike present. This confirmed 6 power spike is in core location F-6, a region 3 fuel assembly, and is extremely small, that is less than 1% in magnitude. The latest strip chart trace for F-6 is given in Figure 2.5.1. 6A confirmed power spike is one which has been observed in two or more recent flux maps. A suspected power spike is one which has been observed generally only in the most recent map. 8

SURRY UNIT 2 - CYCLE 2 FIGURE 2 .1.1 CORE BURNUP HISTORY 12,000 10,000 - *1 - -- f _j. - J - -- -

            ' l
          -- ----i
                *i I
                                       .      j 1
                                     -.~--~11. _*
  • 1 i
                                                         *1*--:_ . -


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                                                                                                                                                                                        .L. ,__ ; ____: ;----
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i '  : i 8000 *- ! *----- -, -- 1--- - **t -- -* - [_ I *---'**-- I ___ : : _ [ ; ___ ; __ _ _i_:_*1  ::*--i______ _r__ ___ J L-- -(--- ---i ---+- _J_____(________ ,___ ----------.. - ______!_ ___ '. ___ : --- i-~J-~~+:-L~ ~ -~){1~.: 1 1 6000

        . ****+!*_*_::**.-*-_t:ic*  -:-1      '.

1 _-_i *:_**_*-~!.:_

                                                          *.                   :-~-:
                                                                                                 . l -~--     1
                                                                                                                         ... L--------{-----------~-

r .. *.. _ : -1

                                                                                                                                                                                                . ___ J___ '.------t---- -__

1 1 r-I i r . **r--- I ' l _L.; _'._ :L . _1_____ ' i *-- 4000 -+ ,* r ------ ______ ;________ ---!----:---[---:-->---- CYCLE 2 --- i - - -1 - - - CRITICALITY I. - ___; ___ - 06 /14 /7 5 2000 j_ .:

                                                               .,.                                                                                                                                   . -- .. I.::




                                               -2.2 5.86 6.98 H
4. 71 4.82
                                                       -2.3 22.11 G
3. 93 4.04
                                                               -2.7 6.99 F

5.87 E 4.12 D C . B A 1 4.22 5.90 7.04 22.09 7.04 5.90 4.22 2

                                  -0. 9 -0.7 -0.9      +0.1    -0.7    -0.5    -2.4 4.79   6. 72 23.08 21.09    23.35   21. 34  23.29     6.79   4.68 4.74   6.87 23.08 20.80     23.15   20.80   23.08     6.87   4. 74                         3
                          +1.1    -2.2    o.o ff-1.4   +0.9    +2.6    +0.9    -1. 2  -1. 3
                . 4.80 4.74 6.84 6.78
21. 80 7.44 21.86 22.08 7.49 21.90 7.32 7.29 21.83 21.90 7.54 7.49 22.28 22.08 6.75 6.78 4.73 4.74 4
                    +l. 3 +0.9    -1. 3 -0.7 -0.2      +0.4    -0.3    +0.7    +0.9   -0.4     -0.2 4.14   6.83 22.01     7.53 23.90 7.42    24.09     7.44  24 .11    7.55 21.95      6.80    4.26 4.22   6.87 22.08     7.53 23.78 7.38    23. 72    7.38  23.78     7.53 22.08      6.87    4.22        5
             -1. 9  -0.6  -0.3      0.0 l+0.5 +0.5     +1.6    +0.8    +1.4    +0.3   -0.6     -1.0    +0.9 5.79  23.20  7.47   23.88 21. 85 23.10   18.42   23.35   21.44   24.10    7.37   23.02     5.90 5.90  23.08  7.49   23.78 21.43 23.19    18.08   23.19   21.43   23.78    7.49   23.08     5.90        6
             -1. 9  +o.5  -0.3    +0.4 +2.0 -0.4       +1.9    +0.7      o.o   +1.3   -1.6     -0.3      0.0 4.06    7.06  21.09 21. 91    7.38 23.09 7.27    22.04     7.15  23.30     7.41 21. 84    21. 27   6.94 3.90 4.04    7.04  20.80 21.90     7.38 23.19 7.17    21.61     7.17  23.19     7.38 21.90    20.80     7.04 4.04    7
     +o.5    +0.3   +1.4   o.o      0.0 -0.4 +1.4      +2.0    -0.3    +o.5    +0.4   -0.3     +2.3    -1.4 -3.5
4. 84 21. 85 23.37 7.34 24.22 18.65 22.29 21.17 21. 92 18.52 24.04 7.33 23.50 21.87 4.67
4. 82 22.09 23.15 7.29 23. 72 18.08 21.61 21. 29 21.61 18.08 23. 72 7.29 23.15 22.09 4.82 8
     +0.4    -1.1   +1.0  +O. 7   +2.1 +3. 2 +3.1      -0.6    +1.4    +2.4    +1.3   +0.5     +1.5    -1.0 -3.1 4.01    7.09  21.06 21.85     7.36 23.26 7.26    21. 78    7.21  23.15     7.46  21. 74   21.44    7.16 3.99 4.0L    7.04  20.80 21. 90    7.38 23.19 7.17     21.61    7.17  23.19     7.38  21. 90   20. 80   7.04 4.04 9
     +0.7    +0.7   +l. 3 -0.2    -0.3 +0.3 +1.3       +o.8    +0.6    -0.2    +1.1   -0.7     +3.1    +1. 7 -1.2
5. 71 23.20 7.44 24.00 21.49 23.22 18.11 23.12 21. 77 23.78 7.44 23.15 5.96 5.90
             -3.2 23.08
                    +o.5 7.49
                          -0.7 23.78 21.43 23.19
                                  +0.9 +0.3 +0.1 18.08
                                                       +0.2 23.19
                                                               -0.3 21.43
                                                                       +1.6 23.78 0.0 7.49
                                                                                      -0. 7 23.08
                                                                                               +0.3 5.90
                                                                                                                --  10 4.14   6.83 22.26     7.52 23.87 7.33     23.86    7.20  23.67     7.43  22.34     6.91    4.25 4.22   6.87 22.08     7.53 23.78 7.38     23.72    7.38  23.78     7.53  22.08     6.87    4.22       11
             -1.9   -0.6  +0.8    -0.1 +0.4 -0.7       +0.6    -2 .4   -0.5    -1. 3  +1.2     +0.6    +0.7 4.87  6.96    22.21 7.44 21.62      7.20   21.70    7. 39 22.21    6.88     4.89 4.74  6.78    22.08 7.49 21.90      7.29   21.90    7.49   22.08   6.78     4.74               12
                    +2.7  +2.7    +o.6 -0.7 -1. 3       -1. 2  -0.9    -1.3    +0.6   +1.5      +3. 2 4.84     6.84 23.01 21.31    23.29   21.41   23.06    6.80   4.82 4.74     6.87 23.08 20. 80   23.15   20.80   23.08    6.87   4.74                        13
                          +2.1     -0.4 -0.3 +2.5      +o.6    +2.9    -0.1    -1.0    +l. 7 4.15 5.85 7.02      22.24    6.96    5.83    4.12 4.22 5.90 7.04      22.09    7.04    5.90    4.22                               14
                                   -1. 7 -0.8 -0.3     +0.7    -1.1    -1. 2   -2.4 PREDICTED                           3.88    4.66    3.89 4.04    4.82    4.04                                               15 MEASURED
             % DIFFERENCE                       -4.0    -3.3   -3.7 DATE       DECEMBER 31, 1975                                                         BURNUP TILT CORE AVERAGE BURNUP             6090 MWD/MTU                                         NW   --: 1.000 NE   -   1.001 SW   -   1.000 SE   -   0.999 11

UV.L\..L\..L U.Ll.L..L L. - V.L.VJ..1.i.:, L.

                                                                                                       .1.* -LUUJ.\..L:.I  ~  e..Le ""t BATCH DEFINITION R      p   N       M      L    K           J           II      G                F   E    D       C  B               A
                         .                                                        I   I I I             4B          4B       4B I   I 1

4B 4B 4B 2 4B 4B 4B 2 4B 4B 2 3Al 2 3Al 2 4B 4B 3

          . 4B     4A       2  4A           2           4A       2              4A    2   4A      4B                        4 4B  4B       2     4A   2         4A              2     4A               2   4A    2      4B 4B                     5 4B   2     4A       2  3Al          2           3Al       2             3Al   2 . 4A      2  4B                     6 4B     4B  3Al      2     4A   2           4A          3Al      4A              2   4A    2      3A 4B             4B      7 4B     2    2       4A     2  3Al         3Al          1A2     3Al             3Al   2   4A      2   2             4B      8 4B     4B  3Al        2   4A   2           4A          3Al       4A             2   4A    2    3Al  4B             4B      9 4B   2       4A     2  3Al          2           3Al       2             3Al   2   4A      2  4B                   10 4B  4B         2   4A   2           4A            2     4A               2   4A    2      4B 4B                   11 4B       4A     2   4A          2           4A        2              4A   2   4A      4B                      12 4B    4B   2          3Al            2     3Al              2   4B   4B                              13 4B   4B          4B            2     4B               4B  4B                                   14 15 4B          4B      4B BURNUP SHARING (103 MWD/MTU)

NO. OF INITIAL ASSYS. ENRICHMENT REGION w/o U235 CYCLE 1 CYCLE 2 TOTAL 1A2 1 1. 86 16.48 4.69 21.17 2 52 2.56 17.02 5.88 22.90 3Al 20 3.11 14.32 6.60 20.92 4A 32 2.61 - 7.31 7.31 4B 52 3.10 - 5.38 5.38 CORE AVERAGE 6.09 13.57 12


        !.i               : 1 i 1  :  : 
        ':. i-.'"       ! :. .~.l _'.~i~

1 14,00 CYCLE 1 BURNUP (MWD/MTU) 12,00 10,00 8,000 6,000 11  ! ' I : __ , i '..... I i,

           ,:I I,*** I *
  • j!
                                                                     ---DESIGN        'i i
I MEASURED 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10,000 CORE BURNUP (MWD/MTU) 13

SURRY UNIT 2 - CYCLE 2 2.2.1 CRITIC.AL BORON CONCENTRATION VERSUS BURNUP 1400- --lllll!lal------........,.....................--i-.-,-....,..-..,.I .....,........,........ 1**

                           -- *:~.
                                                                                      - -*tI - ------;-I

(;_. i. I , 1 -------- _.II ___ _ 1 --1 . l-'

                   -----*-------*---- -- ~-*-----*------'-         --------~------ ------ *i**-----  ----*! -        :              :       .. :---                 I   : ----!----*** ----;-------
                             - l:____                    i                  !:                             1 j                 __ . _                ---1 _:. -'- ..-J - ;__ :
  • 1---r-1~--+-~t *----r-~---  :-* *-~r~:- - * .---:1_~-:_ *J.-~~---r,f--'---*

_ 1

                       --~~ -~ .:r-~-:--:-r---;---

1 1200 I 1 I * , ,I . , I T-

, 1 * , 1 I -

r--~T~-:-ll-_ --~--~---- --i----~- f

                                      ;_--T~ :::
                                    --,,-::-*7-r_:_*1-:::-+ -T:--;- --~1-=--;:_--~-, :--~~~ -=-=---r- _:. 1-- -t-:- -=-t-. -:-:-:-___ ,                            --:----r-T----r :~~-:--


                      - ~r ;_:
                        ~                  =~~- -:_
                  ~::,::~ -__ :_ ~-J~r: =* :. *
                                                      ~l-~~-i f/l-: =d.

I- __ '.: -.t--*;-r;_-::-~---~ +-=--:- - --~-~---,--=+-+~~:

                                                                                                                   -f--~r~it~                                              t--=:i~-,-~----
ri.. ;=*r - ***!ilf=T~f~.t,_tf1. r*_*** :=
      ;:E:                                                            i            I        ;___: _i -- , -                                            --=-,b-- ___J ____

p.., p..,

   .__,                                                     1   1 1

z0 H -1  : - * - - 1

  • 1 1 i 1- T 1 , i - 1 * *1 -
     ~      800 zH

I-' ~ u z0 u z

   ~        600 0

u H H H p:: u 400

                    -;<1--: --; _; :--[ --:~l~j~-~-r ~-~--+-~--:--::.~,-- J 'l +-, . -; [ ;-~
                  ----~-+:--~_: ~: --~4~~L--~~~:-)=--:-                     ,_:_/:_~: -~--: -~-: -- !--- :--~:-F~-~----L- t-:_-~ - ~ j.:~~-:F+

22 : r *- , :-_" . . I : .. --- ! -- I !

                       -f:J- -J-~JEf-_; J,J.!£7. -7J ~- +i*c i
                  -      -- '               i:    - : -: - .                                                                                               i                  I - -        ,    ;

1 200

                                                           '4. ' ].                                                                                            t *. I
                  .-l~ 1~r=_;l~-1 ~;~I I- I-2~-1]~---~.*. r=--~i-~ J-t- r. *.~
                       ,. -* .. '::cT *. '              I                          I           . e       .   !. I *. ' .            .      * *. - I      *                                + ..

1 1 1:~ 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10,000 12,000 14,000 CORE BURNUP (MWD /MTU)




                                                                                !NH HOT F~ HOT CHANNEL FACTOR          CHANNEL FACTOR             TILT BANK                                         T(l)                   F1i(2)                 DELTA                 NO.* OF MAP          DATE      %    D       CORE       ASSY. PIN    AXIAL   F       ASSY. PIN            MAX      QUAD   FLUX         BURNUP   MONITORED NO.                   PWR (STEPS)                              POINT    Q                      ll H            LOC     (%)        (MWD/MTU) THIMBLES Fz S2-2-6       6/23/75  100  209     1.215       L-11      DJ      23    1.879   L-11     DJ     1.489  1.004     NW    +4.12         170         49 S2-2-7       7/15/75  100  210     1.200       F-4       LJ      23    1.842   F-4      w      1.496  1.006     NW    +2.45         730         49 S2-2-11 ( 3) 8/19/75   99  207     1.161       B-9       DJ      34    1.824   B-9      DJ     1.474  1.003     SW    -0.05        1875         so S2-2-12      9 /16/75  96  208     1.139       B-9       DJ      34    1.746   F-4      LJ     1.438  1.002     SW    -0.08        2790         49 s2-2-1s< 4)  10/23/75  99  216     1.123       B-9       DJ      44    1. 722  B-9      DJ     1.457  1.003     SW    +o.51        3750         44 S2-2-16      11/14/75 100  216     1.127       N-5       LI      45    1.648   L-11     DJ     1.390  0.996     NW    -0.59        4520         47 S2-2-17      12/18/75 100  225     1.114       B-9       DJ      46    1. 646  E-7      w      1.422  1.001     NW      o.oo       5650         43 NOTES:   Hot spot locations are specified by giving assembly locations (e.g. H-8 is the center-of-core assembly), followed by the pin location (denoted by the "y" coordinate with the fifteen rows of fuel rods lettered A through 0, and the "x" coordinate designated in a similar manner). In the "z" direction the core is divided into 61 axial points starting from-the top of the core.

T (1) FQ includes a measurement uncertainty of 1.05 and an engineering uncertainty of 1.03. (2) N

                                             ~  H includes a measurement uncertainty of 1.04.

(3) Maps S2-2-8, S2-2-9, and S2-2-10 were taken as part of a special load reduction test. (4). Maps S2-2-13 and S2-2-14 were quarter-core maps taken for I/E calibration,

SURRY UNIT 2 - CYCLE 2 FIGURE 2.3.1 ASSEMBLYWISE POWER DISTRIBUTION - p N M_____ ____L J H .. F _____ ,_E________ !)_____ C 8

                                                        *--~---                              *---~                                                                      A_. - -*--**-* -


  • 0.62
  • 0.74. 0~62_. PREDICTED
HAclJkED ~ 0~66
  • 0.78
  • 0.65 * .. MfASUR[O l
  • PCT ulffERENCE. 5.6
  • 5 .4
  • 4 .t, *
  • 0.68 * ~.97
  • 1.16. 0.82 * )~16. 0.97. 0.68 *
                                                                                                                                           .PCT DIFFERENCE.
  • 0.10
  • o.97
  • 1.18
  • o.84. 1.19. 1.00. o.6&. 2
  • __ 2.8_. -0.l __
  • ____ l .. 4 ___
  • __ l_.7 __
  • __ 2_.8 __* __ 2.8_. _ 0 .* 1 .......... .
  • o.eo. 1.14
  • o.95. 1.05. o.s2. 1.05. o.95
  • 1.14
  • *
  • 0.01 .* 1.11
  • o.92
  • i.o~
  • 0.82. 1.01. o.9a
  • 1.14
  • 0.11. .3_

1.6. -2.6 * -3.l ; -O.l. -0.3. 1.4*.* z.5~ ~0.3. -3.8 *

  • 1.16 *. 1.06
  • 1.21
  • 1.02
  • 1.21
  • 1.02 1.21. 1.06. 1.16.
  • 1.15
  • 1.00
  • 1.2s : *1.04 -~ 1.22 ~- i~o4* -~ i~29 -~--*1.05 --~ 1.u ** -o.n
  • 4 l_-2 * -1.4'. *-5.8 * -1.6
  • 1.4
  • l.O
  • 1.3
  • 2.2 * -1.5 * -.4.7 * -2.5 *
  • O.f,e 1.14
  • l.06 1.28 O.'JB 1.23* 0.99 . f~23". 0~98 -- *1.2s -**1*.06 *- 1.14 0.68
  • 0.6&. 1.14. 1.04. 1.26
  • 0.97
  • 1.21
  • 1.02
  • 1.26. 1.01
  • 1.28. 0.98
  • 1.12
  • 0.72. 5 0.3. o.3. -2.1_
  • __ -1.0 ... ! ... ::-:1.o_. 3.0_!_.~-~-*---2*.~--~---~-3. 0!_2 __! __ :-?.*9. -1.s__
  • 6._o. ---*-**--
  • 0.97
  • 0.95
  • 1.27. 0.99
  • 1.00. 0.93. 1.09
  • 0.93
  • 1.00. 0.99. 1.21. 0.95
  • 0.97.
  • o.97
  • o.95
  • 1.25. o.95
  • 1.00
  • o.97. 1.13. o.95. 1.02
  • o.97. 1.21 *. o.93
  • o.99
  • 6
           . -o. o * -o .o * -1.4 * * :-3*.       ,r -~    *o. 5 * :- -*,.-;.1 * *** *3 ;3-* ;-
  • 2*.-9--:- 2 ;*2*-.-~i-~ 1 *-;-~4 .4--;* ~-2 ~ i --.** 2.2*- ;-----*
  • o.62
  • 1.05. 1.02 .*1.23
  • o.93
  • 1.10
  • 1.06. 1.1s. o.93. 1.23
  • 1~02.* 1.05
  • 1.16. o.62 *
  • O.o&
  • 1,19
  • 1.05. 1.02. 1.21
  • 0_-94 -~- f.24 -~*1.10 _--i.z1-:*0;96*--;,-*1;2r:*1.oo:-;;-- i.05* ~--1.15 ;--0.62-;*----...,
  • 7
  • 2
  • 9 * -0. 2 * -o .* 6 * - l
  • 7
  • 1
  • 5
  • 5. 4
  • 4. 0 *, 3
  • 0
  • 2
  • 9
  • 0. 4 * -2
  • b * -o. 2 . * -o. 7
  • 0. 2 *
  • 0.12
  • o.e2. 0.82. 1.21. o.99
  • 1~09. 1.06*--.-*1r.15-*; *1-.ot.-:*T~09**-~*-,f;9,r-:**1~*21. o.e2: 0.1~ ---------
  • 0.74
  • G.o5
  • 0.~3. 1.22. 1.00
  • 1.12
  • 1.12
  • 0.77
  • 1.09
  • 1.12
  • 1.00. 1.20
  • 0.83
  • 0.64
  • 0.73
  • 8 9,o
  • 3.8
  • l.2. 1.2 ~ 1.5
  • 2.8
  • 5.8
  • 3,4
  • 2.5
  • 2.8
  • l.2 * -0.7. 1.2
  • 1.9. 0.8 *
  • 0.62
  • 1.10
  • 1.05
  • 1.02
  • 1.23
  • o *.93
  • 1.1a
  • 1.06
  • 1.1e
  • o.93
  • 1.23
  • 1.-02
  • 1.05
  • 1.16
  • 0.62 *
  • o.69
  • 1.1a
  • 1.03. 1.03 ~ 1.25. o.95
  • 1.20
  • 1.00; 1.20. o.95
  • 1.26. 1.04. 1.os
  • 1.1e. o.62. 9 c-,.1
  • 2.1 * -1.1. 0.3. 2.2 -:;-*-*1.e*--;- 1.1-:* i.4---~- *L*6*-~---i~-5*:- 2J. -~--- i.4*-~----2°.4*_--- *2.1-.---0*:6-;------
  • 0.97
  • 0.95 1.27. 0.99. 1.00. 0.93
  • 1.09
  • 0.93. 1.00. 0.99
  • 1.27. 0.95
  • 0.97 *
            . o.n .       o.<Jo
  • 1.25
  • 1.00 ** 1.01 -*: 0:93 *-.- 't.o*r* :-*o:91-:-*-<f.99**-:--o.-9s--;--*1.2a-*~*--o.91*. 1.00* ;-- *-- *-*-*--10
            * -5.o.       -5.o.    -1.2
  • 1.s
  • 1.s
  • o.7. -2.0 * -2.1. -1.0. -0.2
  • 1.1
  • 2.2
  • 2.9 **
  • 0.60
  • 1.14 1.06
  • 1.28 _- 6.98 ; *i.i3". 0~99
  • 1.23
  • 0.98
  • 1.28
  • 1.06
  • 1.1;.**;**0~68---~----------.--*---
  • u.67
  • 1.13
  • l,Ob. 1.29
  • 0.99
  • 1.19
  • 0.92
  • 1.14
  • 0.93
  • 1.27
  • 1~07
  • 1.16
  • 0.70
  • 11
            * -1.3 * -1.3 * -0.2_
  • 1.3 * . 0.4 * -2.9 * -b.6 * -7.0 *. -5.l ~ -0.6 .* 0.6
  • l.6
  • 2.7 *
                             ~                                                                                                ~                                     ~
  • o.eo 1.16. 1.06. 1.21
  • 1.02
  • 1.21
  • 1.02. 1.21. 1.66
  • 1.16. *
  • 0.82. 1.19. I.OB
  • 1.25
  • 0.99
  • 1.17. 0.98. 1.23
  • l.05. 1.16. Q.81
  • 12 2.4 ~ 1.9 *. 1.2 .- ...:1~0 --~- -2.8 * -3.6 * -4.6*. -2.9* :**-1.c', --~ -0*.1 --~ 1.7 ~-
  • 1.14
  • o.95
  • 1.05
  • o.a2
  • 1.05. 0.95. 1.14
  • *
  • 0.01. 1.1s
  • o.94 ** 1.04
  • o.s2
  • 1.05. o.94 ; 1.13-*; 0.00. 13 1.4. O.b * -0.9 * -1.4 * -0.3. -0.0. -1.4. -1,3. 0.5 *
                                       - . o.os. 6.97. 1.10 .-o.s2**~--1~*i-6. o*.97*;-,f.bB ________ _
  • 0.68
  • 0.98
  • 1.11
  • 0.83. 1.18. 0.97. 0.66. 14 o.6. o.9
  • o.6
  • o.a
  • 1.4. 0.1 .*-1.a
  • 0.62
  • 0.74. 0.62
  • 0.63. 0.75
  • 0.63. .PCT DIFFERENCE. 15
  • 1.3
  • 1.5
  • 1.9 * * = 2.2 **- -*----*

MAP NO. S2-2-6 DATE 6/23/75 POWER - 2441 MWT CONTROL ROD POSITIONS FN =1.489 AT Lll-DJ* INCORE TILT t, H BANK CAT 228 STEPS F~ =1.879 AT Lll-DJ* NW - 1.004 BANK D AT 209 STEPS, =l. 22 NE - 1.001 BANK P/L 228 STEPS A.0.=+4.12% SW - 0.999 BURNUP= 170 MWD/MTU SE - 0.996

      *Includes uncertainties 16


           --*-*---*-*-* ----~-   -- ----**-    **-***--- ---*


          • -
  • u.b4. u.7o. u.b-.
  • o.65. u.7b
  • o.65.

2.0. 1.9. 1.7. Pf:.t.ulCTEu MlA!>URt:.u

                                                                                                                                                     .P/C Dlrrc:RlNCE.
  • l -
  • u.70. 0.98. L.lo. u.b-. 1.10. 0.9ij
  • u.7u. -*--* . - ***-- *-----*----------
  • 0.70
  • L.97. 1.15
  • 0.o~. 1.17. U.99
  • 0.69
  • 2 u.~. -~.9. -u.7. -u.~. u.2
  • 1.u. -u.a.

u.01 0.9b l.Oj U.b4 1.05

  • U.9o. l.~o.
  • u.~1. 1.12. u.93. 1.04. u.02. 1.04. u.96. i.15. o.79.

u.u. -L-~. -~-1. -1.1. -L-~. -u.~. U.9. -L.ti. -~.v .

  • u.ol
  • l.!7. l.u~. 1.20. l.ul. l.Ll. l.Ul
  • l.Lo. i.U~. 1.17. *
  • u.ul
  • l.~5. i.Ou. l.L3. 1.01. l.21
  • 1.01
  • 1.27. 1.04. l.13
  • U.bU *
                            * -u.l * -1.b ~ -5.0. -1.9. -u.2
  • u.l * -0.2
  • 0.7. -1.2. -2.~. -~.3 *
                 .. ~: ?~.:. i::;.: -~:~;-: -~:;~ .. ::~-;. :* i:~~.:. ~:~;.:. i::i. :* ~:-~;.:. i:2~.:. i:~;.:. ::1~.:. ~: -;~ ~: *-""*----------****- ----
  • u.L~
  • 1.1~. l.~4*. 1.26. o.9b. 1.23. 0.~9. 1.2~. 0.9a. 1.20. 1.01. 1.15. o.72. 5
                 * -~.o * -t,.o. -1.o. -0.~. -~.7. l . j . l.~. 1.2. u.E. -u.~. -~.7. -U.4. ~.7.
  • O.'JL. O.'Jo. *l.~o. u.97. 0.9'J. u.'J~. l.07. 0.92. D.99. 0 * .,7
  • 1.2b. u.Vb
  • O.Yb *
  • O.'Jo. U.9 . . . l.L~. U.':16. l.OU. 0.94. 1.09. 0.93. 0.99. O.~o. 1.22
  • u.':15. 1.00. b
                 * -1.b. -1.o. -....~"'-*                    u.7.          l.b.       2.2*. i.':I.      *1.4 ***   u.7. -u.9 ~ -2.7 ~ -u.11.
  • 1.9.
  • u.o ... l.u:,. i..ul
  • i.21 u.92 l.lo 1.0-. L'.92 l.:t! i.ul l.u:, O.b-
  • u.ov
  • 1.17
  • 1.02
  • l.uu
  • 1.22
  • 0.94
  • 1.2u
  • l.uo *
  • 1.18
  • L.'J . . . l.L2
  • u.99 _- 1.0:. ** ~ o * .,.; ** *-----7 1.2. J.oU. - * * ~ . -u.b ** 0.5. 2.1. J.A. 2.1
  • 1.2
  • l . 7 . 0.1. -2.4. -U.3. o.2. o.- .
     . .~: ;~.:.:: :: .:.G: ~:-:. i: :-i *** G: ~; ... i :G;.:.:: ::.:.::;~.:. :: G:.:. i: ~; ... :: 91 ... ~ :; i.:. G: ::.:.:: ~:-:. ~: 1; *.
     * ~.du. 0.~o. u.6 ... 1.i1. o.98. l.uY. 1.u1. o.7n. 1.06. 1.10. u.9a. 1.20. u.~4. O.oS. o.77.                                                                                                                           b 7.u. 2.l
  • u.-.. -u~~. u.5. 1.2
  • 3.3. 2.6. 2.3. 2.6. 1.0. -0.9. U.6. i . l . 2.a.
     .*u.o. . . l.lo. l.U~. l.Jl
  • l.2L U.'J2 l.O~ I.lo. U.92. 1.21 1-ul
  • 1.u5 1.16. U.b- *
  • 0.06. l.lo. l.u~
  • i.~l ** 1.22. J.93. l.l.,. 1.07. 1.2a. 0.94. 1.23
  • 1.01
  • 1.06. 1.19. 0.67. 9
         *,.L. *       .loO  * -u.'J ** -u.2*
  • G.2
  • u.7
  • l.9
  • 2.'J *  :,.1
  • 2.0
  • i.4 * *-u.1 ~ o.7 .* 2.6 * ~-5--.----*---**
  • u.~o * ~-~o. l.~b. ~.97 L.~~. v.~l
  • l.U1. J.~2. ,J.~~. ~.~)
  • 1.2b. t i . ~ ~ . ~-~b *
  • i.J.',lj. u.4/.J. 1-.a:."t. u.'J7. lJ.LJ'!. 0.9:,. l.Uc.. Li.9~. U.4b. u,"'JO ~ l . L j . \.J.'lo. v.~.:.,. *-*-* .. -------**-**-10*-
                 * -~.~. -~.b. ~~ .* 4 * -o.3. u.4. i . ~ . 1.2
  • 0.~. -u.7 * -i.j . -G.~ * ~.O
  • l.4 *

u.7u. 1.u~ 1.2c u.'J7 i.21 u.Yl i.Ll u.Yl*. 1.2c. 1.05 l.lo U.7U

  • 0.b~. l . i 5 . l.~~. l.~5. 0.Yb. l.~u. 0.~o. l.lti
  • 0.93. i.~~. l.0~. l . l b . 0.7u
  • H
                  * -..;.6 * -v.6 * -u. 7              * -G.6 * -J.5 * *               -().<;  *   -;;*.5 * -:::.* o * -2.2 ** -v * .,.
  • u * .:,
  • 1.3 *
  • u.cJ.
  • J..1..7 1.1 *1
  • u.b~
  • l.i~ .. l.u~. 1.23. u.~~. i . l ~ . 0.~9. i.2~
  • l.u3
  • l.l~
  • C.b~ *
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  • U.di .* ~l~lo
  • 0.~o. l.G~ 0.~~. i.~~ * ~-~t~. ~.lo
  • o.Lli *
                                        * ,.u.(.;.~ :..,l.1i
  • u.":I;;
  • 1.u;..
  • u.c., .... *
  • 1.0"1-
  • u.9...-
  • 1.1~
  • 0.01. * ... **-***-* -*--... **--* . **** 13 i.£
  • 1.u. -1.1 * -1.t. -u.~. -u.1. -l.c * -1.~. -u.~.
                                                                                                          .t. io    u*.C..,i.~   . u.*,u u.~. -u.~ . -1.0. -~.~ .
  --------------------------------****                         l
  • L:
  • i.:.,
  • l.! *
                                                                                   * ~.v~. U.'lo. U.6~.
  • U.o~. U.17
  • u.c~ .

PK!:OlCTt:O MlA~lJkl:u L.O.. 1:2

  • 0.1 * -*-** *--*******---.~~*-~*-*-- .~/C *;,11--Flki":i'<i:'.°E:.

MAP NO. S2-2-12 DATE 9/16/75 POWERN 2343 MWT CONTROL ROD POSITIONS FNH =1.438 AT F4-LJ* INCORE TILT BANK CAT 228 STEPS F~ =1. 746 AT B9-DJ~( NW - 1.000 BANK DAT 208 STEPS FZ =1.14 NE - 1.000 BANK P/L 228. STEPS A.0.=-0.075% SW - 1.002 BURNUP= 2790 MWD/MTU SE - O. 999

                   *Includes uncertainties 17


                                         "                 L              K               J                  H                                F PIUOICTl::D
  • O.o9. 0,82
  • o.68
  • o.e1
  • o.67 *.
  • MEASURED o 1
            ............. .~.
  • PCT Ulf*FERENCE-~ * -0.9 * -0.9 * -1.b * ,PCT DIFF-E.RENCE *
  • 0.71
  • 0.98
  • 1.16. 0.89
  • 1.16. 0.9li
  • 0.11 *
                                               ... 0.10              *. 0.99 ..*. 1.17. 0.89 .....1.15 .* -0.95- *.. 0.69 .....--
                                                                         ......* ..1.04
                                                            .. ....*.... o.9s             .....*..o.e1
                                                   * -0.9. 0.1
  • 0.2
  • 0.1 * -1.5. -3.3. -3.3 *
                                    ..o...79....* .1.13                                                    ...........1.04    ......o.95                ...........a...79....*.
                                                                                                                                            .. ..*... 1.13
                                    *. o.7b. 1.12
  • o.96. 1.os
  • 1.04. o.94. 1.11
  • 0.1a
  • 3
                                    * -D.9. -0.9
  • 0.7
  • 0.9
  • 1.0
  • 0.1. -1.7. -1,7 *. -1.4.
                      * (J.7*9
  • 1.11
  • 1.02. 1.22. 1.00
  • l.19. 1.00. 1.22
  • 1.02
  • 1.11. 0.79 *
  • o.1e. 1.*11. 1,03
  • 1.22
  • 1.01
  • 1.22
  • 1.01
  • 1.22
  • 1.02
  • 1.11. 0,78
  • 4
                      * -1.0 * -0.2 *. u~7 .* o.4. ll.8. 2.0 *.. 1.2. -o.o *. -0.1 *.. -0.6 *. -i.3 *
  • U,71 1.13. 1,02 1.22
  • 0.98
  • 1,20
  • 0.98
  • 1,20. 0.98
  • 1,22
  • 1.02
  • 1.13
  • 0.71 *
  • o. 70
  • 1.12
  • 1.02 .* 1.24
  • 0.98
  • 1.20 ~ 1.00
  • 1.22 ';. .. 0.98
  • 1.23 *. l.01
  • 1.12
  • 0.10 * .5
          * -1.l * -1.l a 0.2
  • 1,4
  • 0,1. -C.4
  • 1.7
  • 1,3 * -0.l. 0.2 * -1,1. -1.3 * -1,1 *
  • o.95
  • 1.22
  • 0.9e
  • 1.02
  • 0.95
  • 1.0&
  • o.95. 1.02
  • 0,98
  • 1.22. CJ.95
  • o.98 .*
  • L.9o * ~.94. 1.21. 0.98 ** 1.02
  • 0.96. 1.11
  • 0,96. l.Ol
  • 0.97. 1,21
  • 0,94
  • 0.96
  • 6
          * -1.6 * -1.6. ~0.4 .*. u.o
  • 0.5
  • 1.5
  • 2.b
  • 1.1. -0.7. -o.s. -0.6. -1.6 * -1.6.
                                                                                                                  • ~--~
  • L.69
  • 1.16. l.~4. 1.00. 1,20
  • 0,95
  • l,17
  • 1,05
  • l,17
                                                                                                                                     ......0.95~ ........***.**.........*...*...*..*.*.
  • l,20
  • l-00. 1.04
  • 0,b9 *
  • o.&7
  • 1.11
  • 1.03. 1.01. 1.22
  • o.96. 1.20
  • 1.07. 1.19. O,Q6. 1.23. 1.os. 1.06. 1.16. o.69. 7
  • . -2.;;:
  • 0,5 ....-1.2 * ,.. 0,6 .*.. 1.1. .* 1.5
  • 2.2 ....... 2.1_._ 1.1 ... l,b
  • 2.1.. ____ 4.1 __* ___ 2.0 ...-C:.6 *- 0.4 *
  • ~;*
  • O.S6
  • o.~l
  • D.91. 1.21 .* 1.01 .* 1.10 *. l.07 *. 0.79 .* 1.06 ... 1.12. 1.02 .* ,1.25. 0.91 *. 0.92. 0.82. __ a
   ... o * ::.c, * :;.1. 1*.a
  • 2.2
  • 1.a
  • 2~1
  • 1.0
  • 1.1. ::,.s
  • 3.2
  • 4,7. 4.o *. 3.2
  • 0.1 *
  • 0.69. 1.1b. 1.lJ4 *.,~*-**************************************************************~******************

.*.................*.. 1.00 ... 1.20(.*. 0.95*. 1.11 .*. 1.os. 1.11 ... o.95 *. 1.20 *. 1.00. 1.04. 1.1b. o.69_. ______ _

  • ~.oS
  • 1.19
  • l.Ob. 1.02 ::1.21 ~ 0.96
  • 1,21
  • 1,06
  • 1.18. 0.9b. 1.21 ., .l.00. 1,07 ,. 1.19. *0,68. 9
  • -0. <,
  • l *9
  • 1* 9
  • l *5
  • 0*b
  • l *6
  • 2. 9
  • l *3
  • 0*7
  • 0 *8
  • 0. o * -0
  • l
  • 2*4 ~ 2* .4* ; -0. 5 *
  • c.9u
  • o.95
  • 1.22
  • o.9f.l
  • 1.02
  • o*.95
  • 1.ou
  • o.95
  • 1.02 .* o.91:1
  • 1.22
  • 0,95
  • o.98 *
          * (J.97
  • 0.94
  • 1-,21,. 0.9U
  • 1.03
  • 0,97
  • 1,10
  • 0.96
  • 1.02
  • 0.96
  • 1.18
  • 0.92
  • 0.97
  • 10
           * -o.,:, * -o.<.,, .... -o.s * -u.2.. 1.1
  • 2.8 - 2.1 __
  • o.9 *. -o.c, *. c-1,4 ..... -3.o ... -3.2 ._-1.1
  • ___

0.11 1.13 1.02 1.22 o.9a 1.20

  • o.98 1.20 o.98 1.22 1.02 1.13 0.11
  • 0.11
  • 1.13
  • 1.01,. 1.22
  • o.98 ... i..22 ** 1.01 .* 1.23. o.97 *. 1.21
  • 1.01 *. 1.14
  • o.n .*. .. .11
          * -u.2 * -0.2. -0.4. -o.7. 0.1
  • 1,3
  • 2.2
  • 2.5. -0.6. -0.1. -o.4. 0.5
  • 3,1 *
  • D.79. 1.11. 1.02. 1.22. 1.00
  • 1.19
  • 1,00. 1.22. 1.02. 1.11. 0,79 *.
  • u.79. 1.11
  • 1.01
  • 1.21
  • o.99
  • l,19
  • 1.00. 1.21
  • 1.01
  • 1.12. 0,81
  • 12 o~~. -o.o. -0.1. -1.1 * -1.0 * -0.2 * -0.1 * -o.9 * -o.4
  • o.5
  • z.7 *
  • o.79 .* 1.13
  • o.95
  • 1.04
  • o.a1
  • 1.04. o.95
  • 1.13
  • o.79 *
  • o.7li. 1.11
  • o.94. 1.02
  • o.u6. 1.03. o.94. 1.13. ~ 13
                                   ** _-o.:z .* -1.9_,_ ..,1.0 ......-:1.s * .,-1.s ...-o.c; -**                                             -1 *. 0 ... -O.b ~.1.4 ***-*--*-- ___________ _
                                                    ~ u.71
  • 0,98
  • 1.16
  • O.b9
  • 1.16. 0.98. 0.71.
                                                -* ._0.10...... o.96 .*.1.14
  • ..*. 1.16
  • o.9B .*___ o_.10 ... ___________ . . ... 1.4
                                                    * -1. 9 * -1
  • 9 * -1 . 7 * -?()
  • 8 * -o
  • l ~ -o * ~ * -1
  • 1
  • ST AND AR 0. -~-. -----------*----* .0. ,i>9.. ~....ll. a2 __ , __Q, 69, __ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ - - AVE RAGE_----*---*--------------


  • 0,67
  • 0,82
  • 0,69 * ,PCT DIFFERENCE. 1S
.u.01c. * -1.9
  • u.2
  • 0.2
  • 1.3
        -***a.a**** a **l*.*...a ._. a_a L   ~ - - - - * * - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. __.__._ . . . . . . a.a..a.*.aa.a ....a *. a. .. aa.a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___._._..._ *.* ......... * ..... 111.Laa.*.--*** - - - - - - - - - - -

MAP NO. S2-2-17 DATE 12/18/75 POWER -2441 MWT CONTROL ROD POSITIONS =1.422 AT E7-LJ* INCORE TILT BANK CAT 228 STEPS =1.646 AT B9-DJ* NW - 1.001 BANK DAT 225 STEPS =1.11 NE - 0.999 BANK P/L 228 STEPS A.O. =0.0% SW - 0.999 BURNUP= -5650 MWD/MTU SE - 1'.001

         *Includes uncertainties 18


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                       +l FIGURE *2.4.1 99.0 99.5 99.6 99.7 99.8 99.90 z_
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- 1_ _ 99.95 ...,


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                        -3 lO I
                        -4 10 JGN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY    JUN
  • e SURRY UNIT 2 - CYCLE 2 FIGURE 2.4.2 1-131/1-133 RATIO vs. TIME 1.4 1.2 1.0 PIN HOLE LEAKS 0

H H L.v L.v ~ 0.8 C"l C"l H I C"l I 0.6 H 0.4 0.2 LARGE LEAKS AND/OR TRAMP URANIUM JUN AUG OCT DEC FEB APR JUN 1975 1976


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CONCLUSIONS The Surry Unit 2-Cycle 2 core has operated for over half of its normal cycle with all performance indicators comparing closely to design predictions and all Technical Specifications limits being met. No abnormali-ties in core.reactivity, power distributions or burnup accumulation have been detected. Radioiodine analyses for Cycle 2 indicates that several fuel defects have occurred; however, the number of defects is small and the integrity of the core remains quite acceptable. As anticipated, fuel densification power spikes have been insignificant during Cycle 2. 35

Appendix A DEFINITION OF TERMS ACTIVITY - Number of nuclear disiritegrations ~er unit time taking place in a radioactive nuclide. Usually expressed in terms of 4

          µCi (3.7 x 10 disintegrations per second).

AXIALLY DEPENDENT HEAT FLUX HOT CHANNEL FACTOR -FQ(Z)- The maximum local heat flux on the surface of a fuel rod at a core elevation Z divided by the average fuel rod heat flux. AXIAL OFFSET - The percent difference between the fraction of total core power produced in the upper half of the core and that produced in the lower half of the core. BATCH - A group of assemblies which are inserted into the reactor at the same time. All of the assemblies in a batch may or may not have the same nuclear characteristics or be discharged at the same time. (See REGION) BORON (Soluble) - A strong neutron absorber which is dissolved in the reactor coolant and used for reactivity control. The boron concentration in the coolant is expressed in terms of parts per million water (ppm). BURNUP - The quantity of energy produced per unit weight of fueL It is a measure of fuel consumption and typically has units of megawatt-days per metric ton of initially contained uranium (MWD/MTU). CRITICAL - Condition in which the neutron chain reaction in a reactor is just self-sustaining. CRITICAL BORON CONCENTRATION - The concentration of soluble boron in the coolant at which the reactor is just critical. CRITICAL HEAT FLUX (DNB) - The point of transition between nucleate boil-ing and film boiling at the coolant-clad interface. Beyond this critical heat flux point, a vapor blanket forms on the cladding surface and acts as an insulator, thereby resulting in abnormally high clad temperatures. DENSIFICATION - A recently discovered phenomenon in which the UQz fuel pellets shrink both radially and axially as a result of neutron irradiation. DENSIFICATION-INDUCED GAPS - When a column of UOz pellets in a fuel rod shrinks due to densification, gaps may be formed in the pellet column. FISSION PRODUCTS - Residual nuclei which are generated during the fission process and which retain nearly all of the energy formed in the process.

FLUX (NEUTRON) - A measure of the intensity of neutrons, i.e., the number of neutrons passing through one square centimeter in one second. FLUX MAP - A three-dimensional representation of the flux distribution throughout the core. It is obtained from measurements made with the movable detector system. (See MOVABLE DETECTOR) HALF-LIFE - Period of time in which a radioactive element decays to half its original concentration. IODINE-131; IODINE-133 - Fission products which, because of their radio-active and chemical properties, can be used to determine fuel clad defects. LINEAR POWER DENSITY - Power generated per unit length of fuel rod. This parameter is a measure of the central temperature of the fuel rod and stored heat. Usually expressed in units of Kw/ft. LOAD FACTOR - The ratio of the actual reactor energy generated over a period of time to the *potential energy which could have been generated by the reactor over that same period of time. MOVABLE DETECTOR - A traversing incore fission chamber which generates a voltage signal proportional to the flux level the chamber "sees". Five such detectors are moved at one time through the core to monitor the flux distribution. A total of 50 locations are -traversed to generate a complete flux map of the core (See FLUX MAP) NODE - The core is divided into 60 equally spaced axial segments by the movable detector monitoring system. Nodal representation is then used by the INCORE program in deriving the power distribut_ions. POWER DENSITY - Power generated per unit volume in the core. Usually expressed in units of Kw/Liter. POWER SPIKE - A local increase in power due to densification-induced gaps in the pellet stack. RADIAL POWER MAP - An X-Y distribution of power on an assembly basis, normalized to the average assembly power. REACTIVITY - In a nuclear reactor, a measure of the departure from a just critical condition. Usually expressed in units of pcm (10-5 ~K/K), it is normal to refer to a pcm quantity of reactivity associated with some component of the reactor since removing that component will change the reactivity of the reactor by that amount.

REGION ...: A group of assemblies which have essentially the same nuclear design characteristics and are inserted into the reactor at the same time. (See BATCH) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - The document setting forth mandatory operational and surveillance requirements for a nuclear facility. It is issued by the NRC as part of the operating license. TILT - A deviation from perfect symmetry. Usually used with respect to radial burnup or power distributions and relates each

            *quadrant to the average of all four quadrants.

XENON - A gaseous fission product which has a very strong neutron absorption capability. Unless controlled, the xenon concentration can shift up and down the axial axis of the core, thereby causing axial power transients. t:, K/K - Mathematical expression for reactivity, where "K" is the ratio of the number of neutrons present in a reactor in any one neutron generation to that in the immediately preceding generation. (See REACTIVITY)

Appendix B TOTE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION TOTE is an isotopic and burnup follow computer program written by the Westinghouse Electric Corporation to accurately keep track of the iso-topic content of the fuel and the accumulated fuel burnup. It is presently operational on the Virginia Electric and Power Company's IBM-370 computer system. In the analysis of in-core flux maps the INCORE code punches out burnup rate information for every fuel region. These regions normally include each fuel assembly (and fueled follower) and about one hundred indi-vidual fuel rods of interest. The burnup rate is given as the megawatt-hours generated in a given fuel region per 1000 megawatt-hours generated by - the core. The total for each fuel region is given as well as the value for each of four axial segments of approximately equal length. In addition, the core average axial power distribution is punched out. The TOTE user inputs: .(a) the core energy (megawatt-hours) associated with each of the above burnup rate decks; (b) cards describing each fuel region (including MTU, corresponding INCORE source number, previous burnup, isotopic depletion type, etc.); (c) tables of the change in isotopics (U-235, U, Pu, etc., up to ten constituents) with burnup; and, (d) the burnup rate decks from INCORE. Printed output includes a listing of the input; core, cycle and fuel region burnup; fuel assembly isotopics; the energy weighted core average.axial power distribution; and the initial and current uranium concentrations for each fuel batch and the core. Isotopic concentrations of the fuel assemblies are obtained by a quadratic interpolation of the data which is contained as part of the input isotopic table sets. Punched output c6nsists of Item (b) above for subsequent TOTE runs.

Appenctix.c FOLLOW PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FOLLOW is a data analysis computer program written by Westinghouse Electric Corporation to process reactor operation data and calculate critical boron concentrations for the reactor operating under nominal conditions. It is presently operational on the Virginia Electric and Power Company's IBM-370 computer system. The FOLLOW Code describes the nearly linear relationship between available core reactivity and cycle burnup. It is most convenient to use boron as a measure of core reactivity with off nominal* corrections being made for power level, xenon and samarium concentrations, coolant temperature, and control rod position in terms of their boron worth. These corrections are made as can be seen from this equation: off nominal corrected or measured reactivity correction nominal boron= boron due to rod group concentration concentration [ 1 position off nominal off nominal

      +     reactivity correction     +        reactivity correction due to rod group                    due to moderator 2 position                          temperature

off nominal reactivity correction + off nominal reactivity correction J due to power due to xenon and samarium behavior Options are chosen so as to satisfy the above equation in ways appropriate to the condition of the reactor and its method of operation. The boric acid concentration in the primary loops of operating PWR's is typically measured one to three times per day. After proper normalization, this data is plotted against cycle burnup and forms the "boron depletion curve."

  • Nominal conditions generally mean hot full power equilibrium conditions with control rods out of the core.

Since this curve is well behaved and nearly linear from beginning to end of the cycle, it can provide the following information:

1) Detection of abnormal (unexpected) behavior in core reactivity. The power station Technical Specifications require boron follow for this purpose.
2) Extrapolation to end-of-cycle life for scheduling refueling, or determina-tion of end-of-life for contractual purposes.
3) Rate of.loss of reactivity with burnup for confirmation of design para-meters.
4) Indication of the need for updating reactivity coefficients needed for plant operation.
5) Best estimate of beginning of cycle, hot-full-power criticality under equilibrium conditions.

Appendix D INCORE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION INCORE is a data analysis computer program written by the Westinghouse Electric Corporation to process information obtained by in-core instrumentation. It is presently operational on the Virginia Electric and Power Company's IBM-370 computer system. In the reduction of in-core flux and temperature measurements the INCORE code performs the following:

1. Reads input consisting of (a) a description of the amount and type of data to be read in (such as number of flux traces and thermocouple readings, etc.); (b) a description of the reactor during the measure-ments (such as power level, inlet and outlet temperature, etc.);

(c) the actual data and information relevant to it (such as the flux thimbles that were used, neutron cross sections of the movable detectors, etc.); (d) analytical information (such as calculated thimble fluxes,calculated fuel assembly power, etc.); and (e) specification of options as to what thimbles will be employed in local power predictions, what calculations are to be done, etc.

2. Corrects raw pointwise flux measurements for leakage current, changes in power level between measurements, relative detector sensitivities, etc., to determine the pointwise reaction rate in the flux thimbles.
3. Compares the measured reaction rates with their design values and rejects data if they differ from expected values by more than an input rejection criteria. An error analysis is performed for subsequent determination of the uncertainty to attach to calculated peaking factors.
4. Computes the relative power produced by each fuel assembly, and in each fuel rod chosen for attention. Local relative power is computed as:

j r Local Power eaction Rate i j Flux Thimble Measured X rReaction Rate in Flux Thimble Analytical Average of Numerator for All Fuel in Core Local absolute power or heat flux is then computed by multiplying the above quantity by the average specific power or heat flux in the core determined from the measured total core power at the time the data were taken. A weighted average of data from nearby thimbles can be used in determining local relative power.

5. Calculates the relative quadrant powers and the core average axial power distribution in the core. The expected and measured power peaking factors are compared for each power generating region.
6. Outputs the twenty highest values of F~H and F~ in descending order with an identifying number so that hot spot locations in the core can be determined.
7. Calculates the local heat flux hot channel factor as a function of core height and compares the values to the Technical Specification limit.
8. Calculates the rate at which burnup is being accumulated for four axial regions for each fueled area.
9. Corrects thermocouple data for calibration, and converts them to local enthalpy. Relative local enthalpy rise is then calculated using the vessel inlet and outlet temperatures and the core bypass

flow. The local enthalpy rise measured by thermocouples is compared with that predicted from flux measurements using relative local flow rates_.

10. Calculates the margin to departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) using the W-3 correlation for selected channels.
11. Lists the plant input data, the analytical parameters used, and the major calculated values.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge the cooperation of the staff at Surry Power Station in supplying the basic data for this report. Special thanks are due Messrs. D. Benson and W. Earl. The authors wish to express their appreciation to Miss K. F. McLaughlin for her assistance in preparing several of the figures and tables that went into this report.

11. 5 CHANGES IN PROCEDURES The following changes were made to the station procedures during the reporting period.

11.5.1 Administrative Procedures A summary of the changes to Administrative Pro-cedures made during the reporting period is presented in Table 10.5.1-1. 11.5.2 Abnormal Procedures A summary of the changes to Abnormal Procedures made during the reporting period is presented in Table 10.5.2-1. 11.5.3 Annunciator Procedures A summary of the changes to Annunciator Procedures made during the reporting period is presented in Table 10.5. 3-1. 11.5.4 Chemistry and Health Physics Procedures A summary of the changes to Chemistry and Health Physics Procedures made during the reporting period is presented in Table 10.5.4-1. 11.5.5 Emergency Procedures A summary of the changes to Emergency Procedures made during the reporting period is presented in Table

10. 5. 5-1.
11. 5-1

11.5. 6 Maintenance Procedures A summary of the changes to Maintenance Procedures made during this reporting period is presented in the following Tables: 10.5.6-1 Mechanical Maintenance Procedures 10.5.6-2 Electrical Maintenance Procedures 10.5.6-3 Instrument Maintenance Procedures

11. 5. 7 Operating Procedures A summary of the changes to Operating Procedures made during this reporting period is presented in the following Tables:

10.5.7-1 Operating Procedures Maintenance Procedures 11.5.8 Periodic Test Procedures A summary of the changes to Periodic Test Procedures made during this reporting period is presented in Table. 10.5. 8-1.

11. 5. 9 Start-Up Test Procedures A summary of the changes to Start-Up Test Procedures made during this reporting period is presented in Table
10. 5. 9-1.

11.5.10 Special Test Procedures A summary of the changes to Special Test Procedures made during this reporting period is presented in Table

10. 5 .10-1.
11. 5-2
11. 6 UNIT 2 MAINTENANCE The following is a summary of the maintenance performed during the report period.
11. 6.1 Unit 2 Mechanical Maintenance A summary of Unit 2 Mechanical Maintenance is tabulated in Table 11.6.1-1.
11. 6. 2 Unit 2 Electrical Maintenance A summary of Unit 2 Electrical Maintenance is tabulated in Table 11.6.2-1.
11. 6. 3 Unit 2 Instrument Maintenance A summary of Unit 2 Instrument Maintenance is tabulated in Table 11.6.3-1.


I-' I-' (J'\ N I

           *4 SURRY POWER STATION MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE JULY THROUGH DECEMBER 1975 UNIT NO. 2 TABLE 11,6,1-1 Precautions Taken To Date   System or Component     Cause of the        Results and Effect             Corrective Action Taken       Provide for Reactor    Time Req'd Involved          Malfunction          On Safe Operation              To Prevent Repetition       Safety During Repair    For Maint.

5-4-75 Safety Injection Below minimum valve None Pad welded to meet acceptance Refueling shutdown 9 hrs. Valve 2-SI-238 wall thickness stand- criteria, MR-S2-3590


5-12-75 Safety Injection Below minimum valve None Pad welded to meet acceptance Refueling shutdown 11 days Valve 2-SI-241 wall thickness stand- criteria, MR-S2-3587 ards. 5-15-75 Residual Heat Removal Below minimum valve None Pad welded to meet acceptance Refueling shutdown 10 hrs, Valve MOV-2720B wall thickness stand- criteria. MR-S2-3594 ards. 5-18-75 Hand Control Valve Below minimum valve None Pad welded to meet acceptance Refueling shutdown 10 hrs, 2-303G wall thickness stand- criteria. MR-S2-3584, ards. 5-19-75 Hand Control Valve Below minimum valve None Pad welded to meet acceptance Refueling shutdown 10 hrs. 2311 wall thickness stand-ards, criteria, MR-S2-3585 ' 5-19-75 Safety Injection Below minimum valve None Pad welded to meet acceptance Refueling shutdown 18 days Valve 2-SI-242 wall thickness stand- criteria. MR-S2-3589, ards. 5-23-75 Residual Heat Removal Below minumum valve None Pad welded to meet acceptance Refueling shutdown 7 days Valve MOV-2720A wall thickness stand- criteria. MR-S2-3593, ards. 5-24-75 Pressure Control Below minimum valve None Pad welded to meet acceptance Refueling shutdown 4 days Valve 2455C wall thickness st'and- criteria. MR-52-3586 ards.

PAGE 2 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req'd Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For !' 5-30-75 Safety Injection Below minimum valve None Pad welded to meet acceptance Refueling shutdown 10 hrs. Valve 2-SI-82 wall thickness stand- criteria. 11R-S 2-3588 ards, 6-3-75 Safety Injection Below minimum valve None Pad welded to meet acceptance Refueling shutdown 6 days Valve 2-SI-239 wall thickness stand- criteria. MR-SZ-3592. ards. 6-7-75 Reactor Conoseals None - Refueling None Removed & replaced conoseals. Refueling shutdown 27 hrs. MR-S2-3695 6-7-75 Safety.Injection Below minimum valve None Pad welded to meet acceptance . Refueling shutdown 10 hrs

  • Valve 2-SI-91 wall thickness stand- criteria. MR-S2-3591 ards.

7-10-75 Main Steam Trip Not enough body to None Ground disc's to allow for Refueling shutdown 60 hrs. Valve,TV-MS-201A & C disc clearance, 83° opening. MR-S2-4189. 7-10-75 Main Steam Trip Valve closed under None Investigated A.O. repaired by Cold shutdown 40 hrs. Valve, TV-MS-201B power operation. *grinding disc to allow for 821:!0 opening. MR-S2-4219. 8-6-75 Containment Inst. Piston - Rings & None Rebuilt Compressor MR-S2-4366 NA 20 hrs, Air Compressors Valves - Heat 8-14-75 Seal Water Injection None - Norcal use None Changed filters MR-S2-4220 NA 68 hrs. Filter 2-CH-FL-4A 8-15-75 Containment Inst, Discharge Valves None Replaced complete high NA 2 hrs, Air Compressor Overheating pressure head. MR-S2-4412 2-lA-C-2B 8-15-751 Main Steam Trip 0-ring, actuator None Renewed pistion on B, 0-rings NA 4 hrs. Valves TV-MS-lOlA,B, piston and rupture discs on A & C C NR-S2-4810 10-9-75 #2 Emergency Diesel Pressure switch, dirt* None Cleaned valve. MR-S2-4751 NA 2 hrs. under valve seat

            . I


""I er
  • e PAGE 3 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req 'c Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For ~faint.

Main Steam Trip Packing None Repacked valve. MR-S2-4764 . Cold Shutdown 2 hrs. 10-10-75 Valve TV-MS-2018 10-10-75 Residual Heat Pump Mechanical Seal None Renewed mechanical seal. Cold Shutdown 4 hrs. 2-RH-P-lB MR-S2-4765 10-10-75 Main Steam Trip Stuffing box flange None Repaired steam cuts. Cold Shutdown 7 hrs. Valve TV-MS-201A & C leak. MR-S2-4549 & 4508 10-11-75 Reactor Coolant Valve Packing None Repacked valve. MR-SZ-4415 Cold Shutdown 4 hrs. 2-RC-14 10-11-75 Bergen-Patterson None - Preventative None Inspected snubbers. MR-S2-4769 Cold Shutdown 4 hrs. Hydraulic Snubbers 10-12-75 Component Cooling Mechanical seal. None Renewed mechanical seal. NA 6 hrs. Water Pump 2-CC-P-2A MR-S2-4335 10-12-75 Steam Generator Gasket - handhole None Replaced handhole cover gasket Cold Shutdown 3 hrs. 2-RC-E-lA MR-S2-4786 11-6-75 #2 Emergency Diesel Relief valve relieved None Reset relief valve. MR-S2-4982 NA 2 hrs. Relief Valve on #3 at 210 PSIG. Air Tank 12-5-75 Service Water Pumps Normal Wear None Replaced pumps with rebuilt NA 3 days to Charging Pumps pumps MR-S2-5107 & 5137 2-SW-P-lOA, B

e* e SURRY POWER STATION ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE JULY THROUGH DECEMBER 1975 _UNIT NO. 2 TABLE 11.6.2-1 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req'd Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition . Safety During Repair For Maint. 7-8-75 Blowdown Valves Clear None Remove jumpers from blowdown None 2~ hrs. valves. 7-10-75 TV-MS-201A Adjustment None Adjusted to a 6° stroke & EMP-C-MS-01 5 hrs. cycled four times. 7-10-75 2-RHR-P-lB Tests None Megger & Bridge tests None 2 hrs. 7-16-75 2-VS-F-60B Load Check None A 55 Amps None ~ hr. B 56 Amps C 54 Amps 7-16-75 2-VS-F-60A Load Check None A 55 Amps None  !:. hr. B 53 Amps C 51 Amps 7-16-75 2-VS-F-60C Load Check None A 55 Amps None ~ hr. B 57 Amps 7-18-75 2-SW-P-4B - Motor running back- Hone Reversed rotation tests ok

  • None ll:. hrs.


        . 7-24-75 TV-BD-lOOA,B,C,D,E,F  .Valves will not open       None                 Jumpered necessary circuit to    None               4 hrs.

open valves entered in log. 7-29-75 2-1A-C-2A Low ~ir Pressure None Took Load Check on both motors None 1 hr. 2-1A-C-2B (normal) 7-29-75 2-CC-P-2B Connect None Connect, megger and bridge None 3 hrs. OK

.t                PAGE 2 Precautions Taken To Results and Effect  Corrective Action Taken       Provide. for Reactor Time Req Date     System or.Component    Cause of the                                                         Safety During Repair  For ~.ain On Safe Operation   To Prevent Repetition Involved         f1alfunction None          Valve stuck turned over to      None                ~hr *.

7-30-75 2-IA-D-1 Air blowing from the

                            . Condensate Trap.                        mechanics Compressor Cycling        None          Repaired fan control switch     None                3 hrs.

7-30-75 2-IA-D-l I 2~ hrs. 2-IA-D-l Bypass valve None Replaced bypass valve to in- None 8-2-75 crease suction. None Install recording amp meters. None ~ hr. 8-6-75 2-IA-Compressors None Found two None Referred to mechanics for None 1 hr. 8-14-75 2-VS-F72 pully. repairs. Broken lug None Found broken lug at *torque None 1~ hrs. 8-15-75 MOV-FW-250B switch repaired and cycled. Mechanical binding None Turned over to mechanics None 2 hrs. 9-16-75 MOV-FW-250B Limit switch None Adjusted limit switch None S2-4631 1 hr. 9-24-75 TV-BD-200B EMP-P-MOV-45 Replaced switch None S2-4824 1 hr. 10-19-75 MOV-FW-160B OT-2 Switch OT-2 Switch EMP-P-MOV-45 Replaced switch .None S2-4823 1 hr. 10-19~75 MOV-CS-200A OT-2 Switch BMP-P-MOV-45 Replaced switch None S2-4825 1 hr. 10-19-75 MOV-RS-255A OT-2 Switch EMP-P-MOV-45 Replaced switch None S2-4826 1 hr. 10-19-75 MOV-RS-256B EMP-P-MOV-45 Replaced switch None S2-4827 1 hr. 10-19~75 MOV-2267A OT-2 Switch EMP-P-MOV-45 Replaced switch None S2-4829 1 hr. 10-20-75 MOV-2275B OT-2 Switch Replaced switch None S2-4828 1. hr. 10-20-75 MOV-2270B OT-2 Switch EMP-P-MOV-45 EMP-P-MOV-45 Checked out O.K. electrically None S2-4845 1 hr. 10-21-75 FCV-FW-250A Mech. binding

(J'\ I l,.l O" l PAGE 3 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken - Provide for Reactor Time Req' Involved 11alfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Rep_etition Safety During Repair For ~.aint 12-2-75 2-SW-P-lOA Defect.ive Motor None Replaced with spare motor and EMP-C-EPL-12 ;3 hrs,45mi

                                     ~earings                                  pump     MR-S2-5118 12-8-75    MOV-CS-200A               None                     None            Verified operability of OT-2   None                15 min.

i switch MR-S2-5149 12..:8-75 MOV-RS-255A None None Verified operability of OT-2 None 15 min. switch HR-S2-5150 12-8-75 MOV-RS-256B None None Verified operability of OT-2 None 15 min. switch MR-S2-5151 12-14-75 l-LW-P-8 Heat tracing inopera- None Replaced strip heaters and None 8 hrs. tive thermostats MR-S2-5156 12-26-75 MOV-MS-204A* Limit switch for None Adjusted limit switch None 1/2 hr, close indication out tfil-S2-5221 of adjustment. 1

      -I     - -           ------- -

1-- e 0 SURRY POWER STATION INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROLS JULY THROUGH DECEMBER 1975 UNIT NO. 1 TABLE 10.6.3.-1 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req'c Involved Malfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For Maint. 7-27-75 P-403 Narrow Range Transmitter zero RHR valve 700 would have been Calibrated transmitter varied Used approved procedure& 1 hr. Reactor Coolant Pres- shift (electronic). blocked at 435.5 PSI instead of pressure numerous times to Reactor at cold shutdown sure Transmitter used 460 PSI actual setpoint (con- assure repeatability, returned for Blocking the open- servative). to service. ing of RHR Isolation Valve 700 on High Pressure. 7-27-75 P-458 Narrow Range Transmitter zero RHR value 701 would have been Calibrated transmitter, varied Used approved procedures. 1 hr. Reactor Coolant Pres- shift (electronic). permitted to open at system pressure numerous times to Reactor at cold shutdown. sure Transmitter used pressure of 507.75 PSI rather assure repeatability, returned for Blocking the open- than 460 PSI+/- 10 PSI (non- to service. ing of RHR Isolation conservative). Valve 701 on High Pressure. 8-22-75 RTD TE-1-422A Opera- Isolation valve pack- Erratic operation of Channel II Placed channel in test, wired Channel in test. Used 5 hrs.  ! tion Erratic Causing ing leak was found to Reactor Coolant Temperature spare in RTD into Channel II approved procedures. Erroneous Indication be spraying on the Protec*tion. Protection. Following repair Proceeded to Hot Shut-on Loop "B" Reactor RTD and lead wires. of the leak the original RTD down Condition. Coolant Protection was again placed in service. 8-22-75 Tave Signal Summator Electronic drift Tave was out of spec. approx. Placed channel in test, cali- Channel in test. Used 1 hr. TM-1-422K caused calibration 10 MV in the conservative direc- brated signal summator to approved procedures. to drift high. tion. OT~T SP was out of spec. proper valves. Checked for low approx. 1%. proper operation and returned to service.

  • e t PAGE 2 Precautions Taken To Date System or Component Cause of the Results and Effect Corrective Action Taken Provide for Reactor Time Req*c Involved  !-!alfunction On Safe Operation To Prevent Repetition Safety During Repair For Xaint.

10-1-75 Reactor Coolant Temp Electronic drift. Caused output of the area temp, Calibrated TM-2-422E and Placed channel in test. 1 hr. L/L Amplifier TM-422E setpoint sunnnator to read 25MV returned to service. Used approved procedure& high approx. 1% of setpoint, unconservative, 10-2-75 Reactor Coolant OP/OT Electronic drift high High output in NM-2-432C resulted Replaced module with a shop Channel in test, used 1 hr. Delta Flux Function in generation of a low OT6T set- spare, calibrated and returned approved procedures. Generator NM-2-432C point = 5% conservative direction to service. 10-20-75 Accumulator Level Electronic drift both The worst drift was experienced Recalibrated transmitters, Reactor at Cold Shutdo,;,,n 3 hrs. Transmitters LT-920, zero and span. in LT-920 which was 163 MV zero design change pending to change used approved procedures 922, 926 and 930 and 55MV span equal to 3.2%, to Rosemount Transmitters during refueling shutdown, 10-30-75 Reactor Coolant Temp. Electronic drift, The drift was in the conserva- Replaced function generator Used approved procedures 2 hrs.

         ~¢ Function Generator                       tive direction and would have     with a repaired unit. Cali-     Placed channel in test.

NM-2-432C Drifted generated a penalty sooner than brated new unit and checked Greater than 1% necessary. for proper operation and re-turned to service, 12-19-75 Over Temp. 6T Set- Electronic drift of Unconservative; This channel Calibrated L/L amplifier. Placed channel in test. 2* -hili point Loop C low level amplifier would not have been generated Performed PT-2.1. Tightened Used approved procedures T-2-432, was found a trip signal until =12% after all state block connections, 4MV out of spec but channel:s .A & B. did not account for the 12% deviation between channels. Suspect faulty con-nection on state block which was cor-rected when Inst. Tech, performed PT-2.1 to determine 1 what the problem was.

11.7 RESULTS OF SURVEILLANCE TESTS The majority of periodic test results for this reporting period were satisfactory; however, the following problems were noted: JULY a) PT-8.1 Reactor Protection Logic (Normal Operating Conditions), 7-03-75. During the performance of this test, the Annunciator Acknowledge button failed to silence the annunciator. Button was repaired. b) PT-8.1 Reactor Protection Logic (Normal Operating Conditions), 7-30-75. Valves TV-BD-200B and TV-BD-200C position indicator lights would not function when valve was shut. A maintenance request was issued. c) PT-34 Electrical Penetration Leak Test. On the dates listed below, the following penetrations indicated a loss of pressure. In each case, the pene-tration was recharged to the correct pressure. 7-02-75 A-3, D-9 7-23-75 A-8, B-1, C-3, D-1, D-2, D-9, E-2 AUGUST a) PT-2.6 Steam Line Pressure, 8-17-75. Lead/Lag PH-2-485B drifted low and could not be realigned. The module was replaced and calibrated. The drift was in the conservative direction.

11. 7-1

b) PT-5.1 Analog Rod Position Instrumentation, 8-25-75. The rod bottom bistables on rods D-10 and J-9 were tripping above the proper setpoint. The bistables were reset to the correct trip setpoint. c) PT-26.1 Radiation Monitoring Equipment Check, 8-18-75. RM-RMS-262 was taken out of service due to constant spiking and Maintenance Order S2-4420 was issued. The monitor will be repaired during the next outage, since the problem is within the detector. d) PT-34 Electrical Penetration Leakage Test. (1) 8-06 The nitrogen pressure on penetrations A-18 A-8, C-3, D-2 and D-1 was low. The penetrations were recharged to the correct pressure. (2) 8-13 The nitrogen pressure on penetration A-3 was low. The penetration was recharged to the correct pressure. e) PT-36 Instrument Surveillance, 8-14-75. The bank overlap program was found to be incorrect. It was determined that the bank overlap counter would not step up and a bank overlap card had to be replaced. The failure was attributed to heat and normal wear. SEPTEMBER a) PT-2.lA Reactor Coolant Wide Range Temperature, 9-5-75. TM-2-413 had drifted out of specification approximately 11°F high. The module was re-calibrated. e 11.7-2

b) PT-17.5 Containment Subsurface Drainage System, 9-5-75. Neither of the subsurface drainage pumps were operable. Maintenance Report S2-4376 has been issued to repair these pumps. c) PT-26.1 Radiation Monitoring Equipment Check, 9-1-75. RM-RMS-262 on the manipulator crane has been out of service during the month. The detector will be repaired during a unit outage via MR-S2-4420. d) PT-27 Heat Tracing System 20-75. The actual current readings differed from the expected current readings in several circuits in which the heat tape had been replaced. The tests will be revised. e) PT-29.1 Turbine Inlet Valve Test 21-75 The No. 1 right reheat and intercept valves would not close when tested. MR-S2-4620 was issued. f) PT-34 Electrical Penetration Leakage Test, 9-3-75. The nitrogen pressure was low on penetration A-18~ The penetration was recharged to the correct pressure. g) PT-36 Instrument Surveillance 9-06-75 - The RPI for rod H-14 was out of alignment and required re-calibration. 9-17-75 - The RPI's for rods E-5 and F-12 were out of alignment and required re-calibration. OCTOBER a) PT-2.1 Overpower - Overtemperature Protection, 10-2-75. The output of TM-2-422E drifted low causing the output of 11.7-3

the overtemperature setpoint summator to read high approximately 1% in the unconservative direction. Technical Specification settings were not violated. Delta flux function generator, NM-2-432C, drifted out of spec in the conservative direction. The module was replaced and recalibrated. b) PT-2.1 Overpower - Overtemperature Protection, 10-30-75. The output of delta flux function generator, NM-2-432C, drifted high causing the overtemperature setpoint to be low which is conservative. The module was replaced and recalibrated. c) PT-5.1 Analog Rod Position Instrumentation, 10-23-75. The rod bottom bistable for rod K-6 was out of alignment and could not be adjusted. The bistable was replaced and recalibrated. d) PT-15 Steam Generator Auxiliary Feedwater System, 10-4-75. Steam inlet valve, MOV-MS-202, would not open electrically. A deviation report was submitted and MR-S2-4693 was issued. e) PT-17.2 - Inside Recirculation Spray Pumps. This test was not completed as scheduled. The unit was shutdown on the last day of the grace period, 10-9-75, then started up prior to completion of the test. The test was completed on 10-14-75 and a deviation report was written. f) PT-26.1 - Radiation Monitoring Equipment Check, 10-1-75. RM-RMS-262 was out of service during the month. The detector will be repaired at cold shutdown. g) PT-34 Electrical Penetration Leakage Test. On the dates listed below, the following penetrations 11.7-4

indicated a loss of pressure. In each case, the penetrations were recharged to the correct pressure. 10-01-75 A-18 10-08-75 D-9, D-2, D-1 10-29-75 B-1, A-18 NOVEMBER a) PT-5.1 Analog Rod Position Instrumentation 17-75. The rod bottom bistable for rod D-10 tripped low at 10 steps. The bistable was reset to trip at 20 steps. b) PT-26.1 Radiation Monitoring Equipment Check. The manipulator crane radiation monitor, RM-RMS-262, was'out of service during the month. The detector will be repaired at cold shutdown. c) PT-29.1 Turbine Inlet Valve Test, 11-30-75. The No. 1, 2 and 3 governor valves failed to respond when tested. Maintenance Report No. S2-5109 was issued to effect repairs. d) PT-34 Electrical Penetration Leakage Test. On the dates listed below, the following penetrations indicated a loss of pressure. In each case the penetrations were recharged to the correct pressure. 11-05-75 B-1, A-15, A-18 11-26-75 D-2, D-9, A-15, E-16 DECEMBER a) PT-1.4 - NIS Trip Channel Test at Power, 12-2-75. The output from log amplifier, NM-201, was low and could not be properly adjusted. The defective module was replaced and recalibrated. The low amplifier output

11. 7-5

caused the indicated power te be low and thus altered the intermediate range hi flux rod stop and reactor trip setpoints. No start-ups were conducted since the last test, however, therefore this protection is required. b) PT-2.10 - Feedwater Flow, 12-10-75. Multiplier/Divider, FM-2-476, was replaced and recali-brated due to excess noise. c) PT-18.5 - Hi Head Safety Injection and Flushing of Stainless Steel Piping, 12-7-75. No emergency borate flow was indicated when the emergency borate valve was cylced open. The emergency borate line is plugged and is scheduled to be repaired at the next unit outage. MR-S2-5062 has been issued. d) PT Electrical Penetration Leakage Test On the dates listed below, the following penetrations indicated a loss of pressure. In each case, penetrations were recharged to the correct pressure. 12-03-75 A-18, E-16, D-9, A-3, D-2, B-1 12-17-75 D-1 e 11.7-6


a. PT-22.3C - Diesel Generator No. 3 Test - a monthly test was completed on 6-3-75. In order to meet Technical Specification requirements it was to be performed again prior to 7-10-75. The PT was inadvertently left off the monthly schedule and not performed. The test was satis-factorily completed on 7-28-75.
b. PT-17.2 - Containment Inside Recirculation Spray Pumps-scheduled for complet~on on 10-9-75 was not performed until 10-12-75 due to water in the containment sumps.
c. PT-23.1 - Station Batteries - a monthly test was completed on 4-29-75. In order to meet Technical Specification requirements it was to be performed again prior to 6-6-75.

Due to personnel oversight the PT was performed one day late on 6-7-75. e 11.7-7

11.8 PERIODIC CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE RATE TESTS The only periodic containment leakage rate test required on Unit No. 2 during the reporting period was the personnel air lock leakage test. The results of the test are given below: Containment Personnel Air Lock= 0 SCFH Leakage, (PT-16.5), 11-10-75 The test results were satisfactory and there was no maintenance required on the personnel air lock. The combined leakage for Type Band C tests remained below 0.06 weight percent per 24 hours at the desi'gn basis accident pressure as required by the Technical Specifications.

11. 8-1

Changes made to the Technical Specifications, Units Nos. 1 and 2,_ Surry Power Station during the reporting period are summarized in Table 10.9 .. 1-1. These changes were issued by the U.S. Nuc.Iear Regu-latory Commission pursuant to Section 50,59, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations. 11.9.2 Test or Experiments There were no tests or experiments conducted on Unit No. 2 during the reporting period which required approval of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

11. 9. 3 Facility Design Change~

There were no facility design changes implemented on Unit No. 2 during the reporting period which required authorization from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. e 11. 9-1

11.10 TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS NOT REQUIRING AUTHORIZATION FROM THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ST-33 Automatic Feedwater Bypass Valve Control System Test. ST-34 Load Follow Demonstration Test. ST-35 OT-2 Switches ST-36 Steam Generator Moisture Carryover. 11.10-1

12.0 INDEX 12.1 Index By Section Number Report Section Technical Specification Number Number 1.0 None 2.0 4.13 2.1 4.13.A 2.1.1 4 .13 .Al., 4.13.A.2 2.1.2 4.13.A.4 2.1.3 4.13.A.5 2.2 4.13.A.3, 4.13.A.4 2.3 4.13.A.6 2.4 4.13.A.7 2.5 4.13.A.8 3.0 4.13.B 3.1 4.13.B.1 3.2 4.13.B.2 3.3 4.13.B.3 3.4 4.13.B.4 3.5 4.13.B.5 3.6 4.13.E 4.0 6. 6.A. 9 5.0 6.6.A.6, 6.6.A.7 6.0 6.6.A.8 7.0 4.14.C.2 8.0 6. 6 .A.1. g 9.0 6, 6.A.10

  • 12.1-1

12.0 INDEX 12.1 Index By Section Number Report Section Technical Specification Number Number 10.1 6.6.A.2 10.2 6.6.A.3 10.3 6. 6.A.1.a, 6.6.A.5 10.4 6.6.A.l.b 10.5 6.6.A.l.c 10.6 6.6.A.4 10.7 6.6.A.l.d 10.8 6.6.A.1.e 10.9 6.6.A.1.f, 6.6.A.5 10.10 6.6.A.5 11.1 6.6.A.2 11.2 6.6.A.3 11.3 6.6.A.l.a, 6.6.A.5 11.4 . 6.6.A.l.b 11.5 6.6.A.l.c 11.6 6.6.A.Lf

11. 7 6. 6 .A.1. d 11.8 6.6.A.l.e 11.9 6.6.A.l.f, 6.6.A.5 11.10 6.6.A.5 12.1-2

12.0 INDEX 12.2 Index By Technical Specification Number Technical Specification Report Section Number Number. 4.13 2.0 4 .13 .A 2.1 4.13.A.l 2.1.1 4.13.A.2 2.1.1 4.13.A. 3 2.2 4.13.A.4 2.1.2, 2.2 4.13.A.5 2.1. 3 4.13.A.6 2.3 4.13.A.7 2.4 4.13.A.8 2.5 4.13.B 3.0 4.13.B.1 3.1 4.13.B.2 3.2 4.13.B.3 3.3 4"13.B.4 3.4 4.13.B.5 3.5 4.13.E 3.6 4.14.C.2 7.0 6.6.A.1.a 10.3, 11.3 6.6.A.1.b 10.4, 11.4 6.6.A.1.c 10.5, 11.5 6.6.A.l.d .10. 7, 11. 7 6.6.A.1.e 10.8, 11.8 12.2-1

12.0 INDEX

    • 12.2 Index By Technical Specification Number Technical Specification Number Report Section Number
6. 6.A.l. f 10.9, 11.9
6. 6.A.l. g 8.0 6.6.A.2 10.1, 11.1 6.6.A.3 10.2, 11.2 6.6.A.4 10. 6, 11.6 6.6.A.5 10.3, 10. 9, 10.10
11. 3, 11.9, 11.10 6.6.A.6 5.0 6.6.A.7 5.0 6.6.A.8 6.0 6.6.A.9 4.0 6.6.A.10 9.0 r
  • 12.2-2}}